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DYNAMICS OF BASES AND FOUNDATIONS | DYNAMICS OF BASES AND FOUNDATIONS McGRAW-HILL SERIES IN SOUS H ENGINEERING AND FOUNDATIONS | oes Be BARKAN anan, Dyas of Bases and Foundations Losanoe, Foundation Ensineering ‘Tranorarep rnow un Russtax by L. Drasievana, ‘Taanstetion gorrzp by G. P. Tscinmsoraniory MeGRAW-HILE BOOK COMPANY, INC. DYNAMICS OF BASES AN FOUNDATIONS oparit 08th he Cran ik Comper. ae. AIR Sct ne he One ate of Aca nk Gh pbibarnFalvory of Congen Cotalog ard er EAST rep cee ee oe EDITOR'S FOREWORD TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION Since the Fourth Tatemationsl Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engoeeing in Londox (1057), Dr. D. D. Parkan has become sel known is the Wee fe bis work of gebint eareon fhe evsopereat A sibratery driving equpmeat for ples shot pies, ani yl tshige canons, However, th remarkable work on taachineoundation problems ofthe Sil Dynes Laboratory which ho eadeat he Intitste bf Foundstinns and Uaierzound Stracines mai little kan i he West "The dewopment of rations and esti approaches a thes peblom=| has bonn greatly hampered throught he wordy a Ta a ontey nd orgiizel coordination of wrt in the several diciplins involved Sines eetion some 35 years ago Dr Barkan’ laboratory bs rads Inpresie startin remedying this situation 1 fly andoran the views execs on te mate inthe pela othe Rasa txt bythe te Profewor NM. Geese who bad sparred the eretin of the laboratory” Tharlora tame very happy to fave the Drivge of preeting tothe atenton of Kgs sping ngincrs {tanaation of De. Bara’s book "Dinamo of Basorsnd Foundstons." Tamang respects thi bok uni “i relevant task reine ofl mechani, the theory of eae snd the dymaine of vibratory mation aro presnted ia 4 cordnated ‘anner, so the reutng Hndinge arc examined in the light of exper tnt ovStenee; th we ef complex mthrintial expen i sip fed by the provision of ausllary charts nd tables reevastcuefEients Shlain fom theresa aealyace end Ire laoratary al model tate rechecked gaitst and sored bythe rol of wumerous eared {7 om i apa ins heen el a oan on fla aura ution: design recommendation we nade in Ihe litt of practical considerations of ehland mechanal opines, meri menos Hara the pnts ade “Thi hol sh thetetor be o nama ato pentciog engineers nth sn nd machneal~-oho ave a deal th chine date ‘aa se wratione which maces caus; shuld alen silat farther ‘relive thot and esac i Che Ble ‘Aer a formal agretnant onthe attr byton th Soviet publhing gency Meshdunarodnsy Kniga (ntrttinel Book) andthe MeGra HHa! Booke Company, Ine, Dr Dominik D. akan in 1950 and 100 viewed aud bought op Yo date the text of bis eal 138 Book; the English tenaltng was nade fro tiered Rssan ext. “Seknowledgmonts are de to my wife Morene Il Teeboserin, who heped me eat the English trelitiog, and to several Princeton otengute wo Beped mein the selection of popes mechanical tems Crpecily to De I W, Suppigs, Profesor of Mechaska Eagncring, twho read the mansatpt gry P. Pacheosariog Profesor of Cel Brgineeing Prineton Uniserty EDITORS’ FOREWORD TO THE ORIGINAL RUSSIAN TEXT ‘This book is devoted to the cate and vibratory propetise of si tases, the theory snd practic ofthe design o foundations nde nahin vith dynamic oad, quetony of wae propagation fron dust ‘ursen aed prtloms of th eect of thew waves on strtate "Thi hook nas compledsnaely from resute of Sovetsstivns wich were eatin out by the author and workers of the laborstoy Ronde by Um Inluded re data gad trom expreiene tothe performance of foundations under machinery a ndestea plants of the 1-8 1 "This ok i intended for cs smginars nd sine worker 6.1. Benbchsty DM. Tamankin PREFACE TO THE ORIGINAL RUSSIAN TEXT “The peste of modern indostra constriction sequtes the alsin of snany problems eonceoing the peformance af foundatins njestad tovdyname fads, the propagation of waves inn and th eos of hese aes on st uetoree ‘Senne tenty years age onthe ntitve ofthe undersigned, aes Inhoratory of dynamic of st bases and foundations was ores for the study of these problems. The laboratory was bead iy Brlosor D:D. Barkan, “The labrstory work concentrated chiely on the investigation of ut propertin of xls and changes in thet physer mechani! chara evstie Gn particule internal fiton,enbeaon, and veld ral) wer the iden of oibrations, on the sady w wbraian of massive founda tions, and the sty of exiting lave created by vats machines ‘ina, much ofthe Iaborry work was devoted to su of the propagation insole of atic waver from industri outer, the ae= fhe of thew waves by vanes menses, and the investigntion of the Intoaner of sweral ether factors an wave propagation, ‘Consierbleateaton mae paid by the laboratory tothe sity of foundation witetins ad the Sin ty steueures of waves nae ing {hor foundstens, “The eveesive rsearch work rari out by the laboestry in the Fel of dynamios of wo bases and foundations made it poole for the fist tie to comple standard epulieations forthe comptaton, dei, ace crestion of foundations under machinery with dynam fad ‘The ove of thee standard specications in the preticl dcsen of industrial projerts wes very fective, Jo both the enginesing and ‘conan pect of contruton. the book, “Dynamice of Baste and Foundations,” by Doctor of ‘Techical Seences D.D. Vso, ie sompied msily faa sates gs fom invewtgationsenndctod ty bia laboratory. Tle th est. {xiling monegraph isthe Sed concen, ‘The orginal of the material and the subjects covered make this oa intereting ot ly Tor svi engineers ‘who sr designers alse for wie ela f rentieand engineering workers who ate sying the Aiynamber of machines and steustnes Profeur NM. Gerewanoo Corresponding Merter of Be Academy of Sieces of he USSR. PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION, “Technical nd indotil progres in ocompaniad ly an increas in the numer of machines in se and the growth ofthe yrs oy wl ey the intrction of blaingopertions into enevrtion psc sl the Incesing speed, tensity, and tonnage of waren ioe of teanepa. ‘Il thes fartor Ina to an inerane i te nue of shone an Hons the stay of which I ae subject ef new Draneh of mechaniee Aesgnated ainda ensmology- Oreo tho most important divisons tf edustrialsizlogy I the dysamies of bass and fomndstions, which dies the problems of shocks on aad ibrstions of fowndatienssnder {nda oetaitons walla th laws govering the popagation of ‘waves fom these fudations rough si “The praia solved by study of the dynamics of Ineo snd fount sre of great importane in engineering patie. a WVitrations of machine foundation ve harmful to the operation ofthe machine thealven” ‘The flloing ese may be quted meaner thus to an unetialctory design, the foundations nf sover piston ge fompressorfostalled in the same huling sndecwent considerable ibrstions The compresors, tring rg connected to the founda- Hons, al undertone sortie of large ampli which wore tans rifled to che pipes lading fran then Vibrations feqdenty cand {damage toand even rupture thes pins ne the irating compreor= ‘Tals enund the seepage af explosive gaz Hato the compressor hose: as ‘rel the tous ew up ‘Meeuremente of batons of foundations and anit under operating tuners dow tat some 10 percent ofthe work af the dropping part ‘Spent in exsting itations ofthe foundation and ans Wibrations induosd by 2 wibting foundation often caste poor pet- formanoe of machine bearings, which may be ested Up oF way Wear |nyammetealy In ation, foundation vibrations sonerhighsgnd machines exo6e nate fatigue of machina pt iat and shocks son have harmful eft onthe foundations therssives” Although very few aire have bon resorded in i ori foumasons tae heen destoyed by ule wiratons, some $vtanessorenowa mle vibestans or ahock el osu enargee teracke which wece initalyesumed hy othe facts suc an ates taped by diferent matiemonts ofthe Tousdation This edo the istrntion a he foundations ‘Vitrations of aod shocks to foundations under machinoey lead to considerable noguriform sotlomenta which nocesdtate priest ‘ents and gauging of machines “h founlaioneubjecte to vibrations boeomer a source of wa¥es prop gat thrngh these wich have ¢ harmful effect om sewetnee so le within hem "Tham waver ato Minder nornlepeate of lant Soveral examples ace presented im Chap. IX shsring ow ‘eaves opened from foundations under Rarmers cated dames 1 sues foes aly destroyed them "aves frm harsne foundations Ss oquantly caiee difereti vottements of columns or walle ef forge shope Shocks on hammer Foundations lead alo to skewing of loomotive cane tratis, stortions of windaw sche, damage of ete ennections of sewer elements, ct, ‘Waves fom machine foundations aes at ony srvtares, bu leo various tsnologieal prosesse and tho operation of presion machines tn device” Cass ate now frm industrial practicn which machine foundation skocks hindered the operation of various devices and caused sa crease in the umount of rejet in melding and machine shop ‘hrf effert on struetures and epeilyon teboegel presses within thea siete, may bo produced by aves prepared trom Tourdations unde Tow-equeney” machines vith n stale regime of ‘operation ruc os comprosors, dsl, and saw farses. These machines “lly have comparatively lw speed of tho ame etde of magnitude a+ the penepal vals characterising the natura vizations of states Consequently, fe fegueney of waves poopagaied from the foundation Under fow-freqvoney macbioe sometneselnetes with the frequenoy tf maura vibrations of the stucure. Considerable vibrations then ‘evel in the superstructure ofthe bulding aubieced to resonance. fa building undergoes vibrations of considerate amplitude, any netvotogval racemes sihin thin bulding bosome dificult ot even impose: Such vibrations have an eepesil® artful fect on meni living: quarters are Tocata in itrating ‘lng. Interviews with peuple wo lved In sooh a ibating fing showed tbat perso at [feted dey and sight to the action of vibrtns often cera from reads, som, nervousness, le. A Usonongh iy fh dyin ot tases and foundation io ealed to auseefly overvame te hata ‘Mista of eich vibratory prose, Problems of tho dynamie of bases ad foundations ae imprtan fom ‘an economie standpoint ae well” Berane ths bearing rapt of si ‘ulersmachines? foundations wae esl gra 8830 tw 0 pore he ‘alee corteponding to he action of sate oad ony maa tems ae ses wero raforeed by pl, ‘This rise sonseraby the pis the foundation. ‘The earSeation in sect youre of some sions yer taining tothe dyaanies of sos der seueteres made Jt pile to increas design values of the tearing apa of ls under machines foundations up 0 80 to 100 or sont the satietoad wales. ‘The te Instant of «pile base coud be avo ia many eases. ‘The ctf sich a bem ndor powerful induc machinery may reach bundteds of ‘houtands if not ins of rules fra single projet ‘nl recently it was beloved by designe that te lerger the mas of «| machine foundation, thermal the smpitade of ie vibrations, "Ther Tore foundations under machines were designed as masive blocks stolnng tometiner aight of eeerl chousand fone ad pled at Sepa wp te tO wo Tea “The rection of sth foundations inva the expenditure of eansiera= Die funds, merit, ad tims. ‘The std of qvetins a the rational lesz of foundations fed to the conelsin that, fom Che standin of dynam tabi, it etn expedient to make the foundations ight Owing o thf, the cont of stil projets shen considerably roluced in many con Lat us mention, fr example, that foundaters Under powerful harzonaleompretre ware frserly ile with igs £2000 2,000 tons} at pent they are designed fr Weights eee neal the above fie As a eal of the developement af anethot f| Aynumie comprtatione of foundations, the east of foundation mde ‘one poverll boraontal compen now 150,00 20,000 tes Le ‘han i was pein. ‘nly a tow years ge, the weight of «fouation unde a hamme was selected to fi sppraiately 10) to 120 mes the sight of doping furs; in edition, Te wan held novesiry to incanca the mas of the Foundation not by enlarging its tain plan, but by increasing tt depth. Asa result, foundations updee hazamers sree uit nr hey Seve ‘leks sometimes planed steps a Om. ‘The sto be behav foundations ender the action of impacts led to the cnet hat 1 posible, without inerensng the permisible anpltsde of wibentions, to Atsian foundations with weights exceeding Py not more thas 10 to Ur the tephte of the Groppng parte, "Thos tho contruction of one foundation under © on hammer is now sbespor by 25,000 to 50,00 bles than what coe resus "i gest coonoe portance of quetins ofthe damon of bases sn fosnaticoa wil bo stl more evidne if one cealizea Cat annually “howeands of machines which requee the eonstevetion of iedividusl fois ae Dll oF moved fom. ot place to suothe. “Te ibrations of fowndations ender mtehines aed the propagation waves trom fatal sureen depend onthe dante properties of 0 Tee hearinre aatral Catt firs chapter ofthis bok is devoted to the Aegeipsion of thes properties. ‘Tho experimental dats which i presents Sn te dopendans of elastic doformations of elon stems ato ist the “pplication of Moke aw to ola may be considered a frst apposims- fon oni. Deviations from Hoke’ aw ate eveed by the infence of ‘nit seones in the cil (which are preset boeause of fiction fores, ‘cepa fret, and other fates) onthe elastic deformations induced by ‘cimal loads Consoqueny, the elastic constants of xl, partelarly Ite modus of shea, depend onthe values of normal pees, “The modern theory of maaive foundation vibrations based on the sumption tt the hypothesis of Hinge nator Between setemeat fon! lode i lid, Thoefoe, forthe computatien of ered or tira ‘tons of foundations ite necowary to ko tho sad eticents Ui castes of ste Le the ete of propasonaty between eres in the nl along the foundation aren fn contact mith tho wil and the tettlement. or sliding af the fnadaton, "The tet chapter presents thovsetial and experimental data which sabe pomble to etalish the Thing valoe ofthe ave coficents ft difaces sols and the depen ‘nee of thes eoeliints on several tetas. Ac tho end of the chapter hpetimental data ave given soneering the elastic properties of ple ination A considers par o Ue fst chapter i devoted to the ‘sus of espera vetiatlans of slate properties of wil bawea Star strate, "The anond thaplor treats quetons related to the formation of ‘wri (sua!) setnente under the snultaneods action on the Saf static pressive aed vibrations "This question is important, fst al for the eesimation ofthe bearing ale ofthe sil under the vor tind ction of vibrations and stati presure and the caseation of {hetors afetingrecdual settlements under the inflocnco of sibations; second i important forthe seen jstieaion of ew methods for {ho prossion of ariel bans under strutures by mpesas of vibrations. ‘The rot of experiments presented in tho recond chapter show that tacaly al sil properties (nioing those which determine the resi= ance of eis (0 Toelzed loading) may change considerably under the {ston of sieatione. Also wey treaty afestad are tho compresve properties of sis, espocilly sandy scl, Computatioal problems of resdual (gas) mstements of foundations sjoeed to vibrations or ‘hocks nequire considerable importance in thw conection. The base Ucory fr the computation of ork stents fe given In he sro] Chapter, ae mets i cree rese stements ‘Data penta i the fea te apters rere oben foinwstign tions cried out by the ator is asweiates nthe abonatory Beaded ty him; considerable prt of these data i being publish hee forthe fra tie, "Th thd chapter rats the goneral tory and renal f esprit inyetigatione of vibrations of massive foundations This shaper Conelusse the frat part of the tonk, which covers the sain ental prinsole of the dynamics of foundations ‘Chayoes TV to VIE fom the second part of the back and test the pr ara cmptation nd dg off rch {freeones such nercieeening engines machine with tpt Toads, rolling mula, vrbodyemn nd eruting equipment, ‘The tale ‘of eoatenta shows the nope ofthe eubjtct matter reset, We shal hurelyTention that for those chapters data ae widely’ we fom omerous Inge stl istromentel cbervtions of wiration: of iting oundations whi bave been care! out by the ator sinc 190, ‘inal, Chaps, VIT and 1X are dented ta the question of dytamics cf bm, i, tothe propagation though wl of waves from machinery tnd the actan of thee waves on strusares. ‘Thee ehapor form the third pat ofthe books A paral fete of hist ey the fare Ea ‘horcicl material rolated to the propagation of ses har boo ot rected hero the Basia af gumerbae expecimental dats The Lior ‘Sow that i the sluton of srseproere or example hts Inga relationship betweon the smplitudes of sl wratins ar detsnce), ‘thease! enetesione Base on the seinpion vat sla dba clase sodium are not confirmed experimental. seh eases the author hae {ed ta introduce te ecnaary ereetens hace en experimental reste i compling this book the suthee Wid tad mater hain fom Investigations eondscted inthe Bol! Dynsmies Laboratory headed hy ies "The author expreon hit cori thane to Two. G. P, Tiesto, vio spent match Une and wero the etng of he tanaasion ado ie preparation for poliation in tho Unit Stats "The sito sea ‘hanks 0. Y= Skekter, who elped bin inthe rvion of th txt D.D. Barkan irs Frere Bagh Praation CONTENTS Drv be Orin! tain Tet ® Pref he Belsh Trotton a euaei serene aac slant of Elastic Unifocm Shear of Soil cr a Iie of Whtone om She Roaty an pdm Veron Vian ot Founas Spomiatinn Neh ‘Virtinaea FovsdationsAveaananiby Sinueacenat St Saat Sapo £ tThe Bree onthe Natural Frome of Bese con of ibrann of Mamie Pondias seer Racponating Bgince sno of Permiase Ample of Fonds 1 Macnee teu far Pond on oumincin ata 4 Saeco Den 2 Satine Mota i Sonne 4 Recpmcadg road Sy { Werhal Tareosder Eagan ‘aswel Fospinder Page Yeleh cplaet nese CHAPTER ¥. Sapp of Deane ms of ote ESSE Span myn Eovnie Dynamic amie ow este ees PEebinies ; {RpieDeen impute fr &temdatinn ih ‘owe Dvn for ie Dos a Foci fo 1 Dav Date for Hamner Fondation Mate fhe Fenton aed Pad SO he Avi 1. aperinntal Deterination of the “Coeeton 1 Stee th ee cscs LUTiehiaa Ascmplon ivedin Digs Compute Rants le Vireo Fonda an Aa 1 Expire of Dtuepon of oundatoo fn trsdotin = Epi nd Pm Kp oni Nations = som we Sean Rain u ‘Sind geri Depa tase Pandang 30 1 General Bésstives on Compuiaién and Design | 0 ieee. SENS vpn op ne = 5 hoaeerehan ea en carn 0 Beal Sytem lect ee Cait of Frame 2M sane Fotis & Inmtcdoas or the Deen Af tstasios fr Coven peatins ‘Somguatnn of Bord ibe ras Fae 1 Comput a Foc! Yr! Wears 1 Basar ote PowieAmaie samp ef Dyan Compan of Founda ot i na Ander Len riage {Ele 2 Mote doce of 9 wndaton for Gen or em 9 Doge el Sh Masine Fountain oir Trbdyea Bye Enis Oy hg Gia Frio Tels Cosine Coubeen Prong Yebst f Leotrl Eee FE cnn a Gree areca ats Se eR es ‘Rene Todor by Waves ested by a Conese ‘fee nwenee Vrain wh Der peoh iet h ee Sees “ CHEE TEE sc non weer a nied us by! asain Naa i wi component i iin pried Uy tekst & "Rima ecg Pye ona ie «Seaton iti sie Woes See reees ae oa a Neti 2 ree Hh Inde by Waves NOTATION ary symbole un ithe gna sn ex eel a syd eroreplce by wn cstmary inthe Unio Satoh ‘yma ara pn i he es wie etlowe Th et die 29d ‘mace the main metole et ape ie Se bet “Thm met ape nas a the sin teat and ba Bn kot ‘a the ngs tramlaton "The flowing conversion factors May te pt ote meer NAD Stat mine’ = m2 nine ‘Taco emc me to 23) 4 (aii edie as a 4 Ait naa eee waa lcd eee doen da C0) A Asie hres one sar HIE) tics roma ens et ef sf 4, Smite spd ying slg “cna earn ie shiek os undone onan (Vit speeds fered vant oan (eee ee al sce aa ee vehi Scan ty ar orate ck a, aan |” ‘punning smn in BE) - em Bs ho ai oti ft Tte oir ‘ie tine eanistonia Bee era etl ia Bit gms Be Se Fi ending do Se watentng met PF he 1 a : | TERRA ers) ‘ fe (Rta ea ra Cerca ceeeethesk eaten a ne on . timo hale ne oo \ Tones tir aera 5 | «= SE Ee un nai | Mi Hiating Contato saris ni C0933 . Mw ‘Moos of the eran in tq (1V- Seam aven |S ee lent mbna edn ie ens gence ay ee 1 EE ca 2 |: 4 [Shaman emntm tings antes I : 7 < (SSeRS acme atheeege et ee EB encom aE j RRS Ro Sahota © FES: ae rt | 2 |sekeresxtrmar ts ioe ee tatiana tad oar FS en ct tsar beats Jog (eaaeigee f sain om at V1) ttl Ey vest ana mane Beary ee Ang i mua Ba at» "are on thea feat in ate ei peon nm Gen 125 fon ee came ame “a yf) inc Aine of aren in 442) enti in a ALA "desu inpatE (hteietron ane a ein By 2) ity of mashing |e z £ + ain aca ‘be ava| ‘ [Spe a cue DT [SOD mba ca, en Ar" |Raleh Spc of nda Ba (Wt) curing! B42 fy pepe et vis 7 ™ th pect voi oun of mat BTS [ih totten tera 7 Se, [es tens ee Bre Gepacatiam iene satan, ae ins tie a he ef ry oa |2 tibia. vim dine of erate etna Bn Psaryand (ITH me ate Yu Fo Yo econ Cried Semis Ciel Gai | a wie | Fela Petaton fie) Racha | Denon ‘orfoeniacon n Baie) emai 2 . "ave caogo in velome in Eq (VEE) “ va, |scimat enti ia 2) | ee ne A ae ae Bins csteroie mm akc (Si Msc dee ny teat Sag Seer ‘ came aee (NE ant Gb, eat oe ih re ite. dere mena ei lr a Bh ae | Siuereatiestocdea ct 7 [ome eo Be ed (UE abl p> nba 11-28); ratio cf moment of eral Ba, (its Esra tear n ba 3) et (van) Iter depen of fame fvndaton tn | eis ey sonny date fh ce ‘ni nd mon 2 hh a in anne no ei ee ae rd ‘tit rag ‘Sipinudes (dager of siren elnoyton) i Tit ebony feet end ae. SSeS mn S| eestttorarnt del E309 . an eS aye —|iieltbn aea * Serre it 4 = 2a : 2 [etm ttn rein BE v-Stutmas seen sore td tine cs psec) vor eane eatin el n> rasa Grae cian in Ba. (VES) Seen [ie tt Medea Gish fecenamam fy oie ee ait Ba EST : ne tne sree nie of» deleted late lng the ne = OE | se in el wi Pansy on By (WITS) fae Pray linn neg ra ‘ise met aon i ESN Se ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SOIL ost Deforntions of Si and Elastic Constant Le Genvatzed Hoake's Law. “There axe two kine of extereal forces Seg on a deforma body body forces andsatac ore. Tiny foenack.on vias eben" Ty compl gos Coc, Lihat Tce and cer af SMT wwction he rl ofthe hcl foe ger unit volume led the mas eee. ‘Sige forts tt on suf feat Clad example ao bye tae prenatal ors ef atta and exter eon, Fort of intraioabeweon te ars of els Helo othe eter tea ‘face fren he aide of he aie fre pt nt ar of he le ‘gli Hes “Sone ident Ry ioteral sae (OTe ing ‘Tort odin areal taste seme ‘The maaitode of the stom atm poe le epee on the oritation af the sex zi ane trough the pra The tos elt a bn any inte ne thongh a point can te obtsined from senting on tee lnc rssing thro the poi and yr Penile the soda nes rad Thus ser ning ans plane perp ‘iar tothe al ey eet thre emponentst ent ls sew be the norma compere fe, El Connent at ‘eet adm and il chang con eents pari to they ade axes Cortpondingy, sree sting Um pase perpen tothe y ands nee may’ beatin he em the body at point are then determined y the totality oe vai: Cnty oo he sine components ose ar ot ntrdepdent ‘a toy undorpysdfrmation, hen Unie the ation of srs the tance betmeon polit of the body Leys fa) all hangs Lat [Visand we the cmponest of dapacetsat alo th oni aes 2 Sandy rspectivaly Tn ihe geal cum the vale of tes come nets depend ba oa cordate ofthe ot under snseation Eaten Se ‘suming thet dsferatore ar eal, w ty rote the Hat arin af an ement of loeth pal athe x Sinn the Bacar rnin of nents pra to ey and ae ce However, tsa of stain fs hay determin ot ely by lear stzaan Yat sho by the toation af sme ea eaante tn apt Co ‘er slamenta Aes tml of deformations ght spe Beene liwar ements praielto the andy aac un eigatng atte me point in shanged by the wale ve Batt “hin domain o dro of hi ani raed sharin ot ddan Sulryy the dstrante of the eit agin bowon the {Pande and Letwean they ahd #08 Sl wee ‘The quanti oe tn Yay Yen yc determine he deformation ston body, reeled coment sain The sos in the deformed body ate of sch egies that Yom Yur (tat no heating aes), hon the defomnation omptnied iy yachanpr evans. ‘THe ative degen rtume fer eal deforeions ele Maem = 620; then th formation lade f the siding of some lent ofthe Indy tive te sleet te of fed wil ot chang.” Accoring to the teary of ly ay al Gutman can be roolvel int 5 sim of format tt “nl by shang in vetume sn of formato acapella Hate the removal ofthe oat rusts tile he fone it had before He fed yan ppd) thon the body te nee A Tey stl body, as tale, rome oly para! lati, oc ster lading the bedi does gp snail roarn St lsh {iy sanded deforatver Bars then past). Wo shal oer here uy ants frmatons which can lays br elated by seen (ie val of thera dformnign fom the tal forensic ‘dng te Gren tung Tee kgan from experience Cat ean deformations increase po: pettonly iv incese fo exert nde Aung hat intra ‘sn in ay ave pogo! entero ld emmy ech Te “elrgn tha anata of tds ped am he stron We et within Ra general form this ineseationip tw these itd dsfonmainn can be aalely expel by Foncios a foto Festa Palette at ov aatng that before enteral fret wee apple in 2 oy, it seen in sachs state tat olnternal tess wee pret asf a Uniefrmod sate, Uadar the rondo a fuyetne Part te coo tit 0 ‘We amon tht defoatine are anit ad therloce i expan he (setons PF = ino Tagine ere ne esti ane 0 tb fet edb aly. We aban f= One + Can + Ct} Cit Cane + Can aun t= Cate # Cas Cate Catt Cate Care Equations (LL-1) vest the analy expan of the gens’ Toke Tew, whch canbe formulated allows: oof toe fe om poset of tenes her Fon the mpenents 0 the ath ‘The const are constants wish dend the late propertion sf thewtd hy. Therearea0 enstant te gence case." However, {eis pov the theory of tatty at ely 21a indepen he Ths eal br ndependnt estate envy ochre. teriza an elrpiehomogeeows tos Le. a woe east proper tee identi! ina irrons and at ll pote. “Two ease Ponta User ach body “Tecoma Hooks aw for horngeneotropi dee may bo vie flows sake fe mai ae wa) ‘ee de de contantealed Lt’ cent “ive ‘ag two sie ens anmrte nrieodlae or ering, esse proper ex yrs ean doers) by thes ei eo Bue sd ec a he of ta Tendo (42 sow duet tht the ela conan» se ‘out e paral tewten he sas a th ewig et ‘Sato wield te moda cya ee Ts mor ‘nly coud by og een af np by he say Fao Telrad o cet gl experimental contin or wich be rani been the stn tte sae ode epee Sy ty A Tanto, tne of peerly ever e ttn st comes stand on tna sonra wa ‘rmocly abl he ec ealsondan Kr mags te ‘enol deli fem he esting peo pl bread toegestaan nce» {or sean nthe dcr the sok obits fe es compose Subsuing the egress fr the cement the a he of a (1), we abla dette =o May =o aaa Bek Dan oe sw find drei ro Get oat oe 88 RR et ‘hich defies the celationtip tween temie 6¢ coprenive) ste {vd the elongation or eomprmion) eased by this vm led the oval molt of easy oF Young’ modus ‘ce th aprons ft val bu fret sg, falls that tial logaton of 4 Lar wl te azompssied Dy Ica entation From (Ct and (5) we ota Hage allows atthe rs ten the ei Ine eoteacton ted he euative anal gation doe mit depend bth Spe a te {fos elon aed ia conan fr a ven mei fhe ly» called Pols ui and Lis wii ho fiite 9 air cbf. Yotngs moduhs and Pesan raise th me peal ‘nner dating thease pope of eaterThey ey ly aed in egiesing neta! "Savieg We (0) and (Lf ao, meta thoes In ea of Yootas mad and Poisons roti» es) ees 1 5, sanity o tn te SS Bn 42) 0 cot feta ts tye ntl te Topas tobe tuting ee ean Were py nly ter itp oar at ratio s sesgea ees ol iota rsa ys ye fey wate at ier cil pie "Tevaaet ese fr mca er eit et na tralia ais ‘siping ten aye ste sb ald ‘The dimensions of dhe prt ofthe wl selon vary and rage ‘ton 5 mt vel sll) ed pve ito oe haan Saline) Supreme hee mol bie somest a aly eeerd Iimstr on ide Te lar that sith a eu, i of lay, an bo one th rg gee ef procion,t be erogenous” ube sco densi ousting of gravel soil mus bs conor toe echecoztocnnHoweee i heeds f= cube of gravelly eter ‘Beaute sural tao cntimeers, hen i eed that tty be ‘Sime to const of homogeneoss materia. Hee fons tha tay be cnsdeed homogeneous only i uth vl mente hare leasing whieh are large i comparion wih he dinensnn of te a pastes, There, iy sre o deformation net sled pit in {cel ie meant an sverse ste overs snu or uvlumetie date tion whoo denon sy af toh te sea sad thn vole ee lrg omparuon with the dimensions ofthe val pases With thee nutans ary” dete stam inlading vol which sons stati ‘aly ior price, may be considered homogensou bed. The last properties of « volume etme wipe datos ate large tn ‘oraparo with te disnionscfval parties lbs constant Og svete leort, ‘Sl particle ar ditrbuted more oles a oudom, ‘Thetfore the slate proper of wll re te sua fn all zee, and ell my be omer an botropie body “The only skception lr prnnted by Isp tens ofl shih separate layer ae characterised By tei enp within tbe boandare o ayer "Th aditon tothe for of eobenn whith are presenta est ot agente dogre ins sd bales wll x characteriand bythe peace of tho forces of interoatfietion ‘a caplay ores whieh de the ‘nponanen oii intra stess. "The gowaloed Hoke’, formlatd In the georal cacy Bas (11-1, ie asad onthe sumone tht the zest end deoroaton ie ‘he inal state ee, before an excel ad taping) ar lt ee Ta realy, ital ses are present nl td bod However Oe ‘oneself Chey are ml compro withthe dee ‘trea Then Bys, 2) fra bomngencoe step Body ae val ‘Scmetimes th hd sess ina toy may aan magaitodes com fare ith worling svn or eves stpuing thers. Nn eam ‘he ear, the iter of which i chartered by conddeabe sss eed by the mtn attain lage masses, Jee Known that most ‘vere earthqakor aro cnusol by eternal steams in tho ees af teeth Tosh ete the eof Hook ew fate form 11) wt ‘ering iti resmee may led to ep sor 1 considera inal ates aro pros, tha iil dloemations ant snsdered oblate pane a speraton nase {o'to vali in lates fo dcoroatoan ‘Therfoe if ot pe fo fly conventional eet, which take he sate before defen ‘eunserss tate, n comping deformations sit sre ol eee bythe arn of tion, by spi fern and by proces leading tothe ang an conan Im antey se ida sree rent sly fot eon i sre tote lal state af ree ay e aon by a umber af (yee ‘emia pros the mune of which hav ot hye ben slisty ‘nocd The flowing method can te employed t detect the power of i steam sandy ails» Ia rapped vial ton wil nee filing red wit prety laste alee warp eel ead ‘pein device ttt tne rl deformatins othe You ‘Thoveading taken aler the unui ite rm how tn tae the Ioaing, This ows that after the load hich ated om the cand > reson, stem doelpedn te in nels ra {Se afin ene "hrs ia sens oe ens yi {von of gor and can uit ory force oat ste ng bet and parts “The infec of ntl stro o tie dforatins of «wil rae te fou only by coming with esperimenal data some dedartes ith alo fen Eq et), at indleate en cotradictionsbxtrcen theoreti sedans snd a (2) aed experimertal data “Pavlos (18) mere dosed he bai of Oe asampton at tig alo eqn ero. Tigure 12 pest piel shears eo ‘nd (ig es) and onan tienat repared arp ny (ie. 12. Tite 9 chows «device whch war tend to iwi lt soar. ing in sand. "Th devin eowise of to etal was leh oa {feyarund the sports The sharpened herent det i walle ton tw aperand lower tn € 085 "Thalond fa pcan he late "Thieloa peed on fe wale and hu increased the ity th harp edge in grooie the per ae ares ates, ‘Tho tet aan das peed tween tno id wae whts ty wore ina verti prlton. Tasping war toed to ke fhe svi dese ns Ponta ‘The vera edger af the wale were bent sound» wonen Fike to preven sun foes ling ot "Phe aplication of he ond # donot a Norioatal scent of he upper te and led dtoron ofthe mpl "Ths hers (hedicaw ave