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LP 4 Critique Licensing Regulations

DCF 250 (Family Child Care) or DCF 251 (Group Child Care)
Investigate Governmental Regulations
Directions to Learner

For this performance assessment, you will critique the requirements in the Wisconsin Licensing Code for
Group Child Care Centers or Family Child Care Centers that relate to health, safety and nutrition in an essay
paper, PowerPoint presentation, or other suitable document.

1. Using your state licensing code book (which is a required book for this course), research and review
requirements related to sanitation, emergency prevention and response, and Meal and Snack and other
elements of nutrition and feeding in a licensed facility. These will be found under Physical Plant and
Furnishings, Program, Additional Requirements for Infant and Toddler Care, and in the Appendices.
It will be helpful to review this information in the commentary manual, as it includes additional information
concerning the interpretation of the requirements.

2. Briefly summarize your interpretation of the main points under each of the Three Headings: Sanitation,
Emergencies and Meals & Snacks. Talk about what you understand these requirements to be as
written in the code.

3. State your opinion about the main points using both positive and negative argument. Do you believe this
is a regulation that is necessary (positive) or do you feel the point is hard to adhere to and why (negative).

4. Compare and contrast how your program does or does not meet the licensing requirements in each of
these areas. If you are not working in a program, critique how easy or difficult the requirements might be to
comply with.

5. Close with a summary or concluding statement.

6. Self-assess your work using the scoring guide. Revise as necessary.

7. Submit your final critique and the scoring guide to your instructor for evaluation and feedback.

8. Be sure to ask for assistance from your instructor if you do not understand anything about this
Critique Scoring Guide

Scoring Standard
You must achieve a rating of at least 1 on each criterion to demonstrate competence.
Rating Scale
3: Exceeds criterion with high degree of accuracy, attention to detail, or creativity.
2: Meets criterion fully; no revision necessary.
1: Meets criterion adequately; some room for improvement.
0: Does not meet criterion; information missing or incorrect.

Scoring Guide Criteria and Ratings

Criteria Ratings

Please be sure to SELF SCORE Student Instructor

critique summary accurately represents the main points related 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

to sanitation
critique summary accurately represents the main points related 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
to emergencies
critique summary accurately represents the main points related 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
to meals and snacks
critique compares compliance of the regulations in a program 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

critique includes an explanation of your personal opinion 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

critique includes both positive and negative comments 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

critique is well organized, clear, and evidences correct 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Document includes a scoring guide with self-evaluation 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

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