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Introduction to The Analytical Balance and Volumetric Glassware

Reynaline N. Bansil1. Nicole Alexandra C. Aguila1. Agnes Samatha L. Agustin1. Kidny Matthew
D. Alonzo1. Justin Amigo1. Angelo James A. Bahillo1. Anne Marie Bernabe1. Dr. Abigail P. Cid-
Department of Biology, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, 1016
Department of Physical Science, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila,

The analytical balance is used to measure the mass of objects and chemicals until the 0.0001 gram
accurately and precisely. This laboratory experiment aims to acquaint the students on the proper
use of the analytical balance and to familiarize the different laboratory equipment, their functions
and the proper way of using them. The experiment showed the precision of weighing created with
the balance and the calibration curve by measuring the mass of the sample. It also deals with the
computation of the standard deviation, mean true volume, correction factor and true volumes using
the burette, pipette and volumetric flasks. In this activity, the accurate and precise calibration of
pipette, burette, and volumetric flask are conducted so mistakes and errors can be prevented, or at
least lessen. Therefore, the proper use of an analytical balance must be applied while using the
Keywords: Analytical Balance, Calibration, Volumetric Glassware

According to Taal (2015), Measurement has played an important role in all aspects of
people's lives which has been a source of information regarding the quantitative inquiry mode.
Accuracy and precision are mechanisms to consider when working in the laboratory. Accuracy
may be described as how near a measured value is to the general accepted or “true” value. Precision
may be described as how close a set of values obtained from same measurements are of the same
amount (MacLean, 2017). From the study of Skoog, West, Holler and Crouch (2014), there are
errors are due to random factors from the environment and faulty calibrations. Repetition of
measurements can help to lessen the amount of errors to have an accurate and precise amount of
chemical species which is crucial in analytical chemistry as the smallest errors outside the tolerance
level can affect the whole analysis and chemical reaction.
Analytical balances are highly sensitive lab instruments designed to accurately measure
mass. It is used to measure object and chemical until the 0.0001 gram and have a draft shield or
weighing chamber to save the tiny samples from being touched by air currents. They're meant to
observe terribly fine increments, therefore the slightest vibrations or breeze will impact the results.
As such, analytical balances ought to be utilized in an obsessive space with as few disturbances as

potential. Analytical balances ought to be monitored fastidiously and calibrated oftentimes. Most
analytical balances have each automatic internal motorized standardization and calibration with
external weights. we are able to get calibration weight sets here.
Volumetric glassware could be a category of glass vessels that are calibrated to contain or
deliver certain volumes of substances. Graduated cylinders, pipettes (also pipets), burettes (also
burets) and volumetric flasks are examples as are beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks. It is seen from
this list that the term "calibrated" will mean "to a variable degree". The manufacturer's stated
accuracy of beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks is typically five-hitter whereas the volumetric flasks
are usually abundant higher (DiVerdi, 2018).
Analytical balances are terribly sensitive items of apparatus, and may measure mass right
down to solely 0.00001 gram. an analyst might need this kind of specificity with the substance she
is weighing, therefore accuracy is vital. A calibration procedure assures the analyst that the balance
is functioning properly, however the calibration is simply nearly as good because the analyst's
calibration technique. based on Venton (N.D.) that calibration curves are wont to understand the
instrumental response to an analyte and predict the concentration in an unknown sample.
Generally, a group of standard samples are created at numerous concentrations with a range than
includes the unknown of interest and also the instrumental response at every concentration is
recorded. For a lot of accuracy and to know the error, the response at every concentration are often
repeated so an error bar is obtained. the info is then match with a perform in order that unknown
concentrations are often predicted. usually the response is linear, however, a curve will be created
with different performs as long because the function is known. The calibration curve is used to
calculate the limit of detection and limit of quantitation.
The objectives of this laboratory activity are to introduce and to be familiarize to the
various laboratory equipment specially the tools that are utilized in obtaining the quantity of a
specific liquid. Moreover, it also aims to create the abilities and skills in handling the equipment
to induce the precise and accurate quantitative analysis of the activity.
The activity is vital within the field of quantitative analysis because it provides the proper
usage of the equipment in performing the specified task. It also offers information regarding the
correct handling of volume related equipment. Finally, it gives support to the info that's being
tested in terms of getting the correct and precise measurements of the liquid or chemicals used.
The first part of the laboratory exercise includes the familiarization of the materials and
equipment necessary in weighing a sample. After that, knowing the way to use the analytical
balance and alternative instrumentation employed in obtaining the calibration weight. The second
part of the activity is to apply weighing. The materials required for the experiments were table salt
(NaCl), Erlenmeyer flask, Spatula, and analytical balance.
For weighing the table salt, place approximately 3 g of NaCl (plain table salt) in a clean,
dry glass weighing bottle. Then move to the weighing area to measure the weight. at that time use
a piece of closed paper (clean, dry and lint-free) to handle the weighing bottle. it is to avoid leaving
fingerprints or oils on the bottle and changing the mass of the bottle then place the weighing bottle
rigorously on the balance pan. Record each measured weight.

