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~fJL ~7

fh..1-r'A'.r ~...eot.ft~ Jt q"ht.(1..r~ tT.nlLh

~Y-otr.A ~;Jt~ ;JtLfIJ


9th Year No. 65

"m~;;: ~(/D.1' ch-rC ~J~l;
nh..1.r'A'.f ~o~(,."q~ .&tqutJ(,.O..f~ tT.nfLtJ ADDIS ABABA-8°' June, 2003
"'.&tit "'n11 M~ li "") :w~n; f ,n't,.n .,.mtlr:.}'. 9°tJC (1.1' mI1~~'} fmll]

Proclamation No. 345/2003
'''If':~ "~-rc i=f.?)?;/:mtl?; ~'9U
Public Servants' Pensions
f(/D1"'P'~' 11'(,..,.1/"1' I1N~:J' '''If':~ 1R' 2209
Proclamtion .....,.. .., Page


'''If'~ ":-rc J:f.?!?;hilr.:J.?;
itl\ (/D1"'p'.1' 1Pt..,.1/"":J'.
fmll] '''If':~ WHEREAS, it is found necessary to strengthen, to the extent
np'(,. "f. !I\m-1 f(/D1"'P'~' 11'(",,'1/"1' fm.l:" /J:"Y.: circumstances allow, the public servants' pension scheme
j ,n1.1 organized under existing laws; and to amend and consolidate
.fU"t'f: ",:"90 nDl/.~_:"f.m. (/Dm1 Dl/111lj'hC fm'l:J'
Dl/m:J>I\&\"'it~A'l ,fei n(/D1'Y.,: j
the pension legislations;
nh.,)'r-A'.r ~o~(,'''~ ~lJ"tJ(,.O,!~ tT.nfLtJ ,n1 NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1) of the
(/D')"'p'.1' "")"'R' n;(li) uD(}'l'} fDl/.h"'I\m- :J-cD-~:&\:: Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,
it is hereby proclaimed as follows;
tJ 'f:&\ h 1.l':
m:""" PART ONE
Ii' "'6L"CC/Jit
f.tJ '''If':~ "f(/D1"'P")- 11'(,..,.1/"1' m.l:" '''If'~ 1. Short Title
":-rc rr.?!?;/Iilf:i?;" .,\o fLm.,.it f.":J"."A:: This Proclamation may be cited as the "Public Servants'
Pensions Proclamation No.345/2003."
~. '}C:}°'L
2. Definitions
f:J>1\' "'111011..1\'" ~'C1'~ fDl/.!omm- ttA(f~ n it.,..,.C
j In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise
nlltJ '''If'~ OJ-it-r
1P(,..,.~m O?I\~' nO?li:,:m-9u f(/D1 reqmres:
li' "f(/D1"'P'~' 1) "Public Servant" means a person permanently em-
"'p'.1. (/DP't.r {1.'1'n*"7_~~' "''''-r~ f"7.IJ'.(,' om' ployed in any public office, and includes a govern-
OJf1 f(/D1"'P'.1' .,,'!):t1IJ.1 f(/Dh"h! IP(,.~~' 'hli
ment appointee, member of the Defense Force and
fTfLit "'I1A1 f.(;IJ.~('.A : the Police;

~. "f(/D1..,/P.1' (/DP't! {1..1'" O?I\~' 00-1\' (100'1\- 2) "Public Office" means an office wholly or partly run
OJf.~ nh~.A n(/D1..,"..~. n:f.~' f"7."'.';f.C (/DP' t.f by government budget, and includes public enter-
{1.'1'o.tf1 fADI/~1'y.:c~.r.~1'1 f.fD.9u(,.A : prises; .
~.~t.}. ;JILfI1;, ,.+.. ,!('j"'.?!
.t")~. CP;J 4.85 Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
Unit Price
'IX' !{ir.!{f( t"y..("A ~:,/.'1' :,1/,(/1 '/!''t: ::J~?; M.?i ''''} :OW,?; 'H". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 8'10June. 20m-Page 2210

i:' "fou'}"lP"} hilt.\" O?/\.} foo')"1P"~' ooP't..r 3) "Public Organ" means public offices, and includes
O,.y:.f.'} : n&".l'"t.t.\ oo'}"1P'.f;Cj ntlt.\t.\ oo'}"1P' :J..). Councils established at a Federal Government and
fH./\.rf f.t.~' f-l'1:1:(/D' 9uhc O,.y:.f.'} "hCj fh"'O? Regional States levels and City Administration;
~"n/\. h{""~f.~:1"''} .rtn.<pt.\I'\t.\ : 4) "Government" includes the Federal Democratic
~, "OO'}"lP':"" O?/\.~. fh.,}'f'A'.r &".('ot,I'\IJ~JtlfPtlt. Republic of Ethiopia and the Regional States;
()..r~\.h oo')"lP"}'} "he.' fht.\t.\ OO'}"lP' 5) "Member of the Defense Force" means a person
:J..}'}\I'\t.\ : permanently employed in Defense Force to render
(;, "foohl'\h! IPt.IJ~') ~,I1t.\" 071\,)' nh'IC oohl'\h.r
military service;
oJt,IJ~'} lD-/1'1' n1:O?'1'} '1'''''1'(~' (l):J'.('.t,~ h'lt.\
6) "Member of the Police" means a person permanently
"1/\".) fO?()'1' °'l'}~':(l)'9u ()(l). '1lD- :
employed and render service under the Federal or
?~. "f 7'1\./1 h'lt.\" °'l/\'} n&".<'..t.t.\ (l),e9u nht.\t.\ Regional States Police establishement legislations;
oo,)"1P':)..} f7'1\./1 oo"'~f./..r :It"l ooIPt..}
7) "Civil Service" means service rendered by public
n1:O?'1')' .,..,.'1'(': h'It.\"l/\"'} fO?()'1' °'l'}~:(l)'9u ()tD.
servants other than members of the Defense Forces
'ltD. :
and the police;
'1: "f().iit.\ h'It.\"1/\"'~'" °'l/\'~' hoohl'\h.r oJt.IJ~')' "hCj
8) "Military Service" means a service rendered hy
h7'1\./1 hll1'\'} n/1.f''''C nl\./\":-;' foo'}",P")'
members of the Defense Force;
IPt..f.l'f'":f', fO?()'1' h'It.\"1/\"'~' '1m. :
9) "Police Service" means a service rendered by mem-
t,. "m:J'f,t.~ h1t.\CJ'1/\"'}" °'l/\'~' noohl'\h! IPt.~:"
j bers of the police;
hll1'\'~' fO?()'1' h1t.\"1/\"'~' '1m.
10) "Enterprise" includes public enterprises and enter-
U. "f7'1\./1 h1t.\"1/\":"" O?/\:,. n7'1\./1 hll1'\'~' fOlJ.()'1'
j prises in which the government's capital share is
h 1 t.\"1/\"'~' 'I m.
"ft.\o?:" J':c:~'r" O?/\.~. foo,}"1P"~' ft.\O?:" Y.:C:~ not less than fifty percent (50%);
.,,:-;,'} "he.'h'/9"'" noo.,. (50%) .rl'\'1() fit1::J'A .r.:ci'i 11) "Employer" means a public office or public organ
f oo'} "11"':" f If '111:':lD-'} J':C'f:1':-;' ! tn.P A 1'\A: which pays salaries to public servants, or any organ
U;. "hIP/''' O?l\T /\oo,}"1P':" 1P11"'f'l'f'"f OJf,9" f1tlU which pay salaries for persons whose period of
htp:~ h1A"1/\":1':f~lD- "h'}Jt:J.().n /\'f'f.t.1 ()sP:-;' . service is counted under this Proclamation;
.(',00OJt' :':lD-') fD? het:A 001'" /.! 0,:" OJf.9u h it A 12) "Salary means monthly salary received by a public
'1lD-: servant, for services rendered during regular
H' "f.OOOJ1'" O?/\T /\P't, "1.,lClj /\O'l'}~lD-9" 1\.1'\ working hours, without the deduction of any
1'~f, .f',,'e.'7i fD?,If'1m' ~.".n ltf,'1lt/\:" h'}J': foo'} amounts in respect of income tax or any other
"11"':,. IPt,1'~: noof,n~: fP't- ()f}T l\D?()tnlD- matter;
h1A"1/\"'~' fD?h&./\m' (/D'l\- fOJC f.OOOJ1' '1m' : 13) "Benefit" means retirement pension, invalidity
Ie. "MIA" O?/\:,. fh1A"1/\":" tn.t.:3' hnA : f:ltooS/" pension, incapacity pension or survivors' pension
tn.t.:3' hnA : f"'~T mt.:J' hnA OJf,9" f+1'h.sP"f and includes gratuity and the refundable pension
tn.t.:3' hnA ().If,) ~t.1'r'}lj ftn.t.:3' ootpf!'"
"'001'\ 7i') f,aJ.9" t-A : 14) "Beneficiary" means a public servant or his
I!! . "It/\ oo.,H," O?/\ :" n,t U h tp'f: 00 IPt. .}, h n A
survivor who receives benefits or fulfils the con-
fD?.,.nA OJf,9" hnA /\oo.,.nA fD?,!/1&.A1':"'}
ditions for receiving benefits in accordance with
.rt:3'sP"f fOlJ.!":l.I'\ foo,}"1P'T IPt,1'~ OJf,9" foo'}
this Proclamation;
"1P'T 1Pt-.f'~ +1'h. '1OJ':
15) "Survivor" includes persons mentioned under Ar-
If;' "+'1'11." O?/\:" n,tU htp'f: h'}"'?\ c!j~(e) f+Ht.lf
ticle 34(3) thereof,
ct.T'} ()sP:-;'!tn.pAI\A :
16) "Authority" means Social Security Authority;
n. "It/\P'AII)'}" O?/\:" f0?1nt-~ tp/1Tlj I1/\P'AII}'}
17/ "Pensions Funds" means public servant's Pension
&,,}f,:-;'" O?l\'} f,U'} htp'f: /\0?/1&."'9" Funds established for the purpose of Pension Funds
I?~' "fmt.:3'
contributions being collected and effecting benefit
/\ OIJ.()n ().n f mt.:3' ootp f!"'lj /\h n t.\. tI et:! 1'''1 ItC
f+1:1:lID' f 00') "11"':" 1Pt-.f'l'f':-;, (l1't.:3' &.') f,:-;' payments provided by this Proclamation.
ljTlD- :: 3, Scope of Application
e. f.f'&, 'D?, 'IT OJ()'} Without prejudice to the appropriate provision of the
fh.:"f'k! +ml'\'f: flf). fm'liJ.b ,t1:-;''} ftn.t.:3' 0011:" Proclamation 270/2002 that provides pension coverage
fOlJ.OOl\h'f'lD- fhtp'f: <k'1'C ~f{tIIi!l1~ J':,};J1. : h1/.~ to foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin, any international
.f'tptpf, OJ1'} flf.,:-;'n.} f}l\9" h.,.et:lj f.rl\:"f'7i and bilateral agreements to which the country is a party,
/19"9u"T "h'}f.1'tnn.,.lfli f,U htp'f: nlt"1":" h.Tf'A'!~ this Proclamation shall be applicable to public servants of
/\If)' foo,}"1P'T IPt..f'l'f':-;'l1:J: f,lfljA : Ethiopi nationality.
'I~' ~i\".!{f(?i t...r..t..t:I. ~:Jt.:,. :llL"1 ":'\'/: ~I~?i M.?i ,"') Xjit!?i 'HI". Federal Negarit Gazcta No. 65 8'10June. 2003 Page 2211

