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aj D 1
california volunteers

CA ml XOU aLAS U T IIDA Y M ajer 20 1803 ys isto J

h iott THE HE co
finn name ot
the firm of stubbs welton
under alid follo
co ot of
followingwim beautiful heinn ut
LAIE danger was nias near me ille that 1I should perish it I1
slept suddenly 1I awoke 1I think it was the
galloping11 steps of a hoi 0 approaching the dwelling
dis- GAYLORD clank will never bu iesi it any
the camp douglas company be stale in that caused me ino to0 Iagam
I1 1
gain my conci aiesi ife 4

TERRITORY solved oni t the day of

of Nove
Novem berISO
niber 3
the icel I ceic it liis ilis only productsproduction i it ib
ato that was
late wai titthe noienoke tit tintit int in it stuck upon in
13 i

outstanding debts duo the firm willlia ill ile collected

will lio
car as 1I opened ni
ear fit ees ekes but I1 did not devoe lei oe
near great salt lake city by W 13 welton ta
tailorlor BIN bills ng nunabnitit tigh tu to render his cianic immortal much timo to 1I can
call assure iro on tor i
I1 did so the firt object 1I saw was tit ahr figure ot or ol01 1
men the film v ill be pie dented ted to welton taylor lot loi
ubyy rind enlisted
payment MOSES it STUBBS
solemn yet
Oc tolor
to lein
ry bending over me chile the
which slanted Illitei through the hingle single bibb n 1pin
of tile
the california volunteers IV B WILTON
1101 ACE month of ill my lie div net heio
he ntt thou ftdivnes 11 glittered on the uwhite
oil tho teel blade
hito steel blade of aii hn inq bof boiu0
subscription C gnip donla ut
camp dougla rutihill Terri toly
willi sad and laded
with beaus
hided leal vs ftp att ew knife which lie held uplifted
he hold tip lifted just ill in fitthe rl at
of november 1863 the
meanings of thy
melaia holy bin
nici s melancholy
illy in ands I heal 1
striking 1I must own
gone tor for cheit iw as
oi it that 1I consid frfd ann
not even linic for ili to tol
m id lt
t wie copy per month cents
7 WELTON TAYLOR hauc the plea uio0 to in
lian an
As the led ties aar
dies afar pistol but luckily while tile the villa k I had no spP

copy three months oo

2 lq 0 nce that they ill
will continue
c in
ill the
tit iii ci y busi- andN
bals ot
bills of purple clouds appear me wake
mo N ake alic the noise outside died oil oft cj
it camp
25 oen Uui3 public at
fai or
douglas and
top i
to meet with
ith tile obscuring ill avei el elein it still
thou solemn hiorth 1I hear thy voice
tal 11
etl attention thu
and fatal to him in
the delay aas
ili tit
as a tt or liit er to nw
ti novtoared reil
rates of advertising coaches will leave camp daily for the city
U ieta ining at 11445 1 af also alo I1 it tells my lily alil of othet da d
him with ai pitol pistol 1Iinit another 4afla ti i itaport port
nen lines or less per week 0 at 9 A M retaining clond of smoke aind
a cloud

1 00
lid he rual abot
c r ti on 4 r runs to to the theater it
ii the city oveia
lieu but to lix
licit liu as to
0 i is lo iiceo
1 ico ff
the bhain
I1pach subsequent insertion
75 chith
cal tit lia lovely to my aae I1
one fo
lone per irio
ilc month
nth 8
evening ot or 1

oh visions bright oli

oil bleed
oh ble ed hout
honi alino some
almoite a t I1 lie ird the hor-sc op
good saddle Ihorses can always be obtained
1 at the door 0onee dismounted and ti
indi I to 1

one half column irin per month 1000

10 00 at the stable on oil i knabl t
b enns
tearo liing
theil living nov
1101 force titthu door it ia N eeitt I1 he hiiri
I1 iik
akk mylily pint s di aiy eai y allm el at the door in the ical
one co lunin per month
column 15 00 WELTON k TAY LOIl lor ak
1I aknin
lily pale and try find
lei ci ed bibroft
month with the partitioned apartment I1 have mads mid r
business cards per terence to at aliat
by laws of west mountain quartz mining I look to
bylaws and behold 1 liat 1I heard it give ay and aoma
district ll
11 life s dim
dain Init luig lound one nhochoie tread 1I fancied so seemed
c d too light lor for a1

a-c 73 nr acC ML M3 passed september letb 1863 ili

ot gold
in lines of caim ion and of kold
doad fonoti jiin ti life ground
mans entered
for a moment dining which alio
was a cathles bi
the steed sb re
a bilenic
relie de i
SUCH AS at a meeting of tho the quartz fineis of wet ett
and sil1 hill I1 ith tho
the maid
Mi feel
id I1 luul
1111 champing hh
champine his bit a painful fl ionon r tt
mountain quaidi mining district held

then I11 heard a shi gulat ly sweet oice i hi h

fr ag bammes bill heads 11

ward house silt lake bralley on the lath dav dan while their low pinions pillions murmur by N

iio inch then beeping

beu ping however contradict
contradictory oxy it nicy appear had actt
of september following bylaws
the follo
tile by laws iele
BALL invitations passed ot
of lit aid
lilu and dub tin
tit dubain
lowing iwiab
tone of intebi
with it a atone intensec ferocity
ith a slightly spanish accent
11 th
done in good stylo
glann m
style and on reasonable terms
tr w tion ot
and bound as follo
this district shit ill include tint
toty situated in the territory of tali
of terri
lopss commencing at the conlen
thit pot
flioy bole
spi ill ti delight
hen skiing
jf iton
chev baniccamu in
boio tile
fill lent alone
ciolli bk act 9
inciting tono
melting tollo NN
william kent you aie in this bourth I TLboucan
not escape by the other door lor
ith my lat
with lafiata
lai iata I1
you cannot pas

for 1I have fled

pats tak tor
on can
tied it
for 1I
once of the alier boidan with cicat silt salt like rhey ti tied thu lake glav fieast f
the blue lakes guald it 1I know that you
assB all orders addressed I to the publishers 1 yott ale aio hearing me lite E
and running thence lit in a southerly along
alon 1I ill ough Sum niel fi inting in tile tho heat know that you i recognize my illy i oice 1I am ain
of the union vedette camp douglas U T ill N
the east
tho cast bank of said iier in or jot
1 boidanan to0 it
its point ol of boy lingered in tile
thoy the joiet
joie t shade you entire
enferd my tather father s hoac hou o and received ilk hi
meet with prompt attention exit
lake utah thence along the ie
ill of slid lake to tit the auth dog of coith lat
westt mai
but changed and
st orill 0 rr
no they beat
iio boat hospitality you cruelly murdered mui dered himi you and
ill storm er mountain glen and gladu your villi anous compit not you heart lesly de-
ich thence along said iid dutli deg of north I11 ceived melite hn his daught erYou you fled with 3 our booty
james duane doty governor of utah
by jontes lat to tile the deg of west long gi ich lov
how liko like taboo lian ports in tile
11 licit lire i s fic ih and
the anastt you thought you vii ere safe but ou wei e mistaken
thence along said deg of west
de ivet long to the lie joy is nu llan
1Ibhae 1I have
al the hallon s dm do liett
lust hai e flfollowed ou oil si hundt hundred ed miles
territory to of bolth lat greenwich thence along
dog sole as lie 11

been on your trail tra il for thieo

thice cars oar haee found
1I hai
EXECUTIVE OFFICE G S L s deg of foith lat to gibat salt isike
de 1
ike and transient all as thoy they aio it title I 1

you at last will the bloodhound to rend

chenco along the faigin in a theyy stir the ficai
tile leaves in tha
ht that blight
t bt ight fl reath N

his pi ey do youyon think 1I inwill lose my re

ill lobe revenge
1I 11
aly to the place of bezianina which
aich hi ch
hope about liei bet diey p
ii v wt na 1110

it luila lIlot ot i li around it lite

of atile
11 rathe now Ca rambal no nol
it Iit may ounce ita
oln L ihu u 11

at the general election


ill each precinct in

held in quartz lode or vein shall hall be two hilled 11
r 1
one had
fl nf split
bad buist open the door a sudden shriek a1
the several counties ot
the first monday ill
the territory ot
of tile
in august A D 1863 the follow-
fall on
of L tali oil
the claim nith all iab dips angles and uia tion
hold more than ono
no pe beroit
acri ou fiillill be permitted to
one claim b location on oil any one
illy oil
alas fu
foi time and death ind
what gloom
the clouds in
our ishey erilij It
io 1I struggle a sickening swish as of keen metal pene-

trating flesh ai pistol

phool cliot a hea heabyv li felss tall 1I
ill all tn ait
ail 1

ing named persons received the highest number ot of i did not listen long but tole toie away the blight
vein by purchase
put chase can
pm call li oldin niti ot
of botial pageant
lie int ol thu pillig
of tile
votes in each of the council districts for membris
otes article ath all claims located mii t lia leavec a tiie

that eeuli
iiii ig
c tar
boud which flconned
bonds edthe
the patti
the host traitor as ithe w is and ai 10
tion the bodi
bod of he
of the council according to the ceceli d notice po ted upon Illelli sta
posted stating
till the number ol of seemed ithee lit in hues of bi bushier
liter bilde
at the office of the secretary of the tel gill
gift aci
lioni and the hiob able cour courseloelclaimed
1I lined andandalo

beautiful with tile

the several county clerks to wit
andabloalso at last
lat like ica es appeal
leabes api eai
shadow of feracco
her zi
still on them
washington county erastus snow ic corded in the books ot of the and sleep in d it kne me lv ide
ide by lay on the floor
within toilten 01oldis ter location
i s af
cronan tn beaver counties george A smith article ath Ecieli tell company must to As the moonlight henr on th lace face of william
aril and juab counties amasa lyman
Mil larol
Mill ful days on their claim baui eacle
do one faith-
iller the
MM 1I kichi kent 1 danced 1I saw movement
sann a diio benien t of tile thy lip
county 0 hyde alist day of apfel 1664 on oil a faillie to do so0 the
about sv on miles
beien et ot the middle fork
of hini and caught tit
bent over liim the 1
d1 ving word
utah and wasatch counties L E hanington claim aillwill be juin pable provid provided col helmle that if
of boulderllon lder ateek aas as a lanch tit tintit ent crit by tile the NN
it is hue V Peili aps you think 1I did
lot not spend tilethe
aaron johnston the company aie it c pro anted ba docil 1
oc it it ct name ot of bloom fallo Ft
llo an e li retired rema inde ot alie night at bloom fallow Bittl
remainder but 1 Ild
great salt lake tooele summit and green nun
ill aimed ke
ill filmed kentnit ili I1 thi to in ill gigiedt
0 it though and net inot coining
ning all au
I lit bodio in

or rebellion ftaiom oin biking

Noi king a lachnec to do so will
01 i ill
with iiii single let senlant nit ilk old ill mm M who owned lied ono gr ave 1I mI1 Iivv aadd that I1 sti
grave uck a ei after
river counties daniel 11 II wells wilbord wood- not forfeit their claim ith hi it ONN N
ORO 1 I ti lie 1

ruff albeit carrin ton daniel spencer

carrinton and that wali was all lie could 0ownn the name ul
he oliell of delry tell ili the health tones which paid
le moving it N

davis and morgan counties charles C rich

article ath the dicea eter of a i cin of quai t A to when licit kent came
into hei v ot 01 1who he in nna bet 0 to
tha havee never pi opet cd since
that I1 ila 1310juls
containing gold silver ili er copper ot 01 otlien Ial ible
hoi ho mido a living alicle Califor nii pony in my stable now in
weber and bov bo elder counties lomenzo snow metal mineral will
metals or minerals ill be entitled to locate two he etine cime 01 how
oi in nude california inv wito 0
cache county
count ezra T banon shai ca
being no appe tiance or 1 ui
I ot lock iiii aig
ailes him this
ten lides thi i thelha
hoi 1I obtained him or the nay
the lii t time 1I have told
1I do therefore declare tho the said persons duty duly going on
guing oil nobody kim illy one liow way lit in which
elected membris of the council of the legislate 0 article mi there shill be a district ic
it ill bo leccorder howen or to bc coining coniing pw cd olne 1 11hit it i became rich
elected fiant among
anion the or tile
of alie di tiet
assembly of utah from their respects respectivec bisti
whose duty it shall be to i ecord all claims pi piec
lailI1 Vyot of ollic aitel eting p 11 thi abject
oil tile
on 1

and also that at the same election the follow- rented for the c gh title or
ing the itiame
giving of cach i vil ill lay thein bullio un
oil and lease olt to election incidents one or two elec-
n named persons
otes in each
liest number of
the hig locator or ow ner and receive as campens
ois nor coni penk a fonn
folin yoni oi n
I1 lilid ul been
on in that
ill foi
incident omitted lit
tion incidents in one ot
aliis chiv wandi icalla ought
of the ward iliid
not au be pei milled to
nita tive district for members sum not e xceeding one dollar pot pel locator 01

J 4 the house of representatives acco
i iding to said
according se lo tal din nith
10 etli m ns ns IK II one
bu toi gotton the simple aie un
of them advani
owner his teun of office shall be one year ol
turns to wit
tashi until his successoror is chogen
C velling finding lie it ln
no lionii INIbuh
lit lion
hott tili 1I had pie without any adornment whatever
hat ever in one eaeann
groll county orson pratt sen
washington sell article esth these lawslains will apply to locations iier arseen and antich itin gathof loot over in old manmail had been taken to the poll to of
iran county henry lunt my ilela girad it ir 1I could lla 1 1 liked up to to the and ent eling into co
entering with tin the oung gen
oil vein of
of claims on ilon or othe metals
0 coal aion
laivo c it
bearc county C WV wandell door aril
floor and klokel okel lote minei to aailalv ision licin in ii ho accompanied him bini tblb the card igo on
millard county thomas callister or minerals in this district to pread illy my blanhe un oil tho flow lui the night
lot tho hia
his float tile poll pollii found that lie he bazi i- ia in
was elected district re-
juab county samuel Pitchfol archibald gardner wa I1 licals a voice 1I ichill illece jet arii to upun opell alie tile acquaintance
old acquaint anco or of hia alter shaking h ind with
hi after
tit corder of wet mountain bisti lot jor
district for one 3 eai
cat fleoin
I ont 1

county john patten piR N allred the date above written Q door then it iw
loor ai opened and I M admitted by 1
the young mm min lie ho how the ck clec tion w
clention wnai
utah county A K thurber
Thu iber
liber david cluer jr gardnel president the old mail 1I plon cled my
piol luied illy but lit lie bent going the deply wad wai it aai d going baigel
Joso pliT johnson ARCHIBALD GARDNER ind 1I irepeated it 1I shall
ili car as it ithe did not union 11 0 0 tab hat the old gentl cuitti 1

wasatch county william al wall in 1a1 louder tonu

ill toil when lien a lit had not betot c ob
in 1I ila
in tit N be boto glad ilif the election soe aoe light 1I havu have a oil
summit and green count ici ila
counties iia el feied clothing
clo ahing 0 et a lott IONN filelne iwithout mining ining
ln in the army his lect iceie
hia elect eio liot hot oft and nov I1 eivir
diedre on
oil one of tho
the ladics
ladies hereabouts IN
in the affinitive 1I
me tit spread dead only thin
he is lead think no luna it in b e 0 o ni ill 1 I1

great salt lake county joeln john taylor edwin casually

having casti tills pait of
ally objected to this lily blanket took at ba
my bagI1 gold
11 from have titthe clec tiou go giong Amy
election ly honbull naa a go ao ilI 1

D woolleyy A 1P rockwood john V

lon F D it y 1pick
my lei aniland placed it 1111 dei le I inun pillow awl and then boy and in lien hendla I1 latt dav an hainit I1 abbed hill li nn it il I 1

richards john van cott
ichards long the
tho adibe it had no trees in
bec 11
began eciting a lei if bi bieleit
ellit I ila iii elir
biadI etlitit lite I of sup-

e l er to get home again and lie he baa 411 liu lit

1 1 1
tooele county john 01

tho serious man soto voce

tile looe recommended per ailien lien a alight noko ag mist lite thin patti partitiontion ne er expected to

davis and morgan counties

cou aties wm it my
at illy elbo made me file bitin my iny head ml lenly denly tit in was ever iia moie roman spirit he
ohn stoker
win R smith dixie as a country with plenty oems
XI 04 in th
eliat it direction Il ielo aa a1 knothole knot holeliole about W 0 bad given his on
had oil a nood un ili eol Ilir Y Inott
oil to iiii I 1
0u 1

weber county jefferon

jefferson hunt lot loi farr
in V arr ti cason we arcire a lithol talat feet ciolli titlie gionna ami looking it wa ho was
lie dead and what a ileadful thing lie thought
was lead
lie election to0 go0 aga i I i t ttb
hec deiy cI y
ider Ccounty J 0 Wil waight
serious man lias
tho Seri
tile has since been exempted an MC
all ee awa 11 led a as a ggiar coob A moment ent mole moie it would be lor for the against 1 1

Saip biuso for chich his ton oil had died who date dale bly
ac clia aai nty peter Mau glian willi
maughan atil 13 ami it a gone 1I a noie ot ion cating
of leti eating ton
ICS 1 0
froin tile
from oil the glonna that lie is
on ii footittep
A little
eps and ita floor
door gentle elded
afler old aeiry canio came ill ioni out
in bioni 1
hiii patriotism waa
hi was not 1sublime
another incident baill moie draina dramatic tic occurred
0 tile paid
tho said pel solis inake a soldier
y MM members of the blomo of too stupid to make dooin of and at b1 the lite peaking
speaking in another waid an ali old soldier aho bo had been
Legis lathoc assembly of utah flohil 1I lew letuks hoping to stait
a low tait a cott
con pt ioner
oner fitin richmond slid aud to toaa
k-ir respective delic ts
war A SHARP cubs cub an inventive Yan
art kp
yanka lit
blit ifie ang no icciv gie up tit the ticket
fichot liever thought you would
I never
1 ii da
to da 1IitI you had been i here itera 1I
liy lias produced an apparatus which lie says attempt ibid and lolling in illicit elt in my lily blanket endear ai you at a doing dayy 1

alg altos RECD
AMOS iteli is a cure for snoring ile fast
offs upon 01
my 1104
alm0 conduct of 1113
was oi
ed ffto go too sli ep 0

hat then
glit but
host 1 thought
ilien 11 was
thero wag
was in richmond when ohen yon wa
would hat gladly bateu b will and then fihad
waii so hungry 30 o J
ai 3 0
secretary of mill territory tho nose noso a gatta letelia tube bibe loading to
to 11
I1 1I

ht ortho
of the old alia lit I 1 1
n rdI1 to sing long as
lot lear 0 o toil
idar people and ai tui made glad at tile
heart mado the bight
ear Wh elleve tlalic yon would talk very dill ebent from ha hau viv
the tympanum ol
e snows lie
of tile oar
if bill i
nt the to
hitit it 1
in older
colts i eio lit
I doubled ni inell
dinelt aisit 1 ff
did not know

bot little u ith

point you
do today
to day
we lihavee failed in the language we hb ay irell iy

to thu
hi tileiho
the public that liem
01 fil-
bebis cIopic p 0
sio fill
irn findaIs liow disa
diaab it i alier or any of wr ielli
ahn drowsy god
ilg tali
ilal mai soon
hn lon I1 dept
if wo
the substance
ice of tile incidents
thealtl two13 ellei d taj ho fstill

1 arca
irca to ta ot all
of sill linda
vr andje
1 diall my net am of a sty
siy they yet they wc
ill tha 11 e
do not knort mv if
lonn no doubt at nearly vv I1 will
itin f cit1 tc to nit I1
I 1
if to0 cd in some torin
at s tit t I c y
Yai lt jil I1

r 3ica
ol 11 ailt ni cited
A 61 gallary tc tile
the congimi
Co nimi try etoir at
ai ier bitt tit ri ifi- 1 niilo
tle 01

Nil lot
sting gling violently ffif ow billot

alln pow-
il place ill in the state sandusky
iry stole it ni N i
Dougljs 1I T
imp douglas iopu ain man s he alln e 1i subtly
lie liiI1 ii lo du
er to 0 o as if
do lo
10 u somi
will billit bal
lull clit I1

oct L loth
feeling under instances of pro probationPation
alps for the JOjat
bring about ca
sons to bring inflict in this territ-
conflict mile for the bo sanguine and cheerful
and the Litinott lord leai
IV militia
ory between the military and the civil has been quelled arid trouble and soiro ware friends
fri enois in digwi
FREDAY 1863 the appeals of ambitious ency extended towards public nothing but and fearful C
binl a av courage forever is happy and wise
inc to wean the people which were far better left u fir aad re
crafty designing men alls for the best if a man would but know kno I1 ur
tig bett
ro gether let us
together beat tins
this field
from the government that their own ends
without indulging in ethreal or menace ftcC j
providence wishes us its all to be blest
tri it the chort what the covert
anvil front
may be sub served who constantly vilify
we fc el called upon to say that
feel bat ahil i ity th
thisi is no dicag of tile pundit or linot
ileaven is gracious arid
heaven and all for the let iet
t alks shoot folly as
daiki 19 it flies s
of the best govern- the desire of the military
ija cath the M inner
anil is they ilise
innerss 11 inq ai ie and abuse the
alj officers
live illin peace protect the intel ests and au
interests alls for the act be a man
MIN nian butblit
here eini Abe candid her C nc can
ie call ment with which this or any other eople people providence tenderly
ten deily governs
len orvens tile let
the icat
but indicate the ans of god to mui
lint maii pope
pole to vancee taitlie of the people of mah and the frail
trail bark of hii
hi creature is gq uuadioal
vaaa ever blessed it will be our duty
3 i 1

the ins tiI
Iit wisely and wearily all fol foi the brat
best i
for the government arid and tile 1

arid tile
and fur 1

salutatoryY expose the bold denunciation de I 1

aillet tho nation tutions of the land should be voluntarily alls for the best then fling
AIN faliti away terrors
covert silver uttered
m ert sneer against
litkei ed aag meet all yourour bearb your foes
flears and conr foci ill
in ali y
ill tho wide wa of newspaper literature
ii tilt foe or the open accorded
accor ded by one and all hig highit and low tild arid and in the midst of your sotir dabi e
ert 0or error
iame becoming a foreign r

tile latinlaunchingehing of another bark aiwhose lloc tiny

bloc M
toleration for disloyal fneels is no part of ti
fiust like a child while on liken

lebel than tlthose loze who here enjoy the pro-


bails will woo the vari variableabl and ever shift- alls for the beit
best unbiased 1111
tec tion cne
tection and blessings of tile figest the duty of the true citizen whether off- providence
provi benco reigns front
0 ull lea
from the east to tile iveQ
ing breeze of popular favor iis3 AIwe0 sue ale cale 1

earliest fisli

grea test a nd
greatest rid 1110 4 patel lial government elit on
oil icial or otherwise it is the earnest 1
so both by nwisdom and mercy surrounded
amaie iiI1 matter of little bjoin moment nt to tile conini and to
atta clied to tile command hope and be happy for alls for the besl
on tile ear and come conie of every man inan attached
pi cat buying
great oil either continent
on irate harshly oil
aal th Lgrate
not ave we would fain believe from froin the heart live on oil celms of amity and good will with
1Iin it these latter days of improvement enter-
the people of this territory so long
of the people the teachings
or which bor- 0 as we we issue today
prise arid and civilization the great lever ever of C
with them and it were a
to day the first numberr of
ofal t
der oil ti eason if indeed they fill not the
on treason shall sojourn avith
human society lifting it up to a higher VEDETTE and hope to receive th thec encell nl
fill tic abille of iniquity tile avalli
full whimper ings
whisperings burning shame to permit that feeling to be
point and tile mighty inighty regulator vf of mans aging smiles of every unionist in ill the T

by aI tri cagle intriguing

doings itib a fice un trammelled soo and the defiant speech of others
of some 1
r the policy of the paper is sl
appealing0 to the passions prejudices pie and
arid while therefore it is not the mission of
and independent crebs g the
suit owed forth in the leading article of tin till
feivor of the multitude seeking the california column in utah to in
civi lied
civilizedlived it is tile boast of tile nine- 0 i buc and ave we commend it to tile perus off
to wean
ivean themthein from froin their loyalty to tile oppress or persecute tile people of these
teenth century talat it lias has its bicad of all we ale hope for a large circulation
nation we ine fiust and belice have found valleys it must not be forgotten that the
pinions until the silver lining of its thou- and for the advertising pat 11 ionno
nation our own native or adopted homo of al
sand wings brightness over all the noto deep abiding 0 place
in the mind and 74

is to day st
today u gling with a gigantic un-
struggling who feel ddisposed to lend ci I us a help
hell iii
land and its ita arms penetrate
arnis of the great mass of the people of
holy 1leobellion
bellion and the dut dutyy of every good goo d and advance their interests by baino hee
hand arid
every village vil laft and almost every hamlet utah if they have we propose to calmly ing their wares prominently before fi
and choup

at 1gue the
aggue thein if in ex-
on with them citizen to sustain by word arid thought
0 lit
As the watery waters cover the sea ao so does people we will be glad to receive tin th an
ement and amid misrepresentation they
ci and deed our common country is as plain
the press cover both the great areat continents moral support and pecuniary ai aidd of our fell but
it d progress have indeed been led astray ave we ask them
thein as it is im imperati Aee we say this as we fel
wherever eia ch and pro giess have lave low citizens arid and will endeavor to lendu r ildur jit
chai acter of nations ending cil cling to hear us its in the quiet arid and peace of their ha begun
ve be
leave in un
beun our enterprise in tile the best of
stain ped the character
stamped quid pro quo at the same time it is due apo
the world with its lialo of light and life own lelii ed homes we propose to appeal trusting0 and believing that our
feeling0 trustin po
language will not be distorted into au aught
alit to those who have initiated this enterprise tt
and joy on tin
arid thiss wide ocean among the oni cw
ft nar drunk to casar sober front
baisar from
multitude ude of crafts which dot its tit excited and impassioned populace to
an that savors of tin cat or unkindness but either expect nor asli C
to say that they lineither
as the friendly voice of those ablio seek for pecuniary reward the VEDETTE iii not i

do ave we today to day launch our little vessel vesel the calm reflection of a thinking 0 reason-
im community bioni alie the teachings and arid the good and the prosperity of every man designed
b for a money making 0 institution 3
hoping for gentle breezes on oil our onward 0 coni
prejudices of scribes arid and eadels woman arid and child in utah who have nnot at and will be published whether it pays or tel tec
course and trusting tiu sting in a conscious leati banow
high tit plain common sense of voluntarily placed themselves beyond tile not we are ire vain enough to believe
tilde of purpose to keep us its cle ar of the
clear 0 or low to alie 11 1I

shoals and bic akeis and c which plain coincommon nion honest men nien for those alc of charity
pale cli arity and friendship we call d o0 ggood extend information and th
ave can

eft such andel takings hand bold bad men if such be who to our first duty is to the nation choso whoso give pleasure to a large number of read or
n on eveiay liand
oil evoi
as is our appearance anac and
alance compass their own ends seek to mislead preservation and advancement every good ers our paper will furnish the means ofofaf
1 t sur pa e a decent respect for the the multitude as to the intentions arid and citizen holds next ill hiss heart our second recreation to our soldiers arid and our mullins sue I1

of 1111
01 y

1111 kind is well as
as alie ittoli fa ro contain the effusions off danyl aaj niilo
of dian llo lialifa p 11

saa ac c

iii akes 1I
it Y
wit on lib to0 tives civil and military in utah wo we 91 ca s of whose people ave
gicas we know to be the if we
ave shall add another
i oc our aliv
inx bow to the gleat public and have little respect arid and far less care but desire of the general commanding and union cause induce one spear of grabs 0 jo

i lard the motives which impel us

alard its to for the mass of the people whom ave we know those united with him in the discharge of grow where the desert now holds sway may
public duty will have accomplished somethingg he
we avill
firstly then we find ceic a to lie
ile honest and sin coic ceic though 0 mistaken
mist aken
ui ciu

uUM fit I for the efforts or of the and it may inay be prejudiced we have both our terms as published in another column iee
i t

list we are

arc dwelling in the to them ave we propose to talk in our own

A voice from tennessee a re moderate arid
I 1
and within every mans easy
how many months of the war iiii
might be cut off reach we hope to relieve sufficient pat- ab
organ sed
an organized
i of the plain homely way with their domestic if the would aonnly unite with ua u in
lit tilt
naught giving
gin ing the a and genei oil conage to repay the absolute outlay re- gy
tate boating boasting a population of lelit
ie lations and inter
ions arid iop life ave
interior we have anauo 0 ht suppo
support rt how many millions
ln of coiny illig
lit be
alb avilo possess but one vencial to do other than as at good
0 citi ens we may
citizens tn ed arid
ami how many and lives may be in picc- quilen to meet current expenses but e
ei i ed the war
bened ar will
ill sill aly bo
be pi executed
o until whether we do or not the VEDETTE is in
i r which to gather ather news and L
entel tain and on
entertain oil proper occasions prop

the rebellion shall be quelled


oily our own opinions on oil any sub- fixed fa ct and avill
fact will hereafter be issued as lc
tb and 0 which they can call and humanity as well as demands that
ate with the outer
this s touching the general weal
ject touching iveal while as no ob hall be cast by loyal men
shall in the path
nien ill bas been begun solely through11 the ex het
it has
of the
odthe 1Iyash ville union
f is an and liashas no soldiers ave canic not to make
wo came inake war on oil so speak the loyal licarte of tennessee of the and benl
enlisted men wit
A within tire boun dalies of the
boundaries this people neither in this enterprise is it and when we reflect on the course of tho
arid the
of camp douglas we have no ends ahn
ti tes secondly the gentile so
tate our design 0 to intrude upon their ever everyY malignant coppel heads in some of the to serve save the public good and our po0
1artion odthe of the collcommunity iinclude 11 day life northern states who ablio are disgracing the
count rys welfare we have lave no enc irlies to F
enemies K

y within this has
lias when ave we say that the pi amary object
name of a once proud and patriotic party punish
pul lish no prejudices to indulge 1I
no pit I

ld oni of publicly settem netting0 foith its of sending troops to utah last year was and making the term democracy synony- vate b to ventilate neither have hava ye
PI cal illitia lica till its thomn its
I1 the protection of the Ov overland
eiland mail arid and with treason arid
mous avith any profuse to make we pre-
and anarchy how glo-
um ting or icle butting telegraph
0 lines avewe but lefeat what eveia rious at and
1I d bright tile
sent the first number as a specimen but bilt
the contrast appears with

either at home or man of culinary intelligence t

nian 0 knows to be the works an andd words of those gallant moil hope to improve with age and progress
abroad the want of a press for these the fact arid and when we add that the men
tile con- in tennessee who have from the first re- avith experience
elpe rici lec I
and similar purpose purposed lias has been shiely baiely felt stant effort of some has been to abray the
sonic lias the editorial columns will be dont rolled

sisted jenjeff davis traitorous crew arid and 0

rince tile ti oops ai lived in these

since thebe valleys people against tile the government arid and tile by aim will be to instruct 0
ambose aini
are voluntarily sacrificing on the altar of
and we iv pi to supply the want so bo soldiers and inculcate the ciron
eis arid eiron idea
id ca
patriotism their ionic arid and their fi resides and please arid
arid and our correspond
correspondence c lice fro
from K

far as our ability and limited space will that the latter sent hither to perse-
it is dis
disgraceful different posts in the territory oryl we ave lope
pel mil
per cute and desti dest
destinyoy we but say what the
toy ave 0 braceful that while the nation is
U gling for its existence
our statesmen after a little to have fully organized on oil a3
to every rightly constituted mind it has signs
0 the times and the plesent state of
of tile
proper basis tile business department
been a boince of reg in the senate should be by the
that the 1
feelingel piove and what it were
alove arid ivere meic hy-
V nort liand our soldiers including the typography 0 of tile VEDETTE
existing between the mass mas of tile people pocrisy to attempt to deny with the 0
on the battlefield tormented by this 11 file has been entrusted to competent arid
lias and exp-
and the military in utah have not been of coil schou arcos of stating the truth wo we in alie
the real of erienced hands
flier a cordial 0or aniie the um that this bad state of feeling ha has 0 at home thank than
fult has brought
lias 4 0 heaven the copper
1 I copperheads
heads havelave just
we ask a cordial support from tile com will
0 not
nu lawenb- c occasioned
boned by any intentional ilist met
lit thit
thin untowardtoward state of beelin foiling be- with a signal rebuke in ohio now cw yolk intuitita civil ay as well as military if that tia
it mi lett of tho officers of this command arid and
ti it Mori mormon and gentile indich lias has know not a sil illinois wisconsin and tile other states is not accorded at first ave we ask that orr ir
single instance
10 inki tance of oppression
led 1alli lormer former to believe that the latter or wrong on th c pait odthe troops
foi getting0 not the recent glorious gl orioll s vote of aper
pP aper be read read what we haac ti
california for the vidon iy judge
s ay us as ye shall find us and
arid we
ire ir chocie choc ii and appointed vilen nc lies
mies has lot inet will the discountenance an
union and for the avar war 0
will cheerfully abide the verdict re
ur ut r which mearis
means tile
that alieythey but the
pi orritt I debuke of the geller in
1 undivided union
ves of a gover caking on
conia 1 11
of our
ofir fathers and of posterity set our floot
have sla foot upon the plowshare aO ad
re I
II 11
ecking s
the other hand
oil tile haild who cannot call from

it and annilu
froll will not look back 71
annihilationlation of tile the

IHpinions sake
accent Ill ellory repeated acts and
memory re institutions must be fitted to alio
I rm na
and all such ins gendill
ten dill to provoke difficulty f
tiling if nott aages
el e s odthe worlds mind just J as K EY to be intolerant is to be irreligious
itt 0 pro vinet to attempt to
in deed clothe4 are altered and adjusted to the for the sake of religion arid
hiie ii clothed
fal ir 0 af eci il I1 to court trollie troll Me with the di rent ageson
dalti ages of ins and t o
0 hate
liate our
t ii por try authority but all ebullition i ofr
his body when either follow
are outgrown they should be cast fellow creatures out of a pretended
prete dod love of
lovo ot
aside tile creator
Cro ator

E local mutters the castle by the

tile 11
lie I1 ua of coniocomo was handsome-
pa nune
line and with an
itt to stock owner the end tiltea
tit to e A that his
filis dohk in tv iv Ibe 11 1

ly done by ly both CI budt and Pan banline in teri carlp Dougilas

cai ip Dou lag
dobilas U T olit in utah tile oen
fully tarried out ciani i al coin
4 correction
since wr filst picc
haa been deca
ress it has leil advisable to
to ease und and grace
blaids the rhapsody child w hilt it was aa
is it should
no 51
1863 ms indin assures
vs the
ho may
conio hither of
inay come
3i aini rii
nf mollii i
subscript ion tin
tile be impassioned antl w we think a
aaa av
onecia of elit 11 it is by the
to ur rac
n tc i f and subscription
of mis Iii ins go
aich is now running
rit looe on nv
oil i
time too rapid in ili tile this 0 o hent Reet
el reethe tire hereby avdi tei to
Ne are laws and poliy
policy of the Niti in anti en-
0 tle

en decided upon parable in lit all v
capt 1

a 8 in
actingg we cm call ispeak ili in thothe highest tei tebina
I1 ns ftilly
fully the sune kept up
have tile
lound 1Inin
ill ur
or fo
it I irge atter
alter this
ul toch
lel all mock
ii 1 go
lit date will
b ti shot
forced ilece Sarv bv b tile V

st H possessed graceful glacerill

giace ful perfectly at homo 1I her NN
urn of
arin 1
us of
eption by older col pollock
action throughout anely piece in which we me
me 11hive WM 1I artick tile in thu sett
ill elins wt tifig forth the
i v
months 1 50 11 yet been her has been almost without bl blemish
ellwill asli
meld it
and adi t 37id
cu mid d liaf ij post
PA adjat i
it of our file
rice aliz for
lentha 2 50 11
of petite leguie shu looks tile the Chal acter
chai aLtor shoshe as m
of collell andvik or of posts alip
66 W

12 11
bumes cs but fot largo a theater lack
ao large
foi so tin physi-
lacksi the ya
1IB tit
the following
14 mimi ing general oida just received district alho directs cloper
1I fess 0of advertising cal power to do until c justice to her c 1aIie for tile of hol
dierA facility
acilia bo be ctendal to iii ineis and othel8
I1 coi fl
conception of the p p uh
it ts 3 et
ct plan
plad ed by y her in this military
it taly Dilt
liet dov eloping the co mitry ind that A
in developing
lit insertion
gut 1 00 AVAIL
ck licie
let c the N illian
illiall GI in tile top
lusas alie fop und mid ns
general sa diers of the several amt bosti Ili alloNull Wdved t1

aih 1
WIto 1 pot month
until pui 12 00
the jolly niwhole hole fouled col D annas
inia wei e all well ell no s1
Adil tint Gen ii rial
vial office prospect for minea
pio iiii ib when chinse sliliall ill
sp 11

me V
41 1
20 00 csiti II 63
W mo 1 14
tio 00 done mr it aniu
N ili is the pea peasantalit boy in elal niba pil
pat VIII or Geli cial no thi
rion this
flout A
not avith the din ili mid pet
e to uc forni ance if
11 11

must be addi
itliong to the
3 00 and as the alicio boldios ili
ineetli ink thin
think than is the
in the fourth act let wai better
in the second and
office I

Iis licitly ani ended to load i lillo i

foll 1
of their
it N auti
editions antei tit th 0 iiiiwt alays
of lay flon aliithi
aitor 00 bougus U T 11
iti vedette caknip douglas thila acts
thud date juno 25 Voltin teci sen er ilins
detachments within the distinct birc lr cnit
19 ii titled cal N

on wednesday tile llull dinst ingoing ir 11 was digani

oi gani irions na lio ito nita rr re chili it for till d edits or joined to execute
cx alio fullest
to tit illo
f lasas theater among the to a eroded
crowded house the scenery ap- tin it- in all
the NN alio colip aniuitile or ali n to aich N spirit and of this con
1I of camp Do dolglas
Doh glas that of tile the they nowno belong
bc loii midand who
icho may hale ue utit the date of cation and leport flout time to tillia to
point ments dies cs etc
pointments all lit
in excellent es than one cearto
iee binl tin rut lesi to berte illh ill ito
bu un- these blead the anade ill
is not of the least importance taste the ackois up tip in their several ind
and the titled to0 the alot ilon ibid
eaid bounty and ind pien imin of in
title would imply a place
rime whole was ci edi table to tit
editable aliee leading to be paid iid lit
in the inan lier tile of the territory in the
ill tho
pieces abc brought out for as well as to the lesser lights mis foi other stoop t ru re entering tile cl I1 ic vicinity of their respective posta pots 01 ata
t ec the talent among the soldier soldiery Parthenialike
h wins larthenia like her pauline was a graceful giace ful
the nowlien term vill ill hoin late of re
lioni ti ull
enlistment bv command of brig gen
U 00 go
oo nl1 the expense attending tile the ind
and lendi
renditiontion of tilethe lyonial
Lyo by older of the secretary of war ir
t 4 p such a theater could not well
ill the was in ell played
well ed but to our mind E D
L CHAS 11 II 1 IE 11 NI TE TEM 1

I expectation of ever ica liing the

1 was not as an elloit equal to mr ii wins claude assistant
Assis Adia tant general
twit Aliu capt C S and Ak Y gelil

the thearel gow
gojii that it is one of the hardest lia idest roles lit ill the whole line of 13 S fluddy
1 are compelled to be it is on dia matic
diamatis alla it is no discredit
und discie dit to assistant Adji dant general
adjutant tin ENROLLING 01 ift FIN QUI
1 I lc
ifft hand adapted to alie the times partaking in ill the actor
ac tor to say that lie ho fell short of the highest the lol loing
0 make tho focion illg aloin
so far ay
as we have been d tile
djs representationssen aliens the niclo diamatis bui leque point of excellence to those who have seen the no felled to in
ill the fule going
followill 0 wele the questions propounded
I1 le to constitutional
ti ona t democrats by the ev vial
some of the
sonic although
ancis althOU 1411
chai acter of the
character most bouly
fouly butch every volunta
vol ur and nin red into cr-
nud er- coils
amat euis would prove no mean acquisition
litlt amateurs cled by actors of laige celebrity cle brity and renown vicc
i ai i thi older
oid ershall
llull le
lie entitled aeillo I in officers at tile polls list
hot wi if 1

fl1 any eastern or Calir ornia stage copi

california Copio bialial 111- filin
to I eceil c ft the united state
ont tho Sti oil ty
tation of the pait by mi ilan was
the presentation inas

taylor odthe of the ad caa 0 V thou glit not

ili and a1 bounty aint pl
ind if tour
tiff of air
yon ait mail or
11st iff I1

enor moui fund of billy bitch

the enormous
pleasing and ind satisfactory ilis conception of it
was eminently collect and in ili the waid
main the leilli low i
and t 0
ed cind bollalto
dolliiidS to lie paid ai11 fol-
state how
hu lon oil have beert so
bould ne a hodic for a fely few tion nas equal to the conception tho the 1 upon being
dd into set sonico
i cc M
ad air suii tu alti tit iif s i
tit fit
sights quite as well vell perhaps aps a s that individual tion
eions a little study and caie will enable him to
be paid one mouth
lie ahall lie month si p ity in
hnud 11 oo
13 00 dil yu have aiole
du ollo at A
one lit 9
C smith of of the ad infantry C V is 13 neat or avoid it is a 7cicat point gained when one ithas a
first installment of bounty
bounta 23 01
2 0
d what isia 3yatre
ue it fighting
left end 11 man mail and fills ili his place well mis caught the idea and attained the rightful concep-
persona ted by a nicie
relle personated meic lad ot of abbitt six- tion of so strange ind and difficult a characterchai acter EIS the
as tit total payment an muster 11 0
DO ath did yn ever leave wi
s on years makes as an
if so how
ian tit appealing boytis bogus miss authors ingomar tile
ati the last act hoac ei at the alist agular pay day or W 0 tit what is yure opinion ov the coh
tt is usually seen ili in reality and ib is an
all admirable
2 1
ath coti
its as the most natural and collect exposition of
us months atter niu aci in an
alter knutei ili additional in
niger ifer who will care for mother now
of bounty v ill be paid 50 00
of tile 10
the character N

hav I1
ie young Reci recruit uit etc always meet I1with en 3 at the hi ritt I
1 agular pa
pay da after six ath it yn
yit ever enny nite
nitta indies
ell next ec have had evadne repeated on wed
ice lie hall be paid an
sei vice 7 du yuit believe in ill a fatur state if
1 ires s the music conducted by john heidlinger last by far the best performance of the
months set in addi-
tional installment tt


to cal with mr jones also of sacia
elito as violinist is good enough
1 ento

stage fr 4
geoage ts
9 i
ellough to b 0
ardc yy Ti
i ficq
the pai ttot
of ludovic
Ludovico511 mr ir win came
atan daid odust i atu UTing

canic up
ing0 we
4 at the fit A egazar
end of the fust
Atl installment ot
bt bit tilty
leKi ilar p ay
of bolint i ill be
iy dy
day after the
an addition
ben lid
60 00

oo yu du

00 mirollud ill u
A ward eid haa eliat if a man is
tauk places at the
tv tha bititis time
t of coloia 1I ai ema payday altar

rt i ha hasS cen engaged by the management and

hanscen seen bui passed but the whole was tine to natcie ig a be ivice an all i lie will have taw e of hnviii fur or
ain a fund fand of good jokes ind and will undoubtedly and a conert delineation of a anost difficult role installment ot of bounty mil ill be paid N
sixI baes of thenie
ow in the public favor mis molly bryan airs livins evadne we think cov colled
mrs celled iier 06 at the th
til it
t regular pay day after 1

As on the stage but
irell oil
k s well blit we ive cannot see nhat what either as pauline or parthenia and proved her an to
t 0 cals
ment of bounty will bo
ui additional install-
be paid
al and natural rights4 of file southill salilo
50 00 chap correctly observes that traitors havo
S e is there for for the boat blaids d ornament should of high merit we ought not to neglect 7 at tin lust p ly day t 0
imi combined with other qualifications the mana at least sia pa pasing notice of mr McKen co- ind
and a alf 3 cal s i cl civite
vice an additional in- a constitutional right 13
to he hun 11 and a
r R 11 II harris seem seems to be doing his bis pal
pai t ci edit lonna which 30 so far Mii pissed any acting ni e have stallment of bounty 1v ill be paid 50 00
natural right to be bo d d pray on
1 11 8 at the ep nation otof three years oil
ac ly
bly itis
it is t hoped that chose who attend tho the c seen him do that we el 33 gratified as ab sei vice the lema the bounty ill brother
e theater siciely to be seen will in future barge his
hia generally we havo only space be paid 75 00
if the government shall not require thee on doat it mm ulie liine
tile regard for the desires of who go to left to say that the actors and
loft at the salt ay
e and hear nathl
is 1I e performance of a play or of tho
nothing1 is boic annoying Iluring
the singing a
1 t
lake theater were as usual generally
in their parts and their performances ci creditable
11 well up
edi table
hoops for thi
shall be mu
alir lull
full period of three yeats and then
aini tei ed honorably oitt ot
of their fol lu of enli ament the
ri ice barko aged
they it nul
election day in
med 75 a alicio diani nier of 1142
his did tit
ind ni ith ins di atia an old
in in tile tuON v
lit lit tu
ts 1111
13 mi

g ece of music than for several persons to enjoy tin the f

to all ie ceic
shall icee ic upon being out the 1whole of the
tt lkins gundl
by alif
at the expense of other etheri in ili an audible amount ot it bounty iremainingema ining gnp lid tho
unpaid the simo as is moefu wa talani loti for 1I an
ali i
ce a tete with giggling we ve notice nsf we ask an indulgence
ZD indulge dec by our readers foi if the tull totacimili had been ned
11 ed the legal hells hu ns in th
alie loni io ot
of his dis disloyal
juatt as eu
ill to lia 0 tin
th- 010ol1 i I
th pain a great many going out and ili in during the ap bad typography in borne port portions
iolli of of volunteer lie imn service itlull
die beho
ill he
bo entitled N 1

ll e performance well
inell bledbied would not
out paper it is
our ib not our fault some of the fonts to receive the whole bounty remaining lema ining unpaid at it hily the not tit
dini niner of 1812
thi ina too antich to

fo atie I I1
lid ithe I rf
Thiis 11

1 1

the time of tile

ot boldier deah
the holdier s death
oil it
ou i
another performance takes place to tonight
night 0of type viiv ere put up
ill without
ii a full complement of ili oil I tune I and the uld ilinma
old ill you
iiiiI ded

t rid
soi th and 0 have been od 11 to tui it 11 in away
ariy eiith ith inow than LOi co union
ninion lutr illiii i0
and pio gramme ifa presented cited As
der to supply the deficiency the difficulty will
important circular fromi from generah heal d und and liin nv ith 1Ilant it ita mw
ve gone to the trouble of Coi inor uncle 13 heidig nto U it oil dI
oli ad
d uld 1
be by a flesh supply as soon
boon as the tape CoppellI S tin logins ilama
imis rear of 0 the briding for offices
we print below in inte tad anith the liv don t f

MY 11fl ibus its givin

giving1I 11fiant heats hereto call bo
can led from san ilfrancico
be forin aided ran cico 1

letter froin ger ge connor relative to mines

lesting circio
interesting circular
lar paii iladell
illes icove did ili
and tile

i oiled
it ell ankin aillia the till
ut niini
lolled 0oieng I
1 till
nf WB the hol holdi

cry give them a good
consequent expense

c theater going world in salt

ply on ofir fiest

dissolution of LO
it page will bo found a procla-
be lound
mation of gov Jdilanc doty and a iinotice
otio odthe
of the
co partnership of stubbs welton
and mining0 antei ests in this territory

gleat salt lako

lake city
tin di
bba bindi

IT or
Tl I T 01
vate flank IV
mb co K rrdd ilif C 1I

IY and has been in quit quitta a stir re
A co beltan ta for advertise a continuance
tailor november uth 1863 didd at
it 2 11 in oil the rhth
on in ir 1

1 21 eai s annu
led piti
pital it caknip douglas 17 T are
1 fly and has
enjoyed a darc cicat ill in the pel in the same line of business C I1D beckwith is
ili 10 vall 0 N

act nuances
mances ot of mr irwin ind and wife utterly flom the
kinds of
to take all kinda in the da the
alie A commending0 the of Sv sweden ditclLe p
den diwa 1

district lias
has the evidence that county cal alp i plo c rii 1

oln igli boring city of denver deliver on tile gite rican ait
we eath
ath anit i they i ty the chenin
evening of
to appear on
the mountains and cafio calums ils ill tale el I atory
mcanin doualissUT
cilip Dougli 1
U T of
leave ot
of Cco0 1K Mit km llor
in C
wi and give the salt
to oil the
ill of if
if mail abound in ill rich venis
veins 0 of gold
old sil-
O aa
1 a a taste of
it ot kneir ver copper and other oilier minerals and for
ali ties Bu INvers somewhat evidences of the vast wealth concealed in the
hackneyd though
bome what hackneyed the or
of opening up the tile countey to
aly celebia
atly celebrated
rm s belected not we
t ed play of the 11 lady of
me understand by the per
13 ons I 1 mountain ranges
daily in
bancs of this
ili the wasatch range
oil the east and lit
dattge on C in
a deiv haidy and
deems it important that prospecting lot
population tuii
E r4 EAT
peii abut but by otheir and its rendition by tile the 01 ivea mountain range silver cop-
mii aa so bo satisfactory that hat the management
per and lead have been discovered in Bing liam and1I
not only be mi
it lie
ing1I pel le brillan cs it this theater
of aIllo ulle

tum by eveir
ly entered into an canon in the latter range ledges of silver ind and
all engagement with the new
e aie thus to have a which
C anon ili
arc now being worked and besoiu skiing
copper are
cloper ingalis
mt tans in ili older that such
cries may be early and ani
stich discon
disco v
anade tit the
ni M lit F nov to
toni oti
10 lt
lo it lali b agreeable
ag to all can
call baiely fail to both saints ind
loth and sold amadeddat
eis will be amaze
soldiers at tho
the lich
general announces flaat fineiss and piort alo
alu on
developments qa the at deep cheek at it MONDAY EVENING
c to the management wo have pectin 0 patties will receive the flfullest illet
ve ay 0
it F nor inclination
in extended
lull even had wo we the
rd criticism but must
Alit clope springs at egan
valley ledges of sih or
egin canon and aliby
cr equal to reese Rriver a nd ild
protection floell the
district ill
in them of their
loicey in ill thi
no0 carup ill bbo t
nuki tile
to inake
of the pati milage ofa gol elotta
elves by bryin eashoo have been teen discovered aand
ild pub ic
ei idY fealing that mr erwins irwins
Iri in provided al ah wayt that pila ate lights aie
alwart thu performances will embrace the
tit aliu
ewas a une fine presentation
present atio n of that character
presentation ebar acter arc being worked on
some are oil the aloi th at butte
coith not upon the mountains and
aa first appe
alance on an the stage as the gay aspir- creek placer gold mines abc paying the their now hidden mineral wealth aie
ini ae till
the aticy ana
i hOPe fill young man inspired by love and filled lichay and sit at hickmann
Hick mane butte a whole mountain mu tay
th bright
tit of cinnabar has been discovered and will be
ot sole property of tile nation hose benial
solo N

visions 14 of the ide ideal

al being acia policy hasbas ever been to extend the
oils 11 A his
heart was laps the best point made
Os worked iri ill the spring still t fultner
uither north on
snake river and the blackfoot gold diggings broadest privileges
to her citi
zelis and V
s on
the theater way
be bad
to d
furr D i
it c i ng par
our baritlal ina the play the scene with his mother
of 1 t he messenger
equal to the boise and bannock have been worked
all summer in fact the whole territory Terri toty is one
with open halhandil invite all to beck pw
pros l q ties
tie oil
aico ii
is good mn ii lui lot dan
peasant in the first act was var deposit of rich minerals
va miner alc only awaiting in ani
peat and the wonderful
tile of aug ai
aioo far nihed
aho hed R 11
ma lg
arod by claude the famous picture of ddut and elope it
to dov clope aitor ud spread doin nill noro S I 1 I1 1
come down but if lie made
como and co III
other as is though arinrl the n
T step back and 1I v
stop shine of her benevolence till all were frieml

sons another step stel up stabsone ouia shoot him lie

I1 would ile friel ll
execution on oil Jolin madison was in manner cold loser ved ala aiji

therefore sentence ht aloni

ed the lilight hand to the other and
tile finias of the faithlessness of the and the
tiie auit
C docs
do g
company K
mide ns if to draw a pistol from ithis
bocket or belt
is p ocket bis ini
his errity
g of character
character was respect
the ceding of him plicate helbon
reuben stout
lien fired upon him and ho
I1 then backk exclaiming
he fell bac buethe
but the pop lailey lie11 ho oil joyei
enjoyed was 5

suld wis obligations

dobli 11
actions and li 0 coth indiana 9 to forfeit all
oh god im killed hilled lie ile aas as earned out and I1
1 mildness and gentle virtues of his wife he

against and that lie be

bo o ver
er the hearts of all who know knew her n
di L il counsels a ainest the
t oi
pay ay that may be
duo ln
at such time
never sawaw him after
I1 was led by ev
he fell
liter ho
evil11 counsel and my connection
she never forgot a name
sho she had once heard
it L
ill bealicd 1 in the alio following depoi
shot to death
and place as shall be fixed by alie com-
tit with a secret digani lation to stay face
she biad once seen nor the pois onal ci
connected with every t

pi avato stout or
oc the
alic fl om my post of duty in the
tho army 1I arn am individual
mandant ot of this department moio than aitay th it 1I for a mo- acquaintance alonco her quick of

volunteers at johnsons
Jolin song island the tinly otry that 1I acted thus or that persons her recurrence to tile the peculiar int
two shilds of the court colic till iilo in tile 1I am
1111 coiry n k

ment ligten
listeneded to these evil co counsel 1

I1 alv erie alric on oil alic tit 23 d of october my hand aga the life of m y
dinst tho
against each ae ft the gratifying impression that
left flat cap
finding and s entence en tence that 1I cn er lifted rny was an object of esp ocial
especial regard jn
in 13
pol cilihipsaps he inay
lie may have been much less
les 3 guilty II the s of the court in the fellow mail I1 think thial the man who cimo cime to arrest 11
11 n light blit 1I do not
but myself Madi sons second teim of office expired hheer
me did not act lil
llian the traitorous oi 0 animation by which above case have been submitted for the to his paternal einal estate in virginia Mont
pat cinal ito
for my w iI rong doing on that account
wrongdoing accorn t
their acts or guilt action of the president
Pies ident of the
alie united 1

tild aal affectionately and earnestly luge ill all in that place nas
was called had a largo large an anda
he as u is beguiled but states m itoho approves the
fit sentence davaid
awai d
1I would
the seni ice of their country not to do as 1I have ons mansion gried more for comfort and
desi i

iedtl t be
10 plead in extenuation of his pitality than show where tile
vitality the mother of sr 3
cd pi hate
ed i ate reuben stout of company K done but to be faithful to their obligations as sol- abaya resided one wing of the 1
nn ip
gnip Ffrom
rom the San dilsky ohio reg gatli 1indiana and directs that diers avoiding all disloyal counsels and obliga- sonn hid
so bid
to her and she had ad there
eions was e

ibri of oct take tho following it be cabied into execution

we talc yea
ysais ago 1I embraced religion and unit- separate establishment and her old

ili obedience to
fo the
tile order of major gen buin by older of the societal y of war ed with alio german methodist chinch 1I have not maintained all the old customs of th the last CM nC
of october for the E D TOWNSEND been faithful
faith fitt to my christian duties 1 have be- by only opening a door the
I ob pissed
side appointing tho
tile diy
god the elegan cies refinements and gayeties gaye
gaieties ties of
cution ot
privateato reuben stout
boitt co K adjutant general come cry
very guilty and confess my sins against afi
i xe ec ution
execution of assistant 1I have sought ern life into all that was as resper
I volunteer infantryinfanti y con conict istedcd of desertion
tion my country and my follow man
by gone days it was
and iii inder
1I land at it 0hi o
tile ioner
te day
ciot on johnsons official
hand of
1I die trusting in t fie
1 believe god
he and
is a high lavor
dignified in bygone
favor and distinction by the great ani
inas conconsi ae
BV th htiue of the omideis ind and the state- gracious and therefore enjoy peace in this sad and gay who thronged thron 11ged to visitisit mr and MS
ment of th thee prisoner full found special ordeals
will be lound solemn montpelier if they were permitted to baj pa
melancholy choly case of the ohio I bear
boar no malice to my enemies or accusers 1I homage of their respects to his revered
0 this I no lan cise 1
acu was admitted to visit her I1m

the oiin aie

1 I abc the
tho ardeis in the case no
IN 0 0 8 0 cincinnati 0 hope my death may do good as a warning to oth- A lady who
with our four was in her ninety seventh year thus des describe 0
commending my
ray dear w
i ife cri
guinal ordeals Ord cis WAR department
AVAR the of the gen ers
ebil dien to the kind keeping of a merciful provi- scene
I 1
she mrs madison tit thee elder was alij 0
adit gen s office ial in the case of plicato reuben stout dence I1 take myle my leave te
t e of this hoping to or lather reclining ona on a couch she still till ret 10S
no I1 A ua S 6 0 company K catli regiment rel Jin clit indiana yol
vol meet them in a w orld sorrow and death will all her faculties though not free from the b
having bee
been approved oved by the never come REUBEN STOUT infirmities of age beside her WAS wasa a small tai
1I ai general Court artial
Courtin martial
i t appi johnsons filled Nwith ith large dark and worn quartos cuartos a
states in prison at island rc 1
convened at indianapolis may 14 resident
ident of the united and lie of most v an erable crable appearance she clo clossil
le w 1
chih no laving
having at the sentence bo
tit be cal cai
the execution
wasa on Ithe 1I1ic B b ay shore in front of we entered and took up her hnit knitting
tim jd C
1863 pit sil 1 ant to special oldell 98
lied into execution it is hereby the pilson baid
the II

finai i battalion was

offman mas beside her among other inquiries 1I ailed

dated november 4 1862 no 48 dated
johnsons aquai on the bay side bow
how she passed her time 1I am in neve
neverr ata atalo
that the coni
aliat commanding
mandin q officer on folin sons formed in a bol low e open 11

