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Neft Daslari, Azerbaijan

Submitted by: Azerbaijan

Caleb Kitchen
Jackie Meraz
Madee Spear
Kailey Torres
Haylee Wilkey

Salt Lake Community College

COMM 1010
December 19, 2019

Table of Contents

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………2

Project Description………………………………………………………………………………..3


Problem question………………………………………………………………………………….4

Analyzing the problem……………………………………………………………………………4

Setting Criteria…………………………………………………………………………………...10

Brainstorming solutions………………………………………………………………………….11

Analyzing solutions……………………………………………………………………………...12

Implementing solutions…………………………………………………………………………..14


Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………...16
Appendix I: Team Contract……………………………………………………………………...17
Appendix II: Comparison Chart
Appendix III: Participation Points

Executive Summary
The purpose of our team is to find a way to keep Neft Daslari, or Oil Rocks, alive. Our
purpose is to help Oil Rocks keep producing oil. Oil Rocks has produced millions of tons of oil
and it will be a huge blow to our society if we lose it. Our team name is Azerbaijan because that
is the country that Neft Daslari is located in. The problem that our team came up with was: How
do we prevent the Oil Rocks from collapsing and being so dangerous? After researching about
the Oil Rocks, we found out that it is collapsing because of the rusted metal. We also found out
that it is very exposed to the weather, so storms cause explosions and death. Another thing that
we found out about the Oil Rocks is that workers ignore defective equipment and then the
defective equipment explodes and causes deaths.

Our problem is that Neft Daslari is collapsing. Due to the oil rig collapsing, it has
exposed Neft Daslari to fires. In addition to Neft Daslari collapsing, it is very exposed to the
elements and prone to bad weather. Because of this, Neft Daslari has become a dangerous place
for the workers. We brainstormed ideas and came up with three main criteria: prevention,
protecting, and fighting. After coming up with three main criteria, we brainstormed solutions that
would meet all of our criteria. The solution we came up with was replacing the pipes with non
corrosive material and putting barriers around the pipes. We also decided to have an employee
training to teach about safety and how to prevent fires. We are also going to teach them how to
fight the fires if they break out.We believe that this is the best solution to our problem because
we are meeting all of our criteria and accomplishing our problem overall.
Our solution required increasing safety especially for when fires break out. Our criteria for this
was broken up into 3 parts: prevention, protection, and fighting. Prevention is focusing on being
able to prevent a fire from breaking out in the first place. Protection involves having physical
barriers that keep the oil rig away from natural elements such as the sea and unpredictable
weather. The last part of our criteria is fighting. Fighting is required due to the fact that no matter
how much prevention is in place, there is always a chance for a fire to break out. Therefore,
fighting is focused on stopping the spread of the fire as quickly and efficiently as possible once a
fire does break out.

For our solution, our team would like to find and use non corrosive materials to construct new
pipes and barriers around the pipes. That way the materials won’t get old and rust, preventing it
from breaking and getting old. After collecting the materials needed, our team would like to
provide training to the employees on preventing and fighting fires once they break out. This
training should help to keep the area safer as a whole and teach everybody how to be safer.

Project Description

Our group set out to find a solution for Neft deslari. Neft Deslari is an industrial
settlement off the coast of Baku, Azerbaijan. It’s also part of the municipality, Cilov-Neft
Deslari. The current problem is that the Oil Rocks is collapsing. Due to bad weather conditions
and rusting of the metals, there has been fires and oil spills. Unfortunately, this has caused some
workers to go missing, get injured, or get killed.
It’s very important to find a solution to this problem since it’s damaging to the world. Oil Rocks
produces a major part of the World’s oil and we would lose that oil if it collapsed. After
researching, my group came to the conclusion to solve this problem by improving the safety of
Neft Deslari. Our purpose of this assignment is to decrease the dangers Neft Deslari is causing to
the people of Baku and the environment. To increase the safety, we have created multiple
solutions. Overall, our group believes that our solution(s) could impact the Industry positively.

