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Step to Running Feasibility Studies of Manufacturing Systems

Article  in  IFAC Proceedings Volumes · July 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S1474-6670(17)39368-0


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2 authors:

Lossent Luc Patrick Martin

University of Lorraine Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers Metz


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Copyright CS) IFAC Management and Control of Production
and Logistics, Grenoble, France, 2000



CRAN, FaculM des sciences, BP 239, F 54506 VANDOEUVRE LES NANCY Cedex
LGIPM, ENSAM Metz, Technopole 2000,4 rue Augustin Fresnel, F 57008 Metz Cedex 3

Abstract : Manufacturing systems engineering needs innovation, creativity and

technological research. Feasibility studies concerning this engineering field are numerous
and take place in a concurrent environment. We propose a methodology, articulated
around seven concurrent processes. It uses a iterative approach integrating all factors. Its
objectives are to formalise processes, to indicate pertinent tools and methods, to co-
ordinate partners in conducting the study, to structure and memorise technical data
following the system specifications. A realisation of a flexible production system has to
validate the methodology. Copyright @20001FAC

Keywords: feasibility study, configuration management, modelling, system design.

I. INTRODUCTION low communication...) and implies a low diffusion of

tools and methods used.
Competition leads companies to design and Similar to product design, 70 to 80% of a
develop their products in shorter and shorter delays. system costs are implied by des~ phases. Choices
Many products conception and manufacturing tools taken after feasibility studies drives the company in
and methods appear (Mony, 1992). Few tools and more or less simple, quick and expensive solutions.
methodologies are proposed to guide engineering in We propose here some definitions of the
the task of manufacturing system design. (Garro, product, the manufacturing system design, including
1992 ). This is obvious in the design cycle upstream feasibility studies in the frame of integrated
phases. These phases called 'feasibility" and engineering, which concepts are in PRIMECAs
"Validation" (Tollenaere, 1998), go from the need conference acts. (IDMME, 1998).
expression to preliminary project. The difficulty to We present a methodology to help to
find methodologies in these phases can be explained: feasibility studies conducts, aiming at structuring the
- the specificity, complexity of the feasibility studies steps, in SMEs domain, where we realised different
linked to a multi-trade approach. applications and this in th e context particularly
- multiple role of man ; customer, designer, user... concurrent of feasibility studies. We describe an
- a variable horizon for decision taking and application realised at Atelier Inter -etablissements
information flows, economic constraints de Productique Lorrain : the Flexible Production
- physical simulation close to impossible ones, System.
- no memorizing information in creativity phases... 2. DEFINITION
The respect of due time constraint do not
permit doing method in parallel with design and A manufacturing system is a particular product with
manufacturing work. Competitiveness inducts specifications which are taken in account during the
Research & Development separate teams, set up design processes. We compare product and system in
protections for processes and technologies (patent, table I.

Product Process
(standard cases)
The functions as a whole to satisfy the customeT Sum of orderly means and functions to obtain (imperatively) products functions at
and have the best possible profit margin lowest price
(maximum orofits)
Has a purchasing cost, implementation cost, PeTmitto obtain a cost, through a manufacturin g time, investments costs distributed on
maintain cost, exploitation cost, recycle cost.
:0 a pay back, general and development costs, and costs inducted by the type of process
g used.
~Its cost is often suoerior to the oroducts one.
Has a quality '"
With means adapted to products restraints

Evolves ~
Has to be able to evolve with the product and even to be recycled.
E'" Adapts always to the product. even bad.
Is realised in a quantity >= to the process, and 0 Is realised only at few exemplars.
often in hUl!e ouantities.
In most cases it is prototyped, tested. Cannot be prototyped (except ifit is consideTed as a catalogues product), its cost
taken in account.
The future of the enterprise depends on the net benefits
from its oroducts sales and its exoloitation costs
The product is what is delivered to the customeT The system is what stays in the enterprise, the functional analysis part which does not
get out the enterprise.
Each piece answers to functions
Product functions are realised by duos functions Process functions answers to the need issued from one (or more) duo(s) product
product Iproduct-process entity. (unction / entitv product
Table I : companson between product and process

We give the definition of a manufacturing 2- By an integration of craft knowledge and by