J anu aay 23
january 2 1863 dehait island depot of of war here
where the prisoner
near pierson and staff ere within the square theeb
N nasas seated on his coffin col she
slie replied I this and these
touching he herrkiett 1I

ment ol of the ohio cincinnati ohio and NN the ex- and her books I keep mo 1
in 0 alinay
alwayss busy loot 1001

U S foicey sandusky sly ohio seo see that the sentence as ecution piety was in command of lt mcelroy my fingers and you will perceive that I1 hih
omideis djoni
indianapolis november 18 1862 and of promulgated in general
ciders no 29 p t
rovost marshal
Mai the
post adjutant
and sentence
were never been idle
of were polished by
her delicate final
needles I
licht bailey

0 III lilt series of the department is read by A

which col john S williams ad indiana

I 1

the prisoners statement as herewith given wele eyes thanks bo be to god have ha T not fa faedieedae
A olun is president
Pies ident was duly executed at itthat post between the
then read
road by the
tile chaplain it being too lengthy n to and 1I read most part of the lay day but in otter oley i
loins of 12 noon and 3 P be i load cad prayer was offered in english aspects I1 am feeble and helpless and oe evel
and blied flied oct
rcuben stout
reubon company K at
al of friday 1863 by the chaplain andallo
anil albo by rev M miller pastor thing to her pointing to mrs madison iboa 1
bv older of majmai gen Bu burnside
inside of the german church in sandusky in the ger- by us she is my mother now and tenderly a
indiana volunteers W 1P ANDERSON man language for all my wants
signed 11 my
eyes were filled with tears as I1 layok
CHARGE 1L killing in violation of tile the adjutant general mr miller with the chaplain have been unre-
law war
laws of mitting
m attim in their attention to this unfortunate man from one to the other of these thes c x CC ile n t WOE
0 excellent
after the services the capias
cap mas placed over the never in the midst of her splendid drai drawing rot
kspecification 1 in this that lie reu or
OF ahr
eyes of the prisoner by E M keith the Il hospital bounded by the courtly and brilliant tt
surrounded thel i

ban stout private of company K of tile the 1I nas aa boin in becks county pennsylvania stein
bom given to by the mired and respected herself the bentic of ate at

regiment of indiana volunteers did where

of age
1I lived jas
1I then unaided and removed to clinton
steward ard and the command
ed until I1 mas over twenty one years provost marshal the prisoner fell immediately tion the object of admiration never was

with malice aforethought wantonly and ccounty 9 seven balls taking effect there being elat eight of the madison so interesting so lovely so estimable rahi
huntjr indiana In diina in ili december 1861 I
1 enlisted execution baity one having
mai ing a blank cartridge
cal in her attendance on lier her venerable mothe mother win
maliciously MR kill and duider min der solomon So lonion hufi huff ith Cip cirtain tain Schim mei horn in what was c hect surgeon of tile post went up whom she loved and honored with great affe affect
man a citizen of the united states by ed cd to

lobe be a cavalie company tho the cavalry regi- and examined the pil dr woodbridge the ctol

and pronounced him in 1836 mr madison died ile ho bad lived btroi
shooting him with a ball from a gun or pis- ment M noer raised 1I was mas made to believe by dead battalion under the command of maj years in retirement and had found in the SOCK
0 tin an officer that my enlistment held me lue to go the
into scoville marched past the body the band playing of his wife and in her unremitting attention S
tol this at madison township carroll tile the infant 13 service 1I thought bath et 1
him when enfeebled by age and infirmity teatsy
county on or about the d ay of Maich loicel I1 would enlist
bf mal ch
cn cherr FM tha
I1 put do n my talion marched to the parade ground at a quick was the best gift of god oras fiody
frowly tho bat-
co regiment indiana
or akiho tho cm caressi ressi
1863 name
naine to go in
ill K both in- step the remains of the prisoner were decently I bis connection with her was the happiest ev
1 ers
specification ad in this that lie he reu- fantry after I1 found outtie out the deception practiced laid out and buried in the prison grave graveyard yard on of his life after his decease ills mis Madi sois
on me I1 was unwilling illing11 to go with my captain tho moved to the city of washington where shet
ben stout private of company K of the the island she en
ahoi be 1I thought leech deceia ed cd me and had some hard i tinned to be held in the highest respect tills tilli
regiment of indiana volunteers feelings against him hain about it I yielded however
reminiscence of mrs madison death which occurred july twenty second n
h aving
avinelV des ted his company and re
desei regi- and
i went
ni ent with the
tile company and I
1 tike 0
Iler fune r al was attended by a very laige cs
01 ili
mal- in sayingavin tile the captain aforesaid always abed me A lady correspondent signing herself T M 11
ment did d id while with with ma well oil B some neglect iwas
1 was never scorn into thus introduces her subject it his
Ms our endorse
course tit the highest officers of the governa go vernm
gove rami
ice aforethought wantonly and mali the ari ice united with the people in this testimonial of 1 I1

iff limi howevere though my col gave orders ment gird

gard to the and beloved mrs badiac
kill and duider solomon huffman to hat 0 me
So lonion and sworn iti in I1 stayed with I1 enclose an ill extract fiaiom om the lift life of sirs madi- homo journal
a citizen o if
0 f the united states by shooting nrr my company and logi ment until november L on which may alove
son to your readers
him with ball a from a gun or pistol and 1862 when wo
baling been
got a furlough to go homo
crane river
tile not
only as an historical reminiscence but as an
to the presen
present tage
grapel canister and Sli
Nl lilo lie
while ho the said huffman was engaged regiment rc
ky and ind paroled as prisoners of war we were nere Nmisq madison 1w is the daughter of mr and an officer of the Massachi
ill the
in tit lawful attempt to arrest the said ssent to indianapolis to be exchanged and draw drai mis ills paynepay ne of i bemb members ers of the society regiment recently communicated theio they
stout as such deserter tit alie said arms again all the men of the reg ament got fur of friends
regiment friend who manumitted their slaves soon after lowing interesting article to a
t colomon Huf finan
huffman having at tile time law- loupas fora
for a few days
dabs to go home to their h lends
hionis their marriage and moved
i lalov Ce I to ph
misS paper
1I went home and stayed out my time and then dolly P ayno was edit C I1 t 0 I in philadelphia and 1

ful authority to assist in the arrest this s tarted to go to my regiment legi ment 1I went as is faras la whon when very youn young9 mr tod a lawyer in grape consists of nines hoti arranged in tte
at madison township canoll county in- f yotte m y mwife and liei bei si sifter going iwith me as that pity city who soon left her a widow with one son 1layers ayers which vary in lle according to the gu
ina on
di tria oil or about the day of march far faras as dayton ind 1I took sick at it lafayette and in 1794 mis tod became the wife of mr james they are held together by two plates of abou aboa
iii law madison and went to live on his estates in vir 334
then took me
thele about five das my fathel in
ile homo to his house to stay till 1I got gilli genii till he was appointed secretary of state in guns two rings a boliand
4 inches less diameter than the calibre of BJ
bolt and a nut the checan
well after I1 h id been theio thele about atwon two weeks 69 1I 1801 vi nhen hen they removed to washington bag arrangement 18
ball is too old for this war it is
specification 14 1I in ali chii that private was is adadvised ased by various persons not lot to go back to mrs madison uwon the admiration of all by the so simple or durable anti and has not been i sea V
stout company the arm
arms il Y said this was only an abolition charms of her elegant bos
they pita
hospitality lity mis madison years canister for a gun contain
contains twentyY set sel
Rell bOll of 1K
regu lail
at regularly
regul aily war and adv11 ased me die to stay at home and they also

at the white house in the absence of small cast iro ironn b allsa 11 8 arranged in four I1
enlisted man indy
alie coall regiment indii would protect me 1I was induced to go to a meet- mr jeffersons daughters and her frank and cor-
mail of tit the top of six the tha remainder of seven ev
ani volunteers did desei t his 11
Is company ing of tile the so knights
kni 11ghotb of the golden cir- dial manners ga gaveve a peculiar charm to the parties for a howitzer it contains doity eeight ight small 4

nd regiment this at or near indianan cle and was enado made a member of that organization there assembled but there wore were individuals who iron balls in four layers of tW chiv clec each forcan
its indiana on or about the
lis the obligations of the older bound us to do all nev
day of we could against the war to i never C r visited at tit the 0 presidents nor met at the same calibre you YOUN will
Vill csee that the bballs ills for caul
the draft if other ministerial houses bouses whom mrs M madison won ter are in a till
adison tin cylinder closed at the bottom by 1

abid 1862 one should be made and likewise to resist and op by the sweet influence of her conciliatory disposi- thick cast iron plate ora or a we-add pla plate te with a andl
kspecification ad 2 in this that private privat0 fmc all confiscation or cemancipation 1
aaion measures in tion to join her evening evenin birc circle le and sit at her hus- attached tho the interstices between the baus balls a
stout of company K of tit the goth cv cry possible way wo we were sworn to stand by bands table always covered with the profusion closely packed with sawdust to prevent crow croal
regiment indiana volunteers did desert each other in all measures of re resistance
si stance we
lve were of virginia ho hospitality
spi but not always in the style when the place iqi fired shrapnel consists consist

company pledged to do 10 all we could to laevert pi event another man of european e legance the wife of I
a foreign min- very thin shell which is filled with musket wa
it and regiment
PC 0 and le main or do dollar
ilar going goin aiom the state for the further pros- ister ridiculed th the0 enormous size and nu in ber of interstices are then filled by pouting1 in
away until liis his airest
alre at on oil 01 ol about tile tho ecution ot the w ar inlet 1I met with this secret meeting the dishes observing that it was mor moree like a sulpher fta hole is then bored bore 1I the in0
ddn of malch 18630 this at or near
day dear in- several times and entered into their views and hai rest home supper than the entertainment of a sulpher and bullen bullets to receive the b

di indiana on oil or about the
plans secretary of state mrs madison heard beard this and charge
I1 stayed about four months with my father in similar i demarks and only answered with a ssmile mile how to explain the difference be between a abr
da of november 1862 law and then went to see bee my biot birther
bi other
ber near delphi that I she thought abundance preferable to ele- nel or spherical case and a shell tile
to which chat chaipos
the dasti
les and specifications the ind on
C oil tile the second evening atter after my arrival gance that circumstances formed customs and ive force of a shrapnel is what it 1I w fv
accused private rouben reubon stout company there Soloi solomon noll II anda
and a man mail named mcafee customs formed tastes and ah as the profusion so re- tit the charge in the gun the powder in
K indiana volunteers pleaded not came call to my bio theis house I1 was up stairs pugnant to foreign customs arose from the happy being only to0 bieak1 th
the e llop
en a nd
nil spread ead t
about tto0 go to bed my brother and family ill V 0 BPI
G lilt and circumstance of the superabundance and prosper- bans bang they still moving f0orward by the force
my vI1v ite were do dow stair shaira one of the mm
mn asked ity of our country she did lid not hesitate to the
tile impulso they received
impulse ed fiam the charge ill in
FINDING if Ssimon stout was as thel c my brother said no the delic icy of european taste for sacrifice
scicli in in was nas

their he asked him if his

the less ele- gun A hell is made i ei nyy much thicker

the court having matui

tho mathely elv considered
eis wife was not there my birther
big biota gant but more liberal fashion of virginia
iler envelope of a shrapnel and is nearly filled 1

th t vN idenie adduced finds tile the accused was lie akad my t ii 0 it her husband was in ahe house was very plainly furnished her dress nov never Cr powder and will do d great reat eexecution if it OPIO
alie extra
extravagant lilt it was only in on the ground it bacill
having destructive quality tJ
enato reuban
pi ix ato stout company K house she ait tt ered no 11 he asked mv birther that fhe bho was
aas profuse the many families d aily
and chairty
ily itself aside fro I
irom the discharge of the ilie 9gui u
Indi allI volunteers as follows ay something to
tr which lie replied that ill my wife hid 1
td supplied hoin that profusely spread table testified shrapnel has only one hhilf the abar charge go of po
not his que
question tion he then slid I1ion
cuu il
CUIL 1I of tit alie 1st ast specification
S arc all a set of d d co MAbelids and itif we gut
ou to tile the real bos hospitality ot
of the
tit host
hostess esl in ing
1800 that A shell prope
proper has thus a 24 SIV

gin Is get mr madison was elected president of the united nel contains musket balls seven ounce f
him this will bo the list time for him I 11I lother
of the aa specification guilty man asked mv birther s wife lor a candle togeal
other state
states which high loftice be
ho tor
lor eight powder
pow der and weighs 2175 pounds AV 24

to ell s diu dining in till

all this period
pel iod which included th the e or er shell has 12 ounce ounces of powder and
of tile chalee guilty cuilty the house the other man said ask no favola ol stormy time of our republic when the war 72 pounds A shrapnel has 39 30 in ma
these d d copperheads copper heads if wo got
of coundi 6
if of tile 1st
11 ast specification shoot him bim
get him INO ho will with great britain and other important questions balls and 2255 ounces of pon ponder der
gai it arrayed a most vi violent
blont opposition to the gon go ern
when he said laid this 1I became alarmed for in
of tit ad specification
01 toll guilty and cocked my pistol and stopped to the door at tive yet
mv life ment and part party animosity
ani was bitter and vindic-
m rs
S we learn that benr
wo genre V P Buck LiirI
since t
the head of tile or the as
in the presence of 3 maddon throw n ft big hora
hore rome
some tarpa weeks
01 jhc
of all likic
c C ailt Uj lt come up wnlith a Ccandle

iddle in M
in was
hia hand 1I told him
S tc till spirit of di
to discord
icord was hll
halhed hed the
tile leaders
loaders of big
hi leti aim broken avoie tho rit
ariit Fr lIllo 1
hill tu to appo ite parti bartka INwould stand ground her smiling journal
by laws of west mountain quartz mining
passed september letb 1863
at a meeting of tho the quartz fineis of wet ett
mountain quaidi mining district held
ward house silt lake bralley on the lath dav dan
of september following bylaws
the follo
tile by laws iele
this district shit ill include tint thit pot
tion otof terri toty situated in the territory of tali
territory fail
and bound as follo lol lopss commencing at the conlen
once of the alier boidan with cicat salt silt like
and running thence lit in a southerly alon
cast bank of said 1iier
the east
tho in or jot
boidanan to0 it
its point ol of
exit lake utah thence along the ie
ill of slid lake to tit
gin the auth dog of coith lat
westt mai
greenwich ich thence along said iid dutli deg of north
lat to tile
the deg of west long gi ich
thence along said deg of ivet
de west long to the lie
to of bolth lat greenwich thence along
s deg of foith lat to gibat salt 1isike
de ike
chenco along the faigin in a
aly to the place of bez ianina 1

L na 1110ihu u
quartz lode or vein hall shall be two hilled
the claim nith all iab dips angles and uia tion
no pe acri ou fiill
beroit ill be permitted to
hold more than ono one claim b location on oil any
illy one
vein by purchase
put chase can call li oldin niti ot
article ath all claims located mii t lia leavec a
notice po ted upon Il lelli sta
posted stating
till the number ol of
and the hiob able cour courseloelclaimed
1I lined andalo
and also
ic corded in the books ot of the
within ten dis
toil ol
01 i s af

article ath cEieli

ter location
tell company must to do one faith-
ful days on their claim baui eacle iller the
alist day of apfel 1664 on oil a faillie to do so0 the
aill be juin pable provided
claim will provid col helmle that if
the company aie it c pro anted ba docil 1
oc it it ct
or rebellion ftaiom oin biking
Noi king a lachnec to do so will
01 i ill
not forfeit their claim
article ath the dicea eter of a i cin of quai t
containing gold silver ili er copper ot 01 otlien Ial ible
metals or minerals
mineral will ill be entitled to locate two

shai ca
article mi there shill be a district ic
it ill bo leccorder
among the
elected fiant anion or alie di
of tile tiet
whose duty it shall be to i ecord all claims pi piec
rented for the c gh
giving title or
ing the itiame of cach
locator or ow ner and receive as campens
ois nor coni penk a
sum not eexceeding one dollar pot pel locator 01
owner his teun of office shall be one year ol 01
until his successor chogen
or is chosen
article esth these lawslains will apply to locations
oil vein of
of claims on ilon or othe metals
0 coal aion
or minerals in this district
archibald gardner wa was elected district re-
corder of wet mountain bisti lot jor
district for one 3 eai
cat fleoin
I ont 1

the date above written
ARCHIBALD GARDNER gardnel president
LAIE but
alid follo wim beautiful heinn ut
following of WILLIS
GAYLORD clank be stale in
will never bu
icel I ceic it liis
1 products
ilis only productioni it ib
tigh tu
to render his cianic immortal
danger was nias near me ille that 1I should perish it I1
slept suddenly 1I awoke 1I think it was the
galloping11 steps of a hoi 0 approaching the dwelling
that caused me ino Ito0 Iagam
gain my conci aiesi iesi it any
ife 4

ato that was

late wai tit the noie noke tit tintit intin it stuck upon in
car as 1I opened ni
ear fit ees ekes but 1I did not devoe lei oe
much timo to 1I call
can assure iro on tor i
I1 did so the firt object 1I saw was tit ahr figure ot or ol01 1
jairy ry bending over me chile the lid
which slanted Ill itei through the single hingle bibb n 1pin m
glittered on the uwhito
oil tho teel blade
hite steel blade of aii hn inq bof boiu0
knife which lie
striking 1I must oi
held uplifted
he hold tip lifted just in ill fit
the at rl
ownit that 1I consid frfd m ann id lt
gone tor for cheit w i as
pistol but luckily while tile
not even linic for ili to tol 1

the villa k I had no spP


me wake
mo N ake alic the noise outside died oil oft cj
attention thu the delay aas as a tt or liit er to nw
and fatal to him in ili tit ti novt oared reil
him with ai pitolpistol 1Iinit another 4afla ti i itaport port
a cloud
clond of smoke aind lid he rual abot
the bhain I1
alino some
almoite at I lie ird the hor-sc op
at the door 0one
11 e dismounted and tiind i I to

force titthu door it ia N eeitt I1 he hiiri

at the door in the ical
with the partitioned apartment I1 have mads mid r
terence to at aliat liat 1I heard it give ay and aoma
one nhochoie tread 1I fancied so seemed
c d too light lor for a1
mans entered was a cathles bi a bilenic
for a moment dining which alio the steed sb re relie de i
cham ping hh
champine his bit
then I11 heard a shi gulat ly sweet oice i hi h
a painful
fl ion on r tt
however contradict
contradictory oxy it nicy appear had actt
with it a atone
lowing iwiab
tone of intebiintensec ferocity
ith a slightly spanish accent
11 th
william kent you aie in this bourth I TLboucan 1
on can
not escape by the other door lor for 1I have fled tied it
NN ith my lat
with lai iata
lafiata 1I you cannot pas pats tak tor for 1I
guald it 1I know that you yott ale aio hearing me lite E
know that you i recognize my illy i oice 1I am ain
you entire
enferd my tather father s hoac hou o and received ilk hi
hospitality you cruelly murdered mui dered himi you and
your villi anous compit not you heart lesly de-
ceived melite hn his daught erYou you fled with 3 our booty
you thought you vii ere safe but ou wei e mistaken
hai e flfollowed ou oil si hundt hundred ed miles 1I have
been on your trail tra il for thieothice cars oar haee found
1I hai
you at last will the bloodhound to rend
pi ey
his diey do you yon think 1I inwill lose my re
ill lobe revenge
Ca rambal no p
now nol
ile fl
bad buist open the door a sudden shriek a1
one had
nf split
struggle a sickening swish as of keen metal pene-

trating flesh ai pistol heabyv li felss tall 1I

phool cliot a hea
did not listen long but tole
lid toie away the blight
boud which flconned
bonds the patti
edthe tion the
the host traitor as ithe w is and ai 10
he bod of
lovely ih
gift hot
aci beautiful with tile
ladow feracco
shadow of her zi
still on them
lay on the floor
As the moonlight henr on th lace face of william
MM 1I kichi kent 1 danced 1I saw movement
sann a diio benien t of tilethy lip
about sv on miles
beien et ot the middle fork
of hini and caught tit
bent over liim the 1
d1 ving word
llon lder ateek aas
of boulder as a lanch tit tintit ent crit by tile
the it is hue V Peili aps you think 1I did
lot not spend tilethe
name ot of bloom fallo Ft llo
ballou an e li retired rema inde ot alie night at bloom fallow Bittl
remainder but 1 Ild
ill aimed ke
ill filmed kentnit ili I1 thi to in ill gigiedt
0 it though and net inot coining
ning all au
I lit bodio in

withith hi iiii single let senlant nit ilk old ill mm M who Nit ONNowned lied ono gr
ORO a ve 1I mI1 Iivv aadd that I1 sti
grave 1 I uck a ei
ti lie 1
and that wali was all lie could 0ownn the name ul
he oliell of delry ili the health tones which paid
le moving
tell it N

A to when
he etine
licit kent came
into I hei v ot
01 how hoi ho
01 1who he in nna bet 0 to
mido a living alicle
in nude
tha havee never pi opet cd since
that I1 ila
Califor nii pony in my stable now in
inv wito 0
cime oi dinv
being no appe tiance or 1 ui
I ot lock iiii aig
ailes him this i thelha
ten lides thi
hoi 1I obtained him or the nay
the lii t time 1I have told
way lit in which
going on
guing oil nobody kim illy one liow
howen or to bc coining coniing pw cd olne 1 11hit it i became rich
lailI1 Vyot of ollic aitel eting p 11 1 on thi abject
oil tile
i vil ill lay thein bullio
oil and lease olt to
folin yoni oi n
I1 lilid
ul been
on in that
ill foi
fol i

lo tal din nith

se 10 etli m ns ns IK II one

C velling finding lie it ln

no lionii INIbuh
lit lion
hott tili 1I had
iier arseen and antich itin gathof loot over
my girad ilela itir 1I could lla laivo c it 1 1 liked up to to the
door aril
floor and klokel okel lote minei to aailalv ision
to pread illy my blanhe oil un tho flow lui the night
lot tho
I1 licals a voice 1I ichill illece jet arii to upun
opell alie tile
door then it iwai opened and I M admitted by
loor 1

the old mail 1I plon cled my

piol luied illy but lit lie bent
hi ear
ili car as it ithe did not ind 1I irepeated it
in 1a1 louder tonu
ill toil when N lien a lit had not betot c ob
in 1I ila
in tit
IN clothing
clo ahing 0 et a lott IONN filelne iwithout mining ining
in the affinitive 1I
me tit spread
lily blanket took at ba
my bag I
1 gold
11 from
it y 1pick
my lei aniland placed it 1111 dei le I in
1un pillow awl and then
began eciting a if lei bi bieleit
ellit I ila 1 1 iii elir
biadI etlitit lite I of sup-

per ailien lien a alight noko ag mist lite thin patti partition tion
it my
at illy elbo made me file bitin my iny head ml lenly denly tit in
eliat it direction Il ielo aa a1 knothole knot holeliole about W 0
feet ciolli titlie gionna ami looking it wa
an MC
all ee awa 11 led aas a g giar coob A moment ent mole moie
ami it a gone 1I a noie ot ion cating
of leti eating
lout eps and ita floor door gentle elded
A little
blittle afler old aeiry canio came ill ioni out
in bioni1

dooin of and at 1b the lite peaking

1I lew letuks hoping to stait
a low tait a cott
blit ifie ang no icciv gie up
lit tit the
attempt ibid and lolling in illicit elt in my lily blanket endear
01 ed ff hep
go too sli
0 was oi
ep thero in
1 1
my 1104
0 conduct of 1113 hat then
glit but
host 1 thought ilien 11 was
n rdI1 to sing long as
lot lear 0 o toil
idar people and ai tui
it it
colts in older 1I did not know
eio lit
I1 ffdoubled ni inell
Nelt bot little u ith
alier or any of
the wr ielli ibon
other ilal mai soon
ilg taliahn drowsy god hn lon I1 dept
do not knort mv net if
my am of a
ol ailt lt if jil
ni I cited to0
i 1
tle 01
1 11

ni sting gling violently ffif ow

i Nil lot ilalln pow-

er to
lo du
do 100 o as if
lo u will
somi billit bal
lull clit I1
important circular fromi
from generah
Coi inor
we print below in inte lesting circio
interesting circular
letter froin ger
ge connor relative to mines illes
and mining0 antei ests ill
in this territory
HEAD qu 11 Tl IITT or
01 I 1

gleat salt lako

lake city U T
november uth 1863
alie A commending0 the
district lias
has the evidence that
the mountains and cafio ils ill tale el I atory

calums 1

if mail abound in
copper and other
ill rich venis
veins of 0 gold
oilier minerals and for
old sil-

the or
of opening up tile the countey to
a deiv haidy and population tuii
deenri it important that prospecting tor
deems lot
not only be
tum 1
by eveir
cloper ingalis
mt tans in ili older that suchstich discon
disco v
cries may be early and ani anade tit the
general announces flaat fineiss and piort
pectin 0 patties will receive the flfullest
loicey in
protection floell the ill thi
district in
ill them of their
provided al ah wayt that pila ate lights aie
not upon the mountains and
their now hidden ini mineral wealth ae till
aie the
sole property of tile nation
solo Nhose benial
acia policy has bas ever been to extend the
broadest privileges to her citizens zelis and
citi ens
with open hal handil invite all to beck pw proslq
peat and the wonderful
tile of
aitor ud spread doin nill
to tit
the end tilteae A that his
filis dohk in tv11 iv Ibe

fully tarried outolit in utah tile oen ciani i al coin

ms indin assures vs the
ho may
ito conio hither of
inay come
3i aini ell
nf mollii i
elit i aa it is by the
laws and poliypolicy of tle Niti in anti en-
0 the
forced ilece Sarv bv b tile

arin of
urn 1

tile thu wt
in elins
ill sett tifig forth the
it of our rice
file aliz for
of collell andvik or of posts alip
district alho directs cloper
flacilia bo
be ctendal to iii ineis and othel8
in dov eloping the co mitry ind that A
diers of the several bosti amt Ili
ved t I
ull Wd
alloN 1

prospect for minea

pio iiii ib when chinse sliliall
not avith the din ili mid pet
if their
forni ance of it N auti
dutilh v
of pot
detachments within the distinct birc
lr cnit
joined to execute
cx to alio
tit fullest illo
spirit and of this con
cation and leport flout time to tillia to
these blead the anade inill
tile of the territory ill the
in tho
vicinity of their respective pots posta 01 ata
ti ull
bv command of brig gen
CHAS 11 TE 1

capt C S and Ak Y gelil

ill of
evidences of the vast wealth concealed in the
mountain rangesbancs of this accumulate
daily in ili the wasatch rangedattge on
C oil the east and litin
the 01 ivea mountain range silver cop-
per and lead have been discovered in Bing liam
C anon iliin the latter range ledges of silver ind and
arc now being worked and besoiu skiing
copper are
both saints ind
loth and sold eis will be amaze
soldiers amadeddat the lich
at tho ell
developments qa the at deep cheek at it
Alit clope springs at egan
antelope egin canon and aliby
valley ledges of sih or cr equal to reese R river a nd
eashoo have been teen discovered aand
arc being worked on
some are oil the aloi th at butte
creek placer gold mines abc paying the
lichay and sit at hickmann
Hick mane butte a whole mountain
of cinnabar has been discovered and will be
worked iri ill the spring still t fultner
uither north on
snake river and the blackfoot gold diggings
equal to the boise and bannock have been worked
all summer in fact the whole territory Terri toty is one
var deposit of rich minerals
va miner alc only awaiting in
d ut and elope it
to dov clope


DET r 11
vol 1I OA MP DO
CAMP S TJ T FK IDA Y 1 27 1863 ato Q

w etc dissolution
Co of the union vedette tite northern Niiaes
the productiveness of
THE HE co existing under
the firm name of stubbs welton
the camp douglas express company was dis-
co of
YEA 1 1
the gold mines on tho
stinking water idaho territory continues to bo
proven by the large numbers of

TERRITORY solved on the

so day of november 1863 the editor vedette
Fedette the serious man is indignant
im debts due the firm will be collected
outstanding and traders who weekly arrive here on their way
the serious man alan hath been deeply injured in his to winter in the eastern states or california we
near great salt lake city by W B welton
welton horace taylor bills bills against finest sensibilities he raboth and like rachel
the firm will be presented to welton taylor for oid with mr creighton brother of tho
have convers the
by adinand enlisted
listed payment MOSES R STUBBS
mourning for her young goeth about the streets
and will not be comforted the serious man alan
superintendent eastern telegraph line who bati
just returned from a trading7 expedition heavily
of the california volunteers HORACE TAYLOR
camp douglas utah territory
mabeth this as his complaint as follows to wit
laden with the precious stuff merchandising up
0 videl he prides himself on his classics like
icet ile
november 1863 at bannock must bo be pretty lively the sales of
terms of subscription WELTON TAYLOR have the pleasure to an- mark antony Q caesar
esar was my friend the ascii mr C s establishment h aving
avin avel acol 1000 a
one copy per month 60 cents nounce that they will continue in the livery busi- ous man
alan was Csccousars
Coo sars schoolmate his companion
one copy three months 1 60
ness at camp douglas and hope to meet with th thee day for upwards of a month th the length of his
one copy six months his pal his chicken ile he sleeps each night with
2 60
public favor sojourn at virginia citymoll on the stinking water
single copies 12 cents cassara
Cas sars commentaries under his pillow dreams of
coaches will leave camp daily for the city the diggings at the last named place now in tho the
rates of Ader
advertising at 9 A M and 1 P M returning at 1130 11 30 AM
A M the mighty warrior and expects to go to casar it name of all the gods at once wont somebody
two lines or lesi 1 50 and 3 30 P M also runs regularly to th
thee theater when he dies how deep was his chagrin then
new mines u
christen the now with some annspecter
coter if not
each subsequent insertion 1 00 elling of performances
in the city every ev how sincere his woe how terrific his ire when he
one fourth column per month 12 00 more appropriate title are entirely placer along
good saddle horses can always be obtained read in your salutatory last week this attempted
i olumn per month
one half column
0 20 00
at the stable on reasonable terms a gulch about twelve miles in length the whole
one column per month 30 00 quotation from the great demosthenes we appeal extent of which pays richly some claims

TAYL OR feet
business cards per month from caesar drunk to caesar sober sir demos- in length and running from bank to bank yielding
by laws of west mountain quartz mining
bylaws thenes never said so demosthenes from ni bom
whom as high as 1500 per day and one claim aar Mr C
ab VV ac district you attempt to quote lived leng long before Ccae- e-
knows averages per day during the summer
SUCH AS passed september 1863 sar wriggled in his swaddling ccllothes0 thes demos
at a meeting of the quartz miners of west or working season tho the miners use the sluice
Pro giam mes bill heads
programmed mountain quartz mining district held bold at jordan
ake valley on the
nes did say ho he appealed from philip drunk to
philip sober but unfortunately he be could never
almost entirely five or sixsic boxes to the sluice
ward house salt L lake day water was plenty up to the time ol of leaving other
BALL of september 1863 the fol lowin bylaws
following by laws were catch the macedonian cove in the latter condition gulches in the vicinity were being prospected and
sm gf ton sm passed
article this district shall include that por-
hence the appeal has been dismissed you have
tampered with the classics you have outraged
were believed to be equally lich the population
on terms
done in good style and reasonable tion of territory situated in the territory of utah of virginia city and immediate neighborhood is
S all orders addressed to the publishers and bounded as follows commencing at the con- demosthenes you have slandered caesar and the
al 11

of the union vedette camp douglas U T will 21

fluence of the river jordan with great salt lake serious man alan will not stay his irate pen while he
estimated at about while that of bannock
city seventy five miles southwest where mines
meet with prompt attention and running thence in a sout heily direction along
southerly tells you about it first to correct your imperfect aa
the east bank of said river jordan to its point of were first discovered is now only about As
all communications must be addressed to the exit fi om lake utah thence along the we west
st mar- classics secondly to vindicate caesar philip of winter draws near mining grows slack in conse-
union vedette camp douglas U T
editor of U macedon loved his tod like his illustrious son
gin of said lake to the leg of north lat quence of the severity of the climate although
thence along said deg of north lat to the alexander ho be would get tight philip was a1 the claims at bannock were successfully
some of tho
deg of west long greenwich thence brick and often carried another in his hat but
deg of west long to the worked all last winter wa wageses for workmen range
by jaines doty V governor of utah
james duane doiy along said
deg of north lat thence along said d og of cassar yo ye gods and little fishes caesar wasa was a tem- from 5 to 8 per day the latter sum being paid
ili er tor J row tr

coith lat to great salt lake thence alone along the perance ans cuss and yet you dare talk of caesar
rfEXECUTIVE for experienced drifters and miners the former for
L rity
gr S CITY margin of said lake in a southerly direction to drunk he loved cold water in fact he passion-
the place of beginning
mere laborers blaid horn 14 to 20 per week
october 1863
and the extent of a claim on any
article 2nd ately doted on that cordial of the gods does the following are arc the retail prices of goods at
to all whom it may
nay concern quartz lode or vein shall bo be two hundred feet to not history tell us that he was wis tempera tein all virginia city and uwill be of interest to those who
at the general held in each precinct in
election hold the claim with all its dips angles and variations things save ambition does not the famous ora- think of migrating thither it should not be for-
the several counties of the territory of utah on article ad no person will be permitted to tor rehearsed so oft in our school boy days say gotten however that as the season advances pro-
II the first monday in august A D 1863 the follow- bold more than one claim by location on any one
hold that consar paused upon the brink of the rubi-
ing named persons receive ed the highest number of
received vein by purchase any number of shares can be visions etc go up in aiice and work worl is difficult to
hel con IV why
by paused there t yea mr editor why be obtained
motes in each of the council districts for meni beis
of the council according to the returns received
lof article ath all claims located must have a paused cassar on the brink of the little rivulet flour per ibs 1500
at the office of the secretary of the territory from notice posted upon them stating the number of outside of rome what is the inevitable deduc- coatee per ib to
the several county clerks to wit shares and the probable coulsecouise claimed and also sugar 11
recorded in the books of the district recorder tion from that pauso pause unless it bo be that he stop-
washington county erastus snow tea it 94
a iron an beaver counties george A smith within ten days after location ped to take a drink of its pule waters ero ere he canollis
millard and juab counties amasa lyman article ath each company must do one faith- upon the liberties of liis trough
his country though soap 11

sanpete county 0 hyde ful days work on their claim each month after the he was in a hurry burry to get to rome but not con- whisky per gal sa8 00 to 1200
utah and wasatch counties L E harrington first day of april 1864 on a failure to do so the drinks each
claim will be ju provided however that if tent with taking his temperance from the
aaron johnston bacon per lb
great salt lake thoele tooele summit and green the company are prevented by local insurrection rubicon so great was his love of cold water lard 11 it
river counties daniel 11 wells wilford wood- or rebellion from working a failure to do so will the orator proceeds he plu ned he crossed and
plunged cast steel per lb
ib to 2 50
ruff albert carrington daniel spencer not forfeit their claim rome was flee no more mr editor he got wet tobacco 11
davis and morgan counties charles C rich
dayis article ath the discoverer of a vein of quartz cooling stoves
cooking and
weber and box elder counties lorenzo snow containing gold silver copper or other valuable but history does not record that like one of your boots
cache county ezra T benson metals or minerals will be entitled to locate two captains who plunged into bear river he took a rubb
or boots 1500
1I do therefore declare the said persons duly shares stiff horn of whisky for dimeis or any
aily other rea- and picks
Shovel sand
shovels GOO and 1000 each
elected members of the council of the LeIslalegislative
tive article ath there shall be a district recorder sluice forks and 1000 11
asem ta from
0of utah rom their respective districts elected from among the miners of the district sons but it remained for you mr editor to lumber per ft
and also
so that at the same election the follow- whose duty it shall be to record all claims pre- thus violate the classics tamper with demosthenes 41 A
ing named persons received the highest number of sented
sell ted for the purpose giving the name of each excuse that tipsy rowdy philip and slander caesar abea
A aes and 1200
votes in cach
ach representative district for members locator or owner and receive as compensation a 1
sars friend 1I come not bore to talk but
Coo no shingles to be had
of the
fhe house of representatives according to said sum not exceeding one dollar per locator or killing shooting robbery and drinking are the
returns lowit
lo wit owner his term of office shall be one year or vindicate his fame the matter I 1

county orson pratt son until his successor is chosen did not hamlet say favorite pursuits of many up north and the state
iron 0county henry lunt article ath these laws will apply to locations 11
imperious caesar dead and turned to clay is being not
of society at the mines is represented as
beaver county 0 W wandell of claims on veins of coal iron or other metals might stop a hole to keep the wind away the highest tone of refined morality while the
of tho
millard county thomas callister or minerals in this district 0 that the earth living so full of spunk arc engaged in gold hunting a great
mijo rity are
juab county smuelsamuel archibald gardner was elected district re should now hes dead be slandered as a drunk
sanpete county john patten R N allred border of west mountain district for one year from
corder aio in the steal trade
many ale
or words to that effect
utah county A K thurber david duff cluff jr he date above written
joseph E johnson ARCHIBALD GARDNER president the
indignantly tho he is not dead unit liveth
G W CARLETON secretary SERIOUS MAN publishes
wasatch county william al wall the chicago tribune of recent date
summit and green river counties ira el- though we seldom drink we acknowledge the a special despatch announcing the massacre of
dredge corn wo apol ogise not to the serious man he
we apologise
great gait
galt lake coul john
A well told story the cleveland herald capt fisk A Q M and the overland party he
ity tylor edwin
D woolley A P rockwood john V loing reports a discussion at royalton ohio C IV talks in parables and we constantly look at th the0
was conducting to the bannock mines this dis-
long F D palmer on one side and amos coe of cleveland bottom of his manuscript to find mr wards ex-
richards john van cott patch wowe see going the rounds of tho the press
rl tooele county john on the other the question Is
was plan atory note this is a boak
planatory we are at a loss
but wowe ale easeLl to bo
aio pl be able to say that apt
davis sand
and morgan counties wm win R smith a traitor 1 palmer read tho
the following words
hen the serious man speaks whether to laugh or
when ill a
john stoker bad been addressed by a cei tain
he said had
which lie
fish passed through here a few weeks since in
ivener county jefferson hunt lorin farr eminent poison to the citizens and soldiers of the cry we never can see the wit of his good remarkable state of preservation for one inho w ho had
boxyaeelder county J C wright united states things and he explains that one cant be ex- mass acied and left for the cast in the best
been massacred
ma beat
d ca
cache county peter maughan william B you are promised liberty by the leaders of your pected to see the point of a joke when he is the although he be was
preston the enjoyment
fihs but is thole an individual inamong spirits camp douglas affords
affalls butt of it that maybe
may be so but wo we still think the tip north we
and iiiI1 do therefore declare of it save your oppressors who you dare scalded by the I red skins up
not scalped 1

are the said persons he thinks against the tyr- serious man is stupid d stupid St still
we in
yr ho cut his eye teeth while tarrying
thuly elected members of the house of represent to speak or write what ho
10 of the legislative assembly of utah from anny which has robbed you of your property
pio perty im-
plo porty lm apol ogise to the manes of the great cossar wo
apologize we have iio made his trip lioni
ile flow st paul
their respective districts prisoned your sons drags you into the field ot of bat- his other friend entire
wronged him more than did even ills minnesota to bannock in safety and with
tle and is daily deluging your country with was
your country once was happy and had the grolf antony A slip of the pen a lapse of success we are that the
attest AMOS REED
secretary of utah territory red peace been on embraced the last two years of made us misquote to demosthenes tho man
the serious mari conducted INwith and in pe infect se
ith much spirit tand clitY
misery had been spent in peace and plenty and right philip was the chap who got drunk and
ia right
is certainly up to the time the escorting party ann arth 0 1I
repairing the desolation of the quarrel nor he never got ant which
coe listened attentively and nodded assent at
r heard the appeal because ho in the white settlements the great want
9944 D has the pleasure of an every sentence and at the conclusion exclaimed sober we might have known that for philip capt fisk experienced on his trip was lor for eteh
e CD
je hag
noun cing to the public that ho
bouncing he is now pre- loudly
pared to take pictures of all kinds in
that is good talk
ig vell sir said
well 11
was a greek and loved ilish whisky but our vegetables but having laid in a good
a the daguer palmer with an emphasis that thrilled the heartsboarts are getting rusty and we thank the seii
classics aro S ell
city vo
wo think be
ho ht
hiss ere
cro thil made the ill 10o0

roan art at prices to suit this potato at

of the eagerly listening ex onva
crowd that is the lan- alan for brushing us up
olla man
ous lip a attle though he be to head
o bead quartetss hett sound on the
xe Ggallery ay

alery 0opposite cammi baady store at guage of benedict arnold three

site the commissary after he
ion without doubt I1
aan a tl T am bling traitor from acht point
flod a trembling might have done more delicately
don0 it just a little moro jion
perplexing missouri question
Ou estion the charges
ch argel that general schofield hasbu 7
veLt time the valleys of u
U fall are
tah arc the are
withhold protection
in from loyal people 14

the next
tile dext lial yea cen
between the radic als and what
radicals purposely facilitated the objects of tile
tho dislo

i km amply capable of producing food

ton fold the
th c gumbei i ho
lio now
for three yen
bit ta acin but
in physics as
the strife
termed the con
time been in the
I lias are altogether beyond my power of belief
has for aro
in missour
at abo head of the

not arraign the veracity

of but I
astto t
than quest
a of old ns true Romesometime facts complained an
1833 it ins is true now execut-
R 27 1863

th sow not neither shall ye conservatives

Conselva tives aio gov gamble present the judgment
which would infer bat those r
in als gen ofield commander of the depart-
odthe occurred in accordance with the purposes of ge fS
re ip 11ll nl as-ye sow so feh c lot every
Let ive ana
and schofield
of the diffi- eral schofield
this ample field t
T he original
bil ginal cause
ber let us beat ting
together to to his
11 is means if he have ment of missouri lie
try what the open what the covert yieldiced man
m in then do
absolving slavery question but in that last sentence the president admix I 1

ten talents let mm

not tell me to good purpose nhat
hinr nse culty was the all
a withering rebuke to those who seize every tr

as it flies vii if it bu but tile the one talent the contest has deg genc rated into the most bitter 0of
byc nature i walks shoot folly is he hath ei cun pre aident lincoln
president or weighty occurrence to attribute impure 1
and catch the manners living aswhere rise
they riso
the light or of utah now but a kindling bpark personal onal and partis
partisan in warfare
worthy or criminal motives to those they esl
i aare we must be candid
laugh inhere we can
cannot long be hidden under a bubel bushel but will has been badgered neally neaily to death by these unfor- ester
but vindicate the ways of god toman
rut pope
all claim to be their enemies the clear vision and good i s
soon baist forth with we wc doubt not renewed and tunate conflicts among men who
of he
tthe trouble was ment of mr lincoln enabled him to see sec throb i
A word to our already during the present union men the latest phase
mims of utahit
aize mines 11

ave seen the effect iwhich aich the demand the sending to washington a large
delegation of this not uncommon phrase of poor human nt na
Fa selbon have bare we
address numer-
num er and he administers his castigation in the mild I1

on the people of utah

the light is dawning ou flour and grain to supply the bannock mines
for hour radicals
radic its who presented a formal
gen yet most pertinent and cutting phrase
di stint liashas produced these articles ously signed demanding the removal of
the day of prosperity so long deferred is break- miles diskint
in price W two0 and jr in souro cases ducally schofield and the abolishment of the enrolled
mi- he concludes with the following charac terL
mentioned though cherished hope
ing and the unmentioned
im li ti e iii en
liti ell ill
words which denote the patriot the statesman
whose fulfillment has for years been withheld wo three fold iwathin
threefold ithin a few months and even litia astern stem in the state the fine dignified and w

ionic wants let our the man

believe is about being realized the discovery of predict fta here for home masterly response of the president has just be been
warning but ed and like all1 his productions abounds in
from time to time 1I have done and said foj
mines of precious metals near these great valleys farmers then take warning no not nv received appeared to me proper to do and say the puiai

and at the very hearthstone of thia this people opens let thein pi
lot in the future by the experience of native good sense and is characterised
11 characterized by excel excelia
knows it well it obliges nobody to follow n
and preside for the mouths they will lent temper we have not room to print entire and 1I trust it obliges me to follow nobody 1
a wide field in the prospect of a near future of
prosperity and increased wealth if the appa-
the pit
surely it ive to feed there need be little fear of PresidentlB reply but cannot refrain aloin re
the presidents radicals and conservatives each agree with men
the thing the discovery of mines some things and disagree in others 1I could w
rently well founded anticipations of many in our overdoing tit producing a few extracts we may premise that both to agree with me in all things for then tie
midst be not too sanguine and altogether ground- miles awayawa has sensibly increased the price of all he declines peremptorily yet courteously to re-
lie would agree with each other andald would be to
less there can be no doubt that ere another se
inn ber acaa products of the farm and our agriculturists are move gen schofield strong for any foe fr ont any quarter T
from they
h ey hohot

on shall
rron bill have passed away these valleys now reapingg a rich harvest what then may they not Refer rim to the demands of the petitioners
referring petition ers mr ever choose to do otherwise and 1I do not tte
ding and
plodding expect
expect if profitable mines of silver and gold shall right 1I I too
tion their riat foe shall do what seems totoliI1

sparsely peopled by an industrious plotT lincoln said my duty 1I bold whoever commands in
oiling few will resound with the hurrying
1 tolling
g feet ocof be discovered and opened at their very doors among the reasons given enough of suffering or elsewhere responsible to me and not to eita
thousands seeking labor and wealth and new
thousand 6 thousands iiwill billier this city will be
ill floch hither bathe
the and wrong to union men is certainly and 1I sup- radicals or conservatives it is my duty to hu ha
forms of investment for capital and these now busy mart of A now new tra and a wider commerce pose truly stated yet the whole case as pre- all but at last 1I must within my sphere juan
C tit C I1 fails to convince me that gen schofield or
sented what to do and what to forbear
f now clad mountains silent as the primeval wil- and triothe money which pisses through the merch- I1

for that suffering your obedient servant

toads must find its way at
the enrolled militiaais is A
derness or resounding only with the wood chop- ants and the traders liinnas and Avion liong0 the whole 1 can be explained on a
pers sturdy Lewill ring with a thousand picks lat
la t to the ci pocket of the producer more chiri table and as I think a more rational
charitable supplement in consequence of the canei
delving for the precious ore while every stream everything bids fair tolt
Z to inho
make this city and tile the sur-ur hypothesis pecked demand for the first number of the f

find rivulet now bending its course to the plain rounding country prosperous ill in new sources of we are in civil war in such cases there always
is a main question but in this case that question for mailing abroad we reprint our salutatory s

tributary only to the husbandmanbu s addman nv ill give up

will its
lip ith and e trust to livahin cival in richness wasla washoe oc
his a perplexing compound union and slavery it a supplement herewith which alap
also contains ot
pure waters to the miners sluice and furnish the r
and kbew aw river if not win the golden crown of thus becomes a question ques tion not of two sides mer merely
ely interesting matter

motive power to the rattling machinery of a bun- hun- callum herself despise not the day of small but at least of lour sides even among those who
the striking of a single silver vein in ire for the union saying bothin
are nothing of ot those who
dred mills things
arc against it thus those who
are inho are for the union MARRIED
the indications of the existence of liver rsilver lead tit the ft wasatch
all asarch range nill aill give an onward impe- with but not without slavery those for it with- at great salt lake city on the esth
copper and in some places of gold not far distant tus to the progress of this territory and the pros- out but not with those for it with or without but hon judge titus M if R stubbs of the ad caad
from this city grow every day in number and im-
front in perity of its people little dreamed of by those prefer it with and those for it with or without but eby
V to miss sallie I1E E by late of illinois
portance and when the opening of spring shall who have toiled on in the wilderness in patience prefer it without
knelt away the winters snows prospecting for and amid trill looking only to gaining a pr acari among these again is a subdivision of those who
at camp
douglas U T nov saddler
aup livelihood for themselves and families the are for gradual but not for immediate and those
those metals will ivill receive a new impetus and we who abc a c for immediate but not for gradual extinc- C
john langley
I late of mo of co K ad

sire rouvin cod be attended with the most practi- future is bright let the people be true to them
kiture tion of slavery V aged 64 cars
Four sons of mr langley are now in the senh
cal and successful results we are unable to lay
before our readers at present exact information or
seh ess and mark those 11 coming events which cast
their shi dows before
shadows let this be done and all
it is easy to conceive that all these shades of
opinions and even more may be since iely
sincerely enter-
of the united states M oa
perr act details as to what has already been done ill be well
will tained by honest and truthful men yet all be-
in the matter of prospecting the country for

ing for the union by reason of these differences DENTISTRY

far min- of the union vedette way of sustaining hig the T
UR II GROVES late of
WM 11 san francis
eral wealth or to state definitely the results at
camp doug
las U T
each will prefer a different dit
union at once sincerity is questioned and mo- DR cal surgeon and mechanical Defit
tiled we may however say that nith with the im- nor
nov f 1863 tives arc as ailed actual war coining blood
ire assailed office next door to national ho te 1
perfect tests within reach and improvised for the jailor I1 desire to contris
mr mitor contrib ething to groins s lot
grow hot and bl bodis
blood is spilled Thou thought glatis is forced cityyUT
Cit U T
ute som
something deception
fiona old channels into confusion NOTICE
occasion the presence of silver gold copper and assist init the ii orthy enterprise which you have in-in confidence dies and
ard L s an andd th ilves
lead bhbis as
is been determined iiwithout doubt in rsev cr stalled and if ou on think these hints are worthy a Saal
11 j suspicion reigns
eich man feels an impulse jordan mining gos
cos office t

nal localities it is a misfortune that cannot canno tat at place in your columns you are at liberty to pub- to kill his neighbor rrr lest he be killed by him re- salt lake city nov ag
present be remedied that there is no competent
ri sayer here to make thoroughly azcui ate essays

mid sufficient time ins iris not yet elapsed to have re-
lish them 1I have selected a subject upon which
much bhis is been said and written but perhaps in
this locality a few more
venge and retaliation follow and all this as be-
fore said may be among honest men only but
this is i not all every foul bird comes abroad and
AT meeting11 of this company held on the N
a mechin
dinst an
in assessment was levied of ten cents
per foot payable on or before the first day of Dd-
ecember 1863 shareholders will please goven
may not come amiss
every dirty reptile aises up these add crime to
ceived le turns flom san francisco whither upon confusion strong measures deemed indi indispensa-
spen q a themselves accordingly G W CARLETON
ble but harsh at best such men make worse by sec west mountain dist
inells of silver and gold bearing ore and quartz SLANDER
joac been sent from several claims now being murders for old grudges and
libio though uniformity and system uny be charac iders for pelf proceed under any cloak that
wo know erf of one instance however tc isad as
is proof of fine sense and good taste yet will beadbest cover for the oce occasion
Islon office of the vedette silver sl
i ver and 1
where some loose earth and rock the outcrop out crop wise an arrangements should be the effect of sound these causes amply account far what has occur- copper mining company 1
pings of a claim where a shaft is now being sunk reasoning and not of an red in missouri1 without
great salt lake citcityy nov ISM
all idle spirit of conform
ltv N ascribing it to the av weak-
ca k
in west mountain was sent to san francisco francis co for this iniquitous spirit of uniformity that is to do 1
ness or wickedness of any general

Gen cral the newspa- at a meeting of the vedette silver and copper
per files those chroniclers of human events will mining company west mountain district lita
desay and at d the showed 57 14 1 4 per cent of or merely from a desire for imitation betrays held this day an assess men t of ten 10 dollars on03
lead and silver at the rate of to the ton its deformity
defoi mity
how that the evils evil complained of were quite as
nitty inill the following
follo lying consideration the prevalent under Fi Fic emont
diemontmont hunter halleck and each share of two hundred leriel
feet was levied
whether this is the true trite character of the vein be- world otof is excessively more distinguish- curtis as under schofield if the former had and made payable to the secretary on or befogs
low or whether the silver will as is in similar ces cases ed for vice fiolli which to set cexample greater force opposed to them they also had bad great- the of december
cample than for vir- er farce with which to meet it when tho
force the organ- the holders of the following described shard
in levadi territory increase in richness the fur- tue we wt cin walk stil strictly
etly in vilt lles paths in no fr
ized rebel army left the state the main federal will be required to pay the sa ine as above
ther it I1ii explored Ywce have no means as yet of other way than horn f orn principle while to gain the forces had to go also leaving the department G B Oglevic two shares D mclean one shire shirt
knowing nith with certainty path of vice only a thong
thoughtless acquies- commander at home rela relatively3 no stronger
st r C di waite
than one shara
ahara R pollock it it
enough lio however
wever has been done and discovered
to establish beyond a doubt the existence of silver
cence in tilethe instigation of example the ways
by which an inconsiderate
before without disparaging any 1I affirm with
confidence that no commander of that depart-
R K reid
89 44
A craft
of imitation is ment has in proportionpio portion to his means done better N B eldred
ii the mountains ab
pi out great salt like and there
about productive of vice are innumerable but its roost most than gen schofield W H jehu


A L bailey it
13 no reason why they should not yield as richly
barkei effect are
marked effects arc upon reputation in so IL odonnell
C at lif
social lifee in those
these plain homely yet sensible extracts the A sinclair cc 94
mrs GC B waite
tha hills and mountains in ne
as the nevada
wada territory this spirit of imitation may 1sI ometimes A heitz
0 M et i mes be pro- rpresident
Pesident exhibits that wonderful knowledge of it ia
D sullivan
the miners of the west 11 ho years agone left their ductive
duct of good yet that good bears no proportion
oro human nature and the secret springs A ogilvie
Ogil vio it 9
mrs J H neve
bomes and mends in other lands to seek riches
homes to the evil arising
arling aiom this source often the ns of mens ac- mrs
mra R K reid 11 it livings
H livingston t on
tions which have so stood him 1Iinn need during mrs G B ogilvie
and wealth in far off C california who have delved most olivial circumstance subjects a person to
rid- these troublous times and withal evinces a char-
for gold and then wended
lor bended their toilsome way over icule in tile
the opinion of some one of this class it HENRY 0 PRATT
sier m to wal
the sierras ity and that milk of human kindness for whicha treasure
secretary and treasurer
boo and trencer peopled
peoplecl with a is take
taken uplip and repeated by another and in most be will be noted through all coming time
ivirty industrious wideawake
the barren hill
wide a wake and g9o ahead race
the reese river country
bill sides of tile conn try
cases greatly exa
casos exaggerated and in like manner is the
operation of a whole circle thus the matter in-
referring to the infamous massa massacreere at lawrence 0
will not stay their course at the latter place pl ace but creases until what was go so trivial becomes the most
by quantrell and his band of outlaws which was
made an for demanding gen schofields

will soon be sw aiming anamong in among us bringing ave we erroneous slander upon the attacked Sch
would fain hope as they have always taken else-
where entel prise commerce advancement and
sequent contemptuous neglect by the
member con-
oval onn the score of imbecility the president
aro alan argement have the pleasure of annous
JL ing performances
Perlor mances at this theater
follows by which means millions of
prosperity it is our duty to not note ill
the advancing
meritorious imbecility is urged as one cause for removing ON MONDAY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY
characters of both sexes bhave a v 0 been hunted flom geneval schofield and ibo late
footprints of the near future to mark the import- massacre at law0 evenings of each week
ant events which are swift rushing upon us
prepare to receive and we trust welcome the
thousand new newcomers
comers whose eyes are
its and to
society with scorn and disgrace mv hen
malign influence they mig
brightest ornaments
mightlit have
ants in the opposite scale
but for this
hanc constituted its
prove the
ellsas is pressed as
cikity to my mind thatevidence
he ploproposition
pi posItion thit that
example of what grierson john morgan is only an
massacre Is
of that anibe
fact scarcely tends to
no expense will be spared to make tho
tain ments worthy of the patronage
patronago of
the enter
ofaa generao

oil usIs and whose footsteps will soon resound
arc now bent many million
millions1I who merited execration
and con- othera might have repeatedly done
others andnaand many nv the performances
performance will embrace the
through our streets we would remind the farm-
er tint thoe who will probably como
tempt lime
ime lisan to popular astl
voice of vain flattery has becia el because the
been copied in success-
tv iraids 0 17 raids but they chiseo
9 active
al hazard and possessed
on their re
7 chose to incur the person
ased the fiendish hearts fo to do itt
mo dramatics

come hibb er with

hither the charge is made that gen schofield oil
the carl
earlyy spring in search of the glittering ore
on from the mouth of ono one individual by others poe to protect
10 the lawrence
awrence Siu
siuta on pur

those people aho vho pr
ito practice eiers would
will look to these valleys for food and it behooves tation aie
this idle spirit of imi-
vt hout an apology
it c fools without
lot allow ill
lm l m to bo
while no punishment could be toointo
wi be pursued missouri
ud de n orto
bad for dancing flit
the theater may be had

as ti Os on
bim to prepare for the increased demand for the
binm aPOI OY and it a ty sudden
S or too tics
bics reasonable terms evenings on
that hev were severe for
e re nnot
of in all cisch the vic
jf foradao
murderers I 1I am nv ell sati ifield that performance is announced good music for

iS sa
espiesS of life there is no time to W wditc
itc and own stupidity in fine the
tillis of their the pren of th 0 thre

alf must be made early for most aboa
abominable sen- into mil ouri was the only threatens
atenO remedial raid ing also
alib furnished R H HARRIS ger
in timents like
take their rise from the ilic safe way to avoid an manage
urge emps of wheat and all other grains idle plan of one rss acre there including probably
which person cop in piobably
will orta ialy ffind
11 certainly
ad a profitable marlet
market eve evenn befort
before another
ins without discretion the
words of
more inn docent than
ing 1I therefore approve
IM guilty instead of condemn
abit 1 understand get
na0 be had at this office
w beia
agent in
elti ia that respect
L salt lake city
and of
local matters
notice mr rd ed pennington is the agent of
great salt lake city mr P will JUST PORTE D attention I attention
A 1 1I
the vedette in
be found at the U S quartermasters storehouse
next to the post office all orders for subscrip-
meet with
tion or advertising left with him will CITIZENS OF
authorized A LARGE AND WELL
prompt attention mr pennington is SELECTED
to make collections and give receipts
in our name
copies of the vedette can be
bo had at his office

j V sullivan news agent san francisco is the

authorized agent of the vedette in that city

S will receive subscription and give receipts for

said subscribers and the vedette will be found on
cale at his agency washington street next door
to post office
we are gratified to know
M E jll
11 I 1I ANID 1 S
now offer
i I1
to the public one of the best
union minstrels
that this company are meeting with good success
assorted and largest stock of
and that they have thus far been honored with
appreciative audiences although some may think consisting
that their entertainments are not up to the high
standard of troupes in large cities they should take next to the salt lake house calls spe-
into consideration other things in connection with
an enterprise of this kind in the first place the
troupe is composed of the soldiers in our own STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES
cial attention to his large and
dry G goods groceries
well selected
command then it should be remembered that it
is very difficult to obtain new songs plays music
etc from california or the east but notwith-
standing all these obstacles they are doing the
best they can under the circumstances to entertain sadies rancy
fancy dress goods STOCK OF BEY
and please they should at least be encouraged
for undoubtedly they will soon be enabled to
amuse us several new performers have of late
been added to thothe troupe from companies of the
nevada cavalry tuesday evening last pat moo-
nevado trimmings notions crinoline consisting OF ever brought to this Teri
ney and Sn elder of this battalion made their
first appearance in a violin duct mooney cannot
be surpassed by any violinist in the territory
te cotton
we have not seen since we witnessed the playing r
of the celebrated Vieux temps a violinist who ex- HOSIERY SHOESS woolen and selected with Espe
otal view to this market I 1

celled mooney in bowing or who could produce

more correct intonation there is not with him
those superfluous and silly airs that are usually mixed fabrics
assumed by violinists we are surprised at the etc etc etc
progress made by mooney within the last three
years and if he continues to advance as rapidly calicoes
be will soon attain the acme desired by all good
he I
I w 1

musicians the mastery of their favorite instru-

ment we gement that
would suggest to the mana
fa silks
I f they
1if M ta well they should not
pander too much to the morbid and vulgar ar tastes
sta tion ery ferAimery
stationery JL J J V f
t 1 qtf
f 1

