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I nt' ' '

A 」。セャQカイ@ 「・NZセュ@ uf 'P"" 4m "nd cru"- A セキエャLN・イ@ 1< ^Zエ「ェ・」セ、@ w H unifmmlv
scctional area !I 3m Bゥ、セ@ nnd 0 4m d<>CJl ;_, distrihmed エセッ、@ W nvor irs whole length
-"'-'hJeOed イセ@ .1 」ッセ・ョエイLQ、@ load r>f Ill k!\ 1 ' and a wncentrated upwa1·rl fnrce W at
atlhe !lee end. ZM\・AGャ」エゥョセ@ GBャᄋキ・jセィエN@ the ll" [1.,., end TI1e cldlectiL>ll of lィセ@ fr"" <:ncl
ma,imum bcndtng ウオセA@ at a S<XLion 2m
fmm the free ;,nd will k

2500 k\/m'
I _
38·1 FJ
' SOOilkN-'m'
_2_ W!' t
?_ '
!-0< the 、・\エゥLNセャ@ オエGセ@ "imply ^uーャエセ、@ R.CC ' 24
1 wt
T-bcam, the ratio of lite ctlbcttw span to d
rhe overnli derth nf the heam <hmtld nm
cxcoccl beam >\ H of 'P"n - r
a I il 」NGセ@ '="·'" throughout !t
b 20 I キセ」・ョイ。エ、@ IMd W and
c 30 which '" um!'utrnlv
over the entire span. its total
d '10
heing W The max1mum
; for a giwn !tltess. the rat]() of tile moment in the 「セュ@ ;,
of re<i<mnce nf' heam of GセャAイ・@
キィセエ@ plac<:<l wtllo ッョセ@ <l•agortal t
9 I
to the n1omcm of rc>Jstnncc of the .18-1 1,1
heam when placed witb
h"'iwnwl wili be
,, I) WI'
384 H
10 WI'
> ' .184 ,,,

I 414 d
15 Wi'
384 FJ

' ' I 414

Q 7 The g1 ᄋセョ@ f, J\UIC >heN; til<' Dセ、ッョ@
a wooden beam stiffened with tv.o steel

rlate• ead nfthickne.<>'t <ecurely ftxed to

the sャ、セウM tィセ@ seo;ond moment of area of
tile fletciled benm nbout the .X-X ョセゥウ@ rs
(giYen d- overall depth nfthe be,lm_ b-
widlli tlw wuudo11 •uctiun and 111 -

'"''"' CGセキB@ the soxtion' A and 1:1 modular ratio of !he "'odui1 of 、ヲエウゥセI@ d
Rnrl iャ・イセ@ ore· "'' 」セエoャ。@ lr>lldi 'tee! and wood)
.;:,;,, between the rwo section:;. lf the
value oi C I< 10.000 Nm_ then the
ュ。^Nオョセ@ sllcat sire'" LS
il I S \1);im"
b l 0 \-\N;m'
0 5 \-r\lm'
1 ut' : '
(h '1i)d' II Q I I In an othel'.•isc symmetrical portnl
h f;-ame wllh one end ヲゥセ・イャ@ and The mher e11d
hingtd, エィセ@ ィゥョセ」@ 'uppurl セャA「@ b;- an
d anmum il. The lixeJ end bendtng
' " momcnr indued at """h セョ、@ nf tile
horizomai member ofrhc ヲイ。ョセ@ due 1,1 the
hd' 21!:tn_,if <inkm!,l セヲエィ・@ mppmt '"II セ・@ tgi•·en that L
12 12 11 the lcn;\lh (>f the ュセエ^」イ@ l!.lld U io the
In tlte セョ^・@ of a column of lengtil ·1," セ・クオュャ@ >ltffneii$)
m<1men1 nf inertia "f cm«-<eCTi<m ·rand )/o/J.
Yuu11g'' ュ」セャオG@
column "C-. being htnged at both ends, the
ul' the BGセエ・イゥ。ャ@ of the
' (
41·-f '\
hm:kling load, accmding to Euler"s 0
wlumn theory.ts given by /}
セNMᄋョ@ 11':1 ·\
" ---
2..- F! 60"-

·n :l *
。ュセ@ is •I""'"
in fig I
I ih B"rding 'vlomenl

!-m the ;etammg wall shown'" liTe gJ<'Cn

!lgure if tile ,m-ess'" the h""l i< rem.

tlte イョエャセゥュオ@ Gエオイ。ァセ@ ·H' will be I
. L

1• )-··
: :- -


a 7 5m
b 5m

,\ 2-meter dilllnet.:r water pipe;, re<juird
w withstand " セuo@ "'"'"' head of wateL
Aosuming 1he li rHiHilg ォイャセG」@ >U cs1 fur Jhc
pire mMerial tn he 2(1(! ォァNゥGZセBR@ the
11nnimum thickness of the matenai Df the
" ;
pipe to be used Wtl! have to be
I< a 5 em

b lCI<:m
c !Scm
' J. 2Ckm
I< The frame shown in 1he !',iven figure ha•
d -
8 "
- rano Tllen perm abil;t>es would dJ!Ter
_{ ul"

T1 One ut\known reacti.:m セッューョ・@
T\W l>lllnv•vn 1oanwn wmpl•ne"b
bee• オウセ@

Then pGBMャゥセウ@ W\llild h 、ゥヲ・Qセュ@
h ll1e<r degr""s nf •amralinn "nuld he
Thci r dcn>itic' would he di ffcrcn1
c lhree unknown renc11011 compolwll5 d. ャQセ@ ''"" Q。ョァセG@ uf ゥィセイ@ W>iJ Mml<l b.
d s;, cm,nown エセッゥカャ@ cwnpun.,nb
20 Dtonng seepoge 1hmugh
rhe ohsolute ma><1n1ull1 Hendmg m。ュセョエ@
Ji1 セョオ@ of GBp。セ@ ゥセ@
in " simpl)' <upported Ileum of span 20 m
、Bセ@ to a ュッカョセ@ udl l>f ·i Lim ^jMGセョュァ@ GBセ@ " Pamlldm•hc;o'"'""'""'
b. htpenJiculm
'> m '"
a 8' 5 1-m at the support
b H'! ' t-m ョセッイ@ the midp,,rnt
c 3 S 1-m at !hot tmdp<lint of
H"i ' Hn ot thcmi6poil1t
plasttc se<:tum modulus of a
1eclanJ,Wla! sl-..11011 ut" v..<dib 100 mm and
depth 12 mm ;,
a_ 1000mm 1
b I セP@ mm'
セTP@ mm
lloll0mm 1
Ctmstder the tbll<>WJ ng statemem.;
" Clays whifh c>:hib11 h1gh aC1i"ty "'"'• "''"'"" "'" """'
'''"""" ,,,,,,. "'""'" '"' ""''"1' "" ,,.,
セッ」G@ q' GセBᄋ@ -''"' ""''

I Contain rnonmmrillmme_
._,.,_,, \--··
""''"""' "'" ' """ '-' Ll·· ""

