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Automatica, Vol. 15, pp.

137 148
Pergamon Press Ltd. 1979. Printed in Great Britain
International Federation of AutomaticControl

Electric Arc Furnace Modelling

and Control*

Electric arc.f'urmwe control may be improved considerably using a dmtl impedance/

current control strategy, a derivative regulator, a temperature weighting adaptive
controller and estimates of the molten steel temperature and carbon content provided
by an extended Kalman filter.

Key Word Index Adaptive control; identification; industrial control; K a l m a n filters; modelling; state

Abstract Problems associated with the production of ing of (i) scrap mix selection and load scheduling,
special steels during the melting and refining stages in the
electric arc furnace are discussed. Three-phase models of an arc
(ii) control during the melting cycle, and (iii)
impedance and arc current controlled furnace are devel- refining control. A schematic diagram of the
oped by combining the results of an identification study with production cycle is illustrated in Fig. 1.
analytically derived models. Current and impedance con-
trol strategies are compared and a dual impedance/current
controlled regulator is proposed. Adaptive control of the elec-
trode regulator is discussed and a temperature weighting adap- Next
tive controller is designed to compensate for changes in the
arc characteristics over the period of a melt. The problems
presented to the development of a mathematical model of the
refining process, by the complex metallurgical nature of the
process, are considered and the need for a compromise
between implied accuracy and complexity of the model is Leos~rcostmix ~ _
discussed. A model of the process containing both determinis-
tic and stochastic components is presented and techniques for
evaluating the statistics of both the process and observation
noise vectors are considered. The implementation of the
extended Kalman filter for state estimation is considered and
a technique for controlling filter divergence is presented. The Electric
results of simulation studies indicate that estimates of the power

states can be obtained to the accuracy required for control of

the industrial process.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
SINCE its invention by Heroult in 1905 the strategy - oxygen
electric arc furnace has become an increasingly
important steelmaking process. The availability
of cheap scrap steel and the increased demand
for high quality steel products have contributed Order
to the rapid expansion of electric steelmaking specifications
throughout the world. The fundamental problem
in the electric arc furnace is the production of a FIG. 1. The composite steelmaking process in the electric arc
specified steel at the lowest possible cost. Many furnace.
factors contribute to this cost and the operation
of the furnace can best be analysed by segment- Control of the scrap charge to achieve a least-
ing the production cycle into three stages consist- cost-mix has been studied extensively within the
industry and solutions are available which make
*Received March 27 1978; revised August 28 1978; revised
use of linear programming techniques. These are,
October 15 1978. The original version of this paper was
presented at the 5th I F A C / I F I P Conference on Digital however, limited in application by the absence of
Computer Applications to Process Control which was held in suitable process models relating the yield at melt-
The Hague, Netherlands during June 1977. The published
out to the customer specification. Since both the
Proceedings of this IFAC Meeting may be ordered from: The
North Holland Publishing Co., P.O.B. 103, Amsterdam problems of scrap mix selection and load
West, Netherlands. This paper was recommended for publi- scheduling for maximum demand control have
cation in revised form by associate editor A. Longmuir. been the subject of many previous studies they
t T h e authors are with the Department of Control
Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield will not be discussed here. The present research
SI 3JD. has been directed towards increasing the el'-
13S S.A. BII.I~IN(is, f:. M. I~(.~I~AN[)and H. NI(II()I.SON