)I(,:A rJ.1\.} . PART TWO

itl\tn't.:J' &:) f:.t"i ouIP(."~9)..t. PENSION FUNDS AND CONTRIBUTIONS

!!. ftn.t.:J. &:)f:.t. itl\lIlJ*!1:9" 4. Pension Funds

(UlU ','I)~: IIIJ"Jt.:,. \''''/.110''1\4' \'IIIJ')"'P"} IIJ/...,.i',;':}'. The following Public Servants' Pension Funds are
tn.t.:J. &:) f:.t. ,,'!lNwlJl,J A : hereby established by this proclamation.
;t, ffUi.A ""A'J'I\":" tn.t.:J. &:).r.' : I) Civil Service Fund.
2) Military and Police Service Fund.
~. \,(I):J..(I./..'I~},',' \';1'I\.it ',"A"'''''')' tn.t.:J. &:H': :

tn.t.:J. &:) .r.' IIIJI'){.""'W:}" 5. Civil Service Fund Contributions

?;. \,".ii.A ""A'J'I\"'}
IIJ/.,,"~:(I)' The amount of the contribution payable to the Civil
1\".ii.A ,,',A",I\"')' tn.t.:J. &:).r.' n"IJ')"'P':",: .V.OUIW" 1\'. "'oPp.t:'" \'''7.Y.t.'IlP' II'H,J{,Io1.
Service Fund, based on the salary of the Public Servant
shall be:
~') Y.07J 1'1'1\ (I). ,.IIJ'i A I .
I) by the employer six percent (6%),
;t, n"'J.lI.IO' it.V:it.). nou.,. (6%) 2) By the public servant four percent (4%),
!{. nOU')"'p")' IIJ/.,,"~:(I)' ,,/..,} n"u." (4lJ'o)
. 6. Military and Police Fund Service Contributions
?;. \'ID:J'Y./..'I~ ~'i \';1'l\.it ',"A"'I\''')'
. The amount of the contribution payable to the Military
tn.t.:J. &:) .V: UU,,),""'?,'.}'.
and Police Service Fund based on the Salary of the
I\tD:J'.V./..'I~ ~Ii 1\;1'l\.it "',A",I\":,' tn'I.:J. &:) .V: n"IJ') member of the Defense Force and the Police shall be:
'J,pJ:', IIJ"..,.r,:tD. Y.ouw." I\f. "'UIJP'C'" f"7..(I. I."(I)' I) by the employer sixteen percent (16%).
t/P'IJ{."" ~') Y."7.h"'I\(I)' '.lr','A : 2) by the public servant four percent (4%).
;t. n"II'l.tD. "p' ". nup.,. (16%)
7. Payment of Contributions
~. ntllJ')"'P")' 1I.".".r,:tD. ""..). uP.,. (4%)
1) Each Employer shall deduct the contribution due
:;.. fOU"',,,,,, hC;:,f upon each public servant's salary and shall pay the
;t, ~,f'tP,').t;. "II'/. fIlJ"..,.i',:':W) U'H,)(."'"hY.OUIDl,:':tD. amount, together with the contribution due from the
"") ,W\' ".".') ou". (."...t.IJ,9"{~'I\tn.t.:J. &.1,~ n \' w-;. office as an employer, into the pension fund mon-
'U1. °7,r.'t..., ,,1\(1-)' I thly;
~. hw"",'~:r: f.uP(I)'" 1\."''1it f67:"}(1)") OU'l'(."'" 2) Where the contribution due upon a public servant's
hC;:,f(l)") ".,... I\OU&:I.9" ;-'1\&, salary is not deducted, the concerned employer shall
",,"'1it \''''1. "wI.
f.tfli A : be responsible for payment of the same;
3) Any employer wh9 fails to pay the contribution to
i:' n'ltJ "14>~' ') "')<f'X' (ji) ouwl..} ftn.I.:"
~itI1'l'h:"f. we ou,Ll.l.7i 10. II\Y.I." "wI. under Sub Article (l) ofthis Article, until the last day
of each subsequent month, shat! pay monthly an
10. '}I\Y.1.1tD. 11'I-(} I\.e I1fto-;. ,1-1\,)' Oou," (2%)
n 'Nt1."7 I. .e hC;:1\A : , amount of 2% on the un paid arrear contributions.
4) The payment of contribution to Pension Funds has
~. fml.:" ou"'{.I>"'b
hC;:,f h071~tD.9" M~ hC;:1 :"f.:O?..f priority over any payments of debts.
.e'r I.'" A :
8. Administr<}tion of the Pension Funds
~. fll1-I.;J' &.1'.':j. hit,,'P,f.C
The Authority shall administer the Funds referred to
n'LtJ h"'~ h'.,.",§ f"'OUl\h'I:')" fml.;J' &.".-:;. under Article 4 of this Proclamation.
fOl/.,fit"'P'.f.'I.ID-I1l\rAtI)). '.lrliA ::
9. Utilization of the Pension Funds
ii' fml.:" &:".':j. "1Il.cj>.,.9"
I) Without prejudice to Article 12(1) of the Socail
ji' fl1l\rAtI)). 07**67.,f h"'~ ch'1'C C!}; Security Authority establishementProciamation No.
"1.,.X- :U~(Ii) ~,~".tn04> tf'i : fll1-I.;J' t.1Jl.:': 38/1996, the Pension Funds shall be utilized only for
'1':"9" I\.e fOl/.o)oI\''''' IUltJ "".~ f",oul\h":')'1 effecting benefit payments stipulated in this
fMIA htt:I?,':j'l\out.1t9"lil\h.'}iiit""ou1"" "'''''}t: Proclamation and investment p\.lrpose.
'(I;f. 'IID- j 2) The Pension Funds shall not be attached in respect of
I' fml.;J' &., ,.':j. 007liTtO'99
fC)P' hC;:1 9"h11"" any debt.
I\.hn~ ".e':j-I\.9" ::

hii:A "it.}.
Period of Service and Retirement A l::
itl\ h1A..,I\°.}. llou,}li fml.;J' OUID-65!C)f:°~
10. Commencement of Period of Service
l' fh1A..,I\°.}. llou'} ou~lIle itI\O?~1:9"e(H- 'l.n
1) The period of service of a public servant begins with
fou'}..,r.}. w~.,.~ fh1A..,I\°.}. llou1 OU~tne
Ii' the date of his appointment or assignment as a public
fOl/.1:'J'"l.tD. nou'}..,r"" w~"'~H' h"''''lIll.n,}
to.e'J'" h.,.ou~O(l,} .,.'} h'}it.,. 'lID- :
2) The period of service of a public servant working in
I' tO~ ou'}..,r"" .e,';J- (I"'I'tDl. .('C~.}. ID-it'1'1\00.wt.- an entrprise transferred to the government ownership
f(lD'}"'P''''' W(,.".~ f"1A..,I\""" llou1 OU~tne shall begin to count as of the date of such transfer.
fOl/.1.'J'"I.ID- f.:C~i: tDf. (lD'}..,r.}. h"'"to I. 0"" 4>1 However, the service of employees of such enter-
.,,,,. :1 tf'r9" w","'~fDe fml.;J' ,,:,. f: 'li4.1
1.'J'"r: prise which has a pension scbeme or a provident fund
tD.e9" I\.h&.A f0l/.1111D'') ftn-l.:1" (lD"'''''' 1\.('fii:1 that can balanc,e due amount o( pension contribution
fOl/.':j'A f(lDlIll1ncf:1 t.,}f: 11\ID- hrr'l 1'}1I0- nOD'I\- . shall be couqted, provided tliat the accumulated fund
/tml.;J' &.')~ 10. rr'r (lD'P{»Io(lDht.A h1.(lDl.n..,. is wholly transferred to thePublicServants'Pension
1.11.h,}."""I/tID' h1A..,I\-"" .t.."'/t;J"A:I Funds.
&...1.'..1./:\ ',:'1.:,. :'1/."1 ":'1'1: ::,:(; M. ti ,"') :Wfi(; 'HI'" No, (IS x~' June, 2003-Page 2212
'IX' !;if.!{(O; F,'d''l'al Ncg.lrit {,azL'ta -