..._/ __'\ ,__--- , __ セ@ >

The paretic line is wrre<;tly 'hown '"
ヲャセゥGc@ L⦅セ@

d 1 and 11
b_ lnndlll
c 11 dlon"
d ll and Ill
Given Lhdl エィセ@ dlo...;tiv" dngl• of iillemal
li"il'"ll OH of IL ;u1l i < I<I'' Ilie a11gl C bt'I"'CO"II
the failure plane and Qィセ@ m•jor 1>rinciple
plan will he
opttmum moiSture cont,ncnt)
17 5'
H .V" wlill1t<'11.,a<(' '"lit irl\'><'a\C 1r1 OMC ' J75'
b r..· wtll McreJse w1111 mcrea<e 1n OVIC '' 411'
,. FJ "LII dccre.tsc w1th dceccnsc tn 0 50"
OMC In which ッョセ@ of the following situftt1om
d NセL@ WI lJ I ョセ。s@ WL th o.k"l ・セL[@ 111 0\.fC
would one liS<' 'I"'"' pa•amrtr'' <'ll>la,nd
fmm セ」Lョウオャゥ、。エ@ quick le:;t witi1 pore
',, '1. ウセューォ@ of day and a セ。ューャエ@ ot' !-and
lla'e 1hc '""'" >pecific gmvity and vnid
P"'"'ure meaMtrement,·•
a QMッL[mュゥセ@ on [Zセjエケ@ snnds
.ld 1.'
b. Rxc"'.'ahon rn •:otumbl d•Y• 3. C'om•oliolak<l untt"incd lri,xi•l k'!
c:. ャGイセカゥッョウ@ dams ami slop 'tal:l!lrty 4. (huck l':tnc shear bl
d_ [letennination of e.llth,s m ("odes:
satur•ted days A B c D
24. Consider エィセ@ foll•JI\'ing ャゥュ\ッイNセZ@ I 3 2 4
1. C"n ィセ@ ーセイャ\^ュ、@ on:v on pu.rdy 'J, ;
セᄋjィ・ュ@ lc" soils 3
2. Plan< offailllle is ーQセ、」エ・イュゥョッ@ '
-'- tィセッ」@
11 virtually no control on n_ " 3
For stabilitv malvsis
cohe•i-ce ウセゥャN@ エィセ@ critical

4_ ?\ nn-un if.,rrn dr<tnhcrti"n of <In''"'' to lie ot the into<>cotion of

5_ Principal sm."'"' in セエ・@ .ample canrot
be determined and h
The hmil3tions tnhe1ent tn d reel shear te"t b. Tho unc-thinl
1.2 and 3

h. 2__'\ and 4
c 3A and 5
1.2 :tnd 5
RセN@ "·
Consider the foll•)Wing a.surnptiom
L f。ゥャオ」セ@ occum on a pane [オイエ。」セ@
)_ Wall ;, 'momh hut n"t GセB。イᄋャケ@
3. Fmlu·c wedge u; a rig1<l
Coulo111b"o エィセッIG@ of c•tlh b 5m
baoci on assumptwm c. 7.5m
a_ 1. 2 and 3 d. \I! m
h_ l:tndl 29_ In a '"tnrated day layer オョ、・イッゥセ@
」ッセGャゥ、。エᄋョ@ キゥセL@ L[セァォ@ drainage it ill
c. land3
top_ the pore water J11essue 1.-ould be the
d_ ャ。ョ、セ@
mcximum at its
a. Top
by using b \Iiddle
c Bottorn
d. Top"' キセョ@ "'the 「ッエセjュ@
c a\· foundation of an A s:tturatcJ cl.ty stratum of エィゥ」ォイオセウ@ lOrn
whose rate of 「ッセュォ、@ on セjp@ and hol!om by medium
;, _,uch that some セBG@ Mnd ャッケセBG@ h•> ,, codrcicnt or
comolirlaton of 0.(•02 em'·,_ If thi;
"'"''""' otntum is ッオ「⦅Qセ」エ、@ ll• lo:ding. it is likdv
' ' lh<t ll WoUlll セョ、」イァッ@ セPGMッ@ o:' its primarv
lnittal <tcbihl} ol' J(Jvling Ofi "'luratcd
セBャゥイ「エ@ on in
11 '6 days
C. Long-term "tahilit:> of " >lope in elill'
fis.<UTQd day.
b. 227 da;-o
D l'ounhtion Ofi soft ュ。ョセ@ day 284 da;•s
' セ「@ da)'S
Lhtll '
A ,;n;nlor '""'of GBャゥセ@ ·R" on the w:--f:tco
l'nlr<inud !roil te>l of" semi- mlimlc soJ! is umli>rmly
2_ l:lraired triaxial test lo;dcd "'th
a loaJing inlomtlv of q. The
セッヲ@ il
c•<:rtical sire-,;, " direcUy bdm1· 11< centre :ot
"<l"Jllh G. i• giwn by
"b. 4' 'I 2
4 I ;
' ; '
,, -;--; -,,-i,_l:cl'ell
" 1 1
d I
The 'trc« diotribution •t a 、セャjィ@
Ocncath J '
ャッ」、セ@ '""" '" Jd.<nnincd uoing "'""
z j ' BGセ@ ゥョヲャオ」セ@ dwri which ind1c:ok< an
ゥョャオセQ」@ ;·alue of ll.005. The mmbcr of
Gセァュ@ Ll' """' セャ@ b) ャィセ@ !odd ell "
chart " 2C and lhc inkn,ily o ·
b. the area is 10 Lm2. The nl •
diotribJtion at that depth
a I Ton'
2 rm'
5 T·m'
/ {, ·J d Ill '1' m'
1 - --:- I ' ·I

