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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2011) 13, 733e737


Evaluation of the effects of hospital visit stress

on physiologic parameters in the cat
Jessica M Quimby DVM, DACVIM*, Melissa L Smith DVM,
Katharine F Lunn BVMS, MS, PhD, MRCVS, DACVIM

Department of Clinical Sciences, Physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, rectal temperature, heart rate,
College of Veterinary Medicine and and respiratory rate are an important part of the medical assessment of a patient.
Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State However, these factors can potentially be affected by stress. The purpose of this
University, 300 West Drake Road, study was to compare physiologic parameter data gathered from cats in the
Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA home environment with those gathered in a veterinary hospital. Thirty healthy
cats were evaluated both at home and at Colorado State University’s Veterinary
Medical Center. Doppler systolic blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and
respiratory rate were recorded, and the differences between the values obtained
in the home and veterinary clinic environments were evaluated using the
Wilcoxon sign rank test. A significant difference was found in blood pressure,
heart rate, and respiratory rate between the home and veterinary hospital
environments. This information may help practitioners recognize that
physiologic abnormalities can sometimes be due to transportation or
environmental stress rather than medical illness.
Date accepted: 21 June 2011 Ó 2011 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

n important part of veterinary patient assess- disease (CKD), which is a relatively common problem
ment is obtaining physiologic parameters in the cat.5
such as blood pressure, temperature, heart Changes in any of these physiological parameters
rate, and respiratory rate. Measurement of body tem- due to stress could confound the clinical assessment
perature and determination of hyperthermia (temper- of the patient, with the detection of hypertension in
ature > 102.5 F) are important in the assessment of cats providing particular challenges for veterinarians
sick animals. Classification of body temperature as eu- in this regard. The existing standard of care is to con-
thermic, hyperthermic or febrile is critical to the diag- duct multiple blood pressure measurements over a pe-
nostic process.1 Although a clinical history of heat riod of time before diagnosing hypertension and
exposure and subsequent resolution may differentiate prescribing medications, unless the blood pressure is
hyperthermia from fever, on initial assessment it can elevated (>160 mm Hg) in conjunction with signs of
be challenging to do so. Determination of respiratory organ damage, or a concurrent illness associated
rate and heart rate are also important for assessing with hypertension is present.3,6 Even with multiple as-
the health status of a patient. Increased respiratory sessments, it is unclear how much the hospital visit it-
rate could indicate respiratory disease, cardiac dis- self and the act of measuring the blood pressure
ease, pleural space disease, or pain; while tachycardia affects cats.
may suggest cardiac or metabolic disease, pain, or hy- In humans, elevation in blood pressure due to the
povolemia. Measurement of blood pressure is critical stress of the clinical setting is referred to as the ‘white
in sick animals and those at risk for hypotension coat syndrome’ and has been recognized for decades.7
and hypertension as both can be associated with or- This phenomenon is thought to be mediated by the
gan damage and should be addressed promptly.2e4 sympathetic system, but the precise mechanism is un-
The measurement of blood pressure is also an impor- known. In cats the existence of the ‘white coat syn-
tant part of the clinical staging of chronic kidney drome’ was explored in a study in which research
cats with radiotelemetry implants underwent a simu-
lated veterinary office visit.8 Based on the findings, it
*Corresponding author. Fax: þ1-970-297-1275. E-mail: was concluded that cats do experience a ‘white coat effect’. As the actual act of measuring blood pressure

1098-612X/11/100733+05 $36.00/0 Ó 2011 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
734 JM Quimby et al

