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Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày 04 tháng 4 năm 2015
Đề này gồm 4 trang

LISTENING (20 pts)

SECTION I. Listen to the recording carefully and write down the missing words on your answer sheet.
How does Nathan Sawaya make his (1)______? When he starts a project, he looks at photos of the (2)______ he is going to
make. He sometimes looks at hundreds of photos. He then draws (3)______ to help him picture the sculpture in his mind. After
this preparation, it’s on to building. For this, he needs bricks, time, and patience. (4)______ with LEGO materials is a slow
(5)______. Quite often, he has to change his original idea of the sculpture as he builds. Sometimes, he has to (6)______ down
part of the sculpture he has already done in order to rebuild it in a better (7)______. What’s the (8)______ thing about LEGO
sculpture? Sawaya says it’s using straight lines to represent (9)______. As all LEGO bricks are straight and square, it takes a
little (10)______ to use them to make round object.
SECTION II. Listen to the recording. For questions 11 - 15, choose the option (A, B, C, or D) which best completes the blank
space or best answers the question.
11. What does Sarah say about her job?
A. She enjoys the spirit of teamwork. B. She sometimes has to work at night.
C. She works ten or twelve hours a day. D. She enjoys getting up early.
12. When Sarah does a weather forecast, ______
A. she prepares it in advance. B. She has to do some rehearsal.
C. She sometimes forgets her words. D. She worries about making a mistake.
13. Sarah’s husband ______
A. works on the same days each week. B. wants to move nearer his work.
C. expects to get a promotion. D. spends a lot of time travelling.
14. Sarah is pleased because she ______
A. has got her pilot’s license. B. taught her husband to play tennis.
C. is going to have a vacation. D. took part in a long race.
15. A man in India wanted ______
A. to invite Sarah out. B. to meet Sarah’s family. C. a photo of Sarah. D. to receive a letter from Sarah.
SECTION III. Listen to the recording. Give brief answers to the questions.
16. Why doesn’t the first woman download music from cheaper websites?
17. What can the man do when he has become a member of the website?
18. How much was the membership?
19. What’s the name of the website the second woman found?
20. Why doesn’t she want to buy DVDs?
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1. _______ it started to rain.
A. Hardly when he stepped out B. No sooner had he stepped out before
C. No longer did he step out when D. Barely had he stepped out than
2. Helen is said _______ a millionaire.
A. to get married to B. to have got married with
C. to be married to D. to have been married with
3. _______, the teacher decided to punish him severely.
A. A serious mistake was made by the student B. Making a terrible mistake
C. The student having made a serious mistake D. Although the student had made a terrible mistake
4. Do you really understand all _______ he said?
A. what B. which C. that D. of what
5. If you can win his attention, it’s _______ for you.
A. so better much B. the better so much C. so much the better D. the better so much
6. He looks familiar. I _______ him somewhere before.
A. should have seen B. had to see C. must have seen D. would have seen
7. Give her a telephone number to ring ________ she gets lost.
A. whether B. in case C. unless D. although
8. We _______ all the way to the meeting; it had already been put off because of the absence of the director.
A. didn’t need to run B. shouldn’t have run C. can’t have run D. needn’t have run
9. I can’t concentrate! I wish they _______ that annoying noise on the upper floor.
A. all could stop B. had all stopped C. would all stop D. are all stopping
10. It seems that we are having _______ assignments this term.
A. twice more B. two times many C. double number D. twice as many
11. As a student, you should _______ whatever your teacher tells you to.
A. come across B. result in C. carry out D. run away
12. The tooth was so badly _______ that it had to be pulled.
A. disturbed. B. decayed C. decomposed D. disordered
13. After the football match the crowds _______ out of the stadium into the nearest bars and cafes.
A. poured B. trickled C. leaked D. dripped
14. Many trouble-makers were _______ from school last month.
A. moved B. removed C. expelled D. evacuated
15. I have all the proof of purchase here; I’m sure you _______ me differently otherwise.
A. must have treated B. will treat C. are treating D. would be treating
16. In her speech the Prime Minister _______ tribute to the valuable contributions to society made by voluntary organizations.