test pile '"'
c>lim•ling the lo<d carrymg
of a pile_ the tests tha: can be used
Mセ@ normally conwlidated clay la)•er settles
for "'l'"'''ting tho "lin resi«tance from
hy 25 mm wh<n the dfe<ti-.-e stress
point re•L•:ance. would include
ゥョセGBM@ fl<JTn 15 U'a Lu :;o kPa If
a. l3tld3
b. 1 :lfld 4
.ottlemetlt would be
« 25 m.n
b 50 m:n Cc-n<idcr セLN@ follo,.ing <1-lkrno;nt<
c. 75 m-n regard1ng •ctlkmcnt foundahom. or
d_ lllO mm 1. DiT"n11lial sdtlemcnl of foumbtwn
ャセ、ウ@ 10 stroctuml J:om•gc to the
03. \!:old' I with セゥウエ@ II
(Two " he:"-' ャセゥッN@
I com:d mswcr J\' 2 ln non-c·1he,i-.-e soils. tho maJor
hdm ihc :10ts セッューョ・エ@ of •ettlornetlt i• due to
3. Lov, ,,- ng of gmuml ""'"" lab I<
c\<>rlymg firm >Into nl
contribute' 10 」エャュセョ@ or
Ufthe<e statornetll'<
"!hick ;oft clayey strata
a. 1 ond 2 oro 」ッイセエ@
D Firm thin •trata ov.,-
h 1 :oml 3 '"" cnrrcd
Lis! ll
c. 2 :lfld 3 ""'correct
[_ t'nJ ィセ。イ[ョァ@ pi!"'
d 1. 2 and 3 are con·ect
2_ ll_,ft,:'i·ict;on pile;
-' i. Ccnsider he follo,,mg steps
3. Frichon plies rail
1. Drl\·ing ;hcct p·ks 'urrotnding •
4. Footing' セMLィ。エゥ」ュイッᄋョヲ@ •tntdurc·_
A B r' D
!)(!f I.'
]. a エイ\ュセィ@ anund a キオイ」セ@ L ;
" 4
; '
.'\. Placing mbher mounting" 「・エ|セョ@
tnachine caming vibration and it• base.
a "" '
; '
2 3 4
.-ktiYc [Lッャ。エゥセ@ of 'ibrotion con be
41 !\latch List I Hヲャセゥ」@ typo) Mth Li<t I!
achieved by HeN\セューャBI@ and ,doc! the 」ッイセエ@ anolh"T by
'" laml2 usmg lhc co(lc< ァLMセGQ@ bdo'1 tf.c li<ls:
b. land3 Li<t I
c. land.i A. nセGャM^エッョゥ。@
J. 3 Bャカオセ@ B. ldcal p!ast1c
38 The· upper limit "f """" mtio J(>r "hi:h the ('_ Th;·rob·ophic
mnount of d:sturb.,noc d' scrl '"mplc セ。ョ@
「セ@ cunsiclcrccl to be smal: cs
"·c RQャセッ@

d. 25"·., セ@
.l9 Comider the foll-)wing セᄋー・ウ@エ of mil tests
L C:olif11rni• bcmng mlio
(' D
2. Cons·)hclltion
4 l 2
_<_ Lne<mli""d 」ッュj^QGセウゥョ@
; 2
tィセ@ <nil k-.1>< requiT"cl In he 、ッョセ@ m lhc
e10sc "f tndislurb<:cl s:omrlcs セョ、オ」@ ' ' '

d 4
In 01'de.- bat a droplet of w>l€1' at 10''('
(a MPNWRセ@ "\ m) h.a" an 'mtemal pre.,ure
lkPa greakr th:tn that ou:wlc it. 1t;
d. RZュ、セ@ diorndcr ,:wuld be ncorh
411 Boring meth·)dl [LZセ@ tl1'i mm
npon the tvpe セ@ "
oontext. match List
the oorrect """''"''
"' 0.3 mm
below theli•ts: d. 1.2mm
.j_-_ Ulycetm (spoc1tle weigH 1160 kg'm.;,
Li't l
dynamic vi•co•ity g_(l() (0 kg·•:m 2 ) ;,
" spread fi·ody to a エィゥ、セャ・s\@ of 1 mm
" l'
be:ween a bottorr •t<.tinMry pla:e and a
top movobk plate of 10 cnc2 01·ea Tbo lop
pbcte ;, to be mo\·ed at a unifoom "peod of
1 m·s The force to be exetted on d1o top
sand,_ <ilt.e a;d plaeb
, ュセjゥオイョ@
lu ^ャゥヲ」NjィエZGセB@ u. l.E kg
), NM|ャエセᄋーG@ <>f,oih ""d coob e>:c<--pl• in b. PNセ@ kg
>tony or pcrous ooils ancl fi,,u,"d c O.lGkg
rock• d O.C8kg
3. PraCtlc:olly all type' of' sotls except 44. A 3m \\'1dc. 2.5 d"cp.IOrr long tanL ッーセGャ@
hae<l and 」セュョャ、@ •o1l oc rock d! th lop. h,., oil エ。セ、ゥョァ@ I<• 1 m dopth.
4. .\.11 type• of sml> 。セ、@ rocks. Difficult The rn:oX!OUm horizontal accclcwlmn that
in loose s.and• and soft stcky clays
,, B c D
can h< gi1cn t" the tml.. w1houl 'Pillmg
lho oil will nocrly
I uf II
O.!Og -IG. A "docrty ヲゥセw@ w1th no comp"n"nts '" tho
"b. 0.20g y cml :_ dircctiono "' gi\'cn by
c PNRUセ@ V 5' 2x:y' t". '
d. 0.3lg The 。」セgA・イエゥッョ@ along tho x-direction at a
point (-'-1 2) >,.t time 2. ;,
4S. A hullul'' 」セᄋiゥョ、ッイ@ matk of wood ('P· gr.
0.8) has on ""tem"l'li"melcr of 1.0 m 。セ、@ セオョゥエN\@
an mlcmal dwmolcr of 0.6 on. It floats m
"b. 16units
1>atcr 1>1:h it; aXJs vcrt!Cal and 1< in slabk c 28 unit•
"-jUih\'1 lUlll. fl1i; J> jJU>O_),]c 011\) BGャゥセ@ the d セVオョゥエ\@
length of the セケャゥョ、Zイ@ " equal to N k-s
tiQセ@ "ocebat.on
pa--tick an· <lcnotd '"
a_ 0 12m
1. l.ooal tangenti•l
b. 0.9Sm
c. 1.03m
r1 I Jllrr
'3. lッセ。ャ@ normal

[n " homonl;lly held injection svringc. the

piskn of 0.2 em' croso-oectiomol '"c" is
pushed at" com!ant srrccd of 1.0 cm-o lo
セj・、@ 1Hk1 ;_.,to the atmosphere Um•uglt a
hyjmdcrnic n<-'-'llc of 0.07 mm' cro"-
socllonal area l>'htlc イュウセN@ セG」ァャ、ョ@
\"'""'· ィセ@ force roquircd to mo\"c ャィセ@
pist<.n is nearly
a_ 6kg d. 1.2.3aml4
h_ 6 " r:r-' kg A free W>rlcx f(>rmcd from origin.,lly "hll
c. VMャoGォセ@ -.akL '")- '" -.h<OIL •Lolli_JLg >1111 ""k' m
<1. 6-l:rhg a ll"l-hottomcd b<Oin by su<ldcnly ptlllmg
th< <topper at the bottom <•n the drain lwk.
F a •luice 2ate セイッ、オ」・\@ a cha
"'ill be
deptl1 of water fi·om セMQ@ m to j
the force on tl1e pte 1< abou a Clockwi'c in the northern "' wdl a<

•. 9.5 .,_"·III
セM JQ 0 kN·m
the Roud1em hemispheres
h. /\nticlocbnsc m ihc Jorthcm a. well
as lhe wulhcm hcnisphc;cs
c. _c;s_o kN m
c /l.tUiclockwise in d10 11i<hear and
d. 76.0 lN- セ@
clockwise 1n d1e 'mthem hemlRJlhore
48. cl Clockwise in the ;mt1ern hemi•Jlhere