A full Assortment
of individuals of that class who unfortunately
are always found in every community they will TT
do well to learn to distinguish the difference be- flail
tween their encores and those of the more refined
that the union w
A w BI v CRO
arst akif j
croeni Eny
by advertisement it will be seen
minstrels will perform monday thursday and
saturday nights of each week
X AL3P 3LxM1
departure gov doty the chief executive
the coal
of the territory left for the east in tho coach
e li AND A GREAT VARIETY OF j selected expressly for this market
early on monday morning last we understand
that the governor was summoned to washington including
by from mr secretary Se wardon highly 41
important business it is appa reut that the occa-
sion of gov cotys temporary absence from the
territory idof no light character else a trip over 0 0
40 xa ac X Z IX C cr y
offers on reason ab terms
reasonable erms

the continent at this season of the year of our

chief executive would not have been required
groceries fancy
P ancy articles dress goods
the early meeting of the utah legislature would
seem to demand the governors presence here if
hats boots and shoes coffee
during his absence mr secretary reed assumes
the function of acting governor as also in the
th candles
deloyed t presence of the superintendent the du- TRIMMINGS GROCERIES 1 HARDWARE AND
ties Off
of acting
actina superintendent of indian affairs th public
suitable to the wants of the sugars
mr Rec dill
readill have his hands full but we are as- CROCKERY
sured will acquit himself of his everal
rseveral high trusts
with honor to bims
and satisfaction to the people soap
new arrivals we are pleased to announce
the safe arrival on saturday last of companies A etc etc etc
r i
and B cavalry nevada territory volunteers
at camp douglas after a long though successful
hardware in fact everything desirable necessary
march from fort churchill via ruby valley and
the humboldt the detachment was under the and useful from needles up to cook-
command of capt N baldwin of co B the fol- cutlery
lowing other officers are attached to the command
capt E B zabriskie 1st ing stoves from finest laces and
ad J U
H stewart
ast A B wells and
of co A and 1st ast
H i matthewson of co B silks to Cali coes collars and
meeting of the legislature the legislative H A4 va A 1142 ED W 16 D7 etc etc
assembly of utah will meet at tho
the council house
in this city on the second monday
in december 07 TERMS
ON sum
the the secretary of the territory
delivered at camp douglas
is making ample and timely preparations to re-
ceive our legislators in a suitable manner and no
pains are being spared to contribute to their com-
G 0D S

fort or convenience TRY

y give us a call and see our drics
new advertisements walker bros call at- AL K ER BROS
tention to their new stock of goods while tho
the ad-
highest cash prices paid for grain
verti ement of Ranso boffA bros and A gilbert
vertisement SALT LAKE CITY
peak for
speak voi go and see
bee for nov 1863 f A G arv I
1 I1

on the quick work reconstruction

of its attemptt to
ot lo 1 end this union founded now that the war bag has taken so decide
decidedly 4
the testimony of an arch nent picc and humanity
justice every leader
caller of history has been struck with ad- the government th
extracts broad principles of
0 right ju i
gi eat na- turn in favor of tho tho
below will bo be found some pertinent vie for the present tb the count- ration at the wonderful marches of the gibat
mi agitation of the question comes up as to hohow ill
A leavin p out of alein ehg
from a remarkable speech made by alexander
congress from
less mill iolli of clones you lui must expend in a war
ith the thousands of your sons
poleon and the celerity with which ho be moved great
he would back and the question is
the union are to come
states which seceded from tile
lull of dilemmas
H stephens formerly a member of r ith the Ntoi ill with
Iss 38 of men how in a single night
nesses some
it id oneice up ill as sac
sic deny the light of secession and declare that th
georgia and at present vice president aof the south-
ern confederacy the speech was made in
the bih
I ml brothed

ne againupon
blam in battle and
ciss slain
the altar of ambition and lorfor what
nihat set foith and take tale the enemy unaware as much states were never out of the union yet will nolot

isk it is for the avci throwancestry of the the rapidity of his movements as by the valor
by tile admit that they can at once send members to the
cont antion which
convention aich in 1861 took georgia out of tile the
vm rica established
ent by our anc try and esprit of his troops bat in these days of senate and house of rep
union and was the last appeal of one off tile the most cemented and built tip up by their siv seat
eat and moodblood
bight lail roads steamboats and lightning bonaparte
is others assert that the states could and did se
far seeing of her statesmen stephens resisted
the and founded on
ind oil the broad principles of cede are out of the union legally yet assert that
be weakly
he justice and humanity mandy and as such I1 must do de fairly eclipsed and during the present rebellion the states out of the union can send members to
flood to the last but when georgia went geias and which feats of army transportation have been accomplish-
current claie alicle as I
1 have often done the congress of the union
allowed himself to be borne along on the haafeen
has been repeated by the greater grei test and andoe of
ed which europe little dreamed of a quarter of a government ex
some maintain that the state governments
to that sea of troubles he so prophetically
statesmen and patriots in this and other lands most
mos century ago and has not paralleled since the others claim that by the act of secession
ceat go cru ment
government the void act as they declare the states comra
and against which lie he so eloquently warned the that it is the best and ft VO commit itta
aquil in its rights the most just in its dons
isthe most itm transfer of Beau regards army to virginia while suicide
convention ile he fixes the cause of the rebellion it and mississippi is
the most lenient in its measures 11 alleck waswag besci ging 1I it in cornith some will throw the burthen of settling the
where it belongs with the hot bot heads of the south in its principles to el cate
elevate the race of mail man
well remembered the transportation of several question on tho the president others say that ai aa
Copper heads now tell us with aboli- ell ever shone upon
not as the copperheads that the sun of bean en corps of leos aimy from the banks of the rappa
lees allay commander in calef of the army all he can do 13is
tionists at the north
zionists among other things ste- now for you to attempt to overthrow such a refuse passes through the lines to per-
to grant or reluse
government althis under which we have iii ed for
lived han
hannocknook in virginia to chattanooga in tennes-
phens said tury in which
century ig to be members of congress and
sons claimer
taken could never be re-
more than izreoo quartets
teis of a con see enabling bragg to overwhelm by superior that each house has the exclusive right to decide
that this step once talen we have gained our wealth our stan dim11 as
standing is a1 na on the qualification of its own meders
called and all the baleful and mi withering conse- el numbers Kosec Rosec ians hitherto victorious army
rosecrans members and the
tion our domestic safety while the elements of validity of their credentials
quences that must follow as they would see V will it aund us with it h peace and tranquility was a feat the accomplishment of which was only
pet ia are around N
it is indeed one of those cases where opinions
rest on oil the convention for all coming time when hen
accompanied with I1unbounded bounded
in prosperity and rendered possible by a vast system of internal ands and no solution seems
it 0 and our shall see our lovely south des- the height of madness folly
is tile are as numerous as in minds
olated by the demon of war which this act of yours
rig his
lendd my ra i inroads which has so greatly aided the rebels
railroads entirely free from difficulty by the constitution
and wickedness to which I1 can cail neither ian
will inevitably invite and call forth when our in the concentration of largo large bodies of men at the election of members of congress is a state
sanction nor my vote i
grecu fields of waving
green avier harvests shall be trodden
giuly out of their own mouths stand they given points along their lines of defence but we af thepersons
affair state legislature choosing the senators
downit by the murderous soldiery and flery
doii fiery
have to rc corda
record ta feat which for rapidity of execu- and the entitled to vote for thothe numerous I1

car of war sweeping over our land our temples condemned branches of the state legislature elect tho the depre
of justice laid init azes ashes all the horrors and deso- tion has we think no parallel in this as of course sonta tives to Congi
senta ex
lationsions of war upon us its who but this convention Qu aiters dat of utah
head ollai it has not in any previous war we see it stated
cicat salt lake city U T the constitution provides that representatives
willill be held responsible for it and who but him on authority that a division of men of the and direct taxes shall be apportioned arrion

ise and
ell his vote for this annn october 1863 among the
who shall hhive given
ave agn
ill timed measure as 1I honestly think and believe general 01 dors I 4 1 federal army was recently transferred from cul cal several states accordia
according to their re-
it is shall be held to account for this suicidal act no 33 1-
r it

popper 1cobit
oui t house im ca rt of Vii gima
n the liheart 1111 a tto0 spec tive numbers etc those st ac
spective the
by the present generation and probably cursed
and execrated by poste lity for all coming time
quest of ad
A Ccourtat of inquiry ethier convened
colv e ned fit
anthony Etl iier ad caa C V
it the re- stephenson alabamaa a distance of 1200 miles in constitutional rights of the rebellious states may
for the wide
lor vide and desolating ruin that will inevita-
N to investigate a chaice of having enticed from her four days they went by railroad to alexandria as well commence advising their friends in jeffs
bly follow this act you now propose to perpetrate home a youns female resident ot
young fornale of great salt lake Vi iginia thence to washington by steamboats
vieginia dominions that representation and taxation go to-
even now after three years of desolating war city having fully tally and honorably acquitted him of thence via the baltimore and ohio railroad to gether and before they can be admitted to any
the charge the proc proceedings of the court are
A hat tongue could moie clearly and graphically
what bellisle thence by marches and railroad to colum- under the constitution they must hawl
approved and hirut lieu t etnier is honorably acquit rights
band roin
draw the picture as it is than stephens did in 61 ed of the charge bu ohio and indianapolis indiana thence to
the dollars to the tax gatherer there is a good
as it was to bo be 2 the court of inquiry convened at the re- louisville kentucky and via nashville tennes- one little item beim
sergeant john M mcfadden cn of co
round sum in this ono being char
chargeded up
he evidently had a higher notion of honor and
ile quest of McFadd see to stephenson alabama in a little over four ainest the refractory Dixi cites after loyal men
eng- A ad C V to investigate chaides prefer-
morality of other nations than the course of E n days aiom this time they struck their tents north
red against him hav han ing aca lilbitted him of all ill
acq the shall have compelled them to lay down their arms
land and fiance has justified notwithstanding said charges except that ot using disrespectful of the Ra rapidan in front of lees army they were although as above stated the election of mem-
thit this
tint ibis arch rebel could not hope for aid or sym language to his bis superior officer and recommend- confronting braggs forces on the tennessee at
ed his restoration to luty duty after reprimand in bers of congress is to gome some extent a I state affair

athy from europe in this unholy conspiracy

ppithy chickamauga the constitution prescribes this limitation see sec 4
general orders ine fhe general commanding the
the result has proven that he estimated too highly district fakes dac sian to reprehend hend in the
the honor and integrity of both those nations
Di occasion
guage used by sergeant A superb present for adjutant general
the times places and manner of holdin holding elec-
se iest manner ill
iciest the lau language tions for senators and representatives shall be ba
which have found means to lend both sympathy mcfadden to his commande mandi ng officer as unbe-
com thomas in the show window ot
of Fic
Fie corner
coming a soldier and the deepest of fifth and chesnut streets can be seen a very prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof
and material aid to the rebellion mr stephens beautiful present to bo be sent to L thomas adju-
cen suie the district commander rc regards
L ards
with but the congress may at any time by law make or
ch il lenges an answer to some very pertinent ques-
ell disappio bation such conduct on the pait tant general united states army it consists of
disapprobation pai of any off a carriage or sleigh robe of six by seven feet alter such regulations except as to the places of
tions licer non commissioned officer or bol
ol boldidier
boldien cr but in 11

pause 1I entreat you and consider for a mo- view odthe of the good conduct and soldierly eily
ly in area in weide of eighteen fine beaver skins and choosing senators let the state sovereignty
beating of
beading geant Mc Fulden proven on
mcfadden oil the
lined with costly green bill billiard
Lard cloth the Copper heads north and south put that in their
ment what reasons you can give that will even lining has been richly embroidered with a magnifi-
satisfy yourselves
0 es in calmer moments what rea- trial indulges the hope fit hilt
it this public reprimand
lep gaiii colored spi ig in each corner the coat of
cent vat pipes and smoke it but gen butler jn in a recent
sons you can give to yo your fellow
ill fell ow sufferers in the still
at ill effectually pic cut its ic
pi event ie petition without tile the
calamity that it will bring upon us what rea-
C infliction of fai tiler punishment respect to su
luither arms of the united states in the center and the speech mado made sad allt4 heir fine spun
sons can you give to the nations of the eiith to pellets both in id demeanor and language is one of voids presented ted to L thomas adjutant gen- theories of the constitutional rights odthe south
justify it they will bo be the calm and deliberate the fust duties of the soldier and but for the at- eral U S A by IV WA A C judge IV A carter looking to reconstruction ile he proposes to look
judges in the case and to what cause or one overt tendant circumstances and the 1 of fort
F ort bridger cr U T the edges are heavily at the whole matter in a plain common sense view
act can you aim or point on which to rest the plea the court its infraction in this case would meet
tile fringed with bcd silk the whole is really a
affair and deflects much credit upon without stopping to enquire whether the rebels
ills fill cation what right hag
of justification has the north assailed with the highest known to theelaw law
what interest of the south has been invaded sergeant mcfadden is hereby strongly repri- artifice
the artificersrs engaged the embroidery was done are out of the union logically legally or constitu-
whitit justice has been denied and what claim
wil manded for this breach of ot discipline and good by mis von We Ydoli of new york city upon
weldon tio nally ho
tionally he recognizes that to the extent of their
founded in right and justice has been withheld conduct and in accod dance with the recommenda- application of mr fischer by whom the rest of
the work was executed and who also furnished pithysical
P Y ability they are actually out pro tent tem
call either
cither of you yon today
to day name one governmental tion of the court will be returned to duty with furnie bcd
act of wron wrong deliberately and purposely done by his company with big his folmer lank as Sr sergeant
geant de signi the total cost will be
the lady with the designs atil when we shall have conquered a peace and
the government
goi at washington of which the south 3 in its opinion the coutt referring to tile about missouri dem ca
compelled obedience to the constitution and laws
his a right to complaincomplaint9 1I challenge the answer disobedience of elders by the accused say bays 11
in it will be our duty to preserve the peace and solid-
while on the other hand let me show tile the facts this whole matter the court can glean no evidence ruling passion strong in death brandy ify the union as circumstances shall require tho the
and believe me gentlemen 1I arn am not hero
here the ad- ot
of insubordination
ordination olt on the part of the accused VS tobacco friend
A having carried some fine
vocate of the north but 1I am here the friend the who finds his full justification in the ardeis of port wine to a connecticut ma major
J or who after the
loyal north can take no chances of throwing the I1

firm friend and lover of the south and her institu- col booie As a soldier he be found him- late battle was lying in gettysburg dangerously next presidential election into the house of
tions and foi this acason 1I speak thus plainly and self in the anomalous position of being tho the subject wounded the major begged him to hunt up a con- representatives where each state will have but
faithfully for yours mine and every mans mails inte- of conflicting ardeis from his superior superiors and he federate bencal name named kemper
Xemier dad and divide ahe one and an equal vote and will not allow the
rests the words of truth and soberness of which chos
chose so to obey the superior in rank so far tthere- remarking that gen kemper was
wine with him marling
1I wish you yon to judge and 1I will only state facts fore as the accused is concerned the court is of a gallant fellow and had saved his the major s machinations of traitors at the north with schem-
w aich are clear and undeniable and which now the opinion that lie
tile he was guiltless and fully justified life how I asked his you see
fied 1
se c re- ing at thothe south to result in placing the tha govern-
st ind as records authentic in tho the of our in ha couise and this cobit cannot consent that plied the major gen kemper was wounded and
commissioned cd officers lell abai
tell ment in the hands of double di distilled
stille d and dee p ay
cels shall fight their battles or
ceis 1I was lying seeing my situation
thus loci
tims lie silence all such chinin
docs he s about the settle questions of rank or autho authority lity at the ex- he enquired if he could aid me and drawing his dyed treason mongers
bongers north or south
of the abolitionists as pense of private soldiers or non commissioned
noncommissioned canteen he be passed me a drink of good brandy
enci is we some-
times even now noi hear
bear fichta the lips of recreant
offie cis and to the detriment of the service this saved my life take him a part of this wine the soldiers of the potomac army
anny the
referring to ili ahe first part of the foregoing with my best wishes for his speedy recovery and army is now in fine condition the men aye
qt are t
northerners and pandel cis to jeff daviss con- paragraph the general has to sat say th
thatat long life
ion the friend did as he was requested erang
erans with frames of iron with soldierly habits
sp iracy
spiracy he does not concur in the opeil 1

opinion ion expressed that and presented the wine to the rebel Gen with a spirit which is dauntless and a devotion to
the accused was guiltless and finds lull
tile vencial
cial As their fla
flag which is the promise of many glorious
do you reply that in many instances they have full justifica- soon as thothe name of the connecticut major was
violit compact
ted this corn
com let and ithave
ave not been faithful tion in the ciders of col moore the mentioned gen kemper said deeds the country has reason to be proud of the
evidence As gallant a
to heir engagements
eng As individuals and local el discloses the fact that the last order fellow as over
ever lived sir lieI he saved my live while
1 army of the potomac composed in part of the best
c immunities they may have done so but not by cemanated from ills his company commander and the lying wounded on the battlefield blood of the eastekn and middle states and the
iill le is strict and without exception that the last battle field I
how was new england regiments particularly are full of
t to 10 sanction of government for that has always that t f the visitor enquired 1I wanted a chew of 01
been true to southern interests again gentle order mustmastbe be obeyed the le ie tobacco and believed that nothing else historic names the outdoor life of the past years yeara
won 1001 at another fact iiwhen lien iwc e have asked lies with him who gives 91
i ves it not with him who ex- save my life this connecticut major sirwould has
as given these men a magnificent hardiness or of
more teni tory should be added that ecutes but one chew and that was bad
had body they can march their twenty five or thirty
in it anoro thalme might
w e ml ait as in his I is mouth
pi iid
cad the sla ery
institution of slav cry the
theyy hav
hm ce yielded the court therefore erred and the accused took it out and divided it with me and
I 11
ho miles per day without groaning they sleep con-
to our den rinds in giving its
demands us louisiana florida and was neller guiltier
neither guilt les nor justified although under saved my life thank him sir for the wine that sir tent
edly ou
on the ground and no hat hai or toll
T outt of which four states have been carve
ou the circumstances the general ell
tell him for mome that in peace we are friends and can break their spirits they have acquired tho

carved11 cconcurr- the

wid ample teni tory for four moio moie to be added in ing vuthilith the court docs not deem necessary or
does in war will never in meet
acet in single eD
and art of making themselves comfortable in the field
duy tune adis
advisablelible the infliction of further punishment for rabat and thus the soldier life is robbed of half its
this disobedience of orders but fleshes to impress hardship moreover they are
thu with arc filled with soldierly
tr itoi 3 of the ben wood school are much exer-
hant and upon all officers ceis indand soldiers the necessity and
pi propriety of always obeying the last order when
the last new hovel traditions the thousand instances of bravery
after immense exertion and tremendous and devotion of which you scarcely hear at home
cised at
ci it the violation
vioLi tion of the constitutional rights emanating from a superior officer on duty with the
of money
we have received by telegraph the

arc treasured and handed from mouth

are month to mouth in
of the south in the issuing of the emancipation c ommand to which lie he is attached fol-
emancipation lowing highly exciting our camps inspiring all who hoar grait
bear with the gr 01
proclamation hear inwhat officers or soldiers cannot of course e excite ng synopsis of the last
bat stephens himself pro control novel ness of spirit to to do and dare
darc as nobly as their
dicki and ind what
hat lie thought might be reasonably
pre the action of 0alice r 8 or sold
ments districts or post
posts sunless
eis of other depart- to
in two volumes lamo spring
backs by G H Q brethren the colors and their guns gu ns ale
aie to the
eap to follow attempted secession or when acting cont ialy to lawby supe superior flor orders L C john author of the
atik maid of the soldiers as sacred and dear AS their wives and swa
and regulations 31 bounta ms a tale chil dien in battle you see the men watch tile
children tho
it YOU ou iby
by this unwise
unit so and impolitic act do not the concluding rein irks of the collit in the of tenor
teri or I
the weird spectre

flag they folfollow

I ow it with
dle boy thi hope and perhaps by it lose all and above quoted Palagraph from its or the butcher boys bicain
eyes they gather
their oyes
1Ihi V e
I oy th

our last
abt slave wren
clied from you by stern1 m
L Pa
bently correct and pi
opinion are
oper and meet with the
or the greek i revenge etc etc
the red Shel clah around it if it is ill
in danger they die by dozens for
tuly aile as south america and mex ml
full concu nence ot but wo
we delay the honor of bearing it a loft I oft in the face of the

ea the commanding general

mayico of tile
or by tho the vindictive decree of a universal leo were
ere NN
the conduct our impatient hearers froilo
from tile enemy and the last thought of the color beater is
upon is highly the of the
which may ron
ably be expects a to
cilian hen sible and detrimental
no e tse
let ault cital
wa rital to the seri service li S
ice and can vol 1 chailechaileyy and julia met at
not for himself but lor for the safety of his precious
chargec new york evening post

10 meett the approval of the commando
anc S S
one extrait more and wo gen
general commanding and pait ed forever
we lie
aie done hear the 4 ane court of met again this morning and part
mot ass
00 if you must forin
form harsh
hirsh jud
r ments forn
no itabbialyice
irle president
Ples ident then pleading for the
Pies acu
Ife Girty ad caa Cham
inquiry of which majj- edward
V 19 president is
ward more met again this evening ana
ed to meet no
and were mail
ill em of
yourself not of others and in generaliralp
gelie crali
hoilu i turns of 1
and words
word of fire how y vol 2 still in pres scene laid twelve begin by attending to your own deficiencies first
the jowh realized amul
amid devastation slaughter by com mandof
commandos of dribrig gen connor
months if every one would sweep uplip his own walk wo
later charley a cavalry boy regains hae very clean streets
should hane
W the mamadrea
dreI folly and 11
livila RHO
ami aid de camp A A A gen ged
the erving
tile crying evil ot
vew burk poyer
of tho
infant ryas
ry as
the tilliea for particulars seesec 3 about
men will be
bo wanted froin
all illuminated weakly california under fhe present draft
by jaines doty V governor of utah
james duane doiy
ili er tor J row tr

rfEXECUTIVE gr S L rity
october 1863
to all whom it may
nay concern
at the general election hold
held in each precinct in
the several counties of the territory of utah on
11 the first monday in august A D 1863 the follow-
ing named persons receive ed the highest number of
motes in each of the council districts for meni beis
of the council according to the returns received
at the office of the secretary of the territory from
the several county clerks to wit
washington county erastus snow
a iron an beaver counties george A smith
millard and juab counties amasa lyman
sanpete county 0 hyde
utah and wasatch counties L E harrington
aaron johnston
great salt lake thoele tooele summit and green
river counties daniel 11 wells wilford wood-
ruff albert carrington daniel spencer
davis and morgan counties charles C rich
weber and box elder counties lorenzo snow
cache county ezra T benson
1I do therefore declare the said persons duly
elected members of the council of the legislative
LeIsla tive
asem 0of utah rom their respective districts
ta from
and also so that at the same election the follow-
ing named persons received the highest number of
votes in cach
ach representative district for members
of the
fhe house of representatives according to said
returns lo lowit
county orson pratt sonsen
iron c0 ounty henry lunt
beaver county 0 W wandell
millard county thomas callister
juab county samuel smuel
sanpete county john patten R N allred
utah county A K thurber david cluff duff jr
joseph E johnson
wasatch county william al wall
summit and green river counties ira el-
great galt
gait lake county
coul ity john I1
taylor edwin
D woolley A P rockwood john V long loing F D
richards john van cott
rl tooele county john
davis sand
and morgan counties wm win R smith
john stoker
ivener county jefferson hunt lorin farr
boxyaeelder county J C wright
d ca
cache county peter maughan william B
and iii1I do therefore declare
are the said persons
thuly elected members of the house of represent
10 of the legislative assembly of utah from
their respective districts
attest AMOS REED
secretary of utah territory
by laws of west mountain quartz mining
passed september 1863
at a meeting of the quartz miners of west
mountain quartz mining district held bold at jordan
ward house salt Llake ake valley on the day
of september 1863 the fol lowin bylaws
following by laws were
article this district shall include that por-
tion of territory situated in the territory of utah
and bounded as follows commencing at the con-
fluence of the river jordan with great salt lake
sout heily direction along
and running thence in a southerly
the east bank of said river jordan to its point of
exit fi om lake utah thence along the we west
st mar-
gin of said lake to the leg of north lat
thence along said deg of north lat to the
deg of west long greenwich thence
along said deg of west long to the
deg of north lat thence along said d og of
coith lat to great salt lake thence alone along the
margin of said lake in a southerly direction to
the place of beginning
and the extent of a claim on any
article 2nd
quartz lode or vein shall bo be two hundred feet to
the claim with all its dips angles and variations
article ad no person will be permitted to
bold more than one claim by location on any one
vein by purchase any number of shares can be
article ath all claims located must have a
notice posted upon them stating the number of
shares and the probable coulsecouise claimed and also
recorded in the books of the district recorder
within ten days after location
article ath each company must do one faith-
ful days work on their claim each month after the
first day of april 1864 on a failure to do so the
claim will be ju provided however that if
the company are prevented by local insurrection
or rebellion from working a failure to do so will
not forfeit their claim
article ath the discoverer of a vein of quartz
containing gold silver copper or other valuable
metals or minerals will be entitled to locate two
article ath there shall be a district recorder
elected from among the miners of the district
whose duty it shall be to record all claims pre-
sell ted for the purpose giving the name of each
locator or owner and receive as compensation a
sum not exceeding one dollar per locator or
owner his term of office shall be one year or
until his successor is chosen
article ath these laws will apply to locations
of claims on veins of coal iron or other metals
or minerals in this district
archibald gardner was elected district re
border of west mountain district for one year from
he date above written
G W CARLETON secretary
A well told story the cleveland herald
reports a discussion at royalton ohio C IV
palmer on one side and amos coe of cleveland
on the other the question was Is
a traitor 1 palmer read tho
the following words
bad been addressed by a cei tain
he said had
which lie
eminent poison to the citizens and soldiers of the
united states
you are promised liberty by the leaders of your
the enjoyment
fihs but is thole an individual inamong
of it save your oppressors who you dare
to speak or write what ho he thinks against the tyr-
anny which has robbed you of your property
plo perty
pio porty im-
of bat-
prisoned your sons drags you into the field ot
tle and is daily deluging your country with
nith blood
your country once was happy and had the grolf
red peace beenon embraced the last two years of
misery had been spent in peace and plenty and
in repairing the desolation of the quarrel
coe listened attentively and nodded assent at
every sentence and at the conclusion exclaimed
loudly that ig
is good talk 11
vell sir said
palmer with an emphasis that thrilled the hearts
of the eagerly listening ex that is the lan-
guage of benedict arnold three after he
bling traitor from acht point
flod a trembling
Co of the union vedette
YEA 1 1

editor vedette
Fedette the serious man is indignant
the serious man alan hath been deeply injured in his
finest sensibilities he raboth and like rachel
mourning for her young goeth about the streets
and will not be comforted the serious man alan
mabeth this as his complaint as follows to wit
videl icet ile
videlicet he prides himself on his classics like
mark antony cQaesar esar was my friend the ascii
ous man
alan was Csccousars
Coo sars schoolmate his companion
his pal his chicken ile he sleeps each night with
Cas sars commentaries under his pillow dreams of
the mighty warrior and expects to go to casar
when he dies how deep was his chagrin then
how sincere his woe how terrific his ire when he
read in your salutatory last week this attempted
quotation from the great demosthenes we appeal
from caesar drunk to caesar sober sir demos-
thenes never said so demosthenes from ni bom
you attempt to quote lived leng long before Ccae- e-
sar wriggled in his swaddling c llothes0 thes demosthe-
demos the
nes did say ho he appealed from philip drunk to
philip sober but unfortunately he be could never
catch the macedonian cove in the latter condition
hence the appeal has been dismissed you have
tampered with the classics you have outraged
demosthenes you have slandered caesar and the
serious man alan will not stay his irate pen while he
tells you about it first to correct your imperfect
classics secondly to vindicate caesar philip of
macedon loved his tod like his illustrious son
alexander ho be would get tight philip was a1
brick and often carried another in his hat but
cassar yo ye gods and little fishes caesar was wasaa tem-
perance ans cuss and yet you dare talk of caesar
drunk he loved cold water in fact he passion-
ately doted on that cordial of the gods does
not history tell us that he was wis tempera tein all
things save ambition does not the famous ora-
tor rehearsed so oft in our school boy days say
that consar paused upon the brink of the rubi-
con IV whyby paused there t yea mr editor why
paused cassar on the brink of the little rivulet
outside of rome what is the inevitable deduc-
tion from that pauso pause unless it bo be that he stop-
ped to take a drink of its pule waters ero ere he
upon the liberties of liishis country though
he was in a hurry burry to get to rome but not con-
tent with taking his temperance from the
rubicon so great was his love of cold water
the orator proceeds he plu ned he crossed and
rome was flee no more mr editor he got wet
but history does not record that like one of your
captains who plunged into bear river he took a
stiff horn of whisky for dimeis or aily
any other rea-
sons but it remained for you mr editor to
thus violate the classics tamper with demosthenes
excuse that tipsy rowdy philip and slander caesar
AsI caesars
Coo sars friend 1I come not bore to talk but
vindicate his fame the matter I1

did not hamlet say

imperious caesar dead and turned to clay
might stop a hole to keep the wind away
0 that the earth living so full of spunk
should now hes dead be slandered as a drunk
or words to that effect
indignantly the
though we seldom drink we acknowledge the
corn wo ogise not to the serious man he
we apologize
talks in parables and we constantly look at th the0
bottom of his manuscript to find mr wards ex-
plan atory note this is a boak
planatory we are at a loss
hen the serious man speaks whether to laugh or

cry we never can see the wit of his good

things and he explains that one cant be ex-
pected to see the point of a joke when he is the
butt of it that maybe
may be so but wowe still think the
serious man is stupid d stupid St illiNe
still we

apol ogise to the manes of the great cossar wo

apologize we have
wronged him more than did even ills his other friend
antony A slip of the pen a lapse of
made us misquote to demosthenes the serious man
tho mari
right philip was the chap who got drunk and
ia right
nor r heard the appeal because ho he never got
sober we might have known that for philip
was a greek and loved ilish whisky but our
are getting rusty and we thank the Sseii
classics aro ell
alan for brushing us up
olla man
ous lip a attle though he be
more delicately
don0 it just a little moro
might have done
tite northern Nii aes
the productiveness of the gold mines on tho
tho the
stinking water idaho territory continues to bo be
proven by the large numbers of minera
and traders who weekly arrive here on their way
to winter in the eastern states or california we
have convers oid with mr creighton brother of tho
conversed the
superintendent eastern telegraph line who haa bati
just returned from a trading7 expedition heavily
laden with the precious stuff merchandising up
at bannock must bo be pretty lively the sales of
mr C s establishment havingavin avel acol 1000 a
day for upwards of a month th the length of his
sojourn at virginia citymoll on the stinking water
the diggings at the last named place now in tho the
it name of all the gods at once wont somebody
new mines w
christen the now specter
u ith some ann coter if not
more appropriate title are entirely placer along
a gulch about twelve miles in length the whole
extent of which pays richly some claims feet
in length and running from bank to bank yielding
as high as 1500 per day and one claim aar Mr C
knows averages per day during the summer
or working season tho the miners use the sluice
almost entirely five or sixsic boxes to the sluice
water was plenty up to the time ol of leaving other
gulches in the vicinity were being prospected and
were believed to be equally lich the population
of virginia city and immediate neighborhood is
estimated at about while that of bannock
city seventy five miles southwest where mines
were first discovered is now only about aa
winter draws near mining grows slack in conse-
quence of the severity of the climate although
the claims at bannock were successfully
some of tho
wa es for workmen range
worked all last winter wages
from 5 to 8 per day the latter sum being paid
for experienced drifters and miners the former for
mere laborers blaid horn 14 to 20 per week
the following are arc the retail prices of goods at
virginia city and uwill be of interest to those who
think of migrating thither it should not be for-
gotten however that as the season advances pro-
visions etc go up in aiice and worlwork is difficult to
be obtained
flour per ibs 1500
coatee per ib to
sugar 11
tea it 94
soap 11

whisky per gal sa8 00 to 1200

drinks each
bacon per lb
lard 11 it
cast steel per lb
ib to 2 50
tobacco 11
cooking stoves
cooling and
or boots 1500
sand picks
Shovel and
shovels GOO and 1000 each
sluice forks and 1000 11
lumber per ft
41 A
A aes and 1200
no shingles to be had
killing shooting robbery and drinking are the
favorite pursuits of many up north and the state
is being not
of society at the mines is represented as
the highest tone of refined morality while the
of tho
arc engaged in gold hunting a great
mijority are
aio in the steal trade
many ale
he is not dead unit liveth
the chicago tribune of recent date
tho publishes
a special despatch announcing the massacre of
capt fisk A Q M and the overland party he
was conducting to the bannock mines this dis-
patch wowe see going the rounds of tho the press
but wo aio pl
we ale easeLl to bo
pleased be able to say that apt
fish passed through here a few weeks since in
fisk ill a
w ho had
remarkable state of preservation for one inho
ma acied and left for the cast in the best
been mass beat
spirits camp douglas affords
aff although he be was
scalded by the I red skins up
not scalped 1
tip north we
ho cut his eye teeth while tarrying
bainy in
iio made his trip lioni
ile flow st paul
minnesota to bannock in safety and with
that the was
success we are
and in pe infect se
ith much spirit tand
conducted INwith
certainly up to the time the escorting party arth ann 0 1I
in the white settlements the great
ant which
capt fisk experienced on his trip was lor for eteh
vegetables but having laid in a good it
this city vo
wo think hobe ht cro thil made the ttip
hiss ere ill 10o

potato at
bead quartetss hett sound on the
too head

ion without doubt I1

Co of the union vedette
camp doug
las U T
nov 1863 f
mr jailor
mitor I1 desire to contris
contrib som ething to
ute something
assist init the ii orthy enterprise which you have in-in
stalled and if ou on think these hints are worthy a
place in your columns you are at liberty to pub-
lish them 1I have selected a subject upon which
much hisb is been said and written but perhaps in
this locality a few more NN may not come amiss
perplexing missouri question
Ou estion the charges
ch argel that bu 7
general schofield has
the are
withhold protection
in from loyal people 14

strife cen
between the radic als and what
radicals purposely facilitated the objects of tile
tho dislo

the are altogether beyond my power of belief

has for aro
missouriI lias
termed the con in missour1 ii
not arraign the veracity ot
of gentlemen
the at abo head of the astto t
Rome time been in facts complained of but I
1 do more than quest
gov gamble present execut- would infer
Conselva tives aio the judgment
which bat those r
and gen Seh ofield
schofield commander of the depart-
odthe occurred in accordance with the purposes of ge fS
ive of the diffi- eral schofield
ment of missouri Tt he
lie original
bil ginal cause
was the all absolving slavery question but in that last sentence the president admix I 1

culty ra

genc rated into the most bitter 0of

degenerated a withering rebuke to those who seize every tr
the contest has deg
pre aident lincoln
president or weighty occurrence to attribute impure 1
personal onal and partis
partisan in warfare
worthy or criminal motives to those they esl
has been badgered neally neaily to death by these unfor- ester
among men who all claim to be their enemies the clear vision and good i s
tunate conflicts
phase of he
tthe trouble was ment of mr lincoln enabled him to see sec throb i
union men the latest
this not uncommon phrase of poor human nt
delegation of
the sending to washington a large

presented a formal address numer-

num er and he administers his castigation in the mild I1

radic its who
signed demanding the removal of gen yet most pertinent and cutting phrase
schofield and the abolishment of the enrolled
mi- he concludes with the following charac terL
words which denote the patriot the statesman
litia astern stem in the state the fine dignified and w

the man
masterly response of the president has just be been
received ed and like aall1 his productions abounds in
from time to time 1I have done and said foj
appeared to me proper to do and say the puiai

native good sense and is characterised

11 characterized by excel excelia
knows it well it obliges nobody to follow n
lent temper we have not room to print entire and 1I trust it obliges me to follow nobody 1
PresidentlB reply but cannot refrain aloin re
the presidents radicals and conservatives each agree with men IT

some things and disagree in others 1I could w

producing a few extracts we may premise that both to agree with me in all things for then tie
he declines peremptorily yet courteously to re-
lie would agree with each other andald would be to
move gen schofield front any quarter Tthey
strong for any foe from h ey hohot
Refer rim to the demands of the petitioners petition ers mr ever choose to do otherwise and 1I do not tte
right I1I too
tion their riat 1foe shall do what seems totoliI1
lincoln said my duty 1I bold whoever commands in
among the reasons given enough of suffering or elsewhere responsible to me and not to eita
and wrong to union men is certainly and 1I sup- radicals or conservatives it is my duty to hu ha
pose truly stated yet the whole case as pre- all but at last 1I must within my sphere juan
C tit C I1 fails to convince me that gen schofield or
sented I1 what to do and what to forbear
the enrolled militiaais is for that suffering your obedient servant LINCOLN
and Avion liong0 the whole can be explained on a
more chiri table and as 1I think a more rational
we are in civil war in such cases there always
is a main question but in this case that question
h a perplexing compound union and slavery it
thus becomes a ques question tion not of two sides mer merely
but at least of lour sides even among those who
ire for the union saying bothin
are nothing ot of those who
arc against it thus those who
are inho are for the union
with but not without slavery those for it with-
out but not with those for it with or without but
prefer it with and those for it with or without but
prefer it without
among these again is a subdivision of those who
are for gradual but not for immediate and those
who abc a c for immediate but not for gradual extinc- C

tion of slavery
it is easy to conceive that all these shades of
opinions and even more may be since iely
sincerely enter-
tained by honest and truthful men yet all be-
ing for the union by reason of these differences
each will prefer a different dit way of sustaining hig the
union at once sincerity is questioned and mo-
tives arc as ailed actual war coining blood
ire assailed
grow s lot
groins hot and bl bodis
blood is spilled Thou thought glatis is forced
fiona old channels into confusion deception
breeds L s an andd th ilves confidence dies and
1 I
11 j suspicion reigns
S lich man feels an impulse
to kill his neighbor rrr lest he be killed by him re-
venge and retaliation follow and all this as be-
fore said may be among honest men only but
this is i not all every foul bird comes abroad and
every dirty reptile aises up these add crime to
confusion strong measures deemed indi indispensa-
spen q a
ble but harsh at best such men make worse by
murders for old grudges and
nin iders for pelf proceed under any cloak that
will beadbest cover for the oce occasion
these causes amply account far what has occur-
red in missouri1 without N ascribing it to the av
ca k
ness or wickedness of any general Gen cral the newspa-
per files those chroniclers of human events will
how that the evils evil complained of were quite as
prevalent under Fi Fic emont
diemontmont hunter halleck and
curtis as under schofield if the former had
greater force opposed to them they also had bad great-
er farce with which to meet it when tho
fr force the organ-
ized rebel army left the state the main federal
forces had to go also leaving the department
commander at home rela relatively3 no stronger
st r than
before without disparaging any I1 affirm with
confidence that no commander of that depart-
ment has in pio proportion
portion to his means done better
than gen schofield
in those
these plain homely yet sensible extracts the
resident exhibits that wonderful knowledge of
human nature and the secret springs ns of mens ac-
tions which have so stood him I1inn need during
these troublous times and withal evinces a char-
ity and that milk of human kindness for whicha
be will be noted through all coming time
referring to the infamous massa massacreere at lawrence
by quantrell and his band of outlaws which was
made an for demanding gen schofields Sch
lem oval onn the score of imbecility the president
imbecility is urged as one cause for removing
geneval schofield and ibo late
massacre at law0

tice ellsas is pressed as
cikity to my mind thatevidence
prove the he proposition
pi posItion thit
plo that
example of what grierson john morgan is only an
of that anibe
fact scarcely tends to
othera might have repeatedly done
others andna
and many
on their re
tv iraids
9 active
0 17 raids but they chose
al hazard and possessed 7 chiseo to incur the person
ased the fiendish hearts fo
the charge is made that gen schofield oil to do itt
poe to protect
10 the lawrence
awrence Siu
siuta on pur

eiers would
lot allow ill
lm l m to bo
while no punishment could be toointo
wi be pursued missouri
severe for
jf as sudden
S ud de
murderers I 1I am nv ell sati ifield that
n or too

iS sa
the pren 1

of th 0 threatens
into mil ouri was the only atenO remedial raid
safe way to avoid an
rss acre there including probably piobably
more inn docent than IM guilty instead of condemn
ing 1I therefore approve
SU elti ia that respect
abit 1 understand get
supplement in consequence of the canei

pecked demand for the first number of the f

for mailing abroad we reprint our salutatory s

a supplement herewith which alap

also contains ot
interesting matter
fall are
the valleys of U arc
the next
tile dext lial veLt time
of producing food for three yen yea
amply capable
gumbei i ho
lio now
DOW bit acin but
ton fold the th c
aa of old ns true in physics as
it ins
is true now a
th sow not neither shall ye
in als
re ip 11ll nl as-ye sow so feh
c lot every
man then to
do to his
11 is means if he have
m in
ten talents let mm
not tell hinr nseme to good purpose nhat
he hath ei cun vii if it bu but tile the one talent
the light or of utah now but a kindling bpark
cannot long be hidden under a bubel bushel but will
soon baist forth with we wc doubt not renewed and
our already during the present
aize mines mims of utah it A word to 11

ave seen the effect iwhich aich the demand

Fa selbon have bare we
to supply the bannock mines
dawning on
ou the people of utah for hour
flour and grain
the light is has produced these articles
the day of prosperity so long deferred is break- miles di stint
diskint lias
cherished hope inac
li e i i en
ell in
ill price t
W wo 0 and jr
in souro cases ducally
ing and the unmentioned
im though ti i
ithin a few months and even
whose fulfillment has for years been withheld wo three fold iwathin
we threefold
predict a here for home
ionic wants let our
believe aboutis being realized the discovery of ft
near these great valleys farmers then take warning no not warning but
mines of precious metals
of thia
this people opens let
lot thein pi in the future by the experience of
and at the very hearthstone
a wide field in the prospect of a near future of the pit and preside for the mouths they will
fear of
prosperity and increased wealth if the appa- surely it ive to feed there need be little
rently well founded anticipations of many in our overdoing tit the thing the discovery of mines
midst be not too sanguine and altogether ground- miles away awa has sensibly increased the price of all
less there can be
ber no doubt that ere another se
acaa products of the farm and our agriculturists are
ron shall
ron bill have passed away these valleys now reaping g a rich harvest what then may they not
sparsely peopled by an industrious plotT ding and expect
plodding expect if profitable mines of silver and gold shall
oiling few will resound with the hurrying
1 tolling
g feet oc of be discovered and opened at their very doors
thousand seeking labor and wealth and new thousands iiwill
thousands 6 billier this city will be
ill floch hither bathe
forms of investment for capital and these now busy mart of A now new tra and a wider commerce
f now clad mountains silent as the primeval wil- and trio the money which pisses through the merch-
toads must find its way at
derness or resounding only with the wood chop- ants and the traders liinnas
pers sturdy Lewill ring with a thousand picks la latt to the ci pocket of the producer
delving for the precious ore while every stream Z everything bids fair tolt to inho
make this city and tile the sur-
find rivulet now bending its course to the plain rounding country prosperous ill in new sources of
tributary only to the husbandman
bu s addman will nv ill give up lip its
ith and e trust to livahin cival in richness wasla washoe oc
pure waters to the miners sluice and furnish the and kbew r aw river if not win the golden crown of
motive power to the rattling machinery of a bun- hun- callum herself despise not the day of small
dred mills things the striking of a single silver vein in
the indications of the existence of silver liver
r lead all tit the ft wasatchasarch range nill aill give an onward impe-
copper and in some places of gold not far distant tus to the progress of this territory and the pros-
from this city grow every day in number and im-
front in perity of its people little dreamed of by those
portance and when the opening of spring shall who have toiled on in the wilderness in patience
knelt away the winters snows prospecting for and amid trill looking only to gaining a pr acari
those metals will ivill receive a new impetus and we aup livelihood for themselves and families the
sire rouvin cod be attended with the most practi- kiture future is bright let the people be true to them
cal and successful results we are unable to lay seh ess and mark those 11 coming events which cast
before our readers at present exact information or their shi dows before
shadows let this be done and all
perr act details as to what has already been done will
perfect ill be well

in the matter of prospecting the country for far min-

eral wealth or to state definitely the results at
tiled we may however say that nith with the im-
perfect tests within reach and improvised for the
occasion the presence of silver gold copper and
lead bbis has
is been determined ii without doubt in rsev cr
nal localities it is a misfortune that canno cannottat at
present be remedied that there is no competent
ri sayer here to make thoroughly azcui ate essays
PE assays
mid sufficient time iris ins not yet elapsed to have re-
ceived le turns flom san francisco whither
inells of silver and gold bearing ore and quartz
libio been sent from several claims now being
wo know erf of one instance however
where some loose earth and rock the outcrop out crop
pings of a claim where a shaft is now being sunk
in west mountain was sent to san francisco francis co for
desay at andd the showed 57 1144 per cent of
lead and silver at the rate of to the ton
whether this is the true trite character of the vein be-
low or whether the silver will as is in similar ces cases
in levadi territory increase in richness the fur-
ther it 1Iii explored Ywec have no means as yet of
knowing nith with certainty
enough lio however
wever has been done and discovered
to establish beyond a doubt the existence of silver
ii the mountains ab
pi out great salt like and there
13 no reason why they should not yield as richly
tha hills and mountains in ne
as the nevada
wada territory
the miners of the west 11 ho years agone left their
bomes and mends in other lands to seek riches
and wealth in far off Ccalifornia who have delved
for gold and then wended
lor bended their toilsome way over
sier m to eashoo
the sierras wal boo and trencer peopled peoplecl with a
ivirty industrious wideawake
wide a wake and 9go ahead race
the barren hill the reese river country
bill sides of tile conn try
will not stay their course at the latter place pl ace but
will soon be sw aiming anamong in among us bringing ave we
would fain hope as they have always taken else-
where entel prise commerce advancement and
prosperity it is our duty to note not ill the advancing
footprints of the near future to mark the import-
ant events which are swift rushing upon us its and to
prepare to receive and we trust welcome the
thousand new newcomers
comers whose eyes are arc now bent
on us
oil Is and whose footsteps will soon resound
through our streets we would remind the farm-
er tint thoe who will probably como come hibb er with
the carl
earlyy spring in search of the glittering ore
will look to these valleys for food and it behooves
bim to prepare for the increased demand for the
espiesS of life there is no time to W wditc
itc and
alf must be made early for in
urge emps of wheat and all other grains
will certainly
f ad a profitable market
orta ialy find marlet eve evenn befort
though uniformity and system uny be charac
tc isad as
is proof of fine sense and good taste yet
wise an arrangements should be the effect of sound
reasoning and not of anall idle spirit of conform ltv
this iniquitous spirit of uniformity that 1is to do
or merely from a desire for imitation betrays
its deformity
defoi mity
nitty in
ill the following
follo lying consideration the
world otof is excessively more distinguish-
ed for vice fiolli which to set cexample cample than for vir-
tue we wt cin walk strictly stiletly in vilt lles paths in no
other way than horn f orn principle while to gain the
path of vice only a thong
thoughtless acquies-
cence in tilethe instigation of example the ways
by which an inconsiderate of imitation is
productive of vice are innumerable but its roost most
barkei effects
marked effect arearc upon reputation in so C at lif
social lifee
this spirit of imitation may 1sI ometimes 0 M et i mes be pro-
duct oro
of good yet that good bears no proportion
to the evil arling
arising aiom this source often the
most olivial circumstance subjects a person to
icule in tile
the opinion of some one of this class it
is take
taken uplip and repeated by another and in most
cases greatly exaggerated
casos exa and in like manner is the
operation of a whole circle thus the matter
creases until what was go so trivial becomes the most
erroneous slander upon the attacked member
sequent contemptuous neglect by the
follows by which means millions of
characters of both sexes bhave a v 0 been hunted flom
society with scorn and disgrace mv hen but
for this
malign influence they mig mightlit have
hanc constituted its
brightest oina
ants in the opposite scale as
many million
millionsI1 who merited execration and
tempt ime
lime lisan to popular astl
voice of vain flattery has becia el because the
been copied in success-
on from the mouth of ono one individual by others
those people aho vho
ito practice this idle spirit of imi-
tation aie vt hout an apology
it c fools without aPOI OY and it a ty
that hev were
N e re n ot
of in a ll cisch the vic victims
tillis of their
own stupidity in fine the
most aboa
abominable sen-
timents like
take their rise from the ilic idle plan of one
person cop in ins without discretion the
another words of

0 IE


L 7 1
1I 1

tk ia
MEN OF THE california volunteers
it vol 1 apa
an illinois paper
T IDA Y 1 DECE 4 1863 TT0 3

tc action without end 11
then wo
thinks that tho the war is a war
an end to it we extract from
military discipline
british officer the alio
A parody
vic nashville union gets oft
off the
capital parody on fitz green halleck
ILi lIeck a
dut ono one end to it at sumter in gl alewing blowing pertinent suggestions disc marco
alarco Boza riis
gilmore is likely to put tho the other in gaiga
line and commend them to tho the careful perusal of at midnight in ill his blackguard tent
J CAMP DOUGLAS UTAH TERRITORY 3 appropriate motto fora for a sparsely settled country very officer and soldier in tho the army old dean
beau in as aa dreadin
dreaming of the hour

near groatgreat salt lako much must naturally rally depend on tho the manner when Gilmo ic like a suppliant
upp llant bent
fl lake city morman
mor man should tremble at his power
cirit conduct and character of the persons pera ons who
n and 3 meiji As we ice say m jam tho rebels
in paris rebel are aro said to bo be a diffrient ranks obey or carry ardeis into effect in dreams through street und
the trophies of a1
and camp he bore
suf ferin for want of winter clothing and blank- tho
dufferin the officer who should suppose that duo atten in di earns his song of triumph jcurd
ili decanis
ic of the california volunteers
tho ets A celebrated french engineer proposes as a ion on to parade drill orderly duty in quarters and
ile sported gilmore i dolif t eccli hat
1 I
0 gallant
ailant loading in tho the a full dis du his led topped boots ins his gray cravat
new modomode of defence tho the adoption of a shiver do hargo of tho the obligations ou bim by his
in terms of subscription freeze our devil says hes got the pronuncia- om mission would in our opinion take a very nar-
oil him As wido hit lik fancy as a bat
ono copy per mouth
month 60 cents ow and imperfect view of his position tacio0 M
or any other bird

tion so duin the


t- one copy three months 1

1 50
noral ic resting on all who exercise an hour passed on old beau bean 11 awoke
one copy cop uc
r six mouths
month s 1

tala S 2 50 we arc
are indebted to some
somo friend for a bottlo of lut
ut hority over any portion ot of their fellow men and stifled by a villain
half stilled villainous
ou 1111

g shielddonics do 12 cents rare old whisky wo acknowledge the

tho coin enough tho the N cry devil to choke
it ales
3 1I

of advertising lou
lott jour
his responsibility iusti with
lie officers of the army in consequence of the
ir weight oil on
while all wound the stink pots 11 broke
and blinded him with sand
ten lines or less 1 50 prentice
Pren tico igis said to bo be the ugliest man on tho the coln iron power with which the cause of dd11 ici
each subsequent insertion 1 00 continent wonder if the continued repetition of line linc rendert it necessary that they should be in ho cursed the villainous compound
ile 11

one fourth column per month 12 00 favors like tho rusted which stunk like polecats
pole cats far ato trad
the above dont satisfactorily account then roared with a wild demoniac
11 one half column per mouth month 20 00 it tha character and conduct of tho
is the the gentleman
one column per mouth month 30 00oo for tho the wy faces ho he males
makes hat must secure this moral power for the officer kofl icer lord what a smellI the greek the greek 1

to who seeks to obtain it must be ulbano in man-

put out this villainous greek firo fire
business cards per month 3 00 A thrifty husband cradles ills bay or cribs his lo
his hay or in the last red ditch expire
corn while the
tho wife cribs
ers and courteous to all he
era be must bo be just and sweet to draw ones dying birath
or cradle the honorable
onor rable his most wiling trifling dealing
dealings hid hk word

tt C 33 av7
C MI asly babies
our D 1 says he now understands why infancy specially to hig
is termed the heyday hey day of life cause its tho
ablo in hia
lust never be doubted and his language moro
the time nd distinct freo
inferiors3 must ahva
his inferior alwayss 10
free aiom ambiguity and admitting
be clear
for our dear land as horace
labt dreadful to be stunk to death

trouble among Burm


Pro grammes bill

programmed head one is cradled if no
an ascetic ho
without being cither a stoic
be should look with scola on that
Eurn lides staff officers
sides cers
the finding and
washington october irth tho

