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Write HTML Code for the following Table and apply Embedded CSS.

 Apply spacing for border

 Give a Caption for the table
 Font Face should be Arial of size 12
 Set colors for rows 1, 2 and 3.
  Repeat same color as row 1 in row 4.
 When more contents are typed in a cell, the size of the font should be decreased
 automatically.
 Set a font weight for the text ‘dolor’
 Apply italics to the text ‘lorem’
 Capitalize each word for the 4 row, column 1
 Apply a line through the text ‘!!!’
 Set different width for each column
 Align text ‘good’ in vertical bottom format
 Apply cell padding
 Highlight the first row of the table when mouse is moved over
 Apply a link for the text ‘bye’.
o Before visiting, set the color as yellow
o After visiting, set the color as green
o When mouse is moved over, set the color as red

2. Apply External CSS the following

a. Set the margin for all the sides of the page
b. Display an image at the center of the web page and fix it even when the scroll
bars are moved
c. Display an Ordered List with ‘a’ type
d. Display an Unordered List with ‘disc’ type

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