Home Nursing Services-MRK718MMS-Zoe Nguyen PDF

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Home Nursing Services Inc.

Expansion of “care and comfort” services

Course: MRK718MMS (Presenting Complex Material)
Professor: Olin Ramprashad
Student name: Zoe Nguyen- ID: 114818198
I. Situational analysis

II. Internal analysis

III. Recommendation

IV. Implementation

Situational analysis
Home health care industry outlook in Canada
The industry recently has grown steadily due to strong demand from the aging population, a shift in patient
preferences toward home care and the government and insurers’ willingness to pay for these services.
The traditional home healthcare and nursing is expected to reach 52.8% of industry revenue in 2019, and its market
share has slowly decreased in recent years since other services have rapidly growing. This trend is forecasted to
continue over the next 5 years.

2 Source: Home Care Providers in Canada - Market Research Report, IBIS World Canada
Situational analysis
Aging population

Canadians aged 65 and older

make up about 45.0% of total
national spending on healthcare,
even though they only represent
around 17% of the population.
This trend could boost demand
for all healthcare services,
representing a potential
opportunity for HNS’ s service

Internal analysis
SWOT Analysis for HNS

- 25-year experience in non-profit providing home nursing - It still covers all bills and breaks even after 2-year recovery of
services its image.
- Being partly funded by United Way, 90% of $2.2 million - The lower demand for HNS’s nursing services
annual budget from revenue generated by direct clients, third- - The full health services of for-profit organizations at lower
party payers prices
- Offering a team of professional nurses

- The higher need for home care services due to an increasing
number of adults aged 65 and older. -The changes in government law relating to nursing payments
- HNS could make more effective use of computer systems and - Big competition from local hospitals and for-profit
organizations structure that has been developed the last two organizations.
year and ensure more job security for administrative personnel. - Revenue loss as little as 10% could result in some cutbacks
- HNS could extend services non-paying clients. such as laying off labor, etc.
- Cheaper operational costs per hour help boost revenue. -Weakening nurse image if providing less-professional

4 Zoe Nguyen | HNS case study

Home Nursing Services Inc. should provide a complete line of health care
services called “care and comfort” services to meet changing needs.
The solutions can be addressed in the below.

Set up new marketing

Recruitment and
Target new segments strategies to promote
personnel training
new service

Offline marketing:
Persons aged 65 direct mail, local
Rigorous selection
and above living ads, referrals,
alone networking &

Adults aged 35 and Training system to

Online marketing:
above who are guarantee a
social media,
obese and standard quality
content marketing
overweight service

5 Zoe Nguyen | HNS case study

Targeting new segments
A big number of elderly living alone

Percentage of the population that is living alone,

by age group, 1981 and 2016
25 In 2016, there was nearly 4 million
Canadians lived alone.
20 The percentage of people aged 65 and
over living alone made up around 26%,
equivalent to over 1 million people.
15 13.9 1981 These people who are in high demand
2016 for all health care services should be
10.1 considered as one of the most potential
10 9.2
8.1 7.6 customer groups of HNS.

15 and over 20 to 34 35 to 64 65 and over

6 Source: Living alone in Canada, Statistics Canada

Targeting new segments The obesity rate reflects the overall level of health of
the Canadian population. As the obesity rate has
A higher rate of adult obesity increased, the number of people suffering from
diabetes, heart disease, etc. is expected to rise,
boosting demand for health care services.

Percentage of Canadians adults who are overweight Percentage of Canadians adults who are
or obese based on body mass index from 2015-2018 overweight or obese, by age group in 2018
40 Overweight70
35.8 35.8 36 36.3 2018
35 Obese 2017
30 26.9
26.1 26.5 26.8 50
25 30.3 28.1
20 30 18.7
15 20
28.9 31.9 28
10 10 19.7
5 0
18 to 34 35 to 49 50 to 64 65 and
0 over
2015 2016 2017 2018
The potential customer group
7 Source: Body mass index, overweight or obese, self-reported, adult, age groups (18 years and older), Statistics Canada
Recruitment and personnel training
Rigorous selection process of home care staff

Criminal Reference
Pre-screen Reference Checks & Vulnerable
Testing On-site
telephone call checks Sector Screen

