Passage 002

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NAME DATE : ‘A SIMPLIFIED STUDY MATERIAL FOR AN INTENSIVELY SMART DESIGN COURSE i Instructions : evyogsepe QUESTIONS — MARKS QUESTIONS — MARKS Faculty Feedback Porenss Feedback ATTENDED ATTENDED OBTAINED OBTAINED REMARKS FEMARKS Signature Signature a fSans Gere Dezine Quest" ‘SMALL WORLD OF CREATIVE MINDS BATCH : C) Roll No. Dai This SET comprises of Communication Ability(Passage) and questions based on latest pattern. Be patient, Work on every section of the paper each will have equal significance to assure your result. ead the directions properly and carefully, Read twice, thrice till you get to understand the notes. Memorise all the notes with best possible recall value, Do not ask any confusions to faculty concern until and unless you try it out yourself For Guestions: Of all the options a, b, c, d, € or a, b,c, d any one is true rest are false. Fill & mark your best suited answers in the assignment sheet with pencil Only correct: answer will be counted. Overwriting and other mistakes are not allowed. 02 NIFTBY NIFTIANS OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019- 2020 ( PASSAGE 1 PASSAGE - 2 ) “What if no more cars come?” The thought screamed in Chris's head. His wet clothes were stiffening as the temperature dipped towards freezing. What would happen to his father and Stephani? Should he stay or go back? Yes, he had to go back and make sure that his family was okay. Then’ he'd make a plan. By the time Chris /got to the stream, the sun had set. ‘The thought of crossing that frigid flow again filled his with dread. But he steeled himself and plunged into the blood-chilling water, lunging for the other side. Chris dragged his freezing body back to the top of the hill, and tried to find his way through the tangle of trees. The plane was nowhere to be seen. Had he backtracked wrong? He stood, his body shaking, trying to control his breathing. ‘I'm lost; he thought. ‘Then, drifting through the awful silence, he heard the eerie sound of his father’s voice, high-pitched and tinged with fear. He followed It back to the crash site and found his family. All three crawled back to the cabin of the plane, wrapped themselves in clothes from their luggage and huddled together against the cold. ‘Snow began to flick against the windows above him, but Chris stoked up his resolve. If his efforts has failed today, he would try again tomorrow. 1. Regarding the sequence of the accident information is, not contained in the passage? (a) There were only three members in the plane (b) It met with an accident in a hilly area (c) Two members got unconscious (d) The third tried to find any help from somewhere 2. Why did Chris mainly return? (a) Tt was getting darker (b) There was no sight of any help coming (c) He was unable to bear cold any more (4) He was concerned about the safety of his father and Stephani 3. What hardship did Chris not bear according to passage? (a) Facing snowfall (b) Crossing mountain (c) Swimming across a stream (d) Struggling with dense trees 4. Which of the following natural scenery is missing in the Passage? (a) River of very cold water (b) Snow -capped mountain peaks (c) A dense forest of trees (d) Rough mountainous terrain 5. What actually was Chris's plan? (a) To go to the plain and seek help (b) To find rescue from anywhere (c) To return to the family before dark (d) To get to a safer place by night @dezinequest: Must stay awake! Cannot fall asleep! Last time I dozed of, the floor started turning. If I hadn’t woken up, I would have been plunged into water, and I hate getting cold and wet! Why? Because I'm a rat, What? 1 snap back to consciousness with a gasp. I'd been out for only a few seconds-just long enough to dream that I was a subject in a 1980s sleep research study. In it, rodents were kept awake for days and days, and were forced to step into water whenever they tried to sleep. Unless the researchers intervened, the rats would die. Now, I'm struggling through my onn 40-hours sleep deprivation marathon-skipping a night’s sleep to report how I feel. We krow how detrimental lack of sleep can be. A recent survey found that women's top health concern is fatigue, ranking higher than heart disease, breast cancer and other lfe threatening nesses, Lack of sleep was cited as the second most common reason for fatigue, falling behind combined home and outside work. Yet all of us skimp on sleep. Specialists say the average adult needs eight to eight and half hours of snooze time each night, but most of us get only seven or less. And when a report has to be finished or a child is sick, we borrow from our sleep time, creating a massive “sleep debt,” That debt shows up in daytime sleepiness, lost productivity, accidents and possibly, iliness. 