A. paid B. sent C. brought D. gave
17. After my leave I have to _______ a lot of work in my office.
A. get away with B. put up with C. cut down on D. catch up on
18. You don’t look happy. You seem ______ a bad job in the exam yesterday.
A. as if you had been doing B. to be doing C. having done D. to have done
19. This plan is very good _______ its feasibility.
A. in contact with B. in terms of C. in return for D. in addition to
20. This is such an important question that it is ________ over.
A. worth being thought B. worth thinking C. worth be thought D. worth to think
21. I’m sorry to inform you that you’re ________ from the next two matches.
A. informed B. suspended C. exempted D. prevented
22. As a result of his fear, he hasn’t driven since his _______ two years ago.
A. break-up B. dropout C. smash-up D. check-in
23. His mother is Italian, ________ his name – Luca.
A. hence B. therefore C. by contrast D. above all
24. She ________ as manager two weeks ago.
A. broke in B. took over C. ran into D. put away
25. Official business requirements obviously ________ over personal requests.
A. make effort B. get set C. take priority D. do favor
26. We insisted on our ideas ______ seriously.
A. take B. be taken C. taking D. being taken
27. She was left ______ with amazement.
A. unspeakable B. speech-like C. outspoken D. speechless
28. Unless the Prime Minister _______ the warning inflation will rise rapidly.
A. remarks B. heeds C. applies D. attends
29. The Piranha is a(n) ______ fish which is very dangerous for other creatures living around it.
A. eaten-flesh B. flesh-eating C. eating-flesh D. flesh-eaten
30. I'm afraid that argument really doesn't hold _______.
A. firm B. water C. sense D. meaning
31. Snow blindness is impaired vision caused by sunlight ________ from snow surfaces.
A. that was reflecting B. the reflection C. reflected D. is reflected
32. Will you please excuse me? I am feeling a little _______ color.
A. in B. with C. by D. off
33. When they first met, Kate was quite taken _______ Jim.
A. away with B. to C. with D. through
34. What do you _______ as the main issues affecting the situation?
A. conceive B. perceive C. receive D. deceive
35. _ “I’d like to try on these shoes please.” _ “_______”
A. That’ right, sir. B. By all means, sir. C. Why not? D. I’d love to, sir.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect.
36. Without the alphabetical order, it is impossible for us all to use dictionaries.
37. Hardly had he entered the office than he realized that he had left his wallet at home.
38. The teacher said to the students not to discuss the take-home exam with one another.
39. Most of societies have to do without some conveniences to prevent environmental problems.
40. Should you probably experience any technical difficulties, our repair division will be more than happy to help you.
WORD FORMS (40 pts)
A. Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.
1. It never seemed likely that the ______ would be settled. (AGREE)
2. The little girl grabbed ______ of dirty snow. (HAND)
3. That was such a(n) ______ official that he was relegated. (SCRUPLE)
4. Look at the way she’s ______ with the street children. I just love this kind of communication. (ACT)
5. Some ______ believe that the nuclear family is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. (SOCIAL)
6. What I am interested in is the ______ of your English. (GOOD)
7. The _______ campaign seems to be achieving some encouraging results. (SMOKE)
8. I’m afraid your bike is _______ damaged. (REPAIR)
9. They say Mike is really a(n) _______ person who never stops work until very late. (WORK)
10. The manual includes a section on _______ to help you with any problems you might have with the TV. (TROUBLE)
B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage.
There are two extra words that you cannot use.
look deaf polite long sea please
avail bad know sleep wide board
Last year I won a competition in a newspaper and the prize was a holiday for two in a (1)______ Mediterranean
resort. It turned out to be an extremely (2)______ experience and one which my husband and I would not like to repeat.
Our room (3)______ the road, which was unfortunately being (4)______ at that time, and the noise from the
machinery was (5)______. For some strange reason the road works went on twenty-four hours a day, and as a result we
suffered several (6)______ nights. Unable to put up with the constant noise, we decided to complain to the manager. We
(7)______ expressed our dissatisfaction with the room and asked if we could possibly change. However, our request was not
successful as the hotel was fully booked and there were no spare rooms.

