PROSE PROSE FICTION NOVEL Cabotage - Raire Denisse

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"Pieced together in Fragments"

R. D. Cabotage


The wind is silently whispering in her ears, rolling hills unveil before her eyes.
She looks at a very far place, far from the reach of her small fingers, the place
where the land meets the blue sky. Closing her eyes, she imagines what that
place would look like, shaping everything according to the extent of her

"Luna! Where are you?"

Suddenly, the little girl sits up and looks toward the source of the sound. She f
rowned a little, scrunching up her tiny eyebrows together. Closing her eyes on
e last time and drawing a deep breath, she stood up quickly and ran down th
e hill towards a small house. As she gets close, an old woman looks at her ste
rnly, which contradicts her kind features,

"Where have you been? I was looking all over for you..."

The little girl smiled, "Oh Nana you know where..."

"Still waiting for him? " the old woman's eyes softens as she looks at the girl's
sad smile.

"I know he will come back Nana..."

"Nana! Look, I have some letters for us!" A voice behind them yells. Both of th
em turns to see a very tall guy, but one could see that his mind might be youn
ger than his age. He is smiling from ear to ear, signifying the great news he ha
ve with him. Luna, the little girl went to meet him by the fence gate,
"Billy! You're back!" she hugs him from his legs because she's really small.

"Hehe heya Luna!" He bends down so they're looking eye to eye, rummaging t
hrough his basket he grabs a letter, a very unique looking one, "I have someth
ing for you" and smiles sunshiny.

Small fingers curls around the envelope, Luna inspects the the letter with so
much emotion in her crimson eyes, she looks up to the old woman, Nana just
nodded at her. Drawing a very deep breath and gathering all her courage, she
opens the sealed letter.

She needs to read the letter twice before she could even understand it. Her co
nfused expression alarms Nana, she walks over the little one, reading the lett
er. Finally the message dawns to her, she lifts eyes from the paper to meet th
e curious little eyes. Nana smiled weakly,

"Ah dear, you're finally going to see him again..."

Happiness is evident in Luna's eyes " Really Nana?!" Joyous feeling just explo
ded somewhere inside her heart.

"Yes dear..." but sad smile is now gracing the face of her Nana.

Sun rays brightens the small room, the place that has all her memories, the o
nes that are permanently imprinted in her mind. Luna sat by the window like s
he used to do everyday, waiting for someone's return but not today. Instead of
facing the open windows, her eyes roams around the room, it was empty by t
his time, only her bed and drawers remain. She somewhat tries to quiet down
her mind and tried focusing on what she needed to think about.

Today is the day she have been waiting for, but something inside her, somethi
ng at the back of her mind tells her she shouldn't go, she's leaving everything
she used to be. Suddenly, tears are flowing, she thinks about her Nana and Bi
lly, the house that she grew up in and the things she always do. Finally she ha
d what she was always dreaming, but she's not feeling very well about it anym
Nana sat in the porch, drinking a steaming cup of tea, Billy is standing right be
side her, looking at his fingers.

"Nana..." his deep voice sounded barely a whisper.

She looks at him with the same sad eyes three days ago when the letter arriv
ed, "What is it Billy my boy?"

He sniffed, trying to control his surging emotions but he failed, tears stream do
wn his face, "Why... Why is Luna... Leaving? "

Nana looks away, a silent lone tear escapes from her eyes, "... Our little Luna
needs to grow up now, she needs to see the world for herself..."

More tears streamed from Billy's eyes, "I don't understand Nana..."

"Neither did I..."

Footsteps echoes from the inside, Billy quickly wipes his tear-stained face, Lu
na came out of the porch, seeing Billy and Nana breaks her heart even more.

"Ready to go dear?" Nana smiled.

She wanted to say no, she wanted to say she'll be staying but she swallows th
e urge to cry and smiled, "Yes Nana"

"I'll go get your things Luna!" Billy exclaims, faking his enthusiasm.

Luna smiled at him and hugs his legs as he turns around, "Thank you Billy, th
ank you for everything..." she whispers.

This made Billy more emotional, he went upstairs in an awfully quick manner.
Nana looks at the little girl in front of her, remembering the day she arrived at t
heir little house. She held Luna's tiny hands in hers, crimson eyes in tears

"Take care of yourself little one..."

Luna wipes her eyes, she moves towards the woman who brought her up and
hugs her ever so tight, crying as she does. Nana hugs her back, "Oh don't cry
... Everything's going to be alright okay? I know he will take good care of you..

Luna nodded through her tears, "I will visit you, I promise you that Nana..."

She smiled despite of their tears,"I will wait for you then..."

Just then, Billy came out carrying a small bag and a suitcase. Luna is the first
one to pull away, "I love you Nana..." she whispered.

Nana kissed her on the forehead one last time,"And I you dear..."

The sound of approaching carriage signals that it's time to go, Nana turned to
Billy, "He's waiting for you at the station..." and Billy just nodded.

Luna waves through the carriage windows one last time, and Nana weakly wa
ved back. She follows the carriage with her eyes until she couldn't see it anym
ore. The wind silently blows through the empty house, Nana turned to the par
chment in the table, reading it once again,

"Nana, Jan. 14, 1878

Thank you for taking good care of her while I was away, but now I thi
nk it's time for Luna to fulfill her destiny. In three days time, I will sen
d a carriage before the clock strikes at Eight in the morning, and I sh
all wait by the train station. Don't worry Nana, she will come back wh
en the right time comes. Save me a bottle of wine when I visit.

"Oh that old git..." Nana sighed.


The train station bustles with so much people and so much noise, a man stoo
d at a distance, looking at his gold watch. Train noisily whistles, distracting the
man from his own thoughts, he looked up and around him, just as he turns hi
s head he caught a glimpse of a girl. When the crowd parted, a fair, raven-hair
ed and crimson eyed little girl is revealed in his view. She smiled sweetly at hi
m, a tall guy follows her, the man kneels down just as the little girl runs toward
s him.

"Papa!" Luna exclaimed as she jumps into the man's arms.

"It's good to see you again little lady"

The man turns to Billy, "Thank you for bringing her here Billy, send my regard
s to old Nana..."

Billy nodded and smiles at he gives the suitcase to him. Luna turns to him and
hugs his leg once, he sniffs and pats her head, "Always send Billy a letter oka
y?" and she nodded.

Luna held the man's hand and waved goodbye to Billy, who sadly continues to
wipe his face, "Take care Master Crawford!" he yells over the train whistle. Th
e man curtly nodded in response.

They enter the train and went on a very exclusive train cabin. Luna is thoroug
hly amazed by this, she sat by the window as the train jerks forward. The man
, her Papa sat in front of her, his long red mane are neatly tied, he removed hi
s hat and placed in on the table, smiling weakly at the child's direction,

"How are you Luna? I see you've grown so well..."

The sound of his voice fills Luna with emotion, she missed it so much, "I'm fin
e Papa, Nana and Billy took care of me while I was there. Nana taught me ho
w to cook and Billy taught me how to be a gardener and he always take me to
that library in the town!"

Howard Crawford, looks at his adopted daughter, it's been seven years since
he found her, but he left her in the old woman's care because of his job. He w
ould always visit her before but his job demands more of his time, sending lett
ers was the only resort he has. Now that the child is all grown up, he can see
she no longer needed to be cared for, Luna shows an independence from eve
ryone around her which made Howard even more proud of how Nana brought
her up, but he of course, has regrets for he didn't even see her grow up with
his own eyes.

Luna continues her tale as she grew up, Howard listens to her with much enth
usiasm, he treated Luna like she's his own blood and flesh. As the hours pass
by, Luna fell asleep on their way while Howard drifted once more with his ow
n thoughts.

He is one of the elite members of a secret society called, Dark Guild. Their ma
in goal is collect every single Fragments of one special kind of power called "F
ragments" before the clan of so called Angels claims all of it.

The bearers are synchronized naturally with this phenomena, the raw form of '
Fragments' shapes itself according to its accomodators capacity. The weapon
form of Fragments are called Angelem, it can be anything or any object the a
ccomodator wanted it to be. But sometimes, the Fragments are already turne
d into an Angelem and it will be the one to choose its accomodator. Howard i
s a bearer himself, he wields an Angelem in a form of a gun, and he is one of t
he very skilled ones, in fact he's one of the few Guild Masters. His current job
now is not just to look for the Fragments but to find other bearers like himself.
He find something very amusing about his adopted daughter and that is yet to
be discovered.

As the final station nears, Howard stood and taps Luna's cheeks softly, "We're
here little lady" he whispered.

Luna opens her eyes to see a lush greenfield before her eyes, she looks at he
r father, Howard sees the amusement and curiosity in her eyes. The train stop
ped, they gathered her things and went on their way.

"Where are we Papa?"

He gave her a side glance and smiled at her, "You'll know soon..."

It is nearly nighttime when they walked out the restaurant, Howard saw how w
ell-mannered Nana raised Luna, even on the dining table she knows her man
ners. Even at this time of the day, the town is full of life, it seems like there is a
festival. Suddenly Luna gasps, "Papa! I think I know where we are!" she smil
es brightly, they stopped walking as Luna admires her surroundings,

"Really now? So where to you think?" he challlenged.

"I've read it once, festivals like this one and the way the people are dressed a
nd their food, I think we're somewhere in Asia! "she happily exclaimed claspin
g her hands together. Howard smiles, Luna's intelligence is very exceptional, "
Well you guessed it right"

"Really Papa? Wow it looks more amazing in real life!"

"Of course it is..."


They arrived at a very glorious looking palace, Luna's eyes could not get any
bigger, "Welcome to the Asian branch of Dark Guild Luna" Howard announce

"This is really amazing Papa..." Luna whispered.

Suddenly the doors open, a woman in black came out and smiled at them,"W
e've been expecting you... Welcome back Master Crawford" the attendant gre
eted and she moved to get their things.

"Thank you Miss Ching" Howard said and she nodded. Miss Ching looked at t
he little girl, her black eyes softens, "You must be Master Howard's daughter,
Luna Rose Crawford"

For some unknown reason, Luna blushes. This is her first time meeting a stra
nger, Nana protected her so much she wasn't allowed to go out of her room w
hen there are some guests and she was studying just by herself.

They all went inside, it's really grand and spacious. Ching lead them in one of
the elegant rooms, she opens the door but never went in, as if on impulse, Lu
na held the door for her. Ching smiles, "No need miss, I'll be bringing your thin
gs in your room"

Luna let go of the knob, "Is that so... I uhmm... I'm sorry..." Ching chuckles sof
tly as she closes the door, Luna felt embarrassed.

"Ching and many others like her are attendants here, it's their job don't worry"
Howard explains. She bites her lower lip and nodded. They sat on the couch, i
n front of them is a very expensive-looking table, with different sorts of things
on it. Luna's eyes continues to roam around the room, it looks like an office bu
t no one is there but them. Howard sips his wine silently, he looks comfortable
in this place. Luna got this impression that her father have been here for so m
any times.

Just then the door silently opens, a man in early forties enters the room, Luna'
s heart beats really fast, this man blinks at her, and nodded to her father, "Oh
so you're finally here Master Crawford, welcome back..."

Howard tiredly acknowledged him, "It's been a long day Assistant Director Lee

Director Lee looks surprised, he fake coughs and went to stand in front of her,
"My apologies, I'll make this quick..." He turns to Luna, "Can you come with
me for a while?"

Confusion reigns her, she looks at her father, "Don't be afraid little lady..." Ho
ward assures her. Luna swallows the lump in her throat and shakily nodded.
Director Lee walks out of the room and she quietly follows behind. They walke
d through a series of hallways and stairs, suddenly she's afraid she might get l

"You must be Luna, your father speaks fondly of you... By the way I'm Kean,
Kean Lee, Asian Branch Assistant Director, you could call me Dr. Kean" he s
miled at the little girl. Luna blinks and remembered her manners, "I'm Luna Ro
se Crawford, it's an honor to meet you Dr. Lee"

Kean is surprised, someone as young as her talks like she is someone same
age as he is, that's when he sees it himself.
There was a rumour that Master Howard Crawford's daughter is something ou
t of the ordinary. They're considering her for a position in the Guild, Howard sa
id that she might be a great addition for them. Kean honestly expressed his op
inion that this kid might not meet up with his expectations but he just realized
how wrong he was. She didn't have to say anything more, just by introducing
herself, Luna immediately showed a visible sign of a bright mind.

He snapped from his distracting thoughts, and gathers himself. After a few mo
re hallways, they reached a specific wing of the palace. It's quite dark compar
ed to the lower floors and Luna noticed just how much cords have coiled with
each other along the walls.

Kean clears his throat, "This my dear, is the Research wing. This is the place
where most if the work happens, well apart from the Guilder's job that is..." Ke
an noticed how confusion consumes her face, but it quickly disappeared, "Oh
you mean the non-bearers, the ordinary but bright members of the Guild..."

He almost flinched with the word 'ordinary' but just laughed it off, he thought th
at she might have learned it from one person, her father. "Yes you're right..."

"So I've brought you here because someone wants to talk to you"

Kean leads her to another office, they went in and there waiting is a woman, "
Sia, here she is..."

A raven haired woman turns to look at them, her black eyes widens as she loo
ks at the little girl. "You look so cute..." and this made Luna blush.

"Thank you..." she whispered, shyly lifting her eyes to look at this woman in fr
ont of her. "Hi! I'm Sia Lee" she smiled.