very let he of pre shar Shear tots on lay samples were poet by sping hos for tna etal lta ad Wo the upge tae of te sae The Tower sare of th sample ws ied to the Kaw he dee "Tess ‘Sears cron a see cles thewe of gure shear when the ~ ‘ ct 2 Pi Se relationship beeween shor sees au dear stra dtarnined by nf the asthe fq (1. "Toe shenot reate ne oe in Fig 12 feta tat, within ‘res and sins Howe, the ares sow that ssn formar {oor deveag ony ia cae Jo stich the es stcne eta due. Apparestiy ths alue of he ere responde to We es (nal torn por oni aso a the ‘Scud arte Sheers’ calls may_ bo io agecmert with Hooks lf the ‘eng hon, mal pals is take into azote Tat three a 1 evo fo tating aad OC BAB 3) Then the etn me “hip "betweon the somponcnte sf oar stra the corso rin dtermi bythe caatins whores abd rare the smponat oth ital sesing ses Tt toes drat from Bae (2) Sa the ssi 2 Ape on eho normal eset of cea tt eay mp Unter ferent aera seer sow tat the mal of ity eeaes (ben icrene of rae othe fmol Th ola tl aes Tone of eis ie ART) alr show tat tect hate orm ‘hear of tes iornes proportionally tothe soa prose 0 the ON" Thon tho modulo of ey nt constant at depends tpn Uh magnitude the neting neem “hn rerdanc wits he abovermentond experiment, wx sane that dapeonee ofthe mfr oly af i on the Yraal onpounts of swe dtecnand by the exresion bomen lon tad aay here us the maui of iit fees in ttl tate (hen ‘en tests arentng a) ‘Substivng Bye nto the hth parts of ys (L4, we tain the flirbg sce tai tnt Me b2ln = sl bes ta tem tha Bes ten tte Te thew expressions, the sins cxponents reprint th difereeos tetnen the sen indosed bythe ating oa an thei ste Etna (L412) ev not Bnet, those (12) Tete ap (1-19) cowie prt hs senpresin of cube tthe a Tater = => aad Substituting tes expressions for not ses nto Fs 2), ‘htt the flowing wt Be 2 bore = 0 Neh 2n Bn 0 dee at Ba me Adding the equation (24 4. + alle = m0 a oe Subsiing thin oxpromion tar «into he Iand parte of Bae 2143), eB OT" BEI eB EH ~-ptete axe BFR File Fa S ‘Th moan ety wl BX Bin + ean Be) eer where By bs Youngs mid dternd by Eq, (14), ad «ina ‘oft wih tas jet act the ont e110) ot oral seen on hp saving srg | Peete = AO uy | Scare tora “Goa ‘Thus i men hat he mada Of la ty # apends one sera prety o- For sal al "alm of wy the value fr hue fo ay aad 5 the at of ie clow tthe wl of Bo Wa of Inca in prs, te med of age ‘han conlsons are conrad by sompeeson T5-Ga ao tats cube of cbaive ti Theresa al ‘ent °? guts on clas andy aye th sme ap reveal ‘et nanan tniternn be hey oto whan ress cet poral preset Pre Te pees a pa Sete mae clo erations ard rma pres ting 98 ‘isfy ant the samo Analss of thin chee lead to oe fonchsian tht ese proper of sas Change ‘onsirbly, oven within thera rng of ri spi in tng. ns {8 by (133) ne sane following retin fe sn Fa ahem aus) ils ioe down at meds of Pn at ot ota I the nore teem ing hil sagas) ae eal hen the al of» claw tothe vl given by Bg. C2} for ‘Stic Boe fo whch Toke iw ai With nase he evra prsnte, Poms oi Drones ine for teh Te 12) evan Tn bois for eh he omtinnsexpresed hy Fi, (1-12) ae alte mdf laty tu rn dete seen in the tenants st he same te Psion’ at il oc ‘Thue the hypothe conerao the dopennen 0 the ses seas Tig onthe orl ru nade the sno that tho le ‘peri of wit are ferent fo otpreton sad fo esn "The ste dhrormation ofa 0 dpnd oa te Une ering Asrine shin the lad Se pid The nee atime petotr'y wate Insta eft is nn that tm actarer re ch snl otis forage of itty rptines aching dees ime tae determation oon doen mitt er ya fg, but dow over un etondad pied "The phovomen of lati ‘ict i tacroed ins @ ac pete dev th fr ‘Bec eth morta and eos ‘Seng tthe iafuenc of thease Pera, cate dnormatons depend on tere had aplication. This ti yeas why cro ‘tc constants fond y sue wile snd costings of sw chase lise mag. ifer from aresponding espe ae 4 rl tf Inveadgatont of eae rams ponsoce (or example, in suis OF ‘wove eapgaton orn fequmeie of brain of amg) 2 Fawn fede ond Pots ator Sat” Tew cho love that even inten ony de dlammatina ef olay andere. ees tration ware moh ore ama th hoe plate by Hose’ aw However, the suman of tlisaip mere plcsted than Hose’ iaw wil oa tthe sect ef envag seo eer theory of elastity operating wth none etiat amt ‘The aluson of them equations enn athe smplert role lade 20 cree iy nd he spat of ie see Bye det12) bevomes peatialypssble "Thu I noes atthe amy by Bo sump thse the sll cy fobs ook’ le. Then near feral equations may teased when feoseving tha eau oF motets at taht ay be {ood for many protest sos heweran be kept thot De ‘Sumas alu of lasts oll ssn teald bested th eeraion f the inflorve of the spins aunts To computa of seers of neta nde the ation of static nnrepttonal fade al esol etoent oe Wily di tiene fatness a cr. aot token into senunt iy camputatlns. Theor when comping fettements or domains rerio rr the srsn of moaaptonl Trade ono dbs not employ este contante, but rather tonto hick determin tho reonship tether oat efemstion of o (Gedo! ad ht) snd sete acting Wns Thain of {Pon's ty the doa toa efoto rte compeesaliy reticent i we, someting determined fom the fst bate of ht ompreion eure The toting af magth properties of soe in fd istratvonwualy i lnie tn he etmlnation a the above ‘onal i rors Up t the reset toe the slate cnn of sola buveseddom bon inept Ins abort, sod mo ree he panel prin ean NIN. Tata aod TP, Powomarey 2 in ele lvetigatios of ompecson of slay subunit not nd any Intnl expuin Hesoe ty came tothe eoncluon thie Peseony eatin equal wo fer these fal, Tech nv th con of eral eet re spi to to ais nut ip vera anderson! pstons ts onion in nde to cemave them Asa rt a ee vet ‘ob cme tothe cneuion nt ta int of latrl oath pre fe, the ai yy oe eoaelant lye foreach al for mae esi 0.4; or slays O70 t O78 The soe of cath pues ‘std to Bolen rata by th forma fram which Ls From the shove-quotid vali ofthe aerebearthprssiecooticant swe obtain the alr of Flo's tors 03a, 040-048. Gri Vatrvily und asocnten™ investigated the soil of ater tur yrsire ty mista af aesaly dogpned devien.‘They foued {hate cousin dopondson the earmal ses 9h an acres ‘he alc of I ieranneeyrpleily ppresling «wae base: UGenng worn i NAC Gerteanov ered tha thi dependeooe {a on the oan fo explain hy the ieee of iil tess ting note "or eal ofan atl prepared clay whieh they sad olaovey and his once bin an ary valve eh aera cacthpeesaro cooicent oaling 0.2 to DIS. Careoatagy, the eof Pes ratin wan 38 to 0.40 Tanepeck determined, sls of Deion’ matin on the tie of sstauenonts cf erate af propionate ear was For tg hy, beatin vale of Pott rats of Or hy (0.44. Fo ry oli thon ents Patri se oo ae (042 to 04. 0 ne, DA Tal. A. Teptovih ramon formyl = 0.1 a 035 for clay witht and ad 00 fo (fe for nye O38 0, "Misaki and RZ Ratentebog inesiated in the aboratory Uhwreteo he oir onont fely nd f sd lise hereto of Yohei rt, dstermined tom ts oaned om supa tte both in errr nd ia conker, Tt os found at / Frnt st does not deen he molstan fonten, butane he hu ‘Shain deren of Poisons etn TW Zag) Meee of rey xo be SOEacng hh meat 0 Sandee ee staan te vale af 0 tmethods sod inventignedvarouotl team be rp, matin be TOPS elf dee antisraua ae PiESutStirtn tndaye abe spiny ee lo of Pens atin ot! Riluediyetpeame woe, Mow teres Spe ‘Dist ttre to 09 9028 ethan hate rtrd Mn in con Yeeeah ene se See See aes none tht andram ete Sic corse. nipmeanet epee soot Beet Tomlin cottqmrg oon ako era ee een Be banca ie et en, ses ow omelet trata nd wir prema i iid eta Fcwe prec on ee har Toca Fete att ave Youns Stason ne yt liming ome sasha” ces ence, knoning wand incr ta od Yount, fn eon eth the experimental te quid alone, we amumed » fe all this nesta tobe Dl, gave 18 prone vale of Youngs mods forthe Lyuberoek sod otanellae'm col of ivergatiore of saes mi svete incre matare contents by atene of the meth se dot Its son from the Rigi tat expen van of boas oaly Ally ih shang aire Yonton, within te case Oo ‘re bone poole te conior that Youngs efron ob Pe nce not depend on mastic cootent,Anslogos ele wae oblaned footers xparents aio dyad dat the win se snd bas comparaive'y sxinoe fence an Yount holten, “abe EL pees wales of ‘Younes medal obtained fr sands with dot praia saee ro Yas ol Mont x aa ae So Se Eee et os menton lly that, coneary to the epnio enpeed pubinatiny the eaperinente taal that Yours tots fot ‘Pond doe nt depend mish on on poy ofthe ea “Thus the rele of experiments fad 0 the contusion thet Younes sss for = pr sund containing no to say admit a wale tharsterae wah dos wot change dh eh ang ate Wolute ‘ontengrin ste or prety of econ Hower, the Young nodtlor of» exes wo dspends ty ans rset onthe proparesmestionl aiove. Fig 7 prosnts vat ‘Younes model vain ge eof eats prepared lay ‘ator ith diferent noite content “Phe dara showed or ‘hy with mitre content oe to 3 ee cont Yours medals very Sul “This cay hate following characters pte iit =o vester absorption capacity = 1232. The vaios of Younes modal CTrrsgeaing fo vartain value ofthe mote rntst were obtined fom compeson tno vay eas Fase al hore Vogel meister on pen(i-Z) or he a of Yom nota he ar oi th ‘eft sn tre ‘moitture content of the ebay for °°[ TF ‘thick "Younes maduae is err E04 Tal (Gorey equal tem). Ee “tay “tinted = 2) 2 | ret cent the gh en 5 fay acer ik rae of tsbiiedeperinest tn tongh not “expensed tht, gh ay Sek wh ao within cei nage he aan, TERSueky Ts tpt aud to the lay doe nt ee Shannen domed et ea Stier tated ty worn ring ont nd “iat aac ye ia settee ded sotendags Eepeloens baal ta ne umes oman So "han 0 po cpt and derates with an prac inthe tad conten. For exams «pate ly Inert by y= 29 parents ton ‘nyt 20 percent sand arate by we 24 peso ‘apenas eo 40 per st ound ha w= 30 et Soy, a ay in ela containing 2 6 pr se sant timate sacar ene ‘The Young mola ot clas cotaning ter hen pr eat sand it fot famed mek by maior catalan for cage mit : ent gr ea per cet tae 5 insip ehangesotrny au compred to" that for says mit) eel aad i smite Figure F-0 denonetstn the ratin- > hip hese the Yoong males 2 {lay and ite poroty the gape tid t fon th tsa tet reat aid by {he athe and Katnontoge, Vitus of the void enti areloted ne {he hoon on vain of Bong ° verte au, While the sid fot x hinge fom 032 to 085, he vanaf Yous medalor deceased fen 1700 2 (WTaD eft font, ‘ ‘On the kaso the data i sb ‘S"GE OT BEST V0 to conte that Your's tule to va omc mt a SE ign oe dee ‘ty win vie wid see" he lucy ef for sande change vo atv ile howe for oye a lis it sh anda’ ny che [ety deneoiing a he metre sont te eta eet ‘gee the grin Sins he deta so glam oat or iene wan Boece 18 rarlgtons conning the fst he shart Ys od it innot pale ta ema any acca for cose male for sen delgntomptssone It nesnsay to determin th a ‘ls of Ein sah cue by cet lentigo sal lak Fr nelson Ta 1. prentd, svg Youn’s mola sos puted from the vette af elastic walerm somprson fo ern she vane E were found mn ovat of Gl nt G0 ot F3) 12. Conant f Basti iors Compression of Soil 1 The Coc of Sulyraie React To dsieminn the Leaing pacity of oad est re hand daring whi caneetsted a eof tot sl Utongh rigid beting pate Exe Co Sil aed sail investigation platen ot ret han 8,000 a oe By Ineresng in eops the na oe by the wet of tearing pate he hots atalaton, andy meaning the ont et sree ‘heen ea gd interment ome nay die dato war bang ‘br Aspendense ef plate setement onthe magia stron ss threat "The Slt of ond tit make poset dram anne geal vo slesins conten the mstiosp beeen ment nn ad. igure [10 gies the relatos fntneen Weta) normal presi st stoments stained rom lad tests. ery most ml nd (Gig boning plate of Us aren neste) Fare LM sho tbe ‘eve chained fom teste om lel nea plate ef 8 mae Was Ys “Frm dint atin eased in ach th pas po reediam mths tltoahip i ered fer pss smal 1.8 kgm (Fig, E10). ‘The send wellon, whi comesponds to bigher revues ie chtaceid by asin aime resre rears Sayeed by conve cere Toho tien ican a or hos ol (ig. 1) lpr laonsblpteeeen presure ad plate etemont tober yp toa pre of 139 keen then the ‘iar tenn ‘Aslar eltoship between eenent of the besing plate and pre seo thesis ebrrved nly mie This isco by Tg. 112, ‘forget ny wih aap a bai eo ‘hota wand) "Tee gap aes ta! te nae pleut dos Ibe restinahip eit up 0075 ker then element nee ta {iirc tener aia may Ye ard for vamos wee -A proportionally Limit ey be etabcod, below thick the prsure-sitement wlth ta Seow een eo any efile of propriety, sl eatled nous xtra ‘si~ foal memento boning pte resting fom exter peore “the propo int a sitesim nthoseetion of the prise ated vl fc unde sate nad ten taken as en. al oo Somat lowes san the popurtoalyn. rion arena worn the yeoporigaity Hit wont htelalponerty of si or wens depends on euch ct conten sere eligi re oe shapn ‘The expr data aval te rane ett low a fay pales answer to tht question. “The rooting ait aaron doc vat pend on the area of Peele tan nthe evestition and appvety deat on eaee riiecTubhas teen fined, forexmpo ty D. Eoin ceed a beela e He died siete of sx ager ‘ita bavine reo of 025,050, 10, 20,40, and 80 whe experi ra are Soa ny dfs rliinship between th sin ise ect Be pepe The lend to an aetna ‘Ee npn ttn hart sonst property fe «Bren eh vality of the law of ln rations betwen eae etna an ecune tneon fcc iy experien, ten the Teter cue emt tenth propanalisy imi ese ese io CHESS WiNiontip butween deformation st ny pst te oil aad Suto daca nat ptt by exer! orees ating on Knit ea NEE SG'Stcce "nwt, for soos not eaceding = certain Hat aoe cette we bea nes dtormate body The theory af eciy erate Voli esp im studs of dforeations at ‘fhe oon re taf Blake Uniform Compreion cu Vite [9 pots se ptf the af est performed Wy estore smite, sEotesiwed te memento a tm? baring pate ona otal eae on ef reatedIading sad snlnding. ‘The oasiman cane eetnd tothe ll war neve in each teop, Tn he ist ‘eS unimam vese reached oly O24 Heth ae mh aller (SEE Ie popes Hit wbih ges is appro ul Par ee Beton Iy apt ofthe relatiey al val of mana Tea eiop,reidelsetamest wean aout 10 por cet of al ‘illznent, ione codes thatthe eaten caspeals to the cree im thie rida! ete fore ony «eile rae tod pe cent) a ata setement the, i theca an aan oreo ae of the al eidenty tach sale han portional limit. This eoneisionspyaerly may al be apled Iovotber sly The epernatal rte are nl mice to Pom ‘talesooeconcering numerical vain of he sti init for varios Seis. Probably for most sale a fo loaded was nd ot fr rock) ‘His ind qual only several tnt of 4 Kilogram per eqs vane [tei mid ower tan the sali perme rng pene >i. “Thm for nal reseres ony, the sermon ie poli tat {is of the lay sa seb ype sty th eoptum of rover of ‘A rh ofthe fotngstlmentpreaure latorsip under condi ins of peated lading and lading pts any separation f 0 hE. Tt i at of 1 ton ‘late pat ofthe deformation fom the ttl setorent. Figure 14 Indies the rel fan ais psformed om Fig CT sree Inde the mngitaewot esti stement the masini Pests cot leon, The grog ees that iin o ange of ener yp to helm, eli sete hangs proportional to peer. igure ie pronte grab of ste sateen sbtined ty the stor foe ed em eating psteson mera of tara tsstoresomtnt_ Simlorgropie towing interlatonshipe batrson “Stem and prosure onthe plate wore obtaied for oa ts” On theta tha investigation, the statement ean be ade that win a Scr rage there en ropa rations Betworn sane sti Imes of footings ad etre nfo presze onthe ae peed aay hate csi the oases of proprtiaaiy, cod the soeicint of lot ior compen ft ad Syste elas eteent of the ‘acing ite det enero pose “The coecen of eave unre comprenion cy of «si dies rom ‘he cone of proportionality ein (E21), tthe Sierence ot ten tle itn cenidertlon, While rats te ttl aloe Tot external pes ees nl the lt part tt! tnt to the premure Sov th total soflement of oundation fate lange sham ts lai tlt ge han als, wis f 2 ] f t i i € The Bete te Ava end Shoeaf Foundation Bas nthe Cece » fost sf,aayan 29) “Tie integral extend over We ene ates of the foundation tase ements ued bcos apd he foundation ae abies sd. The » where the magitndn of th mca pss on the mand {105 a bron 8 fo ned [cou a2 1 gr sna el ke hoo ea sit alienate eee ace ee Sth oe iar er [yhed wea aon Tr the css the onfiieat of uifrm somprn of the wil dot nat ‘hpend on th anf the foundation asa cota ae Treality, nen alo peere ate the foundation, the ner stn in ts nde ar otto Pegaely ‘Sire machivery feandatins consi of Sher a gid Mock plead Aazey om th sol oa fund Wasnt supported’ 0 te bacon the ts he perm of istnn of tees ode the bse tar ro sige plat which ha dorgig afore ‘wi Raita eo ra ete . ‘Saloruy gave a slant ths problem for a dicular conta sven fs spd pte Porn dey and thy baw cotta the ‘pono for A) mayb en the = Se @ siete 5 = Youn nda twit "= Poses iL nara pte 1 eau et fol underconidrton ineinte o < &) 6) gntinn (124) shows thet te sires mdr he Baas contac area of iid baseline ital the verte of toe Pn he cin a othe pinta ow roporcionaly wit deta rom aco {he manimam tue need mew Oe edge of te fon, ne 22 Theoroteally ths mastmum cue tasty. eecn, cual matral ean sta ft epee, andthe de fomdaton egos oder plate dermatoses ‘ona wl of Bit mageitude, although they il het ger ‘hn the sree at pints pear fhe barge ose. ‘ping both parte of (20) By the area element dt and intersting over the ete foundation bare contact re, we hin sewing Hg (12.8, ak [ais 2s Comparing the right-hasd parts ef Kay (2-2) and (024), we ind the fewisg exes fo wat “Thus the equation for the coon of este afr compen st arb obaoed from fhe ellen of to ten celeron Covering th distention of arma! cam i tha ede the hse ‘roast avo Ti pte o the conhson tat te le Of the foundation Se unerm, he steer er ass sre 0 ‘ented unity. Th soir of came cmpecason cf the ‘lation gee for & popertonliy Gfarm ml the coolest of ‘oporoality depends not ony on the lie constants an Ibi dae these near proper fa sl, bs al onthe se the bare contact aan the fouantion ‘The eoetBant x engin Invi popotinn to the saz oot tthe bse sen a the oe the foutdation conse of an slyly fossa pate ueoray losdd bya verti! pre Shen stein the so aad ho on ‘io lb datitnd nr, bu nement ender the foundation wal Yay.” Bor an stitly Pexble odaton the eneficent of tlc wien comprenion i the ratio heuer poe vor tal of mtn 210) Sete sve 4 won fora sent dee fig ith sean ase" Whe he venge Uen (She deemed by te anton a# 7) (yvizete Vial ireans on = 2508 a) = lengthy wid of foundstion om Ba, (2) we have: os Aung = Soy wot ante on where es ata) ‘les oof which doponds ony the rat a teen the eth so hei ofthe foonatin ase Te a 0 va FEET WEES! yaa ten ee ca ‘Table Lge eats of 6 or vss valae of, compote Som Ba (a ‘he sp ial gir ale Of computed by M. 1. Cortunny oandovvforan sofas ong Pundation Ts liters bern gaan fargo than Jp cat Bent, wl ha Ni ditercee tiyern theses the eetient Westie somprenion ax computed for baal rg solely ele rectangular pate Tal indvates that oe hoe eon tion rersioncontan, the tunes wf ease item mpnsion Teese with giro seus for cht str ‘strc wih ele vaio betwen te i leat tn toe ce it dos net ead 3._Iene, it an be hl hain pati, the ce ‘det of ete ifm somes for @ machine foundation db {igend on “The foering cosas concerning the wot of thy ref she foondation basco th getter od on thoonriet lst orm npendnn wil 00 chonge i we ace tak tn der ht ate Icha rot a late By, tas» poplin ‘4 Exponent Inyatitine fe Cart of aie Uno Compron "The consist of tho tery ary aes a Fly fontrraed ty exerinenil inventions pve wi the rng fms sealer than the proprsonality mit ten, esl sit este appear i adtion teats steno, tho al ees Yar Fav Shs a late ody “Figure 10 preede grabe steed by BE, Polshin wih hoy te setts of a baring Pster on plote again ths sean th ple. Theequre roots af the Barn [lt ree ave pote or abr, he etme ae erin ‘The fer fowtings mete egre Withee ange of se cer, the etion= ship between ster and thence rot of be teat be ce Sidred to be deel proportions, which fly araer with nce “A names of tests on vaio al give uv & chanoe to vey the wut ofthe hrf Ponlosan thatthe concent ola ae Fenton ies i ves propor to the are rot of aig rntaren. All tere wore peered on ig baie fe with argng ‘Geren pefonmed Iborstory teste madi ses and obtsned Value of for svera plate ates (oe Table [-), gute LI? gies cre, plotted on the bas ofthe dat of Tale 1-4 which thow changes Ine pba ages changes inate ae The i4 ach eas 1, gn ha tt as nr ori fl on alos oo, wore obtained form experiments aad for theoreti! con rans” "The liter valu wore computed a fellows acres to a 1E212), the reticent of hte compestn cw ae eft Ivo oandatons with dierent are yan Ay ae rested by the format fs enee Ya. Ste on pay ste ateraed lye with sand ad he fog As reel of Gt tats peor the ator sd the ales of ey me otaoed for oundation with emf 5,1 and OS im 2.1, 332 snd 8. kgm! Tesering the vale fy 3 a fh ny ='55 gam, we ba fom 0215) te Eling Give forthe other te foundations invented? 243 bee Say ed 202 gem for = LS mt Tie 1 gies yale fs fo foandatns wit tte dierent base sce bind ro ost permed ye tho dA 1 Mita autarated vw cys with sl sf an When the alors oat 5 Geta were computed, val of cy eal to 1 Egle! aad tecrepening to A= 20 mt was imered in Eq (U2... The com pte vale ofr arr and # os were age than hoe fod ‘xpetionnaty. “This difernce was apparently ease bythe divest Post ropertg at tho ste fd tverigetine ‘ace E& Cowmo ap Sen atts of at Citgo “The author, PA. Sicev, and Ys. N, Solo performs ets 08 Ince at snarl morte ones, en outs th nace aes diferent seen The rrr thee Inventions are pened in Testa ce "A the Inviting cofiem that the cote of esti wiforn coimeanion of sl dese ith an ners the ta oh oar ion tan The mene experinonte indent, Bower tat vals fe ermped from Ry, (2-1) deteate at higher rate ta oe ‘Sublabed exprinatlly. Experimental sides f pred and fee bethn f atl foudstons ih are alltsing 100 arsine {Bat enpriatlly estab value fey re mak fer ta hare ‘Shine fom rapuatons im whe vars oy fund by etn = fumdaton of sna ate, were adjusted to weer ara, ‘The asthe ated fee wibatons ofthe foundation for «orsotal comprossor The foundation was rete on usa and hate area of © From the oui of the stain the nti fea urn corer fonof thesia fund to be U7 lem’ Another foundation ad Tce arn of apponiaatly 15 m? and se experimental dred at 108 Helen ang (1215) and dat, ne cand he ‘ne 0 y= 10 co 1088 = taken “This computed value of ei aloe 6 Snes smar tha tht eta Te experimental Si rote mice obtined in other sade of actal machinery founlatnce “Thay idea that, fo foandatsns wit large bse ea, elon fhe content «changes at w much ower rot than i Int’ by Be. 215. “This alegroomont betwen shoocy and experinental dala cae ‘alained Oy te apace dependence of the casi oman of 4, fartcafry the mada fri the normal west pesto Alsecod in AML TA. The propercat afore an cage witht ‘Wie an incese in nae soa zea, a preter depth 0 ested Ith weight ef the eapdatio, and he seuencat deeper slates o9| Valor of the Couto of Blac Uniform Compression for Soil Lom in Design Compattions The teve vals of the eoetiene of ‘caste efor comprosing, jut ax do Youngs dln an Pac's tao depend on mamber af fate whom sere nach sparta face is very ned to etaluatae Theron, i sanarseon practice volving the erection of vaety Igo umber ef foundations for ‘uelneysubjeted we dynatie lous pala inventions othe ropertinn of els ne ncrmaty nthe ctnatruton we, Sometinns Mew aveiptions cannot be caer su hetlowe i fle Pape that deiner of macinry fodatons anu tena les 9 he Satie of sae nor compreion sero onthe bs fata Scared rm est formed on nila ait her otro it rnin stan | fag | oer inet) Sen yp ay ay wae nad 1 ha fas amescasay “Tale 17 vor number of value ofthe coin of elastic uiform sompreson esa by ape tt aed ott ni the eps. ‘ison ofthe athe, ‘Tatars Get wi otdsons haviag ever “The value of th cuit of esti asin compen, obtained by tetng foundation with hast aan sale tam 10 = wre Ter ‘elated by eto of fg 2-15 foram as of 10m From the das of Tae the athor camped Tae 3, which ves twaton va of for fous epee “This tbl nelud inthe ofa Pareto for the Design ant omar Mashnry Pana ooops eS sen | Stem S| Sete vite i a ‘coe te the 13, Confit of lsc Nanuifrm Compression ef Sil Loto der the beeing of a ese rectangular plats with ids of length Sean ated pony be ment yw bode the late Thay they (Pig 8) Ute Cantino sett say pois progiced {fees inn lemon of pasa sitet {Ua putindntaae an he posts Py" Ihe mathod of spares of tements {ded hy severed, De Poli dered Aesnton forthe ove angi gf te defectnd ate my pont a He cave ad a pote Yo, fund ing ong the sah ine + =P Soweto late Ui lol it emt aud toe abaitly Bex, the dope a hg of the deleted ple se points long {unig ne dopond onthe y coda olan ge the fotowing rps for tbe ale p depending on the Yorpees View ire = tena BEES EE) aoa) hee ke Si te onerel momcot sting th plate in thee stl Ft ‘omen of eri of he late With rene tothe y rom Da. (€2:) the shor and Ween Sred yy equ stichexpras the ait fet theta poretin ta ent tbe foundation anon th woth actety af the wal asa st 1 rotanof the ound bey the angle Teas ss that the dope angles the tte bate the foundation fom say ih Pas) fre very Ite fom the ssrage ttl ape anger. 1 hsttaly Senbl plte ‘Sobsiatng der the intra eexpromion fo the feo oy) From 1 ad ntgralng we ota wen Horn VBEE EE uyeeree 0] ase (nthe otter ad, we may ase tha he nea ete l= sonata pint ey tbe Eve nally i ttn pate spade ony othe aement of tin pint and le proportional to ‘Toon we oPtain an equation forthe rae ofthe ao een on the foun re element ted though an ale by eater bending omen This quasi 3 ola oR = bed hes he otic of ate nonanifom conpenin oft ie, Ue ncticent of poprtoality analogres ey nbs wn nr shen the unit selene af foindatines was conde. Ei the Uiktans evo he eeent 4A ante eo tan "The mame eter rai a wi et hia a = vas ‘ett active moment trast th io he oun i Mme [ad woe esi tht ey = ow bts wa — Me aaa FT Divi TO VRE T OI a, forse 4/h Cie dfn by Ba. (12-19 1 Zoe fom fy. (3-4) ea devon ith an ieens a the rsa cf the fount toe From lige (2-2) and (12-4 we obtain fale 436 asain (L-0)nte hat he role of the il sta by mean of te ith sor log nt equa 0 east cystic iy mes Senseo let ‘Thun th oielnt of cote era a othe ‘etusnet ef afoutdalin, dent ot oly on ie ease propertia of ‘Be nl and son th fume, bt loo he eharaster ef he int ease othe “Tie vs te compu alin fhe consonant mate /estotitrnt waar «The dts th tale ea ts We oli Sieve with an incre a hw onion of late anutorm Compra eer ter ett sbi erin fro wiht nd Stoel sun gfe £0 Toc we we cane Sint oonndons ih satennddponte sored adenine am of Shana of Tae 10 sor xin te hse ott Aol ane othe at role agen ett ‘ar nei ds inhale cc ih Seah Senet roe ite that te ie ccuat town ty ae wi 28 go soo “aE ; 3 ve a (St | ia Thea w cata momurecmien | om | wt | ao | ago pone |e yee | ie {af [ts | ae | ee ‘Too athor and A Mikal wee the eto iy eperineatally ‘ae thesia ning lated to ey This was dae dung the expe ‘tal adi foundation on eatrated brown ye with and ewido above. I oeane of tes nvestizat ‘Second experientlly tate rote of aie oon ‘estseone difers om the coset of eee unfor eompreion Pro tots experiment, the vont were onl Silas compatations changes within te int ented by Ue thors fr fxn ith Sue buss eaperineneestaiied the average vat of hs tt fn, whe dee ty only por sot from tht fond om the bas Ceara! cenit "Thr He pale If masonry, to Tit fsperimetal imtoo the otiini a eatity oe vay Sn taeste of fonndnton enstrition. Aster op of ss filet ‘ult experimental the send rahe ompat br me theory derived formula, Fate F10 ites the rats of tess ca ast manor ctpteion perfor on lvl sl Te reat oe of thn graphs af contin betwen the loo age the Artec Toundaon sn the vlan ofthe moment Sn cscs wher foundation wr onde moth seo hese af hig. . Pt Cy Het aac i eA Lm, of ating) owe hte eon of thea et Concent of Elsie Uniform Shear of Sil a tvs foundation i subj t the sony of hain free apni Ste levee ace one zo, Sie eto of SRREESE Mie tntacoment nt any tn depend onthe magnate of RCE htt tine, However afr the force dope tor, Shere cee ual dilaconcet ofthe foundation. "The sits of [Sten subeeted to Boraneta ce In ping den ot i 287 eapiltr fom clement Ae sony exer, nee coins Troreeling eesti to those ssaihed forall ompmsion er SE'PSH in poste to ovsidr tat there Sea Uneaten ‘ict lnc aaa atoundation aed he average sain ing te UE wom he foundation bao ona sea, Ley st en ore rr the serge ating te the ai at the las of wont ‘Tite fount so 8 the tae prt of she ol Hoon! ag ofthe founann bane andar the action of a vy anlogy witht cotta late compen cb cali the occ of elati uniorm sent of oer ocr the dependan of on You's wo, olsn's rain and he sv ad bape the foundation bane, tw se the x, ‘Shon ofthe problem deformation of «eras id ser te tin of oreo fre applied ote ce be ont appa. Sion of Pad the origin te sneinte ster) -Ba veten| on os baer Tn onder ain the slain fr a uniformly steed sr ee ‘emake wing ula s aes ee 1-42) oat the ent loaded ara. ‘Ths (es stage Lf ae “The average va ofthe htzotal sing alg the sits an Sa eee ee diefesuiene Setting rm Stn 4) int 4 an ey + 2 fier [ve eee af = RFR H)ro cn ‘On shear had, ascording to Bq (1), dhe vl of the le dag he foumdaton tie epee = Sg bain the floes expreion fr Ue etic rs de sein & eas | Fal falar 9 + aaa) ~ STOTT ERAT hier sa ae taViese- emt ton (45 lado th rnin tha he die of a suntan colt ef conpreion ade epson he fan {he se, domante pecan 17 "bake cant hee Cet aed (30), epnds ac aly ot ui Ww to hn sla he vee of is vals he Seat competed for diferent vale ol». ‘ran 1a Yue Coney ta 46) ven ea "tin tenn ed ying inspverne nt only by the va fo bt al by the vats of». Since {te tv rer cose ls han aly sae we Ars 1, atoms thgeandr othe na condone he relative val of he teeta fla shear veh sole clayey la than fn any sar out on the ame si frm end yore on Aro E9 Gh119),_eperimente mre perfor on fray trated atic sty ‘lo aeasof and 0 mt were ual See tgs were guar ‘The following method was employed during the wate: hooks wore cams in the fests 5 to ID em above thr Base levee rapes ‘Tere to tools und wareconnsad by aural to ynacuae er‘ the truce produed bora forte whieh ated ong the funtion be ad indore Hiding. ‘Thesncing tee tres tudo ern and van tamed bythe dynamamesery the Aipacement of te foundin wit med by 4 gas atl was ened fr certain vale of gas Tach tel, lng {eles were oad. Figure Lan greens ssw of the oath ‘Sreweon siding and orto ston, ltd ete asso ined ‘one of the tes periments etalied that with an ica in normal pre serail eriteeoe. Te aealofoand thatthe alo foe gen Spends ot onl om the nota pres, bats on hm arto a = felons Tie, iediasy ater apption ofthe vet lad, the (law the eet of late sharia ai than the ceeding {alae tes etter" Uderconstant ort ps he nese ofc graualy dora th fine, sp er etal ‘hangs in g Beso ao sal tate value facta onei ‘or iltration It or anager Pig. Tt, whch tne cues of he seo between tnd normal prs plod on te tai ats ‘aie i tte ith footnge having Tat base are” After determi under sna etal presen a 58cm? the et 8 Interrupted, andthe fotng rms under Shield fe BB Then tres detorined forte mond tine ner theme peers and Wat Foun 9 por on per than Indore the ftsupton: wae 10 jem before aerrapon, and 13 afer Faure roves tha, ‘hw to the otro th tnt the cre of eaoahip tebe Fon gett ee | Oe snd pnb a2 pep = 0 Km. Later ya ores sain st negli Sn gow hi astained O89 haven’ Twas