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(Draft formate for calculating the outstanding/claimed arrears


"Detail of claimed amount of out standing amount according the

benefits of Federal Govt for its Civil Servants time to time , due against
PTCL /PTET wef___________to_____________ for the PTCL
employee _____________ Employee #____________, who became the
employee of PTCL wef 1st January 1996 due to transfer from PTC to
PTCL & presently working as __________BPS________in________//
Retired from PTCL on the date _____________from the post of
________BPS______ from______________

1) Seriol Numbers
2) Discriptions of benefits year wise granted by Govt to its Civil Servants
up till now
3) Finnace Dvision Notifications # with date
4) With effect from
5) Effects of Benefits from date of effect
i) Total Pay P/M
ii) Total Adhoc allowances P/M
iii) Total other Misc Allowances PM
iv) Total increase in Pension PM
v) Total Pension PM after increase
vi) Total Medical Allowance PM (wef 1-7-2010)
vii) Total increase in Medical Allowance PM ( wef 1-7-15)
viii) **Total increase in widow's pension PM wef 1-7-2010
ix) Total pension of widow' P/M after increase wef

6. Related Financial Years of the given Govt benefits

7. Total Due Amounts as of Govt in to be given by PTC/PTET (Financial
year wise)
i) Total net pay after revision pay scales etc. [ months /12x 5(i)]
ii) Total net Adhoc Allowances. [ months/12x 5(ii)]
iii) Total other Misc Allowances [ months/12x5(iii)
*v) Pension to be given PTET in
a) Total Commutation due Amount on Retirement on
b) Total Increase in pension [ months/
c) Total Monthly Pension after increase [ months/
d) Total Medical Allowance wef 1-7-2010
[ months/12x5(vi]
e) Total Increase in Medical Allowance wef 1-7-2015
[ months/12x5(vii)]
f) LPR encashment on retirement due for 360 days wef
g) *Total increase in widow's pension wef 1-7-2010
[ months/12x5(viii]
h) Total widow's pension after increase wef 1-7-2010
[ months/12x5(ix)]

8) Total paid Amounts by PTC/PTET (Financial year wise) in

i). Pays
ii) Allowances
iii) Adhoc Allowances
iv) Other Misc Allowances
*v) Pension given by PTET (FY wise)
a) Total Commutation due Amount on Retirement on
b) Total Increase in pension
c) Total Monthly Pension after increase
d) Total Medical Allowance wef 1-7-2010
e) Total Increase in Medical Allowance wef 1-7-2015
f) LPR encashment on retirement due for 360 days wef
g) *Total increase in widow's pension wef 1-7-2010
h) Total widow's pension after increase wef 1-7-2010

9. Total diff to be paid amounts by PTCL/ PTET as of Govt (F Y wise)

in [[7-8]]
i). Pays
ii) Allowances
iii) Adhoc Allowances
iv) Other Misc Allowances
*v) Pension to be paid by PTET
a) Total Commutation due Amount on Retirement on
b) Total Increase in pension
c) Total Monthly Pension after increase
d) Total Medical Allowance wef 1-7-2010
e) Total Increase in Medical Allowance wef 1-7-2015
f) LPR encashment on retirement due for 360 days wef
g) *Total increase in widow's pension wef 1-7-2010
h) Total widow's pension after increase wef 1-7-2010
10. Related Basic Pay Scales
11. Brief remarks
RS________________[Sum of in each all in


Name of Claimant( Employed /Retired/widow) ____________________

Official Stamp ( if any)__________________


Verified by_________________


Official Stamp_______________________

1) It must be prepared on Excel Formate /Table form only
2) Any important column left , should be inserted accordingly.
3) *Pension column is for PTCL pensioners only. Pensioners can claim
all such benefits which were not given to them during their service and
also the widows pensioners for their deceased retired employees .
**Widows pension increased at the @50% to 75% on Gross Pension or
Net Pension as the case may be wef 1-7-2010 vide Finnace Division
Govt of Pakistan Notification No F.2(3)-Reg -6/2010-786 Dated 5th July
2010 but no any arrears are admissible prior to 1-7-2010
i) Commutation amount should be calculated of 35% of the net pension
where net pension should be calculated on the basis 75% of last pay or
total pays drawn if revised also, in accordance pension govt formula as
pay/pays has in the last revised pay scales before retirement etc
ii) Similarly the *^LPR leave encashment amount on retirement for 360
days due wef 1-7-2012 instead of 180 days as per Govt of Pakistan
Gazette Notification No SRO 70(KE) dated 29th August 2012 at
Islamabad from Ministry of Finance & Revenue
4) All or any column can be modified / revised or deleted according the
requirements/ Necessity accordingly as the case may be. All amounts of
related financial years should be mentioned / summed with effect the
related dates and the end Grand Total Amount to be paid along with the
Total amounts due , financial year wise.Any typing other mistakes
created advertantly be omitted/ corrected. Since it is in Excel Formate ,
formula be designed for the calculations of claimed amount easily. This
can be done by the person who is expert in working on Excel. Related
BPS Scale must be mentioned in the related column.
5) Finnace Divisions Govt of Pakistan related Notifications of related
years can be found from its website ie from here
6) Efforts should be made for its verification ie of claim amount from
concern finance officer of the ur related he/she refuses or disagree to do
so you may send the same directly under your own signature without an
any verification with the entry estimated amount etc.
7) You can get your monthly salary payments informations head wise
from your monthly pay slips records if you have not such records you
have to approach to the concern units of salary distribution to get these
8) However you can indicate your Bank Account Number with bank
name and place in the Note for where your are drawing your monthly
salary or monthly pensions etc.
9) You can add any other point, note in it, which you can feel essential
10) All related mentioned benefits given, are of govt till date time to time
which either nil paid or less paid by PTCL / PTET. In case of nil, please
insert "0"
11. Company related given pays,allowance etc are not shown / given

Tariq Azhar
Time 2:45 AM

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