' and 。ョエゥ」ャッ、ュセB@
in the southem

Q|Mャ。エセィ@ L"t I with Li<t J[ and 、セ」ッ@ tho

we1r (without e:1d co:rcct :onswor u'ing エィセ@ co<ks ァゥカセョ@
below ャィセ@ IIsls.
the•e キ・ゥッセ@ ha,·e nry ng \'alues of Lt<tl ';Fluid ac-tion)
.,.;:po-tent in エィセ@ fommb Q - Kll'_ 'lhe .\_ S"inging of o oricht hall
oon·oct sequence of エィ・セ@ "'""'" on R Fl"" pa<l セ@ onlinit<.: cvlindcr
increa<ing mUer •)ft:l-_e nlue ofn is
C. Fl<•w p:ost an aorof:Jil
a. LUA ])_ Bound"")-' :.a)·er s<paration
b_ 2.1.4.l
List II (Plwnomcn<'n associall·d with
c_ 1.1 ..'\ .:I l'loid oction)
d. 12.4.3 I d。イセケGL@ bw
2 Wake
g uf 1 l
3. 1-:orman Vortex sエイセQ@ ' "' ?r
4. i\lagnus dlCc t ' ·. b ,1y
Cod e.:
,, B c D h.
ru ,o,. •
ix セiG@ J
•,, 3 4 1 2

' • " • ' -[\•
' -
• [,· セケ@

d. 4
3 '2 '1 '
•" セᄋ@ I

11te fol.o "ing state ment s relate d -·

bmin arflo w '" '

Si. In" two- drrncnsional boun
ry •

\_ r.aminar nm' is rotational

a lhtl 'urlio.:c
2. In Inmmnr llo4 ィセ@エ lm> of hoad "
pcoportional \o the ,qua ro cf the
_,_ In lami mr l)ow th< lo" d head "
proportional to .,, h
, ..
- ,.,., ''0\"" of
,-isc mity
4_ In laminar flow tw \-elocity is ccmt ant
mer :he cross ウ・」エゥッセM
5. oエィセイ@ アオNュィゥセG@ n;;main:ng エィセ@ mュセN@ tl1e lon<·itudinal and trans '""''"
incrc!SC in 、キイョセ@ w!ll ュ」イセ。ウ@ the •
Rcynolrls num ber in l:trnmar !low. BGセ@ !;l&dioJJI'- "' セ@ im pm
ophm ,m ッヲャゥセB」v@ of" ィヲャゥョセ@ カッョセ[L@
Of these >tatemerrts
limited by the
1. 2 '"'d 4 .11 < con "d
L 3 ,md ·I a« セッュZ」エ@
b s・ー。イエゥッョヲュィセLャ、ァ@
1. 3 :tnd j arc c'<Jrrcd
セM Se-paration !Tom th:: kodi ng edge
d_ 2 ' and ar< cmre ct
d. \-lor e mpKI mo. -e- of C J ゥィ\セ@ d" CL
Oil c.f rd:tli,·c <k,noil\" 0.80
59_ (;i\'e n that g - accele,-aticn due to gn•;i ty
セHi@ mm diam eter onfic c l-nd
and R- lrl"draulk mean 、セーエィN@ the d。イセケᆳ
Joo kN·m'- ァ。QセI@ iヲQGセ@ c1mt of We!Sbach. Inch on facto r '' related to
vcloc 1tv " taken "' _. fc 1;su ng Nセャ^ョゥァ@ ·, rueo•iv,- coeff ioien < n as
,·doc!t)- ᄋセゥャ@ tc
8gn 1
' R"
,, 811'

tl1e folio " ing groups 64n;.:

set of pora metm of ident ical
' R"
'"''m''' II"
A sur£ e Unk i• prov ided in a hydrop·>Wer
b. !'ow er. tcrqu c. bm<ltng momo:nt
"- ll.da li\ セ@ -oub h""'' - ヲゥセャAョ@
scheme to
[ddm . >nb
p, 0 ,·id: ad<litional stor:rgc clo>C to the
Ioyer thick n.,.,
rl rZセャオ@ of 0ngul:rr ddOr mati on. vclo d}
grad icn!, spcc d ir rpn
,, t。\セ@
c><O of セィNQョァ・@ of 'l"pe .
align ment
Yorticity in the lM、ゥイ」セョ@ is given by rセ、オ」ッ@ the pre,. ure; オョ、Bセᄋ@ b·ansient
9 d I .'
d. Pro' Q、セ@ conwnic:nt ッカセイBヲGAャ@

61. ).bld1 LISt I Hュ、ィッセウャ@ 1>1lh T_j,[ II

(•utt.,bility for as;cosmg mean llow
Flo" of air """' be cc-nsiclerd to be
キャッセAェI@ 'elect the ;orrcct """"" 'Y
オ\セョ@ the- cn<b £iven below the-_,.(, incompreS>ihlc within J<O e1m· if the
セエ。」ィ@ 'ium ber of flo" is less セN。ョ@
List I
A. Salt tli!l'w;ion ュ」ャセ@
B. Surface llo11l ュセエィBGャ@
,• "· '
.-\ Ret of y・Aocエセ@
Cuuoul mclc1>
d. O.f
The mill !lest >cdc
Li•t !I
topographical"'"" }·>"
I. \ atural セᄋ・。イョL@ "·id1 une-.-en bed•
" l RUNHセI@
2. Straitht channel, witl1 irregular cro""
b 1 · 50.WO
c. l. 2.50.00\1
3. Firm in wnu-Jus ;luumcl
d. I·
セM \'/iderec:anb'lllarch onne
A B c D

"·h. 3
'' 1ent hem d1e cptwal centre ol
ern. The con<lanl• of
c 3 2 3 1
d. 3 1. 2 1
,,2 In a wide rectanguhr chan;eL 0.40 m
<mfaoe wavo.< 」ZセオL・、@ due to b 50· 0.25 m
ll)· a •uddenly ·it · c. Oil: 11.4\Jm
of "ood. tl11·own prallel to d. 30.0.\0m
'"ction. "ero seen to move (, -;_ oh imari;-'1) ャゥセb@ p.1«ine lhrc.ueh lhe
downstream and 1 4 m' '';· LセZエ@ optical centre of the ohjecti·ve and the
o"Ofcnoncc to :he hank.) '] oplwal centre ot U10 e;•e-p1eee m the
and the mean talo"ocpe of o ;un;oying ゥオᆱャョNュセエ@ i1
""-'pecti\ ・ャセL@ nea·ly called U1e
a. 11.2 m •mtl 1.4 a Horizontal a;o:;,
11 b. Line of colhmation
c I !ptkal a xi• of the telewope
d. d Rcfcl'c·>cc a:d"
6.>. lif.. The r.1ho of Ihe --,,,,ndarrl L'l'rr•r nf a ""i'le
p' ッャZエ\セty。ゥョ@ ol unit weight" to U1c slan(Janl
pmce>S. which one of the error of the :or:thmdic 1ncan of ·n'
not a オィ\セイカ。エゥッョL@ "'ll
d! o:"unot ''"ighl. bo

h"·e the mual ュ・。ョゥセャ@ ,• N"