ficiency of steel production in the electric arc of a refractol'y lined shell with serxlcc dool> al~d
furnace by designing improved regulators for a tapping Launder. Three electrodes pass !i~-
power input control during the melting and re- rough holes in the roof ,ahich can be s,aung aside
fining stages and developing a state-estimator in a horizontal plane to permit scrap charging
suitable for use in a computer-aided refining from an overhead basket. Electrical powe~ >
control system. supplied to the furnace electrodes through bus-
Although the basic concepts of arc furnace bars and water-cooled flexible cables from Ih¢
design have remained virtually unchanged for furnace transformer. Heat is transferred to the
almost half a century, a considerable amount of scrap steel from electric arcs drawn between the
research has been directed towards improving the tips of the electrodes and the metallic charge. A
design of electrode regulators (Driller, 1954; schematic diagram of an arc impedance con-
Kolkwiewiez, 1967; Roebuck, 1969; Morris and trolled furnace is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Sterling, 1975) Electrode and refractory consum- The wide range of control requirements l\)r
ption have been studied ( McGee and electric arc furnaces can be summarised as ma-
Ravenscroft, 1959) and refractory index control ximum heat utilization of the electrical energy
has been investigated (Schwabe, 1962~. The prob- input consistent with production constraints. The
lems of power system loading and voltage flick- constraints arise from the restrictions imposed by
er have also been studied extensively ISchwabe. the electrical supply authorities and the large
1958, Payne, 1959; Robinson, 19521. economic incentives to mmimise refractory and
The available information on high power, high electrode erosion.
current electric arc discharges is limited Throughout the period of a melt the arc length
(Bowman, Jordan and Fitzgerald. 1969; Bowman varies erratically due to scrap movement within
and Fitzgerald, 1973), and few researchers have the furnace and some form of control is required
investigated the properties of arcs in a pro- to maintain the desired power input level. The
duction furnace. existing control philosophy (Nicholson and
Direct digital control of arc furnace operation Roebuck, 1972) is based upon maintaining a
has to date been limited to supervisory duties preset arc impedance throughout the melting
(Fielder, Tippet and Whitwell, 1965}, although cycle and long-term control of power input is
the feasibility of automatic power input control, achieved by the selection of suitable voltage taps
(McGee and Ravenscroft, 1959) and on-line op- on the furnace transformer secondary winding.
timal control (Nicholson and Roebuck, 1970, Each electrode is positioned individually by an
1971) has been demonstrated. electrode position controller which attempts to
Various authors (Morris and Sterling, 1975; maintain a reference arc impedance compatible
Nicholson and Roebuck, 1972) have developed with the long-term power input schedule.
single phase models of the electrode control A typical melt in the electric arc furnace lasts
system but very few researchers have studied the for approximately four hours, and consists of
influence of the arc characteristics upon the con- charging the furnace with scrap steel (lst basket l
troller response, or the selection of a controlled and applying power until the unoccupied volume
variable. of the furnace can accept more steel scrap.
Computer control of the production of steel in Further scrap is added (2nd basket) and power is
the electric arc furnace has, to date, been largely applied until the furnace is again capable of
concerned with decisions for optimum plant and accepting a further charge of scrap (3rd basket).
scrap useage with a few applications to the Power is again applied until the steel is molten.
control of batch production in individual fur- The power input is then reduced and a sample of
naces. Gosiewski and Wierzbicki (1970) have the steel is taken for analysis. The production
shown that optimal control of power input dur- process then enters the refining cycle, as de-
ing the melting stage could give significant re- scribed in Section 3.
ductions in energy consumption. Static optimi-
zation of the stainless-steelmaking process in the
arc furnace has been investigated by Lipszy 2.1 Single-phase modelling
(1966), Calanog and Geiger (1967) and optimal The servomechanism for positioning the elec-
control of steehnaking was investigated by trodes in the furnace under investigation is typi-
Woodside and colleagues (1970). cal of many installations and consists of an
amplidyne Ward-Leonard regulator operating on
2. CONTROL DURING THE MELTING CYCLE an arc impedance error signal. The single-phase
The present study relates to a three-phase arc electrode position controller has been modelled
impedance controlled 135 tonne 35MVA pro- using transfer function relationships, (Billings and
duction electric arc furnace. The furnace consists Nicholson, 1975) assuming zero interaction be-
Electric arc furnace modelling and control 139

i .... National grid

I Intermedia% I . . . . . . . . . . .
,nL _
4- 7

' ' I v°l ~ *°P " 1 /

[ changer _1 Curren~¢ ~__[
Furnace - ]transformer
transformer J
[ Curre~
Voffage } = signal
signal ,7 ,~
Arci~*~l I . -I I Furnac
medsu(Ing ~ eo.~er Prime ba'th
1 circuit"J I_,ampllr'er I [ mover.
FIG. 2. A schematic diagram of an arc impedance controlled


Arc discharge [ -,. [ ( ..^ I


It ~K21 I '+s'3 I ~ I IJ=K'I I '+s~

I Amptidyne
Stobilising fieldl 's [
[•Oifferential field

FIG. 3. Block diagram of the electrode position controller.

