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CA - Affirmed.

It held that the Fund is distinct from RMCs account

Business Trust in petitioner bank and may not be used except for the benefit of
the members of RMCPRF. Citing Paragraph 13 of the Plan
I. Introduction
ISSUE: Whether or not the proceeds of the RMCPRF may be
Cases: applied to satisfy RMC’s debt to Philbank.

RULING: The petition has no merit.

101. MBTC v. Board of Trustees of Riverside Mills Corp.
Provident and Retirement Fund
METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY, INC. (as successor-in-interest of the RATIO: A trust is a "fiduciary relationship with respect to
banking operations of Global Business Bank, Inc. formerly known as PHILIPPINE property which involves the existence of equitable duties
imposed upon the holder of the title to the property to deal with
vs. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF RIVERSIDE MILLS CORPORATION PROVIDENT it for the benefit of another." A trust is either express or implied.
AND RETIREMENT FUND, represented by ERNESTO TANCHI, JR., CESAR Express trusts are those which the direct and positive acts of the
SALIGUMBA, AMELITA SIMON, EVELINA OCAMPO and CARLITOS Y. LIM, RMC parties create, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words
evincing an intention to create a trust.
Respondents. Here, the RMC Provident and Retirement Plan created
an express trust to provide retirement benefits to the regular
FACTS: RMC established a Provident and Retirement Plan employees of RMC. RMC retained legal title to the Fund but held
(RMCPRF) for its regular employees. In 1979, the Board of the same in trust for the employees-beneficiaries. Thus, the
Trustees of RMCPRF (the Board) entered into an Investment allocation under the Plan is directly credited to each member’s
Management Agreement with the petitioner where the latter account:
shall act as an agent of the Board and shall hold, manage, invest The trust was likewise a revocable trust as RMC
and reinvest the Fund in Trust Account No. 1797 in its behalf. The reserved the power to terminate the Plan after all the liabilities
Agreement shall be in force for one (1) year and shall be deemed of the Fund to the employees under the trust had been paid.
automatically renewed unless sooner terminated either by Paragraph 13 of the Plan provided that "[i]n no event shall any
petitioner bank or by the Board. Paragraph 13 of the Plan part of the assets of the Fund revert to the Company before all
likewise provided that: liabilities of the Plan have been satisfied."
Employees’ trusts or benefit plans are intended to
“...but no such action shall operate to permit any part of the assets of provide economic assistance to employees upon the occurrence
the Fund to be used for, or diverted to purposes other than for the of certain contingencies, particularly, old age retirement, death,
exclusive benefit of the members of the Plan and their beneficiaries. In sickness, or disability. They give security against certain hazards
no event shall any part of the assets of the Fund revert to [RMC] before
to which members of the Plan may be exposed. They are
all liabilities of the Plan have been satisfied...”
independent and additional sources of protection for the
working group and established for their exclusive benefit and for
In 1984, RMC ceased business operations but the
no other purpose.18 Here, while the Plan provides for a reversion
petitioner continued to render investment services to
of the Fund to RMC, this cannot be done until all the liabilities of
respondent Board. Petitioner then informed respondent Board
the Plan have been paid. And when RMC ceased operations in
that petitioner’s BOD had decided to apply the remaining trust
1984, the Fund became liable for the payment not only of the
assets held by it in the name of RMCPRF against part of the
benefits of qualified retirees at the time of RMC’s closure but also
outstanding obligations of RMC.
of those who were separated from work as a consequence of the
Subsequently, respondent RMC Unpaid Employees
Association, Inc. (Association), representing the terminated
A member who is separated for cause shall not be
employees of RMC, learned of Trust Account No. 1797. Through
entitled to withdraw the total amount representing his
counsel, they demanded payment of their share. When such
contribution and that of the Company including the earned
demand went unheeded, the Association, along with the
interest thereon, and the employer’s contribution shall be
individual members of RMCPRF, filed a complaint for accounting
retained in the fund.
against the Board and its officers as well as petitioner bank.
To be sure, the cessation of business by RMC is an
On June 2, 1998, during the trial, the Board passed a
authorized cause for the termination of its employees. Hence,
Resolution in court declaring that the Fund belongs exclusively to
not only those qualified for retirement should receive their total
the employees of RMC. It authorized petitioner to release the
benefits under the Fund, but those laid off should also be entitled
proceeds of Trust Account No. 1797 through the Board, as the
to collect the balance of their account as of the last day of the
court may direct.
month prior to RMC’s closure. In addition, the Plan provides that
the separating member shall be paid a maximum of 40% of the
RTC - declared invalid the reversion and application of the
amount representing the Company’s contribution and its income
proceeds of the Fund to the outstanding obligation of RMC to
standing to his credit. Until these liabilities shall have been
petitioner bank.
settled, there can be no reversion of the Fund to RMC.
It must be stressed that the RMC Provident and - Such annotation was made pursuant to the Minutes of the
Retirement Plan was primarily established for the benefit of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of RISCO on March
regular and permanent employees of RMC. As such, the Board 14, 1961, and a part of it says:
may not unilaterally terminate the Plan without due regard to - “And that the respective contributions above-mentioned (Aznar et
any accrued benefits and rightful claims of members-employees. al.) shall constitute as their lien or interest on the property
Besides, the Board is bound by the prohibition on the reversion described above, if and when said property are titled in the name
of the Fund to RMC before all the liabilities of the Plan have been of RISCO, subject to registration as their adverse claim in pursuance
of the Provision of Land Registration Act, until such time their
respective contributions are refunded to them completely”
As to the contention that the functions of the Board of
• Thereafter, various subsequent annotations were made on the
Trustees ceased upon with RMC’s closure, the same is likewise
same titles, including the Notice of Attachment and Writ of
Execution both dated August 3, 1962 in favor of Philippine
Under Section 12227 of the Corporation Code, a dissolved
corporation shall nevertheless continue as a body corporate for three
National Bank (PNB)
(3) years for the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits by or • As a result, a Certificate of Sale was issued in favor of PNB,
against it and enabling it to settle and close its affairs, to dispose and being the lone and highest bidder of the 3 parcels of land
convey its property and to distribute its assets, but not for the purpose - This prompted Aznar et al. to file the instant case seeking
of continuing the business for which it was established. Within those the quieting of their supposed title to the subject properties
three (3) years, the corporation may appoint a trustee or receiver who • Trial court ruled against PNB on the basis that there was an
shall carry out the said purposes beyond the three (3)-year winding-up express trust created over the subject properties whereby RISCO
period. Thus, a trustee of a dissolved corporation may commence a suit
was the trustee and the stockholders, Aznar, et al., were the
which can proceed to final judgment even beyond the three (3)-year
period of liquidation.
In the same manner, during and beyond the three (3)-year
• Court of Appeals opined that the monetary contributions made
winding-up period of RMC, the Board of Trustees of RMCPRF may do no by Aznar, et al. to RISCO can only be characterized as a load
more than settle and close the affairs of the Fund. The Board retains its secured by a lien on the subjected lots, rather than an expressed
authority to act on behalf of its members, albeit, in a limited capacity. It trust
may commence suits on behalf of its members but not continue
managing the Fund for purposes of maximizing profits. Here, the Board’s ISSUE: Whether or not there was a trust contract between RISCO
act of issuing the Resolution authorizing petitioner to release the Fund and Aznar, et al.
to its beneficiaries is still part of the liquidation process, that is,
satisfaction of the liabilities of the Plan, and does not amount to doing
RULING: No. There was no trust contract created.
business. Hence, it was properly within the Board’s power to
RATIO: At the outset, the Court agrees with the Court of Appeals
that the agreement contained in the Minutes of the Special
102. PNB v. Aznar Meeting of the RISCO Board of Directors held on March 14, 1961
G.R. No. 171805 was a loan by the therein named stockholders to RISCO. Careful
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Petitioner, perusal of the Minutes relied upon by plaintiffs-appellees in their
claim, showed that their contributions shall constitute as “lien or
B. ENAD (deceased), represented by his heirs; and RICARDO GABUYA (deceased), interest on the property.” The term lien as used in the Minutes is
represented by his heirs, Respondents. defined as "a discharge on property usually for the payment of
some debt or obligation. Hence, from the use of the word "lien"
G.R. No. 172021
in the Minutes, we find that the money contributed by plaintiffs-
vs. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Respondent. appellees was in the nature of a loan, secured by their liens and
interests duly annotated on the titles. The annotation of their
FACTS: lien serves only as collateral and does not in any way vest
• This case is consolidated with G.R. 172021, Merelo and Matias ownership of property to plaintiffs.
Aznar v. PNB
• 1958: Rural Insurance and Surety Company, Inc. (RISCO) We are not persuaded by the contention of Aznar, et al., that the
ceased operation due to business reverses language of the subject Minutes created an express trust.
- In plaintiffs’ (Anzar et al.) desire to rehabilitate RISCO,
they contributed a total amount of P212,720.00 Trust is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of property, the
- This was used to purchase 3 parcels of land in Cebu legal title to which is vested in another. It is a fiduciary
- Two in the Municipality of Talisay and One in the District of relationship that obliges the trustee to deal with the property for
Lahug, Cebu City the benefit of the beneficiary. Express trusts are intentionally
• After the purchase of the lots, titles were issued in the name of created by the direct and positive acts of the settlor or the trustor
RISCO - by some writing, deed, or will or oral declaration. It is created
• The amount contributed by plaintiffs constituted as liens and not necessarily by some written words, but by the direct and
encumbrances on the properties as annotated in the titles of said positive acts of the parties. The creation of an express trust must
lots be manifested with reasonable certainty and cannot be inferred
from loose and vague declarations or from ambiguous
circumstances susceptible of other interpretations. At most, RTC – The mortgage executed by Sps. Rosario to Banco Filipino
what Aznar, et al., had was merely a right to be repaid the and the extrajudicial foreclosure of the subject property are both
amount loaned to RISCO. Unfortunately, the right to seek valid, and that Banco Filipino the rightful owner of the same.
repayment or reimbursement of their contributions used to CA – Affirmed with modification, deleting attorney’s fees to
purchase the subject properties is already barred by prescription Banco Filipino and giving the right of first refusal to the Torbela
10 Years because it was based on a written contract (the minutes siblings.
by the Board of Directors) in 1961 and the quieting of the title
suit was brought only in 1998. ISSUE: Whether or not there was an express trust between the
Torbela siblings and Dr. Rosario.

103. Torbela v. Rosario RULING: Yes. There was an express trust between them.
This is a consolidated case:

The petitioners in G.R. No. 140528 are siblings Maria Torbela, Pedro Torbela,
RATIO: Indeed, the Torbela siblings executed a Deed of Absolute
Eufrosina Torbela Rosario, Leonila Torbela Tamin, Fernando Torbela, Dolores Quitclaim on December 12, 1964 in which they transferred and
Torbela Tablada, Leonora Torbela Agustin, and Severina Torbela Ildefonso conveyed Lot No. 356-A to Dr. Rosario for the consideration of
(Torbela siblings). P9.00. However, the Torbela siblings explained that they only
The petitioner in G.R. No. 140553 is Lena Duque-Rosario (Duque-Rosario), who
executed the Deed as an accommodation so that Dr. Rosario
was married to, but now legally separated from, Dr. Andres T. Rosario (Dr. could have Lot No. 356-A registered in his name and use said
Rosario). Dr. Rosario is the son of Eufrosina Torbela Rosario and the nephew of property to secure a loan from DBP.
the other Torbela siblings.

Considering the foregoing, the Court agrees with the RTC and the
FACTS: The Torbela siblings executed a deed of absolute Court of Appeals that Dr. Rosario only holds Lot No. 356-A in trust
quitclaim on December 9, 1964 for P9.00 over Lot No. 356-A (the for the Torbela siblings.
property) in favor of Dr. Rosario. Four days after, a TCT was
issued in Dr. Rosario’s name covering the property. Another deed Trust is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of property, the
of absolute quitclaim was subsequently executed on December legal title to which is vested in another. It is a fiduciary
28, 1964 by Dr. Rosario, for a consideration of P1.00, relationship that obliges the trustee to deal with the property for
acknowledging that he only borrowed the lot from the Torbela the benefit of the beneficiary. Trust relations between parties
siblings and was already returning the same. This deed was may either be express or implied. An express trust is created by
notarized but not immediately annotated. Dr. Rosario used the the intention of the trustor or of the parties, while an implied
land as mortgage for a loan he obtained through DBP for trust comes into being by operation of law.
P70,000.00. He used the proceeds of the loan to build a 4 story
building which was initially used as a hospital but later converted Express trusts are created by direct and positive acts of the
into a commercial space. Dr. Rosario fully paid the loan from DBP parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words either
and the mortgage was cancelled and ratified by a notary public. expressly or impliedly evincing an intention to create a trust.
However, Dr. Rosario took another loan from PNB. He later Under Article 1444 of the Civil Code, [n]o particular words are
acquired a third loan from Banco Filipino and bought out the loan required for the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient
from PNB cancelling the mortgage with PNB. Rosario failed to pay that a trust is clearly intended. It is possible to create a trust
their loan in Banco Filipino and the property was extrajudicially without using the word trust or trustee. Conversely, the mere
foreclosed, where Banco Filipino was the lone bidder thereof. fact that these words are used does not necessarily indicate an
intention to create a trust. The question in each case is whether
Meanwhile, back in 1965, the Torbela siblings sought to register the trustor manifested an intention to create the kind of
their ownership over the lot and to perfect their title but couldn’t relationship which to lawyers is known as trust. It is immaterial
because the title was still with DBP. They showed as proof the whether or not he knows that the relationship which he intends
deed of absolute quitclaim presented executed by Rosario to create is called a trust, and whether or not he knows the
himself. In 1986, they filed a civil case for recovery of ownership precise characteristics of the relationship which is called a trust.
and possession and damages. They tried to redeem the lot from
Banco Filipino but failed. TCT was issued to Banco FIlipino. The In Tamayo v. Callejo, the Court recognized that a trust may have a
Torbela’s claim they have right over the rents of the building constructive or implied nature in the beginning, but the registered
through accession because they are the land owners. owners subsequent express acknowledgement in a public document of
The Torbela siblings filed before the RTC for recovery of a previous sale of the property to another party, had the effect of
ownership and possession of the lot. Subsequently the complaint imparting to the aforementioned trust the nature of an express trust.
was amended to implead Banco Filipino. In relation to the The same situation exists in this case. When Dr. Rosario was able to
register Lot No. 356-A in his name under TCT No. 52751 on December
extrajudicial foreclosure, the siblings filed a case for annulment
16, 1964, an implied trust was initially established between him and the
of extrajudicial foreclosure. Failing to redeem the property, the
Torbela siblings under Article 1451 of the Civil Code, which provides:
siblings filed for the annulment of the Certificate of Final Sale to
Banco Filipino.
ART. 1451. When land passes by succession to any person and he causes RTC - No express trust. There was no evidence of another
the legal title to be put in the name of another, a trust is established by document showing Robertos undertaking to return the subject
implication of law for the benefit of the true owner. properties. Instead, there was an implied trust.

CA - Affirmed dispositive portion. But dismissed the petitioner’s

Dr. Rosarios execution of the Deed of Absolute Quitclaim on claim that Roberto was merely a trustee.
December 28, 1964, containing his express admission that he
only borrowed Lot No. 356-A from the Torbela siblings, ISSUE: Whether or not there was an implied trust was created.
eventually transformed the nature of the trust to an express one.
The express trust continued despite Dr. Rosario stating in his RULING: Yes. There is an implied trust.
Deed of Absolute Quit Claim that he was already returning Lot
No. 356-A to the Torbela siblings as Lot No. 356-A remained RATIO: The Court held that “A trust is the legal relationship
registered in Dr. Rosarios name under TCT No. 52751 and Dr. between one person having an equitable ownership of property
Rosario kept possession of said property, together with the and another person owning the legal title to such property, the
improvements thereon. equitable ownership of the former entitling him to the
performance of certain duties and the exercise of certain powers
by the latter. Trusts are either express or implied.”
104. Estate of Margarita D. Cabacungan v. Laigo
The Court also held that “Express or direct trusts are created by
LAIGO-ALI, Petitioner,
the direct and positive acts of the parties, by some writing or
deed, or will, or by oral declaration in words evincing an intention
to create a trust.”

The Court, moreover, held that “Implied trusts—also called

FACTS: Margarita Cabacungan owned three parcels of
“trusts by operation of law,” “indirect trusts” and “involuntary
unregistered land in La Union which are covered by tax
trusts”—arise by legal implication based on the presumed
declaration all in her name. Sometime in 1968, Margarita’s son,
intention of the parties or on equitable principles independent
Roberto Laigo, Jr. applied for a non-immigrant visa to the United
of the particular intention of the parties. They are those which,
States, and to support his application, he allegedly asked
without being expressed, are deducible from the nature of the
Margarita to transfer the tax declarations of the properties in his
transaction as matters of intent or, independently of the
name. For said purpose, Margarita, unknown to her other
particular intention of the parties, as being inferred from the
children, executed an Affidavit of Transfer of Real Property
transaction by operation of law basically by reason of equity.”
whereby the subject properties were transferred by donation to
In addition, the Court held that “Implied trusts are further
classified into constructive trusts and resulting trusts.
Roberto adopted respondents Pedro Laigo and Marilou Laigo. In
Constructive trusts, on the one hand, come about in the main by
July 1990, Roberto sold the aforementioned three parcel of land.
operation of law and not by agreement or intention. They arise
One parcel of land was sold to spouses Mario and Julia Campos
not by any word or phrase, either expressly or impliedly, evincing
and the rest were sold to Pedro Laigo and Marilou Laigo. These
a direct intention to create a trust, but one which arises in order
sales were not known to Margarita and her other children.
to satisfy the demands of justice.”
The Court further held that “Resulting trusts arise from the
Spouses Campos advanced that they were innocent purchasers
nature or circumstances of the consideration involved in a
for value and in good faith. Further, they noted that Margarita’s
transaction whereby one person becomes invested with legal
claim was already barred by prescription and laches owing to her
title but is obligated in equity to hold his title for the benefit of
long inaction in recovering the subject properties.
another. This is based on the equitable doctrine that valuable
Marilou and Pedro contends to be buyers in good faith and for
consideration and not legal title is determinative of equitable
value. They also believed that Margarita’s cause of action had
title or interest and is always presumed to have been
already been barred by laches, and that even assuming the
contemplated by the parties.”
contrary, the cause of action was nevertheless barred by
prescription as the same had accrued way back in 1968 upon the
Finally, the Court held that “A trust will follow the property—
execution of the affidavit of transfer by virtue of which an
through all changes in its state and form as long as such property,
implied trust had been created. In this regard, they emphasized
its products or its proceeds, are capable of identification, even
that the law allowed only a period of ten (10) years within which
into the hands of a transferee other than a bona fide purchaser
an action to recover ownership of real property or to enforce an
for value, or restitution will be enforced at the election of the
implied trust thereon may be brought, but Margarita merely let
beneficiary through recourse against the trustee or the
it pass.
transferee personally. This is grounded on the principle in
property law that ownership continues and can be asserted by
the true owner against any withholding of the object to which
the ownership pertains, whether such object of the ownership is However, the trust fees claimed by Conception was for past
found in the hands of an original owner or a transferee, or in a quarters, these should have been deducted as they became due.
different form, as long as it can be identified.” At the time Advent Capital made its move to collect its supposed
management fees, it neither had possession nor control of the
money it wanted to apply to its claim. For banks, their trust
105. Advent Capital and Finance Corp. v. Alcantara agreement authorizes the automatic collection.
vs. NICASIO I. ALCANTARA and EDITHA I. ALCANTARA, Respondents. Here Advent Capital did not exercise its right to cause the
automatic deduction at the end of every quarter of its supposed
FACTS: On July 16, 2001 Advent Capital filed a petition for management fee when it had full control of the dividends. The
rehabilitation with the RTC. The RTC named Atty. Danilo Alcantaras can assume that the management fee has already
Conception (Conception) as rehabilitation receiver. Upon audit, been deducted, hence, the burden of proof is on Advent Capital
Conception found that respondents Nicasio and Editha Alcantara to prove otherwise. Advent Capital merely managed in trust for
(the Alcantaras) owed Advent Capital P27,398,026.59, the benefit of the Alcantaras the latter’s portfolio, which under
representing trust fees. Conception then requested Belson Paragraph 2 of the Trust Agreement, includes not only the
Securities, Inc. (Belson)to deliver to him the P7,635,597.50 in principal but also its income or proceeds. The trust property is
cash dividends that Belson held under the Alcantaras’ trust only fictitiously attributed by law to the trustee to the extent that
account. Conception claimed that the dividends, as trust fees, the rights and powers vested in a nominal owner shall be used
formed part of Advent Capital assets which Belson refused, citing by him on behalf of the real owner.
the Alcantaras’ objections and the absence of an appropriate
order from the rehabilitation court. The real owner of the trust property is the trustor-beneficiary. In
this case, the trustors-beneficiaries are the Alcantaras. Thus,
Rehabilitation Court – (Advent v. Alcantara) Consequently, Advent Capital could not dispose of the Alcantaras portfolio on
Conception filed a motion for the rehabilitation court to direct its own. The income and principal of the portfolio could only be
Belson to release the money to him. The Alcantaras appeared to withdrawn upon the Alcantaras written instruction or order to
oppose. This court granted this motion, to which Belson Advent Capital. The latter could not also assign or encumber the
complied. portfolio or its income without the written consent of the
Alcantaras. All these are stipulated in the Trust Agreement.
CA – (Alcantara v. Advent) Annuled the rehabilitation court’s
order. Ruling that the Alcantaras owned those dividends and did
not form part of Advent’s Capital assets. Rehabilitation 106. Goyanko v. UCPB
proceedings referred only to the assets and liabilities of the JOSEPH GOYANKO, JR., as administrator of the Estate of Joseph
company proper, not to those belonging to the Trust Department Goyanko, Sr., Petitioner,
which held assets belonging to other people. vs. UNITED COCONUT PLANTERS BANK, MANGO AVENUE BRANCH,
ISSUE: Whether or not the cash dividends held by Belson are
Trustor – PALII
required to be conveyed to the rehabilitation receiver for his
Trustee – UCPB
Beneficiary – the HEIRS (as contended by the petitioner)

RULING: No. FACTS: In 1995, the late Joseph Goyanko, Sr. (Goyanko) invested
Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00) with Philippine Asia Lending
RATIO: Advent Capital asserts that the cash dividends in Belsons Investors, Inc. family, represented by the petitioner, and his
possession formed part of its assets based on paragraph 9 of its illegitimate family presented conflicting claims to PALII for the
Trust Agreement with the Alcantaras, which states: release of the investment. Pending the investigation of the
conflicting claims, PALII deposited the proceeds of the
9. Trust Fee: Other Expenses As compensation for its services hereunder,
investment with UCPB on October 29, 19965 under the name
the TRUSTEE shall be entitled to a trust or management fee of 1 (one) %
"Phil Asia: ITF (In Trust For) The Heirs of Joseph Goyanko, Sr."
per annum based on the quarterly average market value of the Portfolio
or a minimum annual fee of P5,000.00, whichever is higher. The said
(ACCOUNT). On September 27, 1997, the deposit under the
trust or management fee shall automatically be deducted from the ACCOUNT was P1,509,318.76.
Portfolio at the end of each calendar quarter. The TRUSTEE shall likewise
be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by it On December 11, 1997, UCPB allowed PALII to withdraw One
in the discharge of its powers and duties under this Agreement, and in Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P1,500,000.00) from the
all cases, the TRUSTEE shall have a first lien on the Portfolio for the Account, leaving a balance of only P9,318.76. When UCPB
payment of the trust fees and other reimbursable expenses refused the demand to restore the amount withdrawn plus legal
interest from December 11, 1997, the petitioner filed a
Accordingly Advent Capital could automatically deduct its
complaint before the RTC. In its answer to the complaint, UCPB
management fees from the portfolio.
admitted, among others, the opening of the ACCOUNT under the turnover of the proceeds to their rightful owners, while in
name "ITF (In Trust For) The Heirs of Joseph Goyanko, Sr.," (ITF November 15, 1996, in a letter PALII begged the Petitioner to
HEIRS) and the withdrawal on December 11, 1997. trust it with the safekeeping of the investment proceeds and
documents. Had it been PALII’s intention to create a trust in favor
RTC – Dismissed the petitioner’s complaint. RTC did not consider of the HEIRS, it would have relinquished any right or claim over
the words “ITF HEIRS” sufficient to charge UCPB with knowledge the proceeds in UCPB’s favor as the trustee. As matters stand,
of any trust relation between PALII and Goyankos’s heirs. PALII never did. While the words "ITF HEIRS" may have created
the impression that a trust account was created, a closer scrutiny
CA – partially granted the petitioner’s appeal. Affirmed the RTC reveals that it is an ordinary savings account. the word "ITF" was
but deleted the award of attorney’s fees and litigation expenses. merely used to distinguish the ACCOUNT from PALII’s other
Holding that no express or implied trust was created. The words accounts with UCPB. A trust can be created without using the
“ITF HEIRS” insufficient to establish the existence of a trust. word "trust" or "trustee," but the mere use of these words does
not automatically reveal an intention to create a trust. If at all,
Petitioner: There is a trust relation. The naming of the cestui que these words showed a trustee-beneficiary relationship between
trust is not necessary as it suffices that they are adequately PALII and the HEIRS.
certain or identifiable.
Since the records and the petitioner’s own admission showed
Respondent: No trust relation. The account only involves and that the ACCOUNT was opened by PALII, UCPB’s receipt of the
ordinary deposit which created a debtor-creditor relationship. deposit signified that it agreed to pay PALII upon its demand and
only upon its order. Thus, when UCPB allowed PALII to withdraw
ISSUE: Whether or not a trust was established. from the ACCOUNT, it was merely performing its contractual
obligation under their savings deposit agreement. No negligence
RULING: No. or bad faith can be imputed to UCPB for this action. As far as
UCPB was concerned, PALII is the account holder and not the
RATIO: A trust, either express or implied, is the fiduciary HEIRS.
relationship “between one person having an equitable
ownership of property and another person owning the legal title
to such property, the equitable ownership of the former entitling 107. Morales v. CA
him to the performance of certain duties and the exercise of RODOLFO MORALES, represented by his heirs, and PRISCILA MORALES,
certain powers by the latter." Express or direct trusts are created petitioners,
Vs. COURT OF APPEALS (Former Seventeenth Division), RANULFO ORTIZ,
by the direct and positive acts of the trustor or of the parties. No
JR., and ERLINDA ORTIZ, respondents.
written words are required to create an express trust. This is
clear from Article 1444 of the Civil Code, but, the creation of an Celso Avelino – Seller
express trust must be firmly shown; it cannot be assumed from Ranulfo & Erlinda Ortiz – Spouses-Buyers
loose and vague declarations or circumstances capable of other Rodolfo Morales – Nephew-Builder
interpretations. Priscila Morales – Seller’s Other Sister / Mother of Builder

In Rizal Surety & Insurance Co. v. CA, we laid down the FACTS: Seller owns two adjoining parcels of land on which he
requirements before an express trust will be recognized: constructed a house where he let his parents and sister lived
while he worked as City Fiscal of Calbayog, then Immigration
Basically, these elements include a competent trustor and trustee, an Officer, and, later on, as Judge of CFI Cebu. While in Cebu,
ascertainable trust res, and sufficiently certain beneficiaries. xxx each without the Seller’s knowledge, his Nephew built a beauty shop
of the above elements is required to be established, and, if any one of on his property. When he was offering to sell the property to
them is missing, it is fatal to the trusts (sic). Furthermore, there must
prospective buyer Spouses, the latter did an ocular inspection
be a present and complete disposition of the trust property,
and was able to talk with the Nephew, who encouraged them to
notwithstanding that the enjoyment in the beneficiary will take place
buy the property and assured them that he will vacate the
in the future. It is essential, too, that the purpose be an active one to
prevent trust from being executed into a legal estate or interest, and one premises if notified by the seller to do so. The sale was
that is not in contravention of some prohibition of statute or rule of consummated and the Spouses paid the purchase price.
public policy. There must also be some power of administration other Unfortunately, despite due notice from the Seller, the Nephew
than a mere duty to perform a contract although the contract is for a refused to vacate or demolish the beauty shop unless he is
third party beneficiary. A declaration of terms is essential, and these reimbursed for P35k. The Spouses also subsequently found out
must be stated with reasonable certainty in order that the trustee may that the Nephew also then occupied the dilapidated residential
administer, and that the court, if called upon so to do, may enforce, the
building, which the former had sought to repair. The Spouses
then filed a case to recover the property against the Nephew
(later substituted by his heirs).
Contrary to petitioner’s contention, the letters and records
established UCPB’s participation as a mere depositary only. PALII
manifested its intention to pursue an active role in and up to the
According to the Nephew’s mother, sister of the Seller, (aside
from the one who live in the house constructed) who also A resulting trust, also sometimes referred to as a PURCHASE
intervened in the case, the property was inherited by her MONEY RESULTING TRUST, is exemplified by Article 1448 of the
together with their other siblings, except for the Seller who was Civil Code, which reads: Art. 1448. There is an implied trust when
away for 30 years because of his job. The Seller, being the only property is sold, and the legal estate is granted to one party but
son, was allowed by their father to acquire the property with the price is paid by another for the purpose of having the
money coming from the father. She further alleged that the beneficial interest of the property. The former is the trustee, while
constructed house was built by their parents and that the built the latter is the beneficiary. However, if the person to whom the
beauty shop was with the knowledge and consent of the Seller. title is conveyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of the one
She intervened arguing that the sale was fraudulent for including paying the price of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it being
her share and the beauty shop of her son. The Trial Court ruled disputably presumed that there is a gift in favor of the child. To
in favor of the Spouses and ordered the Nephew to vacate and give rise to a purchase money resulting trust, it is essential that
remove the beauty shop. The court noted that the seller’s there be: (1) an actual payment of money, property or services,
siblings and their descendants had not disputed the Seller’s or an equivalent, constituting valuable consideration, (2) and
ownership of the property nor the extra judicial-partition such consideration must be furnished by the alleged beneficiary
effected on the property, even though two of the Sister- of a resulting trust.
Intervenor’s children were lawyers. It further noted that the
claim of ownership by the buyer Spouses were based on The Court agreed with the lower courts that the current situation
documentary evidence (Deed of Conveyance, tax declarations falls within the exception under the third sentence of Article
transferred to the wife-buyer, etc.), as against the evidence 1448.
presented by the Seller’s Sister and Nephew which were only
testimonial. Furthermore, the other sisters did not join them and Also fatal to the case of the Sister and the Nephew is the
intervened in the case. The court further ruled that their claim of declaration of their other sister, Concepcion, who disclaimed any
implied trust is untenable, because in order for implied trust to interest on the property and executed a Confirmation that their
exist there must be evidence of an equitable obligation of the brother bought the property using his own funds. If indeed the
trustee to convey, which was absent in this case. The CA affirmed property was merely held in trust by Celso for his parents,
the decision of the trial court. Concepcion would have been entitled to a proportionate part
thereof as co-heir. However, by her Confirmation, Concepcion
RTC - In favor of Sps. Ortiz. Celso, not his parents, is the true made a solemn declaration against interest. Furthermore, the
owner of the premises in question. Seller’s sisters did not do anything to have their respective shares
in the property conveyed to them after the death of their father.
CA - Affirmed RTC. Neither is there any evidence that during his lifetime, their father
demanded from the Seller that the latter convey the land, which
ISSUE: Whether or not the Seller was a mere trustee (implied) for was mute and eloquent proof of the father’s recognition that the
his parents and siblings. Seller was the to be the absolute owner of the property.

108. Government v. Abadilla
RATIO: As a rule, the burden of proving the existence of a trust is THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, petitioner,
on the party asserting its existence, and such proof must be clear vs. ANASTASIA ABADILLA, ET AL., claimants. THE MUNICIPALITY OF
TAYABAS, ET AL., claimants-appellees, MARIA PALAD, ET AL., claimants-
and satisfactorily show the existence of the trust and its
elements. While implied trusts may be proved by oral evidence,
the evidence must be trustworthy and received by the courts
FACTS: A school teacher originally owned three parcels of land,
with extreme caution, and should not be made to rest on loose,
by composicion gratuita. Before dying, he executed a
equivocal or indefinite declarations. A trust is the legal
holographic will party in Spanish and partly in Tagalog, leaving
relationship between one person having an equitable
their possession to his widow. The will contained a Tagalog
ownership in property and another person owning the legal
clause which translated read: That the coconut land in
title to such property, the equitable ownership of the former
Colongcolong, which I have put under cultivation, be used by my
entitling him to the performance of certain duties and the
wife after my death during her life or until she marries, but from
exercise of certain powers by the latter. The characteristics of a
this cocoanut land shall be taken what is to be lent to the persons
trust are: (a) it is a relationship; (b) it is a relationship of
who are to plant cocoanut trees and that which is to be paid to
fiduciary character; (c) It is a relationship with respect to
them as their share of the crop if any should remain; and that she
property, not one involving merely personal duties; (d) it
try to earn with the product of the cocoanut trees of which those
involves the existence of equitable duties imposed upon the
bearing fruit are annually increasing; and if the times
holder of the title to the property to deal with it for the benefit
aforementioned should arrive, I prepare and donate it to
of another; and (e) it arises as a result of a manifestation of
secondary college to be erected in the capital of Tayabas; so this
intention to create the relationship.
will be delivered by my wife and the executors to the
Ayuntamiento of this town, should there be any, and if not, to in trust for accumulation for his children lawfully begotten at
the civil governor of this province in order to cause the manager the time of his death has been held to be good although the
thereof to comply with my wishes for the good of many and the father had no children at the time of the vesting of the funds in
welfare of the town. him as trustees. In charitable trust such as the one here under
discussion, the rule is still further relaxed.
After the school teacher died, the widow remained in possession
of the land and remarried. Subsequently, collateral heirs of the While the collateral heirs argue that assuming all this to be true
deceased brought an action against the widow for the partition they would nevertheless be entitled to the income of the land
of the lands arguing that she, by reason of her second marriage, until the cestui que trust is actually in esse. The court however
had lost the right to their exclusive use and possession. The disagreed. If the trustee holds the legal title and the devise is
municipality of Tayabas intervened claiming the land based on valid, the natural heirs of the deceased have no remaining
the said clause in the will. During the pendency of the action, an interest in the land except their right to the reversion in the event
agreement was arrived at by the parties, where two lots were the devise for some reason should fail, an event which has not as
turned over to the municipality as its share of the inheritance yet taken place. From a reading of the testamentary clause under
under the will, and the remaining lot left in the possession of the discussion it seems quite evident that the intention of the
widow. Based on the agreement, the action was dismissed with testator was to have income of the property accumulate for the
the concurrence of all the parties, but reserving to the collateral benefit of the proposed school until the same should be
heirs the right to bring another action. The municipality of established.
Tayabas the widow had uninterrupted possession of their
respective lots. The court also ordered registration of the three For the property in possession of the widow, she was able to
lots in the name of the governor of Tayabas in trust for the acquire the property through prescription.
secondary school to be established. The widow and the collateral
His view is that the property should not have been awarded to
Lower Court - Ordered the registration of the three lots in the the widow. The school teacher, in his will, transmitted the
name of the governor of the Province of Tayabas in trust for a usufructuary rights to the land to his widow "during her life or
secondary school to be established in the municipality of until she marries," after which the property was to be delivered
Tayabas. to the ayuntamiento or if there should not be any, to the civil
governor of the Province of Tayabas, for the benefit of a
ISSUE: Whether or not the property should be given to the secondary college. The widow having remarried, the property
collateral heirs should have been turned over to the municipality of Tayabas. The
alleged agreement between the parties cannot alter the facts.
RULING: NO. A trust can be created even when the cestui que The possession by the widow has been in contravention of the
trust be in esse. terms of the trust and in bad faith.

RATIO: According to the court, the clause in the will reveals the
intent of testator which must be given effect, which is to create 109. Panlilio v. Citibank
a trust for the benefit of a secondary school to be established in FACTS: Amalia Panlilio (Amalia) visited respondent's Makati City
the town of Tayabas, naming as trustee the ayuntamiento of the office and deposited one million pesos (PhP1 million) in the
town or if there be no ayuntamiento, then the civil governor of bank's "Citihi" account, a fixed-term savings account with a
the Province of Tayabas. higher-than-average interest. On the same day, Amalia also
opened a current or checking account with respondent, to which
Drawing on American precedents, the court notes that in order interest earnings of the Citihi account were to be credited.
that a trust may become effective there must, of course, be a Respondent assigned one of its employees, Jinky Suzara Lee
trustee and a cestui que trust. On the other hand, the claimants’ (Lee), to personally transact with Amalia and to handle the
counsel argue that there is neither in the present case; that there accounts. Amalia opened the accounts as ITF or "in trust for"
is no ayuntamiento, no Gobernador Civil of the province, and no accounts, as they were intended to benefit her minor children, in
secondary school in the town of Tayabas. case she would meet an untimely death. Amalia's initial intention
was to invest the money in a Citibank product called the Peso
An ayuntamiento corresponds to what in English is termed a Repriceable Promissory Note (PRPN), a product which had a
municipal corporation. But in the Philippines, provincial higher interest. However, as the PRPN was not available that day,
governors are the chief executives of their respective provinces, Amalia put her money in the Citihi savings account. More than a
and as the successor of the civil governor of the province under month later, or on November 28, 1997, Amalia phoned Citibank
the Spanish regime, may act as trustee in the present case. In saying she wanted to place an investment, this time in the
regard to private trust, it is not always necessary that the cestui amount of three million pesos (PhP3 million). During the visit,
que trust should be named, or even be in esse (“to be”) at the Amalia instructed Lee on what to do with the PhP3 million. Later,
time the trust is created in his favor. Thus a devise to a father she learned that out of the said amount, PhP2,134,635.87 was
placed by Citibank in a Long-Term Commercial Paper (LTCP), a Nature of Agreement – THIS AGREEMENT IS AN AGENCY AND
debt instrument that paid a high interest, issued by the NOT A TRUST AGREEMENT. AS SUCH, THE PRINCIPAL SHALL AT
corporation Camella and Palmera Homes (C&P Homes). The rest ALL TIMES RETAIN LEGAL TITLE TO THE FUNDS AND PROPERTIES
of the money was placed in two PRPN accounts, in trust for each SUBJECT OF THE ARRANGEMENT.
of Amalia's two children.
The DIMA, Directional Letter, TIA and COIs, read together,
Allegations differ between petitioners and respondent as to establish the agreement between the parties as an investment
whether Amalia instructed Lee to place the money in the LTCP of management agreement, which created a principal-agent
C&P Homes. Amalia claims to have called Lee as soon as she relationship between petitioners as principals and respondent as
received the first COI in December 1997, and demanded that the agent for investment purposes. The agreement is not a trust or
investment in LTCP be withdrawn and placed in a PRPN. an ordinary bank deposit; hence, no trustor-trustee beneficiary
Respondent, however, denies this, claiming that Amalia merely or even borrower-lender relationship existed between
called to clarify provisions in the COI and did not demand a petitioners and respondent with respect to the DIMA account.
withdrawal. Amalia, through counsel, sent her first formal, Respondent purchased the LTCPs only as agent of petitioners;
written demand to respondent "for a withdrawal of her thus, the latter assumed all obligations or inherent risks entailed
investment as soon as possible. Respondent noted that the by the transaction under Article 1910 of the Civil Code, which
investment had a 2003 maturity, was not a deposit, and thus, its provides:
return to the investor was not guaranteed by respondent;
however, it added that the LTCP may be sold prior to maturity Article 1910. The principal must comply with all the obligations
and had in fact been put up for sale, but such sale as "subject to which the agent may have contracted within the scope of his
the availability of buyers in the secondary market." At that time, authority.
respondent was not able to find a buyer for the LTCP. Thus,
petitioners filed with the RTC their complaint against respondent As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded his power, the
for a sum of money and damages. principal is not bound except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly.