system: a «mechanical» group realising basic using appropriate models, methods and
functions: Transfonn, Transport, Stock, Wait and tools.
Control, applied to one or many products evolving 3- In order to answer to production objectives
with time. This ensemble is constituted by an (quality, reactivity, productivity ... ) and to
"Operative Part";OP and by a 'Command Part";CP. economical or legal restraints.
The OP contains structures, kinematics, The system is fed with entering materials or
activators. The CP contains sensors, calculation products. It evacuates materials or products with or
elements, tacking decisions, interfaces, operators without added value.A system has flexibility notions:
pendant, and communication with other machines. - evolution relating to environment,
Man or team assures control, supervision - modification on product and on production phase,
and maintain activities on this system. Man or team - pennit rapid fonnat exchanges.
is polyvalent. We are in the socio-technical In many studies, the system must be integrated in an
approach, pointed out by (Orty-Hemandez, 1995). existing environment. This system appeals to one or
We are interested in manufacturing system more process to realise one or more functions. The
development, interacting with product design. The manufacturing system is also called «special
system will have to manufacture products in middle machine» and does not exist in catalogue.
series which belongs to a same family, but with
numerous variations to answer to customers 3. STUDY OF A MANUFACTURING SYSTEM
By process, we understand processes (forge,
foundries, sawmills, assembly technologies...), We decompose a manufacturing system life cycle
productive resources (machines, work systems..), into seven phases: Need expression, system research
scheduling and requirement planning. and development, industrialisation, realisation,
Many lectures (Hennet, 1997; Kamrani 1995) installation and working order, exploitation and
deals of production system design but the essential break up. Other cycle of life representations
interest is in the logistical aspect (implantation, (Zanettin, 1993 ; Tichkiewitch, 1996) pennit a
scheduling) based on the knowledge of technical and visualisation in a given context.
time datas (range, time to produce, resources) given Feasibility studies are led all the design-
by the methods function. realisation process long. (Principles and process
From the mechanical man point of view, the feasibility, industrialisation feasibility, realisation
problem of preliminary project in manufacturing feasibility ...). On the other hand, the economical
system: feasibility is omnipresent. Systems feasi>ility studies
1- Consists in, from product specifications also pennit to know limits of science and technology
(partials in most cases) to choose on a given process.
manufacturing processes and to predefine We work in system feasibility working study in
resources. research and development.
We will now present both levels of integration:

_ External integration is usually taken into account The first procedures consist in setting up
by persons exterior to the requesting department. needs, their specifications as well as the analyses
-Internal integration consists in using all the accompanying them, and then in determining the
multi-function and multi-know-how skills functional analysis conducted in parallel and the
necessary for the development and the use of a constraints associated with these functions. The
system. main lines of the second procedures are looking for
These studies must integrate the knowledge principles and processes, technological solutions
and the know-how of the various professional fields making it possible to carry them out and the speci fic
and experts. The existing equipment, machines and constraints coming from them. Simultaneity consists
processes as well as suppliers must be integrated. All in starting the various phases of the study as soon as
the participants make up the project team . Time possible. Problems arise in synchronizing the
and efficiency are saved by favoring a fast activities and a solution is proposed by S. Marier
convergence towards an optimized solution by (Marier, 1995). In parallel, we have conducted
avoiding many modification and repetition cycles. feasibility studies for the manufacturing system and
the product along the same lines as the work by
STUDIES FOR MANUFACTIJRING SYSTEMS The simultaneity and parallelism of this work
require a large amount of communication and a
4.1. Introduction: We propose a methodology special planning in the feasibility phases. We treat
for conducting a feasibility study for a system that is these various activities by using a syntax (figure 1).
broken down into several procedures (Lossent, This graphic formalism allows us to communicate
1997), and which includes the ideas of simultaneity, simply and clearly with our various partners and it
parallelism and integration. avoids ambiguities in interpreting the text.

Information transfert. between one activity and information < SZ__ ~

system, direction according the arrow

Communication flow or decision

direction according the arrow(s)
between partners. <: :::>D
Call for methods or tools necessaryfor feaSibility, direction ---.. Used methods, used tools, 1
according the arrow(s) validation tools 1
Methods or tools necessary to the different activities

Validation step. it leads towards decisions on choices done.

t- ~~I~~t~o:~~i:t-CD
this point is related to a transition. Some decision tools and
: Decision tool :
indicators are used by the staffand the customer leading to : Running valuation I
planning. At this stage, the process is evaluated. Point. the I Industry indicators :
\ ~
mark is in a circle with its order in the process. ,-----------
A rectangle represent an activity, an action or ajob. This
rectangle is preceded by a square allowing to number the
m Action or activity )

rectangle. Rounded shaped rectangle represent the

0t...__A:C:ti:o=n=0=r=a=c:t::iV:it...:.y_ _1
contents in communication with another

Its an Information System. a database with a mark to

distinguish them

Figure 1- Syntax

4.2. The Needs-Functions-Constraints procedures: the specification of needs that covers the
They have three phases carried out simultaneously qualitative and quantitative information,
by using a distributed (Salaii, 1995), (figure 2) and a the analysis of needs making it possible to
repetitive architecture in parallel with the ones of the define the extent of the studies.
product (Lossent, 1997), (figure 3). The solution 4.3. The study offunctions : The functional analysis
emerges from this distribution. The customer's shows the main functions necessary for realizing the
needs: customer's needs. The nature of these functions
the expression of needs contains the customer's leads to breaking down the system into several sub-
requirements with the indications provided by systems, which are parallel.
the specifications,

Team project
creation Product!

