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The Parental Involvement and Academic Performance

of Grade 11 HUMSS Student of Raymundo T.

Tongson National High School

( S.Y. 2019-2020)

Prepared by;

Rubylyn Malapitan

Carmella Mae Poderoso

Jamesruvic Calas

Rica Mae Bacolon

Approval sheet

This reasearch project entitled “The Parental Involvement and Academic Performance
of Grade 11-HUMSS students of Raymundo T. Tongson National High School S.Y.2019-2020”
presented by Grade 12 researchers ; Rubylyn Malapitan, Carmella Mae Poderoso, Rica Mae
Bacolon and Jamesruvic Calas in fulfillment of the requirments of 1st semester in Practical
Research 2.

Mrs. Maleanor Cristie Lima

Subject teacher

The researcher greatly appreciate those people who’s been supportive in

completing this research paper. We really want to give our appreciation and gratitude to the
following persons for their help and contributions.

To our almighty God who gives us the strength and knowledge;

To our family who gives the full support, love, and care;

To our research teacher Mrs. Maleanor Cristie Lima, who gives the ideas and guidance in doing
this research paper;

To our schools principal Ms. Risa M. Vidal who permits us to conduct a survey;

To the adviser of Grade 11 HUMSS ,Mrs. Jinky Villaestiva who allow us to perform a
survey to her students.

To our respondents ,the Grade 11 HUMSS , who’s been cooperative and responsive to
the questions of our research problem;

To our classmates and friends ,for their help and support;

To all of you, your support and help are always be remembered .

Thank you so much!

Table of content

Title page
Approval Sheet


Chapter I


Statement of the problem or objective

Significance of the study

Scope and limitations of the study

Definition of terms

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Chapter III

Research design

Locale of the study

Respondents of the study

Data gathering instrument

Chapter IV

Result and Discussion

Chapter V





Parent are often faced with different challenges that hinder them from meeting the learner’s
need. They include insufficient time,career or job type,level of education, home environment and many
more cases also discussing the academic progress of the child. Insufficient parental involvement may
lead to poor performance of the child academically (K.N.E.C Report 2006). Parents from private schools
have been found to be more involved than parents in public schools, in areas such as attending
academic clinic day, parents meeting, paying fees. While in public schools this is taken as extra expenses.

The parents from public schools tend to be reluctant to exposed varied learning opportunities.
This affects their learning skill caused by various factors such as pooe parental involvement as reported
by research done by Kenya National Examination (KNEC 2009) on learner’s achievement. This common
problem found in the results examined by Kangeta Divisional Evaluation tests results analysis. A
difference performance ha also been noted between the public schools record a lower mean grade
compared to private schools.

We need to study the Parental Involvement and Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS
students of Raymundo T. Tongson National High School (School Year 2019-2020). As the parental
involvement influences the academic performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students. The home
environment, parent-school communication, education activities both at home and at school.

General Objectives

This study aims to know the signifiant relationship between Parental Involvement anf Academic
Performamnces of Grade 11 HUMSS students of Raymundto T. Tongson National High School (School
Year 2019-2020).

Statement of the Problem

1. How did the home environment influence academic performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students?
2. How did parents participation in educational activities at home influences the academic
performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students?
3. How did parents participation in educational activities at school influences the academic
performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students?
Significance of the study

School. This will help the school to



Future Researchers.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will be conducted to the Grade 11 HUMSS students. This group of students,
specifically with 19 girls and 24 boys for a total of 43 respondents . The study focused on the significant
relationship between Parental Involvement and Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students of
Raymundo T. Tongson National High School who are officially enrolled School Year 2019-2020.

Definition of Terms

Academic performance.Outcome of education,the extent to which a student,institution has achieved

their educational goal.

In this study, Academic Performance refers to the performance of the students in school as they
perform in the different subjects.

Parental involvement. Refers to participation of parents in every facet of students educarion and

Development – a specified state of growth or advancement.

Students – a person who studies something.

HUMSS – stand for humanities and social sciences strands offered to senior high school.


