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Team members
Amit Kumar Das (19IM60S01)
Aditya gautam (19IM60R06)
Musale Kapil Maroti (19IM60R21)
Understanding the case study
1. Cataumet Boats currently employs 11 direct full-time
workers, and hires additional seasonal workers during the
spring to assist in painting boat bottoms prior to launch.
2. They want to hire two additional full-time workers to increase
service level to the customers.
3. They also hire seasonal operators for extra jobs to be done
in spring (peak season).
4. Our goal is to find out, by using Aggregate production
planning can we find out a better solution which is cost
effective and whether 2 new operators are necessary to hire
or not

Analysis and data preparation for

case study
1. All the activities are summarized individually and converted
into time units (hours).
2. Individual man hours for the activities at regular and over
time are also calculated in time units (hours).
3. Aggregate production planning is applied for finding a
optimal solution.
4. Two cases considered for analysis i.e without new operators
and with 2 new operators

Assumptions considered for calculation

a) All the activity times are taken at maximum of the range
b) For Fall the time taken is from 1st week of August to
November (16 weeks).
c) For Winter the time taken is from 1st week of December
to February (13 weeks).
d) For Spring the time taken is from 1st week of March to
1st week of july (17weeks).
e) 11 seasonal workers are hired for initial calculation.
f) 15% allowance is considered for vacations, sick times,
training and boat shows.

Application of APP
Without considering new operators
Fall Winter Spring Excess hrs Capacity
24 24 24 0
Regular 5984
5003.6 980.4 .
Fall .
34 34 34 0
OT 3520
3520 .
24 24 0
Winter Regular X 4862
4720 . . 142 .
Regular X X X 6358
6358 .
34 0
Spring OT X X 2640
1894 . 746 .
Seasonal X X X 2739
2739 .

Demand 5003.6 4720 10991 5389 26103

Cost calculation: Total cost incurred- $ 518911.57

With new operators
Fall Winter Spring Capacity
24 24 24 0
Regular 5984
5003.6 980.4 .
34 34 34 0
Fall OT 3520
3520 .
21.6 21.6 21.6 0
regular . . . 1088 .
24 24 0
Regular X 4720 . . 142 .
21.6 21.6 0
regular X . . 1088 .

Regular X X 6358 .
X 6358

34 0
OT X X 366 . 2274 .

regular X X 1088 .
X 1088

regular OT X X 640 .
X 640

Seasonal X X 3179 .
X 3179

Demand 5003.6 4720 10991 9732.4 30447

Cost calculation: Total cost incurred- $ 521313.57

1. The cost calculation shows there is not much difference
between with or without hiring 2 new operators.
2. While calculating the APP without 2 new operators we found
following outcomes:
a) In Fall all activities (5003.6 Hrs) can be done by regular
full time operators without overtime and there will be
980 man-hours spare which can be utilized for training
and manufacturing of new boats.
b) In Winter all activities (4720 Hrs) can also be done by
regular operators without overtime and there will be 142
man-hours spare which can be utilized for training and
manufacturing of new boats.
c) In Spring regular operators can do activities up to 6358
hrs, regular operators on OT can do activities up to
1894 hrs and seasonal operators can do activities up to
3179 hrs.
3. While calculating the APP with 2 new operators we found
following outcomes:
d) In Fall all activities (5003.6 Hrs) can be done by regular
full time operators without overtime and there will be
980 man-hours spare which can be utilized for training
and manufacturing of new boats.
e) In Winter all activities (4720 Hrs) can also be done by
regular operators without overtime and there will be 142
man-hours spare which can be utilized for training and
manufacturing of new boats.
f) In Spring regular operators can do activities up to 6358
hrs, regular operators on OT can do activities up to 366
hrs, new regular operators can do up to 1088hrs, new
operators on OT can do activities up to 640 and
seasonal operators can do activities up to 3179 hrs.

1. There is no need for hiring 2 new operators.
2. Regular operators in Spring need to do overtime of 1894 hrs.
3. 11 Seasonal operators need to be hired in Spring for
completing the activities during peak load.

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