fond wel tal ras legen to the Ineerapton than, tefore. "A reglar detest I the nara resi tua s snout dsate in, Fr unloading, the eure singe ae oral pesire tid st to be pale! othe ctspending eave fo? toning sila eee in with Ch ie far! aston was found eta ioe The tte iy Fp 122, wich pects the vores ef rnp etme ad novia tne on Aion were the ste dowribed forsatrera psi ity aye with tee un Tae horwal prams an ware in aypoM uty eel time tert The eoeficent «nae stern (ach new vale of te normal presse fe Alter the mas frewure of 20 Ag/oa! had ter tab, Se was found that er fim prese the hernia fore inde lage stent a (anda "Ya 3 Sealy and te sothor investigated the ratonhip tetnsen thy cofient of ute soon shea and. Bormal Jose fr ay (Rtovind foe tds. A toting wth an ach e418 9nd The Pea ert af thw invests shown it Fig. 1:28 iat that In sts in plate sy lay th some sd nia, ol od Slat vifrm shear fre proportionally fo he iene al Sreware onthe oo “The tts toe sotsderation domonstne tha the date rsianse tv hua dope th nreal pane, The fact that the ‘mapallad of Canin sear depends ot only onthe sewing re it Soy. the nota prone nat that th a of aceon ation {free canmot be aplodin ees wide sangre thangs ithe Imager of exon loa von mk conering te te derma ‘Esrof ois This doves ei frm the proper est items Irspparenty expla ty th fast alwady dated a Are thatthe ‘Beds of lati in shear of soll depends ov te oral pre ‘herfory a noted lef, thre ar issn tp the pain of oni to a Tveatgston of te foundation with diferent pay contact are lode that sotrding oq (et) the een of slat win ‘ear af a olldereases fy ver peopaton tothe sare rtf te foundation bse are. Figure 124 shows valet of thie coset {stated expertly forest founda on oes, “The dvd Hei plotted on te Lai ofthe tp ha angen 1 verse popaton tothe sare reo thw foaton fase ental “The conduion can be reached, at wasn ation othe cots of static norm comprenson, that the rliatipsxpensd fy (055) slid only for foundations with compute el eons ose” [esi beheld tht forSoeadings with ba aos ae Ua {0 t 12 edoarat depend om he aan “Asai othe data of Table 1 for fudation with ears baste 1 frauen hich Peete 4 lagi he ange 03 005, se ren a ‘fe ehangce win the tage 1.2 a 1.150, Te lling al tbe 2 : Fito ee ware etbied ae co +4 Te fit of experiments with the mae fete eR frome 4 to 08 igen for ofa gay fae st Beat poeadae a ect cally dered noo er ye sabe slag dic ooo ot sl ita acount the io ‘esc of tora pure he ‘agit of ii ae indesign compstins tow aes {Bsa aso hon etabinied experimental Teen be tenatvely sssomed Chat l= 2 15, Coeficat of EleatieNonnions Shear of Sie, I ferdacnn ated upon by momert wth spect othe verse sg wil ate round thivas. Teste tow Ua the sale ation {ots foundation Is propodonal tothe extra! ane Tato we Bem ete an cra moment proding rotation of bar of fossa sound» yesal wt angled J. pole manent of Snr of ent? Sae af of foundation = tout of eli narunior se Inthe oa oa foundation aruda erly the ba ofthe Seandation aires nomi sig nen the ure "eet of thse nomniorm shear” may be applied tn th eufiet 2. Expr tment sow tat magnitage i oewbat gee than hat of te toot of eatin ui bar ‘Table 12 gies vas fe ap ‘eestblited iy tae pertore onthe sane Sous am aly flay wih ome tna ad 9 par ‘A ela hy Ue ce ofall fay op Inge tha =“ average vale ye wa al eos fu #9 eel E& Thereon, ‘ean ie wind that aval fe = 1. when we orden ch otatine wl eo ir eres from the sean ae 14, Easi Revistnen of Pl Fospdatons 1 Blot Rastaneof Pile wer Vertal Lead,‘The e of gn folndtions wabjested to vibrations yd shrks say te econ nC fsurt G)if th flalpremere an ihe sl oth sate and yea, fair than tho faving pacity ofthe sly eonsering he dams of the foundation vm the (2) mowary to ican he tua fequney of wbratan fn futon whch ie constere So mi body resting nanos ar) era odors ‘he amplitads of rate or force svatwan (if ee feosry 2 eres th ean yumi elt ef a foundation "The tc ad hed ene ee msn to foundaties for ucines uh dois ee theft aed fourth eae ze more na the ‘hago ouneatin fo sete eupon otbe nai nton ‘apes emanating from machine fnmdalonn Te le foundations tobe nl heme the ttl pesaromtheii large than searing eect akg int scene the dysamie on th foundation on fe as), ten conven tte eas, eh 1 ate generally dn he dein nl sompateins of pe ouedaans Droducing ony state preute on sl ae appcd Tn such as tae Praca prvetare of plefouration ih mass athe dentin HF the amber of pe needed ro he Kong vate of the Being eapvity of snl il This vate dtc Dy Yuta 2h Hough ofthe placed onthe Gah of tse ple ein TE tho toe af ap foundation oie ow fo tein the satu Pogue Of beaten ao Seren he mpieds a fo ford vibraties ofthe foundation, shen the practi de proved hae sane plein whic wil be examined thi sel “Kn ovadaton, ike enue sl bss been cbeatreed iy elatie propertie "igre E29 shows the ren of et Sn wich sta rte oad masala tom agle minfwedeonree pie It g Js dear rom the graph tt esl cf Inet the pede il decrease Send. Te sa son sha he sa seam tafe of Da ronan. ie te “heres Io tho aro stieaet o ‘msn conten "Thus ate the fat Tx * along th cate actment othe matteo bilan 3S ater the sod unload Reet Eastin et yatemie gitar 210 nats terabeguon ney 238 and 4.3 om. Wit te goof mearuenen eres, bith fn may soy ca ant in lest of thi tv i pai to cones that he ee ‘Wilfemert ef the poe up to load of tos remained ata and on verge wasequalt 3:1 um. igus £2 prs rag ehng the ‘lstinstip beeen the elt stmt of th ead ho tapas ‘the oud then. This graph shows tat thease ean of de ples proporionalt the magnite of ths aT ovating y {he aad ating on the pe nod hy 8 be ate wren we es wher ft coin of proportions Which we ll th utc of clase este a they reps the load reste ind ‘it le stet ef hn pie. "Teeotihnt a last estar ofthe pla dpe n wil poet pil character engi) and he length of te the ie has en Inthe wo For earns the ltl reanea oft ple hw foot ‘uo rng drvng eed ste te ae. "The poten unde doctsnn exe a subj ofthe author's nwetign sion pert ty eaurng vera visage the sey ‘foe ie beg eS ations ndoned by pe dvng hae he ‘hat pred the verel witine of Ue la, the ter he ‘onriderd aac ody resting an clasts basher, iy wes Iara eet fr poset eimate th oiestnt of thy ie ‘lash tcvente id ofvibatons Pantheon ‘Hee osstant Cy x pven the exprenon ron ieee the mae be pe st th iecdelagmedhaion. Dy meine fy 1:02) Ie pnd to na the coven of tc esistance ‘fhe ple oth mene Frid Figere 1.27 swe the sol pf a the Hoof he tertile sel sve ing Shteting thee ft amber of Wows ot Ytnde ad theidepthot pl eneteaion, Thera mee ie (0 Tog Miers 30 em. ‘The dengue pore by asa “Ronatum banter; the ght ofthe op was te es ie itu of te diagrams taseting te fect of depth fle yest tin om changes npr of siege has 0 he cenit increase in pth of pentraton dee ot prods rain ei of ‘firtnn, oti banat on te afte trp ie the ‘nse eetaae a i acs sy slong telat! aac the tonerry the pred of irene se nesses ome ‘iin f 10 days was aden le reg hon sumed te froage clue of pe mae fond be 105 tom po TL owe Diuiog ths adit pe Oving, te ge ofebaton we ra sets the vote of thee tarot ace ao gen hl. Tele oan te ra El ‘Sey Hn tha afer he 0" the yrod of maar vibtions ot {he pt decrement. Daag pe ding, to asus pl (Gea penetration dah i 6 09) was 0.00 se: rig th tna! ‘Bicog darned We 048 toner wns of a seiner [ropa 0 ein felsic rane dere i i afar th ple a sata Un ft ha the ey estar fy snes ty hs er" by apeoststsy 45 e s Aeron he pti of start wel wration of a ier Sng fons es” my or only 9a erm ofan seas neat ‘Wistanen of the sing log theater the ale "Thin coaloon fly agree ait the tapenence dese Irom con strtoa patos kot afew dye afer thse Adsng the dye vestance uf tho pl nese Teena he ‘ners, the ral fpr leaned, ot mediately afer la ‘rving bet sue Smelter. ‘Tho ator Cod in mveal ser Cat ‘using diving th psn of vieatins fle costa. Ths pone tat alo ben sonroed ty the expurieate ok Kilo and © Puchow. wha mae periods fs irate dating the deg of nc When the tie yas Gen te id of tat bt ‘Otter bsevations onthe tnd i sewed ieee th eto tt iain gn 7 seat teas depen eto D3 et {pth sf 8.09 mn thi com the dare In gi epi ‘anges el properice "These expres el tho oonstarion that a the le pn tests ne thew the depth os panetation ban telat. the ‘Stic estas af he ei therfore sold Be aud that stp Selects mrs onthe i ie "hme lore ti omen al nly whan iy romain he soi fr a short fine When pies ce in tb si for ne fine, ee ‘Chasen betas th i and elo ects thes inee renting ina nar nate stance The apy of ls tan ring fm wo ston lng the tera pt aac me ‘Strterable as compored to ou magnet ela Festenee eed DY ‘Sileatons against the ipa gee Thin onsrned hy eaperimest palo tats of pee aera toate nade” agute 18 prs vais ECs or over woods piesa epsimental pe dine Sint tor pullag out Mbe egesentr ore earnd fy Ya. Soin staring fine gry sande “Compan of thes wine revels atthe ei ese opie aponmetaly Sor ost Nghe sng diving than tds palo. Hanes som thatthe taste reatance of ple which has bani the sl or 2 org te ‘veona main Oy bl wearin long th uo sce of the Ble Sine the sgt ofthe ail reactions on thes sac ioe with the depth ffl petration, Cy sould incre with a aes Feng "This reamed by testing pln a deen onthe (ns Hi 128, whch goes dgrme ele state the eto ng on the roclsant of oi Festane a hep ‘One sit th rsa epernentlineeigatos, the oient so hati estan of ple Cy yb considered oe apron Pe 1 Van of he i Ch ing ning ed pl Wat proportion the equate ofthe det af ile penetration and to Caan 09) “The rluced outset has the dimensions tn ee et "Tetor ssn tht the efEsent felt rerstane af ie roy = soportina othe mur of pln the oup. ‘Ths dents the umber o ple, the cote of else resatanes ef the eroup ete Ke= aes aon An ine ie the omer of ies unde the foundation lends Ineo nis area of contact mh th bly therfore th cots | ‘an ulform cmprasion of tpl group ieee Poperoaly to the contact nn af the foundation. Es emtaion i contd ‘optimental data. Figure pees azar of the Spedeac he ‘contin of atc unfore rompreion Kor pl foundations onthe les unde the foundation "The dtagco between th lin exe as O81 the pile length wa alin conan, egeing 83 Tein ‘Te perfec on stunted gay fe sn (Care| sows the ratory ete ad he onto oo syn (the mune of ples) eve ta ete as read feandations rig on Sara ane (ar 2; the sont of eat ‘form comson for ple foundation nrene propertly he eae ae Teta oat pc inate inthe fendaton conta neo, the canons bog, "Fable [3 pve res of reel land ts perdi Sime foundatgen cach resting nae ge The feng fhe pe were Hele, at he Uta btn bem nee dierent. Ue ener Feit ofeach poh grup irene whe tis dia ea Earp mai oeiie deere Into to tke int seceunt the datanse btweeo pe Thos the toclekt of ee esistnce fone Bem the pop wl etl C= oe 5) “the onpvimental dat avilable are nein to erate with an segue doce preon the vain of the agen coe ot {ito fom Table 4 atthe mutual inven ten psi hr soup lecifant, evn when the dane betmera te pt se ee Ege dan the ple detrei este fo, the ‘ite ace of one plein he group in pet cea 0 ‘a ota oa sepa nthe dg of pe foundations 9 valu of te uly vied within thetange Sto 6. Ancrding tothe data of Table 4, th dg val corer seh tance yt 8 ‘Ae retel ion the a th ain ate ina of eile in group (te macau the ass Pope the ile baer ede a foundation. "Thin va my het ati dintanses between plex A there! ton of he problean would mse the latin OC he prbien efdetbuton of ao defor ‘in sound ea ple, Dt tin fas ot yet been Gone "Teco he Intene neient nectar as Yo be ealted oth basi thos Ineficent experimental ala whith nee toed a at ttn Pe gvoupe with dierent tars btmeen pe Te tls of the {efile of laste ssa f ies of vastus lengthy protein ig. I's gia base for the etrnctin fhe vl 9 eh ont tein ofa singe pl With «= I fortis pi Un ome by toing the dts of Table 1718, to compute the alo oP eh Eaoee feet for varus eats of Yetinanre&txtncen test the Pe Seton The wae of Snbtenncotlnt eta Ia hs ay soe fs Tate ‘a 34 Cnn an fm tw. ye rece iSevctva) 0 (Duane) or Fae EERE + une expiant he ne ppt oh fal determined frm rule of tasting of gree o po um float Table LI5 gle sever las ooblaind yt ath 8 Yau N. Roly as u rart of iovestigation of eet Tovnatns sd (odndatone for lsavig Irae “The data of Tble esta publ to set tentative design salut of ©, the computation of wrt! wrens of meh fon ‘Sn adr al ecaings sas to thine dsb inthe tl several il fstation arb lon there sopetrartian site thon ‘naga tla of Cy shou be etal fog spel vests of 1 Hs Rviace of Pe Pondatons in Case of Beet Vette Lenin Te ose tal eth ati oan eral menest ing ema ain eral plane the fsa aes by a mall slgiryThenit mill to under he age he avers rmment of Di Torte at ditane fem the ert rotation the aloe a hs meron tute. Dy equng the enteral moment AV aad the nam of he ‘ements varmited tote foundation byt ple we aba Mn Oo Ho, a before, Cy the etic of etic rites of 1g (63) Eanathn (166) an be ites ae ao Kee vee see Su nay Dele a2 doce wih natal ase, the coin of ati enontorm roreace ofp foundation; 3 sie ge loge “Tao -8 gie th altro an fvetgtion of thes te owstions ‘under the seen of onnfecn vertical fading nl ples were ie Ur eh of the fost, ‘|| S| ome | Rpm | sei | an ‘Comparin oth tala fn Tale 1-0 wth the vlna from tog foundations under a unter vere ond (bie 8) hows {hr there compass He diferene betwen the values oe ‘sed cote las rests ohne Uy hes te tl & State Rinne of Pile Pandan ty Horna Pore 18 he mio ezcting fer at om a foundation Ins hart dict, te em ates pa foundations ae rode iy orer tino oe sed fteqoenses oF deerean the ample Ge ge nn (tel boridontl siete mn ‘When 1 pile dane to take into ar count the ation of» borkonta force i {Shue that the pened in heat 0 ‘kph err thane gia vue tebe fehl fxaton je aken on threitrat ts 204 ornate depuration ht tberedsanenf heat teeharontal gg fore i Stee ony hy th popetins fd depth of ating ofthe, (ads ‘Om the tai ofthe sumtin, Sa ae stated that ierenedn eth to aie SPT on teat than the depih ffaan wil Have Fe £90 Dyna a feet on the ela revista of he ple. scan Ce ‘Tint cone hy experiment Figure i on Be er 1150 ges two graph ft wationaip bee "S4 Ho He teen te lati samt of lt head hd the waite the aoa fro ating om pean reps lyst and 3, ‘he cfc ef lt restane f the peso hima foresee spn ‘They ade thorlation Pa Piguet erie dat Snexpvinetaly sitio fequnnir of eataral rst wkatons singe forced coert ile of dint enh bt of ol res ‘ctons (D by 30cm) "Re artim 9f pnt ovr On gant ‘Sars the onli canersng the al adanne of he do ile desing ont teresa tal sa tn oes Thy ‘ESonfch atu men g p ei onconebie toch ‘ht restanr of ple ountons obra res, Ton mans wa don Yseg pep hatte ei reine ope ore fs dooce Hye te the cueprpertis fst 1 thesove est cola ae ‘he crows ect nl have grat {Ete.onitecr etl scr then to nena ice The Gente ing ith ier ems ate 33 ges fete of th wat been Se ct dtomaton ofa pe sod the als of te bannato Ta nee peormed on wena Dies 203 cde" Pr o,f a ae fo the {oudet of ene vette wos foun toe L010 lems fr pia ith dante of 23 em, Je wae RAT HR hem Se 2 Ue mtr Towle, Hom be apie tha or mitond-one ea heeft of lst nel bo mats rer ha for woden yon Sh cet | i Tianna the employment fet snarceent of loaton n tre to creas he fest natal Uoquese of siteatione kom Yersonol et foundations sonstete on wooden pee mi npr ‘Tey on ridin that thes of woe ies isn fe tr ian af aul Trego won ie equ pond th essa ofthe bee 1 vibeitions ip a bamoml von his own hy Table Li, ang rales he fe to ma taf ‘mms experimentally atablao fr fumfaton placed on Po ad eetountstoe pice drt on ata ‘Corps ofthe lonet natal Seen a foundation ested on silent hal of foundation pace dey ml ees ha th ar ‘lcteoet ralue meat Thur i nso re ehnetond trav of eas rnsance to bear ih np ge amin ne (Bae ase dey om nara si." fart tha the Ng re ‘gone re ager pl foundation ann oundiions se iy ‘Shiu cal Showe Gn he val of he esi rasan 63 ithe nile foundation, EFFECTS OF VIBRATIONS ON RESIDUAL SOIL SETTLEMENTS tone ang tha hse pd ysl Vere oes ‘appem th stents a landadone wedeegung Wiration wey Singer the say" of sacs Ae excelent educations of foundatoe wder ache or {Cand fs Remora Thew sions a owe ot niyo the hater foucaos, but ska of fhe footings unde the ‘oltns trv ge ames rated. "eorele ‘hot af he supertatae roy ten endungsrng the ey Sd aby of he wine being Sever cass esting the sve pnts ae prssted in Clap. HE ftlsae peda erent tod yo Jot acon of ae toa aod beans apes parcel whesunatone to Sneha sch wuerctteated ancy, oven tte san at ‘retin by iw weno port Sate ivetigatne these Site y wean fon ts sacar sow tat ey Fosse high nue of rane, someting than creping tivo ee su chasse careening ‘medi and ghee hanes te copied good ata SSin hi ras bwever, ony or tae nde asa rote Scorstnane ei aed Sntinncnsty uth sine eae ad ‘Secte (or slrnony then, 8 own by eapeence wi decal ‘Seaton renee to strl ae Geen ener. Tit is erf eapeimentaliy by pvt ote an eatery ‘tng py pipes or open eh coat dametre TAS sxomente of wean foundations, a wl the generation ofthe ‘Secearctral eames ft the sto crea dpth, maybe ‘Rated no only in mmc sole, Dd tio i tbe aly fr SRRSath atest may esa Cano nonce tetera nde Th thydat proses whch enus shang in il mca di vant eed ao heres eaten oan ra bade ute we elppntl i temert tote sands heater wn ions atc can he ane ees of uo La air of interval iy ae vos ton 1 Toer of steno determi the ital tae of a a ‘Seah ete fren of era on in he hod aie ropes (edhasin he iti ofpornesbiiy and ine pore mtr ess), (Se e's an pnt arith a Young's mod, he aula ar, nd te lt of ty and ete, nadie, treed tht jected tate vibrations, sono nib (rjc dy snl ly ays) aw i ERSae thenr och u dee sha hee seal popenieoy ‘isos ews te ie ‘isons hatin he pele baton, ll pga ft ap ction be chang olin ano ppt hich vera the ‘ene to ead lading “not ponte at pt oder th wan dae pectin tn elf the eal setenent os foundoine ato {Weirton er snc” Mower, te data srabl fom eptimetal $22 theta tnvetgaene mete pole to evalt hr niece Tet cto on these of stoudaton aed onmert 0 {hiSunttle mene todas tem 1, flee of Vibrations one Disipatvn Propetian of Si ‘e Tntraal Friction and Coben of Soi ding Vea ‘okrory and tscnton set rest vein spc Inns of vibrations the cue of tera (tive The ‘ute et ewe oxperitets mee poe e294. thoe i ‘Beton ot intra! ton depends os the ite ey a tne ae the nergy fea, the ent Tenses, cing Situe 25 to 90'pr cot amoler than that cbarved tore ition Wide smme ae he author ienignedexperientlly te esis “Mamtenc of teeta of terol ftin a sand on 8 asin feinectone Some rte of thew operon ae given 9 FT $focearye how an inerese i dgarrone with a cease gi ‘eo the cba Fores Tat 1 mas confit on a fey filet sand without brains. ‘est Bivaed ations with a mpd o 50 muna ron aU tip ine Tet dwar conduted alter vibration seal Tst Iter slates of the sara fegooey as Yet 2, at aa ample of “Maton of aly O18 mm ‘heamartion ofthe curves based on dats obtained than without ‘inti priate contest wiestine hae conieree tt nthe nse of sf teas ‘Without expo, the bye ofthe Sire senate with voraone than Without. Sing the cotiieat Use aris proportional te neon of that wope angle {Eat the eis reine of el 0 hear lower ding rats thse “The exponents aio erat {steer during batons han he ET aie wats With. at iereae codustion, de vale of ho ae estes Rieter tne ag eto nal eon, desea, Te. of oer ot ppcaeinganyptosly Bait bis stich depends onthe propria In ation to exerinente wth dry il analog expaients wee sont sith and having x mitre conten 10 Ye port Te tanta at wtratons st male deere the cle Attn in et wis thn i dey tls” Apparently th may he ‘Sette tothe fact thatthe sate vale ofthe fore feos {tween pote of snd having «metre content wp to 1012 pet ets much higher than te coreepnding vat Inalrdie@ mide {he fro eaerion ie sail nee, the ofence of brticheo ‘hangin yscomeckanial propre decrease ‘Comprehensive sapien vestigations othe eet of statons ‘onthe cote of eral tion of sand more ptformed by Th ‘Rlbchente nner the spern of the auton Fore 12 sows the Hecaatin td for tow expiants Tt colt fm devi fr he ‘strmioatin ofthe beating rota fol either subjected nt jected 1 vratins a ator I sven by a diteemrent tr, stds eon inetruent 2 "Te doin foe memurng te essing esitanes af «wi consist of eee peinial parts: bo 3, in ie sean rode, a sein Jack 4 vo apy vet pros om he al sample and he st 3 or {Be shplaton of shearing stro to thee, comatiog of 8 fanned ovr pend toning platform, The sea br Biri ‘Maced to the irl platforms a he die; ots of oer nwt ine aoe Tie atl sping paced int the golds te eter th piel Snot Geepohne bck & “Ton eappors fhe jack lly ated {5th beatny platform Gl the dvi ‘the ong platform td om atl lanes orion irations in he destin of hearing ede by menus cofactor ft aa two-Sattpe. ‘The vet enact the oirateryplatonn by aoe om fable Sand nc lle ‘nthe alley # mounted eth gue rare 1, which erp eomectod {othe fowdatan unde the etlaton During ets the ed ofthe itr eold be inte trp. ‘Te anptude of vibrations cbmged up to 1 sin peng 0 the mug ofthe ment othe sense of tho festa. “Tow infueee of vio on th extent of ine Ston wos catuted by romping determined nth alse of itatons Siar the aim cbtamed daring ell bratens, all otter colions ‘emi egsl "Teco of inter tin as deters flows: th she for was ed wth sand and nae placed on the watry ltr ‘Then tie sand was compacted ty tsne of ibis ade 9 woo prone of 0.5 kgm” ter thatthe pee oth soll as ore {Siscertin magne and shearing thes was ode while he boy ‘us ibested at lato amas and lege, “Th ein of virations was hot constant during nt, sear was eoduced under varying nol presaee “The reat of ach ep sent war rset ae gape of ratonhi betwouy sedge {end noel prowre pe An exarpeof mth agai shown fo INS ‘Anahgoun grap sewed from other experince show tat & Iw eltonhip between te seeing strength of ws ad he normal presireon tinobrved with and witout vibration, "The tltons eerie lo her tan 6 sett finest ston of and 2.7 BahSearog song o a wba value depends Sock on fra of eben of sons meg af seawater at Wile ibe starve of sll took ¥ slam cane tote expects od [Reston ha amie fend rete iene on ha longer othe ‘ies thee soared eet: ot Ragen mere tei papommnon maton eegreeslactanom Se orem of he ona er {Shea en arate towed {Gat ws an ern fo stot ps foe ote {ton tegumental whieh eatin wt ea vi ccinee “pn cf en conto sé minogue epanion of th. sol yet coved toh whee sl ous spl onto and ‘thon it wns ls In the etn tiprc deveope mere TBensnegy ety ie onracon pha Thr ets thawed OS at pesca owe te cane of post, eroded by shee, cee sotnaitntnipatice besarte egh owas a ‘eno ona ton igre 1-4 aren th rlatonhip between the coofidon. of infer tng tan ¢ aed Usui ef wieatns ofa dry mea {felon unde te fegeency rents costs. ‘These graph sow au he colicent of inva ction of rnd doesn conan te eat crs “The depen ofan for these sand onthe angular freuen of sitet cio mor complied Fp HS). Ae toque ised ip to 190 eosin of intr eton dow ders, 9 the fremacy scfm TED to 3 me the cote of oes {sion shaalydecrosed: eset ness in the ale of th ‘Toney hal also infurnce on cone of ttre] tn, "Fw dla psa the olsen tat here xs rnge fee wih ormepends te al changes th oetint ef tere! Fn san Toliows ali tht tan @ for and depends on bth he si and he renee af ibis Ce igure M49 erteates the eatonip be the ctitent of Intra ition ofa snd and the acaeation ef viesns, Whisk spprosinalely dened hy the eal frm tan 4 = ay $a ~ ah ben (09) + tan be ‘ee tan 6 = vl of on ln f interaction witht tations ‘in $2 laut eae of entice of irl Stn 7 malo ‘of snot reaans to. elertion of eau 6 = eafcoet determining afoot wtetins or dey trem grained sad 3 = 023) ‘Tho nvntenton fhe infanne a most content onthe coiont of itomal tion Bf «sal jected to bmtiona nae peo an Taoiumgined. snd, ar abun TPT] ie a0 a be an tee rls dress o thw efi of > ema toed te vit was z ‘ben the tire content ened I Siywonlmally 19 parent. et Me say of i ioe of grin ottts bd yan the eft of rations ae 10,14, tlanip tween he Porto foe Wate a sed ‘tno mur itn sand snr to gies of etn 8 site's vies nda wale shove ge HS. The sales Seven ain ie the concen of intra on whe Biwetid = O350m oF ge sands ae diferent i the Senee of wily darts te spread adit to compare, not te bulie rales tho St ets bt the aoe # barca esc of ibeatons titan aut [ whe tangy aod tn $a extents of intra tie rpc Trou ed with vations “Th ri atthe dogrect dozen se vai ofthe olen ntl faction ander the ifn of rab "The tata reels preated in ig HLS how bat the oot 1 Pewtcom Sal Reaone As agate alone, the ft of vaca forse tio net sey plage in neneaoe (ehy {ia sad undergoing teive wrens "Teste show nna tt he com of tral dy ion btcon ples ects a. 18 Rati tans tet vn egy ed Enlace ietog'hns ae emer ene ) Fe ante ewe htc etn pti anda gating (U-22) contin thre parte ea ti ko wile ve parameter tee ahd Df efion do NO ded ei 0 ‘sure content ad mented ony bythe praia selhadon and {he ve ofthe arg snd pati the value a «depends nl he stare eneat TEfolom fom th erg of Fg IEA that th sare onto hasan sppeodnie eet on Whe concent of itary tamyacion Wet the moire gett ef sand ow (ethan 5 por cnt arp Asvesn; eonengunn he pay of gto amact ae ton “fection tn dctang "Who th mote coment sera, the ‘eelicent of witeatory compaction gradually grow, and whe the ture extent all som 161017 prea coneepndig 0 rs Snpercntof the comme patra of odes) ek ech atm vali f= 282 fo 088 ‘When the moire conten too ger thaw = 161037 peut, tan cnet «duress se wi etd fly strat) ty ater Ieoguseaprrovsiyeghtonthe off larget value crespoaog ‘he ptm oitare content thes ‘The exstonon of optimum rates which he gatet compan fs arioed (ote evens being es I harctarati t only fr indy an fr ater a Goreme To lye ite and tt fer ‘las with seme sad ad) “The foregoing reat invetgntons omer the depen the oct wriny ampactn aoa te sire ontest of a ‘splintn nme dgrn de consdra setrent oundatins at rami inde ben sect on watersatarated nde ‘Wh ai sabjoted to vlraone with «ected acetate osu of eampcton ofthe dean sot er pean, bot Seog [Song Howie pro. Ae he tine f eto le vibaton res {Se weld ti decreas at niiching rte ae ter = eta tse ‘euch costa vale rears of fries statin, ‘Oat prs myortance ot ay of ha gurton of he ine Intra. coregonding toa ve tlt, which eons fo the romplet serpin fas. "Ervine sow hat ry sands avg bot eat for 39a aot revel any changes in havo satin Ft ene he oepend ing interval owe some 10s Tnvesigation ofthe ecto vibratine dine on te compaction of met volnshow that complete spastion eno achlest ven aia ee ‘pt to iene or 2 Yd sate rranes cont the laste Et then residual deformations appt. In the sae, ean oat compan te ler {lon exe etn vale wich may be tered the "held ibang compaction” The extnen of this vale oatrned perinatal Tel estaibd tgs when ii subjet to wbealinns with 2 slectedaatertivn the rol of wiatoy eempartin aed to ew equting thi eslenon.