tween the regulators, and can be represented as where

shown in Fig. 3.
The single-phase furnace transmission system,
i n c l u d i n g the high p o w e r arc d i s c h a r g e c a n be
[ {
{-l°) 3 {R,2+R,3)
3 (RtkR,--XkX,)
r e p r e s e n t e d as (Billings, 1975) k,l= l

v,.=Dh{(1 - WRc~)(R°l + Rc,)- WX~}[Z,, I-'

=D'h ket,
M = E2{( - R,3 - R,z/2 - x/3X2/2) 2 + (~3R,e/2
- X2/2 - X3)2},
i~ = F R a O _ i o = - WDh = -Kh (2.2) [Ztt[ = {(R~ t + Ret)2 + X~} ,/2 = {(R,, }2 + X ~ } ' / 2
14i) S. /\. BII.I_INGS, F. M. BOI/~NI) and tt. NI(H()I.S()I\

R,i represent arc resistances. R<i and X i the gated. An on-line correlator aab /hey, u~cd ~,
system line resistance and reactance, E line vol- identify the impulse responses between lhc ~ -
tage. t,,,, i and h the change in measured secon- rious inputs and outputs of the three-phase sy>-
dary voltage, arc current (I) and arc length tem. Analysis of the estimated cross-correlogratns
respectively, D the arc discharge coefficient, D' illustrated in Fig. 5 clearly indicates that there is
the discharge coefficient. K the arc gain and the minimal interaction when operating under arc
superscript 0 indicates nominal rabies. impedance control, and this was confirmed by
Combining the models of the electrode con-
troller, arc discharge and transmission system
Arc _ 281.9 V
provides a complete mathematical description of voltage
the furnace control system which can be used to
investigate arc furnace operation and control.

2.2 Identification of the furnace control system

Although the theoretically derived model pro-
ved to be representative of furnace operation it
was considered that a more concise description of I I t t Ij
the electrode regulator and further information
about the process could be obtained from an
identification study. The basic aims of the identi-
fication included, identification of properties of
the arc discharge, investigation of the interaction
between the regulators of an arc impedance con- (Refining) "

trolled furnace, and identification of a low-order

representation of the electrode-position controller.
The diversity of the identification requirements
entailed designing several experiments and re-
cording a large amount of data. This was usually
done in an iterative manner so that the initial Arc 323.4V
experiments added to the knowledge of the pro- voltage -

cess and suggested the form of future experiments

(Billings and Nicholson, 1975).

Normal operating data for a typical melt were
recorded and analysed to determine the discharge
coefficient and arc gain. During the first basket,
the discharge coefficient D' was found, typically
to be 3764V/m with an arc gain K of 859kA/m. current
I 1 1
The values of D' (1653V/m) and K (367kA/m) 1 -
41, . . . . .
- I' i l

estimated during refining were notably lower 62 KA

than those experienced during the first basket

melt because of the ionization of the furnace
Dynamic volt-ampere characteristics of the arc
(Ist Basket)
discharge in a production furnace during refining
and at the beginning of the melt are illustrated in
Fig. 4. The two distinct slopes of the characteris-
tic over each arc cycle correspond to a two- FIG. 4. Dynamic arc characteristics,
resistance model of the arc. Inspection of the
dynamic characteristics clearly shows the insta-
bility of the arc at the beginning of the melt and the results of several on-line step disturbance
indicates the dependence of the arc characteristics tests.
on the furnace environment (i.e. temperature). Because the electrode regulator is an auto-
The injection of a 127 bit 33.3ms P R B S ' i n t o nomous closed-loop system it was necessary to
the amplidyne control field of phase-two break the feedback loop by turning the power off
electrode-position controller, with the furnace in and extinguishing the arc to satisfy the identi-
normal operation during refining, enabled the fiability conditions for the estimation of the re-
interaction between the regulators to be investi- gulator forward-loop transfer function. Initially,
Electric arc furnace modelling and control 141

step inputs were applied to the open-loop system The results of the identification are illustrated in
to check the linearity of the system, estimate the Fig. 6.
system gain and assess the characteristics of the Numerous model order tests including the de-
noise. PRBS sequences of amplitude 64mA were terminant ratio test. F-test, pole-zero cancellation
then injected into the amplidyne control field and and tests for independence and operations on the
motor speed and mast movement recorded. All residuals were applied to check the validity of the
the signals were recorded on an F.M. tape re- model. Identification using different data se-
corder and digitized off-line prior to analysis quences produced notably consistent estimates
using an identification package SPAID (Batey and verified the time invariance of the model.
and colleagues, 1975; Billings, Sterling and Batey, A comparison of step responses of the analyti-
1977a). cal and identified models, illustrated in Fig. 7,
shows the similarity of the response of the two
models derived independently.

