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Analyzing the Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar

Reynaline N. Bansil1. Nicole Alexandra C. Aguila1. Agnes Samatha L. Agustin1. Kidny Matthew
D. Alonzo1. Justin Amigo1. Angelo James A. Bahillo1. Anne Marie Bernabe1. Dr. Abigail P. Cid-
Department of Biology, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, 1016
Department of Physical Science, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila,

Vinegar consists of aerobic bacteria that oxidize grain alcohol to acetic acid and water in
general, vinegar can be described as a solution consisting of acetic acid
Keywords: Titration, Vinegar, Acetic Acid

Volumetric glassware could be a category of glass vessels that are calibrated to contain or
deliver certain volumes of substances. Graduated cylinders, pipettes (also pipets), burettes (also
burets) and volumetric flasks are examples as are beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks. It is seen from
this list that the term "calibrated" will mean "to a variable degree". The manufacturer's stated
accuracy of beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks is typically five-hitter whereas the volumetric flasks
are usually abundant higher (DiVerdi, 2018).
According to Sandeep Rani (2016), vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid that often
holds the impression that water has reduced the acidity to 5%. It consists of aerobic bacteria that
oxidize grain alcohol to acetic acid and water in general, vinegar can be described as a solution
consisting of acetic acid. Products such as apple, cider vinegar Red wine vinegar and balsamic
vinegar have other ingredients and flavors, but even in water they are essentially acetic acid
The laboratory activity has to do with the standardization by titration of a solution of
sodium hydroxide using a primary standard. The hydrogen phthalate solution is the primary
standard that is used in this laboratory activity. This activity was designed to accurately identify
the concentration for standardization of a sodium hydroxide solution by titrating it from a weighted
sample of known salt potassium acid phthalate.
Many analytical procedures involve comparison of an unknown with a standard. A standard
is usually a solution whose composition concentration is known very precisely and accurately. It
is also the process of determining the exact concentration or molarity of a solution. Standardization
includes the reference measurement processes and reference materials needed to achieve better
comparability of patient test values between different clinical assays. Establishing reference
systems also includes a credible transfer of analytical accuracy bases through a network of
reference laboratories that perform reference methods under well-standardized operating
conditions (Panteghini and Tale, 2007).

Titration is an analytical procedure in which a reaction is run under carefully controlled
conditions. The stoichiometric volume of one reactant of known concentration, the titrant, that is
required to react with another reactant of unknown concentration, the analyte, is measured. The
concentration of the analyte is determined from the concentration and volume of titrant and the
stoichiometry of the reaction between them. According to the book of Zumdahl (2000), a standard
solution or commonly known as a primary standard, is a solution of known concentration that is
used in a titration experiment. Titration experiments are used in quantitative studies of acid-base
neutralization reactions. A primary standard must be available in a state of known purity, have a
somewhat high molar mass, should be easy to dry, and should not absorb moisture or other gases
from the air (Nelson and Kemp, 2006). In a titration, the standard solution is gradually added to
another solution of unknown concentration until the reaction between the solutions is completed.

Neutralization is all about finding a balance between substances, according to Dragani

(2018). Through chemistry, the reaction that takes place between an acid and a base is a
neutralization reaction. All chemical compounds are measured on a pH, or "hydrogen potential"
scale in chemistry. The scale ranges between 0 and 14. Corrosive substances like acids and bases,
are classified by the amount of hydrogen ion activity they produce when dissolved in water and
then separated into two groups. Those that measure from 0 to almost 7 are considered acids, and
those from just above 7 to 14 are considered bases. The term neutralization refers to a situation
where there is a reaction that creates a solution without hydrogen or hydroxide ions being excess.
In order to produce a neutral product with a pH balance of 7, acids and bases cancel each other.
The Arrhenius definitions cover many of the most common acids and bases and their chemical
reactions, but there are other materials that have the characteristics of acids but don't fit the
Arrhenius definition. Broader definitions of acids can include some of these materials (Markgraf,

Chemists Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted and Thomas Martin Lowry described acids and
bases independently in 1923 on the basis of whether they donate or accept hydrogen ions (H+).
The acid and bases groups identified in this way were either Bronsted, Lowry-Bronsted or
Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases. A Bronsted-Lowry acid is defined as a substance that gives up
or donates hydrogen ions during a chemical reaction. In comparison, hydrogen ions are accepted
by a Bronsted-Lowry base. Another way to look at it is by donating protons with a Bronsted-Lowry
acid while the base accepts protons. Species that can either donate or accept protons, depending
on the situation, are considered to be amphoteric. The Bronsted-Lowry theory differs from
the Arrhenius theory is allowing acids and bases that don't necessarily contain hydrogen cations
and hydroxide anions (Helmenstine, 2019).

