Treaty of Versailles Rebar

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The Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles was a treaty between the allied powers and Germany with
participation of thirty-two countries. They believed that live in peace is the best solution for the
world, they signed the treaty after world war one on 28th June 1919 in mirror hall in Paris, and
they called it treaty of Versailles because of treaty signed in palace of Versailles. The treaty
established to end the world war one, and it was signed by central power: Woodrow Wilson
(united states), David Lloyd (Britain), Georges Clemenceau (France), to end world war one, and
set a peace treaty. Also, this treaty including the following countries: Japan, united states,
France, Austria-Hungary, Germany and Britain. The treaty of Versailles can be divided into three
groups (territorial, economical and finance and military).

First, the treaty had very bad influence on the lands of Germany, because it lost 13% of its
territory. Alsace-Lorraine that was created by the German empire in 1871 and 90% of its
people spoke German, but after world war it was returned to France. Germany was also banned
to unite with Austria and the lands of east Germany counting the farm areas of Posen and also
the Polish Corridor were given to Poland and the territory of Saar Basin was occupied by
Germans, but governed by the United Kingdom and France from 1920 till 1935, which is it was a
rich land of coal fields and also the German colonies were taken by the British and the France
governments which the German colonies were made up of serval countries in West Africa,
South west Africa, East Africa and New Guinea. After this treaty Germany lost all of those lands
in 1918-1919.

Secondly, Germany was blamed for the war loses, and they had to pay for all the damage
that they had done in the war. The damages were so bad that Germany had to pay reparations
which sooner or later they had to pay 132 Billion gold marks which roughly equaled to 393
Billion US dollar. On top of that Germany was also forbidden to join the Société des Nations
(League of Nations), and also Russia was not able to join the League as well and that meant
Britain and France were the most powerful countries in the treaty. United states demands that
Germany should pays all of the moneys because they believe Germany started the war, but
Germany refuses the demand and says that the payment must be divided amongst all
participating countries.

Thirdly, the military terms were also against Germany to cause another world war but
apparently the treaty failed because it did not stop Germany from causing another one. The
military terms for Germany were that the German forces were restricted to only one hundred
thousand men so they can only defend their land if they were attacked, and also the German
navy could have 6 battleships and also, they were not allowed to have any aircraft and also no
submarines. Those points all to weaken Germany in the military perspective. The Rhineland
which was an area among the Rhine river in the Western areas of Germany was demilitarized
this means the forces were banned to go in to those areas because it was given to Germany
according the to the treaty

In conclusion, the Treaty of Versailles was a deal or plan to stop the continues war
between each other. One of the results of this treaty was creating a new country nowadays we
can see it on the map and it calls a Poland. People think that this treaty was not successful and
mad Germany anger because they did not block the way to stop devastating of Germany the
world, and the world did not reach to the peace as we mentioned that they believed life in
peace was the best solution, also it was a good reason that made the second world war to

1-Antony Best, Jussi M. Hanhimaki, Josph A. Maiolo,Kristine E.Schulze.”International History Of

Twentieth century and beyond.” chapter 2 pages 39-46 December 15 2003


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