— Ad Wee yt Hel forse “lepers Endy capable of hanging ye rato wade te son of ‘Mbeatnos) Aas ld ea earepsedig op The story conse ton euve tothe vloe of tbe riba acelin thes ena ‘than neclrton lethal 2 eae any hanger he Word "Thardore, theeoniio ofthe compaction sll under he acon of ‘bein mayb weit efor wn ates) hor with ttl of tiny emt eh anno Siro cnesomaing thew ph to esane Teele 1 detrmind rom Fa (2, "Th oonenpe “rild of ibetry covputon” aki ome Aerie the dinenine of the sone of sei computa eaand by steed sien Tteratry nveaigatins some Sat wal ompsctin under a ven reine of eine depends cnatly om the rage of Il bring. th IF sand al compres na consi es bleed ovations the deel forthe oes belt low Moreover, bon tte on leaped to sand wil be cn tucied unter he non ef vibrations any when the aeeeraion of ‘Shrine escent ali, than theo cde fo em {ow oo sats oad prewns "ener th bree base om action Spee komt na vale of the wld rat, Bs (nies nora treatng within desl. The nye the at ae ofthe tenes the highs Ue howe of ibrar compaction of ‘esa “Thee sats tad on ci copaston by waton ett tm the tnt that ferme of fet tree pate Fnreon th an Intent of promo the tl ibratons tea eae a tale hang ‘n't denaty ofthe tan other word, yacer the sna of pres etnod 0 my, tera eater robon and eoangentiy ds ot ‘eign ruth io sister compan. Bote posse uy hae apps infaecs on the weary computa of sah In paral, yr seid that th a Ingen in pth the eet of wratons onl vmpaction wil dora ‘Wen lant wayes are podaen nas by oa ats xeon thatthe aesleraon of al rains il spend a be Sorina of the pon wale snsdernin- "Throne i al subjected ooh tina or enema by machinery foundation, the vid sso wi ‘ot emats cost but wl deg changes which wl ts poversed Dy ‘hangon the areeratign withthe i, by the dst rom foondation, Ea point with th coordinates) aan eclration dei by the sti mh ate Goran hs coats (a eer, he alo Teewcen the aselaton of svaonr and thy asertion 9 grit). ‘he evo ati ts pat wl determi by Ba C22) “tlre fr hdc of hr teh of wary compton ‘ct compaction wi eeut ony atthe pains ofthe a where the Fenputy (125) sae ond the rne af ietory Srapocton a revere inqany eai the oud ete clea) =e “Thee boundary of he neo tary compaction ofthe x pte nts onan fel alent aloes; bene, the ater ‘on ofthe one eomacton = eure oth computation ef he fold aeration of cation sx oh nlltngfueeton oesintat ryt ttt stl eet ery gna Pee Sed SES ee ree ee ns eis a by NN Basu, As Monn BLN. sa cumin Babi re ‘Span hata arom ts ratre tn atacand sande cbengne i i then Ut continuo dates vero ptid, When cand wt [sed pale Sess sou psbA p90 ‘hangs peur wah te bss mal, ee Heal rrp he Ines prema enh rte than the frevitan eee, The tare af the devdaprest of dome hydrate romania avila sae rk slog son ‘ond ar yet Thore ate Toons Uo aname tt the dere “ym precy tn gow) water lade tom crisis Yesstanon of the wterantrad si gn comequn tthe of ‘allio ath aes 1Ea. Kamarts ofthe Theory of Residel Satlmens of Foendotion Insuced by Gyno Loess “Tha oer of the deropment af dul stents af Tosndatons subject aot only to nate bt ss to dynaie nade Se ot er ‘ittrated on ar a ope ate tore fa forthe ‘Sonn earh partclr case ofthe alo ha esa aeons. he indo nt oly othe athematea! lit ioe nthe tees ia foendtton sj oe ation fas which ry ‘Soy bat ae to the fart tat ft thre ie Ba ately wre ‘erage ade, nor haw tha on etl ay tamer nue enprntng toll rpeta, which wuld pert te tron tke gaeaet th edu! dycamie omen Insomptatos of mlements tran the ction of tt Sead sii wualyconered to be 8 Hialy derma nag “arth f stems wih ie may 4 aby it atsant, or ‘ramnln ty the ited of struc ybich died on ty me of ‘eran. ‘Thoin the goveral ene, he smputatin of tote ‘foundations subjected to the ssn satiate ay ose on te isos del of aty debate vice Sody won et nt iis hardy joel, however, to wash hell mole he ‘outa Ine, base, tow y expert, br lop ‘Ben of aida! ream ot found oscar neesly eke ‘Sins in ehh the foal ste Cposed by hs ts and dye Inna) exes the etion af the it vale "Wis stems arelbwer antl val stent founda ijt baton on corks wba th mae detested ‘dma caused hy stats Toads Ba snc tho see pesare ‘god onal by foundations ver macigey nara (earl ie lowe foun ha goed undone ue igs sa seb, aes cit? B Bi pes lee De co atively ow. However, the vat premareon tb al econ aint ‘Phot eos develpeent of mtn ened a they imap tach conderate aloes sen gp to srr tos of cetimeter ‘Thuscakeeota sno ad may eed oon perile ing ‘Thus the eon fr the abenne of esd cttenent of fon: those nahins may he wet Com at By em ars where pando the state and dyn pate the The fosndatea ‘ine viens fect the internal tion a saben of asi (ad covey ie store to ose Inu), vase othe ting q a aac F ost forse wl wl Spend ty sarctertnof the ee fet She resonsip tates Ped ur ‘oaognal tothe kon relatesbipLetie he Sali imi of small he characte othe swe eel may be ed hat {he ecatnaip beter he Ltng vals of thence nd dynam “rome in te cy wl be dtersined oy graph let curve AB ia Vig zat Dedgnating by tho maxim tate peste coregend= ing he intent vag of eee te aston of tate pres el. en y the min dynamic premiterorerpoig {hw intnave devehphnt of stents unde fhe ation of dale pressure cn apd lralghtning the ue, ome eat stabs the Foy aon Pate ans) = wate ns {hci of sn pre rn on inthe to Ttcanse withthe frei dicesn lw conser hat 8 oe ss the yma posite 08 ta i ower ta se ase py ete ‘ent af the foundation wil esate and,oveeaenly, he fore dation flected tothe sein dynamie Toad wal undergo any ease ‘When the nosis presie ona i teaches my thre apse resid settee whe erase under the aenn of preva even se talon reine contat. ‘Thr the slationship.etwcen the prs TEpmetion xan ty the foundation he steer oh eatin ‘rile Lista ye grgh smart te one prownte ip 2 ewe ae nto scout the il este eich depo te te of seinen tn yadation, we stive aa helogeal nel oe Sick earesponds nn apts Vso bse a em eons the ore Yetta ations of «fon ‘Themes of wbratone of macho ouationeeatye tn shaman alan tht ty Uerge won witha oat Ingtrombeclt Then he maxim ami preetiven these oes are Ay he amg of veto Staton of he fundan, ‘Subaiting therein for oat neat (131) od ng for tae ample fro retin we come he lowing coda for the sbaner of red teens the futon: er a rea sant of machines whom foundations wer dct sre ona cen thst vle itn epitadese ek ‘Boca the tig ainda he shown Te Css to fac tt Cocaine ‘ter machines ir uy ee Legros (atone i ‘oatingengae te) dost unre) Sateng edal etmentn even oelned mands whch we eget Sip ucptbletoetangeeh oper ‘et dee the sat of rit. "fe dtemtaton fun amet eof pel pact yo. pe vee Intmat i oundatos otegne uaa” Aiwoniy ee veral bron Indus ty were imgut ory wine propasaed ovgh mia deo a wane may aan eae os rt ay Ther fore indie sane rge dans sea "Angas ibay el ce sa te crv eset in fe MEAD Sotto sane tht secon AB ofthe baton ay sorrespands ely to lati sateen ofthe ounaton A erential gusto of dhe etext may mien ReMi 135) “The equi difer from Ea. JE) oly ty the prea of = ‘constant th rgichand par. Thi ensant i the wrlraton rity od he nt acne the ct ot el he foundation Sod ralineys AM agin 8 ti ne a he rT Tats sige that ee vere ation he osbastin st aad lyr enter put." Under the ation of espa, he fount orer anna velit in a downy deton agli ale Sr dterned by Ba (02). Thi emt of he fudaton overt mayb een i the forms Ite = 0, en " ass) vse te tose ho peu ant whet ati ntennt of the fountain Sige ose and marino “Fhe muton of Eq GL8) wih iil condo expres By Bar. us wilt seen Bow (oman a whee fr = font of ata verte brains of fodation wae onsiertinn af damping f= age a= Cif Murepiing both pats of Ba, (13) by the eotant e feate snr compressa of ty rl ithe Fastin, me tea the feloing expres for the rete man t phan oh fosndetin ‘Bove br comseraton a viFF +E cp (mine 188) Pe he prem god by the weet of fosetn and machinery ‘As lng apa > the fovpdaionsetreene rein sare. Lat ase i cca time y= ny smi omens the pat nthe baton dagrm (Pg 1.2), pene on he si i each Uelting alse pe Stung py = pit Eq (1-98), we obtain the = mat Pahl exp (me) sine arse) from whieh we ean dtr te Une te Siig sneer leeathod tthe masa set the foundation tn feo @ From which obiin “Te at equton determi te eon of sere of ovat vimentin been of ocnéon bration ese hy «vray Sa ipa The aon of By. (U1 & mt rts, then iil te snr ution il etn ne ton ara iP atl nap othe tment Aletha te SSE Sautioe wil st pend the sees, snd Orton he ‘Htecetl enon ofthe oundtion nati nema) a ) mt etsy the fliorng nits: aenae asa) ates atsas) “Theatr of Hg, (8520) wi seo = 4 Coup (099) + D aco - poBlen Sa oa sing the codons of ae (L112) and (E31, we oan, 0 euntiny for the datsemiantin of the sete comnts aD. ‘Svig thor equations, we ad Cu FAS pons Damn AES ED ‘The dveoproent of esd attopent wil yrossed up the eet whic ne rom this cendiion we stan the eatin fer th determination of re fh Bk ars exo (24 =v] = BES a8) Subsitating the vale thu obtained into Ba. (9-10), we obtala ‘he asin tal ie ls ad ei foundation ween dened ass went s tt) 1es > then the sedation wil move pad under te nfoense ef th last onctin oft sal el under on slats) ed te Alacer ofthe foation it be ante oly ‘Tat ws sonidr the motion of tb foundation ae shown en Ge ‘hed section of the ritation diagram (Fig. I-22). "o sept te cmpae tion It eanfr th ini pout of pagent ote pit 0 ‘hal ao ead to ine rr pa “The diferent equnnn of foundation matin coeepondiag to the inte remo wi hae he form naan ehnna(.-2) asa ‘The ston of hs equation easy Ms emaonss 1+ =, then oxo (—mleoer + asian) —m Wen r= 2, the tie displaemen as arse) ‘Thur the mapsitade ofthese wtomens nly, cas by ome Inpas,egale arse Assuming iy, (13-1) that (aikst0) we ray dtemine the maximum vale of thei eos siesta foundation motion, at kick novela stents ect the mupnitade of thie vel eal 11:2, Rani nen vin chet afi ein “Te val cont depends on i=, hen ~ tite ~ 08, thang = Let y= 8a des 1 : ‘ang Be (85) an 022) we maya the vl of oandation sede Sasa on ihc at wba no eld stone he atoaon wi on ‘Eis not pono t eth ety Ba. 20 he ftom serehanetdeouaaf sate rosie orev of beet morose r Gaiesnttn” Hower bytome 6 , : a) Se} ‘artainparametars, Ther rani make ag vel | STfoubie te simate owes FS ee atin 18 cea i. pin ihe ees Ph et or EeMeuomip ter eid tes coh Sinai nid ancl fens god 4 olen rate le te Mentesticate pomie rractae sot pt tt line pane pee Fa. ‘Liumton Gear ttaior OWES the intial velo of the foundtinn reaches the vale ey ee real se gy. 4, ais toe to the nial tort eeposaly frees toon fd he Sac of tho oe near “The graph in Ti, I-24 shows that qualtatvely the stale preze sets cal mtamente moe a othe a ert ob {Neiundation motion a2 the yremare sro, afer come "thro ‘the th seamen ners poprtonly ta prscore in tnderring shacks o wbatons depen ot say on the dvoami [ess on theo (ubich proportional to ce ampitide af funiaton vation), but azo on sate pressure The Trg this peers She rr the mths, fo founda sadergang soca ‘bration: fac a fundatons under machinery oe ude bigs s+ Jrced fo th ston of rations) the desig sou uve sale fate pressing on the el han for foncaunne wis sport tly tte toads." lows frm. (3) that Ge efsen af elution of peril rez om vl mca hey Tosti ir abet {o"dyymie Tous dopende onthe wee af te dynam psu a, ‘eoreqeonty en thesrpiude of ritatons.Thelarges Uae amphtate Uo smal saul be se sats prar am the nil under the foundation For cup, nthe dig of funaasons under machinery with pact Toads ck 6 Ramer) the coefcent of redone perch osu: e wssy tle a = O42 D3. The comstterae vee {torent statin pres og th sl eens By he fae that ‘he apltade of rations ur kame ayant are alos equling in mane ques 12 Uo 1 For foundations nde ning eatin ith mal pias and mo 0 gh fee, he ‘ns af tho ecatiat wf preasreretion sould be comepondgly ined. For evans, under repeating engios, ortng. ftmptoles pot exendng 0.29 03 mm, the coin of proce edo Tiong may te thea ui. oundatins unde urbopeneratrs undergo vbrtions at much salle smlades—in the rage of soerl aloes or tns of errs. Hone ‘Sor taking nt aecout th sptity of tase askna onemufres ‘eileen seth ih fone of ths Woraton, qe socmed be or foundations under seveturessutseed tthe aston of wats oped fom aus re sci ss rece) Oe St value won ony atte lode gato be tupperiedDiognding Seaton eye the nt fe an sw "hing supe) may lend wo coir noua stesso rer clans oof fcedations under some wets of walls eee af whch wetsusste may uber data: (Art, 1X3) Poon ea sn comitoteyonfrm seta of Tove os ees non tomo hak an eval in cose te foundations are toe cect oh ‘ersnand gen) tosh ang vale of tate Prec he cud enc then hoe wt ener ree ted egrets datanee Tw sta presres hasaeevik eae ety propaona! wth apie of eres rations Ba Sande tesco aves poyagte trough ee a (oso aero whe ayy foundation stents a alog shuge eter in Geih ori plan. Tire th ar of ry OAR ed tan eosin inting rere peor et at EUOIEAET he banda contr ren, omit he decrease ePiyoaie seems de to shorke or ibeatns, ihe il unde Motion Sent of us then ema eaintion oF comenatnn ‘Sel pdepth of to 4m nay be posi Pecans 2 be dpe sereaate ny be achieve i ay mee Senet emt eng and consequent te imtng alu itor ying he eae aye ar of inn tren he went tne ital Gandations on de munber of impact One of eve Thundatione wan eeted on nial sl (nediaersned ysl wate ‘Sinat ana) sad th olber on Breil deen adept a 03 {Ear ptas were driven atte crbere te the th 3 dh eet, The fGadacon contact avn in tk case eqaled 1 ms th funlatin TSOERE es 7 ton.” Notun! sti wiatins ofthe fonds woe “Th sa of them oe waned indo Uy the pts of 2 ram ing 4 wight 100 a op Irom height of tL “ine invetgtons ondustd der diferent so canons owed that a ating le base hed « ery tavratle eos: om Syme "Th rls of ouatin setoment (nfl experiments) ater 100 ows om pn, proeated in Table IK show thet inal anesthe ee Toca minted ty teen lpi Smee | Mo ferouvet of the tase under the foundation by means of wort ple eel in wenden decom of tlsments inde by wats ‘When the foundation wa erected on oes refered by mooden les, Sheena fh ndtv ‘edoced ts ononith tral on nau al, fotdatina erected 20 “hort noodon ile dee int ens rey stad ste ege! “porsinutlyoneshiith af ie moment vale o9 near! an "Keres sid tents may sso be Stuved by drag thet ere its ysl nal nous fo tl THEORY OF VIBRATIONS OF MASSIVE MACHINE FOUNDATIONS 1H, Verte! Vibration of Foundations 1 Bewle Asumptions_ Te sna he investigation of ibeatos of « smshe fondaton leed oh ait lace ao Bo teu 0 de eset of vitetons oi lock rong ona etn Satc 1d Ty date ao eiton of thi problems bas bon found. “Thrcore ‘Seer singing ssimpsoaesoneenigwieatont of etd Noe ‘ace onal are nese. ‘wo al er wr amo that or «er raton bee the il caring ont vorting foundations the delaceet of is fn Tea ue resto betwen he Gplassmesteand thereon i ‘elearnie tera ofthe soten a eater aie [ex ompresan orwell conn of lee eat Te Cha. che ‘SSEsStoe of thee cuties one ete propetis fhe i won Serer the oman ns else ln the era aloe of che octets for rrian ss were gen ado 1 tory te ‘Soome thatthe wal tdi the foundation daw ot bare ipeiat Soper, but only sate properiee nr seca by the een Romer gua acon to har ol neti propio 0 TENE ste opty we theo) te conser to ave ony si ‘opera task properties efineria Thos ue 9 ‘Re Toundation and emake pose ia the general yt aye ithataton ubmtins a8 problem of «body retin 08 wos ‘Beng the ter eving = he rejently foundations under machi ar embedded ito a cera pty Th the cs, the elas ection of tho wo es toy SORE E ont contact ute tetra nian fora, bot 0 SORESRSPS into the dan. "Thon sates ty hase onside ft om the fequenci offre tino he foundation nd onthe coos of damping "hevfor sous log te se ‘iste he fundating hve cons er a amples oe Dror ition ver conions raf seman in iat tno oh eae the fet a ie estos om founda itn. Ths ert etentteny shen ito as “esige sryptations By incecing the les of the covets of etsy afte be Fr seampls chico apie in cmp ‘Son of fnuedatins for Tonge hammer a foumialon aeons sy Gro iba a, for eam foun sede responses featur), ad the dog valve of freq of natural eat ‘thie fowndatio ar args he the aperatina eqoeney [°° SEswatnn a he sac, en he et oe ie ae in ton i eativay sll sod can te neglected teat ‘tn, dareanting the akore ol eens onesie, Sino este Gsgn dea sist lower nthe ge tb 1 Varela of Foundations Ning te Dep Frag Eft of Bol eine Lele tans Wien ok tnt, th foundation cated paved eng fore PO Wi muro changes ith tine We stu tht thn entero 08 Aree tht foundation and tachise aed espa of he ae of (SeCOIRE Jeon in eontct eh el be om vrai le ‘eigen wth the acon ef atone the ang oe 1m hs eam he fosndation wl wna een! keaton. hve th founda earn to a abst rid yo Slasront ie deterged by tha dplaementstacemtr a gave Av Nesioned above, weiglces springs serve as ame fr ere, Tax ‘he problem of vert vibatns ae Gundation i edo tthe Invunigaton rations of cured mas fein on ping (Fi ih). Lat deste hy the verte dnianmet the osntin ovate with remet tthe equa potion." Weal ene ¢ {oie poatve sm adowaward Gren. Ifthe daca fhe eter bf gruity af the fumfaton sue, then te reaction of he spn ‘he ountation bas} wl eal Ro Wee uaa wher W = weight of foundation td aching 15 caniient of igty a the bse eed 12) 6, = eof of sate utr compennion of ail AS Recent contre sen fmaton wil al es has the dimensions ton por vb ler and Ain eso in sus er hee ily ve tn crs ot rte ERLE Amber ype we may obtain heart eoeton af Sera endton toe Arcrding 9 hel texan Ete etl fre te betel oes cng tings Tn te ston of moti for he Fdaton wl te nt 4 P= Rao ors eing Bg, (16-1), asin mt pea PO where m ser foundation aud maine = = 9 = ascalraton af iy Didig both prt of Ba 1.8 the ie my, we et Si a be fale = Ble) ara) we hag eS amt yo «tt gusion (11-14) deter the vaso obratons of foundation me ean of am een oe. etn emsder th ap mich xing aa Se oto ret ar ington dlc rot the foundation Setting 9) = 02 es), we obtain He foro an) “tie ution corerponde tec in which th in ass aoa Seti ae fren of te foundation sad the Tey Kietme, Such ribstonaré called matortor ne ration, Fannanet eatin under ergs hatamers ny be sled tn ach ~The ge 1-6) oy Te genera sftion of he Roniogosons iret Es. te dona allows a fo Asda fat +B sf Hence ta oe hat fie vibration der dhe ation fh eactons ana nls foes arene tin wa req fay called. he ‘tur cer Hegnary o vertia raion of th an ‘etevling eg, (HE tie eqncy te determined oly itera mn he testy of he ee a dr ot Bend he mtr o omits the exiting =e. Sing the fequeny of ibraton i= the punter of elltions pox sven tha prod af the natura ibrtin, he tine for ne sil {ep in elated to he hoa reqeaey fu ye llowing ate “The numero nitions ermine an pr econ ar eat tthe dpa reguensy of wraton by the fll pe fora wee nal te eitation por seed i called «het. “The coefleirt A ad in Be. (IE) ropes he spies of satura ritatioes ofthe foundation. ‘The vaste depend lym Se Iai conditons of tation, eon the magne he vet he Aisiacement) of he founding ats etal women of ne ales a he Inia sooment.Navarl viene of ‘oundatins ander machines are Uvalysaomd by a pie, Le, the fundatony experince acetal Seidl deity. ‘Therefore a ue onier sly thi persia case, Tet yssmume tt st =, 10 md ie am.) Dierenatig bh part a he wtatlon (IT) with rapt em ‘ve oben the ling aro fo he Wl a he foundation 2 Al fat ~ Bl sin ut care) Seung t= 0 inne (E17) ao ILD), we obtain the flowing ‘expreonn for cotanis 4 and Acf pao “Ts, when vr acturat vias te foundation are aapd by ime, insrent tera ye ean, 20) ‘shear of st wan vain pen ns ‘onthe oti andthe este pop te amp e,the manu ‘tection om theeqiibsiom tn, pede abn oa eta end tas de moto, tne propria oil velo ‘eluting to a (iD fre wea ites foundations, seer comer the ett wach ong force PG) ins harmonic funetion othe tine, for eae, PC) = pin (as iter frqueney i eae whore Pc eect Var ecg oc shih ngs with ean 0 Hi wo cn a iseepec itt nin a offre gion ovndtins ‘ahelge work cng ads Impodby varie are aly barnonie one ise, Substining te te iter pare of Bi. HI) PO) = print sw tain the equation far fore vt vibrations dation: Ba fle paint am.) ‘The ans sla ofthis dentition sents th ae of wo latins,crrerpondng fo sa to fered virion cate by a (oem sein force, Due tothe sete of damping all ret rob Seon damped ot aot toe afer fhe being of ve Fac Tnolon ef feapasnny and ee remain only fred rations Te Tein of Ey (08/21), comeepnding oly to Dem sesdystatn ‘tne, ali Assn ua We obtain the express forthe rp A of orc ibaa by telling the erm for = TOA (HLt10) ae arena Bs {Gutsstn; tina we have ans) “The ecaton (IL-2 sony ta the equency of foe ition ix equal othe frequency ofthe xing oon. Twa the tren ‘Featuring th requncy of fore ibration dvs not depend nthe ioral and slr popes fe foundation an ts Une She theca nde mache ase rly mated pcraly with very revolution of the marian many came the foqveney of the ‘Reig ores egos tat of rotation of he machi Tn gevra hs pochon vad for al ene acanl pte 0! copeble of prodaig tented brats Theo, ho dott of the tequrney of fred slbratons and th ronweneyofexeing Wade Ingen tte omtaton hie ngs he sah, si Darvon of the frequen of feed vibeatons of machi Funiatons ‘ht he equeny af exeing ors developed hy hese aches orn tho coineense of tha eqns "Thar i see that ford tiation fs fandation, Ure rely exit nar selaori between "he foundation daplacoment and te sel seton Trgute IIE ponents raphe of te fas of he magia of the vig fee on the ample of foro seta vieatiane of tv ‘oundation. "Tse sph utetantine oe Uae character of the "eatin etched by 1g. DE 3. Tees rm tin eat thatthe mpi of fond va tions depends ako te ss of he fundnon at he erence {stor the frou et and lcd vies Ton bnttar ode th inno te ecg ofthe foundation, ne tenors expan (EL an eh tara ‘hom Ae isthe delenit of he foundation und he so foe Pe Lar were spl a ay fueron GEL IO be ont Aue rhe (bt) as ty dys mtr a ‘neuen ater ca = pte a ve Ee, omit eater # “ttn Sy ne ne wa, tos dea ey on rl uti, ui, arene he oy of mir stellen sei ast ‘Remng fr fomaton 1th rene the td vos pa apr ih shel eget of he any he ao nda sein tty de tut fa vt fe ‘ln tc tit meh sth er rozemne nae ‘Sparen fhe ulin haan xg ee Ath anit te fern of nef, 8 nen tha he dont a ee si eed inate ote Spam nek, “Wee t= os oben eam o ingot atl ey fe fowadaian, the anid of ication of the founding thertnaly fale init Tae cnreeponda ta ronan. Wik ror nr {n't equetey ofthe ex fre, becomes Inger th the ‘pam won Ctr oraes wth ah tae fl (P27, te dm agin equ For ange af oer Scesking fre svesnting 0 #2, the dynate mse formiy detreuos aseptically eppoashng 20. Teme i {icing a fy meh ar mp th {He nstara fete, ay talc oon! bration wih ne pad of Pinter ie hi onlin Je ood a Se wing pine for {huluoug of ravows devin fo alm fom ston, party {20 inalating machoes and engines When the ete ques i (Gee the tg fa evo relating a cin tan ng fe ode nach away tat the equeneyof rate iat af the Ghee bay sal pole compared tothe exsiing rary (ar ‘imple equney of wine ease bya ‘oundaner unde vecipratng chiro tly sg in erty te the ata sae af the foundation ge ‘WElopertegroceooy of the nahin ey <1 enero the Foundation are mtzon hanging the ovation srt gas ok ‘atu vine deere nd hewn of {ines Taos hs {he demain expesinn {TTIell) datos exo a dea Inte dyramie nade Thus othe comtins beige sn ine Ji the fumdation eight easy! ye ieee nt ania Alfred tetas The tke amon why andor Tovnscons Imation (sei for meeting ncn) 0 des a sks ‘it ange hwo and som Sia 1 fete! Vratine of Fountains Comierig the Dans Keto ‘50 Rasen he mene nthe easing dcuion, tes TELE rooonee the tingid of freed vetons honey proaches infty. However, th. consadits expinita tn ‘ch sow tha er contin of eonane, te amt of cs Tonal eal ie, "The entadintin ene expres Une i epi By te fact that spite of eatin wth » Frege coven etre fre fw fundaton oy ‘Eclat he machani proper ofthe fro Sw of est hte oly, ke sty ve! Eng vl dois em an ele moet feoetated by an ely tie soi Inet, ever ries ‘hracoied by wbegy isan, ee in so” This eviton of i proper em ssa ely art aid maybe abe it conn Fone ages tht eration of te i depend mot ely onthe income of the foundation, but soon ft welesty Sno the ‘Mcies of feundaton sibexéane ar ret Low, ian Be aes 5 fst spon ig he dap tions fl te proportion! fh power af the soy af obra, Then te eaton oF ratio foundations may be Witenes flame s4 eth 0 ain tn der rom ere 1) by the po of the tes, at. 0) in clod the damping auton; ts doubt vale nue the oeicent Iesntance perce oat mass Unaliy fue" The ation q(T.) srraponding whe ea flows sep (eA sin fod + Boot fut) (MIS) hr fu natal fone of verti of foundations in ‘Ser wer the routine pends ot aly he place, bat . ‘oon the relty Balauating ‘hala (HELIs) inthe tt fan part af feat {al--17 we ind ha he stain wil std he ogution for any Fetus of 4 and Ba ht mh eae allows that ee dap tng groprtin of al deen the atl egenny af vition of X Tie inp eae tae oe srhctnat vere Gy Tondaon Uh the, atping Senso is mai in compaion* naar enue fhe fondo, hen he sored he do ‘opera theta on te naira fvqun'y ma he sept Howeer th fet of the danping xeon of soni ster ot fe batons a ound ter ence eves noo Saver fe Itolown day omy) aes SP eieations deen ergot ih fee's Mutated Br Sieve Fig te Te 3 then th character of fee wets of foundations wil corteaontto cure 9. Fo ne vaues of dumping vont, whe Ce etn vibrate are wot oi, snd, under te ation of fmpaet oan inital Suplacemest, th Tota wl ego Tote Dade motion, an hows by rarve 3 Fig. 09. “Phen damping estore ew hae comer est of ‘sean of fxn sd on std fae ais. es Tip Teor cons dar ores “ewtcemequnn far sed vit fondo nding aerate arto tw we eh de aro Ea (HUH se value oecrngtor ates, we te {hoe onl ein = (P/)sn uf then we ae fst fale = pina aur.) ‘The slut of tht egaation, eaesponcing ony t realy fred iraton of furaton ml fe Apan 9 Hore A i the ampli offre vibrations ‘The phase shit Btwons the exeting free and the dxplavmont inde yt rc eal way pe anise “The goa mde "In hea ilo Bt ee cutee Vira re ve mares Fig 1-4 pron rvs of intreatinhip betwen” the tat isthe vaio of the frgteney of fred Masons oh wt ‘wn te fort ion ap plated Br eat aE punly so = 0 cep the prev dt ese st fowaation vations wore Uy damping ects of seins were ht somsidred Only bere wl the amplitude ab resnsnns tc Mtkaut ta At al thor diner, wen A 2, the ample eins Tate the intr the val of 3 the ama the amp, Under tions of danping te sins vl of Ue ample coespomis ‘Thai damping seer, the rsonnee frequency en ome andthe dane adr someone ery ama, ‘he paps promntd in Fig. sow thatthe greats fet of damping tons of oi obve in he roe of reroanoe he Uo “rahe of €isapprosinstay eq fo Uy “Whee the erence 1~ Incase, tha ifasnee of mpg sll propre ob tides ‘Grud viens decrees when £ lara in compan toy, fect maybe nghrtd. Since foundations nder sacha with a ‘ety wy Senn chy hat a “ica dros Let bd ty, he alet of a date ny neletd in many cmptinn f sltane of fron ies Te ice ot Partin Prd Vert Vai of Found ‘Te forgoing too of ert ties of foundations ont ‘sumption tha so ction aye epee by eis Srnes arcteindyth oct THs iin cna ow ‘he'va properton a a "hefner Healy sane oud be Seiler aes fer appsoustion oly. "Aw aod previ etme aon ofthe rblem af sera! wftations Bf onan: ning sl assis aidan of Zi oben of rations cal meting oan taste, bis he mg! ae yor esintnite ste sli Linking or ante hy conden nly “ere fred wrath free which harmony ‘hanes wih ine, ray wat te esto fo the ee ns ows ne Rese Gid) = Pep ot ta) TEL) ere = magutade fil ection asin owdton 1 E pine it btwn sting fre a sexton Ione solve By GUE 8) mos to dete the dopnt yer va spon thn Grlarrenty he eho A the ftcrdaon andthe a pegersne : “eemmer™ eaves apeoninate man of th pote of ba sins of hn ttn pan eae smite rn (the Smmotsan Rhein the nite ofthe miter 7 UE he center woe ool aeataly exes ‘ly, Shabir rhe stabs vated in eb ton ‘sive the sme prot aking the vesenitads of orsonont of on {eae for tae computation the value 2 an an ails» mean FEE Mo menses of hte ae the etter 0 tbl CSrsar wen aad under i ego, 9 real of rater cote ‘impetatce wich ate ited sy fang ne susp ton d+ mar ebb: am fe = Et ane Ge or me ty arf iene ig TLR cana 0h 2 RUNEDaaea et dn a n tn eed on an ae lean ees et to tin Gea fe eh ee 2 pts taras erga Bi el nos atid Fess asst ~ one + GSES Mts oats -oonese + ise x = tbe 1 = fret sar waves sopnznal fom foundation fy Je Bons Saga St hd, of Oe a, 0 ‘reo the shar waves pees Inthe velocity a ahear wavs sil For onventonslxgne intone a cosa ale hah Wy. wher sh imchiery Figure 11 presente grape of fan J, dopeting om cng of te independant aval thee aha are pita fr Polo's ao nal to 0,025 and 0-5 and make % pole to avaldcompitatione Shen dtorasning values af jen Jo rrapondig Yo meted vslce weed a= abut he vale of deterained by fg tan pat of ag QTL 125), we ob 4.20 int te ie a + pa + Ren = Pe ‘om this we attain to equations fr determining ad mt npn Pane (stan) = pews Saline tie tem of anions, we fd tune = eel ant e TF uae aia ‘The expnon tha fu fora susie noth ght of EGIL); by peting the tmnt pats ea the Soir an ted of eo — EH 7 SN remeron “The plac sil etwas te sting oes an the deen = cue gon ace, What tan = ff phn ht bees dope Sek ea a Ween RETO uta eto iniredre ieee ral Oo ee atten hee 7 te ai dety. Thon frm forthe septa ab phe of wbrations wl he eerie Stotows S00. at TEN + OO ce tne — EET gute IIL6 pment graphs of changing ade deyonding on changer of so hati the same thing, Sang nthe leqoeney of item. "He prage haw ‘ack ip eommon wih Fesmanee frre for sjrem wth one deg of freedom cesta to eampne “Thuy altbough the initial Eq. (HT-129) dace nt take ita aetane urging proper of wi amped ol vation mee teach iii SE ang fen stent a a eal Tiss etn th oe ga of ver. Thin mus that enh ‘ally sete ait has doping ot om the anita of fourm catia ‘rbratons, This pin y the fat chat th ney of wbrating Toulon de ots popeton st the an, scons tpt tinrafre te vibetons of foundation eve fone ressog on a0 Hal (Satu std repeventing sei ate nanm re damped th Sod arr tine. Sin othr conditions being eget, ampltade of maxima ‘ions depend pon the value of Powe’ rai, ows teat ce “amp ot foundation vibration depen threo. A comparison ‘esting Is tad for seer Enon Pon's. she {rom a vibraling foundaoa nin thei, nad bee Wa ret ete tora incase oth damping proper of thes “Phe fact hat amples vty depend mesial 9 the salucof sbome tht ke dpi groper faa site ney ts curcteratc (uti gl te pt hy eau mas of fat “Fhe iurlathocuip ten romance vale fr? ao he wa 9 Ge idea Me MT (ished nea Atl se that oe ‘latina i owe to» ear ome atte we bap cutiay A hese oy isthe ample under where Wit the wiehto thefoundae it i eto Die Sen end shoe and i the ntact ars he onan th il, (UL ay be eto a SF rhe 7 ~ une might oft = mttaer Subang he alge of bint fg. (1-13, we obtain fo de spt of witeam yr sonias af onan for) and aura) Sine the unit weight ofa vars within comparatively sro range the aloof yn Fa, (11 30) re cose fo oss, ‘utig for example 1.70 g/t Hee the cnn pore ‘tat the fetal eburstartnof wt have all fst em amplitudes nde condita of otra "Byun (1-1-3 ln shows that she resonance apd (te tolani ef oting fore) incon with an intense tm marl Hie eceureon the fondatin tao decrees with tn ierone in the maton cota ron "Th snr stherwir et contiom the ‘leing fount seston Oth mil dara: a ntease teste peste hoe he Zuni, With a as ne Camdaton cla ey ronan angie dere, tay dying ‘natn Cinsently, damping pOberte of a pe ot oly i nyearccansal property, Mt lo on tke foundation ae od Iban Honce i ndertedabi why 5 damping onto ad tn the bs ofthe rexmance urea foed hate oon the ase ‘iateyatin fst autos o fost depen the chara tee ofthe foundation el, Tron tacampate oreo comotation(IH-1-2)and (1-138) wih te mite tthe thor af iain, It owt expeoeson {on1124 Yor ee smpiade of rats of foundation on bas Pero neti, consring thet conto igh 0 Tema ra riers, dete the total ta of oundation an ou ” Asuming ths he founda eta as a ilar aren wth ane ‘re tran fg {UES by Soin = and 9a an afuplyine CU-L93) by Gr, wn obtain AD eas Rao eaIE HM) According (5), im = oy el Bas eo mgt =e unter, sing E44), 0-242), and (L219), me obtain EVA | 2veGn ogi ET Herein (2-18), ba coin sich pend onto geomet fon (efoto contact ae fora tao eaquals 108 one oars stent nthe sites mean of setemunts under the fencer ofthe dealt arn and is ee We dence sian aris) score alto Ba. (METH), Then Lem ~ fm, wt the ction af ners a ie f ptiiation a i Consequeny, AOD Fase TET ET “Tabing the dvirative of te righthand ide of Eq (ILIA) wn unin ty wry eH ha enc Sree a fen ‘ton of he Indopenect varie ot wt ae that for ected wun » nd th yal te ae td of bet soma rom Ry HT-2) wl aan iy seca Amal i atgaiee somata fo Bat tbo) and H-9) sonar othe hae vale fh Indepedet vale we obtain Sea. anes at ora aby tad te anim valu of emp fw ign amped fon Bap ELLE) and GUID) eine wath cae thn Tn we en geatine (1-140) tod (HE--2) may te transform floes: Phe) = 5 8 fnetion of or ae ch a a iat TS proved sane of ferent vile of Paso rata = Tf ve sake the gps valu of the coeicints fat 3 oe. responding to warn vain of und», Pn, eng CII, ot neonanee cue offered vations, we alre a es cures Sina tly wel wih taps tod 9 the hae of Ba, (L132). Sink comparisons ware tae for 8-2 Uy and 20 and =, 025, Sn010" The tats of eompatatione fo Bg Hes) tng ies {niente fn ken fom Tg Seat ci 20 el ith the vse of eotaputations frm Ey. (II) thar the two cites eget “hs inetd that tet vale the dose ect «ng sl heroic reac nae ae tk fre he pophew’ Vig lisa und hy then he eit! computations aide fore wteaon om the posite formula (HA) (heater Ssbusned om te Bas ofa amttan hat wile epee iy Sightseeing) elo fay well ie the res a ore pra Uhm whic ker natant eet popes of 2 "Ke atl of fap Ty and bina to some gener conlsons respect to th ft sl item funtion ibatens Te folos ‘el rom Vg HISD tha forall vale of ths eres of & te let frase of mass wl nese nc he ele foo oe ‘hove sera ratios of he essdatin wi roe “Aeotng Eq (UL1-8) the alos poptioaloshe rsere pucon she fonqstion sotct tea ad Inversy proportional tthe tee eotaf he aren. Sm nena respond to oundatins wih Sl okt ad larg contac ae.” Such foundation ented Sore aonaly by the wc of air has ae founda co ‘Edeablo boii sad reltely ama ontace aren. Thos fusions ‘Soin th haps otk ab a ana ess fa to bate a {Touran hang th sae of bik oi Domes vue of far maskin fondo Aan 7, For thao raion de rein of ferent foe for PO, de otrorpa th ale 28 Hersh il ert a fo thn ittns despot eacan 2 por wet of he ‘owe ‘he pesado aia vert aon ene pei! the sear rot se it fab st heel eles the yr ‘staal vibrations of owatonna oneal ete se Store han 1 pr set male than tow shir era Properties "hi a coston ssn To hina of ti Sil nt be gta" Evrorsin computa att heen ‘Snplties of cot fowndation frais ae way nn an tts poet thereat oft mil neti oe etn oe one tap conse tab so High tet may be mt a nay ‘eglaceang cleslton. "The frag doin o the eta wi inti refer ofp sion rating on be ol pre Whe gh fondaton eed ar thins ute not sly on be boca foundation eae, tot so {he foundtinn ser, Hy can ba consdrne apie Rovtng Vibrio of Foundotine ‘atu coralee wets of fovndlins dust the ation af eng ‘tera! moment nhch change ith tine acmeding ta ho foston Binal and wilh le in ove of ‘he pina versal les of the fesedaton (Hig IS}. i a cd at the ele of erin {hn mas ofthe foundation so in ee leona a a ‘on a vera! alo inthe ane be ern most eae forhar sce that the te Perit of the sll ane, ‘Bll of the founda ge in‘comparion tothe seestanea {he fouedation opis Fskg 88 pg, yp, quips mee ietnay be omsdered to tently U8, gee eo this cam, tba motion Sad by an enamel momen nw il se socling vend th ae pang thouah the como oho se {eats in contact with sl, perpen Yo tho plane of pasion. ‘The postion he foundaonieCnteansed by ae tsepodet vate {aon orotate yo tha ouption rod th se ps | ‘he pain (Fa TE). ‘ot ae sens that ten istant she foundation ie rts sl ansley ound hi ‘he uation tin wl Be ° any wire , = moreno nin of at of fundon and maine with apct a rotate, 22, = Samet al estral moments wih ect to ame aie Te ths hs fouton wight ad the sl ruson sce sarod forse 1 Fenmdatn Weigh The moment of ti tc in epet tothe ssh ofvrtin i be shoe i de dstancn betwee the ais of rotation and the centr of| raiy ofthe vibrating aa. 1 Sh enum, lemon. 