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Number of Grade 12 Cookery Students Experience Verbal Bullying in 2019

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Practical Research 2


Ajera, John Ford

Bacolod, Phoebe M.

Calbitaza, Nicole

Efondo, Jessmar

Jose, Marilyn

Nolasco, Jesus

Salameda, Hans Pauline

Sanchez, Romolo

Santianes, Julius

October 2019
Chapter 1


In this chapter, it contains the background of the student, statement of the problem, the

significance of the study, scope and delimitation of the study, definition of operational terms and

end notes for this chapter 1.

Background of the study

In school, the most common type of violence is verbal bullying, that refers to

embarrassing, mocking, or insult another person using verbal language Daljevic (2014).

According to Family Lives (2019), verbal bullying is uncommon for people to experience some

form of verbal bullying or being called names or insulted at some point in their lives. According

to Maximo (2014), high school students from Baguio City, Philippines, verbal bullying is more

often happens in school and male students experience being bullied than female students.

This study aims to determine the number of students experience verbal bullying, and to

know from whom did they receive verbal bullying, Also, to find out what are the factors causing

them to be bullied and where did they usually experience bullying. Lastly. The researchers want

to give some advice and tips to cope and to prevent this kind of bullying.
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this survey is to determine the number of students experience verbal

bullying, from whom did they receive it, the factors causing them to be bullied and where did it

usually happens.

Specifically this study wants to find out about the following questions:

1.How many students experience verbal bullying?

2.What are the factors causing them to be bullied?

3.Where did they usually experience verbal bullying?

Significance of the Study

This part deals to find out the significant of the study towards number of grade 12 cookery

students of South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology experience verbal bullying in

2019 that will benefit the students relevant to the following:

For the students. This research helps students to know about the behavior of any other

students when they are being bullied through verbal.

For the Parents. This research helps parents to remind her child what are the things she/he

would do when she/he is being bullied.

For the Teachers. Teachers may use the result of this study to give consideration to the

students that experience verbal bullying.

For the Future Researcher. They can use the result as their reference in their future research.
Scope and Delimitation

The main focused of this study was the behavior of the Grade 12 Cookery students of

South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology inside the school when they are being bullied.

The participants of this study is limited to the Cookery students only.

The number of our respondents for this research is 100 only.

Definition of Operational Terms

The following definitions are provided to ensure understanding of these terms

throughout the study. The researcher developed all definitions not accompanied by a citation.

Verbal bullying. Is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes; teasing,

name-calling, taunting, threatening to cause harm.

Bullying. Is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a

real or perceived power imbalance.

Bully. A person who habitually seek to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as


Embarrass. To cause someone to feel sad , ashamed or uncomfortable.

Humiliate. Make someone fell ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-

respect, especially publicly.

Violence. Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill someone

or something.
Chapter 2


This chapter includes the review of related local and international literature, review of

related local and international researchers, synthesis of the review, and end notes for chapter two.

Review of Related Foreign Literature

In the literature review, bullying behavior can be defined as aggressive act that is

repeated overtime or has a potential to be repeated in the future with an intent to harm the other

person who is perceived to be weak and more vulnerable in either physical, emotional or

psychological aspect and leaving that person with a severe damage or impact that hinders

him/her to perform his/her daily activities (Penetrante, 2009; Myers, 2005).

Bullies are often people who have been bullied or abused themselves. Sometimes they

are experiencing life situations they cannot cope with, that leave them feeling helpless and out of

control (TktTuder, 2000). This kind of people are frustrated and stressed as well, because this

feeling of anxiety provokes them to bully or hurt others to release the frustration that they feel.

Also people who are bully have such big pride which makes them boastful and careless towards

others.“Bullies can suffer long-term effects of bullying if their behaviour is not addressed.

Compelling research confirms that bullies are twice as likely as their peers to have criminal

convictions and four times more likely to be multiple offenders (Abel, 2010).
Review of Related Local Literature

Bullying in the Philippines is widespread in school and over the internet, with a study

that states about 50 percent of Filipino students are bullied in school. Bullying can easily affect

both the bully and the victim, and that’s why the government in the Philippines is working hard

to crack down on it. The latest measures include the singing anti-bullying act of 2013, which

criminalizes any act of bulling or cyber-bullying that happens in the country. For any bullying

prevention program to be successful it is necessary for each school to have a clear and easily

understood philosophy that promotes a safe and positive environment. This philosophy should

start during the early childhood years and continue throughout high school. Three values which

promote a positive climate and develop a basis for a bullying prevention program include the

belief that all children can learn, people should be treated with respect 21 and dignity, and there

is no place for violence in the school (Orpinas & Home, 2006. p. 85).