;% ',,
2.3 Controller design
The identification of the furnace control system
was motivated by the requirement to gain further
knowledge and insight of the process and to
design suitable closed-loop controllers. Before
any controller can be expected to give improved
I I I T plant control it must make use of information
3.0 which previous designs ignored. This has been
CCF of phase 2 coRtro[ field currerlt
achieved in the case of the arc furnace by using
end phase 2 most position the results of the identification study to develop a
dual impedance/current control strategy (Billings
and Nicholson, 1977b) and a temperature weight-
~o.,(T) ing adaptive controller (Billings and Nicholson,
2.3.1 A dual impedance/current control strategy
Although many measurable quantities appear
E intuitively attractive as control variables in the
0 arc furnace, most of these including phase power
be and arc voltage have to be excluded because of
practical limitations, and arc impedance or oc-
casionally arc current control are usually implem-
ented. The ability of current control to combine
I I I r the corrective action of all the electrode re-
sec gulators to clear disturbances, may or may not
CCE of phase 2 control field current result in less accumulated power discrepancy
and phase I mast position
compared with non-interacting impedance con-
FIG. 5. C r o s s c o r r e l a t i o n c o m p a r i s o n . trol, and the two strategies were compared to
assess which is the most efficient.
Three-phase models of current and impedance
Generalised least squares parameter estimation
controlled regulators were derived to facilitate a
was applied to the modified data sequences for
comparison between the two control strategies.
increasing model orders and time delays in the
The models were based on the identified differ-
range suggested by the deconvoluted system im-
ence equation representation of the electrode
pulse response. The final process model relating
position controller and utilised the results of the
mast position and control field current was found
identification of the arc discharge and interaction
to be
between the phases to extend the single phase
transmission system model.
The three-phase transmission system models
z "2 r ( 0 . 2 4 9 8 z - 1 + 0.3079z- 2 + 0.09533z- 3)10 - 3 can be represented by Billings and Nicholson,
Y'--l--3.547Z 1+4.826Z-2_2.9967Z 3+0.7177Z 4- (1977bL

Ut= g k k ( Z - 1)U t. (2.3) ::[ = G4.D'~+ (isKk]h~ 1, I. 2.3 12.4)

142 S. :\. t'}111 IN(iS, F. M. B O L A . N I ) a n d It. N ( H t ) I ~,~ ",,

1.076 input



14.64 Predicfed oufpuf

2.533 Residuals

10.59 Deferministic prediction errors

FK;. 6, Identification of the electrode position controller (k = 2, H - 3),



- 2

4.0 sec

z~ Identified model
Non- linear model

FI(;. 7. A comparison of closed loop step responses.

for the arc impedance controlled furnace and error signals proportional to the change in arc
impedance and the change in arc current re-
spectively, Bi, c%, i , j = 1 , 2 , 3 , are constants. A k is
I0 ] j j = 1,2,3 (2.5) a scalar which is selected such that the error
current in the amplidyne control field is initially
equal for both current and impedance controlled
_g 2 regulators operating to correct a defined distur-
Cz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
bance. Combining equations (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6)
with the identified difference equation model of
the electrode regulator given by (2.3) and using
g',ck= A k i k k = 1,2, 3 (2.6) hk = gkk(Z- 1)% k = 1, 2, 3 gives the three-phase arc
impedance and arc current controlled furnace
for the current controlled furnace, where %1 are models respectively.
Electric arc furnace modelling and control 143

