Historic Concrete and Steel Strengths PDF

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STEEL REINFORCEMENT a0 21/93 Section 4.4 of 0 21/93 states that pre 1961 reinforcement may be assumd to have 4 characteristic strength not greater than 230 Wimi?, and for reinforcenent after this date the strength shal] be taken as specified in the appropriate design codes of the period for high yield and mild steel bars. With regard to the above, the characteristic strength of 230 Non? relates to mild steel. It {s not known to what the year 1961 relates, but AS 785 did not specify a minimm yield point ‘or hot rolled mild steel bars until the 1967 revision. Characteristic strength (yield strengths) may be taken from the relevant British Standard material specification as values in Gesign codes refer to material specifications. However design odes may not be specific to the exact type of reinforcement and where more than ong type of bar may fit the design code the Tower value of characteristic strength relating to these bars should be used for the initial assessment, unless records exist to indicate the exact type of bar used. For example a design code may call for high yield steel which may be either hot rolled or cold worked bars which subject to the period uied may have different characteristics strengths The ability of a bar to achieve its characteristic strength may be affected by its bond characteristics and the detatls of the bar as scheduled. Some guidance on the detailing of reinforceent is given in 3.3, - ay - 32 3.24 3.201 Sritish Standard Haterat Speci fications Relevant British Standards specifying yield strength (or failing that tensile strength) of tar reinforcenent are : 1) Bars to structural steel standards (pre 1938) 1.2, BS 15 for wild steel and 85 588 for high yield steel. ii) Hor rolled mild steel and high yield steel bars (pre 1948) to BS 785 and 8S 4449. 144) Cold worked high yield steel bars (pre 1988) to 8s 1166 and 85 4461, |v) Carbon steet bars (post 1986) to 6s 4449 ¥) Stainless steel bars to 0s 6744 vi) Steal fabric to BS 1221 and 85 4483. Sars to structural steel standards (pre 1938) ‘he first aritish Standard for bars for the reinforcenent of concrete (85 785 : 1938) was not introduced until 1998. Prior to this date bars were manufactured to the standards for structural steel, i.e, 85 15 for mild steel and 65 548 for high yield steel. BS 15 : 1906) Standard specification for structural BS 15; 1912) steel for bridges and general butlding 85 15: 1930) construction BS: 136) fach of these standards gave a minimus ultimate tensile strength of 28t/in@ but none gave the yleld strength - see 22a, - ais « c 3.2.2 A BOO - fhe. 961 staat amoral chanetarstr Strength ool grater thon BoM 5 580 : 1934 High tensile structural steel for bridges a general building construction. nd Yield point Size of bar (dia, side or square) Wine Non? Upto and including 1” 2 (385) Over 1 upto and including 14" 2 (40) ‘ver 14" upto and including 2° a (324) ‘ver 2 upto and including 24" 20 (309) over 24" 19 (233) Hot rolled ald and high vield steel bars (pre 1988) to S785 and 54849, 85785 +1938 Rolled steel bars and hard dravn for concrete reinforcement Min.yletd point, steel Wid [hediun | High steel tensile | tensile steel steel Fine] (winm)| e/ine] (Wom), Upto A° dia, or thickness 19.5 | (301) [23.0 | (358) ‘ver 1* upto 1y"dia none [18.5 | (286) | 22.0 | (940) or thickness Over 14 upto 2* dia specified] 17.5 | (270) | 21.0 | (224) or thickness Over 2* upto 24" aia 16.5 | (265) | 20.0 | (309) ‘or thickness Over 24" upto 3° dia or 16.5 | (255) | 19.0 | (293) thickness 1967 superseded by BS 4461 : 1969, 8S 4461 + 1969 Cold worked bars for the reinforcenent of, Nominal Upto and over 16 concrete 1 sizes am Specitied characteristic strength. Wan? including 16 460 425 15 4061 : 1978 Cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of concre Nominal size mm Specified characteristic Upto ane Over 16 61 strength. Nan? neluding 460 