Luna looks at her, "Hi Madame Sia, my name is Luna Rose Crawford, it's a pl
easure to meet you..."

Sia chuckles, "My, so formal are we?" she turns to Kean, "Are you sure that s
he's just seven years old? "
He cracks a smile, "Maybe..." and playfully shrugs.

Luna takes the moment to look around, that's when she noticed a very wide gl
ass panel. Sia sees the overflowing curiosity in those little eyes, she smiled an
d moves towards the glass. Sia looked back at Luna,"Come here, take a look
at the science department"

Luna do as she is told, upon looking at the glass, it's actually a window, and b
elow them is a whole floor of laboratory. It was divided into different sections b
ut it was a great laboratory as a whole. Little crimson eyes widens as she tries
to comprehend what she is seeing, and it definitely took her breath away. Sh
e couldn't help it, Luna went closer to the panel and tiptoes, trying her hardest
to see everything at once, her small face is scrunched up against the glass, "
Wow this is so amazing..."she whispered.

Kean and Sia exchange looks, Sia saw the great potential that lies beyond the
little girl, and she felt honored, it's not like everyday you're going to see some
one feel like a kid by looking at a science laboratory. Kean somewhat feels pr
oud, this child before him gives the impression of eagerness to learn, the thirst
in her eyes for knowledge.

For the first time since arriving in the branch, Luna started to feel comfortable,
crimson eyes smiles as she does. Sia clasps her hands together, "I forgot to t
ell you, this is where I work Luna. I'm the Branch Director here in Asian Dark
Guild! "

Luna looks at her and gasped a little, "It's truly an honor to meet you then Mad
ame Lee!" and Sia in turn, blushed at this.

"Dr. Lee can I ask something? " Luna said with her bright eyes. Kean blinks at
her, surprised once more. "Yeah sure what is it?"

"Is this where I will be working too?"

Sia smiles and pats Luna's head, "Of course dear! But first we need to see if y
ou can work now..."

The little girl frowns, "Why Madame Lee?"

"You're still too young, don't you want to just play around? " Kean said, but he
immediately felt guilty as soon as those words are out, the look on the child's f
ace says it all, Sia narrowed her eyes. "Don't say that Kean..."

"... Oh it's okay Madame, maybe the he is right..." Luna casts down her eyes, t
hey don't trust her, that's what she is feeling right now.

Kean and Sia were rather surprised, sad smile graced the child's face, "Thank
s for showing this all to me, it was amazing... I think Papa is right, it's been a l
ong day..." and she fakes a yawn. The two adults exchanged looks, Kean feel
s guilty. Luna went to the door, the Branch Director followed her hesitantly, Si
a grabs Kean's arm gently,

" You should apologize Kean..."

He sighed, " I know, I know..."

Luna was already out the door, and started walking, after a few moments, Kea
n's footsteps echoes in the empty hall. More minutes pass, silence still reigns,
guilt builds up in his chest, he coughs incoherently,

"Luna, I am very sorry for what I said earlier... I hope that I didn't offended you

A small but rather honest smile appears at the little girl's face, "It's okay Dr. Le
e... It's just that, I grew up in the care of an old woman, I was already studying
before I even knew how to play outside... I don't have any friends same age a
s I was... Library was like a second home to me... But I'm still a kid, I wish I co
uld grow up sooner..."

Kean blinks, he cracks another smile, "Don't rush it though, we like to have a
small one in the team..." Luna's eyes unexpectedly widens, she stopped dead
on her track, "What do you mean, Dr. Lee?"

"Welcome to Dark Guild, Luna Crawford" he said as he pats her head lightly,
both smiling widely.
Howard is sent on a mission three days after they arrived, leaving his daughte
r in the care of the Branch Director. The next few weeks became a blur of eve
ry day lesson and studying, Luna busied herself, making the most out of ever

One day, after one lesson, Chief Sia dismissed her to go get herself some lun
ch, everyday Luna eats in the cafeteria alone, no one bothers to talk to her ex
cept Kenji, the Science Section Leader and the only child of Chief Sia and Dr.
Kean Lee. Everyday he would obliged himself to converse with the youngest
member of the Guild,

"Hey Luna! Alone again?" he teased,

Crimson eyes looks up, "Oh it's you again... Ken..."

Kenji settled himself in the table, "It's so nice to finally not hear you call me 'Sir
'..." and he laughs.

"Since you asked so nicely, I am trying to see things in your perspective..."

Ken smirks, he just thought how weird a seven-year-old could talk like she's t
wenty-seven. "So, Master Crawford left for another mission, I heard it could ta
ke him several years before coming back, the Guild tries to track him down ev
erytime but fails, miserably..."

Luna smiled at this, "Yeah I grew up seeing him once or if I'm lucky, twice a y

He raised a brow, " It's fine with you then? Not seeing him for almost your enti
re life?" She looks at Ken, realizing the question she's been asking herself ev
er since.

Luna closed her eyes and sighed deeply, "One could get used to it, and appa
rently I did..."

Luna became a part of a research section, everyone in that department respe

cted her because of her incomparable dedication and her exceptional bright m

"Luna we have a research project!" a particular scientist said, she would gladl
y work with them, she gained many friends, and also, Luna gained herself ano
ther family.

Chief Sia understands the loneliness the little girl has, even if she tries to hide
it. As much as possible, she wanted to Luna feel like she's a part of the Guild
and she always has a family. With their everyday lessons, Luna got severely a
ttached to her and her husband Kean, they also noticed how Kenji tries to ma
ke friends with Luna.

Little did Luna know, her bright mind and abilities made its way to the Central
Guild, under the supervision of Chief Sia, even at a very young age, she beca
me a part of every department in that particular branch.

Everyday Luna writes a letter to her Nana, who in turn expresses her emotion
s on how proud she is. She would also write letters to her Papa, even though
she didn't know how or where to send it, she now owns a drawer full of unsent

One sudden day, she's put into a test. Because she's still a minor, the only sur
veillance she could do is within the vicinity of the Branch, along with her co-re
searchers, they surveyed around the perimeter and along the forest.

Unexpectedly, a Deamon appears. They're demons in the form of little child, c

ursed souls wanting to be "alive" once again, they end up killing anything in th
eir path, their kind was created by the 'Angels' as a weapon against the Guild.
The war they've been involved dates back from the beginning of time, both fig
hting for the claims of the Fragments.

The research team, including Luna backed away but it was already too late. D
eamon transformed into a hideous monster, ragged and sharp teeths, and talo
ns as huge as Luna's arms. It advances, dragging one person and crushing its
head like it's a mere walnut, blood splatters around. Everyone in the group is
horrified, scared for their lives, one researcher tried to run away, only to be m
utilated on the spot.

Luna felt herself trembling with fear, surely every single one of them will die b
efore the news of attack reaches the Guild. Suddenly the Deamon looks at the
m, specifically in Luna's direction and it spoke,

"I could sense a Fragment"

The group leader, Ollie somewhat understood what the creature said, he held
on the child's hand, dragging her behind him, "You can't touch her remorseful
creature! Not until I'm still alive!" Others have agreed and forms a barrier, pus
hing the small one at the very back. Luna didn't realize that tears have flown fr
om her eyes, everyone is trying to protect her. But the creature only smiled, a
maniacal smirk, "I'll kill you all then"

With the speed as fast as blinking, the creature grasps one after another, bre
aking like their bodies are made up of twigs. The smell of blood and death mix
ed up with the air, Luna remains standing, frozen in fear.

"Now I could have the Fragment all to myself! " Deamon laughs.

In a single swish, it grabs the child by her hair,"Should I kill you by dragging y
our head off or snapping your body into two?"

Luna knew that she's gonna die, her eyesight is blurred with her tears. But so
mething happened, she suddenly heard her Papa's voice, she herself is not e
ven sure if it's real or not,

"You're not just a bright mind here in the Guild little lady, one day you'll know
what your real destiny is..."

A surge of foreign emotions gradually consumes her, those small hands feels
like they're submerged in a cold water. She closed her eyes, letting it consum
e her senses. A stabbing noise snaps her attention, opening her eyes, she se
e a sword struck the creature from its chest up to its head and she's the one h
olding it. The Deamon dropped her and backed away howling in pain,

"What... WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" it shrieked.

Standing shakily, those crimson eyes watched as the creature grabs the swor
d to remove it but the weapon easily dissolved in mysterious blue shimmer an
d reappeared in her hands in the same manner.

"You stupid little doll! I'm going to kill you now!" once again it advances, as if o
n impulse, Luna met the creature's talons with a swish of the sword, its arms f
ell off, Luna moves again, stabbing it directly in the chest. The Deamon shriek
s in pain one last time before it disintegrates.

Still frozen in shock, Luna just can't comprehend what happened, she felt num
b, another surge of tears pools from those crimson eyes, she dropped on her
knees and sobbed. Her sword disappeared once again, slowly she's losing co
nsciousness, far in the distance, someone screams her name.

She can hear a woman's soft, carefree laughter, everything is blurred and uncl
ear. Luna tried to fight away the uncertainty but the more she tried, it becomes
even more uncertain. Even if it's hard to see, she knew that the woman was s
miling at her,

"My little Rose..." she whispered.

Luna awoke feeling anxious and scared, she tried to sit up but a sudden jolt o
f headache stops her. Luna looks around her, it seems like she's back in the
Guild, in the infirmary. She tried to remember what she was dreaming, but she
couldn't chase it from her memories. Clutching her head slightly, all of a sudd
en she remembered what happened and why she's in there. Luna remembere
d everything as if it was intended to be recorded in her mind, she sobbed in p
ain, seeing her comrades die in front of her eyes and the feeling of hopelessn
ess still fresh like a newly opened wound.

The infirmary doors fling open, Sia along with her husband burst from it. Seein
g the child's face, Sia immediately knew that she's remembering everything. Q
uickly, she envelopes Luna into a hug, while Kean pats her head, both trying t
o calm her down,

"It's alright Luna, you're safe now... No one's going to hurt you, we're here..."
Sia couldn't control her emotions either, tears pool in her eyes, she hugged th
e child tighter.

Moments pass before all of them calmed down, Kean wipes the tears from his
wife's eyes, and holds Luna's hand gently. Sad and puffy crimson orbs looks
up to them,

"How did you find me?" she wealky whispered.

Sia looks at Kean, "Someone sent a distress call here in the guild, we tried to t
rack your location, luckily Kenji remembered that you told him about your field
study in the nearby forest... He rushed there immediately, not even waiting for
a Guilder's assistance. Kenji found you among the lifeless bodies of your rese
arch team... We thought you died..."

Something dawns to her, "I... I... Something happened Madame... A sword ap

peared in my hand and I fought the monster with it... Madame, what is happen
ing to me? "

Sia and Kean exchanges looks once more, Kean sat down with them,he holds
the child's hand carefully, "We need to tell you something Luna. Master Crawf
ord brought here not to be just a scientist, it just so happens that you're a brig
ht mind but the real reason you're here is because you might be a bearer..."

Luna's eyes widens, "I am? Like Papa?"

Sia nods in response, caressing her hair slightly, "We've been monitoring you
since the day you arrived, and I was right. The moment I laid eyes on you, I k
new you're one..."

For a moment, Luna stayed silent. She tried to sink everything in her mind, co
untless questions surfaces but she didn't know how to voice them out. "I know
you have a lot of questions, Sia and I are here to explain everything to you..."
"All the researchers died... They died trying to protect me... I couldn't thank th
em enough..." Luna sheds another surge of tears, both Sia and Kean hugs he
r, not just for her comfort but also for their own.

"I'm sure they can hear you right now, make them proud dear..." Sia softly whi


Kenji is busy with all the paperworks, sudden reports of attacks around the wo
rld endlessly arrives from the different branches. Even though he's sitting arou
nd in his office, he couldn't feel any comfort, his mind is wandering somewher

He was the one who answered the distress call by a researcher yesterday, aft
er listening to the recording, he immediately raised the signal. Chief Sia advis
ed everyone to keep tracking the group's location while they waited for an avai
lable Guilder to assist. All of a sudden, Ken remembered that Luna said somet
hing about a field study in the forest, he can't just sit around and wait, he stoo
d up and left the conference hall. The branch has a thousand year old deity, a
nd his family can summon her by request. Ken summoned the deity without a
second thought, they quickly left the quarters to find the research team.

Even though everyone was trying not to panic, Sia couldn't help it. She allowe
d Luna to experience her first field research, she saw how those crimson orbs
glowed with excitement. Feeling that the child would be safe with the group of
ten researchers, she agreed but it turns out, they will not saved if there is a su
dden attack. Kean suddenly bursts in with uncertainty in his face,

"Chief! Kenji summoned Cho and just left!" he announced.

Sia stood up in shock, "What?!" she felt like someone just poured water in her
back, she immediately pulls the camera views around the branch, Kean clike
d a footage, it showed Ken running off with the deity,

"Kenji! You'll surely get grounded after this!" she was unconsciously balling he
r fist in so much frustration.
"He is just worried about Luna..." Kean tries to calm her wife but she gave him
a cold stare, "Everyone is worried! And just why didn't Cho inform any of us?!

A sudden knock interrupted, a woman in clad of black uniform entered the roo
m, her lilac eyes surveys the footage,

"Chief, Assistant Lee, I heard what happened..." the woman's soft voice echoe

Sia sighs in relief, "Finally you came Elaina, thank you for heeding the call im

Elaina nodded, "It's my duty Chief"

They showed her the footage and the map around the branch, "It seems like K
en has an idea on the group's whereabouts..."

