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Communication the Soul of Nature

Knowledge is power. Communication is power. As food gives energy to the body so thus
communication gives life to society, to the community.

Well, I may say that communication is the soul of nature. It might be a vague idea to say
that and may even sound absurd. But let me start this contention in this way…

When God created the universe or shall I say the world. First, He communicated with the
abyss and there was light. Day & night were created. Through his “power” the sky was form, the
land, all things that we see and even the things we haven’t seen that are part of his creation were
created through His communicative power. I hope I don’t sound like a heretic here.

And the first man and woman? Of course they communicated with the Creator and that
they were given orders to fill and subdue the earth…rule over the fish of the sea...over every
living creature…(Gen. 6:28-29) That’s through communication. Shall I say more on this…I bet
you better read your Bible.

So what now? Nature? I’m talking here of this concrete place where we are now, you
might call it earth but I would stretch it to the whole COSMOS. After all, this entire planet we
call now as Earth is without denying a part of the cosmos.

And what does communication has to do with the cosmos? Of the things we see around
us? And what does it has to do with you and me? Of the way I deal with this so called nature?

Have I not told you to read your Bible? God continue to communicate with us through his
prophets and then through His Son, Jesus (that’s what the Christian says). But wait, not just for
the Christians, it just happen that God revealed himself with Another Name to others (please
review your World Religion). And that what gives soul to religion; God’s continuous
communication with man. I’m not saying that you’ve got to be so religious or that you need to be
an anchorite to be able to listen to Him. Well, in one way or another I would suggest that you
have to or you might not be able to relate to my contentions.

And nature speaks to us. Nature communicates to us. Without this spirit of
communication, we won’t be able to know what nature is telling us. Dawn speaks of the
beginning of a new day, when the sun is set; we say that the day is over. Farmers and fishermen
rely on nature or shall I say read nature before they plunge themselves into doing something and
even the animals and insects and all that breaths in one way or another understand nature. They
can feel when there’s danger, when season is going to change…they migrate…they hibernate…
they change their color or they flee.

Man, the most complex of all these creatures need to communicate. An old adage says,
No man is an island. That means, no man can survive by themselves. They must either

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communicate or perish. To substantiate farther my contention is to say that if man will not be
able to communicate; no family, no community, no country will exist.

Just take for example man’s life cycle. Hey, don’t start with birth but begin from the
moment of conception. Do you find it abstruse? You don’t need to major in Biology to
understand it. The moment fertilization happens; communication is already there, yes, even
before the child is to be born. Once the baby is born he/she must learn another art of
communicating. As the child turns to adult, different means of communication must be learned if
not mastered so as to survive. In all these stages, one kind of communication must be mastered in
order to give meaning to one’s existence… The Communication with a Higher Power, one must
learn to transcend so as to master that art of communicating with that Higher Power.

Now you see how important communication is. If you’re not convinced, kindly isolate
yourself even just for a day or two, without talking, without gadgets, that means no cell phone,
no emails, no fb, no twitter, no TV. And ignore the gnawing in your stomach when it says that
the body is hungry, or that excruciating headache because you’re starting to be dehydrated,
ignore what your body is communicating to you. Sounds bizarre, huh? Well, I just want you to
appreciate communication in your own nature.

I hope I made myself clear when I say that Communication is the Soul of Nature. To put
it in simple word, it is the one that gives life to man’s existence. Communicate not and you’ll
die, communicate and you’ll live.

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