\'h',A",f\":,' 11(111')".YJl"mC II,

Calculation ot'Period ot'Serllict'
;1' 11(111') t''''/..Y'ml.fI)' 11(/o'f\. '~(/I"Y:')" : I) Period of service of a puhlic servant shall he
I1mt.:,"j IH"j..,. :h'1f1 g.I1"jA : calculated in complete years. months and days;
j{. o,/'P;:m.?" f(ll")",r:" lJ't..,.~: IH'f\,{'\-!. f(III')",r:" 2) Periods of service rendered hy anypuhlic servant in
(llip'/..r 11.'Y:')" ft':/,(lII{I)' f',"A"Ii\":" 1f(II") I) tll)'f\. different puhlic offices shall he counted up;
.,..IW"(~' J',:h'tI1A :
3) Period of service of a memher of the Defence Force
f(llIh"h,(J lJ't.I'~:" mg,?" f;l'l\.iI "I)A 1)(/11')"'1":" or a Police temporary rendered in a duty other than
his regular service upon a government order shall he
.h""./I (111'111.:" 1H'(lIIY. 11 11'''' ',"A"1f\":" ('N,"'. n',.1I.
treated as military or police service;
,rc'~'I:" ""'{I).(~. ftJ~(llIfI)' ',"A"1f\":" },H'. (I):J..t'.t.c,~
4) For any puhlic servant the following shall also he
m,lW" /'I\.iI ',"A"1f\"'''' ,l'"Y'mt.A :
counted as period of service;
!!. 1\"'n~:{I)'?" f(//I')"'P")' 'J'(...,.;? \,",/.h','l\m. I1h',A (a) the period of service heyond retirement age
",f\"',: .f,:h'I'III\:J'A : lawfully retained;
U) hm.(.:J. (1II{I).rob],/J.(':o'/. 11:"'" ',',A",f\",,: n,),", (h) the period of service spent after reinstatement
(lIIIPI.:" .,.t.'W'''1\ :,. nr (.. ",f, h'M.,Y' ,r, f.,.y.1.
upon a government decision subsequent to
'lIJ."I' '1.11. : retirement due to age;
1\) fm'I.:J' (lII{I).hb],/J.(':"'/.{I)' 11(1I1.f:I.II'hl1A IH'(I} (c) the period of service which was interrupted
11.,1\..,.11:"'" I1UII')"'p':,' 10"'1), mY. 1"1,. "'(IIIA(I without interruption of payment of salary;
',"A"1f\":" fllmn:,' .,./1. : (d) the period of service spent in any public organ
,h) fJ'.o"tIJ'/I t'(t:.f t'tg,~"'' 11°,/(,':':m'?" ?"tn.r.'" by election with regular salary as People's
',"A"1f\'''1: .,.~...c,n fcY>f(1-).".11. : Representative on full time basis;
(II') J',l/llm'/l M""ht.t\OJ' tfIJ'I\' "./1.10") f)",/(j:,:m.?" (e) the period of service rendered temporary
fUII')"'I""'" hilA 11(},/I,n "'UIIt."f.b'1-1' ,,"A without interruption in a government office if
"1f\"'} fllml1')' 'loll. : subsequently employed permanently in the
same office;
'J') 11~""'7."')' 11''''''ml.(H. fUII')"'I"")' UIII"'t..r ft.).
(t) The period of Service rendered in a privatized
11'J.I/..f'l~"'''' IH'h:J':J'.r~ "1A"'f\"')' t'lImIH'
public enterprise having been transferred
along with the enterprise;
I.) hflll')"'P"} m.v. "'A I)t\(},..,..,.). h"",ml. J':C::~')'
(g) The period of service spent upon a govern-
:JC ,,'n(~ ".t,m-C: h1A"1f\"'} fllm(H. ".1/. :
ment order in international organizations or
II) 11(111')"',-")' .}/J"." n~I\?" h'I'f': JJ:C:~:'''' m,e?"
enterprises where the government capital
fill')"'''',} h'1il'l';;:(D'1 (h 50% n:J':H
share is less than fifty per cent (50%).
ftrr;;J'A .~'ci'i n,ftlIF':OJ. .r:c:~:'Y'"1',f1"7',A1A 5) For any public servant the following shall not be
,f"l\' 'lolL: counted as period of service;
(;, 1\"71~:ro'9" fUll1"'''''} 'J'(..".;;: I1llU h1.,.?, (a) unless lawfully retained. the service he renders
fllIlP/.')' 1\"7..f'" 1\"" fh1A"11\"'} tlUII1 f"7Jl'I'I\(I)' as of the first day of the month following that
h,e:J'II'I1I\.'f'9" : in which he attains retirement age;
0) h1A..,I\"',: 11;"1' fII'IPI.')' I1A.,.t.tlfIIJ nil.,..,'c (b) without prejudice to any international agr-
fm.I.:}' UIIm-6IiJ,/J.~'''2.(I)'hf.I.II(H' h"7."'')'I\OJ' eement to which Ethiopia is a party. service ren-
mc h1i1'Y' f"7.lImOJ' h1A"1f\"'}' : dered in any public office by a public servant of
1\) 1\.'~'f'kf "''I'tpy, m11 flf.,:Y'I1'} "7Cj:,:m'?" Ethiopian nationality by naturalization, prior to
~1\9" h"'~ il9"9""'''' h1f."'mO'" If(j j n;".'1~ such naturalization.
t.:J>.r: f1\.""f'A'f It.'1 flf., ffllJ1..,P''''' IPt.".;;: 6) Period of service referred to under Sub-Article 4 (d)
f1\..).r-kf1'L..,.,,), h"7..,'f.,: Ot."', f)"7Cj:':(I).9" to (g) of this Article shall be counted as period of
ffllJ1..,P''''' fllJp'(" 0..). m'iI'1' fllmm. h1A service only where the public servant pays the
.., contribution due from him and the employer on his
1\""" :
?;. nll.u h1cf'~' 10.iI h1cf'K' (~) h(fllI) hilh (II) own or made the employer pay the same based on
the salary paid to him prior to the interruption of his
f"'fllJl\h'ND' 'UL Oh1A"1f\""" tlfII'1'1-1' 1\.:}'II'11
f"7::;'l\m. IPt,..,.;;:ro. ro,e9" "'Ullt.(,];b fllJtJt.A
7) Where a public servant who has received gratuity or
,ft\()o)'1 fI1N~:}' UIItp(!>b fhlP(.ro'1 .~'ci'i (,L1.9"(~
to whom reimbursement of pension contribution
t.'" fht.1\ m,e9" h1Jlh~AI\')- ff./.1 h1f.If" "OJ'::
was made pursant to this Proclamation is employed
1.' (11..,U htp~ fllJlP/.'} P'/.1'}' "'h~I\"'}' m,e9" UII'I'f,L~ or assigned as a public servant. his former service
"'fIIJ"'li "'f.C11\'}' f"fl~ ffllJ1..,p',), IPt.".;;:
shall be counted along with the new, provided that
h'}f.'lC,' nUll1"'''''}' IPt.".;;:.,"" f''''hn~ OJ,e9"
the gratuity or the reimbursed ,contribution is paid
f"'fllJf.O hlf.,C,''1 P,/.1..,' m,e9" ffllJ'I'f,L~ back with bank interest.
"'fIIJ" 7i h fl1 tJ OJ1\.~. .'1C fIIJ A (I ., O. tlf.l'1 f.,. ,(':'1')(1)' 8) On the basis of studies submitted to it by the
h1A..,f\"',: ,e;J'II'OI\;J'A := Authority, the Council of Ministers may decide that
~:. f"7.~iI')-C':')" 9"tJC o..}. '11\P'AffJ'1. fl"7..fcI'C'I1I\'} period of service spent on hazardpus jobs or on jobs
'J'r;,}' fllJlP/.'}' nhfly., m,e9" 1\m.1.,.)-r; I\lh,em.} involving risk to health and life be counted, as the
hit.1. flr,.,. fP't. Ullilt1:')"f.,.t.~fIIJ h1A..,I\"')' hilh case may be, upton twice the actual period of
hlll&..:J' h 1Jl~lIlC I\.OJiI') ,e:')""A :: serVice.
gtllJune. 2003-Page 2213
./X. ~j'i,!(f.Xi: &..yu(,.t\ ";I(,'} ;IIL") -'~'J'I: ~J~?; M.?i Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65
""J :Oif.:!?;'H'"

x ~, f 11)<1.:"
(1O(I}.6"/,iJy:el"/. 12. Retirement Age
fOU')"'P"} lJ.'t..,.'l/,,:;. ftn.I.:" OUeD.6"/, iJ.r..'o"/.h'}Y. 1) The retirement age of public servants shall be as
OI/.h"'(\CD' y.,lr(iA :
(a) for members of Defence Force at the age
0) t\ouhl\h.f' lJ.'t.q~.} "nl\'} nlJ.'t.q~.,: O?'k'kOl/..r
which shall be determined by the appropriate
;"d' nOl/.(I}(1') iJY..'o"/.:
provisions of Defence Force establishment
t\) t\?t\.l1 "III\'} n?t\.l1 OU"'P'Y.t.r e),'" nOl/.CD(1') Proclamation.
iJ.r..'o"/.: (b) for the members of the Police at the age which
eh) t\t\.t\..'.}'. fOU'}d'P")' lJ.'t..,.;;:':)'. M':I'! (:?~) l}OU.)-: shall be determined by the appropriate
~. fOl/.~l1')'{~"')" 9°tJl: n.'} IIt\P'AI1J',. nOl/..r-I'l:.nt\.} provisions of Police establishment leg-
'r'i'} (10I"I.'} nAf. rJ.).:,. nOl/.:"f. f(/D..r uuM"'}" islations.
nu.u ~,'}<I''''''}O.l1 "'}<I'"" (fi) i""uut\h"'CD' nl\Y, (c) for all other public servants sixty (60) years.
2) On the basis of studies submitted to it by the
fl''', ftn.I.:" (lU(I}.6"1.iJY:o"/.t\.CDl1'}y.,:)"I\A ::
Authority the Council of Minister may determine
!~. fOl/.~l1'h~"}" rtu: n.'} IIt\p'Al1n. nOl/..f'<I'c.nt\.}
higher retirement age for profficianal fields which
'I"j.). UUIPI.'} nhlH': CDy.,9ut\111:n')"i "l1'L '11"'.
may need special consideration than the provided
f p't. oul1i"')" I\y., t\"'IJ.'OI/<;.fOU'}"'P")' IPt..,.'tf:)'. under Sub-Article (1) of this Article..
nu.tJ "'}<I''''' '}O.l1 "'}<I''''' ((!) h",oul\\1'I.(I}. .r"...
3) On the basis of studies submitted to it by the
fl11-I.:" OUeD.6"/,iJ.r:o"/, t\.CDl1'} y.,")"I\A :: Authority, the Council of Ministers may decide
earlier retirement age than the provided under Sub-
h~A "I..'} Article (1) of this Article in the case of public
l1M,'IA..,t\...} 111'1.:"MIA'i P,1.1'} servants working on hazardous jobs involving risk
to health and life.
:O~. f"'IA"'t\...} 111'1.:"MIA
(!. n..f"}l1 "p'C to
l}OU') .r1t\'It\ fUu'}"'p',} lJ.'t..,.~: PART FOUR
ftn.I.:" UU(I}.6"/,iJ.r:o"/,eD'nou.r:I."" hp't. "'.M',H' Retirement Pension and Grtuity
f"'IAd"'..:" 111-1.:" MIA hl1h iJ.r..'o"/,Ah. J.'--h&. 13. Retirement Pension
t\'I'A:: 1) A public servant who has completed at least ten (10)
~. n,J"HI '.r (?;") l}OU')' .r'It\1t\ f(IO'}"'P")' lJ.'t..,.~: years of service, and retires upon attaining
nt."', &..cJ1.r..' eDJ.',9° nu.u "ep:~ h'hn-"""')' eD.lil!'
retirement age, shall receive retirement pension for
'11'" 9utn.N' ~,'IA""''''} '1' fl11'I.:" life.
"'.Y.Cl1 f"'IAd't\...} m-I.:" MIA hl1h iJ.r:o"/, 2) A public servant who has completed at least twenty
A h. J.',ht.t\'I'A= (20) years of service and separates from the serivce
!~. (1..~'}{1 '.r "9ul1')' (?;"{;) l}OU'} .r'It\1t\ fouhl\h.r by voluntary resignation or for any other causes
lJ.'t.q~.). "IIA .rAI1''' fOU'}"'P"} IPt..,.~: nt.{)- other than those provided in this Proclamation shall
t..cJ1.r..'""A"'t\"')' '1' fl11'I.:" OUeD.6"}. iJ.r..'o"/,CD' receive retirement pension for life upon attaining
({;) l}uu.} hOl/""I.(I}' 'LIL :l':9U(~hl1h retirement age.
t\.Y.Cl1 "rl1'}
3) A public servant other than member of the Defense
iJ.r:O"/.Ah. f"'IA"'t\"')' 11N'~:" MIA y.,h&.t\'I'A : Force who resigns after completing at least twenty
!~. n..r,}l1 '.r "9ul1'} (?;"{;) l}OU.} .r1t\1t\ fouhl\h.r five (25) years of service shall receive retirement
IPt.q~.). "IIA nt.{)- t.:I'Y..' "1A"'t\...} '1'k1.111 pension for life beginning with five years prior to
fl11'I.:" OU{D.6"}.iJ.r..,o"/,(I}'t\.Y.Cl1 Y'l1'} (e)
retirement age.
hOl/.<N:,H' 'LIL :l':9u~ hl1h iJ.r..'o"/,Ah. f"1A"'t\...} 4) A member of Defence Force who resigns after
m-I.:" "nA y.,ht.t\'I'A :: completing at least twenty five (25) years of service
{;, ,UlU "'}<I''''' h(~) hl1h (!~) 111\:")' '}o.l1 ,,'}<I'}'.':J'. shall receive retirement pension for life beginning
oolJ.'I.')' "'1 A ..,t\...,: N''k fOU'}"'P"} lJ.'t."'~: with three (3) years prior to retirement age.
5) Where it is ascertained that a public servant who has
fl11'I.:" OU(l}.6"}. iJ.r..,o"/,(I}'
I'!f,1.Cl1 n;"009° 9uh'},N'
separated from service in accordance with Sub
t\P't. ,n<t: "t\OUIf',. h"'I.:J"lI11f,.tj(l}' h"'I.;J'II11,H'
Article (2) through (4) of this- Article becomes
'LIL -"Tt\.. '1t\(I}' (l}C :l':9u~ fl11'I.:" MIA hl1h iJY:o"/, incapable of fulfilling the medical conditions of
A h. J.',ht.t\ 'I' A :: fqv.,. h') Y.If'19u hqv'I'fH' 1.1L service due to failure in health prior to attaining
<I"I't\" '1t\(I}. CDC:l':9°{~'t\"""h.9'':J'. "nA y.,ht.l\A :: retirement age, he shall receive invalidity pension
for life as of the month following such ascertain-
n~' f"'IA"'t\..,). 111-1.:""nA UUI11'}
ment; in case he dies, his surviours shall be paid
t\°?'}'l':{D'9u fou'}"IP"~'lPt..,.~: fOl/.ht.t\(I}' f"',A..,t\...} benefits as of the month following such death.
l}ou :,..} (I}'l1T
111'1.:" hilA OU(;L1.I.i'i111t\1t\IFI:{D' Y'l1'}
f,ht.t\{D' f"nl.lD' "O"J'Iy., Y.OU{WIIlJ.'I\Pt nou.Y' (30%) 14. Amount of Retirement Pension
Irei h"P'C to l}ou.). nl\y., t\t.XOU{D' t\h.r'}p,,},v,. l}ou.} The retirement pension due to any civil servant shall
: amount to thirty percent 00%) of the average salary for
fouhl\h.r IPt.~.} eDf--9Uf?t\.l1 "IIA I\AIr" fou'} the last three years preceding retirement, increased for
h' each year of service beyond ten (10) years;
"'p'.). IPt..,.~: "'}.r..' "T.n ",}y'" v-t\.} "rl1')' nou.f.
1) For a public servant other than member of the
(1.125%) =
Defense Force or Police by one point one two five
~. t\ouhl\h.r IPt.~.} (l}y.,r t\?t\.l1 "IIA ,,'}.r: "T.n per cent (1.125%);
"9ul1,)' nou.f. (1.5%) 2) For a member of the Defense Force or Police by one
'hL1.9U~ ,r,:"",11A :: point five per cent (1.5%).
Ir'i9U lULU ,,'} <I'"'. '}o.l1 "'}<I',,,' (i!) h'i (!{) f"'1 However; the retirement pension to be paid pursuant
t\1.O>'f Ml t\. OUI11'}h"'I11<1''''{D' "O?'Iy., 1.ouCD1' "'11 to Sub-Article (1) and (2) of this Article shall not
nou.f. (70%) t\.nA't' "y.,':J"A9u : exceed seventy percent 00%).
"'~. j1i"1:!4.fHi ~Yu{'"A ~:J/."1' ;JI~(/' </!'I'C ::~?i (\);?i .,.") D!K:Ui 'Ho. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 8thJune, 20m-Page 2214

lX." f~1A""""')- ~t.1"'- 15. Retirement Gratuity

h~P'C qoo.} .r~() ~1Ao",...} f~J~oo fau1""p"}- A public servant who has not completed ten (10) years of
IPt-.,..~: fm.t.;J- auro.tiT>}.iJf..'o~ro' noo.r.:t.(). hp't- service and retires on attaining retirement age shall
().()Cj.H- fk,A...,""') ~t.1'} .eh~."'PA :: receive gratuity.

