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By: Colin Wright

Chemical Engineer

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that puts physics, chemistry, life sciences
microbiology, biochemistry. Together with applied mathematics and economics to produce,
transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy.
Civil Engineer

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design,
construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works
like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.
Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineering is a part of engineering that focuses on electricity and electronics such as
all the new devices that are very popular. They are also very common and taken for granted that
most people don’t even know about what actually happens.
Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, and materials science
principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. That are Applied
to almost every smaller part of engineering.

I think that this is under the mechanical engineering discipline because It involves work with
building and designing an airplane that has to be working parts that are moving so they
mechanically moving.

I think that this is under the mechanical engineering discipline because automobiles have parts
that are constantly moving and that are under rigorous wear and tear. Not only do they have to
still work but also have to perform well.
Conclusion Questions
What is it about engineering that is common to all disciplines of engineering? That is, what
makes an engineer an engineer regardless of the work one does?

Something about engineering that is common to all disciplines of engineering that is what makes
an engineer an engineer is that regardless of the work they do they always think critically and
are working towards newer better solutions.

Why do you think engineering has been called the stealth profession? (Hint: there are many
Internet resources that address this question.)

I think that engineering has been called the stealth profession because that most of the
engineers work does not get credited or thought of when people see the things that they do.
Conclusion Questions

How is an engineer different from a scientist?

Engineers are different from scientists because scientists are the ones that make the
theories and engineers are the ones that put the theories to work. The engineers are the ones
who create and put the words to life.

What interpersonal characteristics do you think are important to the success of an engineer of
any discipline?

The interpersonal characteristics that I think are important to the success of an engineer of
any discipline would be to be creative, quick thinking, caring, being able to listen, and time
management. I think that these characteristics are important because all of these work together
to make a great work environment.

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