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SMA N 1 Buana Yogyakarta

Reading and Writing

Learning Indicators:
Students are able to:
1. Find the antonym and synonym of the new words previously listed by the
students related to the video
2. Find the specific informations related to the video
3. Find the general information/s related to the video
4. Use the listed new words to make a paragraph of evalution towards the hidden
messages contained in the wayang story


Andi : Hi, Joko. Do you know Wayang?

Joko: Yes, I know. There are types of Wayangs.
Wayang kulit and Wayang orang.
Andi : Oh, I just known that. So, where is it from?
Joko : It is from Sumatera.
Bambang : No, Wayang is from…………………………
Please read the short story below!

Exercise 1

Wayang Orang or is known as wayang wong which is wayang that is played using people
(human) as characters in the story. Wayang orang were first established by Sultan Hamengkurat
in 1731. Wayang orang wears clothes as worn by leather puppets (wayang kulit). To make their
faces look like shadow puppets (when viewed from the side), these 5puppets are changed or
decorated with additional pictures or paintings on their faces. The story that is played in every
performances based on a colossal story that is like the story of Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Besides, wayang orang also presents the punakawan figure as a thawing atmosphere which is a
depiction of the state of kawulo alit or the general public and courtiers. In the opinion of R.M
Soedarsono who has produced the defeat, Wayang Wong is one type of traditional Javanese
theatre which is a combination of senior drama developed in the West by displaying puppets that
grow and develop in the Java region. While this type of puppet art initially developed in the
Palace Environment and among the priyayi or Javanese nobility. Watching wayang orang not
only for entertaining but also for preserving culture.

Exercise 1 (Work in individually)

After read the short story above, please answer the questions below!
1. What is wayang orang?
2. When were the wayang orang made?
3. What is good title for information text above?
4. What does it mean by colossal story?
5. In which line which tells about the purpose of wayang orang?
6. Why we should watch traditional performance is like wayang orang?
7. Please what is wayang orang or wayang wong based on your opinion using your own words!
Please read the short story below!
Kidung Krestnan Srikandi
Dewi Wara Srikandi is the daughter of Prabu Draupada in Campalareja. When she was a
teenager, she learned to archery with Raden Arjuna. Then, she wanted to marry Arjuna. When Raden
Arjuna and Dewi Wara Sumbadra get married, she came to the wedding party. She saw how the
bride was happy. Because of that, Srikandi desired to be a bride.

One day, Srikandi saw Arjuna practising archery and that was she could all do. Srikandi’s
activities to knowing by Dewi Drupadi and make her angered, consort of Prabu Puntudewa,
Srikandi’s sister saw her behaviour as bad because she knew how Srikandi wanted to marry with
Arjuna, whereas Arjuna has been to be Sumbrada’s husband. Srikandi was slapped by Saka Prabu
Jungkungmardea in Parangkubarja.
(Source: https://ceritawayangbahasajawa.blogspot.com/2015/11/cerita-wayang-srikandi-dalam-
bahasa-jawa.html?m=1 )

Exercise 2 (Work in individually)

After read the short story on above, please answer the questions in below!
1. From the text above, we know what is it about?
2. What is the closest word of "desired" in the first paragraph?
3. What is the main idea in the last paragraph?
4. What is moral values from the story?
5. Find the meaning of these words:
a. Teenager:…………….
b. Bride:………………….
c. Archery:…………….
d. Behaviour:………………
Please the other version of Srikandi’s story based on the synopsis in the video played!
Srikandi has fallen in love with Arjuna since she first met Arjuna in Sembadra’s
wedding. The beauty of Srikandi makes all kings interested her and it makes them race to get
Srikandi. That becomes a problem for Srikandi. To protect herself, Srikandi needs to study
kanuragan science from Arjuna in Madukara. Srikandi loves to Arjuna even greater, but she
must show her devotion to the State. Draupadi saw something strange about her sister. She feels
that Srikandi is in relationship with Arjuna but, not with Sembdra. Sembdra intent to bring
Arjuna to Srikandi. Test of physical birth between devotion and love occur in Srikandi.
The Jungkung king becomes one of the strongest barriers to their love story. Arjuna was
unable to leave Srikandi in danger until he was able to defeat Jungkung king. Finally, Srikandi
is willing to marry the prince who has the strongest woman who can defeat her. It’s hard to beat
Srikandi but, she was able to lose by the strong a good woman from Sembadra to Arjuna. The
king who lost coalition tried to attack Pancala but, it was able to be broken over the
combination between Pancala and Pandawa. Finally, destiny spoke, Arjuna and Srikandi can
unite their love. Their wedding brought Amarta and Pandawa together.

Exercise 3 (Work in Pairs)

After you watch the video played, please make a group consists of 3 students in each group!
1. Please make a paragraph what the story about!
2. Please mention the characters and the characteristic!
3. Please discuss with your group which part that is interested in your group, then make a mini
short drama or monologue (including the dialogue) and practice it to the front!
The Key Answer
Answer: East Java

Exercise 1
1. Indonesian traditional performance that is played about colossal story for example
Ramayana and Mahabharata.
2. The first established by Sultan Hamengkurat in 1731
3. The beauty of Wayang
4. Kisah zaman dahulu
5. In line 13th
6. Because Wayang orang is one of the Indonesian culture that must be watch, studied and
maintained. Because, watching Wayang not only for entertaining but there a lot of the
positive impacts for us. For example, Wayang plays about ancient stories whose life
values can be learned in the present
Exercise 2
1. The love story about Srikandi and Arjuna
2. Wanted
3. Srikandi’s sister knows that Srikandi wants to be a Arjuna’s wife
4. Love is abstract, nobody knows with whom they will love. But if our
5. The meaning:
1. Remaja
2. Pengantin
3. Panahan
4. Tingkah laku
Exercise 3
Based on the students’ performance.

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