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First Scene :Living room

Angelica is sitting on a couch while watching her favorite reality Tv show, it is one of her biggest dreams
to join that reality show which is pinoy big brother
( her parents sit beside her)
ANGELICA: mom, dad I promise I will be one of the housemates of pinoy big brother
DAD: (laughing) are you sure?! Do you think you will get chosen?
ANGELICA roll her eyes) thanks for your support dad! (sarcastic)
DAD: what I’m just asking
ANGELICA: what kind is question is that dad?
MOM: stop! Don’t listen to your dad
DAD: what?!
MOM: (glares at dad) Angelica honey, just always remember that we are her to support you in your
ANGELICA: I think its just you mom!
DAD: Hey! Me too I’m just kidding, I know that you will be the prettiest housemate of kuya
MOM: that’s right, trust God with your dreams because he has a better plan for your life and always pray
to him and you will fulfil your dreams. By the way we are going to bed.
ANGELICA: Ok! Thank you!
DAD: And you? You’re not going to bed yet?
ANGELICA: Later, I will finish watching this
MOM: Ok, just finish that show you have class tomorrow remember?
ANGELICA: Yeah! Good night, I love you
BOTH: good night we love you too!
Angelica is on her bed staring at the ceiling and prays to God
ANGELICA: My Lord, God thank you for everything , thank you for always being here with me to support
me, to guide me and to help me in my dreams because I know that you have a beautiful plan in my life In
Jesus name Amen!
Scene 2: Cafeteria
Angelica is with her friends, Harold and Jude are eating their lunch and talking about their plans in life
HAROLD: me I think I will be an engineer because I don’t want to disappoint my dad
ANGELICA: But that’s not your real dream right?
HAROLD: I want to be a museum director but my father doesn’t want a job like that for me he wants me to
be like him.
JUDE: Bad for you.I don’t have to stress because I know our business will get handed down to m. How
about you?
JUDE: obviously yes!
ANGELICA: I want to be a housemate on big brother house
JUDE: what? (Laughing)
ANGELICA: why?! You are like my dad that what exactly his reaction when I said that.
Am I not enough? Am I not deserving?
HAROLD: you are! But you know big brother is looking for a talented housemate, not just beautiful
ANGELICA: I know and I will prove to him that I’m deserving even if I’m not a talented person.
JUDE: I don’t want to offend you but I’ll tell this to you, give up your dream and choose another one
JUDE: what I’m just saying the truth
ANGELICA: Say want you want to say Jude but you can’t do anything about that. I need to go
Angelica came home from school. She never forgot what Jude said to her. She shook her head and
tried to forget about it.
ANGELICA: Jude is just kidding (convincing herself). I just need to eat.
Angelica always watches PBB until the grand finals. After several months the house of kuya is going to
open again so Angelica can't wait to audition.
ANGELICA: This is it. I am going to audition.
MOM: Sorry we are not going with you because you know we are busy this whole day.
ANGELICA: It’s ok Mom.
DAD: We have to go. Good luck on your audition. We will pray for you.
During the auditions, Angelica felt so nervous. She was given a sticker with a number and she signed a
document. Then they were grouped by tens for the interview. After the fifth contestant it was Angelica’s
turn to get interviewed.
ANGELICA: (whispers to herself) OK Angelica, calm down. God is with you.
Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.
Angelica tells the interviewer all about herself.
INTERVIEWER: Ok show me your talent.
ANGELICA: I don't have any talents (you can say either: I don’t have any talents or you can say I don’t
have a talent) but I'll make sure---
INTERVIEWER: OK, why do you want to be a housemate of big brother?
Angelica gets a mental block and doesn’t know what to say.
INTERVIEWER: Miss, if you are not going to answer that we can proceed to another contestant. Ok next!
She wants to cry but she said to herself:
Angelica: God has a better plan for this. This is not the right time for me.I will wait for the perfect time
She came back home at 10 o'clock in the evening and she entered their house wearing the sweetest
smile on her face. Her dad and mom are waiting for her.
DAD: How was your audition? Did you pass the interview?
MOM: You have that smile so I guess---