RTC - ruled in favor of plaintiffs. 2) It is clear that since the money is committed to C&P Homes via
LTCP for five years, or until 2003, petitioners may not seek its
CA - reversed the decision of the trial court. recovery from respondent prior to the lapse of this period.
Petitioners must wait and meanwhile just be content with
ISSUES: (1) whether petitioners are bound by the terms and receiving their interest regularly. If petitioners want the
conditions of the Directional Investment Management immediate return of their investment before the maturity date,
Agreement (DIMA), Term Investment Application (TIA), their only way is to find a willing buyer to purchase the LTCP at
Directional Letter/Specific Instructions, and Confirmations of an agreed price, or to go directly against the issuer C&P Homes,
Investment (COIs); (2) and whether petitioners are entitled to not against the respondent.
take back the money they invested from respondent bank; or
stated differently, whether respondent is obliged to return the
money to petitioners upon their demand prior to maturity. II. Kinds of Trust

110. Ramos v. Ramos

RULING: (1) yes (2) no EMILIANO B. RAMOS, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants,
vs. GREGORIA T. RAMOS, ET AL., defendants-appellants.
1) The DIMA, Directional Letter and COIs are evidence of the FACTS: Spouses Martin Ramos and Candida Tanate died on
contract between the parties and are binding on them, following October 4, 1906 and October 26, 1880, respectively. They were
Article 1159 of the Civil Code which states that contracts have survived by their 3 children. Moreover, Martin was survived by
the force of law between the parties and must be complied with his 7 natural children. In December 1906, a special proceeding
in good faith.47 In particular, petitioner Amalia affixed her for the settlement of the intestate estate of said spouses was
signatures on the DIMA, Directional Letter and TIA, a clear conducted. Rafael Ramos, a brother of Martin, administered the
evidence of her consent which, under Article 1330 of the same estate for more than 6 years. Eventually, a partition project was
Code, she cannot deny absent any evidence of mistake, violence, submitted which was signed by the 3 legitimate children and 2 of
intimidation, undue influence or fraud.48 As the documents have the 7 natural children. A certain Timoteo Zayco signed in
the effect of law, an examination is in order to reveal what representation of the other 5 natural children who were minors.
underlies petitioners' zeal to exclude these from consideration. The partition was sworn to before a justice of peace. The
conjugal hereditary estate was appraised at P74,984.93,
Under the DIMA, the following provisions appear: consisting of 18 parcels of land, some head of cattle and the
advances to the legitimate children. ½ thereof represented the
estate of Martin. 1/3 thereof was the free portion or P12,497.98.
The shares of the 7 natural children were to be taken from that to recover property held by a person in trust for the benefit of
1/3 free portion. Indeed, the partition was made in accordance another, or that property held in trust can be recovered by the
with the Old Civil code. Thereafter, Judge Richard Campbell beneficiary regardless of the lapse of time. That rule applies
approved the partition project. The court declared that the squarely to express trusts. The basis of the rule is that the
proceeding will be considered closed and the record should be possession of a trustee is not adverse. Not being adverse, he
archived as soon as proof was submitted that each heir had does not acquire by prescription the property held in trust. Thus,
received the portion adjudicated to him. section 38 of Act 190 provides that the law of prescription does
On February 3, 1914, Judge Nepumoceno asked the not apply "in the case of a continuing and subsisting trust.” The
administrator to submit a report showing that the shares of the rule of imprescriptibility of the action to recover property held in
heirs had been delivered to them as required by the previous trust may possibly apply to resulting trusts as long as the trustee
decision. Nevertheless, the manifestation was not in strict has not repudiated the trust. The rule of imprescriptibility was
conformity with the terms of the judge’s order and with the misapplied to constructive trusts.
partition project itself. 8 lots of the Himamaylan Cadastre were Acquisitive prescription may bar the action of the beneficiary
registered in equal shares in the names of Gregoria (widow of against the trustee in an express trust for the recovery of the
Jose Ramos) and her daughter, when in fact the administrator property held in trust where (a) the trustee has performed
was supposed to pay the cash adjudications to each of them as unequivocal acts of repudiation amounting to an ouster of the
enshrined in the partition project. Plaintiffs were then cestui que trust; (b) such positive acts of repudiation have been
constrained to bring the suit before the court seeking for the made known to the cestui que trust and(c) the evidence thereon
reconveyance in their favor their corresponding participations in is clear and conclusive (Laguna vs. Levantino, supra; Salinas vs.
said parcels of land in accordance with Article 840 of the old Civil Tuason, 55 Phil. 729. Compare with the rule regarding co-owners
Code. Note that 1/6 of the subject lots represents the 1/3 free found in the last paragraph of article 494, Civil Code; Casanas vs.
portion of martin’s shares which will eventually redound to the Rosello, 50 Phil. 97; Gerona vs. De Guzman, L- 19060, May 29,
shares of his 7 legally acknowledged natural children. The 1964, 11 SCRA 153,157). With respect to constructive trusts, the
petitioners’ action was predicated on the theory that their shares rule is different. The prescriptibility of an action for
were merely held in trust by defendants. Nonetheless, no Deed reconveyance based on constructive trust is now settled.
of Trust was alleged and proven. Ultimately, the lower court Prescription may supervene in an implied trust. And whether the
dismissed the complaint on the grounds of res judicata, trust is resulting or constructive, its enforcement may be barred
prescription and laches. by laches.

Lower Court - Dismissed the complaint on the ground of res Note: Cestui Que Trust - He who has a right to a beneficial
judicata. interest in and out of an estate the legal title to which is vested
in another. The person who possesses the equitable right to
ISSUE: Whether or not the plaintiff’s shares were held in trust by property and receives the rents, issues, and profits thereof, the
the defendants. legal estate of which is vested in a trustee. It has been proposed
to substitute for this uncouth term the English word
RULING: NO. “beneficiary,” and the latter, though still far from universally
adopted, has come to be quite frequently used. It is equal in
RATIO: The plaintiffs did not prove any express trust in this case. precision to the antiquated and unwieldy Norman phrase, and
The expediente of the intestate proceeding, particularly the far better adapted to the genius of our language.
project of partition, the decision and the manifestation as to the
receipt of negatives the existence of an express trust. Those
public documents prove that the estate of Martin Ramos was 111. Torbela v. Rosario
settled in that proceeding and that adjudications were made to
his seven natural children. A trust must be proven by clear, SEE #103
satisfactory, and convincing evidence. It cannot rest on vague
112. Chu, Jr. v. Caparas
and uncertain evidence or on loose, equivocal or indefinite
declarations. As already noted, an express trust cannot be VS. MELANIA CAPARAS AND SPOUSES RUEL AND HERMENEGILDA
proven by parol evidence. PEREZ, RESPONDENTS.
Neither have the plaintiffs specified the kind of implied trust
contemplated in their action. We have stated that whether it is a FACTS: At the root of the case is a parcel of land located at
resulting or constructive trust, its enforcement may be barred by Maguyam, Silang, Cavite, originally owned and registered in the
laches. name of Miguela Reyes. The petitioners filed a complaint to
There is a rule that a trustee cannot acquire by prescription the recover possession of the subject property against the
ownership of property entrusted to him, or that an action to respondents, with a prayer to annul the sale of the subject
compel a trustee to convey property registered in his name in property executed between the respondents. In the complaint,
trust for the benefit of the cestui que trust does not prescribed, the petitioners alleged that they are the successors-in-interest of
or that the defense of prescription cannot be set up in an action Miguela over the subject property, which Caparas held in trust
for Miguela. The petitioners also averred that the subject RATIO: The petitioners’ action against Caparas and the spouses
property was erroneously included in the sale of land between Perez for reconveyance, based on trust, must fail for lack of basis.
the respondents. An action for reconveyance is a legal and equitable remedy that
seeks to transfer or reconvey property, wrongfully registered in
The petitioners’ evidence showed that the subject property was another person’s name, to its rightful owner. To warrant
previously part of the tract of land owned by Miguela at reconveyance of the land, the plaintiff must allege and prove,
Maguyam, Silang, Cavite. Miguela sold to Caparas the eastern among others, ownership of the land in dispute and the
portion of the land. Miguela retained for herself the rest of the defendant’s erroneous, fraudulent or wrongful registration of
subject property, located at the western portion of the original the property.
property. Further, the deed of conveyance executed between
Miguela and Caparas described the boundaries of the parcel of In the present petition, the petitioners failed to prove that the
land purchased by Caparas as: "sa ibaba ay Faustino Amparo, sa parcel of land they owned was the subject property. Logically,
silangan ay Silang at Carmona boundary, sa ilaya ay Aquilino there is nothing to reconvey as what the spouses Perez
Ligaya, at sa kanluran ay ang natitirang lupa ni Miguela Reyes." registered in their names did not include the parcel of land which
the petitioners, by their evidence, own.
The petitioners asserted that more than fourteen years later,
Caparas caused the preparation of a consolidated survey plan We also see no trust, express or implied, created between the
(Caparas survey plan) under her name for several parcels of land petitioners and the spouses Perez over the subject property. A
(consolidated parcels of land) located at Silang-Carmona, Cavite, trust by operation of law is the right to the beneficial enjoyment
with a total land area of 40,697 square meters. Under the of a property whose legal title is vested in another. A trust
Caparas survey plan, the parcel of land supposedly retained by presumes the existence of a conflict involving one and the same
Miguela was erroneously transferred to the eastern portion of property between two parties, one having the rightful ownership
the original land and now allegedly owned by Caparas. and the other holding the legal title. There is no trust created
when the property owned by one party is separate and distinct
The petitioners also alleged that Caparas sold to the spouses from that which has been registered in another’s name.
Perez the consolidated parcels of land in a deed. Considering the
alleged error in the Caparas survey plan, the petitioners In this case, the Caparas survey plan and the deed of sale
demanded the reconveyance of the subject property from between the petitioners and Miguela showed that the parcel of
Caparas and the spouses Perez, who refused to reconvey the land sold to the petitioners is distinct from the consolidated
subject property. parcels of land sold by Caparas to the spouses Perez.

After an ex parte hearing, the RTC ruled in the petitioners’ favor.

The RTC, however, refused to approve, for lack of authority, the Even granting that the Caparas survey plan did erroneously
new survey plan for the subject property that the petitioners switch the positions of the petitioners’ and the spouses Perez’s
submitted. respective landholdings, we agree with the RTC that
reconveyance was still an inappropriate remedy. The petitioners’
The spouses Perez averred that the parcel of land sold to the recourse should have been to file the proper action before the
petitioners was not the subject property whose title had been Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Land
confirmed in their (spouses Perez’s) names. In the alternative, Management Bureau for the cancellation of the Caparas survey
the spouses Perez claimed that they bought the subject property plan and for the approval of a new survey plan that correctly
in good faith and for value and had been in open, continuous, reflects the position of their respective landholdings. For until
public and adverse possession of it since 1991. the Caparas survey plan has been cancelled, the petitioners’
claim of encroachment has no basis.
RTC – Dismissed. The RTC found that Chu admitted during cross-
examination that the parcel of land sold to them was different Another perspective, too, that must be considered is Miguela’s
from the subject property. The petitioners were presumed to act in selling to the petitioners Lot No. 3 using the Caparas survey
have knowledge of the spouses Perez's registered title over the plan, which can be regarded as a ratification of any perceived
subject property. error under the circumstances.

CA – RTC affirmed.
III. Express Trusts
ISSUE: Whether or not the parcel of land sold to the petitioners
is the subject property included in the consolidated parcels of 113. Pacheco v. Arro
land sold to the spouses Perez.
PETITIONERS: Dolores Pacheco, in her capacity as guardian
RULING: NO. of the minors Concepcion, Alicia, and Herminia Yulo
YES. Judgment affirmed.
RESPONDENTS: Santiago Arro et al. (CLAIMANTS)
***Jose Yulo y Regalado (PREDECESSOR IN INTEREST) The juridical concept of a trust, which in a broad sense
involves, arises from, or is the result of, a fiduciary relation
FACTS: between the trustee and the cestui que trust as regards
● Arro et al filed answers in a cadastral case, claiming certain property – real, personal, funds or money, or
lots as their property and began to present choses in action – must not be confused with an action for
evidence before a referee. Dr. Mariano Yulo, who specific performance.
represented the late Jose Yulo y Regalado in the
cadastral case, assured and promised that after the When the claim to the lots in the cadastral case was
change of the street names from Zamora and withdrawn by the CLAIMANTS relying upon the assurance
Quennon streets to T. Yulo and G. Regalado and promise made in open court by Dr. Mariano Yulo in
streets, Jose Yulo y Regalado would convey and behalf of the PREDECESSOR-IN-INTEREST, a trust or a
assign the lots to the claimants (Arro et al). fiduciary relation between them arose, or resulted
therefrom, or was created thereby.
● Because of this, Arro et al withdrew their claims
and the cadastral court confirmed the title to the The trustee cannot invoke the statute of limitations to bar
lost and decreed their registration in the name of the action and defeat the right of the cestui que trust. If the
Jose Yulo y Regalado. pretense of counsel for the SUCCESSORS-IN-INTEREST that
the promise above adverted to cannot prevail over the
● The representative of Jose Yulo complied with the final decree of the cadastral court holding the
promise by executing deeds of donation or PREDECESSOR-IN-INTEREST of the SUCCESSORS-IN-
assignment to some of the claimants. INTEREST to be the owner of the lots claimed by the
***2/3 of this case is in Spanish; I’m guessing that CLAIMANTS were to be sustained and upheld, then actions
the part where the CLAIMANTS filed a complaint to compel a party to assign or convey the undivided share
was explained there. in a parcel of land registered in his name to his co-owner
or co-heir could no longer be brought and could no longer
CFI ordered the PREDECESSOR-IN-INTEREST to execute succeed and prosper.
deeds of assigned in favour of the CLAIMANTS for each and
every lot claimed by them. 114. Guy v. CA 165849
Parties: Gilbert Guy v CA (NORTHERN ISLANDS CO.,
The petition composed five (5) consolidated cases
● Pacheco contend that since a trustee does not which stemmed from Civil Case No. 04-109444 filed with the Regional Trial
have title to the property which is the subject of Court. But the focus of the case with respect to trust is GR 176650. The
petition filed by Gilbert Guy (Gilbert) and Lincoln Continental Development
the trust, because title to such property is vested Corporation, Inc. (Lincoln Continental) questioning the decision of the
in the cestui que trust, if the PREDECESSOR-IN- Court of Appeals (CA) in affirming the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in
dismissing their complaint against the respondents.
trustee, he or his successors-in-interest could not
Gilbert, petitioner, is the son of
and cannot be compelled in an action for specific
Francisco and Simny Guy. Respondents, Geraldine,
performance to convey or assign the property –
Gladys and Grace are his sisters. The family feud
the subject of the trust – because in an action for involves the ownership and control of 20,160 shares
specific performance the party to be compelled to of stock of Northern Islands Co., Inc. (Northern
perform is the owner of has title to the property Islands).
sought to be conveyed or assigned. Northern Islands is a family-owned
corporation. In November 1986, they incorporated
ISSUE: Lincoln Continental as a holding company of the 50%
● Whether or not the SUCCESSORS-IN-INTEREST may shares of stock of Northern Islands in trust for their
be compelled in an action for specific performance daughters, respondents. In December 1986, upon
to convey or assign the property. instruction of spouses Guy, Atty. Andres Gatmaitan,
president of Lincoln Continental, indorsed in blank
RULING: Stock Certificate No. 132 (covering 8,400 shares) and
Stock Certificate No. 133 (covering 11,760 shares) G.R. SP No. 87104. This Decision set aside the Order dated
October 13, 2004 of the RTC, Branch 46 granting the writ of
and delivered them to Simny.
preliminary injunction in favor of Lincoln Continental .
In 1984, spouses Guy found that their
son Gilbert has been disposing of the assets of their
corporations without authority. In order to protect the ISSUES:
assets of Northern Islands, the 20,160 shares Whether or not Gilbert was merely trust for the Guy
covered by the two Stock Certificates were then sisters
registered in the names of respondent sisters, thus
enabling them to assume an active role in the Held:
management of Northern Islands. Yes.
Thereafter, Simny was elected One thing is clear. It was established before
President; Grace as Vice-President for Finance; the trial court, affirmed by the Court of Appeals, that
Geraldine as Corporate Treasurer; and Gladys as Lincoln Continental held the disputed shares of
Corporate Secretary. Gilbert retained his position as stock of Northern Islands merely in trust for the
Executive Vice President. This development started Guy sisters. In fact, the evidence proffered by Lincoln
the warfare between Gilbert and his sisters. Lincoln Continental itself supports this conclusion. It bears
Continental filed a Complaint for Annulment of the emphasis that this factual finding by the trial court was
Transfer of Shares of Stock against respondents. affirmed by the Court of Appeals, being supported by
The complaint basically alleges that: Lincoln evidence, and is, therefore, final and conclusive upon
Continental owns 20,160 shares of stock of Northern this Court.
Islands; and that respondents, in order to oust Gilbert Article 1440 of the Civil Code provides that:
from the management of Northern Islands, falsely ART. 1440. A person who
transferred the said shares of stock in respondent establishes a trust is called the trustor; one in
sisters’ names and that respondents, in order to oust whom confidence is reposed as regards property
Gilbert from the management of Northern Islands, for the benefit of another person is known as the
falsely transferred the said shares of stock in trustee; and the person for whose benefit the trust
respondent sisters’ names. Lincoln Continental then has been created is referred to as the beneficiary.
prayed for an award of damages and that the In the early case of Gayondato v.
management of Northern Islands be restored to Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, this Court defines
Gilbert. Lincoln also prayed for the issuance of a trust, in its technical sense, as a right of property,
temporary restraining order (TRO) and a writ of real or personal, held by one party for the benefit
preliminary mandatory injunction to prohibit of another. Differently stated, a trust is a fiduciary
respondents from exercising any right of ownership relationship with respect to property, subjecting
over the shares. the person holding the same to the obligation of
Note: Petitioners filed a writ of preliminary dealing with the property for the benefit of another
injunction against private respondents. It was person.
granted then was set aside later on. Both Lincoln Continental and Gilbert
claim that the latter holds legal title to the shares in
RTC- The trial court held that the complaint was question. But record shows that there is no evidence
baseless and an unwarranted suit among family to support their claim. Rather, the evidence on record
members. That based on the evidence, Gilbert was clearly indicates that the stock certificates
only entrusted to hold the disputed shares of representing the contested shares are in respondents
stock in his name for the benefit of the other family possession. Significantly, there is no proof to support
members; and that it was only when Gilbert started to his allegation that the transfer of the shares of stock to
dispose of the assets of the family’s corporations respondent sisters is fraudulent. As aptly held by the
without their knowledge that respondent sisters Court of Appeals, fraud is never presumed but must
caused the registration of the shares in their be established by clear and convincing evidence.
respective names. Gilbert failed to discharge this burden. We, agree with
the Court of Appeals that respondent sisters own the
CA- On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the Trial shares of stocks, Gilbert being their mere trustee.
Court. Hence this petition. Verily, we find no reversible error in the challenged
Decision of the Court of Appeals (Special Second
Thus, on October 10, 2005, Gilbert, filed with this Court a Division) in CA-G.R. CV No. 85937.
Supplemental Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition, and Mandamus WHEREFORE, we DISMISS the
with Urgent Application for a Writ of Preliminary Mandatory petitions in G.R. Nos. 165849, 170185, 170186 and
Injunction challenging the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-
176650; and DENY the petitions in G.R. Nos. 171066
and 176650. The Resolutions of the Court of Appeals guarantee the vendor's absolute title over the land
(Eighth Division), dated October 28, 2004 and sold.
November 4, 2004, as well as the Decision dated 5. Ang Bansing sold other lots to Juan Cruz and some
October 10, 2005 of the Court of Appeals (Seventh other buyers. All the lots sold, were transferred to
Division) in CA-G.R. SP No. 87104 are AFFIRMED. respective buyer’s name except lot 1846-C, which
We likewise AFFIRM IN TOTO the Decision of the was sold to Juan Cruz before the survey of lot and
Court of Appeals (Special Second Division), dated which remained in the possession of Ang Bansing.
November 27, 2006 in CA-G.R. CV No. 85937. Costs
6. On February 25, 1965, the President of the
against petitioners.
Philippines issued Proclamation No. 459,
transferring ownership of certain parcels of land
situated in Sasa Davao City, to the Mindanao
115. Goyanko v. UCPB
Development Authority, now the Southern
Philippines Development Administration, subject
See case #106 to private rights, if any. Lot 1846-C, the disputed
parcel of land, was among the parcels of land
116. Mindanao Dev. Authority v. CA transferred to the Mindanao Development
Authority in said proclamation.
Parties (of Express Trust):
7. On March 31, 1969, Atty. Hector L. Bisnar counsel
for the Mindanao Development Authority, wrote
Petitioner - Minadanao dev authority - alleged beneficiary
Ang Bansing requesting the latter to surrender the
Private respondent - Francisco Ang Bansing (Ang Bansing)
Owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. 2601 so that Lot
is the purported trustee
1846-C could be formally transferred to his client
Juan Cruz Yap Chuy (Juan Cruz) - trustor for lot 1846-C.
but Ang Bansing refused.
8. Thus Mindanao Development Authority filed a
Purported Express Deed of Trust is the Deed of Sale
complaint against Ang Bansing before CFI of Davao
executed between Ang Bansing and Juan Cruz over the sale
City for the reconveyance of the title over Lot
of lot 1846-C which contained proviosion: “That I hereby
agree to work for the titling of the entire area of my land
9. After trial, the Court of First Instance found that an
under my own expenses and the expenses for the titling of
express trust had been established and ordered
the portion sold to me shall be under the expenses of said
the reconveyance of the title to Lot 1846-C of the
Juan Cruz Yap Chuy”
Davao Cadastre to Mindanao Development
10. On appeal, the Court of Appeals ruled that no
express trust has been created and, accordingly, k
1. Ang Bansing is the owner of a 30-hectare/300,000
the judgment and dismissed the complaint.
sqm. land in Barrio Panacan Davao City.
11. Hence this petition for certiorari.
2. On February 25, 1939, Ang Bansing sold a portion
12. SC - petition denied. Affirmed CA decision.
of the land, about 5 hectares to Juan Cruz, the
contract provided among others: “That I hereby
agree to work for the titling of the entire area of
my land under my own expenses and the expenses
WON an express trust was created between Ang Bansing
for the titling of the portion sold to me shall be
and Juan Cruz over the lot 1846-C.
under the expenses of the said Juan Cruz Yap
3. After sale, the land of Ang Bansing was surveyed
wherein lot sold to Juan Cruz was designated as Lot
No. There was no express trust created between Ang
1846-C of Davao cadastre.
Bansing and Juan Cruz over Lot 1846-C of the Davao
4. On December 23, 1939, Juan Cruz sold Lot 1846-C
to the Commonwealth of the Philippines for the
amount of P6,347.50. On that same day, Juan Cruz,
"Trusts are either express or implied. Express trusts are
as vendor, and C.B. Cam and Miguel N. Lansona as
created by the intention of the trustor or of the parties.
sureties, executed a surety bond in favor of the
Implied trusts come into being by operation of law."
vendee (Commonwealth of the Philippines) to
Nor will the affidavit executed by Ang Banging be
It is fundamental in the law of trusts that certain construed as having established an express trust. As
requirements must exist before an express trust will be counsel for the herein petitioner has stated, "the only
recognized. If any one of them is missing, it is fatal to the purpose of the Affidavit was to clarify that the area of the
trusts. Basically, these elements include: land sold by Ang Bansing to Juan Cruz Yap Chuy is not only
a. competent trustor and trustee; 5 hectares but 61,107 square meters or a little over six (6)
b. an ascertainable trust res; hectares."
c. and sufficiently certain beneficiaries.
Furthermore, there must be (constructive trust;prescription;laches)***
a. a present and complete disposition of the trust
property, notwithstanding that the enjoyment in But, even granting, arguendo, that an express trust had
the beneficiary will take place in the future. It is been established, it would appear that the trustee (Ang
essential to the creation of an express trust that Bansing) had repudiated the trust and the petitioner herein
the settlor presently and unequivocally make a (Minadanao Dev), the alleged beneficiary to the trust, did
disposition of property and make himself the not take any action therein until after the lapse of 23 years
trustee of the property for the benefit of another; (prescriptive period is for 10 years).
b. the purpose be an active one to prevent trust from
being executed into a legal estate or interest, and Only an implied trust may have been impressed upon the
one that is not in contravention of some title of Ang Banging over Lot 1846-C of the Davao Cadastre
prohibition of statute or rule of public policy. since the land in question was registered in his name
c. There must also be some power of administration although the land belonged to another. In implied trusts,
other than a mere duty to perform a contract there is neither promise nor fiduciary relations, the so-
although the contract is for a third-party called trustee does not recognize any trust and has no
beneficiary. intent to hold the property for the beneficiary." It does not
d. A declaration of terms is essential, and these must arise by agreement or intention, but by operation of law.
be stated with reasonable certainty in order that Thus, if property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the
the trustee may administer, and that the court, if person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee
called upon so to do, may enforce, the trust. The of an implied trust for the benefit of the person from whom
intent to create a trust must be definite and the property comes.
particular. It must show a desire to pass benefits
through the medium of a trust, and not through If a person obtains legal title to property by fraud or
some related or similar device. concealment, courts of equity will impress upon the title a
so-called constructive trust in favor of the defrauded party.
The stipulation in the contract of sale (see above) is nothing
but a condition that Ang Bansing shall pay the expenses for There is also a constructive trust if a person sells a parcel
the registration of his land and for Juan Cruz to shoulder of land and thereafter obtains title to it through fraudulent
the expenses for the registration of the land sold to him. misrepresentation.
The stipulation does not categorically create an obligation
on the part of Ang Bansing to hold the property in trust for Such a constructive trust is not a trust in the technical
Juan Cruz. Hence, no express trust. sense and is prescriptible; it prescribes in 10 years.

While Ang Bansing had agreed in the deed of sale that he Here, the 10-year prescriptive period began on March 31,
will work for the titling of "the entire area of my land under 1941, upon the issuance of Original Certificate of Title No.
my own expenses," it is not clear therefrom whether said 26. From that date up to April 11, 1969, when the
statement refers to the 30-hectare parcel of land or to that complaint for reconveyance was filed, more than 28 years
portion left to him after the sale. A failure on the part of had passed. Clearly, the action for reconveyance had
the settlor definitely to describe the subject-matter of the prescribed.
supposed trust or the beneficiaries or object thereof is
strong evidence that he intended no trust. Besides, the enforcement of the constructive trust that
may have been impressed upon the title of Ang Bansing
over Lot 1846-C of the Davao Cadastre is barred by laches.
It appears that the deed of sale in favor of the
Commonwealth Government was executed by Juan Cruz AOM No. 93-2 did not question the authority of the Bank
on December 23, 1939, during the cadastral proceedings, to set-up the Gratuity Plan Fund and have it invested in
and even before the cadastral survey plan was approved by the Trust Services Department of the Bank. Apart from
the Director of Lands on July 10, 1940. But, the vendee requiring the recipients of the P11,626,414.25 to refund
therein did not file an answer, much less an opposition to their dividends, the Auditor recommended that the DBP
the answer of Ang Bansing in the said Cadastral record in its books as miscellaneous income the income of
proceedings. The judgment rendered in the said cadastral the Gratuity Plan Fund (Fund). The Auditor reasoned that
proceeding, awarding the lot in question to Ang Bansing is the Fund is still owned by the Bank, the Board of Trustees
already final. After an inexcusable delay of more than 28 is a mere administrator of the Fund in the same way that
years and acquiescence to existing conditions, it is now too the Trust Services Department where the fund was
late for the petitioner to complain. invested was a mere investor and neither can the
employees, who have still an inchoate interest in the Fund
be considered as rightful owner of the Fund.
117. Development Bank of the Phils. V. COA COA: affirmed AOM No. 93-2
The Gratuity Plan Fund is supposed to be accorded
FACTS: On February 20, 1980, the Development Bank of separate personality under the administration of the
the Philippines (DBP) Board of Governors adopted Board of Trustees but that concept has been effectively
Resolution No. 794 creating the DBP Gratuity Plan and eliminated when the Special Loan Program was adopted.
authorizing the setting up of a retirement fund to cover Retirement benefits may only be availed of upon
the benefits due to DBP retiring officials and employees. retirement. During employment, the prospective retiree
shall only have an inchoate right over the benefits. There
On February 26, 1980, a Trust Indenture was entered into can be no partial payment or enjoyment of the benefits,
by and between the DBP and the Board of Trustees of the in whatever guise, before actual retirement.
Gratuity Plan Fund, vesting in the latter the control and
administration of the Fund. The trustee, subsequently, ISSUE: whether the income of the Fund is income of DBP
appointed the DBP Trust Services Department (DBP-TSD)
as the investment manager thru an Investment RULING: COA Decision AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION.
Management Agreement, with the end in view of making The income of the Gratuity Plan Fund, held in trust for the
the income and principal of the Fund sufficient to meet benefit of DBP employees eligible to retire under RA 1616,
the liabilities of DBP under the Gratuity Plan. should not be recorded in the books of account of DBP as
the income of the latter.
In 1983, the Bank established a Special Loan Program
where a prospective retiree is allowed the option to RATIO: A trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to
utilize in the form of a loan a portion of his outstanding property which involves the existence of equitable duties
equity in the gratuity fund and to invest it in a profitable imposed upon the holder of the title to the property to
investment or undertaking. The earnings of the deal with it for the benefit of another. A trust is either
investment shall then be applied to pay for the interest express or implied. Express trusts are those which the
due on the gratuity loan. The excess or balance of the direct and positive acts of the parties create, by some
interest earnings shall then be distributed to the investor- writing or deed, or will, or by words evincing an intention
members. to create a trust.
In the present case, the DBP Board of Governors (now
Pursuant to the investment scheme, DBP-TSD paid to the Board of Directors) Resolution No. 794 and the
investor-members a total of P11,626,414.25 representing Agreement executed by former DBP Chairman Rafael
the net earnings of the investments for the years 1991 Sison and the trustees of the Plan created an express
and 1992. The payments were disallowed by the Auditor trust, specifically, an employees trust. An employees trust
under Audit Observation Memorandum No. 93-2 dated is a trust maintained by an employer to provide
March 1, 1993, on the ground that the distribution of retirement, pension or other benefits to its employees. It
income of the Gratuity Plan Fund (GPF) to future retirees is a separate taxable entity established for the exclusive
of DBP is irregular and constituted the use of public funds benefit of the employees.
for private purposes which is specifically proscribed under Resolution No. 794 shows that DBP intended to establish
Section 4 of P.D. 1445. a trust fund to cover the retirement benefits of certain
employees under RA 1616. The principal and income of Petitioner found out around January 10 1987 that
the Fund would be separate and distinct from the funds of respondent Sps. Ramos were selling the Ugac properties to
DBP. respondent Bartex Inc. Petitioner then sent her son Johnson
Paredes to caution reapondent Bartex Inc that Sps. Ramos were
DBP, as the trustor, vested in the trustees of the Fund
not the owners. Petitioner also warned respondent Sps. Ramos
legal title over the Fund as well as control over the
not to sell said properties or otherwise she will file the necessary
investment of the money and assets of the Fund. The
action against them. Petitioner executed an Affidavit of Adverse
powers and duties granted to the trustees of the Fund Claim over the Ugac Properties on January 19, 1987 and caused
under the Agreement were plainly more than just the same to be annotated on TCT No. T-58043 (TCT issued in the
administrative. name of Sps. Ramos) on the same day. Respondent Sps. Ramos
The trustees received and collected any income and profit still executed a deed of absolute sale for a total price of
derived from the Fund, and they maintained separate P150,000.00 to Bartex, Inc and a new transfer certificate of title
books of account for this purpose. The principal and was issued in favor of Bartex Inc.
income of the Fund will not revert to DBP even if the trust
Second cause of action:
is subsequently modified or terminated. The Agreement
Petitioner claimed that for many years prior to 1984,
states that the principal and income must be used to
she operated a hardware store in a building she owned along
satisfy all of the liabilities to the beneficiary officials and
Bonifacio St., Tuguegarao, Cagayan. The commercial lot
employees under the Gratuity Plan. (Bonifacio property) is owned by and registered in the name of
The Agreement indisputably transferred legal title over Maria Mendoza (Mendoza), from whom petitioner rented the
the income and properties of the Fund to the Funds same.
trustees. Thus, COAs directive to record the income of the March 22, 1982 – petitioner allowed respondent spouses Ramos
Fund in DBPs books of account as the miscellaneous to manage the hardware store.
income of DBP constitutes grave abuse of discretion. The 1984 – Mendoza put the Bonifacio property up for sale. As
income of the Fund does not form part of the revenues or petitioner did not have available cash to buy the property, she
allegedly entered into a verbal agreement with respondent
profits of DBP, and DBP may not use such income for its
spouses Ramos with the following terms:
own benefit. The principal and income of the Fund
together constitute the res or subject matter of the trust.
[1.] The lot would be bought [by herein
respondent spouses Ramos] for and in behalf
of [herein petitioner];
118. Peñalber v. Ramos
[2.] The consideration of P80,000.00 for said lot
FACTS: would be paid by [respondent spouses
Ramos] from the accumulated earnings of the
Petitioner is the mother of respondent Leticia and the mother-
in-law of respondent Quirino, husband of Leticia. Respondent
Bartex, Inc., on the other hand, is a domestic corporation which [3.] Since [respondent spouses Ramos] have the
bought from respondent spouses Ramos one of the two better credit standing, they would be made to
properties involved in this case. appear in the Deed of Sale as the vendees so
On 18 February 1987, petitioner filed before the RTC a Complaint that the title to be issued in their names could
be used by [them] to secure a loan with which
for Declaration of Nullity of Deeds and Titles, Reconveyance,
to build a bigger building and expand the
Damages, with Application for a Writ of Preliminary Prohibitory business of [petitioner].
Injunction against the respondents. In accordance with the above agreement, respondent spouses
Ramos allegedly entered into a contract of sale with Mendoza
First cause of action: over the Bonifacio property, and on October 24 1984, a transfer
Petitioner alleged on her complaint that she was the certificate of title was issued in the names of respondent spouses
owner of a parcel of land referred to as Ugac properties. She Ramos.
averred that in the middle part of 1986, she discovered her title
to the said parcel of land was cancelled because a new transfer On September 20 1984, the management of the hardware store
of certificate of title was issued in its stead in the name of was returned to petitioner. On the bases of receipts and
respondent spouses Ramos. The basis of cancellation of her title disbursements, petitioner asserted that the Bonifacio property
was a Deed of Donation which petitioner purportedly executed was fully paid out of the funds of the store and if respondent
in favor of respondent spouses Ramos on April 27, 1983. spouses Ramos had given any amount for the purchase price of
Petitioner insisted that her signature on the said Deed of the said property, they had already sufficiently reimbursed
Donation was a forgery When petitioner confronted the themselves from the funds of the store. Consequently, petitioner
respondent spouses Ramos about the false donation, the latter demanded from respondent spouses Ramos the reconveyance of
pleaded that they would just pay for the Ugac properties in the
amount of P1 Million. Petitioner agreed.
the title to the Bonifacio property to her but the latter
unjustifiably refused. ISSUE: WON the existence of a trust agreement between her and
Petitioner insisted that respondent spouses Ramos were, in respondent spouses Ramos was clearly established, and such
reality, mere trustees of the Bonifacio property, thus, they were trust agreement was valid and enforceable.
under a moral and legal obligation to reconvey title over the said RULING: NO.
property to her. Petitioner, therefore, prayed that she be In its technical legal sense, a trust is defined as the right,
declared the owner of the Bonifacio property; TCT No. T-62769, enforceable solely in equity, to the beneficial enjoyment of
in the name of respondent spouses, be declared null and void; property, the legal title to which is vested in another, but the
and the Register of Deeds for the Province of Cagayan be word trust is frequently employed to indicate duties, relations,
directed to issue another title in her name. and responsibilities which are not strictly technical trusts. A
On the first cause of action, respondent Sps. Ramos person who establishes a trust is called the trustor; one in whom
alleged that petitioner, together with her son mortgaged the confidence is reposed is known as the trustee; and the person for
Ugac properties to DBP for the amount of P150,000.00 on August whose benefit the trust has been created is referred to as the
19 , 1990. When the mortgage was about to foreclose, petitioner beneficiary. There is a fiduciary relation between the trustee and
asked respondents to redeem the mortgaged property or pay her the beneficiary (cestui que trust) as regards certain property,
mortgage debt to DBP. In return, petitioner promised to cede, real, personal, money or choses in action.
convey and transfer full ownership of the Ugac properties to
them. Respondents paid the debt and in compliance with her From the allegations of the petitioners Complaint, the alleged
promise, petitioner transferred the Ugac properties to verbal trust agreement between petitioner and respondent
respondents by way of Deed of Donation. After accepting the spouses Ramos is in the nature of an express trust as petitioner
donation and having the Deed of Donation registered, TCT No. T- explicitly agreed therein to allow the respondent spouses Ramos
58043 was issued to respondent spouses Ramos and they then to acquire title to the Bonifacio property in their names, but to
took actual and physical possession of the Ugac properties. hold the same property for petitioners benefit. Given that the
With regard to the second cause of action, respondent alleged trust concerns an immovable property, however,
spouses Ramos contended that they were given not only the respondent spouses Ramos counter that the same is
management, but also the full ownership of the hardware store unenforceable since the agreement was made verbally and no
by the petitioner, on the condition that the stocks and parol evidence may be admitted to prove the existence of an
merchandise of the store will be inventoried, and out of the express trust concerning an immovable property or any interest
proceeds of the sales thereof, respondent spouses Ramos shall therein.
pay petitioners outstanding obligations and liabilities. After
settling and paying the obligations and liabilities of petitioner, On this score, we subscribe to the ruling of the RTC in its Order
respondent spouses Ramos bought the Bonifacio property from dated July 17, 2000 that said spouses were deemed to have
Mendoza out of their own funds. waived their objection to the parol evidence as they failed to
RTC – dismissed first cause of action and ruled in favor of timely object when petitioner testified on the said verbal
petitioner on the second cause of action agreement. The requirement in Article 1443 that the express
CA – in so far as second cause of action is concerned, reversed trust concerning an immovable or an interest therein be in
the decision of RTC. writing is merely for purposes of proof, not for the validity of the
According to the Court of Appeals: trust agreement. Therefore, the said article is in the nature of a
statute of frauds. The term statute of frauds is descriptive of
It appears that before management of the store was transferred to [herein statutes which require certain classes of contracts to be in
respondent spouses Ramos], a beginning inventory of the stocks of the
writing. The statute does not deprive the parties of the right to
hardware store was made by [herein petitioners] other children showing
stocks amounting to Php226,951.05. After management of the hardware
contract with respect to the matters therein involved, but merely
store was returned to [petitioner], a second inventory was made with stocks regulates the formalities of the contract necessary to render it
amounting to Php110,004.88 showing a difference of Php116,946.15. enforceable. The effect of non-compliance is simply that no
Contrary, however, to the finding of the trial court, We find that said action can be proved unless the requirement is complied with.
inventory showing such difference is not conclusive proof to show that the Oral evidence of the contract will be excluded upon timely
said amount was used to pay the purchase price of the subject lot. In fact,
objection. But if the parties to the action, during the trial, make
as testified by Johnson Paredes, son of [petitioner] who made the
computation on the alleged inventories, it is not known if the goods, no objection to the admissibility of the oral evidence to support
representing the amount of Php116,946.17, were actually sold or not. It may the contract covered by the statute, and thereby permit such
have been taken without actually being sold. contract to be proved orally, it will be just as binding upon the
parties as if it had been reduced to writing.
However, an inference of the intention to create a trust, made from
Per petitioners testimony, the Bonifacio property was offered for
language, conduct or circumstances, must be made with reasonable
sale by its owner Mendoza. Petitioner told respondent spouses
certainty. It cannot rest on vague, uncertain or indefinite declarations. An
inference of intention to create a trust, predicated only on circumstances, Ramos that she was going to buy the lot, but the title to the same
can be made only where they admit of no other interpretation. Here, will be in the latters names. The money from the hardware store
[petitioner] failed to establish with reasonable certainty her claim that the managed by respondent spouses Ramos shall be used to buy the
purchase of the subject lot was pursuant to a verbal trust agreement with Bonifacio property, which shall then be mortgaged by the
respondent spouses Ramos.
respondent spouses Ramos so that they could obtain a loan for ownership transferred in any manner whatsoever to
building a bigger store. The purchase price of P80,000.00 was any person or entity.
paid for the Bonifacio property. On September 20 1984, the
respondent spouses Ramos returned the management of the On November 4, 1929, the properties of Mindanao
store to petitioner. Thereafter, petitioner allowed her son Sugar Company was sold to the Roman Catholic
Johnson to inventory the stocks of the store. Johnson found out Archbishop of Manila through a public auction
that the purchase price of P80,000.00 for the Bonifacio property (Exhibits C and D).
was already fully paid. When petitioner told the respondent
spouses Ramos to transfer the title to the Bonifacio property in Petitioner then brought a suit in the CFI of Manila for
her name, the respondent spouses Ramos refused, thus,
the sum of P 10,000 against defendant. CFI
prompting petitioner to file a complaint against them.
dismissed such action, holding Phil Trust as not
personally liable as the same executed the
Similarly, Johnson testified that on March 22 1982, petitioner
agreement in its capacity as a trustee.
turned over the management of the hardware store to
respondent spouses Ramos. During that time, an inventory of the
Hence the appeal.
stocks of the store was made and the total value of the said
stocks were determined to be P226,951.05. When respondent
spouses Ramos returned the management of the store to
ISSUE: Whether or not Phil Trust is personally liable
petitioner on 20 September 1984, another inventory of the for the AGREEMENT.
stocks was made, with the total value of the stocks falling to
P110,004.88. The difference of P116,946.16 was attributed to HELD: Yes, Phil Trust is personally liable for the
the purchase of the Bonifacio property by the respondent AGREEMENT.
spouses Ramos using the profits from the sales of the store.
A careful perusal of the records of the case reveals that RATIO:
respondent spouses Ramos did indeed fail to interpose their
objections regarding the admissibility of the afore-mentioned Generally, the trustee does not assume personal
testimonies when the same were offered to prove the alleged liability on the trust. However, the same will not be
verbal trust agreement between them and petitioner. true of he acts outside the scope of the trust.
Consequently, these testimonies were rendered admissible in
evidence. Nevertheless, while admissibility of evidence is an In the present case, the Philippine Trust Company
affair of logic and law, determined as it is by its relevance and held the legal title of the properties of Mindoro Sugar
competence, the weight to be given to such evidence, once Company to protect the bondholders of the latter as
admitted, still depends on judicial evaluation. Thus, despite the stipulated in the Deed of Trust (Exhibit A). Nowhere
admissibility of the said testimonies, the Court holds that the in said deed gave Phil Trust the authority to manage
same carried little weight in proving the alleged verbal trust the affairs of its trustor nor enter into contracts in its
agreement between petitioner and respondent spouses. behalf. But even if the contract had been authorized
by the trust indenture, the Philippine Trust Company
119. Tan Senguan and Co. v. Phil. Trust Co. in its individual capacity would still be responsible for
the contract as there was no express stipulation that
FACTS: the true estate and not the true trustee should be
held liable on the contract in question
Note: The Philippine Trust Company, as trustee held
the legal title of the properties of Mindoro Sugar
Company(trustor) to protect the bondholders of the
120. Rizal Surety & Insurance v. CA
latter as stipulated in the Deed of Trust.
Tan Sen Guan and Co. (plaintiff) secured a 3/13/1980 – Rizal Insurance issued Insurance Policy
judgement for the sum of P 21,426 against Mindoro NO. 45727 in favor of Transworld Knitting Mills, Inc,
Sugar Co. The Philippine Trust (defendant) is the initially for P1,000,000 and eventually inscreased to
trustee of the latter. Subsequently, petitioner signed P1,500,000 covering the period of Aug 14, 1980 to
an AGREEMENT with Phil. Trust on June 27, 1924.
Mar 13, 1981. Pertinent portions of subject policy on
In said agreement, petitioner conveyed the sum it the buildings insured, and location thereof, read:
had won and with all its rights thereto, to Phil. Trust "On stocks of finished and/or unfinished
for the amount of P 5,000. Among others, it was also products, raw materials and supplies of every
agreed that Phil Trust will pay an additional P 10,000 kind and description, the properties of the
should Mindoro Sugar Co be sold or assigned or its Insured and/or held by them in trust, on
commission or on joint account with others Resolution of the issue hinges on the proper
and/or for which they (sic) responsible in case interpretation of the stipulation quoted in the facts.
of loss whilst contained and/or stored during Thereforom, it can be gleaned unerringly that the fire
the currency of this Policy in the premises insurance policy in question did not limit its coverage
occupied by them forming part of the to what were stored in the four-span building.
buildings situate (sic) within own Compound Both the trial court and the CA found that the so
at MAGDALO STREET, BARRIO UGONG, called annex was not an annex building but an
PASIG, METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES, integral and inseparable part of the four-span building
BLOCK NO. 601. described in the policy and consequently, the
The same pieces of property insured with Rizal machines and spare parts stored therein were
Insurance were also insured with New India covered by the fire insurance in dispute.
Assurance Company. Also, it stands to reason that the doubt should be
1/12/1981 – fire broke out in the comound of resolved against the petitioner whose lawyer or
Transworld, razing the middle portion of its four-span managers drafted the fire insurance policy contract
building and partly gutting the left and right sections under scrutiny (Art. 1377).
thereof. A two-storey building behind where fun and
amusement machines and spare parts were stores, 121. Lorenzo v. Posadas
was also destroyed by the fire.
Transworld filed its insurance claims with Rizal Facts:
Insurance and New India Insurance but to no avail.
5/26/1982, Transworld brought against the insurance On 27 May 1922, Thomas Hanley died in
companies action for collection of sum of money and Zamboanga, leaving a will and considerable amount
damages. of real and personal properties.
CFI of Rizal dismissed case against New India
Assurance Co; ordered Rizal Insurance to pay Hanley’s will provides the following: his money will be
Transworld P826,600 representing actual value of given to his nephew, Matthew Hanley, as well as the
losses suffered plus cost of suit. real estate owned by him. It further provided that the
CA modified the decision in 1993 – requiring New property will only be given ten years after Thomas
India to pay P1,818,604 and Rizal to pay Hanley’s death.
P470,328.67 (totaling P2,790,376).
8/20/1993, New India appealed the judgment stating Thus, in the testamentary proceedings, the Court of
that Transworld could not be compensated for the First Instance of Zamboanga appointed P.J.M. Moore
loss of the fun and amusement machines and spare as trustee of the estate. Moore took oath of office on
parts stored at the two-storey building because it had March 10, 1924, and resigned on Feb. 29, 1932.
no insurable interest in said goods or items. This Pablo Lorenzo was appointed in his stead.
was, however, denied with finality by the SC.
Rizal Insurance later appealed to the SC Juan Posadas, Collector of Internal Revenue,
(separately). assessed inheritance tax against the estate
amounting to P2,057.74 which includes penalty and
Issue: W/N the annex building where the bulk of the surcharge.
burned properties stored (containing the amusement
machines and spare parts), was included in the He filed a motion in the testamentary proceedings so
coverage of the insurance policy. that Lorenzo will be ordered to pay the amount due.

