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A man finds an object that shows him something that he will never be able to avoid. he tries but, in the
end, life finds a way.


a man is in his garden planting a tree. when the man digs down he discovers a metal box. inside
this metal box he finds a poketwatch, he uses the button on the pocket watch and the man begins
to see how he dies. the man now finds that he is bleeding on his finger. he wipes the blood off his
finger using a handkerchief. the man then hers his wife calling him from inside the house, he drops
the pocket watch on the ground and goes to answer the phone. with the pocket watch still the day
turns into night. the man walks out of his back door with a torch and shines it on the watch. he
picks it up and he sees his death again. with the same handkerchief the man picks up the watch, he
places the watch on a table and he sit on a chair looking at it with confusion. it quick cuts to him
sleeping on the chair. the man wakes up takes the pocket and storms out of the house but just
before he leaves he sees his girlfriend standing there. she asks where he is going and, in a rush, he
says " I’m just going out to get some cigarettes" as he says this you see a vision from the watch of
him leaving a shop with cigarettes in his hands. he then runs out the door quickly. the man drives
fast to the location of the death (the death is by a car that runs him over) he turns into the area of
the shops. the man stands just in front of where he is going to die. the man then shows us him
running in slow mo. into the road as a car collides with him. it then cuts back to the man as he
stands still, and you see his back. the car sound grows, and you hear it from the inside of the car. the
car speeds past the man but it doesn’t hit him. the man takes a step back and breathes. he gets in
his car and drives. the camera cuts to him digging in the forest as he puts the pocket watch in the
ground in the woods. he then walks away from the pile and the screen fades to black and you see
on screen " 3 years later". you see that man reaching for a cigarette but there are none in there. he
grabs the packet and crushes it. his wife now asked him where he is going, and he says, "to get
cigarettes" she then tells him that he really needs to quit "he says " I’ll quit tomorrow". the wife
then says "you know it’s not good for the baby" you then see the man get into his car and as the
door shuts it cuts to him inside the car driving. he arrives at his destination and he walk into the
store. the man leaves the store with some cigarettes. times slows down, and you see him run out in
slow motion dropping the cigarettes and running towards the road. it cuts quickly to the speeding
car back to him then back to the car. the man runs towards a child. he then crabs the child and
pushes him out the way causing him to get run over. the screen goes to black and you hear the
beeping of a heart monitor and it fades out from black into a man using a metal detector the
ground. the screen cuts to black and the title of the short film appears "TIMEPIECE".
Week 1

MON- Finding a reason to be making this short film. Is it for a competition of for a

Creating 3 ideas that will be broken down by a survey

TUES- Research into ideas and creating a survey to find out what Idea is preferred of the 3

Creating bibliography that will be updated through the prosses

WED- Getting survey responses and creating a final idea in relation to those results

THUR- Create brief and weekly blogs

FRI- Catch up on missing work

Week 2

MON- what is my topic, and does it suit the target audience

Research into that topic finding 1 example of a short film with that topic and exploring it and
its use of camera work sound editing and lighting

TUE- set up focus group. Develop idea and create a more detailed version of what I think it
will go like.

Starting the primary research. (who is my target audience based on the competition)

Create survey to see what target audience appeals to my idea

WED- create infographic on responses from survey & set up focus group with 4 people from
my target audience

-Discus full idea

-What they like about it

-What would they change


Do the same questions with social media (look at responses)

THUR- weekly blogs & bibliography

FRI- catch up on missing work

Week 3
MON- finalize focus group. Look at how idea can develop

(what did they say could be made better, what could I adapt and change, what should I not do
that I was planning on doing and what should I include) *write under focus group
improvements to idea*

Create survey asking if my idea fits the genre I have given it (write up responses)

TUE- look at genre and find 2 examples of short films and analyse them with spider diagram
like analysis look at (camera, lighting, music and sound)
How will this affect my production and what will I do to replicate the examples I’ve

Camera (what am I going to do to make it fit the genre)

Lighting (how will I get effective lighting like the examples)

Music (what type of music is used and how will I get it)

Sounds (will I be using Foley sounds at all or not)

WED- look at genre conventions and find ways that I can create them look at YouTube. Put
clips on page a bullet points the important details.
THUR- weekly blogs & bibliography
FRI- catch up on missing work
Week 4

MON- film and edit examples of genre conventions (4)

Put them under the research into YouTube videos.
TUE- what is the narrative structure of the genre (diagram of the structure I’m going to use)

Look into props character theory. Find examples of short films using character theory

What are these traits

What do they look like

How old are they

WED- create character profiles (images, physical evidence, personality traits,) * 3 needed *

THUR- weekly blogs & bibliography

FRI- create audition for role of main man & child 2 people per role.

Week 5

MON- write up on how auditions went. Final cast and why dates for filming must be
confirmed by this time.
(Create script. Rough and complete versions)

TUE- location, from research what locations are most typical in the genre I have chosen to
look at locations I can use.

(Find images and create a bored as to what locations fit best)

WED- create contingency plan

THUR- weekly blog & bibliography

FRI- catch up on missing work

Week 6

MON- look into the mise-e9n-scene

What props are used, what’s the outfit of the character,

How can I do that in my project

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