BALL S general intelligence from the other side 11 A gen- liter itter mindlessness which seeks for artificial excite sentence in the tho case of captain james madison
catts late of general burnsides r acting
tleman says an all exchange who is convel sant with nent or tho the gratification ot ari cious ra
nv alm w ai military atil
militar drs states a s the result of a recent ex- lacity in the turning of a card or tho
aminatmion of the records that since tho
amination the co-
com- lie ho he
of av

will look with aleater scorn still on tho

the rolling of a
judge advocate of the department of the ohio
has just been published in the army captain
done in good style and on reasonable terms mencement
men I
1 of the aar
cement n ar we havo lost fill thirty ty seven
somi ow vicenice destructive aliko to mind and to body cutts was chaigen with using insulting tali
to captain hutton
II aid do camp to general bum
I1 ago
f sf all orders addressed 11 to tho
of the union vedette
the publishers era generals by death twenty six of whom were hill-
camp douglas U T will ed in battle or died hoin the effects of casualties rute creation by depriving them of tint
kill- abich sinks sinka its victims to the vet deiyy level of tho
thit elevating
side in ili relation to thothe right of tho the latter to use A
dij edette
itin desk ile
cei tain office whitin
coi iio iwas also charged
meet with prompt attention and in addition sixty ono have bavo been wounded eason cason intended to ennoble the beings made in
who have recovered aadla high imago image but while scorning these low noth improper conduct in peeping over the doot
all communications must bo be addressed to the rices our ideal if grave rave with the bianc should be jam of a ladys chamber at tho the bunnett
editor of union vedette edette
Tr camp douglas U T 11 yew
xem latest term for marriage in eashooe con- hc rices 1 1

cincinnati ohio ile ho was found guilty on both

mr ed pennington is ii our authorized agent for iolla dation
lic erful with thu the cheerful should laugh with
ditl 1 the
chaides of 11 conduct unbecoming an officer and a
the transaction of business in salt lake city soli solidation thus eliza walker and tom belcher ay and the witty but never with the envious and
consolidated tacy will adon gentleman ll and sentenced to bo be dismissed the
office iaiau in U quartermasters
fm storehouse main corporate and commence the issue of acocksoon in- naaliclous licious aa as their merriment is only aroused when 1

i sabi service but bitt the president in consideration of the

stock do feelings of others are wounded
previous character and stand standingillg of the accused
the plan has been in vogue ill in utah a ar jf i Ilm is necess must
st bobe adminis
administered terell
ami front av the
it v u
or can

to a couple and each sharehold- mist never degenerate into that low abuse
fai i nn
addless the inferior
avit igiI1 i anil
cei tain
i1ni I nf
tue sentence
in tho
the field after receiving
jece iving A
m liitt lo aji
cu and ordered him to join his regin
hag r inett d
aloin tho the
ota W has at least two fee
er lias
able as urance that its all right
feet under tho the comfort to recoil on
as Iert
the poison by whom it is employed
oil tho
it is not unusual to heir observers ars
president captain glutton II
to captain cutts for the alle
guageC about tho
nho sent a chal
ed insulting lan-
the writing desk was tried for the
crt that they would rather liit ivo wo to deal with
our devils rome home thoughts and side remarks mrs partin partington9 ton is under the opinion thit that mount qu kiick
ck hasty aud and Niolena ell persons whose ofrense found guilty and sentenced to bo be I 1

vesuvius should take sarsaparilla to cure ibell of of passion once over is supposed to mantled by tho the president
Pies ident but ill twenty fifth ai
lit the
A man should stop drinking before his stomach
adiian the old lady thinks it haq
tho ha been vom- le leivove only calm and behind than with tide of war declares thitthat any com
becomes the theatre of a whisky insurrection iting so long that notting nothing else would layton its th revengeful rancorous and mi licious of whom officer found guilty of sending a thai chat
we have no washington now to pu put it down stomach yen carr never lie he certain but c is palpable lengo shall bo ered the sentence
be cashi sen of the
sar eror in this the of rage aie no so coin t was disapproved I and captain hutton waa
the most cheerful and soothing of all fireside
tho firc sido ike wonders if ap arlla would have pic baity
cirit y against malice and dismissed the atom september 28

vented the breaking out

for the
melodies aro are thothe blended tones of a cricket a tea- of our civil war if tendency
tei dency to fly inton into a passion on ovchiy occasion the serious man who is never satisfied with any
kettle and a loving wife taken in time rebuking as it generally does
vlen not resulting docs fiam mere merc blodys english bu but his own tihes us to explain
with these three things if a fellow dont got get folly can inato in no very amiable
call originate that the high standing
standilij of the
into hot water its all right
tall timber tho the california papers boast that disposition Be tides men amy really possess 01I1
besides i
which in
some of their pine trees are arc feet high pine chary equanimity of be lieo
bo lice lioni all ducody the president to remit the sentence of illo iho
wit is as necessary at tho
box or mustard pot
the dinner table as the wood out hero
here is 10 a cord beckon that is high- lights of fury without being either malicious
than any in our neighboring state revengeful and no gentleman no officer of any
malic ions or court does nt
docs not lefer to the timo time when capt autta
was perched on a chair looking over the jam or A
but he0 who scatters it promiscuously and pro
bu raak whether 0oir low duyao
d should be at al ladys chamber it is not true that am
thi sen
fasoly over every of conversation neither uncle abes last A farmer recently applied loved to shelter himself after every half hour s tence of the bonit martial capt 0 spells bib jirs
knows its uses nor his place to president lincoln to secure liis his assistance in explosion Q under the assurance that ho novel hai
he never name jam cs mad ison cutts
I1 collecting a bill against the government for dam- ars malice the fact is that in nine ca acs out of
the last part of ofaa snake tc ic dicas prentice ages done byy our troops passing through his prem-
tail prentice
die is the tall prom- tei people only onla get into a toweling passion when table talkers wa obert halt ii is
ive believe 1robert ii
him to the proper thir self love is assailed when some sonic selfish grat
it the last part any how dead or alive say sa Y isesaises the president elc irration is endangered whop they to con
the liecbt oiof all our table talkers lie ile wi
wai in con-
Geo olgegei officer whose duty it was to attend to uch
such mat- reness versation what he be was a s a prea preach
preached ci rapidity
teis but the man mail was anxious that mr lincoln coal cal error or littleness
litt beneath an in explosion of ig 1
imagination wit and force he possessed these in
t 0 21 i

of the newspaper often support should examine tile the case personally and give an nible rage or as sometimes happens in the army armity a laigo dc lc gico
the worldly
tho temple domes no blind sam order to have it settled then said lie he they ivien coarse men addressing and con coi iio was unhappy in ills
ile his courtship or mrs steel
bon should
acon get within arms length of them will attend to it at once other otherwise 1I may have to dous of impunity give freo free scope to bad temper when lie was perhaps smarting beneath the ali dis-
just now av the columns of our armies are valt
wait a iong
long time but 1I have no leisure to look aid vulgar malignity appointment ho he went ont to wa tiia the udy lady of ift 10
arc the writing in the middle of the nineteenth ceri till y
main freedoms temple jf after things
such thin said the president it wont sall with no very good tite
honsa said tate boll Y alo
the col- take but a few 0 minutes urged the man
if tho yen aly observation in support of a just R blein of
you dull mr hall wo
thill we have no iio polished steel heio licit too 0

umns are notta rucian they are generally round remind me of what occurred to a friend of mine odi di nation may po sibly bo defined altogether su
possibly entertain you ott
oh madam ho he replied with
when no ade
C and Kilpatrick
34 dud Kil patricks3 arearc cer- on tho the mississippi river said the president
he Pflatflukus
ile but the vital necessity of maintainingq cicat irony tharp not the slightest slig hest consequence
a captain of a steamboat and han passing essentially military spirit in full force allol and yon aavo plenty of polished biasse
you bi asa on another
tainly lloamin Js
us to troop iis s with a few more some junior oa
through the rapids ho he always took the wheel alicel
ii and agor occa bion when somo
occasion had gui 0
of a inari lago hall
happiness is always a home homemademade article
mado the boat himself one day when ho he was words on the indulgence of the reader about liolie broke out decidedly at once sh Seu
it is rarely an article of fo re 1 n i lnwper t in the most difficult part of the stream a boy camo came by subordination wo we understand of chui coui
comiso so the many miss
mariy sir I1 would as soon itinjury la I1 ry tile
blubbering up to him crying captain captain nady willingvilling and graceful obedience gendered ien dered devils daughter
devila daugh ter and go ito homome and iho with ilif kt
A goose pen is a fitter wing thing authors to well what do you want ol all points of duty by inferior to superior 0efti fri- his genitis
ills genius for happy ie
live in than to write wrife with 0 10
do stop
sto p the
tho boat to the delegated authority
autho litY of the
old folks
ivo lost my apple overboard the
tho farmer saw cars slumbered ono of his congiegation a sich
hia congregation N

most scribblers
scribblers now a days uso
nowadays in fact lous old coital met him in
quent the
ill tile kh 11
use a steal pen oll oh tho the point of the story and wisely coll concluded to
scissors what irony iron y collect hia his bill in tho the usual routine manner subordination is iti in fact the foundation of bisci mr dilall youyott havevone
hi vo ne erb
nei er ecu to soc
been see me sp ill

laughter is a faculty bestowed exclusively on oil

pine the very rock on
a mica must be fo founded and cannot
the strength of
oio ile
aio le
ive ive been j deiy
door fr hall
el v ill pi c been at peal
why ousstelpin
ou in ie 11

man therecre is therefore a foi t of impiety in ill not A reckless general gen payne of Iillinois to
1 tio frequently urged on oil the attention of military wila step ma
you stop in 91 A timid man mail was
wai fIKit
exercising it as often as wo we can vc may say with commands a brigade in the aimy of the C
vo cumber- nen we can understand undisciplined ind aimed subject of conversation when lie ho lirir
titus that we have lost a day if i t has passed with- land compo composed ged of illinois anil and ohio broo troopss A lindes linden plundering their ibay ay for a aliet sp let iw quays
asi ti to
to be
out laughing
laugh W is st lio
lit will
soldier of tho the ohio sends to tho dato n jour-
the dayton fertile ot
of Aasiaia lulbut ai illies cz
annias ca begging canlon of ull ia HH iad
for bellig ill
all jlalth il loi
blit iti better and more kind to laugh nal tho
belter the following in reference to this allicer
ono dayaday a wealthy lady who e plantation
able of
plan tuition wasli cisting iby noble deello and high
the honor of their countey of
a lubber
I1 festor S distinction between 11
Cotref lit
ind cottelit
c a arl
iid 0 o
is very good
with a than at him wis
we sometimes surprise our enemies
wo in the vicinity of abo tho camp came in and inquired inquinedted on co thetha government they protect can ohly bo be form-
lorni- ile sali to his 1I ord go conte imperi
j encini cs with our for gen payne when tho the commander mado alto lahs el and maintained by a clear sstrict and wull well do- ally and they obeyed itin bidding coleside L it ril
11 ell

vir t alas that we should so often aslou astound ild appearance tho the old lady in baim language at fined system of discipline i alnie to theol licer ills wold saas 1in cl oi 11 ar
liis so ud 1

them with our follies 1 once acquainted him with tho the fact that ill his men laer forc who should ever doi i lie irom from its lust embodiment and subjects
were thair embodiments
had stolen her last coop lull of chicken and de- ind most essential principle I
hall i 1

the rebels have few sheep sheen left in manded their restitution or their value in cn nency I1
ya all editor thus describe in the pt
chacy and are not allowed
lams I am verry horry
sorrl for you madain madam replied the Y east eril items ilio papers re- tience of ita husband vilh jib whom he is acquainted

billy wilisoni do them Ck noial but I1 cant help it the laa face is madam port illg in talat m cikot tho
Wil soni pet lambs ort that our is still li lising ile never slid a void
lie avoid
much good and their stock in wool is getting wo ve are to squelch out the ic bellion if i
the atice of bevad to 50 cents met lai holy
cry d chicken in tennessee V akers liao
adt o raised tho but ii lilt a1 look of deepest mul
small by degrees and beautifully icib it the reb- it
takes ci e d a ott
on an
hols of lee lie sit like

thia of utter of means joa f wonder if tho fix becent 11 lively
ely hops 11
pi it her bonnet oil
hi difo to put
els are not so niggard ly as
they were for the accomplishment of ait which all alio ind bra braggI1 flom before meide meade and gruit hall
ami grant hail Ially
baitin lor for his
A charitable untruth and 0old lady deci lied most faul
deemed deprived bing to do with the quality of I1abel bel ya i yi vir the cedelle
Ve delle n the pitter name of
I1 ib iol heri
bothoth tofobe be carefully avoided
truth arc
are her of tho the power of speech and she
tile yi ernce of the general without ab
bho passed aloin
abai alii liel illin always clani
clanie 1
to bo be a 1 h bt I1 p pl neu
ile 1 1I

1 I
1 at cilip
fi m
dolila nedi lit lh
fn 7
now centered in the two armies of lee la in r our special california dispatches Gr alifornia
sto anum matt and bragg in northwestern georgia st
ginia arid A spe-
to day as the first of the series
we present today
cial telegrams from san francisco made up by
bY SPECIAL dispatches TO THE UNION vp
them be crushed out and peace will again dm din
and take pleas-
an agent expressly for the vedette wid
FRIDAY on the nation san francisco dec
dea 23 agg
before the victories and progress of our ais ure in assuring our readers that in each issue we
nevada left yeste raiv
the steamer sierraports
propose to give an interesting and reliable sum- tho 11

together let us beat this ample field noted above had been accomplished Mont gomy pacific and mexican par ts with ovar
over COO tonI
try th epim what the covert
what tho id blair postmaster general made a speech at R mary of california events of the preceding week freight principally machinery for the silvern

ville maryland wherein he said 1I cong ratu e

while every loyal eye watches with in tensest in- owned by california companies and ani a full
fali to iiI
eye natures walks shoot volly
folly as it flies
you on the hope justly inspired by the circai oar brethren in arms on
terest the noble deeds of our glement of passengers among tho the latter srare
and catch th manners living as they rise
awl F butterworth president of the new AW
stances under which we meet today to day the p the rapidan and at chattanooga the california col-
laugh where we must be candid where we can quicksilver mine and a guide kustel an emir eri
but vindicate the ways of god to man pope 12
gress gires us good reason for belr
gresa of our arms gives umn in utah s anxious to know what is trans- engineer to make a report on the arizona pi

piring at home we hope to supply this want in

ing that peace will soon be restored to our ca- en- colonel jack hays late U 8 surveyor gew
CT try and that when it comes it will be an endwig future and let our brave soldiers know what is ad family
and mrs judge david S terry I ary
1 aei51
peace because obtained by preserving the ing- in going on the western side of the continent no ens late oiof the overland mail and others of ni 01
the late news from the east is gratifying to the rush to mexico continues so great that tliatha
loyal men and unless all signs fall
fail be tokens the rity of the government and because i t will an exertion will be spared on our part to make the run each month
steamers ran
early conclusion of the war
ivar and the permanent be followed by the early suppression frony irr vedette interesting as well to the soldiers as to the on the the italian residents here ga esy
people of utah to count castiglione and major bj
Lup of this bloody rebellion notwith- system of the institution of domestic grandi dinner
which occasioned most of the difficulty in ie vecchi beads of a scientific expedition sent i
aceb heads
standing the severity of the season in central vir- victor emmanuel king of italy which ca t
found 11 g of the government and has been ie
founding legislature of california the legislature
ginia and the rain storms furt lier south our armies
during the past fortnight hive made important only cause which ever seriously endangered ts of california will meet under the provisions of the
across the continent 0on the
leave on the ad via new yo york
parallel th l
rk for home 1
advances and accomplished heroic victories the existence while since the famous ninety ty amended constitution on monday next dec jtb twelve head of elk a cabinet of minerals ani and

army of the potomac has moved from the vicinity predict low of mr seward we have never plad plaid and the new state officers will be inaugurated for host of plants indigenous to the pacific coat coast i
implicit reliance in the prophecies of cabba four years during the same week at the last italian man of war awaits them at new york
of the Rappa
hannock and aad on the ultimo eon J S hittel one of the editors of the aiA
crossed thy
them rapidan
Ra lee bag
has been pushed back ministers regarding the duration of the re rebel lh election the people proved themselves thoroughly received a complimentary dinner at the denti

from one strongbold to another and at latest dates and when they proclaimed that the 11 end of e loyal by electing F P F low and the entire union on saturday night on his leaving the editorial fc
was entrenched between orange coart house and waris
war an
is nearr 11 we have involuntarily been ledo state ticket by about majority the legis- the legislative profession
the legislature meets on monday next nettled
Gord dansville
onsville should bo he attempt to make a stand inquire with the facetious kerr which end y
lature will be a true reflex of the opinions of the governor low and tile tee newly elected state

bis present p osition

in his ion a general engagement boy yet in the light of passing events and e masses the Se senators four years
natora are elected for four cers will be sworn into office the following
seems inevitable and from the persistency with present condition of our affairs we baudot it Assembly men for two the senate is
and the assemblymen
assemblyman great preparations are being anade madese z

which meade
meada has followed him up lee must meet think that mr blair knew what he wag was talk g composed of 40 members the assembly of 80 Sacra menlo for the inauguration
Sacr amenio
with an overwhelming defeat we fear however about and that the prospect of an early wil1I
the latest returns show that the legislature will the aquilla with the monitor Camanche aboa
remains in about the same condition as here hereto
that the latter will continue to fall bick back as our suppression of the rebellion is brighter ny
the aup nv in d as follows senate union 35 copperhead
st ind published preparations have been effected for torna
brave troops advance until he gets in the en cn than at any time since the beginning 5 assembly union 71 copperhead 9 total in attempt to pump her out to tomorrow
morrow with the view
at gordonsville or perhaps even to joint ballot union copperhead 14 from of raising her which if not successful will nece neca
the fortifications of Ri richmond
chmand from the most tine sinking of the comanche
the this body the administration will receive the most
moat the building of a coffer dam around lei her

on satu
saturdayday and sunday nov and mo niter it its confidently expected will bh
the monitor
reliable accounts we judge the rebel army in vir- cordial and hearty support the state senators saved the aquilla is a wreck
ginia cannot exceed fifty tho thousand
asand men infantry revere
severe southeast gale swept over the barb
harboror oan
of cen
he hold over will be called on at the next ses
cavalry and 79 pieces of artillery francisco the clipper ship aquilla with ie fe 1666 to elect a successor to U S sena-
of 1866
As it is contraband at the east to publish the iron clad monitor comanche on board broke brale frn tor J A mcdougall whose term will expire on the gold canon mines
strength of meades forces we have no means of her moorings and before at sistan ce could be ra
assistance the ath of march 1
we insert an interesting description ol
below wo 01

enact strength but there cannot be dered sunk in

knowing their exact m twenty five feet of water it was fer the gold canon mines recently discovered vo ti
a doubt that they are overwhelmingly greater than ed cd for some time that the comanche on which te ourselves we are gratified at the result of jiahe received from the same correspondent tit th
the rebels Altho uh no general engagement has hopes and expectations of san francisco for pdpi
although our undertaking and return thanks for the patron- mining laws adopted in that district which will bo1
been foufoughtht within thythe past week some really lection from irom foreign fleets
fleeta were raised BO so hig
big age extended to us our subscription list is fast published in our next issue we will be glad to
heavy battles have taken place between the
differ- would prove a total loss although the aquila rolling up to goodly proportions our special districts in this te-
hear from the several mining di
ent corps or of the two armies the general result of is a wreck beyond redemption well founded hops hope thanks are due to our friends at fFoit
olt bridger who rritory with a description of the discoveries etc
which has been great loss to the and their are now entertained that her precious freight wil have done nobly in the way of subscription we
correspondence of the union
onion Vea ette
Gord onsville every- be saved every effort is being made and
continued retreat towards gordonsville ia hope other posts in the territory will send in their
thing looks favor rable to the loyal side and it is to engineers are haid at work while the papers leei
be hoped that our generals will follow up
subscriptions at an early day we heard
camp douglas U
decost 1863
tt 1

their with forty different plans

to effect the object from ruby
baby yet but when we ire do bridger will have
victories until every rebel shall have look out for its laurels let the people of utah
these mines are situated in a range of mo
speedily there has been gross carelessness in this andai to lookout running north and south along the eastern to- i

been JrgiDia
grant has pressed forward from chattanooga mooned
crad ims of the monitor as the aquilla yas
geracd less
ed at south beach where the prevalent galleg
y As
1 the list no effort will be
smeltI abe untried to
make the vedette a welcome and instructive visitor
line t of
bait lake city and let
west of balf 10
and in several bloody engagements driven of this season of the year have unobstructed ted to every fireside so send along your subscrip- rees river district directly on the
east of the reese
in utter
bragg sweeps it is even hinted that treason had some sone tions and see what we
wo have to say for ourselves
overland mail route near egan canon station
rout from the field leaving his lead dead part in the work however that may be the aulty the mines were discovered about the of sese-
wounded and between seven and ten thousand or careless should be ferreted out and ani due durabb ptember last by thomas beighle a volunteer inu
prisoners in our hands hooker sherman thomas ment administered it would be too bad aber winter is upon Us A heavy snow storm co E ad 0CV
V and like all discoveries of that
and other veterans are still in rapid pursuit having run the gauntlet of the pirates in the at- set in during the latter part of last week and con- kind it created no little excitement among amon all
if lantic and weathered the storms of cape honn
alantic tinued for two or three days the fleecy man mantle
tle lasses citizens and soldiers flocked to th
cclasses thee place
bragg haltsbalts and offers battle he will be badly the ironclad iron clad should be lost in the very harbor of all eager to get feet and it was but a short time

beaten if he continues the flight with his demor- san francisco in case of foreign war such a covered the earth to a depth of rf about six inches before companies K of the cavalry and E of thdo
and the mountains all about us put
alized troops tho the flag of the union will wave in vessel would be indispensable to the protection of winter infantry were pretty well represented on abee
triumph over southern tennessee northwestern san francisco the key of california and it robes for a week past we have enjoyed fine mountains for in about six weeks no less tta that
take full eighteen months to replace her with inn sleighing and tho the merry bells have tinkled fourteen distinct ledges of silver and gold beara
georgia and alabama and the entire southwest other aiom the east the latest news of her en coi quartz were discovered and located which ba la
be cleared of rebels the defeat of bragg will will be found in our special telegram fron fran through our streets all day long and far into the
been tested and found to be rich in both gold ani and
blast the last hopes of the rebellion their rail- san francisco and every loyal heart will unite jn in wee smal
sma hours amant the moon bright moon- silver the most prominent of these ledges at
the prayer that the expectations therein raised pf aff light nights have added to the enjoyment and the present are the gold canon lilly dale mcgeary
road communication on will be severed in the most tho the saving of the monitor may be fully fally and epoca boys and girls to say nothing of the old folks hope atmore and golconda rock from some of
vital part and more than one half of their
terri ily realized hare profited by the first fall of snow the days
have these ledges has assayed as high as 2000 to the
for needed supplies abso- ton that this is going to be a good mining di-
lutely cut off so imminent is braggs danger the strength of the rebel armies are warm and pleasant while the nights are cold strict no one who has seen these ledges or had any
that the telegraph reports that he has ordered the N Y herald of recent date nov alti and clear what melts by day freezes beneath experience in quartz mining has the least bonu doah
bordered the bright raya
rays of the bonny moon and the merry for wood and water it is not surpassed by any
longstreet to raise the siege of knoxville and thus sums up the 11 situation and the strength mining district in nevada territory in that pa-
repair forthwith to his bis relief burnside after the rebel forces throughout jeff davis fast con-
round of pleasure suffers no abatement it is not
nicularr it is far ahead of virginia city or the reese
having successfully resisted the siege and assaults tr tracting confederacy usual even here away up in the mountains that i
river districts and 1I doubt not that it will comecoma
of longstreet for eight days is himself preparing mr secretary seward in a recent public speed the snow lasts so long and the prospect of a sharp up to either
cither of those places in the richness ot of its
to renew the offensive and is said now to be press- puts tho the armed forces of the rebellion now in tle anait may bea long and dreary winter is before us mineral three quartz mills are now under orders order

tie for that place in the spring there is a city almol

ing vigorously the rebel generals rear field at an aggregate of two hundred thou sard lu
in our joys and comforts let us not forget the poor
while men he probably speaks from official inform laid out and we look for a grand rush there eana
major general p oster
F aster sent to relieve burnside for they shall always abide with us to com- next summer timber for fire wood and tanner log
Barn sido tion we think him below the mark but that IE ii
ants him frona
bonfi from cumberland gap it is not would not be far short of it in placing the armis fort the cheerless and provide for the stricken is can be ludhad in abundance close by land bufor
armie the duty of all and the happiness of the ranching is found within a short dt
impossible that the next news will be that
long- of davis east of the mississippi at the figure figura ina good stancO of the
distance le
caged mines plenty of good fresh water gushes out ot
street with his whole array army hashaa been cut off and roughlythe distribution of this fores force may te the scripture tells us that he that div eth the along the eastern base of the mountains it is
compelled to surrender estimated as follows poor bendeth to the lord and
another has add- our humble yet honest opinion that the gold
gen banks is in his quiet yet determined ed if you like the security down with the canon mining district is destined to be one of 01
way braggs army and auxiliaries in the tennes- dust i

prosecuting his mission for the redemption of see valley 70 06 richest in this western country As 1I have beba
western louisiana and texas he has lees
lee s army of northern virginia
landed at Beau regards force at charleston
the fate of russia all san francisco has there and seen all this myself 1I speak whereof 1I
1500 been in a high state of excitement over the know FRANK
point isabel and has captured corpus christ christi with Beau regards force at savannah grand
numerous prisoners we expect to hear fete and ball lately given in honor of tho
bear of his various rebel detachments in north car- admiral pop
the russian rebel finances
successful march into the interior of the lono olina off glorious name for an
lone star in S 1000 admiral the notorious wigfall quondam US
IT S senator
state where he be will find a welcome from thou- southwestern virginia 1000 and officers of the fleet now in the harbor
around richmond and petersburg of that from texas has for the nonce left off whiskeys
sands of loyal men now held in bondage 1500 place from the accounts it was a
by the at mobile boo and reflected equal honor on those who
grand affair and turned financier in a recent speech be
h says
rebels of that state at charleston gilmore in central mississippi
gave the ball and those who were the generously the rebel government has accumulated a debt
aided 1000 of
by the ironclads
iron continues his work of reducing along alabama and mississippi northern guests such over
the rebel strongholds
strong holds in the harbor fort sumter border i evidences of the kindly feeling are and memminger the secre-
appropriate tary of the treasury to also
dont know where
fa a mass of ruins and it is
Is and will tend to cement the bonds of
reported that ever
everyy total cordial amity another loan it co S t tw
cost elve dollars of the rebel
man in it was killed by the falling of its last thus it will bo and good
will which have ever united russia
re- be seen that the strength the hopes and paper in richmond to raise one dollar in gold go
maining wall A large portion of the city and the fortunes of the rebellion are now the united states the subscriptions
itself la in the centred were and confederate bonds are almost worthless eng
has been laid in ruins bby y the shells from Gil mores army
arm of braeg and the army of lee on each and the affair passed of splendidly
the si
union side while several armies under gen- jenkins land is growing shy and france hesitates to I1lende a
swamp angel
Ari geltl which continues to was there of course and the
deal death eral grant are superior superior to the forces of bragg we ladies dresses have hand altogether je
a helping haud
and destruction on that pest hole of disunion and bave have no doubt that the army of general suffered terrible mutilation by way jeffs ffalr a lo
effs affairs 10
meade is of description
de script iori deeply darkly beautifully blue
treason on the whole the field looks bright in every way decidedly stronger
than that of lee
in the newspapers
and but unless we
the success of our arms in every direction during
tho find employment for the enemy
jamea river and in north
james ay henry ward beecher subject for commissary meditation ibe
tho past two weeks has had no parallel since the those quarters lee from
carolina leo
may be reinforced to the extent
fro thus hits the nail right
war began when the great armies of the rebel- twenty thousand men of on the head
bead and with groat
great troth says question now agitating army circles on the RP
and unless nyewe keep close life would be a perpetual flea hunt if a man bannock is if the troops should bang a fresh
pa hannock esa
lion shall have been routed and annihilated on the heels of lee he be may still smuggle off
the twenty or
thirty thousand men to the support were obliged to run down all nail beef contractor for
far neglecting their wants whet
fas will be at hand the hopes of treaon leaon are bragg of vera
cities insinuations and euspicio
innuendoes in
braes suspicions
ng which are be would thereby become a jerked beef cor
er he con-
uttered against him
tractor A
local matters camp douglas express co in our ad coin
rtising columns will be found a notice of another
douglas theatre owing to the greater por- change in this company welton taylor hahre
tion of the comman having been en
commandd haying aged for sold their interest to stubbs eby who wl
will cn attention 1I
pi F

the past week in getting out a supply of fire wood the line to the city as heretofore
tho t
for the winter the douglas theatre has been closed
and will not be opened until the return
retura of the the city tho city Isia filled with
soldiers which will bo face a there is
to morrow night if not faces
be tomorrow ia a continued incoming and ot CITIZENS OF UTAH f
here ina time for saturday the management will going off liners to and from the bannack regio regla H
announce a performance for monday night next somo some returning to thothe east heavily laden with tp
the celebrated dick white of the nevada glittering ore the product of industry and ente
and as tho
battalion is upon tho entera prise to make glad the hearts of the idear
the pro gramme a good enter- dear ons

ta ment may bo
lament be expected white is spoken of at homo home others bustling with light and hopefl
very highly by those who have witnessed his hearts to the far off north seeking riches amog
acting as a comedian of no small caliber we the snow clad mountains of the upper massou
tho misso
Mis sou
bo so for we want something in
hope this may and braving the severe winter of that dorthea
addition to and nero
ne ro delineation the clime many we learn propose resting here tl ti now the public ono
offer to tho one of the best
play of box and cox from a romance in real life the spring opens but with ready hands are pr pi
by john madison morton esq will be presented paring to prospect the gulches in this vicinity ad
Ako B y

assorted and largest stock of

and if only tolerably well played cannot fall
fail to further south there is a wide field opening fr
please mooney anaand will also appear in the adventurous and hardy in utah and we bl
violia duett
a violin them one and all god speed every new devi dev
of the resources of the territory bt next to the salt lake house calls spe- i
christmas ball by advertisement in another
christinas tends to increase the wealth and advance the p
column it will be seen that a grand christmas ball of the people enlarge the field of well
cial attention to his large and n
dry goods Groce
is f o0 be given by welton taylor of the camp erected enterprise induce the influx of vested cca0
douglas express co on thursday evening dec
weil selected
ital and hasten the day when the completion f
instant no doubt this will be the grandest the great pacific railway through utah beadibearid
affair that has ever taken place in the camp we on its breast the products and the traffic of tt tl
can assure those who desire to attend that welton world will enable her to take her proper rank i
taylor will exert themselves to the utmost to FANCY ARTICLES
give satisfaction and please their guesta in ad-
dition to every other good thing that can be pro-
the union of free states agricultural and mil
eral wealth blended and working in
unison are the sure foundation of happiness pro
cured for the table a very fine conditioned bear and civilization so let them come an
will be served up those who might have desired wd
let each new comer be greeted with a smile of we
to feast with the bears in new york or san
come and open hearted hospitality consisting or
OF ever brought to this territory
francisco and who could not afford can now
have a chance to feast upon a bear and have a
the modest little sum of
good dance besides for tho DIED cotton
five dollars
at camp douglas on november at p m 9
daniel dunn of co G ad R in
of typhoid fever dardel
bannack restaurant and eating house CV
woolen and selected with especial view to this market I
we call the attention of those of our readers who at camp douglas on december at 6 p m 1

in visiting G S ii city become hungry to the

advertisement of joseph H bayliss who has haa just mixed fabrics
opened an eating house opposite the salt lake GRAND CHRISTMAS EVE BALL
house and we doubt not from his gentlemanly
appearances he will give entire satisfaction to all WELTON TAYLOR respectfully an calicoes
v bounce to their friends that they will give
V i

who may give him a call

vm guu silks
theair ic I1 sin c e our iasi
since last notice tb
the on thursday evening dec 24th 444
tl4 fit tf
ances at the salt lake theater have been various
ana en eerara
and ente Ea ining 6 as been
bean presented a i AT THE CAMP DOUGLAS THEATER U of
second time and the acting was fully equal to the to which they solicit the attendance of the public
first performance As ludovico mr irwin did no pains will be spared to make this one of the
himself credit lie he i s a I heavy villain I of fir strate
1 1 has ever taken place at
the grandest affairs that haa flannels
camp douglas
caliber and touched off the fine points in the slick
smooth hypocritical infernal villain ludovico in
in addition to every other luxury that can be
participantsa will be treated to
procured the participant
MO r C 23 am ca 10 0 1
good taste and with the air of an artist it is we some very fine bear meat
think his best character mrs irwins erwins evadne was
like her other renditions in a similar line chaste
graceful and correct then we have bad faint
TICKETS including supper
to be had at welton Sut lers
saloon butlers
store and at the salt lake house salt lake city selected expressly for this market
heart never won fair lady As the light dash- WELTON TAYLOR
ing devil may care adventurer mr irwins erwins ru ruyy camp douglas IT T 0 including
gomez was good and he struck the temper of his dec ath 1863 f sw ALSO
audience but as we have noticed in other parts
where it is scarcely as allowable he throws a trifle offers on reasonable terms
too much levity into the character and sometimes
forgets that ruy gomez adventurer and sub lieu
tenant as he is is nevertheless supposed to be the
have the pleasure of announc-
groceries fancy articles dress goods
polished refined courtly gentleman in the ante-
room of a ducal palace the same remark applies
Jthe performances at this theater
perhaps with more to the charming
farce of the morning call so well executed by evenings of each week
both mrair and mrsmra irwin the batterslat mrs chil no expense will be spared to make the entert-
linton was given with a vivacity and pertness
yet withal ladylike tain ments worthy of the patronage of a generous
ainments candles
lady like delicacy which enchanted all public i
while it could not but please the most critical TRIMMINGS 1 GROCERIES I HARDWARE AND
the performances will embrace the
but we confess we expected every moment that the sugars C
charming widow would annihilate with a glance
as she so often confounded with sharp re parte the
MELO dramatics BURLESQUE 5 AND aft t
rather loose sir edward ardent mr
not fall air 1I should
fail always to remember that on the stage soap
coolness wit sparkling sarcasm and refined though
brazen faced impudence are not incompatible with pd the theater may be had for dancing par- i
ties on reasonable terms evenings on which no etc etc eto
the character of the high toned gentleman especi- performance is announced good music for danc-
ally when as in the M omorning
rning call the scene is laid ing also furnished R H HARRIS 1
in the drawing room of an accomplished
the actors supposed to be the creme de lalady
creme of
hardware in fact everything desirable necessaryT
high bred E english aristocracy in a word ho he should BANNACK restaurant EATING HOUSE
not play to the galleries
galleri esP even though he should HE citizens of G S L city and the traveling and useful from needles up to cook-
succeed in bringing them down 10
in and out of place has also been given there
III 1I public are respectfully informed that the butle ry
is not much in it gave ack restaurant and eating house
save in the
the principal part is played perfection with which bannack
bann ing stoves from finest laces and
of decided genius to do it even pas
and it takes a woman
sibly well mrs
paddy was one of the best expositions of
alain street opposite the salt lake
situated on main
house is now open and
an a the
th e proprietor prepared
Cali coes collars and
1 TF
irish character we have ever seen certainly by a to furnish board and 10 lo
aging on reasonable silks to calicoes
female her Y
ankee girl fairly brought down the
ouse and in it she ri
terms by strict attention to business and keep ingi
a first class table he confidently hopes to secure a
etc etc
mrs barney williams
the renowned perfection of yankee gliem liberal share of the public patronage T

this breakfast from half past seven to nino

part her acting was free from the course vulgar
performances too often put in to take the galleries
nine dinner
from half past twelve to half past two and supper
ON tehmi TO SUIT

butut which are as out of place before a civilized
community as they are untrue to the yankee
character her french lady was easy natural and
veryy well rendered while her beetle pas and her
gor and pas were very pretty mrs 1I sings
from balf past five to seven
rom half
Iq cG
W 0 E ri iq r
r0 0D S

well though her voice is hardly strong enough for

so large a theater and her
to ber dancing is chaste and
AL held in the library tent
L 0 G T will be hold
on tuesday evening next dec esth at the usual
us ual
give us a call and see our prices
beautiful on the whole good as she is in the

higher walks
hour A full attendance is requested highest cash prices paid for grain
a 1I alks of the drama her forte is evidently SAMLIL E W W C T
ht comedy and in that she the deservedly ra P B DENNY W V T
13 10 or A
q bylaws
by laws off the min 14
command of any
illy court jud go or other
or judge district a
by the law shall
important order relative to the suspension
of the writ of habeas corpus
wise and with
to anest
or without
process of
fabe said

1 0 jn f r
mountain mining district
at a meeting of the miners
day of No
of tio
held at great
salt lai
we p S for th
cerne d general orders no
ani alion of all
the0 information
just hecei ed
and holding
officer is M hereby
in custody
to defuse subinia sion
agriest and if thele should
S 1 TJ
31 P 0 bf city utah territory the
A 1P 1863 J 31 williamson was called to tleU

chair and henry 0 pratt appointed sect


con 1
and obedience to such Secietan
blath 0 to the suspension n from the cus- the object of the atnee
by the war department i
bbce a nny attempt to talo
tako such poison
he sh 1 21
officer lie 21 X C g
the chairman announced tho
rit of habeas corpus throughout the united
of the writ N tody 0of such officer or arrest such
to his aid any forea
ing to bobe for the purpose of orga organizing a n 1111

stites icsis tsuch

I1 desist
buell attempt callin thorit district 31 G lewia moved to adopt the follo foll 4
necessary ta maintain lie authority
file authority
au IV

war department that may ble to

lender such resistance LARGE AN awell SELECTED in
ing laws to govern tho
hah were passed
mining 0operations of the
the minim

gel el al
aiooio ile
ls adjutant generals office
washington sept 17 1863
of the united
states and 1I
t 7 1
district which
article ast1st this district shall include that por
the secretary of war

by oi der of tho
older tion of territory situated in tho the of utah
act of congress and proclamation E D rp and bounded as follows commencing at tho
the follo
binl the same
upon tho arc puli
are pub distant adjutant
As gene
general rz I 1

fluence of thothe weber liver with cicat salt lake

the cocon
li lied for the information of all concerned and
bedfor running thence along the right bank of said riv river
the special instructions contained lor
reward for deserters i
st fork along tho
to its ca the right bank of said eq
persons in the military ser cited states
lee of the U I1 D t Inent

enill be strictly observed

rt i
0 j
iyar 1

adjutant generals office

washington sept 28 1863 RUH va
folk to its head thence due
degree of north latitude 5 thence
south to
eth dearco of north latitude to lake utah j chenu
tho for
said fort

JUDICIAL proceedings IN CERTAIN paragraph regulations 1861 along thothe cast faigin of lake utah to jordan jorda
CASES 31 arch 3 1803
approved march 1863 dd to
is hereby amell 6 dollars
read as follows I
1 river thence along the cast bank of jordan river
I1 I1

dollars will be paid for tho the to great salt lakeiale and along the east cast margin
by the senate and house of
A I1oraid of to ali
of I1

be it enacted bif
sentathe s odthe united states of america in
con- livery of a deserterpost
and ae
great salt lake to the place of beginning
besent rebellion of the army at the most convenient article ad tho the extent of a claim on any quart
ill ess assembled that during the pi promptly rel OF
reci biting station rewards willto be lode or vein shall bo ico hundred feet to tho
be two the claim

ident of the united states whenever in


the orto by the disbursing officer

ported the officer corn
tho cone along the lode with a width of avo hundred fut I1

bis judgment the public safety may require it is

his manding the cc
mand company in which tho the deser tei is
deserter on each side including all its dips an angles
les spurs
authorized to suspend the 1 the wit of
of tho
mustered and to the authority competent to order off shoots and variations
habeas corpus in any case tthroughout the united 1

stated oi any pat t thereof and whenever or and his trial

article ad no person will bo be permitted to boll
be suspendedas the reward of thirty doll ars will include tho
dollars more than ono one claim by location on any ono one deig
wherever the said privilege shall bo expensed incurred for ampre
for all expenses apprel1 so any number of claims caubo can be held
afoa eaid no military or other officer shall lie be com- GOODS by sd
pelled in answer to illy any writ of habeas corpus to anding seeming and delivering a dc
he despiter
des citer
seiter r A
article ath all claims located must have a
ledurn the body or persons detained all re
regulations and general orders in conflict notice posted on them stating tho number of
auth onty 0of tho
by him by anthonty Ples ident but upon
the president
Pies with this aio hereby revoked shares and tho the probable course clain claimed
ted and a
hie certificate under oath of tho
the the officer having by order of the Secie tary of war copy of the notice bo be recorded in thoithel books of tho the
feigned 11 A TOWNSEND
charger 0 a py ny one so detained that su suchh person
era on is district recorder

c P 91 aty dac t
pr i derit further proceedings
lh 0 pals
of habeas corpus shall bo
th oli ty of
ced by him as a prisoner under authority
dings under thothe writ
be suspended by the judge
lu 10J Q
U cadies blancy article ath each company must do ono fait-
hful days work on their claim each month after
the first day of junojune 1864 on a failure to do so
or court ban ing issued the said iarit
having long as
BO ion
rit so assistant adjutant general U S V
the claim will bo be subject foto bobe located byan bryanj
aid suspension by tho
ffaid the ident sha remain in other person provided however that if the ie com-
loice and haidfaid rebellion continue mr nasby a adress jl
1 pany jaia e prevented by local insurrection or rem
THE UNITED STATES A chuich uv st
oct 21 1863
cimmings No
rim tiong
motion crinoline
lion from working a failure to do so will not fa
I1 11 il ROCLA
f MW jinyu felt their claim
tho haa past and gon and tho
the day has the dark nito is al bicle ath the discoverer of a vein of quart
whereas the constitution of tho
has ardai ordained
the united states
ne d that the privilege of the writ of habeas
its Beete
onto us boss foot and drag
baetenii rooted hoss dragoon
the future of Dimo crisy is dark but my flock did
don TO it containing gold silver copper load lead or othel va-
corpus shall not bo be suspended unless when in
0 2 af T ci etc j luable metals or minerals will be entitled to locate
ther dooty nunnim uv omcm lin
hin reed enuf 2 hurt em y ar 1I 1 i

cacs cs of rebellion or invasion tho the public safety ta two claims
y require it and whereas a rebellion was
in th udd day of march 1863 v aich re
th 0 ebli
and 2 maik as
as ex-
ashura ilce bubly
owls sall the
drunk c bild owl
wu in fine botin order
1I lied
bed em cz
afore hentz thoy they 11 liJ f
iki ati
article ath therothere shall be a district recorder
elected from among tho the nii icis of the di
bellion is still existing and whereas by a statute whose duty it shall bo be to record all claims pr-
1I morn inthe
this mornin the fol lowin adress to the esented for thothe purpose giving the name of each
which was appi oved on that day it was enacted by attr r
uv ohio locator or owner and receiving a sum not exceed-
and house
in congress
the present insurrection the president
of representatives
assembled that
Pies ident of tho
of the
the isit
A the e lc cahen returns
me that yoo hev been beean by what menes it
t while tu eggs amine it air

ing one o d llar from each locator or ov
etc vided however that it shall no
nor pro-
nott be lawful for tho this
United States whenever in his judgment the pub- wilo 2 hundred thousand sand were sent home recorder to record any claim that conflicts with a
1Ilicac side
safety iy my
e is to suspend wile tu
fit vote agin ua us our fiends were makin it location the recorder shall hold his ofello
the privilege of the wiit wi it of habeas corpus in any for one year or until hia
lor his successor 15 is cn
caso throughout the united states or any part
livel 1for the tarent linkin around washington
111 tho Washing tun
ai tide ath all claims for gold
1 in the lions cal cri case and out uv goiri
thereof and wh eicas in the judgment of tho whisky wo we liev hev this konsol ashun that aings shall be two bundled
gings cl feet in Icil otil ana
length and tm ha
president tho the public safety does lequire the privi- while them bloo kotch hundred fat feet in width
lege of tho the sajibahl wiit edall now bo
throughout the united states in the cases when lei c iliev
be suspended heie
the united thair
doted fools auz a botin us down
lo a lillin uv democrats down

Y r
e ry perfumery article oab
shall be entitled to
an in il leui
feet for each loca
by tho the authority
states military naval and civil
of the president of tho
civil officers of tho the
yoo beeten
but a nobler battle fer

county t
eb 51I1 i aej i ati ij r I1 tor
for and five hundred feet additional for the di-
andd shall ina all other respects be subject
scoverer an
t ates or ay
united Sstates any of them hold persons under i l 1 aws s to and enjoy all tho
the privileges and immunities of cf
their co in mand or in their custody either
command cither as pris- firmilis even with
fi rinnis r
these laws
marshala among yoo
the marshals free and
oners of war spies or adders or abettors abet tors of tho
liberally on motion ier edward pennington was elected elec teil
enemy or officers soldiers or seamen enrolled lieo ballot and the libe ralty lay our candy
draft edir
to tho
or mustered or enlisted in or belonging seco
the land or naval forces of tho the united states bee inot
ored wat
sectored wit was better than awl free whisky
11 Man otano
tano your rites stand
celkis district Reco ider for one year
on motion of tho
sine lie
the same the meeting adio
X K williamson

amenable firm yourtu sli never yield

or as de deserters or otherwise
to military law or the rules and articles of war listen not
10 him who ulio wood hev yoo ydo lower
nH 0 PRATT secretary t
or the rules or regulations prescribed for tho mili- standard
the mi doo 1I warn yoo against lis
tary or naval services by authority of the presi- binin 2 war dimi krats if ther is adopted me awn it i DENTISTRY
dent of the united states or for resisting a bialt I and balandi Valandi mim is left out in 2 tho the cold ther
or for an
naval service
any other affonco a gainst tho
off ainest

the military 0or must be no

ica eneff now ef me and
mel uv our opinions they air
and pew
mel I
1 adf

OF DRcal
rialWK 11
late of san francisco
stir con and mechanical dentist
nelt door to national hotel G S L
now therefore 1I abraham lincoln president hov enny hope uv agin holdin orfis itis
party alone wo cant git ina enny
it is inthe
in the city U T
of tho the united states do hereby proclaim and
anale known to all whom it may concern that tho
privilege of tho
throughout tho
the writ of habeas corpus is suspended
the united states in the several cases ter and less uv the
sympathies and
rite bower 1I thank yoo fur llly
the moar uv tho the lat-
jo Tro iz
0 0 BS botro
71 aala fl M

noun cing to tho
o bouncing
has the pleasure of an
before mentioned and that this suspension will better bo former wood hev booted him the public that ho
he is irow prel
continue be assured that tho the still tnin fer affo
for I1
no pared to take pictures of all kinds in the daguer
continue throughout the the eaid
said ic
bellion or un lil this proclamation
or unell
sequent one to be issued by tho
by a sub- his as
the president of tho the an
offense but his simp
uv his
athis with his fiends south and ato
rite uv
rio ra
T rean art at prices to suit
yZ gallery opopposite tile
the commissary store ai
L bulted SL states
ates ile be bodif
modifiedled or revoked and 1I do uv all war and tho pee
the Dimo crisy tu foarsibly opp oso a tira
adai in of 1
g7 sa ck A A
G R 0 X
amp douglas U T lm
hereby require all ma
other civil chil officers within tho
magistrates attorneys and
the united states and vows broo 2 yoo
will find him
ind reddy cz ever 2 except
in his hats boots and shoes CHANGE
all officers and others in iu the military and naval enny f i
under signed haying

of the united states to tako take distinct notice Ppirly

airty may give him k r
THE having recently purel lasel
off abig suspension afia PE
PETROLEUM V NASBY JL the stock and livery of the ho 49 camp douglas

all citizens of
and to
bf the united et 86
t 6 i va it full effect and
acs to conduct and P S a new over kote 1I hev determined r SM3 alff
am 1 iff C
express Com
pIlly ll11 would announce to tile
tho public
2 rals
raia a fund for the uv that they will continue the lineas heretofore
themselves accordingly and in conformity
on the
tho gait uv
new hin hinis is
u uh the constitution of tho
ill tho the united states and tho the them broken balandi gunis mother to replays ih ji C
Public besides
IB ades the usual daily trips the coach

lais of congress init such cases made and provided shena by the hords will run on each evening of theater in the city
in test
testimony 5 bents and upwards thankfully re JL
almony cof 1I hive
live hereunto peeved in the grate
coz uv human rites and con
rc good saddle horses may be obtained at
setct my hand and caused the seal of tho the stoos henel liberty the stable and on reasonable terms
united states to be affixed aeed this
his day back II y no broo Dimo crat
democrat stand w
at MW 04 a mac ia by prompt attention to business wo 0
L S b of september in the year of our loid ancock we hope to
one thousand eight hundred and sixty merit tho
the public favor
three and of the independence of the rivalry large feet ile FeetHero is an interest- STUBBS EBY eba
united states of america the eighty ing dialogue between a mississippi camp douglas nov 30 1863 tr
lith i
soldier tho the feet of washoe lyashoc and dwose aw arc NOTICE
by the president
ABRAHAM LINCOLN equaled in size if not a
in number
M 3 T hereby given th
M 11 II SEWARD secretary of state soldier say can you danco 1
inow 1I IS that we have this day sold to
at wo
negro no sall sah
d A moses R stubbs our interest in the camp
the attention of every officer in the military soldier douglas express company all del due wa
t s duo
i i cc af arthe abe whited states is called to tile well what do you Y10 u do with those foot firm will bo
be paid to us all bills against tile
the firla
loc of the Plesia
day of september 1863 by which
ent is lied on the 15 th
abo c
negro dem
chich the privilege of wid dem dein feet 1 looking
ta TT 1 feet
must bo
be presented to us for settlement
tho corpus is
10 iding down
camp douglas nor 24 1863
tore a wiit
13 suspended
i it of habeas corpus should in
if there soldier well what do you yon do 10 with
w ith them nights
ot violation aero do wid
will night s
of the
t eri
tha aforesaid proclamation be rsued out and
any officer in the military service of nigh does
nights ts
you all vant
cm nights
em why why what
bant to know what 1I does anvid
A ly W0 lightning the boise ceus advocates alo
t united states com
alio commanding
mandin g him to produce
commanding for
or 19 A
arly establishment of a line of telegraph riaiom
early om the
any cobit or judge any poison soldier
oldie A why 1 I wanted to know whether you mines of western idaho to great Ssalt city
tody by authority of the president pelson in his cus- leave them
Ples ident of the united outdo
outdoors ois or sleep with them
connecting with tho
alt lau cn
state belong to any one of tho the classes spec cefro
A earo
why 1I sleep wid lem era ob course
the ov
oveil antl telegraph when
sacci soldier
0 adier do the locomotive of the great pacific railroad
and sn
I ll the presidents proclamation
1 11
it shall be the or bring them you sleep with them one at a
time C lail road shall
nily of bitch such officer to make known by his both into tho the same
earno bed 2 nish sn
rush ortin by our doors and brandies of iw
snorting tb
certin leyro ob
i ito under oath to may issue or
course 1I gets em bof into telegraph shall stretch both cast and west to th tho
bt pvc arvo men wiit of bed de
d samo
compus that the person
gained in said writ is detained det by him as a pris
soldier and sleep on
the floor yourself bannock and boisebalse mines
minea of idaho this city 1
jilt wider authority of tho the president of the commences this last is a trifle too broad and be the center of news commerce and
1I inard states to suspect the soldier er is the darke darkeyy
as itt is now tho
the center of the continent
11 inch having
ha ing been con made if any person and
1 ar I talc boys DOt noticing
Icing that ho h
quizzing dg illhimin

to tho long repressed give vent vc
laughter in shout belli cose tho
bellicose be very
the rebels are said to bo
ami o w ov
the gold canon mines
we insert an interesting description ol0
below wo 01

the gold canon mines recently discovered vo ti

jiahe received from the same correspondent tit th
mining laws adopted in that district which will bo1
published in our next issue we will be glad to
districts in this te-
hear from the several mining di
rritory with a description of the discoveries etc
correspondence of the union
onion Vea ette
camp douglas U
dec 1863

these mines are situated in a range of mo

running north and south along the eastern to- i

dars line t of
tories bait lake city and let
west of balf 10
rees river district directly on the
east of the reese
overland mail route near egan canon station
the mines were discovered about the of sese-
ptember last by thomas beighle a volunteer inu
co E ad 0CVV and like all discoveries of that
kind it created no little excitement among amon all
classes citizens and soldiers flocked to th
classes thee place
all eager to get feet and it was but a short time

before companies K of the cavalry and E of doth

infantry were pretty well represented on abee
mountains for in about six weeks no less tta that
fourteen distinct ledges of silver and gold beara
quartz were discovered and located which ba la
been tested and found to be rich in both gold ani and
silver the most prominent of these ledges at
present are the gold canon lilly dale mcgeary
hope atmore and golconda rock from some of
these ledges has assayed as high as 2000 to the
ton that this is going to be a good mining di-
strict no one who has seen these ledges or had any
experience in quartz mining has the least doah bonu
for wood and water it is not surpassed by any
mining district in nevada territory in that pa-
nicularr it is far ahead of virginia city or the reese
river districts and 1I doubt not that it will come coma
up to either
cither of those places in the richness ot of its
mineral three quartz mills are now under orders order
for that place in the spring there is a city almol
laid out and we look for a grand rush there eana
next summer timber for fire wood and tanner log
can be lud had in abundance close by land bufor
ranching is found within a short dt stancO of the
distance le
mines plenty of good fresh water gushes out ot
along the eastern base of the mountains it is
our humble yet honest opinion that the gold
canon mining district is destined to be one of 01 i

richest in this western country As 1I have beba

there and seen all this myself 1I speak whereof I1
know FRANK
bannack restaurant and eating house
we call the attention of those of our readers who
in visiting G S ii city become hungry to the
advertisement of joseph H bayliss who has haa just
opened an eating house opposite the salt lake
house and we doubt not from his gentlemanly
appearances he will give entire satisfaction to all
who may give him a call
camp douglas express co in our ad adve-
rtising columns will be found a notice of another
change in this company welton taylor hahre we
sold their interest to stubbs eby who wl will cn
the line to the city as heretofore
any jud go or
court or judge other
by the command of illy
order relative to the sion
huspen or without process of law shall
important wise and with I

of the writ of habeas corpus buell R

to anest 1110 said
alion of all
information in custody sucha fabe
we p S for the
th 0 inform
ani and holding to defuse subinia sion
just hecei ed officer is M hereby commanded
cerne d general orders no agriest and if thele should

con 1
and obedience to such
blath 0 to the suspension n such from the cus-
by the war department i
bbec anyn attempt to talo
tako poison
sh 1
rit of habeas corpus throughout the united officer or arrest such officer
of the writ N tody 0of such to his aid any forea
icsis tsuch
I1 desist
buell attempt calling
stites necessary
e ta
to maintain file
lie authority
au thorit
that may bl
war department and lender such resistance1
gel el al
aiooio ile
ls adjutant generals office
washington sept 17 1863
of the united
states I t
by oi the secretary of war
der of tho
act of congress and proclamation E D rp
of alio
the follo binl the same
upon tho arc puli
are pub distant adjutant
As gene
rz 1

li lied for the information of all concerned and
the special instructions contained lor
lee of the U
persons in the military ser cited states
enill be strictly observed
CASES 31 arch 3 1803
approved march 1863
bif the senate and house of
be it enacted by con-
sent athe s odthe united states of america in
besent rebellion
ill ess assembled that during the pi

the ident of the united states whenever in

bis judgment the public safety may require it is
authorized to suspend the 1 the wit of
of tho
habeas corpus in any case tthroughout the united
stated oi any pat t thereof and whenever or and
wherever the said privilege shall bo suspended as
afoa eaid no military or other officer shall lie be com-
pelled in answer to any illy writ of habeas corpus to
ledurn the body or persons detained
auth onty 0of tho
by him by anthonty Ples ident but upon
the president
hie certificate under oath of tho
the the officer having
r 0 a py
1I era on is
su h person
ny one so detained that such

c P
th oli ty of
ced by him as a prisoner under authority
pr i derit further proceedings
lh 0 pals dings under thothe writ
of habeas corpus shall bo be suspended by the judge
or court ban ing issued the said iarit
having rit so long as
BO ion

aid suspension by tho

ffaid the ident sha remain in
faid rebellion continue
loice and haid
jl I1 11 il ROCLA
whereas the constitution of tho the united states
has ardai
ordainedne d that the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus shall not bo be suspended unless when in
ca cs of rebellion or invasion tho the public safety
mayy require it and whereas a rebellion was
ill as ex-

aln on
in th ud
th 0 ebli
alie d day of march 1863 v aich re
bellion is still existing and whereas by a statute
which was appi oved on that day it was enacted by
the senate and house of representatives of the
united states in congress assembled that during
the present insurrection the president Pies ident of thothe
United ayStates whenever in his judgment the pub-
ac side
I1lic safetyiy my e is to suspend
the privilege of the wi it of habeas corpus in any
caso throughout the united states or any part
thereof and wh eicas in the judgment of tho the
president tho the public safety does lequire the privi-
lege of tho the sajibahl wiit edall now bo be suspended
throughout the united states in the cases when
by tho the authority
in of the president of tho the united
states military naval and civil civil officers of thothe
united Sstates t ates or ay any of them hold persons under
their co in mand or in their custody either
command cither as pris-
oners of war spies or adders or abettors abet tors of tho
enemy or officers soldiers or seamen enrolled
draft edir
drafted or mustered or enlisted in or belonging
to tho the land or naval forces of tho the united states
or as de deserters or otherwise
other amenable
to military law or the rules and articles of war
or the rules or regulations prescribed for tho the mi
tary or naval services by authority of the presi-
dent of the united states or for resisting a bialt I 1

or for an any other affonco off a gainst the military 0or

ainest tho
naval service
now therefore 1I abraham lincoln president
of tho the united states do hereby proclaim and
anale known to all whom it may concern that tho iho
privilege of tho
ill the writ of habeas corpus is suspended
throughout tho the united states in the several cases
before mentioned and that this suspension will
continue throughout the the eaid
said ic
bellion or un lil this proclamation
unell by a sub-
sequent one to be issued by tho the president of thothe
L bulted SL states
ates ile be bodif led or revoked and I1 do
hereby require all ma magistrates attorneys and
other civilchil officers within tho the united states and
ill officers and others in
all iu the military and naval
of the united states to tako take distinct notice
off suspension afia
all citizens of
and to
bf the united et states
t 6 i va it full effect and
acs to conduct and
themselves accordingly and in conformity
u uh 1
the constitution of tho
ill tho the united states and tho the
lais of congress init such cases made and provided
in test
almony cof 1I hive
live hereunto
setct my hand and caused the seal of tho the
united states to be affixed
aeed his
this day
L S b of september in the year of our loid
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
three and of the independence of the
united states of america the eighty
by the president
II SEWARD secretary of state
M 11
the attention of every officer in the military
i i cc af abe whited states is called to tile
the aboia
abo c
I1 loc of the Plesia ent is lied on the 15 th
day of september 1863 by which chich the privilege of
tho corpus 13
is suspended if there
lore a wiit
tore i it of habeas corpus should in

of thetha aforesaid proclamation be sued r
t en
out and
eri any officer in the military service of
t united states com
alio commanding
mandin g him to produce
any cobit or judge any poisonpelson in his cus-
tody by authority of the president Ples ident of the united
state belong to any one of tho
the classes spec
and sn
I ll the presidents proclamation
1 11
it shall
nily of bitch such officer to make known by his be the
i ito under oath to may issue or
bt pvcarvo men wiit of
compus that the person
gained in said writ is det detained by him as a pris
jilt wider authority of tho the president of the
I1 inard states
11 inch having
ha ing beencon made if any person
by laws off the min 14
district a

at a meeting of the miners of tio

tile Wasat
held at great
mountain mining district salt lai
city utah territory the day
dakofof No
A 1P 1863 J 31 williamson was called to tleU
chair and henry 0 pratt appointed sect Secietan
the chairman announced tho
tio the object of the atnee
ing to bobe for the purpose of orga organizing a n 1111

district 31 G lewia moved to adopt the follo foll 4 IV

ing laws to govern tho

in mining 0operations of the
the minim
hah were passed
district which
1st this district shall include that por
article ast i

tion of territory situated in tho the of utah

and bounded as follows commencing at tho the cocon
fluence of thothe weber liver with cicat salt lake lale
running thence along the right bank of said riv river
st fork along tho
to its ca the right bank of said eq cist
folk to its head thence duo due south to tho fort
degree of north latitude 5 thence along said fort aorl
eth dearco of north latitude to lake utah j chenu
along thothe cast faigin of lake utah to jordan jorda
river thence along the cast bank of jordan river
to great salt ia lakele and along the east cast margin
margined of I1

great salt lake to the place of beginning

article ad tho the extent of a claim on any quart
lode or vein shall bo ico hundred feet to tho
be two the claim
along the lode with a width of avo hundred fut I1

on each side including all its dips an angles

les spurs
off shoots and variations
article ad no person will bo be permitted to boll
more than ono one claim by location on any ono one deig
by sd any number of claims caubo
so can be held
article ath all claims located must have a
notice posted on them stating tho number of
shares and tho the probable course claimedclain ted and a
copy of the notice bo be recorded in thoi
thelbooks of tho the
district recorder
article ath each company must do ono fait-
hful days work on their claim each month after
the first day of juno
june 1864 on a failure to do so
the claim will bo be subject fo to bo
be located byan bryanj
other person provided however that if the ie com-
pany jaia e prevented by local insurrection or rem
lion from working a failure to do so will not fa
felt their claim
al bicle ath the discoverer of a vein of quart
containing gold silver copper load lead or othel va-
luable metals or minerals will be entitled to locate
two claims
article ath thero
there shall be a district recorder
elected from among tho the nii icis of the di district
whose duty it shall bo be to record all claims pr-
the purpose giving the name of each
esented for tho
locator or owner and receiving a sum not exceed-
ollar from each locator or ov
ing one ddollar owner
nor pro-
vided however that it shall no nott be lawful for tho this
recorder to record any claim that conflicts with a
location the recorder shall hold his ofello
lor one year or until hia
for his successor 15 is cn
ai tide ath all claims for gold di
aings shall be two bundled
gings cl length
feet in Icil ana tm
otil and ha
fat in width
hundred feet
article oab an in leui
shall be entitled to feet for each loca
for and five hundred feet additional for the di-
andd shall ina all other respects be subject
scoverer an
to and enjoy all tho
the privileges and immunities of cf
these laws
on motion ier edward pennington was elected elec teil
district Reco ider for one year
on motion of tho
the same the meeting adio adjourn
sine lie
nH 0 PRATT secretary J
X K williamson
reward for deserters i

