Animal Mitosis Booklet

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SET 53



This is the story of the first hour of an animals life - of a man or dog or a fish
or a wofln. Each begins life as a single cell.

How does an animal begin to develop from a single cell?

In order to observe animal mitosis under the microscope, we have chosen the' I

egg sac of the ascaris (AS-ca-ris), a parasitic worm.

the characteristics number of chromosomes in this species is only four.,-

The female ascaris lays her eggs in small sacs. We can observe some of the I

eggs as they begin their development. Although the adult wonn is very differ- ,

ent from a human, the first hours - of a man and a woffn - are quite similar.

These eight slides begin the story just after the egg has been fertilized. They
show the activity within the cell from that moment until it divides to form the j

two-cell stage of the embryo.

sis, refer to certain locations in the cell. The equatorial plate in these slides l

runs from the top of the slide to the bottom; the poles are locations to the ieft ]

and right of the plate.


The magnification given, for example, T5x for Slide I - The Zygote - means
that the microscope was set at that power when the photograph was taken.

Copyright ' National Teaching Aids, lnc. 2001

l THE zYcorE (750x)
This is the zygote - the ferttlized egg - of the each is equal in amount. Each parent howev-
ascaris. Two masses of chromatin can be seen er, supplies an equal amount of hereditary
in the cell.[One mass was the nucleus of the material to the offspring.
egg. The other'came from the sperm that fer- The chromosomes are not seen distinctly
tilized the eggi because they are very thin. This cell is thick
The spenn and the egg are very different in and round like a tiny ball, making it difficulr
size and shape. The chromatin contributed by to keep all the chromatin in focus.

2 PRo-METAPHASE (750x)

The chromosomes have become muchtshort- we shall refer to these chromosomes as the
er and thickerf so that they are now easily "U-shaped" and the "bent."
seen. Each parent supplied two chromosomes The spenn supplied one U-shaped and one
to form the zygote. j bent chromosome. The other lJ-shaped and
Notice how the chromosomes F*gir to pair bend chromosomes came from the egg cell.
up.--Study their shapes carefully,$One pair After fertilization, the two U-shaped ones
looks like two horseshoes. The ofher pair pair up, as do the two bent chromosomes.
resembles bent rods# If you move ahead to After a while, the two pairs begin to mov'e
slide 4,you can get a better idea of the pecu- towards the equatorial plate. 'l

liar shapes they have assumed. In these slide

3 METAPHASE (750x)

In this slide the c"hromosomes have moved on }At metaphase, chromosomes in most cells
to the equatorial plate. The equatorial plate is can be seen to be divided lengthwise; but the
the imaginary line running from E to E. At parts are held together by a structure called a
each pole is alcentriole'(P). A starlike struc- CENTROMERE\ ( Sent-ro-meer). This condi-
ture, called an aster, ladiates from each cen- tion is not visible in these Ascaris slides.
triole. (The location of the centromeres can be seen
Fine spindle fibers go from the centriole at P in human chromosomes - see Microslide Set
to each chromosome. Some of these can be 62.)
seen in this slide.

This is the same stage in the development of the eg..q as

ilffiffiffimrlr ffiffiffiH
shown in slide 3, but we are now looking at the cell
from the side, that is, from one potre, through the equa-
torial plate, to the other pole.
Ft tc H o.$L I
The four chromosomes are seen as they lie flat on the Focur,, ,'''il,,,l
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equatorial plate. 'Stlfle$Ifif

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F,$tride Hclder
Look back at slide 3. You can see the chromosomes
from the side. The centromeres (not visible) would be
near the center of each chromosome.

5 EARLy ANApHASE (zsox)

Each chrornosome has completed duplication. There

are now four I.J's and four bents

In these eight chromosomes there is enough hereditary

material for two cells.

At this stage you can also see that the duplicated chro-
mosomes are beginning to form two groups. The groups
are starting to move towards the poles and, as they
progress, the separation between them will be clearly
seen. Each chromosome is being pulled by a spindle
fibre attached to each centromere.
6 ANAPHASE (zsox)
The eight chromosomes are now separated into Look closely at the chromosomes. Some of
two groups, each with four clromosomes. The them appear to be beaded in places.
spindle fibres are pulling each group of chro- Authorities on this subject believe that the
mosomes towards the aster and centriole at long, thin chromosomes become short and
each pole. Electron microscopes show that the thick by twisting them into a tight coil.
spindlilftbers are made up of extremely small Somefimes the coil loosens up a bit, making
structures called microtubules. the cliromosome look beaded.

7 TELoPHASE (rsox)
The fwo groups of chromosgmes have drawn If you go back to slide 6 and examine the cell
completely apart from each other. At the some ;.
membrane carefully, you will actually see the
time the rest of tlre cell is beginning to divide. beginnittg of this pinching process
The cell membrane pinches inward and the As the cell approaches its division into fwo cells,
cytoplasm is dividing into-two masses. the individual chromosomes become less distinct.

The separation is Row complgte. The original You can thus see how ,mitosis in the ascaris
zygote of the ascaris has divided to form two achieved its function. One cell with two pairs
dppgttter ,cells. Each of these two cells has of chromosomes formed two cells, each a
four chromosbmes. I
duplicate of the original.
The chromosomes in each cell will soon lose In the human being the process of mitosis is
their clarity. They will become long and thin the same, but the number of chromosomes is
and not so distinct. Then the process of mito- forty-six as compared with the four in the
sis will start again in each of the fwo daugh- ascaris. Until 1958, scientists believed that
ter cells. The result will be four cells, and the ch aracteristic number of chromosomes in
these in turn will start the process of cell divi- humans was forty-eight. Improvements in
sion or mitosis again. instruments and techniques have since made
an accurate count possible.

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