Simulation of the three-phase models using a Towards the end of the melt, when the furnace is
performance index defined as the integral of the hot and the atmosphere ionized, a step change in
sum of the three absolute arc power deviations the arc length of amplitude h" will be required to
indicated that independent electrode positioning cause a similar change in the arc current
results in less accumulated power discrepancy
compared with interacting control. However, in- i = - K both"
teracting current control was found to be be-
neficial under short circuit conditions, when the where h">h', and hence Kco~d>Khot. Since the
current magnitude should be reduced in the discharge coefficient D' is a function of the arc
shortest possible time. A controller which com- gain K, D'=KQ where Q is a constant, the
bined both these characteristics should therefore relationship between the arc impedance error
improve melting efficiency and result in a greater function and the change in arc length ~;=(G4Q
transformer life expectancy particularly when the +Gs)Kh will vary considerably over the period
short-circuit currents exceed the normal operat- of a melt.
ing currents. The arc consists essentially of a gas at high
A dual control strategy is proposed which temperature, known as the arc column or arc
consists of operating under the normal imped- plasma, in which current is carried by electrons
ance control during normal melting conditions and ions. If the temperature of the arc increases,
and reverting to current control if any arc the gas becomes more thermally ionized and the
current approaches its short-circuit value. electrical conductivity increases such that the
Because the short-circuit current is usually signi- required current is able to flow with less potential
ficantly larger than the normal operating current drop (Maecker, 1964). The arc resistance is there-
the dual impedance/current control strategy can fore heavily dependent on the arc temperature,
be readily implemented on the furnace and and Edels (1961) has shown that the electrical
should result in a minimum accumulated power conductivity can be ultimately expressed as a
discrepancy and rapid correction of short circuits. function of temperature only. Thus when the
If the dual strategy is to be operated to furnace is 'cold', at the beginning of a melt, a
maximise the heat utilization of the electrical defined change in arc length will cause a greater
energy input then the time during which the change in arc impedance than at the end of the
power input is not at the predetermined level melt when the temperature is high (typically
must be kept to a minimum. This can best be 1600°C) and the atmosphere ionized. The elec-
achieved by improving the transient behaviout of trode position controller is tuned for one defined
the electrode regulator and a proportional- relationship between arc impedance and arc le-
derivative controller has been designed to reduce ngth but, because of the temperature dependence
the position rise time and overshoot (Billings, of arc impedance this relationship will only be
1975). valid for one temperature, T* say. However, it
2.3.2 A temperature weighting adaptive con- can be shown, (Billings and Nicholson, 1977c)
troller that the relationship between the arc impedance
Conditions are far from static in the electric error e for a defined change in arc length h at
arc furnace, and variations in the arc characteris- temperatures T* and T' is of the form
tics over the period of a melt affect the overall
loop gain and sensitivity of the electrode position eT* L(T*)
controller in such a manner that the system - - = QT' V h. (2.7)
~r, A(T')
performance varies between the two extremes of
highly overdamped and unstable responses. Thus if the arc impedance error at temperature
Identification of the arc characteristics on a pro- T' is multiplied or weighted by the constant Qr',
duction furnace showed that the arc gain and the relationship between e and h will remain
discharge coefficient can vary by a factor of at constant throughout the melt and independent of
least two over the period of a melt. Adaptive temperature. Similar relationships can be found
control to maintain the overall loop gain at some for all temperatures leading to a complete weight-
predetermined value is therefore highly desirable. ing function Qr.
Consider the effects of a step disturbance in arc The weighting function Qr, which can be ob-
length over the period of a melt. When the tained by measuring the temperature at the hot
furnace is cold, at the beginning of the melt, a spots and arc length over the period of only one
step change in the arc length of amplitude h' will melt, could be implemented as part of a direct
be sufficient to cause a current change i, thus digital control scheme or by using diode function
generators. In either case the controller is re-
i = -K~o~ah'. latively uncomplicated and could readily be in-
144 S . A . BII,I IN(IS. F. M. B O t . A N D and H. NI~,'ItOI.S()N

stalled as part of the existing arc regulator to furnace, starts with liquid metal at a lcnlperattlrc:
maintain a consistent control action through-out of about 1580 C, with a carbon concentration of
the melt. A schematic diagram of the proposed about 0.5"i, greater than that required by the
arc regulator and the temperature weighting order specification. The process ends when the
adaptive controller is illustrated ill Fig. ~. carbon content has been reduced to the desired
level and the process temperature has been raised
Electrode position controller to a level necessary t\~r satisfactory pouring into
position ingot moulds. In addition to the carbon and