According to the consolidated report of Department of Education (Dep Ed), bullying

cases on elementary and high school of both private and public schools on 2014 rose by 21% or a

total of 6,363 cases, compare with the 5,236 on 2013. This translates to 31 daily bullying

cases from a divisor of 201 school days. The statistics was disclosed by Rep. Gerald Anthony

Gullas Jr., a member of the House committee on basic education. (Sonnie, 2015).

Review of Related Foreign Studies

In a National Study of bullying by the National Education Association (NEA), results

have shown that approximately 43 percent of NEA members perceived bullying to be a moderate

or major problem in school. Half of the survey respondents (62%) claimed that they witnessed
two or three incidents of bullying within the last month. In the same study, they also found out

that verbal (59%), social/relational (50%), and physical (39%) forms of bullying are greater

concerns in school compared to cyber bullying (17%) (Bradshaw, Waasdorp, & O’Brennan,

2009). In addition, a study (Wang, Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009) on school bullying among

adolescents in the United States indicated that 20.8 percent of the respondents reported being

perpetrators or victims of physical bullying in the past two months.

Peers are involved in 85% of bullying episodes, either as observers or by joining in

the aggression (Craig & Pepler, 1995). The bystanders – students who are aware of bullying –

can have a powerful effect on bullying, positive or negative. However, bullying also directly

affects the bystanders: Observing bullying at school predicted risks to mental health (Rivers, et

al., 2009). Students who repeatedly bully are more likely to get into frequent fights or be hurt in

a fight, carry a weapon, vandalize property, drink alcohol or smoke, and be expelled or

suspended from school All forms of bullying are significantly associated with increases in

suicidal ideation, both for the victim AND the offender. However, bullying and cyberbullying

victimization was a stronger predictor of suicidal thoughts and behaviors than was bullying and

cyberbullying offending. Bullying victims were 1.7 times more likely and offenders were 2.1

times more likely to have attempted suicide. It should be acknowledged that among teenagers

who committed suicide after experiencing bullying or cyberbullying many had other emotional

and social stressors in their lives that may have been exacerbated by bullying. (Hinduja &

Patchin, 2010). Children who are the target of bullying or who are bully-victims are at a

significantly higher risk for a variety of psychosomatic problems (Gini & Pozzoli, 2009).
Review of Related Local Studies

In the study of Plan Philippines (2009) which suggest that verbal and relational abuse

like teasing, demeaning and ignoring classmates were identified as forms of bullying while

physical and emotional abuse were attributed as violence or aggression. The understanding of

students that verbal and relational abuses were form of bullying can be explained by the findings

of various researches confirming verbal bullying as the predominantly observed form of

bullying. Foreign and local studies have comparable findings in terms of the prevalence of

different forms of bullying as derived from the percentages of responses in the survey conducted.

Verbal is the most common form of bullying, followed by social or relational bullying, then

physical bullying and lastly, the cyber-bullying (Bradshaw et al., 2009; Villasor, 2010; Wang et

al., 2009; Bayhon, 2001; &Plan Philippines, 2009).

According to the study of Sanapo, (2017) in the Philippines, with the passing of

Republic Act (RA) 10627, otherwise known as the Anti-bullying Law of 2013, schools are

required to establish their own anti-bullying programs which includes the formation of a

committee who would ensure the protection of children against abuses from their peers as well as

adults, formulation of awareness programs to increase students’ knowledge of bullying, and

provision of counseling programs for both bullies and victims. Educators, school personnel, and

students are also encouraged to report school bullying they have witnessed to proper channels.

Bullying as we all know has become a big issue in our school, every country in the

world has been dealing with bullying with their school. Different types of bullying ranging from

direct physical bullying, verbal and even sexual bullying as becoming a really big issue to deal

with. As said in many studies the effect of bullying on the well being of the students are

psychological problems such as anxiety attacks, depression, PTSD (Post traumatic stress

disorder) and other. Bullying has also physical effects like stomach ache, nausea and headache.