The objective of this laboratory experiment is to let the student to make a proper
standardization of sodium hydroxide solution through titration using a primary standard, which is
the hydrogen phthalate. It also aims to use the knowledge in the calibration from the previous
laboratory activity to calibrate the burette and to enable the student to record the collected data
accurately and precisely as possible in order to acquire the projected laboratory activity results.


Laboratory equipme
Wearing Personal nt
START Protective
Equipment and materials collect

Two drops of Potassium hydrogen Sodium hydroxide

Phenolphthalein phthalate (KHP)
solution (NaOH)
addition to the preparation for titrat
ion preparation

The endpoint achiev

NaOH addition to ed by turning the Na
the KHP Solution OH from END
colourless to pink

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the standardization of the sodium hydroxide solution by titration using hydrogen

The materials and apparatus used in the experiment were standard solution of sodium
hydroxide, hydrogen phthalate, and phenolphthalein, deionized water or distilled water. The
following equipment and apparatus have the Pyrex brand name: burette, pipette and aspirator,
graduated cylinder, Erlenmeyer flasks. Electrical stove and research tools are also used. Personal
protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, and lab gown were also used for the protection of
the students from the harmful chemicals.
The students measured around 8.4 mL of sodium hydroxide in a graduated cylinder for the
preparation of the NaOH solution, then placed it in a clean 500-ml bottle. The solution of sodium
hydroxide was diluted to 500 mL of distilled water. By inverting the plastic bottle for ten times,
the solution was mixed. The plastic bottle has been labeled with the name and content of the
solution. 500 mL of distilled water was boiled for five minutes to standardize the sodium hydroxide
solution. The analytical balance was used to measure 0.5 grams of pure hydrogen phthalate and
poured into a clean Erlenmeyer flask of 250-mL. About 100 mL of hot distilled water was poured
into the flask. Then, the solution was added to two drops of phenolphthalein. The burette was
rinsed with four 5-mL portions of the solution of sodium hydroxide. Each portion was discarded.
The burette was then filled with the sodium hydroxide solution. After recording the initial reading
of the burette, the sodium hydroxide solution was slowly added to the flask with hydrogen

phthalate while gently swirling the flask. The addition of the sodium hydroxide stopped when the
endpoint was reached that was when the solution turned from colorless to pale pink.


After the three trials of experiment, for its standardization, this laboratory procedure
determined the precise and accurate concentration of a sodium hydroxide solution using a primary
standard. The three trial are used for the calculation in line with the objectives of the laboratory
exercise and the findings were gathered and prepared in table.

Table 1: Three Trials for the Standardization of the Sodium Hydroxide by Titration using
Potassium Acid Phthalate

1st Titration (g) 2nd Titration (g) 3rd Titration (g)

Initial Mass of
KHP plus vial 77.1652 76.6492 76.1142
Final Mass of
KHP plus vial 76.6492 76.1142 75.5948
Mass of KHP 0.516 0.535 0.5194
1 Titration (mL) nd
2 Titration (mL) rd
3 Titration (mL)
Final burette
reading 35.4 36.7 35.6
Initial burette
reading 0 0 0
mL of NaOH
used 35.4 36.7 35.6
L of NaOH 0.0354 0.0367 0.0356
1st Titration 2nd Titration 3rd Titration
Moles of KHP 2.5267E-03 2.6197E-03 2.5433E-03
Moles of NaOH 2.5267E-03 2.6197E-03 2.5433E-03
Volume of NaOH
(L) 0.0354 0.0367 0.0356
Molarity of
NaOH (moles/L) 0.071375336 0.071382121 0.071442012
Average Molarity
of NaOH 0.071399823
Deviation 2.44866E-05 1.77023E-05 4.21888E-05
Mean Deviation 2.81259E-05
Relative Mean
Deviation (ppt) 0.393921113

*Deviation, di = is the difference between the Average Molarity and any Individual

Molarity Value
= is expressed as an absolute value (no sign)
di = Average Molarity – Individual Molarity Value
*Mean Deviation, d = is the average deviation based on all individual deviations,
*Relative Mean Deviation = RMD = [Mean Deviation/Average Molarity] x 1000 ppt