I1 D
iyar t I nent

generali rt i
ardeis adjutant generals office
0o 0 j washington sept 28 1863
paragraph regulations 1861
dd to
is hereby amell 6 dollars
read as follows
rs will be paid for tho the
A I1oraid of dolla to ali
livery of a deserterpost
and ae
of the army at the most convenient rel
reci biting station rewards will be promptly I1

orto by the disbursing officer to tho

ported the officer corn
manding the cc
mand company in which tho the deser tei is
mustered and to the authority competent to order
his trial
the reward of thirty doll ars will include tho
dollars the
expenses incurred for ampre
for all expensed apprel1
anding seeming and delivering a dc
he des citer
seiter r
regulations and general orders in conflict
all re
with this aio hereby revoked
by order of the Secie tary of war
feigned 11 A TOWNSEND
GL 91 aty dac t
official lu 10J Q
assistant adjutant general U S V
LI iv
aa nap
A champion brave alert and strong


dica ca
to aid the right
11 1863
oppose the wrong

tte interesting ceremony generals
ranis of major Genke rals IT S army chased from the field
C allion conness of california on tho
senator Conn the alt it has been stated that hooker ranks gen ex gov and present tt tj S senator
PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT td president lincoln ita beautiful cane fta
presented to and other mistakes have been made tho the follow- of rhode island whose gallati
gallantry ill the early
tr y lit
gift of the late senator D G crick to mr
C Brod ing is tho
the rank of the senior major generals of vol- stages of the war excited thy adinie liti
of all lihia
DOUGLAS UTAH TERRITORY conness the formal presentation was made in
CAMP DOUGLASs unteers independent of the recent promotion of at last succumbed to the gentle god arid
un and on
oil the
near great salt lake city the presence of the cabinet and a largo large assem- some of them to the grade of general ill in tho
the rcregu- nit was to tile and
by officers and enlisted blage of notables including several of tile the per- lar service healthy ty daughter of secretary chase tho the imp
of the california and nevada volunteers sonal friends of the late senator in presenting date of rank in present rank in bials were celebrated in washington in grand stylo style
0 it mr conness took occasion most emphatically t o0 name vol service reg service and 7
ind the happy pair have gone to canada not
john A DI dix may
terms of subscription endorse the emancipation proclamation which N P banks may no wevervcr to escape tho the draft lie ile lias his
one copy per month 50 cents would have been sustained jed Brod crick had
by broderick bad not BF
B F butler may 16 1861 and no longer fears the draft lie ile has volunteer
volunteered ul
one copy three months 1 50
the malicious venom of a bastard chivalry tak taken
cu david Ili tuter aug
hunter col ath U S cavalry in another corps where gallantry i aag f
ja essential aa
one copy six months 2 50 a
As the E A hitchcock feb
single copies 12 cents him too early from the scenes of earth U S grant F eb IG 1362 maj gen U
feb I1
ITS S army
on the field of mars
successor of his friend the marty
martyredred broderick
Brodcrick afar 14 1862 brig gen U S army
bates of advertising 1 50 the presentation of a relic of that heroic man of
mcdoe ell
A E Burnsi

mai gen DIV
maji ii has been ordered to buffalo N
ten lines or less IV S rosecrans mar 21 1862 brig gen U S army
Y to adopt inca measures for tho
the security of the alio biou
each subsequent insertion 1 00 the people to the author of the edict of freedom
don C buell mar 21 1862 colonel U S army tierr against the contemplated raid or
tie of ibel sampa
one fourth column per month 12 00 was appropriate and the scene must hai have
ac been an
one half column per month 20 00
wo give the speech of
john pope mar brig gen U S army in canada on johnsons island and the
one column per month 30 00 interesting one below arcurtis
S R curtis mar 21 northern frontier
business cards per month 3 00 senator conness and the response of the president franz sigel
gigel mar 21
rss J A mcclarnand
ernand mar 21 products of utah we extract ilic fol loNing
lewis wallace mar 21 1862 interesting statistics from the ceil
XC xa avTV
C aee
M L ably
MM he said that this interesting gathering had no
object in view other than that of witnessing the
presentation of a cane which he be held in his hand
to the president of the united states lie ile took
geo 11 thomas apr
geo cadwalader apr
W T sherman
aar 25
aar 25 1862
cal ath U S cavalry
may 1 1862 col U S ingry
1860 as giving some idea of thu
anical products of utah
ius returns of
tho industrial and

Programmes bill heads

programmed P ile asure in bestowing it upon him it was
great pleasure E 0 G ord
DO may
S P Heintzel mart mcay 5 1862 col
MAJ ath U S ar
U S inary
no of factories june
capital employed
juno 1860

BALL invitations a gift of david C Brod elick to himself who was

not only a friend of his but a ftfriend of the people E D keyes
joseph hooker may
may 5 col alth U S inary
baig gen U S army y
fuel and raw material
handi malo
hands male
m tefirn daro onu tr mr broderick
Brodcrick he said was a great hero and one S casey may 31 col ath U S infra hands female 9
who had battled and lied died for the salvation of his IV B franklin julyar value 0of annitah product
done in good style and on reasonable terms country in the hour of its trial lie ile took especial col U S ingry
ysa all orders addressed to the publishers
pleasure in tendering the cane to the president a s
D N couch ju
julyy 4 1862 flour andreal
and meal
of the union vedette camp douglas U T will a token of his respect and admiration for him in il N ju
julyy the population is there set down but bitt awas
it man-
meet with prompt attention the issuing of that great edict the proclamation of
john J peck Jjuly
ul y ifestly either
cither incorrect at the time or the territory
emancipation and in resolutely maintaining it as
john sedgwick july 4 1862 col ath TJ 8 cavalry filed up rapidly since tho
has filled the eighth census wn wai
all communications must be addressed
addi essed to the
the public law the president had bad made himself mcd mccook july
A med 1862 capt ad U S inary taken ai as there are now about
editor of union vedette camp douglas U T 11 T 1L crittenden july 17 1862 in the territory
mr ed pennington is our authorized agent for a great leader in the civilization of the world and
the transaction of business in salt lake city hon senator repeated that it afforded bhim
the lion in
J G foster july 18 1862 maj V U S ErIgin
engineerceni free whites
heartfelt pride to present and consign to his keep- 0 augur
john G park july capt US engineers free blacki
office in U S quartermasters storehouse main 0 aug maj US inary
ry slaves
street ing this memento of his late esto emed fi
esteemed lend david
friend aug
C broderick it C schenck
CHANGE S A hurlbut sept total
THE presidents REPLY gordon granger sept 17 1862 capt IT S cavalry
the president then accepted the cine and with L 11
tike t
TIIE under signed having recently
HE undersigner
undersigned purchased
the stock and livery of the 11 camp douglas much emotion replied that ho he never personally JmBcpherson
II rousseau oct
oct 8 1862 capt U USS engineers
value of ef real and personal estate
express company would announce to the public
continue the line as heretofore
that they will con
knew the senators friend mr broderick but lie
had always heard him is one sincerely geo
of as
he B M prentiss
goo stonewall bov
ov 29 1862
ov 29 1862 maj ath IT S cavalry
acres of land improved a

devoted to the cause of human rights testimony jno F reynolds nov 29 1862 acres of land
besides the usual daily trips the coach
will run on each evening of theater in the city to this point of his character had been borne by geo goo G meade no
nov brig
col lath US
gen IT S army value of live gwock
those whom ho he had not intimately known as also 0 0 howard nov
nov 29 1862 wheat
good saddle horses may be obtained at by those with whom hebe was personally and inti- bilk of ginned cotton
the stable and on reasonable terms the testi- terthen follow in their order Sic kleg milroy butt-
sickles pounds
Pott lids butter
mately acquainted and with all of them tho field lla deoc k sykes french stanley nelcy
by prompt attention to busine
business we hope to mony had been uniform the memento which was erfield negley
merit the public favor presented him by senator conneus was of that palmer steele doubleday dina
dana berry oglesby Og lusby official report of the battle of gettys
k STUBBS EBY class of things the highest honor that could be logan blunt Hart stuff Was washburne
liburne herronII erron blair burggen
burg gen meade
mcade s detailed depolt of the butlo battlo
camp douglas nov 30 1863 tf conferred upon him if in the position ho he had reynolds J J sheridan stahl schurz newton of gett asburg dated
gettysburg of october lias has been offit
been placed lie he had done anything that entitled warren schofield birney brooks and bially promulgated lie gives as the leason for
NOTICE the honor the senator had assigned him it
him to tho the delay in making Iit the fail
tire till then of re-
OR STOLEN from camp douglas was a proud reflection that his acts lots were of such a vigilance committee in los angelos ceiving the reports of several cains and division dil islon
13 on monday the of november one character as to merit the affiliation of the friends cont mandels aho vho evere stav
ullo sele rely wounded in tho
tho of los angelos who have long suf-
citizens offos
cow of the following description A RED COW of a man like david C Brod elick whether re- fered from
broderick battle and says that the result of the campaign campa igni
maining in this or looking down upon the the depredations of horse thieves cattle may be briefly stated in the defeat ot enemy at
of the encina
medium red face white spots on the loins it
arid marked on the left horn hailstone any per- earth from the spirit land to be ste alors
by steamersalers highway robbers and murderers despair- Getts burg his compulsory evacuation ot
gettysburg of penn
son returning the above animal to capt james IV such a man as david C broderick was a fact he ing of any relief from the courts who bo acquit and
NV s vania and maryland and withdrawal from ill tha
stillman at camp douglas will be liberally re- would remember through all tho the years of his life turn them loose on society the most abandoned upper valley of or the doinchandand in the cap
warded with all expenses paid the proudest ambition that he could desire was wis to il lains recently turned out in force snaked out tuiee of 3 guns 41 standards and
tilt prisoners
ariso neri
do something for tho the elevation of the condition of i besides this small arms were collected on
his fellow man in conclusion he returned his and hung five of tho the worst desperadoes tile the the battle beld our own losses 11vll ere vely sol ero ere
GALLERY sincere thanks for the part the senator boie in this whole affair was deliberate and it is said that the amounting as will be seen
amot scott by the ho acconio invin 0
D BECKWITH presentation and to the memory of his gi eat cat flfriend best citizens joined in the movement vigilance letilia
le to 2831 killed and 13 woun dud anil
wounded and
CD e bouncing
has the pleasure of an-
noun cing to the public that ho
be is now pre-
pared to take pictures of all kinds in the
the cane is a beautifully polished one made of committees are dan
oak the original inscription on a gold plate on dangerous cools bools to trifle with and
missing in till all he adds hia timbutu
to the heroic bravery of the whole army officers
art at prices to suit the end of the round of the cane was broderick to except in exceptional cases and when hen no other and men gen oen meade
mcade estimated the Conte Conk derato
clr gallery opposite the commissary store at conness 11 encircling these words the senator remedy can be found for alari
Co glaring
ng evils cannot bo be ai my in 1its advance at that time to be
camp douglas U T im
lm has had inscribed conness Conn to the president 11 strong
cither ju stifled or excused while the vigilantes
and thus these two inscriptions aroare blended to-
gether of los angeles had in their head the stringing up A prophecy in jest the following extract
00 DE
DENTISTRY of ait few notorious trai tars lit
traitors in their midst they from a burlesque article in the new monthly
D R WM 11
II GROVES late of san francisco
oal surgeon and mechanical dentist
next door to national hotel G S L
sketch of general averill
adier general william IVV averill
could have cleared the political atmosphere like a
Avei ill who thunder sooim in midsummer
magazine for 1821 vol 11
of a prospective
oil hie army ot
II entitled I 11specimen
iper A D
the northern stilts or
of tile
1 ciuiI
L cut 1

city U T gained the recent victory over Mu dwall jackson
hudwall Anici ica will take talo the field against that of the thi
near lewisburg
Lc va is a native of bath rebel and federal finances contrasted lern provinces eally
southern caily next spring the atin pi in
county maine and but thirty one years yeara of age cipal northernthern force will consist of
Noi them
liter ary from the Bich mond examiner
Bichi nond Eva miner picked troops general congreve s new
from the lacrosse democrat he entered west point in 1850 and graduated the slow depreciation of federal currency igis cal cannon was trial tried last sneek eek at the biego of
A new woric just issued in
neto work bi three volumes
vo lumeT A on the of june 1854 ile he was first ordered to one of the most remarkable rema kable phenomena of this ex- georgia it in one hour 1121 balls
german named residing five miles west new mexico where he remained between two and traordinary tra war contrasting the market prices each weighing an fn e height chedi the dh
of la crescent was married in november 1860 od in several severe battle of confederate with those of federal
money nef ot object filed at was eleven miles and so
of the objects 50
to a healthy german girl the week alter three years was enga engaged
a loii opinion of air 11 hunters com compared arith 31 mrr 01 lne that the hole of khoii balli
liole balat
after they lote lared perfect was the eng engine
ol IN

married they moved to minnesota on the farm with the Navajo cs in which they were defeated 5 financial abilities were lodged in a sp spice of tj
we ol on ty feet square
manty A
which they now occupy in augustau 1861 mrs his command capturing 11
from them a large
froni 0 amount subsequent article in this
gab lliel states eliat
of the treasury has bas run antion dr cl ill clo ciomo04
haiflich gave birth to three boys two of whom
lived of property sheep nursescurses c ile he was wounded the federal secretary flooding
ba alls of a new ili
b ille invention
ilow little did
in one of these engagements by a rifle ball which
up a great debt without the atlantic in deen
tile days
lest to him
second edition improved four columns
volum ns juno
she gave birth to three boys and a girl two
the north with redundant ci
entered the left leg fracturing the bone and from quence has been very marked fir
cm rency
arency the conse-
for whereas
ii hot cas tilethe
biter anticipate tint
wild langius
thit in torta
jan cios would be alm
forty awilli Ilidlest
almoli rtnali alielcd
of the b oys and tho
the girl living whichh he has never lullyfully recovered for awhile fedrial war debt two thou ind millions
tivo thousand
third edition on and that of the confederacy has not so speaks the loyal loval north ohio irl jut
oil the ath of october be was attached to the staff of the provost marshal of dollars arid
ho yet confederate and treason by
ra C alich gave birth to two girls and a boy reached one
of washington and was general porters acting currency is at a discount of ten or i oil
athons ind millions condemned
conder tined
pann tin I1 niall
calvd far fit
all of whom at last accounts were alive and well ch 0 for one m
mil olit n h amz li
to th
ten children in less than three y ears general at bull run where he distinguished osgold of gold while tho the federal c is less than gaint all h
and against pr
cars is pretty ful lt went geroto
good even
cn for this vicinity the parents aro
are proud himself for coolness and gallantry was made two for one by
leihn ihn
of their success in the family line and point with
captain in tho the regular army and brevet ted major prices of all things haya 1ien
bayal laen at the no northrth in with in for the00 uny 1bide0 lo au 10
pP leasure to their company of german infantry consequence of art inflated currency car rency but inasmuch civell 1 for it enli
andl in i 1000 0
for his conduct at yorktown and rg o kentucky
Kent tick
the government cannot afford to draft the head of as this in gation
inflation hag fully i es it allied
has been iwonder in c 1I bi
bil N C 0

connecticut WO hhope le island 35 00l 1

that family while oil

on the ho peninsular was promoted on the tact and gulte p ices hat e not approxima- new 11 atnip
enormous fates ai e preva tent at the
prevalent nevada Xv blaka 2buol aidi now
hoes rotary press cant beat acat that field to brig Gen
held cial and assigned to the command ted the eno
vencial td itln0
of a division of cavalry in the army of the potomac south As it is lav
lan till to learn it etever may bo
A be Ery
erostatoIito or trait 0 rv aich
u- hit vi
nt AVe it- is agn vell
grant it 0 1 ible from an
possible ello illy may nl cv not hope fit
all enemy th it mr an lection init bitt tho pi
leold nn 1

is taid
said captured tin
an entire army 1I nion 1111 uzi
liy ingoll
corps tho he distinguished himself during tile
ile the seven days memminger 1 cr and mr hunter will ill take a few hints
NN an
tin emphatic lih lor
tilt other day at chickamauga quere can ait ag rob of nida brier
acine t alid
bragg be ssaid
aid to lave
have oven
even the skeleton of an army
fight at malvern hill at fair oaks5 and at in the practical departments of fin
adept in ite
inco from such
as the
port of the
ll lot yew Ir and ar
1111 i
fredericksburg ile he now commands aa force under ander likewise
if the corpse is gone
one gen kelloy iu in western virginia public ciiLmy aud do 1110 The
im rawS
boim a
mm muy
tike this oath ot allegiance they anny pre- of announcing to the
she nion aich faill
sident as the legal government
lc by the
of such state pio
has that he is to
busted to him with neatness and dispatch

go Fian cisco dec

san feancisco
FRIDAY DECEMBER 11 1863 it le i publican in
ill bo protected against invasion
attempt at
nothing doing on alio aquilla tho waiting REPAIRS
of iho union tah ia the pumping is a dead failure they arc now and warranted to keep time
to do the job
lor men aiom new boikcommenced
lui let us beat
Tolli itaho open blut alio tins ample field s plan for the re all jewelry repaired by him ho
in llio cobit beld main constitutes the the bainy season has guarantees TO
construction of the union but he
that it john a 49 cr and cx clark of the board GIVE satisfaction
rouy as it flies ignore died yesterday
lc s s
nl cioth alic Mini iLis lains s alie liac cin any other
diac is only suggested and
he will not
constitutional mode of bring-
Green backs buying at
greenbacks and selling at
election on monday last scan
juiiaiIi c must ho at the X chains isaich guards ladies watches
aliu god to man pope ing back the disloyal states into the union lie nall was le chief engineer con kooncy Breast pins finger rings broaches
lint adof
to exist in all tho
has thaid assistant engineer GOLD STUDS SLEEVE BUTTONS POCKET
states by virtue of his emancipation proc- Eu sian sailor who was blown
the body of alic busian KNIVES COMBS ETC
tho presidents message tue evening of the russian ball has
lio n on
t uc a lion
1 ly w e cd lamation
la and each wacie
been and buived in fact everything to be found at A jewelers store
has heretofore to adopt necessary the steamer panama from mexico for sale can be had on the most reasonable
hr lirt sheets at his shop camp douglas U T
night the measures in i elation to the faced blacks and pio last brought
ige liv dint of haul abor all education and advancement the mining news aiom river and ari-
ns given to our in an cv ide for
t mt document
synopsis mth the state- zona is extremely favorably
favo c
on thin day coining
mo ining it should be care we close our A chief leaves in tho steamer golden 0 o
well for the inter ment that of those vho
aho were slaves at the bagin city saturday next for washington respectfully an
lull v acad ceby citi cn as
ring fach set cuilli in llio paper itself as fur the ing of the fully one hundred thousand money moderately light business dull WELTON
to friends that they will gaca
F F low was inaugurated as governor for four
gaoat of the on the in alio service of alie U S about one half
years his message is devoted mainly to pledges kaiml chaw gnu
subject ot alio ic bellio the is too of which number actually bear arms in tho ranks concerning state policy and vencial com-
lengthy to be in our columns and we dation he
men a cause lor congratu- on thursday evening dec
h ivr only pace to notice briefly a few of its sa- vedette great salt lake city
lation that the election of ardent
and union to
california in con-
to which they solicit the attendance of the public
lient points the menage opens with an assur- sc f gress by majority must finally destroy all
ance tint not only do we at peace for- hope or domestic foes ot the united no pains will be spared to make this one of the
editors union vedette I1 see you are gathering aid and the giand cst affairs that has ever taken place at
eign ROM 1 11 but also thit our relations with them paper
states have ever entertained of camp dougla
gems of poetry for your sympathy aiom the pacific coast
neof i including specifically in addition to every other luxury that can lio
of pardon mo for my in sending you a A new company comprised of leading capital- jhc
thc participants will be treated to
boti england and france tho little thing which in my readings I1 have trans- ists has been organized who are to save
which have both concluded at last to stop the
lated aiom the german As a reader of and sub-
the monitor and comancho if the castern under some
ichel pirate lams building in their ports the pio position
ol their proposition
accept 01
TICKETS including
scriber for your valuable journal allow mo to
fiade is bicken up at least far so
to bo had at walton taylors
are concur nod arrangements compliment you on the ability taste and judg- AFFLICTED READ g
ai american
Amei ican boits
in its columns with sincorosincero de stoic and at the salt lake house salt
ment displayed huhe dreadful disease which was contracted by
leave been made with ritia for alie completion of
hat may have a long and abc many of the people of the southern states of camp douglas U T
in telegraph across the pacific and
alio atlantic cable is recommended to congress caider and bo the instrument of great good the united slates of duding the past few dec jtb 1863 f aw

the of the fully sot forth 1I hae the honor to bo ears and which has baffled the skill of our most axa
lint the
in cs eliat it ii difficult to
fauch sad work with fig

finances aio in a healthy condition

e glean however eliat the receipts aiom all
than that
very respectfully your
from the gaiman by C- V W
mignon is one of the most interesting char
C V W eminent physicians has at length been found to be
it haa been discovered that the disease
was caused by the unnatural practice affire
mattar that is known to bo very indigestible A the
B 0ut U ufa S a cast

management have the pleasure of ann ouno

ing performances at this theater

sluices during the fi ical car ending june in goetges

Go ethes wilhalm in her consequent undermining of the constitution and ON MONDAY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY
amounted to ag while the ag childhood sho was secretly carried from her home of the entire system ensued with the evenings of each week
acro ga leav- in italy by a company of strolling jugglers and persons alio practiced this fire eating and finally no expense will be spared to make the enter-
ing a balance of 21 in the treasury trained to feats on the rope etc Mc maister
ister broke out in a loathsome disease called seces- tainments woi thy of the patronage of a generous
the war department expended and who one day happened to witness the perform- sion
A celebrated physician has at last dincov public
lie nay for the detailed dopcia ances of this troupe during which the child was cica and is successfully practicing a remedy the will embrace alio
eions of the aimy the message defeis to the report unmercifully abused obtained possession of her ft inch it is confidently believed will effect a cure BURLESQUE AND
ol alie
01 of war but devotes a and became her one morning ho was for this honable malady the preparation of dr
to the y filin it we learn that the blockade surprised to find her before his door singing the gilmore now a major general in the U S army
lias been canica on and extended our following song to a cathern an ancient instrument consists principally of gi and other medic y Q the theater may be had for dancing par
fleet fmc moio than one thousand kcf similar to he modem guitar bich had accident- agents
aments known only to tho medical fraternity
tics on
bics reasonable beims evenings on which no
is announced dana
alie blockade waa and the ally fallen into glicr hands on finishing her song this compound is made into pills of about eight ing also
prizes inq been oer thirteen mil for the second timo she stood still for a moment or ten to the ton and is to bo administered at the manager
liona of dollars our naval boico consists of five looked keenly at wilhelm and asked him know
and fifty veisel
vc isel seventy avo of cst thou the land it must be italy said
rate of twenty mils a day until a curbis effected
if the disease docs not abate in a short time it leahn
w liichi ue aion cl id
steamers alic tot wilhelm the history of the child was yet a mys- will be necessary t increase the dose put up
the war has tery to him where thou get the little in packages to suit and sen graft s to all parts of
at 1 become almost the system song italy said mignon with an earnest air the world on application to gea Q A gilmore
of postage being found to if thou go to italy take me along with thee for U S army island near the of just received from the
geo tho secretary of alie we judge 1I am too cold here charleston south carolina defeis to mr
hast thou been there
bioni tiro message has again
of aiom ta
the already little dear said wilhelm but the child
of mines a pol- WAS silent 1
toutant do who has tried it

A soldiers newspaper we have received

steesa mankat
icy which we opine will not stand alie test of trial know cst the first number of a neatly printed and well filled consisting in part of tho hegt
thou the land where the yellow citrona citrons little sheet of date november
should congress ever enter upon alio scheme the published at
people of alio
llio cast do not yet acom to appreciate and the golden orange sparkles in the leafy gloom
tint it costs neaily a dollar to extract from mines theio a soft wind the blue lault of fans
camp douglas utah territory by the officers and
enlisted men of the california
bearing the
name of the union BROWN
of gold or silver a dollar of the precious achl where the modest myrtle hides and the bolty vedette a name signifying according to web-
or chit congles i should encourage the develop- know est thou it tell ster a dragoon or horseman stationed on the out-
ment of the posts of an army to watch an enemy and give no-
of the coun hyso far as for there 0 there ii
tice of danger
mines aie concerned rather than restrict enter would I1 with thee 0 my beloved dwell the vedette say the publish ci
will be issued whether it pays or not but it is DENIMS
industry by heavy katat ion the pol- thou the house on pillars rests ita dome hoped that it may at least pay expenses the
icy if ever tried will wo fear bo found to be blight shines the hall and glitters every room subscription for chico months is two dollars and JEANS
equivalent to killing the booso that laid the gold- and marble statues pitying stand as if to ask of me as many citizens hive friends or acquaintances in
0 my poor little one what haio they done to the california column they could not do better FLANNELS
en egg
sut by far tho most interesting part of the
thee than a two and a half gold coin and send CHECKS
thou it tell I
1 it per uncle sams mail to his boys near salt
are the concluding passages the
explains abid argues the proclama- would 1I with thee 0 my
for there 0
lake and receive the vedette in return sacra-
mento bee hickory tweeds
tion accompanies alie document having since your notice friend toby we have
pled geil himself never while he
thou the mountain and its cloudy path of
abed with us tho officers and enlisted men of the
and a full assortment of
nbere the
position to attempt to retract or modify
to slav- and its
patient mule through the dense fog
seeks its way
caves dwell that
nevada cavalry who lately arrived at this camp
you arc wrong as ichards our subscription
loaces CS 1 WT
ery any aci son who is heed by its terms tho falls the dashing lock and over it the flood they aie for three months for six months fall and antor
il evident commends to the people his new plan thou it tell please announce the fact as above
and say
tah plan contains a grant of 0 father thither 0 thither lies our way t
let ns hence to dwell
to your that we should like very much to clothing
full pardon to all who hive directly or by impei receive the gold coin but that anything
in the existing figures upon it is money hero greenbacks
that has
green backs how-
A striking item at the east almost all
tf ull rights except those poisons trades mechanics ami
laboi ers aro on an exten-
ever are
you may be
the vedette is flourishing shoes
the exceptions are all those sive and univ cisal shika
been cuil diplomatic arnay or navy deais for higher wages and
arc expressed by the N Y papers that
to know that wo got out
tho presidents message at 9
am the
all who left judicial stations or official lioti instant wo issue an extra containing HARDWARE
poi tiona in the aimy or navy of the 17 S to take manner will be liick the include all the belc CROCKERY
of poisons and both sexes mechanics graphic news every day eliat alic
p lit in alie arc in
and all who have mis lail road
railroad long shoie men clerks police- boiking it quite an enterprise for a and a large and general stock of
prisoners of war the pardon is bold icis camp
granted men shirt and tent makers men nonice
on condition eliat hose it shall take kiib gills and little
bos in fact everybody yaabout 2300 rebel
scribe and faithfully keep in oath of allegiance
support tho
to be on a not even excepting mcada grant
on johnsons island lake eric
arc confined tobacco
of alie united states tho and in view of the
ts of on the subject of slavery and tho aho
vho aie sti aking igo ious bivs
at expected attack upon island which of late agars
the heart of jeff dails confederacy B gratz caused so much excitement along
cm inci pation proclamation tho plan
incitation also bion and johnm bolder the government is
the North cin ye stuffs
acs liat
aliat of alie states have been elected
K texas
US senators
Sena tois aiom ing defensive works sufficiently to and erect- etc etc etc
louisiana mississippi tennessee mr blown is a guard against
radical of alie altia stamp any contingency cither by the attack of an CALL AND EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK
mabama ortigia Oro igia florida capolini
Cai and his colleague enemy or the
olini and although heretofore of prison cis ane
iio liua 1 gumbei ranked with the conson store on the island lias been
tho whole noting population shall
not leas thin WAS on tho
radical pro gramme and elected pi boners ft ho and the at the old stand of HOOPER ELDREDGE
by chase acio allowed to pur east temple street
now only their agular
lathun 1

theatrical since our last notice of the per
local matters ta
fai mances at tile salt lake the ater which closed
morning last the
tile preva- ith
IN a note on mis irwina 1 I
in and out of place
murder on monday
lent quiet anict ano and monotony of city
wanton and
life in
salt lake
the public have been
tional incao dramas first we have had tho
to a couple of sensa-
the war-
was N as stal tied by a most lock of the glen brou brought lit out in fine style with
one jason R luce a resident of salt lake city
gea in running the
tho express to new and appropriate scenery etc it is a high
but latterlylat cily
latt telly engaged
on the most frequent- toned loud keyed thunder and lightning scotch
ann aek in broad daylight
ed thoroughfare in the door of ho- incao
and was put on the stage in good
are aware that this stylo of plays
11 I1
aal T LAKE
R bunting with a large
largo STOCK OF
tel attacked samuel suits most people the best wo we have not yet at-
a nd stabbed his unresisting
unie victim to CITY U 11
bowle knife and tained the point of being able to see it 0 melo- 0

up to tho
tile police
death lie ile finally gave himself dramas nic
nio our abomination the thunder and
be had bran brandishes
brandisheddished his bloody
but not till after ho lightning terrific tableau and all the original
kapon in the air for neaily a ter of an
tin hour t
apparently gloating music are too much for our weak nerves and
over his hii
amination before
ledin the deed

fimph on tuesday luce had his ex- every time tho
miner who committed
the galleries came down at some start-
ling thunder clap or terrific combat we ca
w ashing come down literacy
lite raly on the heavy
alt help now
to th

public ono
one of the best
I1 I1
ola ND 1I Saj
him to answer at
it the next term of the
tho probate
county the
tho testimony adduced on villains who sneak in on a strain of music and assorted and largest stock of
court of this
showed that about 1 of the
tho slide out on a streak of stage lightning mr
the exam examination
erwins marlock was very good of the kind but
day mentioned luce met bunting and after a few
hotel pon
poll honor we dont like the kind As however
consisting OF
words as the latter turned to pass into the
deadly blow in the neck from behind the management has the good sense to play for all
dealt him a
the world and not for our particular edification
I1lowoi ed
it up with
we acquiesce in the wisdom of their selections
mr mckenzie as the honest true hearted old scotch
dry goods groceries
driving his bloody weapon to the bilt
fisherman did remarkably well and played his
the victim
v was prostrate
wag on the
tho floor the wound
within minutes after the part up to nature wo we have no doubt that his
J man expired a few
and never spoke save fee- accent was scotch all over and was rendered in
first blow was struck
cry murder 1
l the most natural way yet if he had given us a
when asked by the justice if be
he ad
any de- little more of english idiom and a trifle
scotch dialect we think the audience would havo
trine less of
iancy dress
ladies fancy ress goods
fence to offer luce
luco replied that his only witness
and gave his own version of the been better able to appreciate and understand tile tho
was at bannack 14
which we have no tdoubt old andren andrew
matter ile ho says that some weeks since while at g9ood things
he was invited by deceased to go home said A marked feature of the play was the young
the mines
with him to supper that while at supper deceased
miss clawson who said and acted her part as the eEver
ver brought to this Torri
tory trimmings notions crinoline
rightful heir of Glencarron in a manner and with
asked him if he was a mormon upon replying
non chalence which brought down tile
a nonchalance the house
in tho the affirmative deceased jumped upon beat
and stamped lim him until ho he was taken homo home by for one evidently so young her performance waa W
some friends that aft
when the latter drew a knife and threatened to
at he met deceased as creditable as it was noticeable
A day in paris was given on saturday night HOSIERY SI
hill him and again maltreated
kill mal treated him seeing the he nov 28 selected with especial view to this Marl tet
city last monday luce approached ills
mis irwin took half a dozen r
deceased in this
and asked him if his name ii as bunting lie He replied different characters affording a very good oppor-
yes samuel R bunting yes again tunity for tho the display of her powers in different
well said luce we have an account to settle roles the play is not in this respect as good as
and may as well settle it right here the de- 1in and out of place while it is something of the etc etc etc
ceased then went for his pistol says saya lucoluce but TAT RATES TO SUIT THE TIMES
whether he got it out 1I dont know at all events same character her execution was good and and the
lie bult me much with it
huit this is the sub- audience retired well pleased with the evenings
stance of defendants statement and almost his entertainment
exact language ile he takes the thin thing quite coolly ur aft
and apparently thinks himself in deiy little bittle dan- on tho
the wednesday and saturday nights follow- f wi T

ger of punishment if every word were hue as ing the irish drama written originally we believe
justice miner would not reduce the for mrs of aiJ eland as it was J
tria wal

stationer Y
glade of the offence offense froni from murder in tile the alist de- was given to ita good house it is an exceedingly
gree the assault was wanton brutal banta a nd unjus- interesting and one of the best melo diamais tho
tified in any sense and it is to bo hope that
be hoped at strict of the
and impartial justice may maybe be meted out to tile the present day it sets off in thoughts that speak SA fsr
offender it struck us as nota not a little that andind words that burn tho the condition of the irish y
the justice should have bound luce over to appear peasantry and glaring evils of absenteeism
before an inferior court when thelc will
city in so BO short a timo
NN ill sit in this
time a coult of higher power action of the piece is very fine and changes fiaiom
ee 3 ola oa
having jurisdiction of the offence offense we mean the grave to gay from lively to severe I with a rapidity 1

U S district court which at times amounts to abruptness the scald-

the deceased bunting was about years old ing tear of sympathy for the misfortunes of the
recently from bannack and lately a lieutenant
in the service of the united states but was on his poor irish outcasts
way to missouri to see his aged parents aiom ties of 11 aged pat and even while the kerchief is
out casts
casta is often checked by the oddi- ATI or
whom he bad been separated upwards of 14 years lacing
be had being ra raised
bed to tile
the eye to brush away tile the gather- Ilic luding
ile is represented to have been a quiet peaceable ing moisture the rich brogue and native wit of
man and those who know him cannot place full ludy judy 0 trot changeschange its direction to the mouth month to
faith in the stoby of luce about tho the beating and mother smother a roaring laugh mrs irwins erwins judy was as
threats while at bannack
news agents white bauer general
agents san francisco have our thanks for large very well
an excellent piece or
itself mr irwins
of acting and her brogue can
hardly be excelled on the green turf of old ireland
erwins old man
mall dan OCa iolan was
the parting in tho
the snow
a a I1 i 0 0T ma C rV SS 13S INT
1 I ar
files of eastern and california newspapers cata eye in the audiencecatul piece was well put oil
storm was true to c and left scarcely a dry bfanc
F anc articles dress goods
the on
bogues of all the principal publications in all parts tho the stage and the snow storm during an entire act
of the i orld were received and persons wishing would have dono

papers or periodicals can have them ordered from metropolitan theatre tho
done credit to thec management of a
the aaice of perfection hats boots and shoes
well played closed the performance and the sea-
these agents by calling at this office and mah making ing son during the rec recess
CBS of two weeks fresh nov-
selections of such as aie wanted we have also elties el ties are
eldies said to be in preparation
arc baia
received from this firm the prospectus for the cali- TRIMMINGS GROCERIES HARDWARE AND
V fornia miners 3 almanac for 1864 containing min-
ing statistics laws forms the latest postal regula- returned major john M onell oncil of the ad suitable
Suit th wants of the public
ablo to the
tions etc besides a practical and theoretical tr trea-
car GC V who was sent out a short time since CROCKERY
tise on metallurgy assayingD ying lessons in mineralogy with a detachment of sixty men with lieutenants
and rudimentary ideas of ceolo geologyy tile the work is washburn dodd and griffin of the ad C V
arranged for the use ilse of miners and to make a wagon road from franklin to td camp T
and is ada adaptedP ted to the use of all in general
connor ic turned to this camp on tho the ultimo
acknowledgments we are indebted to lion ilon we learn from the major that on account of the
J it bernhild
Bern hicl member of congress at washing- great amount of fi ost in tho the ground the party was in fact
ii thin g desirable necessary
Every i

ton for a copy of tile the patent office offlee reports for unable to make tho the road as good as desired but 0
the official of major general pope that they succeeded in completing a very good 9
while commander of the army of virgini
census the books are well printed
virginia and tile
synopsis or preliminary report on tthe eighth is a new one to that
the re-
the road over the worst part of the route this route
traveledled the dis-
from needles up to
and useful froni fo cook
port of gen pope contains much interesting and tile ile tance from camp douglas to camp connor is about ing stoves aiom finest laces and
interesting g infor- twenty
mation such acts of kindness aro are appreciated miles less by this route than by any other
ind we hope tile
and the vedette may never bo a nd of course it will be the one traveled hereafter
be forgotten Cali coes collars and
silks to calicoes
by honorable gentlemen at washington
more snow won
sno W on last saturday night and sun- of amusement have been hold
day the cenvirons of camp douglas
douglas theater performances sit at this place
held on the regular even- eveni-
H A Y MA D W 43
A ent50 ob
were visited ing ngs announced as per advertisement and the
by another heavy snow storm f
and the valleys and entertainments appear to give general satisfaction
mountains are covered to a depth of four or five many now
inches the days have been
new and good things arc perpetrated by
1i delivered at camp douglas
1 balmy and pleasant the nights clear and cold are
during the week members of the troupe and somo
arc received with
some of tilethe locals
of applause ninny many of
the melting by day is com campens
pens abed for by the the shakey saints appreciating them as is well as is
by night alli and the mci mairy ry sleigh bells jingle every one else go do and see
soo them
them nightly 3
ill our cars from morn to
noon aiom morn to
noon give us a call and see our prices WALKER BROS
dewy or rather frozen eve
the clouds oer cast the earth
we go to press
and portend another
camp douglas dec F 1863 peter fleming
L 1

SALT lter cm
storm and moie sleighing hing aged ag years teamster Q M 11 tf RA EOS
B ov
alov 1863
1868 tf
by laws governing gold canon district
bylaws distri
flag P nasby hez a interview with the at a meeting of the claim holders held at E
our country and her president canon station september 1863 the
BY FRANCIS MUM church uv st
nov the 1 63 t attention I1
laws unanimously adopted for the gove
ment of the mining interests of that district

tho meeting of boval citizens union

ling nt
ung at tile 7
1 felt it mv
I dooty to visit washington the section this district to be knon knoona as Q
qu lie new yolk july condis lm ali the find themselves canon mining district of lander county ne
11 e do not hate our enemy
t rio into since the elec cle shen lessary that euthin
eshen make it nassary Teni tory and bounded as follows
teri Co
INN god leil deal gently in it us nil
with all 1I determined to see sec bat bood at a point ton ten miles south of egan station aa
be did and OF UTAH ay
with the pres- CITIZENS I
following up the western base of the gold canon
V comour
e our land we ie fight ber
her joe
loe be by a interview I1 res- cano
1 c e aiato liis caus
biz causland and that intuit
must fall ident range of mountains to a point ten miles north
intel boosin 1 opened upon him delik itly
I the station thence across tile the range due cast eig citi
counteyv na
our counti is a goodly land thus miles to ga
go shute creek
creck thence south running t
wo 11 keep inn
11 e 1111
bei ah
lovee liei
ll lox
alax s whole and hale
for her or die
livee fo
Li aez I
1 lez free born dnn
Dimo crat a freeborn
c a democrat
ith neconis and
dim steptoe valley twenty miles thence west bigit
to fall foi loi her isia not to fail
patch and on
is pre paled to die with
oil short notis for the inalienable rite
BRING IN YOUR PRODUCE miles the place of beginning
to tile
section ad there shall be a ic corder cleat
oui fias the red shall me in the blood nv free speech boing also that yoo er a go
uv liller
gomiller for the district on the day of september
dish ape a lank thirst cr after blud 1I sideek and each succeeding year thereafter who shall

lve glgi idly pledge and let the white fiendish
a feen
ilein in purity nud solemn speck on aez he be hold his office for one year from the dajoe
day of

unsullied justice right 1

amaa ohio democrat
I am Dimo crat aez 1I who hez september 1863 unless sooner removed by a te nc
abed 1
election which can only be done by a written call cal
it line the sea nivcc lox looc to plow c fore or binse the elec
13 ele shin did yoo yon signed by at least two thirds of the claim bolac doli
that ln tb the bea en united land
between the old and older
him aez he
sinic 1
ictor tid I1
A in the district giving notice of a new election to
be held after said notice shall have been poster r
flom stia iid oer mount and stream to strand bed
I so sed lie he 1
I wood hev dun it too lied in at least three public places within the district dist
the blue ideflects the crox crowding
ding 1I been 3 oo 00 contin ered he ith a doriller like grin
be xw gitlia for thirty days and also published income in some neejtie
blight union emblem of the free ive air now in favor uv
I we
iii a wigged
wigg ciusus perse cushen paper printed in or nearest to the district for thirty
cine all
oine ill of ye and let it aar uv the war and wee want you to so alter lays the recorder shall also be a resident ofal
days of tbt
that piece of polisy that we km
say on aez ge
hin act xw ith yoo coi jelly aez 1I
alie sa
next to the it
salt lae house calls spe- district
section ad it shall be the duty of the records re cordez
our came and planted fieldi 1
I will we dont want yoo to change your cial attention to his large and to keep in a suitable book or books a full ani
and m annly law and schools and truth ama

well guala
glaid polisy materially we air modria
dollsy to truthful record of the proceedings of all public
they plin ted self rule which support yoo we ask yoo yon to adopt the hollerinfol lerin walin
lol well selected
bv in ord and six
word ord in ago
sword age in youth meetings to place on onic cord all claims brought
i ecord broucht tot
and unimportant ch angis him for blat
that purpose when such claims shall
broad fideedom came along anwith ith them to us our habis corpus ses ez good cz interfere with or effect the right or interest of e
on His torys en er xwidening wings
ever NN ings new
now priorr location recording the same in order of
our blessing
blesing this our and toil arest
arestino no moar men cimmin and ebil dien fer thir
their date for which service he be shall receive tin the

for arduous are all noble thill

things gS saik
bill it irry taits
sum of one dollar and a half for each claim ie
the bojus
tile ojus
letnoremprow never rule senseless
fitful crowd nor
this land
the mind and flies files the hart ST OCK OF BEY
corded he shall keep the books open at all times
for the inspection of the public he shall also have hare
do away ith drafts and
the power to appoint a deputy to act in his place
our master is our self made laan law devoak the procla mashen and
to him we
axe bow and none beside for whose official acts he shall bo be responsible itii
give bonds that never ishoo a nother shall be the duty of the recorder to deliver to his
then sing and shout for our free land do away with NN ith boats and sich and pay successor in office all books records papers etc
for glorious Fredands vic toty bothin but gold
that in turmoil and in peace protect our dakters frum equality consisting OF belonging to or pertaining to his office
section ath all examination of records must
1 reeland our land may ever ener be disarm our and send back the
biggers to their consi late
to consil liate cm be made ina the presence of the recorder or hs bis
that faithful we be found
when Ili toly builds as
to the war
and alej the government to remunerate our
uv the south cotton deputy
section esth notice of claims or location ota
or whenN lien she rears her granite n w alls
ails rin brethren fer the losses they have busta ned in mining ground by any individual or by ita company
her moles with mith crimson mortar fillad on file in the recorders office shall be deebel
this war
call a convenshen uv men and sech
woolen and equivalent to a record of the same
northern men as F leei cc J Book annun section ath each claimant shall be entitled to
the swamp angel speaking of guns the gilel hold by location two hundred feet on any lead or
N Y volunteer engineer mr sensenell
ell who Fernan
inho dough wood sabin huff and myself to
agree upon the terms uv reunion Fabric
mixed fabrics S in this district with all its dips spurs angles
lode ill
re union
the swamp
swam p angel ake enormous gun Is that all aez the go
I no
doriller lidit
depths widths off shoots outcrops
out crops variations
and all the minerals and other valuables ables therein
which has sent shell right into the heart of charles- 1 1
aez 1I promptly ez a guarantee ga rantee nv good
ton a distance of nearly five miles thus speaks of faith to us we shel insist that the best haff uv the calicoes
Calicoes contain
contained edi the discoverer and locator of a leai lead
be given to democrats who val being entitled to one claim extra for discovery
the little joker in a private letter lately printed in section ath the locators of any lead lode 0
do this linkin and he on the
the N Y tribune ledge in this district shall be entitled to hold oil
the swamp angel as the soldiers call one of out of torals
troubled mateis do this and
sands uv noble democrats who went
rally to silks each side of the lead lode or led ledgec located bj bT

with Book annun and hev been gittin him or them live five hundred feet and all the buner
the batteries wasa was a hard job it required als therein contained
hile wagner gregg moultrie sum- their whisky on tick ever binse we hev maid
days vi ork xiwhile
ter bee johnson mrs johnson a s we call another we licyhev drillings section ath all locations shall be made bya
written notice posted up on tho the ground and boua
loi t on james island for want of a name and over we care not ef cf hebe rots in canady we air wilin to
a mile in length of small batt elies all poured their jine
batteries iiii the war baity pat ty i ceseri in to oui selves the poor darles defined and all claimants na
ta Jall
mla posted oa
shot and shell into us the whole time ixwee were P
buildingdin it after they saw the epa ulment above it shel be carrid on linkin
uv dictation
dicta tin how and on wat
apel 1I
the notice
section ath


done in any tu

rinel cut


i j shaft or drift in good faith shall be considered as

the gra grassss it stands on the very softest loftest of mud bevthedunpresident replied that ho being done on oil the claim owned by such person pet son or
22 feet deep so soft that a in in will sink into it he wood div the 11mat- ll t AND OTHER0THER person or company
out of sight in a few minutes if he attempts to walk te terr serious consides

considei ashen lie ile wood the I1

section every claim whether by an in- in

on it we carried bags filled with sand ibee uv lesikin to seward chais and blair and dividual or company located shall be recorded
more than 2 miles and baroug brought lit over large address
large a serkuler to the postmasters et bettry BES cordei
within ten days after date of location
logs and pieces of timber more than 10 miles to and bee see how menny uv ein cm wood be wilin to re-
section bilth all claims are to hold good for
in iko the battery two mile
inako milessand
and a half of brid bridgescs 8ine to Dimo krats ile he bed no dout dent twelve calendar months fi om date of record
across the marsh had to bo be built to get to and add from several1 wood do it to finist Is ther enny little
aitto selected expressly for this market section whenever five hundred dollars
the batteries it was no easy job to mount the thing I ken hen do for fer yoo aez lie he 1

shall have been expended upon the claims of sur

guns but it has been done and only gen gilmore bothin pert ikler 1I wood accept a small post
company in this district
dish act the ground so claimed by
and major batt of the engineers we were illing to 0orfis if
re iN illin thin azy range uv a dis
within ALSO said company shall be deemed as belonging in ji 1

i ay they believed the plan feasible gard my ikle daze is well nigh oser let
over Letine me but
to the locators or company thereof and their
the idea of getting upon much less see the old party dunst more in the assen dency
laughed at tile signs and the same shall not be subject to location
holding tile the maish as we have for over a month let these old ize dunst moar behold the conston offers on reasonably ablo terms
reason aLlo locatto
loc atlo
the commanding general used to say shenshell cz it is the union ez it and the biggar location by other parties ever after excel
or re
when openly expressed their proud satis- W ware he be ought 2 be and I1 wil lap the mantel of acknowled-ged abandonment by the co-
by an acknowledged
faction to me and a legacy for my child
dnn that 1I did this and mounted the only guns buens
L s chil
abil life aromnd me and go ina delirium tre
happy I1 hev no ambi shen 1I ant am in the
groceries mpany of the jg round which shall be construed iff0
mean an entire abandonment after kayin laying idle fafoe
that bai hn c ever fired into charleston since her ic sear and leaf these witling lox them one year except in cases where claims claims araree in lit-
Lel lions wicked citizens fired upon the sunken cheak warn mo me that ago age and whisky hev igation
glorious old flag of our union and Nwhat
Ri bat is more dun their perfect work and that 1I shel soun soon go coffee
coffeo section the recorder shall go upon tile
1I do not hesitate to say thit that if so ordered 1I could hents linkin akorn not my words 1I bev bcd sed ground with any and all parties desiring to locate
with the means wee now have on adoo claims and shall be entitled Vto receive for eua
hand utterly destiny
liand desti oy obliterate and wipe off the
ivere sodom and gomorrah walked aw
so sayin 1I
may ay
my hand impressively and candles services one dollar and fifty cents for each claim
located it shall be his further duty to mealar
fice of the Zairth
rice ir thas as were
that flink of iniquity and md hotbed of aristocratic waltin and batchin
wat chin r c
any claim or claims and make or cause to be t
rebels PETROLEUM V NASBY sugars good and sufficient land marks defining said claffa
or claims and he is prohibited from making any
abi m

religious courtship A young gentleman bylaw

a by T
doff car the french railways have made
A dog
ba law on the opening of the shooting season by
location for any person or company wit boucom
without co-
mplying with this section and their boundaries full
happening to sit at chuich
in which sat
chinch in a pew adjoining one
sit a young lady for ishom ft horn he
be conceived
which the apoi asman and his dog trav
tran el in the soap defined

a sudden and violent passion was desirous of en

at iaac carriage S F bulletin
HuUetin section 1 alth these rules or mining laws ma
heiing into ca courtship on the spot but the place nothing strange in that the y allow puppies to
they be altered or amended by a two thirds vote of th tb
not luiting a boimal declaration the exigency of ride in the montgomery street cars only the
etc etc etc claim hoders present at it di-
the di
any meeting in tile
the cae suggested the fol
tho following
loiNing plan L strict at any time after thirty days notice or
of such
other day one was ejected by the conductor for intention shall have been given in tho
lit politely handed
ile banded his fair neighbor a bible the manner
hardware 1 1

open with albin stuck in tho the folloN xing text sec-
following being a little to free with a fair damsel the prescribed above for calling a new election for
ond epistle ol01 john verse fifth and 1I beseech french idea is the true one let one car be re- recorder
thee lady not as ai though I1 wiott a new command- served especially for all of the canine breed or
i i
section these laws shall take effect on 03
ment unto thee but that which we had aiom the
beginning that wec lav lovec one another
manners cutlery and after tho
the day of september 1863
WM MYERS president
she returned it pointing to the second chapter A standing boak Deger deserters from draggs JOHN GORDON secretary
of ruth verse tenth l then slie she fell on her face braggs
and bowed beria to the ground and said unto
him why have 1I found grace in thino eyes that
army say that it is impossible for the rebel leaders
to make their troops stand telegram
Croc keryl BANNACK restaurant EATING HOUSE
the traveling
thou should st take knott ledge of me seeing that 1I rebels hon
ever find no difficulty in making their citizens of G S L city and the trav eliet
ain a stranger
ile returned the look
lie book pointing to the twelfth
leaders lie etc etc THEpublic are respectfully informed that the
verc of theS
the second E P istle of john
epistle havi
bannack and eating
MD A confederate surgeon
burgeon who was
is beastly situated on main sheet opposite the salt IIA
many things to wi ite unto you 1I
waite not wi
x waite
te ON S TO SUIT ike
ith paper and but I fiust to come
di ank when our forces captured little rock ark
chunk house is now op prepared
en and the proprietor is prepay
1 callic unto you to furnish board and lodging on renson auW
and peak face to face that our joy may be full
und found himself among tile
the yankees when he be got terms by strict attention to business and keepin
from the abbie e inter
the ensuing i eck
interview a maneage took place sober and remarked that it beat rip van winkle EXAMINE OUR GOODS a first class table he
be confidently hopes fcccuro 3
hopes to lecaro
that a man go to sleep in the crato liberal share of the public patronage
states without waling
waking up in the united states balf past seven to nine dinner
breakfast flom half
quere the serious man
says he hears a great
bays ho AND TRY OUR PRICES from half past twelve to half past tv roand
two and
many complaints about the 11 bad commissary breeches of the marriage contracts balf past five to seven
from half
llila 11
md wants to know whether the adjective huband
and husband wishing to know how some money actA decito JOSEPH D BAYLISS proprietor
been dipold
dip oed of
had highest
Hig liest cash prices paid for grain
aplies to
lo the whist
whisky3 cr to the we told it had been by his wife and
ani daughters was BLANK MINING DEEDS
A arlt in gra
well employed being laid out for
kupect it doos t
0 ite bad at this office and of agent
be had relt
TO lale
silt lake city
products of utah we extract ilic fol loNing
interesting statistics from the ceil sils returns of
1860 as giving some idea of thu tho industrial and
anical products of utah
no of factories june
juno 1860
capital employed
fuel and raw material
handi malo
hands male
hands female 9
value o0 f annitah product
flour andreal
and meal
the population is there set down butbitt awas
it man-
cither incorrect at the time or the territory
ifestly either
filed up rapidly since tho
has filled the eighth census wn wai
taken as are now about
ai there aro
in the territory
free whites
free blacks
blacki 30

value of ef real and personal estate
acres of land improved a
acres of land
value of live gwock
bilk of ginned cotton
Pott lids butter
vedette great salt lake city
sc f
editors union vedette I1 see you are gathering
gems of poetry for your paper
pardon mo for my in sending you a
little thing which in my readings I1 have trans-
lated aiom the german As a reader of and sub-
scriber for your valuable journal allow mo to
compliment you on the ability taste and judg-
ment displayed in its columns with sincerosincoro de
hat may have a long and abc
caider and bo the instrument of great good
1I hae the honor to bo
very respectfully your
by laws governing gold canon district
bylaws distri
at a meeting of the claim holders held at E
1863 the
canon station september follo11 1