Held: Lorenzo paid the amount in protest after CFI granted

Yes. Posadas’ motion. He claimed that the inheritance tax
Rizal insurance submits that the fire insurance policy should have been assessed after 10 years. He asked
litigated upon protected only the contents of the main for a refund but Posadas declined to do so.
building and did not include those stored in the 2-
storey annex building. Respondent theorized that the The latter counterclaimed for the additional amount
so called annex was not an annex but was actually of P1,191.27 which represents interest due on the tax
an integral part of the four-span building and and which was not included in the original
therefore, the goods and items stored therein were assessment. However, CFI dismissed this
covered. counterclaim. It also denied Lorenzo’s claim for
refund against Posadas.
Hence, both appealed. be donated to the secondary school in Tayabas
upon Dorothea’s death or second marriage.
Issue: ● On December 3, 1896, the testator died.
(1) Whether or not the compensation for the services ● Sometime in 1900, Dorothea married one Calixto
of the trustee can be deducted in arriving at the net Dolendo.
value of the estate? ● On April 20, 1903, the testator’s collateral heirs
brought an action for the partition of the lands on
(2) Has there been delinquency in the payment of the
the ground that Dorothea lost her right over the
inheritance tax?
lands by reason of her second marriage.
(3)Whether or not the word “trust” being mentioned is
● During the pendency of the action, the parties
necessary to create one? arrived at an agreement delivering the lands with lot
nos. 3464 and 3469 to the Municipality of Tayabas
Held: (1)No. A trustee, no doubt, is entitled to receive as trustee while lot no. 3470 was left in the
a fair compensation for his services. But from this it possession of Dorothea.
does not follow that the compensation due him may ● The testator’s collateral heirs filed a claim over the
be lawfully be deducted in arriving at the net value of lands contending that the trust instituted in the will
the estate subject to tax. There is no statue in the was ineffective.
Philippines which requires trustees' commissions to ● The testator's collateral heirs argued there's no
be deducted in determining the net value of the trustee since there is no ayuntamiento, no
Gobernador Civil of the province, and that there's
estate subject to inheritance tax.
no beneficiary since there's no secondary school in
the town of Tayabas.
(2)Yes. It is delinquent because according to Sec.
● They further argued that argues the collateral heirs
1544 (b) of the Revised Administrative Code, of the deceased would nevertheless be entitled to
payment of the inheritance tax shall be made before the income of the land until the cestui que trust is
delivering to each beneficiary his share. This actually in esse.
payment should have been made before March 10,
1924, the date when P.J.M. Moore formally assumed Issue:
the function of trustee. Whether or not the collateral heirs are entitled to the income
Although the property was only to be given after 10 of the land until the beneficiary is already identified.
years from the death of Hanley, the court considered
that delivery to the trustee is delivery to cestui que
● No. In order that a trust may be effective, there must
trust, the beneficiary within the meaning of Sec. 1544
be a trustee and a cestui que trust or beneficiary.
● The essential requisites of a Trust is found under
Art. 1440 which states, "A person who establishes
(3) No. Even though there was no express mention of a trust is called the trustor; one in whom confidence
the word “trust” in the will, the court of first instance is reposed as regards property for the benefit of
was correct in appointing a trustee because no another person is known as the trustee; and the
particular or technical words are required to create a person for whose benefit the trust has been created
testamentary trust (69 C.J.,p. 711). The requisites of is referred to as the beneficiary."
a valid testamentary trust are: 1) sufficient words to ● Although it was not expressly provided for in the
raise a trust, 2) a definite subject, 3) a certain or law, it is said that a trust is not void for
ascertained object. There is no doubt that Hanley indefiniteness if by its terms the whole property will
go to the beneficiary or beneficiaries who is/are
intended to create a trust since he ordered in his will
undetermined but will be determined at the
that certain of his properties be kept together
termination of the trust, at the latest. It is not
undisposed during a fixed period or for a stated necessary to the creation of a trust that the cestui
purpose. que trust be named or identified or even be in
existence at the time of its creation; and this is
especially so in regard to charitable trust.
122. GOVERNMENT vs. ABADILLA ● In this case, a liberal interpretation of the will
revealed that the testator intended to create a trust
Facts: for the benefit of the secondary school, naming the
● On January 25, 1892, Luis Palad executed a ayuntamiento of the town or the Civil Governor of
holographic will granting his wife, Dorothea Lopez, the Province as trustee.
the right of exclusive use and possession of several ● If the trustee holds the legal title and the devise
parcels of lands in the Province of Tayabas during (type of will involving real properties) is valid, the
her lifetime or until she remarries. The lands shall natural heirs of the deceased testator have no
remaining interest in the land except their right to
the reversion in the event the devise for some WON the trust fund can be used to satisfy the claims of
reason should fail, an event which has not yet taken other creditors of Legacy?
place. The intention of the testator was to have the RULING:
income of the property accumulate for the benefit of No. The contention of SEC finds support under Section 30
the proposed school until the same should be of the Pre-Need Code where in it clearly provides that the
established. proceeds of trust funds shall redound solely to the
● The lands with lot nos. 3464 and 3469 shall hereby planholders. In no case shall the trust fund assets be used
remain in the possession of the Municipality of to satisfy claims of other creditors of the pre-need company.
Tayabas as trustee until the secondary school is It must be stressed that a person is considered as a
erected. However, the ownership of lot no. 3470 beneficiary of a trust if there is a manifest intention to give
has lawfully passed to Dorothea by prescription, such a person the beneficial interest over the trust
having held possession of the land, adverse to all properties. This categorical declaration doubtless indicates
claimants, since 1904. that the intention of the trustor is to make the planholders
the beneficiaries of the trust properties, and not Legacy. It
NOTE: It is a charitable trust. It is one designed for the is clear that because the beneficial ownership is vested in
benefit of a segment of the public or of the public in general. the planholders and the legal ownership in the trustee, LBP,
It is one created for charitable, educational, social, religious, Legacy, as trustor, is left without any iota of interest in the
or scientific purposes, or for the general benefit of humanity. trust fund.
Legacy is out of the picture and exists only as a
123. SEC v. Liago representative of the trustee, LBP, with the limited role of
“Assets in the trust fund shall at all times remain for the facilitating the delivery of the benefits of the trust fund to the
sole benefit of the planholders. The trust fund assets beneficiaries -the planholders. The trust fund should not
cannot be used to satisfy claims of other creditors of the revert to Legacy, which has no beneficial interest over it. Not
pre-need company.” being an asset of Legacy, the trust fund is immune from its
FACTS: reach and cannot be included by the RTC in the insolvency
Legacy Consolidated Plans, Inc. (Legacy), being a pre-need estate.
provider, complied with the trust fund requirement of the
petitioner, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
and entered into a trust agreement with the Land Bank of
the Philippines (LBP). The industry collapsed and Legacy 124. Miguel J. Ossorio Pension Foundation, Inc v. CA
was unable to pay its obligation to the planholders.. Private
respondents, as planholders, filed a petition for involuntary Facts:
insolvency against Legacy before the the Regional Trial - Petitioner MJOPFI, a non-stock and non-profit
Court (RTC). Accordingly, Legacy was declared insolvent corporation, was organized for the purpose of holding title
and was ordered to submit an inventory of its assets and to and administering the employees’ trust or retirement
liabilities pursuant to the Insolvency Law. The RTC ordered funds (Employees’ Trust Fund) established for the benefit
the SEC to submit the documents pertaining to Legacy's of the employees of Victorias Milling Company, Inc.
assets and liabilities. The SEC opposed the inclusion of the (VMC).
trust fund in the inventory of corporate assets on the - Petitioner, as trustee, claims that the income earned by
guround that to do so would contravene the New Rules on the Employees’ Trust Fund is tax exempt under Section
53(b) of the National Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code).
Registration and Sale of Pre-Need Plans which treated trust
- Petitioner bought the Madrigal Business Park (MBP lot)
funds as principally established for the exclusive purpose of
through VMC. Petitioner alleges that its investment in the
guaranteeing the delivery of benefits due to the planholders.
MBP lot came about upon the invitation of VMC and that
It was added that the inclusion of the trust fund in the
its share in the lot is 49.59%. Petitioner’s investment
insolvent's estate and its being opened to claims by non- manager, the Citytrust Banking Corporation (Citytrust), in
planholders would contravene the purpose for its submitting its Portfolio Mix Analysis, regularly reported
establishment. Despite the opposition of the SEC, the Employees’ Trust Fund’s share in the MBP lot.
respondent Judge Reynaldo M. Laigo (Judge Laigo) - On 26 March 1997, VMC eventually sold the MBP lot to
ordered the insolvency Assignee to take possession of the Metrobank.
trust fund. Judge Laigo viewed the trust fund as Legacy's - Petitioner claims that it is a co-owner of the MBP lot as
corporate assets and included it in the insolvent's estate. trustee of the Employees’ Trust Fund, based on the
The SEC contended that Judge Laigo gravely abused his notarized Memorandum of Agreement. Petitioner
discretion in treating the trust fund as part of the insolvency maintains that its ownership of the MBP lot is supported
estate of Legacy. It argued that the trust fund should by the excerpts of the minutes and the resolutions of
redound exclusively to the benefit of the planholders, who petitioner’s Board Meetings.
are the ultimate beneficial owners. Petitioner further contends that there is no dispute that
RTC: ordered the insolvency Assignee to take possession the Employees’ Trust Fund is exempt from income tax.
of the trust fund. Since petitioner, as trustee, purchased 49.59% of the MBP
lot using funds of the Employees’ Trust Fund, petitioner
asserts that the Employees’ Trust Fund's 49.59% share in
the income tax paid (or P3,037,697.40 rounded off to
P3,037,500) should be refunded. records have been tampered or falsified, and the BIR has
Petitioner filed a Petition for tax refund before the CTA. presented none, the Portfolio Mix Analysis should be given
probative value.
CTA: denied petitioner's claim for refund of withheld
creditable tax of P3,037,500 arising from the sale of real 125. CIR v. CA
property of which petitioner claims to be a co-owner as
trustee of the employees' trust or retirement funds. FACTS:
Private Respondent, GCL Retirement Plan (GCL) is an
CA: agreed with the CTA that pieces of documentary employees' trust maintained by the employer, GCL Inc.,
evidence submitted by petitioner are largely self-serving to provide retirement, pension, disability and death
and can be contrived easily. The CA ruled that these benefits to its employees. The Plan as submitted was
documents failed to show that the funds used to purchase approved and qualified as exempt from income tax by
the Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue in
MBP lot came from the Employees’ Trust Fund. accordance with Rep. Act No. 4917.1
Respondent GCL made investments and earned therefrom
ISSUE: interest income from which was witheld the fifteen per
Whether or not petitioner, as trustee of the Employee’s centum (15%) final witholding tax imposed by Pres.
Trust Fund, is the beneficial owner of 49.59% of the MBP Decree No. 1959,2 which took effect on 15 October 1984.
lot The refund requested having been denied, Respondent
GCL elevated the matter to respondent Court of Tax
RULING: Appeals (CTA).
Yes. CTA ruled in favor of GCL, holding that employees' trusts
- SC ruled that petitioner, as trustee of the Employees’ are exempt from the 15% final withholding tax on interest
Trust Fund, has more than sufficiently established that it income and ordering a refund of the tax withheld.
has an agreement with VMC and VFC to purchase jointly Court of Appeals upheld the CTA Decision.
the MBP lot and to register the MBP lot solely in the name Petitioner submits that the deletion of the exempting and
of VMC for the benefit of petitioner, VMC and VFC. preferential tax treatment provisions under the old law is
- Art. 1452. If two or more persons agree to purchase a a clear manifestation that the single 15% (now 20%) rate
property and by common consent the legal title is taken is impossible on all interest incomes from deposits,
in the name of one of them for the benefit of all, a trust is deposit substitutes, trust funds and similar arrangements,
created by force of law in favor of the others in proportion regardless of the tax status or character of the recipients
to the interest of each. For Article 1452 to apply, all that thereof. In short, petitioner's position is that from 15
a co-owner needs to show is that there is “common October 1984 when Pres. Decree No. 1959 was
consent” among the purchasing co-owners to put the legal promulgated, employees' trusts ceased to be exempt and
title to the purchased property in the name of one co- thereafter became subject to the final withholding tax.
owner for the benefit of all. Once this “common consent” GCL contends that the tax exempt status of the
is shown, “ a trust is created by force of law.” employees' trusts applies to all kinds of taxes, including
- The BIR has no option but to recognize such legal trust the final withholding tax on interest income. That
as well as the beneficial ownership of the real owners exemption, according to GCL, is derived from Section
because the trust is created by force of law. The fact that 56(b) and not from Section 21 (d) or 24 (cc) of the Tax
the title is registered solely in the name of one person is Code, as argued by Petitioner.
not conclusive that he alone owns the property. Thus, this ISSUE: WON employees’ trust (GCL Plan) is exempt from
case turns on whether petitioner can sufficiently establish the 15% final withholding tax on interest income
that petitioner, as trustee of the Employees’ Trust Fund, HELD: Yes. In so far as employees' trusts are concerned,
has a common agreement with VMC and VFC that the foregoing provision should be taken in relation to then
petitioner, VMC and VFC shall jointly purchase the MBP lot Section 56(b) (now 53[b]) of the Tax Code, as amended
and put the title to the MBP lot in the name of VMC for the by Rep. Act No. 1983, supra, which took effect on 22 June
benefit petitioner, VMC and VFC. 1957. This provision specifically exempted employee's
- The CTA ruled that the documents presented by trusts from income tax and is repeated hereunder for
petitioner cannot prove its co-ownership over the MBP lot emphasis:
especially that the TCT, Deed of Absolute Sale and the Sec. 56. Imposition of Tax. — (a) Application of
Remittance Return disclosed that VMC is the sole owner tax. — The taxes imposed by this Title upon
and taxpayer. However, the appellate courts failed to individuals shall apply to the income of estates or
consider the genuineness and due execution of the of any kind of property held in trust.
notarized Memorandum of Agreement acknowledging xxx xxx xxx
petitioner’s ownership of the MBP lot. The BIR failed to (b) Exception. — The tax imposed by this Title
present any clear and convincing evidence to prove that shall not apply to employee's trust which forms
the notarized Memorandum of Agreement is fictitious or part of a pension, stock bonus or profit-sharing
has no legal effect. Likewise, VMC, the registered owner, plan of an employer for the benefit of some or all
did not repudiate petitioner’s share in the MBP lot. of his employees . . .
Further, Citytrust, a reputable banking institution, has The tax-exemption privilege of employees' trusts, as
prepared a Portfolio Mix Analysis for the years 1994 to distinguished from any other kind of property held in trust,
1997 showing that petitioner invested P5,504,748.25 in springs from the foregoing provision. It is unambiguous.
the MBP lot. Absent any proof that the Citytrust bank
Manifest therefrom is that the tax law has singled out
employees' trusts for tax exemption. Cross-claimant Leonicia Geronimo and childred, Asuncion
And rightly so, by virtue of the raison de'etre behind the alleged that they are indebted to her in the sum of P52,928, to
creation of employees' trusts. Employees' trusts or benefit
guarantee the payment of which these cross-defendants had
plans normally provide economic assistance to employees
constituted in her favor a first mortgage and a second mortgage
upon the occurrence of certain contingencies, particularly,
old age retirement, death, sickness, or disability. It
on the fishpond "Kay Gogue" which might be adversely affected
provides security against certain hazards to which if plaintiffs' complaint should prosper, for which reason she set
members of the Plan may be exposed. It is an up a counter-claim for damages against said plaintiffs.
independent and additional source of protection for the
working group. What is more, it is established for their Lower Court - in favor of plaintiffs.
exclusive benefit and for no other purpose.
It is evident that tax exemption is likewise to be enjoyed ISSUE: Whether or not the properties were held by Anacleto in
by the income of the pension trust. Otherwise, taxation of
those earnings would result in a diminution of
accumulated income and reduce whatever the trust
beneficiaries would receive out of the trust fund. This RULING:
would run afoul of the very intendment of the law. Cross- claim dismissed. Decision appealed from is affirmed.

126. Morales v. CA RATIO: It appears that, early in 1955, Maria was borrowing P875
from Tinong Meneses and Delfin Carreon, who were seemingly
See #107 reluctant to deliver any sum of money to her, until a deed of
mortgage, as security thereof, on a property 16 of the
127. Pascual v. Meneses "Komunidad ng mga Meneses" (Community of the Meneses),
shall have been executed. On January 27, 1955, Ramon wrote to
FACTS: The parties are descendants of Celedonio Meneses and Tinong Meneses and Delfin Carreon the letter Exhibit D urging
his wife, Ana Asuncion. The couple had four (4) children, namely, them to meanwhile entrust P300.00 to Maria, assuring the
Alejandro, Anacleto, Fernando and Cirila, all of whom, with the addressees that he (Ramon) would answer, if necessary, for the
exception of Alejandro, who pre-deceased his mother, survived payment of said debt. On the back of the corresponding deed of
their parents. All of them are now deceased. To avoid mortgage, Ramon, likewise, signed a memorandum in Tagalog,
unnecessary repetition, the parties herein will hereafter be dated September 13, 1955, stating that he authorized the
referred to by their Christian names only, except when the mortgage of so much of the aforementioned property as
surname of the person concerned is not Meneses. represented Hermenegildo's share therein by inheritance.

Plaintiffs are descendants of Alejandro, Fernando and Cirila On February 22, 1956, Ramon wrote to Enrica the letter Exhibit
while... F, stating that the same was due to the residential lot in which
Maria had her house; that Alfredo wanted to buy their interest
...defendants are descendants of Anacleto and some alleged in said lot, representing one-fourth (1/4) thereof, the proceeds
descendants of Celedonio and Ana... of which should be divided among Enrica, Ramon, Asuncion,
Benito and Candelaria; that he (Ramon) was agreeable to the
...intervenors are the descendants of Valentin de los Reyes (by sale, under the terms indicated in the letter, and to signing the
second marriage of Ana)... corresponding deed; and that the same could already be
Plaintiff - Celedonio and Ana passed on five immovable
properties to their children by operation of law. The said set of Plaintiffs lay special emphasis upon the phrase "Komunidad ng
properties continued to be owned by the children as co-owners, mga Meneses," in Exhibit D, as establishing that the sixty-five
the management of which was left entrusted to Anacleto. More (65) parcels of land described in the amended complaint
properties were acquired over time through the investment of constituted an undivided community of property, belonging to
the income of the first set of properties. When Anacleto died, his the descendants of Celedonio Meneses and Ana Asuncion. It
children continued to manage the properties and claimed should be noted, however, that said communication refers only
exclusive title thereof. Despite repeated demands from the to the residential lot in which Maria Meneses had her house.
plaintiff for the defendant to account for the income and deliver Maria is a daughter of Fernando, one of the four (4) children of
the plaintiff's share there in. said spouses. It is obvious, however, that the co-ownership over
this single lot does not establish condominion over the sixty-five
Upon the other hand, Asuncion Meneses admitted that the (65) other properties in litigation.
properties referred to in said Paragraph 10 originally belonged to
Celedonio Meneses and Ana Asuncion, and later passed, by As regards plaintiffs' testimonial evidence in support of the
succession, to their children. She denied, however, that said theory that the properties enumerated in Paragraph 10 of the
properties had been held pro indiviso, in trust and or the benefit amended complaint were held by Anacleto for his benefit and
of all of the parties herein.
that of the other children of Celedonio Meneses and Ana hold in trust what might belong to his brothers and
Asuncion, by virtue of an express trust established by said sister as a result of the arrangements and deliver them
children as alleged co-owners thereof pro indiviso; that the lands their share when time comes. The plaintiff repeatedly
described in paragraph 12 (a) of the amended complaint and demanded for their share in the property after Eduardo
acquired with the income derived from the former estate of and Clotilde’s death.
Celedonio Meneses and Ana Asuncion, were, likewise, covered Luis D. Cuaycong moved to dismiss the complaint.
by said express trust and formed part of the Meneses On December 16, 1961, the Court of First Instance
community; that said express trust and community were ruled that the trust alleged, particularly in paragraph
maintained when, upon Anacleto's death, the administration of 8 of the complaint, refers to an immovable which
the properties covered by said Paragraphs 10 and 12 (a) passed under Article 1443 of the Civil Code may not be
to his son, Ramon; that the fifty (50) lots and one (1) "camarin" proved by parole evidence.
described in Paragraph 13 (a) of the amended complaint were Later, the court decreed that since there was no
thereafter purchased by Ramon with funds derived from the amended complaint filed, it was useless to declare
income of said two (2) sets of properties; and that, accordingly, Benjamin Cuaycong in default.
said fifty (50) lots and one (1) "camarin" are, similarly, Plaintiff thereafter manifested that the claim is
encompassed by the aforementioned express trust and form based on an implied trust as shown by paragraph 8
part of the Meneses community, suffice it to note that, "no of the complaint. They added that there being no
express trust concerning an immovable or any interest therein written instrument of trust, they could not amend
may be proved by parol evidence" the complaint to include such instrument.
Paragraph 8 of the complaint state:
Upon the other hand, there is sufficient evidence that the estate That as the said two haciendas were then the
of Celedonio Meneses and Ana Asuncion had already been subject of certain transactions between the spouses
partitioned among and delivered to their heirs. Eduardo Cuaycong and Clotilde de Leon on one
hand, and Justo and Luis D. Cuaycong on the other,
Eduardo Cuaycong told his brother Justo and his
nephew, defendant Luis D. Cuaycong, to hold in
trust what might belong to his brothers and sister as
128. Cuaycong v. Cuaycong a result of the arrangements and to deliver to them
FACTS: their shares when the proper time comes, to which
Eduardo Cuaycong, married to Clotilde de Leon, died Justo and Luis D. Cuaycong agreed.
without issue but with three brothers and a sister
surviving him: Lino, Justo, Meliton and Basilisa. ISSUE: Whether the trust is express or implied.
Upon his death, his properties were distributed to
his heirs as he willed except two haciendas the
Haciendas Sta. Cruz and Pusod both known as
It is an express trust.
Hacienda Bacayan.
Our Civil Code defines an express trust as one
Lino Cuaycong died and was survived by his
created by the intention of the trustor or of the
parties, and an implied trust as one that comes into
Praxedes Cuaycong, married to Jose Betia, is
being by operation of law. Express trusts are those
already deceased and is survived by her children, all
created by the direct and positive acts of the parties,
surnamed Betia.
by some writing or deed or will or by words evidencing
Anastacio Cuaycong, also deceased, is survived by
an intention to create a trust. On the other hand,
his children, all surnamed Cuaycong.
implied trusts are those which, without being
Meliton and Basilisa died without any issue.
expressed, are deducible from the nature of the
On October 3, 1961, the surviving children of Lino
Cuaycong; the surviving children of Anastacio; as transaction by operation of law as matters of equity, in
well as children of deceased Praxedes Cuaycong dependently of the particular intention of the parties.
Betia, filed as pauper litigants, a suit against Justo, Thus, if the intention to establish a trust is clear, the
Luis and Benjamin Cuaycong for conveyance of trust is express; if the intent to establish a trust is to be
inheritance and accounting, before the Court of First taken from circumstances or other matters indicative
Instance of Negros Occidental alleging among others of such intent, then the trust is implied.
that Luis, thru clever strategy, fraud, From these and from the provisions of paragraph 8
misrepresentation and in disregard of Eduardo’s of the complaint itself, we find it clear that the
wishes by causing the issuance in his name of plaintiffs alleged an express trust over an
immovable, especially since it is alleged that the
certificates of title covering Hacienda Bacayan’s
trustor expressly told the defendants of his intention to
properties. They also claimed that Eduardo had an
establish the trust. Such a situation definitely falls
arrangement with Justo and Luis that the latter will
under Article 1443 of the Civil Code.
Article 1453, one of the cases of an implied trust essential to the constitution of a trust. Conversely, the
would apply if the person conveying the property did mere fact that the word "trust" or "trustee" was
not expressly state that he was establishing the employed would not necessarily prove an intention to
trust, unlike the case at bar where he was alleged to create a trust. What is important is whether the trustor
have expressed such intent. manifested an intention to create the kind of
relationship which in law is known as a trust. It is
unimportant that the trustor should know that the
relationship "which he intends to create is called a
trust, and whether or not he knows the precise
129. Julio v. Dalandan
FACTS: characteristics of the relationship which is called a
Clemente Dalandan, deceased father of defendants trust."
Emiliano and Maria Dalandan, acknowledged that a
four-hectare piece of riceland in Las Piñas, Rizal In the given case, while it is true that said deed or
belonging to Victoriana Dalandan, whose only child agreement did not in definitive words institute
and heir is plaintiff Victoria Julio, was posted as defendants as trustees, a duty is therein imposed
security for an obligation which he, Clemente upon them — when the proper time comes — to turn
Dalandan, assumed but, however, failed to fulfill. The over both the fruits and the possession of the property
result was that Victoriana's said land was foreclosed. to Victoria Julio. The trust is effective as against
So Clemente promised to Victoria a farm of about four defendants and in favor of the beneficiary thereof,
hectares to replace the aforesaid foreclosed property. plaintiff Victoria Julio, who accepted it in the document
An affidavit was executed by Clemente which herein itself.
petitioner accepted. Part of the agreement was that his
heirs (Emiliano and Maria) may not be forced to give 130. Heirs of Tranquilino Labiste v. Heirs of Jose Labiste
up the harvest of the farm and neither may the land be
demanded immediately. FACTS: On Sept. 29, 1919, Epifanio Labiste, in his and his siblings'
behalf, who were heirs of Jose, purchased a 13,308 sqm lot with
After the death of Clemente Dalandan, plaintiff Lot No. 1054 in Cebu. To which a deed of conveyance was
requested from defendants who succeeded in the executed to the Epifanio and his siblings.
possession of the land, to deliver the same to her.
However defendants "insisted that according to the After full payment of the price but prior to the issuance of the
agreement", neither delivery of the land nor the fruits deed of conveyance, Epifanio executed an affidavit affirming that
thereof could immediately be demanded. Plaintiff he, as an heir of Jose, and his uncle, petitioner's predecessor-in-
acceded to this contention of defendants and allowed interest of Tranquilino, then co-owned the lot. Since the money
them to continue to remain in possession. Plaintiff also paid for the purchase came from the two of them. Tranquilino
demanded to fix the period within which they would and the heirs of Jose continued to hold the property jointly. The
deliver the above-described parcels of land but lots were then subdivided into two lots of an area of 6,664 sqm
defendants have refused and until now still refuse to Lot No. 1054-A for Tranquilino and Lot No. 1054-B to Epifanio.
fix a specific time within which they would deliver it.
Defendants also aver that recognition of the trust may On Oct. 18, 1939, heirs of Tranquilino purchased the 1/2 interest
of Jose for P300 as evidenced by the Calig-onan sa Panagpalit.
not be proved by evidence aliunde or parol evidence.
When WWII broke out, the heirs of Tranquilino fled Cebu, though
they came back subsequently.
LC: Ruled in favor of the defendants.
Asuncion filed for a petition for reconstitution of title over Lot
ISSUE: WON there was an expressed trust.
No. 1054, which petitioner opposed. The Register of Deeds of
Cebu City issued the reconstituted title in the name of Epifanio
and his siblings, heirs of Jose. Petitioners filed a complaint for
Yes, Article 1444 of the Civil Code states that: "No annulment of title seeking the reconveyance of property and
particular words are required for the creation of an damages. Respondents claiming that the affidavit and Calig-onan
express trust, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly sa Panagpalit were forgeries and petitioners' actions had long
intended." prescribed.

Technical or particular forms of words or phrases are RTC - In favor of petitioners. Action has not prescribed as te
not essential to the manifestation of intention to create complaint was filed about a year after the reconstitution of the
a trust or to the establishment thereof. Nor would the title by respondents.
use of some such words as "trust" or "trustee"
CA - Reversed RTC. though affirming petitioner's right to the FACTS:
property. Reversed on the ground of prescription and laches.
An action was instituted at the Court of First
ISSUE: Whether or not what is involved in the case is an express Instance of the Province of Pampanga, for the
trust. purpose of enforcing partition of some ten parcels
of real property located in the municipality of Santa
RULING: Yes. Reversed and Set Aside CA Ruling. RTC ruling Ana, in the province of Pampanga. It asserted that
reinstated with modification. Petitioners declared absolute the plaintiffs are co owners with the defendants
owners of 1/2 of lot #1054 and #1054-A Modesta, Pedro and Rafael. At the same time the
plaintiffs seek to obtain an accounting from
RATIO: Trust is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of property, Modesta Gamboa of the plaintiffs' shares in the
the legal title to which is vested in another. It is a fiduciary procedure taken from the land in the past.
relationship that obliges the trustee to deal with the property for To this complaint Modesta Gamboa answered with
the benefit of the beneficiary. Trust relations between parties a general denial, supplemented by an admission
may either be express or implied. An express trust is created by that the single parcel constituting the last item
the intention of the trustor or of the parties. An implied trust specified in the complaint and identified as tax No.
comes into being by operation of law. 6247, is in fact common property of herself and the
plaintiffs who are her coheirs, and asserting, as to
Express trusts are created by direct and positive acts of the the rest, that she is the owner of the same and has
parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words either been in adverse possession thereof for more than
expressly or impliedly evincing an intention to create a trust. ten years. The defendant Rafael and Pedro Gamboa
Under Article 1444 of the Civil Code, "[n]o particular words are answered with a formal general denial, but at the
required for the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient trial they admitted the claim to Modesta Gamboa
that a trust is clearly intended." The Affidavit of Epifanio is in the as owner of the contested properties.
nature of a trust agreement. Epifanio affirmed that the lot All of the properties that are the subject of this
brought in his name was co-owned by him, as one of the heirs of action once belonged to the parents of the first set
of Gamboa plaintiffs of the three defendants of the
Jose, and his uncle Tranquilino. And by agreement, each of them
same name.
has been in possession of half of the property. Their arrangement
was corroborated by the subdivision plan prepared by Engr.
Juan Gamboa and wife sold all of the properties
Bunagan and approved by Jose P. Dans, Acting Director of Lands. which are the subject of this action, except the
parcel identified by the tax assessment No. 6247,
As such, prescription and laches will run only from the time the under contract of sale with pacto de retro for two
express trust is repudiated. The Court has held that for years to one Felipe Javier, the vendors, however,
acquisitive prescription to bar the action of the beneficiary remaining in possession in the character of lessees.
against the trustee in an express trust for the recovery of the The period of redemption having been effected,
property held in trust it must be shown that: (a) the trustee has and the property consolidated in Javier. But Juan
performed unequivocal acts of repudiation amounting to an Gamboa, and after his death, his family, continued
ouster of the cestui que trust; (b) such positive acts of in possession as tenants under Javier. This
repudiation have been made known to the cestui que trust, and arrangement continued until the death of Ana
Manag, widow of Juan Gamboa.
(c) the evidence thereon is clear and conclusive. Respondents
cannot rely on the fact that the Torrens title was issued in the
Javier then absolute owner of the properties which
name of Epifanio and the other heirs of Jose. It has been held he had purchased as above stated, conveyed the
that a trustee who obtains a Torrens title over property held in same to the sisters Feliciana and Modesta Gamboa
trust by him for another cannot repudiate the trust by relying on for the price less than the price for which he had
the registration. The rule requires a clear repudiation of the trust originally purchased them. To secure these
duly communicated to the beneficiary. The only act that can be deferred payments the parties declared that a
construed as repudiation was when respondents filed the mortgage was created upon the property which
petition for reconstitution in October 1993. And since petitioners was the subject of conveyance.
filed their complaint in January 1995, their cause of action has
not yet prescribed, laches cannot be attributed to them. Subsequently, Modesta Gamboa and her sister
Feliciana entered into a written partition of the
parcels of property which had been purchased by
them from Javier. In this partition Feliciana was
131. Gamboa v. Gamboa
content with a much smaller portion than Modesta.
PETRONA GAMBOA, ET AL - plaintiffs-appellees,
MODESTA GAMBOA, ET AL - defendants- The proof shows that ever since the property in
appellants. question was conveyed by Javier to the Gamboa
sisters, the same has been continuously in the
possession of Modesta, except for the two years
when, by some arrangement or other, one of her Clearly, the sisters bought the land as their own
brothers had charge as manager. During this and not in trust for their relatives.
period Modesta exercised all the rights of
ownership, accounting of course to Feliciana for the
latter's share of the produce during the term of 132. Cañezo v. Rojas
their ownership.
Alleged Trustor: Soledad Canezo
For the petitioners, this buying of the land was in Alleged Trustee: Crispulo Rojas
effect a repurchase by Feliciana and Modesta of the Second Wife of Trustee: Concepcion Rojas
land in behalf of their ancestors.
ISSUE: Whether the purchase of the land by the Soledad Canezo filed a Complaint for the recovery of real
Gamboa sisters was in fact, in trust only for the property plus damages with the MTC of Naval, Biliran
Juan Gamboa and in effect, be only co-owners as against her father’s second wife, respondent Concepcion
co-heirs with the petitioners? Rojas. The subject property is an unregistered land.
Canezo claims that she bought the parcel of land in 1939
from Crisogono Limpiado, although the transaction was
not reduced in writing. She immediately took possession
of the property. When she and her husband left for
This theory of the case, in our opinion, is
Mindanao in 1948, she entrusted the said land to her
father, Crispulo Rojas, who took possession of, and
cultivated, the property. In 1980, she found out that the
The sale of the property by Javier to the two sisters
respondent, her stepmother, was in possession of the
in 1910 was an unconditional transfer of title to
property and was cultivating the same. She also
them, inasmuch as Javier had been undisputed
discovered that the tax declaration over the property was
owner of the property for fully eleven years. Of already in the name of Crispulo Rojas.
course if it had really been agreed that the sisters Respondent asserted that, contrary to the petitioners
were purchasing the property in a trust character, claim, it was her husband, Crispulo Rojas, who bought the
that agreement might have been enforced, but the property from Crisogono Limpiado in 1948, which
nature of the title held by the sisters and the accounts for the tax declaration being in Crispulos name.
inconclusive character of the proof of trusteeship From then on, until his death in 1978, Crispulo possessed
refute this theory. and cultivated the property. Upon his death, the property
was included in his estate, which was administered by a
We attribute little importance to the form in which special administrator, Bienvenido Ricafort. The petitioner,
the property was assessed for taxation, in view of as heir, even received her share in the produce of the
the explanation which Modesta gives of the estate. The respondent further contended that the
obstructions which she encountered in petitioner ought to have impleaded all of the heirs as
straightening that matter out. The situation, as we defendants. She also argued that the fact that petitioner
see it, is that Modesta Gamboa, during the period filed the complaint only in 1997 means that she had
in which she has been part owner of the property already abandoned her right over the property.
and during the later period in which she has held MTC rendered decision in favour of the petitioner.
title in her own name, has been surrounded by RTC reversed the MTC decision on the ground that the
kinsfolk who were anxious to insinuate themselves action had already prescribed and acquisitive prescription
into a coownership of the property, and this had set in.
litigation was undoubtedly promoted chiefly by her Petitioner filed an MR and RTC amended its original
brother Serapion Gamboa. But it is noteworthy that decision and held that the action has not yet prescribed
at least two brothers have admitted her title. considering that the petitioner merely entrusted the
property to her father.
The trial judge seems to have entertained the idea CA reversed the Amended Decision of the RTC
ISSUE: WON there was a trust relationship between
that the case must turn upon the character of the
Soledad Canezo and Crispulo Rojas.
possession exercised by Modesta Gamboa during
HELD: No. As a rule the burden of proving the existence
the period allowed by law for prescription; and he
of a trust is on the party asserting its existence, and such
assumed that it was necessary for her to show
proof must be clear and satisfactorily show the existence
adverse possession during that period. This idea is
of the trust and its elements. The presence of the following
not of correct application, because Modesta
elements must be proved: (1) a trustor or settlor who
Gamboa, either cojointly with her sister Feliciana or
executes the instrument creating the trust; (2) a trustee,
exclusively in her own right, has held the legal title
who is the person expressly designated to carry out the
since 1910; and the fact that her brother and trust; (3) the trust res, consisting of duly identified and
sisters may have questioned her right during the definite real properties; and (4) the cestui que trust, or
ten years next preceding the institution of this beneficiaries whose identity must be clear. Accordingly, it
action does not have the effect of impairing her was incumbent upon petitioner to prove the existence of
the trust relationship. And petitioner sadly failed to express trust is created by the intention of the trustor or
discharge that burden. of the parties, while an implied trust comes into being by
operation of law.

