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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan : SMA
Kelas / Program : XII ( DUA BELAS ) KUR 13
Waktu : 75 menit

1. Ridwan : ..............., I will stay at e. A suggestion

Cindy : Yeah, look at outside the sky 5. Teacher : Exam is around the corner.
is clouds. It’s about time to go back to your
What does the conditional sentence? study.
a. If I get the good mark Students : Okay miss,,
b. If today is could Teacher : If you want to pass the
c. If today is rain exam..............
d. If today is hot Students : thanks miss,,,
e. If you go to school
What the Continue of the sentence ?
2. Brenda : let’s go now. Otherwise, we a. You should do the exercise
will not catch the train. b. You must go to the library
Naomy : wait for a while. _______. c. You make the note
The are many thieves recently. d. You have to study harder
Brenda : Sure. e. You have to ask to your friends
a. It’s interesting
b. That sounds great The following text is for questions 6-7
c. I am supposed to open the
windows Friends give us the courage to
d. We have to open the door
lift the darkness in our hearts,
e. I must lock the door
Give us light to keep moving,
3. Selfi : If you go to my Show us the amazing world
hometown,............ And make our lives cheerful.
Putry : Really,,,? Of course, I will go
there next week.
What does Selfi said? 6. What is the message of the caption ?
a. I will show you the tourisms from a. It shows the beauty of the world
my hometown b. It persuades the readers to be
b. I will brave
c. Meet some friends c. It shows the value of friends
d. Planning a trip. d. It motivates the readers to do
e. Making some new friends. better
e. It shows how important our lives
4. Elva says, “ you have to see the doctor are.
Whatdoes she expression? 7. “........ make our lives cheerful.”
a. A surprise What is the opposite meaning of the
b. Belief underlined word?
c. Disbelief a. Jolly
d. A necessity b. Woeful
c. Cozy b. You should change the world that
d. Lithe use your known
e. Shrill c. The better future based on your
8. Mira : Uhh. I can't breath in this d. Change your life be better in
small hot room. The air conditioner future
doesn't work. e. Make your life be better
Romally : I will call the air
conditioner service, .......................... 12.
Mira : It's a good idea. Thank you.
a. If you want
b. If you open the window
c. If you call me
d. If the weather was hot
e. If the weather was cold

9. What will you say if you want to help

your teacher. When your teacher lost
her pen ? The caption says about..................
a. Excuse me Miss, I will help to a. Believe me
search your pen. If you want b. Trust your dream
b. Excuse me Miss, If you lost the c. Raise your magic
pen. Iwould search it d. Take it
c. What happen Miss,,? e. Believe yourself and be certain
d. What are you doing Miss,,?
e. I will search the pen to you Miss,, For questions 13 to 15

10. Mala : You must save your

money if you want to buy a new
Brahma : Sure mala, …… get
the new one.
a. I’ll make it
b. I’ll do it
c. I’ll go there 13. What is the caption about ?
d. I’ll care about it a. Natural
e. I’ll buy it b. Education
c. Corruption
d. Cooperation
11. Pandu : Look at the picture Tissa! e. Friendship
Tissa : What’s wrong?
Pandu : The sentence from that 14. Which one the caption that suitable
picture says “I can make the world with the picture ?
better with education”. What the a. “friend forever”
meaning Tissa? b. “money laundry”
Tissa : I think it’s about................. c. “better life”
d. “junk food”
a. You must study well to make e. “natural life”
change better life in future
15. What the message is send by the The following dialog is for questions 19
writer? to 21
a. The writer wants to show the
corruption was not good Ms. Ayu : Your attention please. Liska,
b. The writer motivates the reader stop talking.
c. The writer informs the reader
Liska : Sorry, miss.
about education
d. The writer invite the readers to do Ms. Ayu : Listen, all. I will explain our
the corruption material today it’s about fact and
e. The writer said that corruption extended. I hope all of you learn
was not danger. more because I will give you a
English test for the next
The following caption is for questions 16 meeting. The test is about the
to 18 materials you have learned until
Students : Excuse me, Miss. Will the test
be multiple choice?
Ms. Ayu: Sure !! but you must study
harder about it.
Students : Ok miss, thanks.