laws unanimously adopted for the gove govan

ment of the mining interests of that district
section this district to be knon knoona as Q
canon mining district of lander county ne
Teni tory and bounded as follows
teri Co
at a point tonten miles south of egan station aa ay
following up the western base of the gold canon cano
range of mountains to a point ten miles north
the station thence across tile the range due cast eig citi
miles to ga
go shute creek
creck thence south running t
steptoe valley twenty miles thence west bigit
the place of beginning
miles to tile
section ad there shall be a ic corder cleat
for the district on the day of september
and each succeeding year thereafter who shall
hold his office for one year from the dajoe
day of
september 1863 unless sooner removed by a nc te
election which can only be done by a written callcal
signed by at least two thirds of the claim bolac doli
in the district giving notice of a new election to
be held after said notice shall have been poster r
in at least three public places within the district dist
for thirty days and also published in some neej
income tie
paper printed in or nearest to the district for thirty
lays the recorder shall also be a resident ofal
days of tbt
section ad it shall be the duty of the records re cordez
to keep in a suitable book or books a full ani ama

truthful record of the proceedings of all public

meetings to place on onic cord all claims brought
i ecord broucht tot
him for blat
that purpose when such claims shall
interfere with or effect the right or interest of e
priorr location recording the same in order of
their date for which service he be shall receive tin the

sum of one dollar and a half for each claim ie

corded he shall keep the books open at all times
for the inspection of the public he shall also have hare
the power to appoint a deputy to act in his place
for whose official acts he shall bo be responsible itii
shall be the duty of the recorder to deliver to his
successor in office all books records papers etc
belonging to or pertaining to his office
section ath all examination of records must
be made in a the presence of the recorder or hs bis
section esth notice of claims or location ota
mining ground by any individual or by ita company
on file in the recorders office shall be deebel
equivalent to a record of the same
section ath each claimant shall be entitled to
hold by location two hundred feet on any lead or
lode ill
in this district with all its dips spurs angles
depths widths off shoots outcrops
out crops variations
and all the minerals and other valuables ables therein
containededi the discoverer and locator of a leai lead
being entitled to one claim extra for discovery
section ath the locators of any lead lode 0
ledge in this district shall be entitled to hold oil
each side of the lead lode or led ledgec located bj bT
him or them livefive hundred feet and all the buner
als therein contained
section ath all locations shall be made bya ij
written notice posted up on tho the ground and boua bolm
darles defined and all claimants na
ta Jall r
mla posted oa
the notice 11

section ath done in any tu

dono tunnel
rinel cut I1

shaft or drift in good faith shall be considered as

being done on oil the claim owned by such person pet son or
persons or company

section every claim whether by an in- in

dividual or company located shall be recorded cordei
within ten days after date of location
section bilth all claims are to hold good for
twelve calendar months bioni fi om date of record
section whenever five hundred dollars dollar
shall have been expended upon the claims of sur mr
company in this district
dish act the ground so claimed by
said company shall be deemed as belonging in ji 1

to the locators or company thereof and their i

signs and the same shall not be subject to location locatto

loc atlo
or re
relocation by other parties ever after excel
by an acknowled-
acknowledged ged abandonment by the co-
mpany of the jg round which shall be construed iff0
mean an entire abandonment after kayin laying idle fafoe
one year except in cases where claims claims arear e in lit-
section the recorder shall go upon tile
ground with any and all parties desiring to locate
claims and shall be entitled V to receive for eua
services one dollar and fifty cents for each claim
located it shall be his further duty to mealar
any claim or claims and make or cause to be t
good and sufficient land marks defining said claffa
abi m
or claims and he is prohibited from making any
wit boucom
location for any person or company without
mplying with this section and their boundaries full
section 1 alth these rules or mining laws ma
be altered or amended by a two thirds vote of th tb
claim hoders present at it di-
the di
any meeting in tile
strict at any time after thirty days notice or
of such
intention shall have been given in tho the manner
prescribed above for calling a new election for
section these laws shall take effect on 03
and after tho
the day of september 1863
WM MYERS president
JOHN GORDON secretary

lag r-




L lo


A champion brave alert and strong to aid right oppose the wrong
the bight

CE 18 1863 5
Z ito
hc MW
att be required by the wants and
gest such is seem to bo
interests of the people
codification or
A revision of the laws of tho
the territory would
on their own excisions and
amount of arable land throughout tho
it is therefore ros respectfully
alio teo
states to vacate those
tho president
ani tho
the limited
the Terii
dont of tile
1 that
tho united
these reservations and throw tile
abound anil
and for which purpose coal is abundant
and of suitable quality
such course oil
in a saving
pailt ot
the pat
on thu

having to it and tend inin lemely to the dv

of the ro sources of thu the
ol the company ill result

CAMP DOUGLAS UTAH TE TERRITORY be desirable and would seem to bo be in land open to occupation and cultivation by our ii hasten the comp letioa of the road by i ell
near great salt lako city view of the present inadequate and defective sys- citi zelig your earnest and early attention to the
citizens dering
durins practicable the construction of tile central
by and j ftc moil
moll tem but a s the expense of codification
re would
be great and the urgency of the mat-
necessarily bo
matter ig is asked to tho
the end that it may be brought
if possible to a successful issue in timethue to heliavno0
part irth
etli the
subject is commended to youir earnest considera-
the california and nevada
of tho volunteers docs not render it indispensably necessary 1I
ter does tacio lands put in cultivation tho coming season tion trusting that 3 on iu ill bo decho
be able to de ic abo
0 cannot recommend that it be at the cioper means to accomplish tile insult und and pio
nt time the dawn of a new or
arcs era is already UTAH INDIANS reservation
beily set foith the undoubtedly lich inin cial ic
ilch mancial ia
terms of subscription cents opening upon the territory and the shifting the
tho condition utah indians in this terri-
con diton of tho
the soul ces of this terr itoi
one copy per month
ono 60
scenes around us as well the novel require-
ivell as tho tory will require your further attention roam-
one copy three months 1 io ments which now pursuit and varied enterprises
new pursuits
one copy six months 2 50 ing as they do through all our settlements south of the mining of the longm
12 cents a other young communities
to which this as well as this city they are and have been since the settle- im
dinglo copies is incident will render necessary at an early day ment of the territory a great annoyance to and dolmant under the of the
bates of advertising
another compilation as they will require other
and perhaps diffrient laws flom those now on oil th e
a continual burthen somosome tax upon tile the people progress of our sister states and territories in ia
tan lines or less
ton t
the influx of a mining population such enterprises being rapidly dev
cs are boing de eloped and
each subsequent insertion 1 00 statute book among them may result in disturbances in our will claim your eat destan 10 its at
andd set lo bentio n al-
onti fourth column per month 12 00 agricultural INTERESTS midst while tho the assistance that government is read yare
ready aro thothe eyes of thousands lived upon our
ono half column per month 20 00 mountains as containing lich stores of yet vot addis
one column per month 30 00
F ormin 03ai it does the great basin and tile cen-
con- constantly rendering them cannot result situated
coveted mineral wealth and with the baily skiing
3 00 tre of our extensive mineral region this territory us illy permanent good
as they abc in any
business cards per month bids fair to rival ler
bills oil the cast west
her neighbors on the general government has bag set apart the it cannot bo doubted that many vill N ill hasten hither
0 and north in gold and silver mines whilo in her country drained by the uintah river and its tribu to seek for the precious ore unless3 tho signs of
the times and the evidences al all labout
about us ale aio incor-
at xa
71 C
0 K
S am beds of baser metals she will unquestionably sur-
cither the evidences of this are
pass either arc abundant
and each day accumulate and 1I congratulate you
caries extending from the Wah
mountains to the green or Coloia
tance of some eighty miles east
satch range of
do river a dis-
cast and westest with at
least an equal distance north and south as a 10
rectly interpreted gold elvei and copper mining
will soon become ono
indeed not fit the
one of the most important if
inte iest ot
interest of tho tell
the teni
oil the fact that our extended and val led resources
on ic
Pro grammes bill heads
programmed 7 of mancial wealth are about to be developed in- for the permanent settlement of these
indians after careful examination it has been
doiy y and will require legislation at 3sour
while en ecaydeiv encouragement should be giyen to tho
out hands
aio alicade being developed and cannot but
BALL invitations deed ale
result in a large
lame inci easo of our population thosethese found to bobe most admirably adapted to that pur- development of our mineral the
mv vm za

and on reasonable terms

str inte lesting fats
interesting facts devolve upon you as the guardi-
ans of the public peace and welfare now and re-
pose many of these indians are anxious with tile
assistance of the to lebove
the should not be left
latt ii without some legislation tor
tion of right
rights anand the prevention or
by wise and timely action on your part they
for tho
ol ivi on
done m
dono good stylo
style sponsible duties the manifold interests of ag- and ettle
settle and it is believed that all could bo be
readily induced to go the ie sshould be enabled to prosecute their mining antei
ma all orders addressed 11 to tho Publish
the publishers
ors ri
riculture the enduring basis of permanent pros-
than ample for them all contains
is boic
1 s abundance of M iter such cleat provisions
under pio visions of law that each cadi
camp douglas U T will
the union vedette gamp
of tho 11
perity should as 1I hav hazec no doubt they will re-
meet with prompt attention ceive your special attention and bo be fostered by game and is well ell supplied with inwood water and may fully understand his rights and thus thui as far faras
every means within your power in this territo- glass 1I recommend that you memoria lie
lic con-
oil memorialize possible avoid litigation and tumult Cali toinia
all communications must be addressed to the
the pur-
ad equate to tile
gress for an appropriation adequate the first in lank of mining states in tito
tile tho union
Ve detle camp douglas U T ai
editor of union vedette pio ducts of the farni
ry foi tile as it is in all the products farm
eally adopted a mining code which
eaily has
hai vests beneath the in
and abundant as are our harvests pose and with a view to tho making of a theaty
the malin
mr EJel penningtonbusiness ir authorized agent for
is 0oIur 1

in salt lake city dust lious hand of tho the husbandman the soil in

N ith these indians

with indiana providing for their caily le ic proved to be inwell ell calculated to promote those in
the transaction of inoval to that reservation and tend to tile the general well being of
office in U S quartermasters storehouse main the main is only susceptible of cultivation when
by our mountain streams or by means of society at an beauy stage of her history a general
streel artificial water courses our people are thus
additional HAIL
MAIL facilities ian was
law i as passed making the mining iluulc lesot
of cach
your attention is called to the great mining distinct tile the gov eming code and giving to
essai ily confined to a very limited at area of pio
GO 1 ig land ei eiery
cry acre that is capable of being
made productive should therefore be oil
the mail facilities of this territory the laige
in tile tile lel the miners thein wIves tile
latiOn of tile
the i emulation
effect and validity of statutory enactment this
the foice
population that has settled in the rich mining dis law with such geli cial statutes
ites as n ore
to the people and made to yield its bolla
XE departmentT IT T products to tho toil stimulated as
the willing hand of toll
fr i cf of idaho and tho
the consequent great trade and
travel that has sprung up between thoo points
found flom time to time to be required is mill till in
T it bc by the new conditions
will be foice
foi cc and has been found to accomplish the objects
and this city their principal source of designed far butter botter than could the legislature deflect
december 14 1863 and bright prospects of the near future now open- demand an increase of mail facilities in
dei ill justice
ing upon the people them by attempting to interfere too much lanch in detail
ahe council and house of repres- to tho several communities interested there should all inte
el an ost 1I becom
to the the
SPANISH FORK AND SANPETE reservations be a daily mail carried in coaches ironi this city
from tins
with so delicate acid
mend the action of tho
and novnovel intelfost
the california legislature as
senta tives of the legislative assembly of utah
entatives ai
Terri tofy these suggestions are
arc made in view of the to eastern Ban Bannaelc and virginia cities with 3
bannack orthy
worthy of 53 our favorable
11 having
events daily transtraus phing around us and1I prelimina-
its an bianch of like service flom the northern
blanch thein palt
noi thern pait ot
01 stood the test teat of time and the endorse-
gentlemen As the chosen representatives of this territory to boise or AV western Bannai
estein bahnub ik
ry to calling your attention to the spanish foik ment of a people with tile the largest in
the people yon have assembled to deliberate on and indian reservations this latter res- om this city south to payson abi
the mail ithorn through
ough mining n pui suits 1I u
pursuits would also the
end tile
the manifold interests committed to your care and
tile ervation
er situated in the contre centre of the fertile val- the large and thriving
tile hig1 cities in tho valley of lake
I lahe immediate a e passage ofa of a general incorporation act
devise and consummate such measures as will ley of that name and surrounded by an industri- utah should be inci eased to a daily se sei vico
ivice similar to if not U with
ia ith that adopted in
ous and agil agricultural
cultural population is of small ex- the important and increasing business carried Cali
C lifo inia to enable all who see
toinia sec proper to do s o to
meet the requirements of the occasion and redound tent embr achig not more than five
embracing between
on beann con this and Sou
southern california
thein Cali filinia form companies for the development of our imining
fire hundred acres
to the general weal ag ordinate branch of
As a co it has been lying adlo idle for several years past and requires that tile mail setservice
vice to the sou thein por- interests and at the same liine such coin
the legislative power I1 shall be happy at all there is little probability of its ever again being tion of this my should bo be ux tended through hanjes so that the lights of shaie or stock boldeia
times to concur in all proper measures designed required for indian piu poses the land is capa- to san bernadino
Bein adino and los An angeles
goles may bo be secured and tho the of all clashes of
for the protection of the rights of the people of ble of good chops and in justice to the thele should also be a weekly mail aiom this the popl
tile people cd
this territory or for the promotion of their ad- people leady and willing to reduce it to thoele city and
city west to tooele in tooele judiciously encouraging and wisely
by judie kely directing
van cement and pros
vancement prosperity with which the into
icsis of the government of the united states are
blo cultivation should bo
be vacated as an indian wig
it is recommended that you memora lizo the post
development of our ichie lal
the doi wo have

so intimately toly connected

reservation to which it is not adapted and for is
master general for this increased and additional
acason to believebelio0 tintthit this will at no nn
which it is evidently not required the Spi spanish
nish j
distant day become one of the richest and moat
the past season has been one of general good mail serice
seri cc pios states in thothe union
health and of unusual prosperity to our people fork reservation at the southern end of lake
utah conta
containslils about of land of good pacina RAILROAD violte fractures INTERNAL
the earth has yielded bountifully to the industri- quality and iid all susceptible of itri ii T aaion some your attention is called to tho
ous hand of the husbandman and the contents of since a small portion of this reservation
years sinco
the pacific Rai
Ralli hoad
oad so long thetile of tile
the the fact aliat luring
our well filled gra narles and storehouses have
granaries was cultivated as an indian farm but the amount orator tho
the scholar ami the poet the dicag of the the severe floods of the
scho lir and of 1862 tile blidge
found a ready market at highly remunerative of produce was in no manner at all com- statesman and tho hope or of the land is about to be- arloss tho
the pi live
ov 0 liver
fiovo r near provo city i is ell- en-
rates both at home and among the tc ming popu-
teeming to the goigovernment the day is not far distant when tirely swept away and unless a new one ni pe edily
tins of the northern and western mines
mensasui ate with ith the cost
cosito cin ment for
cincent come a reality and thu odily 1
lations its iron bands waring
bearing on its
the last three deais no work has been performed
lias turned
and it has to a state
ts fieast the products
PlO ducts erupted
pio bet
of the world will unite in interest as they are now settlements will be greatly
the not
eLii tho
and sou
bont thein
it not alto
BELLION INDIAN hostilities
TIIE REBELLION on this ic ait
your meeting of nature tile tho farm house in very bad repair the united in sympathy and affection tile the people of gother caaso aming tho the bagh patois of skiing it
ai acting affords me an opportunity of con fences allali gone and the land overgrown mith the atlantic and the pacific slopes IJ ich blow on is alpo alo ino that the artill blidge over
ported to me
granulating you as american citizens upon the weeds and bushes indeed it is toda today
to da
dayy simply a this the grandest
giand cst
gian dest the sivier liver still onither boath his in a dilapi-
of this or tile
successful efforts of the general government te of naked wild land with few of its improve
ta any other age
all agge but selves to bind with hooks ol of dated condition and totally unlit to ite
wards quelling
cil an unhallowed rebellion which hasments yet remaining and these at best but mon- fut
fait hest
steel the farthest of a widespread con- laige travel between tho
the laigo
tho the e xtreme
for nearly three years dova staTa so 14 ige INapor
nuga por
uments of decay und and inin no lass than of the tinent and cement still closer the bonds of our settled blits and this city it is hoped that oil
tion of our common country and upon the well mistaken policy which seeks to ameliorate the union but to us hasan
its it has a caier and NN ill devise sowe cloper mean means to lemady theoo
founded hope inspired by the lecent past that condition of the red nun mail by placing him ill in near moie practical significance and as its lion bands evils aleli hivo
N have ell a great drapack
draO ack on thu
draft back the
peace will soon dawn upon a united and prosper- proximity to a thicklythi elly populated whito settlement app
approach ich us each day nearer and li carel horn
loach ot the people and 1 aquire jeome action for
abts of
ous land on the other hand band it has been a fluit fruitful
ful source of the east and the west it drans draws its us closer to our their lefief
As legislators of this territory and alio irritation and dissatisfaction to the indians who
the repre- doimer homoshomes ami ani opens to bur vision the iho near ANNUAL REPORTS rIN ANCES
senta tives of a people happily far removed hom
sentatives are continually led to expect benefits which they prospect
pio of wealth and pios nhon tile
when the and au
anil an
tho annual
tile i of tho
the scenes of civil strife it affords me gaoat never receive and7 the fact that while holdin
gica pleas- holding conini cice of the far off went shall seek our bools
ure to be able to announce to you the termination out hopes destined never to be lealind le alicd it draws the goldea portals of tile the occident to bo be aitor of public accounts aiu aie her I1 ith the ter
CYc hinged lor
exchanged pio ducts of our dainis
ier the products aims the the Ile althy condition or
healthy of tho fanatic
the finances es of ho
of hostilities and depredations by the indians and the indians into the most densely populated set-
the conclusion of treaties of peace with all tile tle ments to the great annoyance of tile
tlements the citizens fabrics of our industry and the i iches of our cinc mines
ni nc I1atory as ill by these i epol ts iii cry N 01 batir
bands occupying tho territory and the sou whom they burthen
sovi thein bin then inwithith a heavy and continual this Teni ory tory now BO so far removed bom the past dying aiom alio auditor s lenoit il ii
part of idaho and tho the west by lofty mountains and baiden bauen tho aso abod valuation of tile
tile tho pt of
idabo tax is not the least among tile many evils avih justly fol ty eight thou uld
for these blessings under tile plains will when this great work shall lia hn e0 been the 1 lillion doity
is five ilmillions
9 complained of even should tile
ilidanco of a
tho guidance the be tho
fiolli tm
benign again devoted to indian purposes only a small
aie indebted t o the loyalty
vi ale consemiu cited bo
consume tho highe
be tile highway1 y of the commerce of and two bundled dollars sa 5 0 was in
of the people and the valor of our bravo be cultivated still ka ila ing the the
tile and the great ng place and depot ot of report it appearsap peari that
brave hoops at
portion of it would bo lisca
the east and alli to tile
the greater part ini
energy and cour- tilled and running to waste it is
unfilled the nation it is with unalloyed plea- the Tica sury at the commencement ot
tho of
nagec of thothe california tho money noces sailly expended sure that 1I can call congratulate you oil on the s elulful year ending october 1863 ali fac0 thou ind four
estimated that tile
in our midst ninoit dollin and ind
committing to our brethren on the other side ot annually in maintaining th the0 ie mould and rapid pio gresa in the con of the bundled and
of ga it t elicio ayas ie c bijil
that d into
tile mountains with our fullest sympathy and purchase lor for the indians
indiana in alie tile of at least itallie
pacific Kaili ad which is making steady and giant
oad cents
tily cal car
the ficiscil cir thirty t 0
heartiest pray cis the honored and ciciole task of double the quantity of provisions visions that would bo
pio inions be bludes
sti bownds
ides towai its its completion will 1I have no
ds us the
crushing out the rebellion wo of doubt soon place us with our inin
min thousand eight
thou and fity the dollars and ind
we may safely lely icly on
obtained flo
oil aiom the farm after an
in tho in 12 thit
that teclo wi wt diadi
the con
continuance of peace within our bordens two ysais in the indian
bor deis so Toni tory
in this monitory ory cial icsources in tile the in uke of tho the and twelve cents
long as cannot but redound to the cupid advancement of blied dining ali tho fecal year doice thol lallI
is the presence of soldiers hero fill ill 10
here sit I1 am le the ro creation i a detriment
that tho alty anve collais
10 bials thirty
atrain the 8savage from the commission of those to the tho indians and to tile
to tile the peo- the
tile in all tile alts 01 peace and all the four bundled and eia eighty
1 7
1I seven centa 37 thu
anti ages for which he has been so severely pun- ple the withholding of such all an amount of land elements of entitling wealth and the fied yeal I october alst
ished OW or the gibat
of tile suggest the of your taking early action my
illy at tho CIO close of tho 1

intelligent cultivation init iMlow 1863 twenty sit seven

e bundled ablit mil
in accordance with custom it lsis acquisition of population that wo we at suioc to 10
aiec sul
ippi tile I1
w ith inducing the company
of inducil ally building cents
deemed1 pi1 oper to dinv
inv ho your attention to those ceike is as uewl o aa as it 14 impolitic when it is tile 10 ul to elect establishments tor
the loul the
for thu ninety ninoainu dollaus aali jolty thice
touching the gen are consi acied that our people so tar
cn cial welfare which aro ar iamo ed fiant for its conati notion through this legion
ot aion borits
ture ollion 13 AMOSJOS 11 kni
likely to demand your
ana to sug
and rug other sources of SlIp supply aie compelled to jely
ply ale icly en from the immense beds bell of native bic oio which here alil
ill the assembly of 0f mainu
ITIC ts the
resents county of weber in
the governorsI s message
governor 1

his experience as a ania legisla-

acting gov reed is utahhand
Uta and SPECIAL dispatches
especial TO TIM
hc buum the annual message of
page it is a documentt tor vill
will be
bo invaluable to his colleagues now that
gh en in full on
ghen oil our first
called upon to legislate
le on interests
up san francisco dec irth 1863
eisal attention while they
thoy ale
aio 11
rich irill
which ill gon imand universal
command hose which have mado made california one summary punishment of
the su ff
AY DECEMBER 18 1863 similar to those at li

FRID lency is more chuy
his INcel chary than his produces
and dest
piou states of tile con- an yeles by ita vigilance committee h leading
angeles N leadill
peculiar institution of the wealthiest a general stampede of desperado fl aiom
oin the southir
or in touching upon the
together let beat tills anible field
m leat the people plainly about their fed cracy
federacy 1

cm portion of tho state into mawow v-


tile covert 3 beld of utah be

he talks to
try ab tt the open eliat the
the new era which is open- the mur deler ot
murd of mr jvan to dar
oral wants and tile
several nardino and orl
rested at san bernardino on vis
ills pers oil va I1

walks scoot folly as it flies territory

tory ile
lie sets faith in fullfrill
the saints of the pacific slope
ic natuis
NI tIll C si
IN e nihill
the manacis fixing as
and catch tile rise
ai they riso 7
in 1 upon the
tile Teni
ik s and ift ell rounded periods
tui im
the undoubtedly
long iic we clip the following from a lato late number of the
1 victims3 pistol and watch the
found his victim
confessed the deed and eleven other murders aam
1lah we must be candidi he iee IN cL can
candid diel licit nii noial resources which have
mineral hare so ion hang
the 1vas god to man pope idelt
ind bids the 1pcopic
eople amento california union it nill ill be seen u ill probably be immediately bling
but rl aa gooff goil 11 n
drained hidden or unknown and lacamento
generals Cai leton and west are at loggerhead
for the new life which is opening even
upon that the reorganized chui ell ch of latter day saints
ho plainly intimates wit that isolation some and charges have been preferred by each aal arst aal
them11 ile
thel bai a extended their missions still west of us each of such a serious nature that it is all
if desirable ia is no longer possible and utah like rumorortai
telegraph gh on
graple has gli en boling sister stat
her neigh a s and territories vill
states time during the past summer J IV brigg bringss men- both will be to washington for trial
tire bi lef 8si gopsis which the tole
brief sois sent from the east
our legis- so oil I receive that great acquisition ot at population tioned below arrived in this city on a missionary and their successors
jr of the action of congress
coll ress lilii hoss 1

ailcy mines of preciouspic cious metals are sure to bring t

1 I
se and las travelled
has since travel sed the settlements sylvester mowry and J nightingale have sua
lators at the nationielnil capital are
Nati onil aio to ni or 1 in
hii recommendations
ilk are practical and to the hat he regardregards Genci als carleton and west before the U S court
ive no doubt will receive front
seeking to town converts back to ftwhat claiming one million and twenty nino nine chousa
eanest schuyler colfi the earnest friend of
ca point ind and ye hive
ive b S thousand ni
deceive we as the true faith and the teachings of josep josephb seizure of arf
the monr

mail route the the at attention they dei dollars damages for their
the pacific railto id and our 0 erl ind mall we are not ap use thereof
commend the perusal of the message to the peo- smith the boua ler oi
founder of the church mines in arizona and the ilso
was clio en speaker of the house we kiy
nas chosen imy be lect leading nothing of importance has occurred in thtb
and western ple in fact they cannot afford to neglect ne elect pissed aliat hat progress mr briggs has made but
the interests of the central anil
tb it tile
ure th caie fully ind
it carefully and attentively legislature
ill not suffer at his that he be is not cordially received by tha church ru- san francisco haghas been snubbed for election on
poi lions of the continent arill his teach

hanth lovejoy a radi

liandi baui cmalI1 of the altia stamp 0 the fallon ing
following lines were composed
compos edby by mrs lers in this city is apparent enough ills the independent ticket by both houses no mau maa

ill the
ia all A F St erens in memory of her late husband ant-
stevens enss
in in many particulars are arc diametrically op- representing the city being a chairman
Chair mAa of a cora coin
has introducedd a bill to abolish slavery in
lias mittic
of the united states presi- hony stevens whose career as is a gallant soldier posed to those of brigham young and it is not
states and Clie eseman U S abst treasurer has hag beefs
dent lincoln in his et celebrated letter to the Illinois at the battle of bear river is noticed in a com- strange that the latter looks upon 1him with a cold I cheeseman
sued to recover the money taken from irom the sy lip
convention a fear months since expressed grave muni cation nc
munication 0 o have received fiaman his
from an officer of ills if not an in evil eye the extracts below purports posed murd ciers of Magrud
magruder cr in idaho territory
doubts of the constitutionality of any ally such legis- aie creditable as well to the to give briefly the articles of faith as set forth by which was deposited in the mint
regiment the verses arc john Sd ranton a prominent citizen of idah
lation and if wo we remember rightly said that his as to the beail of the authoress and we in- young joe smith and professed by his follo follows
talc antas
talent territory and editor of tilethe golden age pub lisAi
emancipation proclamation was only authorized authorised the extract from the preface to tile tho article on was yesterday sent to the ins
go em-
bert thein with pleasure it Ie
at I wiston wras indans
his position as the military head of the gov and laws rings like true metal and
asylum at Stock toh cause politics and gold
stockton old ca
sacred to the memory of anthony

inent it w as not issued ai a i a legislative c act under itisis tobe

it to be hoped that tho tha followers of brigham the brain
BY A AURELIA r STEVENS business is quite brisk 1particularly
I in the na
an implement of war on young in utah will respond a hearty answer to

lie cons
1 constitution
ti tu lion bu butt as all oil holiday
da presents and our
thou dost calmly sleep
ait gone and their
than art
anil thou of goods suitable for hall
he other hand
tile band mr arnold lias bas introduced all an ns sighing oer thee this mu ell at least of the teachings and
imich ind sayings oj thorough fai as are lined with ladies shopping
and distant winds arearc requiems
amendment to the constitution declaring slavery whilst 1I alone my evening vigils keep thee the neny new church weather clear but colder than usual
incompatible milli with flee institution and forever sighs and keais and aching breast deplore elder G P dykes a missionary fi am the re or
aiom the aquilla and monitor matter remains ina
prohibiting it within the union both bills have fall 1I grieve that thou hast
1I mourn thy lall bast lied
church of latter day saints under tile the stain quo
thy name and body numbered ith the dead NN
presidency of young joseph smith the son of jo- stack market quiet matrimonial market look-
been leberi ed to tte judiciary committee it is up considerably
ing lip
apparent enough that sla slavery
slav v cry is doomed and in aI why should 1I mourn for better thou than 1I ing seph the martyr so called has arlivea in this city
om salt lake and proposes to hold bold forth soon sickness from intermittent fevers ana eov
short time this foul blot on the nations fame will lites problem solved thou in the grave art sleep
liles aiom
ahli men can bravely lor
I1 for their country die in advocacy of his peculiar faith the following
be demov ed it is only now a question how bow to do women live on their tearful leeping
Lc arc among the articles of belief and to which
it and not whether it shill be done bills have lave poor clinging ones
oneo stricken
strich cn with grief and pain
bigham youn young and big deluded followers are arc op- rosecrans
also been introduced pro iding for tire the recon-
11 live weep and smile and smile and weep again posed we be
ind in ills
lieve in god the eternal father
his son jesus christ andthell in the holy oly
since the de deposition of gen rosecrans from the
st of the union on the basis of tile alesi 0 mountain
tain brec zes gently gently blow
breezes ghost which high command held by him as the head of the
record of the father and
lents proclamation ind and for the admission 0of the bear on thy dingi tile the fhagi ance of the flowers
aliance the son which rather father son and holy ghost ale aie cumberland department efforts have been mad
rebel states when one tenth of tile the loiero u hall and gift
aft it to tile
here lono
the place inwhere iona and low one god infinite and eternal without end amen some of those capels which always laud the
by sonic tha
take the oath of allegiance boim
government and apply fyr admission A bill has
full a loyal state
he sleeps unconscious of the papi
and b cathe it bof aly oer tile
ing hours
the sacred spot
and say at least thon ahalt not be forgot
we believe in faith repentance and baptism bby
imme ision
till 1I els on for the remission of sing sins and in the g lising
lisi still but cannot refrain from kicking
ng sun kick afir a dead
lion to lessen the gallant hero in the minds of the
lying on oil of hands on all baptized persona persons ffor or
been introduced th president the
on the 0 summer choin fil
lindly fall
am heaven kindly
ers fiaiom
showers the gift
tile ift of the holy ghost in the of people we have noticed the statement going tho the
power to appoint 1Imilitary militar y governors irv in all tho the upon the sod that oer him now is growing the ddeadcad and eternal judgment also in the sacra- rounds of the E eastern
astern carping pi ess ass that Kose
Rose cram
rebel states around nvwhom how loyal me 0 birds of spring your mates thero there early caw
call ment of the lord s Sit supper the emblems of tile the had stated in a public speech at cincinnati that
lilay ggather
inea may ther flesh and blood of our blessed lord and saviour I
and under the pi election of our arms establish breathe falth your int isic tender sad and lowing
Bic ithe foith
and in your warb lings say si sweet buds
act bli for nmI e
ds lor 1 jesus christ these we hold as the or-
if he had received the forces he be might have hail bad
able go already we lie arc informed one heart poor soldier still remembers bers thee din ances of the church IV
dinances wee bcbelieve
lieve in the he ordi- he would have ir akca the back of the rebellion
that members of tim rebel congress from N orth college Sp lings page co iowa nance of the washing of feet john chap xiu10 now stichsuch an exhibition of vanity and aso so alarin
carolina have vi ritten letters to
written ask-
and th it fill tile
that the members of the tha ChIl
church reft
all attempt to throw the blame of
a hii
ing on what heinis they can get bback add to their faith girtue knowledg knowledge 9 a temperance
ack into the patience godliness br brotherly id own shoulder
shoulders rs on the i greatly
union V
A was form ilyaa resident of
fornic cily sis
nofsia kindness
edness and chari-
TP Chaicharleston
leston ia 6 about to undergo another ly oil county cali
ciyou forni a upon tile
california the call for volun- ty and that it is the privilege of the members surprised his bis friends and would have been highly
terrible ordeal of hie file from gilmore s gt gunsins baals thus organized to enjoy all tho the gifts and blessings improper in one who had just been relieved from
teers in california inill 1861 his was tile the first name of the ancient apostolic church we b elieve
is pressing
preising gloriously foiw forwald aid into texas fiann floal alic all11
comp any 11 ad caa cat
on the list of company cal volunteers me ov obedience and allegiance to the laws
men 01
law of high11 command we are gratified to find that the
point isabol and ia is warmly 1 1 y thousands spec
raised in county in september ile
lie hc country ill which they live and that rebellion
the speech cl from which tile the miserable sentence was
of loyal men there on tile the whale everything is wone than the sin of witchcraft which in olden taken can bear no such construction as that placed
was duty sergeant of his company from its organi-
looks prosperous cious for ofir muse cause zation until ills
hia death lie
t imes
tin Cs was punishable with death we believe upon it taken in the connection in which it WM
ile was engaged in the that polygamy originated in the family of old ca cain
the copperhead sali sal bury U S senator from memorable battle of bear river under cal colonel
onel who introduced into our world murder idolatry
sai ld great injustice has been done rosecrans in
the loyal state of delaware bhas
ill as raised another and witchcraft raft that lamach who was himself a
now general P edward connor where here he ggreat-
reatNN thus extracting a single sentence sell t ano a without als
breece by i efi ling to take the oath of allegiance
defiling f
ly di himself for true bravery s tanding
banding double murderer gen iv 19 25 and the sixth givin
giving the context here is what he really did say t
prescribed by the last congress for all civil and in a direct line fl am gain was
aiom waa the first polygamist
poleg adist
affects it is to be roped
military officers loped th it ills
at his post and dealing out death to the enemyell emy on this eearth and that the doctrine is only a relic in his speech to the merchants of cincinnati taff f
thatit hebe has at
last got his loot in it aa 1
be that the senate will
ull ho loc elved his third wound when he
til lie be was barbri
of barbarism sm the doctrine originating in th
accius cd family cannot produce any
thaiit whole speech is a model of modesty and unpre-
feel justified irf not compelled to purge itself
carried from the bloody field how as broggi
lie was brought it toto anything
tiling among tending6 patriotism and we i legret egret we have not
now fuel those who practice it but envy strife jealousy
camp douglas i her a hea died of illshis wounds on spare room to Ppublish it entire speaking of tho
of this in inot crato sympathizer
onerato sympathiser with treason if irbehe tha ath of january
discord contention misery and ind death and that
bad been expelled two year
hail yearssago ago when ills R L W
K many
in a DY of tile the lair laugliters of eye
fair daughters eve have slink enslaved con aaion of the south ho
condition saad
he salah
his luwin
through it into a grave having their 1I see
ly conduct eo so richly band
it ana when his sym- sec that the best blood of the country is being
pathies lies ivida
A ich rebellion
an old friend in a strange land hearts pierced with deep sorrow 4
the following shed in a war that the victims did not bring about
Pati 1I the coun-
tile strolling into the state house the other day to is the declaration of loyalty to the government
of the people deplore tile the war but they aie held by
try nvwould hav baea said ante amen and delaware would look upon the of utah or the mighty men
thea united states by the church
tb chinch of jesus christ the neck tile
tile the military power has got them under
have sent a1 loyal man to represent iri of latter day saints the annual conference of
the councils
ml tho of israel as the ceaph chaplainain called them we were its heel you cannot therefore make peace with
of the nation tile the loyal bear ts of that gallant little
april 6 1863 at its session direct them tb
pica so to see the familiar face of our old friend
pleased ad that tthe
cd lie article on governments and alic aonly way is to keep heel tightening therthe
slate Ssenator mcdougall of california has gen jeffel son hunt formerly a I1expected imember gen
laws in cords around them to get them so broken that the
isag iiiI general crall which are arc in doc and cov section
introduced his resolution against the infraction of be published in the herald that all may know conservative people aot the south can bhelp
cot ip them
of the california legislature it had bee beenit long now tile sch cs this they naw ill not attempt until we
alic monroe doctrine by france fiance and calling on the ground that the saints of god occupy with regard ve throttle
i years 81 since
cc wo0 had met and it reminded us of the
to civil rulers and civil laws it furth the military power powel then they will turn to the I1

to declair anar w ar aganina louis IN na- good old halcyon days at benicia and sacramento
goold pointed joseph smith jason IV briggs ermol a ap- leaders and say we have had enough of this and
poleon the senators Pena tors theory and ideas are arc i ery

blair a committee to write a brief preface to said

brigs and IV IV W will give it lip up accordingly 1I seer see no hope ex-
politicianst great and adl
where politicians all w
small worerea wmont
ont to cept in prudently and ste
correct fl ia this nuttermitter but certainly untimely article we therefore submit tile the following ally crowding upon theol
steadily them
loryal al dien sarr
angly suspect that iii
congregate ate for five or si sn years gen hunt it must be evident to the saints that ho
fall owing as we have been doing and tho the natii a of the
hh3 action is not as le
ie turned to the assembly of california from has come when the wrath of god is bbeginning
tho time astl aig at last ill acbe itin ca 0 with tile
prompted by a ile heaitly
allty patriotism but by a parti san bernardino and nas egin nim to great interests of our country ind
zan desire to annoy antl ve r an h
na s aever honored
on 0 rad and be pouted out upon
bo poll the enemies 0of god and his and the world
and caia at the administra- worthy representative of that county although people agreeable to tile the word of promise and tubs applause 1I had
bad hoped within a year we could
tion wo we that a resolution has the
ti ic most striking and prominent event in ia t
that have accomplished the ic
bas beer
been antio tic a1 mormon and one who wouldd have scorned to brining
brin V 11 1I will say in
le the rebellion
of tho
deuced into tile the C Ili fornia legislature requesting
california itt about was th theL rebellion filstfust of south C ai oTina1 conclusion th that
it had we received the
disown his opinions lie ile always received a warm tthen
I jell otof all the southern states for cos eight weeks ago that wo
limin to resign alleging as a aenon
le his welcome at the state C
state who have boon and 11
wo would have broken ther ive ought to have hadlia
capital in a cot itry
country where aie
ale now
DONN waning against tile the Nornortham the back of the rebellion
refusal to vote totor for the adniski of the senators Moi monism is not a pett 1 n r tit
mormonism 1
P institution
ution and by his when it admitted and indeed declaredstates
is before now
from lvester 11 vil ginia gillit mcdougall was LIec elected
I south carolina and tile the South
ted in industrious habits babits and upright coulse aton southerncin states are in rebel- Is it not clear from the context that the obnox- t
1861 by a of Republic on the lion it is caa caayy for us to tell wacie
democratsts but his
if tile republicans ana indand union respect and confidence of those those who knew him is it is that authority to ahel our government ious tem
remark rk oil
outt of which his enemies have sought
lis course in congles hag not net we arc aio glad to find th
which th they will 11
11 0
it auch
such men are submit and which they are to 1111
ce 0f
come up to the Cexpectations rp L et atolls of liis arc sent ta to the ire resisting
stin fa dellin him had reference to those copper
ills friends or his legislature of utah however much woa arms without legal and rightful

may dis authority

author ity pi a0 heads who milo resisted the draft and those laggards of
oin warm
own warin alcapledges eg of sustaining the
administra- aggee
a 9 lee with him on many
beriy vested there could bo0 no site
tion in its efforts to suppress the ceboll
oil uis fident
fide nit that no
vital points we no are con- bellion for ic
such tiling
lebellion is resistance to rightful
thing as re-
righttul au
the north who fail ad to place in the field tha
failed w
term uwill not cap re until 1111 maich ch ath motive or unworthy act thoi ity now ic le bellion we arc told is as the sin
are soldiers ho much needed in virginia south caro-
tt ill his course gen hunt was
lug ot
of with craft and witchcraft was
the secy of tile tho intel
interior lias again 70
biot hats
recommended 1853 appointed brig gon
punishable with death rebellion anciently a crime ini e lina missouri and tennessee to enable the admill
hie taxation of mines if
1855 gen of militia
mill tia by gov is noDO less ob- to crush out this accursed rebel liall
of gold and sitter sitt
silver er to pay biglarT as is an evidence noxious now than then the evils
the national do
tile debtbt we do not believe th- esi dence of appreciation
p of ills
his pub- flon
aiom rosecrans
Roos cerans was no doubt relieved of his position ift in
at con-
that lic leer as a legislator and as a
11 it aio w a great now as then and
it should
gress can be induced to pass buelt a law proof of tile little favor and sampat find as tennessee for good 1camons
when its eftim
bitici I1in
l11l abich lie was
the sympathy hY with
nith the people of god lea sona but that removal docs
full force and effect kh wis held by the then pub- now as is it has in any past time not necessarily
all be
wo arc has always called his people to tho the fact is god a ad his standing as
ills a a patriot and
convinced that it would give but a dine ire lic of the state lt it ig something to be peace to tobob aobe- a soldier until then it shall appear that lie he hisht
to tile
tho proud of that being a mormon morin on he was entrusted
dient to lings kings geyer
governorsi jars and rul rulers
ers in general
Nati onil treasury wi bile it would greatly 9moral been faithless in bis trust or nc hiii
the opening and successful working
arn tty in the legislature for except when they dictate in matters matter of relmon hesli gant of hi
of the mines successive
bucce iliac years with the in matters pertaining to tho the salvation of th a soul ties let not ill
dumica the wrath of carping scandal cl seek
c0 the country inta rests of a gentile it therefore the duty of alt
community and won the all saints to set a bright to malign tho the fair film
fame of tho the brave general who wl
rank of a brig gen of militia gen 11 and worthy example in this respect
II now0 W rep and disobedient family fal ally of men
to ththee erring
ernne until overwhelmed by numbers only met the
enemy to conquer him
killed wo we learn by special telegram from long john wentworth
focal 31 attoe 19
mattel fort bridger ailman
cr that private hailman
II of co 1I aa claims to havo
of chicago it 1id mid
his board reduced to half price
have ini
theatrical alio union minstrels
tinuing to please their patrons
arc still con
18 is evident fam
patronst as
anft was stabbed and killed by private pepin of
same co on tho
the irth dinst no particulars
bec auge with him a little food goes a long way
Euv cry hungry fellow is willing to bo a martyr attention attention
when ile ho is brought to the steak
the goodly numbers in attendance at per- X

for mance this hoider cannot lon

formance demain
long leni alli as
crowded out
Oll tOur
our items nun
man is on tho
page because a stirring tail of a sheep I is
the ram-
ii cron ded 1
it is meet that lie ho should 16b e we
wo 11had aid ai soon
su ffe r martyrdom as attempt to masticator
buffer masti cato some
a proof of their for however good of this issue it shall have a chanco
out orthis chance next week
may be and however anch much steaks wo we wot of CITIZENS OF

their entertainments way mutton will keep this cold weather

the soldiers may desire to attend them they will ina
in a lato
late raid of rebel auci allm in the eastern
ift tho i

foon be obliged to stay away flom the fact that

eoon ys
PV an laverel
high low jack
lover ol
01 11 part of kentucky the leader of the band
severely bitten by a big bh do
bandzas ivas
Was 4
is a peculiar lind genius ho
kind of genitis be consults his own dog
the wherewith th to purchase tickets is becoming 5

and the do dog died I 1

cry scarce and unless that excellent friend

very of the happiness and pleasure and is totally regardless of
yew Iea ding the rebels now read a famous

dier the paymaster shall soon make us a visit

the rights of otlicis
ill be obliged to0 passage of shakespeare thus
we fear the douglas 1I theater iiwill
close for
docs arrive the
until he does bvm antia ov any theres a divinity that11 shapes our ends rough
hue them how we will
management no doubt would willingly give the other inn
sold icis credit if any means could be devised to
it is reported that jeff davis was heartily hissed i
on his arrival at selma ala by a rebel in petti-
satisfy the demands upon them we hope how-
ever that they may be able to hold out a little
our devils home thoughts and side remarks coats there the smack re sounded through the
streets like a pistol

longer as mr paymaster might happen to come never own th thatt your wife is right prentice the report unfortunately dont add that jeff
we are arc pleased to notice that the performances better still never have to acknowledge that your ii went off P
and bun
hung himself
are being more interspersed n ith farcos ind and other wife is left at home taking11 caro
care of the babies Fis hermans luck- a dreadful story was told
things in the dramatic line as also that some while you arearc out flirting with other folks wives some time ago of a mi miserable
merable drunkard who was next to tho
the salt lake house calls spe-
parts of their entertainments heretofore somewhat or drinking bad whisky drowned his body wag was not found for several
days and when at last it etwas
was fished up tip his clothes
cial attention to his large and
objectionable have been discarded we are jeremy taylor says that it takes a widewick garment
to cover some people sins we wonder if our
were filled with eels ile he was carried home to his
pleased to say there is nothing given so far as the
ladies will think necessary to expand their crin
hiir wife and when they asked her what to do with well selector
troupe is concerned that can offend the most fast fasti- him she said set him again
dious we wc could wish however that some who
jeremy said sins not shins so the sarcasm and A Misouri ble pun
fun A western paper suggests
attend would preserve better order those who that missouri politicians are so mixed up tip that the
the joke are
arc lost authorities may as well establish a lottery for the
attend sucksuch places of amusement should remem- government and gamble for a governor
panties at a dead lock should extricate them-
ber that the great body of the audience go there
to enjoy the performances as set down in the
selves with a skeleton key f if they play seven up for atit is hope they wab wontt STOCK OF DRU Y
it answer the purpose by drafting turn up a knave a ve
bills 01 and not to be disturbed by thoughtless them into an army corpse
or reckless clamor they have as a body rights recruiting in the southern armies is ia going on
slander is as much more accumulative than a rapidly kich puch paper
to which the individual privileges of persons must yes I but unfortunately for jeff
give way if they conflict with them it may bo be
snow ball as it is blacker
and often it is rolled up tip for the same reason
jeffsIs confederacy consisting OF
many of their soldiers are going north to recruit
all very well for those who have seen enough to nothing else to do idleness is the devils own their health if jeff gets his bis deserts well take
get up and leave just when the notion suits them cotton
but if they must go out let them in common cour-
hand maid care of his deserters cottoni
tesy choose a proper time and then go with as what a life of happiness and honor
boner ig
is that of
the husbandman a life fed by the bounty of earth
little bustle or noise aa as possible the manage- and sweetened with the airs aira of heaven CAMP DOUGLAS
LAS woolen and 1I
ment would do well to take charge and make an during the major part of his life he be sows
bows ker I1
example of any pe son who has so little regard
person lair cutting
shaving 3 shampooingza aud hair Cutti tig0
for himself or those about him as to disturb a
nals and reaps a general crop of prosperity
C C INT mixed fabrics
our devil says he be
place of popular amusement miss Ral raffelle
much opinion of the mines of utah perhaps Ws its JOHN
to be improving in her singing ilet
america as sun
her vive
sung on saturday night last was much
mue la
because heps
arc ore but
hes not iliP the vein his fondest hopes
announcing to the residents of camp douglas
be has aabin
and vicinity that he
shampooing and haircutting
ahi opened his shaving Calico
Cali eg
better than her eto fore some
heretofore one in the gallery
sonic ono
are bul hobe is a copperhead
copper headlicad iniw no
io sense hair cutting saloon and is now
attend to the wants of all who ii ill
prepared to attend

seeping to appreciate her efforts to please kindly air mason in writing to jeff davis in 1856 in
reference to disunion said 111I am a candidate for
favor him with a call decle am silks
volunteered in the mie assistance was the first halter
very god but perhaps would eive been ader
if rabod y lelac

ad joined
ie ise it d in alaor

hes a gallous
lies gallons bird sure enough
the yell of the rebels on going into battle is
said to be exceedingly peculiar
dij SAVAGE OTTINGER respectf-
ully announce that they have commenced

utah legislature
this body assembled at the council house in
they remind us of our butchers mastiff
a big yell ohl oh dog
mastifr he was
bus inces in their n
business New
ew gallery beti veen the post
office and council house great salt lake city
arc now prepared to furnish first class por-
and are ja anhela
Pl elo

this city on monday last and proceeded immedi- tra

traiture style we guarantee entire satis-
iture in any stylo
ately to effect a permanent organization in the
we hearbear of a bloody mutiny in braggs arm
nd of another in pi ices perhaps the
army y faction 7fand
2nd 0
bhojrebels wi will views of city mountain andLa kcscenery

AFT nty
absence of the chief justice of the supreme court Se enery for
soon bo
and brog
be taking each others bid
broggs ns
es for boots
hides is boos
shoes sale decle aw
secretary raed administered to the In embers of
each house the oath of allegiance prescribed by the rebels ought not to bo be short of leather
the last Congress the following officers were
ere braggs army has been hiding biding in the mountains 4t
selected expressly for this market
then chosen unanimously
of georgia for tho
lots of it every timo
the last ten days and price got
time he set sole leather in missouri TH
T n E 14 ti E 0

management have the pleasure of announc-

t president daniel 11 II wells ard3rd president of
the church of latter day saints secretary pat-
the re belsho
rebels who invaded pennsylvania th
mer were mostly barefoot bare foot and the expedition was
is sum- theing performances at this theater

rick H lynch assistant secretary joshua ar- a perfect fail failure

thur sergt at armsarins P free messenger wm
offers an
on reasonable terms
we suppose that accounts for the richmond evenings of each week
W cluff foreman S 11 II B smith Ch alain jo-
chaplain examiner calling lees raid a bootless under- no expense abill
ill be spared to make the enter-
seph young brother of brigham groceries
taking tainments worthy of the patronage of a generous
gen crous 7
MUM public
speaker john taylor one of tho the twelve apos- why dothloth a dog waggle hith tail give div 3 iit tip
up the performances will embrace the
1I think moth fellahs fellars will give that cupl you ehte
chief clerk thomas bullock assistant
r R L campbell sergeant at arms IV W 0
the dog leth hith tall the dog ith MELO BURLESQUE AND coffee
Stain css messenger J S gleason stronger than the tall tail it if lie
he the tail
Gl cason foreman would waggle the bogl ye yc eth what 1I call
orville F atwood chaplain IV IV phelps
after the organization the governors message a if I1 CAHcan only A recollect him 1I shall
ath onith those two girls thome of these dath xa the theater way
yar may ba had for dancing par-
was received in joint session and read by the
clerk of the house one thousand copies of the if you love me thay tho the if you dont love me ties on reasonable terms evenings on which no
i message a Arida
d accompanying documents were hay
thay tho the but if boft love me and conf don flike
like to thay
performance is announced good music for danc-
ing also furnished R 11 HARRIS
ordered to be printed the
tho hand
my handl
eliy manager
r the war news
11 1

if you would bo
would hear
be tolerated be tolerant if you
bear the truth tell it if you
the news from the east as published

shed la
ohr troubled dont be troublesome 11

tele geams of ti
telegrams t-j
the week past st is interest mg A
interesting att tit for tat it is said some of the women who enounce
respectfully1 an- etc etc etc i
latest dates grant was wai preparing to move forward visit the camps wear gutta percha breasts full of WELTON nounce to their friends that they will agn
g il 0 a
L 1I

after the fleeing with a view probably of old bourbon we IVO guess they find the soldiers a

attacking atlanta georgia a place of much im-
sort of big babies not easily weaned
wonder if they find the illinois troops their best
samul chaw antl hardware
Porta and the site of the JClaigo
go foundries and
on thursday evening dec
manufacturing establishments of tho the southern
and wife are arc fast there is danger in
confederacy braggs army seems to bo be fearfully if husban
to which they solicit the attend
demoralized their case as ift in that of a fast team that the coup- attendance
atice of the public
Longst has been compelled to
ling will bicak
raise the siege of knoxville und in his retreat is
bharassed ayour in that case they ought to bo be driven tandem
no pains will lie
the grandest affia
to intake
spared toi make this one of the
affa irs that has ever taken place at
our pursuing parties who aie said camp douglas
fr 0 to have captured a number of prisoners out of respectable society with old nick in ia the 1I
and a in addition to every other luxury that can bo be eta
large portion of his artillery st aj gen F
maj ester
lead procured the participants will be heated to etc ofte
who was sent to relieve Burn rief dialogue affectionate pari
A Bbrief re- some very F lite bear meat
has assumed command of tho
burnside it
sido at knoxville
member bobby it is the early bird that catches
the forces there and ON
ii burnside has gone to cincinnati contrary to gen- the worm TICKETS including supper
i teral expectation meada has retired from tho the rap- bobby yes poppy but how about the wor to be had at welton taylors saloon butlers
Sut lers
i piari
dan to thothe line of the rappahannock
Rappa hannock and it rum
store and at the salt lake house salt lake
lahe city
I1 would seem as if tho the army of the potomac were it iah better to labor under tinder aberration of mind camp
cam douglas 11 T
I1 about to go into winter quarters reports are arc than of nf
orals M
dec ath 1863 f aff AND TRY OUR PRIDES
4 current that he is to be relieved of tho the command because wo we suppose tho the lunatic asylum is bet-
1 pleasanton
elcas anton and hooker aie aio each enof as ter than the penitentiary DENTISTRY ash
chash prices paid for grain
lee made an ineffectual ate in n fj i yss1 san francl co 1

in t i II GROVES late of
az WM IL
i avith caa al ry to cut mcadod communication
i T
flote A f
couple etting
bitin DR
J dentist
cal burgeon and mechanical Dent lit
5 i

1 ith ivashin
mith washington
bridge at ra Rapa
ton by destroying
pa hannock
bannock station
ying the railroad up housekeeping on secondhand second hand furniture bone
diek and beatrice have no use for old made things
bene onica
ne at door to national hote G 5 L
j 2 effii
GL nov 2 7 tf A GILBERT
as the pleasure of announcing to the puh
stala zas
stanzas has
htmat ho is prepared to perform all work en
that he ell
1I cannot give thee up without a tear
fear R BROS trusted to him with neatness and dispatch
nott moio than human and my heart
1I am no
bold thee as a thing so dear
iia biownii to hold
As needful to my being life a part
of lite keep good time
and warranted
1I cannot give thee up without a tear all jewelry repaired by him ho
lor few blight things to me
so lew
for life had broughtlonely to cheer SELECTED
guarantees TO GIVE satisfaction
1 gitil thou cam st my for ely path went forth to thee A LARGE AND WELL HAIN GREAT SALT LAKE
and all my hearth warm love
sin cot as a long bright sunny dream of heaven watch guards
chains a ladies Watch

became my life perfected by thy love CITY U T pins finger rings broaches
and every gift and talent god tohad given GOLD STUDS SLEEVE BUTTONS ETC
fielded up to thee strai
I1 yielded ing prove
striving thing to be found at a jewelers store
in fact evory
how utterly 1I loved thee the will
ivill for salo can be had on the most reasonable terms 1

at his shop camp douglas U T d

or is higher than our own
f i

of one whoso hose power

tho I
1I sorrow still
tint and 1

that io
wo must pait
1I know our fathers will must first be done now offer to the public one of the best DAGUER REAH GALLERY
BECKWITH lias has the plea suro or
pleasure of an-
dare not ask thee 11 do not quite forget
1I daro
1I cannot claim a single thought of thine
bope that all the hard regret
assorted and largest stock of CD 1
o bouncing he is now pre-
noun cing to the public that ho
pared to take pictures of all kinds in the daguer
but this I1 hope
and woe and sorrow will alono alone be mine rean art at pieces to suit
ove thy earthly path will cheer
consisting OF sa gallery opposite tho the commissary ste
nova 1lm
r e tt
another Ilove 1
camp douglas U T in
but this one blow from mo me all joys must sever
1I cannot give thee up without a tearfear CHANGE
because 1I feel 1I give thee up for ever
cudworth dry goods groceries tile
THE undersigned having recently purchaser
tho stock and livery of the camp douglas
STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES express company would announce to the public
strange but true that they will continue the line as heretofore
the follon
tile ing piece of labored ingenuity occurs
in the wm of john taylor the water poet fti inch daffy trips the coach
besides the usual daily
he says reads the same backward and forward hebe the city
will run on each evening of theater in tho
offers five shillings for as many like as can be good saddle horses may be obtained at
brought to film
him cadies rancy stress goods
AHO STA th eStable and on reason
the stable ablo terms
lewd did 1I live and evil did 1I dwell
lowd business jre hope to
by prompt attention to busi
napoleon is said to have earned the merit the public favor i441 1

nhan he said STUBBS aeby EBY

able was 1I ere 1I saw elba camp douglas
nov 30 tf
A biler in yreka
areka cal was the third hero in
the field when he ciote on his sign
trimmingss notions crinoline ever brought to this territory DENTISTRY
yreka bakery
areka 11 s
DR n WM nH
GROVES late of san fFranciaco
ran cisco
cal surgeon and mechanical dentist
read the same backwards as
each of these lines reads office next door to national hotel G S L
forwards a coincidence in the construction of t wr nw i t ii
city U T
words as rare and little likely to occur as for a
anger to open a combination lock without know-
ing the key boise yews bews selected with especial view to this market BANNACK restaurant EATING HOUSE
another cove of happy turn of mindmim1I and bred v 6
i r rf citizens of G S L city and the traveling
the business by the name of samuel gilli
to file
bought out the yreka
areka bakery and put up the sign
thus wining thereby the fourth crown of immor- eto ete etc
1I I1
ZA 46
i J
JU public are respectfully informed that the
bannack restaurant and eating house
situated on main street opposite the salt lak
tality house is now open and the proprietor is prepared
AT RATES TO SUIT THE TIMES to furnish board and lodging on reasonable
Gilli gs yreka
S gillias bakery
areka Bal cry 1
terms by strict attention to business and keeping
A decided improvement on the first edition of a gist class table he confidently hopes to a
the same boak liberal share of the public patronage
d j iata Bicak fast from hilf past seven to nine dinner
greek fire this article is thus dese libed
it is a1 sort of paste and is placed in metallic cases
avi rr 47 7
A full assortment of
balf past two and supper
from half past twelve to half
balf past five to seven welock
from half
decito JOSEPH D BAYLISS proprietor
ab out four inches in ion
about length
this case is covered nith
ath and one in diameter
cat ridge paper and
mith batridge
0o A
1I wow aaa
at one end these cases or cylinders are
deposited inain a shell tho
the shell is then filled with

powder and when it bursts these cass es fly in all
cases cf
directions and burn with intense heat tor for 0ono
minute and a half many things in ere tried before
this was invented i but it was found that upon

au A adf
their suddenly coming into the open air they were just received from the
extinguished gieck fire
tire 11 is not only not af-
fected by sudden contact with the air but it is Iim-
possible to extinguish it you may throw waterr
m 1 MA ET
upon it or anything9 else but so ion
long as yet
you do not AND
AN D A GREAT VARIETY OF or consisting in part of the best
exclude the air it will burn until the material is
entirely consumed including
potassium is tho
the main ingredient which on being
ibi oin a into water bursts into a flame
fiame and cannot
be quenched XM 31 av C BB OWN SHEE TING 8
asking for a pass
the courier tells the following anecdote LINSE YS
of a pi eminent lail load gentleman who is equally fancy articles dress goods
cods DE
i encini ned for his nihility
abili ty to malc and talo a joke f j