133. Go v. Estate of Felisa Tamio de Buenaventura Express trusts are created by direct and positive acts of
the parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words
Facts: Felisa Buenaventura, the mother of the Petitioner either expressly or impliedly evincing an intention to
Bella and respondents Resurreccion, Rhea and Regina, create a trust
owned a parcel of land with a three-storey building. In From the letter executed by Felisa, it unequivocally and
1960, Felisa transferred the same to her daughter Bella, absolutely declared her intention of transferring the title
married to Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr., the common-law over the subject property to Bella, Delfin, Sr., and
husband of Felisa, to assist them in procuring a loan from Felimon, Sr. in order to merely accommodate them in
the GSIS. In view thereof, her title over the property, TCT securing a loan from the GSIS. She likewise stated clearly
No. 45951/T-233, was cancelled and a new one, TCT No. that she was retaining her ownership over the subject
49869, was issued in the names of Bella, married to property and articulated her wish to have her heirs share
Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr. equally therein. Hence, while in the beginning, an implied
trust was merely created between Felisa, as trustor, and
Upon Felisa's death in 1994, the Bihis Family, Felisa's Bella, Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr., as both trustees and
other heirs who have long been occupying the subject beneficiaries, the execution of the September 21, 1970
property, caused the annotation of their adverse claim letter settled, once and for all, the nature of the trust
over the property. However, the annotation was established between them as an express one, their true
cancelled, and thereafter a new TCT over the property was intention irrefutably extant thereon.
issued in the names of Bella, et al. Finally, by virtue of a
Deed of Sale dated January 23, 1997, the subject 2. Anent the issue of prescription, the Court finds that the
property was sold to Wilson and Peter, in whose names action for reconveyance instituted by respondents has not
TCT No. 170475 currently exists. A complaint for yet prescribed, following the jurisprudential rule that
reconveyance was then filed. express trusts prescribe in ten (10) years from the time
the trust is repudiated.
RTC: there was an implied trust between Felisa, on the
one hand, and Bella and Felimon, Sr., on the other, In this case, there was a repudiation of the express trust
created by operation of law. However, the RTC held that when Bella, as the remaining trustee, sold the subject
reconveyance can no longer be effected since the subject property to Wilson and Peter on January 23, 1997. As the
property had already been transferred to Wilson and complaint for reconveyance and damages was filed by
Peter, whom it found to be purchasers in good. Also, Bella, respondents on October 17, 1997, or only a few months
Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr. were unjustly enriched at the after the sale of the subject property to Wilson and Peter,
expense of the respondents who, as compulsory heirs, it cannot be said that the same has prescribed.
were also entitled to their share in the subject property,
the RTC directed Bella, et al. to pay plaintiffs, jointly and 3. Wilson and Peter are not purchasers in good faith.
severally. A purchaser in good faith is one who buys the property of
another without notice that some other person has a
CA: upheld the RTC's finding that an implied trust was right to, or an interest in, such property and pays a
constituted between Felisa, during her lifetime, and Bella, full and fair price for the same at the time of such
Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr. when the former sold the purchase, or before he has notice of some other person
subject property to the latter, and that the present action 's claim or interest i n the property. The existence of an
for reconveyance has not prescribe. However, Wilson and annotation on the title covering the subject property and
Peter were found to not be purchasers im good faith due of the occupation thereof by individuals other than the
to their knowledge of the adverse claim. sellers negates any presumption of good faith on the part
of Wilson and Peter when they purchased the subject
Issues: 1. Whether or not a trust was established between
Felisa and Bella, Delfin,Sr., and Felimon, Sr.
2. Whether or not the action for reconveyance
IV. Implied Trusts
has prescribed.
3. Whether or not Wilson and Peter are 134. Juan v. Yap, Sr.
purchasers in good faith.
● The spouses Maximo and Dulcisima Cañeda
1. An express trust was created. mortgaged to petitioner Richard Juan (petitioner),
Trust is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of property, employee and nephew of respondent Gabriel Yap,
the legal title to which is vested in another. It is a fiduciary Sr. (respondent), two parcels of land in Talisay,
relationship that obliges the trustee to deal with the Cebu to secure a loan of P1.68 million, payable
property for the benefit of the beneficiary. Trust relations within one year.
between parties may either be express or implied. An
● Petitioner, represented by Atty. Solon, sought the loan the Contract secured; and (3) respondent shouldered
extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage. the payment of the foreclosure expenses. Instead,
Although petitioner and respondent participated in however, of annulling the Contract, the CA held that
the auction sale, the properties were sold to reformation was the proper remedy, with the MOA
petitioner for tendering the highest bid of P2.2 "serv[ing] as the correction done by the parties to reveal
million. No certificate of sale was issued to their true intent."
petitioner, however, for his failure to pay the
sale’s commission. ISSUE:

● Respondent and the Cañeda spouses executed a Whether an implied trust arose between petitioner and
memorandum of agreement (MOA) where (1) the respondent, binding petitioner to hold the beneficial title
Cañeda spouses acknowledged respondent as over the mortgaged properties in trust for respondent
their "real mortgagee-creditor x x x while Richard
Juan [petitioner] is merely a trustee" of RULING:
respondent; (2) respondent agreed to allow the
Cañeda spouses to redeem the foreclosed Yes, there is an implied trust between the petitioner and
properties for P1.2 million; and (3) the Cañeda the respondent.
spouses and respondent agreed to initiate judicial
action "either to annul or reform the [Contract] or An implied trust arising from mortgage contracts is not
to compel Richard Juan to reconvey the among the trust relationships the Civil Code enumerates.
mortgagee’s rights" to respondent as trustor. The Code itself provides, however, that such listing "does
not exclude others established by the general law on trust
● Three days later, the Cañeda spouses and x x x." Under the general principles on trust, equity
respondent sued petitioner in the Regional Trial converts the holder of property right as trustee for the
Court of Cebu City (trial court) to declare benefit of another if the circumstances of its acquisition
respondent as trustee of petitioner vis a vis the makes the holder ineligible "in x x x good conscience [to]
Contract, annul petitioner’s bid for the foreclosed hold and enjoy [it]." As implied trusts are remedies
properties, declare the Contract "superseded or against unjust enrichment, the "only problem of great
novated" by the MOA, and require petitioner to importance in the field of constructive trusts is whether in
pay damages, attorney’s fees and the costs. The the numerous and varying factual situations presented x
Cañeda spouses consigned with the trial court the x x there is a wrongful holding of property and hence, a
amount of P1.68 million as redemption payment. threatened unjust enrichment of the defendant."
Petitioner insisted on his rights over the
mortgaged properties. Petitioner also Applying these principles, this Court recognized
counterclaimed for damages and attorney’s fees unconventional implied trusts in contracts involving the
and the turn-over of the owner’s copy of the titles purchase of housing units by officers of tenants’
for the mortgaged properties. associations in breach of their obligations, the partitioning
of realty contrary to the terms of a compromise
RTC: ruled against respondent and his co-plaintiffs and agreement, and the execution of a sales contract
granted reliefs to petitioner by declaring petitioner the indicating a buyer distinct from the provider of the
"true and real" mortgagee, ordering respondent to pay purchase money. In all these cases, the formal holders of
moral damages and attorney’s fees, and requiring title were deemed trustees obliged to transfer title to the
respondent to deliver the titles in question to petitioner. beneficiaries in whose favor the trusts were deemed
The trial court, however, granted the Cañeda spouses’ created. We see no reason to bar the recognition of the
prayer to redeem the property and accordingly ordered same obligation in a mortgage contract meeting the
the release of the redemption payment to petitioner. In standards for the creation of an implied trust.
arriving at its ruling, the trial court gave primacy to the
terms of the Contract, rejecting respondent’s theory in 135. Heirs of Narvasa, Sr. v. Imbornal
light of his failure to assert beneficial interest over the
mortgaged properties for nearly four years. Facts:
Basilia owned a parcel of land situated at
Respondent appealed to CA
Sabangan, Pangasinan which she conveyed to her
CA: granted the petition, set aside the trial court’s three (3) daughters Balbina, Alejandra, and Catalina
ruling, declared respondent the Contract’s mortgagee, (Imbornal sisters) sometime in 1920. Meanwhile,
directed the trial court to release the redemption payment Catalina’s husband, Ciriaco Abrio (Ciriaco), applied for
to respondent, and ordered petitioner to pay damages and and was granted a homestead patent over a 31,367-
attorney’s fees. The CA found the following circumstances sq. m. riparian land(Motherland) adjacent to the
crucial in its concurrence with respondent’s theory,
Cayanga River in San Fabian,Pangasinan. He
notwithstanding the terms of the Contract: (1) Solon
testified that he drew up the Contract naming petitioner
was eventually awarded Homestead Patent
as mortgagee upon instructions of respondent; (2) No.2499115 therefor, and, on December 5, 1933,
Dulcisima Cañeda acknowledged respondent as the OCT No. 1462 was issued in his name.
creditor from whom she and her husband obtained the Later, or on May 10, 1973, OCT No. 1462 was
cancelled, and Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. in the Motherland and in the accretions thereon, or
10149516 was issued in the name of Ciriaco’s their pecuniary equivalent; and (b) pay actual
heirs, namely: Margarita Mejia; Rodrigo Abrio, damages in the amount of P100,000.00, moral
married to Rosita Corpuz; Antonio Abrio, married to damages in the amountofP100,000.00, and attorney’s
Crisenta Corpuz;Remedios Abrio, married to Leopoldo fees in the sum ofP10,000.00, as well as costs of suit.
Corpuz; Pepito Abrio; Dominador Abrio; Francisca CA: reversed and set aside the RTC Decision and
Abrio; Violeta Abrio; and Perla Abrio (Heirs of entering a new one declaring: (a)the descendants of
Ciriaco).Ciriaco and his heirs had since occupied the Ciriaco as the exclusive owners of the Motherland;(b)
northern portion of the Motherland, while respondents the descendants of respondent Victoriano as the
occupied the southern portion.Sometime in 1949, the exclusive owners of the First Accretion; and (c) the
First Accretion, approximately 59,772 sq. m. in area, descendants of Pablo (i.e., respondents collectively)
adjoined the southern portion of the Motherland. On as the exclusive owners of the Second Accretion. At
August 15, 1952, OCT No. P-318 was issued in the odds with the CA’s disposition, Francisco et al. filed a
name of respondent Victoriano, married to Esperanza motion for reconsideration which was, however
Narvarte, covering the First Accretion.Decades later, denied by the CA in a Resolution dated May
or in 1971, the Second Accretion, which had an area 7, 2008, hence, this petition taken by the latter’s
of 32,307 sq. m., more or less, abutted the First heirs as their successors-in-interest.
Accretion on its southern portion.
On November 10, 1978, OCT No. 21481 was Issue:
issued in the names of all the respondents covering Whether there an implied trust between the Imbornal
the Second Accretion. Claiming rights over the entire sisters and Ciriaco.
Motherland, Francisco, et al., as the children of
Alejandra and Balbina, filed on February 27,1984 an Held: No
Amended Complaint for reconveyance, partition, The main thrust of Francisco, et al.’s Amended
and/or damages against respondents, docketed as Complaint is that an implied trust had arisen between
Civil Case No. D-6978. They anchored their claim on the Imbornal sisters, on the one hand, and Ciriaco, on
the allegation that Ciriaco, with the help of his wife the other, with respect to the Motherland. This implied
Catalina, urged Balbina and Alejandra to sell the trust is anchored on their allegation that the proceeds
Sabangan property. Likewise, Francisco, et al. alleged from the sale of the Sabangan property – an
that through deceit, fraud, falsehood, and inheritance of their predecessors, the Imbornal sisters
misrepresentation, respondent Victoriano, with – were used for the then-pending homestead
respect to the First Accretion, and the respondents application filed by Ciriaco over the Motherland. As
collectively, with regard to the Second Accretion, had such, Francisco, et al. claim that they are, effectively,
illegally registered the said accretions in their names, co-owners of the Motherland together with Ciriaco’s
notwithstanding the fact that they were not the riparian heirs.
owners (as they did not own the Motherland to An implied trust arises, not from any
which the accretions merely formed adjacent to). presumed intention of the parties, but by
In this relation, Francisco, et al. explained that they did operation of law in order to satisfy the demands of
not assert their inheritance claims over the Motherland justice and equity and to protect against unfair
and the two (2) accretions because they respected dealing or downright fraud.44 To reiterate, Article
respondents’ rights, until they discovered in 1983 that 1456 of the Civil Code states that "[i]f property is
respondents have repudiated their(Francisco, et al.’s) acquired through mistake or fraud, the person
shares thereon.22Thus, bewailing that respondent obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a
shave refused them their rights not only with respect trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the
to the Motherland, but also to the subsequent person from whom the property comes."
accretions, Francisco, et al. prayed for their
conveyance of said properties, or, in the alternative, The burden of proving the existence of a trust
the payment of their value, as well as the award of is on the party asserting its existence, and such proof
moral damages in the amount of P100,000.00, actual must be clear and satisfactorily show the existence of
damages in the amount of P150,000.00,including the trust and its elements.45 While implied trusts may
attorney’s fees and other costs.23On be proven by oral evidence, the evidence must be
trustworthy and received by the courts with extreme
RTC: rendered a Decision in favor of Francisco, caution, and should not be made to rest on loose,
et al. and thereby directed respondents to: (a) equivocal or indefinite declarations. Trustworthy
reconvey to Francisco, et al. their respective portions evidence is required because oral evidence can easily
be fabricated.46 property.
In this case, it cannot be said, merely on the
basis of the oral evidence offered by Francisco, et al.,
that the Motherland had been either mistakenly or 136. Salao v. Salao
fraudulently registered in favor of Ciriaco. Accordingly, Facts:
it cannot be said either that he was merely a trustee of
The spouses Manuel Salao and Valentina Ignacio of Barrio
an implied trust holding the Motherland for the benefit Dampalit, Malabon, Rizal begot four children named
of the Imbornal sisters or their heirs. Patricio, Alejandra, Juan (Banli) and Ambrosia. Manuel
As the CA had aptly pointed out, a homestead Salao died in 1885. His eldest son, Patricio, died in 1886
patent award requires proof that the applicant meets survived by his only child. Valentin Salao.
the stringent conditions set forth under
Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, which After Valentina’s death, her estate was administered by her
daughter Ambrosia.
includes actual possession, cultivation, and
improvement of the homestead. It must be presumed, The documentary evidence proves that in 1911 or prior to
therefore, that Ciriaco underwent the rigid process the death of Valentina Ignacio her two children, Juan Y.
and duly satisfied the strict conditions necessary Salao, Sr. and Ambrosia Salao, secured a Torrens title,
for the grant of his homestead patent application. OCT No. 185 of the Registry of Deeds of Pampanga, in their
As such, it is highly implausible that the Motherland names
had been acquired and registered by mistake or
The property in question is the forty-seven-hectare fishpond
through fraud as would create an implied trust
located at Sitio Calunuran, Lubao, Pampanga, wherein
between the Imbornal sisters and Ciriaco, especially
Benita Salao-Marcelo daughter of Valentin Salao claimed
considering the dearth of evidence showing that the 1/3 interest on the said fishpond.
Imbornal sisters entered into the possession of the
Motherland, or a portion thereof, or asserted any right The defendant Juan Y. Salao Jr. inherited from his father
over the same at any point during their lifetime. Hence, Juan Y. Salao, Sr. ½ of the fishpond and the other half from
when OCT No. 1462 covering the Motherland was the donation of his auntie Ambrosia Salao.
issued in his name pursuant to Homestead Patent No.
It was alleged in the said case that Juan Y. Salao, Sr and
24991 on December 15, 1933, Ciriaco’s title to the
Ambrosia Salao had engaged in the fishpond business.
Motherland had become indefeasible. It bears to Where they obtained the capital and that Valentin Salao and
stress that the proceedings for land registration that Alejandra Salao were included in that joint venture, that the
led to the issuance of Homestead Patent No. 24991 funds used were the earnings of the properties supposedly
and eventually, OCT No. 1462 in Ciriaco’s name are inherited from Manuel Salao, and that those earnings were
presumptively regular and proper,49 which used in the acquisition of the Calunuran fishpond. There is
presumption has not been overcome by the evidence no documentary evidence to support that theory.
presented by Francisco, et al.
The lawyer of Benita Salao and the Children of Victorina
In this light, the Court cannot fully accept and
Salao in a letter dated January 26, 1951 informed Juan S.
accord evidentiary value to the oral testimony offered Salao, Jr. that his clients had a one-third share in the two
by Francisco, et al. on the alleged verbal agreement fishponds and that when Juani took possession thereof in
between their predecessors, the Imbornal sisters, and 1945, in which he refused to give Benita and Victorina’s
Ciriaco with respect to the Motherland. Weighed children their one-third share of the net fruits which allegedly
against the presumed regularity of the award of the amounted to P200,000. However, there was no mention on
homestead patent to Ciriaco and the lack of evidence the deeds as to the share of Valentin and Alejandra.
showing that the same was acquired and registered by
Juan S. Salao, Jr. in his answer dated February 6, 1951
mistake or through fraud, the oral evidence of
categorically stated that Valentin Salao did not have any
Francisco, et al.would not effectively establish their interest in the two fishponds and that the sole owners
claims of ownership. It has been held that oral thereof his father Banli and his aunt Ambrosia, as shown in
testimony as to a certain fact, depending as it does the Torrens titles issued in 1911 and 1917, and that he Juani
exclusively on human memory, is not as reliable as was the donee of Ambrosia’s one-half share.
written or documentary evidence, especially since the
purported agreement transpired decades ago, or in Benita Salao and her nephews and niece asked for the
the 1920s. Hence, with respect to the Motherland, the annulment of the donation to Juan S. Salao, Jr. and for the
reconveyance to them of the Calunuran fishpond as
CA did not err in holding that Ciriaco and his heirs are
Valentin Salao’s supposed one-third share in the 145
the owners thereof, without prejudice to the rights of
hectares of fishpond registered in the names of Juan Y.
any subsequent purchasers for value of the said Salao, Sr. and Ambrosia Salao.
RTC: dismissed complaint and counter-claim more restricted sense and as contra-distinguished from a
resulting trust, a constructive trust is "a trust not created by
CA: elevated the case to SC for amount has exceeded any words, either expressly or impliedly evincing a direct
P200,000. intension to create a trust, but by the construction of equity
in order to satisfy the demands of justice." It does not arise
"by agreement or intention, but by operation of law." Thus,
ISSUE: Is plaintiffs' massive oral evidence sufficient to "if property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person
prove an implied trust, resulting or constructive, regarding obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an
the two fishponds? implied trust for the benefit of the person from whom the
property comes"
HELD: There was no resulting trust in this case Trust; Trust may be proven by clear satisfactory and
because there never was any intention on the part of convincing evidence; Express and Implied Trust; Whn
Juan Y. Salao, Sr., Ambrosia Salao and Valentin Salao Parol Evidence Available; reasons: "No express trusts
to create any trust. There was no constructive trust concerning an immovable or any interest therein may be
because the registration of the two fishponds in the proven by parol evidence. An implied trust may be proven
names of Juan and Ambrosia was not vitiated by fraud by oral evidence" (Ibid, Arts. 1443 and 1457).
or mistake. This is not a case where to satisfy the
demands of justice it is necessary to consider the
Calunuran fishpond "being held in trust by the heirs of 137. Municipality of Victorias v. CA
Juan Y. Salao, Sr. for the heirs of Valentin Salao. And
even assuming that there was an implied trust, Parties (of Implied Trust):
plaintiffs' action is clearly barred by prescription or
Trustor: Simeona Jinco Vda. De Ditching
Trusts; Nature of: "In its technical legal sense, a trust is
Trustee: Norma Leuenberger
defined as the right, enforceable solely in equity, to the
Beneficiary / cestui que trust: Municipality of Victoria
beneficial enjoyment of property, the legal title to which is
vested in another, but the word 'trust' is frequently employed
to indicate duties, relations, and responsibilities which are FACTS
not strictly technical trust”
Trust; Juridical Concept: A person who establishes a trust 1. Norma Leuenberger (Norma) inherited the whole of Lot
is called the trustor; one in whom confidence is reposed as No. 140 from her grandmother, Simeona J. Vda. de
regards property for the benefit of another person is known Ditching.
as the trustee; and the person for whose benefit the trust 2. In 1952, she donated a portion of Lot No. 140, about 3
has been created is referred to as the beneficiary" (Art. ha., to the municipality for the ground of a certain high
1440, Civil Code). There is a fiduciary relation between the school and had 4 ha. converted into a subdivision.
trustee and the cestui que trust as regards certain property, 3. In 1963, she had the remaining 21 ha. relocated by a
real, personal, money or choses in action. surveyor upon request of lessee Ramon Jover who
Trust; Express Trusts: Express trusts are created by the complained of being prohibited by municipal officials
intention of the trustor or of the parties. "No particular words from cultivating the land. It was then that she
are required for the creation of an express trust, it being discovered that the parcel of land, more or less 4 ha. is
sufficient that a trust is clearly intended. Express trusts are
used by Municipality of Victorias, as a cemetery, since
those which are created by the direct and positive acts of
1934, is within her property, identified as Lot 76.
the parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words
4. On May 20, 1963, Norma wrote the Mayor of Victorias
either expressly or impliedly evincing an intention to create
regarding her discovery, demanding payment of past
a trust.
Trust; Implied Trust: Implied trusts come into being by rentals and requesting delivery of the area allegedly
operation of law. Implied trusts are those which, without illegally occupied by the Municipality. When the Mayor
being expressed, are deducible from the nature of the replied that the land was bought, she asked to be shown
transaction as matters of intent, or which are superinduced the papers concerning the sale but was referred by the
on the transaction by operation of law as matter of equity, Mayor to the municipal treasurer who refused to show
independently of the particular intention of the parties. the same.
Trust; Implied Trust; Resulting Trust: A resulting trust. is 5. Norma then, who after her death was substitued by
broadly defined as a trust which is raised or created by the husband Francisco Soliva, filed a complaint in the Court
act or construction of law, but in its more restricted sense it of First Instance of Negros Occidental for recovery of
is a trust raised by implication of law and presumed to have possession of the parcel of land occupied by the
been contemplated by the parties, the intention as to which municipal cemetery.
is to be found in the nature of their transaction, but not 6. In answer, Victoria Municipality, by way of special
expressed in the deed or instrument of conveyance.
defense, alleged ownership of the lot having bought it
Trust; Trust may be proven by clear satisfactory and
from Simeona Jingco Vda. de Ditching sometime in
convincing evidence: A constructive trust is -a trust "raised
by construction of law, or arising by operation of law". In a
7. CFI of Negros Occidental dismissed complaint for indubitably shown in the notarial register in question, Simeona
recovery of possession and declared the cemetery site was still the administratrix of the properties left by her husband,
on Lot No. 76 as property of the municipality of Gonzalo and of their conjugal partnership. Consequently, she is
Victorias. the only person who could legally dispose of by sale this
8. CA set aside CFI decision, ordered municipality officials particular four- hectare portion of Lot 140. And so it is, that in
to return/deliver possession of the portion of Lot 76 1934, Simeona Ditching in her capacity as judicial administratrix
used as cemetery or burial site, and pay damages. made and executed the document described in the Report as
9. Hence this petition for certiorari Lots 140-A and 140-B, showing clearly that they are portions of
10. SC set aside CA decision, reinstated decision of CFI. the original big Lot 140. As this conveyance was executed by the
judicial administratrix, unquestionably the party authorized to
ISSUE dispose of the same, the presumption must be that she did so
upon proper authority of the Court of First Instance.
WON the possession of Norma Leuenberger of Lot 76 is that of a Unfortunately, the Municipality failed to register the Deed of
trustee to an implied trust by her grandmother Simeona for the Sale such that when Simeona died, Norma inherited and
benefit of the municipality of Victoria. successfully registered the the property under the Torrens
It is well-settled that under the Torrens System "Every person
Yes, the possession of Lot 76 by Norma is that of a trustee. receiving a certificate of title in pursuance of a decree of
registration, . . . shall hold the same free of all encumbrance
In lieu of a Deed of Sale, petitioner Municipality of Victoria except those noted on said certificate …
presented a certificate issued by the Archives Division of the
Bureau of Records Management in Manila containing entries in While an inherently defective Torrens title may not ordinarily
the notarial register that clearly show: (a) the nature of the be cancelled even after proof of its defect, the law nevertheless
instrument. — a deed of sale; (b) the subject of the sale — two safeguards the rightful party's interest in the titled land from
parcels of land, Lot Nos. 140-A and 140-B; (c) the parties of the fraud and improper use of technicalities by showing such party,
contract — the vendor Simeona J. Vda. de Ditching in her in appropriate cases, to judicially seek reconveyance to him of
capacity as Administrator and the vendee, Vicente B. Ananosa, whatever he has been deprived of as long as the land has not
Municipal Mayor of Victorias; (d) the consideration P750.00; (e) been transferred or conveyed to a purchaser in good faith.
the names of the witnesses Esteban Jalandoni and Gregoria
Elizado; and the date of the sale on July 9, 1934. The Civil Code provides:
Art. 1456. If the property is acquired through mistake
At the back, the sale of a portion of the lot to the Municipality of or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law,
Victorias was clearly explained as follows: “Note: The whole Lot considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the
No. 140, belongs to Norma Leuenberger as evidenced by a person from whom the property comes.
Transfer of Cert. of Title No. 18672. Portion of this Lot, (30,000
sq.m. was sold to Municipality of Victories for Cemetery Site as Thus, it has been held that where the land is decreed in the name
evidenced by a Deed of Sale executed by Simeona Jingco Vda. de of a person through fraud or mistake, such person is by operation
Ditching in favor of the aforesaid Municipality and ratified by of law considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of
Notary Public Mr. Vicente Aragon.” the persons from whom the property comes. The beneficiary
shall have the right to enforce the trust, notwithstanding the
At the lowest portion under Memoranda, it was explained that irrevocability of the Torrens title and the trustee and his
an area under the declaration is donated by Mrs. Simeona Jinco successors-in-interest are bound to execute the deed of
Vda de Ditching and used as road leading to the cemetery. reconveyance.

The evidence establishes without debate that the property was As the land in dispute is held by private respondents in trust for
originally registered in 1916. Plaintiff was born only in 1928 and the Municipality of Victorias, it is logical to conclude that the
cannot possibly be the registered owner of the original lot 140 at latter can neither be deprived of its possession nor be made to
the time. Indeed, according to her own evidence, she became the pay rentals thereof. Private respondent is in equity bound to
registered owner only in 1963. Likewise, it is undisputed that in reconvey the subject land to the cestui que trust the
the intestate estate of Gonzalo Ditching, the grandfather of Municipality of Victorias. The Torrens system was never
private respondent Norma Leunberger, it was her grandmother, calculated to foment betrayal in the performance of a trust.
Simeona, the surviving spouse of Gonzalo who was named
judicial administratrix. According to Norma's own testimony,
138. Booc v. Five Start Marketing Co., Inc.
Isabel her mother, died in 1928 while Simeona the grandmother
died in 1942. Therefore, as of 1934 when a document of sale was
FACTS: On August 17, 1999, Five Star Marketing Co., Inc.
executed by Simeona in favor of the municipality of Victories as
(respondent) filed with the Municipal Trial Court in Cities
(MTCC) of Iligan City a Complaint for unlawful detainer Further, petitioners failed to present any tax declaration
against the spouses Sheikding and Bily Booc (petitioners), or payment of taxes due on the subject premises.
pertinent portions of which read as follows: On the other hand, documents, some of which were
· Respondent is the owner of the land and building presented in evidence by petitioners themselves, prove
situated in Quezon Avenue, Iligan City; respondent's ownership of the disputed properties, to wit:
· Petitioners are the present occupants of the 3rd Deed of Sale dated December 12, 1979[29], Transfer
floor premises of the building, who were allowed to Certificate and Tax Declaration over the subject lot, Tax
live temporarily in the premises for free; Declaration over the subject building, and Official Receipt
· That on March 15, 1999 the respondent notified for the payment of real property tax, all of which are in
all building occupants that it had withdrawn the respondent's name.
privilege granted (rental free) to them coupled with a On the basis of the foregoing, the Court found no error in
notice of rental rates in each premises concerned, and the ruling of the CA that the preponderance of evidence
further required to any interested occupants to lies in favor of respondent's claim of ownership.
negotiate and sign a lease agreement with the
Petitioners contended that Five Star has no cause of action 139. Cañezo v. Rojas
against them as they are actually the owners of the
portion of the building that they are occupying; that the
said property is owned in common by petitioner Sheikding 140. PNB v.CA
and his brother, Rufino Booc; that the complaint for
unlawful detainer is a mere offshoot of two complaints FACTS:
earlier filed before the Securities and Exchange Private respondent Mata is a private corporation
Commission (SEC) in Cagayan de Oro City by Sheikding
engaged in providing goods and services to shipping
and his son James, the first of which is against the board
of directors of Five Star, questioning, among others, the companies including Star Kist Foods, Inc. USA. For
validity of the election of the members of the said board; the latter, Mata makes advances for the crew's
and second, a criminal complaint for falsification of public medical expenses and other fees. Subsequently,
documents against Salvador Booc, in his capacity as the Mata sends monthly billing to Star Kist, which in turn
President of Five Star. The spouses Booc filed a reimburses Mata by sending a telegraphic transfer
counterclaim for damages.
through banks for credit to latter's account.
MTCC: In favor of the defendants [herein petitioners] and
against the plaintiff [herein respondent], dismissing the
above-entitled case and ordering the plaintiff to pay the On February 21, 1975 Security National Bank
defendants the following sum of money: (SEPAC) transmitted a cable message to PNB to pay
Decision dated April 6, 2001, the RTC of Lanao del Norte, US$ 14,000 to Mata per order of Star Kist. PNB
Branch 5 affirmed with modification the assailed Decision noticed an error and was later notified by SEPAC that
of the MTCC. The dispositive portion of the RTC Decision
the amount should be US$ 1,400. The same was
sent. However, PNB subsequently effected another
RTC: Affirmed
CA: ANNULLED and SET ASIDE payment another payment in the amount of US$
ISSUE: Whether there was an implied trust between the 14,000.
Six years later, PNB requested Mata for the refund of
HELD: No. In claiming that the subject lot and building US$ 14,000 after discovering its error. On Feb. 4,
were bought and constructed with the money of petitioner
1982, PNB filed a civil case for collection and refund
Sheikding and Rufino, petitioners, in effect, aver that
respondent is merely holding the property in trust for
of said account arguing that based on constructive
them. trust under Article 1456 of the Civil Code, it has the
As a rule, the burden of proving the existence of a trust is right to recover the same.
on the party asserting its existence and such proof must
be clear and satisfactorily show the existence of the trust RTC dismissed the complaint, ruling that the case
and its elements.
falls under Article 2154 on solutio indebiti. CA
To prove that they are co-owners of the disputed lot,
petitioners presented the Joint Affidavit of Teodora and
affirmed holding out that under solutio indebiti, it is
Preciosa, wherein they assert that petitioner Sheikding the one making the payment that commits the error.
and Rufino paid for the subject lot. However, aside from Furthermore, such action has already prescribed as
the Joint Affidavit, no other competent evidence was the same must be commenced within 6 years.
presented to support petitioners' allegation of ownership
of the lot in question. Hence the petition.
Neither do the Official Receiptsevidencing petitioner Bily's
payment of electric bills prove that petitioners are co-
owners of the subject building. At best, these official ISSUES:
receipts only show that petitioners are in possession of the 1. Whether or not the instant case falls under
subject property, which in this case, is undisputed. constructive trust.
2. Whether or not petitioner can claim refund annually or more frequently, by the quarter, to notice
under constructive trust. its error only seven years later.

HELD: 141. Aznar Brothers Realty Co. v. Aying

1. Yes, the instant case may also fall under
- The disputed property is Lot No. 4399 locatd in Dapdap,
constructive trust. Lapu-Lapu City, owned by Crisanta Maloloy-on. After her
2. No, petitioner cannot claim refund under death in 1930, the Cadastral Court issued a decree in the
constructive trust. name of her 8 children all surnamed Aying. The certificate
of title was, however, lost during the war.
RATIO - Subsequently, all the heirs of the Aying siblings, except
Roberta, Emiliano, and Simeon, executed an Extra-
1. The Civil Code does not confine itself
Judicial Partition of Real Estate with Deed of Absolute Sale
exclusively to the quasi-contracts enumerated
dated 3/3/1964, conveying the subject parcel of land to
from Articles 2144 to 2175 but is open to the petitioner Aznar Brothers Realty Company which was
possibility that, absent a pre-existing registered with the Register of Deeds of Lapu-Lapu City
relationship, there being neither crime nor on 3/6/1964, and since then, petitioner had been
quasi-delict, a quasi-contractual relation may religiously paying real property taxes on said property.
be forced upon the parties to avoid a case of - 1991, petitioner, claiming to be the rightful owner of the
subject property, sent out notices to vacate, addressed to
unjust enrichment.
persons occupying the property. Unheeded, petitioner
filed a complaint for ejectment against the occupants
In this case, the Supreme Court held that before the MTC of Lapu-Lapu.
constructive "trust" is as much a misnomer as - MTC promulgated a decision in favor of Aznar Brothers
a "quasi-contract," so far removed are they in 2000
from trusts and contracts proper, respectively. -Meanwhile, respondents, along with other persons
claiming to be descendants of the 8 Aying siblings, all in
In the case of a constructive trust, as in the
all numbering around 220 persons, had filed a complaint
case of quasi-contract, a relationship is for cancellation of the Extra-Judicial Partition with
"forced" by operation of law upon the parties, Absolute Sale, recovery of ownership, injunction, and
not because of any intention on their part but damages with RTC Lapu-Lapu City.
in order to prevent unjust enrichment, thus -RTC ruled that the Ayings failed to prove that the extra-
giving rise to certain obligations not within the judicial partition with deed of absolute sale was totally
contemplation of the parties. Applying this simulated or fictitious. It further held that respondents
action had prescribed in that the action is considered as
,petitioner may indeed opt to avail of an action
one for reconveyance based on implied or constructive
to enforce a constructive trust or the quasi- trust, it prescribed in 10 years from the registration of the
contract of solutio indebiti. However, he has deed on March 6, 1964; and if the action is considered as
been deprived of a choice, for prescription one for annulment of contract on the grond of fraud, it
has effectively blocked quasi-contract as an should have been filed within 4 years from discovery of
alternative, leaving only constructive trust as the fraud.
- CA affirmed but modified the decision finding that the
the feasible option.
heirs of Emiliano Aying, Simeon Aying and Roberta Aying
are lawful owners of the contested proper but equivalent
2. While prescription is concerned with the fact of only to 3/8 since these siblings took no part in the extra-
delay, laches deals with the effect of unreasonable judicial partition.
delay. Issue:
W/N respondents’ cause of action is imprescriptible.
-The facts on record show that petitioner acquired the
Although only seven (7) years lapsed after petitioner
entire parcel of land with the mistaken belief that all the
erroneously credited private respondent with the said heirs have executed the subject document. Thus, the trial
amount and that under Article 1144, petitioner is well court is correct that the provision of law applicable to this
within the prescriptive period for the enforcement of a case is Article 1456 of the Civil Code which states: ART.
constructive or implied trust, the Supreme Court ruled 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud,
that petitioner's claim cannot prosper since it is the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a
trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person
already barred by laches. It is a well-settled rule now
from whom the property comes. The rule that a trustee
that an action to enforce an implied trust, whether cannot acquire by prescription ownership over property
resulting or constructive, may be barred not only by entrusted to him until and unless he repudiates the trust,
prescription but also by laches. It is unbelievable for applies to express trusts and resulting implied trusts.
a bank, and a government bank at that, which However, in constructive implied trusts, prescription may
regularly publishes its balanced financial statements supervene even if the trustee does not repudiate the
relationship. Necessarily, repudiation of said trust is not a
condition precedent to the running of the prescriptive Subsequently, Filomena applied for a loan at GSIS for the
period. An action for reconveyance based on an implied or demolition of the old house and building of a new one.
constructive trust must perforce prescribe in ten years Since the GSIS required that the land has to be mortgaged
and not otherwise. as a guarantee of the loan, Filomena asked the heirs of
-A long line of decisions of this Court, and of very recent her sister Paulina to formalize the sale, but still
vintage at that, illustrates this rule. Undoubtedly, it is now acknowledging the previous agreement that it will just be
well-settled that an action for reconveyance based on an held in trust by Filomena to be returned to the
implied or constructive trust prescribes in ten years from Villahermosas. It was Emilio and his children who
the issuance of the Torrens title over the property. executed the deed of sale over one-half of the lot. Because
-With regard to petitioner’s argument that the provision of the further requirements imposed by the GSIS, the
of Article 1104 of the Civil Code, stating that a partition other undivided portion of the land, which is owned by
made with preterition of any of the compulsory heirs shall Rodulfo Villahermosa, was transferred to Herminia by
not be rescinded, should be applied, suffice it to say that executing a Simulated Deed of Sale. That 1/2 undivided
the Extra-Judicial Partition of Real Estate with Deed of share of the land to Herminia was merely held in trust, for
Absolute Sale is not being rescinded. In fact, its validity the benefit of Filomena, to be returned to Villahermosa
had been upheld but only as to the parties who before Filomena's death. When Filomena died, Herminia
participated in the execution of the same. As discussed paid the remaining balance of the loan fearing that the
above, what was conveyed to petitioner was ownership land they co-owned will be foreclosed by the GSIS for non-
over the shares of the heirs who executed the subject payment.
-Thus, the law, particularly, Article 1456 of the Civil Code, Issues: (1) Whether or not there is an implied trust that
imposed the obligation upon petitioner to act as a trustee existed between Emilio Villahermosa and Filomena Lariosa
for the benefit of respondent heirs of Emiliano and Simeon over the subject property?
Aying who, having brought their action within the (2) Whether or not an implied trust also existed
prescriptive period, are now entitled to the reconveyance between Filomena Lariosa and petitioner Herminia Rosario
of their share in the land in dispute. for the benefit of the Villahermosas?
-Evidence as to the date when the ten-year prescriptive
period began exists only as to the heirs of Roberta Aying, Held: Yes for both.
as Wenceslao Sumalinog admitted that they learned of the (1) A trust was, indeed created between Filomena,
existence of the document of sale in the year 1967. Emilio Villahermosa and his children when lot 77-
A was transferred in the name of Filomena. Where
a lot was taken by a person under an agreement
142. Miguel J. Ossorio Pension Foundation, Inc. v. CA to hold it for, or convey it to another or to the
grantor, a resulting or implied trust arises in favor
See #124 of the person for whose benefit the property was
intended. Legal basis is under Art. 1453.
143. Rosario v. CA ART. 1453. When property is conveyed to a person in
reliance upon his declared intention to hold it for, or
CoA: Sps. Jose C. Rosario and Herminia L. Rosario filed an transfer it to another or the grantor, there is an implied
action for legal redemption against the heirs of Paulina trust in favor of the person whose benefit is contemplated.
and Emilio.
RTC: Rosario vs. Villahermosa; asked them to accept the (2) The trust created in favor of Emilio and his heirs
P380.00 as the purchase price of the lot and declaring (private respondents) is effective or binding even upon
Herminia Rosario as the real and absolute owner. petitioner Herminia Rosario who is the registered co-
CA: Villahermosa vs. Rosario; reversed the decision of the owner of the subject Lot since the transfer was only for the
RTC purpose of facilitating and expediting the approval of
SC: Rosario vs. Court of Appeals & the Villahermosas Filomena's loan. But that was subject to a condition to
Facts: return it to the Villahermosas which was also the condition
Family Tree :p set in the sale between Emilio and Filomena.
A. Maxima Lariosa - predeceased Filomena (grandmother
of the defendants, mother of Herminia)
Trust is the legal relationship between one person
(1) Filomena Lariosa
having an equitable ownership in property and another
(2) Paulina Lariosa - predeceased Filomena m. Emilio
person owning the legal title to such property, the
equitable ownership of the former entitling him to the
Heirs (defendants in this case):
performance of certain duties and the exercise of certain
(a) Lourdes
powers by the latter. Trust relations between parties may
(b) Aida
either be express or implied. 8 Express trusts are those
(c) Rodulfo
which are created by the direct and positive acts of the
(d) Natividad
parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words
(e) Jesus
evidencing an intention to create a trust. Implied trusts
(3) Herminia Lariosa m. Jose Rosario (the plaintiffs in this
are those which without being express, are deducible from
the nature of the transaction as matters of intent, or which
No formal deed of sale was executed although a
are superinduced on the transaction by operation of law
consideration was received by the Villahermosas.
as a matter of equity, independently of the particular On December 18, 1995 Felipe and his wife sent a demand
intention of the parties. Implied trusts may either be letter to Marciana, et al asking them to pay rental arrearages
resulting or constructive trusts, both coming into being by for occupying the property. Marciana, et al refused to pay or
operation of law. reply to the letter, believing that they had the right to occupy
the house and lot, it being their inheritance from their
Resulting trusts are based on the equitable parents. On March 11, 1996 Felipe and his wife filed an
doctrine that valuable consideration and not legal title ejectment suit against them. Marciana, et al filed the present
determines the equitable title or interest and are
action against Felipe and his wife for annulment of title and
presumed always to have been contemplated by the
reconveyance of property before the Regional Trial Court
parties. They arise from the nature or circumstances of
(RTC) of Manila, Branch 39. In his answer, Felipe denied
the consideration involved in a transaction whereby one
knowledge of the agreement among the siblings that the
person thereby becomes invested with legal title but is
property would devolve to them all.
obligated in equity to hold his legal title for the benefit of
another. On the other hand, constructive trusts are
RTC: rendered a decision, finding the evidence of Marciana,
created by the construction of equity in order to satisfy et al insufficient to prove by preponderance of evidence that
the demands of justice and prevent unjust enrichment. Felipe and his wife bought the subject lot for all of the
They arise contrary to intention against one who, by fraud, siblings.
duress or abuse of confidence, obtains or hold the legal CA: rendered judgment reversing the decision of the RTC
right to property which he ought not, in equity and good and ordering Felipe and his wife to reconvey to Marciana,
conscience, to hold. et al their proportionate share in the lot upon reimbursement
of what the spouses paid to acquire it plus legal interest.
ISSUE: WON Felipe and his wife purchased the subject lot
144. Paringit v. Bajit under an implied trust for the benefit of all the children of
FACTS: Julian.
This case is about the existence of an implied trust in a RULING: YES.
transaction where a property was bought by one sibling
supposedly for the benefit of all. The other siblings now want The CA found that Felipe and his wife's purchase of the lot
to recover their share in the property by reimbursing their falls under the rubric of the implied trust provided in Article
brother for their share in the purchase price. 1450 of the Civil Code. Implied trust under Article 1450
During their lifetime, spouses Julian and Aurelia Paringit presupposes a situation where a person, using his own
leased a lot on Norma Street, Sampaloc, Manila (the lot) funds, buys property on behalf of another, who in the
from Terocel Realty, Inc. (Terocel Realty). For having meantime may not have the funds to purchase it. Title to the
occupied the lot for years, Terocel Realty offered to sell it to property is for the time being placed in the name of the
Julian but he did not have enough money at that time to trustee, the person who pays for it, until he is reimbursed by
meet the payment deadline. Julian sought the help of his the beneficiary, the person for whom the trustee bought the
children so he can buy the property but only his son Felipe land. It is only after the beneficiary reimburses the trustee
and wife Josefa had the financial resources he needed at of the purchase price that the former can compel
that time. To bring about the purchase, on January 16, 1984 conveyance of the property from the latter.
Julian executed a deed of assignment of leasehold right in Although no express agreement covered Felipe and his
favor of Felipe and his wife that would enable them to wifes purchase of the lot for the siblings and their father, it
acquire the lot. On January 30, 1984 the latter bought the came about by operation of law and is protected by it. The
same from Terocel Realty for P55,500.00 to be paid in nature of the transaction established the implied trust and
installments. On April 12, 1984 Felipe and his wife paid the this in turn gave rise to the rights and obligations provided
last installment and the realty company executed a Deed of by law. Implied trust is a rule of equity, independent of the
Absolute Sale in their favor and turned over the title to them. particular intention of the parties. In an implied trust, the
On February 25, 1985, due to issues among Julians beneficiarys cause of action arises when the trustee
children regarding the ownership of the lot, Julian executed repudiates the trust, not when the trust was created as
an affidavit clarifying the nature of Felipe and his wifes Felipe and his wife would have it. The spouses of course
purchase of the lot. He claimed that it was bought for the registered the lot in their names in January 1987 but they
benefit of all his children. could not be said to have repudiated the implied trust by that
Expressing their concurrence with what their father said in registration. Their purchase of the land and registration of
his affidavit, Felipes siblings, namely, Marciana, Rosario, its title in their names are not incompatible with implied trust.
and Adolio (collectively, Marciana, et al) signed the It was understood that they did this for the benefit of Julian
same.Josefa, Felipes wife, also signed the affidavit for and all the children.
Felipe who was in Saudi Arabia. Only Florencio, among the
siblings, did not sign. On January 23, 1987 Felipe and his
wife registered their purchase of the lot, resulting in the
issuance of Transfer Certificate of Title 172313 in their 145. Uy Aloc v. Cho Jan Jing
names. Despite the title, however, the spouses moved to FACTS:
another house on the same street in 1988. Marciana, et al, - A number of Chinese merchants raised a fund by
on the other hand, continued to occupy the lot with their voluntary subscription with which they purchased a
families without paying rent. valuable tract of land and erected a large building to be
used as a sort of club house for the mutual benefit of the
subscribers to the fund. The subscriber organized
themselves into an irregular association, which had no 146. Ty v. Ty
regular articles in the commercial registry or elsewhere.
The association not having any existence as a legal entity, FACTS: Alexander Ty, son of Alejandro Ty and husband of Sylvia
it was agreed to have the title to the property placed in Ty, dies of cancer at the age of 34. Sylvia files petition for the
the name of one of the members, the defendant, Cho Jan settlement of Alexander’s intestate estate. She also asks court to
Ling, who on his part accepted the trust, and agreed to sell or mortgage properties in order to pay the estate tax
hold the property as the agent of the members of the
amounting to P4,714,560.02 assessed by the BIR. The properties
include a parcel of land in EDSA Greenhills (exclusive property of
- After the club building was completed with the funds of
the members of the association, Cho Jan Ling collected Alexander), a residential land in Wack Wack, and the Meridien
some P25,000 in rents for which he failed and refused to condo unit in Annapolis, Greenhills (the latter two both conjugal
account, and upon proceedings being instituted to compel properties of Alexander and Sylvia).
him to do so, he set up title in himself to the club property
as well as to the rents accruing therefrom. Alejandro Ty opposed the move and filed for recovery of the
- Cho Jan Ling alleged that he had bought the real estate property with prayer for preliminary injunction and/or
and constructed the building with his own funds, and
temporary restraining order. Plaintiff Alejandro claims that he
denying the claims of the members of the association that
owns the EDSA, Wack Wack and Meridien condo unit because he
it was their funds which had been used for that purpose.
paid for them. The property was supposedly registered in trust
RTC: Ruled in favor of the members of the association, for Alexander’s brothers and sisters in case plaintiff dies. Plaintiff
ordering Cho Jan Ling to convey the club house and the also claimed that Alex had no financial capacity to purchase the
land on which it stands to the members of the association disputed property, as the latter was only dependent on the
and to account for the rents he received. former.