6. Which of the following Is not definitely caused by a “sleep debt? (a) Tiredness (b) Illness (c) Decreased ability to produce (@) Napping 7. Why do people often compromise with their sleep hours when faced with extra work? (2) They are negligent about its side-effect (b) They are unknown about its side-effect (c) They think it to be harmless (d) Not mentioned in the passage 8. Which one of the following is not true about research ‘on rodents? (2) They also need sleep like human beings (b) They would die if not allowed to sleep (c) The research was aborted prematurely (4) In water they can’t sleep 9. Which one of the following is definitely true about the author? (a) He was a test factor (b) He was a doctor (c) He was a rat (d) He was a researcher Thad to stop and think for a minute - more for more? That doesn’t make sense! If you have to do more, to handle more, yet there I is no more time and energy and your quality of life decrease with each ‘more’ you acquire - that means that some where in the prior ‘mores’ was a break even point. There must have been some point in there 03 MIFTBY NIFTIANS where ‘more’ was enough and everything great- yet we missed the peak because we were busily looking at something ‘more’. Is less more? I always wondered what that meant - ‘less is more. Actually, you have to have something to begin with to have less and know what this means . I remember during the fires in Colorado we went from living ‘a gorgeous, huge house, on a mountain, to living in a pickup truck and hotel room for two weeks. We had much less - but at that time we had everything we needed : my Wife, myself and the two dogs. We ere safe and realised that nothing mattered - our peak? Perhaps. But, life went on and we rebuilt our lives around necessities instead of ‘more’. We now have every thing we need, and a few things we want, but we looked for that break even point and are now happier than ever before. 10. What, according to the passage, is the cause behind people's continuous effort for more? (2) People are always dissatisfied with what they have (b) People don’t realise the functional level of achievement (c) Desires are unlimited (d) More creates more 11. Before the ‘break -even point. (2) there is a scope for getting more and more (b) There is no satisfaction (c) one should try for accomplishments (d) man's life is not worth living 12. What lesson can one derive from the passage ? (a) Don't try to get more than what one has (b) One should be satisfied with what one has (c) Less is more (d) There should be a saturation point of one’s wishes 13, What could be a ‘break-even point?” (a) A point beyond which everything breaks (b) An even point that leads to a break (c) A point that denotes the apex of fulfillment (d) A point after which everything achieved sets in a chain relation 14. Which one of the following statements is not true according to the passage? {@) It is very difficult to reach the break- even point (b) Less is more (c) After a certain point with each achievement we deteriorate qualitatively (4) The author was issueless when Colorado fire displaced him (are, Andre Hartman pointed to a spot just a few metres behind the outboard motors. "Haai op die aas,” he announced again. ‘Shark on the bait. The glass-calm sea was sliced by a steel-grey dorsal fin. About two metres behind it, the blade of a crescent tail swept side to side, propelling the torpedo body towards us. Slowly, Hartman drew in the rope; its end was knotted through the skull and entrails of a small cow shark. What followed behind it was unmistakable: a great white shark. Hartman lifted the bait aboard and knelt on the wood square mounted between the two motors. He plunged his right hand into the water, just as the great conical head reached the back of the boat. "For God's sake, Andre,” I OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019-2020 said, ‘what’ His hand grabbed the pointed snout and moved it away from the shaft of the motor as the head rose out of the water. There was the most notorious mouth in nature, the upper jaw extending its rank of serrated triangular daggers, the lower jaw studded with needle-sharp grabbing teeth Hartman's hand cupped the snout, and the enormous head eased back and rose even further into the air. There it stayed, motionless, vertical, suspended- apparently by some mystical connection with Hartman No one breathed. For one more heartbeat the shark remained suspended and then-easily, gracefully-halt-slid, half-fell backwards beneath the surface We gawked at each other. At last, Hartman grinned and said, “The first time it was an accident. 1 was just trying to shoo a shark away from the motor. Sharks {are drawn to motors by their electrical signals and have a habit of bitting them to see if they're edible.” 