Information provided
Job related testing Interview conducted 2-3 previous or current
to assess how well Candidates required
(e.g. medical by some members of supervisory
candidates’ skills, to follow CRC and
terminology, the hiring team and references provided
abilities align with VSS process
scheduling, etc.) health specialist by candidates

8 Zoe Nguyen | HNS case study

Recruitment and personnel training
Training is the key to home health care success
Training programs Desired outcomes
Up skilling models in practice  To reduce the rate of repeat emergency
 Short-term intensive skill building: symptom department visits
identification, condition management, etc.  To lower the rate of re-hospitalization
 Long-term care training: e.g. 100 hours of  To reduce strain among patient family members
training in chronic disease knowledge,  To improve job satisfaction among home care
communication skills, enhanced staff
observe/record/report skills to home health
 Enhanced training programs: Home care staff is
provided programs in clinical topics to
understand of patient health conditions (sleep
patterns, weight gain, etc.) and to support
health-promoting behaviors.
Advisory senior aides To provide a more complete picture of client’s
New staff would exchange with the seniors to find out condition
more information about clients.
Integration into care coordination To help connect patients with community supports

Confidentiality of clients’ valuable information To gain trust with clients

9 Source: How ‘Up-skilling’ Can Maximize Home Care Workers’ Contributions And Improve Serious Illness Care, https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20190227.420595/full/
Building marketing strategy to promote new service
Offline marketing tools and activities: Local newspaper & magazines ads
More seniors aged 55+ who read magazines than other age groups, and the use of print newspaper is still the
most popular among all formats. Local ads can help to spread the HNS’s messages to the elderly who prefer to
seek out information in a traditional way.

Weekly readership of magazines in Canada 2017, by format

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 60%

Share of respondents
Reach of magazines in Canada 2014-2018, by age

70.0% 67%
61% 40.0%
60.0% 57%
52% 53%52% 53% 30.0%
49% 49%
Penetration rate

48% 20%
50.0% 44% 45%
42% 42% 41%
40.0% 37%
34% 10.0% 5% 6% 5%
1% 2%
30.0% 0.0%



18 to 24 years25 to 34 years35 to 54 years 55 years and

10 Source: Magazines in Canada report 2019, Statista.

Building marketing strategy to promote new service
Offline marketing tools and activities: Direct marketing- Referrals-


• Direct mail achieves a 4.4% response • Seek referrals from past clients
rate, compared to 0.12% for email. • Attend local networking events with the
• Direct mail’s response rates are actually participation of health care professionals
anywhere from 10 to 30 times higher and businesses to connect with others.
than that of digital. Building professional connections helps
increase the number of referrals and
recommendations HNS receive.
• Volunteer at medical conferences and
networking events is also a good source to
help expand HNS contact list.

11 Source: Why Direct Mail Marketing Is Far From Dead, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2017/08/30/why-direct-mail-marketing-is-far-from-dead/#5215e99e311d

Building marketing strategy to promote new service
Digital marketing tools and activities
The key online marketing channels that HNS should focus on are Build social media presence
email, social media and online video.
 Engage clients with online
review platforms
Canada: marketing channels believed to have highest ROI 2014-2015, by activity  Showcase Reviews and
40 Testimonials on social media
35 sites
Send e-newsletter via email
20  Become a source of home
health care information
 Invite potential customers to
10 2014
free seminars and talks at office
5 2015
0 Use video marketing

 According to a Hubspot survey,

over 90% of users agree that
videos are helpful in the decision
making process.

12 Source: Canada: marketing channels believed to have highest ROI 2014-2015, by activity, Statista.
Action plan

Evaluate the Evaluate the

Targeting new Build segment Select the target
proposed segments attractiveness of
segments profiles segment
for viability each segment

Evaluate the
Execute training performance
Recruitment and Build selection Set up standard
programs through client
personnel training process criteria for staff
periodically surveys &

Setting up new Seek referrals from Launch advertising

marketing health Build a good source campaigns: direct
Increase social
strategies to professionals and of information in mail, online ad,
media presence
promote new through networking the industry local ads, and video
service and volunteering marketing

13 Zoe Nguyen | HNS case study

Timeline for action plan


Targeting new segments

Hiring process

Training system to guarantee

a standard quality service

Plan marketing strategies

Marketing strategies kick-off

14 Zoe Nguyen | HNS case study

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