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© FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP POLICY SCHEDULE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY NO. FORM ‘THE INSURED CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS ‘THE BUSINESS + FPG.36,0908.17.00025 new ! Claims Made Basis as per FPG Insurance Wordings : PT. BARAMUTIARA PRIMA and/or Subsidiary and/or Affliated and/or Associated andlor FTRRI All operations of the Insured including but not limited to logistic, distribution ‘and mining operstor and all other occupation related to the Insured business DETAILS OF THE SUBJECT MATTER INSURED PERIOD OF INSURANCE. RETROACTIVE DATE COVERAGE POLICY WORDING TERRITORIAL LIMIT LIMIT OF LIABILITY DEDUCTIBLE (S) PT. Asuransi FPG indonesia ‘commencing from September 18, 2017 to September 18, 2018 both days {at 12 o'clock noon, focal time at the location of the insured properly. +: September 18, 2015 + To Cover all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay tor damages for : + Bodily Injury (including death or disease) to Third Party B/or = Loss or Damage or property of the Third Perty, including all resulting loss of use of that property caused by elther ofthe following ~ accidents occurring at any premises owned, rented, or used by the Insured, andlor - accidents occurring away from such premises, owned, rented, or used by the insured and arise out of the insureds ongoing operations Claims Made Basis as per FPG Insurance Werdings Indonesia ~ USD 1,000,000.00 combined single limit anyone occurrence andlor in aggregate = Bodily injury : Nil = Property Damage : USD 5,000.00 anyone accident ~ Automobile Liabilty : USD 2,500.00 for property damage I * (eazsz007 ‘Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floor JL. Jend. Suditman Kav. 21 f jeaziseoows Jokarta 12920, indonesia evewfpginscom ® FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP ‘This page is @ forming part of Polley No. FPG.36.0908.17,00025 HE CLAUSES } CLAUSE(S) PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia Act of God Automobile Liabllty Endorsement Canteen, Social Sport & Welfare Car Parking Liablity Clause Casual Contractors Clause Contingency Liabilty For Contractors / Sub-Contractors Contractual Clause Cross Liability Clause Currency Clause Defective Sanitary Installation Demonstration / Exhibitions / Promotions Clause Dispute Clause Emergency Medical Expenses Clause Employees Personal Effects Clause Error and Omission Clause Fire And Full Explosion Clause First Aid Treatment (No Fauit) Clause Food And Drink Poisoning Clause In Personam Endorsement Indemnity to Directors And Employee Indemnity To Principals Clause Industries Seepage, Pollution and Contamination Exclusion Clause (NMA 1686) "Sudden and Accidental” Institute Radioactive Contamination Chemical Biological Bio-Chemical ‘and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion (C1370) IT Clarification Clause Liability Assumed by Agreement Loading And Unloading Clause Loss Notification Clause ( 60 Days ) Neon Signs and Advertsing Signs Clause ‘Non-Owned Automobile Liabiity Clause Notice Of Cancellation Clause Overseas Visit Clause Payment on Account Clause Plant And Machinery (Including Lif, Escalator, Hoist and Cranes) Clause Premium Recelved Clause Private Works for Directors and Executive Prorata Return Premium Clause ‘Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause LMA 3100 Tenant Liability Clause Unlicensed Vehicle Clause © (eq2rsz0007 Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floor, J. Jend, Sudirman Kay. 21 # (e2ziseoows Jakarta 12929, indonesia ‘wowfpgins com ‘ORIGINAL ® FPGinsurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP ‘This page Is a forming part of Policy No. FPG.35,0908.17.00025 = Waiver of Subrogation Clause = Waiver to the Article 1268 and 1267 of the Indonesian Civil Code Clause = War and Terrorism Exclusion Endorsement (NMA 2918) CONDITION + + Personal injury = Warranted that all premium payment and claim settlement will be ‘using the original currency as stated on the policy. THE PREMIUM } PREMIUM RATE ‘Comprehensive General Liabilty [PREMIUM CALCULATION: - Comprehensive General Liability USD 4,500.00 Sepleber 18,2017 - September 1,248 O seermcrcarsacrree dae) Stamp Duty (USD) TOTAL ‘MOIDS00026 NOTE: In witness whereof the Undersigned being duly authorized by the Insurers and on behalf of the Insurers has (have) hereunto set his (thelr) hand(s). Jakarta, October 10, 2017 z sara reveone yon orasaansacacaoion feu of 835 eg Dea PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia + eaaszoow §F Oso Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floot J. Jend. Suditman Kev. 21 + (exzsz00vs 88 ORE Jakarta 12520, Indonesia wawfginscm 28 O52 9 FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Attaching to and forming part of Policy No. FPG.35.0908.17.00025 Act of God It is herby cecared and agieed at te insurance by this Potcy Is exended fo cover the legal lbity of the insures fring cut of of caused by of In consequence of the eaqicko andlor volans eupion andlor tial wave andlor 2olgia ander meteaigiea phenomena. ‘Automobile Liability Endorsement “The Poe stad to cover Inert assured lat for death ano baru to tae party and ss andor clareage oi pry property ain outthe usage of anne andor nen ewned ander red atobie lot aeady Insured an demi by any oes Poi.” Canteen, Social Sport & Welfare ‘Teo lnsued's business shall be uncestood to Include the provillon of toca, spot and wolfe actvils for the benefs ofthe insureds employees For the purpote of Bus endorsement the Company wil west the above mentioned actos prevaed that 1. aueh employee I ot ented indemnity under any ober poy 2. _suchemplojea sal observe tha tems ofthis Poloy instar as they can sly itn respet fan caim o nurber f cams rin out one cause Ue company is alto ndemnty more than one pay the oa amount finder os partes shall at excnes th im of ably ‘hough he were the Insued any employee whist engepe in Car Parking Liability Clause ‘Subject to @ minimum lit of the amount as spaced above each occurence and in the agg Inaurenca, which nt shall apply se part of, but not In adn to the eppiccio Limts