-f z-2(Z.Sz-I + 3.0z-2+09 5z-3)10-4

I-3.5z-I +4.8z-2_2 99z-3+Q717z-4
temperature specifications, the steel i,~ also re-
quired to meet up to eleven end-point chemical
specifications. Concentrations of specific alloying
elements may be changed by making alloy ad-
ditions, and impurities are removed by the in-
Arc discharge and ~ " jection of gaseous oxygen and the establishment
/ 3 I I of a suitable slag. The energy requirement for
steelmaking is supplied almost wholly by electric
power through the electrodes, but the heat libe-
Arc impedonce F rated by exothermic reactions must also be con-
measuring circuit sidered. Accurate continuous measurement tech-

I niques are not axailable l\)r most of the process

variables and the high temperature ill excess of
1600:C, and the highly corrosive nature of the
] impedonce
I Multiplier ,, I error molten steel are but two of the man~ difficulties
encountered when designing furnace instrumen-
tation. It is desirable that all of the target specifi-
cations are met simultaneously so that there is no
oxygen, electricity or lime expended on end-point
corrections. Thus even if continuous measure-
Temperature weighting
adaptive corrtroller ments were available, some predictive algorithm
would still be necessary so that the process could
be controlled to meet simultaneously the end-
tl(i. N. A schematic diagram of lilt: tclllpcraturc wcighlmg point constraints.
adaptixc controller.
3.1 Model./ormulution
Both analytical and statistical techniques have
Although the energy rate input schedule is been employed to develop models of steelmaking
operated according to a recommended code of processes. However, considering the difficulties
practice, the original proposal (McGee and encountered with the collection of adequate data
Ravenscroft, 1959), which suggested that the on the wide range of steels produced and the
transformer voltage taps should be changed when inherent inflexibility of statistically evolved mo-
the furnace refractories exceeded a specified tem- dels from the process control viewpoint, the
perature, has received little attention until re- former approach was adopted in the present
cently because of the lack of suitable temperature study. It is generally accepted that at steelmaking
measuring devices. However, recent research has temperatures the rates of the major refining re-
suggested that a temperature controlled energy actions are determined by mass transport which
rate input schedule could improve considerably can be described mathematically by Fick's laws
the heat utilization of the electrical energy input. (King, 1963). However, a theoretical evaluation
Direct measurements of the refractory tempera- of the diffusion rates requires knowledge of the
ture or an estimate of this temperature obtained areas and thicknesses of phase boundaries and
using optimal filtering techniques could therefore the diffusivities and chemical activities of the
be used for both the temperature weighting adap- system species. Investigations of many of these
tive controller and an electrothermal control complex process phenomena have been reported
scheme. in the literature and progress has been made in
the understanding of the heat and mass transfer
3. STATE-ESTIMATION DURING THE REFINING occurring during steelmaking (Szekely and
CYCLE Themlis, 1971}. By combining the results of these
The refining process, during the production of investigations with data collected from the pro-
medium and low alloy steels in the electric arc cess a mathematical model was formulated to
Electric arc furnace modelling and control 145