44 oft foundation area in contd with oi, ested stadt rom the auf wali ete Up Dy thei easton aes edge rere teat of let onus compan “ho tment af the leary freed wih expect tthe ae of rotation ait,» “lak ~ ~efest teased thatthe foundatg dat ot ns contn with ea tant total sete moment geet the Toandein age i contact wih i B= 0 [th = ~ate naa) interes the meat of inertia of th foundation ain cent with with rapt to tp ae elation of ation ‘yale tho peti moment Sip tthe eo the torent, blan thneation ef faced bastions of te fondu: HIS + Why = gle t stam at~0 o Wap Cea Waje = ain ae UH By equating A ose, obtain th equation of fre coking vk tia with semen ote Wap Gl ~ Wye x0 amen ‘Te iin of ti qution it Cain ad +o) anes, i where a9, fo = natural frequency of ong vienna of funtion fige = airatyavorunts datrmield fiom iia! conditions of ‘ato af foundation ‘The soaton of Ba, (11-2) wl ba 9 for ast hat Cr for rth siren (Bq ONEII9), bat ale fy ya fr the oes Waa fe shoal tne Tn the cine inder sonsidrton, the folowing exqrsion wil bie for the ample ato: Coes ae Wate * ise the product Fb uli small in moan with ef, that term tay be nested a By (iL. we then noe th ey sf mtu yeeking vibrations tate as) 1 te doundation basa area ha etal form wih doa sod als he td prpentsr to fe sina otaon ne bo tet 1 flows tom the ater formal that he fngth of the side of the foundation sean ontat with cl a perpen to he sala ‘Sn ban cones att on the mata eqaaney of ekg vate ‘of tho foundaon. Doening om the nlted lengthy the sural fe Sheney may change cota: Bence the amptads ofl a ‘Soe ital change“ leh ft she se ee fondu ties, the ane pal t h a f avtsan, det ach thee {he vale of Foand TBS enth raul lcd oq he of ‘aig cosraone “The amide of the vertical compunust of bration fe or ‘th oat at in emt we ai we 4 BT cdg batons oor mela High foundations ender chines having also! botental components exiting fore a excite ‘iene “Tor example. awh virtons fram Tie foundation te aay heh snd projet above te fn oar of eal igre TIO iosrsten the detaton of mpltudes of hovlonal ford vibrations ihne the het of the ovation de aos | frame. ‘Te issn fey hw graph that te enti foundation ata ota ie Soil buted to orcad racking wana, "Pherae fq (22) ny bd fo te computation af he snl of fond te ah tone of foundations unde gram end bythe hotntal eonponneeewsting foros Resin bt re Band ry comets sm wep tag ace tt (Uc) and eng ERE aR Goce ay wo sbuin 390 Bomngeeous erations (ek = td — 6B = 9 ary edhe + (ol WS OATS MOSM 0 14 mil thee equtions if he pt haf free ations a ‘Te cantante Aa Bad J ‘Baha as ety he yt ore a) es eterna of ena st th erat it einai oa hrecmnat Bott gaan Howe if wc at ‘erat condition oe foxmton at ren nly A ard B hati aly te andra Ba en then obtain ean She et equation eb. Am eS ane a baiting thi expen for A int te sean equation, gwetAtls + (ed — WL Alt = Mal saith shove in od mieh =O 18 dosnt or, then ino ne kee teu tak the ator in Backes eq Age os tay sows Bg (E40) i the foe G8) = mat — PGE = he ‘neh bass of th general charters of th intertionsine nt frequraln of yee nth ned gunber af gros ot freaom, me uny sate tht te following deendens xt ttn the egw fn crepoding toe, eee Foehea t= 6 ant Kha cha Ed hn We rwste Ha, (I-18) inthe fos = MPa = mbes 68 = Mal) = Ue mB inne = Dividing ym, etal fut ~ $2908 — HOC 19 ~ ea ~ 6.1 wee ie es fn 29 antaay ‘he Fgh pat of E425) dor ot depend «at wx eur ath of th mer taking. a8 spender UAE WEIN. Tsar be formed hy twa separate carver tha alte f= fur Beach A ec Uhezasost pint fot Brune 3s the si ans at potst Ja Fe and point f= ot 1. pated on the aonmpton that fa > fu) St ne © wo reopen te te member (anita. The ater pole ich te carson ea these Twa ts akon mote a thd feof ge teas) Te raph ary sete he to free” «on the natural fe qwences of foundation vrai. “Tt i en hat In the ea ef tceantis distbton ¢ many the to ae feinaen for 99 fr lecome someshst lower, we the Iau Iequeny, eee hgker We octet eral the royce oy fn ad fr do ner sah oy dfn att int hens = pic ta the fngt fs side of the fotnaationeosact ar Reet ta Ne walt at computations ay ted on formas dried fete ~ 0 mph ng Ea U.S Experimental Investigation of Vibrations of Massive Foundations ‘Verein of the Thay of Yea! raion. Thy fist eld ‘evetiation of vitor of fouedatons ere prfrmad bythe alae ‘opetie with Mile ons pomerwatrsarvated sy ay ie Stns std" Ihe to entiation the lay bad fakes of 4.5 m and was undead by twink hevieg ates fast $m Tan seted ou atk layer of day." grout level Was 20't00 es hp than the law ath et foun, wath we Peed in th us oxoention st depth of abut 22m. Foe dpa ‘nvesigatios cv ot tates were layed with ane iananact ‘rls of 20,40 sod Bim apd mes up 02 1s ndltan tn dpa ovetgatons 9 food dee eatin "Hof Sn yf compro of igure THEIS pysette romano rover of wera ations af founaton with an asim one! with ne info ile or ‘mes ot unalaner manos rare Analg uti ne ‘ated footer futons Tae HL yowets eta SELaban the sompution wae prior othe hs of vaso Ceiba by ste vegan ‘eestor a Ya. N Siew psig ogo inventions 03, Tg 19 prea ooe af the ena ares Sent ved fra fection wt contas be ee US Toa a re ee em ss mnie ventana de! yh Peete aun Peri een ric aici hr ets aetna Faber dnd natin ara em is tet ee ewes pat eo oo Yo. N. at ‘ote umn am Sys Reso Sr a tL ene the foundations were fac eter diety he ail ieee commer coor suc ote Ste eels Tre oad ‘apg efoto ass saree tone Poa faa CAE oa vain yee res tes Fea a hata ened isaac ends wee ammied tom Bq (ist), which dees not tat nace the ine ropes fea conta | Sear e ron avaation ete of expen neat 10 ye en = ‘Dee wnyn f Tables I to I Ted the consi hat tas | in conn soa difeence etvern tho tales of tural Eequenee of I = ‘eta itraions as romped by the Wo tha rom the dts Ea ‘2 ‘Tmt nvetigtions adem thw etal on thai oer a i on ewan ford vibrations Hene, (15) in ater pd = a teorent wh experiaental dts Eee "Th contsnn la owe that al fundations oid, th i Inertia lect othe natal eqns of srs iran ‘Toman Apparent een by te ne that for he Feandatins Une vl fund fn Ey {1-128 wae rmpartely fae scuhing 2 in srs eae Thstir the ft of wal ein sali tin the age a error wae He xg: Thera of re 1. Sapam Caeiatons of te Cope of Damping. ‘Tale 3 mamma the ra af the detarmiation st the Cota Ahmping of bratine € "The vale ef € were determi or te ineesrel amader of fora viradone ab awnasee Tew de eft ttm og a UT121) bos pop i * Bathe 2 a er By. (IT), (aD * owe) fone ty ~ mn oncom ony ema mf he oe {hn at soit ints) tan 1h slot of ber staid Hs By (HE, "oan Tae TS adh the in hte eit acdanpie sma ae trol oy Wy Go ih me Sa tan roiimenn’” “") fo) BE | Re fac brown ety say wile some un sl fri gay samt {ne placed gos, tw sir vbr of se ene at {runiatone tan an irowm aly cay witha san Tevet ao at for sor vans ofthe sdf of dump sit be et ‘ai than a row ly The raft sre f damaging stony nares faci ey ait ta int anata, he ing {ocpdason ene) 8 psec te renner yore faced ettronot nfo Lemp tate staat in viet the founaton expo sng ie Tigh; sore 2 charters th se foundatinn buttackued. Thedeoth 0 of bekiling us sound 2m. The Teandation tag pled on iy cys Inte! witt und? the grou trate eel vas conderatiy tlw the.) efalows fom the comparion of oo enghs land taf Hg 120 Wat | SNnhadeof vations f= baked Funditin at rsa arp abot 33. oy {Goce small thn thw feo frandaton Sine the ween. ‘Spin inset proportions othe Siupltude of brite 2 enn ‘fbr that in ess ude on ‘Ederson, the vale ofthe coe ‘damping fora tackled ound Siilbe approioately 3: leer han Dator an expos oda, "hconenbl to skiing oa th vl of & ware bsrd to hovengeions al ewoiations pital on gray sande Foe emp, incr rom Oto 02 when foundation warble to he Tote ot Tran wha foudatin dor ent uber 9th soon a i estan bot are iofed by graund water, the vale gos for ‘sample inventions onthe on ie es sande ist sb ‘Berg ofthe oumdaton tos hight of [to Lm feaceompand ‘nora in the cots of damping by 1 02 vines aloe “Te ierene inthe cafe dap when foun de te set on ann yn cea il dno ts ony of fupdation vibrates and theres an ners in the we ‘ho of damping, Dees te wl fi afc hy he free Ito, nom magn near wit a pean fT ar of ek ceampuat als taken trom eh of Fg, HES, eoeponding to ‘Sled alow the saetiint Boe founatiors charac y ‘than 0.30. Hhwevnr, according tothe graph of Fig, TUB, the valuee ‘thi erie Cenmepunding ta th vale forthe oud Hons show amos ays ge than 020. Appsrenty theta ‘rr the romped eset recon to Hh ale spe for aoe oust Tove plots a resmnane curve of rod vera wtaton of found tian onthe bass of computa vas of th confiien at resnanes Inf agroene with eepesinenaly waonet amit TH Avergase in pay splsied by ev valved the cpeation Irequene snr devs Union, ola ef nonce pend tn the egonny of trations ard mma onthe ante here ‘hater oar one for arnt etn of th enanen eye ‘Consonants compute on the bain of an stintion tat Eres costant ony apprnimsty corp to sees aloe "Resaseepermentl dats poet the aeenton tt te ofits data he narcosis, then be deren eter Foinpted bd tee values of amped wate tr eoance ore wil 6 Irmeaigaton of Vibrations of Fle Pada twvrtigtions of cera alone wee prorat le fount Tals se protein Tale TS. thn GHL13); te uate meas sneha ingines, Iisa toronto ce natura equi ef err ‘ration ota by sta nations trved tf est ator than the frequorie obtain fram incntigionsttoretibrations Fora oundatons vette fined of rating ms wa eine ited on the Baa of values of te os, anda th as of the reese frequen of sere ors ribo ‘Th sraig man ras 08th ae ‘oy 0 po cnt large than Ue ase Shea to the founiation oe oa 2 Eaprinetl Imerigatons of complies Pemsof Powndton Vile timate foran of batons of foundations were al Samet Tor example, Yen ibaa im oe Th 0 te patel plans Indo by a terion for, weve tied Son kit gree marnanee care fred Kevotal bron of fotadstion with a contact tea of 4 part ibe Sly ela with sad Hg (1-2 hs ela ee fo foundation wit a contac tea ef 1m? plarnd om vacersataratd wat sity doen” Sir vets wre orn ie te fequemis fy si ar ote wn orapl to sh "sn inthe smpiades of batons “Tans there expesmtalrrrbortion of 2 tear atin concerning two mans the tconn rare fore! Saban fe famdatons,covrmondicg to the tn fuels fo aol $0 sti tas lr detarmining ey wore psorid dig ie ivestifatinss ‘Toundatins on wxtr autumn sity clays wi some an. Thee in he nse hoe inno at tony dnetly how far the ere yah fa eomputed fm vali Sat ete meat ‘eu acutgaton) cei with hoe which wre ret remy. Stave tte for detersning ante, wate pfmiet on {ianlathasretng on oe. Using th raat a, epee smth ars nt ety Sw i tnd lesa thx gue eo tote eae experi Melo tn air are pret fo Tule HI Sta ovetigntins or detaining ad y nee psf on gray ss fa nd fon wor epost d= nied. Snee thee frequen are connect tht Ling t= emis rad Js wa pit tah the eter altel hots he ve a fy ed Jo th vate i sre de rave" Rowts ofthis proces of dat een dat nestizations co ony aly say with von and re pred irene fs 1s from the tales thatthe vl of compat a he basi sf sate nvetigntions alte cps a arose the again tt cations nts with a suitors degre of accra. alae data, eluding th ited abou, ad to the eo the theaty of vibrations of ound for seea-degrer alo eastern an prevented in a chapessppored by expres IV FOUNDATIONS UNDER RECIPROCATING, ENGINES WW), General Directives forthe Design of Feendtions Dee Ve of Parc nen of Fema Vas, Imaloce which ave danse espe to sietane ‘The far tat ‘tae cagne unl operate at comparatively tow eed ne faity that strates say eve I lng ing Nor inentnee mperanee ‘The tyes te arp of beans afte foundation, the tow native te ating surtares adn, i aod i fovdition vations i ng, tho foundation may Shi‘andee s poner sniementnadapzng the rma ork Tee crcac, Phally ration of age ampiade aye tothe ‘Sesstion of the foumdston and damage a the go eco {eiae buen cred het sntimen erase of logon frames {ital of raion rr owners a ‘inaeticanerily tk Say, fount Tee exeemely dial abl tft the pense vor ample of fsson sibs om th oss of gee! “The are some ces in mich rations na aia 0 08 {oO iw did have ny barmf ees However, many css ive been ser in whith oundabone er epi t Ietr= ‘toosy nbonirsunderaot stone at mall apts than ta ‘hed Sow, but loon cong erations of aie aed a = ‘Tenge of teva eo a fcr Tay hope tha ven when the small of vibration of 8 machine Foundation anaerGan 30 ner etmbile init, aning tonne we whete de to ‘Om the sceng of data ain by pein Gin poible to sate sat ino roxsnce to one io ajning ingen stares, tn he tape of wean af foundation shad nt exe 20, Musas Du Repo fo Patan Desig Data nied by ‘he shart the engine o toto fh task formation or font lon tino, loge wit date on al onto andthe eet toads ingens byheencine.‘Theatowing norton teal beer 1 Tie enmalapend snd porer of i nae load sich wl devaop inthe prose of epration aw engin TE thiedtasanot be spiny he designe the machine feundaton nite val the daa eed tor the omputation feet ores {T The doton of state Ide imposed Uy the engine over th Then nd dhapeo the eno spporing ple 5. Tv Ioetion f epeing and grees the osedain provid Jor anetor bal, pee, he Sp te «6. flint, ‘Theftloieg as ateimpowd ona machine fosndaton 1. The wiht of the machine and enuiement 2. The dymamie Ide whieh dewey in the poner of mashing For inl engins the to! load is wich that the reduced peste nthe upper mnface of the foundation sualy does Rot ext 10 or boric poe engines dhe vate ix ail smaller, Tn any ‘aie he perf bearing sales of Coserete and maton a cme LiScobiyNgher Ite natural tae See premuter posed on oun Tio are oma hearse analy ted be pore nl for eres ‘cone weakened by Tange epeings on reste “Thus th quai of slcion of atrial Sr the fundatoncon- cevte or asaney—it fst alm qoeton a est so soa materia on heat. Cones type 10 aly rmplye Tor foe Tone under electing macnars 4 Canmente i Megat e Design. Fouad wide vipat engors te ualy bles meter More pried with nes ‘Hants for machine dete opeving for anor i ff slratane gf's slid reling an shtr New, a one “Tho main condita te oboe wh deve 3 machine tin in asf: te lu dem fe nunation si he ‘elected inch a way tthe wn of fred tos ih Tea foundation sete 00 tna ni hae depth volvo to lets than that of feat pemetraon. "nse an esi ios “irate the dh f= racine founds ew tha ep ofthe footings of aining ask ander." These a ‘eprinenta date on wave ropgston Isle esta ie hve Vet INT VIT, kad tothe concsin tha proion for machi of fond ioe deeper than Eating for wl ht po elo! on ae to ‘Staton to nas ‘Thereoe tbe depo a machi oan ay wast whoa taking ito ant the tare tin In onler to obi soem ston of ie foundation. tr wend to pave te roms sewer nf gray af te tn (ef ‘hesodaton albino the sane sera Be with he et ‘the fundadon srw in contact ith th wll ay ave he eee Tey inte dtbton of rss sould no asd erent the Tenth ofthe de ofthe contre en Sathing tha elton makes ‘ose to simply the computa of foundation atin Wie the contri ate funda contact wen te neonney, sated nv, to volee a athe inelatd ferential neato we ti ovorer to nigh the srmputatny an Step has {ors oad bythe rh sini wath oe a he psp ya tet of founda Tider t dsr the tani of visions to ainsing pst sf lin i neemary to lave 2 gap betwen te funtion a Untulanced mackie an heading strates Cat wll feo.) Avtul tbe machine foundation noted tor te "poet rote prt the Ding ofr mechan ot etal to 2 tlvea machine Ire not si to svld ple inert pte {abating on the chine aati, measur ald eae soften the conneclon ty proving eke ade of abbey, cai fle Item! shes ae to be imal inthe sme hop, an i the distances between lea cashnes a compu tothe foundation ‘imensiane thr, mets kien to plete futons Ate sifar machines on ome omana ma of sien hehe Te Py tthe mat shoud be sled a hat spe aratons ‘eo anal i eompassoe wi he antes of iris Only then ony» group of mast fouedation insted the sumo mat be fogirdo san aboot said Mork voting on an antic bse The fomptaton of baton of ck rope ol feutdains very se an seymmeiry aot en alternating pce i ar ole, he sm utes ae prvi peace “Phesefoe ever focodatins are erected op the mace may ondtonaly token up Int section xeesponding te src founda: tise computations of wbrtnee proved ax eh foundation rere Insated partly. ‘Thon the desgn vale forthe peruse arp td of whraton ay bo nsesed soa by 25030 pt et). "To avld distorted tata he mare bt the machi, eet sal ening sl he pced onthe sme machine fous Thi Sint ie en ft ape ey te Thany an the foundation ae a coma th sald ct Jn mrh's way that prema on the mil deve at ceed permite sane "Tr lage he fundason contact ay the walla the reed oe sreon the so ab th higher the natural rete o th founda “Then a soederabir portance fo low-fequeey machen Inline ‘hetoundaton contact ares and cane isconfgueion in plan Thee fore fol ston ofthe cnt ae shoul Be ase on recente ‘hale see yest af dah competion regurcg wero fous ‘nthe Ioan, Foundations nde loweequeney machines should he designed x9 last ‘ther natstal frogs are teh higher han the open rego ofthe tnctine “The satura! frequencies of foundtlons sro acted by the able value of the fundstion mas and by ie Setution i epacn The ‘Tiger shold ty to dstse the asso tat the smallest pose ‘elon af to moment Snr stained with rept to the pia {cr paning trough the sents ofthe foundation sontat ston To ‘nee thiesiremen, the mises foopdaton eight Sol be ote, Ford wan fan ue tn nes i ection, tSgldie Maske, gure V1 tan he ain etre a resprecaing machin. ‘The piston andthe pan od D rete Deviodie motion; ll points of the ccank D oxoute rotational mosion ‘round ho nin exe ©. Any of Use parte tay Ive sane) oer fv nhichIndeponenty tray rase foundation ibn fetig at pole O and ple tin pit the oii armor tek Tet ws pce the ¢ ain the insti of piston nove ez ai berger otis drestion ant the ya open te pene ‘te raving Sine alpina of the ern ehases move Fe ‘ae they rdnaer wt rent conan forall ee pita. Tel of eld sonia nero y foenating pit, seat oe fre and ane Soup Raving taste: Teta ng he soda seve ain th Tre sompoens tnd Pa be mente "Te puts of ay pli of the orn mechan is detec one independent. rare: the ange efron ¢ tie want, ‘There tbe corte za of Ay path athe moving roche parte ae fens eth t,t ter tng ont Leto denote by & asd the rceton of the seston fen dlemeat fa the ck seas onthe = ad sae Gen te alee on ofthe ert! ow acting on is semen: lt alow Permit Pam me ‘he projstins of the into forts ating on all emits of the Pasa Padme aw Covent and ordinates a ncn owe atin 25 nde aaa at eo. hn the angular los ofthe seine ation, erate asad aoa ‘Tabinp to dsvativ wih respect og, we anos os Subetiating he wales or an into Rg. (EV), me aban pew Snt “Th taal rsltant inal force of tho cae meckasam evieatly val equal the sno the Inertia ors fe moving pate the os, the piston, andthe connecting tod. Caroueily the componeat of te evant he tral fore acting in he eson ofthe piston oto he died forma aan Pat Pat Po ‘hee = pion of ni fat feo he se ‘ia = pretion fie (ores fro, eomhead, an ston 1 = projet fina foe of eonocting ro Porte, "The fet moment, fr explo the maa of th erank wth onsst to the iaon msl geal Pay On the ber hand a et taf he cue av aan the connate of entrar iy then iterating thie enston eves with reepet to we on Seek Pra = Mat & oe, Pun Mao ft sine, Pa = Me “8 » se gion ou) avaay ‘Witoat iting the poral ai ofthe ston aud wit ivae Ing any iene paieto canentese he ete 9 the ora moehasem aot 2 ero pits a8 ns Ben dee hors, at sttwo points. Tos wil mpi te cxprensnar btn for Pea P Chae ben assed that te ea esate min a fon rate ‘Thovfore the magne fs eri oe il te aged of testa acest Pom Rat were sis the dst oton the ster of rity of te erank ad te mi tation ‘his fro wil be dete slau the ao of rotatian. Let conser that Heap ot {othe conte of gravity ofthe enh, bt opt she, tothe ennigin Bie V2) In nd 9 Sti «Tre ea! te Pd applied pat Iie nenamer tose that mary ence {eae ets pint shea han he ‘tse proportion a Be emaler ban thee ata By, a Ba, Sige pot (he ern) excuses rotating motos hich dows no di tee the Fe V4. tinea toon ol toe enero gravity of mace My we Ine es, naming tay sonia hat ase fy sonnet st A noe of Gnesi nt change th magne of Fwy the mass As ofthe onsating rol may be rpc by emcee Mavand My conentened a pointe aed However, thin dtsbuton ‘mus By shed be made cot Yot to sbnge ti nage of the leer fore ofthe sonactng tod computed the sumption that [Reto nocntind nthe one of ervity. Ca ‘Desting the contnaten punt and b epecey By (ee) and Gwe oben nyo (unk + aft) one tera, Pons me Bgoting th igh hand part her exprons, we biln Sindy, diving the expresso forthe preeeson a te acti fo ‘the contetng rl on Un» si we aan he mod st Maze Maze = Be, \efatowe rom te agutins obtain fa fad thatthe vas Sin Gye the ces sal he dita na incre an hip to tba dsttos fom mace My Dentin thw diane by tnd Za, wo ota nee ots tan, Mac May = Me Soting tm agutins or Maid My ne Bd a ee ino Baty My = Hy 7 ‘hos de thre mast, concent atte ctr of gravy one sponding tothe ars ft crank sharin ay be epee, with hang the ogatodes ef the erat foes of se merken, Dy 1 ow Mconcneaed at the erin: m Mat tm Ben Bar 2, Mass My, concentrated the erohent: B= Mh Ma te + By ven fam Me + “The projections of th inert fore of mace Hon the cena anes wine Pat MadBiine Pam Math oes ‘The neti fern of mae Ms wil only have «pion ak the x ax (a be eal to Pan Mace “The pesjeton f thereto ita forse of the whole chat Pom Matting PLD MAR ney = Mo aves) [tows dre fom Fig V2 Sat na Rowe t Lowy Wo havo rom he teste Oa, 08 = UL = oi 9 = 1 Yat gee = Meat date = Using the feria comrtng an even exponuntia) Wgonomtre facto ate ase ons, 2-1) coe ne — Rena = De + BSH ante De | + we place powers of sins Uy the cnn of lls af 2. Then eas = Aa Ave 20 + Ayo be + whe Aa, da, Ae. ae constants devendng oly on the eharae- Tent str ftw rank thane Aen 1 = Sat — Seat = gaat — AST iat Popa ae E Bee ea ey Saati he proion ib for co Bio Ey (102, we a afome t2uet ante tamer] GB -meone + srear2e + Blowtet +) whore By = fn siw of the spall salon of ating into thee formu the exrenion for A and Aw so, detguing al terme voting fourth higher oes we abn Tertee, Bates etme Subeteting he cxpresion tbe fr alee fea fr Page ind tat a tit [ome-tai# ows Sete] so] Subsiuing the expen for Pa ato Eq. V0) doug the Projection sn te x ae of the rulten il free of the machine Edseplcngv by a whereas the angular wit mshinrottiny seein eta eter arcane (te) “Thus the formula desing thy etitng fede ecning be fred atone ofa foundation coms eros depending not ny on th FHequeny sof machine rtton, ut as the double apne ths hequeny However the tnets peeing oe Dt {Le Gera ery qu, andthe terms may be ding i ag ering elo "Tha tere cain pe ae ale primary inertial foes se arnonin)s thom twang sor Sus secondary force, (weeny tons) ard on "The fergsng dati Ids othe onc at vang asio- cy mses profvon pina etal orcs erating mare odio tots pena neta oe ea frees of en higher ode ‘Dying couteeighte of race 0 om shat Yl v2 talance nerfed yma My” E36 et he shat 0 thatthe angle even ia vectors of mata fy an Veal ‘hen, norer ta hove the for free ofthe rotting pas bale ‘ow af he to flowing contin sos he mats. Pr e Eat tahun In oder balan aly the proeesions of pincy intl foresin the lta af psion mation iis neceary osc ane can dlaann ‘Getween tener of gravity sad th se tation) wo that eee Meee bag no Basanti mno Vv on Bang aetna avg) the atctad vans of and A tity a of he dove ions ‘hen at expres for P, the wl teria toms depen ea 0 es at a es Sa, mle the epee Tor P il be a ftw Pom Rana ssa My srg than A here heaton of count sna thlyng TOW os toa elargrnt of insta free 5 the detonpeependeaat tote ing o th ston 1 Mulder egies The metodo dctermiaton fs fea in lind ngs Pelham 8 oe ‘Conse n vertical engine in th sme pla, paral to ech er (the feat Hea serge meat af inden). Una the furber of eylindrs ore ot "7 greed. 0." Utanod inert ring tron Bg gay yt am Ses tea one (i gia, the ale perpondialae tothe sat ad erate ane the axe of sing ofthe iatna at pla ein tho most ant ofthe osndation andeng a aie tt tho ge pn psc through the penile engine ton. "We sone curnivs ta the ar in mich ths woes as tnky an ple (oo atari sch compromise gee ‘Tenate by he angle tron th tact te einer a he rank Ihe wising ange). Dy the senoning of Ar, IV wr otsin Ue folowing expreacons fr thn spunea! ne fre sone he Diy = Reali in a+ 8) Py = Roan» Ma) em t+ 201+ Mam 8! #8) Ita ont + “The tr and “coe st + 0) a onder to obisin dhe rmtantcusing free tansniv to she foundation fom all apne ln sus to Su the aks epee flonfrall = ends" "Then have pew et 5 ratasin ct) nat 5 ta te) on A #8 a ain eg te a tg ant a sateen ema an Pew none 5 sine 8) Pom Rar + 1) Son or + 8) + MSc 2ter + 80] the Tllowing equation ould Be sn Semrar-0 Zaneseo= “oe son barman wl be sald feetorra-o “To tntaee he casting woot of the fest arson, the Fling Caution should be ste Stasi ‘intr contton ba for he mel harmonic Tat ye cooier sree. paras smpatation of xctng toate imposed by matiiaderengany seumiogal ner ae Mental sd electiogl hiker arson esting od be TS lta =o 6 Vorioal Tesetinder Reger Leto sume that he engine is mest sayeth fundaton (rg. TW). Bot yin ‘Case ” Cnamcs i Bane Dowseas, Te, A-0 ete AewuinginE, (1V20) thas = 12,0 ain Pig = Poa = Rats at Pea bie RU Bt cor ut “Th rena compart of the siting oan wi PL Beata + oon My = Pt +909 wae MLS Pulte my ‘There sl sown nT 7 "cs tence rg a iy wha sol eign anges hee oo Sat heen face mo SF Coe An te bel 0h ochre Pw noatain(e +9) Recemst a= Rett one Paw Bote idm (er 4) = ~Retoe aos eae ee — = vancan aa) 141m in ren ores eh nr Teturésteminn the compan of th sig meme: Wb) + Pads ‘Analegoody, I= Git Pa Mee Fait ht Paty “This exo, the MO erat atele, the most dare fortwo vine goes, ‘Cast 2 Tmecrnioen Boise were 10 Canes Ancum Here 0,6, Atoring to Pa, (IV), the rntastsrpononts of Gong foes wi est PaO ba at, = Pat Meno Mem Pal 1, RespresingHevisotal Compre. There engines uly base to pine wih 8 cane angie The cxprosne fer te ane {ores rear the sae for a ara ope th ony ire sk Ine equine sho be hangl oz and vie wore ‘The oxdtng woments wll equ! (He V5) Be = Bal Por a7 ML Pod Piaee Veta Twestnder Engine, ‘Those ene analy have 120" rink ges tebe 88s = a BSE = MOE Se 08 0 co 20" + ce 240" = 0 Sinn tooe# ae 20" 8 theft atone of he esting fre ara alana Peo Bad a te eine ar sod lke, then te oxigen My = Path £1) + Pall +4) + Pa alo Pa) + Ps + Pay “Shoe emponeets af ‘hg one aml sonst a bland aa ref this aang wh Phe f: Vertat Sincaindr Brine ta tin one es vty soon: nao wee aed an node Forms ran positions, the ft and cond Baroni of iti fore ar halnsods The eting monet VIP Mad Mee VERE “le whee value ate compara sal nd they cannot ea ‘triton than amplusicentedgche permis va "hetlow indesign computations of fosedatins ude saepinde nin hese thames compte fred iba TE the ongines have nasiny nr (compre an a exh cxind ln adi othe mela ender, then esos | tse fee lad ipa yh auld be ated to Ieais produc by the main tinder. Hoover eh sxstng ade ‘sued hy ealiry yin a0 al 8 oorparizo to ll sed inthe rain ender and they ay ete engl opts Foundation vires IV. Siesss posed by Bet Pall Inmany ea eran ogo inte rtny motion sre tyes f operating machine, soul lees generators, by Mae 93 ae Arve. Oh theater has ame respon egies a oem tat ‘tion by meow af ede funy strat Ss rms 2 ‘atmpresos bo thie 0 ‘When a et die in operation, he orn ofthe bl pact ga the eng bearing 24 sonsouenly the foandation. Tat or comer recirating engine wt In tation by mans of ale deve apd exomite the roar raat the Fsaton Ty nthe agit of ble ean I the ack se f= (i 1-4) and Ts tens in te ving ie, the relat fr Of Da teamed tothe bearing of the sain, and eomequen’ Uo tbe Foundacoa, equals Neher, ava “Th peripheral tendon tenet hy the Bl the den pulley ie ‘he dtreon Leten enna n the ing ad deve bel TE ee eagine power nd she pein ped bal ha, Sino ve Ren whore M = sen ogi Fn In dln odes paley ste po Stans ass “The intosaionthp baton the pu vale in he dven and aiving nts anomaly ep yo fr Mote avsay eve = all ang a tact 15 Stier at reton baton el nd ploy “Thema oy deyors on te tye of Poe sonestion od Tom Bae IV) oa V3) we naw: nana ae gy Subang ere the expo for fem Hg 84), we oben NNT se consent, = 986 oe aves) Substituting thas expremious fr Tat Ty at th eheband pat 16g, (Uy we btn the flowing expen fo he free Li ‘nite tothe oie yt tp rants aves) “The lento of hfe depends on the respective orton f the vero the diving an ven alge Ie te eight tne pain hong as of ration of the de sn vee tnany wh Ge ttl), on ‘The vera eenponet of lemon aly may be nee in gal in compas wi Ye rote ike Te es whi the nae driving theoxeo as Pen the ae bt te on Shenae, “Theor if the dive and driving pally ar turin Un ne foandation, the freee imposed hy wing a ear tore Fors std nines the loenoent of th ound (9-4 Examples of Dynamic cls of Foundations tr Reitoeet seals. Dome mp of vin ental amp ee seman a et tg Bob by Safco hes Hn nat RE, icrteea na aTnitcbotebe gate te ter sam tasty sete etn sian | "cling alge, oe {ie wren ‘pean gra pinot tenn gee sono cn Porte a dames 4. = garg egy ~ 0888 1 sea tspae tag wah cee rey perpen th pane wee Je aust nih th oon ene a arava pect a se ow 1H = 198 28 Wa f= 360 0 BNO KL Jat «0s Vi fot = a9 £8 “sai eth mp agile ny hei ae There pind a od in oe yer eel ean ees eee {sre smcamperinn ith ehh fe ado" Theor hing os ° em eng ne foundation my b med shenconotg "towers, thieamgieataa of ooptatins shel be ery cunt nai ie mrs ei tn oir nt yg ii oe ors foe al IVES. Method fr Deraosing Vibrations of Exising Foundations “4 Coutrllaning of Eting Laas wed by Brine tated in‘hee 12, rear diferontrriode of haselag pry itt eran mean of source Tis pb to coonterbalaee compleey = component a the dire ‘on prec t piston mt and par = companet i the dee tion a piston msn Or the dimensions af anteenght sad th “tase frm aon of teatlon maybe slot to eoumtarblaes ome tel the iat harmon othe sompanest xing fre inthe ieton patie mation, ‘Then th eamponont nthe Prentice deen ‘al oream ‘Unnaly- te Git method ix employed fr the couatrtlening of swan ae ire nh egi ll re mali has thors sa Hinges the other mo cel. Abate advantage of the Be Ineiad i at ft gure aa roteruigh ase ‘Th one of certain method af rounetalancing the excise foro inond hy an engine fr the pry of Geral Toantina ‘ovatonn dependent tye a egane nod pei estas fe Fors horizontal resiprostng engin, te most denrro ovation sabytions are shoe eh ato seeampuiednltaneoasy by Xie ling. heen deus ihe vate eh osnton tuay be asked by coubtrelaing Ue neal fren a the ei ty the score tied, ven if this ads to tome lure in verte! i thee method bat ngemioae bonne ibatine were red er the costco the foundation, then cot halany fei of che ord mth (by caging he ete ef ene Tnancing) may be recommended me one th aetist wore decent vireo ene ni eal ite fn rps pide a prs in ye ith horsonal matey fhe een thd ea andthe Sot nt shold oped ‘Sine, fra vert! ota. the metho of countering tad depends the type of foundation nitive, oro, rocking "The ination of counterelghte for blaming motor dots not ‘ire demands or prolonged ioeesion at operation ‘pions nly forte Hw medal to nach the Eo th ‘Mosel the eke 