Leadership 2

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Running head: LEADERSHIP SYTLE 1

Leadership Style

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation

Leadership Style

Who is your leader?

One of the greatest leaders of our time is the 44th president of the United States of

America, Barack Obama. I consider President Obama, the best leader, because of his style of

leadership, all through his career as an attorney and a politician. President Obama uses a

democratic form of leadership, just like the party he subscribes to, the democrats. In this style of

leadership, decision making based on the inputs of every person (Elkatawneh, 2016). This style

is known to be the most effective style of leadership because everyone’s voice counts.

What leadership traits does your leader display?

One trait that President Barack Obama always displayed was inclusivity. From the

beginning of the campaign for the presidential position, he was always inclusive. Obama

incorporated every individual and from all walks of life and race in the development of the

united states. During his reign as the president of America, he ensured the Americans had said in

every great decision that directly affected their lives (Elkatawneh, 2016). After he got elected,

many people thought that he would be biased towards the people of color in the US, but he chose

to be neutral without any leaning (Paquin et al., 2017). He also shared and motivated people

through his vision, manifesto and slogan ‘Yes we can.’ These aspects made many people love

him and subscribe to his ideology. These traits of inclusivity, positive attitude, lack of bias,

sharing one’s vision with your followers, and everyone’s opinion getting accounted for, form the

foundations for the democratic style of leadership.


Leadership capabilities

During his term of leadership as the president, many Americans were facing the challenge

of expensive health care, which they could not afford. He proposed the development of universal

health insurance for every American, which was called the affordable care act or Obamacare.

This proposal was to make access to health easy, reduce treatment costs, and protect citizens

from insurance companies’ arbitration. He used his democratic leadership style to get support

from people, other leaders, and congress for the insurance plan (Thurber, 2015). Many people

and insurance firms fought against it, but his democratic leadership skills of negotiation helped

me succeed. This aspect makes Obama an effective leader.



Elkatawneh, H. (2016). Bridging Theory and Practice Leadership/Barack Obama. Barack

Obama (November 8, 2016).

Paquin, J., Massie, J., & Beauregard, P. (2017). Obama’s leadership style: enabling transatlantic

allies in Libya and Mali. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 15(2), 184-206.

Thurber, J. A. (2015). Obama in Office: The First Two Years. Routledge.

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