describe the dynamics of the concentrations of with elements q~ (i= 1..... 4) which represent a
the chemical species in the slag and metal phases, measure of the uncertainty associated with the
the mass balances for both phases and a thermal parameter set. Approximate values for these ele-
balance for the process. ments were obtained over the normal operating
Casts refined under a variety of operating range of the process, by analysis of the maximum
modes were simulated using this model and the probable error for each difference equation as
studies revealed that from the control viewpoint given by
the model could not be considered to have a
practical application. In particular the following
limitations were exposed. (Err°ri)2-j=, ~ O f l Q i=1 ..... 4 (3.3)
(i) Complete process data were required at
melt-out. The data included a full chemical ana- Since some of the parameters occur in two or
lysis of the slag which is not available during more of the state equations the noise matrix
normal operation. G k was constructed to account for the resulting
(ii) The level of accuracy required of the mo- correlation of the uncertainties associated with
del, for use in process control, was only attain- the components of F. The approach adopted was
able for those casts during which none of the to determine (Boland and Nicholson, 1976) the
standard interruptions to the process, necessary dominant parameter or relationship common to
to make additions and allow some of the slag to two components F~ and F~ and then defining F~
flow out, were made. as a function of Fj to give Gij = ?Fj~Fj.
(iii) Even when the conditions in (i) and (ii)
were satisfied unforeseen perturbations on the 3.2 Measurements
refining trajectories were found to result when The use of waste gas analysis equipment to
solid scrap fell into the bath from the furnace provide an indirect measurement of the carbon
banks. There was an apparent need for a com- concentration, xx, is an established technique in
promise between the implied accuracy and the the Basic Oxygen sector of the steelmaking in-
complexity of the process model. To this end the dustry (Dennis, John and Porter, 1969). At time,
dimension of the state vector was reduced by the t, the measurement obtained from the gas ana-
introduction of a set of random variables to lysis is given by
replace the effects of the states associated with
the slag phase and the slag to bath weight ratio. xl (t) = x 1 ( 0 ) - ~ V(r)dr (3.4)
The resulting model consists of four state equa-
tions describing the dynamics of the process where V(z) is the decarburization rate estimated
variables: x l =concentration of carbon, x 2
from the measurements of the flow rate and
= concentration of manganese, x3 = concentration composition of the waste gases. An analysis
of iron oxide and x4 =temperature of the molten
(Boland and Nicholson 1977) was made of the
steel. The process is forced by two control inputs,
achievable accuracy using this technique and this
u~ representing the rate of oxygen iniection and
demonstrated that the uncertainty associated
u2 the electric power input. The state equations
with this mgasu_rement was too large for it to be
have the form (Boland and Nicholson, 1977)
used in the control of the arc furnace process. An
expression for determining the variance of this
2i=fi(x,u, fl) i = 1 ..... 4 (3.1) uncertainty was obtained which permits the car-
bon measurement to be written as
where fl is the vector of model parameters and
contains the random variables replacing unmod-
yl (t) = x~ (t) + t,l (t) (3.5)
elled states.
Using the Euler integration formula and as- where vl(t) is a zero mean Gaussian process with
suming the model was separable into stochastic variance E(vZ(t))=rll(t), which varies in the ra-
and deterministic parts, the following vector dif- nge 0 < r l ~ <0.0044.
ference equation description of the process was Because of the high temperature and corrosive
obtained nature of the process, a direct measurement of
the temperature of the molten steel can only be
Xk + I = F(Xk, Uk, fl) + GkWk (3.2) obtained by use of a disposable thermocouple.
However, as mentioned in Section 2.3.2, measure-
where w k is a white Gaussian noise sequence with ment of the temperature of the furnace hot spots
statistics, Wk~N(O, Qk) and ~ is the vector of does provide an indirect measure of the process
expected values of model parameters. The co- temperature. It was considered reasonable to
variance matrix Qk was assumed to be diagonal assume that a continuous indirect measurement

of the temperature to an accuracy of standard erroneous process model and divergence from the
deviation 10 K is achievable by use, for example. true states would result. A study was made
of lhermocouples embedded in the lining of the (Boland and Nicholson, 1976), of a number ~1
furnace. This indirect measurement of the tem- simple techniques for control of filter divcrgence.
perature may be written as These techniques employ the well known fact
that, in theory, the innovations process st defined
y2(t) = Xa.(t) + F2(t) 13.6~ in (3.7d) is a white, zero mean Gaussian process
with covariance
where v2(t) is a zero mean Gaussian process with
variance E(v2(t)) = r2z(t)= 100. E(zkz~r)=(HkP~ 1H~+Rkl. (3.8)

3.3. Kalman filtering A procedure (Boland and Nicholson, 1977) was

The discrete-time form of the extended Kalman developed which tests the consistency of the
filter, as described by the following equations, statistics of the smoothed innovation associated
was implemented with the temperature measurement and when
divergence is suspected it effects control by in-
k +1 = F(x~, Uk) (3.7a) creasing the uncertainty associated with the ther-
mal dynamics. This increase in q44, which is
p~+ k T T
l=OkPkOk + GkQkGk (3.7b) maintained until the innovations are again con-
sistent with their statistics, has the effect of
Kk+,-- pkk+l H T

k+l(Hk+,(Hk~lP~ 1HT,1 shifting the emphasis within the filter from the
+ R t ~ + 1) 1 (3.7c1 model to the measurements.