of Liablily under this Polly, the Company wl inderniy the Insured for af sume which te Insured shall bacome logaly cbigned to pay st damages because of loss or damege to motor vehicles wale such vehicles are in the care, custody or cool of the Insuted or the Insure's pang tenders or sataoping or storage tte nsured'spreses, Becusions: Thi eurance doesnot py 1 toby of the Insured under any sgreements fo be responsible ores 2. toan mole veil orate repenty 1. owned by or rend to 4 the Named Insured or @ partner thorn or @ member thereat, or the spouse or any one of ‘thom ifa resident ofthe same hovsohot. Poconos PUREST CUESOR EDIT ’ PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia + 2)21520017 Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floor. Jend. Suditman Kav. 21 1 (a)21sa007s Jakarta 12920, Indonesia www foginscom © ® FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP 2. an amployeo of tho Nomed Insured or his spouse i 2 resident of the same househot Unless the meler vehiie or other property i in the custody of the Named insured under on ‘2ureement for which a specie pecuniary charge has been made, oF 2. Inthe eulogy ore Named insured for demonstration or sole: 1. fotos ave ary ratte, dsdonest er criminal at by he insured. 2 telossordamage instar as such loss or damage ls covered by any other insurance. Deduct: es specie inthe schesule Casual Contractors Clause kis nerby declared and agreed that the lasuranca by this Polky f extended 19 cover the insureds egal Habit fr nun, iness ls or damage ceused by any of the Insued's casval contactors and happening in conection wih the carying cut of work by hem te insted. Ita further detarod and agroed thet in expect of uch ues Ines loss or damage fr whch osu contactors are response the insures wil weet these casual contactors as though they were alo the Insured provided that the cau! coivactors sal odsene, ull and be subject othe tems, excapfens,provslons and condtons of ts Ply and that the fab ofthe insurers in respect ary ne claim cr ses ota wnathe ersng in one pedo Insurance or ro) consequent of or asttabe to one source of orginal ease shal ct exceed the Lm of Labi stated in the Poloy Schedule respecte of he rer of pares caning Indemny hereunder, Contingency Liability For Contractors / Sub-Contractors Wie hereby doctared and egreed tht subject to the lors, excunions and condlions of tis Poly, te Insurance proved Under Bis Poloy i& erdended to cover the Insured's leg Sabi in respect of ects of employees of ther contactors for ‘wren they may be response Provided that he indemnity gen son te conaion tha: 2 iis contingent upon the Fablty cured not being covered er indented by sn insurance ofthe contractors. Hany claim submited 1s covered by te contacios’ more speci inuranca, then this Potey shal not inure the same exceptony as regarés any excess beyond the lint of ably covered by such speci insurance ‘The provsion of is endorsement shal however not wane the raht ef subropaton of te Company to such contactors snd subcontacers Contractual Clause Subject to tha tema, excaptons, lite and cendiiont of tis Poly the Company wil Indemnity the Insured In respect of labty atures by the Insured wndor any contact or agrerint entered info wih ary Preclpal but ony In respect of bodly Inizy 2 ary parson ander of cemoge to propery happening in connection with the Business for auch Pinca! Provides alvaye that the Gompany shall have Oe conduct and contl of a clans for wich the company may be Hae by vite of (8 Endowment snd tha extersion shal not In any event opiy to Uablly in respect of uldeled cemages or ‘ender ary penaty cause, PoeTeonE FEE SCHED CEOITET Ht PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia (6221520007 Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floos, J tend. Suditman Kav. 21 + (6221520075 Jakerte 12820, indonesia ‘ ® FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELUIG GROUP Gross Liability Clause Wt te undertond and agreed that subject Yo the tome excopton, lms and condilens sited elsowhore, ths Poley wit indemnity any of the tnured in respect of elaine redo oguinst him by sry clter party insured st is each party were Inaured separately bat nobing hereh conained shal operate to Incease the Company"s labiiy as set ort een in ‘tis Poloy bayend the amount er amounts for wnich the Company would have been lable i ery one person oF Interest Insurers also agree to waive al rghit of subvogaion or eatin which might ethenise have or aequke aginst any of the above partes Insure. ‘Ay cleimant under is Ply salt the request and athe expenses of he Compary de snd concur in dag and permit te be done all uch ace and tings a ay bo necessary of eateraby ques by the Company fer the purpose ot endorsing any apis and remedies oof ings shal or Become necessary or recured before o ater Iceifcaon bythe Compary. Theght of subrogsion spans exsocaiad, afte andor nual connected heewth snereby waves Currency Clause rca of Calm where the Gum Insured ie a USD wile the cin aubritd in Rupa than a respectflnemry ardustment, te exchange rat rom Rigiah fo USD shai be cali based on average of 30 days imdtely bate ‘ne data of pe acitent based en Cental Bankofindnesi (8) mile exchange ra. Defective Sanitary Installation Subject to the terms, exclusions, conditons end ntetons under tis Pally, i is hereby declared and agreed that this Ploy is exened to Incude te Insured’s legal labaty for body Inxy to oF fr damage 10 langble propery of thd pares suing out ef potuten andlor cartaminaton caused by suiden ard socenta cicrarge dlspersel release or escape of poltans andlor contaminans fom defecve eantayntaliaen a the Penaesoccupledby te Insure, Provided tat ne snl insialaen ae checked by competent persensatrequer nares, "santa Instalar” exeies any installa for stree, processing of posal olin ocommarcia wate, cherscals petrochemicals Demonstration / Exhibitions / Promotions Clause Subject to the tems, conctens, excusens and lations under tis Poly, Wt Is noted and agreed tat the instrance Provided under #8 Poicy 12 edonéed 10 caver legal Inblly of the Insured for body injury of propery damage acing out of any demonsraions, exiilon ar premotons igensed by the