Sia nodded in brim agreement, "Even though I have not told him about the fiel
d study,he knew they're might be in the east, towards the forest..."

"Alright, I'll try to follow the path, I still might catch up with them"

"Please bring him back... And what's left of the research team..." Sia pleads.

Elaina nodded, and went off, she heard not the leader pleading for her people
but a mother pleading for her children.


"Cho, can you track them?" Ken obnoxiously asked for the tenth time, irritating
Cho, she almost rolled her eyes.

"Can you just calm down for a bit Kenji Lee?! We're almost there, I can feel a
deamon's presence nearby"

As Ken predicted, they might be in the forest, he lead the deity here with his in
stitution as his guide. They entered a clearing, running off quickly, they reach
ed the hillside and arrived just in time to witness the child stabbing the creatur
e. It took them by so much surprise that Ken stopped dead in his tracks, "Wh
at in hell just happened..." he whispered.

They watched as the creature howls in pain and slowly disappeared like it was
taken by the gust of wind, Luna just stood there, completely shock and dumbf
ounded. Cho was pulling his arm, and they both ran, as they get close, the de
ath and murder is now more evident, Ken directly went to where she was stan
ding, just in time before Luna collapsed, "Luna!"

Cho stood amongst the body of the murdered, "Sorry... We didn't get here on t
ime..." Slowly she lines up the bodies, holding up tears as much as she could.

"Ken, how is she?" Cho asked, Ken looks up, and carries the child's limpless
body, "She's alive but barely, sudden activation of the Fragment greatly weak
ened her. We've been monitoring her, and Mother was right all along, Luna is
bearer..." he sighed.

Just then, someone arrives, Elaina observed the ground of murder, there wer
e blood in the blades of grass and the smell of desth lingers in the air, "We're t
oo late...", silently she murmured a prayer for the souls of their fallen comrade


A knock interrupts Ken's train of thought, "Come in..." he said as he stacked th

e last of the reports in his table. Crimson eyes and small smile appears before
him, he is so surprised that he stood dumbfounded for a whole minute before
pulling Luna into an awkward hug.

"Thank goodness you're finally alright... So how are you feeling now?"

She smiled, despite of some insistent pain in her head she's feeling alright, "I'
m fine Ken, never been better..." he smiled as well.

"So, shouldn't you be in the infirmary resting? " he teased.

"Like I said, I'm fine and I... I..." And suddenly she feels like the words are faili
ng her.

Ken watch as her small face blossoms with color, "You know, that face and ey
es of yours share the same color right now, why is that?" he chuckles softly.

She turns away slightly, touching her cheeks, "No it is not..."

Ken smiles, "Come on, let's get ourselves some lunch, I'm already hungry" he
took her small hand into his.

For some unknown reason, he feels a strange aura around her and he also no
tice, her hand is cold as ice.

Luna undergoes a full analysis test as soon as she's fully rested. Sia confirms
that she's a bearer, but they're still trying to discover her ability and full capacit
y. Like the very first time, she can easily summon a sword; surprisingly it feels
very light in her hands, like she's just holding a wooden stick.

"Try to throw it away please? And try to summon it once more" Sia asked, she
's trying to observe from her point of view.

Luna nods, slowly raising her hand; she easily throws it away in a ten meter di
stance. With the command in her mind, the sword disappears in a shimmer of
blue light and reappears in her hand, she couldn't help but smile a little. It inst
antly picks up Sia's interest,

"It seems like you can command it at will, very impressive I should say... Plea
se come here dear, we'll find out what you're Angelem is", she smiles at the c
hild's ever curious eyes.

Sia's ancestors have taught them how to sense different auras around them a
nd it is to be passed on to the next generations. She took a closer look at Lun
a, sensing an aura of a Fragment, she sense strongest near her center torso.
Sia then noticed a thin chain around the girl's neck, carefully pulling it out, ver
y fine, gold necklace with an intricately designed pendant is revealed before h
er eyes. Luna's crimson eyes widens,

"This is my Angelem?"

Sia looks up to her eyes and nodded, she feels a sudden familiarity with the p
endant's mysterious design but she couldn't remember it well,

"Can I ask, where did you get this necklace dear?”

"Papa said it was... My Mother's... She gave it to me before she died..." Luna
sadly smiles.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that..."

Kean knocks, interrupting their conversation, “Sia, Europe wants to confirm th

e Fragment" he waves a letter. Sia sighs, "We'll send her in right away"

Sia explains to Luna that now that her ability to wield a Fragment is revealed,
another branch higher than the Asian will certainly requires her presence. She
assured the child that it will only be a series of tests and also, Sia braves her
to bring their research papers and present it.

After packing her things, she passed by Ken's office. Before she could even k
nock, the door flings open, "Oh hey Luna, you're leaving already?”

"Yes I'm afraid so, and I am here to say a farewell..."

He smiled, "Of course, have a safe trip"

"We will..." she turns and walked away.

"...And come back soon..."

She heard it but pretended not to, for some reason she felt uneasy around hi
m. She and Ken have a very huge age gap between them, she tries to see hi
m as an older brother, but sometimes as she observed him, he might be thinki
ng otherwise. Quickly, she dismissed the very disturbing thought. Sia gives he
r a black coat, after wearing it; she noticed the Guild's insignia inscribed in it.
"Luna... Kean is coming with you alright? Take care and come back soon..." S
ia hugs her for the last time.

"We will Chief!"

Excitement and anxiety course through her, but moreover, a sudden fear cons
umes her, a fear of not knowing what to expect and what will happen. Kean ex
plains where they're going, the Guild has a branch somewhere north in Europ
e, all the same they have a science department that will accommodate them.
Their journey almost took two days by train, upon arriving at the station; an att
endant is waiting for them. Luna spotted someone in the crowd; he is wearing
the same uniform as the attendants at the Asian branch,

"Assistant Branch Director Lee, welcome" the attendant said, offering his han
d to Kean.

"It's good to be back Theo" and they shook hands, "And this is Luna Crawford

Theo also offered his hand to her, "You must be the new addition; I'm Theo, a
nd welcome Miss Crawford"

Luna took his hand and gently shook it, "Pleasure to meet you Theo..."

He lead the guests out of the station, a black carriage awaits them. Theo help
s them with their things and once they're all settled, their journey started.

"Anything new?" Kean inquired.

"Not much Chief, just loads of written reports to be submitted, Chief Monfort is
not making any great progress at all..." Theo sighs, which Kean chuckles into.

"Not to give a bad impression on the branch but hey it's the truth!" he added, s
miling at Luna's direction, she notice how jolly his personality is.

After a while, they stopped at a stable, "We're here!" Theo announced.

Upon stepping out, Luna looks around, a very fine looking tower like fortress s
tands off a cliff, it definitely took her breath away, imagine a castle built in a cli

Kean noticed her amazement; he lowers on one knee, "That's where we are g
oing Luna, Dark Guild's European Branch"

They all went through a series of underground waterways, "This is how we ent
er the quarters, but if you're brave enough, you can climb the cliff to get throug
h the main entrance" Theo jokes as he explains to Luna.

"This is great! No I mean, this is very amazing! “Luna exclaims as they step in
side, she feels so small in this gigantic place.

"Of course this place is great!" a voice booms behind them. They all turn to se
e the Branch Director, Edward Monfort, "Welcome Dr. Lee and of course, Lun
a Crawford"

Kean smiles, but Luna can see through it, she wonders why would someone a
s nice as Kean would do that, "Thank you Chief Monfort, it is great to be back.

"You must be Luna, Master Crawford's mysterious daughter..." and Edward in

spects the child before him. There was nothing special about her, maybe exce
pt those eyes that can somehow pierce though anyone's eyes and see their s

"Come now, we have a feast prepared for you, I hope you're all hungry!" Edw
ard exclaims.

They followed him, but looking around the unfamiliar, Luna feels uneasy. She
did notice how bizarre the Branch Chief looks at her, but she couldn't tell Kean
about it yet. Everyone welcomes them warmly, they seem like very happy to
have a celebration. Luna, being the youngest among the crowd, stayed in one
corner, avoiding the attention as much as possible while Kean was busy conv
ersing with his old colleagues. Some talks to her, but others give her looks sh
e couldn't even comprehend. After the banquet, Theo then leads them to their
temporary rooms, and announced that the Chief allows them to stay in the Bra
nch as long as they want, but Kean insisted that they will only stay for a few d

"What's wrong Dr. Kean?"

He looks up, Luna is staring at him. Kean sat down beside her and pats her h
ead, "Why would you ask that?"

She shrugs, "I just noticed the cold stares and fake smiles whenever the Bran
ch Chief is around..."

Kean looks away for a moment, “It's nothing... Keen observations Luna but, tr
y to analyze some situations, you'll come to your conclusion without really aski
ng..." he smiles.

She nodded, she likes how his and Ken's smile looks the same, "Thank you C
hief, I will keep that in mind..."


After a few hours, Edward Monfort asks their presence for the full analysis test
. Luna's heart wildly beats in her chest, the laboratory becomes something frig
htening for a child, Kean sees the fear in her eyes but he also sees how she b
raved it away.

"Based on your initial report, her necklace is the Angelem. The Fragment that
makes her qualified for a position of a Bearer. And her ability is to summon a
nonexistent weapon at will" Edward said, Kean nods accordingly.

He asked Luna to stand and activate it, she summons the same sword. Edwar
d carefully observes, "Hmmm, can I ask touch it?" he asked.

"Yes, you may Sir... But I'm not entirely sure about its effect..." Luna stated. E
dward raised a brow and silently took a note on how the girl speaks,

"Is that so? Then let's see", Luna hands over the sword to him, but as soon as
his hand touches the cold metal, it disappeared.
"Well that is very interesting..." Kean said, he and Luna exchange a look, he s
miled proudly at her.

On the other hand, Edward reads the report once more, his face contorts with
an unknown emotion, “Your report also stated that the weapon she summons
keeps on reappearing in her hands at her will... That's very interesting too, but
I do have a simple question" he smirks.

Luna steals another glance at Kean, who nodded at her encouragingly, “Your
question Sir?"

"Is a sword the only weapon you can summon? That will only make you a swo
rdsman, not something out of the ordinary..."

Luna felt a strange emotion, it feels very alien to her but she recognized it as s
he remembered that she felt that way every time she met someone new, it wa
s annoyance. She is surprised to feel that towards the branch chief, she blinks
, "Well that was a very intriguing idea Chief, I still haven't thought about trying
it but might as well give it chance, may I?"

Edward frowns a little, "Yes please"

She nods once, remembering the tines when her Papa was telling something
about different forms of Fragment when a Bearer shall wield it, a bright idea c
ame to her. As if on impulse, a bow and a quiver of arrows appear in her hand
s, "Wow..."

Kean slightly applauds, "Chief Monfort, I think the Guild has been blessed with
another talented Bearer, very well Luna!"

The branch director smiled but it doesn't reached his eyes, “Yes I think, I agre
e with you Dr. Lee"


Kean sent a report back at the Asia, about the recent result of the tests; it see
ms like Luna can summon any weapon of her choice at will, he proposed that
they should prepare a special training, for her to be familiar with the different k
inds of weapon. That same night, Edward Monfort invited the child, saying tha
t he will introduce her to the rest of the Headquarters. While walking towards t
he lounge, he tried to converse with Luna, she easily hides the uneasiness bu
t the director somewhat tries to see if she will show a single flaw, their convers
ations were smooth until,

"Chief Sia Lee said that you are the brightest mind in Asian Branch, is it true?”

She stopped walking, "I suppose so Chief..."

The man stopped walking too, he turns to her, "Quite sure eh? But you're still
young, don't you just want to play outside and be a child?" he said nonchalantl

Luna looked directly in his eyes, anger gradually consumes her, "I didn't supp
ose you brought me all the way here just to insult me Branch Chief..."

He smirks, "Oh insult you say? Maybe, maybe not" he shrugs; this made her e
ven more furious. Luna closed her eyes and draws a deep breath, she needs t
o somehow control this anger, and she doesn't want to lose her manners over
the petty insult. Dropping her shaking fists to her side, she opens her blazing
crimson eyes, it was glowing with such anger that the Director almost flinched.

"Well I think studying is better than just spending your day playing around, you
want to know why Director? Because I learned my manners and it taught me
never to judge someone I do not know, simply because I don't know how it fee
ls to walk in their shoes" she quietly snarls.

He was taken aback by her response, Edward gives her a hard glare, "What a
spiteful response Miss Crawford, I supposed you also learned that from your f

Surprisingly she smirks, "Yes I quite agree Chief, and he taught me to use my
brain... He also said that one's mind capacity is how he would talk; mostly em
pty ones are the loudest..."

He glared at her, both of them standing in the hallway, glaring each other, "Thi
s is not yet over Miss Crawford, I will not tolerat-" but Luna interjects, "Of cour
se this is the end of this Branch Director Edward Monfort, I'm looking forward t
o another 'conversation' with you" and without being sent back to her room, sh
e walks away, leaving a very furious man behind.

"How dare she! Speaking like her father, they're both full of arrogance! "

Luna was running back to her room, slamming the door shut as she goes. Hu
gging the pillows tight, she screams at the top her lungs, releasing her anger.
Kean heard the slamming door, immediately he went to check up on the child.
Without knocking, he opens the door; he found her cradling a pillow while wip
ing her face. Kean silently sat besides her, patting her head like he always do,
"What's wrong dear?"

She sniffs, "Chief Monfort insulted me..."