After weighing the KHP inside the vial, the first titration weighed 76.6492, for the second
titration weighed 76.1142 and for the third titration weighed about 75. 5948.The findings
determined that the trial number of titrations increases, the weight inside the vial lessen, so it is an
indirect ratio. For the amount of NaOH in the first titration is 35.4, for the second titration is 36.7
and for the third titration is 35.6. The moles of NaOH and KHP were the same, since the NaOH
cannot be weighed accurately. For the mole from the first trial of KHP and NaOH are 2.5267E-03,
for the second titration are 2.6197E-03 and for the third titration are 2.5433E-03. All titrations
were obtained and recorded based on the three-trial experiment. The molarity of NaOH for the
first titration is 0.071375336 mole/L, for the second titration is 0.071382121 mole/L and for the
last titration is 0.071442012 mole/L. The average molarity of NaOH is 0.071399823, the mean
deviation is 2.81259E-05 and for the Relative Mean Deviation (ppt) is 0.393921113.
From statistical analysis of the data collected and calculation from the laboratory activity
the molecules ' molarity was measured. According to McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific &
Technical Terms, molarity is defined as the measure of the number of gram molecular weights of
a compound present (dissolved) in one liter of solution; it is indicated by M, preceded by a number
to show solute concentration. As shown in Table 1 above, sodium hydroxide molarity was
determined, each of which has accurate data measurement. This precision from the titrations of the
students was the result of previous laboratory activity.
According to Todd Helmenstine (2019), Molarity is a concentration unit that measures the
number of moles per liter of solution of a solution. The technique to solve problems with molarity
is quite simple. This outlines a simple method for calculating a solution's molarity. The key to
molarity measurement is to consider the molarity units (M): moles per liter. Find the molarity by
calculating the number of moles of the solute dissolved in liters of a solution.

The NaOH has to be standardized in order to determine the concentration of the HCl
solution. Although, a strong base solution such as NaOH is made by dissolving it in water, solid
NaOH is hygroscopic and CO2 dissolves in water which will change the basicity. To standardize
a base solution, a primary standard will be needed. Potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP), a
monoprotic acid, is often used as a primary standard for titrating bases (NaOH) (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Reaction between KHP and NaOH (chemdraw)

From the Libretexts. “Titrations Fundamentals.”, an acid base titration will be used to
determine the concentration of the HCl solution. During an acid base titration there is a point when
the number of moles of made equals the number of moles of base ions (equivalence point). In the
reaction between HCl and NaOH, the number of moles H+ will the same as the number of moles
of OH- at the equivalence point since the molar ratios are one-to-one between HCl and NaOH
(Figure 2).

Figure 2: Reaction between NaOH and HCl (chemdraw)

To determine the equivalence, point an indication is used to change the color of the solution
based on the acidity or basicity. Phenolphthalein, an indicator that is often used in a titration that
has strong acids or strong bases, allows the solution to change color (light pink) when a base is
added to an acid indicating that the mixture has recently passed the equivalence point. This is
called the end point. If the color is bright pink, then there has been too much base added and its
past the equivalence point (Harris, D.C., 2016).

An article written by the Editors in the Chemical Library, it stated that the Acid Base
titrations are usually used to find the amount of a known acidic or basic substance through
acid base reactions. The analyte (titrant) is the solution with an unknown molarity. The reagent
(titrant) is the solution with a known molarity that will react with the analyte.


Throughout this laboratory experiment, the student was able to learn the basics of titration.
Titrations are an easy way to find out the concentration of an unknown without having to be

wasteful in time and resources. Titrations also allow us to find a much more precise equivalence
point by performing fine titrations and allow us to understand the components that it takes to
change the pH of a substance. The students performed a laboratory task dealing with the
standardization by titration of sodium hydroxide with a primary standard. All the necessary
equipment already familiar to the student and the student asked to carry out an experiment to
prepare a solution for sodium hydroxide. After preparing the solution, the students asked to know
the exact KHP needed to standardized the sodium hydroxide. After the KHP with sodium
hydroxide solution mix together and it turned pink, the students concluded that the solution is an
acid solution. The students concluded that through standardization of the sodium hydroxide it will
show the pH level of the solution if it be an acidic solution or basic solution.


DiVerdi j., (October 29, 2018). Calibration of Volumetric Glassware p.1.


Documentation while doing the experiment.


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