II .'n)

a. )kgR"I .J;
In a third order u·aver8e. if u,, standard
error of- ''"if assigned to each of the four
ウッョイセG@ of"'"""- ョ。Qセャ@ (i) reading tho
•·e1ire. Iii' non-acjustment of b·a.,sit. (iii)
sighting, and 11\·)
•etting over th• "!Jtion,
IUuf il
the-n tk lob! shnd>rd orroc of エィセ@ \\'<Jfk In ィᄋゥァMュッセQイ」@ lovd·ng. rf th<: horiL·>nlal
l•ould be 、ゥ^エ。ョ」セ@ the m;·.rumcnt and the 「・ャキ」セG@
_,. ッ「ェ」セエ@ lS 3088m, the cooiT!Clcnl of

h. (J -, rdi-,tdiun i• 0.07 ,md R ''" 1" 30.88 m.
thc"TI lhc rcfr,.dion セッイ」エゥョ@ in ョセャBイ@
c セNYイ@
moasu:·c would be
- 12'"
· the rreasurement of' line by ch<i11
'J)uring 'h. 11.1:7"
"''tape in 'lopes. it'! he ャ・ョァセエ@ oft he line is
'1 and the he1g_1t dtfference betwee!l the 0 7.C"
ends of be line '" h. then the co--,-ectiot\ to d 1 -Ill-'
the measured ャ・ョセエィ@ s more :han h' b1·

"· Zero
41' on the base line are

In an old map. line Pl) w'" drawn to a
o, •(i

magnetic bearing of 6" .123. the magnetic "

dedhation ar thot time ィ・ゥョセ@ l" Ea.t_ 'I he Rulo
セᄋ」ッL・ョエ@ ュ。・ョセエ[LN@ dBdin>tinn ;, ·!'4? [',.t
_'_:_[A:,-,\/'- - ;\''
'!he magnetic 「・。イゥョセ@ toe which the line i
...tat pre<ent i.e 3. ャBイ。ーセュゥ、@
' rule
:t 35T JO
b. 356'50
., ,, • o, , o,., -o, · u, ,_ --- · o, I
c. YHf
d_ 2'10' '
'2. The <list<.ncc bctllcCn
1000 m. If 1· "··
4=J(O,·O.,_- ,,,
d<Jc k' BセGi@ Sc:ect the セッイ」Z@ arowoT using lhc
rdi-action m. then
0Hm•"w-; ・イセ@ rr co<l<:s gi,·co hdoV>

'h. 1 ..:td 3 '
セ@ and .f
' land 4
; le1·d tube was
by 10 di1isions. the change in suff 76. ' ,\ o:· ri«liu' 7m has a •i<>nrbrd error
;;;,,;;,, "''' llll<m If the セゥ\エ。ョGᄋ@ ofll02m on the rcdiu•. The olandanl セイッ@
between セエ・@ stalf and dte inst!'Lment was of its "'c" FS
lOOm. dten Lhe N・ョLエゥᄋセ@ of _he bubble 11.1.'4 mz
tube " g" en by
·',, 11.14 m'-
1 0'- '"c "r "'c 0
" o.
h. IIU•ecofarc d. PNセX@ m
c 20_6 <ec of arc Ti_ il.l>tch J .ist I (eouree of ennrs i" the ow lite
d. 103 ウセ」@ ol' are olr<e1'\·ation)
List IJ (Elimination
! I of I .'
pTOc""s) and <ckct !he oorroct .on'wcr >)' 「」セュョゥァ@ point ol" tho '·ortic>l curve "ill
us ゥョセ@ エィセ@ code; giwn below the _iots be
Li<t [ Uセ@ 5m
A eセ・ョエイゥ」ケ@ ィ・エキセャ@ inner dOd outer
"b. 575 m
セNP@ m
R lmpc"fiocl セイN、オ。エゥZュ\@ nf !he ' Sl.Sm
horiNntal scok '
If the a7imud" of tho two tlngent' to a
C. lmpdCci adjustment< of plate k\'cl
IJ ltne o: oo!lrrnatoon not heng
cin::ular cur\'e of radius TOO m are due
porp..,Jicular to エィセ@ hori.:ontal 。セ@ is h} the エキセ@ lat1gents and the
Li't !I will b<
1. (apsl<m headed sere" adju;lmcnl a. 7857 oq.m
2_ Double centering process b. soon ,q.m
_,_ 'lakmg Ute moan ot t\H 3143sqm
4. Takii1g obscrcaltnm ッvセt@ 、ゥヲHcイセョャ@ 82. ' 2143 >-].m

portwns of the h<·nzcni<ol scale

A B c D j, multiplid b:y it<. own

2 the woight of the イ・オャエゥョセ@

,,"· '
; '' '' ' !S equal to dw reciprocal of
weight of セエ。@ oqmotion
'd. '2 ' ' o - mm of two

'8. '3
Fore bearing; (FBI •nd bad_ bearing
(3B) ャゥオセ^@ CQ QR ld\'<i
' ,,
ュPQセ@ quanhhcs is equal to the
of the ;.tm ,_,f lk md" 1<lual

measured a.:--
!.me "'
weigh h.
3. If the セオBョエゥI@ of " g1nn Bセゥァィエ@ io
PQ mulhp:icd by ,, faclor, then the weight
oflhc r<.:<ult i< obt,incd by rlmdir_g it<
gJ\ CH Bcjセッエ@ l }' t!Jc Gcuセio@ JUO! \If !ltd\
'lbe correct fadm.
H)R will he
4 if the quantit;· of a ginn "'eigJt ;,
セM lilY on- dhide h:y a factor then the weig1t of
b. 1119'30" エィセ@ re.uh i< obtained by イョオャエゥーセァ@ it;
gi•en キ・ゥセィエ@ h\· the •quare of that
d. fad or.
oヲャィセ」@ statements
a. 1 and 4 are con·ect
b. 2 and 3 00'0 セPQャGscA@
st:ltion is farther tiHn tlte c. 3 :md 4 arc corrQct
"tatiom d. 1 :md 3 :ore coned
of the 」セエイュ@ 'lations is ャィセ@ 8_,_ In the tangential method of tac1ometry.
ll.d!U>l following 101atiom ha\'e been used
d. tィセ@ nticldk •l-atic>n ;, do<<.: to the gre:ol '-'1 - [オァャセ@ uf dc;;o!iliH ><IIIO>I-'l'lL<liug to
uppe1· •.·an•
A summit •tation 0; c ose to the groat
a, ュセャ@ nf dcvahnn onrro<prmdinr to
cirele cent g1ade with __ _,per cent gnde_ If
th.o エセョ・」イJ@ iMier•ert at >t' ele,·.1t on of ヲッL|セMᄋNョ」@