"What?! What did he told you?!"

Luna looked away and shrugged, "Is belittling a part of the Guild's welcoming t

That question just answered his own question, "I’ll take charge from here, afte
r the tests tomorrow, and I’ll inform Sia that we'll go home okay? Come on dea
r stop crying... I shouldn't have let you go without me that bastard was well-kn
own for insulting and belittling others, I didn't know why he even became a bra
nch director with that kind of attitude"

Luna looks at him, "Did he do it too?"

He sighs deeply, "Yes, but it was with Sia... He said something to her that ma
de her so furious, I've never seen her so mad before, and that's also the reaso
n why we left this branch for Asia... But look at where we are now, Sia and I m
anage the Asia so well, we outgrown this place considering that Europe is hig
her than the one we are managing..."

Luna listens to him intently, "That stupid fat git..." she whispered, Kean chuckl
es because he heard it loud and clear, "Where did you learn that?”

She just playfully shrugs, "I just heard it from Papa once..."
The next day, Kean brought her to a very dark and strange looking room, "Ok
ay Luna, here you'll meet Wilhelmina... Try not to be afraid alright? "

Luna gives him a strange look, "I'm just kidding, she won't eat you I promise"
Kean chuckles. She nodded and went further towards the center of the room.

It's eerily dark and quiet, but Luna can feel a presence, sudden the room glow
faintly but it went dark once again. A faint glow in the very heart of the room c
alls her attention; apparently something glowing sits there until she became a
full glowing figure of a woman. Luna blinks, she thought her eyes are just playi
ng with her but she observed closely, the woman's skin is somewhat transluce
nt; it's weirdly glowing against the darkness of the room. Suddenly the woman
spoke in a deep, unearthly voice,

"Welcome child... Do not be afraid..." the woman held out a hand to Luna.

At first, Luna just stared at her but she took it nonetheless, the moment their h
ands touched, she felt a calming sensation consuming her. Luna also noticed
that her necklace glows, she removed it under her blouse immediately. The ch
ild looks at the deity in front of her, Luna sees that Wilhelmina might be blind,
her eyes doesn't have an iris. Wilhelmina raises her hand to touch the necklac

"It seems that you're deeply connected to this Luna... An interchangeable abili
ty to wield even thousand weapons at once... What an incredible amount of p
ower you have child... Let's test your compatibility..."

Without asking, Luna kneels down before the deity, "Close your eyes child..."

She did as she is told, Wilhelmina held her head in her hands, upon closing h
er eyes, and she feels something cold rushing through her senses.

"Ten percent... Forty percent... Seventy percent. .. Eighty five percent... Ninety
five percent compatibility rate..."

Luna opened her eyes and stood up; Wilhelmina touched her hand once more
, “Hone your talent child... You'll be one of the greatest someday..."
Finally she nodded, "Yes I will"

After the series of full analysis tests on Luna, she became an official Guilder.
Kean set their return back in Asia but after the presenting their research paper
s lead by Luna, Chief Monfort asked the child to stay in Europe for further exp
ansion of her research. It was hard for Kean to left the child there on her own
but he needs to go back, he made a promise to her that he will come back to
get her.

Luna almost cried when Kean departs, Theo was asked to keep an eye on the
child, "I'll do it Dr. Lee, even if you don't ask... Have a safe trip and come bac
k soon"

Kean hugs the child one last time, "Do you best okay?"

Luna nodded, "Always Dr. Kean... Take care and please come back soon..." s
he pleads.

Luna's first month was hard, after their heated argument, the branch director g
ives her a cold shoulder, even some of the scientist there either ignores her or
rude towards her. She almost gave up but she thinks about her Papa and Na
na, surely they're expecting great things from her, that she should never ever
give up because Sia and Kean trust her abilities.

Luna always finds herself in the library, isolated from the rest of the world; she
became so used to being alone. One day, the branch director and the lead sc
ientists left, and she finally had a time for herself, she decides to explore the c
astle. While walking around she passed by the kitchens, the head chef, Gerry,
smiles at her, "Hi Luna!"

She is surprised, this is the first time someone actually acknowledges her, an
d Luna finds herself smiling back.

"What are you doing around dear? Come in, come in!"
Shyly, she walks inside the huge kitchen, "The chiefs are gone for a while, I w
as thinking of exploring the castle sir..."

Gerry smiles once more, "No need to call me sir dear, call me Gerry!"

"Alright, Gerry..."

"So what do you want to do?" He asked while picking up the basket of vegeta

"What do you mean?"

"Come dear, I'll teach you how to cook!" Gerry cheerily exclaims.

Her visits to the kitchens became so frequent that Luna spends most of her fr
ee time there.


Four months have roughly passed, Luna was still in Europe and made a huge
progress, she even gained the trust of the lead scientists but the branch direct
or still thinks otherwise. Luna spends her most of her time in the library but he
r free days are spent in the Kitchens, Gerry was so thrilled to have an assistan
t like her, Luna learned how to cook almost any dish already, she even meet a
young researcher like herself. Renne and Luna became friends almost instan
tly; Renne felt Luna's desire to have someone who will stand by her side.

Luna was studying on her own when someone approaches her table, "You're
Miss Crawford right?" the child looks up, startled to see a someone smiling at
her, "I... Yes that is me, ma'am..."

"I'm Renne... Renne Ephraim and I are from the North American branch" smili
ng brightly, she held out her hand to Luna, who in turn stood up and shook it fi

"I'm Luna Crawford, I am from... Uhmm, the Asian branch, it is great knowing
you Miss Ephraim... How can I help you?"
Renne smiles, "Oh that! Of course, sorry to bother you but can I ask for your a
ssistance? I have this research plan I need to finish by next week... And I was
running short" she smiled even more while blushing slightly. It took Luna by su
rprise; "I'll be more willing to help Miss Ephraim..." she smiled back.

"Really?! Thank you very much!" Renne exclaims happily. After that, they both
didn't realize that they were spending mostly their time researching together.
Luna and Renne became somewhat friends, despite the branch director's disa
greement with this; they mostly ignore him, and specifically the insults he was
throwing at Luna.

Renne Ephraim is the daughter of another branch's director; she went on the
European Branch to train. She was already a part of the European Branch wh
en Luna arrived, she tried to make friends with the child because she sees the
hostility of the higher members of the Guild towards the her, she doesn't pity
her but rather, she admired the child's courage, but she couldn't even say a w
ord whenever the branch director raised his voice when he is arguing with Lun
a, she didn't know how she would even defend her. Once, Renne overheard o
ne of their argument, Chief Monfort does not allow the child to use the telepho
ne, but that moment the phone rang, Luna had no choice but to answer it,

"Hello this is the Office of Chief Monfort..."

"May I talk to the branch director? This is important, who is this?"

Realizing that Chief Sia was the one on the other line, Luna is so thrilled to fin
ally get to hear from them, "Chief Sia?"

The other line was silent for a second, "Luna?! Is it you dear?"

Smiling brightly, she was about to answer but that very moment; the branch c
hief enters the office. Being seen using the telephone, Luna almost dropped it
but held it firmly,

"Luna? What's wrong?"

"What are you doing Crawford? Touching something when I told you not to?!"
Chief Monfort snaps.

"I'm sorry Chief but I had to answer it because it might be urgent" she retorted

Edward raised a brow, "I haven't given you the right to answer it!”

"Like I said it might be urgent, Chief Sia is on the line, she said it was importa
nt" she answers.

"I told you not touch any telephone or letters, your job here is to be a research
er and a scientist, get that to that insolent brain of yours!"

Still hanging on the line, when she heard nothing from Luna earlier, immediate
ly she recorded the conversation. After hearing this, she almost broke the pen
she was holding, she couldn't believe how Chief Monfort was treating the chil

"Chief Monfort, you may be the branch director but you cannot tell me what I s
hould and what I shouldn't do, aside from the duties as a researcher, I take no
one's order..." Luna snaps back.

This made him mad, "I will not tolerate that bashful attitude of yours Crawford!
Maybe this should teach you a lesson" he grabbed the nearest thing to him,
which is a book and raised it as if he will hit the child.

On impulse, Luna summons a sword, thus stabbing the book that was about t
o hit her. Renne was frozen in shock, she heard of the Chief's hostility toward
s Luna but she didn't think it will reach this level. Chief Sia was listening intentl
y, "Kean! Something is happening in Europe; report this to the Main Guild fast!

With one slash, the book was torn apart and was thrown to the side, "What do
you think you're doing?! Get that stupid blade away from me!"

Eyes burning with rage, "Don't you dare try to hurt me again, or I'll never even
think twice before slicing you up..." the sword disappeared, Luna walks out of t
he room, slamming the door shut behind her wake.
Renne was already in her room, writing a letter to her father, she thought that
someone should really intervene; she will not wait for this to happen again in t
he future.


The letters from Asia and from Renne made its way to the Main Guild, fortunat
ely the higher Chiefs have also been waiting for this, they've been meaning to
remove Edward Monfort from the Guild's Headquarters, and his insolent attitu
de was no secret to them.

Luna now assigned to North America, Renne will accompany her before depa
rting for Asia. It scared Luna once more, embarking on another journey all by
herself. Finally she have a communication with Chief Sia, the branch director
decided against sending the child to another branch but Renne's father assure
d them that he was no Monfort, abusing of power is never allowed under his s
upervision. Luna sent a letter to Nana about her whereabouts this past few m
onths, Nana replied to her, saying that she should always be brave and tough
because the bigger world will always be harsh.

On her last day at the Europe, she spent it wisely in the Kitchens with Gerry.

"Why are you leaving so soon dear?" Gerry sighed sadly.

Luna smiled a little, "They said I still need to learn some more about the Guild
and that I have finished here but never worry, I'll come back here someday Ge

"Oh dear, I'll miss a great assistant like you... Always take care of yourself and
always eat something healthy alright?" Gerry said, almost tearing up a bit.

She chuckles softly, "Aye Sire!"

"Luna, dear let's go?" Renne knocks, the child turns to her and smiled, "I'll be t
here in a bit"

Luna hugs Gerry one last time, which was busy crying his eyes out, “Goodbye
deary... Have a safe trip" he sniffs.
Luna left the Kitchen to meet up with Renne by carriage. Theo assists them o
nce more,

"Thanks to you dear, finally Monfort is out of the game!" He exclaims.

"I didn't mean for him to lose his position but..." Luna looks away, Renne pats
her shoulder, "It's for the greater good Luna, he abused his power and he alm
ost lifts a finger on you, Father said he doesn't even deserve being the Headq
uarters’ Chief..."

"Don't worry about him though, he did not lose his job, he may be sent somew
here really far..." Theo smiled at them.

They arrived at the train station, both Luna and Renne bid their farewell to Th
eo, "Have a safe trip and please come back again soon"

They took the train until they reached a port, "Here we'll have to board a ferry!
" Renne exclaims. Luna's eyes were bright as the sun, "Really?!"

They board safely and that's when Luna discovered her fear of the ocean, "It's
okay dear, everyone has their first time" Renne chuckles softly while rubbing t
he child's back.

After three days, they finally arrived at the port in America. Just like in the Eur
ope, a carriage and an attendant were awaiting their arrival.

"Miss Ephraim! Welcome back, Chief was waiting for you" the attendant exclai

"Candice! Oh this is Luna; she's the one who helped me with that research re
view!" Renne exclaims too, it gave Luna the impression that they are very goo
d friends. While on their journey, Renne and the attendant Candice, endlessly
talks about anything, Luna just listens and was thoroughly enjoying the view o
utside the carriage. Without realizing it, Luna fell asleep and she woke up in a
room, Luna almost freaked out because of disorientation, luckily Renne enters
the room, "Oh good you're awake... You fell asleep earlier, and since you can
't sleep properly on the ferry, I asked them to let you rest for a while" she smil

"Thank you Renne" Luna smiled back.

"So how are you feeling?” Renne sat beside her.

"I'm feeling great, thank you for asking"

"That's great to hear then; Father wants to meet you personally!" Renne happi
ly exclaims. Luna smiles at this; she just realized how much she misses her P

When they stood up to get out, Renne suddenly stops her, "Dear, I have some
thing for you, Candice said this arrived earlier today" she hands over a letter t
o Luna, "Meet me outside after okay? I'll wait for you..." and she went out.

Luna examines the letter, it looks the same with the letter she received month
s ago, and it’s from Master Crawford. With her hands shaking with anticipation
, carefully she ripped the letter open. Eyes widening, suddenly she's jumping
around, Renne opens the door once more, "Everything okay?"

Luna looks at her; Renne saw how those crimson eyes glowed with such joy s
he found herself smiling with the child.

"Papa is coming!" Luna shrieks.


True to his words, Master Crawford came to North America the next day, he a
nd Chief Ephraim had a closed meeting, leaving Luna wondering what was ha

"I wonder what they're talking about..." Renne sighs, Luna stares outside, she
watched how those butterflies catch each other. They both turned when the d
oor opens, Chief Sallindar Ephraim enters, "Luna dear, Master Crawford is wa
iting for you at the conference hall"

She stood up quietly, "Thank you Chief..."

Walking towards the conference room, her mind is buzzing with thoughts, she
knocks thrice, the manner her father taught her. She opens the door and went
quietly inside. Howard stood up,

"Little lady, it's been a while..."

Luna smiles fondly, "Master Crawford, welcome..."

He smiled back, "Enough with the formalities come here..."