15. The shark was definitely (2) less than two metres long (b) more than two metres long (c) between two to three metres (J) its length not mentioned or implied in the passage 16. Which behaviour of shark is not discernible through the passage? (2) Its attracted by the electrical signal (b) It is attracted towards something it feels ft to be eaten (c) It can be attracted by the bait (d) It is aggressive in nature 17. What physical feature of sharks cannot be derived by the passage? (a) They use both their jaws to grab the (b) They use their tail to give their body motion under water (c) They have a missile shaped body (d) Their upper jaw is fit to pierce the bait 18. What information is not implied or referred in the passage? (a) The people on the boat were shark catchers (b) Andre Hartman was the most senior in terms of experience (©) There were at least two boats employed in the job (d) They used the body parts of dead sharks as bal It was on one of these walks he had first met her. There she was just sitting there gazing out to sea, the Sun behind her surrounding her like @ golden halo. A vision that would always stick with him for the rest of his life. Tt was the start of so many days and months of happiness, something he thought would never happen again to him. After all, he was old, they were old, well her not as much as him. But it seemed she never was that. She never once mentioned the years between them. ‘And when once he had brought up about his age, she sealed his lips with a kiss and said, “It’s never too late to fall in love,” the lines of an old song that even now echoed through his thoughts. She soon moved into his litte cottage, and their world was one of roses, sunny days and happiness. Odezinequest 04 MIFTBY NIFTIANS ‘The one night she told him she had been to the doctors, and what the doctor had found. He remembered last few months of their lives together, and the bitter taste left by her death, a taste that poisoned his body, and broke his heart. Still photographs flashed across his mind’s eye, her smile, her serenity and that first time he saw her, lit by the sun, Then the last time he saw her as he held her hand, and the last breaths of her life left her, and he could swear she was at that moment once more surrounded by that same golden glow. A ball brushing against his legs woke him from his day dreams. There in the pram he always pushed along the sea front on his daily walk, was the sleeping form of their child. He smiled, and her word came back to him: it's never too late to fall in love... 19. Which one of the information following regarding the lady seems to be definitely certain? (a) She was a widow at that time she met with the man (b) She was a divorcee when they met (c) She was issueless at the time of marriage (@) She had no house of her own 20. Which of the following could not be ascertained from the passage? (a) Both were ripe in age when they married (b) The man was poor (c) He was elderiy to her (d) They lived together years as a couple before 21. The lady died of (a) poison (b) heart attack (c) unknown disease (d) None of these 22. Which of the following information is not definitely true according to the passage? (a) The man was sad and unhappy when he first met her (b) Their was an accident meeting (c) Their cottage was along the sea side (d) The lady died when their child was very tender Each morning he left his house at about 8:30 and set o ffon a carefully planned route that would bring him home in eight or nine hours. He didn’t think of himself as a peddlar. “I'ma salesman,” he'd explain to customers, " and I use psychology in my work. I carry only the best quality goods. I work out my routes so that I visit each house exactly three times a year. That way I don't make a nuisance of myself. I'm polite, Whether or not you buy from me, my “thank you' is the same. I want people to think of me as a nice person.” After offering, "Potholders today?, A nice red bandana for your little son?" in a high-pitched voice, Herbie always hoped to linger and chat for a while. It was, the way he eased his loneliness. He reminisced about his mother, to whom he had been very close. Every Sunday during the warm months, he visited her cemetery and adorned her grave with a bouquet. The double headstone contained room for his name and dates. In March, 1968, he had picked out a grey casket for himself and prepaid his funeral expenses, which came to $ 749.26. @dezinequest: OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019- 2020 23, Why did Herbie prepay his funeral expenses? Because he (a) was over - conscious regarding his death (b) had none on whom he could believe (c) was alone (4) was growing old and feeling lonely 24, Which of the following Information is false according to the passage? He (a) usually returned home before 6 p.m. (b) was not sure about the routes he travelled (c) was a door to door seller (@) dealt in petty household items 25. Which after - death preparation did Herbie not make before his death? He (a) had fixed the place of his burial (b) had already paid the expenses to be incurred on his funeral (c) had bought a Coffin for his dead body (d) had got his name and date engraved on his tombstone 26. Which personal information regarding Herbie is definitely false according to the passage? (a) was a happy-go-lucky person (b) had not been