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“Career Interest Profiler”

By Maya Ganzke

Directions: Use the below questions to reflect upon your Career Interest Profiler
Assessment results. You can draft informal answers to these questions because you
will formally reflect upon the results through the Unit 1, Module 2 Assessment.

a. In your opinion, what are the biggest differences between career, job, and
school? For you, what overlapping skills do you think you have probably
already mastered (lucky you!) and how did you master them? Also, none
of us is perfect, so what overlapping skills do you need to work on a little?
i. In my opinion, a career you have more freedom to do things you
are interested in. A job is something you do that you earn money
from, not necessarily something you pick out and enjoy doing.
School is not a choice but it prepares you for the future and shows
you what youre interested in.
ii. Some skills I think I have mastered already is using my time wisely
and making sure I put all my effort into something before handing it
1. I mastered these skills by being motivated to do well and
having sports after school limits my time
iii. Some skills I have to work on is that nothing can be perfect and
when I get stuck on something, to skip it and do something else
and come to it later.

b. In what two areas did you score the highest? Explain some of the traits
that are associated with these areas. In what two areas did you score the
lowest? Explain some of the traits that are associated with these areas.
i. I scored highest in Investigative and Social
1. Some traits that are associated with these areas is working
with ideas, extensive amounts of thinking, figuring out things,
provide service for people.
ii. I scored the lowest in Enterprising and Conventional
1. Starting up and creating projects, set procedures and
routines, deal with business, use data and details

c. Did your scores surprise you in any way? If they did, explain why. If they
were unsurprising, explain in a short anecdote from your life how this trait
has already made itself clear.
i. I'm am not surprised that I got these scores. I am very interested in
finding out new things and using my knowledge. I am also
interested in helping people 1 on 1 but not in big groups.

d. List at least five professions were recommended to you. Are these jobs
that you yourself have considered pursuing? Did any of the
recommendations come as a surprise to you?
i. Animal scientist
1. I'm very interested in animals but I do not really see my self
working with them
ii. Soil and Plant biologist
1. This is the job I probably most likely would see myself doing
in the future. I think plant life is so interesting and how the
react to the environment.
iii. Environmental Engineers
1. I am big on environmentally friendly things and saving the
environment. I would love doing this job.
iv. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
1. It would be really interesting I think to do jobs but it could be
life-changing for the patients in a bad way. This job you
diagnose patients with medical problems after coming up
with various images that assess the conditions.
v. Water Resource Specialist
1. I am gladly surprised about this one and I think I would
actually enjoy this. It would be cool to study water in many

e. Has this quiz altered your opinion of potential future goals and
aspirations? Do you think you might investigate something that you didn’t
know about before? Are you surprised at the schooling required for any
career or the wages associated with a career suggested?
i. This quiz has not altered my opinion of potential future goals and
aspirations at all. I think it is important to know what you are
definitely interested in so you can say ¨definitely no¨ to some jobs. I
think with some of these jobs I might investigate something I didn't
know before. I'm not surprised at the schooling required for these
careers or the wages. I think they all fit with the job.

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