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1-Choose the correct words :- ‫الســـــــــــؤال االول‬

1- …………………. Sales assistant or a secretary ?

a- Huda is b- Huda c- Is Huda d- Is she Huda
2- ………………..your second language ?
a-Where is b- What is c- When is d- How much is
3- Who ………….Managing Director at B O S ?
a-the b- he is c- is d- is the
4- Is Ali is in his office ? No, ……………………
a-he isn’t b- he is c- she isn’t d- she is out
5- ……………….is Eman Attia ?
a- When b- She c- Who d- Is she
6- Is ……………….. a computer in the office ?
a-there b- their c- they d- them
7- …………..desk is that ?
a-Who b- Where c- Whose d- How many
8- How many photocopiers …………….?
a-there is b- there are c- is there d-are there
9- The ……………..of a married woman is Mrs.
a-title b- job c- name d- address
10-Nought point five is a ……………..
a-quarter b-tow third c-one third d-half
11-Three …………five equals fifteen
a-plus b-minus c-divided by d- times
12- I put my books on a………………..
a-chair b- shelf c-drawer d- window
13- We sit on ………………
a- Tables b- chairs c-shelves d- desks
14- We put the notice board on the …………
a- Floor b- roof c- wall d- window
15- The computer is in its …………………
a-box b- book c- table d-filing
16-Huda is reading …………..on the notice board.
a-telexes b- notices c- letters d- faxes
17- Secretaries ……….telexes to customers
a-write b- send c- bring d- put
18- ……………is getting minerals from under the ground
a- Farming b- Advertising c- Mining d- Manufacturing

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
19- The opposite of downstairs is …………….
a-stairs b- upstairs c-middle d- above
20- He goes up to the tenth floor by ………
a-ladder b- lift c- ceiling d- life
21- It is half ……………nine
a- and b- past c- to d- off
22- Where is she ………………? On the big chair
a-running b- doing c- sitting d- walking
23- It is a……………..ticket to Banha , you can travel back to Cairo
a-single b- return c- turn d- back
24-The ………………looks after passengers on a plane
a- pilot b- guide c- clerk d- flight attendant
25- Narrow is the opposite of ……………….
a-small b- soft c- wide d- hard
26- I have got three ………….of paper
a- bottles b-disks c- bands d- sheets
27- The pencils are …………………., they aren’t soft
a-hard b- wind c-big d- young
28- We put letters in the ……………..and send them by post
a-packets b- envelopes c- boxes d- sheets
29-What is his ………………? British
a-country b-address c-nationality d-age
30-………….continent is Egypt in ?
a-What b- Where c- Which d-Who
31-Wher is the fax machine ? What ……………
a-machine b-fax c- the machine d- the fax machine
32-What is the …………
a-secretary b-my secretary c- secretary’s d-your secretary’s
33-Is ………….to Cairo next week?
a-Don is coming b-coming Don c- Don coming d-he comes
34-The time is …………to nine
a-half b- quarter c-o’clock d-fifty
35-His office is …………to the lift
a-up b- in c- next d-above
36-How much is a ……….. London?
a-single b-ticket c-box of tickets d-return ticket to
37-Is this the right………….to the bus stop?
a-journey b- way c-place d-station

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
38-After the address and the date, begin the letter with…….
a-Dear b-Hello c-Mr. d-To
39-I need three…………paper clips
a-boxes b- bottles c-boxes of d-rolls of
40-…………….any glue in that bottle?
a-Are there any b- Are there c- Is there d- Is there any

2-Supply the missing parts :- ‫السؤال الثانى‬

1-Spply the missing parts :-

Customer :…………….. is this ? ( How much )
Cashier :that’s thirty six …………………….( pounds )
Customer: And ………………..? ( How much Is this )
Cashier :that’s twenty pounds
Customer: Ok. Thirty six and twenty ,that’s ………………….pounds ( fifty six )

2-Write the missing parts:-

Don : ………………is it Sally ? ( What time )
Sally : My watch says eleven forty-five
Don : this means …………….. ( quarter to twelve )
Sally: yes , sir your …………………………with Mr. Ali is at half past twelve ( appointment )

3-Supply the missing parts:-

Visitor: Excuse me , ……………………….255 ? ( where is room )
Receptionist : It is next to the canteen on the second floor
Visitor : …………………………………..? ( Is there a lift )
Receptionist : No sir , go upstairs take the corridor 255 is on the left
Visitor : Thank you
Receptionist : …………………………….( you ‘re welcome ..not at all )

4-Supply the missing parts :- A new person at B O S is asking for some paper
A : Excuse me , I ………………………………… ( need some paper )
B : ……………….. lined or plain paper ? ( Which paper )
A : lined paper please
B : There is some lined paper in Andy’s office
A : …………………………………….? ( Excuse me , where is Andy’s office )
B : It is next to my office .