may also affect the reading, the results of this study Statistical analysis
are difficult to extrapolate to client-owned cats for
which readings are obtained using a non-invasive The physiologic parameter data for cats in their home
method of measuring blood pressure. environment and at the veterinary hospital were com-
Belew et al8 also assessed heart rate by radiotelem- pared using a non-parametric Wilcoxon sign rank test.
etry in cats in the home environment and clinic envi- Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
ronment, and found that there was a significant
increase in heart rate in the clinic. To the best of the Quality control
authors’ knowledge, no previous studies exist to doc- Calibration of the Parks Doppler unit was performed
ument the extent to which a cat’s respiratory rate can at the beginning of the study, after every five readings
become elevated as a result of the stress of a hospital during the study, and at the end of the study using
visit. Similarly, no previous studies have explored the a pressure manometer. The student researcher con-
degree of elevation that may occur in a cat’s tempera- ducted these calibrations.
ture purely as a result of the hospital visit, or as a re-
sult of resistance or struggling while the reading is
obtained. The objectives of the present study were,
therefore, to determine whether the stress associated Results
with a hospital visit has an effect on the feline physi-
ologic parameters of blood pressure, rectal tempera- Animals
ture, heart rate and respiratory rate. Our hypothesis Thirty cats participated in the study. Three additional
was that the value of all of these parameters is in- cats were disqualified after becoming intractably frac-
creased in the hospital environment, compared to tious in the home environment. Sixteen cats were neu-
values obtained at home. tered males and 14 cats were spayed females. Breeds
included 20 domestic shorthairs, two domestic long-
hairs, three Siamese mixes, and one each of Ragdoll,
Materials and methods
Persian, Russian Blue, Himalayan, and Burmese.
Animals Median age of participating cats was 4 years (range
0.6e11 years). Five cats were reported to have an
The study population consisted of 30 apparently indoor/outdoor lifestyle and the remaining 25 were in-
healthy cats (based on a normal clinical history and door only. Median transportation time to the veterinary
physical examination) owned by veterinary students hospital was 12 min with a range of 5e40 min.
and faculty at Colorado State University (CSU). The
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at CSU Physiologic parameters
approved the study, and all owners reviewed and
signed consent forms prior to participation in the study. Median and range of physiologic parameters obtained
from cats in the home environment and the veterinary
Data collection hospital environment are reported in Table 1. A statis-
tically significant difference was found between the
Systolic blood pressure, rectal temperature, heart rate, home environment and the veterinary hospital envi-
and respiratory rate were measured in the home envi- ronment for blood pressure (P ¼ 0.04), heart rate
ronment and at the veterinary clinic on the same day (P < 0.0001), and respiratory rate (P ¼ 0.01).
by a single student researcher. Physiologic parameters Measured physiological parameters in the home
were first measured in the home environment in the fol- and hospital environments are depicted in Fig 1AeD
lowing order; blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory as BlandeAltman plots to allow the variability
rate and temperature. The owners then drove the cats between environments to be appreciated for each sub-
to the veterinary clinic, where physiologic parameters ject. Two cats were disqualified from respiratory rate
were again obtained, in the same order, after a 10 min analysis, one due to constant sniffing in the home
acclimatization period. Systolic blood pressure was environment and one due to panting in the hospital
measured as an average of five readings obtained using environment. The mean difference between blood
a Parks Doppler unit (Parks Medical Electronics, Las pressure in the home environment and the hospital
Vegas, NV) on the right or left forelimb and sized to environment was a 6 mmHg increase, with a range
40% of the circumference of the forelimb. Temperature of 26 mmHg decrease to a 31 mmHg increase. The
was measured with a 10 s digital thermometer (Vicks mean difference between temperature in the home
V900F/V901F, Kaz, Hudson, NY) following blood environment and the hospital environment was
pressure assessment. Heart rate was determined by a 0.3 F increase, with a range of a 1.3 F decrease to
auscultation and respiratory rate by visual observation. a 2.1 F increase. The mean difference between heart
The cats’ attitude during manipulation was scored on rate in the home environment and the hospital envi-
a scale of 0e3 using the following parameters: calm ronment was 33 beats/min increase, with a range of
(0) or agitated (1); compliant (0) or struggling (1); a 20 beats/min decrease to a 76 beats/min increase.
quiet (0) or vocalizing/hissing (1). The mean difference between respiratory rate in the
Physiologic parameters in cats 735

Table 1. Recorded differences in physiologic parameters measured in cats in the home environment
followed by the hospital environment. A statistically significant difference was detected between the
home environment and the veterinary hospital environment for the parameters blood pressure
(P ¼ 0.04), heart rate (P < 0.0001), and respiratory rate (P ¼ 0.01).
Home environment Hospital environment
Median Range Median Range
Blood pressure (mmHg) 131 96e167 138 106e164
Rectal temperature ( F) 101.2 98.6e102.7 101.5 100.4e103.0
Heart rate (beats/min) 153 110e250 190 128e256
Respiratory rate (breaths/min) 50 24e84 58 18e192

home environment and the hospital environment was environment and the veterinary hospital environment
12 breath/min increase, with a range of a 30 breath/ for the parameters blood pressure, heart rate, and
min decrease to a 108 breath/min increase. respiratory rate.
When attitude scores were compared between the Although the changes in systolic blood pressure,
two environments, 50% of cats experienced a decrease heart rate and respiratory rate were all found to be
in their score in the hospital environment compared to statistically significant, the clinical relevance of these
home, 20% of cats experienced an increase in their changes is not uniformly apparent. An increase in
score, and 30% of cats experienced no change in their blood pressure of 6 mmHg would usually not be
attitude score. considered to be highly clinically significant, given
the inherent variability of blood pressure measure-
ment via Doppler, which has been previously docu-
Discussion mented.9 However, the mean increases in heart rate
This study examined the physiologic parameters of (33 beats/min) and respiratory rate (12 breaths/min)
blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and respira- could have more clinical relevance. In addition, exam-
tory rate in cats in the home environment in compar- ination of the largest observed increases in each of
ison to the veterinary hospital. A statistically the physiologic parameters suggests that the effects
significant difference was seen between the home of stress should be considered when assessing