"I missed you Papa..." the child whispered as her father envelopes her in a hu

"I heard what that bastard did to you in Europe... Good thing nothing happene
d to you, because I swear I will kill him!" Howard said grimly but Luna smiles, "
I'm fine Papa; you have nothing to worry... I told him, if he had any plans of re
peating what he did, I will kill him myself..."

Her Papa smiles proudly, "Looks like your short time in Guild have taught you
enough already..."

Howard produced a small parcel from his suitcase, "This my little lady, is your
uniform, as a Guilder, you will wear this officially when your training with a Gui
ld Master started"

Luna blinks at him, "What do you mean Papa?"

He pats her head softly, "You will be a full fledge Guilder soon, and you will ha
ve to train under a Guild Master... You will travel around the world as you train
, you will face enemies of all sorts..."

"Just like what you really does Papa... I'm excited and very anxious at the sa
me time..." she took the uniform and inspects it with her own tiny fingers; she
couldn't believe this day finally came. As a kid, hearing her father's tale made
her dream of becoming a Guilder herself, and that was never impossible now.

A knock interrupts, a very beautiful woman in a clad of gold and black uniform,
same as Howard, enters the room,

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here Howard..." she spoke in a very stric
t voice, but smiled dearly at the child's direction, "And you must be Luna..."

"It's always pleasurable to my eyes to see you Margarette" Howard stated, the
woman smirks at him, "You should be aware of you words, your daughter is li
stening" she sat across the table and crossed her arms in her chest. Just then
, a very huge bird of prey just landed at the open window, its golden eyes star
es at the child.

"Jasper, stop scaring the child" the eagle snapped its attention towards the wo
man; suddenly it was shrinking, once it flew past them and landed at the wom
an's shoulder.

"Luna, this is Margarette Gregory, your Guild Master, you will be under her su
pervision from now on"

Luna gave him a strange look; it was his first time seeing it, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, "It was nothing Papa..." slowly the child rose from her se
at and walked towards Margarette, "It is a great honor to be training under you
Madame, I'm Luna Rose Crawford" she held out her tiny hands to Margarette

"My, my, a very well-mannered young lady... It will be my pleasure teaching s

uch a bright mind like you" Margarette shook the child's hand gently; she can
sense the overflowing potential in her.

After that fated meeting with her Master, they left the North American branch t
o start a journey towards Luna's future.

A child stepped out of the train alone, the train attendant follows her,

"Hey dear, where's your parents? Are you lost? Why are you wandering on yo
ur own?"
The child smiled, crimson eyes glowing, "I'm fine sir, and I was travelling alon
e, thank you for your concern" and she walks off.

Luna reached a small house among the fields and hills; quietly she went up to
its front porch and knocks.

"Coming!" A male voice from inside yells. She waited for a few seconds; the d
oor clicked and opens,

"Who is- Luna? Is that you?!" Billy exclaims.

"It's been a while Billy..." Luna smiled, wind softly blows her hair.

"Nana look! Someone's here!!" He yells excitedly, Billy turns back to Luna and
envelopes her in a very warm hug.

"Why are you shouting like that Billy? Who is there?" Nana just came out from
the kitchen,

"Our little Luna is finally home..." Billy is crying.

"Nana..." Luna whispers.

"Welcome back dear" Nana gestures her for a hug that she jumps into, "I miss
ed you a lot Nana..."

Nana kissed her forehead softly, "We missed you too... Time flies really fast, it
's been three years since you left, look at you now, all grown up and so beautif
ul..." Nana sighed, almost tearing up.

"You say it like I'm so old Nana" Luna chuckles, "I just turned ten remember?"


"Your Papa was rarely going here since you left..." Nana prepares a cup of ste
aming tea, Luna looks at her, and “He was rarely in the Guild either... He must
be very busy with all his missions" she said as she sipped the tea.
"Your Father is a very well-reserved man; he values his time, well mostly..." N
ana chuckles.

"Nana, a letter arrives from the Guild!" Billy yells from the front porch, Luna st
ood up, "I'll get it..."

Just like what she was expecting, it's from her Madame Gregory.

"What is it dear?" Nana asked as Luna sat down.

"It's a message from Madame Margarette... Nana, it looks like I will need to le
ave, by tomorrow they need me in Asia urgently..."

The old woman sips her tea slowly, "If you must then I'll have your things read

Luna stayed at Nana's for almost a week, Madame Margarette advised her to
wait for the instruction before proceeding to Asia.

When they left America, Margarette brought her in different places around the
world; they encountered many wonders that taught Luna the things she shoul
d know. Her training involves different aspects, she became street wise and tr
avel smart, her ability as a Guilder greatly increased. Margarette discovered t
hat Luna can change weapons within seconds during battles, thus she was en
hancing her agility ever since. Luna also specialized in battle tactics which sh
e proved once, now her Mistress pressed her to read and study more often ab
out it and create her own tactics. She could now travel on her own, people oft
en lend her a hand because of her age but she refused sometimes.

Before leaving, Nana hands her a book, "Read this when think you're ready, t
here's brief description on the first page..."

Luna inspects the book, it looked old and ragged, she flipped through it, and s
ome of its pages is either ripped off or burnt. She wants to ask what that book
could be but decided against it, "Thank you, Nana... I'll come back again soon

Luna calls the Asian branch from the train station, she informed Sia that she's
coming back because of an assignment from her mistress,

"Alright then I'll see you in the next few days Luna, have a safe trip dear"

"Thank you Chief..."


While walking out of the station, Luna felt someone following her, she quicken
s her pace. She turns a few alleys, and her guts was right,

"Who are you and why are you following me?"

The child following her smirks, "I can smell your Fragment even from a far Gui
lder! And you’re quite too small, I'll pulverize you easily!" It snarls, then it trans
forms into a monstrous Daemon.

Luna smiled weakly; she placed down her suitcase, as fast as blinking she dis
appeared from the daemon’s sight, "Hey? Where did it go?!" The creature loo
ks behind and around him but couldn't see her, suddenly a sword stabs the cr
eature from above, "Never underestimate me, you low-lying creature..." she ju
mped away, and just as she lands the daemon disintegrates.

Picking up her suitcase and dusting herself off, she walked towards her destin

The elegant palace still takes her breath away. She knocks on the tall doors, a
n unfamiliar attendant opens it, "Oh you must be Miss Crawford, Chief Sia has
been expecting you..." the attendant bows. They walked in, Luna felt the nost
algia, "I'll take your suitcase Miss, please proceed to Chief's office"

"Alright, thank you..."

As she walks towards Sia's office, she passed by her old friend. She can hear
Ken's voice from the outside, softly she knocks but he didn't answer. She kno
cks again three times, the door flings open,

"I told you Cho I'm-" and he stopped short, eyes wide.
"Hey Ken, I'm back..." she smiled.

Words are failing him; he just stared at her, "Kenji? Are you alright?" She asks

Ken swallows a lump in his throat, "I... I'm fine... Welcome back..." finally he s

"Alright, then I'll talk to you again later" and Luna continues to Sia's office.

Ken was still standing where he was, he definitely saw a different Luna.

Kean and Sia welcome her with a warm hug, "Welcome back dear..."

Kean pats her head, "Hey you've grown taller!" He joked.

"Of course Kean, it's been almost three years... How have you been dear?"

"I've been fine Chief, studying and trainings have been my life with Madame

"Speaking of which, you have news from Master Gregory?" Sia sat down, and
they followed suit.

"Yes and I have her letter..." Luna handed it to Sia. After reading it intently, sh
e folds it back.

"Madame wants you to assist us in our current project..." Sia and Kean excha
nged a cautious looks,

Luna raised a brow, "I'll be more willing to help Chief..."

"Kean will explain everything to you..."

Kean stood up, "Come with me please, I'd like to show you something first"

Luna nodded.

She noticed that they were heading towards the underground laboratories, Lu
na heard all about it but never been there.


"Yes Dr. Kean?"

"... I'm sorry I left you in Europe on your own, and I never had the chance fulfill
my promise..." he sighed. Suddenly, the child held on to his hand, "It was fine
Dr. Kean; you don't have to apologize... Besides it was in the past..."

Kean smiles, "Thank you Luna..."

They entered another office, Kean handed her papers, "Read that first, if you
have a question, feel free to ask..." she nodded. He leaned against the table a
nd crossed his arms on his chest, Luna reads the letter intently. When she fini
shed, her emotion was unreadable.

"So, what do you think dear?"

She placed the paper in the table, "This project was incredulous! How can the
Main Guild agree to this Dr. Kean?"

He looked away and sighed, "That project was already on going, I know you'll
disagree, I've seen it coming already... The Main Guild agreed to it because th
ey think this project can produce an excellent result... We can win this war..."

"But, it was..." she blinks, realizing that her opinions won't even matter anymor
e; they have already started something inhumane.

"The Second degree Guilder Project has been proposed hundred years ago,
we need all the best researchers we have and we specifically requested you L
una..." Sia stated, startling them both.

"Come, we'll show you the progress..." Kean said as he stood up.

All three of them preceded somewhere very cold. Luna noticed how the place
vaguely looks like a temple, and then there were many pillars. As they get clo
se, Luna almost backed away; the pillars were circular glass tube that contain
s human bodies in it.

"These are the test subjects that hasn't been awaken yet..." Sia said. They are
about to set foot inside, Luna felt someone's presence.

"Chief, someone is here..." she whispered, a dagger appears in her hand, the
inside of the temple is very foggy.

Kean looks at Sia with alarm in his face, "Where is Al?"

Luna went inside; a shadowy figure appears beside one of the tubes, she adv
ances to attack. She was surprised to see a kid, she stopped,

"Who are you?!"

The kid looked at her blankly, and stared at the dagger.

"Luna!" Both of them turned to see Kean and Sia,

"Chief, who is he?" Luna looks at them in confusion.

"Dr. Kean!" The kid suddenly exclaimed.

"What are you doing here Al? And you're not wearing any coat again..."

The kid, Al, scratched his head gently, "I just want to see them..."

Kean looked back at Luna, who was observing the kid, "Luna dear, this is Al...

Al smiled brightly, "Hi I'm Al, nice to meet you Luna..."

Luna on the other hand snapped from her trance, "I'm Luna..." she held out he
r hand.


"He was a test subject, just like the rest of them..." Luna said, scrunching her
eyebrows together, remembering what the child looks like.

Sia looks at her, “Yes... He was one of the few who have been awaken..."

Luna looks at Sia, "Where are the others?"

Sia sighs deeply; "I'll tell you soon but not now..." she nodded but the question
still remains in her mind.

"And Luna, one more thing"

"Yes Chief?"

"This is a highly confidential project; please don't tell anyone in the Science de
partment... Especially Kenji..."

Luna nodded firmly, "As a Guilder, I'm swearing my life and loyalty to you Chi

Sia smiled sadly, "Thank you dear... You, here in our branch will be a great he
lp in this Project..." she held the child's hand firmly.

"I'll do my best..."

Kean reenters the office, "Everything okay?" He raised a brow, Luna and Sia
exchanged looks before nodding.

"You can go back to your room now dear, thank you for your time" Kean smile

Luna nodded and stood up; slowly she made her way out and to her room. Sh
e slumped in her bed; thoughts are racing in her mind. She sat up and sighs, "
This is just too fucked up..."

Then she sees the old book in the table, slowly she reached for it. Flipping it i
n her hands, her curiosity got the best of her, she opens the cover. There lies
an unfamiliar name,

"... Euphemia... von... Gutten..."

And the next few pages surprise her, it was written in French, the only thing re
adable is the date. She shut the book, disappointed that she couldn't even rea
d it, let alone understands it. She placed it back in the side table, "Maybe I sho
uld really start learning languages..."

A weird shuffling outside calls her attention, she stood up and held the door k
nob, a switchblade in her open hand. Someone knocks,

"Luna? Are you inside?"

She dismissed her weapon and opens the door, it's Ken.

"Oh it's you... Do you need anything? By any chance?"

He fidgets for a second, "Can I... Ah, can we go down in the cafeteria... Toget
her?" He looks away, hands shaking.

She almost laughed at his clumsiness. Margarette told her once that you can r
ead someone's mind by watching their movements, a very weapon women us
ed against men. She can tell that Ken is very nervous, his hands are shaking
and he can't look at her eyes.

Luna smiled, closed the door behind her. She suddenly grabs his hand, taking
Ken completely by surprise, and runs all the way down. When they arrived at
the cafeteria, earning a lot of stares but they couldn't care less, they were both
out of breath and laughing. Ken noticed that she's still holding his hand.

"That was very..." and he pants. Luna smiled and sat down in the nearest tabl
e, "Sorry, I got lost in the moment"
Ken almost blushed at this; he can't even comprehend how a ten-year-old girl
can make him feel that way.

They talked about things, mostly Luna talks about her experience while on trai
ning. For the next few months it became their routine but every once in a whil
e, Luna was being called down in the underground laboratories. Ken braved t
o ask her,

"What was happening down in the underground lab? Why it was being kept a

Luna stopped eating, she looks at his eyes and shrugs, and “It was supposed
to be a secret so I can't tell what it was... Besides, I've sworn as a Guilder not
a scientist; I could never ever break it..."

"Alright if you say so..."

Luna's communicator beeps, she took a quick look and stood up, "I'll see you l
ater Ken...” she smiled before running off. Ken watched her go; he saw what t
he communicator said, "Talk to Al, now please?"

Now he's wondering who was that and was really happening underground.