To find a solution to our problem, our group used the Reflective Thinking Method. The
purpose of the Reflective Thinking Method was to find what the problem was and come up with
a valid solution to our problem. The Reflective Thinking Method enabled us to organize our
process for coming up with a solution and make it easier for us to brainstorm possible solutions.
Below, we will describe each step that we took in the Reflective Thinking Method.

Part 1: Problem Question
As we researched Neft Daslari, Azerbaijan, the first thing that came up was how the oil rig is
collapsing. Once we found out what the problem was, our group had to come up with a unique
solution for the problem, while also stating the problem as an open ended question.

Our group agreed that our main problem was “how can we improve the safety of Neft Daslari?”

Part 2: Analysis of the problem

Before being able to brainstorm any possible solutions, we had to understand the problem
completely. This required research about similar situations around the world, what was done in
those instances afterwards, and the people it ultimately affected. Consideration would also have
to be made for not only what has worked, but more importantly has not worked for similar
problems in the past.

While analyzing the problem and coming up with an actual solution, we took into
account the stakeholders, history of the location, and policies the region has that might
prevent possible solutions. It was also important to take into consideration the resources
available to fix the problem.

A. Characteristics
Neft Daslari, also known as “Oil Rocks,” is located to the right of Azerbaijan in the
Caspian Sea. It is an oil rig that has been open for a long time, which means there is a possibility
that many issues may occur. For example, the metal can start breaking down, causing a number
of issues that will have to be addressed as quickly as possible. According to David I. Hoffman,
“The facility is literally falling into the sea, with miles of roads already submerged beneath the
oily soup that is the Caspian Sea”. The issue is that the oil rig is exposed to the elements, with no
surrounding barrier, causing many problems.

One of the biggest problems the oil rig is facing is that a platform is currently on fire due
to a gas pipeline that was damaged during a storm. According to Interfax, a major news agency
in Northern Asia, “In the tenth platform, eight wells, including twenty-four oil wells and four gas
wells, are at work. This lead to the decision of “The State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan
Republic” or “SOCAR” stopping oil and gas extractions from that platform” (Interfax, 2015). To
stop the fire, water pumps have been installed. According to the chief engineer, Balamirza
Agaragimov, the water pumps weren’t able to be installed due to how big the fire expanded.
Ever since the fire broke out, oil rig workers have gone missing. There are currently
seven ships from the State Border services and six helicopters from the Emergency Situation
Ministry searching for the missing workers (Interfax, 2015). In addition to the existing problems,
a hurricane hit one of the platforms, causing more SOCAR workers to go missing. The total
number of missing people reached 37, when 11 oil workers were found dead at sea.
Due to the fires and the hurricane, wind speeds have peaked to 18-23 meters per second,
making it difficult to search for the workers. While the circumstances may be extreme, searches
still continue to try and bring these workers home.

B. Stakeholders
Due to extreme circumstances, the workers at the oil rocks were affected, causing many
deaths and over 50 missing person cases (Interfax, 2015). In addition to these crew members, oil
well repair specialists were brought out and ended up spending over 60 days fixing the problems.
They worked with the goal of putting out the fire and rendering the platform safe again. They
were successful after 64 days, but it was very difficult due to severe weather conditions
(Foreman, 2017).

The oil market/economy was affected because Neft Daslari produced 60% of oil from the
state of Azerbaijan (Foreman,, 2017). Due to the source of oil being instantly cut off, oil prices
continued to go up. Any person or organization that has invested money into this oil rig
ultimately lost a lot of money due to the failure of the oil rig.

