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Potential role of the (pro)renin receptor

in cardiovascular and kidney diseases

Christelle Cousin, Diane Bracquart, Inserm Unité 833 and Collège de France, Paris - France
Aurelie Contrepas, Geneviève Nguyen

Abstract Introduction
The discovery of a (pro)renin receptor ((P)RR) and the
introduction of renin inhibitors in the clinic has brou- The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is mostly studied for
ght prorenin, the inactive proenzyme form of renin, its role in the control of blood pressure and salt balance.
back into the spotlight. The (P)RR binds both renin During the last decade, the RAS has shown new faces,
and its inactive precursor prorenin, and their binding new components were discovered and the involvement of
triggers intracellular signaling that up-regulates the the RAS in many other essential pathophysiological pro-
expression of profibrotic genes. Furthermore, bin- cesses such as development, inflammation and remode-
ding of prorenin unmasks its active site and endows
ling was emphasized. The discovery of a specific receptor
prorenin with angiotensin I–generating activity. Many
for renin and prorenin and the clinical development of a
studies have attempted to establish a link between (P)
renin inhibitor have further stimulated interest in the RAS
RR and hypertension, (P)RR and tissue fibrosis asso-
ciated with hypertension and with diabetic nephropa-
and for the optimization of the RAS blockade.
thy. Models of transgenic rats overexpressing (P)RR The classical RAS is a cascade of enzymatic reactions:
develop high blood pressure and have glomeruloscle- angiotensinogen (Aogen) is cleaved by renin to generate
rosis, suggesting a link between increased (P)RR and angiotensin I (Ang I) converted in Ang II by the angiotensin-
these pathologies, but no definite proof of any role of converting enzyme (ACE), and Ang II is considered to be
(P)RR in other models of cardiovascular or renal di- the main biologic active peptide through binding to its AT1
seases could be established because of the absence and AT2 receptors (Fig. 1). Renin is an aspartyl protease
of any specific (P)RR antagonist and of tissue-specific synthesized and secreted as an inactive proenzyme, pro-
(P)RR null mice. Nevertheless, a study in a large co- renin, characterized by a 43 amino acid prosegment that
hort of Japanese men has shown a correlation betwe- covers the cleft of the active site. Prorenin maturation into
en a polymorphism in the (P)RR gene and increased renin is due to the cleavage of the prosegment, a process
ambulatory blood pressure. Finally, a mutation in the
that takes place exclusively in the myoepithelioid cells of
(P)RR gene is responsible for mental retardation and
the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) in the kidney where
epilepsy, indicating that (P)RR is essential during brain
renin is stored in secretory granules and released in pla-
sma under various stimuli (1), whereas many other tissues
synthesize and secrete prorenin (2-4). The term (pro)renin
Key words: Diabetes, Fibrosis, Hypertension, Mental
retardation, (Pro)renin receptor designates both renin and prorenin.
The existence of a tissue RAS and of a receptor for renin was
postulated long ago based on 2 observations: most plasma

508 © 2010 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428

JNEPHROL 2010; 23 ( 05 ) : 508-513

Fig. 1 - Schematic representation

of the classical renin-angiotensin
system (RAS) and its emerging
pathway supported by the (pro)
renin receptor. Overactivation of
the classical RAS may lead to
organ damage by angiotensin II
receptor type 1 activation. Renin
and prorenin activate (P)RR and
trigger intracellular signaling. In
addition, the binding of prorenin
provokes its non-proteolytic acti-
vation. The consequences of this
Ang II–independent pathway on
organ damage are not yet esta-
blished. ACE = angiotensin-con-
verting enzyme; Ang I = angio-
tensin I; Ang II = angiotensin II;
Aogen = angiotensinogen; AT1-R
= angiotensin II type-1 receptor;
ERK1/2 = extracellular regulated
kinase 1/2; HSP27 = heat shock

Fig. 2 - Schematic representation

of the (pro)renin receptor – the
(P)RR. The (P)RR is composed
of 3 domains: extracellular, tran-
smembrane and cytoplasmic do-
mains. It is cleaved by furin to ge-
nerate a soluble fragment called
soluble (pro)renin receptor (s(P)
RR) released in the plasma and
the M8.9 transmembrane and
cytoplasmic fragment. The frag-
ment M8.9 is highly conserved
in vertebrates and invertebrates,
whereas s(P)RR is only conser-
ved in vertebrates.