The next experiment was the calibration of the burette. the first step was to fill the burette
with deionized water past the 0.00 mL mark, the bubbles inside the burette was forced out of the
tip by touching the tip to the within rim. The stopcock was tightened to avoid outflow. when a
table was created within the notebook for the recording of the information. A 60 ml bottle was
weighed in a top-loading balance and was also recorded. the weight was accustomed determine
the mass of the water delivered by the burette. the amount of the water within the burette was
determined and recorded to the closest 0.01 milliliter in the table below the initial reading. an
approximate of 10 ml of water was drained into a bottle and was coated to prevent evaporation.
Then the water within the burette was observed and was rounded to the closest 0.01 milliliter then
recorded under the final reading. Next was the bottle with water was weighed on a top-loading
balance then the resulting weight was deducted to the previous original weight and recorded under
the mass of bottle with water. The steps were repeated till five measurements were created and 50
ml was delivered. the volume delivered was calculated and also the initial reading was subtracted
to the final reading.
The pipettes were also calibrated same method because the burette was calibrated and three
separate measurements was conducted for each pipet. the average standard deviation was
calculated and also actuality volume. A volumetric flask was placed on top of top-loading balance
and also the weight was recorded. After, the volumetric flask was removed and deionized water
was gently poured till the bottom of the meniscus rest on the top of the mark within the neck of
the flask. The water was disposed and also the steps were repeated three times. The mean and
standard deviation together with the true value and correction were also calculated and identified.
Results and Discussions
This part will be dealing with the data gathered throughout the experiment using tables and
The example formulas were given in the laboratory guide to determine the volume
delivered, true volume and correction factor for each of the experiments.
 Volume delivered= final volume- initial volume
 True volume= mass/density
 Correction factor= true volume- volume delivered

Table 1: Calibration of a 50mL burette

10mL 20mL 30mL 40mL 50mL
Mass of the bottle 30.4198g 30.4198g 30.4198g 30.4198g 30.4198g
Mass of the 40.3264g 50.3411g 60.4327g 70.4028g 80.4109g
bottle+H2O (g)
Mass of H2O (g) 9.9066g 19.9213g 30.0129g 39.983g 49.9911g

Final Reading (mL) 10.00mL 20.00mL 30.10mL 40.00mL 50.00mL

Initial Reading 0.00mL 10mL 20.00mL 30.10mL 40.00mL


Vol. delivered 10.00mL 10.00mL 10.00mL 10.00mL 10.00mL
Total vol. delivered 10.00mL 20.00mL 30.10mL 40.00mL 50.00mL
True vol. 9.930931mL 19.97023mL 30.08661mL 40.0812mL 50.11388mL
calculated from
mass of H2O (mL)

Correction (mL) -0.06907mL -0.02977mL -0.01339mL -0.081199mL -0.113879mL

Table 1 shows the result that was obtained by calibrating the 50mL burette. The
experiment consists of by five different trial under different milliliters; 10mL, 20mL, 30Ml,
40mL and 50mL.These data gathered from the observation of the group. For the computation of
the correction that was given by the lab manual, the group yield five results under the different
milliliters which are; -0.06907, -0.02977mL, -0.01339mL, -0.081199mL, -0.113879mL and for
the true volume calculated from mass of the water, the results are; 9.930931mL, 19.97023mL,
30.08661mL, 40.0812mL and 50.11388mL corresponding to those five different trial. These data
were attained using the constant room temperature of 23 C equivalent to the density of 0.99755

Graph 1: Calibration Curve for the 50 mL Burette

Calibration Curve for 50mL Burette

0.15 0.113879004
0.1 0.081198937

Correction (mL)

0 -0.029772944
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
-0.05 -0.06906922

Total Volume Delivered
Calibration curve for 50mL Burette

The graph 1 was based on table provided, as the amount of water increase inside the burette,
its mass also increases. If the results were based on the corrections, the data obtained shows the
rising of the graph meaning that the mass of the treatment increases, the correction factor also

Table 2: Calibration of 5, 10- and 25-mL pipets
#1 #2 #3 Mean SD Mean

5mL 33.4674g 33.4680g 33.4671g 33.4675g 0.0003741 -0.0792

33.5406 33.5502 33.5493 33.5497
correction: correction: correction: correction:
-0.0732 -0.0822 -0.0822 -0.0822
0.00008281 0.00000025 0.00000025 0.00000016
10mL 40.4166g 40.4163g 40.4162g 40.4164g 0.0001700 -0.0993
TV:40.5159 TV:40.5156 TV:40.5155 TV:40.5157
correction: correction: correction: correction:
-0.0993 -0.0993 -0.0993 -0.0993
0.00000008 0.00000001 0.00000004

25mL 55.3006g 55.3009g 55.3010g 55.3008g 0.0001700 -0.1358

TV: TV: TV:55.4368 TV:55.4366
55.4364 55.4367 correction: correction:
correction: correction: -0.1358 -0.1358
-0.1358 -0.1358 MTV+/-SD:
MTV+/-SD: MTV+/-SD: 0.00000004
0.00000004 0.