married (c) had none in his family (4) was a person who was forlorn Just take a look at your family tree. Chances are that you recognise your dad, and your grandfather. In case, you are lucky there might just be an outside chance that you can figure out your great granddad as well. Now, don’t consider yourself unlucky. Just look around your family and ask yourself how many of your brothers, sister, cousins, uncles, aunts live together under a common roof. Probably not many. So, let's ask you why are you aghast when you read that another great business dynasty is on the verge of a split. What's true of your family, is true of business families as well. Which is why research has it that one-third of family businesses are preparing to be sold or turned over to one particular branch of the family at any given point of time. Research also suggests that about 13% of once successful business families are able to sustain themselves for 50 years. Of these, barely 4% of the original are able or survive and grow. Of those that survive and grow, barely half grow as business and families. And only 1% of the original grow in 100 years. In case, you are one of them, consider yourself lucky. 27. As a business family one, according to the passage, is called lucky if one (i) sustains oneself. (i) remains undivided as a family. (iii) grows as a business. (iv) grows for half a century. (a) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (b) (i, (i) and (i) (6) (id, and (i) (d) All of these 05 NIFTBY NIFTIANS 28. Why do people feel surprised when they come to know about a split in @ business family? (2) They regard business families indivisible (b) They take business families an exception to the general family norms (c) They regard business family highly (d) There are not many members in a typical business family 29. What, according to the passage, is the percentage of the families that also prosper in business? (2) 2% (b) 1% (©) 4% (d) 0.5% 30. What message is derived from the passage? (2) Everyone rises and falls (b) Business families are usually divided (c) One must not expect the families to remain undivided (4) Split is but natural My personal motto has always been that “Life is more important than show business. "If I had the choice of attending a star-studded Hollywood premiere where I could ‘meet plenty of business contacts or an elementary-school play where my kid wears a Greek toga and says one inaudible line, I'd pick the play every time. There are always more laughs at school plays. This “family is all” philosophy is said with some irony because when I first worked in television, I found myself constantly struggling to balance the responsibilities of being a producer and a dad. Often I would come home late at night, exhausted from a day wrestling with four television shows, to find a book report on To Kill a Mockingbird or Wuthering Heights lying on the stairs leading to my bedroom. No matter how tired I was, 1 always tried to find the time and energy to read it. If I didn’t, I'd find a nasty note in my bowl of porridge the next morning ‘child doesn’t understand the excuse “The network Is breathing down my neck. “Kids only know” I have a book report due tomorrow, and Daddy promised to help me with it” My family taught me the most important lesson of all: if you want to be a success at work, you need also to be a success at home. Learning this balance has helped me achieve a long and successful career. 31. The author seems to prefer school play to any show business because, (a) he found business tedious and shorn of amusement, (b) life is more important (c) he loved family (d) business made him tired whereas play did not 32. At present, the author seems to be a (a) Serviceman (b) TV producer (c) businessman (d) mediaman. OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019-2020 33. Which of the following statements best expresses the theme of the passage? (2) Family is all (b) Life is more important (C) Winning world means winning family also (d) Laugh more get more 34, A book report must be (a) a person's personal reflection on a book (b) a child’s school assignment (c) an extra business assignment from the office (d) an author's note on a book ‘The space between thoughts is the gap, the silent creative ground of our creativity which is unformed, unbounded awareness. We familiarise ourselves with this deep nature of our existence through meditation. After it has become a stable, accessible part of our consciousness, then we gradually gain felicity in shifting our attention from concrete thoughts, wishes and intentions, to not thinking and not intending. That place of non-thinking is the space between thoughts. It is the fertile ground from which the fulfillment of our intentions manifests. 