Insured, held at the Insured's promis or elsewhere itn the Repubicof Indonesia, or which hay maybe respans. Dispute Clause 4. In the overt of any dlspule ariing between the lnswer and the insured as consequence of te Inlepetafon of fabity cor amet of indrlyof is Paley, espe shat be sated anicaby within 6 (sity) calendar days tom he scan are SACHA NPE : PT, Asuransi FPG Indonesia t 6a21S20007 Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floo, J. Jend. Sudliman Kay. 21 # (6221520075 Jakarta 12920, indonesia ‘ 8 FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP epute avore, The clepule ai ofthe dispute since the Insured has expressed in wig hs cleagrement on tne subject mats 2 IF the depute could not be setted aricaby as provided in jem 1 above, te insured may request the Indonesian Inwurance Matiaten Board (OMA) tact as a mediator in oer to setle tho Spite subject to the tems and condos ‘applied by BMAL 3, IF te aspute could not be sated amicaly as provided i tem 1 above, the Insured does not want to appreach BMA ‘or ater approaching BMA the Insured does not want 10 accept the deciion ef BMAL then tre Insurer shal ge the ‘option tothe insur to elect ether one of he fofoving pute stemen sad blow: ‘AL arttration ete hereby cocaed and agreed that the Inewed and the Insurer shall sole the sspuin twough Arbitaton Ad Hoe astotowe: © i Vee oc a ae rt a be od le ‘tae win 20 (iy cat yn an i fh snp fe en aon, an tio sha oto ta ape etal Aer win Gone) cama ys fer be ee topo ces, Tne etal es Ung oberon A Hen, 42, Shoutt there be any falure as 10 the appaintmert ofthe thie Abiraoy, Ue Insured and or the Inswer could requet the Chaimen of the cout ((elua Pengadlan Noger) where te defendant domicies to appoia! the Umpte. 123, The examinaton of te epule shal be seed witin 180 (ore hundred and egy) calendar days from the dite of the formaten cf the Artivtin Ad Hoe. ‘The perce of exarinaion of the case cous be extended ‘Upon the agrsmant of both pares and # i ie deemed necastary by the Ablvalan Ad Hee, the pesod of examination ofthe spo could be extends, ‘84. The Abiveton ovate Ie final and enfeeecblo ot law and tinsing the Insured and the insur, Should the lesured andor the Insurer fa to comply with the arbraton award, then the award shal be execuled under the cider of the Chatman of the competent court Qcetua Pengadian Never yang bewenang) at Be request of nthe party in st, 185. Other maters which ore not provided under is clause shal be subject to tho provisions of laws on swbivalon, which currently be the Act of the Reple of Inanasia Nc 90 year 1998 doled August 12, 1898 reoameing Aticaton ana Alematve DputeResoision. B. Court 1 Is horety ected and agreed that the Insured and he Insurer shat setle the spe trough tie Cour ‘Pengasin Nogor) wit th terror oft Republi of ingore, 4. In case of he decision of adudiaton of GNAI a desinod by the inured, but tho insured dost not take the cate 10 ‘arbtraon or cout witin 180 (one huncred eighty) calandac days tom the date of the aducaon’s decvion made by BMA inwring, en he gh of te insured onceratiaton wi be aorta eed. Emergency Medical Expenses Clause “This Poy enone indommlythe Insured foal reasonable expenses incured fr such irradia medial teatment Scene PONTE 7415 CE EDFA ‘ PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia 1 (a)21 520007 (Chase Piaza Tower 4th Floor J. Jend. Sudiman Kav. 21 1 (a21S20005 Jakarta 12520, Indonesia ‘wwefpains com & FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP ray at te tine of an accent causing ky 19 any person who may bo subect of a cnkm for inermiy by tho Insured in terms of is poly Employees Personal Effects Clause ‘Sect to 4 acini fit aS specie shove each occurence, the demnty gravted by bis Polley extends to incude leg Eby of he Insured in respect fclthing ana personal aes of te enpioyees Error and Omi “The Insured shed not be prejisied oy an urintantenal ersior inadveten, ondsions, eros, lnconect valuation © Ircaact description of the iteeat, ak, of pepery proved neice Is glen to the Company as soon as practicable upon dlncoveryo uch errs and omissions and bjt oe Insured paying atonal premium arising there rom yn Claus Fire And Full Explosion Clause tie nove understood and speed that thie Poly wil, subject to is terms, iiiatons, condtons and exclusion, exend to cover De hnswed's Legal Uabity In respect of inky of carsye cauted by oF in conmecten wih or araing tom fhe ful expose, provided at ensued properly mala he secu alarm and keep eit dors ihe end accessible, Provide always that: The Company shal not under this endersement be fable for any Kaby in rospact of bedly inury or loss of er dtamage 10 propery caused by oF in cornecion with or ang tam the bursing of @ baler economizer or ther ‘ess machine or apparatus wherein imal pressures due fo steam en. 2 The fabily of the Company under tis Pokey and endorsement In respect of badly fokry oF loss of or damage (0 propery shal not in any cos exceed tho amount as specited above each occurence and in me aggregate turing the Period of Ineurance, which Int shal apply a= part of, but notin addon 10 the appicab Limts of Labi under is Poy. First Aid Treatment (No Fault) Clause Ik is hereby noted and agreed, eoerons of fail, he Insurer wit inemaly the Insured for ary expenses Incued by the Insurer for the purpose of proving or securing st ald wealment or emergency testment oF hosplakzason to third Paty a @resltot an accent occuring a Insured praises. Food And Drink Poisoning Clauso Iti nots ane agreed that his Poy is extensesto apa fo an event whch rect or inet caused by oF wen resus om food and drink polseing oarishg tom pelscring of any kind frign or deat mater in fod and dint consumed Poco URES CD ROTI BE ‘ PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia + (6221520007 Chase Plaza Tower ath Floos, J. Jend. Sudliman Kay. 21 # (62)21520075 Jakarta 12520, Indonesia ‘wwnwfpginscom O O FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP In Porsonam Endorsement tis herey netod and agreed tat ary aston In Persona spainet any recor, Offes, Comissine: and Manager of the Insured alin ad eespects be westodin th sare manner as theuph the acon wore against he insured ‘Atterters and condons ofthis Policy rain unchanged, Indemnity to Directors And Employoe ery caimis made upon any diector andr executive of the insured an tho eaimls such that f mad upon the lsu, ‘ne insured wou be ered fo nderty ures Poy. The Company win the tee nd subject tothe tons ofthis Poy indent the sléaeecor andr executive of Insured in respec of such Gaim. Provided tat, 4. such diectr andlor executvef ot ete ender under eny oe poy o pales. 