This is because bullying takes a toil on a lot of aspects of a human being depending on how an

individual is bullied. Some statistics are also present, like how many people are subjected to

bullying intentionally and domestically. The causes of bullying ranges from a wide variety of

reasons such as wanting to rule over a group, jealousy of another person's status and even raising

one's on prestige. The effects of bullying lasts even until an individual's adulthood and thus

people should be aware of this practice.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes research design, participants, instruments, data gathering

procedure, data analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This quantitative study conducted using survey methodology. According to Creswell

(2009), survey design provides a quantitative or numeric description of trends, attitudes, or

opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. From sample results, the

researcher generalizes or makes claims about the population. The researchers select survey to

collect data base on the information gathered through the questions given to the respondents.


The researchers conducted a probability sampling technique. Probability sampling

uses statistical theory to select randomly, a small group of people (sample) from an existing

large population and then predict that all their responses together will match the overall

population (Bhat, 2019). In addition, Probability Sampling is a sampling technique in which

sample from a larger population are chosen using a method based on the theory of probability.

For a participant to be considered as a probability sample, he/she must be selected using a

random selection.
The participants of this study are Grade 12 Cookery students of South East-Asia

Institute of Trade and Technology, they were chosen for this research as a respondents as

mentioned in our scope and delimitation . The target number of this study is 100.

Survey questionnaires were used as the method of this study and answered in a safe

place wherein the respondents will not be harassed and intimidated.

Research Instrument

The researchers conducted this study using the survey questionnaires. A personal

interview survey, also called as a face-to-face survey, is a survey method that is utilized when a

specific target population is involved. The purpose of conducting a personal interview survey is

to explore the respondent’s of the people to gather more and deeper information ( Sincero, 2018).

Face-to-face survey were used by the researchers to to probe the answers of the

respondents and at the same time, to observe the behavior of the respondents, either individually

or as a group.

The questions that was included in the face-to-face survey was the following is

present in Appendix C.

Data Gathering Procedure

Semi-structured survey present in Appendix C on the answers of Grade 12 Cookery

students is the main data collection instrument. The researchers asked the school administrator

for permission to conduct a study and conduct survey with interested potential participants. The

purpose of this study was discussed and explained to the respondents before starting the survey
and data collection. The extensive cooperation was achieved. After identification of the

participants, the demographic data and other information related to the study were collected.

Data Analysis

Pie Chart was used to identify the data which was collected from face-to-face survey.

According to Salkind (2010), pie charts are most often used to display categorical data, and less

often ranked or ordinal data. The researchers choose pie chart because of this flexibility. Given

the flexibility of pie chart, it can display data in which a circle is divided into segments that

reflect the magnitude or frequency of the categories or data that the researchers collected.

Ethical Considerations

This current study was subject to certain ethical issues. The letters of permission is in

Appendix D to conduct this study was sent to the school to have some permission and assurance

while conducting this research.

For the participants, relating to their participation and ethical consideration. The target

of this study was to reassure the participants on the participation on our research was on their

own decision and we don’t force them to participate in our survey, and they can refuse in


The participants on our study were informed and assured that their responses on the

survey of this study will be confidential and for the academic purposes only to prevent any
violations to our respondents. The researchers made sure conducting the study in a systematical

Chapter 4


This chapter includes the presentation of findings and analysis of data collected

derived from semi-structured survey to arrived in a clear conclusions. Specifically, this includes

the description of the profile of the participants, and the presentation and interpretation of

participants’ responses on each research instrument question.

The purpose of this study is to identify the number of Grade 12 Cookery students

experience verbal bullying in SEA-ITT during academic year 2019 to determine if it can affect

their academic performances.

Profile of the Participants according to Sex and Age

The participants of this study are composed of Grade 12 Cookery students of South

East-Asia Institute of Trade and Technology. The target number of the participant is 100, the

researcher used probability sampling technique to gather the data needed for this research. The

participants are composed of 64 female and 36 male. The five participants are 16 years old, 60

participants are 17 years old, then 20 participants are 18 years old, ten participants are 19 years

old, lastly, five participants are 20 years old. The participants were chosen purposively, by

availability and by the agreement to be part of the study of the participants without force

participation, threat, or deception.

Presentation and Interpretation of participants’ responses

Graph 1


Strongly Agree

54% Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Q1. Are you familiar in verbal bullying?

54% of students are strongly agree that they are familiar in verbal bullying.

33% of students are agree that they are familiar in verbal bullying.

13% of students are disagree that they are familiar in verbal bullying.

0% of students are strongly disagree that they are familiar in verbal bullying.
Graph 2



Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Q2. Have you encounter someone who being bullied?

30% of students are strongly agree that they have encounter someone who being bullied.