Fig 1. BlandeAltman plots illustrating the difference between the home and clinic environment for (A) blood pressure, (B)
rectal temperature, (C) heart rate and (D) respiratory rate. The horizontal line represents no difference. Cats below the line
experienced an increase in the measured parameter in the clinic environment. Using a Wilcoxon sign rank test, a statistically
significant difference was found between the home environment and the veterinary hospital environment for blood pressure
(P ¼ 0.04), heart rate (P < 0.0001), and respiratory rate (P ¼ 0.01).
736 JM Quimby et al

individual patients. Specifically, the highest docu- measurement of blood pressure in the home environ-
mented increase in blood pressure between the ment has been recommended to circumvent the sym-
home and veterinary hospital environment was pathetic ‘white coat effect’ in the clinic environment,
31 mmHg, the greatest change in temperature was but the results of the present study imply that obtain-
an increase of 2.1 F, the largest increase in heart rate ing measurements in the home environment may also
was 76 beats/min, and the greatest increase in respira- provide a significant source of stress, as cats may be
tory rate was 108 breaths/min. Each of these changes less tolerant of manipulations in their own territory.
would be considered to be clinically important in a fe- Three cats that were previously considered by their
line patient. For example, in the classification of feline owners to be generally malleable in the clinic environ-
CKD, a difference in blood pressure of >10 mmHg is ment were fractious when physiologic parameter
sufficient to move a cat from a ‘low risk’ to a ‘moderate measurement was attempted in the home environ-
risk’ arterial pressure substage.5 ment, and subsequently were disqualified from the
In this study, the mean increase in rectal tempera- study for the safety of the handlers.
ture of 0.3 F between the home and hospital environ- Factors that could have affected the outcome of this
ments was not statistically significant, and would also study include a potential bias due to the volunteer
not be regarded as clinically significant. However, it is based selection of participants, and disqualification
noteworthy that three cats that had temperatures of fractious cats, both of which may have inadver-
<102.5 F in the home environment subsequently de- tently predisposed the study population towards
veloped an elevation in temperature in the hospital less stress-prone individuals. It should also be noted
environment that potentially could be considered to that the order in which physiologic parameters were
be medically significant. Rectal thermometry is re- measured may have affected the results of the subse-
garded as an acceptable method for estimating core quent measurements. For instance, measured parame-
body temperature,10 although stress or physical exer- ters such as respiratory rate may not be representative
tion may potentially increase this parameter.11 Based of the normal feline population as they occurred after
on the results of this study, the stress of transport restraint and manipulation, and not at rest.
and the hospital environment should be considered In conclusion, a statistically significant difference
a differential for hyperthermia in felines. Conversely, was detected between the home environment and
one cat that had a temperature over 102.5 F in the the veterinary hospital environment for the parame-
home environment subsequently had a normal tem- ters blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.
perature in the hospital environment, implying that Although mean differences in parameters may not
the stress of temperature measurement alone is suffi- be uniformly clinically relevant, the observed range
cient to elevate rectal temperature. of increase for all the parameters could be very signif-
The results of this study support the concept that icant in individual animals. Thus the results of this
a ‘white coat effect’ exists for some cats in the hospital study support the idea that stress may result in ele-
environment. Past studies have noted that blood pres- vated physiologic parameters for cats in the hospital
sure in dogs is affected by stress12e14 and a previous environment, and clinicians should bear this in mind
study in which telemetry was used to assess blood when assessing feline patients upon presentation. In
pressure and heart rate in cats came to a similar con- addition, medical assessment in the home environ-
clusion.8 It appears that this effect is also found in cats ment does not necessarily preclude stress-related
in which the non-invasive Doppler measurement of changes in physiologic parameters.
blood pressure is used, a technique used commonly
in practice, but one that may also induce stress due
to manipulation. The cats utilized in this study were
healthy adults, and potentially these effects may be
magnified in sick animals, particularly those with re- This study was supported by funding from the
nal compromise.8 Professional Veterinary Medicine Student Grant
Interestingly, measurement of physiologic parame- Program at the Center for Companion Animal Studies
ters in the home environment was not as straightfor- at Colorado State University. The study sponsors had
ward as anticipated. Cats in this environment were no role in study design, the collection, analysis and
more likely to object to manipulation by apparent ag- interpretation of the data, or the writing and decision
itation, struggling, and vocalizing, and thus many cats to submit the manuscript.
experienced a decrease in their attitude score in the
hospital environment compared to the home. This
serves as a reminder that the act of obtaining physio- References
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