Saa5 166

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Send Away Assignment (SAA) 5 / 166 / Unit 5

A. True or false?
(15 minutes: 18x2=36 points)

1) All verb forms are marked for tense and aspect. T/F
2) The present tenses are marked by the third person singular
–s inflection. T/F
3) The past tenses are marked by -ed. T/F
4) The past tenses refer only to past time. T/F
5) Sometimes we can use both the past tense or the past
perfect with the same time reference. T/F
6) Progressive tenses are often used as background for
simple present or past actions. T/F
7) The present tense may refer to past, present or future time.
8) We rarely use verbs with stative meaning in the present
progressive tense. T/F
9) The present perfect tense is incompatible with ‘past’
adverbs like yesterday. T/F
10) English has no future tense. T/F
11) Shall and will are used for pure future of prediction. T/F
12) Modals form questions by inversion with the subject. T/F
13) Modals form their negatives with not. T/F
14) Modals are used to express attitude. T/F
15) Can and could usually have the modal meanings of ability,
permission, opportunity and theoretical possibility. T/F
16) May and might are used to refer to possibility and
permission. T/F
17) Will and would have the modal meanings of volition. T/F
18) Questions starting with shall/should inquire about the
wishes of the person spoken to. T/F

B. Put the verbs in parenthesis into the correct form:

(10 minutes: 16 points)
George (return) from England last week and tomorrow
evening we (have) a party to celebrate his return. When you
(see) him tomorrow, you probably (be) amazed to see how
much he (change) since we last (see) him. When I (ask) him
what he (intend) to do he (say) he (not make up) his mind yet,
but if he (offer) a good job he probably (take) it and (start) to
work immediately. He (add) that he (may) even open a
business of his own. However, knowing George as I do, I
(think) he (be) far happier to work for somebody else.

C. Use can, may, must to replace the words underlined in

the sentences below. Make other changes if necessary:
(10 minutes: 10 points)

1) You have the obligation to leave your shoes outside when

you enter a mosque.
2) If I come earlier, will Ihave the permission to choose my
3) Do you have the ability to install Windows XP for me?
4) You are permitted to leave earlier today.
5) Do you think it is possible for me to prepare dinner for the
next family reunion?
6) It’s very important that we speak to the neighbors before
pulling down that common wall.
7) Are youable to keep a secret?
8) It’s possible that he’ll try again.
9) I’m sure he is at home now; he left a long time ago.
10) Is it possible for me to borrow several books at the same

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in

parentheses: (10 minutes: 10 points)
1) It is important that he (try) to study often
2) Donna requested that Frank (be) at the party.
3) It is necessary that a life guard (monitor) the swimming
pool while the children are taking their swimming
4) I suggest that you (not take) the job without renegotiating
the salary.
5) Jake recommended that Susan (be hired) immediately.
6) I propose that we all (be waiting) in Tim's apartment
when he gets home.
7) Judy asked that we (attend) her graduation ceremony
next week.
8) The monk insisted that the tourists (enter) the temple
until they had removed their shoes.
9) John insists that Sarah (invite) to the wedding; otherwise
he will not attend.
10) She says that the government (regulate) the airline
industry. I don't know if that is true.

E. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form in the

gaps. Where no verb is given, put one of the following
linking words into the gaps.

(15 minutes: 20 points)

while, finally, and, although, however,

as soon as, but, then, before, when

The Unlucky Burglar

One evening Paul (watch) ______ the television ______ (eat)

______ his supper ______ the door suddenly (open) ______
and a burglar (come) ______ in. He (wear) ______ a mask
and (carry) ______ a sack. ______ doing anything else he
(tie) ______ Paul to the chair. ______ he went upstairs to look
for money. ______ he (not find) ______ any money he (find)
______ a lot of jewelry, which he (put) ______ into his sack. In
his rush to get downstairs he (not see) ______ the dog (lie)
______ at the bottom of the stairs, and he (fall) ______ over it,
losing his glasses. ______ the burglar (look for) ______ them,
Paul (try) ______ to free himself. ______ Paul (manage)
______ to escape and he (phone) ______ the police. ______
the burglar (find) ______ his glasses he (run) ______ out of
the house. ______ unfortunately for him, the police (wait)
______ for him at the end of the garden.

Send the answers to these questions to your tutor.

Total points for SAA 5: 92




3. F (note: I chose false because not all past tense verbs are marked by –ed e.g. ran; Unless I
misunderstood the question)

4. T

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