Table 2 shows the results in calibrating the pipette under 5mL, 10mL and 25mL under the
temperature of 23 Degrees Celsius. Based on the data that was obtained from the experiment, it
showed the mass of water, the correction factor, the mean true volume of each trial, the mean
mass of each trial, the standard deviation and the mean of the correction factors. This table shows
the mean correction of the pipette with a 5 mL was -0.0792, for the 10 mL was -0.0993 and for
the 25 mL was -0.1358. The standard deviation was also obtained under 5 mL was 0.0003741,
for 10 mL was 0.0001700 and for the 25 mL was 0.0001700 same as the SD of the 5 mL. The
constant used in this experiment is constant room temperature, 23 degrees Celsius with a density
of 0.99755.

Table 3: Trial 1 of the Calibration of 50 mL and 100 mL Volumetric Flasks
50mL 100mL
Mass of the bottle (g) 38.137 63.1485
Mass of the bottle+H2O (g) 87.893 162.3015
Mass of H2O (g) 49.756 99.153
Final Reading (mL) 50.00mL 100.00mL
Initial Reading (mL) 0mL 0mL
Vol. delivered (mL) 50.00mL 100.00mL
Total vol. delivered (mL)
True vol. calculated from mass of
H2O (mL) 49.87(82) 99.39(65)
Correction (mL) -0.1217mL -0.6034mL

Table 4: Trial 2 of the Calibration of 50 mL and 100 mL Volumetric Flask

50mL 100mL
Mass of the bottle (g) 38.137 63.1485
Mass of the bottle+H2O (g) 88.733 161.66
Mass of H2O (g) 50.596 98.5115
Final Reading (mL) 50.00mL 100.00mL
Initial Reading (mL) 0mL 0mL
Vol. delivered (mL) 50.00mL 100.00mL
Total vol. delivered (mL)
True vol. calculated from mass of
H2O (mL) 50.72(2) 98.75(34)
Correction (mL) 0.720mL -1.2465mL

Table 5: Trial 3 of the Calibration of 50 mL and 100 mL Volumetric Flasks

50mL 100mL
Mass of the bottle (g) 38.137 63.1485
Mass of the bottle+H2O (g) 87.989 162.1826
Mass of H2O (g) 49.852 99.0341
Final Reading (mL) 50.00mL 100.00mL
Initial Reading (mL) 0mL 0mL
Vol. delivered (mL) 50.00mL 100.00mL
Total vol. delivered (mL)
True vol. calculated from mass of
H2O (mL) 49.97(44) 99.27(73)
Correction (mL) 0.0255mL 0.7226mL

*Room temperature = 23C (0.99755 g/mL)
Volumetric Flask
For Mean true volume ± standard deviation (mL)
myu= 50.1915
1. 0.2814
2. 0.0471
3. 0.0981
∑|x-myu|^2 = 0.4001
SD= 0.3770
The table 3,4 and 5 are the three trial of calibrating the volumetric flasks, the procedures
and computation were almost the same from the table 1 and 2 which is the calibrating of the burette
and the pipette. For the 50mL in the different trial, the results for the mean true volume was 0.4001
and the standard deviation was 0.37700. For the 100 mL, the mean true volume was 0.2339 and
the standard deviation was 0.279. Based on the results, the standard deviation and the true mean
volume deceases as the size of the volumetric flask increases. The experiment used constant room
temperature which is 23 degrees celsius equivalent to the density of 0.99755.

In this activity, the accurate and precise calibration of pipette, burette, and volumetric flask
are conducted so mistakes and errors can be prevented, or at least lessen. The professor discussed
the equipment that are used during the activity and also their respective functions. After the
observation of the water inside the burette, there were visible changes in the lower meniscus of the
water. The calibration was computed using a formula that was given in the laboratory manual. A
calibration curve was also made which shows the changes of calibration of each trial. The
analytical balance was used to measure the exact weight of a particular sample but given that an
analytical balance very sensitive, the measurement can be easily altered by the presence of factors
such as air, fingerprint and dust. Therefore, the proper use of an analytical balance must be applied
while using the equipment.

DiVerdi j., (October 29, 2018). Calibration of Volumetric Glassware p.1.
Mclean K. P., Calibration of Volumetric Glassware Retrieved December 4, 2019 from
Skoog, D. A., West, D. M., Holler, F. J., & Crouch, S. R. (2014). Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson.
Tal, E. (2015, February 15). Measurement in Science. (E. N. Zalta, Editor) Retrieved December
4, 2019, from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
archives /fall2017/entries/measurement-science/
Venton, B. (N.D.) Calibration curve. retrieved from


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