2 tho extension by ts endorsement sha not py for lacie ably In respect fru to any person under ‘contacto sevon or apgrentessip wah the Gecer ander executive or wher the uy aes out of enim he course lof such person's emeloyment per serie wih te doctor andor exeutve. 3, auth dlectr andor execute shal though he ere the lasred observe flan be subject othe tors, ‘xcepons nts and condens of is Poey in o fer as they can spo 4. theextnscn by tis Endorsement shal not opera fo nese the Companys Heit a set forth inte Scheeie Under the healing of Lint of Lady Beyond the amount remount for wrchthe Company woul be tbl ifthe Potay wer nt a0 extended Indemnity To Principals Clause [Astor 9s conor ly ness lessor damage for which the Insured i responsible and nappenig in connection wth ‘he cenyng out of work for any Pei the Comany wil at th equsstf the Insured ra! the Principals trough he ‘wore also the Insured under th Poly provid hatte Pipl shel observe und be abject oto tr its exceptions provisions and condor of tis Polley In so ar as they app. Industries Soopage, Pollution and Contamination Exclusion Claus Accidental” (NMA 1685) "Sudden and “Tis Posy does net cover yay for 1 Persons Ijry OF Bodly Inury of loss ef, damage to, or bss of use of propery drecly or inact coused by seepage, palon or conlaminaton, provided always this paragraph (1) shall not apply to lab for Peron Iuty of Bodiy Inuny or lots of or physical damage to or destuctin of large propery, or Iss of use of such propery damaged. of deatoyed, whore such eoopage, olution or contaminaten is caused by a sudéen, vnnended and unexpected happering curing the pod ofthis nureree. 2. The cost of romovng, nulivng or clearing up sooping, polking cr oontaminang substances unless the seepage, polutono:cortaminaon s sud, unintended and unexpected happering cing the prod of is iaurence, 3. Fines, geraltes, punitve or exemplary drapes Tas Claus sal no exten this Poko cover any Hbiywhica would not nave been covered under his Paley ha is Clause rat ben atacned Institute Radioactive Contamination Chemical Biological Blo-Chemical and Electromagnetic ‘Weapons Exclusion (CL370) pect NPE S708 DESO : PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia t (2)21520007 Cinase Plaza Tower 4th Floo, J. Jend, Sucliman Kay. 21 # (62)21520005 Jakarta 12920, Indonesia ‘wrwfpgins com ® FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP ‘Thi auso shall be pararrunt and shal overide anything contained ints Insurance Inconsistent erewth 4. nna case shalt Inrance cover lone damage lab or axpense rely or indrecy caused by ocortrbuted by orang rom 411 niin adagons om or contamination by reicacly tom any rulear fl orem any nuclear wast or from combustion of ueear fol 112 the adloacve, to, exposve or oter hazardous or contaminating properties any nuclear istlitn, reader or oter nuclear assembly or nuclear component therect 1.3. any weapon deuce enployng toric nuclear fission andr usion er erik eaclon or rasoacive force ormater| 44 th aioatvo to, exposve or ether hazardous ocantainathg properties of any radoacve mater. The tercution inthis sb-laute does net extend to adeacv stopes, cher han rucea uel, whan such Wolopes tr being prepared, cared ore, oF sed for commara, greutal, msical,scentisor oer slat pescetl purposes 1.5. "any cher lapel, bo chomicl or laromapnetic weapon TT Clarification Clause Property damage covered under this Poly shal mesh ptysca damage to the substance of propery. Physical damage to the substance of property shal not incude damage to data or sofware, In percar any detimantl change in cata, sofware of comeuler programs Wt is caused by a delaton, a comupton or @ deformation of the eignal sire, CCenseuenty the following are excluded trom tis Ply. 4. Loss or damage fo dala or sofware, Iv parva detrimental change lo data, sofware or compuler programs that fe caused by 1 debisn, & compton er a defomnaton of the orghal sucte, and any business Iiemiton lorses resting rom auch less or carage. Notwithstanding Ne exclusion, lott af of damage 10 cata fetware, Which is the diect consequence of insured ptysical comage to the substance of prepay, shat be 2. Lees or damage resulting from an inoaiment in the function, avalily, range of use of accessbily, range of ie oF aoseadlity of data, seRaare or computer program, and any bisiness inerupton lenses cestting trom such oss or eomoge Liability Assumed by Agreement ti nero noe and creed tat th Insurance Polly xendedto nce any Hbity assumed bythe Insured bythe presence of tenanoyogfeement. Loading And Unloading Clause te hereby declared and agreed that is poiey & @cended to cover te logs Hablly of the Insured In espect of ilu, Iteest or damage caused by or in connecton win er aring trom loasng and unloading of goods tom rotor venisle at the Insured penises 1 ie furtar noted that the coverage proved under the extenton hall be excess Insurance over any other val and calecibe ieuranceavalabe tote faired PSCLOE HOPE 74006808 OOF ’ PT, Asuransi FPG Indonesia 1 221520077 chase Plaza Tower ath Floor, J, Jend, Sudirman Kav. 21 4 (@zy21s20075 Jakarta 12820, Indonesia, wwvwfpginscom 8 FPG insurance MemBeR OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP Proved evaye hat tho Fait of he Company unde is poiy and endoreementin respect of ary bey jury oss ‘of damage property shal notin ay way exceed the Lint of Lily spected a thi poy Loss Notification Clause ( 60 Days ) [Nebtstenngsrtingcontalnes heron othe contrary its agreed thet this insurance wa ol be preideed by any Inadvertent delays, erers or omissions in odying he insure of any crcumstances of een ging ie or Mt give ‘ao to a calm unr otc, provided that seh noeaton be made witin 60 (Sty) dys om te date of events or cecurtaneas Neon Signs and Advertising Signs Clause It ie aarved that iis Potzy exdende to Indemnity the Nemes Inutes for ears in respec of bosly leuy or carage to roped ang soley ou of the nership, maintenance or ute of any pean! adveing sigs and decoration located on orate Iewed's premises, subject othe folowing aden provisions! 