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tlead Office & Laboratory : 6213, Neelammahara Road,
Katuwawala, Boralesgamuwa,
october 2019
26'1' Sri Lanka-
Our Ref: ELS/SOI L/Q I 1 9 I October I 46 Hot Line : (+94)-11- 4309494
Fax: (+94) l1 2509806
E-mail :
Eng. Amila S Bulathgama, Web:

Dear Sir,



We submit our quotation herewith and the prices will be subjected to the general conditions given below. Please
consider the rates are given by assuming that, there is an enough space to place the drilling machine for drilling
for moving place to place.

General Conditions
l. This Quotation is valid only for 3 months from the date of quotation.
2. Permission to enter the site by lorry and work at the site and permission letters should be arranged by the client.
3. The depths of drilling may differ from what is assumed in BOQ and payments to be made on measure
and pay basis.
4. The collected samples will be stored in our stock yard premises only for 01 month fiom the date of issuing final
repofi. The samples should be collected by client (following a pafticular payment for the sample boxes) during
that time and will be discarded otherwise.
5. 50% advanced payment should be paid before mobilization
6. 1007o Payment should be done at the time of completion of the field work.
7. Government taxes applicable at the date of invoicing will be added to the above rates.
In this investigation, we intend to carry out two boreholes.

Field investigation work and final repoft preparation will be done by well experienced team lead by a team of
Geotechnical Engineers under the supervision of Senior Engineering Geologist.

lf this quotation is approved, letter of confirmation is expected prior to the commencement of the project. While thanking
fortfie opportunity granted to present our quotation, we assureiou of our best services at all times. Please do not hesitate
to contact us for any fui-ther clarification.

Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully,
Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd.

Specialists in : Geotechnical lnvestigations, Consulting Services for Foundation Engineering,

Laboratory Service for Construction lndustry.

Engineering and Laboratory Services (Pvt.) Ltd. Date:

6213, Neelammahara Road, Katuwawala, 261t012019

fl' Boralesgarnuwa, Sri Lanka.

Hot Line : 0094-1 1-4309494 Fax; 0l l-2509806
E-mail :

Web : Ref No-

Item Description Unit Qtv Rate Amount
1 Mobilization
Mobilization at site with plant equipment and
1.1 personnel etc and demobilization at end of Sum 61,200.00
t.2 Setting up at each location Nos 2 10,200.00 20,400.00
2 Drilling
2.1 Drilling in overburden (0-10m) m 10 2.652.00 26.s20.00
2.1.1 Drilling in overburden (10-20m) m I 2.958.00 Rate onlv
2.1.2 Drilling in overburden (20-30m) m I 3,264.00 Rate only
2.2 Carrying out Standard Penetration test Nos 7 510.00 3,570.0C
z-'t Drilling in hard rock m 13,260.00 Rate onh
2.5 Drilling through boulders if encountered m 18.360.00 Rate onll
J Collecting Undisturbed samples from drill holes Nos I 2,550.00 Rate onh
4 Collecting of water samples from drill holes Nos I 1,020.00 Rate onl1
I Sieve Analysis Test I 1,530.00 Rate only
ll Atterberg Lirnits Test 2.448.00 Rate only
ill Specific Gravity Test 1,836.00 Rate onlv
tv Moisture Content Test 510.00 Rate only
Organic Content Test 1 3.366.00 Rate onlv
VI Bulk Density Test 663.00 Rate only
vU Consolidatiorr Test I 10,200.00 Rate only
vlll Urrconfined compression tests on rock samples Nos 1 3,570.00 Rate onlv
lx Triaxial Cornpressiorr (UU) Test 1 6,630.00 Rate only
x Chemical Analysis of water (pH, Sulphate, Chloride) Test 1 4.590.00 Rate onlv
xl Chemical analysis of soil ( pH, Sulphate, Chloride) Test I 4"590.00 Rate onlv
xll Hydrometer Analysis Test 2.550.00 Rate only
xill Microbiological analysis of Ground Water Test I 3,000.00 Rate only
6 Mackintosh Probe Test 'F
J 12,240.00 36,720.00
7 Submission of report with recommnendation Sum 30,600.00
Sub Total 179,010.00
Add 15%VAT 26.851.50
Total 205,861.50

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