35. The space of thoughtlessness is important in that it, (a) helps in meditation (b) helps boost awareness (c) Is the seat of creative actions (d) grows our consciousness 36, Which one of the following statements is not true according to the passage? (a) As a thinking being a person is not truly creative (b) Usually, we are not familiar with one’s true nature (€) Thinking and thoughtlessness are the active and inactive parts of our brain respectively (a) The phase of thoughtlessness helps one meet one’s desires 37. What is not true about the space of ‘not thinking’? (a) it is generally instable but shapely (b) This space is generally out of reach of many (c) It hides what one truly is (d) when one thinks not, one wants not ‘There are five factors for succeeding in life. The first requisite in initiative. This quality marks out a person. from the majority who do not strive for excellence in whatever they do. A person who has the initiative, on the other hand, goes beyond the call of duty. To aim for excellence is more often a natural trait in such individuals and they do it not for the sake of recognition or for reward but for self-satisfection. Success is a natural outcome when one achieves perfection in any enterprise. The next requirement is sharp intelligence. Even if initiative and intelligence are there unless a person is industrious he cannot be successful. He should also have integrity because even if the other three Odezinequest 06 NIFTBY MIFTIANS qualities are there a person who is not upright will not achieve lasting success. Finally, one should not have ego as it is bound to ruin all that he achieves by his haughtiness. 38. Which one of the factors of success hasn’t been mentioned in the passage? (a) Honesty (b) Self-esteem (c) Labour: (d) Humbieness 39. What is definitely true about ‘ego’ according to passage? (a) Itis a failure for success (b) Tt may ruin one’s chances of success (c) It prohibits one from achievement things in life (d) It nullifies one’s achievement 40. Which of the following statements is not true about a man of initiations? (a) Strive for perfection (b) Takes everything to be a matter of duty (c) Is invariably a man of quality (d) Is self - motivated 41. At the beginning stage which one of the qualities is the ‘most important to achieve success? (a) Industry (b) Initiative (c) Intelligence (d) Egolessness 42. Which one of these statements is not true according to the passage? (a) As everyone is not intelligent, everyone doesn’t succeed (b) Success at the beginning stage is the result of a ‘combination of only labour, quality and initiative (c) Lack of integrity ruins chances of success. (d) Men of initiative are in minority PASSAGE 11 Summer turned to autumn, autumn to winter. Since entering the police academy at 18, De Santis had never known a_single operation to go on for as long as this. Be patient, Brusca, he knew, would be spending time with his girlfriend, Rosaria Cristiano, a good-looking woman who had given Brusca a son, Davide, now four years old. In the meantime, De Santis had to sleep in a police barracks bed, separated from his wife and child in Rome. Be patient. He got an unexpected break. A high-ranking Mafioso cooperated with the police and during his interrogation revealed that Brusca had moved into a new house in a suburb of the nearby city of Palermo, On 12th January, 1996, De Santis, together with 150 police and a couple of helicopters surrounded the ‘dwelling: They battered down the freshly-painted front door. But The Pig was no longer there. De Santis knelt down and picked up some newspapers scattered in the living room. They were dated some days earlier. "We missed them by a couple of days,” he exclaimed, letting the papers fall to the floor. He could have wept. 43. Which one of the following facts about Brusca is definitely false? (2) Brusca was the chief of the Mafiosos (b) Brusca hide-out was unknown to the police (c) Brusca was one of the prime targets of the police (d) Brusca was a dreaded criminal @dezinequest: OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019- 2020 44. What does the expression “The Pig” most probably mean? (a) De Santis called Brusca “The Pig” (b) Brusca was also known by the name "The Pig” (c) Brusca had a pig (d) “The Pig’ was the name of hatred his enemies gave to Brusca 45. Which one of the following is not true about De Santis according to the passage? He (a) missed his wife and children (b) missed dearly adventure (c) Was keeping track of Brusca (d) had personal score to settle with Brusca ‘Three hours into their journey, at an altitude just above 1830 metres, they climbed over a ridge and came to an alpine meadow above the tree line. “Wow, isn’t this something?" said Ann, gazing at the Valley below. Through a low-lying fog the land glowed with the changing colours of early autumn, Still appreciating the vast view, Ann and Christine followed the curving path for a few moments. Then Ann stared into the meadow. "Christine, look! Bears!” A grizzly and her two cubs were about 300 metres away. Ann wasn’t frightened. She has lived in bear country , and she knew that unless surprised, bears run away from humans. But not this time. It took a few