1 ‘The lasurence cons not apy to any reon/ advertising signs and decorations in the coure of erection ‘mabtenance oF epa conducted by oon ehai othe Named insured 2 Waranted Mat the Named Insured shat comply with el statitary enactments by fans and regulations and ‘hall at af tines ensure that to Neow Adverishg Signs and Decoration instalatons are kept In proper state ‘or eoptir and if any defect be dacovered the Named Insured shall frilh cause such defect fo be made good ‘and shall in te msantine cause such addtional procautons to be taken for the prevenion of accident as the ‘cumstances may requre. and no alteration In the postion of the Signs shal be made witout of the consent ‘of the Company. So for at is reasonaby pracicabiv no alraton or repak shal ithcut @ writen consent of he Company be made to the said Neon’ Advertng Signs and Decorations afer any accideat has occumed In connection tert unl the Company sel have had en opportuni of inspecting same. Non-Owned Automobile Liability Clause Inishereby declared end agreed that bs Poy extends to cover the insureds lopli as pected wihin sag out of ie use of any pve passenger auomobl, whch is nlther owned nor ied byte Insured but wed one busines ote Insred This exension shal however ba axcast trance over anyother val and clei Insurance avalabl one insured ands subject tothe oloving contin: '. Sub-Lint USD. 250,000 each occurence arin th annual appregsta 2. Geographical knit & Jursdctor: The Repu of indonesia Allethr tems, exelasons and conto remain unaired Notice Of Cancellation Clause ttshereby understood and agrees tht his poly cane be suspended or cancated witout he Insurance company _advsng in wring of uch rtnded cancelation or euepenion and nething te Insure rckar by giving 90 cays ton nota, Poca FANS 7461S CEDIFIEH . PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia 1 (ayz1szoon7 Cchase Plaza Tower 4th Floor, J. Jend. Sudieman Kay. 21 + (62)21 520005 Jakarta 12920, Indonesio 9 FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP ‘Ovorsoas Visit Clause Isher declared and agreed that he indemnity povided by is Polcy shal extend to include the insureds eneloyens or dretors in connecion wih thelnsured's Business provided that such labliy curs ring the period of indemty and Such employees or decors sha observe, Af ans be suet othe Terms nis Exceptions, Prouisons, Condions and the dureseen Cause of his Petcy. Payment on Account Clause Rlheraby agreed that progress payment on aczount of any lose recoverable uncer ts Poy wil ba mas fo the Insured ‘at auch stages as may be atualyagres upon if dase by tho insted and en reduction of an rim report bythe oss achat (append) provide thal such payment ee deducted tom te finaly agreed clan setae fgures. Plant And Machinery (Inoluding Lift, Escalator, Hoist and Cranes) Clauso Wels hereby understood and agceed that this Polcy extends to Indemnity the insured’ legal laity fer claims In respect of body Inkey of damage 10 propery ading decly or indvecty out or caused by or In connection with any plant and machinery (ocated at Premisas cetines In the Poicy) nthe pyscal or legal contol of We insured or used In work undertaken by or on behalf of te inured However, sheudd auch plant and mahnery be speciioaly insured under ary other Polley fer fled party Iabity insurance, the Insurer wl not indomety the Insured nor bo caled upon to conxbute under this Policy fr any lnbilly atbuled 10 the use ot such lant and racinary ‘Subjat obverse to cher Tams, Condons and Exceptions of his Poly. Premium Received Clause tts hereby noted an agreed thatthe Insured wil nat be Habe to Insurers for non payment of premiums i such pres have been pald to and recehed by DSR . Insurers will not ropusate any Insrance clan for Tale or non payment of premiums ptevded the premiums have been paid to and rece by DSR . In such caves OSR wil be fable to Insurers for tose ouslanding preiums not yet ransered o nse Vinere DSR have cecaved th Insuance premkams DSR ages le poy Mnsuers a fee of 1.00 % ( One percent ) callated con the pretium aitandg for every 15 day he premium remains eustenng to insurers. Winere premiums due under this inaurence have not been received by OSR , Inurers snd conditions of any “premium waranty and or “premium conden’ end or “ Inswance Wit bo ented to apply the terms rum clause" neaded In this Private Works for Directors and Executive Further dered and agreed tat ts poo seer tinder the Insured and any Director or Exeoulve ofthe Insure in respect ofthe employment on priate diese any empoves a the Insure by such Deco: Senior Execute Prorata Return Promlum Clause Poco PANES ACAD EDITS ‘ PT. Asuransi FPG indonesia 4 a)21s200177 ‘Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floor, J. Jend. Sucitman kav. 21 4 (62}215200075, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia wveufogins com & FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP INetwtstandca anvhing conned lo the contar, itis hereby declares and geod that lo cate of cancliaion of the ey, eum premium, any, shat be sunjct to provata prem calcualon bass, Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause LMA 3100 No Insurer stallbe deemed to provide cover ano surershalbe Hable to pay any dln er provi any bene hereunder tothe exanttat the provision o such cover, payment of such can or provision of uch benett woul expose that insure fo ay saneson,poiilen or ection ‘der Usted Nations resins tetrad or economic sanctions, laws regulations ofthe Eupeen Uren United Kingcom or Untied Sates of Amares Tenant Liability Clause ‘Te icuson of propery In the charge or under the conte! of the awed or eny servant of the Insured shal ot apply ia the event otfoss a camage tothe promises (al ature or fitngs ered, hired eased or rented othe iaured Further isurance eens to cover te insures legal ably as ocuper fhe preies Proved that is extension