Both: What?! Why?
ANGELICA: I didn't pass the audition but, it doesn't mean that I'm giving up. I will wait again for the next
audition (laugh)
MOM: That’s good you’re always thinking positive.
DAD: That’s my girl!
Angelica: Thank you! (hug and kiss her mom and dad) (here you can either say “She gives her parents a
hug and a kiss” or you can say “She gives her parents hugs and kisses”) I’m going to bed. The audition
was so tiring. (You could say the audition was so tiring, or so very tiring, or you can just say the auditions
were exhausting!”)
Angelica is at school eating her lunch. Jude and Harold sit beside her.
HAROLD: How was your audition?
Angelica: How did you know? Nevermind. It’s sad to say ---
JUDE: I told yah!
HAROLD: (glares at Jude)
ANGELICA: (looks at Harold) It’s ok. I don’t regret doing it. In fact I enjoyed the experience and I will
prove to you Jude that I can.
JUDE: OK whatever you say. (Jude leaves)
HAROLD: Sorry for Jude’s attitude. Just don't mind him.
ANGELICA: It’s ok.
Harold: Class is starting, so, let's go?
Angelica: (nod)
Angelica auditions again for the second time and a third time but she failed. In This time she gives up and
asks God why he didn’t give her any talents. (ate if you want to add in this narration, you can. to make it
long Salamat ) (LOL i am not a writer but I will come back to this and see if I can add anything here :)
ANGELICA: What have I done to you?! Why did you do this to me?! I failed for the third time. I always
pray for to you, have faith on in you and trusted you but why?! (Starting to cry)
MOM: Honey? Can I come in?
Angelica: (no answer)
Mom: You didn't answer so I will take that as a yes.
When the doors open Angelica run runs to her mom and hug hugs her.
Angelica: Mom, I failed again. Did I do something wrong and that’s why God do is doing this to me?
MOM: No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Trust him, Angelica!
ANGELICA: Trust him. (laughs) I always do that but what?! Nothing, nothing happens.
Angelica changed her clothes and decides to go to Harold’s house.
Mom: What are you doing? Are you leaving?
Angelica doesn’t answer and continues fixing herself.
Mom: Where are you going?
Angelica opens the door.
Dad: Answer your mom!
Angelica: Some friends of mine.
Mom: But it’s already midnight.
Angelica ignores her parents and continues walking outside of their house and she calls Harold.
Angelica: Where are you?
Harold: Why?
Angelica: Just answer me!
Harold: Calm down! I’m with Jude. We’re heading to Jude’s cousin’s party.
Angelica: I’m going with you.
Harold: Wait! What?!
Angelica: Send me the location!
Harold wondered what was going on with Angelica so he just sent her the address and Angelica
immediately went.
Harold: What's your problem?
Angelica: Nothing.
Harold: Nothing? Ok.
Jude: Let's go. We are going inside.
While inside, Angelica sees a lot of people drinking liquor and some are already drunk. She notices
there’s something wrong but she ignores it.
Harold: Why did you decide to go with us?
Angelica: Because I want to forget what happened earlier.
Jude: Why? What happened?
Angelica: You were right, Jude. I should have believed you from the beginning.
Jude: (takes a couple glasses of wine and gives them to Angelica and Harold)
Angelica: Thanks.
Jude: Continue what you are saying.
Angelica: You know I don't want to talk about it and I’m here to forget all of my failures. (Perfect!)
Jude: Do you really want to forget? I can help.
Harold: Jude, I know what you are planning.
Jude: What? I’m just helping her or I just wanna help.
Angelica: What's the matter?
Jude: Nothing. (shook his head) Wait for me.
Angelica is drinking while waiting for Jude to come back.
Angelica: Where’s Jude? (drinking again)
Harold: Angelica, that's enough!
Angelica: No. I want more. (takes some glasses of wine)
Jude: Hey!
Angelica: (turns her head) Why did you take so long? Or What took you so long?
Jude didn't answer. Instead he handed some drugs to Angelica.
Angelica: What is this, Jude?
Jude: Drugs, obviously. (sound like duh! And rolls his eyes)
Angelica: I know but where did you get this? This is wrong Jude!
Jude: You said you want to---
Angelica: Yes! But this is not the right way.
Jude: Ok, if you don't want to do this so then I better go with my other friends.
Angelica wants to get out of that place but she thinks that Jude is right. There’s no other way
Angelica: Hey (she stops Jude from walking ) give it to me!

