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Tutorial – 1

1. Capacitor in the circuit of fig. is initially charged with (a) V0 volts and (b) –V0 volts. For both these parts,
determine the expression of current in the circuit and voltage across capacitor. Sketch the waveforms for current
as well as capacitor voltage. What is the final value of voltage across capacitor in each case?

2. A diode is connected in series with LC circuit. If this circuit is switched on to dc source of voltage V S at t = 0,
derive expression for current through and voltage across capacitor. The capacitor is initially charged to a voltage
of –V0. Sketch waveforms for i, vc, vL and vD. In case this circuit has VS = 230 V, V0 = 50 V, L = 0.2 mH and C
= 10 μF, determine the diode conduction time, diode peak current and final steady state voltage across the
capacitor and diode.

3. (a) For the circuit shown in fig., the circuit is initially relaxed. If switch S is closed at t = 0, sketch the variations
of i, vc, vL and vD as a function of time. Derive the expression describing these functions.
(b) For part (a), VS = 220 V, L = 4 mH and C = 5 μF. Find the diode conduction time and peak diode current.
Determine also vc, vL and vD after diode stops conducting.
4. For the circuit shown in fig., V0 = 230 V, R = 25Ω and C = 10 μF. If switch S is closed at t = 0, determine
expression for the current in the circuit and voltage across capacitor C. Find the peak value of diode current and
energy lost in the circuit. Derive the expression used.

5. In the circuit shown in fig., switch S is open and a current of 20 A is flowing through the freewheeling diode, R
and L. If switch S is closed at t = 0, determine the expression for the current through the switch.

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