I'k f~1Ao",...}. ~t.1'}- oom1 16. Amount of Gratuity

ntlU ~'P~ ~'}<I>~'(U;) 001Pt..}. fD'/.h~."ro' ~t.1'} : The gratuity payable in accordance with Articel15 of this
fi- foohlth.r IPt.'e'}- ro,f.iJo f?''''it ~11A ItAln f001 Proclamation shall be;
""p'.}- IPt..,-~: hp't- h"-()Cjn.t-IH- WC n~..}- 1) For a public servant other than member of the
.eh~."ro'' froC f-OOW1' n~1"1"'H- qoo.} Defense Force or Police the salary of the month
<h'l'C "-111"'- .e:l-() '1A : preceding retirement multiplied by the number of
years of service;
~- "oohlthl IPt,.'e'} ro.e9" ,,?''''it ~11A hp't. h"-()~-
2) For a member of the Defence Force, or Police the
n'NH- CDC n~..} .eh~."ro'' f~1J'_- CDC
qoo.). <h'l'C "-111"'- salary of one and one-half month preceding
"-h'A f-oo CD". n~1"1".H-
retirement multiplied by the number of years of
.e:l-()11A ::
h~A ~9°it.}
it/\m009° m-t.:l- ~ nA Cj~t.1"'-
Invalidity Pension and Gratuity
I%' fmoo9" m.t.:l- M1A 17. Invalidity Pension
ji. n..r1it ~P'C (I) qoo.} .r1"1" f001...,P")- IPt-.,-~: 1) A public servant who has completed at least ten (10)
nm009° 9"h11'} f-ooro1' fD'/.lit11 D?Cj:':ro'19" ye;Jrs of service and is retired because he dose not
P't- OOP't-T fD?.e"fA nOOln- 9°h11')- hp't- fulfill the medical condition of service shall receive
().()CjnT f mOO9" m't.;1' ~nA hith iJf..-o~ A h. invalidity pension for life.
.eh&."'PA :: 2) If a beneficiary who is receiving invalidity pension
~. f mOO9"mt.:l' ~nA noo.,.nA It.e l}hoo.n"'- engages in any gainful activity anq begins getting
'" salary the pension shall be discontinued. /
f..OOrol' nD'/.lit11 P't- It.e h"-IPD?t,. fD'/.h~."ro'
M1A h1Jt*t.'I' .ef-t.;JA :: 18. Amount of Invalidity Pension
It. fmoo9" mt.:l' ~nA oom1 The invalidity pension payable by this Proclamation shall
fllLU ~'P~ OOIPt.T fD'/.h&'''ro' fmOO9" m-t.:J- ~nA
be calculated as provided under Article 14 thereof,
O~1"'~ 1~ tRJlPt."', .e:J-()f1A :: 19. Invalidity Gratuity
A public servant who has not completed ten (10) years of
IV.- f mOO9" ~t.1""
service and retires because he does not fulfil the medical
h~P'C qOOT (I) 1~() ~1A"""""'- f~.~oo f001""P'T condition shall receive invalidity gratuity"
IP t-""~ 0 m 009" 9"h11T "P't- 11<h f1/\ ootr). hp't- 20. Amount of Invalidity Gratuity
() Cj 0 T f m009" ~ t.1T .e h ~." 'PA ::
I'l. The gratuity payable in accordance with Article 19 of this
?! - f m 009" ~ t.1T 00 m1
Proclamation shall be calculated as provided under
Article 16 thereof.
ntlU ~'P~ ~1"'~ IV. 001Pt..} fD'/.h~."ro' ~t.1'}
O~1"'~ n; OOIPt.T .e:l-()f1A :: 21. Reimbursement of Contribution
A public servant:
1) ji - () /\ 001' 6fib ''''00 It 7i
1) Who separates from work due to resignation after
~1f..' f001""P'T 1Pt-1-~ completing ten (10) years, but prior to completing
ji- h~p'c (I) 11t~() '11 (t}.) qooT IAlfPIt ~1A""""T twenty (20) years of service, or
&.1:lfP Ot-()c &.:1>!: P't-(JJc1 : ro.e9" 2) Who separates from work for any other cause other
~- h'll (1)) qooT 1~() ~1A"""""" ~.~lfP OILU ~'P~ than specified by this Proclamation prior to twenty
h ()cT (JJctif!' 0 If ~ 9"h 11 T h P' t- h.,.. ()Cj0.,.. : (20) years of service.
fh&./\(JJc ~t-T 000'" (4%) fmt.:l' 00'P6fib .eoo/\it Shall be paid an amaunt equal to the total four
It:l'A :: percent (4%) contribution there fore mode by him.
h~P'C qOOT (I) ,~() ~1A 3) Who separates from work due to resignation prior to
f- """"T &.~lfP Ot-()c &.:1>
Ft-(JJc1 hit"'''' :: completing ten (10) years service shall be entitled to
9"19" q.e~T hlf:1 ~'119"
no benefit.
h If:A it!: it T PART SIX
itlt"~T mt.:l' ~OA Cj ~t.1T Employment Injury and the Payment
t}.~- TC:}~
of benefit

ji- "OP't- It.e fD'/,f..Cit "~T" D?ltT OP't- It.e 22. Definitions
fD'/.f..Cit ~f..;J hCj OP't- 9"h1''''' fD?ooll} n7i:J- 1) "Employment Injury" means employment accident
~(JJc:: and occupational disease;
'11\'!{if.!{n~ 4..1uIrlA ~:Jt.} :JfLlTJ '/:1'(; ~.;-?; (}»?i '1'1 nw!?; ~'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 8th May, 2003-Page 2215

~. "nP'&. Itf. fOl/.f-Cll hf.;J" 01/1\:" fuu'}."P")' 2) "Employment Accident" means any organic injury
1P&,'f'~:OJ' uuf-n~: P'/..OJ''} nCIIJhliOJ'} ItJ? h,}~1\ or functional disorder suddenly sustained by a
OJW}" hp'&OOJ' ;JC fH'fftl 9utn.N. flht)I\' OJJ?9u public servant during or in connection with the
nht)I\' f'rt.'I'£: .f.."tlC Itf. fl.l):'}1')' fCIIJ.f.Cll 'I'~'} performance of his work, and shall include the
ftll',} fOl/.h'rl\-')''} f.r;l.b~ &.A : following:
(u) fUU'}"lP':"IP&,'f'~OJ' huuf.fl~: P'&.OJ': OJJ?9u (a) injury sustained by a public servant outside of .
uuf-fl~ fp'/.. f1;J-OJ' : OJJ?9u ()q.). OJ.6l!' his regular work, or outside of his regular
working place or hours, while carrying out
P'AflJ'" flOl/.t.:"~'I\:'- ()OJ. f.f-()mOJ'') '}"tf"J
j orders by a competent authority;
nuut.R~ Itf. hfl\ ff-~(),} 1'~'}
(b) injury sustained by a public servant during or
(1\) P' A flJ.,. fl01/.to:" ~'I\ .} ()OJ. N- () m OJ. .)-" tf'"
outside of working hours while attempting to
tlf.lfC~ fuu'}."P")' 1P&-'f'~OJ' fluu P' 6J) fl..f:
save his work place from destruction of
OJ'll'l' ff.~(),} ~-'}1'f'~ hJ)-;J OJJ?9u '1'4..)- imminent danger, though without order by a
l\uuhlthA nP'&- ()q:,- OJf.~ hp'&O ()q:" OJ.6l!'
competnet authority;
flOl/.to~uuOJ' .f.."tlC 9utl') f:'- f .l)-~(),} 1-~:'- : (C) injury sustained by a public servant while he is
(th) fuu'}."P"} 1P&o'f'~OJ' OJf- P'&- f1;J-OJ' OJJ?9u proceeding to or from his place of work in a
hp'&O f1;t'OJ' uuP'6f fl.'1: 1\IP&o'f-'lf'1" h1A transport service vehicle provided by the
.,,1\":" h'}Jl()'I' nuuf.flOJ. fuu~~"r h1A..,I\":'- office which is available for the common use
OJf.~ uuP'6f fl.-#: I\tllJ .f.."tlC fli-h&OfOJ'li of its employees or in a vehicle hired and
fl"'A~ flUUf.flm- fuu~~"r h1A..,I\":" fluu~1J expressly destined by the office for the same
Itf. fl~n~n:" 1.,t f f.~(),} 1-~:" : purpose.
(UU ) f uu'}..,P':,. II'&oi'~ OJ' hp' &om- ;J C fl.,. f f tI (d) any injury sustained by a public servant before
.., 1o:J- f.,. FI hp' &om-fl&.:" OJf.~ fl:\It OJf.~ or after his work or during any interruption of
P'&om-l\l.Itm- i'*C(f1 n~n~fl:"1.'1. flp'&-O}-
work, if he is present in the work place or the
f1;J' OJJ?~ flUUP'6f fl.-#: ..,0- m-ll'l' nUU1)':'-
premises of the undertaking by re'ason of his
duties in connection with this work,
ff-~()n:"'} CIIJ'}~OJ''}~ 1-~:" :
(e) any injury sustained by a public servant as a
(II') fUU'}"'P':" 1P&o'f'~O}-P'&oOJ''} flCIIJht,'OJ'}ItJ?
result of an action of the employer or a thrid
tlI\O:" l.tI. nhlP6OJ. OJf.~ flY'll'f'~OJ' OJ1'}
person during the performance of his work.
Y;C1.:" ~tI'}f:" f.l'.~()fH''} 1'~:" : 3) "Occupational Disease" means any pathological
r. . " n P' &0~ tI '}f:" fOl/.uu flJ fl7i;t''' CIIJ 1\:" f uu'}.., P':" condition of a public servant which arises, as a
II' &o.,.~ m- h 01/.11'&om- f P' &0 q f. ~:,. OJf.~ P' &0OJ.'} consequence of the kind of work he performs or
hOl/.fhlim-'}n:,. htttlt1. f'r~lt fl7i:1'm-'} 1\0000fllh:"1\- because of the surrounding in which he works, being
lJ-).:J'9'"f .,. ;JA(f1 nuu4'>f-#: ~tI'}f:" f.l'.~() fmS
exposed to the agent that cause the disease for a
uu:1'OJtI ().11',) P' &om-'} nOl/.fhlim-'}fH- f1;t' fOl/.tf certain priod prior to the date in which the disease
uu-#:li fOl/.f.H- ~fJ'6 OJf.~ .,.ltlt&. fl7i;t'9'1"'} hJ?r;Q. became evident; provided, however, that it does not
~C~j include endemic or epidemic disease which are
2- " uu f.n~ P' &0" CIIJ1\:,. f uu '}.., P':" II' &o'r~: 0}- prevalent and contracted in the area where the work
ni'()mm- ;}It&.~:" OJf.~ f P' &0m-A UUIP~:" fOl/.fh is done.
lim-~m- .,.."tlC ~OJ' :: 4) "Regular Work" means a work performed by a
public servant pursuant to his'''responsibilities or
~. " uuf.n~ f P' &0 f1:1''' CIIJ1\:" f uu'}." P':,. II' &-.,. ~ 0}-
fUUP'6f fl.-#:'} P'&o fl*OI/.~:" fOl/.fhlim-'}fl:'- contract of employment.
5) "Regular Place of Work" means a place where a
f1:J- ~m- ::
public servant regularly performs his duties.
?!'i:' fl&oll Itf. 1'~:" 1ll\CIIJ
23. Self Inflicted Injury
fltUJ hfJ'~ h,}"'''' ?}~ f.f'UUl\h.f-m- .f..,.tlJ?":'-
The provisions of Article 22 of this Proclamation shall
fOi/.tj ~m- fUU'}..,P':" lP&oi'~m-1-~-#: h '}-'tf.Cllfl:" 11'''
apply only where the public servant has not inflicted the
'01\" flt.l'.~1m- ftll',} ~m- :: n.,.I\f.9U "''1'1\'' fl''''J~tI...:,. injury upon himeslf intentionally; any injury resulting
~tI'} f"'1" f .l'.~() 1-~:" f uP'}.., P' .). II'&o'r~ OJ' fl&-(). ItJ? from the following acts in particular shall be deemed to
11''' .nl\" ff.~()OJ' 1'~:" lI'lf f.4'>m&oA : be intentionally caused by the public servant.
j!. flhlP6OJ. hll.,.Y;1" n'?A'" f.f-()m.:" f.l'.U,}"'} 1) non-obedience of expressed safety instruction of
uumfl<tf uuuu6f9'1" uuflJll OJf.~ fhf-;J UUhlt~f non-observance of the provisions of accident
f-,}f11"'} uui-Itl\tt: : OJf.9U preventive rules specially issued by the employer,
~. ht)I\''} OJf.~ h"~£:OJ''} fl0l/.1tll\UU4'>flJmC flCIIJJ? 2) reporting to work in a state of intoxication that
1"Afl:" lJ-).;t' OUUm'l' OJf.~ nh.l'.'}t,~'r ()tI£: prevents him from properly regulating his conduct
np' &0Itf. uu1'f:'- : or understanding.
'/K' !{n:!{fe~ t..y,,/..A ~;J/.'} ;In''/ "~'/'I: ::.??; M. i'i -,,'t :Wx:i?; 'HI". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 gU.June, 2003-Page 2216

