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PEJ Career Center

Best Job Fit:

Manager or Individual Contributor?
Bill Tiffan Job fit
Principal at T2 Management Consultants
Sarasota, Fl. Why is this topic of job fit important? Because many people struggle to find satisfaction in management roles
when they in fact might be better suited to functioning as an
individual contributor. They are conflicted because, on the
one hand they love their work as individual contributors but
are attracted to becoming a manager based on assumptions
We’ve all seen it before. A management position which often turn out to be false, assumptions like:
becomes available and an individual contributor is tapped to
fill this important position even though they may have mini- • There is more prestige in being a manager than an indi-
mal or no previous management experience. This sometimes vidual contributor.
makes sense because the individual is talented and there-
fore should win the respect of his or her new direct reports. • Positive career change often means “moving up,” and that
Shouldn’t a person who performs at the highest level be able means management.
to guide others to reach that same level of productivity? Yes • Managers make more money.
and no.
The traditional definition of a manager is someone who • Managers have more power to make things happen.
gets things done through and with other people. His or her So what is best for you? Do you really have the talent
work involves directing, guiding, advising people and plan- to be a manager or would you be better off as an individual
ning and overseeing work to be done by others. Managers are contributor? To help you answer that question, I want you
accountable for what their people do. The manager’s real job first to challenge the above assumptions and second, provide
is managing others to achieve their goals. The manager’s suc- some questions to consider.
cess is directly tied to theirs. Beware of making assumptions!
An individual contributor, on the other hand, is some- Having spent most of my professional life providing
one who operates as a team member or independently. A lab advice to executives around career issues, I can tell you that
technician is an individual contributor and has responsibility almost everyone gets tripped up by the assumptions they
for specific procedures and results as agreed upon with his make about career paths involving management. Let’s take
or her manager, usually the head of the lab. The individual the four assumptions mentioned above.
contributor’s success is attributable primarily to his or her
own efforts. That does not mean that others do not have a “Managers have more prestige.”
role in helping this person be successful, but an individual
Well, it depends. Some managers will tell you it holds
contributor will be held accountable for getting assigned
little prestige for them because they no longer can have the
work done as directed.
direct control of their results and, therefore, rewards and
A physician is a hybrid—one who functions primarily
recognition like they did as an individual contributor.
as an individual contributor for patient care but who also
Suppose, for example, you now are the department head
has managerial responsibilities for a support team—nurses,
of cardiology at a hospital where you previously were a car-
office staff, etc.
diologist known for the innovative surgical techniques you

developed. Now, in addition to your clini- The real definition of a positive career from hospitals and other sources such as
cal load you must, as department head, move is one in which you do what you love research grants. These earnings can be
attend more meetings of hospital leader- and derive the satisfaction of aligning your larger than what they would make as a
ship, deal with difficult people problems talents with the role. Not all managers can senior leader in a hospital, for example.
that previously others addressed for you, say that. Be careful not to let the values
and, on top of everything else, you just and assumptions of others determine what “Managers have more power.”
learned your budget was cut. you do with your life. How many of our This depends very much on the
On the one hand there is prestige in parents, for example, had a specific career political landscape of the organization. By
being the top leader of cardiology but at path in mind for us because they liked the “political” I mean how power and influ-
what price? Do you still have the time idea of you heading in that direction? ence are played out in an organization,
to devote to your innovative side? Are who controls the agendas, etc. All too
you deriving the level of satisfaction and “Managers make more money.” often managers find themselves out on the
productivity that you did as an individual This is often true, especially the limb with no one watching their back.
contributor? Your answers depend on what higher you go in the organization. Larger Promises are made during recruit-
really motivates you and brings you the bonuses reflect greater responsibility. ment about resources to be made avail-
most satisfaction. Senior managers should receive greater able to them but in reality that support
compensation given the risks they take, the simply isn’t there. And it’s lacking not just
“Management is a positive for responsibilities they carry and the impact because of economic conditions but also
your career.” they potentially can make by their deci- because it’s often more important who you
Moving up is frequently thought of as sions and foresight. In that sense privilege know than what you know.
a positive for one’s career. It is recognition is commensurate with responsibility. Personnel or capital decisions can be
for having done good work so far, it speaks However, many individual contribu- undermined by influential board mem-
of your potential in the eyes of the orga- tors who excel in their roles also have the bers and others with special interests.
nization’s leadership and it literally moves potential of greater financial gain. Many Managers and individual contributors
you “up” in the org chart. So, yes it can be physicians sometimes find it to be more both operate within political realities and
positive. financially rewarding to be an individual derive benefits and liabilities accordingly
But that assumes that positive career contributor in a physician practice. Their that must be explored carefully upfront.
moves for you are the same ones that make compensation is a function of being part So what are some ways to test your fit
logical sense to those who promoted you. of a shared practice where someone else for management vs. individual contributor
Some managers will tell you that the best day manages the office and personnel while roles? The following questions about job
in their life was when they made the difficult the physicians perform mostly as fit are a good place to start.
decision to move out of a management job individual contributors.
and back into an individual contributor role Their earnings are a combination of 1. What do I want to be accountable for?
that better fit their passion and skills. equity from the practice, compensation The work of others, my team, or the