60% of students are agree that they have encounter someone who being bullied

0% of students are disagree that they have encounter someone who being bullied.

10% of students are strongly disagree that they have encounter someone who being bullied.
Graph 3


20% 40%
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Q3. Have you experience verbal bullying?

40% of students are strongly agree that they have experience verbal bullying.

30% of students are agree that they have experience verbal bullying.

20% of students are disagree that they have experience verbal bullying.

10% of students are strongly disagree that they have experience verbal bullying.
Graph 4


10% 30%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Q4. Do you try to bully someone?

30% of students are strongly agree that they tried to bully someone.

50% of students are agree that they tried to bully someone.

10% of students are disagree that they tried to bully someone.

10% of students are strongly disagree that they tried to bully someone.
Graph 5

12% 10%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Q5. Do you always experience verbal bullying in school?

10% of students are strongly agree that they are always experience verbal bullying in school.

20% of students are agree that they are always experience verbal bullying in school.

58% of students are disagree that they are always experience verbal bullying in school.

12% of students are strongly disagree that they are experience verbal bullying in school.
Graph 6



Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
23% 59%

Q6. Do you think verbal bullying can affect academic performances?

59% of students strongly agree that verbal bullying can affect academic performances.

23% of students are agree that verbal bullying can affect academic performances.

9% of students are disagree that verbal bullying ca affect academic performances.

9% of students are strongly disagree that verbal bullying can affect academic performances.
Graph 7



Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Q7. If you are being bullied , have you think suicidal thoughts?

9% of students are strongly agree that they have think suicidal thoughts.

11% of students are agree that they have think suicidal thoughts.

52% of students are disagree that they have think suicidal thoughts.

28% of students are strongly disagree that they have think suicidal thoughts.
Graph 8

13% 11%

21% strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree


Q8. Have you think to revenge?

11% of students are strongly agree that they have think to revenge.

21% of students are agree that they have think to revenge.

55% of students are disagree that they have think to revenge.

13% of students are strongly disagree that they have think to revenge.
Graph 9

10% 10%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


Q9. Do you think girls are being bullied all the time?

10% of students are strongly agree that they think girls are being bullied al the time.

20% of students are agree that they think girls are being bullied all the time.

60% of students are disagree that they think girls are being bullied all the time.

10% of students are strongly disagree that they think girls are being bullied all the time.
Graph 10




Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


A10. Do you think boys are the most being bullied all the time?

24% of students are strongly agree that they think boys are being bullied all the time

52%of students are agree that they think boys are being bullied all the time.

13% of students are disagree that they think boys are being bullied all the time.

11% of students are strongly disagree that they think boys are being bullied all the time.
Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations

arrived in the study.

Summary of the Findings

In most cases, 54% of the participants are familiar with the verbal bullying, 30% of

them encountered someone being bullied, and 40% of the participant experienced verbal

bullying. The participants rarely experience bullying but 59% of the participants said that it can

affect to their academic performances. 9% only in the participants think of suicidal thoughts

when they’re bullied. 60% of the participants disagree that girls are often bullied compare to

boys, and 52% also, disagree that boys were often bullied too.


This sub-section describes the findings of the survey outlined in the previous chapter.

The purpose of this study I to identify the number of Grade 12 Cookery Students that experience

verbal bullying in academic year 2019. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following


1. How many students experience verbal bullying?

2. Is verbal bullying can affect academic performances?

3. Where did they usually experience verbal bullying?

RQ1. How many students experience verbal bullying?

Out of 100% of respondents, 40% of students are strongly agree that they have

experience verbal bullying. 30% of students are agree that they have experience verbal bullying.

20% of students are disagree that they have experience verbal bullying. And lastly, 10% of

students are strongly disagree that they have experience verbal bullying.

RQ2. Is verbal bullying can affect academic performances?

Out of 100% of respondents, 59% of students strongly agree that verbal bullying can

affect academic performances. 23% of students are agree that verbal bullying can affect

academic performances. 9% of students are disagree that verbal bullying ca affect academic

performances. And lastly, 9% of students are strongly disagree that verbal bullying can affect

academic performances.

RQ3. Where did they usually experience verbal bullying?

Out of 100% of respondents 10% of students are strongly agree that they are always

experience verbal bullying in school. 20% of students are agree that they are always experience

verbal bullying in school. 58% of students are disagree that they are always experience verbal

bullying in school. And lastly 12% of students are strongly disagree that they are experience

verbal bullying in school.