C. History
Oil is an important resource, and is used everywhere in our world. However, the oil
industry in Neft Daslari is collapsing. When it was discovered, people thought it would be a good
source of oil, but it sadly failed. To this day, problems still occur and the following is how the
state is working to fix it.
Neft Deslari has been around for thousands of years. As stated by, ​Azerbaijani Oil:
Glimpses of a Long History​, “far back in 1877, Charles Marvin wrote that there was irrefutable
proof that 2500 years ago oil was exported from the Apsheron peninsula”. In other words the oil
has been around since the early ages. From 1594 to 1821, there have been one hundred and
twenty oil wells created. In 1594, a person named Nur Olu dug the first well with a depth of
thirty-five meters. However, over time, they lost depth (Bagirov, 1). As said in ​Azerbaijani Oil:
Glimpses of a Long History​, “The average depth of the wells in the 1860s varied from two to
three meters”. By 1913, over three thousand wells have been created (Bagirov, 2). According to
the article, “Oil and Development in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan,” a massive industrial complex
(Neft Daslari ) was fully created in 1947 (Hoffman, 6). Many years went into creating this
industry, and they haven’t given up yet.
Neft Daslari began having oil spills over time. On May 12th, 1996, Neft Daslari had a huge
spill in the Caspian Sea. As stated in, “Towards the Development of an Operational Strategy for
oil spill detection and monitoring in the Caspian Sea based upon a Technical Evaluation of
Satellite Sat Observations in SouthEast Asia,” “A large oil spill of about 81.3 km2 can be
observed in the area of the “Neft Dashlari” oil field”. This is obviously not good for the city of
Baku, or the Caspian Sea (Gadimova, 4).
Currently, about one third of the wells created do not function. Due to rusting metals,
parts of the facility have actually collapsed into the sea. You’d expect the facility to close down,
but in this case, they’re not planning to.
According to Oil and Development in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan, “The site, despite its
imperfections, still produces over half of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s total crude oil output, and
therein lies the problem” (Hoffman 6). The overall issue is that Neft Daslari currently has areas
of the island that are underwater. Roads, wells and other creations are covered in water, making

it difficult to work there. Due to the fact that this is one of the largest oil companies, they refuse
to close and have no intentions of shutting down. Workers continue to work there on a day to day
basis, but you won’t see a person staying there overnight (Hoffman 6). We have yet to see how
the facility will turn out.
In conclusion, Neft Daslari has been around for thousands of years now, but it was officially
created in 1947. As it started, it functioned smoothly. The small Island of Neft Daslari was
problem free. Unfortunately, over time, more and more issues broke out. Due to rusting of the
metal, the facility started to collapse. This lead to parts of the facility to fall into the Caspian Sea.
Not only have parts fell into the sea, oil spills have also occurred. The sea is continuously getting
polluted. Surprisingly, the facility is still open and working. Although one third of the wells are
inaccessible, Azerbaijan depends on Neft Daslari for their oil. It will not be closing any time

D. Policies and Practices

The activity of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) consists of
ensuring that there is effective functions and development of the petroleum industry as reliable
satisfaction of consumers' demand for fuel. SOCAR’s objective is the implementation of
exploration, discovery, preparation and development of both on and off land oil and gas fields,
transportation, processing and sale of oil, gas, condensate and products received from them, the
stable and sustainable satisfaction of consumers' demand for fuel and other works and services,
and profit generation.
“Employees' health and safety is given first priority in the activity and management of
labour protection.” (“Health and Safety of employees”). SOCAR takes the health and safety of
employees seriously. Their main focus is to create safe and sound labor conditions for their
employees. They have done many things to make sure that the environment of the workplace is
safe and able to be used such as “maintaining sanitary and technical norms for labour conditions;
providing workers with protective clothing individual and collective means of protection;
providing workers sanitary and everyday services; timely and proper investigation into and
keeping a record of accidents in production sites ensuring the removal of causes of their
occurrence” (“Health and Safety of employees”).