seconds before they realised that the bears were running towards them. Christine glanced nervously at Ann. Without trees to climb, they had limited options. ‘They're still so far away that they're probably running after something else, Ann thought, remembering that bears often fake attacks to intimidate intruders. But the mother bear kept coming. Leaving the cubs behind, it was charging at them with incredible speed. The two hikers began yelling and waving their arms to intimidate the bear. When the animal didn’t flinch, the women started running. Then Ann stopped. “Don't run!” Ann yelled. She suddenly remembered that if you run, bears think you are easier prey and are more inclined to attack. Christine slowed, and both women walked down a bank out of sight of the grizzly. Ann unlatched the bear repellent from its holster and pulled the safety clip, She still didn’t think the bear would actually attack. The bank blocked her view as they waited. Please be gone, she prayed. Then the head of the grizzly popped up over the ridge just four and a half metres away. ‘Ann aimed her repelient and waited. I have one chance to do this right, she thought as the bear closed in. one and a half metres away, the two metre animal rose up on its hind legs, towering over her. Their eyes locked. Ann froze, mesmerized by the fierce black stare. Then she pressed the trigger, unleashing a burning red spray into the bear's face. ‘46. Which one of the following is not correct about the bear psychology? Bears. (a) like to attack easier/weaker targets (b) normally don’t fear from man (c) often intimidate than actually attack the unwanted (d) attack only when they feel threatened or are ‘surprised 07 NIFTBY WIFTIANS OBSERVATION SKILLS GaT-2019-2020 47. Which one of the following facts is definitely not true regarding Ann and Christine? (a) The two were professional mountain climbers (b) Ann was more familiar to bear psychology (c) Both of them knew how to climb trees (d) Ann was more composed before danger than Christine 48. Which could the expression ‘please be gone’ mean in the context of the passage? (a) Ann was afraid of the grizzly (b) Ann didn’t want to face the bear (c) Ann was praying to the God (4) Ann didn’t want to hurt the bear Goodbye seems a concluding remark we have to speak when we leave someone behind. It sounds so final. And yet itis a heart-breaking reality we have to face somehow, someday no matter how dreadful it may be. Letting go of those we deeply ove and care about, for whatever reason often leavens us helplessly shattered. But on the other hand, clinging pointlessly to what has been ....... memories or relationships ...... usually isn’t very good for us in the end. But learning to have the courage to let go is a sign of growth. It is an indication that we are mature enough to know what we can do without and that we are ready to make room for what we really need in the next phase of our life Goodbye is @ sad thing, but itis very real. We have to face the fact that we all have to say goodbye sometime in our lives and there's no easy way of saying it. That is why people often take o ffwhen they least expect it. They just walk away because they can't figure a way of saying goodbye. Some people think that it’s holding on that make us strong; sometimes it’s letting go. Yes, there's no doubt about it ...... parting gives us a lot of sorrow, especially if itis forever. But then goodbye is really just another way of saying Hello We move on and on. Goodbye may mean a lot more hellos. So, we have to let go and we should know when to finally end a chapter in our life to be able to give way a new one. 49. What sort of passage is it? (a) Reflective (b) Optimistic (€) Didactic (d) Sermonising 50. Which one of the following statements best express the theme of the passage? (2) Parting is inevitable (b) Parting is a sad thing and causes sorrow (c) Parting relives us of the memories and relationship (4) Continuing fruitiess relationship hinders one's progress, 51. How does the author in the passage define growth? (2) Mutual understanding and unbreakable relationship (b) Parting with someone (©) Being bold enough to discontinue something burden some (d) Being strong enough to hold on rather than let go. 52. Which one of the following statements is not true according to the passage? (a) Parting leads to sorrow and sadness. (b) Only courageous people can let go (c) Parting gives opportunity to establish fresh contacts (d) Most people fear saying goodbye 53. The author seems to be in favour of, (a) Parting only after trying to maintain ties (b) Parting beyond a certain stage (c) not letting go if one can tolerate (d) not letting go as it causes sorrow and sadness Half a metre from the lip of Niagara Falls, eight metres from shore, 50 metres above the rocks below - 2 man stood for nearly two hours in swirling 1 degree C water upto his tights. It was a bitter cold March day, when a despondent 47- years old man went into the river