Zk+l =)k+l--Hk+IX~+1 (3.7d) 3.4 Simulation study

The trajectories of the states xl and .v4 tot a
x kk +
+ ll = X ~ + l @-Kk+lZk+ 1 (3.7e) simulated cast are illustrated in Fig. 9. The effects
of variations in furnace behaviour were intro-
duced by assuming that the temperature changed
k + l = ( l _ K k + l H k + 1 )pk+l(l_Kk + IHk+ ~)T
abruptly by - 1 0 C at t = 1 0 m i n and t = 2 5 m i n
+Kk+IRk+ 1K~T+ 1 (3.7f) and the rate of heat loss was assumed to double
over the interval 33 rain < t < 4 3 m i n . Control of
where @' is the transition matrix associated with divergence was effected by setting q4.~=2.25F4
the linearised process equations, and P~, appro- (Xk, Uk) when the innovations failed the consis-
ximates to the covariance matrix of the un- tency test; normally %,~-=0.0625F~ (:%u D. The
certainty on the estimates of x. The notation parameter set associated with the filter model
(')~+~ denotes the estimate o f ( . ) at time ( k + l ) was perturbed from that employed in the process
obtained for measurements over the interval model by the use of a Gaussian random number
[0, k~]. The matrices H k and Rk are the measure- generator. The results illustrated in Fig. 9 were
ment and measurement noise covariance matrices obtained using a discrete time interval of 10 sec
respectively, and from (3.6) and (3.7) and an observation interval of 1 min. The appro-
ximate final variances at t k = 4 7 m i n were, with

1 0 0
0 0 0
0) and Rk=E(vkv~}= f; )
~ 0
r22 "
divergence control

o-~ (i=1 ..... 4)=(0.65× 10 -~, 0.2x 10 4, 0.25, 8.4).

The practical considerations influencing the im-
plementation of Kalman filters in aerospace ap- Hence, in terms of weight percentages the results
plications are well known (Huddle, 1970). Of of simulation studies indicate that, e~en in the
particular importance is the problem of filter presence of the increased uncertainty introduced
divergence which can result from the effects of by the divergence control procedure, there is a
errors in the description of the system and the better than 80'~ii probability that the estimates
statistics of the noise processes. In the present satisfy the industrial accuracy requirements of
application, the effects of the unforeseen va- about ±0.50.; on the chemical states and + 5 C
riations in the thermal and chemical behaviour of on the temperature state.
the process described in Section 3.1 were con-
sidered to be of major importance. It was ap- 4. C O N C L U S I O N S

parent that unless some means of accounting for Problems associated with the production of
these changes was included in the estimation special steels in the electric arc furnace have been
procedure the filter would tend to track the considered. Analysis of the production cycle as a
Electric arc furnace modelling and control 147

I0 an identification study to investigate the interac-

tion between the regulators, estimate the propep
FJffer model ties of the arc discharge and identify a model of
the electrode position controller have been pre-
sented. A dual impedance/current control st-
° °
05 rategy, a temperature weighting adaptive con-
Observ ~ o troller and proportional-derivative regulator have
been designed using the results of the identifi-
cation, and aspects of implementation on a pro-
duction furnace have been discussed briefly.
I 1 I i I
I0 20 30 40 50 The development of a mathematical model of
the refining process has been shown to be re-
stricted by the complex metallurgical nature of
the process and on the deficiency of existing
~ . Divergence controller active plant instrumentation. The need for a compro-
mise between complexity and implied certainty of
the model has been discussed. The extended
,~ 0.5 ~ ~~'_~x.-,~ ~ / Process Kalman filter has been presented as an efficient
- x--~ Filter " " k ~ . ~" I
~ Filter + div. control ~ ' ~ method of combining the a priori information
about the process in the form of a dynamical
model with the incomplete error-corrupted pro-
cess measurements. Problems of filter divergence
I I L t 1 due to modelling errors have been considered
Io 20 30 40 50
and the results presented indicate that estimates
Time, min
of the states can be obtained to the accuracy
required for the design of a refining control
1650 (c) strategy.
Observations o o o

Acknowledgement--The authors express thanks to the British

Steel Corporation for permission to undertake this investi-
gation and appreciate the interest shown in the work by M.
Process o o A ~ o ~ v~ ~ °~ Foster, J. Gifford and R. Roebuck (BSC).
. 1600

~ o
o Filter model
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