ISSUE: Sylvia countered that Alexander had purchased the property

W/N proof of the trust was sufficient to throw down the rights which with his money. Alexander was financially capable of purchasing
the plaintiff had by reason of the duly registered title deeds
it because he had been managing the family corporations since
RULING: Yes. RTC Affirmed. he was 18 years old and was also engage in other profitable
RATIO: businesses.
This court held that the parole proof of the trust was sufficient to
throw down the rights which the plaintiff had by reason of the duly RTC - Granted the application for preliminary injunction and
registered title deeds, and decreed that a conveyance be made by
decides in favor of plaintiff regarding the recovery of the
the defendant to the members of the association. The proper
procedure in such a case, so long as the rights of innocent third
persons have not intervened, is to compel a conveyance to the
rightful owner. CA – Reversed. There was no writing from which the existence of
It is at most an attempt to substitute for the plain dictates of reason an express trust could be proven with.
and equity certain technical propositions of law laid down in those
cases which have no proper application to the facts proven in this
ISSUE: Whether or not there is an implied trust.
case. In Martinez vs. Martinez (1 Phil. 647), the case turned on the
lack of proof of the existence of the relationship of principal and
agent or of trustee and cestui que trust between the parties, in RULING: No. CA affirmed.
addition to proof that the funds with which the property was
purchased had been furnished by another than him who secured RATIO: There was no implied trust created in relation to the
its registry in his own name. In that case at bar we think that the
EDSA property. If the person to whom the title is conveyed is the
evidence clearly discloses not only that the funds with which the
property in question was purchased were furnished by the
child of the one paying the price of the sale, no trust is implied
members of the association, but that Cho Jan Ling, in whose by law under Art. 1448, the so-called purchase money resulting
name it was registered, received and holds the property as the trust. The said article provides an exception: “if the person to
agent and trustee of the association; that on at least one occasion whom the title is conveyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of
he admitted the beneficial ownership to be in the association; and the one paying the price of the sale, NO TRUST is IMPLIED by
that while the legal registered title is in his name the beneficial
LAW, it being disputable presumed that there is a gift in favor of
ownership is in the association.
It is admitted that the members of the association voluntarily the child.” The Court also noted that plaintiff failed to prove that
obtained the inscription in the name of Cho Jan Ling and that they he did not intend a donation.
have no right to have that inscription cancelled; they do not seek
such cancellation, and on the contrary they allege and prove that Regarding the Meridien Condo and Wack Wack property, the
the duly registered legal title to the property is in Cho Jan Ling, but court said that plaintiff failed to prove that purchase money
they maintain, and we think that they rightly maintain, that he holds
came from him. They also said that Alexander was capable of
it under an obligation, both express and implied, to deal with it
exclusively for the benefit of the members of the association and purchasing the property as he had been working for nine years,
subject to their will. had a car care business, and was actively engaged in the business
dealings of several family corporations from which he received
emoluments and other benefits. Hence, no implied trust created property fully described in the two (2) documents specified
because there was no proof that plaintiff had paid for said above
properties. By virtue of the registration of the of Deed absolute
sale, TCT 116474 was issued by the Registry of
Deeds in the name of Nadera.
147. Padilla v. CA Subsequently, Abundio Padilla, atty-in-fact of his
Ines Lorbes Padilla, Veronica Padilla, Abundio parents, filed with the registry of Deeds a Notice of
Padilla, Salvador Padilla, Elena Padilla, Honorio Adverse claim. He alleged that Nadera fraudulently
Padilla, Carmen Padilla, Fe Padilla, Piedad Padilla, v compelled Vicente to sign the confirmation of sale.
CA, Hermino Mariano, presiding judge, Florencio In turn, Nadera filed a petition for removal of adverse
Nadera claim on his certificate of title.
Two cases was heard, Cancellation of Certificate of
Trustee: Padillas Title issued in favor of Nadera and writ of possession
Trustor: Nadera and for cancellation of adverse claim.
CFI of Rizal- ordered the petitioner to turn over the
Facts; possession of the property to Nadera.
Nadera filed with the CFI a motion for correction of
Vicente Padilla mortgaged his property to GSIS to typographical error in the decision and for the
secure a loan of 25k, and was foreclosed and sold at immediate issuance of writ of execution. The court
public auction for failure to pay. ordered execution on a bond of 10k to be filed by the
With misrepresentation that they still have the right of respondent.
redemption, Padilla executed an Agreement to buy CA- affirmed
and sell to Nadera the said property for 35k which ISSUE:
10k was paid by Nadera on the same day and the Whether or not the confirmation of sale valid.
balance is to be paid by to GSIS for the outstanding Rule:
balance of the loan. -it was valid-
GSIS contemplated to sell foreclosed property thru SC held that Vicente Padilla did not even need to
sealed public bidding at which Vicente Padilla may have executed the Confirmation of Sale since there
Participate. was already an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
Vicente Padilla being a pensioner of the GSIS, the executed by him and his wife, Ines Lorbes Padilla. it
latter had applied the former’s pension to the credit of was clearly ESTABLISHED that the plaintiff Ines
Padilla on account of the loan afore-mentioned. Lorbes Padilla together with her husband Vicente
GSIS, instead of executing a deed of sale in favor of Padilla, executed an Agreement of Purchase and
Nadera, it made in favor of Padilla. Sale over the parcel of land in question in favor of
Padilla executed the deed of Confirmation of Sale defendant Florencio R. Nadera, Nadera paying
which the herein petitioners question. It partly Padillia’s the amount of P10,000.00 and at the same
contained as: time ASSUMING the obligation with the GSIS arising
….WHEREAS, the VENDORS had entered from a previous mortgage on the property in favor of
into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale on the GSIS. Said Agreement of Purchase and Sale was
October 8, 1961, with the herein VENDEE which was done in writing and signed that the right of
acknowledged before a Manila
respondent Nadera to the property arose not by
Notary Public Felipe G. Lubaton on December 15, 1961,
registered in his Notarial Registry
virtue of the said deed of confirmation but by virtue of
as Doc. No. 138; Page No. 100; Book No. I; Series of 1961 the original agreement of sale executed in his favor
…"WHEREAS, the herein VENDEE has fully paid the by the Padilla spouses and by their daughter. The
account of the VENDOR to the G.S.I.S., the resale by the GSIS upon payment of the price of
Government Service System has re-conveyed the ownership redemption by Nadera was made in favor of the
over the said property unto the
Padilla spouses, it was purely a matter of form since
VENDORS by virtue of the Deed of Absolute Sale executed
on the 19th day of September, 1963, and
they were the mortgage debtors, and the least that
acknowledged on the same date by Modesto B. Atmosphera, can be said under the circumstances is that they
registered in his Notary Registry as Doc. should be considered as TRUSTEES under an
No. 74; Page No. 16; Book No. I; Series of 1963; implied or resulting trust for the benefit of the real
…"NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of owner, namely, respondent Nadera. Article 1448
the AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE, which "there is an implied trust when property is sold, and
we undersigned VENDORS still confirm and acknowledge, we
the legal estate is granted to one party but the price
hereby CEDE, CONVEY, SELL and
TRANSFER, in favor of the herein VENDEE, his heirs, is paid by another for the purpose of having the
administrator and assign, the above-mentioned beneficial interest of the property ..." The concept of
implied trusts is that from the facts and Godofredo issued a certification to the effect that
circumstances of a given case the existence of a Melecia was allowed to occupy a portion of the
trust relationship is inferred in order to effect the property; and (3) the Extrajudicial Settlement with
presumed (in this case it is even expressed) intention Sale was published in three consecutive issues of
of the parties or to satisfy the demands of justice or
Mindanao Post, a newspaper of general circulation
to protect against fraud.
· Nacalaban et al. denied the allegations They
claimed to have acquired the property by intestate
succession from their parents, who in their lifetime,
exercised unequivocal and absolute ownership over
148. Gabutan v. Nacalaban the property
Gabutan v. Nacalaban · The college then filed a complaint of unlawful
Facts: detainer against Gabutan et al.
· Godofredo purchase a property and a Transfer · MTCC ruled in favour of the college
Certificate of Title was issued in his name. He then · Meanwhile, in the reconveyance case, the RTC
build a house on it rendered a Decision in favor of Gabutan, et al
· Godofredo died, survived by his wife · The RTC found that the money of Melecia was
Baldomera, and their 3 children used in buying the property but the name of
· Baldomera issued a certification, allowing her Godofredo was used when the title was obtained
mother Melecia to build and occupy a house on the because Godofredo lived in Cagayan de Oro City
portion of the property, in the tax declaration it is while Melecia lived in Bornay, Gitagum, Misamis
showed that Melencia owned the building on the land Oriental
owned by Godofredo · the RTC held that a trust was established by
· Baldomera died, her children executed an operation of law pursuant to Article 1448 of the Civil
Extrajudicial settlement and sold the property to the Code
Cagayan capital college and a TCT was issued In the RTC Declares that the Spouses Godofredo and
name of the College Baldomera Nacalaban held the land covered by
· Melecia died and was survived by her children Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-2259 issued in the
· The college demanded the heirs of Melecia name of Godofredo Nacalaban married to Baldomera
who were occupying the house on the property to Dalondonan issued on January 13, 1959 in trust for
vacate the premises Melecia Vda. de Dalondonan with the Spouses as the
· Gabutan et al. (the heirs of Melecia) filed for a trustees and Melecia Vda. de Dalondonan as the
complaint for reconveyance of real property against cestui que trust
Nacalaban et al. and the college. · Declares that defendant Cagayan Capitol
They alleged that: (1) Melecia bought the property College was a buyer in good faith and for value of the
using her own money but Godofredo had the Deed of land referred to above, and, accordingly, declares that
Absolute Sale executed in his name instead of his said defendant now owns the land
mother-in-law; (2) Godofredo and Baldomera were · Both parties appealed, The CA affirms the
only trustees of the property in favor of the real owner RTC in toto
and beneficiary, Melecia; (3) they only knew about Issue: WON there is an implied trust created between
the Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale upon Melecia and Godofredo
verification with the Registry of Deeds; and (4) the Ruling: Yes
College was a buyer in bad faith, being aware they Article 1448 of the Civil Code provides in part that
were co-owners of the property. there is an implied trust when property is sold, and the
· the College claimed that it is a buyer in good legal estate is granted to one party but the price is
faith and for value, having "made exhaustive paid by another for the purpose of having the
investigations and verifications from all reliable beneficial interest of the property. The former is the
sources" that Melecia and her heirs were staying in trustee, while the latter is the beneficiary. The trust
the property by mere tolerance. It alleged that: (1) in created here, which is also referred to as a purchase
the tax declaration of the residential house, Melecia money resulting trust, occurs when there is (1) an
admitted that the lot owner is Godofredo; (2) the actual payment of money, property or services, or an
occupancy permit of Melecia was issued only after equivalent, constituting valuable consideration; (2)
and such consideration must be furnished by the behind the arrangement between Melecia and
alleged beneficiary of a resulting trust.90 These two Godofredo. We agree with the RTC when it said that
elements are present here this arrangement among family members is not
Gabutan, et al., through the testimonies of Felisia, unusual, especially in the 1950s.chanrobleslaw
Crisanta, and Trifonia, established that Melecia's
money was used in buying the property, but its title
was placed in Godofredo's name. She purchased the
Nacalaban, et al., on the other hand, denied the
property because Felisia wanted to build a pharmacy
arrangement between Melecia and Godofredo, and
on it. On one occasion in Melecia's house, and when
maintained that it was really the latter who purchased
the entire family was present, Melecia gave
the property from its original owners, as evidenced by
Godofredo the money to purchase the property.
their possession of the Deed of Conditional Sale and
Melecia entrusted the money to Godofredo because
the title being in Godofredo's name. It is telling,
he was in Cagayan de Oro, and per Melecia's
however, that Nacalaban, et al. failed to provide the
instruction, the deed of sale covering the property was
details of the sale, specifically with regard to how
placed in his name. It was allegedly her practice to
Godofredo could have been able to afford the
buy properties and place them in her children's name,
purchase price himself, which would have directly
but it was understood that she and her children co-
refuted the allegation that Melecia's money was used
own the properties.chanrobleslaw
in the purchase. As the RTC aptly observed, if
Godofredo really bought the property with his own
money, it was surprising that Baldomera did not
Melecia built a residential building on the property, transfer the title of the property to her name when
where her daughter Crisanta and some of her Godofredo died in 1974. Baldomera did not do so
grandchildren resided. Godofredo also thereafter built until her death in 1994 despite being pressed by her
a house on the property. Twice, he also mortgaged the siblings to partition the property. The RTC correctly
property to secure loans. Melecia allowed him to do deduced that this only meant that Baldomera
so because she trusted him. After Godofredo's death, acknowledged that the property belongs to
and when Baldomera fell ill, there were family Melecia.chanrobleslaw
discussions to transfer the title in Melecia's name so
Melecia's children can divide it together with the rest
of Melecia's properties. The plans, however, always
Having established the creation of an implied
fell through.chanrobleslaw
resulting trust, the action for reconveyance filed by
Gabutan, et al., the heirs of Melecia in whose benefit
the trust was created, is proper. An action for
Both the RTC and CA found credence on these pieces reconveyance is a legal and equitable remedy granted
of testimonial evidence that an implied resulting trust to the rightful landowner, whose land was wrongfully
exists. Reliance on these testimonies will not violate or erroneously registered in the name of another, to
the parol evidence rule, as Nacalaban, et al. once compel the registered owner to transfer or reconvey
raised. In Tong v. Go Tiat Kun, we ruled that since an the land to him. It will not amount to a collateral
implied trust is neither dependent upon an express attack on the title, contrary to the allegation of
agreement nor required to be evidenced by writing, Nacalaban, et al. We explained in Hortiznela v.
Article 1457 of our Civil Code authorizes the Tagufa:chanrobleslaw
admission of parol evidence to prove their existence.
What is crucial is the intention to create a trust. We x x x As a matter of fact, an action for reconveyance
cautioned, however, that the parol evidence that is is a recognized remedy, an action in personam,
required to establish the existence of an implied trust available to a person whose property has been
necessarily has to be trustworthy and it cannot rest on wrongfully registered under the Torrens system in
loose, equivocal or indefinite declarations. The another's name. In an action for reconveyance, the
testimonies of Felisia, Crisanta, and Trifonia satisfy decree is not sought to be set aside. It does not seek to
these requirements. They are consistent and agree in set aside the decree but, respecting it as
all material points in reference to the circumstances incontrovertible and no longer open to review, seeks
to transfer or reconvey the land from the registered TCT No. T-111846 since the Complaint is a direct
owner to the rightful owner. Reconveyance is always attack on the title of the College.
available as long as the property has not passed to an
innocent third person for value.
149. PNB v. Aznar
There is no quibble that a certificate of title, like in
the case at bench, can only be questioned through a
direct proceeding. The MCTC and the CA, however, 150. Same Darby Pilipinas v. Mendoza
failed to take into account that in a complaint for
Petitioner Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. (Sime Darby)
reconveyance, the decree of registration is respected
employed Jesus B. Mendoza (Mendoza) as sales
as incontrovertible and is not being questioned. What manager. On 3 July 1987, Sime Darby bought a Class
is being sought is the transfer of the property A club share in Alabang Country Club (ACC) from
wrongfully or erroneously registered in another's Margarita de Araneta. The share, however, was
name to its rightful owner or to the one with a better placed under the name of Mendoza in trust for Sime
right. If the registration of the land is fraudulent, the Darby since the By-Laws of ACC state that only
person in whose name the land is registered holds it natural persons may own a club share. As part of the
as a mere trustee, and the real owner is entitled to file arrangement, Mendoza endorsed the Club Share
an action for reconveyance of the Certificate in blank and executed a Deed of
property.chnroblesvirtuallawlibrary Assignment, also in blank, and handed over the
documents to Sime Darby. From the time of purchase
in 1987, Sime Darby paid for the monthly dues and
The fact that the property was already titled in other assessments on the club share.
Godofredo's name, and later transferred to the
Mendoza then retired on 1995 and Sime Darby paid
College, is not a hindrance to an action for
his separation pay amounting to more than
reconveyance based on an implied trust. The title did P3,000,000. Nine years later, or sometime in July
not operate to vest ownership upon the property in 2004, Sime Darby found an interested buyer of the
favor of the College. As held in Naval v. Court of club share for P1,101,363.64. The broker required
Appeals:chanrobleslaw Sime Darby to secure an authorization to sell from
Mendoza since the club share was still registered in
xxx Registration of a piece of land under the Torrens Mendoza’s name. However, Mendoza refused to sign
System does not create or vest title, because it is not a the required authority to sell unless Sime Darby paid
mode of acquiring ownership. A certificate of title is him the amount of P300,000, his unpaid separation
merely an evidence of ownership or title over the benefits. As a result, the sale did not push through.
particular property described therein. It cannot be
used to protect a usurper from the true owner; nor can Sime Darby filed a complaint for damages with writ of
preliminary injunction against Mendoza with the
it be used as a shield for the commission of fraud;
Regional Trial Court.
neither does it permit one to enrich himself at the
expense of others. Its issuance in favor of a particular
Mendoza filed an Answer alleging ownership of the
person does not foreclose the possibility that the real club share. He stated that Sime Darby purchased the
property may be co-owned with persons not named in Class A club share and placed it under his name as
the certificate, or that it may be held in trust for part of his employee benefits and bonus for past
another person by the registered owner. exemplary service.

Moreover, the body of the Complaint filed by RTC: Rendered a Decision in favor of Sime Darby.
Gabutan, et al. shows that it is not only for the
reconveyance of the property but also for the Mendoza filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals.
annulment of TCT No. T-111846 issued in the name
CA: Ruled that Sime Darby failed to prove that it has
of the College. Gabutan, et al. questioned the validity
a clear and unmistakable right over the club share of
of the sale to the College and claimed co-ownership
over the property. Thus, we can rule on the validity of
Sime Darby filed a Motion for Reconsideration which
the Court of Appeals denied
TC: instrument Exhibit A is a mortgage deed, and not a
deed of sale subject to repurchase, contending that the
ISSUE: WON there was an implied trust.
parties herein submitted an agreed statement of facts
wherein it appeared that the appellees executed the
HELD: instrument Exhibit A in favor of the appellants; and
Yes, In Thomson v. Court of Appeals, the SC held that alleging, moreover, that they received the price of the
a trust arises in favor of one who pays the purchase sale, and that there was no fraud in the execution of the
price of a property in the name of another, because of instrument in question.
the presumption that he who pays for a thing intends
ISSUE: Whether or not the instrument Exhibit A
a beneficial interest for himself.
expresses the true agreement entered into by and
between the parties.
In the given case, Sime Darby paid for the purchase
price of the club share, Mendoza was given the legal HELD: NO.
title. Mendoza’s title is only limited to the usufruct, or The deed in question apparently evidences an agreement
the use and enjoyment of the clubs facilities and of a sale subject to repurchase; but as the plaintiffs-
appellees have put in issue a mistake of said writing, and
privileges while employed with the company. Thus, a
its failure to express the true intent and agreement
resulting trust is presumed as a matter of law. The of the parties.
burden then shifts to the transferee to show otherwise. Plaintiffs' evidence shows: (1) That the portion of land
conveyed to the defendants by the plaintiffs, added to
that conveyed to them by the deceased Alejandro de
151. Paringit v. Bajit Ocampo, only comprises an area of land planted with
700 coconut trees; and (2) that the conveyance by
See #144 Alejandro de Ocampo, and that subsequently made by
the plaintiffs, were only to secure the amount of P1,000
152. De Ocampo v. Zaporteza received by the former, and the amount of P2,000
furnished by the same defendant to pay a debt of the
AGRIPINO DE OCAMPO, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellees, deceased to the National Bank (P1,604.44), and funeral
JUAN ZAPORTEZA, ET AL., defendants-appellants. expenses, (P400).

FACTS: If an absolute conveyance of property is made in

The instant appeal seeks the reversal of the judgment order to secure the performance of an obligation of
appealed from, holding that the contract Exhibit A is a the grantor toward the grantee, a trust by virtue of
mortgage rather than a sale subject to repurchase. law is established. If the fulfillment of the
The plaintiffs contend, by means of witnesses Agripino obligation is offered by the grantor when it
and Gregorio de Ocampo, that the contract between the becomes due, he may demand the reconveyance of
parties is in reality a simple mortgage, but was made to the property to him.
appear as if it were a sale, subject to repurchase, at the I
suggestion of Nazario P. de Mesa the attorney for the In the case, when a deed of sale with right of repurchase
defendants, who told them that, as it was a question was really intended to cover a loan made by the
between brothers, there was no objection to drawing up purported seller from the purported buyer, then the
the deed in that form; whereas, if the agreement were doctrine of equitable mortgage applies. In the instant
evidenced as a loan, the defendants might appear in a case in the sense that the defendants only hold the
bad light if the transaction were not dissimulated, in view certificate of transfer in trust for the plaintiffs as to the
of which, the plaintiffs gave a substantially correct portion of the lot containing 1,300 coconut trees,and
account of the conversations between the parties which therefore, said defendants are bound to execute a deed
preceded the execution of the document in question, and in favor of the plaintiffs transferring said portion to them.
we are of the opinion that this is supported by the
It is a fact duly proven in the proceedings that the 153. Miguel J. Ossorio Pension Foundation, Inc. v. CA
certificate of transfer in favor of the defendants includes
not only the two parcels described in the instrument
Exhibit A, planted with 700 coconut trees, but all of lot 154. Heirs of Tanak Pangaaran Patiwayon v. Martinez
No. 4210, which, according to the evidence, contains
2,000 coconut trees. Therefore, it is evident that the FACTS:
certificate of transfer, Exhibit 1, in so far as it includes a Tanak Pangawaran-Patiwayan filed a complaint against
portion of land planted with 1,300 coconut trees, to private respondents for annulment of title, reconveyance
which the defendants are not at all entitled, should not of successional shares, partition, accounting and
be given legal effect, especially when said certificate of damages. The complaint, in substance, alleged that a
transfer has been obtained by the defendants during the certain Pangawaran, during his lifetime married
pendency of the present action wherein the value of the legitimately three successive times; that complainant is
instrument Exhibit A is precisely the matter in dispute. the daughter by the second marriage; that during the first
and second marriages, there were no liquidations of the
conjugal partnership after the death of Pangawaran’s 155. Martinez v. Graño
respective spouses; that respondent Tagwalan is the child
by the third marriage; and that since the latter was the SYLLABUS:
only son of Pangawaran, he was able to convince his co- 1. TRUSTS AND TRUSTEE; PURCHASE OF LAND
heirs that he should act as administrator of the properties SOLD WITH "PACTO DE RETRO." — A person who, before
left by Pangawaran but instead, managed to obtain a consolidation of property in the purchaser under a
patent in his own name and later an original certificate of contract of sale with pacto de retro, agrees with the
title (O.C.T.) to the complainant’s prejudice. vendors to buy the property and administer it till all debts
Respondents filed an answer denying the marriage of constituting an incumbrance thereon shall be paid, after
Pangawaran to complainant Tanak’s mother alleging that which the property shall be turned back to the original
Pangawaran married only twice, the offsprings of which owners, is bound by such agreement; and upon buying in
are the respondents themselves. the property under these circumstances such person
After Tanak died and was substituted by her heirs, becomes in effect a trustee and is bound to administer the
respondents filed a motion to dismiss on the following property in this character.
grounds: (a) the trial court has no jurisdiction to annul the
Free Patent Application and the Original Certificate of Title 2. ID.; RENUNCIATION OF TRUST; REMOVAL OF
issued in favor of respondent Tagwalan since the TRUSTEE. — When a person administering property in the
complaint did not join as plaintiffs the Director of Lands character of trustee inconsistently assumes to be holding
and the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources in his own right, this operates as a renunciation of the
and since the prerogative to file a complaint exclusively trust and the persons interested as beneficiaries in the
belongs to the Solicitor General under Section 101 of the property are entitled to maintain an action to declare their
Public Land Act; (b) there is non-exhaustion of right and remove the unfaithful trustee.
administrative remedies; and (c) the action has
CFI: dismissed the case because the Court no longer had RECEIVER TO ADMINISTER TRUST PROPERTY. — In a case
jurisdiction over it since the complaint alleges fraud BUT where it became necessary to deprive a trustee of the
was not brought within one (1) year from the time that management of trust property, a receiver was directed to
the original certificate of title was issued to the defendant be appointed to administer the property and apply the
Tagwalan. Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration proceeds to the satisfaction of a mortgage which had been
but was also denied. placed upon the property.
ISSUE: 1. Whether or not defendant Tagwalan held the
property in trust for his co-heirs
2. Whether or not the action to recover property Martinez Heirs - successors
has prescribed. Clementia Graño - Trustee
1. Yes. The respondent court seems to be unmindful of FACTS:
the fact that since respondent Tagwalan, through fraud
was able to secure a title in his own name to the exclusion ● Juan Martinez and his wife, Macaria Ticson, both
of his co-heirs who equally have the right to a share of the now deceased, were owners of seven parcels of
land covered by the title, an implied trust was created in land, located in the municipality of San Pablo,
favor of said co-heirs. Respondent Tagwalan is deemed to which property, devolved by inheritance upon
merely hold the property for their and his benefit. As we their numerous living children (4 living) and the
have ruled in the case of Gonzales v. Jimenez, Sr. (13 descendants (9 grandchildren, all were minors
SCRA 73, 82): "We believe, however, that this case is and were represented by guardians and/or
covered by Article 1456 of our new Civil Code which surviving parent) of such as were dead (4 dead).
provide: ‘If property is acquired though mistake of fraud, In due time partition was effected, with the
the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a approval of the CFI of Laguna, and appropriate
trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person portions were assigned to the several heirs. To
from whom the property comes.’ this end it was necessary that the seven parcels
2. No. Since it appears that the land in question was of which the property was composed should be
obtained by defendants thru fraudulent representations subdivided into numerous smaller parcels, as was
by means of which a patent and a title were issued in their in fact done.
name, they are deemed to hold it in trust for the benefit
of the person prejudiced by it. Here this person is the ● The parcels of land of the sps. was encumbered
plaintiff. There being an implied trust in this transaction, with indebtedness, and the parties in interest had
the action to recover the property prescribes after the long since been compelled to resort to the
lapse of ten years. Here this period has not yet elapsed. dangerous expedient of selling their inheritance
Therefore, it is clear that the prescriptive period which is under a contract of sale with pacto de retro.
applicable in this case is ten (10) years. Consequently, the
action of petitioner was not yet barred since it was filed ● One W. W. Robinson had acquired title to the
on July 1, 1976 while the last day for filing such action property under such a contract; and on October
was on July 19, 1976, ten years after the issuance of the 11 of that year the property was again sold under
original certificate of title. pacto de retro to Alfonso Tiaoqui, of Manila, for
the sum of P12,000, apparently in order to get the guardian of Jose Martinez, and against "El Hogar
means to redeem the property from Robinson. Filipino."

● The period for redemption specified in the sale to RTC/CFI:

Tiaoqui was three years, which expired in October, ● In favor of Clemencia.
1914. When this date arrived it was still found ● Clemencia Graño was declared to be the sole and
impossible for the parties in interest to redeem exclusive owner of all the property in question,
the property; and apparently by the indulgence of subject to the mortgage to "El Hogar Filipino." As
Tiaquio, the time for redemption was extended to a consequence she was ordered to be restored to
September 28, 1916, and the period for possession, the receivership was declared to be
redemption was limited to one year, "extendible dissolved, and all the defendants were absolved
to another with the consent of the parties." entirely from the complaint.

● Finding that they would still be unable to redeem ISSUE:

the property, the Matinez heirs represented by 1.) Whether or not the title vested in Clemencia is
their guardians obtained a loan from El Hogar held by her in trust
Filipino. However, it was inconvenient for El Hogar
Filipino to handle the business since the parties- 2.) Whether or not trust may be rescinded for
in-interest were numerous and were all minors. trustee’s manifest failure to comply with the trust

● In view of this difficulty, the adult parties in RULING:

interest (guardians) were advised, and decided, to 1.) YES.
allow a single individual to effect the redemption A person who, before consolidation of property in
from Alfonso Tiaoqui, thus placing the the purchaser under a contract of sale with pacto
documentary title exclusively in this one person, de retro, agrees with the vendors to buy the
who, as was intended, could then deal directly property and administer it till all debts constituting
with the association. The person chosen as the an incumbrance thereon shall be paid, after which
repository of this trust was Clemencia Graño, the the property shall be turned back to the original
widow of Apolonio Martinez and mother and owners, is bound by such agreement; and upon
guardian of Jose. buying in the property under these circumstances
such person becomes in effect a trustee and is
● In consideration of the responsibility to be bound to administer the property in this
assumed by Clemencia, it was agreed that character.
Clemencia should have exclusive possession (title
was under her name) of all the land pertaining to 2.) YES.
the Martinez estate and administer the same for When a person administering property in the
the purpose of raising the necessary revenue to character of trustee inconsistently assumes to be
meet her obligations to "El Hogar Filipino." In this holding in his own right, this operates as a
Contract the heirs all agreed that Clemencia renunciation of the trust and the persons
Graño, as their attorney in fact, should be interested as beneficiaries in the property are
respected by them in all matters relating to the entitled to maintain an action to declare their right
administration of the property and they obligated and remove the unfaithful trustee.
themselves, one and all, to abstain from
interfering with her in the slightest degree in said
156. Heirs of Emilio Candelaria v. Romero
● There is another document, bearing the
signatures of Isidro Martinez, Julia Martinez, FACTS:
Sebastiana Martinez, Rosario Ebron, and
Appellants: Ester Candelaria filed a
Clemencia Graño, and acknowledged before a
complaint in her own behalf and in representation of
notary public on December 17, 1917, which
defines in the fullest and most satisfactory way the other alleged heirs of Emilio Candelaria, alleging
the interests of all the parties in the property in substance - that sometime prior to 1917 the latter
derived from the Martinez estate. and his brother Lucas Candelaria bought each a lot in
the Solokan Subdivision on the installment basis; that
● Clemencia now asserts that she is the sole and Lucas paid the first two installments corresponding to
absolute owner of all the property obtained by her
his lot, but faced with the inability of meeting the
from Tiaoqui and denies that the Martinez heirs
have any interest whatever therein.
subsequent installments because of sickness which
caused him to be bedridden, he sold his interest
● Martinez heirs, who are named as plaintiffs herein, therein to his brother Emilio, who then reimbursed him
instituted an action in CFI of Laguna against the amount he had already paid, and thereafter
Clemencia Graño, both in her own right and as continued payment of the remaining installments until
the whole purchase price had been fully satisfied; "that
although Lucas Candelaria had no more interest over property or where the consideration or part thereof has
the lot, the subsequent payments made by Emilio been furnished by or for such other. Thus, it has been
Candelaria until fully paid were made in the name of held that where the grantee takes the property under
Lucas Candelaria, with the understanding that the an agreement to convey another on certain conditions,
necessary documents of transfer will be made later, a trust results for the benefit of such other or his heirs,
the reason that the transaction being from brother to which equity will enforce according to the agreement.
brother"; that in 1918 a transfer certificate of title for (89 C.J.S. 960.) It is also the rule there that an implied
said lot was issued by the register of deeds of Manila trust arises where a person purchases land with his
in the name of "Lucas Candelaria married to Luisa own money and takes a conveyance thereof in the
Romero"; that Lucas held the title to said lot merely in name of another. In such a case, the property is held
trust for Emilio and that this fact was acknowledged on a resulting trust in favor of the one furnishing the
not only by him but also by the defendants (his heirs) consideration for the transfer, unless a different
on several occasions; that Lucas' possession of the lot intention or understanding appears. The trust which
was merely tolerated by Emilio and his heirs; that from results under such circumstances does not arise from
the time Emilio bought the lot from his brother, Lucas contract or agreement of the parties, but from the facts
had been collecting all its rents for his own use as and circumstances, that is to say, it results because of
financial aid to him as a brother in view of the fact that equity and arises by implication or operation of law.
he was bedridden without any means of livelihood and In the present case, the complaint
with several children to support, although from 1926, expressly alleges that "although Lucas Candelaria had
when Emilio was confined at the Culion Leper Colony no more interest over the lot, the subsequent
up to his death on February 5, 1936, Lucas had been payments made by Emilio Candelaria until fully paid
giving part of the rents to Fortunata Bautista, the were made in the name of Lucas Candelaria, with the
second wife of Emilio, in accordance with the latter's understanding that the necessary documents of
wishes; that Lucas died in August, 1942, survived by transfer will be made later, the reason that the
the present defendants, who are his spouse Luisa transaction being brother to brother." From this
Romero and several children; and that said allegation, it is apparent that Emilio Candelaria who
defendants are still in possession of the lot, having furnished the consideration intended to obtain a
refused to reconvey it to plaintiff despite repeated beneficial interest in the property in question. Having
demands. supplied the purchase money, it may naturally be
Appellees: presumed that he intended the purchase for his own
- Defendants filed a motion to dismiss, alleging that benefit. Indeed, it is evident from the above-quoted
plaintiff's cause of action is unenforceable under the allegation in the complaint that the property in question
new Civil Code and that the action has already was acquired by Lucas Candelaria under
prescribed. circumstances which show it was conveyed to him on
-Lower court upheld the motion to dismiss thus this the faith of his intention to hold it for, or convey it to the
case. The lower court held that an express and not an grantor, the plaintiff's predecessor in interest.
implied trust was created as may be gleaned from the Constructive or implied trusts may, of
facts alleged in the complaint, which is unenforceable course, be barred by lapse of time. The rule in such
without any writing, and that since Transfer Certificate trusts is that laches constitutes a bar to actions to
of Title No. 9584 covering the land in question had enforce the trust, and repudiation is not required,
been issued to Lucas Candelaria way-back in 1918 or unless there is a concealment of the facts giving rise
38 years before the filing of the complaint, the action to the trust. (Diaz, et al. vs. Gorricho, et al., 103 Phil.,
has already prescribed. 261; 54 Off. Gaz. [37] 8429.) Continuous recognition
SC: reversed CA of a resulting trust, however, precludes any defense of
ISSUE: Whether there is an implied trust laches in a suit to declare and enforce the trust. (See
where property is taken by a person 581, 54 Am Jur. pp. 448-450.) The beneficiary of a
under an agreement to hold it for, or convey it to resulting trust may, therefore, without prejudice to his
another or the grantor, a resulting or implied trust right to enforce the trust, prefer the trust to persist and
arises in favor of the person for whose benefit the demand no conveyance from the trustee. It being
property was intended. This rule, which has been alleged in the complaint that Lucas held the title to the
incorporated in the new Civil Code in Art. 1453 thereof, lot in question merely in trust for Emilio and that this
is founded upon equity. The rule is the same in the fact was acknowledged not only by him but also by his
United States, particularly where, on the faith of the heirs, herein defendants — which allegation is
agreement or the understanding, the grantee is hypothetically admitted — we are not prepared to rule
enabled to gain an advantage in the purchase of the that plaintiff's action is already barred by lapse of time.
On the contrary, we think the interest of justice would contract or a donation as it did not comply with the
be better served if she and her alleged co-heirs were requirements of Articles 749 and 1270 of the Civil Code.
In the brother’s petition for review with the SC, he argues
to be given an opportunity to be heard and allowed to
that the fact of co-ownership was sufficient consideration
present proof in support of their claim. to sustain the validity of the Deed of Waiver and testified
that the intention of the deceased father was to donate
the brother to him and his Sister. He further testified that
157. Cuaycong v. Cuaycong he himself crossed out the provision, with the Father’s
consent, to facilitate the issuance in his sister’s name.
See #128
ISSUE: Whether or not the property was co-owned by the
158. Rosario v. CA brother and sister.

See #143 RULING: The execution of the Deed of Donation by the

Father created an implied trust in favor of the brother in
159. Adaza v. CA respect of half of the property donated.

