Overall Project Reflection

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Working on this project has been hard but fun because you learn a lot from yourself.


how to be a better person as well as learning from your peers is interesting putting yourself in an

environment to learn from others as well as seeing what your capable of doing and how you can

be the change in your community. My presentation was on Child Abuse. Completing this project

was hard because of the things that I have witnessed and have been a victim of but it also helps

you mature and grow mentally and realize that these types of things are happening worldwide to

other people and nothing is being done about what will we do about it. How will we make a

change to Abuse that happens to adults as well as children. This project did not take a lot of time

to do because I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to present my project to my

peers and inform them of the tragedies that occur in people's daily lives. I was nervous and shaky

while presenting my project because I didn ́t know what to expect when I went before the judges

but turns out I did a very good job the judges were very pleased with my presentation and the

way I explained it to them and the solution I came up with to help the children who are in

abusive situations. The hardest part of this project is presenting it to the judges you don't even

have to be a shy person I guarantee your going to be nervous but if you pick a topic that you can

either relate to or is more convenient for you, you will be fine and the presentation will come out

great and know your facts about your topic and speak with confidence because the judges will

ask you questions they didn't really ask me any questions except what I wanted to do after I

graduate. So pick a topic that you feel comfortable with and perfect it to your best ability.

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