60m and d1e rat< of change of grade is -I S - dl•llnco between the \'111Hls·staff
percffit per lOOm. then thee evation oftlte intercept
I L ul ll
D hor·..wnL•I d. 1.3and4
Y -- vcrtic:ol distoncc s:. A 3001lm long line lying ot an ckc:olion of
In this セᄋjョエックN@
:notch List I ((u:mhty to 45J m mc:osurcs 10 em on a vcrhcal
computed umk:r the giYcn conditwm) ,._th ーィLエッセュN@ The Jbc:ol length <·fthc 」。セQイN\@
Li•t ][ (Equ>tion to be mc<l) :ond ,dcd the ;, 21 <'m_ The <calc of the photog1aph J(>r
oon·oct amwer using the oodes given the area b\"ing on d<Notion of lOCO m
below the lists: will be
LiS!! I ᄋRWセXQ@
Bィセ@ holh エィセ@ セイ」@ 。ョァャセッ@
' 1.25008
A. -D"
"ogle• of
"' I· 211(,06
B. ·v- whet1 botlt the ongle• ar< angles of d l' '0411
(" 'tY wh<n セョ」@ an3k ;, 。ョ[ャセ@ of
eleYation and the other dnt of "
D. ·v when both ang.cs arc angle> of flvin•
dcprcsoion . '
I .i•t II
p<•mt 。「ッLᄋセ@ d•lum
Stan a, th <listancc "f エィセ@ ッ「jセQ@

' Um a, tan c 1 o "'''""''""'!!point incrca,cs

s i• nol 。ヲ・セエ、@ bv the tilt
' Um a, L1n a,
[ "" '''""''""'' tィセ@
mdinok' of tho
Stan '"' funicular voly,;;on of' givun ャッZ、ゥョセ@ on •
-'- t1n o, --tan a, ;implc beam mc.surc the <ldlodion of the

s bcJrn arc \:tricus sccti•Jns.
llma1 t:onv-, Rmson (R): The ddlcction of " omplo
bcJrn ,,( :onv scchon is proporhon:tl lJJ tho
,, B
B:\1 olthc cl>njugotc hcom ot Uwt Gセ」エゥャ^ョN@
a. Both A and R are true ond I{ t• the
b. ' ' con·ed ・GMtャ。ョエゥッセ@ of"-

' ' h. Both A :md R arc true hut R is not '

correct cxrlanalion of:\
'd. ' c. ,\ JO true but R is f,olsc

"' ' ' i• olwap

d /\. '"faLqe but K is U'lle
.-\>><·dion (.-\): When" p•rtido ro>ting on
' セゥョZュヲ・イ@
of the o roug_1 taMe is talco .round • d<·>cd patlt
on the tatlc. the tol<tl work <lone on the
ofthc three angles " ャ」セウ@ than pa-t!dc i; エNセto@
nght onglcs and gr<"1cr lh:m two rッセョ@ (R) lithe '">ek 、ッョセ@ in mo\ 1ng '
tangles. pacttcle :olong ' closed p:oth in a fl>rcc field
The wm of two sidoo i< grc:otcr than is エNセto@ then the force ftdll is conscrvahvc.
the tlmd stdc a Both A and H. are true ond R ;_, tho
4_ '!he ;mollco ongk j, oppo•ilc tile con·ect ・^NZイィョ。エゥッセ@ of A
smalkr side <nd vice "''"'a. h. Both A and R arc true hut R is not •
The propcrttcs of \ーィセッゥ」。ャエイョァウ@ wot-ld com:cl cxrlomlion of·\
incluJc c. ,\"'true but R is f:olsc
"· L2:md3 U A" ヲャ\セ@ 1•ul K i.< u オセ@
b_ 2, J ond 4 _',,•wt1ion (.'.1' tィセ@ ult•"llato IMd "f '
"- 1. 2 :md 4 ウエイオセ・@ made of dudib material.
U uf tl
ウセ「ゥL⦅ᄋ\[エ@ to rc"cnibk イ・ーセ。ャゥョァ@ loads 。Zセ、@ A ... cdion (/\.); Tr_c dJ<chargc (Q: thcught
pb1t1c dcfor:nation. io bwcrc<l l'<ilh 」。セィ@ triangular BGセ@ 10 g"·cn bv
() セ@ セAᄋLカRァG@
rc\'croal of load. 0
k l ,,,·tanl were
h c, ,,' t1e
Rea'\fJU (R): When sub_ectod to イ・セ。エッ、@ Q
l'e''"''al of load' a,J p[,tic defonnati,,n, セッ・ュゥョエ@ of 、ゥウッィ。^ᄋセM h is エィセ@ ィセ、@ of
the •tructure mcde of • ductile material flow I! is the ape> angle of the weir and g
accumubtes resiJual •traim. is •ccdcralion 、オセ@ lo grav:ty.
a_ lloth A 1nd R are ftue and R is the K•a•oll (K): the セイ」NLMウ・エキョ。ャ@ area ot
C•)rrect explanation of A
t1ow in a triangul,. weir ;, h"
b. Both /\ md R Me true but :1. is not a
C'>rrcd explanation ol' A
c A'" true but K'" fal;e
J. ,; i;fal;obutRi<truo Both A the
90 A.. セ」エゥッョ@ (A)· Whc·n " .,(l1rated <e'll mt" ' con·ecl '"'
is mb_iccu.:d to cunsoli<lalwn. 1ls volume at b. Both .,
""Y instant is related to the l<•tal stress. 」ッイセャ@
Rea'\fm (R): Total <tre" ;, equal m dte
'"m セヲ@ エィセ@ セヲbLエゥG@ •h"<'!<< ッョセ@ J>nm wat"''
9·1. gm1•itallonal
a. J>oth A ;nd R ore t111e and R is the
c•m,;d セᄋMーャ。ョ、ゥオ@ ut' .-\ '"•"' BGセ@ prc<kminant m :1
mtto can be chose otl'ttll.
b. Both A tnd R ore true but :<'. ;, m>l a
II 1th beth セイ。|Blゥエfュャ@ and
cvrrcd explanation of A ヲッイセ・@ b•ing l"'edominanl. Gセ。ャ・@
c A is true but R ;, false ratio depend; オーッセ@ the ォゥョ・ュ。エセG@
d_ _\ is false but /1. ;, true ' isoo; -t;.· of the tluid,_
.'t.SSl"rlion (.\): Highh•· ;;:,::::.; Zセ@ a_ Both .-\ and R are true and R セG@ the
ャケーセ@ nf セャッケ@ oan 「セ@ hc,l <I li- <'Oto'Bc'l e>.Thnotinn of --1
lmw as aJmi.<tur". b. Both A aml R arc true but R io not ,1
Rcawn tR): . \ Z[ェBLセ@
」ッイセャ@ cxrlan.,tion of_\
iu ll1o w1l imtm"c' c .'\."true but R" hiRe
._ OャッセQ@ .-\ >nd R d .-\ ;, ヲャGセ@ ),ul R j, o オセ@
90. .l... セ、ゥッョ@ (A) If >n ae-ro plan: atkmpts to
b イゥウセ@ al a \'cry ;k:cp angle. a condition
krmcd as staL is 」Nセーイゥ、@ ani there i<
d LNオ、セョ@ drop in the !ill ャッイセ」@ on tho
"'ings. Such a oilwtim ofkn r<:Sultl m the
D<omoio formu:ac ere r:ot sudden plunging oflhc aero plane.
oomputing 。ャォキセ」@ R•a•on (R): At large angle. of 。エセl@ d1e
、イゥᄋNMセGQ@ int<J cohesive soils. boundary lay<r >cpa•·•tc' from the 1->wcr
In セッィ」Lゥカ@ wik tbc surface anJ a LM。セオュ@ dm·elop,, belov, the
wingS lower eurface_
to pik drivmg morcascs Joe to
mililcn ゥョセ[S」。@ IJ )JIC"Urc m the a_ Both ,\ and R arc エイオセ@ and R is the
pore ",,wr. セッョᄋ・」エ@ ・aエャ。ョウゥッセ@ of A
a_ Jloth A .<nd R "'e hue and R i< tbe b. Both A aml R arc true but R io not ,,
C•)rreot ・セーャ。ョエゥッ@ of A 」ッイセャ@ cxrlan.,tion of A
b. Both ,\ md R arc !rue but セ@ is not a c A" t111e hut R is falRe
C•lrrCct c.,planation of 1\ d ,\to f:tlsc セオエ@ R is lruc
c. ,\ i« true but R i« エ。「セ@ ,-\,.,·rtion (A) :l.r.y <bclurgc.,.illllow "'
d_ ,\ ;, false but R is true critical in a v.ulc reel-angular ch:tnnd
l't hose bed slope
1 in C2 ' g.
r」セウッョ@ (R): The 」イセエ。ャ@ depth of tlow c AtstrucbutKisfalsc
イィセュᆬ@ il wide r<J<tangular channel i< cl. A;, tilbe but R i> lruo
\'I I'. I - !ItO .\ ladder ts not placed on t!rc lloor leanmg
a lktth ,J, and R arc true ond R is the ag.lln<t a "all the llc'<"lr n,-,; i< エセ・@ wall
correct ""PI anot1 on <>f ·\ [ュッセエィ@ Ir W エセ@ エィセ@ キセゥァィエ@ of エィセ@ ャ。、ッNセ@
b BoU: A and R Me true bot R t$ ttm " and Rt- R2 セョ、@ K_, "'e tire <eactions. then
correct セMクーャゥョ。エ@ nf ,.>, the frcc.hndv diRgram will be"' tn
c. A« ijオセ@ but R is ヲ。ャウセ@ j,H

