Birth of India-Pakistan Upfront Mag0001

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Mohandas Gandhi

(1869-1948), India's
revolutionary leader;

(top, right) Muslims
fleeing India for
Pakistan, Sepl1947


The Birth of
India & Pakistan
Mohandas Gandhi led India to
independence 6S years ago, with Muslims
breaking away to form Pakistan. Today,
the region is one of the most dynamic-
and dangerous-in the world.

hen Mohandas Gandhi "It was a moment of celebra- and often racist overseer whose indif-

was 24, in 1893, he left tion," says Akbar Ahmed of American ference helped create and exacerbate
India to practice law in University in Washington, D.C., even famines in India in the 1770s and '80s.
South Africa. Riding the if today, "many of the hopes and aspi-
train there one day with rations that many people had in the British India
a first-class ticket in hand, he was asked subcontinent have not been fulfilled." But colonial rule also brought benefits,
to move to a third-class car to make The beginning of British rule in India especially after the East India Company
room for a white passenger. When he is usually dated to 1757, when an army was pushed aside and India became
refused, he was thrown off the train. assembled by the British East India an official British colony in 1858. The
Gandhi would later describe that Company (British investors who wanted British introduced not only the railroad
encounter as his "moment of truth," to trade with India) defeated the gover- and the telegraph, but also the English
when he decided he would dedicate his nor of Bengal in a battle near Calcutta. language, which gave educated Indians,
life to fighting injustice. He went on to This private company, with its own who spoke many different languages,
stage many other acts of civil disobedi- troops and powers of taxation, soon a common means of communication.
ence (all nonviolent) in India to protest became the dominant force on a sub- Equally significant, the British legal
British colonial rule. His efforts eventu- continent of 4QOmillion people. (The tradition introduced Western ideas of
ally helped force the British to give up company did so well that its money, individual and social rights. In fact,
their prized colony, which gained its some historians have argued, financed the leaders of Indian independence-
independence and was partitioned into the Industrial Revolution in England.) Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru (India's
India and Pakistan in August 1947. The East India Company was a brutal first prime minister) and Mohammad

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o 500KM

(.~ National capital

• City
International border
- Traditional border of the
princely state of Kashmir
Cease-fire line Arabian

Ali Jinnah (Pakistan's first leader)- 1914, emerged as a national figure. After The British arrested Gandhi and other
all trained as lawyers in London. 21years in South Africa fighting prejudice protest leaders, leading to more dem-
Although there had been period- against Indian workers there, he founded onstrations. At one, on April 13, 1919,
ic rebellions against British rule, it was a religious commune near Ahmedabad. in Amritsar, British forces fired on the
not till after World War I (1914-18) that unarmed crowd, killing more than 400.
the drive for independence gained trac- 'Non-cooperation' The massacre galvanized Indians,
tion. During the war, more than a million Gandhi was unlike any political leader and the leader they rallied around
Indians served the British as soldiers India had ever seen. He looked like a sim- was Gandhi. They began to call him
or laborers, and the Raj (as the British ple Hindu holy man in his white loi~doth Mahatma ("great soul" in Sanskrit).
administration in India was known) and shawl of homespun cotton; he was Gandhi called for a campaign of "non-
promised self-government after the war. a vegetarian and espoused nonviolence. cooperation" with the British. Indian
But in 1919, Britain adopted the But he was a powerful speaker whose children were withdrawn from school,
Rowlatt Acts, giving the government quiet delivery before even the biggest Indians in public office resigned, and
emergency powers to quell public crowds made people feel he was address- Indians boycotted the legal system.
unrest, induding the right to imprison ing them individually. It was Gandhi who Seated crowds, refusing to budge even
anyone deemed suspicious. It seemed transformed the drive for Indian indepen- when beaten by police, made streets
to be a betrayal of promises of self-rule, dence into a mass movement. impassable. (Blacks in the American
and protests broke out. In response to the Rowlatt Acts, he
This was the moment when Gandhi, called for a day of protest in which busi- Peter Edidin is a former editor at The Times.
who had returned from South Africa in nesses shut down throughout the country. Additional reporting by Veronica Majerol.

