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1. Compute the following properties of 𝑛-butane for T = [10 - 80] oC

a. Heat capacity (𝐶𝑝 )
b. Thermal conductivity (𝐾)
c. Viscosity (𝜇)
d. Density (𝑅ℎ𝑜)
e. Enthalpy (𝐻)
2. Compute the following properties of a solution of hydrocarbons with the following composition
Component Mole fraction
C3 0.05
n-C4 0.25
n-C5 0.4
C6 0.3
a. Bubble point pressure [10 - 80] oC
b. Dew point pressure [10 - 80] oC
c. Bubble point Temperature [0 - 100] bar
d. Dew point Temperature [0 - 100] bar
e. Mass density of pure component [0 - 100] oC
3. Find the following equilibrium curves for a binary mixture of ethanol and 1-propanol
a. Produce 𝑇 − 𝑥𝑦 plot at constant pressure (1.013 bar) using ideal VLE
b. Produce 𝑃 − 𝑥𝑦 plot at constant temperature(750C) using ideal VLE
c. Produce 𝑥𝑦 plot based on data obtained in part(b) using ideal VLE
d. Repeat a, b, and c using RK-SOAVE VLE
4. There are two feed streams with n-butane, n-pentane and n-hexane with the following detail. Use mixing
block in Aspen for finding outlet stream composition and flowrates. Also notice various thermo-physical
properties of the three streams in Aspen results. Use SYPSO property method for given simulation.

Feed compositions

Stream Stream 2 Component

1 Mole
Mass fraction
0.4 0.6 n-C4
0.4 0.2 n-C5
0.2 0.2 n-C6

Feed conditions

Stream Stream 2 Component


32 30 T oC
1.2 1 P bar
1.5 2.5 F kmol/h
5. The product stream of the mixer (see above problem) needs to be splited into two streams with a split
fraction of 0.8. Simulate this activity using FSplit in Aspen. Check the consistency (mass balance) around the

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