2 Clemial Stein of Se fnaton rts oy ado, ten, oe to deve itm chemi or crn saan the oi unde the fandaton a’ be aed, Sor il ublaton ‘leo in an tes he igo the fase a cssnceray in {an icra In ae eal fers of he ovndaon, Tae (hic mata every efertivn when hata gure th hunt Siva noebied sal sv ight than th operational feqoecy ft iemwbich x aly the eon Am inne gy wl ree I foriher tbe diference bevwors the trqueny ef ota wbstons the frequen ft enge™rocngsnty the ample oan ‘oi be matart reais hh th operation! fren fC “igloe hens sation ay case nerease inte ales ‘koe that fori tact iran ofthe foundation way Sppronch toprol ours. But f= thors allan natural quence of te osedation bce mach berth he ourationalfrunsey of the agin tn sch sll tablet mar Tat na consent dessin amplitudes ‘Choma mo ceentsaistinn fie veal rant ots nce ross om in eomparon, fo xa, wih steal fiers The pind adtantage ef tht method oe st hat {ican be aptod nithot prolonged iter be wo of the ene. Te Iteraption ian fr the pal of io mak com ‘etod with ol statisti and wen for 2t 8 day ore. Th the ‘renal sult at teagine wl Bent ony for ee. “Thalia th sai soso el ad their shape ae deere loth carat a he wratons forename, forty t= {vt my to rostng vibe hot ao a Peng tight {irld af the tse contact ney then eff saan th il ‘rr the fvedaton em pence la fiend {tir yt neces totale Dm under the ato fneaton The "ap ofthe tabtelsone tout bes ee Ya 3m “Ps metho dvreaing bran ar epled tg of the Soviet pnts hen it became necetry Yo daseas th ample of watons Gren eperatine araanaleomprosor toss Ine meron ie srs "Sl me staid fo. Spe of bout 10m he some mated sonal 3 om baand the oan eae” The eo fond thon vation manaents Eto andar eabzaton shove th the apleaes of tates, onthe avrg demnd By 50 per eat "Th work of he comprene ma tpl nl fo the Poa ete 12 eats he engin wasn maton iomiotely tn aia Sion was comping "It ean therfore be ssumed tht why he eat resee reaoned tin, sein sp hs tote ore = lat ony sm te posi that oandaionibaton acted “Envoy onthe alls) roe a ih hich had no lly bande we 'Spucirel Mestre Tho of earl meses er dcr fesaaton siete sien tires neg terra I toe eni ‘poraon sn casinableexuoe of ade sed ates Terre ‘ee fee td maybe nesta oly in ses wich fore esa noth ts may tw app AL these ie shod ‘epote that the src shes i owdatin dag as Dove ny ‘tivo in dosing th ample of sibation, Shuctl meanirs re apped wh tie perpase of deena tbe ‘staal fnquennos ef fsodaton och yaya taki Se it Prue Serene btn them nd he operations a he hain, Thehsce of sretural meats dpe othe atar fthe Strate andthe ntleonati belety eh ees natal ud fos itratone "The opertiona equnace of erating ‘optcrs only Tower tha the fundomeytt ene of Toa ‘Soy tre moet of the sta menses are eta ward foerening il freer the nal facets othe furan, he 5 schiowed ty ince the fondaton enact aren nd ts arent= tort a wells by neeasng te asi bse Dy hese In dion i pe to inet he founaon ase th fudlngebangein oe equney a fovelaton igen’ Thi ome In eum he amps of vere Weapon ‘When check cleultions of th msl rwenss of a vbraog foundting show it they tre er hao the oferta Fequen eto ‘te nanan elargescnt the fosndation asta te va ere inhesed gent ony may not erent ampules sao ot may even ire thea ths em fe eter ere il ‘oe he atu sney a the foundation. "This may he see Ironing he foundan nse without am ern fs ae ‘et with “Tie ntion of pater sryetual ensures dap a fat eo tons For example, i = eresing oaation Te ome to soother eration, can be ssid tote an, hesitation el verb hr the ewer nase which mere apd funtion “de orzntl cope in er to dcr a ton "The boron epoca th exigency te whl spotom as 30 sms Poundstone on a mined ond "The foundation const of x ok about 44 m Wh, ith tae sca? by 8 las natant pen Ta length oe is a ‘Sout fim "Figure [Vn shows «con sn ofthe founda, ‘onzontal vibrato of extreme ge emit (round 03 mm) sete aired whe toe engine mas ie epertan. “At Se mine Un {oeoeed teenth hanst ain ety dor ‘hic no ea mae rst." On the Se searest the fxn der Alninon steno he Lgeonent acid Tam." appre ht ‘ai oouiratlemtenet of the basemen wes emand by tteane Leen rm he otnation, "Ther iba thon ‘ng ofthe wand the eeying say of il artes fram beneath te (eanation ard baroment by round weir When rinforcmeat the foundation sae wat, was found tht ei ner was whe ut fr Hod wide toa depth of abot O5 m” No damage ns edn “rhe grote evel wan spprosintaly 5m shove the kvl of Ttcinfeoement ef tho foundation wae underaken with the purport tects in ats afer te cet evel had bc nee saelkentd Fey tere, was emoved fom each the foundation tea depth SI075 mr "Thar an cxesation of tal dapth of shou 25 m wa formed. "ini exeation ase Biled with conte. The foundation ‘renin contact ith tn sll ws sated on lena 3m at fast per re amalled. “Fare T¥-0 ttre De usa on ‘tended or informe. fecement afte we parva the on {Sn pide a god cnneetion with the ld part. Torta stom ff the feoungs tet the buling walle dae to excatation ofthe a, Sovtling ahd cheovel stabston a aol ere son Dew he fa “The ofecmt ofthe foundation was very oetvn. The an tude of foundation sibrations deresod from D8 to DAB toy tine, "Tn derens in emplitades was ened by considerable incre in he foundation arn in contat with thew, at wel ato anche in te ‘mer predued ty the sata foundation mase andthe sere in he "aly athe ase de tothe allan of spent pl Tolnatace thr appestion of varus rreta tate far doers ing foam vials recommenda doulcses Ive pojsting eaforement ich maybe wo inser, forte sac beat of to ane as othe foundation or forth oon fe rain vost with ao. ‘These manasa s,s he spd ny ater rcomiing the fact {ht he fonndaton te underging Sfradone af an eprom must "Fe of spin ola a p= pone hy Profesor NP. Pavlik tnd Bogner AD. Ronit" 9¥ yy. aml afte oo feqnadered avs ctevtud near ns scala, tise” menoe onan a ee pe in sme ee a decree the aptuacr af icking ae hrieantal ration Youndtins Tacuamue (ig TU) that a4 nga er attached to {ovation undoging oeingiteatone ars th spss ho the ent of the foundation are in somtast with Tat 0 the uation fore recking eaten othe funtion. Theol Ing apm wi be me 1 moment fit af fousdation mate ad mas ng ds epet to si of bration {= iment tintin ovation sin conte wh i, ‘th eget tame ae Pain ot = magne of horvntl xing force induced by engine rnin! to foundation whee = roaeney af = Sista etn ie of actin fot farsa fous: thw conta tea ‘hm distance teten cote of mass of foundation ae engine, fd feupdtes sonar ge, y= ae of tached Thy = contact aren tached ab 1 Gicance etre plise of connection f ound with Stachel ny sn foondetin oats foundation weigh cat = eofilnt fete nanuniform oamprensn har ei ‘Tho diernta eqution of freed vibe of ke foundation ogee with the tached tab wel be lowe Oy + mG + Cl ~ WE Medellin V5) rom this ye obain la tht tal way the expen for the stu Ipequeney of eek aioe he fsndaton with teed la ned WAS Hedy Wet wl b ava) ‘The amples of rocking worn fhe foundation wil be found fro the uation oe Pett RMP ash quation (WV-52) dows tht under cara conditions an aiachad sesh nuy ave 0 oflet onthe natutl rucay foro rnking vba avs3) EEG Dita eae eat iy cel bathe, aves orn foe hg sy sai inte the ean grt of LN) the exrscon fr fa From Bg (V-52); then, neglecting th Yt Containing 7h Dense ‘ena, we ota fate ti avs, ene cy gf : aa avs “Phas on sls beatae slab otha the rguney ft mata rion fpr haa equals tbe foqnaey uf rocking ito a tho Foundation, ther the atached dab wl ve no eect onthe ia ‘of te reguney of anal batons of te foundation. Bede, the ‘Spttadh of ford wiraiony ote ovedeion wil dsrare seceding ave vere Peat aoe Re Be ously fn foundatins under ngs, fy considera large han thane, approxima, "Ta determine th spin of fandstion booms tore he a ie atated fuss « tn th radon ot Hf eampaion ith tl ath we ave fern By. 1-59) Pat — Ane et art ina aves) 1s oom tem Ee. (1¥58) that the ect ofthe atached tab on ‘he decree infounanton baton lb propria othe truer ‘ve natal rations of abet oh label proportional tho bl {ive the sab above the foundation ‘oe, ‘Te founatign ar income {act tha ehould alae be a2 lutge poe contact ace of ‘he, line by oe! os ons and eoonamie considers Some Since “the alse of fa, z Spend abn om te cote ot flat sae of sally Bilt Soumdstion may’ be nt ender heb to tenn Joy na ‘ pouble, Short inion minernd comer ples shoul be wo ‘roesar N.P. Peivk aod A. 10 Kondin dette wearin whlch telfored-concria nab as td to doen De wbeadon of fun Anton andor a compremor. By lean of the Bh, fnniation po 1. A of the tf [Shae epae (ig BAD) bjt to the cin of xtra exlting foes fc Uren cosine and predating oly vertical vibrations. Tat saste dat tro mame, exch baling my ane stsched to dh funtion by mouse ef lati lao ae opines te). "Then the foundation {TH atached mass will hve hot ote but bro degrees of feeder ‘Fonwlan rom te they of mss faye wh ro dg 8 ing tam tothe cover of evh saree, Spi eats te Inthe net sve th peng to permit arn he she ‘The nina of abetting f the saps type cede aval flo fst the foundation baneth the singh coe na” Unaliy i onto a enone coneee sib eth thie 5103 100m, dept on the pe sie of the engl ae a Proporta After te encrte bas hardened, ys sre afte sah {vere with toi paper oe yw on which eer ib {he sbeoriere are pied 0 te rope order Abe thw ste 5 prelate moot led tebe sista "hen the fryer Fe papared fr te concrete af te fusion above the psec ‘hold eter ach absvter. ‘Then the onset poured. Dur to the praon of the ge of uber (or tar ater oly wond, he cnt the apna ‘ter the eoerete af he upper pat oundaton has Intenal eabaoror ay minut The sponge pla on heer fhe aber nd ap eoncred by th upper serperseg slab, whi st Baie to girs aly, he wteaing anchor Bol eile ermit Hing of te ae abe te mpage The Liting fr aely egulat ty inane aa evel. Ifthe tuo are stalin! rors tating and repan ef ho mse abe the peng de ot ake me tie and do eat nae any ico “The vibration of w-Sequeney engin Oy enna of abies lca tothe nessa ft proving ary andl sve he pin ‘Tartare th ttn pac died one oer et ial etal wt aleve rary tree a the Bor oe ‘hie bindre een to Use abstr and thle mounting estion, Th sch wy, alone ofthe spend” ype are nent ‘uum th shee fam absorb of she ye in ig IVels that ier from th preven dared “auppret ype only by the cnet Tanga the resting ancora. pesng through The asater Projets cantieverad from the eely of the foundation shor the ‘orig ere afte ty wir a there ts Pveng shoe tt The abner ae plied onthe upper eda of te fotdaton face hw th spring ‘This ac eign the tage he ‘thie the at lated ab the og mer "The procedure for mein ed egg shorter th ependod ‘ye denna ile neh rm tat sd forthe supported ype ‘Genera she donnie eonmputation of foundation it aborbere ane seduced tn veaton of atone of = yar having to 12 gre of tendon, Homer, snare se moti forthe bales of coinoe wi vote! eyndery the ones my in tances be tod ton iveaion of wera tne oy Panty wie dopnes fed " eee ase that the mass ofthe oanéatin ov aden sng ar consented In tr center of gravy, ose 08 te se Serteten Lat usfortheramme that an extagen ete dan the mass ms nthe peng (ie TVI0). The dilleretial ese thos a oced wet wbrasne of tho syste wer snr mie oe: ~ oft) = 0 ee mis Foes 2) Pi sow hore Plt) = magna of erg fore 2420 vragen oon of ratio es below Sbdabore spies my my teeta of ant Wir of bass woder foundation ent ge ont aves) c= sfc of lai sort compro Ur 4 sro of foundation teoeth springy contact with 6) = Wal efit tw al ping 6 Sire aves) su = sombor of ering ach aborer 1 gambar sks "2 mumber a cos e808 ing, 12 darts of pine Dm Sinmeter of cot (motu of lity af materia of pings iach ving thot be dang an tha sane develop bein nde “he ation af ate ad dy on il 0 exued 1 permfae wae [ossuc “Timing ou dicuon tp ford ration oly, ve take be ston os pate VSI inthe eye Aetna ae Asin {where the amplitudes As and Ay of fred lbatons the foto bent and bone sig ae Aan ili me aves fy BE Blt $ ed py ays nb J the lig fone of matur vibe Sion fe fdation sire he sis camped fn the tis of the nsmptin tht the Touoation beeen tho pring ie iitey nrg the val of fais dstemined by the enaton fo ave i th ining reney of mata virations af the compete spe. ‘hen i sumed ist ao aber 00 od «vary “The cote iw incre by the expression We eH as Bey at eat avas) Rotaring to Eq (1V-04, et os inwetgts the depen of smplitads of forced vibration ote founeton tenth the springs Jernich i roportiona eth ity eo thesis aya A Ge exting free propomiral i te mare anon a ioe rosin hofoce P= pet where + coatsen whi depos on parasite of the ego. Sulstsing the expreion for Pints thn ghtand far of (qVa4) na ding the soma aa dominate by «8, we tah the faoing expres fr the vibes apie of the fond ‘sath he peng GS Tne ae MM whete “ 1 ne abnoins ar ued and th pet and lower pre ofthe foe tin ar gly canned he accrdiag tog (TT) th apie vera ford ial al mire ‘The dope of aber of statin wil ba Pat ne + Gt — gr ne fee eM =O) gay et ws investigate oto og in the vale of 8 on he vase of We seme that ff ery sl amputee viv fee ie ‘ae fi ato vary smal aos drety fom Bq OV) at lene it flows tha the maul foneney of foundation vitans ove he singe ali empatoan with the fre ei foto, thn tn amp Af foundation 9th sis nal ‘m eomparzon wih the ampitode vation vf ue fondo atout sears ‘Spear Gr 5 ia errno 8 very are vi of fy OH os fr Ba, V1) than thi 86 9 5 basher wi wot Eve any iotience on ako ample foundation vibrations, igre 1V-20 giver a ra shang io opening on rhage in Ti sida tht te atecrbes tt deerme in te pdr “F Wraoss only when = Tee ‘een from the gragh at the roa a ‘sense of hori nial 0 Seen aac rage of als of isin hetwean and = ge pa eeS 0 Var mee = Ob ven) When > fu the flloningnegoaty (ian ale tts Conmgaesty, the we af aborts snien Tiesto unr he pt a oped es the a ee ipveme on ation, Aft he pistam one tothe hg ee ht se a "ent th ener ue the pt rtp the ae ec Uhettam orconpesed airseapen The pita, topes it he ra, top tne se "Att ace stasn i ionind ah tbe exaa vl onts sta sonnet sma atone fm the mt In the einer der Son, "herfoetoumrpromere agate rane drop erat, Fouling in om bt nth rm eosin he ht nag drop “The eaty# ot Yer dro ota eh condition of unset “en sev wa. vase g = seeratin of east 1 Regt of am deo, Seth ie takes ina ateoune eountrrontre ad “The numerical tae of» dpe és be devgh of the ara, Se wortng aren, dhe regulation of ales ee ‘Modern forging raciee nce ines the large dowbleatng tamer these hammers stam or Sompomed iret a he tse ‘kang wl i ang ed, al ting edo therfoze the ‘toy ad inte rte 2 conigeraiy eg 4 earit ‘Botngesin scan pre dig te dope be ran, ooh ude risen (counterpmenre) and shove the isto facie psn), deper! nineny vari arore sue the proper apezstinn eon vale, ‘Spano ot the gt ithe elode 0d the wonkeg edo of ‘Sifing box. Tes imposible to ake to aera ato with filet scuray. Therefore fa txepuations of velit, 0" ly wonk with he arg prea ten ed no ‘Then te wloiy th Yoeed mottan of he rat or the stn a Ginn pei and hese pear el nil = whee = eoity at wien eho rom foundation Tw ums of the ett Ufo he pet uae th momnentan ster the impet tor me = mo + a ws Inston a anigremive downward motion ule the action of ‘ects at, he oundatin andes tatonl nares aod {ewe ping thong coma gy, prpedce to the pla in'whih impact ocrum The meat of monentum Wl he or = wae be w whore = moment of neta of me of undaton and hammer io une oa of rtton| o> tl wri ation f funtion gino (0-2) aad (V2 inde tee Uke vert rds to ves thnd hac, It uu Newtons hypotoas Young odin of stevia of pod Cimlieente of fouedation, neil maar Grom ‘Sule poston ‘We dents ty Jad fe the ataral rosa of Se sytem whe ‘anton deternied by Be (V9) BF jee wwe denote he romney f ntl whratons of he ani th thane [oe tor forge hammers Pope that of the avon tines fee eo) ese bn peal aaton ofthe mem of Eqs (7.0 ee Cie ~ fa ln Pak ad Clad ft at + in Gat ta) Cafatn (a w) wa) Co = may 08 = Cyne Oem Gye, 08 = Corina F=f) nf b Oat = 8) 8s Pent fae sn ft Cf Be at eo = Ocha il Oia om fe + Ofna eee wan "The natal Fequenis fr ant fr str determined a rt of the Bem tt fad oH) FAME iat = hone 4 iting aque oft fusing togshe with Qh ate lactone et eonion tart pl Ey Hs) The iat ton of aeton in tt ea ler niet (att = Oh afte vbr he inl Welty af motion o a ant Pariiar sautone of matin, (V-35) which orion w the fat = fat eM fa og ht ota ie With th exprsions it i pons ty opal trae wi deep ith pada elf rire wasn of he we aad uation “+. got irae ona et ae, IAA a eae SS bey it eagle Sud uh caine SS see Sam eects el Under an ims the fo0dston elo a AMM nde fo ceria vibrations Trclon the dung on aetansil have oe ‘bie Sater on he ampleen foundation iain Tn FEteedoetion of dampngsescin rls tote eemptaton the Sitaton will seat eomplite the formule the eae eer in order tha she mpeatin, enue by the readuran s ‘Temoing weston, sou eof sme paca ale i enter to iow he sotante erect pte proprio of the al ‘ar vate depend uot oly om tha bye eam he ei a feundaton in pares om the spe the feaseatin, the ms Ute the loath ad with of the foam he foanintion hese fn toe teri so anny hs hak 1a wey ihn tw ke ist account tea al hoe fanaa te anf te damp oat of sm "The inal propre of the al, wich were ot conde ty che hory of vee ations rr in Are ¥-2, aly ag hare feat cet. Tn align te ets of orpaeatons may bo ines! ny {los ofthe eon of enc iit ofthe fa woe thes ‘This orient depen ony of the properties ve tro the wer the ap Dt ab on St erg seo ther api See ‘hl eaeat aways be ten Isto sony Hy captains ‘he pad ander the abla Bammer fondains of oneal design tun spite of vera ss mse of tn Fears ota ‘per, The hovel suaer of thew shi, jst ae te hs of the anita he ain ofthe founouon ter the sev mt Seal moth sufi ad ensayo ant sarc at snl ch cher aa pnt Hees thn mome mtn fe me ‘the pad, te aly and thr foundation are sojot to salen ‘vont wile cter= are not losdad al Ar role the oti Proper ofthe wine pad deped nt nly omits mater, ut so 0 ‘Bonen fie contact th rest te oun at ‘nly hy menne Of tearenens of wratons over i & mB tie Sage unter of operting ar Toutes ee ps to Heide the ingots ata ave lars 09 ert fosdation| Sitraons. Te vious tat memsreenta doh ree a8 7D omit eta patsy hr ifn of ec of thee fasts lor rapt that af dampen ad etal proper fs Hoe, the tteaurren dado mnt pant roscoe covtlents inte frmslac of Art © ws hom pra these the ‘eats of somputons petra on the Base thee fre ae ‘ote acon trasronent largeale instigation of ration unde ars ce ‘Ae any 199, the aor cai fonation viteatins® He saad # ‘od ats ites plants “That say had tefld porn he veretan of fama for vompitation of hammer oumiation vihesng te elite of te on the dest of orally operate fosnaton: and te detention Ot value! wratonsupitadns which ould be ace by designs te perms oud un which then dco fe foundation would “ar perce onan wng hae 0S-0 homeo 8 Matyi mb matin Sm ing gt of 86 ondans ef vaso igor wee sid. Slahataped lode tam peomigted a ot pt wlyAY er pate ol dey “beddd ck ttn we ren The dese at ons onsen popular atthe neo ths tvs 0 al Spe oso ean in» tal dap were elon vod den "Dagon of Boos nd Recton a een pt of te ‘oye homaae moaned a the aos sie (00) wee setter gta oa stamping tens Oly 0 fone tre tor dep tame of rea sng” Thy sig 6 fou ie mr nde fre has pre. Tee onan besa ‘wena dian an "The pele oie act Hes ne geen nao eof Serene of Fondation ond Ai Vann, Dew tainty meanness on med aon to verti visto, amin fenndatint snug king wha Alon However, te stor ae eas portant ton th ames sre mash ae thas thow af wera iene "rho ian apse ath oration, athe a a inmgyafeted Sh sate af the forge pia Yor tar Ahving the fet spate of tu htm girs the ps fh a a Src ately eosarn in plots deformation of the ta tect of festun rom ato the hatin smite Ta titles of ratios uf the sort and foundation thea Sbiegoest impart The hago mle mmc 8th ts ft Imps wbea the forged pie i aeady deformed to 1» fn ‘the grater pat of he pa tan yo by the fp pe {phe tower thy whi easter the par cote to th sel ad Faundaton Since te tas pec duce the aie arora ‘Sti maton fo the foundation aad nl, vats wet tocar dving hse nace, THpure V7 shows samsar of wibropaty oblaied 08 ans of. the 1 te Farner foundation sedan, moat ess er snarl (rte dane sinh which old fs asd om te faa hn ‘onsderatinn "Thess at th foundation togter vith es suntan mh mvs sompenn ibatng sytem than wae acd [keV whan bacon entons were se Tiaddion, wos tab expert, the viboprams veal consid fawn of te despng resto, Ly some tava i nat larg thatthe mts so pide ally it man fo that ideal fsdetions but under mae golgie condi and subjecn} ty the seen of Seyi epae Srdtrentviratae of waving pte, smatinns spl lrg Fromeneansthr Ferrel a ental oundatuns nor ed eo them Bak 8 my aes a thm" the anne way, to wet os ona under 225tan Sanunare ba O80" an T'tmon ame insure "Thea data om vibrato of enitingfoundatioe permit the an tin tht tiny 00 greatly afated by Tatar not enero hy ry "Thu the abr dferenrs nth amplitude of fuplion en. onder bomioresperang ae theese cons ae gps ‘solid hy the ifn healing fst) the ene a he {Ember pid ter the an (2) th contarte vue tip sd oh th anil athe fuasny (the Has of the font oe may io be infer of te fate which ry Sls dee {ign compstatons “Theor ho tet of compan aed ou bs as formuigee rt Vshould becomes se entation vsaesony eomng shor of gate fen spies So a abe hammer foundations lal the routvian ati al ve eal cy, tn a8 9B Sa beau £30 er iL Alias of Foveatin Valen, 0 the se ive ams of 1 foundation pts alte in ig Ve ‘lua ample ote wight angina Thess ena hat the wep af art sata Uh rane of ins ee wah or pina wepatns With Seta ioc Fe 8 Moa wo tn pad neat cre eames of fundton vita ober Te Srerchtning ae ovations ha ran mi Giana hd tba rier wenn baton sured {he ue il tiny thal ie hn rset fog soe" no sonlwrae stew eotStoe nc sare whee smd of eine we in swine 0013 man ewer, fmndtos Ying vain apie eesti tng te ctlonenie Fores etn ea peo und 13 nue lees ashing woe “he atove dcsion had oth eons tht «desig ran of sonal eet hon fossa ten eo aris eplitules of plies ok i “gta of Ans Yao. omen Shrine a ies af arping bss grt ites adn Sates rps! homers ving ee ‘sean “kis na on stoner maths tof Be homies sls sptetnSerge #138 Ince in power of the bane, the ample of ge wtratinne Ince Yor hammet witht wht of dipping prt up tof tam 8 Afi anpliedy reas 1mm for 2200 hamry taupe reales 3mm fr Bammer in hie he ht of donning pats ace His: the ampitie af aoe rations ney 3 tes, These “Te above vals sow that wh tana hamners are operation, {hese inn th ga) Shoo tsi a oe Ge Iyer i aache vo shave was pled iain tates ot sider valus} nao a harlefet he soi ot ne Tn nition th ager the ampli 9f Pano th te more helo eregy of impact sonued by hem sista ana oe Seqony dhe smaller the Manners eincy Lowe of fac energy ‘toe to ebaton etches 10 per sent of the work ote ana dope “The lane vibration ames of ae ar exlalond 9 insist esol mera op ran rch ih pa chm the Fein of view ofthe forging pros rom 8 rrtund Wt iw ‘The pad ties surly aug be Duin eplet othe Las of Gaitinalteammandauns of th anatase anf nok nani by any dig dita. "Poorfre dierent pant potas mses af te te power rosimend ado ferent thickens "Tow thick of the fad shosid be weed = that #he lation amples af the wr da it ease 8 star voles in eon ‘tree inthe pi hold aot bo eter has nye Tate Wl ‘ms compiled oth bre of tha snndraionn, Thickness ofp {iF ecommel in tattle as rebut coal tan ches ied “sly have ra employed pote present tne Te decreas np Bek as compared With sual esp thicknsowe Shao on ‘dderatine concerning the barf eecte of sv vibrato age snp "The Detonation of Batic Cvatant of the “AvoPoonation”™ Shien. Ine to cones Toundstion together whe an ‘ounied chon asa eysten nth dre orem wat done SENS he bg the ald funtion aie ml ‘how io sins af diforan prod nperimpoand om exch ahr, Te fasrom ory that he amps of Ses as wt ey ‘portend te rae ‘Restated Peles, ne hagen a the renared foundation vbrogee io ‘any cases appouch spare eitven In no eae Nes it pee to ‘strive tom arog ooh Soar! gine of ttnbins vain ofthe an and fesnaton.—VEorans ely sewn ‘he iatins a te lower rial Seawency ne ws to comer (ost «pression mart for pata! pao) Satin Bac (U2) the apltade of vito farsa Jot rere fa fo) fina serm Ten apposite qxprentne for dpe arma She onde and al wil ee all fan xa fa ay {V- 3) the lining ene fs of atone {he ano hepa” Foon te orn lv of awiiy Bof the pa wor oan ale the vale the mod “Theo tet are nol sain tho va he cs igh frutnry fa a wall th tng fens ff thea ‘ere bratone el he ite alton gn theta. Alter some ns ermatins (ut Sou ha, wo bitin ha pe wy SEs zea for, tthe rato ton the gs mas Go do ers the fame man se act) sd hw founda tao emg SP oy the forma wee one ca tabi the el value af the oie of lai nr ar Drei ofthe ban oder the hammer foundation ‘he re of computations af ml fasts fo pc ol at ‘the above methods for the several foundations tadind, lead to te follow he romps medal of tity fe pat ‘rue of sibs, The prahaleremons fr this have already ber di “coast T maitre sone aa morting tot pd abl sen tension th nen ay be ery ote "The aneage al of B was eva rat repeal 47 X 10" tna/m, agponeatey to Ces oer ta he ea Serre! ss hl era" Lica the rel er ‘pended tht sg value of 1" lnm bom or Uh dal ‘earty of tnber pa Int armen he dovamie ree see ad under he ant des sat seed 00 tom, tis ah owt at pre ve st atout 0 to S90 ton for oak timtezy omg rom Sher "Thiattaets the ast het de which wee ployed oi Sie ban ad conaerabin sty fer." Au ene el, ‘he fe enon the oer ftp ae ell oon the mah a ta ‘oa necney frm he pot oS 9 ystesompataies law sover hammies, yeaa ses In pad doit exe 10 toma Thereare tis posible to employ fo th hatimers pe ‘ae af ine or lh sted ok, Spl nvetigtions abel at the dxgn vale f th efit «fei lor compan ofthe sl tas fhe Foto Sra above 40 Kplemt,"Howome, the average vf ti othe sliine! fom meanaresense! babe rbeton ts toun355q/ch, a aproxeately wx tens Sih large divergence beter ths als att to the Tat tha th amples Faved sia Mme dee hammers greatly afer hy fatre Bat cone hy theory ytd i AAU V-. In pie ths toy ated slow, docs sone he intaeno fe dame stl pope {Soothe ai, ut thi wen may corer, 4 he ‘ono storal foundation wbeatnoe ade, the vl ey ay ‘asec by he buco the foundation Tvestigaioasof tv foutdaton showed tht with bailing the valve af te entice cf cate norm fompresion sneae {porosinatly wo tes es compared with ie valve etl fa ‘its on a expe foundation Conse In carptatone M ‘teal eral ope of Foosdations underarm eval ‘Mecoeticent of se valorem sempre oy eat wf ake el 4 that used in emulations of wibrtions of othe racine wn {bandatoon donor enaep natal verte yrations Asrging 0 the above eatin deren tomptatins toe ound he ‘Elon ood Hr nthe With atowanes for sme salty riers fot dyna abi a the {aupiation, the valor the srmeton rte ray ae 2 Comper f Digest Formato fort Compton sf Amps ‘To spy the petit corpse of rato of th oa th atv he vbrtinn re onde to be indepen eater “Thine uaa oth autpsine hat the peace af the pal bee Ue anv asa foe onthe apie of brag of Fue Mow aod tht th ratine of the all are not ale lat Proper of th wl lus te mas ofthe founds. Thin su. {Sn eds 2 onsets siplseton ols for the amt ‘baton spltades ofthe foundation and sc Asn to Eq (Vit, the amine of shatons of the fouedstion cm be stable fon ae = fee 48) ad ample of iran af tho an fom owe wan 1s inarenting 9 sabih ao compare the somo! een involved other equations andthe more aseonte ae (V9.0). Tale Inte aevane te fas that ie Ve (V0) the mpd ot ts sate hen the engines fo a fay wo may rele he ere ontaitig sm fata than farmulne ‘Ten the ation spade = ‘Shean ad fowaton i be detormined Yr Bae 0). “Tae Vt gives the ul of eomputatins of raion apie ct th fopdaton and uh ror Sor srerafondatoes ads Sabet of fompulaton sem emplyed, "The ame. vals of Ty ‘ode of canety of the pa ner the ani and the ene ot flee orn omnrenion af the bar er the fotion re tales oralfarmere (epee. £10 na 20> 10a “Thecnelorityo roppng pra Se) wa sed fo are eins frm able thatthe i cosdeebe erence ete the alte values of foundation vibrating as computed by Eye (NA and (048). Hence follows tat conte compute ‘Tone Yo Conon er Vines Aurses Courter Dirge fsa Z 4 i sioratone af «foundation ane bummer hou be peo ne ip (1, sonsering th ect of the a unde te lo hes Howrey, Table Vo shows at theres ly al difernss bet ommpuaions of ane aon ampltoda by Ty -17) ad ty tno ree Ege tt. "Theo ie peri te sy fl foul emptor kal wlraton api ain see ‘Sosy of the pa vader the s0 VS, Selection of he Welgh ond Boxe Are of Hamre Fouratian 1 war femery a int the wight of th foundation «har ss hn ln of re nett with he il hold ieee ah tg ant ent te folowing maureen: the toil pra ote folahoud otenced th baring capacity of thiols a owed ‘Soul banen tho fail” These anton say’ bs ten ‘st whee pacar = tats nani rss om nt Tm permite hearing value unr contin bat oy Bie oud ning a= cof of routed redortion ‘he sondton coped Wy i (V5-1) le baed 08 atten tha citer te tai nad oa {Seno que edt i tin Ar atatt in Chap. 1 dyramis prewnteteseomisted tse {cpesaly tn gran sl ay inde stents tnd ers ‘tc aetna Pande of ts tha thon asl y sae Driur of te se magnitude. These fom of thn rao lesan pat of exrewion (V1 changes but the un of tea sta Ferte constants theta itoments sad deormaties wi ang Fen tfloge tat snder genmpton itt «Ras ronstant vl fore given sand founoasen, the conic expres ty Fa (Vi ‘ante weep bn ts cotary ta tbe pbs ate fhe "Theron exprourd by Tg (V2) ha wo prota sigan, tenntn te bauolg f= fondton fof 0 Guat porta and ‘art ts oterved under worn eos. Hever, a oteran= the condition Ia to caring fonmatons down eae ‘ephe‘Siee the doin a of ration mpd weston tc $m sod mone sn oder to baa eat etme of thse a ecmcy or icrase cnsdobiy the heights of forgo The ew ae tht al kane ouadation erect wt sgn comping ‘Tahoe south Ege, (Wael) and (V2) opened mit Tine vied down ta a somerble pth, gure Va chew 8 ‘Se oun of 2 ih, Uinta ofthe baton orp of «haste ovis rina impart ton wash sted by 6 dogo 0h 8 {andtin. ‘The “ale the sian ama, Ue Sl Oe intense of waa on tinct rites and uigs ot the fenoaston on the ny and on she amen nother sent ae tn th ting he vl tte pee me ash Ae 15, the ena the aie prs the amar te stoma fhe Foundation (other evsdion onal "Ps tad the oman of ae (4) ard (Vb3), ee Ton sion dein shold sts the oowieg two conn: cde 59) oss) ‘A Indested nArt. Van aneag value of station amp shanmer foundations, abated tom the mi of yer net too orang tarene saporocnatly In. "‘Thir ay be neon ‘arts valet eimteapitde. "Thortore te condition ‘ta 55) ay he rete 4 lows 4, € 10m 35) (othe sinpit ase, under he stint the foundation together ‘uh thea prosmte pte wih ue dare feo, th sale "he seam aude deter ay V8), and te andor (AB. (065) mye win the tre 50 ‘ver sinensis non meee and eons, "rom le C14) ad (U0) rr fondton contast ae and vrelght an be found fr ahh he mpi of foundtiorne Stltot exo 1m and the tate psn 90 the ai wl et ex the value ap, Ban we bts bm GAO re mera wen “Viana wen Wp = LEW EVR 4, me (58) ‘Vile { | | { \ ‘stern Wy ~ weight of oration tote it ei pest WE srg ofan na fear Diving bth part By. U8) hy Ws, we alsin a rm ar string the nde foundation wr somepnta i {stl wight of dpi prt he ane. str wake 1 antacid ee vals ofp and frets sie a ‘Ar 1, tbe flowing apron los a We Bagot "The crete eon amon tn date pete ia Ad velvet egal i the thorn ection a Barn pays vette to 0 nga] ‘Sutstittng tb value of thn