19. What is the main idea of the

conversation ?
a. The English class next week
16. What the message of this caption ?
b. The qustions of the test
a. Do not smoking in this area
c. The test will be essay
b. No parking inforn of this building
d. kind of test forms
c. Be quite!! The students is get the
e. The English test next week
d. Stop Free sex. It can make your
20. What are the expressions of extended
bad future
or attention from that dialog ?
e. Free sex is bad attitude
a. Your attention please, sorry, sure
b. Your attention please, listen, Ok
17. The caption was send for...............
c. Your attention please, listen,
a. Parents
Excuse me
b. Children
d. Sure, listen, Excuse me
c. Adult
e. Your attention please, Sorry,
d. Teenagers
Excuse me
e. Young lady

18. The caption was talking about..........

a. Health and Future
21. Which one the fact sentence based on
b. Natural and Healthy
that dialog ?
c. School and Education
a. Fact and extended test
d. Hospital and Doctor
b. I will explain our material today
e. Ladies and Gentleman
it’s about fact and extended
c. Sure !! but you must study harder
about it.
d. I will give you a English test for
the next meeting
e. Your attention please. Liska, stop

The following dialog is for questions 22

to 23
Bety : Oh My God !! I forget to bring my
English exercise book.
Arash : Are you sure Bety? You know that
we must to gather our task today.
Bety : Yeah I know that. So what should I
do now?
Arash : You must talk to our teacher about
it and say sorry with her.

22. What the speakers talking about ?

a. It’s english task
b. It’s english test
c. It’s english exercise book
d. it’s the teacher
e. it’s Arash’s mistake

23. Which one the extended sentence

based on that dialog ?
a. Yeah I know that. So what should
I do now
b. You must talk to our teacher
about it and say sorry with her.
c. Oh My God !! I am forget to
bring my English exercise book.
d. Are you sure Bety?
e. You know that we must to gather
our task today
24. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To apply a job
b. To advertise a product
c. To discuss about an engineer
d. To inform of a person’s educational
e. To invite a person to have an
The following text is for questions 24-27 interview.
Andy Herawan
Jl. Merak no.9 25. What is paragraph three about?
Gorontalo a. The applicant’s skills
b. The enclosed documents
November 24, 2015