425 increased to 460 with amendment No. 1 1983, 1978 superseded by 8S 4489 : 1988 characteristic ‘The preferred mesh sizes for fabric were unchanged from BS 4482 + 1959, Seta ing Reinforcoment, ond Material specifications for hot rolled bars and cold worked bars first included reference to deformed bars in the 1967 revisions i.e 85 785 : 1967 and 65 1148 : 1967 respectively to the effect that the bond was to be increased by at Teast the percentage required by CP 118 for bars having a high bond strength. This was repeated in the material standards revised in 1969 f.e, BS 4499 + 1968 and BS 4461 : 1969 respectively, - aa ~ CP 114 + 1965 Reinforced concrete in buildings and CP 14 fart 2 : 1969 Reinforced concrete in bufldings, indicated that for high bond bars the bend strength exceeded that of & plain round bar by 40%, 85 4449 + 1978 and 8S 4461 : 1978 introduced types 1 and 2 ‘deformed bars. Type 1 = generally square twisted bars, Type 2 - deformed bars having transverse ribs This was continued in the conbined revision 6S 4449 : 1968 hich superseded BS 4449 1 1978 and aS 4461 = 1978. Departaent of Transport Technical Memoranda gave the sane vrequirenents for deformed bars. BE 1/73 Reinforced concrete for highway structures stated the bond strength of deformed bars was to exceed that of plain bers by aon. Amendment. No. 1 to BE 1/73 in 1979 revised this to subdivide deforned bars into types 1 and 2 in accordance with the materia’ specifications in British Standards. BE 1/73. (imendsent Wo, 1): indicated that the bond strength of deforned bars were as follows Bond strength of type 1 deformed bars » 1.25 x bond strength of plain bars. fond strength of type 2 deformed bars = 1.80 x bond strength of plain tars. ‘he subsequent issues of design standards (.e. 85 5400 : Part 4 together with the appropriate BD for Use of BS $400 : Part 4, ‘these being 8S 5400 + Part 4 : 1978 plus a0 13/63, BS 5400: art 4 : 1984 plus a0 24/84 and BS $400 : Part 4 : 1990 plus 90 24/93) as well as the assessment standard 80 46/90 The lassessnent of concrete highway structures, indicate that the = 61/24 = 3.3.2 strength of deformed bars is dependent upon the grade of concrete but very approxinately are as follows + Bond strength of type 1 deforned bars ~ 1.4 x bond strength of plain bars, Bond strength of type 2 deforned bars © 1,8 x bond strength of plain bars. Setai)ine reinforcemnt to 8S 1476 and BS 4466 BS 1478 + 1948 Bending dinensions of bars for concrete reinforcenent. This standard covered bars to BS 785 Rolled stee? bars and hard drawn wire for concrete reinforcement and 8S 1144 Cold ‘twisted stee! bars for concrete reinforcenent Internal radius of bends = 2d, Shape codes referenced 1 to 7 with suffixes A, @ ete. BS 1678 : 1964 Bending dinonstons and scheduling of bars for This standard covered bars to BS 785 and hard drayn steel wire for concrete reinforcenent. part 1. Not rolled steel bars, and BS 1144 Cold twisted steel bars for concrete reinforcement. Scheduling was introduced in this revision of the 6S with each bar given a unique ‘mark number. ars were identified by abbreviations M, H, Rand § indicating wild, high yield, round and square bars. for bars with yleld stress greater than 60000 Ths/ine or 66000 Ib/in2 in the case of cold worked bars upto and incluting 6/8* diameter, an additional suffix was required to indicate the yield stress e.g. HR70 indicates yield stress of 70000 b/in2, = 61/25 = internal radius of bends = 24 for wild steel and 34 for high yield steel. Shape codes referenced 20 wpwards, Non standard shapes referenced 99. 