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This class has helped me improve my writing and feel more confident in what I write.

The first project we were assigned was a flash narrative. We had to come up with the story on
our own and our peers would review and give us feedback. I decided to title mine ​Sacrifice
because my narrative showed a lot of it. It was about a girl who went into the army to pay for
college. It then goes on talking about all of her struggles, the boy she likes, and how he sacrificed
his life trying to reach her. At first I chose to write about this topic because I went to a camp that
was similar to the one I wrote about. But when I started to write about it, my imagination took
off and I changed my story into something that would catch the reader's attention. This project
really pushed me to think outside the box. At first I felt stuck and couldn’t come up with
anything. After a little bit of brainstorming, I came up with so much I wanted to write about
which made it hard to choose what to keep. The next project we had was a rhetorical analysis.
The title of the speech I chose was ​I Know Where You’ve Been: Digital spying and Divorce in
the smartphone age.​ I chose this speech because it really caught my attention when it mentioned
spying. In the speech it talks about how some husbands spy on their wives to feel like they still
have control. It then goes on talking about the different ways they did it and shared some stories.
After analyzing this it helped me be more aware of things that can possibly happen to me. It
challenged me to dig deeper into this topic and pull out all the hidden thing the author wrote
about. Lastly, we had to do a civic engagement project. This one challenged me the most. I did
my topic on ​How to Stop Bullying In Schools.​ I chose to do mine in a powerpoint that I could
present to schools to help stop bullying. Studying this topic helped me gain a better perspective
of what the bully can possibly be going through and why they might be bullying. After we did
our presentations we had to completely change the form we had them in. So, I decided to change
mine into an inspirational speech. Doing this made me feel like it would connect more to
teenagers rather than lecturing students.
The goal for my flash narrative was to think outside the box. I feel like this definitely
challenged me but also I could’ve done better. I revised it by adding more detail at the end of the
story where ‘Jay’ dies. I also took out fluff and wrote in more detail to give the character a better
idea of what was going on in the story.
C:\Users\faith\Downloads\Flash Narrative first draft.pdf
C:\Users\faith\Downloads\flash narrative.pdf
Next was my rhetorical analysis. My goal was to find out more information on the topic
and understand why divorced couples feel the need to spy. This challenged me because I had to
look at both perspectives and understand both sides. I started out by researching similar
situations to better understand my topic. When I revised it, I looked deeper into the topic and
gained a better understanding as to why ex couples spy.
C:\Users\faith\Downloads\rhetorical analysis.pdf
My goal for my last project was to change the way teenagers viewed each other. This was
a challenge because I wanted to come up with something they would actually listen to. I started
out by using a powerpoint then later on changed it into a motivational speech. In the motivational
speech I added more ethos and logos to better inform my audience of the effects bullying has on
people. I also added more ways people can step in and change the situation if they see someone
being bullied.
C:\Users\faith\Downloads\How to prevent bullying in schools (1).pdf
In conclusion, these projects pushed my to expand my imagination, be more informed on
my topics, write like my desired audience, and find different ways to inform people without it
sounding like a lecture. A big skill I learned was citing my sources and referencing them
throughout my writing. This skill is one I will use for the rest of my life. I also learned how to
research things the right way rather than using google.

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