Luna arrived in the in Conservatory Lab, as expected Al was there, dressed in

shorts and vest, observing the test subjects one by one, talking as he goes. L
una calls him, and hands over a coat,

"Gee, thanks Luna..." he smiled.

"It was nothing, what are doing here by any chance?" She asked, now they're
both walking around

"You're speaking formally again, you really sound funny when you do that!" an
d Al laughs, Luna rolls her eyes, suppressing the urge to push him back inside
one of the tubes.
"I grew up like this, there was nothing I can do to change, neither do you..." sh
e walks off.

"Hey I'm just kidding, I didn't mean to piss you off again..." he sadly said.

Luna sighs, Sia asked her to befriend the test subjects so they can get an eve
n more effective result but Al would always end up pissing her off, she always
walks away and leaves the Conservatory.

Al suddenly turns around and runs, Luna followed closely behind, "Hey!"

She caught him staring at one of the tubes, Al points to it, she looks up to see
another pair of eyes staring back at them, "Someone's awake!" Al exclaims ha

Luna alerted the others and quickly Kean responds, "How many dear?!"

"Just one... The one with dark blue eyes..." she look up once more because Al
is making so much noise, the pair of eyes still looks at her intensely, suddenly
Luna felt herself slowly being drawn, like she's willingly drowning in it.

She snapped when Kean said to drain the water and take him out. She punch
ed the passcode, a small vent opens, slowly draining the water until nothing re
mains, she opens the cylinder chamber, and Al jumps to help the test subject,
"Welcome Aki!"

He looked at Luna dazedly, crimson against azure, she looked away, she can
somewhat feel he can almost see through her soul and the thought makes her
uneasy. Just in time Kean arrives with attendants, "Dr. Kean! Hurry, Hurry!"

"Go take the child and bring him to the infirmary, Chief awaits you there" Kean
commanded. They all scramble away, leaving Luna and Kean, "Finally anoth
er one awakens... Good thing you're here dear..."

"Someone beeps me to talk to Al with urgency... It wasn't you Dr. Kean?"

He scratches the back of his head, a habit that Ken adopted, "Al was playing
with my communicator earlier..."dear..."
Luna knits her eyebrows, "So annoying..." she whispered.

Sia calls off all of them to introduce the new test subject, Luna was surprised t
o see Renne, she was permanently moved there too because of the project, a
pparently the North American Branch Chief, Sallindar Ephraim was the one le
ading the project.

"We've gathered here to welcome a new member, Aki will be participating in t

he next tests run in a few days, and I hope all is well... That would be all thank
you..." Sia said, everyone nodded.

The two test subjects, Al and Aki sat in the corner, observing the panel of scie
ntists until Akihiko found Luna's eyes once more but she immediately looks a
way. Now Luna is wondering why he kept on blankly staring at her. Sia asks h
er to stay after the meeting,

"I could say it was another progress... What do you think Luna?"

She nods firmly, "And based on the recent test on Al, he slowly lost the difficul
ty with synchronization, he's getting there Chief..."

"Good, that was great to hear then... We'll restart some test because of Aki..."

"You named him Aki?" Luna inquires, Sia tries to look away but she resisted, "
That was the child's name before it..."

It dawns to Luna, she looks down, "I really pity them Chief... How can we do t
his to them?"

Sia sighs but remained silent, she didn't even know the answer herself.

Renne enters the room with Aki, who was still dazed, "Luna, Dr. Kean has a fa
vor to ask..."

She stopped thinking momentarily, before sighing heavily, Luna knew where t
his conversation is going, "Sure what is it Renne?"
"Dr. Kean would like to know if you can teach Aki here how to read, write and
understand things..." Luna smiled, Aki looks at her once more but she ignored
him, "I'll see what I can do...Can we start tomorrow Aki?"

He just looked at her, before nodding slowly. Sia smiled, "I'm sure he'll learn a
lot from you dear..."

"I'll try my best Chief..."

Ken noticed that Luna was always in a hurry. Their lunch routine eventually st
ops, she said that the research she was working on for the past few months h
ave expanded, thus requiring more of her time. He also noticed how tired the
she looks, Luna says that she's fine but Ken thinks otherwise. He tried to ask
his father once, but immediately refused, now he remembers how his own
Father was afraid of his wife.

Standing in the hallway, Ken just witnessed Luna walking around with someon
e, a kid same age as her. He tried to follow them, only to be caught by his mot

"I told you Kenji! It was highly confidential; I'll just endanger you if I tell you

"But Mother! You don't need to worry about me, how about Luna? She's too y
oung to be involved in such a high profile project you've been hiding don't you

Sia sighs heavily, "Someday you'll understand Ken, what we’re doing was for t
he best..." and she walks out of Ken's office. In so much frustration, he left his
office and wandered off somewhere to find Cho, the deity seem to calm him d

Luna was busy walking and explaining to Aki that she didn't even notice Ken
"What's the matter Kenji?" Cho asked.

"It was nothing, I just felt like my parents doesn’t trust me enough to let me
know what they were working on..." he sighed heavily, Cho shakes her head
gently, "Just try to understand them better Kenji... They're doing it for you..."

Ken rolls his eyes and stalked back to his office, Cho shakes her head and ch
uckles, "You're very stubborn just like your mother..." she whispered.


Luna teaches Aki how to write, slowly he tries but eventually got bored of it, u
ntil this time he remains quiet with Luna except when Al was interrupting them

"Hi Luna can I join?"

Before Luna could even respond, Aki stood up and gathers his things, and wal
ks off, Luna also stood up, "Where are you going Aki?"

"You don't have to be so rude Aki!" Al snapped, his fist shaking in anger.

Aki stopped and turns slightly, "Just fuck off..." and it made Al really angry, he
picks up the chair easily and threw it over to Aki, it hit him square on the back.
Aki drops his things and advanced towards Al, now both of them are exchang
ing fists across their faces and bodies. Luna tries to stop them,

"Hey! Hey! HEY! STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" but neither listens, she dodges th
e chair they're throwing at each other until Luna herself losses her temper. All
the thrown broken chairs and tables are slashed through, she's standing betw
een them, two swords pointing each at boys' faces,

"I told you both to stop alright! Stay away from each other or else I'll rip your h
eads off!" Luna drops her hands to her side, dismissing the weapons and walk
ed out.
Still in awe, this was the first time Aki saw how Luna activates her Angelem, h
e watched her go and thought about following her but his injuries and bruises
stop him. Just then, Kean's team arrives, seeing the children's conditions, the
y took them to the hospital wing. "I was looking all over for you Al... I told you
not to leave your quarters..." Renne treats their wounds carefully, Al looks do
wn and sniffs,

"I just want to be with Aki..."

Aki glares at him, "Why are you stalking me? Are you crazy or something? Lik
e I said fuck off!"

Al losses his temper once more and they started assaulting each other until C
hief Sia herself stopped them, Kean and his team who went between the two
are the most injured, he smiles and scratches the back of his head, "Well their
regenerating abilities are quite remarkable!"

Sia sighs irritably, "Their regenerating abilities are not for recovering from their
petty quarrels!"

Kean laughs nervously, "We tried to stop them?"

Sia places her hand in her head, "Oh Kean..."

Suddenly, Aki walks up to them, he's looking at them with such urgency in tho
se blue eyes. They exchanged looks; Kean kneels down, "What is it?"

"Where can I find her?"

"Who Aki? Who are you looking for?" Sia pats his head.

"Luna..." Aki whispered.

"She's probably just in her room, resting. Why Aki? You need something from
her?" Kean asks, the child gently shakes his head and runs off.

Kean stood up slowly, "I wonder what that was about..."

Sia looks at him blankly and shrugs.


Luna was about to fall asleep when she sense someone outside, she stood u
p sleepily, and opens the door. Sleep zooms away from her mind.

Aki froze in shock, he was just about to knock when the door opens, "Oh it's y

Luna walks outside and looks around, "What are you doing here Aki? Someon
e will see you here!"

She pulls him inside and closed the door behind her. Rummaging through her
drawer, looking for her communicator, she was typing up when she realized th
at Kean might already be asleep, she put the communicator back. Aki was jus
t looking at her the whole time, she looks up, "You can sit down here" Luna pa
ts beside her.

Aki settled himself, still staring at her, "Why are you here Aki? At this very time
of the night?"

Aki snaps his attention; he noticed how Luna's eyes somewhat glows against t
he dark, "I brought you this..." he hands over a bar of chocolates.

She stared at him, surprised but she smiled slightly, "Why? You bring it all the
way here... And where did you get this Aki?"

Aki looks away, "Because you got mad earlier with us... Dr. Kean gives me thi
s but I think you'll like it more..."

"Well thank you... But you should have just waited for tomorrow, it's dangerou
s wandering around on your own at this time, it's past midnight already..."

For the first time, Luna sees Aki smiles, "Dr. Kean said, if you want something
to happened, act on it..."
Luna chuckles softly, "He and his words of somewhat wisdom... I can't let you
go back alone; I'm coming with you then..."

"Let's go..." she stood up and went on the door but Aki remained seated, "Can
I just stay here?"

She blinks at him, "What?"

He shrugs, "I can't sleep back there, Al keeps on popping his head on my doo
r every night, for almost a month already... He's honestly getting on my nerves
" he sighs.

Luna looks at him and sighs, "Alright you can stay here but, you'll sleep on the
floor..." he just nods.

She pulls out an extra comforter, and grabs one of her pillows, "There you go,
sleep tight... We'll wake up early..." and she went up on her bed.

Aki did the same; he looks up at Luna, "Thank you... Goodnight Luna" but she
already had her eyes closed.


A loud banging wakes them up, on impulse, a dagger appears in Luna's hand
as she approach the door.

"It's me Luna! I need your help! We can't find Akihiko anywhere!" It was Kean.

She dismisses her dagger and looks at Aki, "See? You've made them worry...
" She opens the door, wide enough for Aki to be seen,

"Luna- Aki why are you here?!"

They went inside, Aki stood up slowly, "Why is he here Luna?"

She shrugs and shows Kean the bar of chocolate, "He went here unseen last
night just to give me this... He said something about your motivation Dr. Kean.
Kean looks at Aki weirdly, "I didn't mean literally Aki, and you could've just wai
ted for the morning or..."

Both Luna and Aki raised their brow, "Or what Dr. Kean?"

"We'll talk later young man, because right now, Chief is erupting in anger, let's
go... We'll see you later Luna" and Kean left her room, dragging Aki with him.

Luna stole a glance on her bedside clock, it's four-fifty in the morning, she yaw
ns and decided to go back to sleep, not knowing that Ken saw the whole incid
ent. Kean and Aki immediately went down on chief's office where a very worri
ed Sia awaits them.

"Where did you find him?"

Kean looks at the child, "He's wandering last night, luckily he stumbled on Lun
a's room and she let him stay the night..."

Sia looks the child sternly, Aki almost cringed in fear but he resisted, "That wa
s very selfish Aki, someone could've seen you..."

"I'm sorry Chief..."

Sia looks away anger still evident in her face, "Don't force me to lock you up a
t night, I don't want this to happened again, you understand Aki? And the sam
e goes for you Al"

Al pops his head out; he was listening because he heard they were looking for
Aki earlier, "I understand Chief..."

Aki stood up, "I will go back to my room Chief..."

Sia sat down and sighs heavily, "Alright go... We'll call you out later for anothe
r round of tests..." she leans down in her chair and massaged her temple.

Aki froze momentarily but eventually runs off, he hated all those tests. He hate
d how they were forcing him to synchronize with a raw Fragment, and all it do
es was split him into half. He doesn't even understand why he has done it; all
he wants was to study with her.

He didn't go to his room but instead, Aki found himself in the Conservatory. It
was really cold, but he couldn't care less, he sat down on the floor and watche
d the others float up in their tubes,

"You guys are damn lucky to just be sleeping around on those tubes..."

Suddenly he noticed something, a shadowy figure of a woman appears in the

distance, he tried to follow it but it disappeared. It was his first time seeing her
but he felt like he knew her somehow.

"Aki are you here?" Al walks inside the Conservatory, he spotted him standing
and looking in the far off distance. Al walks up to him, "Ak-" but Aki walks pas
t him and didn't even looked back. Al felt his hot tears; he couldn't understand
how someone could hate him so much.


"Why are you following me around Kenji?" Luna was irritated already; Ken sat
down across her and crossed his arms in his chest, "Tell me... Tell me what i
s down there in the underground laboratories..."

Luna sighs in exasperation, "I told you a million times already, I. Can't. Tell. Y

"Why Luna? Don't you trust me?!"

She rolled her eyes in frustration, "I can't break your parent's trust just to prov
e I'm trusting you Kenji, and excuse me I have a work to do" Luna stood up bu
t Ken held up her arm. Without looking, she frees herself and walks away, lea
ving Ken hating himself for being so desperate.

Luna almost destroyed all the dummies in the training grounds in frustration, h
er lesson with Aki today is all about swordsmanship. Someone shuffles in,

"You're an amazing Guilder Luna!" Al exclaims.

"Oh it's you, what are you doing here anyway?"

He shrugs, "I want to watch you guys..."

Luna sighs and shook her head slightly, "You know that Aki will never appreci
ate you doing that..."

Al looks down and sniffs, "I wish I could be like you Luna... Aki was always thri
lled to see you..."

"Just give him more time, I'm sure he'll understand you one day..." she smiled.
Al just nodded and walks away, "Poor Al..." she whispered.

"What about him?" Someone behind her asks, she turns to see Aki, "Nothing..
. Actually I have something to ask"

He looks at her, "Sure, anything..."