above the falls with the apparent intention of ending his life. At tthe last moment, he changed his mind and jammed his feet into a rock shelf. ‘Attempting to save him, a rescue team climbed over ice formations along the shore and went into the rapids on safety lines. But the powerful current prevented anyone from reaching him. A helicopter was called “There was absolute desperation in his eyes, said the pilot, Captain Kevin R. Caffery. As Caffery’s partner prepared to throw a line, the man lost his footing and shot towards the brink. Incredibly, he caught another snag. His feet dangling over the edge, he grabbed the life ring. And held on. Pulled to shore by police and fire rescuers, he was swept under an ice shelf at the river's edge. An officer broke the ice with his fists, and the man was hauled to safety. “It was the damnedest thing," said fire Chief William Correa- the most fantastic rescue he'd ever seen. The man underwent psychiatric evaluation and has not been publicly identified. ‘54, Which of the following information regarding the man is not definitely true? The man was, (a) Willing to commit suicide (b) sad and depressed (€) not known (@) mentally disbatanced 55. Which of the following information seems not definitely true in the context of the passage? (a) Niagara Falls are 50 meters high (b) There were many rocky projections (c) Man was standing close to the mouth of the Falls (@) When the man changed his mind, he got then fearful of the impending death 56. Consider the following statements (i) In the helicopter, Caffery and Correa were trying to save the man (i) When he was saved the man was clinging to the edge. Which of the statement(s) is/are correct? (a) only (1) (b) only (ii) (c) Both (i) and (Ii) (G) None of these Odezinequest Second-generation Asians, who have spent their formative years in a country different from that of their parents, find themselves constantly negotiating their allegiance to their parents’ natal culture and the culture of their adopted home. The irony is that the rigidly enforced Indian ‘tradition’ bears little resemblance to contemporary middle- class attitudes in Indi In a number of cases, migrants do seek to become part of the hast society and over a period of time their self- Indentification as immigrants fades, though they may retain an ethnic identity. People who feel displaced and who try to invent or revive a connection with a prior home often use the language of diaspora. ‘The awareness of being different often also leads to a sense of isolation and subsequent ghettoisation of immigrant communities. The immigrant and native communities leading parallel, segregated lives in Oldham and Burnley sparked racial violence in the summer of 2001. 57. The “awareness of being different” leads to all of the following expect (a) ethnic violence (b) ethnic identity (c) cultural segregation (d) physical alienation 58. The ‘irony’ referred to in the passage denotes (a) the difference between the existing cultural norms and cherished ones in the middle class (b) the traditional cultural norms and those of adopted homes (0) the difference between native and foreign middle class cultures (d) the difference between the traditional and non- traditional values 59. Peaceful co-existence of the migrants with the natives is possible when, (a) migrants maintain a separate identity (b) the migrants revive connection with their native land and maintain their ethnic identity (©) the ethnic identity of the diaspora is done away with (d) the migrants effect assimilation while maintaining ethnic identity 60. Asians’ constant negotiation shows their, (a) effort to maintain their identity (b) effort at naturalisation (c) diffculty in adaptation (d) awareness of being different Murry Sidlin was tense with anticipation as he walked through the cobbled, mist-shrouded streets of Terezin in the Czech Republic. Images kept forming in his mind of the village as it must have been 60 years before, when it was a ‘Nazi concentration camp filled with desperate and dying Jews. They were the reason that Sidlin had travelled here from America, where he was resident conductor of a symphony. But it wasn’t the suffering of these Jews that brought him, It was their triumph, ‘The- 60 years old sidlin, a short, powerful man @dezinequest: OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019- 2020 with silver hair, clutched a red bound musical score in his hand: the Verdi Requiem. He entered one of the old barracks and made his way down a flight of dimly lit steps and then along a dank basement corridor. Finally, he found himself in front of a heavy wooden door. He hesitated and then pushed it open. The feeble light revealed a long, narrow room filled with heaps of lumber, broken chairs, old bricks and rubble. Sidlin’s eyes blurred with tears. He knelt down, scraped a handful of dust from the floor and rubbed it onto the score. Here, In this very room, he thought, ordinary people rose to the level of the