sha not apply to abit in rspect of such ss or deme the ait is assumed by he Insured under agreement an would nt have attaches inthe absence such opreeen Unlicensed Vehicle Clause Nobahstandng anpthing contained to the contrary Is beceby decared and agieed tat this Poly extends to tnermly the Ingured for isis in cespect of bodly iy or damage 1 propery afing out of me use of vehies (not lensed for puble rod ue) land round the premées forte purpone of propery maintenance and epalr ‘Tis endorenment fom apart ofthe Poy fo which tached, eflecve onthe inception dat fhe Poly ues onenwaessted herein Waiver of Subrogation Clause Insurers hereby agree {0 waive all righ of aubrogaton which they may have ond aoque against any of the paros comping fhe Insured excopt whan such nights of subzoqafon ave ecqued ‘In consequence of any frat, rsyepresentation, non dsosure cr beach of coreon ar waranty by that Insured Nething contained nts mermarandu shalbe deemed 1 zeae te Sim insured stated inthe schedule of tha Pic. Waiver to the Article 1266 and 1287 of the Indonesian Civil Code Claus eisnorby declares that in the event othe insured or the Insurer teminates ils nsurance, then bol partis agree 0 wav aces 1268 and 1287 cf te Indonesian Ci Code and such taminaton ede rade wihou equng ary ‘consent ofthe Ceurt Peagain Noger win th teri ofthe Republi of Indore, crm HFEF SI CHEARE SSFEC PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia + 6221820007 Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floor, J. Jend. Sudliman Kay. 21 1 (62)z1se007s Jakarta 12320, Indonesia wwswfpgins com 8 FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP War and Terrorism Exclusion Endorsement (NMA 2918) INotwtstondng ny. provision 10 the contrary win Wis insurance or any endorsement testo is apred that thie Insurance excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever ature diecly of fdecty caused by, resting from oF In connaston win any ot the folowing regardless of ery other cause o° event conibuing ccrcurenly oF In any other soquence oho oss: (1) war, invasion, ects of foreign snemiee, hosttes or wartke cpertions (whether war be dadlared or nat, cll war, febetion, reveulen, Isurectin, evi comeroéon assuring the propoions of er emouring to an ping, ity of supes power sor 2) anyactetteneram, For the pupose of this endorsement on act of taroram means an act, incising but rot fined to the use of fee or lence ane/r the test teat of any person of @oUP(s) O persons, whether acing alone oF on behalf ox la ‘conection wih any crpariston(s) of goverment), conte for plea, retgous, Keolgcal or sinlar purposes |nccng th itentonollusrce any government andor put the ple oF any sect of tho publi fa. ‘This endorsement also excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whalscover nature dreely or indesty caused by resting fom ef & esanecton weh any action taken In conoang, pravecting, suppressing rn any way ‘elang 10 (1) ‘nde (2) above. 1 the Underwiors alge that by reason of ths exclusen, any loss, damage, cott or expense ia not covered by this Insurance the burden of proving te cna sal De upon the Asse. In te event any porto fis endorsement i found te be invalid ot unloroeable, the remainder shall remaln in ful force andetect Nuazera osrrz001 rocsnore unre 57400229 ESSE “ PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia t (22182007 Chase Piaza Tower ath Floor, J Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21 4 @2)21S20075 Jakarta 12820, Indonesia ‘wwvwifpgins com 8 FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY (CLAIMS MADE BASIS) This is a “Claims Made" Policy. This Potcy covers only clains noltied to the Company during the period of Insurance. The Linil of Indemnty apetes to all damages and cost and expenses, inducing those incurres by both the Insured and the Compary. tesued by PT. ASURANSI FPG INDONESIA Pleas red his Poly caret and eo tha! it meet your requirements. This Poley the Schedule and any Memoranda thereon shall be consigeed one document and ary word oF “npresion 0 vhioh a specie meaning has been ache any othem sel bear such meaning IMoOgPOUt “The insured and te Company agree: 4. The Proposal shal be incorporated in and be the basso the contract. “The insured wal pay the Prien “The Company wil subject othe terms ofthis Poly provide the Insurance. “The folowing shallbe condone precedent o any Habiy ofthe Companys 4) cbservance ofthe tems of tis Poly relating to anything to be done or compe vith by the Insured, 1) the tra ofthe Proposal Definitions, For the purposes of this Policy 4+ Business shall incuce: 2) the ownership repair and maintenance ofthe insureds ovm property. 'b) the provision and management of canteen social sports and welfare organisations forthe benef ofthe Insured: employees and fst ad fre and ambulance services. 2 Damage shell mean physica loss or demage end shal include all esulant loss of use of anything physicaly lost or damaged, All such loss of Use shall be deemed lo ocobr at Ine time ofthe fess or damage giving ise thereto 3. Employee sha mean any: 2) person under a contract of service or apprenticeship wit ') person hire to or borrowed by he Insured. ©) selfemployed person. ) person employed by labour only sub-conracto. “while working forthe Insured in connection withthe Business. 