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JFS: Food Engineering and Physical Properties

The Effect of Stunning Methods on

Rigor Mortis and Texture Properties of
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar )

ABSTRACT: Shear force and rigor mortis were used to evaluate the post-mortem changes of muscle texture in
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The fish were either stunned with carbon dioxide (CO2), electricity, or percussion
prior to slaughter. The pre-mortem stress during CO2 stunning resulted in an earlier onset and resolution of rigor
mortis, and accelerated post-mortem softening of the muscle tissue as compared to the other stunning methods. No
significant differences, either in development of rigor mortis or shear force, were seen between fish that were
stunned with electricity or by percussion. Consequently electricity can be used for stunning fish prior to slaughter.
Keywords: Atlantic salmon, stunning, slaughter, rigor mortis, texture

Introduction ferent stunning methods and post-mor- ning methods (CO2, electricity, and per-
Food Engineering and Physical Properties


salar) are slaughtered in a way that in-
volves a high degree of stress through
tem change in rainbow trout using CO 2,
electricity, and percussion. Results indi-
cated, in terms of quality, that electrical
cussion) on post-mortem changes of tex-
ture properties in Atlantic salmon. After
stunning, bleeding and gutting, texture
gathering, hauling, stunning and bleed- stunning did lie in between the other 2 properties were evaluated as shear force
ing. Most stressful is the use of carbon di- stunning methods. Exposure to electricity and strength of rigor mortis.
oxide (CO2) for stunning, which caused is known to attain some physiological con-
panic and flight reactions due to the acidic sequences in fish. The tetanus during ex- Materials and Methods
and hypoxic environment. Accordingly, posure will deplete high-energy phospho-
the fish will quickly deplete high-energy gens such as creatine phosphate (PCr) The experiment
phosphogens and give rise to an earlier and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Chiba For shear force analysis, we used a total
onset of rigor mortis (Thomas and others and others 1990), and carbohydrates such of 94 salmon with mean length 68 ± 5 cm
1999). Further, it has been reported that as glycogen and glucose (Schreck and oth- SE. The experiments were performed in
an earlier onset of rigor mortis, caused by ers 1976). The amount of energy con- February, and the sea temperature was
stress, can provide greater muscle contrac- sumed in the muscles depends on which 6 °C. Shear forces were measured from 12
tile tensions and shortening than ob- type of electric current is used: direct cur- to 175 hours post-mortem.
served in unstressed stated fish (Nakaya- rent (DC), pulsed DC (pDC), or alternat- In May, a total of 48 salmon with mean
ma and others 1999). In rainbow trout ing current (AC). Also, electric field fork length equal to 62 ± 3 cm SE were
(Oncorhynchus mykiss), it has been stated strength (Mitton and McDonald 1994; Bar- used to measure strength of rigor mortis
that the softening of the texture is mainly ton and Grosh 1996) and duration (Chiba (rigor index). The sea temperature was
caused by weakening of the supporting and others 1990) are of importance in 9 °C, and the rigor indexes were then mea-
pericellular connective tissue (Ando and stimulating muscle contractions. Robb sured from 0 to 56 hours post-mortem.
others 1995). Consequences of pre-mor- and others (2000a) showed that electrical For measuring both shear force and rig-
tem stress are an earlier resolution of rigor stimulation of fish muscle did accelerate or index, 1 salmon at a time was randomly
mortis and a softer texture (Nakayama the process of rigor mortis. Accordingly, by removed from its pen and stunned using
and others 1996), gaping (Dunajski 1979; minimizing the current duration and field CO2, electricity, or percussion. For CO2
Lavety and others 1988), and loss of shelf strength to the thresholds needed to stun stunning, the fish was placed in a tank of
life (Lowe and others 1993). fish, the effect of electrical stimulation on seawater saturated with CO2 for a mini-
One possible way to inhibit pre-mor- muscles may be of less importance, and mum of 4 min or until the fish was proper-
tem stress is to use electrical stunning pri- injuries may be avoided. This gives reason ly stunned. The CO2 saturation of the tank
or to slaughter. This is widely used within to believe that use of electrical stunning started 2 hours prior to the experiments,
the broiler industry where it is shown that prior to slaughter is a satisfactory way of and the gas flow was maintained through-
electric stunning does delay the post-mor- stunning fish in order to avoid stress and out the entire experiment. For electrical
tem changes (Raj and others 1995), and improve the quality. Furthermore, electri- stunning, we used 1 phase: sinusoidal
this may be explained by the inhibition of cal stunning may be considered more eth- 50 Hz AC. The current duration was regu-
pre-mortem struggle (Papinaho and oth- ical than other stunning methods. lated by a time relay and set to 1.5 s. The
ers 1995). On fish, Azam and others (1989) The aim of the present study was to in- fish was placed in a 100 x 30 x 35 cm plexi-
and Marx and others (1997) compared dif- vestigate the effect of the different stun- glass tank filled with seawater and elec-