The oil plant itself is heavily guarded. You must take a special route to see it.
Photographs are not allowed and you will be asked to delete them as soon as officials find that
they were taken. It could cause people to lose their jobs. To be able to see the oil plant, you need
special permission from ​Socar’s CEO. He signs a paper saying you are able to go and visit but it
is very hard and very rare that he will sign your form. Cal Flyn, a journalist who got the
opportunity to travel to Neft Daslari and get close to the oil rig, states,“​I staked out a press
conference where Socar’s CEO Rovnag Abdullayev was due to attend. He, I was told, is the
genie of the oil lamp who would grant my only wish. Only he can sign my permission slip. I
waited three hours; he didn’t turn up” (Flyn).
Azerbaijan has several policies on their trade standards. In April of 2018, the President
signed a decree which was the State Antimonopoly and Consumption Market Supervisory
Agency. This decree got rid of the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology, and Patents.
Over the past couple years, Azerbaijan has moved from Soviet standards to making new
Azerbaijani standards by implementing international ideas and processes. The Government of
Azerbaijan is also moving to adopt many European standards as well. These are what documents
they have signed and what things they still need to move forward with. Azerbaijan also is apart
of the World Trade Organization since 1997 but only has started negotiations with other nations
in 2007.
Azerbaijan has requirements for imports and exports. “Export or import of the following
goods also require government approval: wild animals and plants, animal- or plant-derived raw
materials, information on the location of natural resources and thermal energy, works of art and
antiques, results of scientific and other research, inventions, controlled psychotropic substances,
medical equipment, insecticides, and veterinary drugs and substances​” (​Azerbaijan - Prohibited
and Restricted Imports).​ ​Focusing mainly on the middle where it states “information on the
location of the natural resources” (Azerbaijan - Prohibited and Restricted Imports), It is possible
that they might have other countries that are asking for information on their resources,
specifically oil because that is what they are known for.

E. Resources
Neft Daslari, or the Oil Rocks, is collapsing into the Caspian Sea. The reason for this is
there is too much rust on the metal bridges that are keeping it above the water (Morgans, 2018).
The rust is eating away the metal and preventing it from effectively holding up the oil rig.
Because of this, a resource that we would need is new metal. Instead of applying protective
coatings that will only last for a couple of years, we should replace the metal that is being
affected by the rust the most. We could do one section at a time and replace it with stainless steel
or galvanized metal. Although galvanized metal is cheaper, stainless steel is stronger and will
last longer (Industrial Metal Supply, 2018). We will also need transportation to transport all of
this metal to the oil rig such as trucks, planes, or boats.
Another problem with the Oil Rocks is there are unpredictable fires and explosions from
the oil that kill workers. Some reasons for this are kitchen fires get in contact with the oil and
then a massive fire breaks out (Houston Law Firm). Another reason for fires and explosions are
employers overlook defect equipment that can lead to an explosion and the death of employees
(Prevention Web). A way to prevent common fires from erupting are moving living quarters and
other lifestyle building away from the oil. We could do this by creating a separate platform that
is far enough from the oil that it won’t catch fire. This would be an expensive project, but it
would prevent fires from happening and save lives. The resources we would need for this project
are new buildings such as houses, restaurants, movie theatres, offices, and more. We would also
need to construct a whole new platform like the oil rigs are built on and that will require more
stainless steel metal. We will also need materials to construct the platform for the buildings to
stand on. Another way to prevent explosions on an oil rig is by replacing faulty equipment even
if employers don’t feel like it needs to be replaced. Faulty equipment can spark with oil and
cause an explosion. We could teach employees and employers on how to look for defect
equipment and give them a safety course on how to prevent fires and explosions. The resources
we would need for this are a professional oil worker and a place to meet with the workers at the
Oil Rocks.
The final problem that we found with the Oil Rocks is that it is very prone to weather and
exposed to the elements. The Caspian Sea is very stormy and the weather can be pretty rough at

times. The Oil Rocks is exposed to all the weather and elements on the Caspian Sea. There is
nothing sheltering it from this. A solution that we came up with was building tall walls around
the outside of the oil rig. Again, we would need more stainless steel to build around the platform
and we will need transportation to bring it in. We will also need highly skilled construction
workers to be able to work on this quickly and effectively. We also need the necessary tools to
construct the wall and we will need someone to come in and contract the wall.
In conclusion, our solutions prove to solve the problems, but it will take a long time and
it will be very expensive. We will need a lot of stainless steel and means to transport all of it. We
will also need a lot of workers to finish this project as quickly as possible. In addition to all of
this, we will need a lot of time. This will probably take 5 to 10 years and we need to hurry before
any other damage is done to this platform and we lose it. With these solutions, we are hoping that
we will be able to preserve one of the largest oil-producing rigs in the world and prevent further
employee deaths.