d .-'1 is fol<c hm R is mtc

aウセイエゥオョ@ (A): The ュ\^ャゥィセョ@ 、ゥ[エ。ョ」セ@ or
。ョセ@ ャゥョセ@ t> cqu•i to the mc11dtan distance
nftts mid-pnim
Jkason (R): tィセ@ ュセエ@ idian 、Bエ。ョ」セ@ L•t' ""'
Iiuc i< equal to the mctidian di [エセQ」@ of the
l""ceding AQョセ@ plus half rhe deporture of
the preceding line plus half the departun.
of he line itself.
il flmh ·\ and R are tme and R 1< the
cnrrect cxplanat"n t>l .;,
h Hmh A and R セイ」@ tntc but R ts n(ll セ@
cmrect expl•uotiun uf :\
c_ A os tn1e but R ts tftl>c
o.l. :\ '' ヲ。ャウセ@
cur.wu<f Jlong the エイセnゥッョ@
「セ@ equal to the rate uf ゥョセイ・。G@
but R i> true
(A): Tile rate
セオイZ・@ <h01tl
uf :;u
A >4Uafe li-amework formed l'Ll umiUnu
ィ・。セ@ rods of equal BGセlァィゥIqョ・、@ together
Ren<nn (R): The ltmgth of the i< hLmg hv C1nG corner A weight \V i<
cun-e •huulo.l be fl.«d in [オセpBiu@ from ea._;h of tire thr"" le>..,er
thnt fiLII super elevation ts LDmen. ""tl
rhe 'haptl <.>1 the square "
Jllnrt1cm with the"''"'' prcser>crl with the help nf a light md nlnng
セ@ Bath 4. " the the honmnr.rl rl1ogonal The thnr<.! Clf the
a 1W
b. JW
c 4W
d. 6W
ᄋiセ@ hydmgr.1rhtc 'utvey1ng, 102 Whicll nne Gf the fnllnwing ;,, the oorTCct
is エィセ@ :.,,..,] d lite ""lei dr!Terennal eqr.latior. or the :;hape of the
ow "''''' ''" ャ、セ@ イ。j・ャセ@ latls 」。「ャセ@ ャ^ゥュセエ@ to 、セ\ᄋエョ」。ャ@ cables) of utT'!:il
To determine the reduced weight ·q' with >moll slopes_ as •hown in
ur エィセ@ 「セッNャ@ e1f lite キセエ・ゥ@ 「oセ@ the gtven イ^ァャG・セ@
accu,mclv. L\ ts ・セウ」ョャエ。ゥ@ that wtc
、セイ\^ョャQ・@ イセ・@ イ・、l\セ@ level セヲ@ rhe watei - GᄋセMN[@
"r L.
"'-Lrface at the エゥュセ@ uf sLJuno.lin!! by the tide
d· \'
a Both '\ 8nd I< are true And R IS the ' "'
,, d"',.,,' ,,
correct <::<pi """ti on nf .-\ H '"'
l' Botb A and iセ@ 。イセ@ エtオセ@ bul R" ""'"
cmrect exrlanutinn <>i ''
I S of II

c Mᄋセ@
,-r', 'l
\(,5. A ー。イAj、セ@ i' rr.oving on a ーャ。ョセ@ セ」イカ@ with
\セNL_@ G セ・ャッ」ゥエケ@ r·s· is the arc length of the
J' l' ,,
pa:t1de fr·>rn " Jixc•l point ''" the curve
4 -·-=-cos& anJ (r. 0) ito rmoition coordinate• at time
dx' !i C. tィセ@ Iran>\ セイ\@ 」ッューョセエ@ of tltc
-03_ 'I he effort 'P' to be appl;ed ィッイゥセョエNャケ@ to accdcration of the par:ick io gi\Qn bv
pull a we1ght "\\" on a plane me ined at an
J'r , d 1J
anglo a "Ilh the hon<:onlnl" gr;·c-n by
! tan I> ;_, the coefficient of fi· ctirm)
" d? dt

J'(j ,1, dl1

h. , __ , 2 - -
"· I'=V'tanio:-,?)
dr' dr dr
b_ I' .Wtan(o:-I}J)
coS:a ¢)
- )(j
d. v-
,, p_W•in(a-¢) ds
c''"':a ¢)
_04. The セオ。ョィャゥ」ウ@ gtn:n in List I •m<l セゥウエ@ II
corrcspoml to a p10]Qdilc on plane
horizonL'I gwund "ith :m imli"l '·olody
·u· and m angk of protc-.;tion a Wllh the
horizontal Match List 1 with I.i•t IJ and
_ - 9.8rn 1s2)
ッャセ、@ tl!c 」\ュセエ@ dTk"'"' using エャQセ@ 」ッjセL@
given bdow the list•·
lゥセエ@ [ C. lセGw@