JANUARY 30, 2012 17

TIMELINE India & Pakistan

1858 1919-30 1940 1947-71

British Colony Gandhi's Rise Muslims v. Kashmir &
Hindus Bangladesh
The india Act transfers After Britain's 1919 Financially depleted
power from the British violent crackdown on Amid growing tensions after WWII, Britain lets In 1947, war breaks
East India Company-a protesters, Gandhi between Muslims its colony go; Pakistan out between the
private company that launches a nonviolent and Hindus, Muslim and then India become two countries over
became a dominant campaign that includes leader Mohammad Ali independent nations. Kashmir; a second
force in India after sit-ins and boycotts. Jinnah calls for the More than 10 million war over Kashmir
1757-to the British In 1930, his National partition of British Muslims and Hindus is fought in 1965. In
government. Congress party India into two nations: flee, Muslims to 1971, East Pakistan
declares independence a Hindu India and a Pakistan and Hindus becomes Bangladesh
the goal. Muslim Pakistan. to India. after a bloody fight for

South would later copy Nonetheless, when the war

Gandhi's methods of nonviolent ended in 1945, a financially
protest during the civil rights depleted Britain had neither
movement.) the resources nor the will to
In 1930, the National maintain rule over India.
Congress (Gandhi's political
party) declared the goal of Partition
independence from Britain. But what would take
Gandhi called upon people Britain's place? In addition
to refuse to pay the taxes to 240 million Hindus, India
that funded the colonial had 90 million Muslims who
administration-including the felt ignored by the Hindu-
tax on the production and sale dominated political leadership.
President Obama with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India
of salt, which led to the Great at a Southeast Asia summit in Indonesia last November Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who
Salt March, a 240-mile march headed the Muslim League,
to the sea, ending with Indians producing forced to release Gandhi in 1931. threatened insurrection if Muslims were
their own salt to avoid paying tax. When World War II began, Gandhi denied their own state, but Gandhi ada-
Again Gandhi was arrested, but and Nehru, his longtime political ally, mantly opposed partition.
tens of thousands of Indians followed decided not to support the war unless The British established an interim
his example, making salt at the India was granted immediate indepen- government in 1946, with Nehru as
seaside and submitting to beatings dence. Britain refused, and Gandhi began prime minister, but throughout that
and arrests. The mass demonstrations a "Quit India" campaign. He was quickly year, events on the ground pushed
that followed were a public relations arrested along with as many as 100,000 Muslims and Hindus apart. They had
nightmare for the British, who were others, short-circuiting the protests. lived together for centuries, but now,

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2001 2008. 2011 2012
9/11 Attacks Suicide Attack Bin Laden Killed Booming India
India and Pakistan are After the Sept. 11, India blames Pakistani Relations between India, a key U.S. trading
revealed to be nuclear 2001, terrorist attacks militants for a suicide the U.S. and Pakistan partner, is emerging as
powers, prompting the on the U.S., Pakistan bombing in Mumbai hit a low point in May, a global power with one
U.S. and other nations agrees to help the that kills 174 people. when American Special of the fastest-growing
to impose sanctions on U.S. fight AI Qaeda Forces kill Osama bin economies in the world.
both countries. and dismantle the Laden, the mastermind
Taliban in neighboring of the 9/11 attacks. He
Afghanistan. was found hiding not
far from Pakistan's
capital, Islamabad.

often egged on by their leaders, they challenges. Though India, with a group killed ISO people in Mumbai,
began to riot and kill each other. population of 1.2 billion people, has India's most populous city.
In 1947, Lord Mountbatten, the last transformed itself into a major economic To understand why this region is so
British viceroy (the top official in India) power, millions still live in poverty and important to the U.S., just take a look
pushed for immediate independence and religious violence continues. Pakistan, at the map on p. 17: The U.S. has been
partition. In July, the British Parliament which became a Muslim state, has been relying on Pakistan to help in the war
agreed, and on Aug. 14 and IS, 1947, wracked by political instability and in Afghanistan next door, and has been
Pakistan and then India became inde- Islamic extremism. keeping a close eye on Iran, which has
pendent nations. become a nuclear threat in recent years.
Despite Gandhi's vision of peace, The U.S. & the Region The U.S. also has vital economic inter-
things didn't work out that way. Millions Relations between the two countries- ests in India, a key trading partner and
of Hindus immediately fled Pakistan both U.S. allies-have been marked by one of the fastest-growing economies,
for India, as millions of Muslims fled hostility, leading many world leaders, and also in neighboring China, now the
India for Pakistan (though many including President Obama, to describe world's second-largest economy.
more stayed and remain today). More the region as the most dangerous President Obama summed up
than 10 million people became refu- place in the world. India and Pakistan America's stake in the region, and
gees, and a brutal cycle of killing and have fought three wars, two over the Asia in general, during a recent trip
revenge-killing claimed as many as disputed region of Kashmir, which to Australia.
1 million lives. On Jan. 30, 1948, the both claim. Both countries are nuclear- "With most of the world's nuclear
violence claimed Gandhi, who was armed and have come close to a nuclear powers and some half of humanity," he
shot to death by a Hindu fanatic upset confrontation. After a period of calm, said, "Asia will largely define whether
ay Gandhi's tolererance of Muslims. tensions between' the two countries the century ahead will be marked
In the years since partition, the have run high since 2008, when terrorist by conflict or cooperation, needless
rwo countries have faced different attacks linked to a Pakistani militant suffering or human progress." •

JANUARY 30,2012 19

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