G.R. No. 47354 March 21, 1989 RATIO: Art. 1449 There is also an implied trust when a donation
HORACIO G. ADAZA and FELICIDAD MARUNDAN, is made to a person but it appears that although the legal estate
petitioners, vs.THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and is transmitted to the donee, he nevertheless is either to have no
VIOLETA G. ADAZA, assisted by her husband LINO AMOR, beneficial interest or only a part thereof.
The court notes that the donation was executed by the
Victor Adaza –Deceased/Father/Donor Violeta father while the land was still public disposable land and
Adaza –Donee/Daughter (RESPONDENT) that the final issuance of title was still about 7 years later.
Horacio Adaza –1stBrother/Fiscal (PETITIONER) It, found that the crossing out of the said paragraph was
at least an ambiguous act and that CA took a too literal
FACTS: Before dying, the Father executed a Deed of view of the matter holding that the effect of the
Donation covering a parcel of land to his daughter, then crossing-out of that paragraph was to make the
single. (NOTE: a crossed out provision in the Deed of unconditional donation, thus not requiring the daughter
Donation provided: “The donee shall share ½ of the entire not obliged to share the property with her brother. For the
property with one of her brothers or sisters after the death SC, if the real intent of the father was to make the two
of the donor.” The Father had five other children.) The co-owners of the property, and such intent is sufficiently
Deed was notarized and accepted in the same instrument. shown, it must be respected and implemented.
However, the property was then still part of the public
domain, but was held and cultivated by the Father. The For the court, the said intent was evidenced: firstly, by
Daughter, aided by her Brother, filed a homestead the Deed of Waiver executed where the Daughter
application for the land which eventually lead to the acknowledged that she owned the land in common with
registration of the property under her name. After the her brother although the certificate of title bore only her
Daughter married, she and her spouse mortgaged the name. While the Sister strove to convince that she had
property to secure a loan with PNB. Meanwhile, the signed by reason of fraud, misrepresentation and undue
Brother became a Provincial Fiscal of Davao Oriental and influence, the trial court and CA both concluded that the
moved to the said province. When the said Brother signature was voluntarily made. The Deed of Waiver had
returned for a family gathering, he asked his sister to sign been signed in the presence of their 3 other siblings.
a Deed of Waiver over the property stating that the Furthermore, the other siblings testified that the Deed of
property was co-owned by them, including all the Donation was executed with the understanding that the
improvements thereon. The Deed also provided for the same would be divided between the Brother and the
waiver, transfer and conveyance of the said share from Sister. Also, at the same time the Deed of Waiver was
Sister to Brother. A few months later, the Daughter, with signed, another Deed of Waiver was signed between
her husband, filed a complaint for annulment of the Deed another brother and another sister, who testified. The trial
of Waiver against the Brother, together with the latter’s court pointed out that four parcels of land were left to be
wife, declaring that the Daughter signed the Deed because divided among the six children.
of the Brother’s fraud, misrepresentation and undue Evidently, their parents made it a practice, for reasons of
influence. Meanwhile, the Brother contended that they their own, to have lands acquired by them titled in the
were co-owners and that the Deed of Waiver was signed name of one or another of their children. Three (3) of the
by his sister freely and voluntarily. The trial court declared four (4) parcels acquired by the parents were each placed
the Deed of Waiver as valid and binding and that the in the name of one of the children. For the court, the
brother and sister was co-owners of the said property. current case was not one where an older brother is
Upon the Daughter’s appeal, the CA reversed the trial exploiting or cheating his younger sister. On the contrary,
court’s decision, while agreeing that the Deed of Waiver the evidence showed that the Brother took care of the
was signed voluntarily, was without cause or sister and had been quite relaxed and unworried about the
consideration, because the land had been unconditionally title remaining in the name of his sister alone until the
donated to the Daughter alone. CA further held that the latter had gotten married and her husband began to show
Deed of Waiver could not be regarded as a gratuitous
what Brother thought was undue and indelicate interest in ISSUE: WON the acts of GUiillermo Severino as
the land. administrator in registering the land in his name
160. Severino v. Severino RULING: No.
It may first be observed that this is not an action under section
FACTS: 38 of the Land Registration Act to reopen or set aside a decree;
Melecio Severino owned 428 hectares of land in Silay, Province
it is an action in personam against an agent to compel him to
of Occidental Negros. During the lifetime of Melecio Severino the
return, or retransfer, to the heirs or the estate of its principal, the
land was worked by the defendant, Guillermo Severino, his
property committed to his custody as such agent, to execute the
brother, as administrator for and on behalf of the said Melecio
necessary documents of conveyance to effect such retransfer or,
Severino; that after Melecio's death, the defendant Guillermo
in default thereof, to pay damages.
Severino continued to occupy the land; that in 1916 a parcel
The defendant came into the possession of the property here in
survey was made of the lands in the municipality of Silay and
question as the agent of the deceased Melecio Severino in the
cadastral proceedings were instituted for the registration of the
administration of the property, cannot be successfully disputed.
land titles within the surveyed area; that in the cadastral
His testimony in the case of Montelibano vs. Severino (civil case
proceedings the land here in question was described as four
No. 902 of the Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros and
separate lots numbered as above stated; that Roque Hofileña, as
which forms a part of the evidence in the present case) is, in fact,
lawyer for Guillermo Severino, filed answers in behalf of the
conclusive in this respect. He there stated under oath that from
latter in said proceedings claiming the lots mentioned as the
the year 1902 up to the time the testimony was given, in the year
property of his client; that no opposition was presented in the
1913, he had been continuously in charge and occupation of the
proceedings to the claims of Guillermo Severino and the court
land as the encargado or administrator of Melecio Severino; that
therefore decreed the title in his favor, in pursuance of which
he had always known the land as the property of Melecio
decree certificates of title were issued to him in the month of
Severino; and that the possession of the latter had been
March, 1917.
peaceful, continuous, and exclusive. In his answer filed in the
It may be further observed that at the time of the cadastral
same case, the same defendant, through his attorney, disclaimed
proceedings the plaintiff Fabiola Severino was a minor; that
all personal interest in the land and averred that it was wholly
Guillermo Severino did not appear personally in the proceedings
the property of his brother Melecio.
and did not there testify; that the only testimony in support of
The relations of an agent to his principal are fiduciary and it is an
his claim was that of his attorney Hofileña, who swore that he
elementary and very old rule that in regard to property forming
knew the land and that he also knew that Guillermo Severino
the subject-matter of the agency, he is estopped from acquiring
inherited the land from his father and that he, by himself, and
or asserting a title adverse to that of the principal. His position is
through his predecessors in interest, had possessed the land for
analogous to that of a trustee and he cannot consistently, with
thirty years.
the principles of good faith, be allowed to create in himself an
Plaintiff Fabiola Guillermo is the alleged natural interest in opposition to that of his principal or cestui que trust.
daughter and sole heir of Melecio Severino brought Upon this ground, and substantially in harmony with the
this action to compel the defendant Guillermo
principles of the Civil Law, the English Chancellors held that in
Severino to convey to her four parcels of land
general whatever a trustee does for the advantage of the trust
described in the complaint, or in default thereof to
estate inures to the benefit of the cestui que trust. The same
pay her the sum of P800,000 in damages for
principle has been consistently adhered to in so many American
wrongfully causing said land to be registered in his
cases. The principle is well stated in the case of Gilbert vs.
own name. Felicitas Villanueva, in her capacity as
Hewetson (79 Minn., 326):
administratrix of the estate of Melecio Severino, has
"A receiver, trustee, attorney, agent, or any other person
filed a complaint in intervention claiming the same
occupying fiduciary relations respecting property or persons, is
relief as the original plaintiff, except in so far as she
utterly disabled from acquiring for his own benefit the property
prays that the conveyance be made, or damages
committed to his custody for management. This rule is entirely
paid, to the estate instead of to the plaintiff Fabiola
independent of the fact whether any fraud has intervened. No
Severino. The defendant answered both complaints
fraud in fact need be shown, and no excuse will be heard from
with a general denial.
the trustee. It is to avoid the necessity of any such inquiry that
Lower court rendered a judgment recognizing the
the rule takes so general a form. The rule stands on the moral
plaintiff Fabiola Severino as the acknowledged
obligation to refrain from placing one's self in positions which
natural child of the said Melecio Severino and
ordinarily excite conflicts between self-interest and integrity. It
ordering the defendant to convey 428 hectares of
seeks to remove the temptation that might arise out of such a
the land in question to the intervenor as
relation to serve one's self-interest at the expense of one's
administratrix of the estate of the said Melecio
integrity and duty to another, by making it impossible to profit
Severino, to deliver to her the proceeds in his
by yielding to temptation. It applies universally to all who come
possession of a certain mortgage placed thereon by
within its principle."
him and to pay the costs. From this judgment only
the defendant appeals.
161. Castro v. Castro The actions and facts of the case speak for
themselves. A conversation between the
Note: This case was decided under the Old Civil defendant and Mariano Tinio, defendant’s
Code. The applicable provision in the New Civil Code uncle and one time Director of Lands is
would be Article 1451 (When land passes by revealing:
succession to any person and he causes the legal
title to be put in the name of another, a trust is “Catalina Tinio, was introduced as a witness in
established by implication of law for the benefit of the court and he testified to the fact that he heard
true owner). The instant case would fall under a conversation between Manuel Tinio and
Resulting Trust if decided under the New Civil Code. Jose Castro, in the course of which the latter
informed his uncle that the petition for
This case was instituted by the Castros against Jose registration of the land in Jose’s name had
Castro, one of their own, with the CFI. They claim been denied, whereupon Manuel Tinio told him
ownership of an undivided one-sixth interest in a that he ought to make application for the
parcel of land covered by a Torrens Title issued in registration of the land in "your name and the
the name of the defendant. names of your brothers and sisters’. Jose de
Castro then said that, although the property
The land in question which was originally owned by should be registered in his (Jose’s) name, the
one Mariano Tinio was inherited by his children. One interests of his brothers and sisters would not
of which was Maximiana, the mother of the be prejudiced. Manuel Tinio assented to this
defendant. Jose Castro, the defendant in question, and told Jose to come to his office at the
has five younger siblings. After his mother's death, Bureau of Lands for the execution of the
Jose assumed administration of the land. document desired by Jose Castro.”

On July 28, 1912, defendant applied for registration The Supreme Court held that when the
of said land. He claims that he is the sole heir of his defendant procured the registration of this land
mother. He never mentioned the fact that he has 5 in his own name, he was acting in a trust
younger siblings. While initially successful, an appeal capacity and as representative of all of his
defeated his cause. Subsequently, on October 1919, brothers and sisters. This is in consonance
defendant began a second proceeding to have the with the doctrine in the case of Severino v.
land in his sole name. Again, he suppressed the fact Severino.
that he had other siblings. He was successful this
time around. ● Prescription does not run in favor of one who
holds in trust for others when denial of the trust
As mentioned previously, plaintiffs filed a case with made by the trustee is directed to beneficiaries
the CFI against defendant. The CFI ruled in favor of who was still a minor, at the time of such
said the plaintiffs,hence the current petition. repudiation.

ISSUES: Defendant claims that, granting arguendo that

● Whether or not a trust was created. trust relation did exist, he had repudiated the
● Whether or not prescription runs in favor of same more than ten years before this action
the defendant. was begun, and it is insisted that he had
acquired title by adverse possession. The
HELD: Supreme Court disagreed as the supposed
● Yes, a trust was created. repudiation of the trust was directed to a minor.
● No, prescription does not run in favor of the The defendant is not entitled to the benefit of
defendant. prescription from his supposed repudiation of
the trust.
● A trust is created when one acquires a
Torrens title in his own name to property 162. Ting Ho, Jr. v. Teng Gui
which he is administering for himself and his
brothers and sisters as heirs in common by - Plaintiffs and the defendant are all brothers and sisters,
descent from a common ancestor. the defendant Vincent Teng Gui being the oldest. Their
father was a Chinese citizen although their mother was
-Sometime in 1947, the father Felix Ting Ho occupied a - The petitioners invoke equity considerations and claim
parcel of land situated in Afable St., East Bajac-Bajac, that the ruling of the RTC that an implied trust was created
Olongapo City by virtue of the permission granted him by between respondent and their father with respect to the
the then US Naval Reservation Office. The couple subject lot should be upheld. This contention must fail
thereafter introduced improvements such as a residential because the prohibition against an alien from owning
house and a bakery. lands of the public domain is absolute and not even an
-In 1958, Felix Ting Ho executed a Deed of Absolute Sale implied trust can be permitted to arise on equity
and sold a building to Gregorio Fontela but spouses Felix considerations.
and Leonila Cabasal remained possession of the property. - decision of the CA was affirmed
Later, spouses Gregorio Fontela and Victoria Cabasal sold
to Vicente Ten Gui in 1961 the buildings which were 163. Diaz v. Gorricho and Aguado
bought by them from Felix Ting Ho. In 1966, Felix Ting Ho
executed an Affidavit of Transfer, Relinquishment and FACTS: 2 lots originally belonged to the conjugal
Renouncement of Rights and Interest including
partnership of Francisco Diaz and Maria Sevilla, the
Improvements on Land in favor of his eldest son the
OCTs under their name. Francisco died and was
defendant Vicente Teng Gui. On the basis of said
document he then filed a miscellaneous sales application survived by wife and 3 children.
with the Bureau of Lands.
-RTC found that Felix Ting Ho, being a Chinese citizen and Appellee Gorricho filed an action against Maria in the
the father of the petitioners and respondent, resorted to CFI of Manila, and a writ of attachment was issued
a series of simulated transactions in order to preserve the upon the shares of Maria in said lots.
right to the lot and the properties thereon in the hands of
the family. The Court believes that the transaction was
one of implied trust executed by Felix Ting Ho for the
Thereafter, said parcels were sold at public auction
benefit of his family. RTC considered the Affidavit of and purchased by Gorricho. Maria failed to redeem
Transfer, Relinquisment and Renouncement of Rights and within one year, whereupon the acting provincial
Interests over the land as a donation which was accepted sheriff executed a final deed of sale in favor of
by the done, the herein respondent. With respect to the Gorricho. In said final deed, however, the sheriff
properties in the lot, the trial court held that although the
conveyed to Gorricbo the whole of the 2 parcels
sales were simulated, pursuant to Art 1471 of the New
Civil Code, it can be assumed that the intention of Felix
instead of only the half-interest of Maria therein.
Ting Ho in such transaction was to give and donate the Pursuant to said deed, Gorricho obtained a TCT in
properties to his son. As a result, it awarded the entire her name and has been possessing said land is as
conjugal share of Felix Ting Ho in the subject lot and owner ever since.
properties to the respondent and divided only the conjugal
share of his wife among the siblings. Then, Maria died. Her 3 children filed the action in
- CA reversed and set aside the decision of the RTC. The
CFI of Nueva Ecija against Gorricho and her
appellae court held that the deceasesd Felix Ting Ho was
never the owner and never claimed ownership of the husband Aguado to compel them to execute in their
subject lot since he is disqualified under Philippine laws favor a deed of reconveyance over an undivided one-
from owning public lands, and that respondent Vicente half interest over the lots in question (the share
Teng Gui was the rightful owner over said lot by virtue of therein of their deceased father illegally conveyed by
the Miscellaneous Sales Patent issued in his favor. The CA the provincial sheriff to Gorricho), which defendants
found that defendant Vicente Teng Gui acquired the
were allegedly holding in trust for them.
subject land by sales patent or purchase from the
government and not from his father because on December
5, 1977 when the subject land was sold to him by the Defendants answered denying the allegations of the
government and on Jan 3, 1978 when Miscellaneous Sales complaint and alleging, as a special defense, that
Patent No. 7457 was issued, the late Felix Ting ho was plaintiffs’ action has long prescribed.
already dead. However, since the sales executed were
fictitious, the CA awarded 4/5 shares of the subject
After trial, the court below rendered judgment,
properties erected on the said lot to the petitioners.
holding that while a constructive trust in plaintiffs’
Issue: Was there an implied trust between Felix Ting Ho
and son Vicente? If so, should all the properties be divided favor arose when defendant Gorricho took advantage
equally among all the siblings? of the error of the provincial sheriff in conveying to
Held: her the whole of the parcels in question and obtained
NO. title in herself, the action of plaintiffs was, however,
- The father of the petitioners and respondent was a barred by laches and prescription. From this
Chinese citizen; therefore he was disqualified from
judgment, plaintiffs appealed.
acquiring and owning real property in the Philippines. On
the other hand, the respondent became the owner of Lot
No. 418 when he was granted Miscellaneous Sales Patent The principal contention of appellants is that their
No 7457 by the Secretary of Natural Resources by father’s half of the disputed property was acquired by
Authority of the President of the Philippines. Gorricho through an error of the provincial sheriff;
that having been acquired through error, it was hold for the beneficiary; therefore, the latter is not
subject to an implied trust, as provided by Article justified in delaying action to recover his property. It
1456 of the new Civil Code; and therefore, since the is his fault if he delays; hence, he may be estopped
trust is continuing and subsisting, the appellants may by his own laches.
compel reconveyance of the property despite the
lapse of time, specially, because prescription does Of course the equitable doctrine of estoppel by
not run against titles registered under Act 496 laches requires that the one invoking it must show,
not only the unjustified inaction, but that some unfair
ISSUE: WON laches constitutes a bar to actions to injury would result to him unless the action is held
enforce a constructive trust barred. This requirement the appellees have not met,
and they are thereby bereft of the protection of this
HELD: The judgment appealed from is affirmed rule.

YES We are of the opinion that the judgment of dismissal

should be upheld, because the appellants’ cause of
Article 1456 of the new Civil Code, while not action to attack the sheriff’s deed and cancel the
retroactive in character, merely expresses a rule TCTs issued to the appellees accrued from the year
already recognized by our courts prior to the Code’s of issuance and recording, 1937, and appellants
promulgation. Appellants are, however, in error in have, allowed fifteen (15) years to elapse before
believing that like express trusts, such constructive taking remedial action, notwithstanding the appellees’
trusts may not be barred by lapse of time. The public assertion of title during this entire period, to
American law on trusts has always maintained a extinguish appellant’s action. Under the old Code of
distinction between express trusts created by Civil Procedure, in force at the time, the longest
intention of the parties, and the implied or period extinctive prescription was only ten years.
constructive trusts that are exclusively created by
law, the latter not being trusts in their technical
164. Sumaoang v. Judge, RTC
The express trusts disable the trustee from acquiring Topic: Acquisition of property through mistake or fraud.
for his own benefit the property committed to his ART. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or
management or custody, at least while he does not fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law,
openly repudiate the trust, and makes such considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of
repudiation known to the beneficiary or cestui que the person from whom the property comes.

trust. For this reason, the old Code of Civil Procedure

Facts: Sebastian Sumaoang applied for a homestead over
declared that the rules on adverse possession do not a parcel of land located in Isabela. Due to his illness, he
apply to “continuing and subsisting” (i.e., transferred his residence to his native town in Tarlac. The
unrepudiated) trusts. Domingos (Florencio and Regino) applied also for a
homestead patent over that parcel of land of which
In constructive trusts, as pointed out by the court Sebastian had also applied for a homestead patent.
Unfortunately, the Domingos were given the homestead
below, the rule is that laches constitutes a bar to
patent, not to Sebastian. Sumaoangs engaged the
actions to enforce the trust, and repudiation is not
services of Atty. Pascua to file a formal protest regarding
required, unless there is concealment of the facts the legality of the issuance of homestead patent to the
giving rise to the trust Domingos. The CFI of Isabela (Sumaoang v. Domingos)
declared the patent as null and void. The CA and SC
The reason for the difference in treatment is obvious. affirmed the decision.
In express trusts, the delay of the beneficiary is However, maybe because of the overwhelming joy they
felt they forgot to pay Atty. Pascua of the compensation
directly attributable to the trustee who undertakes to
of professional services as counsel, the latter filed a
hold the property for the former, or who linked to the complaint for collection of attorney's fees against the
beneficiary by confidential or fiduciary relations. The Sumaoangs. CFI stated that Atty. Pascua was only entitled
trustee’s possession is, therefore, not adverse to the to 1/2 of the value of property in peso. Since the decision
beneficiary, until and unless the latter is made aware of the CFI became final and executory, Atty. Pascua filed
that the trust has been repudiated. But in constructive a writ of execution against the Sumaoangs. The DP Sheriff
was successful in the execution since the entire land was
trusts (that are imposed by law), there is neither
levied and sold in an auction to Atty. Pascua being the
promise nor fiduciary relation; the so-called trustee
highest bidder. Andres Sumaoang asked for the
does not recognize any trust and has no intent to nullification of the CFI's decision for the reason that the
attorney's fees became unreasonable and unconscionable. transfer certificate or ownership or title in the name of the
Accordingly, in the instant case, an implied trust was plaintiff. At the end of 1991, Lahug Airport completely
established upon the land acquired by Atty. Pascua even ceased its operation while the Mactan-Cebu airport opened
though the operative mistake was a mistake of to accommodate incoming and outgoing commercial flights.
respondent trial judge. Respondent Judge may be seen to This then prompted the land owners to demand for the
have intended to convey only one-half (1/2) of the land reconveynace of said properties being expropriated by the
involved as attorney's fees to Atty. Pascua. trial court under the power of eminent domain. Hence these
Issue: Whether of not there is an implied trust that
two consolidated cases arise.
existed between Atty. Pascua and Sumaoangs when the
RTC : Ruled in favor of the petitioners Oaunos and against
latter obtained possession of the land in dispute.
the MCIAA for the reconveynace of their properties but was
Held: Yes.
appealed by the latter and the earlier decision was
It is essential to note that the relationship between an
attorney and his client is a fiduciary one. Canon 17 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility stresses that "a lawyer
CA: affirmed the reversed decision of the RTC.
owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he shall be ISSUE: WON there was an implied trust.
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him." RULING: YES.
Canon 16 requires a lawyer to "hold in trust all monies Providing added support to the Ouanos and the Inocians
and properties of his client that may come into his right to repurchase is what in Heirs of Moreno was referred
possession. to as constructive trust, one that is akin to the implied trust
expressed in Art. 1454 of the Civil Code,[37] the purpose of
The SC believe that respondent Atty. Pascua, under the which is to prevent unjust enrichment.[38] In the case at
circumstances of this case, must be regarded as holding bench, the Ouanos and the Inocians parted with their
the title of the property acquired by him at public sale respective lots in favor of the MCIAA, the latter obliging itself
under an implied trust in favor of petitioner and his to use the realties for the expansion of Lahug Airport; failing
brothers, to the extent of one-half (1/2) of that property. to keep its end of the bargain, MCIAA can be compelled by
Among the species of implied trusts recognized by our the former landowners to reconvey the parcels of land to
Civil Code is that set forth in Article 1456. Under the them, otherwise, they would be denied the use of their
Article, the "mistake" or "fraud" that results in an implied
properties upon a state of affairs that was not conceived nor
trust being impressed upon the property involved, may be
contemplated when the expropriation was authorized. In
the mistake or fraud of a third person, and need not be a
effect, the government merely held the properties
mistake or fraud committed directly by the trustee himself
condemned in trust until the proposed public use or purpose
under the implied trust. Accordingly, in the instant case,
for which the lots were condemned was actually
an implied trust was established upon the land acquired
by Atty. Pascua even though the operative mistake was a
consummated by the government. Since the government
mistake of respondent trial judge. Respondent Judge may failed to perform the obligation that is the basis of the
be seen to have intended to convey only one-half (1/2) of transfer of the property, then the lot owners Ouanos and
the land involved as attorney's fees to Atty. Pascua. Atty. Inocians can demand the reconveyance of their old
Pascua, however, took advantage of the Judge's mistake properties after the payment of the condemnation price.
in order to acquire all the 21.3445 hectares for himself. Constructive trusts are fictions of equity that courts use as
Atty. Pascua obviously knew that under his contract with devices to remedy any situation in which the holder of the
his clients, he was entitled to ask only for one-half (1/2) legal title, MCIAA in this case, may not, in good conscience,
of the land. When he purchased the entire land at public retain the beneficial interest. We add, however, as in Heirs
auction for P110,000.00 (leaving his clients still owing him of Moreno, that the party seeking the aid of equitythe
P1,500.00), the amount and character of his attorney's landowners in this instance, in establishing the trustmust
fees became unreasonable and unconscionable and himself do equity in a manner as the court may deem just
constituted unjust enrichment at the expense of his and reasonable.

165. Vda. de Ouano v. Republic

166. Juan v. Yap, Sr.
In 1949, the National Airport Corporation (NAC),
MCIAA’s predecessor agency pursued a program to expand
SEE # 134
the Lahug Airport in Cebu City. As an assurance from the
government, there is a promise of reconveyance or
167. Sing Juco and Sing Bengco v. Sunyantong and Llorente
repurchase of said property so long as Lahug ceases its
operation or transfer its operation to Mactan – Cebu Airport. FACTS: Sing Juco and Sing Bengco obtained from Maria Gay a
Some owners refused to sell, and that the Civil Aeronautics written option to purchase an estate known as "San Antonio
Administration filed a complaint for the expropriation of said
Estate". The term of the option expired, but Sing Juco and Sing
properties for the expansion of the Lahug Airport. The trial
Bengco had it extended verbally. Sunyantong was an employee
court then declared said properties to be used upon the
of Sing Juco and Sing Bengco, and the evidence shows that they
expansion of said projects and order for just compensation
reposed confidence in him and did not mind disclosing to him
to the land owners, at the same time directed the latter to
their plans of purchasing the San Antonio estate and the status
of their negotiations with Gay. In one of the meetings held by damages, as we are not aware of any express provision in said
Sing Juco and Sing Bengco, Sunyantong was present. At that Code which imposes upon the person thus held liable, any
time, Sunyantong remarked that it would be advisable to let obligation, such as that of transferring to plaintiffs the estate in
some days elapse before accepting the terms of the transfer as question.
proposed by Maria Gay, in order that the Gay might not think
that they were desperate for the said property. Such principle, however, in case of this nature is generally
recognized in our laws, since the case of commercial agents
On the day that Sing Juco and Sing Bengco’s option to purchase (factories) it is expressly established. Undoubtedly, formerly
was to expire, Sunyantong called at the house of Gay and offered under the circumstances then prevailing such sanction was not
to buy the estate on the terms she proposed, which were not yet necessary in the field of civil law, because is sphere of action is
accepted by Sing Juco and Sing Bengco. Sunyantong offered to the general relations of society; but even then it was deemed
buy not for the benefit of Sing Juco and Sing Bengco, but for the necessary expressly to protect with such sanction the
benefit of his own wife. Maria Gay informed the broker of Sing commercial relations wherein the question of gain was involved,
Juco and Sing Bengco that there was another interested buyer which is sometimes so imperatives as to ignore everything, even
and that she would like to know immediately Sing Juco and Sing the very principles of loyalty, honesty, and fidelity.
Bengco’s decision. Sing Bengco instructed Sotelo to inform her,
"siya ang bahala". Interpreting the phrase to mean that Sing Juco This specific relief, however, has already come to be applied in
and Sing Bengco waived their option to buy, Maria Gay closed this jurisdiction in similar cases, among which can be cited that
the sale of the estate in favor of Sunyantong. Sing Bengco and of Camacho vs. Municipality of Baliuag (28 Phil., 466.)
Sing Juco then filed a case against Sunyantong.
And in the North American law such sanction is expressly recognized, and
Lower Court - ordered the Sunyantong to execute a deed of the transaction of this nature might be regarded as an "equitable trust"
conveyance to Sing Bengco and Sing Juco of the San Antonio by virtue of which the things acquired by an employee is deemed not to
have been acquired for his own benefit or that of any other person but
Estate for the same price and with the same conditions as those
for his principal, and held in trust for the latter (21 R. C. L., 825; 2 Corpus
of the purchase thereof from Maria Gay.
Juris, 353).

DISSENTING OPINION BY VILLAMOR, J: Sunyantong is held civilly

ISSUE: Whether or not Sunyantong must be held liable, by virtue
liable for having purchased the land in question in behalf of his
of an equitable trust.
wife, Vicenta Llorente, with knowledge of the fact that Sing
Bengco and Sing Juco, by whom he was employed, were
negotiating with the owner of the land for the purchase of the
RATIO: Sunyantong owed loyalty and faithfulness to his
The liability of Sunyantong should consist in the reparation of the
employers, furthermore, his disloyalty was responsible for Maria
damage caused to the Sing Bengco and Sing Juco. Has any
Gay not accepting the terms proposed by the plaintiff. Without
damage been proven to have arisen from the culpable act of the
such intervention on the part of the defendant it is presumed,
defendant Sunyantong? I do not think that it has, and indeed no
taking into account all the circumstances of the case, that the
damage could have been caused to the Sing Bengco. There is also
sale of the estate in question would have been consummated
no proof of Sunyantong having acquired the land in question in
between Maria Gay and the plaintiffs, perhaps with such
the name or in behalf of Sing Bengco and Sing Juco, or at the
advantages to the plaintiffs, as they expected to obtain by
request of the latter, or with funds furnished by them. Said
prolonging negotiations. The same would be true even if the
defendants had legal capacity to buy (art. 1457, Civil Code) and
plaintiffs were to have waived all claims to the option.
are not within any of the cases prohibited by article 1459 of the
same Code.
Such an act of infidelity committed by a trusted employee
calculated to redound to his own benefit and to the detriment of 168. Hernandez v. Hernandez
his employers cannot pass without legal sanction. Nemo debet Facts:
aliena jactura locupletari; nemo ex suo delicto meliorem suam Republic of the Philippines, through the Department of
conditionem facere potest. It is an illicit act committed with culpa Public Works and Highways (DPWH), offered to purchase
and, therefore, its agent is liable [Art. 1089, now Art. 1157(5) a portion of a parcel of land. The land is pro-indiviso
Quasi-delict], for the damage caused (art. 1902, now Art. 2176). owned by Cornelia M. Hernandez (Cornelia), petitioner
Not identical, but similar, to this infidelity is the abuse of the
herein, Atty. Jose M. Hernandez, deceased father of
confidence sanctioned in our Penal Code as a generic
respondent Cecilio F. Hernandez (Cecilio), represented by
circumstance, nay as specific aggravating one, and even as an
Paciencia Hernandez (Paciencia) and Mena Hernandez
essential element of certain crimes.
(Mena), also deceased and represented by her heirs.
This reparation provided for in the Civil Code and applied to the
case at bar seems to be limited to the indemnification of
Initial and last purchase price was P35 and P70 per square Later she learned that she was entitled to receive
meter, respectively. But still, Hernandez did not accept the ₱7,321,500.00. Cornelia demanded the accounting of the
offer. proceeds. But there was no answer. Cornelia then filed a
complaint for the Annulment of Quitclaim and
An expropriation case was filed by the Republic of the Recovery of Sum of Money and Damages was filed
Philippines, through the DPWH, before the Regional Trial before the RTC, Makati.
Court, Branch 83 (RTC Branch 83), which a judgment of
expropriation was given with a finding of just RTC Makati ruled in favor of the plaintiff and against the
compensation of P21,964,500 or P1,500 per square meter. defendant, declaring the receipt and quitclaim signed by
the plaintiff dated February 7, 2000 as null and void and
Owners of the Hernandez property executed a letter ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff.
indicating: (1) Cecilio as the
representative of the owners of the land; and (2) the CA- reversed and set aside the ruling of the RTC.
compensation he gets in doing such job.
Petitioner Cornelia now submits that the Court of Appeals
Cecilio was appointed as one of the commissioners to erred in holding the validity of the receipt and quitclaim
represent the defendants in the finding of just document contrary to law and jurisprudence. She holds
compensation. that the distribution of award that transpired is unjust and
Cornelia, and her other co-owners who were also prays that the decision of the RTC Makati be reinstated.
signatories of the 11 November 1993 letter, executed an
irrevocable Special Power of Attorney (SPA) appointing Issue: WON Cecilio may validly create in himself an
Cecilio Hernandez as their "true and lawful interest in opposition to that of his principal or cetui que
attorney" with respect to the expropriation of the subject trust.
property. The SPA stated that the authority shall be
irrevocable and continue to be binding all throughout the Rule:
SC-- reinstated the decision of the RTC Makati.
Petitioner executed a Revocation of the SPA withdrawing
the authority earlier granted to Cecilio. After the No evidence on record would show that Cornelia agreed to
revocation, on 28 Cornelia, with a new lawyer, moved for give Cecilio 83.07% of the proceeds of the sale of her
the withdrawal of her one-third (1/3) share of the just land. What is on record is that Cornelia asked for an
compensation, which is equivalent to Seven Million Three accounting of the just compensation from Cecilio several
Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos – the times, but the request remained unheeded. Right at that
amount a pro-indiviso owner is to receive. point, it can be already said that Cecilio violated the
fiduciary relationship of an agent and a principal. The
The court granted the motion of petitioner, with the relation of an agent to his principal is fiduciary and it is
condition that the money shall be released only to the elementary that in regard to property subject matter of
attorney-in-fact, Mr. Cecilio F. Hernandez. the agency, an agent is estopped from acquiring or
Cecilio, therefore, was able to receive the entire sum of asserting a title adverse to that of the principal. His
₱21,964,500.00. position is analogous to that of a trustee and he cannot,
consistently with the principles of good faith, be
Cornelia received from Cecilio a Check amounting to allowed to create in himself an interest in opposition to
₱1,123,000.00, accompanied by a that of his principal or cestui que trust.
Receipt and Quitclaim document in favor of Cecilio. It
states that: (1) the amount received will be the share of
Cornelia in the just compensation paid by the government
in the expropriated property; (2) in consideration of the
payment, it will release and forever discharge Cecilio from 169. Gonzales v. Jimenez, Sr.
any action, damages, claims or demands; and (3) Cornelia Facts:
will not institute any action and will not pursue her · Jimenez Sr. sold a land to Gonzales
complaint or opposition to the release to Cecilio or his · On August 15, 1951, Felipe Jimenez, Sr. caused
heirs or assigns, of the entire amount representing the total his son to file a free patent application with the Bureau of
just compensation of expropriated properties under the Lands covering the same land alleging certain fraudulent
aforementioned case. statements in his application and by reason of which Free
Patent No. V-2706 was issued to his son on February 4,
1953, as well as Original Certificate of Title No. 11
· Plaintiff was totally unaware of the filing of properties, denominated as Fideicomiso de Juliana
the application for patent as well as the issuance Lopez Manzano (Fideicomiso) to be administered by
of the patent and the certificate of title his husband, Jose. If her husband were to die or
abovementioned which he came to know only in renounce the obligation, her nephew, Enrique Lopez
October, 1956 when, in the absence of his was to become the administrator and executor of
caretaker, defendant Jimenez, Sr. caused the the Fideicomiso. Two-thirds (2/3) of the income of
fencing of the land and asserted proprietary rights her paraphernal properties were to answer for the
education of deserving but needy students as
over the same.
beneficiaries while 1/3 was to shoulder the expenses
· Homobono H. Gonzales filed on July 26, 1957
and fees of the administrator.
against Felipe Jimenez, Sr., et al. a complaint for the
Juliana initiated the probate of her will but she died
reconveyance of a parcel of land
before the petition for probate could be heard, so
· Defendant filed a motion to dismiss, which was her husband, Jose, pursued the petition as the
denied, after which they filed their answer. After plaintiff designated executor in the will. Jose then proposed
had closed his evidence, defendants submitted a second a partition in the proposal, he included properties
motion to dismiss on the ground that the action, based which he alleged were conjugal properties but this
on fraud, should have been presented within four years includes six (6) disputed paraphernal properties of
from the issuance of the patent, and not from the Juliana in Batangas. The court approved the project
discovery of the fraud of partition, so they ordered new certificates be
· The court dismiss the complaint, the court said issued in favor of Jose as trustee of the Fideicomiso
that from the issuance of the title on March 15, 1953 to covering ½ of the properties listed under the project
the filing of the complaint on July 26, 1957, more than of partition; and regarding the other half, to be
four years had already elapsed and so plaintiff's action registered in the name of Jose as heir of Juliana. The
has already prescribed properties which Jose had alleged as registered in
· Appellant now contends that the court a his land and Juliana’s name, including the disputed
quo erred in dismissing the complaint by computing the lots, were adjudicated to Jose as heir. These were
prescriptive period from the registration of the title in the included from the trust (Fideicomiso). A complaint
office of the register of deeds. for reconveyance was filed by the current
Issue: WON the cause of action of the plaintiff has administrator. The complaint essentially alleged that
already prescribed Jose was able to register in his name the disputed
Ruling No properties, which were the paraphernal properties of
We believe, that this case is covered by Article 1456 of Juliana. The disputed properties were included in the
our new Civil Code which provides: "If property is inventory as if they formed part of Jose’s estate
acquired through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining when in fact Jose was holding them only in trust for
it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied the trust estate of Juliana.
trust for the benefit of the person from whom the property The RTC dismissed the petition on the ground of
comes." prescription.
Since it appears that the land in question was obtained The CA denied the appeals filed by both parties.
by defendants thru fraudulent representations by means ISSUE: Whether an implied trust was constituted
of which a patent and a title were issued in their name, over the disputed properties when Jose, the trustee,
they are deemed to hold it in trust for the benefit of the registered them in his name.
person prejudiced by it. Here this person is the plaintiff. RULING:
There being an implied trust in this transaction, the action The disputed properties were excluded from the
to recover the property prescribes after the lapse of ten Fideicomiso at the outset. Jose registered the
years. Here this period has not yet elapsed. . 1äwphï1.ñët
disputed properties in his name partly as his
A person sells land and obtains title thru fraudulent conjugal share and partly as his inheritance from his
misrepresentation, he is deemed to hold it trust for the benefit of wife Juliana, which is the complete reverse of the
the person prejudiced by it, and the action for reconveyance of the claim of the petitioner, as the new trustee, that the
property prescribes after the lapse of 10 years properties are intended for the beneficiaries of the
WHEREFORE, the order appealed from is set aside. Fideicomiso. Furthermore, the exclusion of the
This case is ordered remanded to the court a quo for disputed properties from the Fideicomiso was
further proceedings. No costs approved by the probate court and subsequently, by
the trial court having jurisdiction over the
Fideicomiso. The registration of the disputed
170. Lopez v. CA
FACTS: properties in the name of Jose was actually pursuant
Juliana Lopez executed a notarial will whereby she to a court order. The apparent mistake in the
wished to constitute a trust fund for her paraphernal adjudication of the disputed properties to Jose
created a mere implied trust of the constructive However, in constructive implied trusts, prescription
variety in favor of the beneficiaries of Fideicomiso. may supervene even if the trustee does not
ART. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake repudiate the relationship. Necessarily, repudiation
or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law, of said trust is not a condition precedent to the
considered a trustee of an implied trust for the running of the prescriptive period. Thus for the
benefit of the person from whom the property purpose of counting the ten year prescriptive period
comes. for the action to enforce the constructive trust, the
reckoning point is deemed to be on 15 September
1969 when Jose registered the disputed properties
in his name.
Implied trusts are either resulting or constructive
trusts. These two are differentiated from each other
as follows:
Resulting trust are based on equitable doctrine that
valuable consideration and not legal title determines 171. Pasiño v. Monterroyo
the equitable title or interest and are presumed FACTS:
always to have been contemplated by the parties. Laureano Pasino filed an homestead application over
They arise from the nature of circumstances of the a 24 hectare land Lot no. 2139 located at Panuliran,
consideration involved in a transaction whereby one Albumo, Iligan City. He claimed to have occupied and
person thereby becomes invested with legal title but cultivated and cleared the land in 1933. After
is obligated in equity to hold his legal title for the Laureano died in April 1952, the Director of lands
benefit of another. issued an order for the issuance of a homestead
On the other hand, constructive trusts are created patent in favor of him. Laureano’s heirs did not receive
by the construction of equity in order to satisfy the the order and consequently, the land was not
demands of justice and prevent unjust enrichment. registered under Laureanos name or under that of his
They arise contrary to intention against one who, by heirs. In 1953, the property was covered by Tax
fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, obtains or Declaration in the name of Laureano with Graciana
holds the legal right to property which he ought not, Herbito (wife of Laureano) as administrator.
in equity and good conscience, to hold.
A resulting trust is presumed to have been On October 1962, Joses Pasino co-heirs executed a
contemplated by the parties, the intention as to Deed of Quitclaim renouncing their rights and interest
which is to be found in the nature of their transaction
over the land in favor of Jose (son of Laureano). Later,
but not expressed in the deed itself. Specific
Jose alienated Lot No. 2139 in favor of his children
examples of resulting trust may be found in Civil
(petitioners in this case) who, on January 1994,
Code particularly Arts. 1448/49/51/52/53.
simultaneously filed applications for grant of Free
A constructive trust is created, not by any word
Patent Titles over their respective shares of Lot No.
evidencing a direct intention to create a trust, but
2139 before the Land Management Bureau of the
by operation of law in order to satisfy the demands
of justice and to prevent unjust enrichment. It is
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
raised by equity in respect of property, which has (DENR). On August 1994, the DENR granted
been acquired by fraud, or where although acquired petitioners applications and issued Original Certificate
originally without fraud, it is against equity that it of Title (OCT).
should be retained by the person holding it.
Constructive trusts are illustrated in Arts. Petitioners alleged that their possession of Lot No.
1450/54/55/56. 2139 was interrupted on January 1993 when
The right to seek reconveyance based on an implied respondents forcibly took possession of the property.
or constructive trust is not absolute. It is subject to So the petitioners (heirs of Pasino) filed an action for
extinctive prescription. An action for reconveyance recovery of possession and damages.
based on implied or constructive trust prescribes in
10 years. The period is reckoned from the date of Respondents Monterroyo alleged that they had been
the issuance of the original certificate of title or TCT. in open, continuous, exclusive and notorious
Since such issuance operates as a constructive possession of Lot No. 2139, by themselves and
notice of the whole world, the discovery of the fraud through their predecessors-in-interest, since July
is deemed to have taken place at that time. 1949. They alleged that on July 1949, Rufo Larumbe
The rule that the trustee cannot acquire by (Larumbe) sold Lot No. 2139 to Petra Teves (Petra).
prescription ownership over property entrusted to Then, on February 1984, Petra executed a deed of
him until and unless he repudiates the trust applies
sale over Lot No. 2139 in favor of Vicente Teves
only to express trusts and resulting implied trusts.
(Vicente). On February 1985, Vicente executed a square meters, more or less, and covered by OCT No. P-84609 of
pacto de retro sale over the land in favor of Arturo the Registry of Deeds of Isabela. By virtue of the special power of
Teves (Arturo). In 1992, Arturo sold Lot No. 2139 in attorney xxx executed by Mariflor Tagufa Hortizuela, Jovier
favor of respondents father, Dr. Monterroyo, by virtue Tagufa instituted this case against herein defendants praying for
of an oral contract. On January 1995, Arturo executed the peaceful surrender of the above-described property unto
a Deed of Confirmation of Absolute Sale of them and further ordering defendant Gregoria Tagufa to
Unregistered Land in favor of Dr. Monterroyos heirs. reconvey in plaintiff’s favor the same property which was titled
So Jose was not the owner of Lot No. 2139 and as under her name via fraud.
such, he could not sell the land to his children. They
Before it was titled in the name of Defendant Tagufa, said
alleged that petitioners OCTs were null and void for
property was originally owned by plaintiff’s parents, Spouses
having been procured in violation of the Public Land
Epifanio Tagufa and Godofreda Jimenez. Although untitled, the
Act. They further alleged that the Land Management
spouses mortgaged the property with the Development Bank of
Bureau had no authority to issue the free patent titles
the Philippines (DBP). For failure to redeem the property, DBP
because Lot No. 2139 was a private land.
foreclosed the same and sold it to Atty. Romulo Marquez xxx
who, in turn, sold it back to Runsted Tagufa, husband of
RTC: rendered in favor of the respondents.
defendant Gregoria Tagufa, on April 4, 2002 xxx using the fund
sent by plaintiff Hortizuela who was in America and with the
Petitioners appealed. agreement that Runsted will reconvey the said property to her
sister when demanded.
CA: affirmed RTC’s decision.
However, plaintiff discovered that the same unregistered
ISSUE: WON there was an Implied Constructive trust. property was titled in the name of Gregoria Tagufa under OCT
No. P-84609 of the Registry of Deeds of Isabela xxx. Investigating
HELD: further, plaintiff discovered that Gregoria Tagufa was able to title
YES, Under the principle of constructive trust, the said property by virtue of a free patent application before the
registration of property by one person in his name, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and
whether by mistake or fraud, the real owner being the execution of a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate
another person, impresses upon the title so acquired of the late Spouses Leandro Tagufa and Remedios Talosig dated
the character of a constructive trust for the real owner, May 9, 2003 xxx. Plaintiff now seeks to recover possession of the
which would justify an action for reconveyance. In the said property which is presently occupied by Gregoria Tagufa and
action for reconveyance, the decree of registration is her co-defendants and have the same be reconveyed unto them.
respected as incontrovertible but what is sought
instead is the transfer of the property wrongfully or MCTC – Dismissed for lack of merit.
erroneously registered in anothers name to its rightful
owner or to one with a better right. If the registration of RTC – Reversed and Set Aside. MR Denied.
the land is fraudulent, the person in whose name the
CA – RTC Reversed and Set Aside. Collateral attack on Torrens
land is registered holds it as a mere trustee, and the
Title prohibited.
real owner is entitled to file an action for reconveyance
of the property.
ISSUE: Whether or not the property was held in trust.