contents nt (V8, ein simp oma or tn tttatine astern of efoto rg ‘Kpeeding on the velocity of doping parts fhe ham aed She ‘afi of rson n= 800 Fee es0) Accorng 10 dats of mahin- bling pnt, ot ca ta 2 For doublocting armen: ny = 30 Portanetciced nme hg 2 Nae wane 3 fede! arama ae gine Tab lo ade ta compare the compte is myth ase ce en sxpeons Take Cows esa forse oft dep hash Inimdatons vestigated atone a he pane "Phe swag spent rao fn for ae Ratner of Tae ¥ is Tesonl be tmentga, howe at the ata weight rnp ured the mers ded meh ag ah the em wea Int ath ess, he operating de at igh nd vnmein Ase twee the acral the gor weeks of te draping {ate roaee "Therefor: st Kumey bam Tanger val nf reaching 5005 fo hes foundation wiht For marie founds tons wis unl cently were ante pall ie opamn, he fate mh Tanger, Ing io the Tange 70 to and aon aching 10 vo 1, Wp dl foundations oa takes ito acount ony Ue weight of on cect nating th eight sk sow tesla th ts ale od sr it by around 30 38. Io manvefodatane no aoe back = rest therfre he val fn of 70 to 120 ferent the rato betes tho wei te unation an the a:tl weight f Sopp pers ‘Those epee of mater fr ih oration tes ra than or mnie foundatione And, seated in At. Vo, there 9 lusteusta Investigators of Snes as ovnstions ow that tee “tmpltade of thir bration thin the Tange of peril | letoand trim ap ea equation (V5) fer ewan fe foun eo ons ca! mas te sine br Pass of fll Sorat "Accntngs sean dataon th nee fpf rt | | Henn be std hat ence er al denis aon an tn Dividing both parts of By. (57) by a we oan aren she ental cantata fn HF wk he aad el ropa pa: Setting a ble & = 3.0 ana = 04, we obtain a imple formals or sa testaivedetereiaton ao al eonbqanatiy of tees nt Ue ol the Feat : Bgutin (V1) esate dhe dependence ofthe funda saute at ony the hammer carseat, ale oo eps {isthe ri dimenons of foundation tae se Ie ‘Slaven poparinn to th eso spaiy af ea Tae oat al of oy puted for diferent tp sae Sten For eanp fee othe tabetha dgube-atng dap hanes ‘in forge shops are characterized by the followitg ratio: whon the si is 1 media seas onthe average shout? of founda la then reused yor i sf ea ght Seopa aM i i + | ea ting to Ea (7-510, te wih of th inion stein ox nt ‘rm reied wp te tani ge ih ee iontaazemen, cca iy fh adr he ll og oe BRUIT 5 x oral, Went he inf eat em span tei Teo mural Soman oer ih he bt B= EE er ret = uae 0 + RT ne fat = W628 VI 0" = was 2 CEES oe wpe sur ees (19 1" = 168 WHT 5 Gasca ince = i £9 SUL EA sg ening pl ect ne Shader iUustrave Design of Hemmer Podatons. Comput ss ga of frre fo steping hate of Sires pom ot vel a foundation dei Fore amir prope, te ponte Tages Vaid wv In te preparation of how emp terreno nsec sgn manele ish had en comp wth thu stn pntcpationaeaconatas ToS ee UES ea al Le ul ae riteowst pune il i om i Saas a Porat tn ba ef EP sig septtins fo thn fosndaions wor perormed fra it ot rei song with the ont of waste Wem compro fot esol to apponinataly tb 12. Computation and Design of Hanmer Foundations wih Vibration ats nial Director om Coypetation and Oris. Sometines the { ritraion ampbtude of Bammer foudatons gent Inport wes ths apron es (84.0) and (V4 that etn smpltuder of the foundation ad sel ar ivory proportona! fee rose of te products of the base gy abd mee Coe i open [pope doc bain of uel, fon so ty to dasa heaton apt of founda on by inns te cdi iw aes for explo wes tna tbe ample of wihatone thio esti Gita 8 ig al of03 tt mented of 1 D012 a) eres te rea the weight of the font seat tae finest dae tor shld emilee ant trie sary tho vaio {deo he avi in compan with aur custome in frp occ Thus the pane sous to Ue faving tlie fas shoal be fond fer which the suerespnting bation smn of he iouaton and nei do oot send seta vale Tamme came teats ho might of oping parts the wlocty a Fgh of = — 1 | Zea | | A | wey | im fe | al = ae ease dhe amit of foundation ibaa farang the ound thm contr are or he rg ofthe Be, ‘sige foundation ihwtons, Uy ave considered tate wich rates ofthe ani depend at oni oh ureters of she tin and m (oe om erty af the ose aed thea of Found tin bem the Spi, soa he parameters and me ey 08 the riglty ofthe abrers andthe mits athe foundation above ‘peng tharsaly eyo to decease the ice foun ‘So vibrations by lcting mitale tlw nnd my Them Paar Impact, and th cfc of rttation 0 consid to be asign tn ted, Tat oper slratins ofthe fusion above the pings (the fist pprsinaton, tbe asym wh om gic feo anding to Fa (V1) the foun enesis Byun (7-1) wa dri fom Ex, (VET) ae flows aes ‘he foamdation does at move: the natal ogy Jw he her peepee py a = Sst dear ” fe ‘re on he sl ener trogen osndation ie dtermned 0 0 as ods hy he might fhe onda sad enn eon eon een hat betsy to low the alone ol est Davee io auiging daign prea and turogees 2 ‘Encl 04 to DN of th pole Prams on me deter h ‘pet to ate ang ony. "Te inteston of tilt equating 05 to 06 and the mot ‘of perisale prem he ao ed to the eset for mpeg bien and eonoequnty to tear rnin sosrote est It wid be noted Dat the swertcroed ene ivetption a Scio ovndations labished thatthe oxo futons talguard guia soniertesetlment aod tg af foondstons de ubogeneratove "The lowe founda dy under tustogeeraar patel de ot ‘trate ly Pr the sat of eluction f poem pee freon soit may te taken to equal 0 to 1. Te dpe fun ety wo eto aie ‘Thwrfoce, when scesary beente f design conrtions ce ober Totton te dept of fomtaon rar the mackie may be mae eo Srl dan he depth of fostgs wd nll eum afte ‘en der trbniyeamo i tot erected let fetnga ender male ‘stam, a eter mace, en spc are soul be taken to prov tact rom monuor see impos by adja ollge Une Feundatigne der tobodyoeinss tod sets! machines hou be Pur at ach dota (am ace foundains tat the peste Twn sea the "pase Rb) In thea pe byt liu us ok distort gegen he stomdry of the owe as tke the marine fede in ton. Por the saat reso ‘i ana maybe ut ete eomowkat te depth of Fonniations with wepect tote degth of sane fotigs ner als “Fhe mes foundaton da snd be scent ii to yocue pret cement of te ovndationecacine and pave their omer ‘sittin alton the pronase fs lowes foundation sa hao Sonsitrable tien Geren the Bight athe oramon sener of fpavty of the machine sod Toonton, Therfre te sane of | Sower foundation sah telly taken Lape than rgd by ate ‘cumpulatnns, Tenasve values ofthe heght of the tundoton sy, pending om he pow th ache, are tla low For machin with power wp to 000 ostram or machine with goer of 12000 Telsm ‘or machines wth power of 3240250000; 1.6402 Modem arbodyoanos us tee of high tesperntare; eomsasenty rroper thermie aation of sean pipe td es conacing Bet i thold be provide. "The gee sould be izle a estat {hoy eae tr foundation. "The soporte x the tel sacs of ‘heanton sould tt ect 0 to SCs otherwise peal cl temperature soc bay develop the foundason share tt Stetlgton of tear ead ir pur ety in th Cundstion I jection ‘rao clamne and beam av either ead according to doin ‘ommputaso the entero tad held contin Ta ousdation slabs aving thick of 10m, the erin wnosing rade shld reach the aru in onic th soft Ip heh ht, ‘evil to ot 8D pe cen ft roring ody athe al ihe Fake foundation sib Tesovact chapters of th al Teck! ie tnd Cotrcion Ce for Dann of Rfrel-Cncte Stress tol nthe design of fost ut an natn, the following Giwetons shold te taken nea acrunt: All wet af the fouraton ‘ht proved with date nonfrement, a sprints reiforce ‘ont should inal ais be employe the clams. Teaforing ede ‘ould ain be installed ong fhe other tn sber9f coer etna of trams adenoma ven they arent requ by desig compat Uns. Theamoun of efron sears futon uit chook be no ins of eonrte. Th distance news sina in fe ako rt eel 25 an ea cn ere induced by netament, trig se of ®t 1 tm ot fe tobe iowalod lone thee mately pena ston Suoste nite he foundation tla to esac 3a cin sa The upper and oweeriarements of the lowe nti st be tid tagthc by ara owes) amped #01 0h eps, eckctoan! pater, Honk at to be provide at teen ost ‘oy sbjrted htt len ato sopra" Whi he Fnfremmt for te clus ed, ald be penn a tho tots ar f rer veiosng vole 9 educa ale than he el rss ston! av the anos Funda ate ‘Adliist rnfreng rls aonb peel hn setons wher hs feandaton wonton by Open de “Caeroe type 110} ix employe fo the upper pats of frame fase tons aed conte type 2 ls aed for Sn mer fandaton slab "arco for Conran Dpwations, The oan fo ston under ey und iced actives soul prove ‘Sonienw wich el pinments of the annie abe Peco Tales ond Conan Code soa be nord hat Iie eae ve bn foundations Hebe operating tartndynaoor nd lsta! ahs ae mass aed Up arses sonntton sare The wont of fois net these sashes shouldbe rad oath paca ya te pfu of those mackie at he gonad wore of ay Pant perl ea shi be taken in etng the Flowing emcee ard wo smstrton prove TGaerte employed forthe ection ofthe foundation show br of path comntaey witht active water a camp tne sald sow ‘att soe som aroun LO ID tos in) Tor me on ‘te ms hd be ae honghowt the coeeetion af ewe apes sth fettin, The ors oh era at eosin ‘eneets shor te posred continental pers To “anomagens, sinterepton maybe period tthe el of 2 ppt ‘hg th lover sb ow he one thiedo yslna ese terete bento moment hor asian tale, a ineroption| {tke wer ocr the flog mses etn sn th ‘ovale asst th ours Ales the cow tection ef the oumdaton, whet the pouteg of ones Mae ntrrapled, Iban einforting ole sot be atlod {o"thne Install ueteing tothe Bagh Short dowels Gd be robedded to «depth of ts than 0.5 mo tat ik of the int, ‘Si thr ping hol pot enced Da 2." svar the soul be rough. Piet pacing = we layer of cau, the previowly nil nace shoud Yo thorohly ‘Scenes wad by wate; and cvered vith arch eoment sare, “Real th pagal th foundation contre sais be mera san ween denon a ths coneratenggiten sald tase 1X sergaton of sonttaaezegto to inyee uly ees acs tire deliered tam coma gh Tf anor ble ar “nde ate te aunatin toner dp i erred Ua pes af eeapanding ene sctin® te fred fr then Dols toe esta inthe tee pean. During the contig ofthe foundation the galt ental of enacts an of is aerate reset a sample aber of oneete ay ake eines aloe stent propery to sence th epi aseetons ‘Soutien procs of foundation nateton shld Jeon its documenta Tn ay cat te folowing doeuments shouldbe eomed: (1) ascend of tne lew nt exci ‘nade fr the foutinnf) sed sages he type ok sere ‘io forthe foundation sl be ot tbat ration uch hae {ook plas) a mend nerning te terion In neigh ts ntroption cred the pase were the Srrption toc lace Sold ena witha disertin of caus ten to sea 8 paper jit () ator onion of the somes ater the forbs were emoved te lerath af ine the corte fran! int fort bd teased Th the proses of machioeasembly ver 0 pouring cement under che asthe budpat, the adjingTounationsface skool te ead {horus Tir ssa erection patorm) toad le ought noe ‘he best pole binding sf the adstonaly poued somect to 2 “The nealion ofall peas, roses, te, soul be arly checked Vi2. Computation ef Forced Vibration of Fama Foundations 1. cing Lands Ipaned by Hebadynanos an Slee! Machines ‘he oteg bade Spend by tarvedyainos and eet! maine. une th ef rclprosstiog expe and Inport mics, usta! Ue tabled by compataies "The ale moving tte ef nw machines ae rotors whic exrate simple rotating movesets, ‘Thain the eae of rity a eter andes wit Ue axis of ytaon, and consoqonty the ot (ily emablabed valour of ebaianen a fore al 2s ove, ctl nn ar oa. Tay ng ronan {Erin tioned sate ved by the fet tht th cnt oF rai {Eth tating pass nt ayn ih thes of ration ‘hs wsdl talted ene eat be completly esmnatad, al 0 {he eown of the Shine epeatn there appear elas ot {ter io Inde founda ros "Tae magiade of these ecg loli peporin ty the ce trey of the tang parte agar of Chet hss ode tar Tre ch sa Rot of hah rr Shlcyases anf lot aches we ten of torn, and tr ‘tan be very abe to Dee Tse eve fort to"yry ge, Coneguniy, trinfcer sould br taken tate rant inthe des of folio, Tors og ine the pga owatinglonds ingot by trtniaamae wee Unknow therfore fh computation of foundsna for turtngyaneos some "erporary Iban wee talento seman “The ste actin o tt ol was [Suma br equivsn othe yam ncn of oct extn os ‘Stun by the weblanont ota of thse any soagetins rev fred cost te tation of hee en tent Ions However ne signs were ely Sheed td doigyeompatins offseason wee reduoo to sate Res, atc the tin of itrarly arte Tad Trmcver ft our of cat yen, Yluinns mats has en colts inte USI covering Uw blanc of taracoe yd ‘Sectomotr mel seaosts of eats o thse bin ‘Ts maternal ls pne vsti dsgn salon of xing, toro snd by thn masoes wha dears of carey eit fo piel pape Tha i te Tones mcnay fo Ltd ty ‘Spennymoor nputations aking itn acount egeaghan Sou, compas reper of fred views of oandstins produced ty seine feet and mrneaseComeneety the fodston my bo eid ti fowed vets acgtaer Joho need emi ates Tis etod of desi a fourdnns under abodes a le. tie skies vs ot fer in png tatoos of den Stop for aac, for fowler operat enh. Toot cre tt th xing ole esoped Ny the nahin et somdton tan be rede! om tnaaned rental fee F ‘hoe an of stn nes ih the plane symmetry th ein Tors uatataced mate gover eed the star sblaned sist ‘Tho unalone the ter ay eae the Fat ta is in to ening fr tem ete nan esting or nat alnand stat). Toto of etrmrtr generator wl or of tyr tines ae aor; the nace vader eosin avon ylarthowe page romcty ede th vet lage Ping ross ante feast af Ue foundation, thn th tng ‘omen of be all ed my tweed. “The deermiation of Untaneed oad fs ouch mane deal or sachin wih several ears Ha chine ase oor (ok eee Int aot of ee) then he oes Pacing te verte rane slate of he heii che ourdion aad machin) Bo Eide [n enmputatons at degh ecg had. "Thee the eel omar eae were rs ihr ls the dase along thea of the mai shalt Ytseen the ‘lan of een foreand the one fan the loli. “The eeting fare of the rotor, being the need cents! inert ‘Toro i rine ith the tare frequency ae the ashe Tre wo sh rest eon ofthe esr oe Fix timate onas win 4 ~ ent of machine ator “aS terete "= mia equeey FE say erent compooente a excog fre (eich et ite paceperpedicha o machine caf) The exeing moment fan be nase the se ans na i seria and oronil component Under te aston othe eres rapnent fhe ome the fonction il deg fred sat 52'S lw paral ts ma at of he mere." Shannen Show that osnnon worn fen ern eisplae, “owes pls of tse ane sully sal omar it he ‘snptdesof wert snd bal ropa eto peep Iara te Safa he chen Thereoredpcaie computation fe frundatian uncer arbogamos an acon are mayb iid to cmpston of Sh armpit of irons ined hy te exer {oth haraotel samp he rctiag momen his ees ay =F wa ‘ho oqo of rotting prt fo yum ofan etal machine te Keo; ronnie, the 22 iso onan) shld be ksown Is nd to eters eh ig Ioeds ating the foundation, The eect ean be total teri ony Hoan the ete of al a tn Tat" neue toat the toto of thy machine si bat anise tat eed hy th cr ay tetptade of foe sian mal toe Soume tat nth proves lasting neal us {othe ctr at sone dane frm the ais eestor This mas pro Shoe» coating foyer Fr Dien we me tat ns roto fe rein te spite offre rations deraoe to he ae “Tre eastatinglepopotoal latory betwen he wage o hy outing forr sede sted of Tro ieasos ps theron nore kn Hence, reat With she raonshig ie poet etx the wa of iia ntlanced eweting force fo th str af bing ad oar tees a east Se and lt lanl, "om ti val ofthe Fal yabolaecd exiting ace, thr mas of tho Tota nde ey “Tae VL peste data on be bana of several Sarbeanaors oi yrius types and omer" Fom the Sata we sump valu of Texel “A he data pmseied In Table VI ert dane eat out ser aperaing conn hen, i a sion of wos, SMnfog erated with intessanplitades"‘Thorfre th camped ‘ttoe of eng ores od Peres ke win Ue enge of max ‘muy pee vals ‘The amples of ibraions ee measured, oto. the Gana, tat onthe baring a tho sme lon and foo sme cis, bath ‘efoe an at alasing, Visas ere cowed Uy Dean of ‘Gege acorn icin ts car yee considerably crogerted edgy Shite ofthe peste vals f Pyand Se" sre ‘neliion wish ae of intra for dynam computations of found Une urder machines of the tye eng tonsa. “Tae Vt shove that th eet 7 depend an Bath Che powor ofthe macise and Re specd Yor warns aacieracd 8 100 cp S22 2eseeees ‘3.00 pone, Yan fennel arrow range toe 0.090 v0 0118 men Ts ony one ease te sce as ruc sale (498 eam) Tae machin with the samy sot [eo ‘ov pen, the eal of centey Sy within ome Iver ng each 0078 to 170 en Hones, the ade af exe Tiny tos fe thse tnaclare mins saat that for ow-poer ign Gaonqucaly, the ior te nage of he See oe bend ith a inva fp ily cane “The data of Tle Vic which fer to mashinn hated by $00 pm ss that the ees ret forth arbi os he {017 to GOUs om. Fr thee machin, lor mah hse 1300 rpm, th alu af tho exe are ows wh ton ower uid ceamequty wi the wp to. “Thus there a difeese> between tho dae of eewtey fo machines wat seed of 150 en and 310 ren "Th asl tt ecentiy for Oe fae aor a be ak 9 0-2, for marhinns rtsing a 3,000 rm the mse eeu dee fenced 8 am Cones i sn bt held tat de etoticee Sf he rotating mar a toa ae apensmatelyivery ‘ropa 1 the sears of detract Aa te numb of rv Alomneras the weg of roltng bin part (piled de or tothe me) demas; tito highapiedartodynion are fet ‘Gensaling be whan catinaip tars the esti sd th numer af oeolony, nl slectag 038 5 Ur? mete sg a Ut ennaty for machines sng neg of 10D spy 80 one {tag expoion fora marhin tg 0 sp te wey “Tia loti ms sre ot oh in of eiatve dg vale opty for rating chine mene bt So tinge spi "Haar Bit of ifr Conde he an of foro ac ied on to he ace 0 eae he Computes any drormoe mai snore od ffometns ‘operon etait pnar nixon Iie to anton the bana rd conte rte a nay ng ing ame "Da oil Fat Rae on Gmeaion Cle ie valu he sofa octyl ena ane me Semen pi ater eco Te orn 4 team rl te mls of aos a ore B= 2100 ho (Otc nada dn of riaredones nests ‘hon onc ced to ary incite totip tetnen Sd ed fort Se noma; tore te aor (Gay depend onthe magica tad con a Ste spricntd say of te he of rod conte dee ipsa ode chow tha vena sta wel © sens appears hole and sidan formations ‘Ta wladve val of ‘etc! iftmalions grows wis netted grows Sacer th Ung, ”Thefoe = oadagsrai ev tnd to tara ts Ge ton of formations 20d the tesesriy mana is cone bye seria vale af tees, bas « malivar characte hereon he ‘Gonna, the medias of raosty tasked ak a rel of inwatganar 3h which the rere pero dorntion nae at repr fm hee deformation tthe st als fi {Sy ofthe mater ota th niwnt of wea art i at the oleae af Sst form ctepreion a ms "The mad of SS a ene, wish i ul eaves design eompatoe= for tess sins an the proprenality Ht, repress mal tl tear dsorabiy. "The mm tk Sasicy tay beeing Stsdrtermling the ration ten sesane ard hn csi past Shoraton. Componding sae etnias sould sued Dut {yams of repent lndig ae loading of me fhe amide of vibrations apd satura requncs of infor sowtree erste deen onthe ln pre ashe rate, sta ts chaactrateeeoerempndingw Wek deformation; te fer thn moduivn of esity wf snare may i deter i ‘Spiest wy rom natal foe batons "hrs roel of temuemrats of ato of on6 frame foundation flowing vse te nl of hakity af eared cance found xe ho fouson uber he amp For tho fst foundation ke tho turbogenrate 12 10 toma? or Gh ond oundaion under the earbegneatr: ‘hose sale of azo 00h igh Un thm arly for sai 'NCP,TuvikandO. A Svinov invested tocol ra ride of cones yp tf ad found the modular af lst 10 be a= 41 10 oman Asa at of th aia of oer cote fat the mame yp, ins cet tat ee li ‘Blue win range 4.42 to 3.55 1 oni ‘Sonne sate retinoic aes of cho same cont he mashn of aay a webbed ‘dn the range 3.77 38 3 18 tna/ "he rut easy fone yb tabs y hen scoutie meio, which 4 wud grotmator wares ithe some coment anne] ars [oi nice Sovestigtion ongtdina oF tammere vbradone of wayne ques the way te fequseyo ata vt ofthe ie iedetemiae, tem nbc the mals of eat an e eas Tob." the sonar cent oar thie metod bas bon wie {ove detuminion of ate costants of wey diferente "rabie Vi2 prcota ets ae such deterinaton of the alo! lett of sao ype! toners Ite en fromthe abe 3 th ‘nls of lastly Soe ant lnnge mich with ange he es lon of eaemtns At the ame the Tost rite ast tO Trt ef sasty lore wth aa ferns inte sof ‘Aleut ras f th odor easy aban ag of 28 tas we team smn han 30 10 fos The serge va ald Frome eternations was 178 X10" tena ‘Vow the eporimental daa how that he acti mdf ety octets ges thay? 310 ona erga the ‘ue sated yop aftat Peat Ras ond Convection Oe ‘Th forgning ston takes It posite to cider that thr act valivef None tondus for eoerte fat an age tt ls thy 8030 Migs) 1b nt los than 3310 tonne amccb—ytl ofthe made oud be taken for do TT] e"Dasi Dinan of he Uy || aman, ‘The coset daensone of {3 |] fsmdation ata wniy mh ager tha the spa brown theta Deno the (sto of a he rgd of sores ection ofthe ane tou Pu VEA Deanna be aan ite geno Irone i coma he sraniationr persons as bing ably Beis thon in the dermiatine of ddecioes aod teeing (fig. VL) and th night hy shoal bites th com puta Iomevt, one nae he rane coer etna a tangs sigh 1 bcomoe neem tua in compoatons ined en A ‘hie Ina fge Beg of fume. "For us founitlon se, the vane nf eon execs te ano ly 25 pert. Permla for Urtoesns amputatre onan the vali of the span Inthe ted or {ont power, Troe desig los of ir san nd eee condor ip aoe tbe seus of computations in pastel Ue ale of tural stations of the Tune. Fer examin, ne fo ala Ioqurc of tatral titrate ofa fame having fe = 30 ma Irom, then for free eg rae ofthe oa 0m | 1a tegueny af subtins sompated fore 30m wi be (tet cin hic th as ned ely by foo we) apes. Feats twatimer anal tha fhe gueny far heures feible nat nblely gd thelr assaf the span and rig ofthe rams old be ele nw oy and age th pe Pas of te | fica v1 hog 2 = bight of ame am (Pg. VE) ‘rn tale of etek aby fom te rap (Fg. YE When ‘ningun od, ntrmeate tale ysl shoul be terms hana ar povided in rato tem crue etn the ak oto and Dao taken ashen it Fig VEG a Tigi of the Uppor Perm of te Posatin "Tho enter Soudaton patos on whic Ue chief ace ome yg tat ame whi eth answer aia aes SET owl = Its nal destin: eto ae sn seeene LP {o be abet il "Tuc amomgiton Spinco Dutton a horiontal vito of fem fv {Ee tt de ot Inst lage ei th ie Computation of Feed Vee Vato, ‘The 8 sf wt fonogoing amimptnes seduce foram somputatne 2 ff the fae foundation to hnpuatans ofthe ample {ln of foe wtratons of teshasrannl a= hyn ‘pete onctng of in beams sn ars eed inc mbeoltely dna Sh ater rsa 98 a ats bas, cna nite eae to aba igure nitions othe stem of fered viteaone ucrsmystmth sitoys being ar so cmb ome ad Tend to such complied eaesations that thy of fie (et for praia purposes." Theron seve! astumpions ae ea it ‘hihi sit he nltion of the problem thot ang {rca wl make fhe sts paca frames are deformed less, and the cotber hatch sections of the pl ‘tan ramen ot afr al,” cprae rare water frenney aot to lrge in comtpara with roa etal reoenes ‘ponds that shown ng ie Tt ura tha the tapswee frames of the foundation at sb jesed to wereal nbraens in ve phases Tet ws 0 tose Ta 0 4 For thastndy prone of eating (> 2, = Bag = covtant Ui the oti of th ersona monn the fundaon wi ost svmund ay i pcs thagh he cater gue athe Fons ‘rin conta! witha, patrol tthe lane ews be meet Sci, "Therefore the srs slog he rant ea Sd ty msm tess Be he Fondation ge lead Po wey hers 7 ight oundain and equipment een 11 7 odatos ae eotact ith sl 6, out of sats nosenfore comreston oft 2 foundation wath plane aga of orient os sompute ses forthe ineryal of te sorspordig te t= iciping of tho got by the tlle "The eemtons orton of he fowaaton areas fous Etat tame =o Shane ane = Me u os, ad. eee moment of nen of he stallion mas acne ad ‘The odnents of hi eetem of eqtion Hops othe eat ropcin of sald the dineson aed ue ofthe Saf ed nolo (U-P ‘Astining that a Hine tr Ue displacement at the ag of rota tion ea he ont of pay ofthe foundation eal ar, we bin ee te elton Shh infu = BI in FO REE Ta Mat ES a M lt + os s9 whit a fat th str runt the fatness from bj 4S). "The npreson on awe ime ah of fr the conto thst the trial one bs cle ue fect "Ue othr tama in Bq (VTTS) evalua he ine fetion af the external Yoon tent app fate fan, Krsowiee on ‘ye lain forthe Syme eselent et ay = 19 ats one ae eat go: ont ee (tins) 1 ke siping perl isan scar wh he pended rene eatons ofthe fosndaton hy ssunng at sit fut = at Sede ve oan wot 1h Ps athe ot rola of foundation the atin the atarating tran oma wil not xed She So sa of {Eopucomant ssn bth tate ston Hf theme aa ‘A the got siping ime incase, the elie» = doses, ppratiog sro or high oso Conant ihe oping ts lntegs ie sarin Wh por Ty dT tn Hh at of ie liming sna moment won te Focton drs no diferent ram the ate esse “The vale nf may be compat witha orate gh deg of seaniney a ooh as ove knows the pds of tal vite af te Tondo thn paso of tin ft sltenatng tor nt he ao wil a now the tne rgd rp he ingle T actos ‘he evan iin 4 comparntivey ido ange Ol apgroinsts ‘alaoro to prods and 7 may to abised tyr compatatinn ‘The calttin of 7 and Ty vee borings alate operations, eso gral douse conputnn of the fomdhton dere 4itcagrallnotarshatl beta othe ost ulavert odo by ‘ing =. Tey, fr ¢ > for the sey proses rng, «wil vat sci the asian tale sharactrcien the tings of Peg of he Ingo by thevorandeemecgcs aa he sli "Tce he tne 5 ike nl ong th founda sort re Bring The bes hg tial st exo the atamsedovaoping ath ts ay ofthe gt “Ten of Uno sire ould ee fos oC ne Sr the foundation forthe oing ml ‘Dyn datono he Fount by er Powe Syn, The parva ofthe ligne verti i ot power ving {rt he peer meen sonst font or ey vet euent pert and sfywbee owned on Oe same ate The pes pe er fs apc 00, ako ro eM sinnstconmiatdaring powers pean Teeqat he aoe ‘quid power soquted for oting ring ae ey (1 19 pase) "Toomer sapped by he drone sorts strut The power Ws ake fo thew pts Iva mtr ans te ‘suche extremly aac eth sg a hse ange ‘fom er, skiah eeapand ose tts gw eto prove nauied yee motor The masons power mabe dee bre dav the power which a giant sp othe gter Ser the seas feng sles seedy gems ee tiie Rvteenrgyehangerto a rol changes he sent e iat “Tta dency tm eno rene for aking aay Ts ‘ion, daring Oo peaton eval wih Te Grater 60m ‘tool henge he deve ota, the tt treating fcr the energy och i ake the aretron ma the it investi ke dynamic ads ang oo the fomdaton ding swe reno tbe goer eer. TE 11, = pou taken By to ram fine 1s agar seed of aarp at (vas aloe) 2M = terion omer of teste then Wy = Me 1 ean muon wor i gant sete oe under the nction of & Teactive moment whoae absolute value | reas a 50 ron net yn ee hag nl osm he met A eg ir ‘ouitin, ial Oe nee neers ta hae {ens the momen of he gry a. HF We pe ‘hy the gonentions, then vt Bye A Te rating external manent Vs sto the fomdaton vids will oq he dirs Letwre the moma Men Me ay epbstng power nse the engi, me on sere a= nth mf ete ot et lal he ing Ima Ye pee on, ete yuh motor ahon a maior of etna | Ke shetomigy MET NS A= A Dh me usta, hen th oer seal a te ps astm en the een tk fro te ie, hon meee Sh xt amen cing he nti se Atk ora etna si esse el mes es tetas Gute ge pet pen cet nating el guano conor tnt hee ee evi ramet 36 oh eoalng te Be eee 870 tons X ont; beer oe sp ~ 228 0m x0 x0 1 8 aia cabo from ofthe power se, on Theron, ‘Then of henge of 12,34, een i th ge St 1. ‘The pagitue ofthe eX) moment tng on fhe powershen undotion ding the wots ey of rol ef lag Shing From Seb tome gre of Pong he) 88 2E Yow ero of olin ha ese vob of the xing moat hos be take ool 28%, for the ne nvoneble eas The gle ok foun ots, Indeed he mom deterined fom By (VTE, ston to tw exc motets ated changin he kiwie egy of tyr eaten, ond be st a ei fring lode be ntaned tte of the en i reser’ ie page fee and sai efulaiam, The eompttin Hf fre orate of the foundtian cats ha ot orm “Tpyonte Lan ot te Comm Fount of Wenking ond Gee sande the pron of the fling peti, the fate fhe “tian arr stan an eased foynation, ae ated tt SGton aT easing eating tent ea gst dg 1 Theme of thst fa egg mor “phe eros apearng a 4 reel of the asclation oh ig ‘nat alt Reonte of hr matte sng rn Ht Tene thet mre os ory rt, stn ig ‘iting spats Tw sets a deny to Ce th ‘hea of ate ont lean nad ie. "Tor shivegpa and wrkng tan tng oe uated On # sepa fouaton, ot tin otha ver tho dg all te TH a ‘hdmi nares of xtra Toe he fon dts ae stout Tete aro-gat sind working snd, at vig rll mote 3 noida saa foundation, ented stand iene tobe acon of torstnd rman stann sh ag thn ie fons acting onthe sar of the Sing roll to" Theeore ‘na silts evera! dyer ond tana ate fovnation 3 TE ane eT foundaan fh ore oy ein of tral Ceri moments mbar tgaadn ele te moyen of ste ‘he ton al ge indr eaetina othe epeane weg TH toss ould be comers in th tes sa of he oun a ts eee aT di el fhe ae ‘Diente secant by oding mth seein ewan wag tide of the mse tesa momen of the sah ef te ey Oh the ns de considratin, samc tein Ca dein nd omg the etn ght the oan sd Sh tment manned thn. 1 onate corning Desn. eSoundason Sox the semsigat roll earprnat (and edust, gar) ae always my its och ier ane monollhi or ast roid with dofomatian Joins.” A ueson, Sgr f mane ands are shh fatoes: fig. T= founda forte and of aletsolog nl Tig VIES! a foundation for ghtoetog ste wily Wg. VIED odaton ford drive stan "Th ain pat of the fungaion der the vega and working sands ie saye dened ae ee Hock Tp pact wth futon “sly Has tmp tangle aad sng oe oft oa a Alls Shc The urpr teal mes forthe rb of al st sd for ‘hetoof of eng water ner th orking stand, arse 2 fre apn of eosin and te ras loge me the divert Seid The ower tae was forthe inapstion of mdi els i ‘ovkied wit sel Yosef fate seu to ace pte, Ti {Beutel pst tbe Funan esd tl ns whic ae Pv wit sre for eountarights on apa er bing he ir of the and. "Te foundation por the ding tl ede (Wg LAD bear separte mative lt or sa Hock Torn one saolh with 0 cee Hs st who by lng ening nd hae god wich rete cn sobcry ig 2nd bomoginson bane Other, aired hese eh aly ete tl cepa he focnn ae ncn with sod Fae, atlon etme ie Lae ene in epi of arte con of {he foundation shoud oot ke praia If asing sl ocean eon tact sma on th sme tel lade tos sonidos verspedices of sue en deformation jos may be poowed bosentan, blag at aint dept ‘The oto of aonevnkgy aod sttemt oint i ound ‘fons under sling all oulpeent i tern by dba ot ‘he einen, dh of spar Tonto wean the ae alc, apd ihe tenpesntate rayne ieg,Didaner bea ‘orton jos ote wet ntodig t the cial Tesi to, ad Contre Cote sent ond be cate tht ho ea foundation ico spaate ven vic expos ns a mips wee fenaatd with sch aie For mame, ate 10 toe) sees ‘sling he fostoas unde worn nd div gr sands tai ote pnt ‘Continuo Fotne one the 29 tn 30 m std aundaton stone under we rer than 13 by 135 o 20 by 20 sal Be posed ‘ith formation jolts TF ge tion ofthe fenaaton meee ‘United by defraton oats, then, incre nerve apron ‘pens, ith feundation maybe died ty tery ae Bed sone in se ype The rin rie vetpond al ido “Design Leah Por he anya of ste within th font spd forthe determaton wf parure an oe at, the false a Soul become Weight ot ting oui aight of the ding ll mtr Maximum deonvetion omen th molar sft Hoot Fre tested tC fotigs toe melas and ret Fowndaton eh Stall computations of te foundation mayb Lint E, Stag nays of apart tite of Oh foundation uh ae eaiened ky opening, canteen a othe 2. Computation af el suse unde upping als 5 Anclytfsaes within te fast 4: Computation of pressure tested te i “he faltion ne en rt i ity aie ov cratepan este td in pts ad 2, ah of dye ott mt br te cle oN ee STL RNS aaa le" ee i ni ted theese