1462 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 67, Nr. 4, 2002 © 2002 Institute of Food Technologists

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Effect of stunning on muscle properties in fish…

Table 1—The internal temperature of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after chill- The potential difference (V ) was mea-
ing in 1 °C seawater for 40 min. Temperature at sea was 13 °C. The fish was sured in root mean square. For percussion,
either live chilled or chilled in the gutted condition. Ice slurry was used during
CO2 stunning. 1 fish at a time was removed from its pen
and immediately hit in the head with a
Mean Mean steel hammer.
Stunning Number length Temperature ± SE
In June, 25 salmon at a sea temperature
method (N) (cm) (°C) of 13 °C and mean fork length equal to 81
cm ± 1 cm SE were stunned using either
CO 2 5 78.2 3.1 ± 0.1
Percussion 5 82.2 3.4 ± 0.3 CO2, electricity, or percussion. The percus-
Electric 6 s 5 79.6 3.7 ± 0.4 sive stun was performed on 2 groups of
Electric 12 s 5 79.5 3.4 ± 0.3 fish, with or without live chilling in 1 °C sea-
Live chilled 5 83.6 2.9 ± 0.3 water for 40 min prior stunning. The electri-
cal stunning was carried out using sinusoi-
trodes 100 cm apart. The electrodes con- rod, covering the whole surface at each dal 1000 Hz AC with field strength equal to
sisted of horizontally aligned steel rods end. The fish was exposed to a homoge- 75 V × m-1, and the fish were electrically
with a distance of 2.5 cm between each nous electric field (E) equal to 175 V × m-1. stunned for either 6 s or 12 s duration. Rigor
indexes were then measured from 0 to 48
hours post-mortem.
After stunning, gill arches were cut, all
salmon were bled in chilled seawater for
40 min, gutted, and then placed in boxes
with crushed ice. The fish was then trans-
ported to a refrigerator and stored at 0 °C
for the entire experiment.

Food Engineering and Physical Properties

Analysis of shear force and rigor
For preparation of analysis of muscle
shear force, 5 fish from each group were
filleted, and a borer, 25 mm in diameter,
was used to cut out cylindrical muscle
samples in the region of the Norwegian
Quality Cut (NQC). NQC is the epaxial
part of the fillet confined by vertical lines
at the posterior end of the dorsal fin and
the anterior end of the anal fin. The num-
Figure 1a—Measured Warner-Bratzler shear force values (mean ± SE) on muscle ber of samples varied from 4 to 7, depen-
from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stunned either with CO2, electricity, or by
percussion . The shear force was measured at 12, 32, 54, 80, 102, and 175 dent on fish size. For texture measure-
hours post-mortem, and maximum shear force (N) was recorded. ments we used TA-XT2 ® Texture Analyzer
from Stable Micro Systems equipped with
a Warner-Bratzler test cell. The muscle
samples were sliced at a constant speed of
2.0 mm×s-1 with a 3-mm thick, 73 ° angle in-
verted knife. The shear force was deter-
mined by the maximum force (N) record-
ed and the total amount of work ( J) used
to slice through the sample.
The rigor index (I R) was calculated by
the following formula: IR = [(L0 - Lt) / L0] *
100 (Bito and others 1983). L represents, in
cm, the vertical drop of the tale when half
of the fish length was outside a table. L0
represents the vertical drop measured at
the beginning of the experiment, while Lt
represents measurements throughout the

Statistical analysis
ANCOVA and multistage categorical re-
Figure 1b—Measured Warner-Bratzler shear force values (mean ± SE) on muscle
from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stunned either with CO2, electricity, or by gression (Sokal and Rohlf 1994) were used
percussion. The shear force was measured at 12, 32, 54, 80, 102, and 175 to test differences in muscle shear force,
hours post-mortem, and the total amount of work (J) used to slice the muscle depending on stunning methods. The fish
was recorded. size was expected to influence the muscle

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Effect of stunning on muscle properties in fish…