In the given case, respondents (Monterroyo) were

RULING: Petition is granted. CA Reversed and Set Aside. RTC
able to establish that they have a better right to Lot No.
decision reinstated.
2139 since they had long been in possession of the
property in the concept of owners, by themselves and RATIO: What is being sought is the transfer of the property
through their predecessors-in-interest. Hence, despite wrongfully or erroneously registered in another's name to its
the irrevocability of the Torrens titles issued in their rightful owner or to the one with a better right. If the registration
names and even if they are already the registered of the land is fraudulent, the person in whose name the land is
owners under the Torrens system, petitioners may still registered holds it as a mere trustee, and the real owner is
be compelled under the law to reconvey the property entitled to file an action for reconveyance of the property. The
to respondents. fact that Gregoria was able to secure a title in her name does not
operate to vest ownership upon her of the subject land. The fact
that Gregoria was able to secure a title in her name does not
172. Hortizuela v. Tagufa
operate to vest ownership upon her of the subject land. Its
issuance in favor of a particular person does not foreclose the
FACTS: The property involved in this case is a parcel of land
possibility that the real property may be co-owned with persons
located at District IV, Tumauini, Isabela containing an area of 539
not named in the certificate, or that it may be held in trust for ownership or title over the particular property described therein.
another person by the registered owner. It cannot be used to protect a usurper from the true owner; nor
can it be used as a shield for the commission of fraud; neither
Furthermore, respondent’s argument that the overriding reason does it permit one to enrich himself at the expense of others. Its
why Hortizuela chose to file a complaint for reconveyance and issuance in favor of a particular person does not foreclose the
recovery of possession was that she failed to avail of the remedy possibility that the real property may be co-owned with persons
provided under Section 38 of Act 496 within the prescribed not named in the certificate, or that it may be held in trust for
period of one (1) year, counted from the issuance of the patent another person by the registered owner. [RTC]
by the government, is weak. As was similarly held in Cervantes v.
CA, with the land obtained by respondent Gregoria through
fraudulent machinations by means of which a free patent and a 173. Home Guaranty Corp. v. La Savoje Dev. Corp.
title were issued in her name, she was deemed to have held it in
trust for the benefit of Hortizuela who was prejudiced by her
actions. Article 1456 provides:
Trustor – La Savoie Trustee – Planters Development
ARTICLE 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the Bank Beneficiaries – Holders of the LSDC certificates
person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied
trust for the benefit of the person from whom the property comes.
A fraudulently acquired free patent may only be assailed by the La Savoie Development Corporation (La Savoie) is a
government in an action for reversion pursuant to Section 101 of domestic corporation engaged in the business of real
the Public Land Act. estate development, subdivision and brokering. It had
subdivision and housing projects in several areas that
were collectively referred to as the “La Savoie Project”.
In Sherwill Development Corporation v. Sitio Sto. Niño Residents
Association, Inc., this Court pointed out that: The development and implementation of the “Project”
was to be funded through the issuance and sale of asset
x x x It is to the public interest that one who succeeds in fraudulently participation certificates known as La Savoie
acquiring title to a public land should not be allowed to benefit Development Certificates. Planters Development Bank
therefrom, and the State should, therefore, have an even existing was specified to be a nominal issuer only of all LSDCs
authority, thru its duly-authorized officers, to inquire into the and perform the functions and responsibilities of a
circumstances surrounding the issuance of any such title, to the end that trustee as what has been stated in the Trust Agreement.
the Republic, thru the Solicitor General or any other officer who may be
authorized by law, may file the corresponding action for the reversion of The LSDC’s are backed and secured by the asset pool
the land involved to the public domain, subject thereafter to disposal to consisting of said real estate properties and the products
other qualified persons in accordance with law. In other words, the and results of their planned development.
indefeasibility of a title over land previously public is not a bar to an
investigation by the Director of Lands as to how such title has been La Savoie has agreed to convey the real estate
acquired, if the purpose of such investigation is to determine whether or properties of the “Project” to a trustee to form the La
not fraud had been committed in securing such title in order that the Savoie Project Asset Pool which shall be held by the
appropriate action for reversion may be filed by the Government. trustee for the pro rata and pro indiviso benefit of the
holders of the LSDCs as defined in the trust agreement.
The foregoing rule is, however, not without exception. A
recognized exception is that situation where plaintiff-claimant La Savoie also establishes a trust, for purposes of this
seeks direct reconveyance from defendant of public land securitization and formation of the corresponding Asset
pool, out of the properties pertaining to the PROJECT
unlawfully and in breach of trust titled by him, on the principle
development and operation, and accordingly does hereby
of enforcement of a constructive trust. This was the ruling in
convey, assign and deliver all its rights and interests in
Larzano v. Tabayag, Jr., where it was written:
the real estate properties identified and described
through their respective transfer certificates of title
A private individual may bring an action for reconveyance of a parcel of (TCTs).
land even if the title thereof was issued through a free patent since such
action does not aim or purport to re-open the registration proceeding As per the trust agreement, Planters Development Bank
and set aside the decree of registration, but only to show that the person was named trustee of the Asset pool.
who secured the registration of the questioned property is not the real
owner thereof. Apart from the Asset Pool, the LSDC certificates were
also secured by a guaranty. The guaranty was
The fact that petitioner was able to secure a title in her name did referenced in the Trust Agreement.
not operate to vest ownership upon her of the subject land.
Registration of a piece of land under the Torrens System does not Home Insurance and Guaranty Corporation is the
create or vest title, because it is not a mode of acquiring guarantor of the said certificates. It provides guaranty
coverage in accordance with its policies and as provided
ownership. A certificate of title is merely an evidence of
for in its Contract of Guaranty executed by the parties. liable with it."80 It also "prohibited [La Savoie] from
The Trust Agreement provides that in the event that a making any payment of its liabilities outstanding as of
call is made on Home Guaranty Corporation for its the date of the filing of the petition.
guaranty, Planters Development Bank shall convey to
the former the Asset Pool: Issued another Order denying due course to La Savoie's
Petition for Rehabilitation and lifting the Stay Order. The
Section 3.4. Conveyance to HIGC. Express authority is trial court reasoned that the "findings of sufficiency in
hereby granted by the LANDOWNER/DEVELOPER to the the form and substance of the petition for which a stay
TRUSTEE that in the event of call upon the HIGC order was issued has been flawed"and that "[i]t cannot
guaranty for unredeemed LSDCs and in order to effect countenance a situation such as this where the petitioner
the redemption of the same by the latter, to make the files a petition on the basis of inaccurate or unverifiable
absolute conveyance to HIGC of the entire Asset Pool, allegations and false representations." It noted that per
subject to the reservations regarding joint-venturers the Rehabilitation Receiver's Report, there were "various
[sic] interests as defined in Section 3.1, a and b above inaccuracies in the material allegations of the petition
and subject further to the provision of the and its annexes."33 Several documents "to verify other
aforementioned Contract of Guaranty. material statements made therein" were also lacking. It
This conveyance shall be on the strength of the special added that La Savoie "has not presented any concrete
power of attorney executed by La Savoie in favor of and feasible plan on how it will be able to secure
Planters Development Bank, in accordance with Section additional funds to continue with the development of its
2.1.6 of the Trust raw land and on-going joint-venture projects."
Section 2.1. - The LANDOWNER/DEVELOPER shall:
2.1.6 Execute and deliver to the TRUSTEE an irrevocable CA: Reversed the decision. Reinstated the Stay order,
Special Power of Attorney a Secretary's Certificate per gave due course to the petition for rehabilitation, and
enclosed Annex G giving the TRUSTEE the full power and remanded the case back to the trial court for further
authority to make the absolute conveyance of the entire proceedings.
LSP Asset Pool in favor of the HIGC in the event of call La Savoie "convincingly showed that it could undertake
upon the HIGC guaranty for unredeemed LSDCs and in to market its projects through [the] Pag-Ibig Overseas
order to effect the redemption of the same by the HIGC Program, sell the existing inventories of unsold
in accordance with the provisions of the Contract of subdivision lots and use the un-remitted collections due
Guaranty. to HGC which will be converted as additional loan to fund
On Home Guaranty Corporation's guaranty, Section 12 of its on-going projects."45Regarding Home Guaranty
the Contract of Guaranty entered into by Home Guaranty Corporation's payment of the guaranty call, the Court of
Corporation, La Savoie and Planters Development Bank Appeals noted that it was made after the Petition for
provided for the events in which Home Guaranty Rehabilitation had been brought by La Savoie and after
Corporation may be called to pay for the LSDC the issuance of the Stay Order; thus, Home Guaranty
certificates. Corporation had no right to make such payment.
Section 13 of the Contract of Guaranty provides for how
guaranty claims are to be processed and paid by Home Home Guaranty Corporation filed before this court the
Guaranty Corporation. Likewise, it echoes Section 3.4 of present Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of
the Trust Agreement in providing for transfer of the the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
Asset Pool in the event of a call on the guaranty. It asserts 'that the properties comprising the Asset Pool
should be excluded from the rehabilitation proceedings
With the onset of the Asian financial crisis, La Savoie as these have now been "removed from the oominion"47
found itself unable to pay its obligations to its creditors. of La Savoie and have been conveyed and assigned to it.
Thus, La Savoie filed before the Regional Trial Court, It underscores that the transfer made to it by Planters
Makati City6 a "petition for the declaration of state of Development Bank was made after the Stay Order had
suspension of payments with approval of proposed been lifted, per the Regional Trial Court's October 1,
rehabilitation plan under the Interim Rules of Procedure 2003 Order.
on Corporate.
La Savoie filed its Comment It claimed that the supposed
It is not disputed that La Savoie defaulted in the assignment and conveyance to Home Guaranty
redemption and in the payment of interest on the LSDC Corporation was ineffectual considering that "at the time
certificates. It is also settled that a call was made on of the guaranty call, the Stay Order dated 04 June 2003
Home Guaranty Corporation to pay for the LSDC was admittedly in effect. La Savoie faulted Home
certificates, pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Guaranty Corporation for supposedly not adducing proof
Agreement and the Contract of Guaranty. However, as of the transfer effected to it by Planters Development
acknowledged by Home Guaranty Corporation, any Bank on the strength of its payment on the guaranty. It
payment that it could have made was "overtaken"79by added that, even assuming there was full payment and
the filing of La Savoie's Petition for Rehabilitation. that the Deed of Assignment and Conveyance was
executed, "the Subject Properties remained within the
RTC: Issued a stay order saying "the enforcement of all jurisdiction of the [Regional Trial Court] even after the
claims, whether for money or otherwise, and whether lifting of the Stay Order dated 04 June 2003"50 and that,
such enforcement is by court action or otherwise, against as a result, "any contract or document affecting title to
[La Savoie], its guarantors and sureties not solidarity the Subject Properties is also subject to the rehabilitation
proceedings pending with the [trial court]."51 It also of the real estate for non-payment of the debt within the
asserted that by paying the guaranty, Home Guaranty period agreed upon.
Corporation effectively became its creditor. Excluding the
properties comprising the Asset Pool from the Every stipulation to the contrary shall be void. But the
rehabilitation proceedings would then be tantamount to creditor may petition the court for the payment of the
giving preference to one creditor, something which is debt or the sale of the real property.
prohibited in rehabilitation proceedings. In this case, Sections 13.1 and 13.2 of the Contract of
Guaranty call for the "prompt assignment and
conveyance to [Home Guaranty Corporation] of all the
ISSUE: Whether the conveyance to Home Guaranty corresponding properties in the Asset Pool" that are held
Corporation of the properties comprising the Asset Pool as security in favor of the guarantor. Moreover, Sections
was valid and effectual. 13.1 and 13.2 dispense with the need of conducting
foreclosure proceedings, judicial or otherwise. Albeit
HELD: NO. requiring the intervention of the trustee of the Asset
During rehabilitation receivership, the assets are held in Pool, Sections 13.1 and 13.2 spell out what is, for all
trust for the equal benefit of all creditors to preclude one intents and purposes, the automatic appropriation by the
from obtaining an advantage or preference over another paying guarantor of the properties held as security. This
by the expediency of an attachment, execution or is thus a clear case of pactum commissorium. It is null
otherwise. For what would prevent an alert creditor, and void. Accordingly, whatever conveyance was made
upon learning of the receivership, from rushing by Planters Development Bank to Home Guaranty
posthaste to the courts to secure judgments for the Corporation in view of this illicit stipulation is ineffectual.
satisfaction of its claims to the prejudice of the less alert It did not vest ownership in Home Guaranty Corporation.
This transfer engendered is a constructive trust in
As between creditors, the key phrase is "equality is which the properties comprising the Asset Pool are
equity. When a corporation threatened by bankruptcy is held in trust by Home Guaranty Corporation, as
taken over by a receiver, all the creditors should stand trustee, for the trustor, La Savoie.
on an equal footing. Not anyone of them should be given
any preference by paying one or some of them ahead of Trust is the legal relationship between one person having
the others. This is precisely the reason for the an equitable ownership in property and another person
suspension of all pending claims against the corporation owning the legal title to such property, the equitable
under receivership. Instead of creditors vexing the courts ownership of the former entitling him to the performance
with suits against the distressed firm, they are directed of certain duties and the exercise of certain powers by
to file their claims with the receiver who is a duly the latter. Trusts are either express or implied. An
appointed officer of the SEC. express trust is created by the direct and positive acts of
the parties, by some writing or deed or will or by words
If, following this payment and while La Savoie remained evidencing an intention to create a trust. No particular
to be not under receivership, a valid transfer of the words are required for the creation of an express trust, it
properties comprising the Asset Pool was made in favor being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended.
of Home Guaranty Corporation, the properties would
then no longer be under the dominion of La Savoie. They On the other hand, implied trusts are those which,
would thus be beyond the reach of rehabilitation without being expressed, are deducible from the nature
proceedings and no longer susceptible to the rule against of the transaction as matters of intent or which are super
preference of creditors. However, we find that the induced on the transaction by operation of law as
transfer made to Home Guaranty Corporation was matters of equity, independently of the particular
ineffectual. intention of the parties. In turn, implied trusts are either
resulting or constructive trusts. These two are
Viewed solely through the lens of the Trust Agreement differentiated from each other as follows:
and the Contract of Guaranty, the transfer made to Resulting trusts are based on the equitable doctrine that
Home Guaranty Corporation on the strength of the Deed valuable consideration and not legal title determines the
of Conveyance appears valid and binding. However, we equitable title or interest and are presumed always to
find that its execution is in violation of a have been contemplated by the parties. They arise from
fundamental principle in the law governing credit the nature or circumstances of the consideration
transactions. We find the execution of a Deed of involved in a transaction whereby one person thereby
Conveyance without resorting to foreclosure to be becomes invested with legal title but is obligated in
indicative of pactum commissorium. Hence, it is equity to hold his legal title for the benefit of another. On
void and ineffectual and does not serve to vest the other hand, constructive trusts are created by the
ownership in Home Guaranty Corporation. construction of equity in order to satisfy the demands of
justice and prevent unjust enrichment. They arise
Art. 2088. The creditor cannot appropriate the things contrary to intention against one who, by fraud, duress
given by way of pledge or mortgage, or dispose of them. or abuse of confidence, obtains or holds the legal right to
Any stipulation to the contrary is null and void. property which he ought not, in equity and good
conscience, to hold.104 (Emphasis supplied)
Art. 2137. The creditor does not acquire the ownership Articles 1450, 1454, 1455, and 1456 of the Civil Code
provide examples of constructive trusts:
Art. 1450. If the price of a sale of property is loaned or
paid by one person for the benefit of another and the
conveyance is made to the lender or payor to secure the
V. Rules of Prescription on Trusts
payment of the debt, a trust arises by operation of law in
favor of the person to whom the money is loaned or for 174. Ramos v. Ramos
whom it is paid. The latter may redeem the property and
FACTS: The spouses Martin Ramos and Candida Tanate
compel a conveyance thereof to him.
died and were survived by their three legitimate children
Art. 1454. If an absolute conveyance of property is made named Jose, Agustin, and Granada. Martin Ramos was
in order to secure the performance of an obligation of also survived by his seven natural children named
the grantor toward the grantee, a trust by virtue of law Anatacia, Timoteo, Modesto, Manuel, Emiliano, Maria, and
is established. If the fulfillment of the obligation is Federico.
A special proceeding was instituted in the Court of First
offered by the grantor when it becomes due, he may
Instance of Negros Occidental for the settlement of the
demand the reconveyance of the property to him.
intestate estate of the said spouses.
Art. 1455. When any trustee, guardian or other person A project of partition was submitted. It was signed by the
holding a fiduciary relationship uses trust funds for the three legitimate children, Jose, Agustin and Granada; by
purchase of property and causes the conveyance to be the two natural children, Atanacia and Timoteo, and by
Timoteo Zayco in representation of the other five natural
made to him or to a third person, a trust is established
by operation Of law in favor of the person to whom the children who were minors. It was sworn to before the
funds belong. justice of the peace.
It was agreed in the project of partition that Jose Ramos
Art. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake would pay the cash adjudications to Atanacia, Timoteo
and Manuel, while Agustin Ramos would pay the cash
or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law,
adjudications to Modesto, Federico, Emiliano and Maria. It
considered a trustee of an implied trust for the
benefit of the person from whom the property was further agreed that Jose Ramos and Agustin Ramos
comes. would pay their sister, Granada, the sums of P3,302.36
and P14,273.78, respectively.
Home Guaranty Corporation acquired the Judge Richard Campbell, in his "decision" approved the
project of partition as well as the intervention of Timoteo
properties comprising the Asset Pool by mistake or
through the ineffectual transfer (i.e., for being Zayco as guardian of the five heirs, who were minors. In
pactum commissorium) made by the original an order, Judge V. Nepomuceno asked the administrator
trustee, Planters Development Bank. to submit a report, complete with the supporting
evidence, showing that the shared of the heirs had been
delivered to them as required in the decision. In a
Two key points are established from the preceding
manifestation, which was signed by Jose, Agustin,
discussions. First, the Court of Appeals' June 21, 2005
Decision restored La Savoie's status as a corporation Granada, Atanacia and Timoteo all surnamed Ramos, and
under receivership. Second, with all but a constructive by Timoteo Zayco, the guardian, and which was sworn to
trust created between Home Guaranty Corporation and before the justice of the peace.
La Savoie, the properties comprising the Asset Pool Upon their father’s death, his properties were left under
the administration of Rafael Ramos, the younger brother
remain within the dominion of La Savoie.
of their father. Rafael then turned over Hacienda Ylaya to
On the first point, the restoration of La Savoie's status as
a corporation under receivership brings into operation Agustin Ramos and Hacienda Calaza to Jose Ramos.
the rule against preference of creditors. On the second Plaintiffs later discovered that the property administered
point, La Savoie's continuing ownership entails the by their brother Jose had a Torrens Title in the name of
continuing competence of the court having jurisdiction his Widow, Gregoria and daughter, Candida. Plaintiffs did
not intervene in the intestate proceedings for the
over the rehabilitation proceedings to rule on how the
properties comprising the Asset Pool shall be disposed, settlement of the estate of their brother Jose as they did
managed, or administered in order to satisfy La Savoie's not know of it.
obligations and/or effect its rehabilitation. It is predicated on the theory that plaintiffs' shares were
held in trust by the defendants. No deed of trust was
alleged and proven.
The cumulative effect of these is that Home Guaranty
The defendants denied the existence of a trust.
Corporation must submit itself, like La Savoie's other
creditors, to how La Savoie's Petition for Rehabilitation Plaintiffs brought the suit to CFI Negros Occidental
shall be resolved. As a paying guarantor, Home Guaranty seeking for the reconveyance in their favor by defendants.
Corporation was subrogated into the rights of La Savoie's CFI dismissed the complaint on the ground of res judicata.
creditors and now stands as the latter's own creditor. It ISSUE: WON the dismissal on the ground of res judicata
remains so pending the satisfaction of La Savoie's
obligation and as the void conveyance made to it by HELD: Yes. The crucial issue is prescription. With it the
Planters Development Bank failed to terminate in the question of res judicata and the existence of a trust are
creditor-debtor relationship with La Savoie. inextricably interwoven.
There is a rule that a trustee cannot acquire by
prescription the ownership of property entrusted to him,
or that an action to compel a trustee to convey property provincial sheriff to Gorricho.
registered in his name in trust for the benefit of the cestui The siblings Diaz contend that Gorricho acquired
qui trust does not prescribe, or that the defense of their father’s half of the disputed property through an
prescription cannot be set up in an action to recover error of the provincial sheriff, so it was subject to an
property held by a person in trust for the benefit of implied trust, under Article 1456 of the New Civil Code.
another, or that property held in trust can be recovered Furthermore, they allege that since the trust is continuing
by the beneficiary regardless of the lapse of time. That and subsisting, the siblings Diaz may compel
rule applies squarely to express trusts. reconveyance of the property despite the lapse of time,
The rule of imprescriptibility of the action to recover because prescription does not run against titles registered
property held in trust may possibly apply to resulting under Act 496.
trusts as long as the trustee has not repudiated the trust. Defendants denied and alleged that plaintiffs'
The rule of imprescriptibility was misapplied to action had prescribed. The trial court held that while a
constructive trusts. constructive trust in siblings Diaz’ favor arose when
Acquisitive prescription may bar the action of the defendant Gorricho took advantage of the error of the
beneficiary against the trustee in an express trust for the provincial sheriff in conveying to her the whole of the lots
recovery of the property held in trust where (a) the and obtained title in herself, the action of plaintiffs was,
trustee has performed unequivocal acts of repudiation however, barred by laches and prescription. So, the
amounting to an ouster of the cestui qui trust; (b) such plaintiffs appealed.
positive acts of repudiation have been made known to the
cestui qui trust and (c) the evidence thereon is clear and ISSUES:
conclusive. 1. Whether or not a constructive trust was created in favor
With respect to constructive trusts, the rule is different. of the siblings Diaz.
The prescriptibility of an action for reconveyance based on 2. Whether or not the action for reconveyance of the two
constructive trust is now settled. Prescription may lots to siblings Diaz was barred by laches.
supervene in an implied trust. 3. Whether or not the action for reconveyance of the two
The plaintiffs did not prove any express trust in this case. lots to siblings Diaz was barred by prescription.
The expediente of the intestate proceeding, particularly
the project of partition, the decision and the manifestation HELD:
as to the receipt of shares negatives the existence of an 1. YES. Art. 1456 of the NCC provides that “if property is
express trust. Those public documents prove that the acquired through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining
estate of Martin Ramos was settled in that proceeding and it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied
that adjudications were made to his seven natural trust for the benefit of the person from whom the property
children. A trust must be proven by clear, satisfactory, comes.” Since Gorricho acquired the whole of the disputed
and convincing evidence. It cannot rest on vague and lots through the error of the sheriff, when in fact Gorricho
uncertain evidence or on loose, equivocal or indefinite was only entitled to the half of it, then a constructive trust
declarations. As already noted, an express trust cannot be was created in favor of the siblings Diaz.
proven by parol evidence. Neither have the plaintiffs 2. YES. The action for reconveyance of the two lots to
specified the kind of implied trust contemplated in their siblings Diaz was barred by laches.
action. We have stated that whether it is a resulting or Express trusts are created by intention of the
constructive trust, its enforcement may be barred by parties, while implied or constructive trusts are
laches. exclusively created by law and are not trusts in their
technical sense. The express trusts disable the trustee
175. Diaz v. Gorricho and Aguado from acquiring for his own benefit the property committed
to his management or custody, at least while he does not
FACTS: openly repudiate the trust, and makes such repudiation
Spouses Francisco Diaz and Maria Sevilla known to the beneficiary. Thus, the old Code of Civil
originally owned Lot Nos. 1941 and 3073. Francisco Diaz Procedure (Act 190) declared that rules on adverse
died in 1919, survived by his widow Maria Sevilla and their possession do not apply to "continuing and subsisting"
three children — Manuel, Lolita and Constancia. In 1935, (i.e., unrepudiated) trusts.
defendant Carmen J. Gorricho filed an action against In the case of an express trust, a beneficiary is
Sevilla, wherein a writ of attachment was issued upon the entitled to rely upon the fidelity of the trustee. No laches
shares of Sevilla in said lots, which were later on sold at a exists until a reasonable time after a beneficiary is notified
public auction to Gorricho. Since Sevilla failed to redeem of a breach or other cause of suit against the trustee.
the lots in one year, the acting provincial sheriff executed However, laches exists where suit is not commenced
a final deed of sale in favor of Gorricho; however, the within such reasonable time.
sheriff wrongfully conveyed to Gorricho the whole of the In constructive trusts, laches constitutes a bar to
two lots, instead of only the half-interest of Sevilla therein. actions to enforce the trust, and repudiation is not
In 1951, Sevilla died. A year later, Sevilla’s required, unless there is concealment of the facts giving
children, plaintiffs Manuel, Constancia and Lolita filed an rise to the trust. Time runs from the moment that the law
against defendants Gorricho and her husband Francisco creates the trust, which is the time when the cause of
Aguado, compelling the latter to execute in their favor a action arises. But laches does not exist while the trustee,
deed of reconveyance over an undivided one-half interest fraudulently and successfully conceals the facts giving rise
over the two lots – the share of their deceased father, to the trust, although the concealment must be
Francisco Diaz, which was illegally conveyed by the adequately pleaded by the plaintiff in a suit to declare a
trust, where the delay is apparent on the face of his with an area of 6,664 square meters for Lino and
pleading. an area of 6,664 square meters for Emilio and the
The reason for the difference in treatment is that other heirs of Jose. This was approved by the
on one hand, in express trusts, the delay of the beneficiary Director of Lands on 1928.
is directly attributable to the trustee who holds the
property for the former, thus creating a fiduciary relation ● On 1939, the heirs of Lino purchased the share of
between them. The trustee's possession is, therefore, not the lot of the heirs of Jose as evidenced by the
adverse to the beneficiary, until and unless the latter is Calig-onan sa Panagpalit executed by the parties
made aware that the trust has been repudiated. in Visayan dialect. So the heirs of Lino
On the other hand, in constructive trusts, there immediately took possession of the entire 13,308
is neither promise nor fiduciary relation; the trustee does sqm lot.
not recognize any trust and has no intent to hold for the
beneficiary; therefore, the beneficiary is not justified in ● When World War II broke out however, Lino’s
delaying action to recover his property. It is his fault if he heirs fled the city. When they came back after the
delays; hence, he may be estopped by his own laches. war, they found their homes and possessions and
Since the cause of action of siblings Diaz to attack the records in the government offices burned and
the sheriff's deed and cancel the transfer certificates of destroyed with squatters occupying their entire
title issued to spouses Gorricho and Aguado accrued since property.
its issuance and recording in 1937, and plaintiffs had
allowed fifteen (15) years to elapse before seeking ● Lino’s heirs subsequently learned that one of the
remedy in 1952, then the dismissal of the case must be heirs of Jose filed a petition for reconstitution of
upheld. Even considering that Constancia only became of title over the Lot on September 17, 1993. So in
age in 1939, more than sufficient time (thirteen years) October 1993 they opposed the said petition but
had been allowed to elapse to extinguish appellant's later on withdrew the same on the basis of a
action. compromise agreement they entered with the
3. YES. Under the old Code of Civil Procedure in force at heirs of Jose to expedite the reconstitution of title.
the time, the longest period of extinctive prescription was So on December 14, 1994, the Register of
only ten years. Since 15 years lapsed from the time the Deed issued the reconstituted Title in the names
cause of action arose before plaintiffs sought for remedy, of the heirs of Jose.
then their action for reconveyance was barred by
prescription. ● The heirs of Jose however did not honor the
compromise agreement. So on January 13, 1995,
176. Heirs of Tranquilino Labiste v. Heirs of Jose Labiste the heirs of Lino filed a complaint for annulment
of title, re-conveyance of property with damages.
Jose’s heirs however said that the action of Lino’s
DOCTRINE: heirs had long prescribed or barred by laches.
If a trust relationship has been created between the
parties whether expressly or impliedly, prescription does RTC ruled in favor of petitioners.
not run until the said trust is repudiated. After evaluating the documents presented by petitioners,
the RTC found that they are genuine and authentic as
FACTS: ancient documents and that they are valid and
● The case involved a parcel of Friar Land with an
area of 13,308 square meters known at Cebu City Moreover, it held that the action had not prescribed as the
which was purchased from the Bureau of Lands complaint was filed about a year after the reconstitution
way back on 1919 by Emilio in his own behalf and of the title by respondents. The judicial reconstitution was
on behalf of his brothers and sisters who were the even opposed by petitioners until a compromise
heirs of Jose. (Collectively known as Heirs of Jose) agreement was reached by the parties and approved by
the RTC which ordered the reconstitution.
● The money that was used to purchase the land
came from both Emilio and their Uncle Lino so The RTC further held that the reconstituted title did not
after full payment of the purchase price but prior give any more right to respondents than what their
to the issuance of the deed of conveyance by the predecessors-in-interest actually had as it is limited to the
Bureau of Lands, Emilio executed an Affidavit in reconstitution of the certificate as it stood at the time of
Spanish dated on 1923 affirming that he, as one its loss or destruction.
of the heirs of Jose and his Uncle Lino then co-
owned the lot. Thereafter or on 1924 the Bureau CA while affirming petitioners right to the property,
of Lands executed the Deed of Conveyance in nevertheless reversed the RTCs decision on the ground
favor of Emilio and his siblings, or the heirs of Jose of prescription and laches. It affirmed the RTCs findings
by virtue of which a TCT was issued by the that the Affidavit and the Calig-onan sa Panagpalit are
Register of Deeds. genuine and authentic, and that the same are valid and
enforceable documents. Citing Article 1144 of the Civil
● On 1928, the lot was subdivided by Deputy Land Code, it held that petitioners cause of action had
Surveyor, Engineer Bunag into two (2) equal parts prescribed for the action must be brought within ten (10)
years from the time the right of action accrues upon the Lino should have filed an action to compel Jose’s
written contract which in this case was when petitioners heirs to execute a public deed of sale. Since this
predecessors-in-interest lost possession over the property document was executed on October 18, 1939,
after World War II. Also, the lapse of time to file the action such action has already prescribed because
constitutes neglect on petitioners part so the principle of actions upon written contract must be filed within
laches is applicable. 10 years only. So only one-half can be recovered
by Lino’s heirs or 6,664 sqm shall be retained by
ISSUE: Jose’s heirs.
a) WON Lino’s heirs had long prescribed or barred by
b) How Express Trusts are created. 177. Escay v. CA
Escay v CA
a) No. The rules on prescription and the principle of
laches cannot be applied here because of the
Emilio and Jose Escay, now both deceased, were
existence of a trust relationship.
brothers. In his lifetime, Emilio mortgaged his
b) Trust is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of properties now in question, to the Philippine National
property, the legal title to which is vested in Bank. He died in 1924 before he could pay his
another. It may either be express or implied. An obligation with the bank which had mounted. The bank
express trust is created by direct and positive acts then filed in 1930 a foreclosure suit against the estate
of the parties, by some writing or deed or will. No
of Emilio represented by the administrator, Atty.
particular words are required for the creation of
an express trust it being sufficient that a trust is
Eduardo Arboleda. Pending the said suit, on April 28,
clearly intended (Article 144, Civil Code). An 1933, a contract hereafter referred to as original
implied trust comes into being by operation of law. contract was entered among the Philippine National
Bank, Jose Escay, Sr., and the administrator, Atty.
The Affidavit of Emilio which is genuine and Arboleda, under which Jose assumed the mortgage
authentic beyond cavil is in the nature of an
indebtedness of his deceased brother Emilio. This was
express trust. In said affidavit, Emilio confirmed
that Lot 1054 bought in his name was co-owned
agreed to by Magdalena Vda. de Escay, widow of
by him as one of the heirs of Jose, and his uncle Emilio, in her own behalf and as guardian ad litem of
Lino. And by agreement, each of them has been their children. When it was discovered that the original
in possession of half of the property as contract failed to state the transfer of the ownership of
corroborated by the subdivision plan prepared by the properties in question to Jose Escay, Sr., in
Engineer Bunag and approved by the Bureau of consideration of his assumption of the mortgage
Lands. As such prescription and laches will run
indebtedness of Emilio (subject to the right of
only if it is shown that: (a) the trustee has
performed unequivocal acts of repudiation repurchase of the heirs of Emilio within five (5) years
amounting to an ouster of the beneficiary; (b) after the mortgage indebtedness had been fully paid),
such positive acts of repudiation have been made a supplementary contract was entered into among the
known to the beneficiary, and (c) the evidence Philippine National Bank, the administrator, Atty.
thereon is clear and conclusive. Arboleda and Jose Escay, Sr. This was approved by
the probate court taking cognizance of the estate of
Jose’s heirs cannot rely on the fact that the
Torrens title was issued in their names. Trustees
the deceased Emilio Escay in its order of February 24,
who obtain a Torrens title over a property held in 1934. In 1941, Magdalena Vda. de Escay, Roberto
trust by them for another cannot repudiate the and the other children filed a complaint against Jose
trust by relying on the registration. The only act Escay, Sr. and Atty. Arboleda (administrator of the
that can be construed as repudiation was when deceased Emilio), for the recovery of the ownership
one of Jose’s heirs filed the petition for
and possession of the properties in question. This
reconstitution in October 1993. And since Lino’s
case was provisionally dismissed after defendants
heirs filed their complaint in January 1995 their
cause of action has not yet prescribed. have answered, upon motion of the parties on July 24,
Neither can laches be attributed to them. Laches Issue:
cannot be used to defeat justice or perpetuate Whether or not the Court erred in holding of the
fraud and injustice. Neither should it be applied to properties in trust (implied) for the heirs of Emilio
prevent rightful owners of a property from
recovering what has been fraudulently registered
in the name of another.
Petitioners contend that since the titles over the
However with respect to the other half covered by properties in question were transferred to the name of
the private Calig-onan sa Pagpapalit, the heirs of respondents' predecessor-in-interest, Jose Escay, Sr.,
by fraudulent means, an implied trust was created Trustee - Luis Juan Tong Sr. (Luis Sr.). child of Juan Tong.
between the testate estate of Emilio Escay and Jose Survived by spouse Go Tiat Kun and children as
Escay, Sr. under which, by operation of law, Jose respondents.
Escay, Sr. became a trustee of the properties in Beneficiary - Juan Tong Lumber, Inc.
question in favor of the heirs of Emilio Escay as the
cestuique trust; consequently, the respondents are
1. Sometime in 1957, Juan Tong had a meeting with
duty bound to reconvey the properties in question to all his children to inform them of his intention to
the petitioners whose right to recover the properties purchase Lot 998 to be used for the family’s lumber
does not prescribe. Petitioners also argue that the business called “Juan Tong Lumber.” However,
original contract, Exhibit "F" and the supplementary since he was a Chinese citizen and was disqualified
contract, Exhibit "I", created in their favor an express from acquiring the said lot, the title to the property
trust because the true intention of the parties was that will be registered in the name of his eldest son, Luis,
only the possession and administration of the Sr., who at that time was already of age and was
properties of petitioners in question should be the only Filipino citizen among his children.
2. On May 11, 1957, Juan Tong bought Lot 998 and
transferred to respondents, predecessor-in-interest
accordingly a TCT was issued by the Register of
Jose Escay, Sr., which properties he was supposed to
Deeds in the name of Luis, Sr.
hold in trust for the petitioners until such time as he 3. December 8, 1978, the single proprietorship of
shall have fully liquidated the obligations of the testate Juan Tong Lumber was incorporated to Juan Tong
estate of Emilio Escay, and since an action based on Lumber, Inc.
an express trust does not prescribe the right of 4. Luis Sr. died in 1981, while his parents Juan Tong
petitioners to recover the properties in question from and spouse on 1984 and 1990 respectively.
the respondents does not prescribe and therefore the 5. When Luis Sr. died, his surviving heirs (spouse and
respondents can be ordered to reconvey the children) claimed ownership of Lot 998. Executed
properties in question to petitioners. The a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of Luis,
Sr., adjudicating unto themselves Lot 998 and
prescriptibility of an action for reconveyance based on
claiming that the said lot is the conjugal property of
implied or constructive trust, is now a settled question
Luis, Sr., and his wife. Subsequently they
in this jurisdiction. It prescribes in ten years. subdivided the lot into lot 998-A and lot 998-B and
new titles were issued.
6. Lot 998-B which belonged to Luis Jr. was sold to
Fine Rock Development Corporation (FRDC),
178. Government v. Abadilla which in turn sold the same to Visayas Goodwill
Credit Corporation (VGCC).
See #122/108 for the facts of the case 7. It was only after the petitioners received a letter
from VGCC, on August 31, 1995, that they
Issue: WON Lopez has acquired the title through discovered about the breach of the trust agreement
prescription committed by the respondents.
8. The 9 remaining children of Juan Tong (petitioners)
Held: Yes. As to lot No. 3470 little need be said. It may filed an action for Annulment of Sales, Titles,
Reconveyance and Damages of Lot 998-B
be noted that though the Statute of Limitation does not
docketed as Civil Case No. 22730 against Luis, Jr.,
run as between trustee and cestui que trust as long as
FRDC and VGCC. On March 6, 1997, the trial court
the trust relations subsist, it may run as between the ruled in favor of the petitioners which were later
trust and third persons. Contending that the affirmed by the CA and SC thus lot 998-B was
Colongcolong land was community property of her reconvened and issued back to the name of Luis
marriage with Luis Palad and that lot No. 3470 Sr.
represented her share thereof, Dorotea Lopez has 9. Then, on February 24, 2001, Go Tiat Kun executed
held possession of said lot, adverse to all other a Deed of Sale of Undivided Interest over Lot 998-
claimants, since the year 1904 and has now acquired A in favor of her children resulting to an issuance of
title by prescription. a new TCT.
10. Petitioners, filed for Nullification of Titles, and
Deeds of Extrajudicial Settlement and Sale and
179. Tong v. Go Tiat Kun Damages claiming as owners of Lot 998-A.
11. RTC rendered its judgment in favor of the
Parties (implied trust - resulting trust) petitioners Juan Tong.
1. Ruled that there was an implied resulting
Trustor - Spouses Juan Tong (Juan Tong), single proprietor trust between Juan Tong, Luis, Sr., the
of “Juan Tong Lumber”. Survived by children. 9/10 are petitioners and the respondents, over Lot
petitioners. 998. The trial court found that Luis Sr. was
a mere trustee, and not the owner of Lot (b) such consideration must be furnished by the
998, and the beneficial interest over said alleged beneficiary of a resulting trust.
property remained in Juan Tong and
subsequently in the Juan Tong Lumber, Inc Here, the petitioners have shown that the two elements are
12. CA reversed and set aside the trial court’s decision, present in the instant case. Luis, Sr. was merely a trustee
and dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. of Juan Tong and the petitioners in relation to the subject
1. Ruled that an express trust was created property, and it was Juan Tong who provided the money for
because there was a direct and positive act the purchase of Lot 998 but the corresponding transfer
from Juan Tong to create a trust. And when certificate of title was placed in the name of Luis, Sr.
an express trust concerns an immovable
property or any interest therein, it may not Note also that at the outset, the issues posited in this case
be proved by parol or oral evidence, but are not novel because in Civil Case involving Lot 998-B
must be proven by some writing or deed. which forms part of Lot 998, the trial court already found that
2. Also ruled that even granting that an said lot was held in trust by Luis, Sr. in favor of his siblings
implied resulting trust was created; the by virtue of an implied resulting trust. The trial court’s
petitioners are still barred by prescription decision was then affirmed by the CA and the SC. Thus, Lot
because the said resulting trust was 998-A, the subject of this instant case, and Lot 998-B, are
terminated upon the death of Luis, Sr. and similarly situated as they comprise the subdivided Lot 998,
was then converted into a constructive the property which in its entirety was held in trust by Luis,
trust. Since in an action for reconveyance Sr. in favor of his siblings.
based on a constructive trust prescribes in
ten years from the issuance of the Torrens (2) Yes parole evidence may be used as proof of the
title over the property, counting from the establishment of the resulting implied trust.
death of Luis, Sr. in 1981, the action has
already prescribed. An implied trust is neither dependent upon an express
13. Hence this petition for review on certiorari. agreement nor required to be evidenced by writing, Article
1457 of our Civil Code authorizes the admission of parol
ISSUE evidence to prove their existence. Parol evidence that is
required to establish the existence of an implied trust
Whether or not necessarily has to be trustworthy and it cannot rest on
1. An implied resulting trust was constituted over Lot loose, equivocal or indefinite declarations.”
998 when Juan Tong purchased the property and
registered it in the name of Luis, Sr.? “Intention — although only presumed, implied or supposed
2. Parol evidence be used as proof of the by law from the nature of the transaction or from the facts
establishment of the trust? and circumstances accompanying the transaction,
3. The petitioners’ action barred by prescription, particularly the source of the consideration — is always an
estoppel and laches? element of a resulting trust and may be inferred from the
acts or conduct of the parties rather than from direct
HELD expression of conduct. Certainly, intent as an indispensable
element is a matter that necessarily lies in the evidence, that
1. Yes an implied resulting trust was constituted over is, by evidence, even circumstantial, of statements made by
Lot 998. the parties at or before the time title passes.

The principle of a resulting trust is based on the equitable (3) No, petitioners action is not barred by prescription.
doctrine that valuable consideration and not legal title
determines the equitable title or interest and are presumed As a rule, implied resulting trusts do not prescribe except
always to have been contemplated by the parties. They when the trustee repudiates the trust. Further, the action to
arise from the nature or circumstances of the consideration reconvey does not prescribe so long as the property stands
involved in a transaction whereby one person thereby in the name of the trustee. To allow prescription would be
becomes invested with legal title but is obligated in equity to tantamount to allowing a trustee to acquire title against his
hold his legal title for the benefit of another. principal and true owner.