A railroad
lail road employee chosowhoso home is in avon
came on saturday night to ask for a pass to visit
his family
Ibatsy boots handshoe
hats and shoesS JEANS
you arearc in the employ of the railroad in
af LS
qu aed tho
riu 1

yes 0
I1 1
the gentleman alluded to

well now suppose you

yon ere Nv orling for a

suitable to tho wants bethe
W ofa the public hickory tweeds
fanner instead of a raili
rai hoad
our employer to hitch
oad would you expect
bitch up his team evely satur-
day night and carry you home
mgt CROCKERY and
alid a full assort
mont of
this seemed a poser but it
ko said
paid the roin promptly I 1
um arr ca
expect that but if the balmor had liis
his team hitched fall and winter
up and braf goins going ray
my wa
mean cuss if he would not let
way I1 should call him a
4 er v j tr
ot me ride
lilo cc came out three minutes afterwards in fact everything desirable necessary clothing
alth a 1p
I ass good for twell 0 months served him
light boots
and useful from needles up to cook- shoes
from libby prison
U S army
nor ath from an
A letter dated nov
arill Y a prisoner in libby prison at
officer of tile
the ing stoves from finest laces and
mond says abele is no prospect now ofrich- HARDWARE 5 CROCKERY
change although wo
eexchange we number some
low any
of which number are commissioned 1000
HAY WOOD silks to Cali
coes collars and
and a large and general stock of
A e tit phrase
bools are
for international lawery
arc full of essays on lamwery
Za bjerg the groceries
oil armed neutrality
Lii gland
ellal and by her perfidious course has given a new
Def tobacco
belul to international law
tia lity i lz ironclad
iron clad neu ivend at camp douglas
delivered dougl cigars

plo in
and are the poo
DS dye stuffy
ill the IN olla at
it homeI as comedians
and ell
etc etc etc
of ONN ns are
arc the most me 1
circle melancholy
aile boly in
ill their domestic
WALKER BROS gito us a call and see our prices CALL AND EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK
loc Is
19 a butterfly
that from bis
his wing
wings hakes SALT L at the old stand of HOOPER ELDREDGE GO CO
dust in moi till eyes
yes shakes LAKE
A Y ciar
1863 j east temple street
tf tf BROS
XE departmentT IT T
december 14 1863
to the ahe council and house of repres-
tives of the legislative assembly of utah
Terri tofy
gentlemen As the chosen representatives of
the people yon have assembled to deliberate on
the manifold interests committed to your care and
devise and consummate such measures as will
meet the requirements of the occasion and redound
to the general weal ag ordinate branch of
As a co
the legislative power 1I shall be happy at all
times to concur in all proper measures designed
for the protection of the rights of the people of
this territory or for the promotion of their ad-
van cement and pros
vancement prosperity with which the into
icsis of the government of the united states are
so intimately
toly connected
the past season has been one of general good
healt and of unusual prosperity to our people
the earth has yielded bountifully to the industri-
ous hand of the husbandman and the contents of
our well filled gra narles and storehouses have
found a ready market at highly remunerative
rates both at home and among the tc ming popu-
lati tins of the northern and western mines
pacina RAILROAD violte fractures
the pacific Ralli
Rai hoad
oad so long the
tile the
of tile
orator tho
the scholar ami the poet the dicag of the
scho lir and
statesman and tho hope or of the land is about to be-
come a reality and thu the day is not far distant when
its iron bands waring bearing on its ts fieast the products
PlO ducts
of the world will unite in interest as they are now
united in sympathy and affection tile the people of
the atlantic and the pacific slopes IJ ich blow on
this the grandest
giand cst
gian dest ot
of this or
all other age
any agge but selves to bind with hooks ol of
steel the fut fait
hest of a widespread con-
tinent and cement still closer the bonds of our
union but to us its it hasan
has a caier and
moie practical significance and as its lion bands
app loach
approach ich us each day nearer and li carel horn
the east and the west it draws drans us its closer to our
doimer homoshomes ani ami opens to bur vision the iho near
pio of wealth and pios nhon tile
when the
conini cice of the far off went shall seek our bools
the goldea portals of tile the occident to bo be
CYc hinged lor
exchanged pio ducts of our dainis
ier the products aims the
fabrics of our industry and the i iches of our cinc nc
this Teni ory tory now so BO far removed bom the past
and tho the west by lofty mountains and baiden bauen
plains will when this great work shall lia hn e0 been
consemiu cited bo
consume tho highe
be tile highway 1 y of the commerce of

tile and the great ng place and depot ot of
the nation it is with unalloyed plea-
sure that 1I can call congratulate you oil on the s elulful
and rapid pio gresa in the con of the
pacific Kaili ad which is making steady and giant
ides towai
sti its its completion will 1I have no
ds us
doubt soon place us with our inin
cial ic sources in tile the in uke of tho the and
cannot but redound to the cupid advancement of
tile in all tile alts 01 peace and all the
elements of entitling wealth and 1I
suggest the of your taking early action
ippi tile I1
w ith inducil the company
of inducing ally building
10 ul to elect establishments tor
the loul
tile the
for thu
for its conati notion through this legion
ot aion borits
ture ollion
from the immense bell beds of native bic oio which here
abound anil
and for which purpose coal is abundant
and of suitable quality alio while
such course on the pail
oil thu ol the company ill result
pat t ot NN

saving to it and tend inin lemely to the dv

in a having dr
of the ro sources of thu the it
ii hasten the comp letioa of the road by i ell
durins practicable the construction of tile central
part irth
etli the the
subject is commended to youir earnest considera-
tion trusting that 3 on iu ill bo be able to de
dechoic abo
cioper means to accomplish tile insult und and pio
beily set foith the undoubtedly lich inin cial ic
ilch mancial ia
soul ces of this terr itoi
the mining of the im
BO longm
dolmant under the of the
progress of our sister states and territories in ia
such enterprises being rapidly dev
cs are boing de eloped and
will claim your eat destan 10 its at
andd set lo bentio n al-
read yare
ready the eyes of thousands lived upon our
aro tho
mountains as containing lich stores of yet vot addis
coveted mineral wealth and with the baily skiing
it cannot bo doubted that many vill N ill hasten hither
to seek for the precious ore unless3 tho signs of
the times and the evidences al all labout
about us ale aio incor-
rectly interpreted gold elvei and copper mining
nill soon become ono
will one of the most important if
indeed not fit the inte iest ot
interest of tho tell
the teni
doiy y and will require legislation at 3sour out hands
hijo en
while ecaydeiv encouragement should be giyen to tho
development of our mineral the
should not be left latt ii without some legislation tor for tho
pi tion of right
rights anand the prevention or ons
ol ivi on s
by wise and timely action on your part they
sshould be enabled to prosecute their mining antei
iter such cleat provisions
M pio visions of law that each cadi
may fully understand his rights and thus thui as faras
far as
possible avoid litigation and tumult Cali toinia
the first in lank of mining states in tito
tile tho union
eally adopted a mining code which
eaily has
proved to be inwell ell calculated to promote those in
and tend to tile the general well being of
society at an beauy stage of her history a general
ian was
law i as passed making the mining iluulc lesot
of cach
mining distinct tile the gov eming code and giving to
tile lel the miners thein wIves tile
latiOn of tile
the i emulation
effect and validity of statutory enactment this
the foice
law with such geli cial statutes
ites as n ore
found flom time to time to be required is mill till in
foi cc and has been found to accomplish the objects
designed far butter botter than could the legislature deflect
them by attempting to interfere too much lanch in detail
with so delicate acid and nov el all
novel intefost
an intel ost I1 becom
mend the action of tho the california legislature as ai
orthy of 53 our favorable
11 having
stood the test teat of time and the endorse-
tho F
ment of a people with tile the largest in
mining n pui suits 1I uwould also
pursuits the
end tile
immediate a e passage ofa of a general incorporation act
similar to if not U with
ia ith that adopted in
C lifo inia to enable all who see
toinia sec proper to do s o to
form companies for the development of our imining
interests and at the same liine such coin
hanjes so that the lights of shaie or stock boldeia
may bo be secured and tho the of all clashes of
the people
tile cd
judiciously encouraging and wisely
by judie kely directing
development of our ichie lal
the doi wo have
acason to believebelio0 tint
thit this will at no nn
distant day become one of the richest and moat
pios states in tho
the union
the saints of the pacific slope
late number of the

we clip the following from a lato

Sac amento california union it nill
lacamento ill be seen
that the reorganized chui ell ch of latter day saints
extended their missions still west of us some
bai a
time during the past summer J IV brigg bringss men-
tioned below arrived in this city on a missionary
1 I
se and las travel sed the settlements
has since travelled
seeking to town converts back to ftwhat hat he regard
as the true faith and the teachings of josep josephb
smith the boua founder of the church
ler oi we are not ap
pissed aliat hat progress mr briggs has made but
that he be is not cordially received by tha church ru-
lers in this city is apparent enough ills his teach
in in many particulars are arc diametrically op-
posed to those of brigham young and it is not
strange that the latter looks upon 1him with a cold I
if not an in evil eye the extracts below purports
to give briefly the articles of faith as set forth by
young joe smith and professed by his follo follows
the extract from the preface to tile tho article on
and laws 4 rings like true metal and
it is tobe to be hoped that tho tha followers of brigham
young in utah will respond a hearty answer to
this mu ell at least of the teachings ind
imich and sayings oj
the neny new church
elder G P dykes a missionary fiaiom am the re or
church of latter day saints under tile the
presidency of young joseph smith the son of jo-
seph the martyr so called has arlivea in this city
fr om salt lake and proposes to hold bold forth soon
in advocacy of his peculiar faith the following
arc among the articles of belief and to which
bigham youn young and big deluded followers are arc op-
posed we believe be lieve in god the eternal father
ind in ills his son jesus christ and in the holy oly
ghost which thell
record of the father and
the son which rather father son and holy ghost ale aie
one god infinite and eternal without end amen
we believe in faith repentance and baptism b y
till 1I els
on for the remission of sing
ision sins and in the g
lying on oil of hands on all baptized persons persona ffor or
the gift
tile ift of the holy ghost in the of
cad and eternal judgment also in the sacra-
the ddead
ment of the lord s Sit supper the emblems of tile the
flesh and blood of our blessed lord and saviour I1
jesus christ these we hold as the or-
din ances of the church IV wee cbelieve
b lieve in the he ordi-
nance of the washing of feet john chap xiu10
and th it fill tile
that the members of the church
tha ChIl reft
add to their faith girtue knowledg knowledge 9 a temperance
patience godliness br brotherly id kindness
edness and chari-
ty and that it is the privilege of the members
thus organized to enjoy all tho the gifts and blessings
of the ancient apostolic church we b elieve alic all11
men ov obedience and allegiance to the laws
law of
the country ill which they live and that rebellion
is wone than the sin of witchcraft which in olden
tin Cs was punishable with death we believe
that polygamy originated in the family of old ca cainin
who introduced into our world murder idolatry
and witchcraft raft that lamach who was himself a
double murderer gen iv 19 25 and the sixth
in a direct line fl am gain waa
aiom was the first polegpolygamistadist
on this eearth and that the doctrine is only a relic
of barbarism
sm the doctrine originating in th
accius cd family cannot produce anything any
tiling among
those who practice it but envy strife jealousy y
discord contention misery ind and death and that
in a DY of tile the lair laugliters of eye
fair daughters eve have slink
through it into a grave having their
hearts pierced with deep sorrow 4 the following
is the declaration of loyalty to the government
thea united states by the church
tb chinch of jesus christ
of latter day saints the annual conference of
april 6 1863 at its session direct
ad that t he
cd lie article on governments and
laws in
general crall which are arc in doc and cov section
be published in the herald that all may know now tile
ground that the saints of god occupy with regard
to civil rulers and civil laws it furth
pointed joseph smith jason IV briggs ermol a ap-
blair a committee to write a brief preface to said
brigs and IV IV W
article we therefore submit tile the following
fall owing
it must be evident to the saints that tho ho time
has come when the wrath of god is beginning b egin nim to
be pouted out upon
bo poll the enemies 0of god and his
people agreeable to tile the word of promise and tubs
ti ic most striking and prominent event in brin
ia t
itt about was th theL rebellion fust
filst of south C ai oTina1
t1I jell of
then ot all the southern state states who have boon and
aie now waning against tile
ale DONN
the Nor northam
when it admitted and indeed declaredstates
south carolina and tile the southern
South cin states are in rebel-
lion it is caa caayy for us to tell wacie
ahel our government
is it is that authority to which
submit and which they ire they will
th not
11 1 11
ll 0
are resi
stin fa 1 ce
arms without legal and rightful
beriy vested there could b o0 no site authority
author ity pi 0a
such tiling
thing as re-
bellion for ic le bellion is resistance to rrightful
right tul au
thoi ity now ic lebellion we are arc told is as the sin
of with craft and witchcraft was ini e
punishable with death rebellion is DO anciently a crime
no less ob-
noxious now than then the evils
it aio w a great now as then and it flon
little favor and sampat should find as
sympathy h Y nith
with the people of god
now as is it has in any past time
has always called his people to tho the fact is god a ad
peace to tobob aobe-
dient to lings kings geyer governors
i jars and rulers
rul ers in 9general
except when they dictate in matters matter of
in matters pertaining to tho relmon
the salvation of th a soul
it is therefore the duty of alt all saints to set a bright
and worthy example in this respect
and disobedient fal to ththee erring
ally of men
greek fire this article is thus dese libed
it is a1 sort of paste and is placed in metallic cases
ab out four inches in ion
about length
ath and one in diameter
this case is covered nith cat ridge paper and
mith batridge
at one end these cases or cylinders are
deposited in inaa shell tho
the shell is then filled with
powder and when it bursts these cass es fly in all
directions and burn with intense heat tor for o0no
minute and a half many things in ere tried before I1

this was invented i but it was found that upon

their suddenly coming into the open air they were
extinguished gieck fire
tire 11 is not only not af-
fected by sudden contact with the air but it is I1im- m
possible to extinguish it you may throw waterr
upon it or anything9 else but so longion as you
yet do not
exclude the air it will burn until the material is
entirely consumed
potassium is tho
the main ingredient which on being
ibi oin a into water bursts into a flame
fiame and cannot
be quenched
i 1
T bl alt tt nr

1 ILIJ A champion brave alert and strong

v lf
v B
right oppose the wrong
aid the bight vron

A cz alj
G1i U T TT I 1IDA 1 S

tho gnu ial ro evians nen ei really in ititt
that geneal is in it ili apo inori tot thanksgiving in ohio
she num held chatt inori ainooa until alter after tit til it battle that liu
aimy into chat
hall been
ho luul ix alti inozualloic agoti ed b PI C tiu sf C
on the fionin
oil tile eio nin tile
in I lie
itu election in
V ill ohm
ohio it
had to liblit to get ct ili
lii tilt
1 lie lift lilt r binol b abi b olle Y is le latell that tilt celebia ted tind e ent r if cani
air celebrated fill
for the
tho removal of iso i
ot na i ileivin
caving tile liin
fiill moody chos hatredd or rebel trill cili cilium lm
let ine me 1
il ili tefil as
i T cm
carl rite s
arms lncadidi i about 1 into ii r wn
int aie clr
it thioni aclei bicio s tile alir liner ii T omo thirty Il lile be in the viki ot
lit 1 of battle trill mil iet n itin to hatta i
it cill til hulmn lor
near great silt lake city lov
between iland it anil the
Fool olit mountain ai perpendicular ions u ith
lie rebel po ppolil piill pinic
in i tilli if le aclaa I1
dea nid being
trill bain
by tile cloel wn bivil to tin the
for i
f ill 1

tion illi the trued tit

ill ol
of ain III tile
lie excitement b callic 0 o
of the califor rola trill
and nevada
liilisi ed
t almen 11 nall
N r 4
allot of lilile toile
mountain jitt up
1 ich
no heel collell
titliu rii or ti 0 anile
N ci I 0
iiii lr
amay police trill dali
to tit ill alio ill brulin fr ulin letl cai
POIl deLot file nw

following celle ocell irvil

ltv york
roli ted bill a corre
ih lt
ili it fill

lii bonin

blo chattanooga toan x itmliti i 1I

nin tt it wn in ita Meth

terms of subscription
07 il
haic attempted too match up
this pm
olt I li ic ili7 talie
lic ia i i load1 on d mil
ill too chattanooga elit 0
r that tile
to the two could eio together lit
11 1
in tija depart
tile biond

glory to god und

clo tl cried
and III
odit in
ins tile
the loyloy loy

si lit r gil fo
ktc HIN

at it
ut 1

one copy per Ill olith
month JO0 centa
cank through aliis pa gild liao
hane been colonel at once lie 01 od
one copal in co month
face Illo sl1 160 it aas vis the it wi to at et into
gen sickles ideas of loyalty 10 tile tillie
to line of old IIi kindred
Min indred
dred trill ind th it vat aiarn rn
one colly six montan 2 10 50 the pincu if the ichel bould anin get out before binge took it up
blage ury ilinun
hp trill alerv in it iiii
tit lit batiz illi ill
lift A

single copie i 12 cents land som 1I beks since

some liner m licit fim ell eckh t vis ere wint
his inilla IV
liia tiit it k nobler
Y in
rates of advertising T enty or
mis illliaf ailt
0 wib lii t gall in Look
ta mile ont nut fiaiom
om the I iti or auth
olit mountain ament
faded lit m nem nc york inI itbcded tile joll
bis rep onu
lullooling iiii lin lan 1 them for till deliverance gol
for it from traitor trill ind
ool liit Is11 ti
lilt out
tell line lincii or acai 1 50
llie guiga in the como
lit coi iio of his tc
ili e been sun
eacleodb iii sl1 00 mile
11 ilu faither na as the vc ond hiie ian and the in
ami i amne M ol 01 aln
one fourth
ott per month
pur 12 00
OU live lire location
loci tion of all gap
pip liis general ro
rosc although mell front il lire
11 life cene call only ile appreciated b tho thoc c hoe for 1 NN

20 00 cran plin in si moin replaced

lie i and tin
trill till determination ha lii heon hrin in tuii Lit wn
j t lila
lilaii to iani
intilii it
one hilf half col ullin per month th NN

our it 00 ilear the iller at it the foot of the mountain the babici it mid of
if mn in inoff
oil per month
i caid per month 3 00 kemt i idy to malch light alp
31 ilp through the tin ppa ps
itliong a wih or sin 4
in to ei eiva
1 vi thim igIl pin cow milking machine clip av lie
the fol-

andtilt to 0 into chattanooga ill moment tile
he ent
the aebel lir fficiti oi 1I ma
lar in if
he per int a i 1 cit citira irn ell to ollit ill I 1 1
lowing acci of taij yankee iM ilioiu
li teal ce it thomai thomas corpa corla tic cut ont dilons along a ord ol of 1 N I1 might leaf tin 1 1

ab nar olr 1art nr in 1kralish

an figalish piper
C MM the
ill mountain
iilo tho
to the fisit gap gip
to cloi
and mccook
CIO j oica aiq uon
alio head of their column
i to tile
oon sis
lie e iori
I coo01
when men are
e left

ioliA who diletti in not liin from tile

1 11

ed ill
in tile

UK Iliili e I 01
olif 1 1

wo iflav
thi novel
ave lately hall
ilova hiveI invention Ivi
had an
liell am
hillian of kin
it is beel lit gillim litia
io ible
po the e
bion glit before the public ilic
Fro grammes Bill Heads
programmed began
7 of tile
to deboalt
duli oil tho other chat danoog t
the clinnin nv all his hi Lii ici if lie
copt ai I or illel
he gevat till

tint t an it
ill ll leoin I

a illicit
1 ivonn hell collid i of

nid a1
wad of it is IM am alit
ii allate
will if
lit ellitt
oil his hii line ol of thoe alio ito flu du dot lot too colicei il altheir
their pe collit
conits i ora
of i tintill cin on the top ol
call OIL of is illace
BALL invitations ONS remained lit in
i nal south of libin
ha telling auth ci isaidd to idan ette
gr 10 MC wele on
ile it oner
the lanil lit
upon tile
li i conn to pro

lint cik eliom or

10 thoo who little
ol the lh di
dnn do

tin nii lkins ipar
it orion
ottoni linski piece i lit
iti tile ot
of indi
i in ion
hill form etc fon otc 14

glennl nc tr den quietly INlung ing a1 fell fr milt enli iian down the Iiier er of luh 1 lor vote ali thitit n doiy 4 are lo t dim
lot lining
haling nv hiieile co
coilll for
11 aarem th url tt ti
done in GLI astle anil on
dollein mcinis e up
lip alio rail loal
tie oid impat pi it gaillee by uch lich h imel lit kiilivi ni aflee
1il hicls 4 pitt lot i tto li lity tho
blaty or
rho te its of tin cow belljr litt toti ajic ii
tire 41

to the
alir inci s cadic no longer party illk alii i wu vill bill in li
an loaderidar 01
1 laiu operator
op ork a1 imo h
aich bick i thovie from il lille the boalt
rif all order 11
eliell 3 golic abild occupied tit aliu tron p1 itltv tn or iii tit it i in it iti ay iy knot dav all ax

of ill alia unbolt addle 1 callip douglisdouglas IT T ftm i ll ibold lot only to
mily todi
toiladi hilt
ila but in future eal i aint it ii icv
alje in hf U t 1
ut of
ill in ill
lift the billger pieced
which i lit in diri ct
meet ith prompt attention but did this gi pic Kosc Rosc cram crins ch a he orall
tic 01 ill
lio peat
biou has bits he tood 11

b ho
the 1
an t

all communications amit lie be addicted

addie eil to lie pun to pet file held
hold it riy
acty much an i frag gler I1 mho lio hollad hgnp it- in
ill tile i it MII
1111 of tin
ot tile unionln ion I it tt
1lant it it itin tire of tit
rot ell out of
alio air air on the litogot
oil thu fanget tin milk li
tile 11

get to an enemy 4 lear n ir be the

10 lie lus has been ix rii til iia hi doollie it millill ix be of 0 ot tile tvteilik
editor of union vedette Je jetle camp dingli Don gli IT T ile
alic atolies of tile
ill hit
the ol
agent till to hold taw line ol
of of
mr L rd M pennington is
133 our
1 for
hi hid hall but bill a ingle chips there tin 1112 the otit not exactly alir tit union if ek a tromp
tron plit
ill salt lahu city ito
the transaction of bil ille in ili bhole ed ot
od of ol dui ilo ini to cloclodon dod
iiii could clush lit nt ciny fit alnio lii liolu
office in 11 II S y
trcot y
street 1
llort ai
into chattanooga 01
o tint tic liu ronld ire
n unite lin
to A spiritual general order it Ssilt
liou c at tit lahe cit
tire union minstrel
F vall

0 ol
rift ht and halil ill
annl po it is 1I
we vc clip tile
ii the fol amill an avd ino loing
hilins 1I

po ell of zolsolddiets tut bixl ot

coin 4 1

eliy it in trel
li ing to to
do fill hi
ill it t ai foll dit in kv Noum lg Inc loii it will
iut of inin imported
rite matic battle of chac im

11vis ts Foufought glit 0 was not aiom

tio irr enough td
ill hold aln
and an ortt
fit oril amill the lif coil t ol of talij
1 alir pul at it t
tit tire uc are placing to liono
in cro wiled lio iio
tino ogia 0 o lie in iva ti ciol a s ho thi place 1
tin MIA mr c in tit le it will ill bo lr r
ex hut silt like city the
font not in salt hue
it I-

ali vi fit
ell doted corre
N of tin tile bublie ed lit in alit ol of blaag blit ifto get lu illlie ekholt
to it i klo 1ested
I a1 large diw hall itat Ccilip
atnip dougla abnot
N aln york tribune in the lane
lan e which clealer
let ot
uttile kunii
oriku klell
il to losi-

ill the
the will be li made gene goneril
gc raIl to fo appl pl too 0

there hold m ill camp Dui 11

ia two trill
is and a liif alf ilu
led to io lire lenioelleni oal ol Genciil Roc
of vencial ilo erani the
is chri lie mo till ti linting tile sall lile
dillile from sili liko city
command of abc anny of the cumberland im pi lents it
events chont aiming
the vann tt it be exten extends dd d utah ini orling

at lafayette zu u to doe doc

do c up till nun ing li ba till irit
in the courte of itu lon long and aili elc the
it rule tilt flank link oil on
enden then lite oliou linn
aims con- ere eoln
IKIC coin jonii ii in ill the orak r jl on
if it emild our coming
comino A lip tta I1 in cu11 1lauc
liis bee
has acellival it tile
ell nt
following succinct an
lol andI graphic beci option or
1 of tilethe tinning the cit alink ank ii i 0 el tit
11 t w to tliy
wi too ly to slip
1 1
sill little orld diilio amill be
lie none ill NN attic woi c and N ami flaw anti giov
interior department the
tho completion
movementstai which tell
MON led to the gl gi cat
eat battle of
01 ceilea ale rc
iv into cli
m for thu the ciueilly my iia cot a1 buum that ishii it of ilie of lot inqui ot
loitt mile of the ve iteni see ice
illomei to be 10 healie u 1I icino bafit oad or J iun
iti it give
gives the only clear eri
erion Oll of tile alter lio ing the rhet rj er titer aci nci ko il
if ro ejaus hall
aldur idette d tf 1
tinn of
tion lie pacific
the I1ibo
he maik as per N

of that battle which inft ce cliatt hai 0 een con here 11 h 11 e let iteal told olt that
1 N 10 M DI TILT buthi t R AND Ilapini an 1 illicit in foit rhorit illyir it iia 1 tit it cir A

find cri able one to mider tand the poi tion of the
enables tic
ift cm
lie ill az a1 gl eat foot it lie lors
reinforce hin fintell tell
to not to
mill that G
g eneral
n o
f io t comm trill ill t
Ipal octtU0 lall
will be lit the road
un in or becote the 11
roid fix lJsl ll
bolli before and ana after tire tin conflict pic I 1
N do it N 0 3 i iii i K 5 actu 1
of juanitar 3
ot net
ni H now ito ce itin lait that ito ln wi not a gevat git kt 1001
L IS of gentral
gent ral J T
bously y he reel
it recite fei the cchuei ili sv 0off t lie 0off oe
mccook wis t ent milts bouins Tho thonia
i I 1
nii Command hip di dittie of Keat nh
ul ill tue
all the acin ill 71 the ati thir of tin
the elpie ion ilimilo
io tiai et
cran which may be briefly niu ined up till n m fol- thit y t
to mich thoma
or it mot
tl nele
allu lu il
that ln ili been I
1 1

b li irilli in ill tin mn 1 1 pout

penk certain13 halt nver dommi
li remark it ki

lows extraordinary acla lit lon ird moe

in sia tomail nime- him tin finie expected d
tie iii
ii on
oil the line liike ot th ill ken i central artillo off 01 lie liale
liivi qua lilied ili im

ment after the bittle battle oi of stone rn illi er not noann

the match in tire
donld not ila e been fought
ou lit iud hir ani and the on
1 i
laki ii pot
biln ns
ision e lon ion 11 div ill tin nc n c oft ill alic 11 pirt ot wi ilcin to tai onus
ore goll Mount lincer
cines co mitty
comitta vaclev

ing filin
fici nithe rr
alie Pr eident 11 alleck bic gotlibininloai

cly into
ely allu
ter inird blai G alad will be hil
ditl lilun liellil

harp loathed hin on the

i ll
bill the alth hr
0 crl
or I1
ill captain F1I W bikky A stint it
i t int
knuti avi
was it prevision
and secretary of war in a1 11 alic ho
bater cr it tit pot
luft or
for hilvi to
ad another do- hai c joined 1thomaa i hile tt vi
jiuu it ira not till tile the 1601
nei oll
nel the ganim of ill hn
ul opting iiii
in aili lntit
that magg i ned liis his general older lala
LAIK 2 no linoir orn lorn I ill lie iy
ili tillei
awiti tian pir
lit the eventa
lay at till loo A
aidi i to tilt

Tul lahomi ik here
lahoma heie shags with 1500 11
nian ette announcing to the anny it illy that it i ile it C
helit at bay Itoe crins w ith etli
of the thaid
thit I 1
nud ordering
allot n alliance to II ek the aldor
or abt to chent bI IIti N
it mci
nici after tire 1 tie lie oft af liis
1 N his 1
hf 7
ion arter
inri long after id ali find ittris ing proof 1n4 ef
d kill
his kle N

caille let the
aliu corre
correspondent himself
for himi elf el lenly
lie plain
loul lkt Ook
of gnounirom in
dir cityly do domiit
r onte mi corn
dirt 3 the itic nf if the crvich
5 cr vici re quick that till aliis irad ill
read III i elipa aio licit linen lit
k the light or
in tiie iff what hat is k N

us folio ft a8 forn be
10 talan jor which a far illa ket ariee mill
lor it 1 I1
it in pirina eadi each day there ia 4 ait el a place
6 accountable doglii ion that it i not practical to
be pail
tie pibil ns as far fir Iio practicable lin contract
tilt on tract price ut ot
in human nature or a pa ii aur
the blihor
ua 4stu m ill
agec ill ft ila
31 jill bring me rite up to the lie go CON
crinne third ab ent bad ON N
birr tit-
er lir iaall 11 b
1 ich lit
alic alm ilm
H tillillers II 11
11 S

rau c ith gen

1 mili-i had ci cio ed loo oid
lookout Kont ent domi AN alic
ninth nth nea nc A stamp liaro
ne N
L oni tion i but find nals4 into rl in hi hi hn
hia A

tary ili ill 1 nt diio thc Chi Chica maui

camanga 11 allen to 10 the LL gip t bilidtlm
1 1 li a
Il landing lot
3 1

of fiction
fic tinn in the of hia ln work N

n the la
graphed to GA
baits of august the dep neilt
ell ittiti
ra order it ill
tele- elo cio cd
in on
I and
oil Tho lilas colp
0 o ly
by t
a liiI 1 1 1

file di
dais intend
int Lid the latest scandal in england tiiu to clinent event we note the tin1 ot
li nu to cios
hint the
tho oc at once to Ieloit culi of thirty hours in
it the junction clicc nit ans ell or
of litelip leat ites of if lik peikin how liki irl
1 I ty ii
of cach chip trill and to allow no

ito inc
ili 0 di
lla sett
settled leI k tile falc
I clr ol
of tile1 lir
lie lid not lili
hil it
journal are
irr ail
in their churls alo
vc i fl
lier ti lhlioret oret aae
ioner for or the
ft cit docs the L following strut ct rut wt att wit out tic the
t the ulli on

four lionti to gaii pa ulmont Uli ont sand el illing

ing oil i on a mich tioma
thorna until lie
the evel lill 1I of oil
dimoree belm j ill ami ill alic lf
le of wily Ung luitt if le
report no
sh otilI cro i or i liat
sideri were ivere giell a
aliat plan or operation ile
to chere
A lie tile
icib to
tig of
ince trill
and lie
isi agg

iciel anid elle

halt n
ellel lel
ellena an
liis ll
bendet i linit wit

lii do lini
lii happ itic s alir
tin gaa logli alio

ci bivil ig
etc ik tooly
to oly could
conail he more clearen elgarh or tilak
adopt alter croin im1 lomond ind
iii 1111 clo clotilllill ill had
sin already P elier Ilol 11 Pal 1I litelI
oil li ill I1 clibe tile tin annl mock neut
trill mu rAtty of our
li tiang been join in

TN 0 coures efio c to open too

N 0
ito had it1 fun few il roccine
Roc cinn to inin
bring crittenden it till fi lint
liui li rl
or IN 70 u it 4 fitt igo
th damio 1011

0 1 liti icil

it ika is
ill 1781
vil 14 a
if N 1
relent foo lou lift i friend
bri gadi
brigadin dc liing on olt tile north ban biank of the lie II liver or from and clear up to Thon las idt j

ofir a
apt ite lie could move
inove tile 1I hole to adf m
both chips from annihilation in deli
detail i l ninita
tal ign alic im e it 11 it iliin tu lili
or illila lill to siIN itanit sn
dulli fcc olivey hia
end Uus to cconvey lii high co glat illation
that he lanns hii h ii tin olt
tho ili blip mell men t trill N
milty there cro the liver under tire and storm
my croc As soon oon jis alecock 1 got up fan e ll
tint it i binl ink to li lont yon leti lillin
of it it in
all 1
thc enemy works as
is burn ide attempted to do baited the araj arin rot
foi chattanooga
y blit
it hii too
ili will iait sit 14 ilk lii isit 1 4
Co ini mir ill ibbs to fo the prince of anu
at or lie could cro- lie rh fiur or late rite ciuck tin evad
hii id of liis
ili coll imil your hh cona

rii il in law liona Atel bottine lift lil in it

lit 11 yolar iii iter lorfor his II

ilL below and through some exceedingly near rovilla
pisses lit in lookout mountain Monn tain turn tilt the elij
ito villeRovil
loped technically it nas a deft but
oil the dili mil
cat t
t lol
ca e A hi if gaillefl the iu their at antoine
tot ile genera and lift ill ahn liee wage achill ot
0 hope lie IN willlit

caf 1
john afifi alard Jlord campbell great annonit and our im pim inee
illys jitni
mys ll ink ai movement that bore
ie eill
le cin Ko kochins
ia crins mill setd bi
hi limpo ho
IK got the alief high
blance toto movement
nim entena at Cliance llor lite hh iriny ili into hough at a1
tin ci cie e of atil toil mithele to liia his neu
oil send IN0 Io
be doali
lie 1

lit othor norda lie hc had either to lo fight tire hie enemy hell ier expert ill lit in wa IV 14 anticipated iglio
if he io lott there k fall of itii comp compronio ami CG
mill iii t he
void and cin ity as
ind empty is
twilit 1I ill not prove vold

out of chattanooga by an
mit aril L 1111 nin
and lie kill of Lp

all attick
attack dont
in front or to the leittl lio lie till on illlie 1 11 2 iiiilo
him oli by j flink movement and then in bigger than
ditc 1
loc sent hither by liy tire
fight hig
1 ilten paigiean ait oit aie i
braving lie 0 kane trill the fiall fiul fair oil hiir n
14 ml toto lie
fill HP front his
lie bis kladi coilin to ellet end i s

u 5 own iray way mI he 1

ile choe
chose tile latter I
1 it
li nc
tic coil pat titular in the
il n b pathy IN trite front ill
1114 his af it ts
pf I
it is dieciielly on alili point that thu ani
and and plump 1111

at ic

utterly raila to ander trill

the public itlux iq actions
linale lil the gilley
S lit iii ai eltit flade
illey aill ivill and pilate emits
it iii4i proper to ilk tint
object of tile tho battle of
tind tire trite eitnie trill
the poin
ind both becaro
aiom i to
it the
ca o I will alir
1 1 batti
hitter wa
wis fou

glit f- 11 tele
nsf ivl oin l aph ph litus
Ki lIffie
lIL ale bip all hicri M hit I1 7 rob colv
with tar hi
ct it and bilmit our hhilka
amli boerl Y tit ind
doii lily i
d doublet

ir impre
impression silon ill gen begalle lift
hid their a long alic
ill bacille lopi
I1 icelic k linelint i in
i thatat bv
hv a trill
ami be calle alio
1100 boll
aling friall inert itita jut jn t rel raid 0
ing itom san sui arbirinci metco co fit binl 0Oivi fit daaling
avar ettin
ili it
iha K inn he aln i lalit this
Iciak in movement took ch itta sir dep
suid faight ili inc
in tile V 1

leaie iced ork tre

arc wv it efti anding tire nite wm
f ic ed
ell but lie effot of further fact
ol nactina mn ith gell cn ro call ill t trill till
jf 1lafaj

of our one 1revolted ili oville i ell d
1Ilaurels was
by lii
liy ili ea inc ces
earyy inches bo- recently liu
tile iril
lell liuti tc
fact li v not beell11 1 fiori
fro altra jelito ienir file in lill hinr lf
tile ihler itaki
ife fiillli ill our due
diall lite attention loll i10r tonii 11 ne

ll tile sil it lian


calne is i rash as is before lie hill hid been cautious haic I 11 rit ahli in
lit it le ill lail0 ito 0 o tin 1 in li
la Nv volla
1 nhen 11

jo to him trill and am his fotfoi er ill

flie thiril libit Iti lonin to till el campi
ni lied ly alizad was mai c night oil iiii oly hi

that tile battle all i at of 1 flu

the men
licit u
all aalo nan tit mk ki forler
lor alev h he 11

aliard i pummel
pummelled led and
alid pent id
luck with a ili mer
s lift man gron gromi ud denly
suddenly im ny cio in
lall lour t alil of 01 I1 ilithe
ill the oda
aidt nc hiir
avy bloody head tint thit liia his omi un had of gi rater triumph trill ind ind vied nd ili lii ia from in C
itt chii
m on valle ut giai
r mv ri
he lillei no ilium lit
seemed mill ali 11 ille it of igappt lit lie
ori sueca s enitiL viita farther bhail ille
passage saturday
theatrical on Satu iday light of last ap
cital which leads hiloa a pa
like s
shudder at ahn le
kindly gic etin or deed of chafy
electing and good g
blont the daik ages and seem s impossi- the salt lake lale theater ic opened for tile tho winter
hc pinion of
another Ybyoir C ar marble we e
may ill be happy and hen
IN lien season with
inith the diama
di ania of t
too it
in ui
ble at tilethe CIO close of tile wittily A
ahall lill its flight into the abo daik ocean of
at a in
ili the chilly blawn n pecked something good and this urne im att least c
able to look back lulled
the men 1 fitting time 5 1 lit
ot appointed the piece v lie
etea alty bbalu c hindunil us in anny ly wo we be aak that lorfor so fro mo it I if a pro-1
pec tation was wai ilnot ddisappointed
25 1863 and it seemed aI
I1 I1

DECE 1I ith c to this achl chittmas
ChiLt mas day in uta to
katinas cession they numbered ISO ineil
brought aiom is a melo di aimi of the mildest type was
drama ivas put yon
ric hill 0 lid ciny ocic unable

onu and all INC aloin our Ii
vc li carts el 10 island
1belle d near richmond the stage in a manlier not often
lit d and
our lid ancic candied to the hospital those equal led lit in establishments of fir
beat this imply field
ns heat
together let lic set bid
bill a delry wall aand
to walk indeed rarely equalled
flat the col elt acla th olig in ill chiase
walk must hae sight
oil a1 si lit iter pretensions As mwo0 h ai e had occasion to
ti int alic open
hit the
1 liu cheit thit
that could
co j id
iab gieciter
never to be forgotten foi gotten foi fat in the to
leai ing
lem notice lie machinery properties and
E cv natura
L wilk
nature si Nv alls hoot folly as it flies death of jacob gooding fols not only lipped shipped thela of socks shoes and
st all the appointments were in excellent taste an amt
is they i iee and pan-
Atalid ratch tile living
manners li ing as
it is our painful duty to announce the death of blanke
blankets tb but lit took their gotten up ill the aural scene in tile
I1 I
be candid ft liu roc
alicie INC must bo
bicio nc cin
expired at deep cleck in oll except IN alicio
talo licit the ii lags could scarcely hold of in the ad act let was analla
tile u of god to man
11 pope jacob gooding mho ho flats or caps u
IN aitho allt hats
with acting of the several parts part
baitnt I1 illness on the i- th ctlier men
to colier without cent the was bett bettor
thi after a
alter short bodies baie
bat e to t he st mr awin as phidias ill in the fust anil
of the lungs in the 3 year thin cotton tit di aei
an ci 3 and
feet coi clod only b y
than usual
int ot of their bleedingr leet
3 and blooding as raphael in the-other four act lid did I1
of his biz age the deceased anas iong and favorably
as long tat tei their
hit mattei heir cluel captors had left them not
cinel captors ell lie
vINCH ile isais a fine reader has a loud smooth
mith all its jos and fond
jig nith supt off t be
he 0 at
M company be- horn but because they icle cic too filthy to understands stagy business in all ies its parts and alli
Chii finas 13 is3 upon us
known a 1
11 as t
a lio
to bupt
sil P 0
belle island
on bello ana at times powerful delinda
w ich its blessings of the pies cavon and by his
liis acta icv keep these men inon hill been oil NN
withal is a gi giac elul and dC lillea
ics of the p
acs ttweencell tit tin city and banen waste without any
to be a abarian cha lacter without ill s pala
the flit ilic one thousand

much to the abich

it the
tor of character to hi all
elit and it hope
rut hopes of tile benei gy antl contant con int cru
cobit tint c tic conti protection gaint file wei thor exec exceptt IV whit
lendi tion of other character characters liis his raphael struel struck m
eight and qi pity ty ysais ago aina aa aitel cs of the line and the comfoctt of all 0 o IN
it td themselves they had lain or on the bcctit part in IN
as tile aich lie has yet appealed
which appeal cd of

dim ages of antiquity w hen rome aich was to them both bed and cover-
ills innas ins marco m acau 0 can say little that ive
back lit the dint
in tile tri aled between the points named mr gooding the mis we ha haue

ing exposed both sick and well ivell to all eebli ames not alicade slid still save that she improves on
imperial rome I1which aich sat it upon aci let seven hills and leaves no wife or chil
childsondion but im
his aged parents
lie at heat and cold without clothes without food
ot acquaintance and exhibits her excellence as an
hom her suit of globy ruled the world gon elded residing on a farm Alex andrix
alexandria va
VI 1111 ill except small portions of the most actress in such heavy parts part as evadne and M muco lico
istatt1 vwith itiian an hhind and
ind ant rites a child IN as lo although a native of kinds for weeks and months inina hagim having been ioles of lighter comedy iler
monin his untimely loss 10 C
well as in the ides
aswell her
taken prisoners at or before the battle of actus
at bethlehem in andeai as gettys- versatility lity is ither or great charm and it 6 b rai c that
oin in 1 Iligin iii the deceased was always from what aare
in g front re called

ed as was alii i avei t by the prophecies of old little

ud fn in union min as im his f ther is said to lie be it burg many mwere ere oual ebing an actress is found of such alive la excellence lelle
a alini
nind io
sand wies es and tile the ssur coolis in vain attempted to
lid the rulers of mighty rome koino dream that this thit
tint that it is hard to say which is her forte high co con-
did IN ill
billbobo some solace to his fi lends to know plod
produce tice general circulation of blood tile cuticle autielC edy tragedy or farce the impassioned se ene in in
birth mas was tho the damadauiit ot at a new era cra to ininimn and this caacry comfortcomfor and t was rendered the de in ili myiny instances seemingly dried on vie bone from
the lione the ath act of varble heart between tho the amazed
child destined to bo be the founder of a kingdom ce i ed dining liiii n illness and distinguished honoris and heart broken lover raphael and the cold
whose gl Otiel should out dazle aas they IV
glories would out- at illslii i billial 7 the funeral took place in ia this city the rev 11 II C trumbull recently flom rich- calculating yet almost ic le lenting beauty maico
live the plen doti of the mist icis of the mond states that the union officers several thou- could hardly have been bettein d by cither 3m1 r
go- on
oil the hit and the were followed
follo NNed
re inin
arnn in oselose
i to the highest and most passionate co co-
N w bild and be w ui N
oi shipped in lands beyond the lie net-
to the giac bya by a laige of citicitizens ens sand in number confined in
ill the libey prison
nception of the author while mrs 1I was even mom

I id not then polio pene mole

ting sun
tting un where even lier her anus ind1
Inc ludin gen connor and stair col pollock and col
bonnor cliv c only one third of a pound of bread and some successful in hor part we may say however tint
jesus ot at na zarethli the reputed babe of all the of liters of camp douglas at file the craic anater ater and no meat had been set oil cd out for se oral in inconsequence
consequence of the dimness of tile th elight
light thi
alithe ci

joseph and vily spurned it his births

at ills birth as the child to his leading on oil some bastid das no pio- leally fine fill points lit in mis erwins irwins achim acting1I are lost lot to
the Epi
tile episcopalcopal sel vice was ilcad
service ead in an all liapi esi c das
of po
ol poverty
city and ION lowliness
lines pei and I1avilea john irions at all were at belle island not ci eu
on the audience the of the
ner by lion ilon V lou
long member of the n Q
the sparkle of the eye in lepai tee its drooping in ia
digh hii lilo s life by and Sc scribe and to the
tile hospitals our patriot brethren thele aio
utah Legisla now in session lit in this city sono
allow wand antl its in anger can HOW now only be
ill and ignominiously cittel fled by pontius A good and fttine tie ann has 6gone one to his rest and dag 13 ing at tit the rate of 50 per day out ot of pure starva- noted through a good glass were the lights bet-

Iila tv was bom boin king of tho the jews the promise pro iuie or of tion and IN w ant of care but the recital is too sick- ter all thi this would tell immensely in her faor
many mends hia locklos
israel tho the sou son of god and tho the sailor of roan man ening to dwell on we close tile
enin the subject with the notwithstanding all injo we have baid said of IrN irwins
vins gen
to d iv this far off land beyond the dead sea bial we decidedly object to his salut-
tod ly illin alii the aquila business sadly muddled heartfelt
bea rufelt prayer that our armies may pi ess forward rINard ing malco
maico as he does ill in the most impassioned
ol tile israelite oer
of over the of the all present elicits to save the iton
1111 clad coman- clush out this infernal
ironclad einal rebellion and relieve our sti ains and crying out who 11 1 va IN
hen tin
ariosa the bibid atlantic ill in the haut 01 ol fancisco we incontinently look
che slink hunk ill in the salt sail F Fian
ian cisco harbor seem to ciciole sold icis flora the slow lingering lingeringf tortures author has n littan oh
urt continent
UK the daik mateis of alio the allier ban uc been ab indo ned thu
abandoned the pumping out of the of death by starvation the people of the north to sc seec a lun itin a way ox team rush across the stige
in dead sea and on tile

andlid in ill vain kook for the gad true


ic iii the banks of tile the modern aquila lias has pt on ed a bailin tai luiec ami ethciec appears appear to hane is a
hae been fernea to battle by every sentiment of fast team butila is not gallant to try to stop her
boidan are arc uc ne called upon to celebi ato this ann- be a total in the wall it is said that a exalted patriotism liu
lit manity now appeals to them with
humanity mith a 11 who 11 if lie he will just leave the W out
in inacy of thuthe bilth ot at that child of bethlehem is being loomed in new boik to send ap to strike a latal fatal blow at alio whose insane ambi- of his intonation and confine himself to the simple
g nan
gi ell to failen inizie in in as his Rode ciner 11 eliatus to califor ni t with a view of raking raising tile the bu tion led them to rebel against a free 1
letter 0 it will bean he an improvement the tableaux
amid thanksgiving and prayer joy peace and iken
ui ship or at leaa getting out hon
the ironclad clad make the
but who tibo now rial the atrocities atio cities which would in the and ath acts were finely done and ivere
all alv blessings vouchsafed by ilean heaven on blush a jea
feature turc in tile the performance we should fail to
it i to bo hoped th
1 tint
thatat no debits IN villill be kaied or gi ec expression to a 1I cry general sentiment did
gin fil
IN o tto
0 day lebrato
oday celebrate anew the coming of tile
cc son
the SO ti nc lost we clip tile
binic the fillou ing lioni a late nuni we
ave aie indebted to an
ili esteemed friend resident
ies we neglect to notice and conini
wo commend ond mrs
ofr if inI wherever chiv civilization hag has set its loot all pan f in gibat
cicat salt like city fol os amie her mw

over the worldroa toils joy and happiness

ills day joeand hap pincas tie
bei ot at the san bulletin foi the lol loping exquisite illos
ill hole
hole action in the ad act
the poor orphan comes unexpectedly upon
mattel s connected mith ith tile the aquila and her gem horn hom the gernian Gei nian wee trust ine shall licar hear is hei e file
anion the chil dien of men today
chudich to day tin caico tile comanche seem to be lit
calgo in a perfect mud- aiom him often the last arse sparkles kles
spa ikles
the gay party in the IN
with table unsophisticated and
wood was and dinini
the length and breidt breadthli of our stricken fall landd the dielit noboa apparently ON ansher md and the three beauty and gen genius lits for much of which inho
P in
ill i cetho the go cini nent the nn hichi
hi cli no
ilo doubt have noNer been 4 at ilia
light ot of chii morn will mill plead a brighter beani beam 1111
no aio indebted to tit sttage cei t ani not by tin an amateur no less ex
tem and
alit thu the cach li
each is said to we alie tiani lator u a cx
0 er the lie arts of all by alio po itic hilier
in her each cach it
the lovers 1
lil bollent was bhe in the at jidd act
thu little onci
tile ill gather at
one niartill aund to litell to tile
around claiming tint thit she hensill
heiissill german mr vft AS
is I1 cry good but the man-
atory of the poor child of the ili inger the calist tin
the contraltocout raLto is anish to th
in the hands liand of the ti undated aiom the union vV edette ner in which lie he in

