Annotated Bibliography English 1010 - Blake Bullock

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Annotated Bibliography

The question that I had was how can we reduce pollution and how bad is pollution really.

This topic is helpful to me because I am personally affected by the pollution in Utah. I was born

with asthma and when winter comes around I struggle to breathe. So I want to help people

understand what pollution is doing to them and how they can lower it and stop the terrible

inversions that plague the Utah area.

Pope III, C.Arden. “Respiratory Disease Associated with Community Air Pollution and a Steel

Mill, Utah

Valley.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 79, no. 5, May 1989, pp. 623–628.




Utah this article, “Respiratory Disease Associated with Community Air Pollution and a Steel

Mill, lley,” wrote a research article in May of 1989, by the American Journal of Public Health.

This article is about how a study was conducted about admissions and the very fine particulate

pollution in the Utah valley. Pope III conducted this study between April 1985 and February

1988. During this period of time, he mentioned that there was a steel mill that was the primary

suspect that they were investigated and they said how it closed and opened multiple times during

the study. Arden Pope III figured out that when the steel mill was open they hospitals received

more patients and when the steel mill was closed the hospitals received fewer patients. He
noticed that it was more true with children than adults and was closely related to bronchitis and


This article has a lot of logos. It does a lot of research and provides a lot of good data that was

collected. Then they cross-reference it with hospitals and they came to a reasonable conclusion. I

feel like this article also isn’t very opinionated. Its mostly focused on what the facts are and how

they impact people. The article is very much related to the topic because it directly talks about it

and what effect pollution has on people. This is very credible cause the author C. Arden Pope III

is an environmental scientist who has a Ph.D

Pope III, C.Arden, et al. “Particulate Air Pollution and Daily Mortality on Utah’s Wasatch


Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 107, no. 7, July 1999, pp. 567–573. EBSCOhost,



The article, “Particulate air pollution and daily mortality on Utah’s Wasatch Front,” was

published by Environmental Health Perspectives, and written by C. Arden Pope II, Randy W.

Hill, and G. Martain Villegas in Jul of 1999. The article first talks about the issue that pollution.

Then it talks about how they are going to prove that pollution is causing health issues. Then they

go through and explain the results and then at the end of the article they discuss how to solve the

This article uses a lot of logos and ethos. It has three really credible authors as they all are

qualified to be talking about this subject, and it has a lot of research and facts having to do with

the subject. The article isn’t very opinionated and mainly focus on the facts. It also has a lot to do

with the subject because it directly talks about what is needed and is in the same area as the


Pope III, C.Arden, et al. “Mortality Risk and Fine Particulate Air Pollution in a Large,

RepresentativeCohort of U.S. Adults.” Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 127, no.



The article, “Mortality Risk and Fine Particulate Air pollution in a Large,

RepresentativeCohort of U.S. Adults,” was written by Arden C. Pope III. IT was written in July

of 2019. The article starts off talking about some background and explains why they began this

research. Then it goes on to talk about the objective of the entire project. It continues to talk

about the methods of and how they are going to get all of their research. One of the ways they

mentioned was with the help of the National Health Interview Surveys. It finishes off by talking

about the results of what they found and how they can fix this.

This article has a viewpoint similar to mine and it talks about how bad pollution can be to

people. This source fits into the debate by providing me with more information on how much

pollution is affecting us and how we can slow it down or even stop it. This article uses a lot of

ethos and logos, but not much pathos. The audience is to the average person. This source is
credible because the author had done a lot of similar papers and done a lot of similar research. I

think I agree with most of the sources. It is a good source that is very credible and has lots of

good points.

Schmidt, Silke. “Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make Us Less Productive?” Environmental

Health Perspectives, vol. 127, no. 5, May 2019, pp. 1–7. EBSCOhost,



The article, “Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make us Less Productive,” was written by

Silke Schmidt, in May of 2019. In the article, “Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make us Less

Productive,” it talks about first what the difference between indoor and outdoor pollution is and

how it affects humanity. Then it goes on to talk about the short terms effects of air pollution

affects the brain. Then it moves on and talks about the long term effects of air pollution on the

brain. Then it goes on to talk about what doctors have to say about it. And it ends with what

comes next and how this affects us.

The viewpoint of this article is that it agrees with the fact that air pollution is a problem

and it needs to be fixed, but it says that we should start with reducing the amount of carbon
emissions from cars. The source is a great point into my debate cause it provides another reason

why we need to lower out pollution levels. This article uses logos, and ethos quite a bit but

doesn’t really use pathos a lot. The audience is adults and young adults. The source is credible

because it has a collection of a bunch of different researchers’ work. I do agree with the sources

and I think they did a good job with this and I will use it in my argument

To conclude, the research that I have done was overall more than I expected. It was

surprisingly on topic and more helpful than I imagined. I found articles that directly talked about

the question I had and gave some very helpful statistics. So my research was successful in

providing me with adequate information to start my project.

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