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
5-Supply the missing parts:-
Salwa : Samia this is Mona our new secretary
Samia : ……………………….. ( nice to meet you …pleased to meet you … How do you do )
Mona : ………………,…………………? ( Which is my desk )
Salwa : This is your desk and your files are …………………… ( in the filing cabinet )
Mona : Thank you

6-Supply the missing parts:-

A : Where do you come from ?
B : …………………………………… ( Britain )
A : Then you are British , ……………………………? (What’s your job )
B : of course , I’m a training officer
A : …………………… .do you work for ? ( Which company )
B : The Nile company

7-Supply the missing parts:-

( on the phone )
Rami : Hello, is that Hesham ?
Hesham : …………………………………( Yes , it is …..Yes he is )
Rami : Hello, Hesham ……………………..( I am Rami )
Hesham: Hello Rami ,………………………..? ( How are you )
Rami : I am fine thank, and you?
Hesham : I am very well , thank you

8-Supply the missing parts:-

H : Do you need……………….? ( any stationary )
C : Yes, I need some pencils
H : pencils, …………………….? ( Anything else )
C :Yes, I haven’t got ……..envelopes ( any )
H : Envelopes . Ok is that all?
C : Yes, I think………….you ( so )

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
4-Fill in the spaces with words :- ‫السؤال الرابع‬

buy - coast - lend - pay - sell - spend

1- In a restaurant you ……………………….at the end of the meal ( pay )
2- Computers ……..….a lot of money ( cost )
3- Can you ………………………..five pounds lend )
4- I …………….ten pounds on chocolate every week ( spend )
5- A sales assistant ……………………..goods to customers ( sells )

advertising - banking - farming - manufacturing - mining - shipbuilding

1- Getting minerals from under the ground is ……………………….. ( mining )
2- …………………….is producing food ( farming )
3- Telling everyone about products and services is ……………….. ( advertising )
4- …………………… looking after people’s money, and lending money ( banking )
5- Making ships and boats is called………………………… ( ship building )
6- …………….is making things from raw materials ( manufacturing )

department - account - human resources - sales - production - responsible for

1- The ……………department is responsible for making things ( production )
2- The accounts …………… responsible for the company’s money ( accounts )
3- The …………department is selling the products ( sales )
4- The manager is………………….all activities of the company ( responsible for )
5- The ……………….department finds new staff ( human resources )

guide - flight attendant - tickets clerk - customs officer - immigrant officer

1- An …………………is a person who checks passports ( immigration officer )
2- A person who checks your suitcases is the ………………….( customs officer )
3- A ……………..takes tourists to interesting places (guide )
4- The………………sells tickets to passengers ( tickets clerk )
5- The……………..looks after passengers on planes ( flight attendant )

Athens - Beijing - Kiev - Brasilia - Warsaw

1- ……………….is the capital of Poland ( Warsaw )
2- The capital of Ukraine is…………………. ( Kiev )
3- ………………….is the capital of Brazil ( Brasilia )
4- The capital of Greece is …………………. ( Athens )
5- …………………… the capital of China ( Beijing )

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
5-Paragraph:- :‫السؤال الخامس‬

1- Write a short paragraph about Huda:-

Use these guiding words:-
Huda - secretary / she - work - B O S / B O S - Egyptian company / first
language – Arabic / second language – English
Huda is a secretary at B O S . B O S is an Egyptian company . Her first language is
Arabic , and her second language is English

2-Write a short paragraph about using public telephones

Use these guiding questions and words
1-Where can you find public phones? 2-What colour are they ?
3- first , lift the handset 4- number – person or a company
5-When someone answers.
We can find public phones in streets , malls and super markets . Their colours are
usually green and yellow . To use these phones , first lift the handset , then dial the
number of the person or the company you need . When someone answers , say hello
and your name

3-Write a short paragraph about your week

Use these guiding questions
1-How many days a week do you go to school?2-How do you travel to and from school?
3-What time do you get to school and what time do you leave?
4-Which days do you like ? 5-What do you do at the weekend ?
I usually go to school five days a week. I usually travel to and from the school by bus . I
like Monday and Thursday because they are short days . At the week end I usually visit
my grandmother and grandfather.

4-Write a short paragraph about people who work in a company

Use these guiding words
General manager - run / secretary – help him / receptionist – meet visitors- answer
telephone calls / Accounts clerk – accounts / sales assistant - sell
The General manager runs the company . The secretary helps him in his work . The
receptionist meets visitors and answers telephone calls . The account clerk do the
accounts of the company . The sales assistant sells goods and services to customers
6-MEMO….Letter….Form ‫السؤال السادس‬

From: to:
Re : date:
‫جمله مختصره‬

1-Write the memo from the manager to the staff . He asks them to come early tomorrow
( use today’s date )
From : The manager To : The staff
Re : coming to the company Date : 9/1/2019
Please come early tomorrow

2-Write the memo from the managing director to his secretary Mona, he asks her to send
the fax to the customer ( use today’s date )
From : Managing Director To: Mona
Re : The fax Date : 11/1/2019
Excuse me , send the fax to the customer

3-Write the memo from Mr. Ahmed Ali , the manager to Fawzi , the date is 13th Jan. Mr.
Ahmed asks Mr. Fawzi to send for the mechanic to mend the photocopier