Ang II originates from tissue where it is generated, and a lo- in human mesangial cells (9). The receptor was cloned
cal Ang II synthesis exists in tissues such as the brain, heart, in 2002 by screening a human kidney expression libra-
eye, adipose tissue and kidney in the absence of local matu- ry (10), and called (P)RR, for (pro)renin receptor since
re renin production, suggesting active renin uptake likely by it bound renin and prorenin. (P)RR is a 350 amino acid
receptor (5-8). Several binding sites and receptors for renin protein without homology with any known protein, and
and for prorenin were described (2), but this review will fo- the gene called ATP6AP2 (see below) is located on the X
cus on the specific (pro)renin receptor called (P)RR and on chromosome at the p11.4 locus. (P)RR binds renin and
its potential role in disease. prorenin with an affinity in the nanomolar range (10).
(P)RR is a single transmembrane domain receptor and
Biochemistry has a large extracellular domain responsible for (pro)re-
nin binding, and a short cytoplasmic domain of 20 amino
acids (Fig. 2). (P)RR also exists in a soluble form gene-
Structure of (P)RR rated by intracellular cleavage by furin, and this soluble
form can be found in plasma and is able to bind renin
Using 125I-labeled renin Nguyen and colleagues have (11). The existence of the soluble form of (P)RR supports
identified a binding site specific for renin and prorenin the initial finding of a 10-kDa truncated (P)RR encompas-

Cousin et al: (Pro)renin receptor and diseases

sing the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains and posed that prorenin was as predictive marker of micro-
coprecipitating with vacuolar proton-ATPase (V-ATPase) vascular complications (20). The existence of a prorenin
in bovine chromaffin granules (12). This also explains uptake (21) and of prorenin enzymatic activity was su-
the reason why the (P)RR gene was called ATP6AP2 (for spected long ago (22) and elegantly demonstrated by
ATPase accessory protein 2). V-ATPase is essential in Methot et al (23). These authors have generated double
the acidification and control of cellular pH, and (P)RR transgenic mice expressing human angiotensinogen
and V-ATPase were shown to colocalize in the brush bor- and human prorenin either native or noncleavable pro-
der of collecting duct distal tubular cells (13). The exact segment prorenin, in the pituitary gland of the animals,
meaning of this colocalization of (P)RR with V-ATPase is and they analyzed the content of pituitary Ang I. With
not yet fully understood (14). regard to the species-specificity of the RAS, any incre-
The domains of (P)RR interacting with (pro)renin have not ased of Ang I in the pituitary gland would reflect human
been identified yet, but it is now established that the active Aogen cleavage by human renin. Their results showed
site is not involved in the interaction, since renin inhibitors an increased of Ang I in the pituitary gland of animals
have no effect on (pro)renin binding to (P)RR (15). Very transgenic for Aogen and native prorenin and for Aogen
little is known about the regulation of expression of (P)RR and noncleavable prorenin compared with single tran-
except about the negative control of renin and prorenin on sgenic animals expressing Aogen only, thereby demon-
their own receptor expression, which was demonstrated strating the existence of a local enzymatic activity of
in vitro in cell cultures (16, 17). prorenin in vivo (23). A possible binding and activation
of human prorenin to mouse (P)RR may explain the lo-
Effects of (pro)renin binding to (P)RR, and of (P) cal prorenin activation, as it has been recently shown
RR activation that (P)RR was widely and highly expressed in mouse
brain (24).
The binding of (pro)renin to (P)RR has 2 major consequen-
ces: (i) the nonproteolytic activation of prorenin, and (ii) the Intracellular signaling triggered by (P)RR activation
activation of intracellular signaling involving the MAP kina-
ses ERK1/2 and p38 pathways. The binding of (pro)renin induces (P)RR phosphorylation
on serine and tyrosine residues and MAP kinase ERK1/2
Prorenin nonproteolytic activation activation (10), which in turn up-regulates profibrotic mo-
lecule (TGFβ, PAI-1, collagen I and fibronectin) expres-
Prorenin can be activated in 2 ways: in a proteolytic and sion and cell proliferation (10, 25, 26), and these effects
a nonproteolytic manner. Proteolytic activation is due to are not abolished by ACE inhibitors or by AT1 receptor
the cleavage of its prosegment, a process that uncovers antagonists, indicating that they are not dependent on
irreversibly the active site. This only occurs in the myo- Ang II generation. In cardiomyocytes, (P)RR activation
epithelioid cells of the JGA in the kidney (2). A nonpro- leads to p38 and heat shock protein-27 (HSP27) phos-
teolytic activation can be observed in vitro at acidic pH phorylation, known to be involved in actin polymeriza-
or low temperature. During this process, the prosegment tion and cell motility (27). Interestingly, transgenic rats
moves, uncovering the active site of prorenin, but this overexpressing hepatic prorenin have renal lesions and
process is reversible, and the prosegment can return to severe cardiac hypertrophy but normal blood pressure
its original conformation, closing again the active site and normal plasmatic Ang II (28). These observations
cleft. This dynamic process is believed to occur also in suggest that prorenin might play a role in the pathoge-
plasma, and in normal conditions, 2% of circulating pro- nesis of fibrosis by binding to (P)RR and activating intra-
renin is in the open conformation form. Nonproteolytic cellular signaling. However, glomerulosclerosis was not
activation is also likely to occur when prorenin is bound observed in transgenic ren-2 rats with inducible prorenin
to (P)RR. expression, despite 200-fold higher prorenin levels fol-
In normal subjects, prorenin represents up to 90% of lowing induction (29), nor was cardiac fibrosis or glome-
total plasmatic renin. In pregnant women and diabetic rulosclerosis observed in transgenic mice overexpres-
patients, this prorenin to renin ratio can reach 95% (18). sing native prorenin or active site–mutated prorenin (30).
The reason for high prorenin levels in diabetic patients From these experimental models, it can be concluded
is still unknown. Prorenin levels were correlated with that prorenin increase per se cannot be considered as a
nephropathy and retinopathy (19), and it was even pro- primary determinant of fibrosis.