.'Needs validation \
• Indicators: •
:evolution I
I·Communication :""2~-----~1
:.Safety •
•-Cost :
'--- --, 3 1~------41

Figure 2- The iterative and distributed process Figure 3- The expression ofproduction flux system

These sub-systems require several professions and constraints, which must be listed and represented
this is the birth of a second parallelism. A clearly. As in the case of functions, the constraints
profession corresponds to a sub-system or a come from the expressed needs.
function and maybe even several departments or 4.6. The procedures of looking for principles or
subcontractors/suppliers. During this phase, processes (figure 8) : These activities are, as
competition can be added to increase the before, distributed and repetitive. Having
performances of each team by emulating creativity. established the links between the constraints,
(figure 4) The functions are the interpretation of looking for the principle or process makes it
needs. We work on the "tranformation" between possible to solve them. The team will come up with
figure 4 (principle and basic syntax) and figure 5 X solutions that will answer the problems and
(tree application of software development). The transform them into technological solutions taking
figure 5 proposal is a software development with a the specific constraints into account. In some cases,
"configuration" management software. This the technical solutions require testing with their
development allows to manage technical data. We specific constraints in order to provide information
create many views of a system (need view, function on the principles or the processes. This research
view, function constraints view, technical takes place as long as one or several feasible,
constraints view, principle view... ). Such as impact acceptable solutions are not proposed or the
view between function(s) and technological allotted budget / time for the feasibility study have
solutions and constraints. not been reached. The "goal reached" condition is
4.5. The Generation of constraints (figures 6,7): in general an association of several typical criteria:
The constraints characterized by the specifications costs, complexity,... or a weighting between the
of each function are associated with this same various criteria. It is important to determine what
function. For example, the function "Mechanically is the limiting factor in the research in order to
assemble the various parts of the product" becomes know if, after modification or elimination of a
a constraint as soon as the specifications introduce criteria, there is a new feasible solution. The "path"
tolerances on the positioning, speed and physical covered in order to constitute a reusable history
characteristics of the products. These are functional must be noted.
,~--0 Function: production I
I function 4 Function derme •.•.....•. s:z. ;;:.. transport mechanical power piece postionl
I validation .;'F~=====-II
: impact I 5 Function locating
Power pilot
• indicator I 5 1 ,--------
I . Transport
I Communications : Specifications L
rr supplier ]
, fun ':-V
5.2 Direction drive i. _~~i~a~o~ __' ] documentationsJ
Trad e competence: I ' - - - - - J
I cl10n 5.3 Assembl documentations documentations I-
I indicator
I perfonn.
I ..
\ _m~lca~~ 'lp:;~...l..l:~,==:::':"J I SADT, FAST,
function analysis

Figure 4- Study ofthe production flux system needs Figure 5 : Principle oftree tranformation

In order to validate the users' needs III
exploitation, the feasibility procedure was extended
by a prototype and the parallel design of a product
circulating in this production installation.

Function: to osition I Technological

constraints: friction

I precision Guiding jack ~

constraints: radial effort
'Validation: Associated
Figure 6- The generation ofconstraints f'1\_----,
customers s~cifications

It is built by attaching the documents including the documentations

information necessary for the various validations,

decisions and choices. J constraints

This tree makes it possible to follow the feasibility Figure 7- Functions and technical constraints tree
studies and to visualize at any given time the status
of the activities carried out in parallel.
P la Del.
d e l I ID. le II I

COD I I r 11 i n I.
100 Is

Figure 8- The iterative principle ofthe process

5. ASSESSMENT OF APPLYING THE FLEXIBLE complementary installation whose feasibility
PRODUCTION SYSTEM (figure 9) realization cost is null.
- setting up prototype solutions without
The integration aspect of the order in the physical disturbing production.
part is particular to this study and adapted to the - the possibility of reusing the procedures
needs specified above. We have 13 objects wo are on other projects,
parameters of configuration management system. - the use of the tree structure realized for
The safety of the users is taken into account exploitation, system maintenance through a
in the presentation of control elements and in system of configuration and document
exploiting the operating part. management.
The various additions of the methodology the communication realized throughout the
are materialized in : project for convincing, converging, deciding
- a savings of time with respect to a sequential and having this installation used by the various
procedure; a savings assessed at 20%. - setting up partners.
feasible prototype solutions reused on a
I Nud • • 51'Rd .. d, ("951!SA''' 'OSP"C'!' • 'unc"op.1COpfl"'''! I'PPf1p'rsl 5gt"t,pp, If
~"S::7 __.l-_ _---=:::::::====::::= ....:...F.:.:,:.:.-,-'b:.:i-,-":,:·,,,-Y..:../rU~P=:::d'¥';:i;=;':;:0:::::;:=;:;:::::;::;:::;:;:;:;:T;;:;=,-------/
"----J - , tccbnolo ieal constraints


.- ---- .
--- ---
"'""""""-P-z"c::c--o S ZP I

• O. D


~~_~ ~_ Software
SO IWI e tom
Soft_,re Ilsemblv
so twarc M Ilerlll tonllrlinls
---------------------------- :sz'__

Figure 9- Technological data and system configuration in feasibility and design

The 13 objects: B=need, F=function, FC=function constraints, S=solution, P=principle, MC=rnaterial
constraint, MA=material assembly, LC=software constrain, LA=software assembly

6. CONCLUSION towards product data management systems (Martin,

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