4. Geographical Linits shal mean: 2) The Tertory— the Republic of Indonesla~ 2s shown n the Schedule b) elsewhere in the word but only in respect of Injury or Demage wich arises out ofthe seis of a person ‘whose normal place of tesidenco is Inthe Republe of Indonesia but is away for a short Eme in connection Wilh the Business ofthe Insured. the inavred. PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia ‘Aeon lea aren SG ee Chase Plaza Tower ath Flony, end, Sudrman Kav. 2 1 (62)215200175 Jakarta 12920, Indonesia swvensfagins com & FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP 6. nur shall mean Boel injuy oisease or itness including death cesubng teretom, 6. Lots shall mean damages and laments cost and expanses fr which he inured ie Hable a av. Pollutants shal mean any sold liquid gaseous oF thermal inftant or contenant including but not limited to ‘smoke vapour soot fumes aciés alkalis baclea chemicals sewage and waste, Waste includes materials tobe reayeled reconditoned or reclaimed, '& Products shall mean all gcods or products supplied by the Insured together with containers packaging and Instnections supplied therewith ‘8, Proposat shat! mean any signed propasal fom and declaration and any information supplied by or on behalf of the Insure ination thereto orn substfuton thereto. Insurance ‘The Company wal Indemnly the Insured against oss arising out of any cain fst made against the Insured dung ary Peto surance and noted oe Compary dug own 18 day afer re ex of the same Pete of Insurance in respect 19) accidenal injury to persons b) _eocdenlal Damage tolancible property happening within the Geographical Limits in connection withthe Business of he Insured. Law Costs and Exponses ‘With respect tothe Indemnity forded by this policy he Company wit: 2) Defend In hiyhar name and on Piser behalf any sut against the Insured alleging such Personal injury oF Property Demage and seeking damages on account thereof even if such sul ls groundless false or fraudulent ‘ng the Company may make such investigation negotalon and sellement of any claim or sul as 8 deems expedient; +) (1) pay egal cost recoverabe by any claiment from the insured and, (@) pay the costs end expenses Incured wih the valle consert of tbe Company; ©) _Teknburse the Insured forall reasonable expenses clher than loss of earrings incurred with consent of the Company: Provided that 2) The Company shal nat be obliged fo pay any claim or judgement or to defend any sut after the Lent of Indermity’has been exhausted by payment of judgements or setlemenis, b) if payment exceeding the Limit of Indemty has to be made to dispose of a claim the Companys ably to pay any coals and expenses in connection therewith shal be liled to such proporton of the faw cest and {expenses as tho Limit of Indemnity boars tothe amount pad to depose ofthe claim. Limit of indomnity ‘The total amount payable by the Company under this Pocy for Lossin respect of: 2) ne clakm o all claims of series (whether arising In one Period of insurance or net) consequent on oF ‘tvntable to one souree or orginal cause. 1b) all claime made against the Insured during any one Period of Insurance arising cut of releases (including ‘ischarge cispersal seepage migration and escape) of Potutans shall nt exceed the Li of Indermiy respective ofthe number of partes ented to Indemnity under this Potcy Fer the purposes of establishing te total amount payable by the Company in respect of one Peod of insurance Is Understood thal any releases of Poluarts consequert on of alfbutabie 10 one source or orignal cause (respective 28 0 whether the release conitnupus or nermtien) shal be considered as one release. ‘The Company wal in addkion pay al costs en expenses incured with tswillen consent ; ‘Ave PubleCisimsMade doc? PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia te teal at sc0007 Chase Plaza Tower 4th Floor, JI. Jend, Sucitman Kav. 21 + (62)21520075 Jakarta 12820, indonesia ‘ © 8 FPG insurance MeMBeR OF THE ZUELUIG GROUP Jurisdiction Clause ‘The Insured and the Company agree that the insurance shall apply only to judgements thal are delivered by or blaine from a cout within the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore the Insurance shall not apply in respect of any Judgement or order oblaned inthe Republic of Indonesia for he enforcement of judgement oblained elsewhere. Extension : Indemnity to Others ‘The folowing shall be indemrifed subject tothe Limit of Indemnty In this Policy as if separate policy had been fasved 6 ack: 4. the personal epresentaives of fhe Insured in respect of aily incur by the Insured. 2. ithe insured so requests: 4) any principal for whom the insured is canying out werk in connection withthe Business. 1) any director er Employes ofthe Insured. In respect of liabity for wich the Insured would have been ented to Indemnity under this Poly the elm hhad-been made agaist the Insured. ©) the ofcars commtees and members ofthe insureds canteen soctl sports and welfare organisations and ‘rst ale re and amtlance services in thelr respective capacles 2s such. ‘each of whom shall a though the Insured be subject to the terns ofthis Policy so far as they can apply. Extension of Period of Insurance {tthe Compeny refuses to invite renewal ofthis Potcy for reasons other than non-compliance with the terms of this Policy the Period of surance due to expire upon the Renewal Dale sallbe extended for an unnlerupted period of ‘one year in respect of clans asing out of any event or cicumstance reasonably expected to give rise to claims \Weich was nolifed fo the Company In wring by the Insed under his Poly at eny time prior tothe commencement dote fortis Extension Exceptions ‘The Company shal not be Fable in respect of 11 injury or Damage caused by or arsing in connection wih the ownership possession or use by or on behalf ofthe Insured of mechanically propeted vehicies locomotives akcralt aerial devices hovercraft or water-bome rat 2 injury to ary Employee or any claim arising under any Werkmen's Compensation law. 3 damage to '8)_ any suclure or fand dus or alleged to be cus fo vibration oro the wthsreval or weakening of supper 1) property owned leased rented or occupied by the Insured. (©) property held in tst by oF nthe eustody or contro ofthe Insured other than premises at which the insured IS underteking Workin connection wi te Business. that pat of any propery workes upon by the Insured or any person acting on behalf of the insured which arses out of such work 4 helms arising out of bilty ascumed by the Insured under agreement ures such Kabilly would have attached inthe absence of euch agroomert claims arising out of a breach ofthe duty oned ina professional capecty by the Insured. {6 dls arising out of acvice design formula or specication provided fre foe. PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia TCO Cchase Plaza Tower 4th Floor, J. Jend. Sudiman Kav. 21 £ (6221520005 Jakarta 12920, Indonesia & FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP 7 Injury or Damage dreety oF indirectly caused by or arising