8S 1478 : 1967 Sending dimensions and scheduling of bars for ‘the reinforcenent of concrete This stindard covered bars to 85 785 and BS 1148 (as did BS 78 + 1968) Bars were identified by a letter HyH,S or X plus the size of bar stated as a number which indicated the nunber of 1/8" in the diameter e.g. 4" = 4 (intermediate sizes 5/16" and 7/16" were indicated as 25 and 35). This revision was amended in 1969 to cover metric bars when the number was changed to indicate the dianater in millimetres, but the schedule had to indicate it was in metric. W= plain wild steet bars to 85 785 part 1. H = high yield steet having a high bond strength in the round range of areas to 8S 785 Part I and 8S 1144. => high yield steel bars having a high bond strength in the square range of areas to BS 785 Part 1 and 8S 1164, X= bars not covered by other letters. Internal radius of bends = 24 for wild steel and ‘36 Tor igh yield steel 1 4866 + 1969 Bending dinenstons and scheduling of bars for ‘the reinforcenent of concrete ‘his standard superseded 05 1478 + 1967 and its metric version. = 61/25 - It covered bars to 85 4449 Hot rolled steel bars for the Teinforcement of concrete, and 85 4461 Cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. Gars were identified by a letter R, Y oF X plus the size of bar in nitlinetres. R= raund wild steel bars to 05 4449 Ys high yield steer bars having a high bond strength to 85 4449 and 8S 451 X= bars not covered by other letters 85 4466 + 1901 Bending dimensions and scheduling of rreinforcenent for concrets ‘This standard covered bars to 85 4449 and AS 4461 (as 6S 4461 : 1969) as well as wire to BS 4482 Hard drawn mild steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete, and fabric to BS 4489 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete Bars were identified by a letter R, T or X plus the size of bar in miNiieetres R= plain or deforned mild (grade 250) steel bars to as4449 Ts type .2 deforned high yeild (grade 460/425) steel bars to Bs 4449 and BS 4461 X= bars not covered by other letters Internal radius of bends = 2d for wild steel =U for high yteld steed tor d= 20 or less = 4d for high yield steel for 4 = 25 or more = 61/27 1S 4466 + 1989 Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of stael reinforcenent for concrete This standard covers bars to 85 4499 Carbon steel bars for the reinforcenent of concrete. and Bs 6744 hustenitic stainless steel bars for the reinforcenent of concrete, wire to 85 44e2 Cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcenent of concrete and fabric to as 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcenent of concrete. Bars are identified by a letter R, 1, 5, %, O oF X plus the size of bar in millimetres. Ry T and X - as BS 466 + 1981 S = stainless steed to 05 6744 M+ plain steel wire (grade 460) to 6s 44az D = type L deformed steel wire (grade 460) to 8S 4482 Internal radius of bends = 24 for wild steel bars type ® = 34 for bars type T and S for 4220 on less + 46 for bars type T and $ for d = 25 or more = 61728 = 5.0 SL 5.2 conorere ao 2u99 Section 4.7 of 80 21/93 states that pre 1939 cancrate may be assuned to have a characteristic strength not greater than 15 N/m, ard the strength of modern concrete taken as specified Jn 85 S400 : Part 4 as implemented by BO 44 5 5400 : Part 4 gives the grade of concrete, this being the characteristic strength or the 28 day cube strength of a designed concrete mix. concrete after 1951 1s most Tikely to have been specified as a concrete grade ar class. (The grade is as indicated above, the class is in the form of grade/naximm aggregate size). Alternat'vely concrete may have been specified as a nominal mix given by relative weights of cement : fine aggregate : coarse ggregate or a standard mix where the complete mix was spacified together with requirenants for minimum cube strengths at different periods. Concrete in highway structures after 1951 has largely been specified in accordance with the Ministry of Transport (or Departaert of Transport) Specification for Highway Works, see 5.2. However in the period immediately after 1948 structural concrete in highay structures my have been designed and subsequently specified as a nominal concrete wix (or 2 designed concrete wix after 1957) in accordance with CP 114 Reinforced Conorete in Bul dings, see 5.3. m Work Jiote : Tye Department of Transport (DoT) was fornerly known as the Ministry of Transport (NOT) and the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation (WOT B CA). The Specification for Wighvay Work (Sit) was formerly know as the Specification for Road and ridge Werks. (SRBH). - a1/e - HOT & CA» SRBW (Ist Editon) + 1951 The first edition gave requirenents for standard mixes for reinforced concrete only as follows: ‘The class of concrete included the maximin size of aggregate (upto 3/3" for class A, B and ¢ Upto 1.1/2" for classes Ot and EL Upto 2.1/2" for classes 02 and €2) No requirements were given for mixes for prestressed concrate HOT & CA ~ SRBK (2nd edition) 1957 No change from the Ist edition = 61/39 = HoT - SHW (3rd edttion): 1963, This edition gave requirements for design aixes and nominal sixes as follows: sina 28 day . compressive strength Mix type [grade | rosin@ "| v/a) x [7600 (51.7) Design | 6000 (aa) 2 | e200 (29.0) a | 4200) (29.0) Nominal 8 |37s0 (25.9) © {3000 (20.7) > | 2400 (6.5) e |e The class of concrete was denoted by grade, maximum aggregate sizes in Inches for both design and noainal mixes, e.g. 4.3/4, MOT = SRBW (ATH EDITION) + 1969 1m this edition the specification comenced referencing grades of concrete by its minimum 28 day compressive strength (1b/in2) for design and standard mixes as follows. Design mxes : Grades 7500, 6000, 4500, 3000 (51.7) (41.4) (31.0) (20.7) Standard aixes: Grades 4500, 3000 (31.0) (20.7) The class of concrete was denoted by-grade/aximn aggregate size in inches for design mixes but just by its grade for standard mixes. (Concrete for aneilaty purposes vas Class E but with no strength requirenents). ~ 61/40 - 53 tp = SRO (Sth ecition) + 1976 This was similar to the 4th edition but in metric where grades ‘of concrete where given by the minimum compressive strength (inn?) for designed and standard mixes as follows = Designed mixes : Grades $2.5, 45, 37-5, 30, 22.5) Standard es Grades 30, 22.5 The class of concrete vas denoted in a similar mamer to the 4eh edition except the naximun aggregate size was given in mn. tp ~ SWW (6th edition) + 1906 ‘his gave requirenents for designed mixes only, where the grade of concrate was given by its character strength (based upon the conpressive strength) in the following grades : 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 The class of concrete vas denoted in a similar manner to previous editions (Ancillary concrete was denoted by © (grade) ? eg 20°). Dot - Sw (7th edition) + 1991 No change fron the 6th edition for structural concrete (tnciNtary concrete denoted se standard mines STL to STS taken from 65 $328). cous 1 Ch 14 as tsued in 19, revised in 1957 and sn tn 96 It gave = 8) Nowinal concrete wixes with minimum cube strengths for ~ yal - 8) Portiand cenent (PC) and Portland-blastsurnace cement (PBC) with 28 day cube strengths, i] High alumina cement (WAC) with 2 day cube strengths in the 1948 edition and 1 day cube strengths in the two revisions. b) Designed mixes in the two revisions only cr 114 : 1948 1) Pana Nominal Mix 28 ay cube strength Iofin? (vn?) reise 400 (31.0) 1 3750 (25.9) 1 2000 (20.7) i) mae Mosinat Hix 2 day cube strength Tofin® i/mn?) Tress 000 (4.4) CP 114 + 1957 (Reset and reprinted 1965) 8) Nominal sixes i) PC and Pac were as cP 114: 4) ac Nominal wx 1 day cube strength Io/in (/an2) Vi2is 5000 (aa) = ate ~ b)besigned nixes : i) PC and PBC - Specified 28 day cube strength between 2250 Th/in® (15.6H/m2) and 7500 Yb/in2 (81.7 N/a) fi) aac + Specified 1 day cube strength beteen 6900 Ib/in® (41.68/an?) and 7500 1b/in2 (61.7 Nm2) cp 214 + part 2 + 1969 (Metric version} 2) Woatnad mixes = 4) PC and PBC Nominal Whe 28 day cube strength Ninn?) 30 28.5 a Nominal ix 1 day cube strength (Winn?) 4 0 >) Designed Wises + 4) PC and POC - Specified 28 day cube strength Detween 15 N/am2 and 50 N/mm? fi) ac = Specified 1 day cube strength Detween 40 Nam? and $0 W/m Date: 1st March 1994 - oun -

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