r;'!! . nF' /.. 9utn ,N' f°,/.uUfI) Ifli:J.c; f~, tlA 24. Occupational Disease and Extent of Incapacity Schedule
'J.p',} uum'} 1J"}ml.:)'r The Authority, in consultation with the appropriate
Ilt\F'AfI)~, ~,"IIJ,n tlt\lD' ~,tlA ,'JC nooulJtlhc : organ, shall by directives issue a schedule which list,
;1' fhtlA 'J.p',} uum'} : 1) The degree of incapacity,
~. h,f'}P,'}.':"'} nF'/., 9"tn,N' f°,/.UlJfI) Ifli:J.,} n°,/.ulJ 2) Regarding each occupational disease indicating;
f\h'} : (a) the symptoms,
(u) flfli:hD"} 9"Ah'Y:'}" : (b) the kind of work or surrounding that gives
(t\) f\lfli:J'lD' uuFi J!,rrc;A 'Hlt\" f°,/.:J'oo~lD"}
rirse to the disease,
fF'/'. '}y,~,} mY,9u ~,tlI1n. : (c) the minimum of exposure & the agent causing
(ch) Ifli;J'm.'} t\O'/.,f (1.1'lD' f F' /.. u.);:J. t\oo :Jt\'!'
the diesease.
fO'/.,fllt.A 1lD'1 ~,~ ll"';;: 'lIL :
The schedule shall be revised wherever it may
f!II l'Cl'C IJJ'}ml.:)'r nuuootJJ ,flDfI)A ::
be deemed necessary,
1J.'}ml.'U:9u h'H'. hll&.I\'L ~,,: nf'l.lI.lD'
J!,i'ji'j I\A:: 25. Presumption

?!'?;' "19u'1' 1) Where a disease listed in the schedule in connection

with a work place or with a kind of work is
;i' hF'/'.lD' r1:J. mJ!,9u hF'/..m. '}J!,~'1' ,'JC f"',f,rll
nIJJ'}(nl.'U: lD'll'!' f".oot\h'" rrli:J. n'hn<f'(llD' contracted by a public servant in a corresponding
fF'/.. (l;J. mJ!,9u fF'/'. '}J!,~'} I\J!, f-J'lJIo?/..1 situation, it shall be presumed an occupational
foo1"1F"} IJ'/."";;: f!IIm' h1f.lf~ rrli:J'm. nF'/.. disease.
9uh1,N' h1f.0'/.OOfIJ J!,~m/..A j
2) Where a public servant who had recovered from an
~. nF'/.. 9Uh1!'} nO'/.oofIJ o'li;J' "'J!,t' fP'~ foo1 occupational disease is reinfected due to continued
"IF"} IJI/.."''';: 01Jl1m1.11: m'll'1' orrli;J'm. h1IJC placement in the occupation corresponding to the
tl-f,oot\h'f'm' fF'/'. ,}J!,~'1' I\J!, ",ooJ';(l ooF'/.,'1' disease listed in the schedule, he shall be presumed
Ouu"'mt\-' O"li;J'h 1 f:,e.' 0.!1' h"tll rrli;J" to have contracted another occupational disease.
h1f.!IICD' J!,~m/..A 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 22 (3) of
e. ntLU h'P~ h1"'1\?}~ 10.1l h1"'~' (e) f".oot\h,,'m' this Proclamation where a public servant engaged in
tL'iC9" F'/..CD' 9Uh1!'}' "'1\1\&. mJ!,9u
the eradication of endemic or epidemic disease
~'Pt 0"li;J'S"1'1 OO'/'I'~'}' I\J!, f,,..'t°?/.. fuu1"1F"} contracts same, it shall be presumed an occupational
1Jl/,,'f';;: Ollu- 0"li;J' h'f'!11 nF't,. 9Uh1!'}' fuufIJ
0"li;J' h1f.!tlm. J!,~m/..A ::
26. Admissibility of Proof
t;.~, 0'/1l1.~ 0'/.p1.'0 llt\uuY:t\-
Proof may be permitted to the effect that a disease not
ntLU h'P~ h1"'1\
?}!! UUIJII.:" nO'/.mfIJCD' 1J11ml.1r
,}. fO'/.auf/) listed in the schedule issued under Article 24 here in
CD< 1l'1' ! A 'f'uu f\ h'f' 0"li;J' OF' /.. 9Uh1!
above could be of occupational origin, and that diseases
uuU'~1 ; h1"tu-9" 01Jl1m1.1f- CD'll'1' f'''''I.II~:''
0"li;J-~1- Oh1'l/":':CD', h.f.uut\h'f::" 9"Ah.y.1' tH.t\f
listed in the schedule are manifested in a different
u-).;J- fOl/.hf1of: uulfc;=fCD'1 t\"71.;J1'1' "71l1.~ "7.}>1.,0 symptom than that indicated therein.
J!,:FI\A :: 27. Notification of Accident
?}%. hf.;J11lt\"71l;J-m.p Where a public servant other than member of the Defense
huuhl\h! IJI/..,£:" hl1A Oll'f''''C h1J:': fuu1"1F':" Force sustains occupational injury the employer shall
IJI/""';;: OF'/.. I\y, fOl/.f.Cll 1-P,:" ff.I.f10:" h1f.1f~ notify in writing the same with in thirty (30) days of the
~lJItCD< uuF't! It:" h f.;J CD' hf.I.f10:" .,.1 h11l.y. occurrence of such accident to the Authority.
11t\-:" IJII\'" (r!j) "''1:,. CD'll'1' 01\ch-tt: f\11t\F'AfIJ~
28. Assessment of Employment Injury
"7ll;J-m.p ht\O:" ::
1) The extent of employment injury sustained by a
t}t, llt\ht}A 1-P':" uum1 hlD...f11 public servant shall be assessed by authorized
(;, OtLU h'P~ h1"'1\ ?}!! O'f.uut\h'f'CD' 1J11ml.1r medical board in accordance with the schedule to be
uu IJII.'r OF'/.. 9"h1!:" fOl/.UUfIJ 0 "li;J-c; f h I1A issued pursuant to Article 24 of this Proclamaiton.
1-P':" uu m 1 fOl/.lDf1~CD<F' A flJ1 0 Tf1m CD'f :h h 9"'1 2) The Medical Board shall assess the extent of
(lC~ ~CD<j
employment injury based on the directives to be
"71;;:CD<9" f :hh9"c; (lC~ OF'/.. I\y, fOl/.f.C1l1'P")'
I' issued by the Authority.
uu m 1 fOl/.'f'9"~ CD<11t\F' A fIJ~ 0"7.! lDfIJCD' uuuu t!
3) When it deems necessary, the Authority can refer the
assessment to another medical board for further
e. 11t\F'AfIJ~ hll&.I\'L If'i 111'fCD<Oh11.' f:hh9uc;
(lCy" fTf1m CD<Pf).0t\.I\ :hh9"c; (lCy" h1f.1c;
h 1"t;J' f, f\.! f.C'" Y,1'1\ A :: 29, Incapacity Benefit

?}U. f1-P':" hOA Incapacity pension for life or incapacity gratuity shall be
j paid as the case may be, for injury sustained from
OF'/.. I\y, t\0'/.f.C1l1'P,:" f1'P")' m'I.:J. hilA lDY,9"
f1-P':" P,1.1:" y,tlt.I\A ::
gtl.June. 20m-Page
;JILI!) Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 2217
',"'. iti":itr.!:1. ~uY..MA ";J/.'} '/=''t: ~~?; M.?i ""} :mt!?; 'HI".