Personel Manager
PT Mulia Jaya
Grand Tower, Jl. Merdeka no.6
c. The applicant’s hope to have an 28.
interview a. Smallest
d. The applicant’s educational b. Wildest
background c. Noisiest
e. The position being applied by the d. Biggest
applicant e. Shortest
26. From the text we can conclude that.... a. Is
a. The applicant is fresh graduate b. Am
b. The interview invitation can be sent c. Are
via e-mail d. Was
c. The job vacancy is advertised in a e. Were
newspaper 30.
d. The applicant and the company are a. Long tails
in the same town b. Sharp claws
e. The applicant is good at operating c. Sharp teeth
AutoCAD d. Hard skin
e. Strong feet
27. “I would be able to impart my
skills....” (Paragraph 2)
What is the closest meaning of the The following text is for questions 31-34.
underlinedword? Bullying includes harassement,
a. Invoke physical harm, repeatedly demeaning
b. Present speech and efforts to ostracize another
c. Acquire person. Bullying is carried out with the
d. Give intention of degrading another person. It is
e. Exhaust important to realize that there are different
kinds of bullying. One of them is cyber
For questions 28-30, choose the correct bullying.
words to complete the paragraph. Cyber or electronic bullying is
becoming a huge problem for teens. This
The American alligator is the (28) ______ type of bullying uses instant messaging,
reptile. Its cries are as loud as the engine of mobile phone text messages, and online
a small plane. It roars like a lion! The social networks to humiliate and embarrass
ceries of the American alligator echo others. This can be especially devastating
through the swamps. The males try to to the people being bullied because they
intimidate one another. cannot evenfind a safe place in the virtual
A wild show (29) ______ about to begin.
They stick their short, wide snouts out of There are a number of effects that
the water, displaying their (30) _______. come with teenage bullying. First of all,
Bellowing loudly, they whip up their tails there are the obvious physical problems
and theeth. and injuries that can result from
physicalbullying. However emotional,
verbal and cyber bullying can deeply affect e. A target sends a bully instant
teens as well. These activities can lead to messaging, mobile phone text
depression. These problems can affect a messages, and online social
person well into adulthood. Another networks to humiliate and
problem is retaliation. In few cases, bullied embarrass the bully.
teens have violent fantasies of attacking
their bullies. There are instances in which 34. “ there are instances in which these
these teens become violent. They turn to teens become violent.”(last paragraph).
their classmates for revenge. This can be a what is the synonym of the underline
cause of heartbreak and difficulty. world?
a. Dangerous
31. What is the text about? b. Suspicious
a. Bullying c. Cruel
b. Cyberspace d. Keep alert
c. Teenage life e. Intimidate
d. Teenage social relationship
e. Teenage family relationship The following dialog is for questions 35-
32. What is the main idea of paragraph 37.
three? Galih : Fahmi, I heard that you’ll be
a. Types of teenage bullying going to Banjarmasin.
b. The explanation about what
Fahmi : Yes, I will visit my uncle’s family
teenage bullying is
c. The way to stop teenage bullying in Banjarmasin next week.
d. The impact caused by teenage Galih : How long you will stay there?
Fahmi : About five days. Why?
e. The number of effects of crimes
Galih : Well, if you visit Banjarmasin, do
33. How does cyber bullying occur? not forget to enjoy the floating
a. A target gets a message from a
market. I’ve been there and it is
bully, but he/she does not respond
to it. memorable.
b. A bully sends a target instant Fahmi : Do you think so ?
messaging, mobile phone text Galih : yes,
messages and online social
networks to humiliate and
embarrass the target.
35. What is the conversation about?
c. A bully hides a target’s mobile
a. Fahmi’s holiday last week
phone so the target is not able to
send messages or communicate b. Galih’s plan to visit his uncle’s
with his/her mobile phone. family
d. A target hands over his/her mobile
c. A plan to visit a floating market
phone or laptop computer to a bull
to avoid bullying likely to happen.
d. Galih’s idea to have a trip 38. Where did Made and Hilda go to
Banjarmasin recently ?
e. Galih’s idea to have a trip to a. Lake Toba
Banjarmasin together b. Hilda’s hometown
c. Made’s hometown
36. Where will Fahmi stay during his trip? d. Palembang
a. In a hotel e. Muara Bungo
b. At his uncle’s house
c. At his friend’s house 39. What will they be doing tommorow?
d. At his granmother’s house They will be _______.
e. At Galih’s house a. Going to Lake Toba
b. Typing their report
37. According to the dialog, Galih c. Editting their report
suggests Fahmi _____________ d. Pressenting their report
a. Enjoy the trip e. Handing in their report
b. Visit a floating market
c. Shop sourvenirs 40. Why does Made thank Hilda ?
d. Explore the city of Banjarmasin a. She will edit thier report
e. Buy traditional snacks b. She will rewrite their report
c. She will type their report soon
The following dialog is for questions 38- d. She will submit their report to the
40. teacher
Made : We have to submit the report of e. She will look for reference for
our visit to Lake Toba tomorrow, their report.
but I think there are still a lot of
problems with the grammar,
spelling and so on.
Hilda :You’re right. So, what if I take
half of it and I’ll edit the rest after I The answers of SEMESTER TEST
finish this one ? Class XII
Made : That’s very thoughtful of you. 1. C
Thanks a lot. 2. E
3. A
4. E
5. D 37. B
6. C 38. A
7. A 39. B
8. A 40. A
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. E
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. D
18. A
19. E
20. C
21. D
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. A
30. B

31. A
32. B
33. E
34. C
35. B
36. B

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