Many people struggle to find satisfaction in management roles when they in

fact might be better suited to functioning as an individual contributor.
Career Center

PEJ Career Center

work for which I am directly respon- with what I really want to do with my think that human resources will
sible? A physician executive is account- life or am I forced to compromise some handle whatever employee rela-
able for other people, initiatives and of my passion and interests to satisfy tions issues occur and therefore take
budgets and often has direct responsi- other needs in the organization? If you responsibility for people develop-
bility contributing to the overall goals are in the right job you will accept the ment. Ask any HR professional and
of the organization. A physician has a less exciting parts as “noise” in the sys- they will tell you that they cannot
narrower focus toward patient care. tem and not make them deal breakers. and should not handle all these areas
Depending on myriad factors, includ- but need to share that responsibility
3. What aligns best with my personal-
ing the stage in your career, you will with line managers.
ity? Am I enough of a people person to
answer this question differently. I often
get energized about developing others, 4. How can I best leverage my skills?
hear managers complain about hav-
mediating conflict, motivating young Similar to personality traits, skills
ing to deal with people problems; they
staff and navigating the politics of that accompany management are
just want to be free to focus on “more
our organization? Do I prefer working often different than those required
important things”—a sure sign that
alone more than with others? What for effectiveness as an individual
management might not be the role
feedback have I received about how I contributor. There is a set of techni-
for them.
interact with others that might shed cal skills any health care professional
2. What am I most passionate about? Will light on my fit as a manager of people? must have for their specialty to be
this role allow me to leverage that pas- Many technically proficient people are effective regardless of their role. In
sion as much as I could in another role? promoted to be managers because of addition, managers must demonstrate
Are the challenges in this role aligned that expertise alone. They mistakenly the ability to plan, organize, coach,

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Dalton Boggs and Associates

A professional consulting firm assisting client
organizations in the executive search process.

Specializing in physician management positions.

Resume or vitae may be forwarded to our office:

P.O. Box 2288, Edmond, Oklahoma 73083
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review and oversee the work of others.
Do those skills come naturally for you?
Effective use of skills involves innate
motivation to use them as well as
knowledge and experience gained on
the job. Don’t be fooled into thinking
that what lies outside your motivation
will simply “come with experience”—
beware of that assumption!
5. How do I prefer using my time? A
manager’s time is less under his or her
control, in most cases, than those in
individual contributor roles. Managers
often have more meetings compared
with individual contributors. Everyone
must collaborate today, so meetings are
inevitable, but new managers are often
surprised at the increase in meetings
they must call or attend in order to get
their job done. More time is also taken
up with people issues and administra-
I have purposely oversimplified the
complexities that surround responsi-
bilities and demands on managers and
individual contributors to drive home the

Physician Executive Search

in Physician Executive
placement nation-wide

Send or fax resume/cv to

P.O. Box 483
Career Center
Surfside, CA 90743

FAX 562-592-2288
or call Gary Gumbert

PEJ Career Center

points about job fit. Your job satisfaction

and impact on the organization and your
career depend on making sound “right fit”

Due to a production error, the last few
paragraphs of an article that appeared in
this space in the Sept./Oct. 2009 issue of
PEJ were inadvertently deleted. Below are
the missing paragraphs of the article titled:
8 Insights for Physicians Joining the Life
Science Industry.

8. A focus on the patient

Industry hires physicians not only
for their expertise in a specific thera-
peutic area and understanding of the
practice habits of their peers, but also
to help legitimize the company’s effort
and protect patients who will ultimate-
ly be using the products.
Industry needs team players and
independent thinkers, not “yes men
and women.” Physicians are expected
to bring institutional courage to the
program and speak frankly when the
patient is not benefiting as much as
what will sell with your peers.
Companies need physician execu-
tives to keep priorities straight when it
is tempting to look the other way.
In the end, the switch from prac-
ticing physician to industry executive
takes time, effort and preparation. And
while moving over to “the dark side”
may not be right for everyone, for those
who can successfully navigate the tran-
sition, the opportunities and rewards
for both the individual and the com-
pany in question are significant.


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