I!)' f'J.P':" 111'1.;' M1A 30. Incapacity Pension

1) A public servant who sustains employment injury of
;i' 1\'H': foP'}'?P"} lJ.'t..,.~ llP't.ltf. 1l000.f,e... 'J.p'.}
9°tl1.("} h1\P'e Iluo'f' (10%) .('ItH\ /\J.-':'} not less than ten percent (1OCff)and separates from
f07f.':;'A 1'P,'} f,C(\Il'} f,oP(f)1' fOl/.J''''''~~ U7Cj:,: work due to absolute incapacitation shall receive an
(Do,}9° P't- oP/vt,.} fU7f."}"A lloPtf~. hp't. incapacity pesnion for life.
2) If a beneficiary who is receiving incapacity pension
(t.(tcl'Il'} f1'P,'}' 111'1.:" 1\IlA h...h iJ.f:u~ A h.
engages in any gainful activity and begins getting
f.h~./\«PA ::
salary, the pension shall be discontinued.
~, f'J.P,.}. 111'1.:" 1\IlA lluotM.A ItfJ .('/\ '1/\uo.(1.}
31. Amount ofIncapacity Pension
J',oPtlJ1' llo7..(''''''~~ P't, Itf. h"'lJ.,u7t, f('7.h~./\tlJ.
1\IlA h'}Jt*I.iJ' f.Y.I.;JA :: 1) In accordance with this Proclamation a publ ic
servant who sustains empIl)yment injury shall
i!);i' f'J.P"}' 111'1.:" M1A oPl11'}
receive an incapacity pension for life amounting to
;i' lULU 1\q>:c,...
uO'~'I.'} fU7.h~./\tlJ. f'J.P"} fm,I.:"1\IlA forty five percent (4srk) of his basic monthly salary
c/Om'} fCID'}"'P"}' lJ.'t,.,.r,:(lJ' 'J.p'.,: hf,I.(tIl-}' tlJe
which he was receiving during the month prior to the
Il~.'} ,("J~~ h.,lll.tlJ. uof.11 r,: ftlJe J',UOtlJ'l/ ~,CI1 occurence of the injury.
1\9"""} llub.Y, (45%) .fJ!I'CjA :: 2) If the incapacity pension mentioned under Sub-
~, 1lJ/.U ~,'}<f'7" '}(J,'" 1\'}<f'X' (;i) c/OIJ'I.:" ~,IlA AI1icle ( 1) is less than that or equal to the retirement
/\.h~./\(f). fof.f'A fUo'}"'P"} lJ't,.,,;;: 1l1\"A"1I\"": pension to which the beneficiary is entitled, he shall
/\.J"J~~ fOl/:'}"/\(lJ. 1\IlA Il'J.P"} /\..("J~~ h('7,:}"/\(lJ' receive the retirement pension.
hh'A tlJ¥.9° f07,IlAII' tun O,'JA"1I\":"m'I.:" ~,IlA
f.h~,/\CPA :: 32. Incapacity Gratuity
A public servant who sustains employment injury of not
I!)~' f"'P,'} P'1.1'} less than ten percent (lOlfr) without loss of capacity to
1\'}.f: foP'}"'/v.} lJ't.."r,: h~,p'e Il(/O.y, (10% ) J'It',(t work shall receive incapacity gratuity in the form of a
hp't, fuun) 'J.p'.}, f,e(\Il'} P't, /\(/I1p't,:" fuf'}"A lump sum. However, no gratuity shall be paid if the
hlf., f'J.P,'}' P,1.1.}' /\1\'}.f: 'l.IL f.h~,I\fPA :: !I":'9" 'J.p'.,: incapacity is assessed at less than ten percent (l O(k)
h1\P'C lloP.Y' (10%) ,('.,(t tun f'J'P"': }~I..):,. ~,f.h
33. Amount ofIncapacity Gratuity
The amount of incapacity gratuity payable in acconlance
@~, f'J.P"} .v.I.')'} oPll)'} with the provisions of Article 32 here in above shall be
lULU 1\(1':(1: 1\'}."x, i!)~ oPlJ'I.'} fU7.h~./\(lJ' f"'}~:" equal to forty five percent (451ff) of the basic monthly
P,1.')-1' (/oll)'} fUI1'}"'P"}' ,pt..,.;;: 'J'}~'} h.l',I.(tIl'} me salary which he was receiving during the month
Il~.:" .f.h~./\(lJ' f.,lll.m. (/0.(1,11;;:fme .(lJlI1(lJJ/'~,C') preceding the occurrence of the injury times five years
1\9°"':" lloP'Y' (45%) 1l1\9"""} (?;) qoP'} "'I1'I/'Y' salary times the amount of percentage of injury sustained.
fOl/:n'(lJ' 'l'Hl lloP'}"'P"} lJ't,"';;:(lJ' ItfJ IlY,I.(t(lJ'
.,.p'.} oP.y.;;: ,"I1'I/.y, "(lJ' :: PART SEVEN
Survivors' Pension and Gratuity
htj:A (t 11'}' General
f"""hJJ)'.f' m'I.:" 1\IlACj p'1..).}
1) If any public servant:-
I@' m:"1t1t
(a) who is entitled to retirement or invalidity or
U7'};;:(lJ'9" foP'}"'P"} 'I't,.,.r,::-
incapacity pension, or
;i' (b) who has completed at least ten (l0) years or
II) f~,"A"'/\"'} (lJ.f.9" ff},oP9° (lJf.9° f"'P"}' m-I.:"
service, but not separated from the service. or
1\IlA lloPh~.A It.f. },,('/\ (lJ.f.9" :
(c) who sustained employment injury
/\) (1.J"}'" 1\p'e (:( ) fWO.} 1\"A"1I\"'} IIp't. Itg.
dies a pension shall he paid to his survivors.
h.r /\ (lJf.9° : 2) If a public servant who has not completed ten (10)
chi llP't, Itf. Ilf,I.(tIl-}' 'J.p'.} 9uh'},r:" : years of service dies before he separates from the
hP"" /\"""hJP:': fm'I.:" M1A f.h~AA :: service, the surviors mentioned in Sub-Article 3 (a)
~, h1\p'C qoP'} ,('.,(t 1\"A"1I\"'} ,r/\(lJ. fUI1'}"'P"}
and (b) of this Article shall receive gratuity.
ltg, h.r/\ htp)," IUI.tJ 1\'}<f'X' '}(J.",
lJ't.."r,: llP't. 3) The following shall be considered as survivors:
1\'}ef'X' (d (u) hCj (/\) /\."uo/\tl'l:'} """h.9)':}" (a) a widow or widower,
fJh~A:':«PA : (b) children of the deceased who are under eighteen
!~. fllJ:.f. """h.91':}" fOl/}l/\"}' fOl/,h"'/\"}' f. If /\':- ( 18) years of age,
u) OI/,""} (lJf.9" I)A : (c) parents who were wholly or mainly supportcJ
/\) hX~~ qoP.} iJ.f:u~ Il:':.f' fin. AJ(.}', : by the deceased.
fh) 00'/\' 1100'/\' (lJf.9° 1l1\'Il";;:(lJ' 1l1lJ:'}" .f:;Jtj:
35. Widow's or Wicjower's Pension
fJ"'P'f.C;. f.,nc;. (lJItJ(.f. ::
1) The amount of pension payable to a widow or
i!)?~' fllJ:'}" OI/.""}' (lJf.9° I1A m'I.:" 1\IlA widower shall be fifty per cent (50';( ) of the pension
~, /\1IJ.1' OI/,""}' (lJf.9° 11A fOl/.h~./\(lJ' fm.I.:" 1\IlA to which the deceased was or woulJ have hecn
",:.f. ,('.,~ tlJ.e9° /\,,('.,~~ f."}"A f'11l/.tf)' fm'I.:" 1\IlA entitled.
'190ft lloP'Y' (50%) f.IfCjA: 2) widow's or widower's pension shall be discontinucd
~, fllJ.':}', OI/.""}' (lJf.9u I1A fm'I.:" M1A lloPef'IlA Itf. from the beginning of the month following
.r/\ '1/\oP.(1.} 11"'1 Ilc/Oh~.A Itf. .('/\(f)' 1\IlA remamage.
f.* I.(I)A::
"K' M~:MfI:;~ U..t..t. ":Jt.,}o :J,~nl "1'1": :E?;
(I); fi .n IP.~:t?; ~'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 80.June, 2003-Page 221X

t!)?;. f",:.f. I:\.:€:IIN~:J' hl11:\. 36. Orphan's Pension

;i' t\h.f'}P,'),I',. f",:'}', 1:\."1.~fO?h.c.t\(I)' fm.I.:" "nl:\. 1) The amount of pension payable to each surviving
"',~f' ,f"~ (l)f,'J" t\.,f"~ f~~f'l:\.f',nl.(I)c fm.I.:" "nl:\. chi Id shall be twenty per cent (20%) of the pension to
',f nou". (20% ) "Ir'il:\. : which the deceased was or would have been entitled.
~. (J,t\,,:'J" (l)1\;d.:': t\""'I:')<)' t\h,f')~'J,I',. 1:\."1.~'ULII
2) If both parents are dead, the amount of pension
"'JcI.y, 'JO'{) "'J"'"" (;i) OUIPI.'} f07,h.c.t\(I)'
payable to each surviving child in accordance with
Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be thirty per cent
fll1'I.:" hl11:\. 1#'1\1'\ nUO", (30% ) f,lr'il:\. :
(30% ).
i:' nou')"lp"} IP&""~":":':CD' fm.I.:" MIl:\. fD7,h.c. 3) If both parents of an orphan who were or would ha ve
I\~:(I)' mf,1JO t\.h.c.l\:':(I)' ,,':j,t\. f.,.H, lJ.t\.,:'J"
been entitled to a pension are dead, he shall receive
hh.f'J~'J~:':co' hilI:\. ',f nUu.r.
cDI\;d.:':f'l"":'}-}' I:\.:e.~ twenty per cent (20%) of each of their pension.
(20%) f~h.c,t\tpl:\. :: lI"i'J" nll,1I 'JO.{) "'JcI''''' Provided. however. that the amount of pension
oul#'I.'1' f07,h.c.t\CD' fll1'I.:" hilI:\. n'LIl "'JcI.",. payable in accordance with this Sub-Article shall
'JO.{) "'J.,.",. (~) OUII"I.'} t\,h.c,1:\. h07:.f.t\co, .fHI not be less than the amount payable in accordance
""I/"J'J":: with Sub-Article (2) of this Article.

:!)?:' fCDI\"1.~
111'1.:" "nl:\. 37. Parent's Pension
t\0.7.~f'col\,:'.f. t\h,f'}P,'}p':':(I)' f"7.h.c.t\co' fm.I.:" "nl:\. The amount of pension payable to each parent shall be
0.1.'.1..f":~ mf,1JO t\,.f":~ f;.1.1:\. f.,nl.m. flll'I.:" "nl:\. fifteen per cent (15%) of the pension to which the
deceased was or would have been entitled. If there are no
"'P'I.. "'J"{).1. ntlU,r. (15 9~1 nou.r.) f,I",' I:\. :: "'i'9"
hCDI\).('}"1\.1\ """h, other survivors the amount shall be twenty percent (20Cff )
hl\.t\ '.f ntl".r. (20%) f,II"il:\. ::

'!)~J;' f"""h,9)~1' p,l.o),1'

38. SurvivoJ:';' Gratuity
1\",/'P'/cD'9" """h, f"7, h.c,t\ m. p,1.'H. U"IIl'J 1\".1.'.1'
The amount of gratuity payable to any survivor shall be
nll.11 t,'P:e.~ u",,'I.,1' t\.h.c.t\co' f,,'1 h.,nl.(I)' p,1.'H'
the amount of gratuity to which the deceased would have
~,'H'.t'''''1 n. nll,1I t,'P:(),~t,'JcI'X' t!)?;(fi) m,.','J" t,'J.,.",. W'; been entitled and shall be calculated in accordance with
,)oI'm".,m. tI",r.;;: ""1'''''' .r,:"'''11:\. :: the percentage specified in Article 35( 1) or 36 of this
...0 f""I'\, . 9)~1.t,nl:\. .,,t'..n