For students, the researchers have two things for you to remember. First, when you

are being bullied let the elder know so that they might help you to stop the case. Second, don’t be

afraid to tell the elders if you are in this situations, in that case you will be able to prevent of

being bullied.

For teachers, the researchers recommend them to monitor their students if there are

having this kind of situation. Also they should implement the Anti Bullying Act so that the

students will be aware.

For parents, the researchers recommends that monitor and guide their daughter/son

and ask them on what are the happening on their school so that they will know if their children

are being bullied or not.

Phoebe Macay Bacolod
Brgy. 179 Bitao St. Amparo Subd. Caloocan City
Contact No.: 09982817516


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : October 27, 2000

Age : 18 years old
Height : 5’2 ‘’ Weight : 50 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Marilou Macay Occupation : House Wife
Fathers Name : Pepito Bacolod Occupation : Carpenter


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Amparo High School

Maramg St. Amparo Caloocan city
2014-2018 (Graduate)

PRIMARY: Caloocan North Elementary School

Phase 6 Camarin Caloocan City
2008-2014 (Graduate)
Jesemar V. Efondo
036 Azucena St. Payatas A. Quezon city
Contact No.: 09569155873


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : October 11, 1997 Age : 18 years old

Height : 5’8 ‘’ Weight : 56 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Salvacion Basuel Occupation : House Wife
Fathers Name : Mario Efondo Occupation : Construction Worker


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: San Isidro National High School

Boroneo St. Baranggay San Isidro, Makati City
2017-2018 (Graduate)

PRIMARY: Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School

Ilang – Ilang St. Payatas A. Quezon city
2011-2012 (Graduate)
#57 Bill St. Batasan Hills Quezon City
Contact No.: 09668051565/09129782136


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : April 28, 2001

Age : 18 years old
Height : 5’6 ‘’ Weight : 56 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Jenelyn Calbitaza Occupation : House Wife
Fathers Name : Leandro Calbitaza Occupation : Fish Vendor


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Batasan Hills National High School

IBP Road Batasan Hills, Quezon City
2013-2017 (Graduate)

PRIMARY: San Diego Elementary School

#56 Cotabato St Luzviminda Village Batasan Hills, Q.C
2006-2013 (Graduate)
Jesus D. Nolasco III
Brgy. 179 Manga St. Amparo Caloocan city
Contact No.: 09457130704


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : June 1, 2002 Age : 18 years old

Height : 5’87‘’ Weight : 56 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Maria Fe Nolasco Occupation : House Wife


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: San Isidro National High School

Boroneo St. Baranggay San Isidro, Makati City
2017-2018 (Graduate)
Julius Claude F. Santaines
6082 azalea st Maligaya Park Subd. Caloocan City
Contact No.: 09774918799


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : July 12, 2002 Age : 18 years old

Height : 5’5‘’ Weight : 56 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Luvy Santianes Occupation : House Wife


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Maligaya High School

Maligaya Caloocan City
2017-2018 (Graduate)
Marilyn B. Jose
Blk. 6 Lot 23 Banaba St.Amparo Caloocan City
Contact No.: 09272992375


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : June 6, 2001 Age : 18years old

Height : 525 ‘’ Weight : 42 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Iglesia ni Cristo


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Amparo High School

2017-2018 (Graduate)
Romolo Sanchez
016 LILAC URLINA Brgy.Fairview Quezon City
Contact No.: 09669928755


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : July 6, 1999 Age : 18 years old

Height : 5’3 ‘’ Weight : 56 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: North Fairview High School

2017-2018 (Graduate)
Hans Pauline B. Salmeda
410 Sta. Catalina St. Brgy. Holy Spirit Quezon City
Contact No.: 09233631591


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : December 18 2001 Age : 17years old

Height : 5’2 ‘’ Weight : 45 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Holy Spirit Quezon City

2017-2018 (Graduate)
John Ford G. Ajera
Blk 4 Lot 7 North Triangle Camarin Caloocan City
Contact No.: 09662713542


A challenging career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic

background to assist me to gain experience, employ my excellent interpersonal skills, and enable
me to make positive contribution.


Birthday : October 23, 2001 Age : 17years old

Height : 5’5 ‘’ Weight : 59 Kgs.
Nationality : Filipino Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: South East Asia Institute of Trade and technology
3rd Floor Crownlink 1 Bldg., Regalado Avenue
Quezon City
Strand: Home Economics
2018-2020 (Graduate)

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Cielito Zamora High School

2017-2018 (Graduate)

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