Jude puts it on the table and walks away. Harold takes the drug away from Angelica but Angelica gets
another one and she try tries it until she gets lost out of her mind. After that night, she continues to keep
taking drugs until she becomes heavily addicted. Now every night she goes to Jude’s house to take
drugs. Sadly, her parents don’t know anything about .it. One time while on drugs she feels God is with her
but she ignores it. But then she sees a brightness on in the window and realizes that it's God and she
can’t ignore Him anymore. She remembers her parents and her dreams so she runs away from Jude’s
house and came back home and went to her room.

ANGELICA: (she knelt and prayed) Lord forgive me for what I have done and for what I have said to you.
(crying) Forgive me for everything. I hope that you will forgive me and give me a chance to get back my
old me. Thank you Lord for not leaving me and giving me a reason to continue my dreams.

It’s been one year and Angelica hasn’t heard at all from Jude and Harold since they moved to another
state after graduation. Angelica hears the news that the big brother house will open again soon so she is
preparing for that. and Angelica prays to God to give her a sign whether or not she should go to the
audition and after a week before the audition she received the sign. So Angelica is excited to audition
again because she feels that this is the right time. (I am curious sis what was the sign she received?? lol)

ANGELICA: Here I am again. Thank you Lord

Interviewer: You look so familiar.
Angelica: Uhmm yeah, I’m Angelica May and I've been here 3 times and four times right now (laugh)
Interviewer: Oh yeah, I remember you and I know that you don’t have a talent in singing and dancing. But
this time I want to know if you have skills in acting. Can you show me?
Angelica have has no experience in acting not even when she was in high school because she's she was
too shy to try it The interviewer gave her a very short script of the scene and which emotion to show.
Angelica memorized the script and performed it for the interviewer. Angelica delivered the emotion
perfectly and the interviewer was amazed with her.
Interviewer: Perfect! You’re good Angelica! I think it’s good that you discovered your talent right now
Angelica: Thank you! I didn’t know I had a talent in acting or I didn’t know that acting would be my talent
Interviewer: Ok let’s proceed. Give us some reasons why we should take you in for pbb?
Angelica: I believe that I have the personality that you are looking for, this is my biggest dream and
especially this is the way to help my family. Thank you!
Interviewer: Ok we will call you if you are get chosen.
Angelica: Ok
Angelica waits for the call and for three days her eyes are always on her phone. The phone finally rings
and she excitedly answers.
Angel: OMG this is it! Hello?
Caller: Hello, Angelica?
Angelica: Yes!
Caller: How are you?
Angelica: Huh?!
Harold: This is Harold. Aww so sad, my friend already forgot me.
Angelica: Oh. (disappointed) I'm ok. How about you?
Angelica and Harold talk about what happened after they graduated.
Angelica: Bye! Always take care of yourself and hope to see you again soon.
Angelica hangs up the phone but it's ring it rings again.
Ange: Hello? (smiling)
Caller: Angelica this is your dad. I used my friend’s phone. I called you because you need to send the file
right now (someone calls her dad)
Dad: Wait, I will call you again.
Angelica: (sighs heavily) Lord Jesus--- (haha- made me laugh, poor Angelica she is so anxious waiting for
the PBB call) (her phone rings)
ANGELICA: Dad where did you put the file?
Caller: Hello, is this Angelica May?
Angelica: (looks at her phone and realizes that it’s a different number again) Yes! Why? Who’s this?
CALLER: This is (interviewer’s name or staffer’s name) with PBB. I called you because …
Angelica: Don’t tell me?! Wahhhhhhh!!
CALLER: Angelica, calm down. Let me finish what I’m saying.
Angelica: OK. (cant stop smiling)
Caller: I called you because--
Angelica: Waahhhh!! Ok, ok, sorry, I can’t stop screaming.
Caller rolls his eyes) because..... yyou didn’t get chosen.
Angelica: Oh. (shy and disappointed) Ok, thank you for the information. (sad voice) I will hang up this
Caller: No! wait! I’m just kidding (laughing so hard) I wanted to know what your reaction would be
because you were just so excited (laughs again) (OMG sis I was also so disappointed for Angelica when I
first read this!!)
Angelica: Huh?! (gets confused)
Caller: OK, sorry. (coughing) Congratulations, Miss Angelica! You are part of this season of pbb!
Angelica: (silence)
Caller: Miss Angelica? Are you still there?
Angelica: Ah yes, yes! Are you sure? You’re not kidding again, right?
Caller: Ummh. (nod)
Angelica: Waahhh!!! This is real. Thank you, Lord, so much!

Angelica is so happy when she gets to the house of kuya.

They lived there for 3 months for 3 months they completed many challenges and tasks. Angelica with did
well with all the challenges of kuya and now Angelica is part of the Big four. She has so many supporters
outside of the house and she doesn’t know that her parents are also there to support her until the grand
final and tonight is the night of the Grand final. She’s so nervous and doesn’t know what to do. The host
will announce the big winner of this season and there are so many people shouting.
Angelica: (shaking)
Host: The big winner is....... Angelica May!
Angelica knelt down and cried so hard.
Host: Congratulations, Angelica! Do you want to say something?
Angelica: Yeah (sobbing and smiling) I’m so thankful to God right now, to my family, and to all of you guys
for supporting me until the end of this Season. I love you all!
Host: OK. What can you say to those people also dreaming to be part of this show or to those who have a
big dream like you?
Angelica: I just want to say to them that always have faith in God, never loss lose hope and never give up
on your dreams even if you fail the first time, second time... until many times don’t give up. God have has
a great plan for your life and your dream you just need do is to to trust him and wait for the right time.
Patience is a virtue. Once again, thank you!

Angelica celebrates with her parents and friends. After several months she became a famous actress.
Many more opportunities opened for her in the showbiz business. She’s very grateful to her parents and
to God. That’s the End of her story

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