The situation (8)______ when my husband suffered food poisoning as a result of eating some local (9)______. By
that stage we’d enough and decided to shorten our stay and catch the first (10)______ flight home. They say that travel
broadens the mind but we shall happily narrow our horizons this year and enjoy a week in our own back garden.
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.
Karaoke enthusiasts can now enjoy their sometimes nervous (1)_____ safe in the knowledge that they are at least
losing some weight. Thanks to Tokyo-based Daiichikosho, which sells and (2)______ out karaoke equipment, karaoke
machines can now (3)______ how many calories the singer has burnt while singing a song. Over 40,000 users of its karaoke
song-broadcasting service throughout Japan have now (4)______ up for the company’s ‘ Karaoke diet’. Such factors as the
volume and pitch of the singer’s voice and the tempo and length of the song were (5)_____ into consideration before assigning
calorie burning values to more than 1,000 favorite tunes. ‘Naturally, the longer and livelier one sings, the more calories are
burnt,’ said a company spokesman.
According to Daiichikosho, the Beatles’ Let It Be burns up 11.4 kcal; but for those interested in (6)______ a little more
weight, a (7)______ of Frank Sinatra’s classic My Way will result in the loss of 15.6 kcal. An average man will burn up
approximately 81 kcal during a ten-minute walk, suggesting that karaoke may not be the ideal (8)______ program. In fact,
(9)______ in karaoke (literally ‘empty orchestra’) can be counterproductive to any diet as the singing of such songs usually
(10)______ a drink – causing the singer to get back on the same calories they may have just lost.
1. A. performances B. representations C. productions D. realizations
2. A. borrows B. hires C. hands D. spends
3. A. turn up B. come across C. put down D. work out
4. A. gone B. taken C. signed D. registered
5. A. taken B. brought C. held D. put
6. A. shedding B. spreading C. abandoning D. releasing
7. A. singing B. moaning C. rendition D. chanting
8. A. weight loss B. weight losing C. losing weight D. lost weight
9. A. engrossing B. absorbing C. indulging D. involving
10. A. suggests B. requests C. inquires D. requires
Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
Archaeological records-paintings, drawings and carvings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of hands-
indicate that humans have been predominantly right-handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for
example, the right hand is depicted as the dominant one in about 90 percent of the examples. Fracture or wear patterns on
tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were right-handed.
Cro-Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one
hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar outlines of their hands with crayons
on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Magnons are displayed on cave walls, indicating that the paintings were
usually done by right-handers.
Anthropological evidence pushes the record of handedness in early human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million
years ago. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in tool making: implements flaked
with a clockwise motion (indicating a right-handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counter-clockwise
rotation (indicating a left-handed toolmaker).
Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by
holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present-day Inuit. Occasionally the knives slip and
leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left-to-right stroke direction (by right-handers) are more common
than scratches in the opposite direction (made by left-handers).
Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the right and
left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The variation
between the hemispheres corresponds to which side of the body is used to perform specific activities. Such studies, as well
as studies of tool use, indicate that right- or left-sided dominance is not exclusive to modern Homo sapiens. Population of
Neanderthals, such as Homo erectus and Homo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right-handed, as we are.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Human ancestors became predominantly right-handed when they began to use tools.
(B) It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use.
(C) Humans and their ancestors have been predominantly right-handed for over a million years.
(D) Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans.
2. What does the author say about Cro-Magnon paintings of hands?
(A) Some are not very old. (B) It is unusual to see such paintings.
(C) Many were made by children. (D) The artists were mostly right-handed.
3. The word "implements" is closest in meaning to ______
(A) tools (B) designs (C) examples (D) pieces
4. When compared with implements "flaked with a counter-clockwise rotation", it can be inferred that "implements flaked with a
clock-wise motion" are ______
(A) more common (B) larger (C) more sophisticated (D) older
5. The word "clues" is closest in meaning to ______
(A) solutions (B) details (C) damage (D) information
6. The fact that the Inuit cut meat by holding it between their teeth is significant because ______
(A) the relationship between handedness and scratches on fossil human teeth can be verified
(B) it emphasizes the differences between contemporary humans and their ancestors
(C) the scratch patterns produced by stone knives vary significantly from patterns produced by modern knives