Part 3: Criteria
Before being able to find one specific solution, it is imperative to set criteria that each solution
should meet in order to accomplish the overall goal which is eliminating the problem. By setting
this criteria, it tells us more precisely how well each solution will actually help eliminate the

In order to set the criteria, we had to simplify our problem to one major thing: fires breaking out
on the oil rig. Then we had to take this one thing and think of the stages of a fire in order to break
down criteria.
A. General Goal
Our general goal was to come up with a solution that would keep the oil rig as safe and as
fire-free as possible.

B. Specific Criteria
The best solution will:

1.Be able to prevent a fire from ever igniting in the first place
2.When a fire does break out, it will protect other areas of the rig from being affected, basically
stopping the spread
3.Will be able to subdue the fire and put it out when it does ignite.
4.Protect the people who inhabit the oil rig.

Part 4: Brainstorm possible solutions

When our team started coming up with ideas, we all kept an open mind as we shared any ideas
that we could come up with. Our main focus was to think of solutions that would help with
containing the oil, spilled and not spilled, fighting the fires, and the materials that the oil rig was
built out of. These are the ideas that our team came up with.

1. Use non-rusting metals or materials

2. Build a structure around important parts of oil rig

3. Keep living quarters on separate structure from oil

4. Employee training on identifying defective equipment and fighting fires

5. Oil shut off valve

6. Relocate the oil rig

7. Divide the oil rig into smaller areas to help keep everything more contained

8. Create more specific guidelines for the rigs procedures

9. Have annual checks on the equipment

10. Create an evacuation plan

Part 5: Solution Analysis

After we brainstormed solutions, we were able to gather our 5 top solutions. Our next step was to
rank the solutions with the criteria.

We took our top 5 solutions and ranked them from 0-5 onto the chart below.

A. Our top 5 solutions were :

1. Use non-rusting metals or materials

2. Build a structure around important parts of oil rig

3. Keep living quarters on separate structure from oil

4. Employee training on identifying defective equipment and fighting fires

5. Oil shut off valve


B. Chart :

Criteria Solution 1: Solution 2: Solution 3: Solution 4: Solution 5:

Use Build a Keep living Employee Oil shut off
non-rusting structure quarters on training on valve
metals or around separate identifying
materials important structure defective
parts of oil from oil equipment
rig and fighting
Prevention 4 1 2 4 0
Protection 3 4 3 2 2
Fighting 0 0 0 4 5

Total: 7 5 5 10 7

C. Final Solution:
Solutions one, four, and five were the three highest overall. ​Solution four ​was the
highest of them all. We believe that with proper training, injuries will decrease. ​Solution
one and solution 5​ were ranked the second highest. By using good quality metals, we can
decrease the spills being caused. Creating a valve would also be an effective way to
decrease injuries.
After creating this chart and ranking them, our group decided to combine a few
solutions into one. Instead of ​only​ choosing to train employees we decided to combine
three. We came to the conclusion of using non corrosive materials to construct pipes and
barriers around the pipes, along with training employees on preventing and fighting fires
once they break out.

This solution excels over the rest because we think it will be the most successful.
We believe that training employees on what to do during unplanned events, they can
avoid injuries and deaths. Also, using non corrosive materials to construct pipes will help
with less rusting.

D. Possible Barriers to Final Solution

Barrier 1: ​Where to gather non corrosive materials.
Solution:​ Have a contract with a company who has the materials we need, and a portion
of the money we make will go towards them.
Barrier 2: ​Who will provide the employee training?
Solution: ​Employee from SOCAR will come and provide the training.
Barrier 3: ​Total cost for materials.
Solution:​ Raise oil prices slightly, dedicate 10% of profits towards material.