JNEPHROL 2010; 23 ( 05 ) : 508-513

the transmembrane and the intracellular domain putative-

(P)RR in pathophysiology: what have ly associated with the V-ATPase is remarkably conserved
we learned from the animal models?
between invertebrates and vertebrates, whereas the cDNA
sequence coding for the extracellular domain responsible
Some evidence that (P)RR might be related to cardio- for renin and prorenin binding is conserved in vertebrates
vascular diseases comes from studies with transgenic only (37, 38). This leads to the postulate that the (P)RR gene
rats with (P)RR overexpression. When human (P)RR is may result from the fusion of 2 genes – an ancient gene
overexpressed ubiquitously, the transgenic rats are nor- (corresponding with the C terminus) coding for a protein
motensive, but develop proteinuria and slowly progressi- essential for cell survival, and a more recent gene in ver-
ve nephropathy, suggesting a direct pathological role of tebrates (corresponding with the N terminus) which binds
(P)RR in renal damage. The glomeruli of transgenic rats renin and prorenin.
showed increased ERK1/2, p38 and JNK, but not EGFR
phosphorylation, compared with controls, and renal Ang Conclusion and perspectives
II was normal (31). Rats overexpressing the human (P)RR
exclusively in smooth muscle cells, including vascular Although studies on the (pro)renin receptor have allowed
smooth muscle cells ¸develop a cardiovascular phenot- a better understanding of the biochemistry of the recep-
ype after 6 months of age, with elevated systolic blood tor, arguments supporting a role of (P)RR in diseases are
pressure and augmentation in heart rate, but their kidney lacking because of the absence of a specific (P)RR anta-
function was normal, and there was an increase in plasma gonist and of (P)RR knockout mice, making the generation
aldosterone and in aldosterone to renin ratio (32). Different of (P)RR floxed mice a mandatory step in the study of (P)
levels of transgene expression may have accounted for RR functions. But there is one situation in which the impor-
the different phenotypes. In this model, the vascular ex- tance of (P)RR cannot be disputed, and that is during brain
pression was not dramatically elevated in the kidney and development and neuronal maturation, because the only
therefore probably not sufficient to induce proteinuria and known mutation in the (P)RR gene is responsible for mental
glomerulosclerosis. However, smooth muscle cell (P)RR retardation and epilepsy (39), and because a recent study
transgenic rats showed very high levels of expression of has shown that the mutated (P)RR can affect neuronal cell
the transgene in the lung, they increased their respiratory differentiation (24).
rate with age, and this could have contributed to the rise
in blood pressure. From these models of overexpression,
evidence that (P)RR is related to cardiovascular disease is Financial support: C.C. is funded by a CIFRE contract with Institut
currently not very strong. de Recherche Servier. D.B. is funded by Conseil Regional de l’Ile
In a Goldblatt model of hypertension, the parallel increases de France.
in (P)RR and renin have been suggested to be profibrotic in
the clipped kidney (33); also, increased (P)RR synthesis was
shown in the kidney of diabetic rats (34). Conflict of interest statement: None declared.
There are 2 means to demonstrate the role of a receptor in
disease: the prevention of the disease by a specific (P)RR
antagonist or by ablation of (P)RR gene expression. There is
no ideal (P)RR blocker at the moment except a peptide, the
effects of which are highly controversial (35), and unfortuna-
tely (P)RR knock-out mice are not available yet.

Unexpected properties of the (P)RR

Address for correspondence:
In rodents, (P)RR gene expression is ubiquitous and starts Geneviève Nguyen, MD, PhD, FAHA
very early in development, whereas renin expression can Institut de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
(INSERM) Unit 833 and Collège de France
be detected in large intrarenal arteries only at 15.5 days
Experimental Medicine Unit
of gestation (36), suggesting that the (P)RR has functions 11 place Marcelin Berthelot
that might be unrelated to the RAS. Analysis of the sequen- FR-75005, Paris, France
ce of (P)RR coding cDNA shows that sequence coding for

Cousin et al: (Pro)renin receptor and diseases

sduction cascade involving direct physical interaction of the

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