Application For IfP Myanmar 2018

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Initiative for Peace (IfP) Myanmar: 6-11 December 2018

IFP Myanmar 2018 is a six-days-long peace conference solely organized by a constellation of

youngsters. Every youth (between 17-23 years old) is welcomed to submit their applications and become
a part of Myanmar’s first Initiative for Peace Conference. It will be held from (6-11 December) in Yangon,
Myanmar. The conference will be conducted in English and basic ability in spoken English is compulsory.
IFP Myanmar 2018 aims to promote the awareness of every spectrum of peace within youth
communities by connecting youths from diverse backgrounds. We hope this conference to serve as a
herald to point out the importance of knowledge regarding to peace and harmony .We seek for young
individuals who dare to embrace the challenges, break out their daily routines, and be involved in a whole
new different community. IFP Myanmar 2018 assures you to have the absolute experience of attending a
peace conference. If you give your utmost inputs to our conference, we hope you will-

 Develop confidence, self-esteem, communication and leadership skills

 Share your own experiences, challenges you have faced, and strategies for overcoming these
 Learn about other cultures, and how to work effectively with others for the common good
 Explore important ideas such as peace and identity
 Develop skills for reconciliation, conflict management, problem solving and building community
 Plan actions to initiate positive change in your own communities after the conference

IfP Myanmar is a six-days-long program located in Yangon, starting from 6th December to 11th
December 2018.

IfP Myanmar is self-funded program. Costs for meals, accommodation and all materials will be
covered by the program. The transportation to the conference venue needs to be arranged by
the participants themselves. The participants have to subsidize for visa fees, air-ticket fees and
any cost related to transportation.
Program fees (for the whole conference) are –
Myanmar local – 25000 MMK
International – 39 USD
[ ***Payment methods shall be sent after the selection as a participant.]

To Apply
Please submit an application. The form can be printed and filled in by hand or completed on a
computer. The applications can be emailed to by 31st
October 2018.
Information about the IFP conference venue, time of arrival and what to bring will be sent later
upon your selection.

Contact Us
For further information and to get to know more about IfP Myanmar 2018, please pay a visit to
our Facebook site

Our email –

Initiative for Peace: Myanmar 6-11 December 2018

Application Form
This form must be completed in English.

Section 1: Personal Information

Name How would you like to be called? (Nickname?)

Home Address Mailing Address (if different from home address)


Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Email, facebook or snapchat

Age on 22 June 2018 Telephone Number

Ethnicity Nationality

Gender Religion (if you have one)

Are you a full-time student? Name of your School/University:

If not, please specify your occupation:

Please rank your ability to SPEAK English on a scale ranging from 1 to 4

(1=not at all, 2=basic, 3=conversational, 4=fluent)

Have you taken part in any of the IFP foreign conference?

Applicant’s Statement
I hereby declare that all information given above is true.

Signature Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Section 2
1. What would you like to learn by attending the IFP conference?

2. How would you like to help your community after the conference?

3. Address any problem that youths usually face in your community.

4. What issues would you like us to explore in the conference?

Section 3: To be filled in by the parent or guardian
(If you do not live with your parents and do not have a guardian leave this blank.)

Name Address

Relation to Applicant

Parent/Guardian Statement
I have read the application prepared by my son/daughter/ward, and declare that the information given is
true to the best of my knowledge. If my son/daughter/ward is selected I will authorize his/her participation
in the event.

Signature Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Section 4: To be filled in by the school or referee or a mentor

Any other comments to support this application must be written here:

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