This chapter reviews literature on Parental involvement and its influence on academic
performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students. The literature is presented under the following sub-
headings; home environment, parent- school communication, educational activities both at home and at
school. Finally, the chapter presents the theoritical and conceptual framework of the study. Parental
involvement is defined as the level of participation that a parent has in the child’s education and school.
many parents are tremendously involved, often volunteering to help in their child’s classroom activities,
communicating well with their child’s teachers, assisting with homework and understanding their child’s
individual academic strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately , there are also many parents who are not
directly involved with their child’s education.

Many school have program aimed at increasing parental involvement such as games and sports,
home activities, and assorted opportunities for volunteers. This has been studied in USA and African
countries like Nigeria and Uganda (UNESCO 2000). Southwest educational development laboratory
(SEDL), found out that, when schools, families, and community groups work together to support
learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer and like school (Kurdek, fine and
sinclair 1995). The report a synthesis of research on parental involvement over the pass ground, student
with involved parents are more likely to; earn higher grades and test scores, and and enroll in higher-
level programs, be promoted, pass their classes, and earn credits, attend school regularly, have better
social skills, how improved behaviour, and adopt well to school (SEDL 2002).

Research design

The main purpose of the study was to establish the significant relationship between Parental
Involvement and Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS student of Raymundo T.Tongson National
High School S.Y.2019-2020.

Locale of the study

The study was conducted in the city of Himamaylan, focused on the Grade 11 HUMSS student of
Raymundo T. Tongson National High School who are officially enrolled S.Y.2019-2020.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study were the selected Grade 11 HUMSS students of Raymundo T.
Tongson National High School who are officially enrolled School year 2019-2020. Standardized
Questionnaire were given to the respondents to answer whic is related to the topic.

Table A. Distribution of Respondents

Grade 11 N %
Female 19 44.2%
Male 24 55.8%
Total 43 100%

Data gathering instruments

This study used a standardized questionnaire on Parental involvement and academic

performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students of Raymundo T. Tongson National High School (School Year

Result and Discussion

Table 1. I would rate my parent involvement at my school as excellent.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 13 30.23%
Agree 26 60.47%
Undecided 0 0%
Disagree 4 9.30%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%

This table shows that out of 43 respondents, thirteen(13) or 30.23% are “Strongly Agree”.
Twinty-six(26) aor 60.47% are “Agree”,none are “Undecided”, four(4) or 9.30% are “Disagree” and none
are “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSS student rated that parental involvement at
their school is excellent

Table 2. It is important to me to have parental involvement.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 13 34.88%
Agree 24 55.81%
Undecided 4 9.30%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%

This table shows that out of 43 respondents, thirteen(13) or 34.88% are “Strongly Agree”.
Twinty-four(24) or 55.81% are “Agree”, four(4) or 9.30% are “Undeided”, none answered “Disagree” and
“Strongly Dis agree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSSS students agrees that having a parental
invlovement is important to them.
Table 3. Teachers at my school encourage parental involvement.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 18 41.86%
Agree 23 53.48%
Undecided 1 2.33%
Disagree 1 2.33%
Strongly Disagree 1 2.33%

This table show that out of 43 respondents, eighteen(18) or 41.86% are “Strongly Agree”.
Twenty-three(23) or 53.48% are “Agree”, one(1) or 2.33% is “Undecideed”, one(1) or 2.33% is
“Disagree”, one(1) or 2.33% is “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSS students agrees
that teachers at their school encourage parental involvement in to them.

Table 4. My parent understand the importance of parental involvement by their action.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 10 23.26%
Agree 26 60.46%
Undecided 4 9.30%
Disagree 3 6.98%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%

This table shows that out of 43 respondents, ten(10) or 23.26% are “Strongly Agree”.
Twenty-six(26) or 60.46% are “Agree”, four(4) or 9.30% are “Undecided”, three(3) or 6.98 are
“Disagree”,and none answered “Strongly Disagree”. This means that the parent of Grade 11 HUMSS
students understand the importance of parental involvement through their actions.
Table 5. My parent check my homework to make sure that it is don correctly.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 5 11.63%
Agree 24 55.81%
Undecided 10 23.27%
Disagree 3 6.97%
Strongly Disagree 1 2.33%

This table shows that out of 43 respondents, five(5) or 11.63% are “Strongly Agree”. Twenty-
four(24) or 55.81% are “Agree”, ten(10) or 23.27% are “Undecided”, three(3) or 6.97% are “Disagree”
and one(1) or 2.33% “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSS students agees that their
parent checked their homework to make sure that their homework is done correctly.