superhuman. His ‘own mission now was to make sure the world would never forget them. 61. What was the job of Sidlin? (a) He was an investigative journalist (b) He worked in a music band (c) He was a singer (d) He was a freelancer and traveller 62. What was Sidlin’s purpose behind going Terezin? (a) He wanted to tell the worid about the suffering of the Jews at the Terezin (b) He was investigating the Nazi's concentration camp (c) He wanted to compose Verdi Requiem (d) He wanted to have the first hand experience of the suffering of the Jews: 63. Which one of these facts is definitely true according to the passage? (a) He had not visited the campat Terezin when it was there (b) He was not a Jew (c) He was not an American (d) He had composed Verdi Requiem ‘Sweets are an essential part of any celebration. If consumption is moderate and there is no related health problem, there is no need to avoid sweets. Hence, moderate intake couple with oral hygiene and dental care is advised. Many sugar substitutes with various chemical and physical properties are available to those who cannot have sugar. If scientists were to formulate the perfect sweetener of the future, it would taste good, have no calories, and be nutritious, non-carcinogenic, non-toxic and safe for diabetics and the hypoglycaemic. As a bonus, this perfect sweetener might even reduce one’s hunger sensation and promote oral hygiene. 64, What one of the following statements Is not true in the light of the passage? (a) Sweeteners have the capacity to appease appetite (b) Sweeteners with changed properties are always beneficial (c) Sweets are Identified with happiness (4) Controlled eating of sweets is advisable even for a healthy person, 65. The perfect sweetener of the future shall be safe for all of the following expect, (a) obesity (b) cancer (c) food poisoning (d) chemical reaction 09 NIFTBY NIFTIANS 66. Which one of the following statements is false according to the passage ? (a) One can take sweets if one, (b) takes care of one’s teeth (c) does not take them excessively (d) does not have any health problem (e) takes care of the health of the mouth 67. The author of the passage must be (a) a medical analyst (b) a health crusader (c) A scientist (d) A research analyst One of my favourite lines in the movie Gone with the Wind Js when Scarlett says “Tomorrow is another day”. This line has given me hope many times when the skies of my life were bleak and couldn't see around the corner of whatever challenge was facing me. At the time, I would remind myself that after all, tomorrow was another day. No matter what it looked like at the moment, I knew that tomorrow would bring perhaps a solution, or may be simply another perception of the situation I was in I would remind myself that things always get better eventually. Anything can change tomorrow, or even today, or even this moment. We simply have to keep the door open to the possibility of change -keep our mind and heart open to looking for a next step, a resolution of our dilemma, When we give up, or when we think it’ all hopeless, we stop looking for solutions and we stop being open to the miracles that the Universe can send our way. There are many things that we see when we look around us -whether in our household, in our work situation, in the world-that are ‘far from perfect’. But, everything that exists today can be different tomorrow, or the day after that. The important thing for us to remember is that there is hope. I always like to say : As long as you're still breathing, there's stil hope. (And if you are confident in life after death, as I am, then you know there’s still hope after your body is no longer breathing.) Nothing in our life, no matter how terrible it seems, is hopeless. Whether later today or tomorrow, we still will have opportunities to ‘make it better’. Whether we are dealing with relationships, work situations, or world crises - it can all change. Nothing is ever always the same-things are in a constant process of change and when we are setting our intentions properly, the change is towards the betterment of our life situation. 68. What could the coming day not offer in view of the difficult situation? (2) Another approach to the problem (b) A solution to the problem (c) A hope of resolution (d) A mirace sent by the universe 69. Tomorrow could be a better day only if we, (a) are receptive (b) have opportunities (c) try for solution (d) believe in God OBSERVATION SKILLS GAT-2019-2020 70. What is the most appropriate title of the passage? (a) Hope is Eternal (b) Miracles of the Universe (c) Never say Die (d) Nothing is Hopeless 71, Which one of the following statements is false according to the passage? (a) Change is the law of nature (b) The author is a believer (C) Our perception to the problem ensures outcome (d) God surely helps a person 72, The passage is (a) analytical (b) Optimistic (€) philosophical (d) didactic ©dezinequest

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