;i' nll.1I ""):(),~ h"'J"''''' t!)?; h{)h (!)~J;n.,.tlul\h.,:.1. 39. Limit of Sur vivo/:,( Pension
f:'J:J'l.y.f tlU",I.:,' 1\"""h.9".1' fD7.h.c.t\CD' "'(II:\. 1) If the total benefits payable to survivors, in accor-
.t':9"C f~f.1' .f":~ mf,9" I\,.f":~ f;.1.1:\.h"(, MIl:\. dance with Article 35 through 38 of this
1I".r. n,/I',', (100(1(; ) t\.(II:\.'I' t,f;.1'1:\.'J" :: h'l'In'''''co' Proclamation is in excess of hundred percent (100(,1)
IIUin'J nl:\.l" h",'n' "n hh,f'JP,'J~. """h. "'(II:\. I\f, of the benefit to which the deceased was or would
"'II"nlnJ:~ :"'i'li f~,t'.I.:)1:\.:: have been entitled, each survivor's share shall be
proportionately reduced until the total comes down
~~, nll,1I ""J.,.",. 'JO.{) t,'J.,.x, (fi) 1/"1"1.'1' f,,"1'\1.9)'.1.
.(1",1, to hundred percent ( 100%) .
111'1.:" MIl:\. h"'{)"'\,ht\ (I:"'" f"""h.S"")"
2) Upon reduction in the number of survivors sub-
h"'"'' fM1I'\' 1/I'1Il'J h'J,t':,'i .r'{)"",hl\l:\. ::
sequent to adjustment under Sub-Article ( I) of this
Article, further adjustment of the amount of benefits
hlt:1:\.tw"'H. shall be made.
t,nl:\.'J f"7.lIut\h'l: fml:\. .t'.:'J:J'l.y.f
~~;, {)I\ ,,,:,,.,.;;: ftn.I.:" "nl:\. tI"IIl'J'i f"nl:\. 11"i'ji'il:\. PART EIGHT
General Provisions Relating to Benefits
f"7.H"'h~".1' 'J"tl(: .V,. '11\p'l:\.nJ',. n"7..t'<I'c:.(lI\:"'I"i:"
II""'I.'} nf"9"{):" 'illu.1. ft."'I.:" "nl:\. ,,'/tl'l",h.f 40. Minimum Amount of Pension and Pension Adjustment
I\..f ,t'.c:", f;'}"1\ I:\. :: On the basis of studies submitted to it by the Authority,
the Council of Ministers may adjust pension benefit
~';fi' f/.",I.:" "'nl:\. "" c.I:\.'i flluh.c..f 'I.II. every five years.
;i' f 111'1.:" '" (II:\. f"7.h.c,l\co, (lfme;. f~II"i I:\. :
41. Mode and Period of Payment of Pension
~. f""'I:\.",""'1' fm-I.:" t,(l1:\. tluh.c.1:\. f"'/.~~:9"l.m'
I) Pension shall be effected monthly.
fIIU'J"'p',1. "'I.,"';;:CD' nh.f.''''/, I\m-I.:" ,,)<1:hll..,.H.
2) Payment of retirement pension shall begin as of the
mc: "'JiI.r. "CD' :
month following that in which the public servant
!=, f ,),110'1" m.I.:" "nl:\. uuh.c.1:\. fD7.~~:9"1.10' fUU'J
..,,.,:,. retires.
1#'1.,"';;:10' 11,),OU'J" 9"h'J .f'} IIU'" I..:" 3) Payment of invalidity pension shall begin as of the
f"7 f;.}'.1:\. UUI1",. h"'I.:)" III.H' "''\'1\'' ,,1\(1)' mc
month following that in which the invaliditv of the
"'JiI.r. "CD' : public servant ascertains.
!~. f",P,'1' 111'1.:""'nl:\. ouh.c,1:\. f"7.~~:'J"I.(I)' fllu'J"'p'.1' 4) Payment of incapacity pension shall begin as of the
I#'I.,"';;:CD' .,.p'.} f,t'.I."')<}' tI"I'''. h"'I.:)"IIl.H. month following that in which the permanent total
""r"" ',t\CD' mc "'JiI.r. "10' : incapacity sustained by the public servant ascertains.
?;- f.,..I'\I,SJ1'.1' 111'1.:" t, nl:\. Iluh.c.1:\. fD7.~~)" t.m' 'i) Payment of survivors' pension shall begin as of the
'1I'\UI'.n,,: h""'''')<}' "''\'1\'' ,,1\(1)' me: ""HI,r. "10' :: month following that in which the beneficiary dies.
.,~.KiI:KxIi! ~:Jt.} :lIL") ":'1'1: t?i (\);
i'i "") XUmi 'HI". Federal Negaril Gazeta - No. 65 8uIJune, 2003-Page 2219

?i~' f~~-)'} hh4.&,A'i fuPtJ&,.r 1,1L 42. Mode and Period of Payment of Gratuity
1) Any gratuity is effected in lump sum at once.
ji. °7'}~OJ'9° ~~-).}, fD7.h&,t\OJ' nh'} .r.' 1o1L'1OJ':
2) Retirement or invalidity gratuity shall be payable
g. fh1A""/\"'} OJf,~ fmuPtj° p,~')'1' fD7.h&,t\OJ' fuP'} beginning with the first day of the month following
""P'.}' IPtr"'~OJ' hp' 6' t..,.(}c,'n,"n.} 4>'J'/\" I1/\OJ' that in which the public servant separates from the
OJC f uP 1. uP /. f 4>,} '1OJ' : serVice.
f.' f7-P'.}' ~~-).1'\OJe nuP'}""p"} IPtr"'~:OJ' "f, 3) Incapacity gratuity shall be payable beginning with
1,~'1' fy.~(}n.} uP If '1- {H'~;J111ln'1' 10IL '1OJ' : the first day of the month following that in which tl1e
injury sustained by the public servant ascertains.
ff,C;J 10lt
"i:' 43. Period of Limitation
(;. D7,}~0Je~ OJ'1,tt: fl1l.~;J' hilA tJtt:f 'J'.r<f: hh'}.r.'
1) Any claim for payment of arrears of pension shall be
quP.1' n:\" nf,C;J f,:J'1~A j
barred by limitation after one (l) year.
g. D7'}~CD'9° f'-;~-).}' tJtt:f 'J'f<f: hv-t\.} quP.1' n:\"
2) Any claim for payment of gratuity shall be barred by
nf,C;J f,;J-1~A :
limitation after two (2) years.
fl1l'~;t' uPcp(;'W1'uP"7i 'J' f<f: fuP,}""p'.1' 1P6""~OJ'
f.' 3) A claim for reimbursement of pension contribution
fl1l.l;t' uPOJ'6liJ./Jfe-o~ hIJP" OJf,~ hIJP'" hv-/\'} shall be barred by limitation two years after the date
quP.}- n:\" nf,C;J f,;J-1~A i in which the public servant attains retirement age or
~. ff,C;J1otL uP.f>l1lCfD7,1.~~OJe nuP.n1: uPl1lcf'~ dies.
hD7,;J:An.}' 4>'J'/\" I1t\OJ' 4>,} h'}l1.Y. 'lCD' 4) The period of limitation shall begin to run from the
~. nOl/.h.,-t\-.}- ~tJ'} f.}- fl1h'1 10It t\f,C;J l.IL day following that in which the right may be
h.f>tlJl11C hf,;t'(}-(1~ i exercised.
V) .},
11t\ uP-(1 '10}- t\ D7~;J 1 'J' f +1. uP ~ f tt:C fe' n. 0}- 5) The period of limitation shall not include the
P'Cqo}- ~l1h 0I/.11l'i4>:" fOJ(}y'CD' 10tL
j following:-
...,~;t.0Je'} (a) period lapsed due to a court process started to
t\) D7,}~0Je~ hIP/. uP~~ fD7111'''t\tt:
establish right,
n OJ:" 1: 111\uP OJtIJ -I: f t\ &.CD' 10It i
(b) period lapsed due to non fulfillment by the
tit) 11t\P'AtIJ'1- f4>~nt\.}''} ftJtt:f 'J'f<f: uPC~C: employer its obligation to submit evidentiary
t\uPOJ(}'} flD(}y'OJe 10lt i
documents on time,
(c) periods necessary for the decision of benefit
.,§. hnA fD7...,'fo}- (}-') D7l1+"t\tt: l1"t\uP~t\-
entitlement by the Authority.
hnA fD7""lo}- uP-(1.}' f/J~ uP f"ir f t\.Y.l..., OJf,~
nOJeCl1~ If '1 n/\,I\ nD7'i:fOJe~ uP'}1f: t\.+"t\tt: 44. Entitlement of Benefits not Transferable
hf,'fA~:: The right to receive benefits shall not be pledged or can
~~. 11t\ hnA nm"" uPhnC not be transferred by inheritance or any other means.

nttO hCP~ uPlP~o}- fD7,(}'1' hnA i 45. Attachment of Benefits

(;. t\uP')""P'o}- 10. fD7,If,} uP4>(;'Wi ...,.nc OJf,~ 4>~'J' Benefits payable in accordance with this Proclamation
t\uPtJ&'A i OJf,~ shall not be attached for any debts unless ordered by a
g. h...,t1-(1 t1":f0Je ftt:o}-tlt-(1th.C £11"" f:'} ;J1.~'f court in respect of:
1) Public fines, public fees or taxes; or
uPlP~o}- f1-OJ(}'1 4>t\-(1 fuPl1l1lo}- ...,~;t''} t\uPOJtlJo}-i
2) Fulfillment of the obligation to supply maintenance
ntt:Cf: n.o}- I1A;t'HH nl1+4>C n/\A /J~ ~tJ'} f.}- in accordance with relevant Civil Code provisions.
hf,hnC~ II
Miscellaneour Provisions
A ~ A ~ f:'} ;J1.~'f
46. Relationship Between Entitlements
~1'k f.uP-(1.y.:r-...,'}'f.'1o}- 1) If a public servant who receives retirement pension
(;. fh1A""/\o.}. flll-~;1' hnA
nuP4>nA "f, f/\ re-enters the public service and receives salary, the
11/\ uP-(10}-~ '}Y.1'i n uP'}"" P' 0}-uP 0}- pension shall be discontinued;
P' /. f n. 1'4>'J' c:
2) If a pensioner is re-employed permanently in a
y'uPOJlI D7""lo}- h1.uP~ fl1l'~;t' hnt\- f,'k~tlJA i
public office, the service shall be added and counted
". flll-~;1' hnA nuP+nA "f, ft\ t1t\uP-(1o}- nuP'} with previous service for the purpose of benefit
""P'o}- uPP'/.f o..}- n'kOl/.'1o}-h++l1l~ h-'l"" h1A entitlement. However, if the new benefit is less than
""/\°0}-h+fe-IJP h1A...,/\"1:;JC +y.~C: f,;1'(}.nt\;t'AII the former benefit the pensioner shall have the right
tf'i~ ~,}Y.1'i f;t'(}nCD' hnA h+f:IJPOJe hnA f'1(} to get the previous benefit;
j 3) If a beneficiary is entitled to more than one benefit,
hlf'1 f+f:IJPOJe'} hnA fD7...,'fo}}-f,'i~CPA
the amount of benefit to be paid shall be decided by
f.' h'}f: t1t\}- hh'}fe' n"f, flll-~;1' hnA fD7,f1
the authority;
~no}- V-~;t' f ;J'J'~ t\.h&.t\CD' f0l/.1t10Je fhnA
4) Without prejudice to Article 10(2) of this
uPl1l'} t1t\P'AtIJ'1- nOl/.flDtlJOJe uPuP/.f f,OJ(}'iA i Proclamation, a retired employee of nationalized
§. OttO hCP~ h'}4>'" I (,,) f+uPt\h1-0Je ~'}y.+l1ln+ enterprise who is receiving monthly benefit on the
j date of such nationalization shall continue to get the
If'i h""A OJY. uP,}""P'o}- f,tI;t' n1'lfOJ~ f:C~o}-
amount of pension. benefit adjusted to the ap-
fe'C~-I: huPlflD?- n&Jo}-(},h&'A f'1n~ OJCV,£ flll-~;t-
propriate provision of this Proclamation.
hnA ntto hCP~ uPlP~.}- +l1+l1tJ/\" f,h&AA II
'/1\' !~jr.!i~?! ~.Y..(..t:\ ',;J(.'} ;J'LnJ -/1'1'1: ~I~?; M.?i ''''J :W~:t?; 'H". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 65 8~'June. 2003-Page 2220