(D) it demonstrates that ancient humans were not skilled at using tools
7. The word "hemispheres" is closest in meaning to ______
(A) differences (B) sides (C) activities (D) studies
8. Why does the author mention Homo erectus and Home habilis?
(A) To contrast them with modern humans
(B) To explain when human ancestors began to make tools
(C) To show that early humans were also predominantly right handed
(D) To prove that the population of Neanderthals was very large
9. All of the follows are mentioned as types of evidence concerning handedness EXCEPT ______
(A) ancient artwork (B) asymmetrical skulls (C) studies of tool use (D) fossilized hand bones
10. Which of the following conclusions is suggested by the evidence from cranial morphology?
(A) Differences in the hemispheres of the brain probably came about relatively recently.
(B) There may be a link between handedness and differences in the brain's hemispheres.
(C) Left-handedness was somewhat more common among Neanderthals.
(D) Variation between the brain hemispheres was not evident in the skill of Home erectus and Home habilis


Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage.
Do you think (1)______ songs are popular because they are great songs? If so, you need to think again. For most listeners,
the (2)______ of the song is not as important.
A recent online study looked at (3)______ we choose our music. It showed that a song’s popularity influences our
(4)______. In other words, we like to listen to the music that our peers enjoy. In the study, researchers gave a (5)______ of 48
(6)______ songs to 14,000 teenagers. The students listened to some of the songs and (7)______ them. Participants gave one star to
songs that they didn’t like. They gave five stars to songs that they liked very much.
The researchers (8)______ the participants into two groups. The first group saw only the song (9)______ and the name of
the band. They rated songs because the name of the song or the name of the band (10)______ interesting. After listening to the song,
participants rated it with stars. The second group of teenagers received extra information. This group could also see the number of
downloads for each song. The songs with many downloads looked like they were very (11)______. The teenagers thought that these
songs were favorites with their (12)______. However, the researchers (13)______ up the number of downloads for each song. The
songs showing the (14)______ downloads weren’t really popular. In fact, these songs weren’t very good, (15)______ to music
Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember (1)______ most lonely when we were not in fact alone at all, but when
we were (2)______ by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that utter (3)_______ of isolation that comes over you when
you are at a party, in a room (4)______ of happy laughing people, or in an (5)_______ at a theatre or a lecture. It suddenly (6)______
to you as if everybody knows everybody (7)_______, everybody is sure of himself, everybody knows what is going on; everybody, that
is, except you.
This feeling of (8)_______ which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get (9)_______ of. People
living alone – divorced, widowed or single people – are advised to tackle their loneliness by (10)______ a club or society, by going out
and meeting people. Does this really help? And what do you do if you are (11)_______ surrounded by people?
There are (12)_______ easy solutions. Your first day at work, or at new school or university, is a typical situation in which you
are (13)_______ to feel lonely. You feel lonely because you feel left out of things. You feel that other people are full of confidence and
know what to do, (14)_______ you are adrift and helpless. The fact of the matter is that, in order to survive, we all put on a show of
self-confidence to (15)_______ our uncertainties and doubts.


Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in
brackets without making any change to it.
1. Your trying to help is pointless, as they will reject your suggestions. (TURN)
à It’s no ___________________________________________________________
2. Hardly anyone turned up to watch the football match. (CAME)
à Almost ___________________________________________________________
3. His behavior may occasionally be unpredictable. (WHAT)
à Sometimes you ____________________________________________________
4. It was to be another six months before Sally met him again. (LATER)
à Not ______________________________________________________________
5. The completion of the work was scheduled for last week. (ACCORDING)
à The work was to ____________________________________________________
6. They’ll soon find out what she is doing for money. (LIVING)
à It won’t ______________________________________________________
7. His efforts to find a solution didn’t deserve such savage criticism. (SO)
à They shouldn’t _________________________________________________
8. Didn’t you realize that he was only pretending? (BELIEVE)
à Didn’t it _______________________________________________________
9. Whatever happens we must avoid adverse publicity. (COSTS)
à We’ve ________________________________________________________
10. When he was small, Jimmy used to collect stamps. (MAKE)
à As a _________________________________________________________



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