Table 6. Teachers and parent think of each other as a partner.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 7 11.62%
Agree 29 67.44%
Undecided 4 9.30%
Disagree 2 4.65%
Strongly Disagree 1 2.33%

This table shows that out of 43 respondents, seven(7) or 11.62% are “Strongly Agree”.
Twenty-nine(29) or 67.44% are “Agree”, fou(4) orb9.30% are “Undecided”, two(2) or 4.65% are
“Disagree”, and one(1) is “Strongly Disagree”. This means that teachers and parent of Grade 11 HUMSS
students think each other as a partner.
Table 7. My parent speak the language to communicate with students about homework.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 5 11.63%
Agree 28 66.11%
Undecided 7 16.27%
Disagree 1 2.33%
Strongly Disagree 2 4.65%

This table shows that out of 43 respndents, five(5) or 11.63% are “Strongly Agree”, twenty-
eight(28) or 66.11% are “Agree”, seven(7) or 16.27% are”Undecided”, one(1) is “Disagree”,and two(2) or
4.65% are “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSS students agrees that their parent
speak the language to communicate with their homework.

Table 8. My parent understand how to help me with my homework.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 6 13.95%
Agree 26 60.47%
Undecided 8 18.60%
Disagree 2 4.65%
Strongly Disagree 1 2.33%

This table shows that out of 43 respindents, six(6) or 13.95% are “Strongly Agree. Twenty
six(26) or 6.47% are “Agree”, eight(8) or 18.60% are “Undecided”, two(2) or 4.65% are “Disagree”, and
one(1) or 2.33% is “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSS students agrees that their
parent understand how to help them with their homework.
Table 9. My parent get involve to make sure homewrk is done correctly.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 7 16.28%
Agree 23 53.49%
Undecided 9 20.93%
Disagree 4 9.30%
Strongly Disagree O 0%

This table shows that out of 43 respindents, seven(7) or 16.28% are “Strongly Agree”. Twenty –
three(23) or 53.49% are “Agree”, nine(9) or 20.93% are “Undecided”, four(4) or 9.30% are “Disagree”,
and none answered “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11 HUMSS students agrees that their
parent get involved to make sure that their homework is done corectly.

Table 10. Teachers are concern that parent dont kow how to help with homework.

Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 8 18.60%
Agree 23 53.49%
Undecided 7 16.28%
Disagree 4 9.30%
Strongly Disagree 1 2.33%

This table shows that out of 43 respondents, eight(8) or 18.60% are “Strongly Agree”. Twenty-
three(23) or 53.49% are “Agree”, seven(7) or 16.28% are “Undecided”, four(4) or 9.30% are “Disagree”,
and one(1) or 2.33% is “Strongly Disagree”. This means that Grade 11HUMSS students agrees that their
teachers are concerned that parent dont know how to help with homework.

Summary of findings

The study clearly shows that the parental involvement has a profound impact on student’s
achievement. As parental involvement increases students achievement increases too. As the study
confirmed a good foundation at home positively affects on how they perform at school. The parents
showed more of an interest in their child’s education were able to provide more support and their
children earned higher grades.


The academic achievement of the students depends upon the cooperation between the parents
and school. It will take more time and strong effects to create the partnership among the parents,
school and the students. Severe efforts should be taken from both sides to maintain strong partnership.
This study was able to prove that parental involvement directly affects students achievement in a
positive way.


Based on the findings of this research study, the following are recommended:

Teachers should use thsi data to encourage thei student’s parents to keep themselves involved with
their children.

Parents can use this information to actually see that they have a direct impact on their students and
what they do in school.

Teachers and schools should make every effort to get their parents involved.

Parents need to make sure that their children see that their education is important.

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