"Why do you hate Allein so much?"

Aki looks away, and stared at his feet, "I hate him because he... How can som
eone be so jolly and happy when we're in a place like this?"

Luna raised a brow, "What kind of place do you think we're in Aki?"

He looks at her with the touch of sadness in those blue eyes, “... This is the sa
ddest place but I've never been anywhere so I wouldn't even know..."

She looks away, "You're right, somehow... But Al was trying to cheer you and
him up..."

He remained silent, "This might be a sad place but the world is huge Aki, and t
he loneliest part is being all alone..." and Luna smiled solemnly.

Luna snapped from her trance when Sia called her name, "Luna? Heartbeat?
Regeneration rate?"

She looks at the monitor quickly, "Heart rate, normal, 560 seconds until Aki re

"Good, continue!"

They watched the tests; Luna was having a hard time watching Aki. Every tim
e he tries to synchronize, the Fragment will react violently. After a couple mor
e tries, eventually the testing stopped, Aki's regeneration dropped from its nor
mal rate.

"Gather the results and we'll discuss it Luna... Let the child rest for now..." Sia
commanded, everyone nodded in response.

"Akihiko is showing a great response to this project!" Sallindar Ephraim said.

Luna held the result in her shaking hands; she couldn't get Aki's pleading eye
s from her mind. They proceeded in Sia's office,

"And the results dear?"

Luna handed it over to Sia, "The test subject Akihiko remarkably responded to
the synchronization, eventually he'll get used to it and develop a way to absor
b it... He's almost there..."

Sia nodded, and sighed deeply, "Finally a great response! For the last decade
this is the only better result we had..."

Luna nods, "I hope it will lead us to success Chief..."

"I do hope so dear... Alright you can go back, you're free to go"

"Thank you..." and Luna walks off.

She went off to find Aki, and surprisingly she found him on the Conservatory,

"Are you alright?"

Aki gave her a side glance as he clutches his arm, "I'll be fine Luna, I'm gettin
g used to the pain..."

"But it still scares you..." Luna whispered.

Now they're looking eye to eye, "I'm scared I'm just going to die in one of thos
e tests..."

"You will not Aki, your strength and regeneration are far more superior than a
normal Guilder..."

He sighs deeply, "I've been having visions Luna and they're scaring me even

Her eyes widen, "What can you see?"

"It was always the same, a woman... It was always her..."

Luna remembers how Kean told her the symptoms the test subjects when the
y're recovering some of their memories, she asked what will happened if they
knew everything,

"We seal them up or put them on sleep on which they'll never wake up" Kean

Luna looks at Aki, "Forget about those..." she whispered.

He gave her a weird look, "Why would you want me to do that?"

"Just do as I say Aki, it's for you..." and she walks off.

Luna keeps on walking and walking, she doesn't even know what she was loo
king for until she stumbled upon a guarded place. She distracted them by thro
wing several daggers in different directions, once it was cleared, she rushed i

What Luna finds inside gave her a new view in the project. There lying inside
are charm sealed corpses and each has a label, she walks around carefully, r
eading as she goes. Luna came to a stop; together with a man's name is Aki's
. She continues walking until she found Al's host body. She found it and it gre
atly shook her body awake,

"Elaina Vane... Test subject: Allein..."

Luna kneels in despair; Elaina was one of the Guilders she came across a fe
w times during her trainings. Quickly she left the place and went up to her roo

Luna realizes that if Aki is recovering some of his lost memories, maybe Al wa
s the same. She stayed in her room the whole day, regret seeps into her slowl

For the next few weeks, Luna observes the two test subjects, nothing seemed
to have change except the fact that they're talking calmly to each other now.
She felt so guilty she stopped talking to them for a while, but Aki still approach
es her,

"It was becoming so clear to me Luna... I can't stop it, all this visions they're dr
owning me in... And the woman..."

She looks at him, "Tell me Aki, what does the woman looks like?"

He was silent, "She has a light hair and purple eyes... and a soft voice..."

Luna pales, her suspicions were correct, he was seeing Elaina but she needs
to know why, "Do you know why she appears in your memories?"

Aki shakes his head gently, "I'm also asking myself why Luna..."

Al arrives and engages them in a conversation but Luna left for Sia's office.

"He's seeing some of the lost memories..."

"How long dear? How long has he been seeing visions?" Sia stood up and dia
ls the phone,
"It's been a month since he first told me Chief and..." she was about to say so
mething about Elaina but she held her tongue.

"Hello? This is Sia; I'm calling an emergency meeting now!" She drops the ph
one and went on the conference hall, Luna follows her suit. Once all of the res
earchers and scientists involved in the project arrive, Sia announces the probl
em. Chief Ephraim immediately showed his dismay,

"Here I am thinking that finally we have a chance but I was disappointed, Ren

"Yes Father?" Renne squeaks.

"Observe the child, if this entire are found true, we're putting that child to sleep

Sia nods curtly, “I understand Chief..."

Luna regrets her sudden decision; she only wanted to save Aki. A sudden shu
ffling distracts her; she looked up to see Al, who heard everything, has his eye
s wide. Slowly he backs away and runs, Luna quickly stood up and followed hi

"Luna! Where are you going?!" Sia stood up but the child only gave her a quic
k side glance.

Luna was faster than Al; she caught up with him in minutes. She held his arm
to stop him,


Harshly, he frees himself, "You're a great pretender Luna... "

She sighs, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"You're one of them!! And I'm sure you won't even say a thing to stop them wh
en they kill Aki!" Within seconds, Al is violently crying in front of her.
"We're not going kill anyone Al, calm yourself..."

"I don't believe you!" And he runs off once more. Luna stayed rooted on the sp
ot, tears springs in her eyes because he was right, once they decided to put hi
m in coma, there's nothing she could do about it.


Aki was brought to the infirmary because he lost consciousness. Al was the o
ne who brought him; he said they're in the Conservatory earlier. Aki is going to
be confined for a few days; Renne was keeping a close eye on him. Luna arri
ves just as Renne asks Al to leave, he gave Luna a cold shoulder but she pret
ended not notice it at all.

After a few days of close observation, they came to a decision.

Chief Ephraim deeply sighs, "His visions are getting stronger, there's nothing
we can but to put him to sleep... He might be of use in the future... Let's start

Against her better judgment, Sia closed her eyes and nodded, "Meet me up at
the Altar; I'll perform the spell..."

Kean remained silent the whole meeting, he was observing Luna, who settles
in staring in the distance.

"Luna, please come to assist me..." Sia held the child's cold hands, her crimso
n eyes stared straight into hers, without the words passing, and she knew wha
t Luna wants to say. Softly she shook her head and Luna stared off in the dist
ance once more, trying her hardest not to cry.

Al quickly left after eavesdropping, his destination is the infirmary. Easy as bli
nking he distracted the nurse watching over Aki, and he brought him. Running
until his legs could bring them, Al was targeting the large canal he saw last w
eek. Almost there, Al was crying his eyes out, "Nothing will never going to tou
ch you Aki, I won't let it! Now that we became my only friend
Still drowsy Aki opens his eyes, "Where are we going Al...?"

Suddenly, daggers stops them, Al falls to his knees dropping Aki in the proces
s. Two masked guards appear in the distance, "Test subject Al and we comm
and you to stop!"

Despite the numbing pain, Al stood up slowly, carries Aki and pushed him tow
ards the canal, "Maybe you'll find the exit!"

"What?! Maybe?!" And Aki fell down in the rushing water.

Al fell asleep because of the serum in the dagger, "The other test subject fell i
nto the water, we'll find him" one of the masked guards said to his communica


The sound of flowing water calms him, the tranquility of the place invites Ken t
hat he spends his time there. He still thinks about what he said to Luna, even t
hough they're just in the same place, breathing the same air, they rarely each
other, Ken almost thinks she's avoiding him. A blind guilder was with him but t
hey both remained silent.

"Marco, do you hate us?" Ken said.

The blind Guilder plays his harmonica before answering, "What made you thin
k that Kenji... I know I'm blind now but I'm not going to blame anyone... This is
better than helplessly watching my comrades die..."

Ken remained silent once more, he was busy with his own thoughts he misse
d the child climbing up the wall. Aki splashed up the barricade, “This doesn't le
ad to the exit, you're a fool Allein..." he grunts and he falls off the floor, the cha
rmed dagger in his back slowly weakens him.

Ken and the Guilder Marco stood up quickly, Marco carries the child in his ar
m, and even though he can't see it he knew something is wrong. Ken was froz
en in shock, he noticed the child's face, weirdly it struck him that this is the chil
d he saw with Luna. "This child..." Ken also noticed the seal on the dagger.

Aki fought through the sleeping serum, “Can you please remove that thing in
my back, and it was irritating..."

Marco pulled out the dagger, "Much better?"

Two masked figure suddenly appears, "Hand over the child Dr. Kenji"


Luna was running around the underground looking for Aki and Al but she coul
dn't find them. As soon as they heard of the news, Luna left immediately. She
was losing hope when her communicator beeps,

"We found him... Meet me at the Altar..." it was Sia.

She almost dropped to her knees, Luna tried her best to find them first but she
failed. Walking slowly, she made her way towards the Altar.

When she arrived, Renne, Chief Ephraim and Chief Sia were the only ones in
side. She stood next to Renne who gave her a sad look; Chief Ephraim clears
his throat, "Let's start Sia..."

Sia stood next to the bounded child, "I'm going to put you under a spell Aki...
You'll never ever wake up from it..."

Aki struggles over his bounds, "What are you doing?! Aren't we supposed to b
e allies?"

Sia remains silent, words fail her this time. Suddenly the child laughs maniac
ally, “You think I don't know? You're all just using me! Second degree project
?! You're all disgusting!!!"

"Sia..." Chief Ephraim whispers.

Sia blocks out other thoughts, she casts the spell, the whole room glows then
suddenly a force field attacks the child. Aki writhes in pain, he was screaming.
Luna couldn't look away, her tears streams down silence. Her guilt eats her u
p; she's blaming herself for what was happening to him.

"This is the only way to win this war Aki..." Chief Ephraim whispers.

Aki screams until his voice runs dry, after a few more minutes he stayed still.
Not sensing his heart beat anymore, Sia withdraws the spell and drops her ha
nd to her side. The child lays down, eye wide open, slowly Luna stood up besi
de him, and while suppressing her sobs she closed Aki's eyes with her shakin
g hand.

She couldn't hold it anymore; Luna drops to her knees and sobs uncontrollabl
y. Sia kneels down beside her, "I'm really sorry dear..." she whispers in Luna's
ear as she let her tears flow freely.


Kean just went to the Conservatory twice, he couldn't track down Al. He thoug
ht of going to the Test Chambers where they keep all the raw Fragment toget
her with the corpses of its original accommodators and he was right. He found
Al before the child went down from the Conservatory,

" Allein! Please stop! We have to accept it! "

The child looks up to him with determination in his eyes, "I'm going to save Aki
and no one's going to stop me, not even you Dr. Kean!" And the child went d

Kean contacts the masked guards in the Chambers, and they confirmed the c
hild was already in there. The guards found Al staring at the corpses, immedia
tely they casted the charm to detain him,

"Don't hurt the child please!" Kean screams over the communicator. He is afra
id that Al might discover his real identity.

Al resisted the attack; he reached for his raw Fragment, “I'm going to save you
The sudden rush of emotions made it easy for Al to synchronize to the Fragm
ent. With an acquired weapon in his hand, he attacks the guards.


Hearing news of attack, Ken rushed to the underground laboratory but only to
find it sealed.

"Cho! Let me in! What's happening? Where are my parents? I need to find th
em! Cho!" He banged his fist against the sealed wall.

He tried everything he could but the deity wouldn't heed his call, slowly he's lo
sing hope. Ken even tried to contact Luna,

"We're fine Ken don't worry I'll protect them..."

"Tell me what's happening Luna please!"

The other line was silent for a moment, “We were working on a very incredulo
us project Kenji... It could cost our lives but still, we pushed through... This is t
he passion of your parents, and keeping it from you is the only way to respect
them... One day I'll tell you Ken..." and she cuts the line.



Kean contacts them to inform that Allein went on berserk, killing everything in i
ts path.

"I know we cannot stop him Sia..." he said sadly, "I knew Luna was right some
how but... I also knew you wanted this project to work so I agreed on it... Save
yourself and Luna..."

"No Kean! Don't say that!" Sia held her communicator in her shaking hands bu
t he cuts the line.

"This is the end; I never thought I'd see everything fall before my eyes..." Chie
f Ephraim said as he sat and closed his eyes.

Suddenly the walls broke down, a child walks in, drenched in blood.

Sia and a few other survivors moved to the next room, she saw the hatred in
Al's eyes. She grabs Renne and opens a sealed door, "Go Renne! You'll find
another door at the end of the tunnel!"

"No Chief I'm staying!" Renne exclaims but Sia still pushed her towards the hi
dden pathway, "You need to go Renne; someone needs to tell everyone... An
d tell them to never repeat this mistake ever again!" And Sia sealed the door o
nce more.


The doors open slowly, revealing a bloodied child.

"Hi Chief..." Al walks in, revealing his mutated left hand, it successfully synchr
onized with the Fragment, and Sia narrows her eyes,

"What seems to be the problem Allein?"

The child advances slowly, "You never called my name that way before Chief.
.. Are you scared?"

Sia never even flinched, "Do you hate me Al? Do you hate us?" She couldn't g
et a single emotion on the child's wild eyes.

