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1. “An orientation program is important to all newly hired employees.

” Explain
why you agree or disagree with this statement.
Orientation program is important to newly hired employees as it will help new
hires to understand the company’s vision, organizational culture, policies,
expectations and help them feel comfortable in their roles in the company.
2. What is the strategic purpose of training?
The purpose of strategic training is to prepare your managers and employees
with the skills they need to complete their work tasks both efficiently and
effectively and help them reach your company's main goals. This training
usually first happens when an employee or manager begins to step into the role
and often involves both job shadowing of experienced workers and course-
related activities. Not only does a strategic training plan focus on improving the
quality of work in the present, but it is developed to make your workforce more
competitive in the long term.
3. Why is training expensive? What are the costs involved?
Training is expensive as company is paying the trainer to train newly hired
employees to acquire the needed skills to perform the job with some degree of
efficiency. The cost involves instructor costs, training material costs, facility costs,
training equipments, loss of productivity of trainees and loss of productivity of
administration staff.
4. Why should analysis of an organization’s training needs be performed
before any formal training is initiated?
Training entails costs in the form of fees to the experts, the rents, refreshment for
participants and others. So, the organizers or employers want it to design it
purposefully. The training needs assessment enables them to know the areas
where the employees need training. It also helps you to see the degree of intensity
required and the elements to be included in the training. It helps to align the goals
of organization with the skills of employees. It is evident that training needs
assessment is essential but how to do the same is a haunting question.
5. In the future, is training less or more likely to grow in importance? Explain.
In the future training will grow importance, as training can be the cause of a
business to succeed or to fail. Training is important in keeping their employees
updated with the current market scenario and importantly update their skill set
accordingly. Without training, employees have no idea on how will they improve
their skills.
Sultan, Marco L
Training and Development

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