The Supreme Court is in conformity with the finding of the

trial court that an implied resulting trust was created as 180. Heirs of Candelaria v. Romero
provided under the first sentence of Article 1448 which is
FACTS: Ester Candelaria filed a complaint in her own
sometimes referred to as a purchase money resulting trust,
behalf and in representation of the other alleged heirs of
the elements of which are:
Emilio Candelaria, alleging in substance
(a) an actual payment of money, property or
- that sometime prior to 1917 Emilio and his
services, or an equivalent, constituting valuable brother Lucas Candelaria bought each a lot in the
consideration; and Solokan Subdivision on installment basis;
- Lucas paid the first two installments his heirs, herein defendant (which allegation is
corresponding to his lot, but faced with the inability of hypothetically admitted plaintiff's action) is NOT barred by
meeting the subsequent installments because of lapse of time. On the contrary, the interest of justice
sickness which caused him to be bedridden, he sold would be better served if plaintiff -appellant and her
his interest therein to his brother Emilio, who then alleged co-heirs were to be given an opportunity to be
reimbursed him the amount he had already paid, heard and allowed to present proof in support of their
- Lucas thereafter continued payment of the claim.
remaining installments until the whole purchase price
had been fully satisfied; 181. Heirs of Feliciano Yambao v. Heirs of Hermogenes
- although Lucas had no more interest over the Yambao
lot, the subsequent payments made by Emilio until
fully paid were made in the name of Lucas, with the FACTS:
understanding that the necessary documents of A parcel of land located in Barangay Bangan,
transfer will be made later, the reason that the Botolan, Zambales, which is the subject of this case
transaction being from brother to brother";
was originally possessed by Macaria De Ocampo
- in 1918 a TCT for said lot was issued by the
(Macaria). Hermogenes Yambao , (Macaria's
register of deeds of Manila in the name of "Lucas
Candelaria married to Luisa Romero"; nephew), acted as the administrator of the property
- Ester further alleged that Lucas held the title and paid realty taxes therefor. Hermogenes has
to said lot merely in trust for Emilio and that this fact eight children, namely: Ulpiano, Dominic, Teofilo,
was acknowledged not only by him but also by the Feliciano, Asesclo, Delia, Amelia, and Melinda, all
defendants (his heirs) on several occasions; surnamed Yambao.
- that Lucas' possession of the lot was merely After Hermogenes died, it was claimed that all of his
tolerated by Emilio and his heirs;
heirs were free to pick and harvest from the fruit-
- from the time Emilio bought the lot from his
bearing trees planted on the subject property.
brother, Lucas had been collecting all its rents for his
Eleanor Yambao (Eleanor), Ulpiano's daughter, even
own use as financial aid to him as a brother in view of
the fact that he was bedridden without any means of constructed a house on the subject property.
livelihood and with several children to support, In 2005, the communal and mutual use of the
although from 1926, when Emilio was confined at the subject property by the heirs of Hermogenes ceased
Culion Leper Colony up to his death, Lucas had been when the heirs of Feliciano, herein petitioners,
giving part of the rents to Fortunata Bautista, the prohibited them from entering the property. The
second wife of Emilio, in accordance with the latter's heirs of Feliciano even ejected Eleanor from the
subject property.
Lucas died in August, 1942, survived by the present
This prompted the heirs of Hermogenes, herein
defendants, who are his spouse Luisa Romero and several
respondents, to file with the RTC a complaint for
children; and that said defendants are still in possession
of the lot, having refused to reconvey it to plaintiff despite partition, declaration of nullity of title/documents,
repeated demands. and damages against the heirs of Feliciano. The
The defendants filed a motion to dismiss, alleging that heirs of Hermogenes alleged that they and the heirs
plaintiff's cause of action is unenforceable under the new of Feliciano are co-owners of the subject property,
Civil Code and that the action has already prescribed. having inherited the right thereto from Hermogenes.

RTC: Dismissed the complaint.

The heirs of Feliciano denied the allegations of the
heirs of Hermogenes and claimed that their father,
Feliciano, was in possession of the subject property
in the concept of owner since time immemorial.
HELD: NO. Accordingly, Feliciano was awarded a free patent
Constructive or implied trusts may be barred by lapse of thereon for which Original Certificate of Title (OCT)
time. The rule in such trusts is that laches constitutes a No. P-10737 was issued. They also averred that the
bar to actions to enforce the trust, and repudiation is not cause of action in the complaint filed by the heirs of
required, unless there is a concealment of the facts giving Hermogenes, which questioned the validity of OCT
rise to the trust. No. P-10737, prescribed after the lapse of one year
Continuous recognition of a resulting trust, however,
from its issuance on November 29, 1989.
precludes any defense of laches in a suit to declare and
RTC – dismissed the case. The RTC opined that
enforce the trust.
The beneficiary of a resulting trust may, therefore, the heirs of Hermogenes failed to show that the
without prejudice to his right to enforce the trust, prefer subject property is owned by Macaria, stating that
the trust to persist and demand no conveyance from the tax declarations and receipts in Macaria's name are
trustee. not conclusive evidence of ownership. The RTC
It being alleged in the complaint that Lucas held the title further held that even if Macaria owned the subject
to the lot in question merely in trust for Emilio and that property, the heirs of Hermogenes failed to show
this fact was acknowledged not only by him but also by
that Hermogenes had the right to succeed over the
estate of Macaria. Prescription may nevertheless run against a co-
CA - reversed and set aside the RTC's Decision. owner if there is adverse, open, continuous and
The CA found that the RTC, in hastily dismissing the exclusive possession of the co-owned property by
complaint for partition, failed to determine first the other co-owner/s. In order that a co-owners
whether the subject property is indeed co-owned by possession may be deemed adverse to the cestui
the heirs of Hermogenes and the heirs of Feliciano. que trust or other co-owners, the following
The CA pointed out that: requisites must concur: (1) that he has performed
A review of the records of the case shows that in unequivocal acts of repudiation amounting to an
Feliciano's application for free patent, he ouster of the cestui que trust or other co-owners;
acknowledged that the source of his claim of (2) that such positive acts of repudiation have been
possession over the subject property was made known to the cestui que trust or other co-
Hermogenes's possession of the real property in owners; and (3) that the evidence thereon must be
peaceful, open, continuous, and adverse manner clear and convincing.
and more importantly, in the concept of an owner, The issuance of the certificate of title would
since 1944. Feliciano's claim of sole possession in constitute an open and clear repudiation of any
his application for free patent did not therefore trust. In such a case, an action to demand partition
extinguish the fact of co-ownership as claimed by among co-owners prescribes in 10 years, the point
the children of Hermogenes. of reference being the date of the issuance of
certificate of title over the property. But this rule
Accordingly, the CA, considering that the parties are applies only when the plaintiff is not in possession
co-owners of the subject property, ruled that the of the property, since if a person claiming to be the
RTC should have conducted the appropriate owner thereof is in actual possession of the
proceedings for partition. Hence, this petition. property, the right to demand partition does not
ISSUE: prescribe.
WON there was co-ownership between the heirs of
Feliciano and the heirs of Hermogenes Although OCT No. P-10737 was registered in the
RULING: YES. name of Feliciano on November 29, 1989, the
As pointed out by the CA, the RTC overlooked the prescriptive period within which to demand partition
fact that the subject property is co-owned by the of the subject property, contrary to the claim of the
parties herein, having inherited the same from heirs of Feliciano, did not begin to run. At that time,
Hermogenes. Feliciano's free patent application the heirs of Hermogenes were still in possession of
indicated that he merely tacked his possession of the property. It was only in 2005 that the heirs of
the subject property from Hermogenes, his father, Feliciano expressly prohibited the heirs of
who held the property in peaceful, open, continuous, Hermogenes from entering the property. Thus, as
and adverse manner in the concept of an owner aptly ruled by the CA, the right of the heirs of
since 1944. This is an implicit recognition of the fact Hermogenes to demand the partition of the property
that Feliciano merely co-owns the subject property had not yet prescribed. Accordingly, the RTC
with the other heirs of Hermogenes. Indeed, the committed a reversible error when it dismissed the
heirs of Feliciano have not presented any evidence complaint for partition that was filed by the heirs of
that would show that Hermogenes bequeathed the Hermogenes.
subject property solely to Feliciano. Moreover, when Feliciano registered the subject
property in his name, to the exclusion of the other
A co-ownership is a form of trust, with each heirs of Hermogenes, an implied trust was
owner being a trustee for each other. Mere actual created by force of law and he was considered a
possession by one will not give rise to the trustee of the undivided shares of the other heirs of
inference that the possession was adverse Hermogenes in the property. As trustees, the heirs
because a co-owner is, after all, entitled to of Feliciano cannot be permitted to repudiate the
possession of the property. Thus, as a rule, trust by relying on the registration. "A trustee who
prescription does not run in favor of a co-heir obtains a Torrens title over a property held in
or co-owner as long as he expressly or trust for him by another cannot repudiate the
impliedly recognizes the co-ownership; and he trust by relying on the registration”.
cannot acquire by prescription the share of the
other co-owners, absent a clear repudiation of
the co-ownership. An action to demand partition 182. Varsity Hills v. Navarro
among co-owners is imprescriptible, and each co-
owner may demand at any time the partition of the FACTS:
common property.
The present controversy revolves around the
ownership of a parcel of land in Loyola Heights, Involved in the controversy is Lot. No. 707 of
Quezon City. Present respondents alleged that Cadastral Survey of Urdanate, Pangasinan, orginally
Quintin Mejia, their predecessor-in-interest, obtained owned by Eulalio Adviento. Eulalio begot Agripina
ba Spanish Title over said land and that Mejia and Adviento with his first wife Marcela, Whom Eulalio
his successors-in-interest occupied the same without survived. When he remarried, Eulalio had another
interruption until 1934 when a writ of execution daughter, herein petitioner Carolina, with his second
vested said land to the Tuason Estate through fraud wife Faustina.
by inserting fake and false technical descriptions
expanding said estate. That the present petitioners On November 28,1961, Agripina executed a Deed of
are the successors-in-interest of the same estate. Quitclaim over the eastern half of Lot. 707 in favor of
her niece, herein respondent Emilia.
As such, a petition was filed by present respondents
to regain said land. It was filed on December 29, Soon thereafter or on December 11, 1962, petitioner
1965. They argued, among others, that a Carolina executed an Affidavit of Self-adjudication,
constructive trust has been created. Subsequently, adjudicating unto herself the entire Lot. No 707 as
present petitioners filed a motion to dismiss. One of the sole and exclusive heir of her deceased parents
their grounds was extinctive prescription as over 51 Eulalio and Faustina.
years has elapsed since the Decree of Registration
was issued. They also claimed that the present On the same date, Carolina also executed a Deed of
action is barred by laches as 32 years has elapsed Absolute Sale over Lot. No. 707 in favor of petitioner
since Quintin Mejia has been driven away from said s Hillaria and Felipa.
1971 Emilia went to the US and returned to
The CFI dismissed the motion to dismiss and ruled in Philippines only on 1981. Upon her return and relying
favor of the present respondents. on the Deed of Quitclaim, she built a house on the
eastern half of Lot No. 707.
Whether or not present respondents’ action has However, on 1994 Hilaria and her agents threatened
prescribed and is barred by laches. to the demolish the house of Emilia who, in
retaliation, was prompted to seek the partition of Lot
HELD: 707 thus filed a complaint.
Yes, present respondents’ action has prescribed and
is barred by laches. Hillaria and Felipa averred that respondent's (Emilia)
cause of action had long prescribed and she is guilty
RATIO: of laches. That an action for partition and is no longer
Actions based on implied and constructive trust tenable because they (Felipa and Hilaria) have
prescribe in 10 years. It is also susceptible to laches. already acquired rights to adverse to that claimed by
respondent Emilia and the same amount to
In the present case, it is very clear that more than 10 repudiation of the alleged co-ownership.
years has elapsed since the purported trust was
created. That 51 years have elapsed since the RTC: Decided in favor of Emilia. Held that Carolina
Decree of Registration was issued in favor of the transferred only her ½ share to Felipa and Hilaria and
petitioners. Likewise, it is also very clear that there any conveyance of the other half is void. But refused
has been unreasonable delay on the part of the to adjudicate the ownership in favor of Emilia since a
defendants in instituting said action. The same is settlement of the estate of Eulalio is yet to be
then barred by laches. undertaken.

CA: Ruled that RTC erred in refusing to partition lot

183. Cañezo v. Rojas 707. There is no necessity placing Lot No. 707 undee
judicial administration since Carolina had long sold
184. Figuracion v. Figuracion-Gerilla her ½ pro indiviso share to Felipa and Hilaria. Thus,
when carolina sold the entire Lot on December as
her own, the sale affected only her share and not that
facts: belonging to her co-owner, Agripina.
Hence, Lot No. 707 was a co-owned property of
ISSUE:(1) WON Emilia can compel the partition of Agripina and Carolina.
Lot No. 707?
(2) WON Emilia’s right to demand for partition is (2) No.
barred by acquisitive prescription or laches?
Co-heirs or co-owners cannot acquire by acquisitive
prescription the share of the other co-heirs or co-
RULING: owners absent a clear repudiation of the co
(1) YES. ownership.[43] The act of repudiation, as a mode of
terminating co-ownership, is subject to certain...
Here, the respondent traces her ownership over the conditions, to wit: (1) a co-owner repudiates the co-
eastern half of Lot No. 707 from the Deed of ownership; (2) such an act of repudiation is clearly
Quitclaim executed by Agripina, who in turn, was the made known to the other co-owners; (3) the evidence
co-owner thereof being one of the legitimate heirs of thereon is clear and conclusive; and (4) he has been
Eulalio. It is well to recall that the petitioners failed to in possession through open, continuous, exclusive,
categorically dispute the existence of the Deed of and notorious... possession of the property for the
Quitclaim. Instead, they averred that it has been period required by law.[44]
rendered ineffective by TCT No. 42244 in the name
of Felipa and Hilaria this contention is, of course, The petitioners failed to comply with these conditions.
flawed. The act of Hilaria and Felipa in effecting the
registration of the entire Lot No. 707 in their names
Mere issuance of a certificate of title in the name of thru TCT No. 42244 did not serve to effectively
any person does not foreclose the possibility that the repudiate the co-ownership. The respondent built her
real property may be under co- ownership with house on the eastern... portion of the lot in 1981
persons not named in the certificate, or that the without any opposition from the petitioners. Hilaria
registrant may only be a trustee, or that other parties also paid realty taxes on the lot, in behalf of the
may have acquired... interest over the property respondent, for the years 1983-1987.[45]
subsequent to the issuance of the certificate of title.
Stated differently, placing a parcel of land under the These events indubitably show that Hilaria and Felipa
mantle of the Torrens system does not mean that failed to assert exclusive title in themselves adversely
ownership thereof can no longer be disputed. The to Emilia. Their acts clearly manifest that they
certificate cannot... always be considered as recognized the subsistence of their co-ownership
conclusive evidence of ownership. In this case, co- with respondent Emilia despite the issuance of TCT
ownership of Lot No. 707 was precisely what No. 42244 in 1962.
respondent Emilia was able to successfully establish,
as correctly found by the RTC and affirmed by the Their acts constitute an implied recognition of the co-
CA. ownership which in turn negates the presence of a
clear notice of repudiation to the respondent.
The status of Agripina and Carolina as the legitimate
heirs of Eulalio is an undisputed fact. As such heirs, (AGENCY PART)
they became co-owners of Lot No. 707 upon the
death of Eulalio on July 20, 1930. Since Faustina In addition, when Hilaria and Felipa registered the lot
was predeceased by Eulalio, she likewise became a in their names to the exclusion of Emilia, an implied
co-owner of the lot upon trust was created by force of law and the two of them
were considered a trustee of the respondent's
Eulalio's death. Faustina's share, however, passed undivided share.As trustees, they cannot... be
on to her daughter Carolina when the former died on permitted to repudiate the trust by relying on the
October 18, 1949. The Affidavit of Self-Adjudication registration.
executed by Carolina did not prejudice the share of
Agripina because it is not legally possible for one to records do not reflect conclusive evidence showing
adjudicate unto himself an entire property he was not the manner of occupation and possession exercised
the sole owner of. A co-owner cannot alienate the by Hilaria and Felipa over the lot from the time it was
shares of her other co-owners nemo dat qui non registered in their names. The only evidence of
habet.[38] possession extant in the records dates back only to
1985 when
Susana. Castor, Benidicta, and the children of Bernardo
Hilaria and Felipa declared the lot in their names for from his previous marriages, Simplicia, Fortunato and
Vevencia, entered into a Deed of Partition, the subject of
taxation purposes. Prescription can only produce all
which are parcels of land situated in the Municipality of
its effects when acts of ownership, or in this case, Tolong, Negros Oriental. Pursuant to the Deed of Partition,
possession, do not evince any doubt as to the ouster the conjugal property of Sps. Caville was divided into two
of the rights of the other co-owners. parts. The first part, that of Bernardo, was subdivided into
6 equal shares and distributed among his 6 heirs. The
Hence, prescription among co-owners cannot take second part, that of Tranquilla, was subdivided into 3
place when acts of ownership exercised are vague or shares and distributed to her children with Bernardo. The
shares of the legal heirs were sold to their co-heir Castor
who is now the sole owner of the parcels of land in dispute.

The express disavowal of the co-ownership did not A Confirmation of Extrajudicial Partition was subsequently
happen on December 11, 1962 when TCT No. 42244 executed by Castor in favor of Susana covering a porting
was issued but in 1994 when Hilaria attempted to of the land. The partition was merely to accommodate
demolish Emilia's house thus explicitly excluding her Susana with her application for loan from Rural Bank.
Susana obtained a loan from the Rural Bank and
from the co-ownership. It was the only time that
mortgaged the subject lots as security. Justina and
Hilaria and Felipa made known... their denial of the Genova inherited the two parcels of land from their
co-ownership. On the same year, the respondent mother Susana. After 14 years, a complaint for
instituted the present complaint for partition; hence, Reconveyance and Recovery of Property was filed against
the period required by law for acquisitive period to set Perfecta, the daughter of Castor, Jose dela Cruz, her
in was not met. husband (the petitioners in this case), and the Rural Bank
of Bayawan, Inc. Castor, Perfecta and Jose occupied the
subject lots. When Castor died, Perfecta applied for free
Anent laches, the Court finds it unavailing in this case
patents from the Bureau of Lands for the land in dispute.
in view of the proximity of the period when the co- Despite the efforts to settle the matter, Perfecta and Jose
ownership was expressly repudiated and when the stubbornly refused to accede. Petitioner spouses asserted
herein complaint was filed. that the Confirmation of Extrajudicial Partition was a
nullity since the said properties were never owned not
adjudicated in favor of Susana.

The defendants argued that they are the real owners of

the parcels of land and the granting of the free patents to
Perfecta should be invalidated since the CEP was the proof
that the land was actually conveyed by Castor to Susana.

185. Cavile v. Litania-Hong Issue: Whether or not the defendants is correct in

instituting an action for reconveyance based on implied or
Facts: constructive trust?

RTC: Litania-Hong vs. Cavile, Dismissed the complaint.

- Cavile has a better title to the land in dispute. Held: No. The action for reconveyance can only be made
within 10 years from the time the land was registered
- The CEP was only a simulated contract as between under the name of the petitioners and thereby issued with
Susana and Castor. Torrens title. Since the defendants only filed an action
after 12 years, the remedy is already barred. But even if
they could file on time, the SC would still rule in favor of
the petitioner spouses since the defendants could not
CA: Litania-Hong vs. Cavile, reversed the decision of the present any evidence to show that they have better title
RTC over the disputed land.

Moreover, the land was only held in trust by Susana since

the purpose was only to secure a loan from the Rural
SC: Cavile vs. Litania-Hong reversed the decision of the Bank.
186. Heirs of Domingo Valientes v. Ramas

The heirs of Bernardo Cavile and Tranquilla Galon,

Petitioners claim that they are the heirs of Valientes who, However, the Court made a clear distinction in Olviga: when
before his death, was the owner of a parcel of land in
the plaintiff in such action is not in possession of the
Zamboanga delSur.
· In 1939, Valientes mortgaged the subject property subject property, the action prescribes in ten years from
to secure his loan to the spouses Belen the date of registration of the deed or the date of the
· In the 1950s, the Valientes family purportedly
attempted, but failed, to retrieve the subject property issuance of the certificate of title over the property. When
from the spouses Belen. Through an allegedly forged the plaintiff is in possession of the subject property, the
document captioned VENTA DEFINITIVA purporting to
action, being in effect that of quieting of title to the property,
be a deed of sale of the subject property between
Valientes and the spouses Belen, the latter obtained does not prescribe. In the case at bar, petitioners (who are
title over the land. the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 98-021) are not in possession
· On February 28, 1970, the legitimate children of
the late Valientes, had their Affidavit of Adverse Claim. of the subject property. Civil Case No. 98-021, if it were to
Upon the death of the spouses Belen, their surviving be considered as that of enforcing an implied trust, should
heirs executed an extra-judicial settlement with partition
have therefore been filed within ten years from the issuance
and sale in favor of private respondent Minor, the
present possessor of the subject property. of TCT No. T-5,427 on December 22, 1969. Civil Case No.
· On June 20, 1979, Minor filed with the then CFI
98-021 was, however, filed on August 20, 1998, which was
MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCE APPEARING way beyond the prescriptive period.
· On the other hand, petitioners filed a complaint
for the cancellation of the title in Minors possession and 187. Geronimo and Isidro v. Nava and Aquino
its reconveyance to them. On this complaint, Minor filed
an Omnibus Motion to Dismiss on the ground of forum FACTS: On October 19, 1935, Jose Nava and his wife, Felisa
shopping and litis pendentia, which the RTC dismissed. Aquino, were owners of our lots, Nos. 2820, 2821, 2819 and 1729
· Undeterred, Minor filed a Motion for of the Cabanatuan Cadastre, forming a single mass, with a total
Reconsideration which was granted. area of 3,549 square meters, with a house of strong materials
· Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration erected thereon, with a total assessed value of P8,820.00. On
based on this decision which was denied. that date, they mortgaged said four lots to La Urbana,
RTC: *refer to facts presumably a building and loan association, to secure the
CA: in favor of Petitioners on whether civil case is already
payment of a loan of P3,047.76. For failure to live up to the terms
barred by forum shopping; affirmed dismissal order on the
of the mortgage, the latter was foreclosed by La Urbana,
grounds of prescription and laches.
pursuant to Act 3135, and on March 9, 1939, the said property
ISSUE: WON prescription or laches has already set in to
was sold to La Urbana for the sum of P3,786.26. On April 26,
bar the filing of the civil case (cancellation of transfer
certificate of title no. t-5,427, reconveyance, with 1938, La Urbana transferred and assigned all its rights and
accounting, receivership and application for a writ of interest in the said property to Agatona Geronimo, plaintiff in the
preliminary prohibitory injunction plus damages.) present case, for the sum of P6,000.00, subject, however, to the
right of redemption of Nava and his wife Felisa. Agatona paid
HELD: P600.00 on account of the purchase price and to secure the
The cause of action of petitioners in Civil Case No. payment of the balance of P5,400.00, mortgaged the same lots
98-021, wherein they claim that private respondent Minors to La Urbana, which duly notified Nava and his wife of the
assignment or transfer. Immediately after buying the lots from
predecessor-in-interest acquired the subject property by the Sheriff in March, 1938, La Urbana took possession of the
forgery, can indeed be considered as that of enforcing an same and collected the rentals thereon at the rate of P30.00 a
month. In May, 1938 shortly after purchasing the same lots from
implied trust. In particular, Article 1456 of the Civil Code
La Urbana, Agatona also took possession of the property and
provides: collected P62.50 representing the May and June rentals, and
since July of the same year, she had been collecting the rentals
at the rate of P35.00 a month. In the title there was notice of lis
Art. 1456. If property is acquired
through mistake or fraud, the person pendens and other annotations.
obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a
trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of Nava tried to redeem the property within the one year period
the person from whom the property comes. which La Urbana refused since it had already been transferred to
Agatona. Nava made the same offer but was ignored by Agatona.
Finally depositing the amount of P3,470 to Agatona's account in
the PNB and filed a civil case (#8071) against the plaintiffs to more than that; and yet, that same property was originally
permit him to redeem the property after rendering an account. mortgaged with La Urbana by Nava and his wife for all P3,047.76
and was sold at auction sale to La Urbana for P3,376.29, so that
Lower COurt - In favor of plaintiffs. the redemption price cannot be much more than that,
considering that from the same shall be deducted the rentals
CA - Affirmed received by Agatona and her husband at the rate of P30.00 a
month from March 1938 until the defendants herein began
ISSUE: Whether or not the present action is barred by receiving said rentals some time in July, 1944.
Moreover, there is another aspect of this case which is not only
RULING: Affirmed important, but also decisive. Considering the circumstances
surrounding this case, as well as that of Civil Case No. 8071, we
RATIO: Plaintiff herein maintain that they are still the owners of find that when Agatona evidently acquiescing in the final
the four lots in question and have the right to continue as such; decision in Civil Case No. 8071, not only allowed but even
that the annotation of lis pendens as regards the institution of directed the tenant of the house on the property to pay his
Civil Case No. 8071 may be cancelled, for the reason that the rentals to Nava, instead of to herself; and when in 1945, she
judgment in said case in favor of Nava et al. can no longer be allowed Nava to occupy the house when the tenant disoccuppied
enforced because of the passage of time, namely, prescription. It it, and to take possession of the whole property, her acts should
will be recalled, however, that in Civil Case No. 8071, the Court be construed as a recognition of the fact that the property,
of First Instance of Nueva Ecija found and held that Nava and his though still in her name, was to be held in trust for Nava, to be
wife had the right to redeem the property, and it ordered that conveyed to him on payment of the repurchase price. Such trust
Agatona and her husband execute the necessary registerable is an express one, not subject to prescription. We may also hold
titles to the four lots in favor of Nava and wife, upon the payment that when the trial court in that Civil Case No. 8071 declared in a
of the price to be ascertained after liquidation. The judgment decision that had become final and executory, that Nava et al.
may not have been executed totally, but the defendants herein had the right to redeem the property, and ordered Agatona et al.
maintain and evidently with reason, that it was at least partially to make the resale, there was created what may be regarded as
executed, for the reason that as stated in the motion to dismiss, a constructive trust, in the sense that although Agatona and her
after Nava and his wife had asked for the execution of the husband had the naked title to the property by reason of the
judgment rendered in Civil Case No. 8071, that is, in July 1944, certificates of title issued in their names, and which they
provincial auditor Francisco Alejo, who was occupying the house retained, nevertheless, they were to hold such property in trust
erected on the four lots in question, began paying the house rent for Nava et al. to redeem, subject to the payment of redemption
to Nava, stating that Agatona had refused to accept said rentals, price. Of course, it might be contended that in the latter instance
for the reason that she lost in Civil Case No. 8071, and that when of a constructive trust, prescription may apply where the trustee
Mr. Alejo vacated the house in May 1945, Nava took possession asserts a right adverse to that of the cestui que trust, such as,
of the whole property and has continued in possession up to the asserting and exercising acts of ownership over a property being
date of filing the motion for dismissal on October 24, 1956. In held in trust. But even under this theory, such a claim of
other words, by virtue of the decision in Civil Case No. 8071, prescription would not prosper in the present case. As already
herein defendants Nava et al., not only were restored to the stated, since 1944, after the decision in Civil Case No. 8071
possession of the property in question since 1945, but had been became final and executory, Agatona evidently acquiesced in the
receiving the rentals of the house on said property since 1944. decision against her, so much so that thereafter, as already
The only thing lacking is the formal execution of the deed of stated, she suggested that the tenant of the house pay his rentals
transfer or the sale by Agatona and her husband to herein to Nava instead of to her, meaning that Nava had a right to said
defendants. rentals. No only this, but since May, 1945, when the tenant left
the house, Nava took possession thereof as well as the land on
In the present case, we are inclined to brush aside technicalities which it was built, and has been occupying the same up to the
when they stand in the way of administering justice and giving to present time, exercising acts of ownership over the same, and
parties in litigation their due, specially in case of redemption. Agatona evidently, all along, showing confirmity. It was only on
Moreover, the equities in the case are on the side of the September 30, 1956 that she and her husband filed the present
defendants-appellees herein. The four lots in question at the case to cancel the notice of lis pendens of Civil Case No. 8071,
time that they were mortgaged to Nava and his wife to La Urbana including naturally, the decision in said case against them, and to
were assessed in the amount of P8,820 and the Court may take recover the possession of the property. If such acts on her part
judicial notice of the fact that the assessed value oftentimes is as trustee can be considered as an assertion of the right of
but a fraction of the real value of the property assessed. At the ownership against Nava, the cestui que trust, over the property,
present time, or rather, when the present action was instituted then the prescription invoked by her, assuming it to be available,
in 1956, the property in question, according to plaintiffs falls far short of the period required by law to established title by
themselves because of the natural tendency of real estate to prescription. Agatona did not even have the possession of the
increase in value, are assessed at P13,350.00 and must be worth property in order to exercise acts of ownership over the same.
After civil order had been restored Maximiana began
bringing portions of the property back into a state of
188. Adaza v. CA cultivation and was aided by her son, Jose Castro. After
his mother's death, Jose, as the oldest child and only
See #159 competent manager among the heirs, assumed the
administration of this land.
ISSUE: Whether or not the action has prescribed.
He now claims that he had taken possession of this
RULING: No. property in his own right, prior to his mother's death, by
virtue of an assignment of the property made to him by his
mother, acting in concert with her brothers and sisters.
RATIO: Respondent Violeta and her husband also contended that
the long delay and inaction on the part of Horacio in taking any
Jose applied for the registration in his name but was
steps for reconveyance of the one-half (1/2) share claimed by
dismissed on the ground of technicalities.
him, indicates lack of any color of right over the said one-half Later, on second proceeding for registration, the court
(1/2) share. It was also argued by the two (2) that considering therefore adjudicated the property to Jose Castro by virtue
that twelve (12) years had passed since OCT No. P-11111 was ofhis proof of continued possession and heirship.
issued and more than nineteen (19) years since the Deed of
Donation was executed, the counterclaim for partition and Now, case was instituted in the Court of First Instance of
reconveyance of Horacio's alleged one-half share was barred by the Province of Nueva Ecija by the brothers and sisters
laches, if not by prescription. Again, we rule for the petitioners. Manuel Castro, Pedro Castro, Maria Castro, and
In determining whether delay in seeking to enforce a right Consolacion Castro, with whom are joined, under
constitutes laches, the existence of a confidential relationship representation of a proper guardian ad litem, the four
based upon, for instance, consanguinity, is an important minor children of Vicente Castro, deceased brother of the
circumstance for consideration. Delay in a situation where such four plaintiffs first named. Against Jose Castro, or Jose de
circumstance exists, should not be as strictly construed as where Castro to obtain a decree to the effect that the four adult
plaintiffs and the four
the parties are complete strangers vis-a-vis each other. The
Minor children of Vicente Castro, are each owners of an
doctrine of laches is not to be applied mechanically as between
undivided one-sixth interest in a parcel of land in dispute,
near relatives; the fact that the parties in the instant case are
covered by Torrens issued in the name of the defendant.
brother and sister tends to explain and excuse what would
The complaint also asks for an order for the partition of
otherwise appears as long delay. Moreover, continued said land among the plaintiffs and defendant, as well as to
recognition of the existence of the trust precludes the defense of recover from the defendant the respective shares of the
laches. The two (2) letters noted above sent by respondent plaintiffs in the produce of said land from the year 1909 till
Violeta to petitioner Horacio, one in 1969 and the other in 1971, the filing of complaint, or the value of the same in money.
show that Violeta as late as 1971 had recognized the trust
imposed on her by law. Conversely, Horacio's reliance upon his Trial Court- ruled in favor of the plaintiff. Court also
blood relationship with his sister and the trust and confidence ordered the defendant to deliver to each of the four adult
normally connoted in our culture by that relationship, should not plaintiffs and to the minor heirs of Vicente Castro his or her
be taken against him. Petitioners' counter-claim in the trial court appropriate share in the produce of the land for a number
for partition and reconveyance cannot be regarded as barred of years prior to the filing of the complaint. And that the
whether by laches or by prescription. defendant should effect the corresponding operations of
subdivision for the purpose of segregation and delivery to
each of the parties plaintiff his or her appropriate share in
189. Castro v. Castro
the land.
Both the plaintiffs and the defendant appealed.
Maximiana Tinio is the owner of the disputed land she
Appeal of the plaintiffs is directed to the supposed
inherited from her father Mariano Tinio.
inadequacy of the portions awarded by the court to each of
This land lies low and in its former natural state was under
the plaintiffs in both the land and the produce received
water for a good part of the year. In the life of Mariano
from it.
Tinio part of it had been reduced to cultivation, and the
Defendant appeals from the action of the court in awarding
prospects for the fruitful development of the property were
to the plaintiffs any part of their land or its produce.
then good. But as a result possibly of the destructive
ravages of rinderpest in this section of the country in the
ISSUE: WON the defendant is obliged to surrender to the
eighties, followed in the nineties by the revolution against
plaintiffs their share of the land under his administration,
Spain and the later insurrection against the sovereignty of
which was registered under his name in Torrens Title.
the United States, the property appears to have reverted to
a wild state and came to be covered almost entirely b such
growth as is commonly found in low ground.
Yes, Upon the foregoing facts it is evident, and it
must be so declared, that, when the defendant procured
the registration of this land in his own name, he was acting against the petitioners who thru fraud dishonesty,
in a trust capacity and as representative of all of his deceit, misrepresentations, bad faith, under the
brothers and sisters. As a consequence he is now holding guise of purported instrument, nomenclature
the registered title thereto in a trust capacity, and it is extrajudicial settlement of estate and sale (Lot
proper for the court to declare that the plaintiffs are entitled 4144), dated December 3, 1967.
to their several pro rata shares, notwithstanding the fact
that the certificate of registration is in the name of the
Respondents, then, amended their complaint
defendant alone.
alleging the following:
One who acquires a Torrens Title in his own
name to property which he is administering for himself
The deceased spouses Pedro Masirag and
and his brother and sisters as heirs in common by
descent from a common ancestor may be compelled Panteleona Talauan (Panteleona) were the original
to surrender to each of his co-heirs his appropriate registered owners of a parcel of land located in
remedy by which to enforce this right. Tuguegarao. They had eight (8) children, two (2) of
which are the parents of the respondents. The
Additional Ruling regarding repudiation of the trust: respondents (children of Valeriano and Vicenta)
allegedly did not know of the demise of their
But it is strongly urged for the defendant that, even respective parents; they only learned of the
supposing that the defendant in this case had procured the inheritance due from their parents in the first week
title to be registered in his own name as representative of of March, 1999 when their relative, Pilar Quinto,
himself and his younger brothers and sisters, yet he had informed respondent Fernando and his wife Barbara
repudiated the trust more than ten years before this action Balisi about it. They immediate hired a lawyer to
was begun, and it is insisted that he has acquired title by investigate the matter.
adverse possession. In support of this contention, based The investigation disclosed that the petitioners
upon the repudiation of the trust and subsequent adverse falsified a document entitled “Extrajudicial
possession, the attorney for the defendant point to the
settlement of estate and sale”, so that the
testimony of Manuel Castro who exercises the role of chief
respondents be deprived of their shares in land. The
promoter of this litigation on the part of the plaintiffs. This
document purportedly bore the respondents’
witness testifies that back in 1916, 1918, and at other
signature, making them appear to have participated
times, he had besought his uncle to recognize the right of
his younger brothers and sisters in the property and to give in the execution of the document when they did not;
them their part of the produce. The defendant, Manuel they did not even know the petitioners.
says, ignored the request and put aside the claim upon Subsequently, Macababbad registered portions of
one excuse or another. We note, however, that this the land in his name and sold other portions to third
supposed repudiation of the trust first took place before parties. Respondents then filed a complaint against
Manuel Castro had reached his majority, and we are the petitioners.
unable to see how a minor with whom another is in trust The RTC dismissed the complaint on the grounds
relation can be prejudiced by repudiation of the trust that: 1. The action, which was filed 32 years after
addressed to him by the person who is subject to the trust the property was partitioned and after a portion was
obligation. The defendant in our opinion is not entitled to sold to Macababbad had already prescribed; and 2.
the benefit of prescription from his supposed repudiation of There was failure to implead indispensable parties,
the trust. namely, the other heirs of Pedro and Pantaleona and
the persons who have already acquired title to
Prescription does not run in favor of one who
portions of the subject property in good faith.
holds in trust for others; and a denial of the trust made
On appeal, the CA reversed the ruling of RTC and
by the trustee to one of the beneficiaries who, at the
applied the Civil Code provisions on implied trust,
time of such repudiation of the trust is a minor, does
i.e., that a person who acquires a piece of property
not have the effect of abrogating the trust relation.
through fraud is considered a trustee of an implied
trust for the benefit of the person from whom the
190. Gabutan v. Nacalaban property came. Reconciling this legal provision with
Article 1409 (which defines void contracts) and Art.
1410 (which provides that an action to declare a
191. Macababbad v. Masirag contract null and void is imprescriptible), the CA
FACTS: ruled that the respondents’ cause of action had not
prescribed, because in assailing the extrajudicial
On April 28, 1999, respondents, the Masirags and partition as void, the [respondents] have the right
Goyagoy, filed with the RTC a complaint against the to bring the action unfettered by a prescriptive
petitioners, Macababbad, Chua and Say. The period.
respondents alleged that their complaint is an action
for quieting of title, nullity of title and reconveyance, ISSUE:
WON the action for nullity of the instrument was ownership over Lot No. 107 on the strength of a
barred by prescription. Miscellaneous Sales Application he allegedly filed with the
No. BOL on November 1962.

The Supreme Court believed and so holds that the

May 1985, the trial court rendered a decision dismissing
respondents’ amended complaint sufficiently
Mendoza’s petition for certiorari but the same was
pleaded a cause to declare the NULLITY of the reversed by the Court of Appeals on appeal. Hence,
extrajudicial settlement of estate and sale, as they Mendoza filed a petition for review on certiorari before the
claimed in their amended complaint. Without Supreme Court.
prejudging the issue of the merits of the
respondents’ claim and on the assumption that the The Supreme Court rejected Mendoza’s claim over Lot No.
petitioners already hypothetically admitted the 107. Thus, Peña’s right of ownership was affirmed.
allegations of the complaint when they filed a motion
On September 1993, the Peña Heirs were awarded a
to dismiss based on prescription, the transfer may
patent by the DENR and Original Certificate of Title was
be null and void if indeed it is established that
issued in their name.
respondents had not given their consent and that
the deed is a forgery or is absolutely fictitious. As January 1994, respondents (heirs of Anastacio Trinidad)
the nullity of the extrajudicial settlement of estate filed with the RTC a complaint against the Peña Heirs, the
and sale has been raised and is the primary issue, DENR and the BOL. They claimed that the Disputed
the action to secure this result will not prescribe Property had long ceased to be public land by virtue of
pursuant to Article 1410 of the Civil Code. their open, public, continuous, adverse and exclusive
Art. 1410. The action or defense for the declaration possession in the concept of owner for more than 40
of the inexistence of a contract does not prescribe.
Peña Heirs filed a Motion to Dismiss. They argue that
respondents’ predecessor-in-interest, Anastacio, was a
mere squatter who had been allowed by Mendoza to
occupy a portion of the lot sometime in 1960.
192. Khoemani v. Heirs of Anastacio Trinidad
FACTS: RTC: granted petitioner’s motion to dismiss and that
Khemani purchased Lot no. 107 from the heirs of Jose B. respondents are bound by the ruling of this Court in the
Peña (the Peña Heirs) on February 1994. Assistant Executive Secretary case.

Prior to such purchase, Lot Nos. 107, 108 and 109, Respondents filed a motion for reconsideration. They
constitute Lot No. 355 which was part of the public argued that neither they, nor Anastacio, were parties in
domain. On July 1950, Lot No. 355 with an was awarded the said case and that their action for review of decree of
to Jesus M. Larrabaster by the National Land Settlement registration and/or reconveyance is not barred by the
Administration (NLSA) who subsequently sold his rights Court’s ruling in Assistant Executive Secretary.
and interests over the said property to Jose B. Peña
(Peña) on June 1956. In 1998, Judge Soledad of the RTC died without resolving
the motion for reconsideration. Acting Judge Francisco S.
Thereafter, the original area of Lot No. 355 increased due Ampig granted the motion for reconsideration.
to accretion. Peña then requested the Bureau of Lands
(BOL) to adjust the area of the lot awarded to him but the Peña Heirs, together with herein petitioner (Khemani) as
BOL denied the request on the ground that the accretion the new owner of Lot No. 107, filed a petition for certiorari
belonged to the government. before the Court of Appeals

Peña appealed to the Office of the President. The BOL CA: dismissed the petition of Peña and Khemani. It ruled
recommended that Lot No. 355 be subdivided into three that petition for certiorari was not the proper remedy and
parts, Lot Nos. 107, 108 and 109, and that Lot No. 108 be that there is no res judicata.
awarded to Peña instead. Meanwhile, Lot Nos. 107 and
109 would be allocated to Basilio Mendoza and Arturo Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but was
Roxas, respectively. denied.

The Office of the President initially adopted the ISSUE: WON the respondents are barred from filing an
recommendation. However, it modified its decision and action basing on implied or constructive trust.
held that the entire area of Lot No. 355, including the
accretion, belonged to Peña and not to the government. HELD:
NO, An aggrieved party may file an action for
January 1970, Mendoza filed a special civil action for reconveyance based on implied or constructive trust,
certiorari (Assistant Executive Secretary case). Claiming which prescribes in ten years from the date of the issuance
that he was denied due process, Mendoza assailed the of the certificate of title over the property provided that
decision of the Office of the President. He asserted the property has not been acquired by an innocent
purchaser for value.

In this case, the patent was issued in favor of the Peña

Heirs on September 20, 1993. Respondents filed the
action on January 27, 1994. Respondents clearly asserted
in their complaint that they and their predecessors-in-
interest have long been the owners of the Disputed
Property and that they were fraudulently deprived of
ownership thereof when the Peña Heirs obtained a patent
and certificate of title in their favor. These allegations
certainly measure up to the requisite statement of facts to
constitute an action for reconveyance.

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