Al smiles maniacally, "I don't hate you Chief, and I loathe you"


Luna and Kean are running, they heard nothing from Sia's group after their re
ported Al's location.
"This shouldn't be happening... We have to stop Al!" Luna exclaims.

Kean looks at her, she almost broke down when she saw the hopelessness in
his eyes, and “We knew this would happened Luna..."

They stopped walking, the Conservatory feels colder to Luna, "I will stop him...
I'll kill him if I have to..."

Kean smiles solemnly, "After everything is done here dear, tell Kenji what hap
pened and please, tell him not to hate us..." and Luna watched as tears slowly
escaped from his eyes.

"I promise Chief... This will never happen again..."

"...Thank you dear..."

A snapping sound calls their attention, wild eyes glows from the distance. Al w
alks in the Conservatory, dragging his deformed arm behind him. Luna stood
defensively; a sword appears in her hand. Al looks at her,

"What a surprise to find you here Luna..."

"You need to stop Al..." she threatens.

"Or what mighty Guilder? What will you do?" Al's taunting eyes looks behind h
er, Kean was frozen in place. He couldn't believe his eyes, right in front of the
m is a perfected result of the Project but there was a mistake, it shouldn't have
recovered his lost memories.

"... I will kill you..."

Al smirks, "Let's see then..."

Both advances to attack, Kean stood up to stop them but only to be pushed a
way by Luna, "Save yourself Chief, I'll handle this!" But Kean didn't left he sto
od there motionless, for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do.

Al effectively blocks Luna's attack, despite his lack of practice. But until Luna s
trengthens her attacks, switching from weapon to weapon, Al backs away and
Luna took that moment to attack, heavily damaging him in the process.

Luna huffed, she knew that her opponent is powered by hatred, her stamina w
as slowly dropping. Suddenly Al stood up slowly; his wounds are closing real f

"Shit! He's regenerating!" Luna exclaims.

"You can't kill me Luna? I thought you could... Since I can't even do it myself...

It shocks Kean, the regeneration prevents the test subject from destroying the
mselves but Al still tried. Luna stood up, and wipes the blood from her lips, "Y
ou're one hell of a devil Al, a goddamn pain in my ass..."

Al narrows his eyes, "Spiteful words eh?"

And they advances once more. For several times, Luna had him falling to the
ground but Al keeps on regenerating. Kean sees how Luna is now struggling,
he tried contacting the branch guardians but none responded.

Al knew that Luna will not give up any time soon, he looks at her, the struggle
and hardship is slowly getting to her. He looks at Kean, he thought of the time
s they talked but now, Al was feeling nothing but hatred. Slowly he advances t
owards Kean, Luna tried to stand, Al is going to attack Kean and she needs to
stop him.

Kean turns to see Al, he backs away but it was too late, he was advancing fas
t, Kean closed his eyes as he felt the blade slicing through. Blood slowly drips;
Kean held Al's face,

"...Do you hate us that much Al?"

"Chief! No!!!" Luna stabs Al from the back and grabs a fistful of his hair, pushi
ng him away violently.

Slowly Kean backs away, falling to the ground, blood pools around him; Luna
sat by his side quickly. Tiny hands reached Kean's, "C-Chief..." and she starte
d sobbing uncontrollably. Kean lifts up his blood covered hand and held Luna'
s tear stained face,

"... Please tell Kenji okay? Thank you dear..." he smiled one last time before sl
owly closing his eyes.

Luna sobs even more, clutching Kean's lifeless hands against her face, "No!!!
Chief wake up! You can't die! Please!"

Al stood in the distance, he didn't notice the tears flowing from his own eyes, a
nd he looked away. Luna placed Kean's hand in his heart; she wipes her tears
and stood up. Al looks up to her, crimson eyes glowing with pain and anger, h
e blinks and she was gone. Al looks around and behind him fast, he couldn't b
elieve that she can move that fast. Luna wasn't around, he thought she ran aw
ay but how wrong he is.

Standing defenseless from above, Luna slashed through him from the open ai
r, "That is for murdering my family..." slowly blood pools around them.

It took a few minutes before Al recovers, he stood up like nothing happened b

ut somewhat, there was already a heavy damage. Clutching his arm, he glare
s at her,

"Why don't you just give up Luna?! You can't kill me!!"

She rolled her eyes, "I'll only stop when you're no longer breathing..."

They fought each other, no one was backing down despite of the struggle. But
only one will remain.

With one final blow, Al falls to the ground once more; the damage is evident a
nd stronger, thus taking more time for him to regenerate. Minutes passed, but
Al never stood up or even blinks, Luna stood slowly and walks towards Kean's
body, crying as she walks,

"I told you just give up..."

She stopped dead on her tracks; she thought Al was already passed out. Lun
a turns as Al advances to attack her. She kept on blocking away until Al got a
hold of her hand and quickly he stabs her again and again. Blood splatters as
the blade comes in contact with her, Luna can't fight anymore, and she doesn'
t feel any pain, only the warmth of the blood flowing out of her chest. She falls
to the ground, tears streams from her eyes,


Slowly her eyesight blurs, she feels so cold, and she almost shivers. Al looks
at her one last time before walking away; pain slowly shoots from all over her
body, numbing her senses. She wants to scream and cry at the same time, Lu
na feels the world closing in against her, she blinks slowly, fighting away the d

"I... I-I'm sorry Pa... P-Papa..."

Luna draws one deep breath, closing her eyes slowly and she let the darknes
s consume her.


Aki wakes from his slumber, his visions stronger than ever, driving his synchro
nization as it hits a hundred percent. Force fields attacks him but he resisted,
spell barriers around his exploded. His Fragment flew from the Chamber and
before him, slowly it transforms until it became a katana, his very own Angele

"Why?! Why are you appearing now you stupid Fragment?!" He turns away an
d almost refused the Angelem but he remembers the woman in his visions. Th
e promises she said, the unknown feeling trying to consume him, Aki closed hi
s eyes, he could clearly see her smile and only her smile, her whole face was
kind of blurry. Finally he understands that they might have a connection, a ver
y deep one. Drawing a deep breath, Aki grabs the sword and stood up groggil
y, walking slowly he, left the dark chamber.

Upon destroying some walls to get around, Aki comes across the blind Guilde
r once again,
"Hey kid it's you again..."

Aki looks at him skeptically but he remembers that this guy was blind, he look
s away, and “What are you doing here?"

"I was awaiting their decision, and they shall foretell my future here in the Guil
d... I'm practically useless now, kid... Being blind and everything but I'd rather
be blind than see more deaths..."

Aki smiles sadly, "Why don't you come? Let's escape this stupid place..."

But the Guilder shook his head slowly, "Go kid, if you ever escape then I'll wai
t for your return..."

Aki nodded even though he knew he can't see it, "I'll return I promise..."

He continues to walk further, his next destination, the Conservatory.


Al looks around, the coldness seeping through his body but he didn't care. Slo
wly he walks around, passing through the broken glass tubes and pools of blo
od. He knew that he murdered all of them but he just couldn't stop, all he feels
was anger and hatred.


He turns towards the familiar voice, Aki stood in the distance, fog covering hi
m but Al knew it was him. Tears spring in Al's eyes because Aki is there, stan
ding before him, alive and smiling. But not until the fog clears up, Aki stood th
ere utterly shocked, numbness surged through his body.

"W-What did you do Al?"

But Al smiles brightly at him, "Aki! I thought you were gone! I'm so glad to see
you..." he walks towards Aki.
Eyes still wide, Aki backs away, "What did you do Allein?!"

Al smiles a little, he looks at the sword in Aki's hand, "It seems like you synchr
onized with you Fragment too Aki... And a sword? Luna must've greatly influe
nced you!"

"Answer my question!" Aki balls his fist, he just couldn't stomach what Al did.

All of the test subjects who haven't awaken yet, lies lifeless on the ground alo
ng with their broken glass tubes. Aki also noticed the bodies of branch guards
violently mutilated but one really snaps his attention, there lying half dead is L
una, bathing in her own blood and it made him so weak he almost fell on his k

"Don't pity her Aki; she didn't do anything to save you! But I did! I tried everythi
ng I could for you Aki!" Al cries but he ignores him.

In frustration, Al advances and swings his left arm towards Aki, stabbing him s
quarely on the chest. Blood splutters out of Aki's lips,

"They just used us Aki, as long as they live, all of them will never repent from t
he sin they did to us..." Al whispered, dragging his blade away and stabbing hi
mself, spluttering blood from his mouth, Aki only widens his eyes,

"See? They made us monsters! I can't even stop myself! I can't stop from killin
g all of them!"

Minutes passed and they both healed quickly, "Aki... Let's die together..." Al of
fered his hand.

Aki looks up, suddenly he can see feathers falling everywhere, just like in his
visions, he hears her soft laughter, then it occurs to him, he needs to find the
woman in his visions, he can't die just yet, he needs to find her and fulfill their

"I love you... Always..."

Aki opens his eyes, blazing azure eyes pierced through Al's wild ones, "I want
to live Allein, but I need to kill you..."

And he advances, slashing through Al who was too surprised to even answer.
Aki continues to swish and slash until Al can no longer regenerate properly.


Everything is quiet, but there was no calmness in it. Luna could feel her consc
iousness coming back, slowly she opens her eyes. Azure ones meets hers, A
ki looks at her with tears flowing down his face,

"Luna... He is gone now... You're safe with me..."

She smiles sadly, Luna knew this is it, her life was fading away slowly, and sh
e lifts her hand and wipes the tears in his eyes, "... T-thank you... Akihiko..."

Aki watched as her smile fades and life dimmed from those crimson eyes. Her
chest stopped rising and falling, Aki cried even more. Slowly he closes her ey
es with his shaking fingers, and plants a kiss on her forehead.

Cho watches in the distance, she was collecting the corpses around and she
was looking for Kean's when she witness this,

"Finally it's over..." she whispers as she carries Kean's lifeless body and tries t
o suppress her tears that still found their way out of her eyes.

She can still hear clearly what Kean asked from her days before;

"Just one favor Cho... If anything happens, don't save us... We allowed this to
mess to occur; we have to pay for it..."

Cho sobs quietly as she placed Kean and Sia side by side as if they died with
each other,

"This was a stupid, stupid project Chief..." and she walks away.

Kenji sits outside; he wasn't allowed to see his parents yet for the Main Guild's
investigation was ongoing. He finally heard what happened, he shivers once
more, not knowing if the cold was coming from outside or from inside. His tear
s streams, not even bothering to wipe them off.

Fifty scientists and researchers were brutally murdered and the only survivor
was Renne who was still unconscious from shock. Kenji sat there feeling sorry
for him, crying quietly as he clutched Luna's communicator in his shaking han
ds. Cho gave it to him without saying anything; flipping through it he found a r
ecorded voice file with his name on it.

"Hi Ken... If you're listening to this I might already be... Already long gone..."

Ken paused as he sobs; he knew it was a final message from her. He can see
her small smile and her glowing eyes, he can hear her laughter and he can s
ee her serious face. Luna's images flashed through his mind, Ken sobs even
more, he clicks the continue button,

"I didn't tell you about the project we were working on not because I don't trust
you... Because your parents trust me enough to save you from the uncertaint
y... The Second Degree Guilder project was centralized on the use of the brai
ns of the former Guilders who died in the battle, giving it life once more by imp
lanting the brains on new vessels... They believe this could finally bring us the
victory in this crusade... The first phase was already successful when I joined
the Project..."

"We await the awakening of the test subjects and so far, we had two... And we
are testing if the Fragments will recognize its former accommodator... Simple
right? But there was a breached in the information... The test subjects were sl
owly recovering the lost memories of the brains they had, making them see vi
sions unknown to them that could result in test subjects getting insane from th
ose memories... And right now Ken, that's already happening..."

"The test subjects Akihiko and Allein are to suppressed in a few days’ time..."

Ken hears a silent sob, "I hate it... I hate that I can't do anything to save them..
. If you're listening Ken, we might already be paying for what we did, this proje
ct can cost us our lives but we still pushed through... I saw the passion on Chi
ef Sia and Dr. Kean... They love you so much that they don't want you to be in

"We hope you understand Ken... I..."

A few silent minutes passed, "Thank you for everything... I hope we'll see eac
h other again..." and the recording stopped, Ken was sobbing uncontrollably n
ow, because of a ridiculous project he lost everyone dear to him.

After an hour or so, he was finally allowed to see them. Ken couldn't handle it,
he dropped on his knees and cried, he couldn't stop as he sees his parents, a
nd he saw the peace on their faces like they accepted their death willingly. He
hugs them one last time before he noticed the peculiarity in the corner of the r
oom. There was Luna lying but a crystalline substance was covering her neck
down to her chest. Cho suddenly approached him,

"The Fragment wouldn't let go, it doesn't want to leave Luna... Right now it's tr
ying to preserve her"

They both remained silent until Cho felt something, she looked behind her and
stepped aside just as something glowing rushed passed her. Ken backs awa
y in shock; he blinks to clear his vision. The unknown glowing stopped on Lun
a's body. Upon closer inspection, Cho saw that it is a raw Fragment.

"What's happening?!" Ken exclaimed, she just looked at him.

Cho and Ken watched as the Fragment lands on top of the crystalline in Luna'
s chest and slowly dissolve. The crystalline formation melts away, leaving no t
race behind. Slowly, Kenji watched as her chest rises and falls once again.

-To be continued-

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