1 I sted on slashing sloshing
shing mound the hie
the dundei Stag ewas tei
inis caimol vill butet forth lioni lips lip athiner to
teis I1 ho I1 ill not hot accept the abandonment thi cu students hat bat regi ling around til of 0 appendages
toi rifle tile the of hid ills
I 1I d the goi ci ii being wonderfully and fearfully done
feteit clody
s1 cotet melody and around each camp fit
In fuee amid
1 I1

nothing to do 10 IN ith tile thu

be ill 11appealed to INfaill ill balhae e
lie threw ills
throw his legs about in a manner
until she is do de and jovial hearted dicely with mine ine their glasses
tho alining scenes of war tit the heair of tile the soldier luelli
ll elLI ellgoodin good older ol deraa per contract conti act 0 lasses of antoine ravel and lather mole suitable forthe for the
stated lat teis
battels style of playing how tile deuce
will lie bo gi at thothe refill it of the diy 1
iy com
ay coin advanced on
oil the file li then
1Iaich ali hi
alio hit
t I
fill comrades y our
your beak
latt els delice Ilie
le ill
1 daiil itt
i by the new yolk undene liters and we cant say but hij be led everybody to believe tint mt
no of earths doiy tind god ai ci i bumming
ei I1 it ig oer
ho icet blesing to a fallen lace
claim fiolli them tit
claims tintit amount if they do not get I1 have han 0 at home a titio love locc to her this pledge I1 in each be
he hid
bad at
cit least doity separate and distinct boink
her up
lier ill and slie
aud she iiii not july duly doln loll ered taken alto
1011 pour
pont leg and cci cay art one as supple as those afan of an
Cli titina is appropriately the time for rejoin getlid the tir
ct liei lir is in a most uncertain col we emoiy moment to find
ings and whether it be tho ic of ill ties mg anpo to the minda of the public mean-
tain and dis black aca
ea e she has black tresses the irim
trimness ness or
of a him tied up in a callol sa ilois Is knot and bogging
the child at the pine begging some of
coming of clans laden with
clatis while tle the sent to new bolf by various and losy lips which fond the gay baity to undo him editors wo we know
mith fluitt ind toas fondly lyhaNe
have oft been pressed
parties and companies ill
par tic in thisalm city to 1v sometimes dont have impell much back bone but pon
and th inq or around the detle benid oi
tiling 01 aquila and gaic tile Conlin che eck
I I1leek the to mine ille 11
our souls IN wec never sw
dinall together smote the his ir s div one before so nimble on oa
at the fanelly altar all all are arc fitting on oil this glad ann et ed
fi am p ii tic to IN horn
aiom boni the ii jcckI eck or its
glasses INv ith
ill clear melodious his pins as INwas as mons do dc colac still 3mfrr C anas
clang lus
su inoda
follic jn
ili ilevies lit ing thothe e ventsants of tile tho past eli indebted ilec helln that it iiii inigo impossible ible neaily as nimble with his ton
neally tongue ile as he was etith
car INvahit one ot to get any tangible eki evidence
dence of despon and like aall
1 oi al answer
ansi or the i echo rang his legs lers and rattled off his lively pait in first rate
hat oil of it ns lion
hov et everor deep in tibouble ili he to claims
ila cried the alist exultant a gracious omen astle wo must however object to
may lia ila albeen cast doni tho ship the plea i1 made that
tile 1 11
do it IN late or cr clouds of sor- all tile the alaila nie not bet this
et litin and the under sculptor into sculpture tuie or turning the into
row or may loner loer oer ills his house or agena
abenti desire belote drai drabing ing to know tile he
my maid on me is musing and on our baiting the ait as both diogenes g and kolago insist insisted e d on 0 11
foit itne hat one of its us but has cause camo for feriend fen cut total amount needed it is also snlid id that the dif kiss doing ill
all through the piece it is not so set doull
congh tile
tit inks for the blessed terent
forent L at honie
tit home lie aie at lallance mi good in the books and sounds badly
he to
lie todayday enjoys eich mothr is
ench mth t h sooth vy so
the second 11
I have
ila vc a bowling made a besides mis
1I lie people of V aj to their liability and consequently true love too
decided improvement on satu satur-
ittiatall have abundant I1 cao as fa foiI
1 the agen age
agents h aciec diio
its 1 1 v e not b been S
gratitude to god for the count cell cin po i ei od to dran dra with nv holn full oft
the day night and if she 11 willill continue to abid old the
tile set
countlesslesi blessings
blemings of the to pay the expenses flom mr chenevy
Cli onely fiolic
fiolle through
ino ments ive0 IN filled in monotone of didactic citation 1
iy an
year now dying out removed aloin tit tho heart- nary agent vo0 fell
navy lebinit tit tint it ills
bis only action in the broin it eyes
th 1 ic it Iwill make
ill ln ike a
eye she Ihas aas aloin n tic ses hig
ing actress
ac A little less of theal the autistic and a
rending ruenes of civil stiffe they have not to latter itin been tu
to telegraph to the
cs a footstep
mote n
moie atuis will help the tiling thing amazingly as ill
deplore the loss of bi
M hattle battle their urns ila
other mond kins
othor kin inin slain
and govel Illi elit at the E t as to the
ability ot at panties
baltic i ill
li it lie
m this city who ili apoi 0 to IN 1I cc and voice
1 I c
oice more sweetly tuneful than bells on
mountain height beight 11 0 11
lather like ills
simmons is ita buck my boy
his style sometimes hardy
11 I
1 giai 0 been kaied tile blood the aquil i this telegraph telegraphing was ivas donedolle so that hit together but hard trying wont make ita minor pait the abig he
ile hies
led desolation of war tile the filiti of cheh industry by liilli n influence an all asui ance could be to ether the
11 glasses v
IN ith clear melodious anjin11 or the heaviest 1 I

hiva been cell in peace and bieu

gl ell 1 aich IN
not othel iso be tho the cac clang villain when a chap arid

hiniges upon them our biaca soldini s ellaflo f


and like A choral answer tho the echo ran rang ing
to come forrest
in 11 second fiddle orevell
st or mckean buchanan
or even a thiis rate viI villa

lIllIiiii bcdM
our heroic prisoners at in
ili joy exclaimed tho the
filbin monotonous inic tion and buining
bu inin 0 to testimony accumulates that the
richmond ings
second for me the omen apt to slip up mv
sometimes cuts it wil
DIV boy and so birther Si Sim almons
one bionblu lor for their countey in ill lier
her bf need
of arc j the long song 1ittaught
I alight at lather ler fat wo have one little
ing and that not by degrees parting even crell now noly my iny darling piece of advice for him which wont hurt
hivo much to bu be thankful for and chile man lilt
but by m bolesalw bole sale
hole sings hur ti bit
lienti mill be filled with alad of our gallant troops dont let all your emphasis passion ragland rage and whit
inith fond remembrances oat confined in the and I1 recall a maiden
1 I
niti iden the thaid not keep k cap pont pent up like new jersey bottled cid 0 r to
pinions Oll and putt houses at richmond thil I
soft ani and be expended on the last chilto
times at home and the joys of far kofl the sad low would
wo id of
oil talc conic to us
tale salable of the last
Ill eiles
in es idea still the duties of tile tho precut ut and the
Is notlot by junior minor or lague agne report but lut ah no
ali nci or can our faithful hearts their
aci the last sentence en e but scatter it along alonga 1

bi ight hopes of the future no less thin ciery day some sonic nan an enfeebled
enfeeblell loi
lov e forego mutual boy aoto it ann at bably comes out ca philil all
linn the of their
th clr blue at once startling
ics of 1
ie blessings IN will
ill comfort and cheer
heal s makes lik hii nay into our lines to add bcdcd ith golden tresses tile
ca NN
the sunlight y body just like a champi cha tulla
cham pJ
der giace A s ten- boik at dinner time or sta
LA all rejoice then on this bright christmas to tile the glint recital chich chills the stagec thunder
Christ mis ho blood of our but vainly would 1I picture heroine is pi placing
aa ing Eill good ill
and shocks humanity huni anity not only her
lier mild angelic face ai is all very 1

day and in our rejoicings rejo icings lot let us not forget those I1bubolo baigoo i of e
this but to
gether smote the
tile glasses
aiss the third in pieces of it in tile
its place but you cant compensate for tile the nv a w lt
1Iw lioho are
arc stricken down with bar bonow ow ond and pain let ingery abc ai delivered as CY CX sprang the ii light
ailt place by putting italian it all at one ent cai
our prayers as 1I
s at city point Vi and loud land as no mattur
matter how jolly it lirty be at that end still bt
turpia ascend
bend for our gallant brethren
in vieginia
iginia the 11 13 it in anguish isba a qu iverin
quivering 9 echo rang ran his
ills and mons Veau dorc
arms now suffering lit pile
p ile
aad faces fa ces bony foi the hist
fust two dore wele creditable
in tho
the prisons of tho the rebel limbs speak a t ile lie 0of v oe and honor liichi
ins and emaciated
ti isted air
3 oaths bt
sat nith
with IN wildild ddis the other
is tile of the play wele creditably oni
bouth to 1 horn hont of all the world no but some of the f
christmas joys louse not alone tile should the thaid in bit bitter weeping olit will insist oil on deopp
will collie
N come to day you who are
today arc cast dolva the sympathies of tile Ii
umano despair
poured ah hearts
his their hsc and aspirating their Is to a1 teril fic
imaginary woes
dormuth ith but the ire of tile the 1 hole 1101 C extent it good 1311 IM and 1isq unpaiddon onnMI
boes contrast your happy condition people until tho the
IN ith those whose and allt hols of tins and through his native varcy that very in an ili actor when a chap comes
conics on the stage ulu
pangs paes pass all imagination cell abed ichel lolled hour therothere quatinquoting an

grate nl hearts join in the re

I1with grateful and leonare
lion aro all old adage tells tile audience
turn of thanks to quote a sing
the face
fcI e of the
earth J e tile ione
we ones like aca only hallings bai lings of bells
ou gl
3 oil gi 0 a ivinel iloie liell take an
all hell
li ell he
it until itoe 1
fea en ell remember tile st icken
and tilethe orrowborron
single ctr
ic extract act bioni ita recent
account de-
foiled in chorus tile the author and on tile profane
oil pi
pio fane it re
ing the po poor oranI
and the helpleyhel ples and open your scribing the t aappearance
pP 1 c VI nc 0 or of one lot of cv but tilethouawas was ono tint thit heard inin ds
minds of once upon a time wo we wentcut into

changed not those IN

a year hearts ami
our pulse if occa
hinds piro
Pilson nors ers ela sept
opt floan
Y face
chillies re resoundburld hallowed lc biati c assembly tic bielk roso
robe all
occasion ion offer
oder island L ott angel
beauty in tranquil slumber solemnly sam said the Atel libels 0ot tile bouso f Ia VO rin 0
let not this hi alay pas by IN
IN here
the cebul ale c the
ith out some in and tort ming
our II r z 11 t ic eyes ofanio of 0 had 10 lost
bound tile motion vill
1 N
ill say high we
wo bad
had haid
li 1111 diroa
goidell tu cs a1 paletheir loving
sallaust troops captilles A
Cap tilled in battle
wd 1on
and 0 it her
er golden ION ill 1aay ay to catch our bigalli
death galland bemben did say icci sure
tire enough ill tile
M t
lid ay hith now this 11lisiy ll ia y be 1I
boned in legi aitor but not m
hi arbitit
i c lightning I1 cut belter the last battle of chattanooga
mutters next thing would be st

down the sheet an fi deponent we extract the following horn the official re
wo lie
T daily vedette
gaith not turning to his better half
balf tho wal 11
of quaites mabler general meigs ile dated
we pipropose
01 oil monday lic
on nextt or as soon lock assuming
n 9 the iiihighli aatragedy
edy mien of the N 0
1863 antei 0 thu
ti balli of
la details J E S T A ill P 0 R tei D
be ill tile issue of a daily thane of Ca caw dor between
betiN cen fikhis teeth tile glo ilous assi tilt on missionary ridge and the
after as practicable to begin I1

newspaper froin irwill

this office in itin be found
ill bo 11
shake not eliy thy raven locks nt at me thou cant not or he gsis
of tile lebeis lie ilg
telegrams the eist and
tho say taid lt it pa if I1wce had only hid ill all the
11 11
hooker conling
coming into fa position swept
r ciell day the latest the scenery was sufficiently now and of the lidge and captured many
the light odthe eneis
I I1 prove intel c ting to our
will music
nal muc sic in
fach other matter as AV
daily 1will be

distinct bioni 11
no expunge was spaded 0 by the sheep heel INwec
ag ps luina ining hoops hardly rc
Bi aggs
1131 gi A AD
1Ileaders the dally caily in tile night and the b ittle ot
left cally of chatta-
the weekly and the publication of tile
latter will think we0 could have inipi
N improvised
inisi A incao di diama
alaa on
oil nooga after days of and fi block OV
we daily as an
the dailydas the spot to be
tho lo entitled the startled fawn of tile
the is von
N ahe th of me
strength ho rebellion til c centre
7 eb effion in the
ile continued as usual
to our friends salty maish or tho the bloody of the if Burnsl
i broken burnside de is ieli
eved aiom holger danger in la
cel lelit medium of alin el
cexcellent busl tennessee Kentuckil and
kentucky ZoMie sice aaiee
butcher boys pen or soi
ayd elioso of extending the list or
of their something
let of alie so
odthe boitt in it cecin ed georgia and the South anieas easl arc
ire threatened
countin for the accident as the proy
ac pro y called it gioi y if
in the 7i ear and another v victoe i added to the chap-
an original story
will commence the pub-
one little zoy
boy slid the sheep had been leading tile
einor s message and got excited oi over
er the min-
ter of unconditional sut
to night
eral thou
render giant
the eestimate ot
of cApt nies made iis sev-
thousand pi koncis and 30 pieces of artillery
v ME raU n9 1I S
niber we vill
in our cx ta number ing new as but I1woc dont believe that mainly be- our logs
10 for soo great a victory is not severe
original tale entitled thothe cifes 0

licati oll 0of an of

li linal cause natural history dont give us its any authenti-
revenge from tile the pen of one of the most gifted cated instance of a leading and lime point
authors ill in the Teni tory tile the story will itininn 1w
I as no she ish talk in the message
elAsh ve gee
we sec by
b y tile
tho san feancisco
Fian cisco papers that this
through a series of sev ral acks
several and those who much needed site for a fortification to protect the consisting OF
subscribe in time as 1 0
nother said that the animal was in tho
A the window
w alow
deira to gd ad leetter
c t ith hd b
blind business and wanted to got get a sash harbor of san francico
li a abor or Fian cico and which lias loll
has so 1011
ire unable to furnish back nui libels to our sub-
arc was more probability in this but we still think been in contro between the and
scribers that chap was inas go goading
aking still another 1Ivowed
owed private parties has been purchased under fore-
that thedeas a big A li
dogfight at sace pys heels closure of mortgage for by edward F
quick work but tho usa stone lieile propose to deed it to the government STAPLE DRY
the murder of telling what everybody said
use of tellin
two since we chronicled till we only know eliat for the sum of the government in the
that somebody had bad mutton chops
samuel bunting by jason R luce A grand joiy palmy days of ev E senator gwin once boubought it
I1 for breakfast next day boiled mutton for dinner
ua promptly by the authorities and for but ag
as there was some hitch init the
the term of the and a sheep skin for a door mat
the clial set for the first day of tho
tile of this oscr true talc of the money was not paid nor a deed
probate courtcohrt the week following luco luce nas
sheep if they want to sav savec their bacon must keep heel give
given ladies iancy
sadies bress goods
fancy stress
placed on trial and after a short absence flom their darling little lambs at home
the coult tilethe auty returned a1 verdict of minder 1P S the late owner of tile the aforesaid sheep in- QUADRILLE BAND
in tile
it the deaice on tuesday last the court forms usits this is his the she
eps last appearance
loom was to hear the sentence of tho the MOONEY HAS THE
on any stage positively ively no re rc
court the law of afie tlie Teni tory provides that in ta 0 me
that lic
uio public
tile of announcing to the
bas perfected a good astling
ho has
trimmings notions crinoline
capital cases the accused shall have hive the choice of A midnight raid hys boak
or Frenc band and is now pie to furnish
the mode
tile cexecution viz by hanging shoot- CHAPTER I1
eier beh
ing 0or b eing
ill be headed in response to a question BETTER QUADRILLE MUSIC
A good story is told of some of the nevada and upon
Z accuse ds counsel said that lie
by the coult the accusers ile
volunteers who recently arrived at camp don glas
than any other band in this
bad no choice but left it to tho
had the judge judge one night they camped a short distance froin a
tile liberal celms A fust rato
always be finished
rate caller can SHOES
ST 10 US
smith then pronounced tile the sentence that jason little cabin inhabited bya by a frenchman attached parties desiria
desiring good music N ill do well to call
R luce be remanded to tile the custody of the shesheriff
to the premises wasawas a little garden w herein gi ewa
N cw a upon mrsir mooney beaole engaging
until tuesday the day of january next and few
fe w bushels of potatoes and other vegetables ani address or ccall upon P AMONEY company
A nevada territory camp douglas
that on that day between the hours of 10 a in whereat the soldiers cast many a wistful glance in etc etc ete
and 2 p ni he be shot to death in pie sence of a
presence utah territory 3ani
passing the next coiningmo ining bright and cally caily the
suitable audber
always thoughtu g that
itnesses although we have
number of INwitnesses
it hanging or shoo till at human
active little frenchman came into camp
aid with a most woeful countenance seek-
hair and
under the
herto fole existing tinder
the protection of society sometimes demand
usa to put him to
possible use
demands the
ing out the commander lie he told the cause of all his THE and libin
JL fit in of A S Ranso hoft 1
solved by mutual consent
been di
A bros has
I1 ft
woo during the night somebody it must have

wele tile
Ilick mauj and judge
the counsel for the
judg jAppleby
cr a nd it is under- been the sold
cry io
lers had entered his garden dug up
GEO BODENBURG stationery perfumery
every ot and earned off all the products of ills
loot his
stood that an all application for execute e clemency farm same
six by nine filim
bix sace MorU eau Jer jemima and M
IN ill U c in ide in behalf of luce the summary jingo hempst
he must be his farm things
aich thi case ila
in inner in iiwhich has been ddisposed
ipos cd of is
tho authorities and
ilance of the
cic worth a cool bundled but seeing its you
creditable to the Nig 25 would answer the captain was nonplussed nonplus sed
ounces a disposition to promptly punish evil do- the caved tore
laved his hair
fore ills bair plucked ills hie NEW
cis mormon or gentile whiskers and exhibited all the signs of woo0 ali as
A thrilling domestic drama in one act only a frenchman can lie he talked bad fledell
Fl enell and just received from the
MINIM UL reminiscences
worse english the captain expressed some
doubts soldiers would sometimes do such things 1

I1 had been known to have an all affinity for a hen roost AND A CEAT VARIETY OF
A vagabond sheep unduly excited was seen on and were guilty of other fairl jowl practices but his consisting in part of the best
monday last racing through the streets as if for sold icis why sir they were models of virtue
dear life pausing for an 1 all instant in blont of the they recognizese the pen as mightier than abe sword AMERICAN ENGLISH PRINTS
governors mansion lie

11 he gushed headlong thrice
abound the house under tinder fences and over wood
piles and passing in at the back door of tho
dence of awell known member of the bisti
the resi-
and er troubled a pol ker in big
though the nights
gwine aw
his glory even
daik and the moon am
ay thele must be some mistake ali
away ah
BR 0 11 rN
BROWN 0 1 11 TG 3
0 xa
Xa 30 CS
ha says my little parisian come and see
haa sec for your- YS
persuasion 11 bolted abr on gh the open doors
through boora L
self the captain accompanied him and sure
cavorted about init madam I s boudoir and then in-

enough the garden presented ted all the appearance DdEendas rs

contin-ently went through
continently the front window carry-
ough tile
ing IN ith him several pains of glass and the whole
having been hastily dug up in the night every
of bavin
was gone the cabbages had left the tur-
ALYS hats boots and shoes
sash such a scampering
of the sasho 11 as there was in nips were pulled up the little pig squealed no FLANNELS
that to get out of the way was neler neer seen welcome and the chickens non est neaily oft CITJS

oil before the lady of the house struckk convinced the soldier returned to camp and
a high attitude and in the language of it thoroughly every camp file casisi 41I ai hickory tweeds suitable to the wants of tho public

mis th on a similar occasion of the intru- potatoe peelings

ted but no potatoes pe elings could bo be found no t

sion of an unwelcome visitor w beard passion-

as heard feathers laid about no bristle appealed it was assort mont of
evident that it tilethe soldini3 had been guilty they and a full assortment
ately to exclaim good lord I stay not on the
11 1
hiding all evidences of their mid-
bad succeeded in bildin
order of your going but go at once
did right plump through the window as aforesaid
and go ho
night raid
boire 4 5E cCa cr C ca

but such sad havoc as be made before he took the

is ho all was bustle and confusion preparatory to falland
Fal liand winter
ful leap I talk about spangles and gilt but-
pane fill 1
breaking camp the Fiene binan hastily took ills
frenchman his
tons gold lace and sich like stage trumpery as ave an
le ali hour after just as the column was about
Olo thingclothing
was scattered far and near
why the green room arting back lie
st he came with his little go cart filled i boots
after a high thunder aniand lightning ite moio
llotD ill newly plucked ve
w ith
N eatables over one side hung
drama was not a circumstance to that boudoir
N hen mons mouton made liia
when his exit after his hasty
the slaughtered pig and ov oi er the other the
chicken was pendant having failed to obtain the
alio solitary
entree but all damages were price for hihis truck demanded in tile the morning on HARDWARE CROCKERY
the scattered fixing gathered up tip the score of speculation lie now offered quid pro A
the se allty of the household stored and a new
window put in not content with all this fuss fasi the
quo for uncle sams
gation pi ovad that
A little investi-
had himself gone in ill
and a large and general stock of
fu AY A W wow
villainous sheep looked back placidly and evinced
the night and dug up tip all vegetables killed his
a design to fly it again through the pallor window only bigand chicken
pig and chick enand
and then hid
his well feigned story to extort
by ills
bid them I hoping 1
and probably
piobably would have done lone so had not the flom the officers for the alleged raid on his picnic
aiom picmi cigars camp douglas
lord of tho manor himself struck an attitude in
tile ont door with
ith broom stick ill
ses by the soldiers
market for ills
eis railing
failing in this ho
illk whether alie
his tl the boys had it
he sou
bye stuffs
in hand and in e cc
the deep tones and speech of the 11 warlock
ill vegetables for dinner or exactly how frenchy etc etc e
faced when liis his alick was wis deponent
exclaimed ha I fell monster is not thy
iia 1
illy blood not ANI EXAMINE
stained nature yet 11 saturated the little boy in
alio it was a good ell however worthy of a I
1 i 1 v1 BROS
the back baid successfully imitated st stage
age thunder shoddy contractor but unfortunately nobody was at the old stand 0of HOOPER irI REDGE CO
by lickingg ilihis heels on an empty barrel and the
poor dumb beast satisfied with his exploit terri
sold but ficichy
Fien chy
moral when yu you try to fool the california or
temp u sheet
east tempe et REAT SALT L kr il cm
nevadaa boys keep heep your cather
weather eye sli
N skinned
nned for
d at tho
the thunder or perhaps fealing that the blaeCb
aa bla
thelic BB as az
aas x

U ca

the union attention I1 attention tim ing

lie M lime thep
have file illloa
ea itie of
at ahli theater
lil on
ail ilip of state
oil ob lii
oh nion trong
I1Sulo nObl trolly slid
ii giCi lit
its flirt
of flilatare yens Eel ling of each week
A tie bopes
ith U the
wi ot
14 lurking OB
UV tin lato
ill late
no exgene be pai oil to make tile
ill 10lo the pfill
uVv know
1 1int
kiin atiat tit iter
it woi kurin A I ought my iill 1
n acel
LOI laid
laiti ahn
of allf I Z
ot griat SALT LAKE tain ments
of the patronage
patio nage oi of I1 go i

k itt 11 UN eita
i cat i in ili i iiiI CIL each bopf 1

boat the performances imill embrace tile
A nu hat am it ran ram what
grill u 11
hi abu
11 n ei
thita 1 fil
rioe shaped the
bwy awl rr
and aada t a altaeilt
of afitin chope
11lil 1 nr t ebilli madun sown and

I1 n ol
in talt
of the ir aart
W tare 11ihn
am zot the
ippol otA tilt all
ho I odk

dit kot ifa a I1 tilt in andr ide by the hie ilea ak ass tile theater annyiy be had for D licin rP
ili ay 11

hi alte tt
jn pic cr
tf f il 1101 li hta
hin eett griir
ts w 11 tta
unit i i now to the public one of the best tics oil rea
bics on resoluble
performance is ann
ev eninS on
anable beims evenings
bounced good 3allic
announced mn ic foi di
rill anjr fn DT irn trai to bruist the az ei in ano
our kir icart wn vai hope ait all thee OT 9
ll 11 5 JL E
tock of
est stock
ing also fui nihed IZ 11 HARRIS
min g
our M aill liopas oni our tears assorted and lar
larest manig

oni faith 0 er cr om oitt loaritar

an ill kith affie are all inith thee
adeall 0
following Sni takes this method afi
take heed ia announcing
noun cing tint
to the public th be haq
it bo has

fratt tile Ti
freall Til gillia cit it are
ent oci
not to the salt lake alonse
next fl onse calli
II calla ampe
irant near the bake bouc at can camp doo
tistif sot anly
ill lue lil
dry goods groceries be iinill
ill farnish

large and las bacic bo

i iti lut but abel pats ct
of off soldier cial attention to liis
t xit ats I1 1I MEALS WITH
JI NEA AND Dl daspit
ir y enuch pro L v hrca noi
have no right
well selected to all who may favor liim him i iab a ballat
call at
lndiiTto todon them hois however cier tl way may
admira tilt sta st 10 ic until they ale air ait tlthe
into T ae ALL TTT T
from reveille to tattoo
edtice of tile L states
in soler sfs clothes lacc sc aral crt dan da s meals 50 ck
hint lied nn
Hied nit ilfin in the bulletin a ARTICLES
has for salo FIES dressed
f aidi tv aid otlieni of the lik
ni graf rt at omits
li k alie
to alie
lliel run in vivai
the united t t es
ii oi
1 I1
TOOK 0 JD V ab 1I gad
U EGGS etc dbent

imy ea
try offie na hlizaxe cr thedr i au

ittilio irr
liy tilt demet of aich bonenti ione SAVAGE OTTINGER RES
in titlif
lit arvet aa
az but tew lew here bore lully announce eliat hey have coin
that tthey

like to lo bc bear ir enta att a aill

v ill con OF ever farou litho this bu ancs in
anine ill their new
law gallei y bean een tile coq
lovilIT utica tint uc ji a step ia
10 h aboab o office and council blome great 54 alt lake
onice 1

of rude ains
ill LIV no
pi opi
ni te airi iw the fn
iho aimy great t 0ous
ili are arc found to ile be cotton

arc now prepared to furnish feit clarc
and are
turc ini
iture nystle
in any st ae yo
cla slur
anthe atiq
K0 ann abid tallo that ttte and i faction
li IM0 ulan to weal in
ad num beitib that
views of city Mouri tain and lake
mountain fm
in in thousands
llian thousandi ta thom lie aio at it piment in the
i talen into con- woolen and selected with especial view to this m
li of Chi
ot lians and
chiliano it 13 V tf
ide ration tint
sideration thit all alic u hao been otolea front from
1I antie aim till acco aay
practice tice u b eident l
city or of putting a stop to the

mixed fabricss WM
as lie
adibe of announcing to
dlinalah Rrt andrion
And cion in ini
iri i been h
that lie ai prepared to pot fol mall urkork N ut
hlll oil on tllc ret arcil IM lit in na ill 1118 ti ted to him 3 and dispatch
di patell
tn vii it H being aa tu calicoes
lr liim li oui at in f iri i iee rr WATCHES REPAIRED
1I iw hf on or of ur dr mien alien of th tho ohio state ti and warranted to keep good time
U 11 ta it of the ath ohio
adjutant Caaally
Cai liy cap- silks A jeu belr by
bv him lie
tured by the lebel not long silice lias
in cearing ceaping film them and
ll ii

nd aimed iii thin tin

S TO gm
recial line drillings afuli assort llie lit
A f
colonel 11W josim of the lio 21 cavalry cal vol wj AMayr rk
y chains GW


kt didik d at vii alix ill t na ryr hains watch
aii arriLd
nai married
ni in sin 1I francico
nin cico breastpin finger ring Broach
flann cai

isalia by jelv T
iut to amri Munt goiner ot
ar of flannels
e ls ewt as vs s- s aa

j amt
in flet
it fact eve elari store
found at A acan cler
aug to be foundas ston
file tilt ohio teer infanta tn off leers M M e le had on file
officers and cai ile
for sale can
inen hac adopts all and 11
antlj uv
AND 0 skace ar
x 3 ILL XX ssJ hn chop camp
att bis cai n p doug
the inot
ino t
DOU tlas U T
lei ni
pr ir ting
iriki iii lite to Ibi nl tain hereafter
tot illy we of all
tile In invalid1111 curp corp 4 auw ul linter abon ftc rp GALLERY
tcaand old rill D ure of a-
hai the alca
selected expressly for tins
this market nc ha
nonn cinc to alio public that he is nos
non pr-
k sinn lir challenge
V t bim been garoled by gen parco
eparedll to take
irl athi z toto G ell 1I iglic
arl ilic coombs of kentucky
er of all kinds in the daguio
tallnle I ittel ht ing stated in the loni ille journal
including rean art at to suit
th it Sch
tit schurz urza tas a conrard coward and in tin the habit of inn in wf P J
i gallery opposite
polite the commis ary store itil
nin aay blits the vR rites coombs camp douglas U T lm
th it liee 4 ita
tit i giai
I v idich
I n ttlie
h im le inest ess t Iancans
it ca it s fig I t and
te ain
1 1
I1 10
incans liblit ili d
N 1 1 I1

challenge h un to go into tile the aielt gnp on

oil s
finontt in
hl oni pan

and let ille billi bee who ho id is thu

to cvsald l d under signed having recently etli cbill
casald 1 I 1

ile probably hope to

ire hh 1I to i lite
G oc eries 1 THE
JL tile
the stock and ih
livery doczl
cry of the amp douslin iq
i 1

iiii it title hei cafter aai

hi le lio coomb f nancyi
icy articles dress foods 1express
opre company 72 donld announce to the lie pt illic
that they will continue the line as
1 Or I toro nf A t Co flee
Coffee 1
besides the usual daily trips tile the coach
tile igini nen m er cr diangc tile f their will run on each evenou
evening of theater in the city
and conti ats in tins
mid this respect liter policy good saddle horses may be obtained at
11 etli ill our lik iiii a cicat
1 his 1
n at error lin agniv
in tilt
candles the stable and on imo
in vieginia
11 V
Vil ginia ha alij three ileaure terms
ard Jol iriton and fcc thair
giell ir aimsairo on tile alis- by prompt attention to bu ve hopcia
ire hope to
i ippi ili ih nias finelly athen lit
aa fluffily into to bif
ciok baug
vif rn
sugars T ir
TRIMMINGS GROCERIES AND nickit the public favol
anil c 1 I bid repe atia
abild the saim jatoi haq the case
it ingre of if
k 1

agars ifa ia
douglIs nor
camp douglas nov 30 1863
4 41 1

cafe nith ith ne ally all

neaily tf


aln ii minor aimi luicir to jine ee or CROCKERY

inn itini rew
a mm ardler biaga lor
if J l

for a1 long time thile C

aap 1 2
blit itif callh ill
li nlid
id itta

attainedined genci il init
0 o often lot ab
many dtreit MU
1 aganet


ii much telli orvand

ino had no
etc etc etc
JU cal
WM 11
IL GROVIS late of
so ligeon
and mechanical denti t
sm rr anci
sin aranci
i nd t of our jr authorities office next door to national I1ciote
left G PS
1I tant 7 city U T
and no bri k
00oo A recent di pitch
and the appointment
vr i
hardware tilo
4 1

iii F
ili act everything desirable
I1 I1

u01 1
i j
or fla itice lit in liia 1
alid hair
and Ci ittin
hmel HM ev
gitil it i letli leii to vola
Mars awu
lial genini ltv
nil ent Ys bitant
pr has
tant pro
cutlery and useful
jise ful from needles
needlei up to cook- a aa
oll M

AOI miiilllal of
the ale
1 na new

lelit shtia
ic ident
in aich hr latess that
hat every
that eiery citira 10lo
1 1

roc le ry
crockery a ing stoves fron F
nest laces and
JOHN announcing to the residents
p ivlaw tile 130000 h ill recene tit 1
and vicinity that he has again opened his shail
1111 azain
alie samu
same shampooing and
1 1
acif ia lud bcd a be
ani haircutting
hair cutting7 saloon and i na
elone rated fratin frell nica
ot I1 aco lor for the for hichi liu silks to Cali coca
oca callais and prepared
ared to attend to the wanta if all who will
auts of
1 1111 tool 61 ru ahme cans tari
etc etc favor hinT with a call
lavor decle8
1I hire w ie little doubt thit bat congress ill at tile r
pint the
aiau avi ill
aliv dollar 10
TERMS TO sum HE citizens
Citi ens of G S L cling
in ile ent
ill llie act
kcf hlllpublic lie
city and the tra
info nned tint tile
nf dl loun
alloun ing narlicil officers will
rill leave tile
GOODS bannack restaurant and eating house HMO
f it
of december to take
talo their seats itin
of klepl tentative vip
vi 7 aj
j T
abo psS
0 GD situated on oil main sheet opposite tile salt 1110
now the proprietor p
low open and tile
L 1116
i repared
J n A
it C
ai beld
lm Ht
s 1

I hin t
nit milli Di

give us
terms isy
board and lodging on rca
attention in aind
j highest caalim alices paid for giann Is a call
cull alid
and sec
see our si 4 clis table lie
fir it
a hi confide
he confidentnd hopes to
av nih hlll dalri t antu y liberal share
haro of the public patronage
ln 1 loan
oal 1111
11 district mis patio nage
ll nur
I U V m
ji allt
li ouri
21 ttf A GILBERT
breakfast from half
from halfbalf Pput
seven to nille diller
lo nine diio
14 twelve to half past two and ailt
tf B KO filin half past five to seven
cow milking machine clip av lie
the fol-
lowing acci of taij yankee iM ilioiu
in 1kralish
an figalish piper
wo lav
ave if ave lately hall had an hillian of kin
novel hive
thi ilova 1 I invention Ivi liell am
which it is beel lit gillim litia
bion glit before the public ilic will if
wad a1 IM am alit
ii allate
of it is lit ellitt
conits i ora tin call
of i till cin on OIL the top ol of is
in illace
tin nii lkins ipar thi app
appi abtin
i in ion
ottoni linski piece i lit
haling nv ile co
iti tile otof indi
hiie coil
ll for
11 aarem th url tt ti
li lity tho
blaty rho te its or tin cow belljr litt 41 toti ajic ii
of tire

1 laiu op
operator snork ork a1 imo h to
aich bick i thovie from il lille the boalt

of ill in
olfilio ill which i lit in diri ct
11 lift the billger pieced
etith b
1 ho
the an t
tire of tit alio airair on oil thu
the litogot
11 tin
tile milk li
rot ell out ot of tile tvteilik
i c lightning I1 cut belter the last battle of chattanooga
mutters next thing would be st

down the sheet an fi deponent we extract the following horn the official re
wo lie
T daily vedette
gaith not turning to his better half
balf tho wal 11
of quaites mabler general meigs ile dated
n 9 the iii highli aatragedy
edy mien of the
1863 antei 0 thu
ti balli of
la details
we pi
nextt or as soon
oil monday lic
on lock N 0
ill tile issue of a daily
begin thane of caw Ca dor between
betiN cen fikhis teeth tile glo ilous assi tilt on missionary ridge and the
after as practicable to be or
newspaper froin this office in itin irwill be found
ill bo 11
shake not eliy thy raven locks nt at me thou cant not of tile lebeis liehe gsis
day the latest telegrams the eist and
tho say taid lt it pa if 1w c had only 11hid
I e ill all the
hooker conling
coming into fa position swept
r ciell the light odthe
of the lidge and captured many
I I1 prove intel c ting to our
will nal muc
sic the scenery was sufficiently now and in eneis
fach other matter as AV ag ps luina ining hoops hardly rc
Bi aggs
1131 gi
dally 1will be distinct bioni 11
no expunge was spaded 0 by the sheep heel INwec left cally
caily in tile night and the b ittle ot
1Ileaders the of chatta-
will think we0 could have inipi improvised A incao di diama
the weekly and the publication of tile latter inisi alaa on
oil nooga after days of and fi
tile til c centre
ile continued as usual vc
we daily as an
the dailydas the spot to be
tho lo entitled the startled fawn of tile
the is von
N ahe th of me
strength ho rebellion
7 eb effion in the

to our friends salty maish or tho the bloody of the Burnsl

iif broken burnside de is ieli
eved aiom holger danger in la
cel lelit medium of alin el
cexcellent busl tennessee kentucky
Kentuckil and ZoMie sice aaiee
butcher boys pen or soi

ayd elioso of extending the list or
of their something
let odthe
of alie so
boitt in it cecin ed georgia and the South anieas easl arc
ire threatened
ac countin for the accident as the proy
accounting pro y called it gioi y if
in the 7i ear and another v victoe i added to the chap-
one little zoyboy slid the sheep had been leading tile tho ter of unconditional sut render giant
an original story governor
Gov einor s message and got excited oi overer the min-
to night
1 the eestimate ot
of cApt nies made iis sev-
vill commence the pub-
niber we will thousand pi koncis and 30 pieces of artillery
eral thou
in our cx ta number ing new as but I1woc dont believe that mainly be- our logs
10 for soo great a victory is not severe
the cifes
tale entitled tho

li of linal
oll 0of an original
lication cause natural history dont give us its any authenti-
revenge from tile the pen of one of the most gifted cated instance of a leading and lime point
authors in ill the Teni tory tile the story will itin
inn I1was no she ish talk in the message
elAsh ve gee
we sec by
b y tile
tho san feancisco
Fian cisco papers that this
through a series of sev ral acks
several and those who much needed site for a fortification to protect the
nother said that the animal was in tho
A the window
w alow
deira to gd ad bleetter subscribe in time as 1 0
c t ith hd blind business and wanted to got get a sash harbor of san Fian
li a abor or francico
cico and which lias long
has so 1011
ire unable to furnish back nui libels to our sub-
arc was more probability in this but we still think been in contro between the and
scribers that chap was inas go aking
goading still another I1vowed
owed private parties has been purchased under fore-
that thedeas a big A dogfight
li at sace pys heels closure of mortgage for by edward F
quick work but tho usa telling what everybody said
use of tellin stone lieile propose to deed it to the government
two since we chronicled till the murder of
we only know eliat that somebody had bad mutton chops for the sum of the government in the
samuel bunting by jason R luce A grand joiy palmy days of ev E senator gwin once boubought it
I1 for breakfast next day boiled mutton for dinner
ua promptly by the authorities and for but ag
as there was some hitch init the
the term of the and a sheep skin for a door mat
the clial set for the first day of tho
tile of this oscr true talc of the money was not paid nor a deed
probate court cohrt the week following luco luce nas
sheep if they want to sav savec their bacon must heel keep
placed on trial and after a short absence flom their darling little lambs at home
the coult tile the auty returned a1 verdict of minder 1P S the late owner of tile the aforesaid sheep in-
in tile
it the deaice on tuesday last the court forms usits this is his the she
eps last appearance
loom was to hear the sentence of tho the
on any stage positively ively no re rc
court the law of afie tl ie Teni tory provides that in
capital cases the accused shall have hive the choice of A midnight raid hys boak
cexecution viz by hanging shoot-
or Frenc
the mode
ing 0or bbeing
ill be headed in response to a question
eier beh A good story is told of some of the nevada
by the coult the accuse accusers ds counsel said that lie ile
volunteers who recently arrived at camp don glas
bad no choice but left it to tho
had the judge judge one night they camped a short distance froin a
smith then pronounced tile the sentence that jason little cabin inhabited by byaa frenchman attached
R luce be remanded to tile the custody of the shesheriff
to the premises wasawas a little garden w herein gi ewa
N cw a
until tuesday the day of january next and few
fe w bushels of potatoes and other vegetables
that on that day between the hours of 10 a in whereat the soldiers cast many a wistful glance in
and 2 p ni he be shot to death in pie sence of a
presence passing the next coining mo ining bright and cally caily the
suitable audber it nesses although we have
number of INwitnesses active little frenchman came into camp his
always thought ug that it hanging or shoo till at human
aid with a most woeful countenance seek-
hair and
the usa to put him to
possible use ing out the commander lie he told the cause of all his
the protection of society sometimes demand demands the woo during the night somebody it must have
Ilick mauj and judge judg jApp leby been the sold lers had entered his garden dug up
the counsel for the cr a nd it is under-
wele tile cry io
every ot and earned off all the products of ills
loot his
stood that an all application for execute e clemency farm same
six by nine filim
bix sace MorU eau Jer jemima and
IN ill U c in ide in behalf of luce the summary jingo hempst
he must be his farm things
aich thi case ila
in inner in iiwhich has been d isposed
ipos cd of is cic worth a cool bundled but seeing its you

creditable to the Nig tho authorities and

ilance of the
vigilance 25 would answer the captain was nonplussed nonplus sed
ounces a disposition to promptly punish evil do- the caved tore
laved his hair
fore ills bair plucked ills hie
cis mormon or gentile whiskers and exhibited all the signs of woo0 as ali
only a frenchman can lie he talked bad fledell
Fl enell and
A thrilling domestic drama in one act
MINIM UL reminiscences
worse english tho the captain expressed some
doubts soldiers would sometimes do such things
I1 had been known to have an all affinity for a hen roost
A vagabond sheep unduly excited was seen on and were guilty of other jowl fairl practices but his
monday last racing through the streets as if for sold icis why sir they were models of virtue
dear life pausing for an 1all instant in blont of the they recognize se the pen as mightier than abe sword
11 governors mansion lie he gushed headlong thrice
and er troubled a pol ker in big his glory even
abound the house under tinder fences and over wood though the nights daik and the moon am
piles and passing in at the back door of tho the resi-
gwine w a ay
away thele must be some mistake ali ah
dence of awell known member of the bisti lonic
ha says my little parisian come and see
haa sec for your-
persuasion 11 bolted abr on gh the open doors
through boora
self the captain accompanied him and sure
cavorted about init madam s boudoir and then in-

enough the garden presented ted all the appearance

ently went through
contin- the front window carry-
ough tile having been hastily dug up in the night every
of bavin
ing IN ith him several pains of glass and the whole was gone the cabbages had left the tur-
sash such a scampering11 as there was in
of the sasho nips were pulled up the little pig squealed no
that to get out of the way was neer neler seen welcome and the chickens non est neaily
oil before the lady of the house struck k convinced the soldier returned to camp and
a high attitude and in the language of it thoroughly every camp file casisi 41I ai
mis th on a similar occasion of the intru- potatoe peelings
ted but no potatoes pe elings could bo be found no
sion of an unwelcome visitor w beard passion-
as heard
was feathers laid about no bristle appealed it was
ately to exclaim good lord I stay not on the
11 1
evident that it tile the soldini3 had been guilty they
bad succeeded in bildin
had hiding all evidences of their mid-
order of your going but go at once and go ho
he night raid
did right plump through the window as aforesaid II
but such sad havoc as be made before he took the
is ho all was bustle and confusion preparatory to
ful leap I talk about spangles and gilt but-
pane fill 1
breaking camp the Fiene binan hastily took ills
frenchman his
tons gold lace and sich like stage trumpery as ave an
le ali hour after just as the column was about
was scattered far and near why the green room he came with his little go cart filled
I 1 arting
starting back lie
after a high thunder and ani lightning ite
llotD ill newly plucked ve
w ith
N eatables over one side hung
drama was not a circumstance to that boudoir the solitary
the slaughtered pig and ov oi er the other alio
N hen mons mouton made liia
when his exit after his hasty chicken was pendant having failed to obtain the
entree but all damages were price for hi his truck demanded in tile the morning on
the scattered fixing gathered up tip the score of speculation lie now offered quid pro
the se allty of the household stored and a new
quo for uncle sams A little investi-
window put in not content with all this fuss fasi the gation pi ovad that had himself gone in ill
villainous sheep looked b ack placidly and evinced
the night and dug tip up all vegetables killed his
a design to fly it again through the only bigand chicken
pig and chick enand
and then hid bid them I hoping
pallor window his well feigned story to extort
by ills

and probably
piobably would have lone done so had not the flom the officers for the alleged raid on his picnic
aiom picmi
lord of tho manor himself struck an attitude in ses by the soldiers eis railing
failing in this ho glitaa
he sou
tile ont door with
ith broom stick ill
in hand and in market for ills tl illk whether alie
his ciuck the boys had itheh
the deep tones and speech of the 11 warlock
ill vegetables for dinner or exactly how frenchy
faced when liis his alick waswis deponent
exclaimed ha I fell monster is not thy
iia 1
illy blood not
stained nature yet 11 saturated the little boy in
alio it was a good ell however worthy of a
the back baid successfully imitated st stage
age thunder shoddy contractor but unfortunately nobody was
by lickingg ilihis heels on an empty barrel and the ficichy
sold but Fien chy
poor dumb beast satisfied with his exploit terri moral when yu you try to fool the california or
d at tho
nevadaa boys keep cather eye sli
heep your weather N skinned
nned for
the thunder or perhaps fealing that the thelic BB as aa blae
az bla Cb
aj D 1
california volunteers

CA ml XOU aLAS U T IIDA Y M ajer 20 1803 ys isto J

h iott THE HE co
finn name ot
the firm of stubbs welton
under alid follo
co ot of
followingwim beautiful heinn ut
LAIE danger was nias near me ille that 1I should perish it I1
slept suddenly 1I awoke 1I think it was the
galloping11 steps of a hoi 0 approaching the dwelling
dis- GAYLORD clank will never bu iesi it any
the camp douglas company be stale in that caused me ino to0 Iagam
I1 1
gain my conci aiesi ife 4

TERRITORY solved oni t the day of

of Nove
Novem berISO
niber 3
the icel I ceic it liis ilis only productsproduction i it ib
ato that was
late wai titthe noienoke tit tintit int in it stuck upon in
13 i

outstanding debts duo the firm willlia ill ile collected

will lio
car as 1I opened ni
ear fit ees ekes but I1 did not devoe lei oe
near great salt lake city by W 13 welton ta
tailorlor BIN bills ng nunabnitit tigh tu to render his cianic immortal much timo to 1I can
call assure iro on tor i
I1 did so the firt object 1I saw was tit ahr figure ot or ol01 1
men the film v ill be pie dented ted to welton taylor lot loi
ubyy rind enlisted
payment MOSES it STUBBS
solemn yet
Oc tolor
to lein
ry bending over me chile the
which slanted Illitei through the hingle single bibb n 1pin
of tile
the california volunteers IV B WILTON
1101 ACE month of ill my lie div net heio
he ntt thou ftdivnes 11 glittered on the uwhite
oil tho teel blade
hito steel blade of aii hn inq bof boiu0
subscription C gnip donla ut
camp dougla rutihill Terri toly
willi sad and laded
with beaus
hided leal vs ftp att ew knife which lie held uplifted
he hold tip lifted just ill in fitthe rl at
of november 1863 the
meanings of thy
melaia holy bin
nici s melancholy
illy in ands I heal 1
striking 1I must own
gone tor for cheit iw as
oi it that 1I consid frfd ann
not even linic for ili to tol
m id lt
t wie copy per month cents
7 WELTON TAYLOR hauc the plea uio0 to in
lian an
As the led ties aar
dies afar pistol but luckily while tile the villa k I had no spP

copy three months oo

2 lq 0 nce that they ill
will continue
c in
ill the
tit iii ci y busi- andN
bals ot
bills of purple clouds appear me wake
mo N ake alic the noise outside died oil oft cj
it camp
25 oen Uui3 public at
fai or
douglas and
top i
to meet with
ith tile obscuring ill avei el elein it still
thou solemn hiorth 1I hear thy voice
tal 11
etl attention thu
and fatal to him in
the delay aas
ili tit
as a tt or liit er to nw
ti novtoared reil
rates of advertising coaches will leave camp daily for the city
U ieta ining at 11445 1 af also alo I1 it tells my lily alil of othet da d
him with ai pitol pistol 1Iinit another 4afla ti i itaport port
nen lines or less per week 0 at 9 A M retaining clond of smoke aind
a cloud

1 00
lid he rual abot
c r ti on 4 r runs to to the theater it
ii the city oveia
lieu but to lix
licit liu as to
0 i is lo iiceo
1 ico ff
the bhain
I1pach subsequent insertion
75 chith
cal tit lia lovely to my aae I1
one fo
lone per irio
ilc month
nth 8
evening ot or 1

oh visions bright oli

oil bleed
oh ble ed hout
honi alino some
almoite a t I1 lie ird the hor-sc op
good saddle Ihorses can always be obtained
1 at the door 0onee dismounted and ti
indi I to 1

one half column irin per month 1000

10 00 at the stable on oil i knabl t
b enns
tearo liing
theil living nov
1101 force titthu door it ia N eeitt I1 he hiiri
I1 iik
akk mylily pint s di aiy eai y allm el at the door in the ical
one co lunin per month
column 15 00 WELTON k TAY LOIl lor ak
1I aknin
lily pale and try find
lei ci ed bibroft
month with the partitioned apartment I1 have mads mid r
business cards per terence to at aliat
by laws of west mountain quartz mining I look to
bylaws and behold 1 liat 1I heard it give ay and aoma
district ll
11 life s dim
dain Init luig lound one nhochoie tread 1I fancied so seemed
c d too light lor for a1

a-c 73 nr acC ML M3 passed september letb 1863 ili

ot gold
in lines of caim ion and of kold
doad fonoti jiin ti life ground
mans entered
for a moment dining which alio
was a cathles bi
the steed sb re
a bilenic
relie de i
SUCH AS at a meeting of tho the quartz fineis of wet ett
and sil1 hill I1 ith tho
the maid
Mi feel
id I1 luul
1111 champing hh
champine his bit a painful fl ionon r tt
mountain quaidi mining district held

then I11 heard a shi gulat ly sweet oice i hi h

fr ag bammes bill heads 11

ward house silt lake bralley on the lath dav dan while their low pinions pillions murmur by N

iio inch then beeping

beu ping however contradict
contradictory oxy it nicy appear had actt
of september following bylaws
the follo
tile by laws iele
BALL invitations passed ot
of lit aid
lilu and dub tin
tit dubain
lowing iwiab
tone of intebi
with it a atone intensec ferocity
ith a slightly spanish accent
11 th
done in good stylo
glann m
style and on reasonable terms
tr w tion ot
and bound as follo
this district shit ill include tint
toty situated in the territory of tali
of terri
lopss commencing at the conlen
thit pot
flioy bole
spi ill ti delight
hen skiing
jf iton
chev baniccamu in
boio tile
fill lent alone
ciolli bk act 9
inciting tono
melting tollo NN
william kent you aie in this bourth I TLboucan
not escape by the other door lor
ith my lat
with lafiata
lai iata I1
you cannot pas

for 1I have fled

pats tak tor
on can
tied it
for 1I
once of the alier boidan with cicat silt salt like rhey ti tied thu lake glav fieast f
the blue lakes guald it 1I know that you
assB all orders addressed I to the publishers 1 yott ale aio hearing me lite E
and running thence lit in a southerly along
alon 1I ill ough Sum niel fi inting in tile tho heat know that you i recognize my illy i oice 1I am ain
of the union vedette camp douglas U T ill N
the east
tho cast bank of said iier in or jot
1 boidanan to0 it
its point ol of boy lingered in tile
thoy the joiet
joie t shade you entire
enferd my tather father s hoac hou o and received ilk hi
meet with prompt attention exit
lake utah thence along the ie
ill of slid lake to tit the auth dog of coith lat
westt mai
but changed and
st orill 0 rr
no they beat
iio boat hospitality you cruelly murdered mui dered himi you and
ill storm er mountain glen and gladu your villi anous compit not you heart lesly de-
ich thence along said iid dutli deg of north I11 ceived melite hn his daught erYou you fled with 3 our booty
james duane doty governor of utah
by jontes lat to tile the deg of west long gi ich lov
how liko like taboo lian ports in tile
11 licit lire i s fic ih and
the anastt you thought you vii ere safe but ou wei e mistaken
thence along said deg of west
de ivet long to the lie joy is nu llan
1Ibhae 1I have
al the hallon s dm do liett
lust hai e flfollowed ou oil si hundt hundred ed miles
territory to of bolth lat greenwich thence along
dog sole as lie 11

been on your trail tra il for thieo

thice cars oar haee found
1I hai
EXECUTIVE OFFICE G S L s deg of foith lat to gibat salt isike
de 1
ike and transient all as thoy they aio it title I 1

you at last will the bloodhound to rend

chenco along the faigin in a theyy stir the ficai
tile leaves in tha
ht that blight
t bt ight fl reath N

his pi ey do youyon think 1I inwill lose my re

ill lobe revenge
1I 11
aly to the place of bezianina which
aich hi ch
hope about liei bet diey p
ii v wt na 1110

it luila lIlot ot i li around it lite

of atile
11 rathe now Ca rambal no nol
it Iit may ounce ita
oln L ihu u 11

at the general election


ill each precinct in

held in quartz lode or vein shall hall be two hilled 11
r 1
one had
fl nf split
bad buist open the door a sudden shriek a1
the several counties ot
the first monday ill
the territory ot
of tile
in august A D 1863 the follow-
fall on
of L tali oil
the claim nith all iab dips angles and uia tion
hold more than ono
no pe beroit
acri ou fiillill be permitted to
one claim b location on oil any one
illy oil
alas fu
foi time and death ind
what gloom
the clouds in
our ishey erilij It
io 1I struggle a sickening swish as of keen metal pene-

trating flesh ai pistol

phool cliot a hea heabyv li felss tall 1I
ill all tn ait
ail 1

ing named persons received the highest number ot of i did not listen long but tole toie away the blight
vein by purchase
put chase can
pm call li oldin niti ot
of botial pageant
lie int ol thu pillig
of tile
votes in each of the council districts for membris
otes article ath all claims located mii t lia leavec a tiie

that eeuli
iiii ig
c tar
boud which flconned
bonds edthe
the patti
the host traitor as ithe w is and ai 10
tion the bodi
bod of he
of the council according to the ceceli d notice po ted upon Illelli sta
posted stating
till the number ol of seemed ithee lit in hues of bi bushier
liter bilde
at the office of the secretary of the tel gill
gift aci
lioni and the hiob able cour courseloelclaimed
1I lined andandalo

beautiful with tile

the several county clerks to wit
andabloalso at last
lat like ica es appeal
leabes api eai
shadow of feracco
her zi
still on them
washington county erastus snow ic corded in the books ot of the and sleep in d it kne me lv ide
ide by lay on the floor
within toilten 01oldis ter location
i s af
cronan tn beaver counties george A smith article ath Ecieli tell company must to As the moonlight henr on th lace face of william
aril and juab counties amasa lyman
Mil larol
Mill ful days on their claim baui eacle
do one faith-
iller the
MM 1I kichi kent 1 danced 1I saw movement
sann a diio benien t of tile thy lip
county 0 hyde alist day of apfel 1664 on oil a faillie to do so0 the
about sv on miles
beien et ot the middle fork
of hini and caught tit
bent over liim the 1
d1 ving word
utah and wasatch counties L E hanington claim aillwill be juin pable provid provided col helmle that if
of boulderllon lder ateek aas as a lanch tit tintit ent crit by tile the NN
it is hue V Peili aps you think 1I did
lot not spend tilethe
aaron johnston the company aie it c pro anted ba docil 1
oc it it ct name ot of bloom fallo Ft
llo an e li retired rema inde ot alie night at bloom fallow Bittl
remainder but 1 Ild
great salt lake tooele summit and green nun
ill aimed ke
ill filmed kentnit ili I1 thi to in ill gigiedt
0 it though and net inot coining
ning all au
I lit bodio in

or rebellion ftaiom oin biking

Noi king a lachnec to do so will
01 i ill
with iiii single let senlant nit ilk old ill mm M who owned lied ono gr ave 1I mI1 Iivv aadd that I1 sti
grave uck a ei after
river counties daniel 11 II wells wilbord wood- not forfeit their claim ith hi it ONN N
ORO 1 I ti lie 1

ruff albeit carrin ton daniel spencer

carrinton and that wali was all lie could 0ownn the name ul
he oliell of delry tell ili the health tones which paid
le moving it N

davis and morgan counties charles C rich

article ath the dicea eter of a i cin of quai t A to when licit kent came
into hei v ot 01 1who he in nna bet 0 to
tha havee never pi opet cd since
that I1 ila 1310juls
containing gold silver ili er copper ot 01 otlien Ial ible
hoi ho mido a living alicle Califor nii pony in my stable now in
weber and bov bo elder counties lomenzo snow metal mineral will
metals or minerals ill be entitled to locate two he etine cime 01 how
oi in nude california inv wito 0
cache county
count ezra T banon shai ca
being no appe tiance or 1 ui
I ot lock iiii aig
ailes him this
ten lides thi i thelha
hoi 1I obtained him or the nay
the lii t time 1I have told
1I do therefore declare tho the said persons duty duly going on
guing oil nobody kim illy one liow way lit in which
elected membris of the council of the legislate 0 article mi there shill be a district ic
it ill bo leccorder howen or to bc coining coniing pw cd olne 1 11hit it i became rich
elected fiant among
anion the or tile
of alie di tiet
assembly of utah from their respects respectivec bisti
whose duty it shall be to i ecord all claims pi piec
lailI1 Vyot of ollic aitel eting p 11 thi abject
oil tile
on 1

and also that at the same election the follow- rented for the c gh title or
ing the itiame
giving of cach i vil ill lay thein bullio un
oil and lease olt to election incidents one or two elec-
n named persons
otes in each
liest number of
the hig locator or ow ner and receive as campens
ois nor coni penk a fonn
folin yoni oi n
I1 lilid ul been
on in that
ill foi
incident omitted lit
tion incidents in one ot
aliis chiv wandi icalla ought
of the ward iliid
not au be pei milled to
nita tive district for members sum not e xceeding one dollar pot pel locator 01

J 4 the house of representatives acco
i iding to said
according se lo tal din nith
10 etli m ns ns IK II one
bu toi gotton the simple aie un
of them advani
owner his teun of office shall be one year ol
turns to wit
tashi until his successoror is chogen
C velling finding lie it ln
no lionii INIbuh
lit lion
hott tili 1I had pie without any adornment whatever
hat ever in one eaeann
groll county orson pratt sen
washington sell article esth these lawslains will apply to locations iier arseen and antich itin gathof loot over in old manmail had been taken to the poll to of
iran county henry lunt my ilela girad it ir 1I could lla 1 1 liked up to to the and ent eling into co
entering with tin the oung gen
oil vein of
of claims on ilon or othe metals
0 coal aion
laivo c it
bearc county C WV wandell door aril
floor and klokel okel lote minei to aailalv ision licin in ii ho accompanied him bini tblb the card igo on
millard county thomas callister or minerals in this district to pread illy my blanhe un oil tho flow lui the night
lot tho hia
his float tile poll pollii found that lie he bazi i- ia in
was elected district re-
juab county samuel Pitchfol archibald gardner wa I1 licals a voice 1I ichill illece jet arii to upun opell alie tile acquaintance
old acquaint anco or of hia alter shaking h ind with
hi after
tit corder of wet mountain bisti lot jor
district for one 3 eai
cat fleoin
I ont 1

county john patten piR N allred the date above written Q door then it iw
loor ai opened and I M admitted by 1
the young mm min lie ho how the ck clec tion w
clention wnai
utah county A K thurber
Thu iber
liber david cluer jr gardnel president the old mail 1I plon cled my
piol luied illy but lit lie bent going the deply wad wai it aai d going baigel
Joso pliT johnson ARCHIBALD GARDNER ind 1I irepeated it 1I shall
ili car as it ithe did not union 11 0 0 tab hat the old gentl cuitti 1

wasatch county william al wall in 1a1 louder tonu

ill toil when lien a lit had not betot c ob
in 1I ila
in tit N be boto glad ilif the election soe aoe light 1I havu have a oil
summit and green count ici ila
counties iia el feied clothing
clo ahing 0 et a lott IONN filelne iwithout mining ining
ln in the army his lect iceie
hia elect eio liot hot oft and nov I1 eivir
diedre on
oil one of tho
the ladics
ladies hereabouts IN
in the affinitive 1I
me tit spread dead only thin
he is lead think no luna it in b e 0 o ni ill 1 I1

great salt lake county joeln john taylor edwin casually

having casti tills pait of
ally objected to this lily blanket took at ba
my bagI1 gold
11 from have titthe clec tiou go giong Amy
election ly honbull naa a go ao ilI 1

D woolleyy A 1P rockwood john V

lon F D it y 1pick
my lei aniland placed it 1111 dei le I inun pillow awl and then boy and in lien hendla I1 latt dav an hainit I1 abbed hill li nn it il I 1

richards john van cott
ichards long the
tho adibe it had no trees in
bec 11
began eciting a lei if bi bieleit
ellit I ila iii elir
biadI etlitit lite I of sup-

e l er to get home again and lie he baa 411 liu lit

1 1 1
tooele county john 01

tho serious man soto voce

tile looe recommended per ailien lien a alight noko ag mist lite thin patti partitiontion ne er expected to

davis and morgan counties

cou aties wm it my
at illy elbo made me file bitin my iny head ml lenly denly tit in was ever iia moie roman spirit he
ohn stoker
win R smith dixie as a country with plenty oems
XI 04 in th
eliat it direction Il ielo aa a1 knothole knot holeliole about W 0 bad given his on
had oil a nood un ili eol Ilir Y Inott
oil to iiii I 1
0u 1

weber county jefferon

jefferson hunt lot loi farr
in V arr ti cason we arcire a lithol talat feet ciolli titlie gionna ami looking it wa ho was
lie dead and what a ileadful thing lie thought
was lead
lie election to0 go0 aga i I i t ttb
hec deiy cI y
ider Ccounty J 0 Wil waight
serious man lias
tho Seri
tile has since been exempted an MC
all ee awa 11 led a as a ggiar coob A moment ent mole moie it would be lor for the against 1 1

Saip biuso for chich his ton oil had died who date dale bly
ac clia aai nty peter Mau glian willi
maughan atil 13 ami it a gone 1I a noie ot ion cating
of leti eating ton
ICS 1 0
froin tile
from oil the glonna that lie is
on ii footittep
A little
eps and ita floor
door gentle elded
afler old aeiry canio came ill ioni out
in bioni 1
hiii patriotism waa
hi was not 1sublime
another incident baill moie draina dramatic tic occurred
0 tile paid
tho said pel solis inake a soldier
y MM members of the blomo of too stupid to make dooin of and at b1 the lite peaking
speaking in another waid an ali old soldier aho bo had been
Legis lathoc assembly of utah flohil 1I lew letuks hoping to stait
a low tait a cott
con pt ioner
oner fitin richmond slid aud to toaa
k-ir respective delic ts
war A SHARP cubs cub an inventive Yan
art kp
yanka lit
blit ifie ang no icciv gie up tit the ticket
fichot liever thought you would
I never
1 ii da
to da 1IitI you had been i here itera 1I
liy lias produced an apparatus which lie says attempt ibid and lolling in illicit elt in my lily blanket endear ai you at a doing dayy 1

alg altos RECD
AMOS iteli is a cure for snoring ile fast
offs upon 01
my 1104
alm0 conduct of 1113
was oi
ed ffto go too sli ep 0

hat then
glit but
host 1 thought
ilien 11 was
thero wag
was in richmond when ohen yon wa
would hat gladly bateu b will and then fihad
waii so hungry 30 o J
ai 3 0
secretary of mill territory tho nose noso a gatta letelia tube bibe loading to
to 11
I1 1I

ht ortho
of the old alia lit I 1 1
n rdI1 to sing long as
lot lear 0 o toil
idar people and ai tui made glad at tile
heart mado the bight
ear Wh elleve tlalic yon would talk very dill ebent from ha hau viv
the tympanum ol
e snows lie
of tile oar
if bill i
nt the to
hitit it 1
in older
colts i eio lit
I doubled ni inell
dinelt aisit 1 ff
did not know

bot little u ith

point you
do today
to day
we lihavee failed in the language we hb ay irell iy

to thu
hi tileiho
the public that liem
01 fil-
bebis cIopic p 0
sio fill
irn findaIs liow disa
diaab it i alier or any of wr ielli
ahn drowsy god
ilg tali
ilal mai soon
hn lon I1 dept
if wo
the substance
ice of tile incidents
thealtl two13 ellei d taj ho fstill

1 arca
irca to ta ot all
of sill linda
vr andje
1 diall my net am of a sty
siy they yet they wc
ill tha 11 e
do not knort mv if
lonn no doubt at nearly vv I1 will
itin f cit1 tc to nit I1
I 1
if to0 cd in some torin
at s tit t I c y
Yai lt jil I1

r 3ica
ol 11 ailt ni cited
A 61 gallary tc tile
the congimi
Co nimi try etoir at
ai ier bitt tit ri ifi- 1 niilo
tle 01

Nil lot
sting gling violently ffif ow billot

alln pow-
il place ill in the state sandusky
iry stole it ni N i
Dougljs 1I T
imp douglas iopu ain man s he alln e 1i subtly
lie liiI1 ii lo du
er to 0 o as if
do lo
10 u somi
will billit bal
lull clit I1

oct L loth

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