shear strength (Veland and Torrissen 0.05, Sheffels test of unequal n). For fish fish killed by percussion or electrically
1999), and was therefore included as an in- stunned with electricity or killed by per- stunned for 6 s did not achieve maximum
dependent variable in multiple regression, cussion, there were no difference in the rigor index until 24 hours post-mortem
as a covariate in ANCOVA. To compare dif- timing of onset and resolution of rigor (Figure 3). Fish stunned electrically for a
ferences of the slope on shear force caused mortis (Figure 2). 12 s duration tended to have an earlier
by different stunning methods, the inde- Statistical analysis of the results in onset of rigor mortis than fish stunned for
pendent variables “stunning methods” Figure 3, showed that CO 2 stunned fish a 6 s current duration, but no significant
were incorporated in multiple regression as had a significantly higher rigor index at 6 difference was found in rigor index be-
multistage categorical independent vari- hours post-mortem than the other stun- tween these 2 groups (P > 0.05, Sheffels
ables (Sokal and Rohlf 1994). This test al- ning methods (P < 0.05, Sheffels test of test of unequal n).
lows comparison of more than 2 slopes with unequal n). At 12 hours post-mortem, As seen in Table 1, after chilling in sea-
a joint intercept. The stunning methods both the CO 2 and live chilled fish did water and prior to placement in boxes of
were categorized as 0 and 1, separating 1 achieve maximum rigor index, while the ice, there was no significant difference (P >
stunning method from the other 2.
For analysis of rigor index, we used
ANOVA and post-hoc analysis (Sheffels
test of unequal n).

Results and Discussion

Texture analysis
The results of muscle shear force
(Figure1a and 1b) indicated that the post-
mortem softening of the texture was de-
pendent on stunning method and the
storage time (P < 0.05, ANCOVA). Fish
Food Engineering and Physical Properties

stunned with CO2 had a significantly lower

shear force (Figure 1a), and less work was
required to slice the sample (Figure 1b)
compared to fish stunned either with elec-
tricity or by percussion (P < 0.05, multi-
stage categorical multiple regression and
ANCOVA). The mean shear values mea-
sured as maximum force and work of CO2
stunned fish (Figure 1a and 1b) decreased
rapidly the 1st 54 hours and settled at
about 80 hours post-mortem. Similar Figure 2—Results from rigor mortis measurements on Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar) after stunning with CO2, electricity, or by percussion. The rigor index
mean shear values from the other 2 stun- (%) was measured at 0, 6, 12, 20, 28, 40, 48, and 56 hours post-mortem (mean
ning methods (Figure 1a and 1b) did not values ± SE).
occur until 175 hours post mortem. No sig-
nificant differences in shear force were
found (P > 0.05, multistage categorical
multiple regression and ANCOVA) be-
tween fish stunned with electricity or by
percussion (Figure 1a and 1b).

Rigor index
Shown in Figure 2 and 3, fish stunned
with CO2 had an earlier onset and resolu-
tion of rigor mortis than the other stun-
ning methods. Maximum rigor index was
achieved within 12 hours among the CO2
stunned fish, while the electrically
stunned fish and fish killed by percus-
sion did not achieve maximum rigor index
until 36 hours (Figure 2) and 24 hours
post-mortem (Figure 3), respectively. Sta-
tistical analysis of the results in Figure 2,
show that CO 2 stunned fish had a signifi-
cantly higher rigor index at 6 to 12 hours
Figure 3—Results from rigor mortis measurements on Atlantic salmon (Salmo
post-mortem and significantly lower rigor
salar) after stunning with CO2, 6 s of electricity, 12 s of electricity, or by per-
index from 28 to 48 hours post-mortem cussion with or without live chilling. The rigor index (%) was measured at 0, 6,
than the 2 other stunning methods (P < 12, 24, and 48 hours post-mortem (mean values ± SE).

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Effect of stunning on muscle properties in fish…

0.05, t-test) in the internal temperature tem. This gives reason to speculate if the tion. This indicates that the early onset of
between fish that were live chilled or softening of the texture in CO2 stunned rigor mortis observed among live chilled
chilled in gutted condition. The live fish was directly caused by self injuring fish (Figure 3), was likely to be caused by
chilled fish had a mean internal tempera- muscle contractions during flight reac- the release of the secondary stress re-
ture of 2.9 °C, while the highest mean tem- tions, or if it was caused by acceleration of sponses.
perature was found among the electrical rigor mortis and the post-mortem tender-
stunned fish equal to 3.7 °C (Table 1). ization process. Conclusion
Hematomes caused by electrical stun-
ning was observed in 4 fish when 50 Hz AC
was used, providing an injury rate of 11%.
It is shown on poultry that electric
stunning does improve the quality mea-
sured as delay of rigor mortis, higher mus-
ning method influences the process of
rigor mortis and post-mortem softening of
No injuries were seen in fish stunned with cle pH values and more firm texture (Pap- the texture. In terms of quality, the use of
1000 Hz, AC. inaho and others 1995; Raj and others electricity and percussion are the most
Assuming that injuries caused by elec- 1995). However, these results were diffi- suitable methods of stunning fish prior to
trical stunning can be avoided, the use of cult to compare with fish, since the mor- slaughter when compared to stunning
electricity is an interesting alternative to phological structures in poultry and fish with CO2.
CO 2. For electrically stunned fish, the re- muscle are quite different (Dunajski
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Effect of stunning on muscle properties in fish…

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