out of Polaris uniess caused by oF artsing out of an ideniifale unexpected end accidental release (cluding Gscharge dspersal seepage migreton and escape) ‘of Polutans utich commences curing any Petiod of Insurance and Is: 8) delecied within 7 days ofits commencement and 1) reported tothe Company within 7 days ofits belng detected Fr the purposes ofthis Pobcy the commencement of any inlemnitert release shal be deemed tobe at the start, ofthe ist release of the eres, 8 claims ond Loss arising out of any obligation on the Insured or others to test for monitor clesn up remove Contain Vest detoxly oF neutalse or In any way respond to or assess the effects of Polulants on structures premises sites or land curerty or previously owned occupied used by or under the conta of the Insured where {he ootgaion arses out of such onpership eccupancy use or eaiol by the Insured. © claims arising out of the supply of Products by or on behalf of the Insured to any person company oF ‘arganisation. 10. claims arising out f injury to any persons er Damage to property happening before the Retroacive Dae, ‘11. a) fines or penates. 1) aggravated exampary or puntve damages. 42 any egal lably of whatsoever nature decty or ndreclly caused by or contibuted toby o arising from: 1) nuclear weapons material 1) _fonsing radiations or contamination by redioacivily fom any nuclear fuel or fram ary nuclear waste fom the combustion of nucear fuel. For the purpose of the Exception combustion shall include ary se- sustaining process of muear fission. 42 any consequence of war Iason act of foreign enemy hestities (whether war be declared or not) civ war rebellon revoluieninsurecton or millary or usurped power. General Conditions 1 Duyof Care ‘The ineured shall eke reasonable precautions to prevent Inry and Damage and to comply vith al obigatons ‘and reguatons set out in any leisiaton appleable or mposee by any authonty and to maintain al bulngs furnishings ways and works machinery and plant in sound condtion The Insured at his own expense shall cause ‘any defect oF danger to be made godd or Femedied as soon as possible afer discovery and inthe meantime ‘hal cause such adlonal precautions fo be taken asthe creunstances may recue. 2 Passongor Lifts Bollers and Pressure Vessels ‘The Inoued shall eause al pascengers lit beers and pressure vessels for which the Insured has responsibly tobe inspected at his own expense al least once per year by a sutably qualified engineer Ary Fecornmardatons regarding Ovemau repair or maintenance rade during or folowing such Inspection shall be Implemented as soon as pracicable by the Insured 3 Promlum Adjustment IW any par of the Premium or Renewal Premium is based on estimates furnished by the Insured the Insured shall keep an aocurate record containing all elave partculas and shal alow the Company to inspect such Tecord. The Insured shal thin ona month om the exply of each Period of surance fuish such formation 2s the Company may recuire The Premium or Renewal Premium shal thereupon be adjusted andthe diference Paid by or alowed tothe Insured. 4 Cancolation Provision ‘The Company may cancel this Policy by sending seven days notice tothe Insured atthe Insured lest known adress. The Insured shall thereupon become ented to a proportionate retum of pretium, PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia Aorta Chase Plaza Tower ath Floor J. Jend. Suditman Kav. 21 + (62)215200175 Jakarta 12820, indonesia @ FPG insurance MEMBER OF THE ZUELLIG GROUP Claims Conditions 4 Reporting of any Incident by Insured Upon the happening of any event which may give rise toa claim (regardless of any Excess) the Insured shall forthuth give written noice to he Company wth fl parca. 2 Claims Correspondence very eter claim wait surnmons and process shall be forwarded tothe Company on receipt Witten notice shall also be sven to the Company immediately the Insured shal have knowedge of any prosecution or inquest in ‘comecten wh any event for which there maybe lkilty under Iie Poly. 3 Gonductof claim [No admission offer promise payment of indemrity shal be made or given by or on behalf of the Insured without the wetlen consent of the Company wich shal Be enfilled to tke over and corduct in the name ofthe Insured {he defence or sellement of any claim orto prosecute in te name ofthe Insured for is own benefit any lim {and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the setlement of any cain. The Insured ‘hal give af uch assistance ao the Company may requ. 4 Company's Option In connection with any claim or series of claims made agains the Insured consequent on or arbutebe to one source or orginal cause the Company may at any time after the deducion of any Excess pay to the insured the Limit f Indemnity (ater deduction of any sums already pald as damages claimant costs and expenses) ony less amount for wich such claims can be setled and thereupon the Gompany ehal elnguish the contol of ‘ch claims and be under no further lity in cannection therevith excopt for addonalcosis and expenses for vahich the Company may be responsile under tis Poly In respect of matters prior to the date of such payment. 5 Contribution to Costs tthe Company hes not exercised ils rights under Claims Conlon 4 the Ksblty ofthe Company to pay all costs and expenses (olher than claimants cosis and expenses) in oicumstances where the amount or emaunis of ‘damages and claimant's costs and expenses exceed the Limit of Indomly shall be limited to such proportion of. the costs and expenses (oer than clanants costs and expenses) as such Liit of Indemnity bears to the ttal amount payable for damages and claimants costs and expenses. 8 Contribution tat the time of any claim there is or but forthe existence of tis Polcy there woul ba other insurance covering the same lably the Indemnly provided by tis Polcy wil not apply except ln respect of any emount beyond that which would have boon payable under such other insurance had this Policy nt been effected, PT. Asuransi FPG Indonesia peoruniggiarauiegers ‘Crase Plaza Tower Ath Floor, Jené. Sudan Kay. 21 + (62)21520015 Jakarta 12520, indonesia ‘wvrwfoginscom

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