5-Fill in the form about the new secretary at B O S her name is Sara Yousif Hassan , she
has a son and a daughter , she lives at 22 Tharwat St. Masoura , she likes reading and
First name:-Sara Surname:-Hassan
Title :-Married Nationality:-Egyptian
Job at B O S :-Secretary Hobbies:-Reading and typing

6-Read the following , then complete the form. My name is Mohammed Ali Badr I am
Sudanese , I work as a doctor, I have three daughters and I live in Khartoum ,8 Nahda St.
First name :Mohamed Surname :Badr
Nationality: Sudanese Address :8 Nahda St. Khartoum
Occupation :Doctor Single or married :- Married

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
Letter Writing

‫عنوان المرسل‬
‫اسم الشارع و رلم المنزل ان وجد‬
) ‫البلد ( فى حالة دولة خارجية‬
Yours sincerely

1-Writ the letter to your friend Kamal inviting him to spend a day in your village . Your
name is Osama , and you live at 19 Nahda st. Tanta. End your letter with a suitable
sentences ( use today’s date )

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬

2-Write a short letter to your friend Basma . you are on holiday at a hotel in Hurghada(
33 Zohour St. ), tell your friend a bout your holiday and the interesting places you visited .
You are Nahed ( use today’s date )

3-Write a letter to your English friend Tom . Tell him about interesting places in your
country and invite him to visit you . You are Hazem , and you live at 22 Orabi st. Cairo

Translation ‫السؤال السابع‬

A)-Translate into Arabic:-

1- Osama is taking his family to Alexandria next Friday for a week’s holiday
‫سوف ياخذ اسامه عائلته الى االسكندرية الجمعه المادمه لمضاء اسبوع اجازه‬
2-Put the notice on the notice board
‫ضع االعالن على لوحة االعالنات‬
3-He is British and his second language is Arabic
‫هو بريطانى و لغته الثانيه العربيه‬
4-Advertising is telling everyone about products and services
‫االعالن هو اخبار كل شخص عن المنتجات و الخدمات‬

5-Mining is getting minerals from under the ground

‫التعدين هو استخراج المعادن من باطن االرض‬
6-Manufacturing is making things
‫التصنيع هو صناعة االشياء‬
7-Thank you for your letter of 7 January
‫شكرا على خطابن المرسل بتاريخ السابع من يناير‬
8-The company’s offices are on the ground floor
‫توجد مكاتب الشركة بالطابك االرضى‬
9-A guide is a person who takes tourists to interesting places
‫المرشد هو شخص يموم باخذ السياح الى االماكن الشيمه و الممتعه‬
10-A flight attendant is a person who looks after passengers on planes
.‫هى شخص يعتنى بالمسافرين على الطائرة‬/ ‫ مضيفة الطيران هو‬/‫مضيف‬
11-How many rolls of sellotape do you need ?
‫كم بكرة الصك تحتاج؟‬
12-How often do buses go from Cairo to Alexandria
‫كم مرة تغادر االوتوبيسات من الماهرة الى االسكندرية‬
13-Please put the table between the filing cabinet and the shelves
‫من فضلن ضع المنضدة بين خزانة الملفات و االرفف‬
14-The photocopier isn’t working properly
‫الة التصوير ال تعمل بشكل جيد‬

15-He is meeting the Director at half past ten

‫انه سيمابل المدير فى العاشرة و النصف‬

16-The flight from Cairo to Aswan takes one hour and a half
‫تستغرق الرحلة من الماهرة الى اسوان حوالى ساعه و نصف‬

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬.. ‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬
B )Translate into English:-
‫ من فضلن اخبرنى كم الساعة االن‬-1
Please , What time is it now ?
‫يعمل اخى االكبر محاسبا فى مصنع كبير بالماهرة‬ -2
My elder brother is an accountant in a big factory in Cairo
‫االستماع الى الموسيمى و الغطس و الرسم هي هواياتي المفضلة‬ -3
Listening to music, diving and drawing are my favorite hobbies
‫يوجد مكتبي على اليسار بجوار النافذة‬ -4
My office is on the left next to the window
‫الكمبيوتر يكلف نمودا كثيرة‬ -5
The computer costs a lot of money
‫مكتب المدير بالطابك األرضي بمبنى كبير‬ -6
The Manager’s office is on the ground floor in a big building
‫نشاهد برامج التليفزيون عادة فى المساء‬ -7
We usually watch T V programs in the evening
‫اغادر منزلى الى المدرسة الساعة السابعة اال ربع يوميا‬ -8
I leave home to school at quarter to seven everyday
‫ باكو من دبابيس الورق‬2 ‫نحتاج‬ -9
We need tow packets of paper clips
‫كم زجاجة صمغ تريد ؟‬ -11
How many bottles of glue do you want ?

‫ عبادى جادالرب‬/‫أ‬...... ‫مع اطيب االمنيات بالتوفيق و النجاح‬

‫معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه‬..

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