iis tar meio te, eon Mertens oie coien ie aatbe eee iin conpunsins w 8 am nei ones deen et antttetenin tinea lle rainy el an tt Inti sar sopveyer ite ovat neh gpl de Sete tee ane nein ved erg Siete ace he pre room onthe i der Sh oudtne sig siting ele tes ay tes “toga pe ete In conerote ae lightly reinforeed foundations, the wil presatra imposed ‘foundation setions without considering the inuence af othe Foundation Set dfieet Seat ene taf miata ca tt Tees mo one snus geen sl ia fr Suelo ving Mle of Se ne Thee tae se oe ee teen ee ecigca ren) Teach totaal fans Chie thet sce an ene pe fr ‘sn ret ig et ee Tn nde se toate sig sell sinter ae anata oe “hw tne ag naan fant eb abt Eee eto ieee ered ea crwth tr nr the dvi gama apne and In th antl sth tng parma in sar dacs agree ‘the fundtinn ot ler samo onl tin aoc engl, snd inthe toundtion wa te te in ae 1. asso falston of the fomaaton vas The depor and gesting dcwlye sth vel f the achr a e ‘Hee er war starred Int anal andr thease Unis the sponting nds wer foundeehty draped ee sera {Mele mincing wth working juan et “tere tal te tn tn en onion ft poe he eect is 2, Thre wo ie as of the funtion verte sting lund Fundam te adj asaya BBislomant wae ean bythe eng ef aed atl na enc others ting pares fn ee Tile norm ofthe ae, ne nae ae ee the sel operatng and a yur ton dora he ana A etal eck as ccd apoximney i tho neo ‘ane of rig al "ish Wack sony she waka wa sty wee wesked by a ea Se ty A vet rack nan fun the one of rig ll 0" pa he {ui pening tr veil ese wer fa res Wn tigen hr och, nth ao rting it "20" «voc ext wa finder speaing ad hough water wae foviagatntan* Case frog wis 00" an B80" apy ew ues en ee ita its wae Ao atonal inven of rains a dns od sig opr nage ste nd ite eh ont se opens Sal ta a 1 el of thes where Sorc ts fount se {na ptt ne oo ee Beaute of te mesironcte se Sov i Table VEEL 1 vem from is tale that tin gs ample of atng wee ee {iorly onthe dab ander ton vege stand of tng Ut ‘Tho measteneaa pafomed hore cnc at she Pectin ys ustlatemy ingles hsksouany wines wi a ect e896 00 tm coun ying oa ‘The mierarod vale of viscon tpt untae hing ri ‘ew thatthe adn presto tes and ow rs wii fondaton cause by daniels ae sali compare with ste pum bythe ght equipment ane oordaton Thorne va of fo the dyna coufsent, after taken fa Ses sompustone i ; a pte 90H em Ae neat een ed erro eet eee oes Sa ea - ea {ee rote tong tees th oasorenteof wats of the foundation at alin mil estore on the uper and lower pars of Ue Joundatsn dace by 8 Soriontlercksetled hat then tests sincerest ne of tbe ame barter with he sae ampli, This ind Yat rhe epee foundation virted ae ae Hoek. Te felled th Inasonof the foundatin fr not danetes for Tlie epraio= i ‘ibd, Foundations fo Crating Egupment 2, Deon Compuitons of Foundotions unter Jon Crus Thee ac many tient srangomnte of lew eter cpmaing mecuinns ‘owerer, ace common fentrn of the shes tat saat ta ‘eipronting copay, they eat telson rol fers sargeg i tie, ‘Ths onl force frm sete ae wh hice ‘batons the fountain ‘The test common arrest ofthe apcating we of the jw ‘rahe sone fn wbih oe setn oie nesters te teller copie etn, Sone wa ranse Coe he gop weston iV hopin focthe isniation af unbalacane tert fereecateclon nse ‘ate tedhods af eampatatsn af the twtng lve fonds a Canbers ay be ound I aplied punto’ ona fom the ouatonsin Fig 1113 tnt xing ods np by jw here aro ofthe sae nition ae eng ae Neiprosstng sugnts Ther ll dselesautel iw Clon, commas Go ea of fat fx oie en yb son ond di Toco or Computations of a Reandaion under = yatry Cras srry rus tha ori priate Ce reg eed he Ia sat ondrzing working cin so cle ae none ‘eke ofthe opp tony pas, ‘adr the atin offen fore, tbe easing cane ve sa fhe ai of the eethe ad develops yuo thst wh Yl sls tht ef he meserent bat es ope, Ava oat ti 29 fame ofthe mace and enrmnty the feted, mn ‘eatin f yen an ii ads hh ae pr Bo tn met ee ‘ie ma mt of nat a ring one ai ‘tm feat ne ai oe once a oy sv = Gaunn abo sss en eter of nyo a + — nt ae 2 = er tn eter Thitory,tap tase ep od stn ata se “an to i ae te Tits ac i ed ev moet sas sr motes it et at vill PROPAGATION OF ELASTIC WAVES IN son Aut in Chap thar ae vera rena oh es tos fad orm a fort aya en tl sternal ees wa st Wai wich govern tarpon of wae os ‘Wem ing poms tated yn the propor wf ees a arto Hatt ib rel ofthe petezeuny i meet (fom rey, For"enampiy ti fnvsiqaton of wave emanating fo ‘Brehoefondntone adele eompnste Syn eur. rote Wi stare Wik pase a se Same sheet nf sss a the {hn nil sonst be» oof nae "he ‘oh compaata protien sve cosine mathemati et ‘Theor asoirenel nave ropes ea atorating ee, er fancentsed or urbe ome he given el msc so he ‘Agee was nar ald eee ae ‘may ier omaimen viol) rome sche tse st iesting oordatn weve, nate of fe not tation tt demon f ti Ainuny at Somerion of vas In san the de of hey of lity, coun for gh wbtrst Invasive very pron estate of wae prt Sn sala For example, the apptation of rthde ofthe they of [Satya t poet eta hy fc fa fue 0 layer on wave propagation fal ‘Thsn investigation ato the ‘imovery af new mune, whom tone cable! property ware ‘eprity eofred by expat dat Experts soo med {he prnelpl eons cone the dprsin of hoe mae ‘stonhiptotwoon tho wey 8 Wii propa ad th eh [Keon iteyn lame pole topple sme oon hurts waves oth aay af the golgyofenstratin see” Si Hoy autos of wet) vrtns wl obtained" ra furs of move the bof tute consents ar od ‘hy considering the fnvenos of wort abanepton by ci ie ‘ecnmen pow to cotrate experiment et. wth Cory oF spins shangosin Gh vera compen oi trate = foe ona stances” Here oe Weorea! oncom conan treatin flats moves trough ada not gant expert Satya even canst the or ecme eer tothe hey Shen wave, theif ton wf part on the ease a Uh of ipwnwith oe at yernaeninr io te meine. ape reas ta thw ali of win of et paler often dete fo Theale shay ae that de ocaton of te mage on ath teepnt the mil sree depend on tae fom the man Asn tio ther. Tor see wea eaves the ype of vin gins in shh args sn See estes Acbty tha ei tbe coe Moto ‘ena that asf tients of wae, he stp Frnt (gd) eraponate of iran athe sll ie ‘ong wih ites nesring to a unk more compan B= ln theo data rested toe Gttion ef ates wih Apt foe's sue more) do nok agree wl the rete a sme Thwauivedicandon shows that he dvelagcer of he hry rae pronation, ned on the tiny antes sould Ur cried tt or thouajuatment of thor sacs 1. Lanptuanalond Tranaera Want, esi Oat i eaten ths ences ofa ably vps hogan ents to ‘onan t na for the study of wave propagation ie sal the soe renal equations of moi en abscess hy; he tlc are ae ows abate tee, Co eames Oa amas omen hoe 2,2 components fete daca = Dl change vor i laqaeropoe i p> dent fi i X12 epmponents of by fore Xiao Tam wetens ata wich Yours ee ee Piston’ in sag rg ‘he ntacoon ofthe ty fren a sale pr asl an J fre mas be neler one sumes te sl ol tema esoding Us iy 1n ay tri, then oles tht tm eyes af ese nepen cnt ae propagate fv th sors of wt ett the Alelaaret a any pot in he sl st tha the Scoot tated by each waves erate cent wea tee “The components of deptcemante mand wale ay woes fg tant g a co 0 mts) woe Fe ‘hohe vat a yh potter 4 wa vines | i ok ! | “To coment detent un wat the enatin Sa Mo ours “Yh iene he tla fh vaSte rian e-em es Subsiuting thes valu af m2 and te Ege (UID), we bia tbo following sation nich sl br sated by 2 omy and Beare oma ow ws omer ain (31-8) a (TL) irl he ns ot Sepia (LIS) Supe te copes ofthe reser a nn tttH' tns‘ee egcie et via by By (VIN, on idee ar Saomatens "Dar seer cling ems a kode oat unease tuys ne cage elo vc el Meson he wave cotespinding oH (VIE ca mae of non nlesjonsons Hone conn (VIIETS} howe taco stanges Sno efor wats ho enone watsy Fe (VIE. it {unr nx tt pratt wl lest unde oly elt di hese ose omnes » fie ay vm ones, an nse iyo deena ae. GUUILA ae wae oF | | hen waves of cangresin end expanse potash din pheno are pratt be dren fabian sete Hae emoreaon td exnelen ae cle alia wee ‘Shar nies mayb eld exeneae waves beable propasition ipa aceon sist yr ee te “Rylan (VIN) and (ULF) ay ot tented, Mente, ne at body lng! an eee wae pps ne fondly feu ater Hf he song of aan oe was Ero sktat the component a i dase etal sre ‘evn uly Begs a ols hon tates lok TT Popaption Tela of Lagat! end Terie Wiese The integl of afoot ego of tte fle (WITT) ee (CII ares wen tay be akon fhe te m3 ey oo Naren ot owe a ttn oti of atl cn toa ies hl ern Sea a a mio mime weit 5 cnr se we o et came oan fod alway exeedsemith, Concent, mga waver tare pier wlasiy of ope tha teaver: en Tae dance Iles the feo elas i ety. qropersina 2 Ab lea the Fojin its The rave alae tn ety of nmreton es icra oon oan eye al, esta the Pose aie ple forthe former. Tals VI ves nami vaaes Wace ores of compreion and he Propane aes fu by Undergrad Bp Comet 1 nin iy a nae et eta en fh oobi sneer at tod sme tas “rom th sarc The waves ean tos the epson eter ay te {sera to be le gana aes ces ego ‘Satie body ‘Mon cmou ae pie, the nase of xen of soroctes te ag of ope, Tima the tail sorpenste 3 3 hp: th mimption Wi th tenga sompesens Tae ie ett ep he ay odo of ve Hs vega eo sO% west anna vere i tbe aioe fet of time Coins (VIN0 99h hs hts cu ay rial ace sf tha aton th ana marae Trt Slatin eats Sie progam eeion caster The ben velo ‘aye ited for tee ence 0." Consiga Dropapaon of waves wih egos 8, we tale 7 grees, crt ‘Theo th equation wih shold be eatin By the fn ‘ite ste bythe fnstins and ose o @tiele wuss stare bat oss hese Te he nen he pong wae se a -K md cee arom ae ovever of and rpreeit te ogtt foialiagai en waves “Te hand fare toe ult of tne wasn ot ‘always are hen ‘tear dona of Bye. (VIE24) a taka lone a slate 4 fan a try eons rae ty Sano ‘et aa tt the bote lane = 8st te ot seat oral 2c tna ‘an einen nad ar vee nes “elie tht the West re on the arr ae ea omen omen test cones) Stes oy ad ry are ete ro anti 4 ad a fl oans10) Subsiuting Isto te sgb-iond pare of thew sation, exe Soa for ad alae tem lige (VILES) whey Owes Be tse esate tn ene dad vate ae (WES) ae = boa 4308 = vee Acre ne-243) wie ro GE = 4608 comes) 12), wo obit (maa sien ae PIPE ge tt 1 ons to tear the ening fre into we sein ong the He = 0,9 = 0g, VIED, we anes Sata th expron Sus Yu sigan pace of x, 2 igen ope ffs = ae een te disrmene: wat poe SE = B= Ben ial ie [react steer a ome agin TE ard 1 ofa we ody 8 “ Propaaton Vala of Suace Wane Tron ease waves oer swe tn borer ara shot seal lott som wf fen an th “Tove ited ye ia Semen Amn or tos ‘Anton = Owe olay ggetinns or tenn ertente Ast 2 nd te EM =o sinew Ge bya tomen 0 | WTI Batis (VIIL236) wil iv ation othe an ge for A a1? nbs th dekrost thespte egal, Heo oo Stine fer detorng & ara omar std ofthis ovation, whch gosta anna expen, at 8 cone heating ston nich do at santin rt we! EDIE) = OB ~ 6° 10(0 — NORE = ny ~(-E)E]-9 inet a= Ser eee ico > 6 04 hy ots af a CPHEL27 dt ad 9 6 1 saay ta chow Slt ne stort tn i hoy ae a eb Dante "Fhe Se worn oie va fad ont dove nos mtn £0) = 0. Th la ot ‘Sand pstve a imag: harcore they otk ‘Rl@ = 0. Th er eqn hale ave Fook (2 0) el Tanger than [Thea 2 588 Fora Pao vai of 5 sot ef Ba. (TI i Por =: a ot a (VIE ae el hy Ee kle- vintos vn Ff se rots, any the st ae te coins a the pobints Pe} VEF VA - oe Analogy to Bp. (VIDED), lta senate ore te eaiy of eapagton of the sun wate under ect= ‘iotln ar it enky es ons S Sania “Tyan hak saface wares propagate with smote sto they teers wae 1 agracnate Bprssins or Sol Stfee Displaenonte Ine ly Wrast eied by @ Coneenied Vertl Force Vet ren 0 th onion of eat Ha, (111219) for dicen nde aes ty te nel te cng hens Ensprsan the rp dua sdon ef igs. (VIL 13) thy ne wet ‘im lneteronate, sage the fngon PQ) Sor sie vane of e ES Sa uaa. Inthe geome, at) ~ fe rvery ie Aieioe tin ndoteinatonns Thortre et 2 sate wre te Sroctgion ofl panne Se pola on the uae fp =O the welt ah fo got — t8— 2agyen “oe, Fo evra) 4 aa ge wera Lr “Then inteprae roan indteeinatay Swen, pont ae ‘it tie pei wan ping. das fe operon, eles Inetderieagrating athe tee of the comple raaos slog he ontae canting speci pnts we Foon he de ewig at fusions van.) ques) ‘or lege be and As, sey expansion of Sy a Sate a ae Favatine (V11E220) show that ot ene wat, sill te npeenad from the ae of he einen ef vibes in loiy af propagation ofthese waves eats the voy a emg te Sac lonstuoa, saamee, ead ner vance Tan an at ‘stagnate [esrb by th fit tonne ie UGS i as nee thang wit iaeean ndstanes rom he mat of une ieee Seton rom ks (VIIL221) tae te amplitudes ofits neg ith tha vos @ and daerase very Tandy fs Ieee eats Droporitoally 4 2% with an temo nt tas Ine he oe Their af a salen diatance frm the souee af Se woe pitas of Se stioal mci of wares te ws coring ‘wk he anid ofthe afore sason ‘wing isetrece in th aes sh 0 he ster af haope rts the uses ampltiderde nt char masetoney hs peschon io stance om Sh oar, bt, i Galant tenes wee wl lpinis af ampitee ur pre the vase Wf Une eens ‘nd miseon tos rar ae On dct res Zt Faro “oll Or of Sesto tay e nected may onside tht ent ate wees rossi which ae dst by tho ft tein an VHT 29 {ae invite changeset cheney scoring to Ege (VID and (VHIL2-0) wo dane, avenge = (fade autem Bo tomer tte Ct cvmnezs) oma gesting the cg pats of Kye (VIEE219 on Gargering a tomporay trlplesad Sand 8, wenbiaen So oaatone for dtcemising oomsrante 4 sod carepondng ely tthe mace jut too = La anae ilk Soin tae equations fo 4 and B, we bts Subsieting hae wls of ay into Rg (VIE 23, irda ‘erporaty muti © ond organ asa feos, we Gay “Thee expreons for cmpontat of wil planet sh Sta or rice vanes th ert of rt ofl atic nan een es Ccincle with the coordinate ace. The interlanutip tater ie Ssoptades ef the vera! Toisnal component dens om the Egsains (VI2-20 mae poet vate chang ith pth tn Un smptdee of wave, We peer tlow sh eatin Fo Pion ono 05 and 02," ‘Tube VIM pront rls a ve ‘Clits conte a Taye (VIHE220 fr tener ca ‘Sutin dts of abe ILL nt ae. (VIS, we ota the fooning amplitudes of wae for Ps ratio» = U3 a Conger + oarone monty 2 * qumesan = 120 — anieTeWsnnnay E for Pola rato» = 025, = Comite teens gone mimnsy 1 (D200Te WHI, — gasgte-tarmenny 2 WMNZ2H) wha ft the werent Pigte VIED glen ppt a wat for y» Wand sein inom thie nists tgp sa See ae a ee = th te w= OZte; furrow tiny 35 pega SG Aker tng t's dep she Ro tre of 351. tyes enemy, to tone at tt ste Wi fst Foran. in dept ihe mpi dere. “Tauw ie sun he nade As tn approsinain tat the ap few water change nity le rs apf the ene of 0 "amaudes of boy log tui component 4 wave cha sts dapth a opyoite maser: depth of th oder af ts the sop essay deers pprog ‘Theo, oa dpe othe des I ther ines; with fre incest In Ae, thewmptaes smd dcr, ‘4 Baperimental capi fa i with Dept of Sufosar Ag fees To ein Gal ta conser the a, spin of mil ati tne te wnface ne an ng ert aenes peated fom te wove ae gt att | | considonbly larger tha the waving, Acreativay sont distance {fom the tre, the dinitbuton of raion amps wih depth nay Selnfucned y eo raters produced by wave the eapplmentany pect; thesfore the eta! detiuties fs ibaa wth depth ay prnty ifr oy thas abled by Bq (PEDO, Th ae triton may hse ntsonrd yt fac at mars of wave tly fly die fnm the omesntatd vor fre seme the ‘Encusion. ‘Thon the aenmption tht nave produced by founds tovorging verte ations ar ex by mera eng force ma Jind sues ero the drain of ao ibis indo mall diataee on oe sure ‘ith dog ‘Thorfor, experimental hvesgatics te of sil igor. Ges “le autor pened ook ivetgtint ender dere el ‘no of th sperms, fomdaon th hy 10-m wee va contac with a sted sure af waste, To fsndaton ae Psced 2 a telow 2 so sa, th stl dep of fousdations wes tuchinenTeas ot pal on ihe nara nya ar oe to Uh srt dept of te fousdatin may eonlératlyiace the “itt we doth of tation ampules ar (0 asa tho este he 8 pit wae da atin eth THT wan ete an dane of 0m ror tf ihe ole to pte aod 8) re pla at ater of 70 Titi fam the mur The wil atthe ite of nyeatintion was aly Hmogeenem st of abrndig thn Ines fy th some sand a se th ‘meshnieal propa of th varies of si The gros water et Se aa depth af wma S too ‘Atl siioachine mas employed fr the exitemert of wats ofthe test funtion Fapermesta were cored oly for wrt) ‘irate foundation artes of EO, 1, an 120 pert Darminata ‘Thames wr ord yan open brome frit constant maghifeton of but S00 tre.” Tie duble-cm {ent brmetr mae poset oly ta ewe th smd ‘he borznia! and erat compete of wave, ut al 20 the Teton fears Monsuromerts were pafonmed only ina fonda pace at ihe pinto dire dpe: he et pnt nat aprons DID bn "ht sic tha ober were ested ach 039m owe a the Fo Dofing one he ast print mas ats depth 2.2 m frm ho surace The perses eee Lee aa exer ia ich ie nomad ot ems: (1) se fn foam ce tely nine tow ta pee a Enndton me ied he tte ls iseorac wt ths mv an ease sal nd tel sontn aa td ne eso Wa tr ee Tigres VHS oa Viet gts ema spk canertnsentades vin Memon et ‘hat wt th dept cogs inte stds of the verti en poe aae rise ama This rmeaon bole for messin rl ec ity fy the immedi vty ote sure of wave hd dante of 18 m to ‘he ylcty of srfacemn propagation th nyo wie mas ba cer YO of thee of 90 te 250 "hoy gh oF be proagaing ae al Be or 8 = sn fork = hatin For = 1200 wh bats w0m Eliane om Teo tote 128m ‘hoe Inthe expanse permed the kth of the poping wo nef the ode of 10 20 Taggart fo the wovey af manure waves that down to depts of snc onder a ol te matey amnesia Donent of etfce waver cange mately Bele Take lng! roping wana eng ea 30029 I pie are 3 teas ofthe fereping teary tat dow to 9 depth of 3 ta 10m ‘helanplitndes of the Wertsalepaent ilo ange mach Wik Sepa ie toned apqrtnty coulda we fhe nalts Esrusyetestse spade of he ari! scnoeat nt with pthc “Th brn of Pg. VEDA show bt i tc he ait of the orsontl gional compet slo deca dept nee “Theat eeoption was fund yee rely pl eg ‘deere th Dest an there hasnt Some fo Thal othe the pies decreed ith dept ah re Sey han posts by Us or ef ee pou na the seule wl Ths nereaney eteer excreta dt td teary ‘seventy expand y efor at resi propa of wars ‘natant by a om ergata ha cso by th ten wail ent tats iar derepaney ttre ny pe rea data sue od hy sade shang ith the dance ar {Be nen aft ame nent! ngitune ompmaest ne the een ovoid wibertne ofthe fumtaton ating ny mre ‘sve Ge Ave, VIET, ‘N comarion of 2 sin saad WO eo epee fund ‘nai he apts ae mach age hark foes than i enn feundatnnn thn exlaed 20 flys the fo aon, Sn ergy of tan ibatiog tos erred theo ‘Sous tho ale eefaeor and ugh th Tounatian ee ant! Shad the soe ce aly ou ths bam pacts fi, VIEA. Eset dni rin ih ht hr sam ‘aplaubaiedac ml of espainnts cata ou nde trai? ‘soins how tae the change of ampiadee th deh Ale ‘omovbt fo di changes ied te reeig deans. ee ‘VUES goes enh stig thn vaiaton of etal epinge Wi ep los thee fue a eens a gt anes 2 Irom a eat fovidation whan Aran ona a xd D8 nh "Tas tundation we plas th rar gn as ened neta i ne of 20 ote por suena te dl of the vestigation Uiccat eons floes cyath vm sad. "The graph owe at ta dep lm he mpegs were ees alr teh thot 0 ext 8 ae et ahs ope iA 4 | | tft # Ht - T Sopa Sete rail fac, a hat the ampltden of wbmtions change with dept hueosmatlyespeustiTherasaehipfetree one and ‘opty sna Ine ep ‘Stn spe ith th ery, oe ip tatnnes tht oneal the orn the dghehand part ofthe oxresion Ti pang it enor ith ‘hoa the same chef aoa ie tmp ith dpe as tah fed rom expr invest "ana of ves proagatod tyne Bee! “A zaph the eal wife fe Hi VILA Bast soars oul onthe nto of toe nal, Tig, VII sives grphe Yr WALT Voit with deg fot the Warton with depth of the yt eran title “eel somporent ef al iat Int ie sere tides se om ae rr the subor investi of dinttinn af woo oon a ot “ata ergs hermes se dpping arts end 7.3 a0 "lations we tray a Bl outs werd feted a 2 distance of 7 m fom ae apie of tengo AU Dee wore feud lary ays wil sand od st luonating wi sey ade site of spe conetion Letwoen the oxerimenta) da di ‘sed ubeve sd be therein dat, the noni pss tha fel depts approximately int bg 02 to D6 wavelength Ineo ate re role il The Sig a cay seta! imports, boas an eta the deat af versie ‘ich ath fein clsm of bail may ove sp Sones o the baton argaadea the acerca ate dleptix A! sll depeing of th wee roger in pace Mi et Infioncn the apleater of a wibeaoe Saye vraton tioptades o's sive wal mot bn spteuny ate hy ota Shige fn se doe rain tote dane a the sf ae “THwrlare isn nse to ane ound de ea Ahn Foundation ier ade teste tens ete) "The depth of fhe laenation aderan one may he eid thot sasieation of the elt of wares Pouzed BF this fon Tenge ader nal an ther sractner "Ti coin a many ees (ere here the ea high vl posta te ee or freioudy cqustutedfoendsn) lining completion ih Sey develop i te proce of cuttewn af 8 mactinery evasion Tecan fos nr wal rans ‘i, Depondunte ft Apt of Sol Vibrations on Diatone rom the Source of Wavee, Gora Reprsin for Sat Ditecemente Prada! ty Eocene Wass. "Of para iterate waves toanatng rn ay ara ‘stem facto ont sal neton wr desta gra ited ‘Sotho ans of el Importance te ers of opueation wan sfeose ta uplamments of a exten of HE Eeaoe not bjt a etesn nul Aenea sow, esti Sf pealem wih ich bender onion ery let Pd asta {Jet bom found. Thorfce ft following dion we wil conte {arse ta iowtnexling fro dted overtime ee ‘eave al te Si nln th ete wih te mton ahly ‘al "Amun thet he zc of waves ie harry, hallmark slogan ffs (VIEL) ad (VIED) hte oo e= etane) yams.) weet ee oy mr VITL ‘ahs ih rune ef tein. Subsialng Bae (VIEL!) and (VIES.2) Into Bae (VTLS) and jee find tht, and JP aoa say he allowing Ein (vss) a =o eno saawe 0 [VuR) 2 ato, th ftloving ei sb tie: e “rhe son of Ha (VILE) ght nthe orn ay we =e etre mee Substring 84s (YTB) ino Bas (VTLS, wo fd that the tunstion aa ay hn eeu re) pied crm; at mito a olin seem ofcourse, lai he ii of comnts fay ach he: erent yeriios esenating hy 4 2nplrementin th dein of the a vst, econ Bye (WIT) ang (VIEL, ase BSE we Same cmss Yes wes Gat xen ne P= Pde) ous Seating 0 he it ashi = Ayn the dhe een J the Hao Tasetinn of teint typ, of ee eran Ne agen rstn as fund the ure, ear, e omni) Wo ti sine ye (TES) nd ES he ir du fenniey ee Bote) gia) ar Sd Gan tiny tte "boy mt VS on EA Sah Berar is thin #9 eer ty. E239, ‘Tho daplnegnm sraproeatn of tse all ten Gis 9 = 0 = responding ts Bye (VIII) an (VIEI-19) ae lls HEEB col vines.) ee ons w= pigenen whe 25 6 toe Boal nin hn Sk ge and the de. ‘horde o sonst the entation of ares by etna eng 0 ‘Pot eting a the atis aearetes te mens tat pe Bea Subatuing thie eeeecion oF 2 nts Ue iicinsd prs af Be (11518) ant neering in ow rang ran Oto 8 lin Ue {Belaomentean th sa om OG E fMgraeve we 2 Diotsmeat of Sf Smal Disa frm the Shc of Wace, ‘Fors weal exeng wt th verted sotaponene om atone Epc intr, Terr ton one war thn net {in of the valu a wy ony suing ti te vale =r a Wes tat 29 sense vunsiy, Toh f Mage Ie rhs yest eat os ten acne Be According Yap. WULET) and (VI1-213), we haves Fle) = = by ~ 4898 = HID0 — 9 — VF ‘an dtemined ty Bas (VT, "Dh nt of Teton wave progagatin flys highs than rhs ote of exer eae Propaiton Wesear hic ef na ea heheh = [tv ss 1 fie SA Asotin ta aig af he probe oats wand sould ine tne slue fora slvr Dury cbs a # itt finan 4 8; he, node in lbh te eon a > Oy > Ose ‘Sina eros ord omer to abit PE PUES Hand Va Thor ty Ta Then we hoe a main) “where oa [28 — 8 EAE Shot) 0 IEE-19) ne = 0 VIB 2 fap 5 (ua20 se chang tom Io tahoe the alex bar gto roto the mpc 8) 0, esspning lo 8 ncace weve ‘Ttlore ch Intra! ametin yr some oe, rears without ml an Init Becomes fdetesenate As iat i AA WE, Io romnnon or nase wave a ss rt to diner thi edleriaatanses, oly the prio yt of the (Cashy intel std Be sonsdoed. Hat 08 dete the pat ef the Intel by a hee o_syeemsn i 7 tent [age eST mA is lar tht Joi rt wu, UNE the erect with siren t,o nave w= emt tt (vtrta 22) vie fee hon ety ja haeaye Bade ‘Tayo th dtm of dlplcents 00 che ei wri at sa tance fom tho sours of the way ey Co aaa ale fo, ‘elec th puttin oft fon eral "heart ny to computs en tarts bending th no cst “Dnitng the ater lovee termediate wpa iit eta le ue th eqnin biabes by 0, Ya, Shui Fr nd, "Ter'the Poon tov = 0 we hve f= ~voran + 0x58, — anotery + oma! — aonmnsing + nsRE (L057) + 0474 ~ OOOO! + OONbR st ‘ a + or th Poco rato a5, we have fro ~an0} + acansy = 001049 + o000st = wanooi00y + Je~ Samar c.os77,) + 0184 — Const + wanes ates Fo the Patna mati v= 0 we have fe= ~0se! + 01200 ~ o0is6 + actonsy' — oOmRENE 4 fe = Otay a4tip + 00512 ~ 0.00ssipt + 8.00256 SOE Retain to. (VISES-22), tw vprate te tea aed anaty putts nolan theo, btn the sowing mpl ewaon fr the esti compose of sl slo at sl datas fm he ese nae ee Moran tas, ‘where Ae (WIIt3.29, v9) = VaR aman; anneh man Pigoro VIN gives grape of the fare 6) alti for dierent sales of the Prison rat Thea hee gpa cei amg Me oe 8 ph i 0, one mnbort patos xeiachne fd om the Fergie weet of popussin WF Jugal, esezs wate fh peyote ma 1 = ale © Hewontie Vey of mer = eens af risey 3 dou fam 2S games ofa Assaning that Us set acrmprenile and ie hase or low vty, Le astuning hat and/ 7 asm, wo bata fog espns hich sth he depends fsa on he ey of te mei Pert ee al of way, ae sn 0 dar hese wot te tomy Hieigsonsl waren tbe rato he ‘Sosa ol vent sb he cat af nase cove rnin ow In aig emaly 3/4 > eer dag Honiton aes Sur ta the dap of tee a ae ae Tinoco fr damian Wty ol se ‘yy wavts tenes pope tthe equeeat th fev} ‘Wvepnatng water Hens, soning athe theory of ese ype ‘en rans hier pvc wes Produ by Hireguens ‘eto dam he a hort hay wes rs "ser th ocd ps lwo damn of waves i uo" the floc ae remy.” Te apeation of Ue shots : 1 4 i | : os shtie esrary 40 te ation of damping of wae i sil we Coositerad by By Dexgias" VG, Gopeaden" and fae The ‘ine coaloa aid yD. Dera gs ote amps ‘ant wei cil lo or teense! wa of 10 ema pesos, ante OP aan oe ‘whan = nna fete enery 02 onlin sag Hench flo that a> 1 then og = 02a ‘ovale tot fate ratty shattering of kmpdnal Sastre eure ah aestoly e “emping of taser: wave "Th theory of wave proyxosnn in vault ny lea 6 conlsion (at dening constant sf wore nv wrens {2 the vate of fee evr, th Sry at wv poses Inve npg character by shale Yor ele ao thatthe dango se eps he Bt wer fhe fe trom. Thg moana Set fhe rate of Shmgng fore mast Tor mts waves the deingostars deri by. er can he sr te hnny A te ery ds ey fe we Te thin pad onskige of the eneraneers ey ht Twente aioe Heaton than th maton fda waren 5 ‘he toro ihr nly repro elton tee Se dar ‘tnstat and te period of pepe wars, ow ft cle ter “crear to rly ay be shove any hy experimental ints fe ropton esl of war ith erent psa ‘The"auter xpcracetallypvotgstod under water spice the Propagation af waver wih yes vibrating a O41! se {UE 2500 i), 08H ee (920 ml, and DET one = HM ‘Buc i melerdototed boom Gaye with some sit an wond He [nd ht a eanaoce a at wc very propa to te {ano the pv ts ding ner wih th oles sey fore tteintic mobo. Hower, oul be ated Sat Umar ‘rvs umpated fom Ba. (VIEL) eer coneaby fh cape rie vais of il vitrtion sleds. ‘Therfre the value of 9 ‘hind for mares nth tha period ndsted howe ae sproinat tn thedependoee aan feqaenyisconfsred nly with = igh igre ‘Csporoxiaton etl ste investiatons wes condyced fe ren save pv only Trt dotriinaos ofthe rntoabip tetcen dang conta sn frequneyrone st data ose fm estgaton ef rat ‘ane rhage om thes alae atv funtion of distance Tse ‘tease shied rom expermetal sts of sve of aves by lat cot arte ows (re Art VIEES). Data an aspod ‘vs of th foundation ere wae) bare theses imal "Hom mama apes of si ition, wales of wir com mtd fo difrent ater fate ora he eure rie sal tration ample wre pled Camparana fe naa ted epee ares sok bration ample ne Puc Vit sss apprsinatecanptl vhs of © damp ct ‘ows the io bath nas, lo, fr saves emanating from fumatine 7 {ot the fonndeton are in contact with ei equaling Lm) ad ft sre pepating om foudson 8 eptae ma eling & ) e aja cman dent doped om he pv ota ropa ena ae for the ens af wave propagation a watarsteaead 80% ined ly the selina fe Cory of av propagation f= ‘meio wth hts renvory spor mone cosy with he npesiwsta i t fate tan the concson ofthe tory wave propagation ina vin. ‘ste media "Tes pothaetatasative oes we Losly dopant on he sinc of deformation doer a! sn to eypprtedHyexesini Gata ite pene tat te orion cmon the dope ‘ho force of itarmalrtance on eforntion? when fete onic wnkin (wich acide no, gies oe sci co ‘opin to damping’ nitration han he toy inte ol 8 ody earactene by socal ery “les he eonatan i tae peated fom futon 7 eo stout to ince megs than In waves propated fom fmdaon ‘Aprarety them be exnined Dy the ar he fo fase 7 the Sin an for undatnn long ga som ada oman enc an "ines espcinestal osstiatios of nave propagation fom ona tion wee mde pry wer the kf Hh so had abt thaw Dtbors were made nt Ginn ree the sl wate nen Hom tw (epinante nm erage alos feng 0.088 a9 ra bd for {funn wily thee stul onl te ale for 8 thaw oo ee ther canons ing oneal, wavs ron mtehine onan poses Tle VE pres aporsinat vfs theo of sbroytion of cave casey (dpi ontan) esine by Tews moto Iovwgains of wave popagein inert we 4 | Clave awit ine mor cer aint a ime ienllee orate at] > ‘Figue VILLIOE shows graph—osprinentalyobiained af ac tude largo in te horzotal longi wmiponent et oibxonn Tecnu fm thi rapt hat, whe the pie fe Seta em {Tampon na ened Be Keehn one Pie VUU-0a) cna with dinanen mow or ese wonton Po venlaiy yerted Sneha oft ata of the ional Stngiodnal nonone Grape of latusipbeben the arias [tye bnranaltongadincomponeat snd dhtanon gen in At. urs show hr eae Boe of olay. ‘har expinesa deonarte ast the enpflemton ofthe tory of sortase waves tothe compra: of sng ft hvsowal In tilt womponent ef vibaons eno pei It the cave o vet rea Pomeoe the fr oda sore (cy te upeenenary {pecirm and io abn of wave energy bY we) rly es the SeibMion sf srpltae of the oes contenant of wations twp cele 9 compton: candace witout king it crs Tete ean be api tt Session of ce wens in Som the ele of reson, th sample eye that smog conten le uid Zoro verse compan of i Thntine she nace of aes somene of fount udergne Noviuwat ste te rnin. The i contd by ‘hwstrene, Pig WAU Sta swe a8 reprint raph ean (ny soe aan hoot egal sonoma! of Stes Uiatie WIPE Shonen exponent graph eages of aaphtaee Pan screal freon somponsrt nh th sate 9 aoe we he Sin (anton andetpsingfoong vations with a tequray of 20 se Rennes a sana i the ign ag mtngen flo Pe (800-4) the near ofthe wert ae [Pino ith estan Ip esse compete wy a8 the bo al Ionetitevoganent wen the tmdaton(onrce of wares) ‘Ye, Influence of he Area of tb Source of Waves cn the Amite of Vibration of te St Srface ‘ et sane the te tance th it sor eee frm sheen age by amy wih he eth of papting ae In ihn the iwoce af suena pera may ie he Ides ad Je ay bw conan) St aptcerete U a scat Oy saree wv ol. Tet ali ete ha ee {once psig aves Ia wi i wskcrly ded long cr bang toe saps eta cc ih tae Rr Assn Ut th ‘hang eee ene pases po ne wet, nd CPT Sh (WEA) ope te vale 9 insert se hy ee ‘kien an lpr ft aon of he seo ng ccna 1 Ra (VENLI.4) sh (CLE, gern on he sil fae a ¢ rane ris tho ois of apoleion tht seraat fe Pega w= ADs ype dy wns AB ote mba have Bm pron de Fos Mito, Diag ting a, PEGA) md QTL, tees day oF It ‘he alot nat ls ted Distaaons ols a e l oatd dts fom i ote tt ns ok rca ooo anc Sood eta edly pee es wen fff arisen a A main oe bude ea) als he +a rom Qe Bove of Bes ern, ur De cdnn tay Seo) = Saas tdes) +2 FS dake tes) coe ne a evr Yen) = daeivdan) 42 F Sled bs) cs HO = 1) Ke

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