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Ctrl Select current region around active cell CTRL+SHIFT + *
Extend selection by one cell SHIFT+ ARROW
Extend selection to last nonblank cell CTRL +SHIFT+ ARROW
Extend selection to start of row SHIFT+HOME
A Select all Extend selection to top left CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
B Bold Extend selection to last cell used CTRL+SHIFT+END
C Copy Select the entire column CTRL+SPACEBAR
D Copy Down Select the entire row SHIFT + SPACEBAR
E Go to current errors Only select active cell SHIFT +BACKSPACE
F Find Extend selection down one screen SHIFT+ PAGE DOWN
G Go to Extend selection up one screen SHIFT+ PAGE UP
H Replace Turn End mode on or off END
I Italic Extend selection to the last nonblank cell END or SHIFT+ARROW KEY
J Calc Auto/Manual
K Insert hyperlink ENTERING DATA
N New workbook Start a new line in the same cell ALT+ENTER
O Open Delete text to the end of the line CTRL + DELETE
P Print Edit a cell comment SHIFT + F2
R Copy right Fill the selected cell range with entry CTRL+ENTER
S Save workbook Finish entry and move up in a selection SHIFT +ENTER
U Underline Finish entry and move right in selection TAB
V Paste Finish entry and move left in selection SHIFT +TAB
W Close window FORMULA BAR
X Cut
Y Repeat Insert the sum formula ALT + =
Z Undo last action Enter the time CRTL + SHIFT + :
5 Strike-through Copy the value from above cell CRTL + SHIFT + “
9 Hide row Insert function arguments CTRL + SHIFT + A
0 Hide Column
~ Formulas/values FORMATTING
‘ Copy cell above Display the STYLE ALT + ‘
` Show value/formula FORMAT CELLS CTRL + 1
; Enter the date General number format CTRL + SHIFT + ~
Comma and 2 decimals CTRL + SHIFT + !
F1 Help menu 1-Jan-00 format CTRL + SHIFT + #
F2 Go into cell / go out Dollar format CTRL + SHIFT + $
F3 Paste name in function Percentage format CTRL + SHIFT + %
F4 Absolute reference rpt. Outline border CTRL + SHIFT + &
F5 Go to
Remove outline border CTRL + SHIFT + _
F6 Next pane (if split)
F7 Spell check 1/1/1900 0:00 AM format CTRL + SHIFT + @
F8 Select anchor #.# # E + 02 format CTRL + SHIFT + ^
F9 Calculate Enter array formula CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
F10 Activate menu bar Selects current region CTRL + SHIFT + *
F11 Creates chart sheet
ALT + F8 MACRO box Show a shortcut menu SHIFT + F10
ALT + F11 Visual basic editor Show the window icon menu ALT + SPACEBAR
SHIFT + F1 Context sensitive help Switch to the next program ALT + TAB
SHIFT + F11 Insert new sheet Switch to the previous program ALT+SHIFT+TAB
SHIFT + F5 Find Box Move to the next open file CTRL+TAB or CTRL+F6
SHIFT + F2 Insert / edit comment Minimize workbook CTRL + F9
SHIFT + F3 Function wizard Mazimize workbook CTRL + F10
CRTL + F3 Define a name Get to next tab in a dialog box CTRL + TAB or CTRL+ PAGE UP/DN
Get to previous tab in dialog box CTRL + SHIFT + TAB
Select cells referred to by formula CTRL + [
Select all cells that are directrly or indirectly referred to by formulas CTRL+ SHIFT+ {
Select only cells with formulas that refer directly to the active cell CTRL + ]
Select only cells with formulas that refer directly or indirectly to the active cell CTRL + SHIFT+ }
One screen right or left ATL+PAGE DOWN/UP

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