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2..WHEN:ON Saturday,08-07-2012

3.WHO:me and my family

4.where: Borobudur adalah sebuah candi Buddha yang terletak di Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa
Tengah, Indonesia. Candi ini terletak kurang lebih 100 km di sebelah barat daya Semarang, 86 km
di sebelah barat Surakarta, dan 40 km di sebelah barat laut Yogyakarta

5.why:karena liburan di candi Borobudur bukan hanya sekedar liburan tetapi bisa sekaligus belajar
dari sejarah.disisi lain candi Borobudur adalah candi yang terbesar didunia dan termasuk 7
keajaiban dunia

HOW;sangat menyenangkan karena disana kita daapat melihat pemandangan yang sangat
indah,dan menarik. Nilai karya seni yang tak tertandingi terlihat dari susunan balok vulkanik serta
pahatan reliefnya. Selain itu Candi Borobudur juga menjadi bukti akan kemajuan peradaban manusia
pada zaman dahulu di bidang teknologi arsitektur, dan seni sastra.

JOGJAKARTA: Borobudur Temple was added to be one of vacation that’s need to be visit by me
and my family. It’s located 100 KM from Semarang.

We already had been on the road 2 hours from Jogjakarta city. The trip was so much fun,
although the trip to Borobudur temple was quite long but we enjoyed the view.

When we arrived, Borobudur temple was visited by lot of tourist that wanted to see it. We
went to the top of Borobudur temple but to get there required a lot of energy. Because there’s
a lot of staircases that we need to reach to get to the top.

“It’s quite fun actually, maybe next time we can get here again.” Said my father after we arrived

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