'" ' Ma_\!mun height d. 76,03 m

i\Jaximun range
Two '<)>heres of mas. IS kg and 2(, kg.
T!n!C t.akcn rc•cll move along ' waight line in the .arne
hei3ht '" directicm ·.•·ith •·eloci:ie; of 20 m ' anJ
D. Tm1coflhghl 5rn ·s. respectively. If the coeftlci<rnt of
List II re!titution ;, 0.7, !her the velocity of the
15 kg mo" oflor coHision wiH be
L "
-sma ,, セ@ 43 m/<

' 1u
h. 15.93 m:s
' ' -"na
'd. 16.16 m·o
1!'8. :\ par:iclc moves W!lh !implc hamonic
-'- motwn if 1!s occek-r,hon ot <hst:m,:e ·o·
!fern the cqull>hriurn pos:l10n is ·A. thc11
the pcrio<lofthc rroh'n 10 g1Ycn 「セᄋ@
a. 211..[j_fj

lg ff;

' '"H.
h. 3 4 1 2 d
"1 1 2 ](,')_ A bullet rf rna"" 0 01 ォセ@ rnm:inJ with a
\clocit\ of 401 rn·
strikQ> a 「ャッ」セ@ ofm""
4 kg which is free to move m the dtrectton
d --' -- p- ·-a
ョヲエィセオャ・イ@ and g,; セGBィイャ、・@ ,, it Th•
オカセイ。ャBG@ kゥョセャ」@ セョ・イァケ@ is
n S•l2Nm Iii h1 ;, pnmcular "'Jt<m.ll. if the n1oduht! of
is セアオ。ゥ@
イゥセ、ャケ@to th• bulk mtx.lulns, th•n
I> 401 Nm
;ho po,,_on·s ratio W1ll be
c St.'2 Nm
a iOセ@
d 160-1 Nm
b. :-;
1101 '\ uno'li1rm circu!Rr cti<c of ma-.1 -'kg aPd
1pm セ「オャ@
lcm " revolvi,;g un•fmmly at no
a11 Bセ@ P•"ing tlll uugh セ@ punn
'd. '
>h(l1o l:>ar セャュョエ@
'"' エィセ@ nm pm-p\Ondtculru to tltc plane of
rhe rli'c The kincnc energy <1fthc di,;,: i<
'" '"'':twn i< 'ubJected h1 ' "'
iゥ\セG@ at i1s h•ct
il Ll ' Nm
セQイ・\@ Jgtrihutio"
> - - Nm
27;r unifonn "t
2000 a. All セ」ィッョウ@
2700D '\m
d I 5 :r
' "J"'
b The

II l 111 a ーゥセB@ ウャエセ@ ptohlcm_ the tcnsllc d.

_o;tre;;.;e< "l"ng T>A·O ュオエBャセᄋ@ ー・イョ、エ」Bャセ@
rectangular coordinate 。セ・ウ@ x andy are G,
froiiCJMng |ャ。イ・ュmエセ@
and ""· re'!"'ch·ely v.-Hh IT,,,.,., '"d two plan<:!s セ@ nght 。ョァォセ@ are
イィセ・@ arc "" >hearing The "'""e' lrJ dirr:ct >lrC«C' The Y BXi'
!'tmson-, イ^セッ@ " y the <Ire" along the denotes shear stresses, "'ill pas,:
rhird rectangular Cr>-ordinate o<i<' will be through the cenue "(the \-lohr-< circle
when the ducct streoscs arc:
F(r.r. -o-, I
' E<1ual in magnitude
b -r(a-_ -o-,.) 2_ l ikセ}オ。ゥ@ <ll mar;nJ tude. m the 1aLio I .2
J Ofthesamesi)ln
F ( cr, - cr,. )
' . :]_ oc ッーosゥエ・BGNセ@
Of エィ・^セ@ ウエ。セュ・ョ@
d ,v(rr" "·I セ@ I and 3 。イセ@ correct
11:2 A bar ctf elastic
direc1 b. I Jlld 4 。イセ@ cam:ot
' 2 and J ate correct
applied alon:,: d. 2 and 1 ate corn,c'l
ャセイ。@ LQオ」セエゥャG|@ lu I I6 In エィセ@ gJven エゥァオイセ@ shov-.i%t the XY quarter
in セ」ィ@ .:.f エィセ@ ャセエ・イョ@ ーゥセBᄋ@ セM and t·, lin"at >lramo lhc
;,,,」イLオセョァ@ '"' m''''''"""'''
"f "hat i1
If ,!lis エィセ@
dil"ecti<m< and "·is the lin<:ar stmin the
mゥイセ」エョ@ Jt :m i11clir.ation nf 'I t'mm X nnd
ratio of the mnterini. then the \ the shenr stra111 II '' def•ned n> oltown
tィセ@ 」イゥエセ@ I value of(} is ァゥカセオ@ hy (} "
'"'""" o<" "· '' whcr.,mn 2..,. ゥ\」セョャ@ tn

' 2'-c''''
(I u(
I ' nl I .'
llw ZAGセョ@ ioァオエセ@ (l·ig. II >hu"' a ィセュ@
'· セᄋ@ •' ll'J
セ。A@ ャゥ[」ョュセ@
lmif.1rml1 J,;trihutcd lnaJ W twcr the
""'at ョセ@ end II oarri._><>"

2¢ セjAHゥャョイM llvh<eh tttK l>flhc gwen ftgun;;

" '· - G' •'llrrcctlv rqm::>ento エィセ@
Jingmm filr イィセ@ hcam'!
-hcur t\lf<":C

' '· Is, ' w

" セ@ I
Morch I "I I ( rhc C>n¢S nf foilurc) with I _;,,
"' II (hllun: セュ、ッーNZB@ セエャゥ@ -;c\ccl エィセ@
coroccl JthiWf b1· USIIlf\ tlh: '"'J,-; g'"'n
bduw th" IL't':
Li't I
,/, fl.lll.ximum Sl1c;u セイlBG@ l11cm"\
B. Mll'..tmum strain'"'"'¥)' I hem;
C m。セゥュオ@ sィセ。イ@ セエイ。ゥョ@ I 'ncrgy Th"''l' Ic•
iJ Maxtmum l'rut..:lpal セエイ。ュ@ I ィ」セャAy@
l.i<! II
1-:llipsc wnh s-:mi-majm and
' """"'a'"' Mセイッ、@L
a uruil"'nl_1 '.u セ@ Jttg i uf キエセイ^@
'! "
! '"th
W 1/utttl ャセIAエ@ セ@ ·A- w w,.r unn knt'th HI
3 Lillip.<" with -g' エィセ@ "hear lOree at til" ouppprt 'B' ゥセ@
giwn hy
llllll<H 。セ・[@
li;; m>d ,/fu GBセ@
I ォセ。ァッエhャ@
·' •"
' •

'd ' l.w+w:)l

' tl>r 」セエョャゥィイオュ@ ,,f J
'" h
ヲョイ」セウ@ polygon the ;
ーョャケァセ@ ""'"''""'d
"' '
.3!_ セ@
· pni\'gom <hnuld !>t; " "'"''"J w I ,.._f
d -. -

I· or,., rolygen ne"J nell J 6

' figtm: " c'lo"'d
" l·urc<c pnluv,ou shcouiJ
' clll>::J

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