Part 6: Implementation of the solution

A. Hire a SOCAR representative to teach an employee safety training.

a. Contact the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).
b. Talk to a professional representative for the company.
c. Hire them to come teach an employee safety training on Neft Daslari.
d. Have them inspect Neft Daslari and give feedback on safety.
B. Buy non-corrosive materials in Baku and transport them to the island of Neft Daslari.
a. Find a store on Baku with the materials we need at a reasonable price.
b. Hire trucks to transport the materials from the mainland to Neft Daslari.
c. Hire workers to load and unload all of the non-corrosive materials.

C. Figure out how much all of the materials will cost.
a. Figure out how much materials and transportation will cost.
b. Figure out the cost for hiring the SOCAR representative.
c. Figure out the cost for hiring construction workers.
d. Add them all up and figure out the total cost of everything.
D. Find ways to raise money for the project.
a. Talk to major gas companies about raising prices slightly.
b. The profits from raising gas prices will be given back to our project.
c. Use the profits from raising prices to fund our project.
E. Hire construction workers to build the new pipes.
a. Find construction workers that are willing to work hard at a reasonable price.
b. Hire them and have them go to the employee safety training as well.


As a group we decided on combine some of the solutions we came up with. We analyzed every
solution to our problem and decided that the best is to use non-corrosive materials to constrict
pipes and barriers around the pipes, but also have a course that the oil workers have to go
through. The course will teach them on how to check equipment before a fire breaks out and as
well as teach them on what to do if a fire does breakout. We also took in consideration that there
is room for human error, even though we have trained the employees and have built barriers
around the pipes.

Work Cited

“Azerbaijan - Prohibited and Restricted ImportsAzerbaijan - Prohibited Imports.” ​Azerbaijan -

Prohibited and Restricted Imports​,



Flyn, Cal. “The Azerbaijan That You Are Allowed to See.” ​The Azerbaijan That You Are

Allowed to See​, 5 Dec. 2013,

Foreman, Mike. “Inferno in the Caspian: Regaining Control of a 30-Well Production Platform.”

Jan. 2017.




OBSERVATIONS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency

(ANASA), Azerbaijan.

Hoffman , David I. Oil and Development in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan. 1 Aug. 1999.

Houston Personal Injury Law Firm. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ims. (2018, November 8). 6 Tips For Preventing Rust. Retrieved from

Interfax. (2015, December 8). Gas wells ablaze in Caspian Sea, fire yet to be put out - Azneft.

Central Asia General Newswire​, p. 1. Retrieved from



Interfax. (2016, January 11). Death toll in Dec 4 Azeri Caspian Sea oil platform accidents

reaches 11. ​Russia & FSU General News​, p. 1. Retrieved from


Interfax. (2015, December 10). Search zone for missing Azerbaijani oil workers expanded in

Caspian Sea. ​Russia & FSU General News​, p. 1. Retrieved from


“SOCAR.” ​Environment & Safety · SOCAR​,

ees. Interfax-America inc. “Death Toll in Dec 4 Azeri Caspian Sea Oil Platform Accident

Reaches 11.”

Team Contract
Team Member Roles
Task Roles
● Leader & Administrator: Caleb Kitchen
● Idea giver & feedback giver: Jackie Meraz
● Editor & Information Giver: Haylee Wilkey
● Watch Dog & Housekeeper - Madee Spear
● Recorder & Reminder-er- Kailey Torres
Relational Roles
● Listener & Follower- Kailey Torres
● Supporter & Sensor: Haylee Wilkey
● Keep it together-er & motivator: Caleb Kitchen
● Tension Reliever & therapist : Jackie Meraz
● Harmonizer & Team Mom - Madee Spear

Team Norms
Relational Norms
1. Respect everybody’s opinion
3. No distractions
Task Norms
1. Come to class everyday
2. Do your assigned task role
3. Come prepared
Consequences of Breaking Norms
1. Bring food for team
2. Extra task
3. Give your phone up for a whole period
Consequences of Keeping Norms

1. Treats!!
2. Highfives :)
3. Good grades


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