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Name: ____________________________ Test will be Wednesday January 22, 2020

Study Guide Systems in Space Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Rose

Q 1: ​Which of the following is evidence that earth is a sphere? 
30 sec 
1. The sun and stars travel across the sky from east to west. 
2. Seeing only the top part of a ship as it sails over the horizon. 
3. Trees fall to the ground. 
4. My teachers told me so! 
Q2: ​What can you do to be able to watch a ship longer before it disappears over the horizon? 
30 sec 
1. Walk north across the beach. 
2. Lie down and look across the surface of the water. 
3. Take a ride on the local ferris wheel! 
4. Walk out into the water to get a closer look. 
Q3: W
​ hich is true about gravity? 
30 sec 
1. There is no gravity in the Northern Hemisphere. 
2. Gravity is caused by air pushing down on things. 
3. Gravity makes things float. 
4. Gravity is a force that affects all matter on Earth. 
Q4: W​ hich statement is NOT true about constellations? 
30 sec 
1. The stars will appear in the same position in two hours. 
2. Stars appear to change position during the night. 
3. The stars appear to move because of Earth's rotation. 
Q5:​The diagram shows position on Earth at 3:00 am. What will happen to that position in 5 
30 sec 
1. It will remain stationary (not move). 
2. It will rotate and FACE the sun. 
3. It will rotate and FACE AWAY from the sun. 
Q6: ​The stars appear to move across the sky because of 
30 sec 
1. the sun's rotation 
2. the moon's rotation 
3. the Earth's rotation 
Q7: W​ hat time unit is based on Earth's revolution around the sun? 
30 sec 
1. day 
2. month 
3. year 
4. week 
Q8: ​Earth revolves around the ______ in a circular path. 
30 sec 
1. moon 
2. sun 
Q9: ​It takes about _______ days for Earth to make one revolution around the sun. 
30 sec 
1. 365 
2. 265 
3. 165 
4. 465 
Q10: T​ he moon takes approximately ______ days to complete one orbit around Earth. 
30 sec 
1. 20 
2. 30 
3. 365 
4. 15 
Q11: ​Warwick students are viewing stars at 6:00 pm as part of their homework. 
What season is it? 
30 sec 
1. fall 
2. spring 
3. summer 
4. Winter 

Q12: Which statement is true of the picture above? 
30 sec 
1. Midday sun is lower in the sky in summer than in spring. 
2. Midday sun is higher in the sky in winter than in the fall. 
3. The midday sun is lower in the sky during each season. 
4. The midday sun is in a similar position in spring and fall. 
Q13: ​You want to prove that earth is not flat. Which evidence does NOT support your claim? 
30 sec 
1. Climbing down into a valley to see more of earth's surface. 
2. Climbing to the top of mountain to see more of Earth's surface. 
3. Standing on the beach watching a ship disappear from the horizon. 
Q14: ​Which is an example of gravity? 
30 sec 
1. It pulls everything to the center of the earth. 
2. It pulls everything towards the Southern Hemisphere. 
3. It pulls everything toward the North Pole. 
4. It pulls everything south. 
Q15: ​What time of day is the sun at its HIGHEST point in the sky? 
30 sec 
1. around sunrise 
2. around sunset 
3. around noon 

Q16:​What part of this picture is gravity causing something to ​fall ​down? 
30 sec 
1. the lounge chairs 
2. the boy 
3. the beach ball 
4. the water 
Q17: ​The moon appears to grow and then shrinks. This pattern repeats about once a ________. 
30 sec 
1. month 
2. day 
3. Year 
4. week 
Q18: ​Each day the sun appears to rise in the _______ 
30 sec 
1. north 
2. south 
3. east 
4. west 
Q19: ​At what time will a shadow be longest? 
30 sec 
1. 8:00 am 
2. 10:00 am 
3. 12:00 pm 
4. 10:00 pm 

Q20: ​Which season represents the hours of daylight in the summer months of the United 
30 sec 
1. season 1 
2. season 2 
3. season 3 
4. season 4 
Q21: ​What determines the length of a planet's DAY? 
30 sec 
1. tilt 
2. orbit 
3. moons 
4. rotation 
Q22: E
​ arth is tilted on its axis. Which of these would not exist if Earth had no tilt?​30 sec 
1. gravity 
2. seasons 
3. moon phases 
4. Earth's rotation 
Q23: ​Which of these MOTIONS causes Earth to have four seasons? 
1. Revolving  
2. rotating 
3. spinning 
4. vibrating 
Q24: ​Andrea claims Earth has a gravitational force pulling objects down .  
Which supports her claim? 
30 sec 
1. Beach ball floats on ocean water instead of sinking. 
2. Balloons with helium float in the air and can fly away. 
3. Ball dropped from the top of a building falls straight down 
Q25:​What is the imaginary line around which Earth rotates? 
20 sec 
1. revolution 
2. axis 
3. orbit 
4. hemisphere 
Q26:​A pattern of stars that forms an imaginary picture or design in the sky is a 
20 sec 
1. hemisphere 
2. revolution 
3. constellation 
4. gravity 
Q27:​A force that pulls things to the center of the earth is called... 
20 sec 
1. gravity 
2. constellation 
3. axis 
4. Kryptonite 
Q28: ​One half of the Earth .... 
1. Biosphere 
2. hydrosphere 
3. Lithosphere 
4. hemisphere 
Q29:​The path of one object in space around another object 
20 sec 
1. rotation 
2. orbit 
3. axis 
4. constellation 
Q30:​The movement of Earth one time around the sun 
20 sec 
1. revolution 
2. orbit 
3. rotation 
4. axis 
Q31:​The turning of Earth on its axis 
20 sec 
1. orbit 
2. revolution 
3. rotation 
4. gravity 
Q32:​During which season does the sun appear highest in the sky? 
20 sec 
1. winter 
2. spring 
3. summer 
4. fall 
Q33:​During which season does the sun appear lowest in the sky at noon? 
20 sec 
1. winter 
2. spring 
3. summer 
4. fall 
Q34:​The sun sets in the _______. 
1. North  
2. South  
3. East  
4. West  
20 sec 
January 16, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardian,

We will be having a Science test on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. The basic concepts
of the test are seen here within these multiple choice questions. They can use their
workbook pages 272-357, plus they have additional notes and handouts in their folders.
The vocabulary they need to know can be found in quizlet and is as follows:
Distance from an object
Phases of the Moon
Light Years
Revolve/ Revolution
Rotate / Rotation
Solar System
Facts that make a Star or NOT a Star

If you have any questions please let us know. We will be going over the answers to this
packet on Tuesday.​ It will count as a completion grade.
Thank you,
Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Rose
Name: ______________________________ Answer sheet for Studyguide
Date: ____________ Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Rose

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