il;:i.. ~." ~ .J. 47. Obligation of Employers

°71;;:(1)'9° hll'/' t\IlI' hlf)~" h4C.KK9°f07..ftl4C.INI' 1) Any employer shall collect, compile and submit to
h.f1P,1.'=:) fUP')"'p'.1' ".{...,.;;: f07.upt\h.,: the Authority evidentiary documents relating to
uPl.~'''':f'. °7ft'1 1 I °7tn'.''''C'.' n07.(JJft~(I)' 'ULc,' employees which are necessary for the implemen-
tation of this Proclamation in accordance with the
""~' uP,PI.'} t\qt\P'AflJ). °7i"""t\et: ht\.H' I
form and within the time decided by the Authority;
~. ~U') hlf':~" nP'{'. "f, t\°7If'A h 1~.!J:A 071;;:(1)'9°
2) for the purpose of implementing this Proclamation,
fuP1"'p'.1' uPP'/..f (1.,1' I f..,A Y,,,c:~'1' I ,'h11'11f~
any government office mass or private organization
.f.'c~'1' mf,9° ."t\ft.n +CIl hiH'.ff.1.',' uPl.~' mY.9°
or individual shall furnish information or written
f~', °7itl.~ h')-'lft1' n'1t\p'AflJ). ft.tnf""
evidence or appear and testify or give his opinion
fuPittn'1' "'l..:J. ht\.H' II
when so requested by the Authority.
~'i~;. f.)t\P'AflJ). m"1)."";}'. 48. Decision of the Authority
A' .UlU hlf'~" uPlPl..1. t\07,ft1' 07',':':m'~ '}f,~.1' hnA 1) The fulfillment of conditions for entitlement to any
.n"r f07..f'.C'" lJo).:J'''";}'' uP",-,,:J':,:m, f07.I.:n kind of benefit payable in accordance with this
IIlm"i fMM' uPtn1 f07.(I)ft~m' n'1t\P'AflJ~. Proclamation and the amount of the benefit shall be
j decided by the Authority;
f,"'" A
~. .1t\P'AflJ). 'UlU h1+~' h1+~' (Ii) uPlPl.:" 2) The decision of the Authority regarding those
ID-Pl).f07.ftmm' f{..ft.1 fuPl.~ /.\"1C1.'j .UlU hlf'~ specified in Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be
based on its own record, evidentiary document
h1+"" '!I%uPII'I.:" fO?"'''t\4-'1'1 uPl.~"1''.' h1'.
h..,qO' qt\uP-o.,: fO?1+cq~:m'1 "'~O?/. O?itl. submitted to it in accordance with Article 47 of this
Proclamation and, as the case may be, on additional
~"1' uPIPI.T nO?1.'I..., f,"c,'A : evidences produced by the beneficiary;
I:' n.1t\P'AflJ). f/.\"1C1.' 07itl.~'.' 0"''' hilA n".ftm
3) When difference occurs between the records of the
O?itl.~ uPl1hA A ~~:,. o.4C.mC.,.+qf,~:" fO? 'i 1.(1)'
Authority and documents provided by other organs,
O?itl.~' nqt\P'AflJ). f,mftIJA II the evidentiary document to be accepted shall be
decided by the Authority.
'!Iii' ID-Pl).1 h1'.1IJ ilt\oPoPCoPC

Ii' qt\P'AflJ)' ""&,;J- 1t\ID- qt\oP-oT 00?1+cnm' 49. Review of Decisions

1'14: QJf,~ n{..ft. h~...7i~T +f.~ -Ot\.. fftmID-1 1) The Authority may review its previous decision
ID-Pl). h1f.1IJ t\oPoPCoPC f,':f"A j
upon request by an aggrieved beneficiary or on its
I' qt\P'AflJ)' ID-Uf).ID-1 h1f.1IJ ft.oPl.~C fhOA own initiative;
oPlPl.lI QJf,~ oP+~it l\.1ith:"A f"'l.':fA oct 2) Where upon review the Authority finds that there is
~h11T 11''j h1f.1J'~ l\.1P1.1I OJf,~ l\.+~it reasonable ground for cancellation or deduction of
q benefits, it may suspend payment to the extent the
0"'l.1 OJ' hOA oPm1 h~1ID- ;J-..," h1-'l~f,
O? 1: I..., f, ':fIt A j benefit is to be cancelled or deducted;
j h1'.1c,' 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 45 of this
I:' fllU hlf'~ h1+?\" '!I~ 1:1:J1. o.'iC~
Proclamation, upon decision of deduction of any
0+'.1.1ID- ~CoP{.. hOA h1-'l+~it qt\P'AflJ).
benefit payment contrary to this Proclamation the
hOJft~ OJf,'/" hllU hlf'~ 1:1:)1, ID-~ 1t\h..,q-o
Authority shall deduct the amount paid thereof\ID- hOA hqt\oP,ni: hOA "f, hf++~ft
illegally from the benefit of the pensioner and
t\.t 1~ 10. f,f.I.;JA II transfer it to the funds.
2' itt\f.'"lq~ 50. Appeal
qt\P'AflJ). OIlU hlf'~ h1+?\" '!It OJf,~ '!lit oPIPI.T Any public servant or survivor who is aggrieved by the
nftmID- ID-Pl)..."Cf+ft)' 0?1~ID-'/" foP1'"lP'T IP{.."'~ decision of the Authority made pursuant to Article 48 or
OJf.'/" ++\1. Oqt\P'AflJ). 0?**"7.J' hlf'~ ok1'C 0tl 49 of this Proclamation, shall have a right to lodge an
Iitfitt h1+?\" Iii oPIPI.T t\+**oPID- M"'O{'.~ If'itTc,' appeal to the Social Security Appeal Tribunal established
f,'"lq~ ftO? .,.q", f.'"lq~ M""I.'O oP-oT f,'i I.If'A II in accordance with Article 11 of the Social Security
Authority Establishment Proclamation No. 38/1996.
21i' h'"l11C~" itt\oPlJ'1
j O"'l.ftOft.(1 51. Tax Exemption
.UlU hlf'~ oPlPl.:" nO?h4C.t\ID- hOA
Not tax shall be payable on benefits received, pension
fm-I.:J' oPlf'fli" hIJ hm-I.;J- 4C.11.'h.1ii'itToP1-}' nO?1~
.}.Cet: "f. '"l-oC hf.h4C.A'/" II contribution collected and profit from investment of
ension fund in accordance with this Proclamation.
'11, i(jr.iU:?i';i &,.J!../..A ~:)/..} :1/1,1" .j:'\'1: ::1); M, Ii ,j") :W~:i?;'HJ'" Federal Ncgaril Gazela - No, 65 gU'June, 2OO3-Pagc 2221

~!{, ft'llrt':)"t.,f ,f:'}:n 52. TransitOlY Provisions

I) Previous laws and directives shall remain applicable
(i' Y.tJ h(P:l'.: hUII~'(j": 11&,'} /\-1'&.(1\';. ,~,:)t'~ o').:"9)"Y'
,k)',}'.tj tIll UIII. ,f 9)"}" to legal situations created before the coming into
<"Y.9u ",'" (1."".IF':(I)' "''In.;,
force of this Proclamation;
,',&.1/°,/, Y.lftj 1\' :
2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Arti\,:le (1) of
~. fIll' h'}<I'~' '}1J.{1 h'}<I'~' ((i) ,f:'}:n O,tiC9u f.tJ this Article. a public servant lawfully retained in
h{III~'(,"1: n&,,} h""'''II\'''1: 11,~'I' UII,,..I.')' service beyond retirement age before the coming
"'''.'WI')I\')' (}i'?',,,,,,,,, I\f. ,fit fOIl'}"''''')' /J'''''''~: into force of this Proclamation shall have a right to
'UltJ h'P:~ f"'lD"'1(1)' ftn,I.:" (flJlO'''"6J./I,f.:"?'
I\f. remain in service until he attains the retirement age
UII,n,), f.til.'P"': set forth in this Proclamation;
~l'1h"7}'.CI'1 11,..".lO' II.f. fuP4'>f')'
3/ Until the Authority issues the schedule determining
I:' I1ltpJ/'\fI)~. nll.o h'P~ h'}<1'", ?;.~~ f'hn<l'''(1)''}
the degree of in~apacity specified in Article 24 the
,).~,). UIIlD"r,: /J''}rol.:fr ~l'1h"7..(1lDfJ) ,f..t.1'1
fht1'" practices followed by the medical hoards shall
f ;,..tJ9uc; (lCP:')'. f"7,h"'I\.,). hU''',C "'&,'1"7.,,'1: remain applicable.
f.<I''PII.'" ::
53. Power to Issue Regulations and Directives
~e' f.,}'nc,' 0110111.,(1
f°"llO.fI)')' "''''fI)'} 1) The Council of Ministers may issue regulations
f"7,~I'1')'I~"1" 9utJC n.')' ,f.tJ'} h'P1: 1t"71'1&,'l.9u
necessary for the implementation of this
f"7..(1I'1&."'1' f.'}{l':}"'} tt.,(1lDfI) ,f.':i'II.'" :
2) The Authority may issue directives necessary for the
~, Ill\,.."'fI)~. f.tJ'} htp~:c; 'ULtJ h'}<I'~' '}o,1'1 h'}<I'K'
implementation of this Proclamation and regulations
(Ii) OIlU'I.')' f"7. lOtn. f.'}{l")"''} 1\"71'1&.'1.9°f"7..(11'1 issued pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of this Article.
&."'1' uPuPl.,(19'':i''} tt.,(1(1)fI),f.':i'II.'"
54. Penalty
~!~. :"fI)'} Who ever violates the provisions of this Proclamation or
,f.0'} htp:~ lD,f.9° nlllJ htp~ uPwl.')' flOro' f.'}{l':i,'}e; regulations and directives issued pursuant to this
{/IIUII/,f9'':}'',} f,,'I\I\&, 1111.:':lO' flD'}:f.It~ Proclamation shall be punished in accordance with the
"lO' h""Hl
appropriate Penal Law provisions.
UII:"'65J. ;".., J):'} ,;J1.9'':}'. OIIWI.')' f.<f>fI)'" ::
55. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws
~?;. f"'7..,,,(j "'&,'I."'l. f"7fAr~ ;",'f')"'
1) The following are hereby repealed:-
Ii. f"7Jl'f'I\")' 'UlO htp~ ,", : (a) Public Servants' Pensions Proclamation
u) fOIl'}"'''''} w/,.",tf':,', fro'I.:" htp~ No. 209/1963 (as amended);
"~'PC ~lii/Iiif.2?; (~,}f""i'ji'jl\) : (b) Public Servants' Pension Contribution
1\) fOIl'}"'''':'' Wtk"tf':}', ftn,I.:" OIItp",,,, htp:~ Proclamation No. 199/1963 (as amended);
(~'H)",.i'ji'jlt) :
(c) Employees of Government Owned Under-
takings Pension Proclamation No. 49/1975;
th) fOIl'}"'''''} ftf~ 1:C:~"'':i' w/,,'f'tf,:}" fl1"I.;J'
2) No law and directives shall. in so far as it is inconsist
htp:~ <'~'PC ~ii/Ii!l~% :
with this Proclamation, have force and effect in
~, ,f.O'} htp~ f"7,:J>I.~ ;, ,':{'C;011011/,,(19'1',f.O'}htp:~ respect of matters provided for in this Proclamation.
n"7,OIIlttl'l: 1'~f'':i' II.,f. "'&,'1."7, h,}U ::
56. Effective Date
8thday of
~{'k htp:~: f"7,oc;,H' 'lIt This Proclamation shall enter into force as of
,etJ h'P:~ h"). ?i <I''}:Wr.:i{; q.l}°. :f.9"I': foe; , :: June. 2003.
hJtI'1 MIll h"). Ii .,.'} Xiiti?;
Done at Addis Ababa, this 8''' day of June, 2003.

"lC"7 lDAf.'lf'C'll'1 GIRMA WOLDE GIORGI.r;

fi\,'}f'A',f &o,fo/',II."~Jt.,.,tJt,"..(1~ /,T,ntt.tJ PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL

1/C'/'H' MSI" "'/'1."1..1' ,f.'(.:'t.:'1. :}"I'OI'


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